Global History Regents Review Name: Imperialism review ...

Global History Regents Review

Imperialism review questions

Name: _________________________________

To which period does the slogan ¡°The Sun never sets on the British Empire¡± refer?

(1) Middle Ages

(2) Protestant Reformation

(3) Age of Imperialism (4) Glorious Revolution

The result of the Opium War in China was similar to the result of Commodore Perry¡¯s expedition to Japan in that both


(1) increased Western trade and influence in Asia

(2) established European colonies in China and Japan

(3) promoted democratic governments in Asia

(4) increased the economic isolation of China and Japan

According to the information provided by the map, which European nation controlled the Union of South Africa?

(1) Germany (2) Great Britain

(3) France

(4) Italy

The best title for this map would be

(1) European Imperialism

The White Man¡¯s Burden

Take up the White Man¡¯s burden¨C

Send forth the best ye breed¨C

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives¡¯ need;

To wait, in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild¨C

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half-devil and half-child.

¡ª Rudyard Kipling, 1899

(2) African Nationalism

(3) The Growth of Islam (4) Cold War Politics

The message of this poem was used by many Europeans to justify

(1) industrialism

(2) feudalism

(3) imperialism

(4) fascism

One of the most important motives for the European ¡°Scramble for Africa¡± in the late 1800s was that Africa provided a

source of

(1) raw materials used in industry

(2) religious inspiration

(3) free labor for the Americas

(4) technologically innovative practices

The theory of Social Darwinism was sometimes used to justify

(1) the establishment of communist governments in Asia

(2) Latin American revolutions in the early 19th century

(3) the independence movement in India

(4) European imperialism in the late 19th century

Which factor contributed to the success of the Hanseatic League, the Kingdom of Songhai, and the British East India


(1) location in the Middle East

(2) imperialism in Europe

(3) development of trade with other regions

(4) growth of the Ottoman Empire

Which statement best expresses the Western perspective regarding Rudyard Kipling¡¯s ¡°white man¡¯s burden¡±?

(1) Europeans should preserve traditional cultures in Africa and Asia.

(2) Europeans must protect existing African and Asian economies.

(3) Europeans suffered great hardships in exploring new trade routes to Asia.

(4) Europeans had a duty to introduce the benefits of their civilization to non-European peoples.

Which policy is portrayed in this illustration?

(1) nonalignment

(2) laissez-faire capitalism

(3) perestroika

(4) mercantilism

Which slogan best reflects the point of view of Cecil Rhodes as shown in this


(1) ¡°Imperialism is a Glorious Pursuit.¡±

(2) ¡°Embrace African Diversity.¡±

(3) ¡°Unite All Africans.¡±

(4) ¡°Connecting Constantinople to Cairo.¡±

A major argument used to support the building of the Suez and Panama Canals was

that these waterways would

(1) shorten trade routes

(2) strengthen command economies

(3) increase competition for trade

(4) promote the local economy

Which statement would Social Darwinists most likely support?

(1) Universal suffrage is a basic human right.

(2) Political equality strengthens the effectiveness of government.

(3) Stronger groups have the right to rule and control weaker groups.

(4) Public education should be guaranteed to all members of a society.

Which statement about railroad systems in the 19th and early 20th centuries is accurate?

(1) Imperialists rejected the use of railroads in their colonies.

(2) European governments opposed the development of railroads.

(3) Railroads helped promote the factory system and urbanization.

(4) Railroads made transportation of goods less efficient.

Early exploration of Africa by Europeans was hindered by the

(1) lack of natural resources in Africa

(2) alliances between African kingdoms

(3) isolationist policies of European monarchs

(4) many different physical features of Africa

Which region was most affected by decisions made at the Berlin Conference of 1884?

(1) Latin America

(2) South Asia (3) East Asia (4) Africa

A primary reason the Mongols and the British were able to expand their empires through conquest was because of

(1) a knowledge and command of advanced technologies

(2) a rejection of democratic policies and practices

(3) the development of religious and cultural reforms

(4) an extended period of peaceful trade and commerce

Much of which area of the world came under European colonial control in the 19th century?

(1) Japan

(2) Southwest Asia

(3) Africa

(4) Latin America

Which statement best reflects an effect of imperialism in Africa?

(1) Land was distributed equally between social classes.

(2) Territorial divisions were primarily established using tribal boundaries.

(3) Natural resources were exploited for the benefit of European powers.

(4) Timbuktu became the center of great learning.

Which situation was a result of the 1884 Berlin Conference?

(1) Africa was divided without regard to ethnic groups.

(2) Monarchies were restored throughout Europe.

(3) The slave trade with South America was eliminated.

(4) The League of Nations was formed.

A similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that both were

(1) attempts to remove foreign influence

(2) movements to establish communist governments

(3) efforts to restore trade monopolies

(4) struggles to westernize cultures

One similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that both were

(1) religious reform movements

(2) reactions to the opium trade

(3) attempts to end foreign interference

(4) successful revolts against absolute monarchs

The Amritsar Massacre and the Salt March are both associated with the independence movement in

(1) Iraq

(2) India

(3) China

(4) Kenya

What is one reason for Japan¡¯s involvement in the first Sino-Japanese War and the annexation of Korea?

(1) pursuit of imperialistic goals

(2) reaction to foreign invasions

(3) institution of five-year plans

(4) need for a warm-water port

A major goal of both the Sepoy Mutiny and the Boxer Rebellion was to

(1) remove foreign influences

(2) restore parliamentary government

(3) improve access to civil service examinations (4) outlaw caste systems

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan rapidly industrialized. During which period did this change take place?

(1) Heian Court

(2) Song dynasty

(3) Yuan dynasty

(4) Meiji Restoration

Many of the political divisions shown on this map

were directly related to the

(1) Meiji Restoration

(2) Opium Wars

(3) Berlin Conference

(4) Boer War

Which policy is most directly associated with the

terms spheres of influence, extraterritoriality, and


(1) collectivization

(2) containment

(3) isolationism

(4) imperialism

A major goal of both the Sepoy Mutiny in India and

the Boxer Rebellion in China was to

(1) rid their countries of foreigners

(2) expand their respective territories

(3) receive international military support

(4) restore an absolute monarch to the throne

Which action taken by the Meiji government encouraged industrialization in 19th-century Japan?

(1) building a modern transportation system

(2) limiting the number of ports open to foreign trade

(3) forcing families to settle on collective farms (4) establishing a system of trade guilds

Which statement regarding the impact of geography on Japan is most accurate?

(1) Large plains served as invasion routes for conquerors.

(2) Arid deserts and mountains caused isolation from Asia.

(3) Lack of natural resources led to a policy of imperialism.

(4) Close proximity to Africa encouraged extensive trade with Egypt.

Which action did Japanese leaders take directly following the visit of Commodore Perry in 1853?

(1) They attacked the British navy.

(2) They opened more ports to trade.

(3) They increased the power of the shogun.

(4) They allowed the importation of opium into Japan.

The Boxer Rebellion and the work of Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) are most closely associated with the

(1) Long March

(2) Golden Age of China

(3) Cultural Revolution (4) rise of nationalism in China

The Sepoy Rebellion is considered an important event in Indian history because it was one cause of the

(1) independence movement in India

(2) secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan

(3) establishment of French colonies in India

(4) creation of the Mughal Empire by Muslims

What was a direct result of the Opium War in 19th-century China?

(1) Japan gained control of Hong Kong.

(2) Kublai Khan rose to power in China.

(3) Chinese ports were opened for trade with European powers.

(4) Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) fled to Taiwan.

One similarity between the Sepoy Mutiny and the Boxer Rebellion is that they

(1) opposed European imperialism

(2) ended an established dynasty

(3) resulted in the redistribution of land (4) instituted communist governments

Which situation best illustrates the concept of isolationism?

(1) The Spanish government required that gold found in its colonies be brought directly to Spain.

(2) Japan closed its ports to trade with other nations.

(3) France, Germany, Belgium, and Great Britain negotiated to divide various areas of Africa into colonies.

(4) The British ruled much of India through the control of local rulers.

What was a principal reason for the success of European colonialism in Asia in the late 1800s?

(1) Asians respected Europeans as representatives of an advanced civilization.

(2) Europe was able to dominate military and commercial relations with Asia.

(3) Europeans respected Asian laws and customs.

(4) Many Asians adopted European religious practices.

Which action in Japanese history occurred during the Meiji Restoration?

(1) Japan modernized its economy.

(2) Mongols invaded the islands of Japan.

(3) The Japanese government adopted an isolationist policy.

(4) Buddhism became the official religion of Japan.

The British government took control of the Suez Canal and Singapore during the 19th century in order to

(1) sell petroleum to these territories

(2) gain more converts to Christianity

(3) ensure safe passage on strategic waterways (4) transport laborers directly to the Americas

In the years following the Meiji Restoration in Japan and the unification of Germany in the 19th century, both nations


(1) an increase in military production and strengthened military forces

(2) a reduction in tensions with neighboring nations

(3) a restructuring of government that included popularly elected monarchs

(4) a decrease in the reliance on industrialization and trade

Which phrase correctly completes this diagram?

(1) Chinese exports of tea to Europe

(2) Spread of Confucian principles

(3) Failure of the Boxer Rebellion

(4) Expanding power of Mao Zedong


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