APWA Global Solutions in Public Works

Project Application

The American Public Works Association is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services. APWA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, incorporated in the state of Illinois.

Projects to be considered for a travel/airfare reimbursement under the APWA Global Solutions in Public Works project must be of an educational purpose and clearly define goals that will benefit the public works community. In addition, information learned by the applicant from a project visit must be shared with the public works community.

The maximum reimbursement for travel/airfare is $1,000 per participant. Expenses and receipts must be presented up to the amount to be reimbursed. Expenses above the IAC-approved amount or the maximum of $1,000 (if approved) are the responsibility of the individual, municipality, or company.


Project Title:

Enter a name for your project that best describes the objective of the project:

Project Interest Area:

Which area best describes the subject of your intended project:

□ Emergency Management

□ Engineering & Technology

□ Facilities & Grounds

□ Fleet Services

□ Leadership & Management

□ Solid Waste Management

□ Sustainability

□ Transportation

□ Winter Maintenance

□ Utility & Public Right-of-Way

□ Water Resources Management

□ Other: _________________________________________

Project Summary:

Summarize your project including information on the local problem you are trying to solve:

International Project to be Studied, Name & Location:

Enter information on the international project that you are suggesting to visit and study as a solution.

Please enter name and contact information of site contact:

What are the estimated travel costs for the site visit?

APWA travel policies permit only lowest available coach fares.

Learning Objectives

What are the learning objectives related to this project that would be shared with the public works community.

Communities That Will Benefit from this Education:

How will the project visit, best practices and other information learned benefit your local community?

How will the project visit, best practices and other information learned benefit your local APWA Chapter?

How will the best practices and information learned benefit the public works community at large?

Would there be a possible international application for this information?

Educating the Public Works Community with What You Learn

To be considered, you must share the information learned with the public works community. An individual selected for this program is required to submit an Article for selection to be published in the APWA Reporter magazine.

□ Article for APWA Reporter (This is a requirement)

What additional forums would you use to share this information with the public works community? (you may check more than one)

□ Article posted on APWA website

□ Article for local Chapter newsletter

□ Presentation for local Chapter event

□ Presentation for APWA Congress

Personal Information:

Enter the information for the individual person who will make this visit.

Last Name: First Name: Middle Name:

Title: Company:

Street Address:

City: State/Province: Country:

Postal Code/Zip Code:

Phone (include international code):


Language Proficiencies:

How are the submissions selected?

All submissions will be reviewed and selected by the International Affairs Committee, a committee of public works professionals, who will evaluate your submission as to the educational value of to the public works community. Eligibility and scoring criteria for the program are further delineated in the Criteria.

Submissions that hold relevance and practical application for a local problem or will provide cutting edge solutions to the international community at large will be given preference in providing any funding for travel. Any submissions that are considered for an on-site visit will be considered for the common good of the community/shared-learning projects and the submitter must be prepared to share the education received publicly by submitting an article in the Reporter Magazine and other vehicles to promote best practices and international solutions.

How are the expenses documented and reimbursed?

Payments to individuals or agencies will be made by reimbursement for approved expenses only up to the amount approved by the IAC Committee. The maximum amount to be approved by the IAC and reimbursed is $1,000. Funding of this program is on an annual basis on July 1 and projects are chosen for reimbursements as funds are available.

Travel costs reimbursed under this program are considered APWA business expenses and are therefore subject to APWA travel guidelines. All travel expenses eligible for reimbursement must be documented by original, itemized receipt. First class or business class airfare are not reimbursable expenses. Expenses submitted for reimbursement in excess of the amount authorized by the IAC will not be reimbursed and are the responsibility of the individual.

For APWA Fill In Only:

APWA Member #:

APWA Chapter:

Project Interest Area:

Project Name:



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