
HSA General Meeting03/25/2015 93 members presentA general meeting of the Home School Association was held in the cafeteria at 8:22 am. Prayer & introductions was led by Liz Delaney, presiding HSA president.Motions presented:Motion to approve minutes from previous HSA General meeting was made and passed.Motion was held to change Bylaw Article 5 Section 2 #5 by removing statement “the evening of.” Motion was seconded and passed with a majority vote.Old Business:Financial status meeting will be held with Mrs. Opon, Principal, Annette Vela, Business Manager, and Executive Board on April 27th. Final report and budget for upcoming year will be presented at the last HSA meeting in May.Principal Report: Mrs. Opon shared progress of technology challenge. Over $90K has been raised which will allow each classroom to have 10 iPads. This money will also be used to buy the last couple of white boards needed for classrooms. A trainer was hired to train teachers on strategies to use them and apply to lessons.A question was raised on how curriculum will be tied into the use of apps on attained iPad. Mrs. Opon provided examples such as visual presentation of research papers, phonemic awareness activities and group activities. She went on to support the value of the trainer hired in order to assist teachers in finding apps for management, presentation, as well as math, science and reading.A question was made on attaining online version of textbooks for ease of studying. Mrs. Opon responded that such will be purchased as new programs and textbooks are purchased. The reason science books are online is because it’s a new curriculum with an online version. Information about uniform changes was shared with parents. The goal of the uniform change is to standardize their look among all students. Transition will take place over the course of two/three years. New uniform standards will include vests and sweater cardigans with new logo and family last name embroidered in gold or white. Middle school white polo shirts will not need logo, as students wear vests/sweaters over it.ECE and Elementary yellow polo shirts will require condensed version of logo in green without family name.Preschool through kindergarten will be allowed to wear white tennis shoes for girls and solid black or brown rubber soled shoes for boys.Socks for boys in preschool-kindergarten will be black, brown, dark green, or white; boys in grades 1-8 wear black, brown or dark green socks. Girls are allowed to wear white or dark green socks; tights are permitted during cold weather months.Questions were made to address current vests and imprints. Due to the slow transition, it was suggested that changes be made as new purchases are completed. Academic Outfitters has set a date in May where St. Mark families can receive 10% off sweater/vest purchases. New Business:New families present were introduced and welcomedMemory Book: Pre-school through 5th grade memory book information was reviewed. It is the committee’s goal that these are delivered by the end of the school year. It is still possible to order memory books. Please send chairs pictures that you would like to share.Box Tops: Information was shared and reviewed. $600 was raised in the fall, and as of now, $619 has been received for the box tops sent in. The contest continues until May. Volunteers were thanked for counting these.Scrips gift cards: Information was shared and reviewed. More information can be found in weekly bulletin. Sales will be held between April 8th and 23rd. Online orders are held year around.Field day: Please sign up to volunteer and confirm that safe environment is current.Fall festival: Carnival will now be a fall festival teamed up with the All Souls run. Please share ideas and sign up to be on planning committee.Board position and voting: Elections and voting will take place for executive board. Candidates were presented. If interested, please contact Liz Delaney by April 10th. Open chair positions were reviewed.HSA dues: Dues will remain $25 for the next school year. These dues will not be collected until the first day back from summer break, on the day school supplies can be picked up, as well as back to school night. Dues collection will also run throughout the month of September. Upcoming event dates were reviewed. Minutes were read and approved. Meeting was adjourned at 9:14 am ................

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