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SERVICES AND SETTLEMENTKEY ISSUE 1: WHERE ARE SERVICES DISTRIBUTED?SERVICE. Any activity that fulfills man’s want or need and returns money to those who provide it and sometimes it is voluntary. SETTLEMENT.A permanent collection of buildings where people reside, work and obtain services.*2/3 of the GDP of developed countries whereas Less than ? of the GDP of developing countries- means that when you are in developed countries you’re doing accounting, legal back office duties etc. and in developing country working on jobs they’re still getting money from farming and manufacturing industry services were in developed countries the distribution of service workers is opposite to the percentage of primary worker, find these services mostly at developed countries in the picture western Europe, north America, Australia.TYPES OF SERVICES1. Consumer Services- work that supply service to a costumer who desire them and can afford to pay for them. Creating things for people to purchase or consume. Almost ? of all job in USA are in consumer services.Types of Consumer ServicesA. Retail and Wholesale- Retail means that you are the product manufacturer and sell directly to consumers consist of ? in this sector while Wholesale is simply selling product in bulk to a person that person will sell it to the customers, mostly ? of them only in this sector.*Biggest sector among all types of consumer services (14.2%)Example: Department store, groceries, motor vehicle sales etc.B.Health and social services- services that inline in medicines and health care of consumers or citizens. 1/3 of them are working in hospital and ? in other health care services such as military medics.C. Education Services- doesn’t include public teachers, its funded within the public services so this are more in private school were you choosing to purchase these educational services.D. Leisure and Hospitality Service- this service is intended to provide relaxation to people, visitors/tourist. This may see during special events nor ordinary days.Example: Restaurants, bars, and lodging (3/4) and Arts and entertainment (1/4)2. Business Services- work that support a business and facilitate the activities of other businesses. ? of all job in US are in here.Example: Bank provides financial service to companies who need money through loans.Types of Business ServicesA. Professional Services- Law management, accounting, architectures engineering,design consultant and others B. Transportation and Information Services- services that distribute and diffuse services.60% jobs in transportation and 40% in Information ServicesExample: Trucking, publishing and broadcasting.C. Financial Services- Finance Insurance Real Estate (FIRE)3. Public Services- this services is offered by the government to provide security and protection for citizens and businesses. 5% of US jobs are in here.*Excluding educator 1/6 work for the federal gov’t and it doesn’t mean that educators are excluded from public sector because when we say Public Services it does include educators but 1/6 are working in the federal gov’t , ? for state Gov’t and 3/5 for local Gov’t so there’s a big set up in local GovernmentChanges in Job Sectors200844727224200The figure shows the growth of employment of services in US during 1972-2013*Employment in US was in service, employment in Primary and secondary sector activities Decline* Business Services, job expanded in Professional services and slowly in finance and transportation services because of improve efficiency -1425821595800Rising and Falling Service EmploymentThe changes in service sector also impacted the recession in 2008 resulted in an absolute decline of world GNI. (figure 12.1.9)*Changes in number of employees- growth has occurred in services but primary (Agricultural and mining)and secondary sector(Manufacturing and Construction) activities has declined its more growth in tertiary sector(jobs are Accounting, laws etc.).*When you’re in develop countries, services are going boom your economy and Secondary and primary sector decline because we’re not doing those things so much in developed countriesService sector contribution to recession:*A rapid rise in real estate prices*Poor judgment in lending by financial institutions*Invention of new financial services practices*Decisions by government agencies to reduce or eliminate regulation of the practices of financial institutions.*Unwillingness of financial institutions to make loans once the recession started.Central Place theory- explain the location of consumer services and depicts how the most profitable location can be identified.Market Area of a serviceCentral place- it is where people cluster to buy and sell goods and service.Market area or hinterland- are surrounding a service which costumers are attracted to represent it to the market area draw hexagon around settlement representing a compromise between circles and square. Why Geographer use Hexagon to delineate Market Areas?A. Circle Problems- circles are equidistant from center to edge but overlap and leave gap. It means that gap is people who are living outside the market area. Overlapping means unsatisfactory because some are closest to the service area and it’s the one people tend only to settle.B. Square problems- without gaps but their sides are equidistant from the center but if the market area is circle then the radius- distance of the center to edge is can be measure because every point around circle is same distant to center.C. The Hexagon Comprise- it is the ideal to depict the market area of good and services because it is compromise. Without gaps and although the point is not the same in distance from center it is lesser compare to square.GEOGRAPHER NEEDED INFORMATION ABOUT SERVICES478663027813000A. Range- is the maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service. It is radius of an hexagon (circle) to delineate a service’s market area.Short distance- for getting daily needs such as foods in groceries and otherLong Distance- travel for leisure or relaxation such as concert, tournament and others.*People tend to go to the nearest available service so consider the distance not time cause people see distance than time in purchasing goods and services.B. Threshold- is the minimum number of people required to support the service so when range discovered then threshold is the next to determine the number of people who wants services*Census data- help to locate the population within the cicle.KEY ISSUE 2: WHERE ARE CONSUMER SERVICES DISTRIBUTED?HIERARCHY OF CONSUMER SERVICES.Nesting of Services and Settlementscan be illustrated with overlapping hexagons of different sizesFour different levels of market area—hamlet, village, town, and cityCentral place theoryLarger market areas, based in larger settlements, are fewer in number and farther apart from each other than smaller market areas and settlements. However, larger settlements also provide goods and services with smaller market areas; consequently, larger settlements have both larger and smaller market areas drawn around them.Businesses in central places compete against each other to serve as markets for goods and services for the surrounding region. According to central place theory, this competition creates a regular pattern of settlements.Ex. Minot, North-central North DakotaLarger settlements provide consumer services that have larger thresholds, ranges, and market areas. Only consumer services that have small thresholds, short ranges, and small market areas are found in small settlements because too few people live in small settlements to support many services.Rank-Size Distribution of SettlementsRank size ruleranking settlements from largest to smallest (population) produces a regular patternsecond-largest city is one-half the size of the largest, the fourth-largest city is one-fourth the size of the largest, and so onprimate city rulelargest settlement has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlementprimate city(country’s largest city)Ex. MexicoMarket Area AnalysisProfitability of a Location. How location becomes profitable?*Define the market area*Estimate the range*Predict the market sharePeriodic Marketscollection of individual vendors who come together to offer goods and services in a location on specified daysThe frequency of periodic markets varies by culture:?Muslim countries?Rural China?Korea?Sub-Saharan Africa.KEY ISSUE 3: WHERE ARE BUSINESS SERVICES DISTRIBUTED?HIERARCHY OF BUSINESS SERVICESServices in Global Cities What are global cities-- play an especially important role in global business services. Most closely integrated into the global economic system because they are at the center of the flow of information and capital.Business services that concentrate in disproportionately large numbers in global cities include: ?Financial institutions ?Headquarters of large corporations ?Lawyers, accountants, and other professional services Ranking Global Cities alpha, beta, and gamma Combinations of factors are used to identify and rank global cities: Economic factor Political factors Cultural factor Infrastructural factors CommunicationsTransportation Consumer and Public Services in Global Cities --Too luxury and highly specialized products are especially likely to be sold.--Offer the most plays, concerts, operas, night clubs, restaurants, bars, and professional sporting events. They contain the largest libraries, museums, and theaters.--Offices for groups having business with the government, such as representatives of foreign countries, trade associations, labor unions, and professional organizations.--Contain mansions or palaces for the head of state, imposing structures for the national legislature and courts, and offices for the government agencies Business Services in Developing Countries Types of Business Services1.Offshore Financial Services Offshore centers provide two important functions in the global circulation of capital: Taxes Privacy 2. Business-Process Outsourcing Selected developing countries have attracted back offices for two reasons related to labor: Low wages Ability to speak EnglishKEY ISSUE 4: WHY DO SERVICES CLUSTER IN SETTLEMENT?Economic Specialization of Settlements? Settlements can be classified by their economic base.? Talent is not distributed uniformly among settlements.Two Types of Economic Base Basic Business- export primarily to costumers outside the settlementNon-basic Business- serves as primarily costumers living in the same settlementHow does basic and non-basic businesses work?New basic businesses attract new workers to a settlement.The new basic business workers bring their families with them.New non-basic services are opened to meet the needs of the new workers and their families.Distribution of TalentTalented individuals are not distributed uniformly among cities.Attracting talented individuals is important for a city because this individuals are responsible for promoting economic innovation.Talented individuals are attracted to cities with the most job opportunities and financial incentives.Richard FloridaFound out that individuals with special talent gravitate toward cities that offer more cultural diversity.He used the term “coolness” index developed by POV Magazine to explain this phenomenon.Why do services cluster in settlements?Services in Rural SettlementsUrban settlements are centers for consumer and business services.Rural settlements are centers for agriculture and provide a small number of services.Two Types of Rural SettlementsCLUSTERED RURAL SETTLEMENT- an agricultural-based community in which a number of families live in close proximity to each other, with fields surrounding the collection of houses and farm buildings.Two Patterns:Circular clustered rural settlements- consist of a central open space.Linear clustered rural settlements- compromise buildings clustered along a road, river or dike to facilitate communicatons.DISPERSED RURAL SETTLEMENTS- characterized by farmers living on individual farms isolated from neighbours rather than alongside ther farmers in settlement.U.S. Dispersed Rural Settlement- dispersed pattern developed from the time initial settlement of the middle atlantic colonies because most immigrant to these colonies arrived individually rather than as a member of a group.U.K. Dispersed Rural Settlements-“ enclosure movement”URBANIZATIONUrban settlement in history. It probably originated around 5,000 years ago to provide consumer and public services, later came the business services. It may have originated in Mesopotamia and diffused to west to Egypt and East to China and South Asia’s Indus valley. During the past three centuries, the world’s largest urban settlement has been shared by London, New York, and Tokyo. Consumer services happened when women and children stayed in their houses for making tools, clothing and container while the men go hunt for food. Public services—housed political leaders and military forces guard the residents. Business services--groups store surplus food and trade with other groups and exchange for item. Urbanization. Process by which the population of Urban settlement grows. Urban settlement historyServices provided:CONSUMER SERVICES-First permanent settlement– performing rituals in burying and to honor their dead -Women and children in the house making tools and gathering plants while men hunt for food BUSINESS SERVICESStore surplus food and tradeOfficials set fair prices, kept records, created currencyPUBLIC SERVICESPolitical leaders as well as military forces to guard and defend the urbanright6985Memphis, EgyptPopulation over 30, 000It served as the capital of ancient Egypt and an important religious cult center.?White Walls' because it was built of mud brick and then painted white.?commercial and cultural center.2500-1000 B.CAkkadSargon the GreatTrades, agricultureConstruction of roads, irrigationPostalGovernors, administratorsCITY of UR65,000Largest cityTrade centerZigguratcenter387352 Dimensions of urbanization Increase in percentage of people living in urban settlements--increase of population in urban areas than rural.-- reflects country’s level of development (77% live in urban area compared to developing countries where there are only 48%). The percentage of people living in urban settlements increased from 3 percent in 1800 to 6?percent in 1850, 14 percent in 1900, 30?percent in 1950, and 47 percent in 2000, and 53 percent in 2013. It exceeds the percentage of rural settlement.1196340000An increase in the number of people living in an urban settlement--developing countries have more of the very large urban settlements. Ten of most populous cities of today are in developing countries like Cairo, Delhi, Jakarta, Manila, Mexico City, S?o Paulo, Seoul, and Shanghai fueled by migration of countryside men contributing to the half of the increase in population in urban settlement, the other half results from high natural increase rate. 11430002667000Difference between urban and rural settlementLarge size of urban settlement produces different relationships than those of rural settlement dwellers.High density also produced social difference.The greater the settlement, the greater variety of people.SERVICES AND SETTLEMENTBAUSO, AIRLIJ IANNIERVA, VIRGILNANG-IS, KARENPAAS, YVONYPILAY, MEMORIESEMBRANO, RAFAELSORANO, ANNABELLEHUMAN GEOGRAPHY(SST-124)MARCH 22, 2019 ................

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