Chapter 3-

Who is Moshe’ the Beadle? What does Wiesel tell the reader of Moshe?Poor, foreign JewTeacher, church officePeople were fond of him because he stayed to himselfAwkwardTrained Elie in the teachings of KaballahHow does Wiesel describe himself as a boy of 12? How does he describe his father?Deeply observant, studied a lot, unsentimental, helped others, didn’t display his feelingsHow did Wiesel realize his wish to study the Cabbala?Curious about it, asked questions, found a teacherWhat happened to Moshe? What story did Moshe tell when he returned?Taken away by the Hungarian government. Dug trenches then watched the Nazis shoot the Jews. How was Moshe able to escape? How had Moshe changed as a result of his experience?Survived with a wound, left for dead. No joy in his eyes, no longer sang, no longer mentioned GodHow did other people in the village react to Moshe’s story? Why do you suppose they reacted this way?They didn’t believe him. They didn’t want to believe something so horrible. What was bitterly ironic about the comments that Wiesel’s father made regarding the wearing of the yellow star?He said the yellow stars “weren’t lethal”. Lethal means deadly. The stars didn’t kill them, but the stars were symbols of WHY they would be killed. Despite all that happened, Wiesel tells us that people still remained optimistic about their future. How can you explain this optimism?People didn’t believe it was as bad as it was. They were hopeful for things to get better. A memoir a story of ones life told by the person similar to an autobiography. Describe the tone of this memoir, and speculate on why Wiesel chooses to this tone.He’s very serious and reflective because he wants other people to hear what he has to say and learn from his experiences. After several days of travel, what did the prisoners finally realize?This was very bad. And this was not going to end well.What happened to Madame Sch?chter, and what did she do?She lost her mind. Hallucinated fire. Yelled and screamed in her hallucinations. How did this affect those in the cattle car with her?They hit her. Yelled at her. Doing anything to make her stop. When the prisoners were finally unloaded from the train, where were they? What was significant about the time?Auschwitz, then taken to Birkenau (inside of Auschwitz)Midnight. Dark can’t see where they are or what it’s like. Chapter 3-Immediately after the Jews were unloaded from the train, what do the German officers do?Divide/separate the men from the womenThe men were then marched before Dr. Josef Mengele. What did he do? What was his purpose?Divided the men by their age and physical condition, sent them right or leftWhat did another prisoner say would happen to Elie’s group?“poor devils you are headed to the crematory”What did Elie witness while he was standing in the line? What was his reaction to what he saw?Babies being burned in a ditch of fireOne way an author has to effectively emphasize a point is through selective repetition of a word or phrase. What phrase does Wiesel employ to highlight the horror of his first night in the concentration camp?“never shall I forget”What was Eli’s first impression of Auschwitz?It was better than Birkenau. Cement buildings instead of wooden buildings. The next day, the prisoners underwent a last step of their admission process. What was it?Tattooed prison identification numbers on their armsSince the prisoner in charge of their block was kind, and since there was no work to be done, Elie and his father tried to avoid being transported anywhere else. How were they able to avoid being transported?Sign up as an unskilled workerStein continued to visit the Wiesels, but suddenly they no longer saw him again. What happened to Stein?He found out his family’s fate and “gave up”. We can infer that he was killed because Elie never saw him again.How did some religious Jews see their troubles? How did Elie feel about God?God was testing them. Or that had turned his back on them. Questioning their faith. Stopped praying. Doubted God’s justice, but not his existence. Chapter 4-How did the new camp appear to Elie?Empty and dead. Nothing was there. No one was around. After several days, Elie and his father were assigned to a work detail. What were they to do? What potential problems were there in this job?Counted small electrical parts. Boring. They could be easily replaced. How did Elie avoid having his tooth pulled?He pretended to be sick for multiple days. Why was Elie so please about saving his gold crown?It could be useful to him later. To get food or longer to live. Who cleaned the blood from Elie and soothed him with kind words? What was unusual about her?The French girl. Elie tells of meeting this same woman many years later in Paris. What important question did he ask her, and what was her reply?He met her again years later and found out she had fake papers and was able to pretend to be German. Why did you help? She basically says that she helped because she could. What did Franek, the Polish foreman, want from Elie? What was Elie’s response?His crown.Needs to ask his father. The foreman threatens him. How did the foreman get revenge on Elie and his father for refusing to give up the gold tooth?Gave it to him in exchange for his niceness- and gets some extra food as a resultAll of the Kapos were also prisoners, and most were Jewish. Are you surprised about how cruel and greedy they were?Should be. Shows how selfish people become in a crisis. Why was a prisoner shot during an Allied air raid on the prison camp?He tried to get extra soup. Why were the prisoners happy about the air raid even though they might have been killed by bombs?Meant that the Allies were getting closer to helping them. One day, the prisoners were told that soup would not be disturbed until after roll call. Why was this?They forced the prisoners to watch an execution. What other public execution does Wiesel write about? Why was this execution particularly cruel?It was a little boy who suffered before he died- and everyone was forced to watch him suffer. ................

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