Birth Defect Prevention: Global Issues

Birth Defect Prevention: Global Issues

Lorenzo D. Botto, MD

Division of Medical Genetics University of Utah, USA

Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo, MD

International Center on Birth Defects Rome, Italy

International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research ICBDSR

WHO Collaborating Center

WHO, Geneva, 16 January 2012: Hosts, Dr. Mario Merialdi, Dr. JP Pena-Rosas

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42 Members in 38 Countries, and one Centre (ICBD, Rome)



British Columbia



Western Europe

21 Registries 14 Countries Ukraine



Texas California



Costa Rica Colombia

Chile Maule

ECLAMC 10 Countries

WHO 2012 - Global issues in Birth Defect Prevention

Israel Iran

Western Australia Victoria


Japan India

New Zealand

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Key Points

? 65th World Health Assembly Resolution: call to global action for birth defect surveillance, treatment, prevention

? Modifiable risk factors: what can we do now that works?

? Global opportunities: surveillance, training, prevention

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Key Points

? 65th World Health Assembly Resolution: call to global action for birth defect surveillance, treatment, prevention

? Modifiable risk factors: what can we do now that works?

? Global opportunities: surveillance, training, prevention

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65th World Health Assembly Resolution

The call to action: urges Member States ? To raise awareness of the importance of birth defects as

cause of child morbidity and mortality ? To develop and strengthen registration and surveillance

of birth defects ? To strengthen research and studies on etiology, diagnosis

and prevention of major birth defects

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65th World Health Assembly Resolution

The call to action: requests the Director-General ? To promote the collection of data on the global burden

of mortality and morbidity due to birth defects ? To continue to collaborate with the ICBDSR

to improve collection of data on birth defects ? To support Member States in developing national plans

for implementation of effective interventions to prevent and manage birth defects.

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Birth Defects

3% of all births : minimum estimate burden of disease is high : mortality, morbidity, disability, cost and increasing everywhere: also middle/low income countries

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Global Issues in Birth Defects = Gaps and Opportunities

Evaluation : limited/no surveillance programs Prevention : known causes not addressed

Capacity : limited training/expertise

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Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 births) Distribution of causes of deaths (%)

Three congenital conditions account for 25% to 60% of under-5 mortality, and share many risk factors

Congenital conditions: birth defects (malformations, genetic conditions, developmental disabilities of prenatal origin), preterm birth/IUGR, and birth asphyxia





100 40%

80 30%


20% 40





Birth asphyxia Prematurity Birth defects Under-5 mortality rate

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Key Points

? 65th World Health Assembly Resolution: call to global action for birth defect surveillance, treatment, prevention

? Modifiable risk factors: what can we do now that works?

? Global opportunities: surveillance, training, prevention

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