Chanson: Foux da fafa Groupe: Flight of the Conchords

Chanson: Foux da fafa Groupe: Flight of the Conchords

Chanson: Interpr?te : Paroles : Musique : Genre : Cette interpr?tation :

? Foux da fafa ? Flight of the Conchords, groupe neo-z?landais Flight of the Conchords Flight of the Conchords Musique com?die

Aired on their HBO show, Season 1, Episode 8 entitled "Girlfriends"

! 2008 ? First Year French ? University of Texas at Austin

Avant d'?couter A. Questions pr?liminaires:

1. List some French words and expressions that you already know. Eg: soupe du jour 2. If you have studied French before, what are the main things you remember from class?

B. Remarques:

The following song is by a group from New Zealand called Flight of the Conchords. The song is a parody on words and expressions that students typically learn in introductory French courses. As you listen, see how much of the song you are already able to understand. N.B. The members of this group are not native French speakers, so their grammar and pronunciation are not always correct.

! 2008 ? First Year French ? University of Texas at Austin

Foux da fafa Flight of the Conchords

J: Je voudrais une (un) croissant J: Je suis enchant? J: O? est le (la) biblioth?que? J: Voil? mon passeport J: Ah, G?rard D?pardieu B + J: Baguette

B: Ba Ba ba-ba Bow!


Foux da fa fa Foux da fa fa fa fa Foux da fa fa Ah ee ah (x2)

B: Et maintenant le voyage ? la (au) supermarch?!

B: Pamplemousse B: Ananas B: Jus d'orange B: Boeuf B: Soupe du jour B: Camembert B: Jacques Cousteau B: Baguette

F: O? est la piscine? J: Pardon-moi? F: O? est la piscine? J: ...Euh... F: Splish splash J: ...Euh... F: Eh... J: Je ne comprends pas. F: Parlez-vous le fran?ais? J: Euh? F: Parlez-vous le fran?ais? J: Uh ....No. F: Hmmm.


Ba ba ba-ba bow

J: Bonjour F: Bonjour J: Bonjour F: Bonjour, monsieur J: Bonjour mon petit bureau de change

B: ?a va? L: ?a va. B: ?a va? L: ?a va. B: Voil? ? le (la) conversation dans le parc.

B: O? est le livre? J: ? la biblioth?que B: Et la musique danse? J: ? la discoth?que. B: Et les discoth?ques? J: C'est ici, b?b?!

J: Un, deux, trois, quatre

B: Ba ba ba-ba bow!


! 2008 ? First Year French ? University of Texas at Austin

Apr?s avoir ?cout? A. Compr?hesion:

List the words and expressions from the song that you already knew. Does the song make sense?

B. Discussion:

What do you hope to get out of studying French? In what context would you like to use it (eg: traveling, work, etc)?

! 2008 ? First Year French ? University of Texas at Austin


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