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FORUM: The Economic and Social Council ISSUE: Measures to Solve Excessive Unemployment During a Global Crisis MAIN SUBMITTERS: United States of AmericaCO SUBMITTER: Germany, Ethiopia, Denmark, Angola, Syria, Vietnam, Pakistan, Australia, FinlandTHE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL,Deeply concerned that the unemployment rate in September 2020 in the United States is higher than that in February by 4.4 percentage points with an addition of 6.8 million people out of job, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor,Recognizing that all businesses, regardless of size, are facing severe challenges, especially those in the aviation, tourism and hospitality sectors,Bearing in mind that high unemployment results in inefficient use of human resources, while low unemployment rate decreases competition,Noting with concern that the COVID-19 crisis has transformed into an economic and labor market blow, impacting both the production of goods and services and the consumption and investment,Noting that among all industries, tourism and transportation industry were the most affected by COVID-19, with reports showing that the unemployment rate in these industries has increased from 3.4 percent to 13.2 percent by June 2020,Recognizing that unemployment caused by Covid-19 directly affects the tourism and transportation industries the most, which accounts for at least 9% of the global employment market, and that approximately 75 million jobs and 2.1 trillion in revenue have been lost in the tourism industry,?Further noting that many industries are unwilling to go back into business or are not allowed to, because of coronavirus dangers or restrictions from the government, which is causing increasing unemployment rates that in turn leads to less demand in the economy and therefore, greater recession,?Deeply concerned that there is not current resolve among the world’s nations to solve the problems of unemployment at hand, which will surely have an enormous negative impact on the world economy as is evident from the current decline of economies from around the world,?Welcoming the United Nations to cooperate with the International Labor Organization (ILO) to recognize unemployment over the countries and find ways to improve,Urges all nations to provide large-scale support to businesses in order to stimulate labor demand by applying measures including but not limited to:Measures aimed toward all types of businesses:Creating subsidization programs such as but not limited to business continuation subsidy, work compensation subsidy, and suspension subsidy,Extending deadlines for repayment of mortgages,Targeted transfers,Measures targeted at the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to increase their sustainability during COVID-19, such as but not limited to:Establishing loaning programs, Monitoring the implementation of the existing loaning programs, Streamlining the application process and elucidating the eligibility criteria of the existing loaning programs in order to enhance their effectiveness,Providing tax relief, Lowering the minimum wage to ease the financial burden of firms in giving salaries to employees,Measures targeted at the businesses in sectors that are the most vulnerable to the damages created by COVID-19, including but are not limited to the health and tourism sectors, through such means but not limited to:Creating subsidized credit facility,Providing further tax relief, Establishing investment fund,Measures targeted at the female- and minority-owned businesses, especially the MSMEs, as female- and minority-led firms experienced disproportionate impact by COVID-19 through such means but not limited to:Allowing the involvement of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and hyperlocal loaners in distributing the loans and funds, Increasing parental leaves to address the disproportionate amount of domestic responsibilities on females as a result of the closure of schools and quarantine during COVID-19,Limiting big-tech companies, which have the potential for monopoly in the current situation, from acquiring monopoly and encouraging them to improve other sectors of the economy by means such as but not limited to:Restricting big-tech companies from applying policies such as tax reduction and subsidization as they did not encounter as severe economic losses, if any, as other businesses do in the current pandemic,Setting up platforms for E-commerce,Directing internet activity to other MSME websites and platforms for MSMEs business,Encouraging big-tech companies to hire more workers as their businesses sustained or grew during the pandemic;Advises all nations to protect the health of workers in workplaces from the health risks created by COVID-19 by introducing or strengthening the following measures, including but not limited to:Improving workplace safety and health through ways such as but not limited to:Advocating social distancing,Supplying protective equipment, especially for workers and volunteers in the healthcare and other sectors where workers are exposed to frequent contact with people,Promoting education on hygiene procedures through ways such as social media, hotlines, campaigns, posters, etc.,Taking care of the psychological health of the employees through means such as but not limited to:Creating online platforms for mental health consultation, Promoting the mental health framework through cooperating with health administrations and the World Health Organization (WHO),Utilizing appropriate flexible working arrangements to avoid from frequent in-person contact with others through methods of teleworking such as using online communication,Enhancing the public’s access to collectively financed health services regarding to COVID-19 for all of the population including uninsured workers and their families,Expanding access to collectively financed subsidies for:Paid sick leave for workers who are unable to work due to quarantine or illness,Care leave for workers who need to take care of the sick, quarantined, or elderly members of the family,Childcare support for working parents, particularly in regions where schools, nurseries, and daycare facilities are closed;Recommends the Central Bank or other monetary authorities in all nations to make effort to increase the aggregate demand of goods or services in order to reduce demand-deficient unemployment by applying demand side policies such as but not limited to:Cutting interest rates, which decreases the cost of borrowing, thereby encouraging people to spend and invest more,Cutting taxes on commodities or services, which increases real income, thereby promoting consumers’ consumption,Providing subsidies to citizens to increase their purchasing ability;Encourages all nations to help the unemployed with maintaining their basic living and seeking for employment during COVID-19 through the following ways including but not limited to:Establishing pandemic unemployment assistance programs, Creating online skill-training programs to the unemployed in fields such as but not limited to:Digital and technological skills, Client communication,Change management skills,Providing targeted assistance to the unemployed of specific demographic groups that are the most vulnerable to the damages created by COVID-19 such as females, youths, health workers, and racial minorities by collaborating with organizations such as Ellevate Network, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Fairygodboss, and Ellevest to help females coping with unemployment losses;Invites all nations to collaborate with relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and United Nations organizations (UNOs), such as but not restricted to the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), to spread social awareness of the solutions to unemployment on the following aspects, including but not limited to:Ways in which the unemployed may seek for employment,Existing social protection, loaning, and subsidization programs which the public may seek support from, such as:The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in the United States established by the Small Business Administration,The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom,The Health Service Executive in Ireland,Existing local fiscal and monetary policies introduced by the government, the central bank, or other related authorities,Ways to spread awareness during COVID-19 include but are not limited to:Social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.,Online Newspaper,Online campaigns;Endorses the governments of all member nations of the United Nations to have online conferences with relevant NGOs to ensure that they are making considerable efforts in reducing unemployment rate and creating workforces in such ways but not limited to:Meeting every 3 months,Asking governments to consistently report their unemployment rate monthly,Applying consequences if circumstantial evidence has been detected that they have manipulated their data, which will include such as but not limited to:High monetary payment,The intervention of the United Nations in their unemployment data collection; Further encourages all nations to protect employment and income for workers negatively impacted by COVID-19 through the following ways but not limited to:Social protection for informal, casual, seasonal, and migrant workers such as but not limited to:Enhancing access to unemployment benefits,Social assistance,Public employment programs,Employment retention schemes:Short-time work arrangement benefits,Partial unemployment benefits, Temporary payroll tax reduction,Exemptions from social security contributions,Extension of existing entitlements to workers,Paid leave, Training leave;Solemnly affirms member states to remain actively seized of the matter to resolve the issue of excessive unemployment during a global crisis. ................

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