#4 - WOU


The author makes the distinction between what is craftsmanship and what is workmanship by using the Japan economic triumph. The way to creating craftsmanship is by creating your own visions and process. The way to create workmanship is by personal commitment to excellence.


Three quotes that I really liked that were in the article were the following:

1. “The students beings become embedded in the task so that they learn from the inside out rather than from the outside in”. I can totally see what he is meaning by this sentence because I have experienced it. What I understand is that the students are so engaged they are producing the art rather than just copying what is being told or shown. They understand that art can be different from others and they are willing to change the way it looks. The students are okay if their production is different than the rest of the bunch.

2. “The arts invite students to be active participants in the arts world rather than mere observers of it”. I also liked this quote because art is a way of making this happen. Art is not only a thing to observe but it can be created by almost anyone so long as you have a bit of creativity. I really like this quote because it is saying almost inviting everyone to be active participants of the arts.

3. “The arts are powerful tools of communication”. For many decades art has been a way of communicating ones feelings. We have observed giant murals, painting, dance, poetry; plays there are so many opportunities to express yourself with the arts. To this day people are still creating art; art has and will be always a great means of communication.


In the woodcut done by Lucienne Bloch, Land of Plenty, I can distinctly see the parts that were carved out and the parts that were left. I feel that this wood cut is very well balanced. The distribution of black objects is just perfect to make your eyes dance. The main focus of the woodcut is not completely in the center but a little more left and it is 4 humans. I believe that this is a family; there is an older woman, an older man and two children. I really appreciate how Bloch gave the wood so much texture; on the ground, the post, the sky and corn. At first glance what I see in this wood cut is a lot of corn, a family of 4, a wire fence and electrical posts. But in reality to me there is more than meets the eye, there is a story behind this wood cut. What I truly see is a poor and hungry family escaping conflict or going to a safe place for their children. I think the corn is a way to symbolize hunger; the wire is preventing them from acquiring food. I know this woodcut was done in the year 1935 and I also know that those where hard times to live through, a lot of hunger and suffering.

The quote that says that the arts can “bridge people to the broader culture” and lead to a “more humanistic understanding of other” is basically saying to me that the arts is a way to understand what people have gone through without really experiencing it yourself. The arts create a bridge from culture to culture and you seem to understand the difference because the arts do not encounter language barriers. The arts make humans sympathetic and humble, it makes one see beyond, and it leaves ones egocentric behavior behind.

Jennefer Cardenas

Art 433

1. A topic that I thought would be creative and educational at the same time was the Rain Forest. This topic could tie in many other subjects, like geography, science, math, writing and reading. I chose to do this topic because I remember doing a project as a child and I had a lot of fun with it.

For my topic I researched a few websites that I thought would help when doing the project I also researched websites that would be appropriate for children. Some ideas that came up were to creating a giant poster of the rainforest, dividing it into major parts. The parts would include the most important make ups of the rainforest which would be chosen by the students. I have in minds that they would probably want to look up: what kinds of animals live there, what kinds of plants, where they are located (the rainforest), what the weather is like, simple but important facts. Then they would either find or create their own pictures to make a collage or giant poster representing the rain forest. I remember when I was a child that my teacher use to play music when we did our art I specifically remember this one song called “THE TROPICAL RAIN FOREST” This is a song that I would like to play also. This seems like it would be a great class project.

Another idea that I think would work great with the rain forest is creating an imagined experience of walking through the rainforest writing assignment. Having them explain what they see, hear, and feel. They would also have to illustrate their writing assignments. They would create colorful pictures of what they experience.

Art is a great way to incorporate other disciplinary studies in. I feel that the students will have a lot of fun and learn a lot of new things with a rain forest lesson. I think that the teacher would also have a lot of fun getting the supplies ready and knowing that her students are learning new things while having fun.




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