
Recently, the Arizona trial of Jodi Arias in the murder of Travis Alexander has been making a great deal of news with her being found guilty of first degree murder, but the jury has become deadlocked during the penalty phase this month. The murder was committed in June of 2008 with the victim being shot in the head, stabbed 27 times and had his throat cut (McLaughlin, 2013). The defense argued that the victim was controlling and abusive towards Arias and that this was her only option to defend herself from a violent attack.Under the consensus perspective, society is able to agree on what actions are right and what are wrong. The Jodi Arias defense team worked to muddy the waters when it comes to what is viewed as right and what is wrong by society as no one wants to condone abusive acts. There are plenty of members of society that are willing to look the other way when an abused victim finally fights back in self-defense, so it was with this intent that the defense took this approach.The pluralist perspective believes that conflicts can arise over what is considered right and wrong by society due to the diverse population. A portion of the Jodi Arias defense was that because the victim was Mormon, he was leading a secret life where he was into rough sexual acts. These acts are perpetrated to be what caused Jodi Arias to finally take matters into her own hand.The conflict perspective is also focused on the diversity of the population, but views there to be a conflict between different sections in that those with the power in society are those individuals that can make the laws. “According to this perspective, diverse groups are often at odds with one another – farmers, industrialists and union members; atheists and fundamentalists; liberals and conservatives – all competing for power and position within society” (Winfree and Abadinsky, 2010, p. 5). This can be seen as not only a religious trial as the Mormon religion is viewed with suspicion by others outside of the faith, but also by liberals and conservatives with each shocking moment of explicit sexual details of the relationship between the two. The next criminal act was committed in Akron, Ohio where a man and his accomplice lured three men looking for work through Craigslist to a rural farm and murdered them. Richard Beasley, the man known as the Craigslist Killer was sentenced to death while his teenaged accomplish received a life sentence without the chance for parole based on his age at the time of the crimes. Richard Beasley asserts that he is innocent, and his mother testified that he experienced a very troubled childhood including abuse from his stepfather and children in the neighborhood (Sheeran, 2013).The consensus perspective states society itself is able to determine right from wrong the killing of three men who although poor were people and should not have been slaughtered for whatever reason the killers had in arranging their deaths. Although some segments of society may see those that are unemployed as drifters or a drain on society, they were human beings that did not deserve to be slaughtered. It can be easy to agree upon that people do not deserve to be killed. Through the pluralist perspective, in a diverse population there will be individuals that are seeking employment through any means necessary, especially in hard economic times. Craigslist can be seen by some parts of society as a billboard for evil acts considering the scandals over the adult personal sections where prostitution is thinly disguised. The fact that these men were desperate for employment may have made them more susceptible to being lured in the manner that they were for a supposed interview at the farm. The conflict perspective can be applied to this case by examining the section of society that include the haves and the have nots. The men that were killed were lured because they were seeking employment and a section of the have nots. It is very possible that without the man who was able to get away from Beasley and his partner that these killings would have continued since these victims were the type of targets that may not be looked for due to their age and economic status.The final criminal act occurred in Florida where a young girl, Caylee Anthony had been reported missing long after she had actually last been seen by her grandparents with her body eventually being found. Her mother, Casey Anthony was put on trial and to the shock of most people in the nation, found not guilty for the death of her daughter, but guilty of lying to law enforcement. The defense for Casey Anthony blamed the media for the widespread coverage and portrayal of her as the villain in the case of her daughter’s disappearance and death (Hopper, Friedman, De Nies, and Katersky, 2011).The consensus perspective can be applied in that society disapproves of any mother who seems to be neglectful of their child in any situation, and even if the jurors did get the verdict right on not convicting her for the death of Caylee society frowns on women who do not act in a motherly fashion. It is not right in society to act in this fashion, so the public condemned Casey before the trial even convened. By the pluralist perspective, differing opinions on what is right and what is wrong happen when there are a wide variety of people in society, but in this case there is not a great deal of variety when it comes to the responsibilities of a parent. Most people in society are judgmental of a parent that is being so neglectful that they are unable to be honest about where their child is located over a long period of time. This is especially true when it comes to a parent that is more worried about being able to party over taking care of their children.With the conflict perspective, diversity is not always viewed in a positive light. Casey Anthony is the product of a white middle class family, and it can be viewed by some parts of society that the only reason why she was not convicted was because of her background. It can be said that if she had been poor and a minority that the trial would have gone a different way and possibly not garnered the amount of attention that it did.ReferencesHopper, J., Friedman, E., Nies, Y. D., & Katersky, A. (2011). Casey Anthony Not Guilty of Murder in Caylee's Death. . Retrieved May 29, 2013, from , E. C. (2013). Haven't been following the Jodi Arias trial? Read this. . Retrieved May 29, 2013, from , T. J. (2013). Richard Beasley, 'Craigslist Killer,' Sentenced To Death. The Huffington Post. Retrieved May 29, 2013, from , L. T., & Abadinsky, H. (2010). Understanding crime: essentials of criminological theory (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ................

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