
7090410-35433000YEAR 8 GEOGRAPHY UNIT – HUMAN GEOGRAPHY “URBAN MYTHS” Unit Title:Physical geographyHuman GeographyUNIT 2 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM YEAR 8 GEOGRAPHY: URBAN MYTHS (25 weeks/1 semester)Inquiry questions: How do environmental and human processes affect the characteristics of places and environments?How to the interconnections between places, people and environment affect the lives of people?What are the consequences of changes to places and environments and how can these changes be managed?This unit focuses on the reasons for and impact of migration and urbanisation with comparative studies of Australian domestic and international migration patterns, patterns of settlement in the United States of America and the effects of urbanisation in an Asian country (Indonesia/China).K & UGEOGRAPHICAL INQUIRY AND SKILLSExplain the significance, interconnection and characteristics of places and the relationships between them. Use and apply a range of concepts related to location, distribution and pattern to describe their observations and findings and to explain the relationships between pare perceptions of biophysical environments and the structure and functioning of biophysical environments at different scales. Explain aspects of sustainability in order to show how sustainability is related to geographical contexts.Select the focus of a geographical inquiry and develop and refine questions to inform this inquiry. Determine a purpose and scale for the inquiry, design the sequence of the inquiry and identify relevant sources. Evaluate information sources and collection methods for their capacity to provide useful information to respond to the inquiry. Process and examine data to identify patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies. Form conclusions in response to their inquiry, including evaluating alternatives and making recommendations. use geographical vocabulary, concepts and geographical conventions and develop geographical texts, including reports and oral presentations. Select key findings from their inquiry and plan for action.Achievement StandardBy the end of Year 8, students explain geographical processes that influence the characteristics of places and explain how places are perceived and valued differently.? They explain interconnections within environments and between people and places and explain how they change places and environments. They propose explanations for spatial distributions and patterns among phenomena and identify associations between distribution patterns. They compare alternative strategies to a geographical challenge and propose a response, taking into account environmental, economic and social factors.Students identify geographically significant questions from observations to frame an inquiry. They locate relevant information from a range of primary and secondary sources to answer inquiry questions.? They represent data and the location and distribution of geographical phenomena in a range of appropriate graphic forms, including maps at different scales that conform to cartographic conventions.? They analyse geographical data and other information to propose explanations for spatial patterns, trends and relationships and draw reasoned conclusions. Students present findings, arguments and ideas using relevant geographical terminology and graphic representations in a range of appropriate communication forms. They propose action in response to a geographical challenge taking account of environmental, economic and social considerations and predict the outcomes of their proposal.Geographical ConceptsContent DescriptionsAssessment? Place? Space? Environment? Interconnection? Sustainability? Scale? ChangeKnowledge and UnderstandingGeographical Skills and InquirySuggested Assessment Tasks(as negotiated by timetabling and HOD)Comparative Multi-modal Presentation that demonstrates use of statistics and data between an Australian city and an Asian City (COLLECTION OF WORK); 3-5 minutes.Response to Stimulus Test – Short Answer Sentence and Paragraph responses demonstrating knowledge and understanding of terminology ; Labelling and Interpreting Data and Statistics (SUPERVISED ASSESSMENT); 45-60 minutes.Proposal for New North Western Australian City Report (RESEARCH); 500-800 words that demonstrates ability to present findings based on statistical analysis. Response to Stimulus Essay Response (SUPERVISED ASSESSMENT); up to 400 words, 60-90 minutes.The causes and consequences of?urbanisation, drawing on a study from Indonesia, or another country of the Asia?region?(ACHGK054)The differences in?urban concentration?and urban settlement patterns between Australia and the United States of America, and their causes and consequences?(ACHGK055)The reasons for and effects of?internal migration?in Australia?(ACHGK056)The reasons for and effects of?internal migration?in China?(ACHGK057)The reasons for and effects of international migration in Australia?(ACHGK058)The management and planning of Australia’s urban future?(ACHGK059)Observing and QuestioningDetermine a focus for the inquiry within an area of interest, for example, make a prediction or develop a key questionDevelop and evaluate questions through perspectives of place, space and environment and other relevant conceptsPlanning, collecting and evaluatingDetermine a purpose and operational scale and then design the sequence of the geographical inquiryDesign the inquiry and develop a plan to determine which data will be needed, and to locate this data from fieldwork, library and online research using spatial technologies, maps, statistics, photographs and other imagesSelect appropriate geographical methodologies to collect, organise and store data, including following protocols for consultation with local Aboriginal communities and/or Torres Strait Islander communitiesAssess the effectiveness of methodology and suitability of collected dataProcessing, analysing, interpreting and concludingSelect appropriate geographical methodologies to retrieve and interrogate dataAnalyse different sources of data to identify relationships, trends, patterns, anomalies and generalisationsSynthesise data and develop conclusions in response to the inquiry, for example, a prediction or a key findingPropose alternatives, strategies or solutions to the inquiry and make decisions on a course of actionCommunicatingDevelop geographical texts using appropriate geographical vocabulary, concepts and geographical conventions to communicate effectively in one or more of the following forms: written, oral, visual and graphicSelect appropriate methods, including the use of ICT to display data in graphs, tables, maps or statisticsReflecting and respondingReflect on the inquiry process, including a review of all methods of collection, retrieval, analysis and presentation of data, examine conclusions, and if necessary revisit earlier phases with further questions or change techniquesSelect key findings from an inquiry to inform decisions on how to best respond to the question, issue or problem and where appropriate, plan for actionLearning Framework FORMCHECKBOX Community Contributor FORMCHECKBOX Leader and Collaborator FORMCHECKBOX Active Investigator FORMCHECKBOX Effective Communicator FORMCHECKBOX Designer and Creator FORMCHECKBOX Quality ProducerCross Curricula Priorities FORMCHECKBOX Catholic Ethos FORMCHECKBOX Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures FORMCHECKBOX Social Emotional Learning FORMCHECKBOX Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia FORMCHECKBOX Inclusive Education FORMCHECKBOX Sustainability EducationGeneral Capabilities FORMCHECKBOX Literacy FORMCHECKBOX Critical and Creative Thinking FORMCHECKBOX Numeracy FORMCHECKBOX Ethical Behaviour FORMCHECKBOX Information and Communication Technology FORMCHECKBOX Personal and Social CompetenceLinks to other LA’sEnglish , Mathematics, Science, Arts, MFL, History. COMMON CURRICULUM ELEMENTS Recognising letters, words and other symbols Finding material in an indexed collection Recalling/remembering Interpreting the meaning of words or other symbols Interpreting the meaning of pictures/illustrations Interpreting the meaning of tables or diagrams or maps or graphs Translating from one form to another Using correct spelling, punctuation, grammar Using vocabulary appropriate to a context Summarising/condensing written text Compiling lists/statistics Recording /noting data Compiling results in a tabular form Graphing Calculating with or without calculatorEstimating numerical magnitude Approximating a numerical value Substituting in formulae Setting out /presenting/ arranging/ displaying Structuring /organising extended written text Structuring /organising a mathematical argument Explaining to others Expounding a viewpoint Empathising Comparing, contrasting Classifying Interrelating ideas/themes/issues Reaching a conclusion which is necessarily true provided a given set of assumptions is trueReaching a conclusion which is consistent with a given set of assumptions Inserting an intermediate between members of a series Extrapolating Applying strategies to trial and test ideas and procedures Applying a progression of steps to achieve the required answer Generalising from information HypothesisingCriticising Analysing Synthesising Judging /evaluatingCreating /composing /devising Justifying Perceiving patternsVisualising Identifying shapes in two and three dimensions Searching and locating items/information Observing systematically Gesturing Manipulating /operating /using equipment Sketching /drawingA note on resources:While Pearson, AEF and Macmillan texts and resources are referred to here, many other publishers have produced texts that are consistent with the content descriptors of the Australian Curriculum and should be considered at school-level. Learning and Teaching StrategiesWeeks1-4 Term IIIInquiry Sub-question What, When, Where, How and Why is Urbanisation? FOCUS 1To understand the causes and consequences of urbanisation across Australian and International regionsFOCUS 2To demonstrate the economic, environmental and social advantages and disadvantages of living in large citiesK & UGeographical Skills & InquiryASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES The causes and consequences of?urbanisation, drawing on a study from Indonesia, or another country of the Asia?region?(ACHGK054)Observing and QuestioningPlanning, collecting and evaluatingProcessing, analysing, interpreting and concludingCommunicatingReflecting and responding In-class observationStudent participation Student WorkbookHomework TasksAssessment ResearchTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESTERMINOLOGYRESOURCESUrbanisation Topics to be covered:Key terminology (see right)Spatial Patterns of global growth in cities and rural areasImpact on natural resourcesAsia Region patterns of urbanisation (using statistics and graphic representations)Focus on either Indonesia or China (Pearson text China or AEF “Jakarta Faces” is a great resource)Positive and Negative Outcomes of UrbanisationEconomic, Environmental and Demographic effects of UrbanisationUse of Statistics: How do human geographers find and use data?Sub-questions:Where do human geographers gather data from?.au What is the difference between primary and secondary data?What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? ASSESSMENT: Commence research journal/student record of research for Comparative Multi-modal Presentation that demonstrates use of statistics and data between an Australian city and an Asian City (COLLECTION OF WORK); 3-5 minutes.Suggested time frame – set assignment in Week 2 with a submission date in Week 5 or as decided by HOD. Useful sites for Students to gather and compare sets of data: densityPopulation distributionUrban areaRural areaUrban growthUrbanisationMega-cityCommuteDeveloping WorldFormal EconomyGlobal EconomyInformal EconomyInfrastructureMegacityPush and Pull FactorsQuality of Life Regional centreSea changeSquatter SettlementStandard of LivingUrban SprawlUrbanisationWorld CityGraphData/DatumQuantitativeQualitativeStatisticsSampleVariableUrbanisationPearson Chapter 11 “Urbanisation”11.1 World Cities11.2 Urbanisation in Asia11.4 Impacts of Urbanisation11.5 Urbanisation11.6 Impacts of Urbanisation11.7 Urbanisation in AustraliaAEF “Jakarta Faces” Module . 4 “Keys to Geography” AGTA – MacmillanInternet SitesBBC Urbanisation GCSE: Bureau of Statistics:.auREFLECTION Learning and Teaching StrategiesWeek5-8Inquiry Sub-question What factors influence urbanisation in Australian cities and how are these factors comparative to factors influencing North American cities? FOCUS 1To understand the causes and consequences of the concentration of Australia’s urban population in just a few cities.FOCUS 2To describe how the pattern of urban concentration in the United States of America differs from the pattern in Australia. K & UGeographical Skills & InquiryASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIESThe differences in?urban concentration?and urban settlement patterns between Australia and the United States of America, and their causes and consequences?(ACHGK055)Observing and QuestioningPlanning, collecting and evaluatingProcessing, analysing, interpreting and concludingCommunicating Reflecting and responding In-class observationStudent participation Student WorkbookHomework TasksComparative Multi-Modal Pres (Week 5)TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESTERMINOLOGYRESOURCESUrbanisation Topics to be covered:Australian Population Density and DistributionLocate Australian urban centresExamine how population distribution and density have changed since European colonisationExamine the physical, historic and economic factors that influenced patterns of distribution and densityExamine advantages and disadvantages of urban concentration in AustraliaCase Study – PerthExamine geography, population growth, ethnic diversity, infrastructure needs and related statistics to explain growth, trend changes, reasons for rapid expansion and notable changes to ethnic landscapes. Population Distribution in the USAExamine population distribution maps and statistics. Identify major centres and geographic features like climate, landforms, rivers and transport networks. Examine patterns of internal migration and suburban settlement patterns. Examine correlation between precipitation levels and population settlements. Migration to the USAExamine illegal immigration to the US and origin of predominant groups of undocumented migrants. Define the term “melting pot” and how it relates to immigration in the US. Examine destinations for migrants within the US. Why is Mexican immigration to the US declining? Cities in the USAExamine and account for the location of North American cities. Examine the rise of urban settlements in the USA and the contributing factors that determine their location (climate, landuse, geography, history). Case Studies: New York City and Las VegasExamine the geography, history, population and neighbourhood identities of NYC. Examine the geography, origins, growth, population and role of tourism in Las Vegas. Useful Sites for USA Urbanisation Study: of Statistics – Class ICT Activity (see website link in Resources column)This classroom activity compares the size of Australia’s state capitals and develops the use of proportional symbols to represent the data. There are two opportunities for extension. For a more accurate representation of the data, proportional circles may be drawn by making calculations of the areas of a circle. A second option for extension involves the integration of the statistics into a geographic information system (GIS) in order to develop the skills of digital thematic mapping. Resources required:Map of Australia showing states and territoriesTracing paperComputer and GIS softwareASSESSMENT: Response to Stimulus Test – Short Answer Sentence and Paragraph responses demonstrating knowledge and understanding of terminology ; Labelling and Interpreting Data and Statistics (SUPERVISED ASSESSMENT); 45-60 minutes.Suggested that only content and skills explicitly taught in Week 1-7 are covered in the exam. It is further recommended that practical revision guides reflecting the test are issued to students, a marking guide produced for teachers who may be new to teaching Geography and for clarity in moderation of marking. An opportunity for students to reflect on their study and performance process is also recommended and could perhaps feature underneath the marking rubric. Exurban regionHinterlandInfrastructureInternal migrationMelting potPopulation DensityPopulation DistributionUrban DecayUrbanised SocietyUrbanisationPearson Chapter 12 “Cities in Australia and the United States”12.1 Australia’s Population Distribution12.2 Case Study: Perth12.3 USA’s Population Distribution12.4 Migration to the USA12.5 Cities in the USA12.6 Case Study: NYC12.7 Case Study: Las VegasStatisticsCh. 4 “Keys to Geography” AGTA – MacmillanABS – Australia Cities Stats Analysis Exercise (see next page): Learning and Teaching StrategiesWeek9-10/11Inquiry Sub-question How have variations in patterns of urbanisation affected lifestyles in Australian cities? FOCUS 1To understand the main types of international migrationsFOCUS 2To investigate the main origins and destinations of Australia’s international migrants and how these reinforce urban concentration in AustraliaFOCUS 3To describe how international migration had affected Australian urban lifestyles K & UGeographical Skills & InquiryASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIESThe reasons for and effects of?internal migration?in Australia?(ACHGK056)The reasons for and effects of international migration in Australia?(ACHGK058)Observing and QuestioningPlanning, collecting and evaluatingProcessing, analysing, interpreting and concludingCommunicating Reflecting and responding In-class observationStudent participation Student WorkbookHomework TasksResponse to Stimulus – Short Answer Test (Week 10/11)TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESTERMINOLOGYRESOURCESUrbanisation topics to be covered:International MigrationCategories of MigrantsReasons for migrationMigrant DestinationsAustralian MigrationOrigins of MigrantsDestinations of SettlersAustralia’s Cultural DiversityMulticulturalismSpectrum of Cultural Impacts on Australian culture Comparative Case Study between Melbourne and Darwin (this is a good opportunity to teach the analytical skills required for the Essay Test at the end of the unit – students with specific learning needs may require adjustments/modification including but not limited to: scaffolding, graphic organisers, mind-mapping, rank ordering, 1:1 clarification, school officer support with organisation, etc). N.B. It is worth noting if students are familiar with the types of graphing and statistics they will need to be able produce in addition to interpret for the upcoming report. It may be a good time at the start of the next term to do some anecdotal observations of each student to ensure they have the necessary skills to complete the task at a satisfactory level and re-teach where necessary. Useful Sites:Melbourne Lanes - ’s Mindil Beach Markets - of Cost of Living between Melbourne and Darwin – LifestyleGuest WorkerInternal MigrationInternational MigrationInvoluntary MigrationMulticultural SocietyMulticulturalismUrban ConsolidationUrban DecayUrban RenewalWhite Australia PolicyUrbanisationPearson Chapter 13 “Migration to Australia”13.1 International Migration13.2 Australian Migration13.3 Australia’s Cultural Diversity13.4 International Migration and Urban Lifestyles13.5 Case Study: Melbourne13.6 Case Study: DarwinStatisticsCh. 4 “Keys to Geography” AGTA – MacmillanGuest Speakers from Migrant Associations/Migrant Support Learning and Teaching StrategiesWeek1-4 Term IVInquiry Sub-question How are rapid urbanisation, development and redevelopment affecting life in China? FOCUS 1What are the effects of rapid urbanisation on people in China and how has the distribution of the population changed in recent times?FOCUS 2What impact does rapid urbanisation have on rural and city dwellers?FOCUS 3How could ghost cities solve the problem of the shortage of affordable accommodation in China? K & UGeographical Skills & InquiryASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIESThe reasons for and effects of?internal migration?in China?(ACHGK057)Observing and QuestioningPlanning, collecting and evaluatingProcessing, analysing, interpreting and concludingCommunicating Reflecting and responding In-class observationStudent participation Student WorkbookHomework TasksResearch for ReportTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESTERMINOLOGYRESOURCESUrbanisation topics to be covered: (Below titles are hyperlinked to the online activities)Activity 1: Rural migration and urbanisationStudents investigate the mass movement of rural migrants to the cities, the impact of rapid growth and expansion of cities across China, and present a graphical representation of the data.Activity 2: Adjusting to city livingStudents explore the displacement of rural migrants and city dwellers and conduct a news interview with a city resident affected by displacement.Activity 3: Finding housing solutionsStudents investigate the building of ghost cities in China and the millions of apartments that remain empty. Students present their ideas about the use of ghost cities as a possible solution to the acute shortage of accommodation. ?Activity 4: ReflectionStudents reflect on what they have learned about the massive urbanisation taking place in China and some of the ensuing problems and planning required for rural migration, unemployment and rapid urbanisation.Each activity has an accompanying set of supporting materials as follows:China's internal migrationImpact of urbanisation on peopleGhost cities and empty apartmentsAddition Resources as suggested by AEF (in Teachers’ Notes):Learning Fundamentals: resources?– works of Jane Genovese, an Australian graphic artist, who created popular infographics that are available online4 Simple Online Infographic Generators?– many images to assist in the design of infographicsHutong? – Wikipedia definition and description of hutongsChina's ghost towns?– article with satellite images about the sprawling and desolate ghost cities and the abundant accommodation not being used (from Mail Online)Reporter's Notebook? – strategies about how to structure information from Harvard's Visible Thinking RoutinesUrban Development and Destruction of the Old Neighbourhoods in China? – information about impact of destruction of hutongs and the disappearance of an old way of lifeVideosUrban Migration in China – Infographic Animation?– YouTube video animation from?The Economist?showing growth of urban centres from rural migration by Guy Thompson and Guy Hunter,?VertigoMotionDesignThe largest migration in history?– YouTube videographic from?The Economist?showing the acceleration of urban population growth and rural migration across China from the 1980sUrbanisation in China?– YouTube video from?The Economist?tracing the impact on rural and city populations arising from rapid urbanisation in ChinaUrban Migration for Young Chinese on the Rise? – YouTube video showing the difficulties faced by Ahong, a 21 year-old hairdresser from a rural village who has worked his way up to become a stylist in a trendy hair salonWalk through a Beijing Hutong?– YouTube video showing the streets and buildings in a traditional hutongChina's Ghost Cities?– YouTube video about the rise of uninhabited and desolate ghost cities across China, from?SBS Dateline?by Analyst Gillum TullochComparative Case Study between Melbourne and Darwin (this is a good opportunity to teach the analytical skills required for the Essay Test at the end of the unit – students with specific learning needs may required adjustments/modification including but not limited to: scaffolding, graphic organisers, mind-mapping, rank ordering, 1:1 clarification, school officer support with organisation, etc). ASSESSMENT: Commence research research journal/student record of research for Proposal for New Australian City Report (RESEARCH); 500-800 words that demonstrate ability to present findings based on statistical analysis and depth of knowledge and understanding of the impact of urbanisation. For many students, this may be their first opportunity to experience writing a formal report. It may be worth explicitly teaching the expectations of the genre. The requirements for writing reports can be found here, but may need to be previewed and refashioned in order to reach students. time frame – set assignment in Week 4 with a submission date in Week 8 or as decided by HOD. DisplacementGhost CityHutongWelfareDesolateCreditUrbanisationAEF Module “Urbanisation in China”This module examines the rapid urbanisation, development and redevelopment that is occurring in many parts of China. Students will gain insights into the impact on rural migrants having to adjust to life in big cities and the displacement of many city dwellers due to rapid building development. Students will focus on people and some of the issues people face through conducting a mock interview and presenting possible solutions to accommodation shortages.?StatisticsCh. 4 “Keys to Geography” AGTA – MacmillanGuest Speakers from Migrant Associations/Migrant Support Learning and Teaching StrategiesWeek5-9Inquiry Sub-question How is studying the nature and patterns of urbanisation useful in planning for the future? FOCUS 1To describe the factors that influence population movements in AustraliaFOCUS 2To understand how the mining boom has influenced the distribution of the Australian populationFOCUS 3To investigate two mining locations in Australia K & UGeographical Skills & InquiryASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIESThe reasons for and effects of?internal migration?in Australia?(ACHGK056)The management and planning of Australia’s urban future?(ACHGK059)Observing and QuestioningPlanning, collecting and evaluatingProcessing, analysing, interpreting and concludingCommunicating Reflecting and responding In-class observationStudent participation Student WorkbookHomework TasksNew North Western Australian City Proposal – Report (Week 8)Response to Stimulus – Essay Test (Week 9)TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESTERMINOLOGYRESOURCESUrbanisation topics to be covered:Australia’s Economic TransformationAustralia: internal migrationsCase Study: The mobility of Indigenous AustraliansAustralia’s Mining BoomImpacts on Regional AustraliaCase Study: Bowen BasinCase Study: North West ShelfAssessment Skills:Explicit Teaching of Report Genre and Style Requirements; Explicit Teaching of Essay Genre Requirements in Essay ConditionsN.B. It is worth consulting with your HOD and/or Senior Geography Teachers to ensure expectations are consistent from 7-12. : Continue with research research journal/student record of research for Proposal for New Australian City Report (RESEARCH); 500-800 words that demonstrate ability to present findings based on statistical analysis and depth of knowledge and understanding of the impact of urbanisation. For many students, this may be their first opportunity to experience writing a formal report. It may be worth explicitly teaching the expectations of the genre. The requirements for writing reports can be found here, but may need to be previewed and refashioned in order to reach students. time frame – set assignment in Week 3 with a submission date in Week 8 or as decided by HOD.Response to Stimulus Essay Response (SUPERVISED ASSESSMENT); up to 400 words, 60-90 minutes.Students are given access to the stimulus 24 hours prior to the exam. The exam consists of a choice of questions from which students must make only ONE selection and answer in essay format up to 400 words, referring to information in the stimulus material. Adjustments/Modifications may be required for students. BasinCounter-urbanisationExurbanisationIndustrial RevolutionNomadicPrimary SectorProductivityRegional AustraliaSea ChangerSeamSecondary SectorService SectorSonglinesTree ChangerWeightless EconomyUrbanisationPearson Chapter 14 “Mining and Population Changes”14.1 Australia’s Economic Transformation14.2 Australia: internal migrations14.3 Case Study: The mobility of Indigenous Australians14.4 Australia’s Mining Boom14.5 Impacts on Regional Australia14.6 Case Study: Bowen Basin14.7 Case Study: North West ShelfStatisticsCh. 4 “Keys to Geography” AGTA – MacmillanGuest Speakers from Mining Companies/Support and Service Industries ................

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