Global Partners


Partnering through Prayer for Global Transformation

September 8, 2020


Global Partners is asking for focused prayer this week for Kerry Pickard, missionary to Russia.

Kerry Jo has served with Global Partners in Vladimir, Russia, since 2003. She also served in Russia with Global Partners as a GO-Net missionary in Nizhny Novgorod (1998-1999) and CoMission missionary in Ryazan (1994-1997).

Kerry Jo wants to be a source of God's grace to a lost and hurting world by encouraging, respecting, affirming, and serving those God puts in her path. In Vladimir, Kerry is involved in discipleship, church and leadership development, and ministries of compassion. Much has changed in Russia since 1994 but not the need for God's grace.

Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6 NIV).


Partnering through Prayer for Global Transformation

September 8, 2020


Global Partners is asking for focused prayer this week for Kerry Pickard, missionary to Russia.

Kerry Jo has served with Global Partners in Vladimir, Russia, since 2003. She also served in Russia with Global Partners as a GO-Net missionary in Nizhny Novgorod (1998-1999) and CoMission missionary in Ryazan (1994-1997).

Kerry Jo wants to be a source of God's grace to a lost and hurting world by encouraging, respecting, affirming, and serving those God puts in her path. In Vladimir, Kerry is involved in discipleship, church and leadership development, and ministries of compassion. Much has changed in Russia since 1994 but not the need for God's grace.

Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6 NIV).

Prayer Points from Missionary Kerry Pickard:

• Pray for the Tokareva church as a new board is elected. Pray that God would give them a vision and a plan for what he wants them to do where they are and in whatever circumstances they find themselves.

• Pray that God would provide for the ladies in our home group who live on pensions. Prices have gone up, which always makes it harder to stretch the money. Pray for wisdom on how to best support them in the coming months.

• Pray for wisdom and strength for Pastor Sasha and administer Natasha during these strange and unprecedented days. 

• Pray for the kids who returned to school on September 1. Pray that the COVID-19 virus remains under control and they won’t have to go back to online school. Also pray for wisdom and protection for the teachers.

• Pray for God to use these uncertain days to draw people to himself. 

Find Kerry Pickard on the Global Partners

website at 0251



Prayer Points from Missionary Kerry Pickard:

• Pray for the Tokareva church as a new board is elected. Pray that God would give them a vision and a plan for what he wants them to do where they are and in whatever circumstances they find themselves.

• Pray that God would provide for the ladies in our home group who live on pensions. Prices have gone up, which always makes it harder to stretch the money. Pray for wisdom on how to best support them in the coming months.

• Pray for wisdom and strength for Pastor Sasha and administer Natasha during these strange and unprecedented days. 

• Pray for the kids who returned to school on September 1. Pray that the COVID-19 virus remains under control and they won’t have to go back to online school. Also pray for wisdom and protection for the teachers.

• Pray for God to use these uncertain days to draw people to himself. 

Find Kerry Pickard on the Global Partners

website at 0251




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