February 2014 President’s Corner

February 2014



Happy New Year!!!! We had our Christmas Party in December and our new board was

sworn in. I am excited to work with the board to educate and inspire Republican

Women. This is an election year and my theme, as SNRW President, is TAKE BACK

AMERICA. We can accomplish this by educating our members, our neighbors, and our


Many do not know what and who we are as Republicans. Many do not know that it was

the Republicans that gave women the right to vote. It was Republicans that freed the

slaves in this country. It is Republicans that hold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

as high standards for our country, given to us by our founding fathers. We, as

Republican Women, have much to be proud of as we resolve to TAKE BACK

AMERICA in 2014!

This year also marks 150 years since Nevada received its Statehood. We are Battle Born

and proud of it!! You can go to to find all the happenings for the

150 year celebration.

Please remember our St Patrick¡¯s celebration coming up March 2nd at CVIC Hall. This

is our only fundraiser and we are able to contribute to Republican Candidates. Plus, it is

a whole lot of fun.

I am constantly inspired by the tireless efforts of our SNRW members. All of whom

share a true commitment to our mission and to sharing our Republican message to the

community we live in. I look forward to serving as SNRW President and will do the best

job I can do for you.

Looking forward to a wonderful year!

Jill Dimock


February 12 ¡ªSierra Nevada Republican Women Luncheon

Meeting with guest speaker, UNR Professor Eric Herzik,

Department Chair of Political Science.

Join us at our February luncheon/meeting at the Tahoe Ridge

Winery Marketplace & Bistro, 1644 Highway 395, Minden on

Wednesday, February 12. Buffet opens at 11:30 A.M. and

luncheon/meeting begins promptly at 12:00 noon. Cost of

luncheon is $15.00 (includes tax and tip).

RSVP by 12 noon Monday February 10 to Jan Muzzy at

775-267-6744 or lmuzzy@.

Sierra Nevada Republican Women¡¯s 16th

Annual St. Patrick¡¯s Day Dinner and Fund

Raiser! Sunday, March 2, CVIC Hall in


$25 per person. Doors open 4:45 p.m., No

Host Bar 5:00 p.m., Corned Beef and


Dinner 6:00 p.m. Call Pam Sturlin for


775-790-1621 or pbsturlin@.

DCRCC Open House Saturday, January 25th and Sunday, January at the new

DCRCC headquarters. Headquarters located at 1507 Hwy 395 N., Suite B, in

Gardnerville. Some of you may know this as the Anker Building. Open house

hours will be from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday and from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

on Sunday.

Douglas County Republican Central Committee LINCOLN-REAGAN DINNER

A Celebration of Nevada¡¯s Sesquicentennial¡ªCarson Valley Inn¡ª February 16

5:00 p.m. Cocktails¡ª6:00 p.m. Dinner¡ª $40 per person or $75 per couple . Send

your check to Headquarters; pay in person at Headquarters, or

pay by credit card on the website. No tickets will

be issued. Your name will be on a list at check-in

on the night of the event.

Douglas County Republican Headquarters

1507 Hwy 395 N., Suite B

Gardnerville, NV 89410

775-782-4GOP (4467)


Last August, Nancy Brisack recommended Glenn Beck's, The Overton

Window to SNRW members. Sandy Offenstein now recommends its

sequel, The Eye of Moloch, 2013, Threshold Editions. After reading

The Overton Window, and finding out that Glenn Beck had completed a

sequel, Sandy was anxious to read The Eye of Moloch. She also had

enjoyed, and recommends, Glenn Beck¡¯s Agenda 21.

On the other hand, MediaMatters has nothing good to say about any of these books. Both Sandy¡¯s

recommendation, and MediaMatters¡¯ critique, may cause you to rush right out to get copies of Glenn

Beck¡¯s bestsellers.

In The Eye of Moloch, the author re-introduces us to Molly Ross. Molly is a young woman who has

taken up a battle for freedom in a secret war she had discovered was being waged for the future of

America. Molly and her group, ¡°Founders¡¯ Keepers,¡± do battle against well-funded, elite tyrants who

believe that power to rule should be in their hands only. These elites will stop at nothing to destroy

our country.

Thank you, Sandy for your recommendation. Your Constitution Committee invites recommendations

so that we can pass them along to our members. We have received some intriguing ones since the

committee was formed a few years ago. Please keep them coming and we will keep passing them


The Constitution Committee

January 16, 2014

Dear SNRW Friends,

A quick note to thank you all for your help and participation that made 2013 such a successful year for

Sierra Nevada Republican Women. As your 2012-2013 President I was always so proud to talk about

and brag about our Club to anyone who would listen. I know you will give Jill the same support in

this next exciting election year.

I also want to thank you all for the extremely beautiful engraved Jewelry Box I was presented at the

last meeting. It is something I will cherish for years to come. I loved being your President, but know I

will also love being a Past President.

Thank you again for the gift and support.

Most fondly,

Nancy J. Jarvis

2012-2013 SNRW President


Tahoe Ridge Winery

Outgoing President Nancy Jarvis-Recognized Claudi Broquist and Jan Muzzy for their help during her tenure as President and gave

them each a token of her appreciation.

Informed the Club about the health of President Shari James and that she is taking a 6-month leave

of absence.

Introduced Jill Dimock, 1st Vice-President (Programs) who will also be the Acting President.

Passed the gavel to Dimock.

Meeting called to order at 12:05 by Acting Chair Dimock.

Acting President Dimock introduced herself to the General Membership.


Pat Smith

Assemblyman Jim Wheeler asked for a moment of prayer for President Shari James.

Pledge of Allegiance

Assemblyman Jim Wheeler

Introductions--Protocol List. Acting Chair Dimock recognized elected officials: State Assemblyman Jim Wheeler; Commissioners Barry Penzel and Nancy McDermid; Douglas County Assessor

Doug Sonnemann; Douglas County Republican Central Committee Vice-Chair Mary Porter;

School Board Trustee, Sharla Hales; State Senator Mark Hutchison; Northern Nevada Representative to Elect Mark Hutchison-Ryan Cherry.

Acting President's Comments

Jill Dimock

Recapped the 2013 Christmas Party/Installation.

Introduced the 2014 Board Members.

As Acting President will put forth Republican ideals and promote women in politics.

Budget 2014 Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 16 at 5:30pm at Tahoe Ridge Winery.

Committee Chairs please submit your requested 2014 budget.


Jill Dimock

Introduced guest speaker State Senator Mark Hutchison.

February speaker: Professor Eric Herzik, Chair Political Science Department

Club Business

Approval of November 2013 minutes (published in newsletter). No changes were noted and the

minutes will stand approved and filed.

Treasurer's Report

Jan Muzzy

2013 Year-end Report: $26,600 was budgeted; Income was 25,338; Expenses was 21,920; end of

year bank account was 7742.44; petty cash 200.

Total assets $7942.44.

Copies of 2013 budget and Treasurer's books are available for review.


Jan Muzzy for Dianna Hennessey

Per Nevada Federation of Republican Women, 2014 Membership began October 2013. End of

December 2013: Members 47; Associate Members 22.

Encouraged members to renew and invite new members.


Mary Porter

Please attend the Precinct Meetings that are scheduled for Wednesday, January 29. Help is needed in

some precincts. These meetings are very important in Nevada's political process. Bring a neighbor.

Headquarters has moved to the Anker Building located at 1537 Hwy 395, Suite B in Gardnerville,

89410. General Membership Meeting will be held at the Elks Club on Kimmerling at 7pm. Social

begins at 6:30pm.

St. Patrick's Dinner

Pam Sturlin

Sunday March 2, 2014 at CVIC. Doors open at 4:45pm; No host cocktails dinner at 6pm

This is the largest fund raiser for the Club. Please sign-up to help with set-up, clean-up, etc.

Donations are needed for "Your Choice" drawings.

Newsletter Editor

URGENT--position is open. Please see Dimock if you are interested.


Rita Hill (webmaster for the Club) has broken her shoulder.


The Muzzy's (2924 LaCresta Circle, Minden 267-6744) will be hosting a Meet and Greet for Dave

Brady who is running for Douglas County Sheriff, Saturday February 1, 3-6pm. Light refreshments

will be served.

Sustainability Drawing

$51 was won by Sharla Hales and donated to Sally Wiley who prepares troop packages.

On behalf of the Club and in appreciation of outstanding service as President of SNRW for the past 2

years, Pat Smith, Outgoing Past President gave a gift to Nancy Jarvis and the official Past President


Robin Reedy spoke of the accomplishments of Jarvis during her tenure as President. She presented

Jarvis with a certificate from the Nevada Federation of Republican Women for Outstanding Achievement, Club Membership Award.

Reedy also presented a Club Diamond Award Certificate and pin from the National Federation of

Republican Women.

Meeting adjourned at 1 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Muzzy, Treasurer

On behalf of Sharon Calvert, Recording Secretary

January 10, 2014


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