Scott A. Berg

Vision and Execution for Translating Business Strategy into Market Leadership

Spring, TX • 832-419-3320 • sberg69115@ • in/bergscott/ •

Highly accomplished Chief Marketing Officer who designs and deploys large-scale global B2B and B2C marketing strategies and programs that deliver record top- and bottom-line results for Fortune 500 companies. A transformational influence, adept at conceiving and leading marketing programs that leverage brand attributes to elevate revenue, profit and market position. Proficient in managing large-scale global marketing teams and initiatives, having run HP’s $800M marketing organization and global marketing programs for IHS, Compaq and Argus Media. Skilled in deploying all contemporary marketing tools to achieve industry-leading ROI. Possesses unique blend of analytics, creativity and strategy along with business savvy, collaborative approach and bias for action to deliver record results in key performance areas.

0. Revenue Growth: Generated $976M in incremental revenue at Compaq Computer. At Hewlett-Packard created first-of-their-kind global partnerships generating $140.3M in new revenue. At IHS built groundbreaking global $36M ecommerce channel and new lead management for international markets increasing sales 29% and revenue $10.4M. At Argus increased new revenue $22.7M, leads 38% and close rate 58%.

0. Digital Transformation: Created customer websites at Argus, IHS and Hewlett-Packard. At Argus site increased traffic 22%, lead volume 29%, organic search ranking 27% and decreased bounce rate 19%. Led HP’s foray into social sites. Pioneered customer help forums decreasing support costs $18M per year. At Argus created global customer marketing ecosystem and dashboard. Launched mobile marketing campaign generating $5M+ in revenue.

0. Operational Excellence: Decreased media costs $84M through global media buying during Hewlett-Packard and Compaq merger. Negotiated $1.05B in companywide marketing contracts and lowered fees $55.5M, secured $8.7M in agency refunds via first marketing audit. Reduced $26.2M in marketing supplier costs.

0. Brand Building: Launched new HP brand managing more than $800M in groundbreaking global media and advertising. Increased brand value $1B and grew brand marketing ROI to 1.4X cost. Garnered multiple international awards from AdAge, Creative, MediaWeek, AdWeek and others. Developed companywide brand standards.

0. Marketing and Team Leadership: Drove highly complex business marketing transformations across eight verticals at Argus. Developed engaging content, lead channels, product roadmaps and launches. Integrated all regions into simplified marketing models. For IHS aligned six business lines’ go-to-market strategies. Named Executive Manager of Year at IHS and led third highest employee rated team. Had highest employee-rated organization at Argus.

Driving Business Performance to New Levels through Broad-based Expertise

0. Marketing Strategy

0. Integrated Marketing

0. B2B and B2C Marketing

0. Digital Marketing Strategy

0. Online and Digital Marketing

0. Product Management

0. Web and eCommerce

0. Branding | Lead Generation

0. Product Marketing

0. Marketing Automation

0. Business Strategy

0. Advertising and Media

0. Marketo | Eloqua | Domo | Birst |

ON24 | Vidyard | Google Analytics

0. Webinars

0. Search | SEO

0. Agile Methodology

0. Customer Databases

0. Statistical Modeling

0. Segmentation

Delivering Transformational Leadership that Accelerates Top and Bottom-Line Growth

ARGUS MEDIA, INC, Houston, TX 2015 – 2018

UK-based privately held $1B global leader in commodity price reporting, consulting, conferences, data, and information.

Senior Vice President Marketing | Chief Marketing Officer

Recruited as head marketing executive based on industry reputation, expertise in marketing leadership and prior success in delivering extraordinary revenue growth globally under challenging market circumstances. Tasked with professionalizing marketing organization and developing strategies for achieving aggressive revenue targets in positioning company for acquisition and continued growth.

Recruited, hired, trained and led 22-person marketing team and $2M budget. Defined and executed all-encompassing go-to-market strategy, including content, digital media, infographics, video, advertising, media, PR and sales materials. Overhauled messaging to target key audiences. Drove engagement, brand loyalty, customer acquisition and attrition reduction through omnichannel marketing programs. Led product marketing, conference sales, database marketing, digital, ecommerce and web initiatives. Implemented complete integrated customer ecosystem across eight BUs using marketing automation, dashboard, content management and data cleansing tools.

Contributed marketing-driven revenue of $22.7M.

Increased subscription sales 50%, close rate 58%, leads 38% and ramped retention rate to industry-leading 96%.

Led strategy and launch of upgraded global website, increasing traffic 22%, sales lead volume 29%, organic search ranking 27%, and decreasing bounce rate 19%.

Pioneered ecommerce for the company, growing sales 13% in niche markets.

Revitalized conference sales organization, generating $5.6M annually in revenue across 22 global conferences.

Facilitated successful acquisition by venture capital buyer.

IHS, INC, Houston, TX 2011 – 2015

Fortune 1000 company with $2.8B annual revenue, specializing in information, content, software, and consulting.

Vice President of Marketing (2014 – 2015)

Promoted based on achieving stretch revenue targets through innovative application of digital strategies along with sales alignment. Tasked with leading global marketing reorganization to unify marketing and revenue generating activities and functions through shared service model.

Managed 36-person global team and $4.2M budget. Redefined corporate branding. Focused on sales training emphasizing cross-selling, upselling, and new customer acquisition. Oversaw telesales, ecommerce, marketing automation, product marketing, digital marketing, SEO, social media and marcom. Formulated ROI metrics dashboard to align marketing and sales performance. Consolidated marketing campaigns into Eloqua to integrate marketing across verticals and regions. Expanded global telequalification lead management to increase targeting efficiency and lead scoring.

Optimized call center sales 16% to $5.1M, despite declining market.

Improved leads 26% and incremental sales $1.3M, while eliminating $60K in vendor expenses.

Designed innovative lead management process in EMEA and APAC, delivering 29% increase in sales leads and $10.4M in incremental revenue.

Senior Director, Digital, Web and eCommerce Marketing (2011 – 2013)

Recruited by CEO to build $36M ecommerce channel, reverse declining transaction business, and lead five-year strategy and execution for new B2B subscription-based business.

Managed P&L and 28-person global team conducting digital strategy, execution, ground-up revision of core digital platforms, and monetization. Steered partnerships. Oversaw companywide digital rights management, payment privacy zone and content management system. Integrated demand gen across digital, search, web and channel expansion. Repackaged product. Increased pricing, margins, and cross-selling and upselling.

Boosted leads 12% to ~3,360 per month post-launch, delivering $4.6M+ in incremental revenue.

Generated 2.03% increase in margin, valued well into six figures.

Reduced 27% decline in $29.1M standards transactional business, increasing revenue 8.7%.

Built $36M ecommerce global sales channel.

HEWLETT-PACKARD (Acquired Compaq in 2002), Houston, TX 2002 – 2011

Fortune 15 hardware, software and technology services innovator generating $130B annually.

Senior Director | Chief Digital Product Owner – Corporate Marketing (2011)

Promoted to lead redesign of ill-planned and delayed , a website generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and 132 million unique monthly visitors covering enterprise, personal computer, service and support, imaging and printing products and services.

Realigned project leadership, staff, and functional teams. Drove dynamic content. Managed personalization, metrics, mobile, and social components.

Preserved $40M/month at-risk revenue.

Redirected strategy and recaptured six months of lost time.

Skyrocketed lead generation 13x.

Senior Director, Global Digital Strategy and Corporate Marketing (2008 – 2011)

Hand-selected by CMO to conceive, vision and execute an industry-leading companywide digital strategy.

Led 55-member team focused on digital marketing, messaging, search, social platforms and digital brand identity. Developed mobile platform, content and campaigns.

Delivered $5M+ mobile channel revenue across 9,200 retail sites in HP’s initial foray into mobile business.

Pioneered and rolled out major social platforms, generating $2.6M in yearly revenue.

Developed and executed first consumer help forums, saving $18M in yearly human capital.

Senior Director, Worldwide Media and Marketing (2002 – 2007)

Articulated vision and direction as marketing strategist for core Compaq/HP integration team to position HP as leading global technology brand.

Held P&L oversight for 144-person international media agency and $800M media spend. Negotiated $1.05B in marketing and media contracts.

Reduced supplier base. Defined global media strategy and creative, drove execution and measured performance. Directed marketing team integration and alignment amounting across 92 countries. Instituted groundbreaking partnerships with MTV/Viacom, Time Warner, , and Wikia. Directed global interactive alliances with CNET, MSN, Yahoo! and Google.

Generated double-digit increases in brand awareness, consideration and preference.

Delivered $140M in partnership revenue.

Grew search budgets to $21M across Google, Yahoo! and MSN.

Initiated centralized global media buying, reducing GRP costs $84M/35% annually.

Helped increase HP financial brand value by $1B over two years and drove brand marketing ROI to 1.4X cost.

Lowered fees $55.5M, secured $8.7M in agency refunds, and eliminated $26.2M in duplicative services.


Fortune 100 computer innovator generating $45B annually; major competitor for IBM; acquired by Hewlett-Packard.

Senior Director, Worldwide Direct and Database Marketing (1999 – 2002)

Senior Manager, Global Marketing and CRM (1996 – 1999)

Promoted to lead transformation of global marketing communications. Drove customer retention, cross-sell, upsell, attrition and acquisition campaigns.

Delivered $976M+ organic incremental annual gross revenue.

Innovated company’s first channel, business and consumer customer segmentation strategy/initiatives.

Education and Professional Development

MBA, Marketing, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS

BBA, Finance and Economics, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS

Tuck Online Digital Bridge Marketing Program, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

School of Bank Marketing, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

Career Awards

Internationalist Marketer of the Year – The Internationalist Magazine

LinkedIn Best-in-Class Case Study

Marketer of the Year – BtoB Magazine

Sweet 16 Top Marketing Leader – Media Industry Newsletter

Top 15 Media Mavens – Advertising Age

International Advertiser of the Year – Creative Magazine

Best Media Sponsorship – Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival

1st US client representative included on media Lions jury at Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival

Contributing Author, “Kellogg on Advertising and Media” (Wiley Press)


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