Bilingual Gifted Students: How can We Better Identify Them?

Bilingual Gifted Students:

How can We Better Identify


Dr. J. Joy Esquierdo

University of Texas-Pan American

Presentation Description

? Historically there has been an underrepresentation of

bilingual students in gifted programs.


This session will describe the unique characteristics of

giftedness in Hispanic bilingual students.

? Additionally, this session will differentiate between

mainstream giftedness and bilingual giftedness.

? Teachers will provided with ideas on how to foster

giftedness in a bilingual/ESL classroom.


Education is the movement

from darkness to light.

~Allan Bloom


? Much attention is given to the left end of the Bell

Curve, understandably so, with the requirements of

No Child Left Behind.

? However, Hispanic bilingual students found on the

right end of that curve are typically placed in the

same classroom and receive the same instruction.

The Current Challange


The definition of giftedness used for

identification purposes, and teachers¡¯ level

of preparation in gifted education are two

key factors in the underrepresentation of

bilingual students in gifted and talented

(GT) programs.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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