Norfolk Regional Local Human Rights Committee Minutes

Norfolk Regional Local Human Rights Committee MinutesDate of Meeting: October 27, 2015*Denotes attendance at this meeting Committee Members: Louise Packer- Chairperson* Richard Bishop- Vice-Chairperson* Roland King- Secretary* Angelique Hutton- Committee member* Office of Human Rights: Stewart Prost, Human Rights Advocate Other Attendees: NoneProgram Affiliates Present: Affinity Healthcare Group, LLCAlliance of Community ProvisionsBrighton GardensE.R. LighthouseFamily and Youth Foundations Counseling ServicesGiving Hearts, LLC/Independent HandsDestiny’s House, Greater Williamsburg Residential Facility, Peaceful Solutions Counseling Services, DSI, Unison Mental HealthJerolin ManagementLife is GoldenLoving Grace HouseNew Beginnings Home CareRest Haven HomesUltimate Care ServicesVirginia Baptist Children’s Home and Family Services (d.b.a. HopeTree)Program Affiliates Absent:Creekwood Lake HomesJ. Emaunel LLCOpen ArmsPositive PathwaysSerenity HomesI. Call to Order: Ms. Packer called the meeting to order at 3:30pm at the Pretlow Library. II. Review and Approval of Agenda: Mr. Bishop motioned to approve the agenda and Ms. Hutton seconded. III. Review and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Bishop made the motion and Ms. Hutton seconded the approval of the 9/3/15 meeting minutes as written. IV. Public Comment: There was no public comment.V. Advocate Report: Mr. Prost reviewed with program affiliates the status of the committee members. He shared with the affiliates that an election of offers occurred at the previous meeting. Ms. Packer was elected as Chairperson, Mr. Bishop as Vice Chair, Mr. King will serve as secretary. Mr. Prost also introduced the newest committee member, Angelique Hutton and welcomed her onto the committee. One committee member is still needed positions to fill the required position of a healthcare provider (CNA, Physical Therapist, RN, LPC, LCSW, etc.). We will need to fulfill this required committee member position in the next 6 months. Mr. Prost strongly encouraged all program affiliates to start recruiting for this positions, he has copies of the application available. LHRC Quarterly & Annual Reports: Mr. Prost reminded all affiliates that LHRC Quarterly Reports must be mailed in two week prior to the meeting date (not emailed) and the must be on the current form. Along with the completed report, the corresponding CHRIS AB-07 (Abuse) and COMP-08 (Complaint) reports must be submitted with the LHRC Quarterly. Further, Mr. Prost reviewed with affiliates that the entire LHRC Quarterly Report form needed to be completed including answering all questions. Mr. Prost also reported that all agenda items must be submitted two weeks in advance as well to ensure that he and the committee members have time to review the material prior to the meeting. He reminded the affiliates that the reports are public record. Failure to submit Quarterly Reports on time could result in a citation from licensing. Any affiliates having issues with CHRIS should contact Angela Harris at Angela.Harris@dbhds. for guidance. He also reminded all affiliates that due to the Freedom of Information Act all reports are public record so they need to be complete and submitted on time. For the next meeting in January an Annual Report for 2015 will need to be submitted along with the 4th Quarter LHRC Report. The Annual Seclusion, Restraint and Time Out report will also be due on January 15th. Mr. Prost reminded affiliates that if you have a change in staff who will be representing your program at the LHRC meeting you must have a new Cooperative Agreement signed. Mr. Prost reminded all providers that if you wanted to get added to the agenda for the LHRC meeting you must make the request a minimum of two weeks in advance. Mr. Prost reviewed the process for adding a location and adding a service. He referenced a memo dated February 2, 2015 that was given to all affiliates at the last meeting detailing the revised procedures for adding a new service and adding a new location and the Human Rights Compliance Verification form. He emphasized to affiliates that when adding a new service the Human Rights Compliance Verification form must be submitted to himself and the committee with human rights policy and procedures, program rules and behavior management plan. Mr. Prost reviewed changes in staffing at the Office of Human Rights. Ms. Samona Hawk has moved to Region IV, a new Human Rights Advocate has been hired, Bernadette Lege. VI. Old Business: Nothing to report. VII. New BusinessSchedule of meetings: Future meetings have been tentatively scheduled for January 26th, April 26th, July 26th, and October 25th at 5:30pm at the Pretlow Library. These dates will be confirmed. Request for Affiliation: Frame It House: Requested affiliation for ID Residential Services. Mr. Bishop made a motion and Mr. King seconded to grant affiliation, program rules and behavior management policy will be reviewed at the next meeting. VIII. Standing Reports: Name of Program: Affinity Healthcare Group, LLCChambri Perry presented the Quarterly report for Affinity Healthcare Group, LLC. There was one allegation of abuse and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. The abuse allegation was discussed in closed session. Name of Program: Alliance of Community Provisions Gwen Proctor presented the Quarterly report for Alliance of Community Provisions. There were no allegations of abuse and neglect as well as no complaints. No consumers served as they are not licensed. Name of Program: Brighton Gardens, LLC.Tijuana Bell presented the Quarterly Report and annual for Brighton Gardens. There were no allegation of abuse or neglect and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. Creekwood Lake Homes No one present at the meeting to represent Creekwood Lake Homes. Name of Program: E.R. LighthouseKeven Weaver presented the Quarterly report for E.R. Lighthouse. No CHRIS report was submitted with the 3rd Quarter Report. There were no allegations of abuse and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. Address change reported: 4226 Caliente St., Norfolk, VA 23518. Name of Program: Family and Youth Foundations Counseling Services Leon Sankofa presented the Quarterly Report for Family and Youth Foundations Counseling Services. There were no allegations or neglect or abuse and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. Name of Program: Giving Hearts, LLC/Independent HandsAllison Joyner presented the Quarterly report for Giving Hearts, LLC & Independent Hands. There were no allegations of abuse or neglect and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. No CHRIS report was submitted with the Quarterly Report. Name of Program: Destiny’s House, Greater Williamsburg Residential Facility, Peaceful Solutions Counseling Services, DSI, Unisom Mental Health Nick Munoz presented the Quarterly and annual reports for all above mentioned programs. There were no allegations of abuse and no complaints during the 3rd Quarter. Name of Program: J. Emanuel, LLCThere was no one present to represent J. Emanuel, LLC at the meeting as there affiliation has been temporarily suspended. Name of Program: Jerolin Management Services, LLCJenelle Mines presented the Quarterly Report for Jerolin Management Services. There were no allegations of abuse or complaints during the 3rd quarter. Name of Program: Life is GoldenVictor Fabioni presented the Quarterly report for Life is Golden. There were no allegations of abuse or neglect and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. Name of Program: Loving Grace HouseDorian Flood presented the Quarterly Report for Loving Grace House. There was one allegations of abuse or neglect and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. The allegation was discussed in closed session. Name of Program: New Beginnings Home CareCarla Ellis presented the Quarterly Report for New Beginnings Home Care. There were no allegations or abuse/neglect and no complaints during the 3rd quarter.Name of Program: Open Arms There was no one in attendance at the meeting to represent Open Arms. Name of Program: Positive Pathways There was no one in attendance at the meeting to represent Positive Pathways.Name of Program: Rest Haven HomesTijuana Hawkins presented the Quarterly Report for Rest Haven Homes. There were no allegations or abuse or neglect and no complaints during the 3rd quarter. Name of Program: Serenity HomesThere was no one present to represent Serenity Homes at the meeting. Name of Program: Ultimate Care ServicesVincent Hamilton presented the Quarterly Report for Ultimate Care Services. There were no allegations of abuse or neglect or complaints during the 3rd quarter. Name of Program: Virginia Baptist Children’s Home and Family Services (doing business as HopeTree Family Services) Crystal Burgess presented the Quarterly report for residential services. There were no allegations of abuse and neglect or complaints during the 3rd quarter. IX. Close SessionThe public portion of the meeting was concluded at 4:47pm. The committee moved to go into executive session pursuant to VA Code 2.2.3711 (A)4 for the protection and privacy of individuals in personal matters not related to public business, namely for the purpose of hearing from Affinity Healthcare and Loving Grace House to review reports on allegations of abuse and neglect or complaint pursuant to the regulations. Mr. Bishop made the motion to exit executive session at 5:25pm and Mr. King seconded with all in favor.? All so certified and there were no recommendations.X. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 5:25pm. Meeting AttendeesChambri Perry, Affinity Healthcare GroupGwendolyn Proctor, Alliance of Community ProvisionsTijuana Bell, Brighton GardensJean Chapman, Brighton GardensKevin Weaver, ER LighthouseDoris Foreman, ER LighthouseDorian Flood, Loving Grace HouseLeon Sanfofa, Family and Youth Foundations Counseling ServicesAllison Joyner, Giving Hearts, LLC/Independent HandsNick Munoz, Greater Williamsburg Residential, Unisom Mental Health, Peaceful Solutions Jenell Mines, Jerolin ManagementKathy Butler, Life is GoldenVictor Fabian, Life is GoldenCarla Ellis, New Beginnings Home CareTijuana Hawkins, Rest Haven HomesVincent Hamilton, Ultimate Care Solutions Crystal Burgess, Virginia Baptist Children’s Home and Family Services (HopeTree FS)Stephanie Turner, Frame It HomeJared Turner, Frame It HomeSubmitted by: Crystal Burgess, LHRC Secretary ................

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