Yvette Cerbone - Social Studies

Ardrey Kell High School


AP United States History

Course Syllabus

The AP U.S. History course is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in U.S. history. Students will develop the skills necessary to interpret historical documents and evaluate various historical perspectives in order to present reasons and evidence clearly. Class will meet every other day (A/B day schedule) for 80 minutes. For students to get the most out of class time they must prepare nightly, making themselves familiar with the assigned reading and vocabulary, as well as completing any written homework assigned. Class time will be structured around a variety of small-group and individual skill based lessons, short lectures, quizzes and multiple choice & essay tests.

In order to foster the practice of history, students will engage in the following historical thinking skills:

|Skill Type |Historical Thinking Skill |

|Chronological Reasoning |Historical Causation |

| |Patterns of Continuity and Change over time |

| |Periodization |

|Comparison and Contextualization |Comparison |

| |Contextualization |

|Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence |Historical Argumentation |

| |Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence |

|Historical Interpretation and Synthesis |Interpretation |

| |Synthesis |

Throughout the course, students will examine the content presented through the thematic lenses. These lenses are as follows:

1. Identity (ID)

2. Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT)

3. Peopling (PEO)

4. Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture (CUL)

5. America in the World (WOR)

6. Environment and Geography: Both Physical and Human (ENV)

7. Politics and Power (POL)

This course is broken down into 9 chronological time periods. These time periods are broken down as follows:

|Period |Date Range |Approximate Percentage of… |

| | |Instructional Time |AP Exam |

|1 |1491-1607 |5% |5% |

|2 |1607-1754 |10% | |

| | | | |

| | | |45% |

|3 |1754-1800 |12% | |

|4 |1800-1848 |10% | |

|5 |1844-1877 |13% | |

|6 |1865-1898 |13% | |

| | | |45% |

|7 |1890-1945 |17% | |

|8 |1945-1980 |15% | |

|9 |1980-Present |5% |5% |

The course and exam provide qualified students in secondary school the equivalent to an introductory college course in U.S. history. The AP U.S. History Exam presumes at least one year of college-level preparation. In order to be successful in a collegiate level course, students must be exposed to and develop the analytical and writing skills needed to pass the AP exam in May of 2015.


According to standards set by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, all Advanced Placement courses are weighted in the following manner; 70% Tests, 15% Quizzes, 15% Student Work


Henretta, James A., Edwards, Rebecca, and Self, Robert. America’s History. 8th ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, Boston, MA, 2014.

Schweikart, Larry and Allen, Michael. A Patriot’s History of The United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror. Penguin Books. Ltd. New York, 2004.

Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States: 1492 - Present. Harper Collins, NY, 2010.

**All other reading material will be provided by the instructor throughout the year, via print or electronic form

Summer Assignment Project Description:

AP US History (APUSH) is a course designed to challenge students in a variety of ways. As part of the APUSH curriculum, students will need to be able to reason chronologically and contextualize historical events. This project has been designed to in an effort to encourage students to be proactive in their approach to the course. This project will compel students to begin learning and studying some of the basic “facts” that will be imperative for student understanding and success in APUSH. There are a total of four activities, comprising of multiple elements, which will be addressed in this project: landmark Supreme Court cases, the Presidents of the United States, the 27 Amendments to the Constitution, and the recognition of essential geographical features.

Project Outcome(s):

• Students will create a quick reference guide which they will use throughout the course

• Students will study and become accustomed to significant facts which will be referenced throughout the course and on the APUSH examination

Curriculum Calendar

Unit I: Pre-Columbia & Early America (1491 -1607) Days 1-3

During this unit, students will focus on pre-Colombian societies on the American Continent and their subsequent downfall and destruction by European Explorers. Additionally, students will examine the religious, economic and social structures of European nations that will become the impetus for exploration, conquest and colonization prior to 1607.

Unit II: Colonial America (1607-1754) Days 4-11

Secondly, students will examine the reasons for European settlement in North America with a concentration on the British colonies beginning with Jamestown. Students will consider the economic and religious impetus of the early colonial period. Class lecture and discussion will examine the comparative development of the New England and the Chesapeake colonies. The second half of this unit will continue to examine the colonial period, but will shift focus to the conflicts between European nations as well as the political upheavals in Britain, and how those ideas and events played themselves out in North America. Students will also reflect upon the changes that were occurring in colonial society in terms of landownership and politics. During this half of the unit, students will study the origins of slavery and economic theory of mercantilism and its practice.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 1, 2, and 3


1. Pueblo

• New France

2. Missionaries

3. Fur trade

4. Black Legend

5. New Netherland

6. English Reformation

7. Treaty of Tordesillas

8. Mound Builders

9. Jamestown

10. Powhatans

11. John Rolfe

12. Indentured Servants

13. Headright system

14. Middle Passage

15. Plymouth Colony

16. Pilgrims

17. Separatists

18. Mayflower Compact

19. “City on a Hill”

20. William Bradford

21. Great “Puritan” Migration

22. Anne Hutchinson

23. Puritans

24. Chesapeake

25. Maryland Act of Toleration

26. Middle Passage

27. William Penn

28. Quakers

29. Restoration Colonies

30. John Locke

31. Thomas Hobbes

32. Mercantilism

33. Navigation Acts

34. House of Burgesses

35. James Oglethorpe

36. Scots-Irish

37. Salutary Neglect

38. Iroquois Confederacy

39. Albany Plan of Union

40. King George’s War (War of Jenkin’s Ear)

41. (King Philip’s) Metacom’s War

42. Stono Rebellion

43. Bacon’s Rebellion

44. Harvard College

45. Half-way covenant

46. The Great Awakening

47. Jonathan Edwards

48. George Whitefield

49. Salem Witch Trials

50. The French and Indian War

51. Proclamation of 1763

52. Pontiac’s Rebellion

53. Paxton Boys

54. John Peter Zenger


Chap.1, Colliding Worlds pp. 6 - 39

Chap. 2, The American Experiment pp. 40 - 75

Chap. 3, The British Atlantic World pp. 80 - 113


❖ “Small Group Activity: Colonial Identity” - Students will create a chart that illustrates the motivations for the founding of the New England, Middle, Chesapeake and Carolina colonies. Students will provide information in regard to religious affiliation, leadership, and economy (ID-1)

❖ Write one paragraph for each question:

1) Discuss the role of religious dissent in the founding of the first New England colonies. (CUL-1)

2) Explain the principal causes of violence and warfare within the colonies during the late seventeenth century. (PEO-4)

3) Why did the economic competition among European nation-states lead to periods of warfare in the colonies from 1697 until 1753? (PEO-4)

4) Explain the connection between the institution of slavery and the building of a commercial empire. (WXT-2)

❖ Jigsaw Activity: Historiography of Slavery (1619 – 1741) –Students will read an assigned article about slavery, preparing 5 points to share with jigsaw groups. Students will conclude the lesson by writing a paragraph that demonstrates how the role of African Americans changed over time from 1619 – 1741. (ID-4)

❖ DBQ (In class) -Using the documents provided & your knowledge of the time period, construct a thesis statement & outline that analyzes how diversity of thought, ethnicity and wealth challenged established authority in colonial America. (ID-4, ID-5)

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/Free Response for Unit 1 & 2 Day 12

Unit III: From Empire to Independence (1754-1800) Days 13 - 21

During the first half of this unit, students will examine the causes & effects of the French and Indian War, especially the changes in British policies that inflamed the colonists and eventually unified its resistance. Students will study the military, political, and diplomatic events of the American Revolution with a concentrated focus on the representative bodies and constitutions of the new republic. Students will consider the relationship between the “American” identity that was forming with the distrust of government power that lay beyond the reaches of local communities and states. In the latter half of this unit, students will evaluate the accomplishments and inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation, and analyze how economic and political changes immediately following the war illustrated the need to reform the new national government and build a strong new national community. Throughout this unit, students will apply their knowledge of the political struggles of the early years of the new republic.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 3 and 4


• Thomas Paine/Common Sense

1. Crisis Papers

2. Sugar Act

3. The Gaspee Affair

4. Currency Act

5. Stamp Act

6. Stamp Act Congress

7. 1st Continental Congress

8. 2nd Continental Congress

9. Olive Branch Petition

10. Townshend Acts

11. John Adams

12. Sons of Liberty

13. Boston Massacre

14. Paul Revere

15. Phyllis Wheatley

16. Thomas Jefferson

17. Boston Tea Party

18. “No taxation w/o representation”

19. Coercive “Intolerable” Acts

20. First/Second Continental Congress

21. Lexington & Concord

22. Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)

23. Loyalists/Tories

24. Saratoga

25. Articles of Confederation

26. Treaty of Alliance 1778

27. Yorktown

28. Treaty of Paris of 1783

29. Haitian Rebellion

30. Alien & Sedition Acts

31. Articles of Confederation

32. Shays’ Rebellion

33. Land Ordinance of 1785

34. Northwest Ordinance

35. Of 1787

36. Annapolis Convention

37. Declaration of Independence

38. Constitutional Convention

39. Bill of Rights

40. Great Compromise

41. National Debt

42. Tecumseh

43. Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

44. Bank of the United States

45. Three-fifths Compromise

46. James Madison

47. Compassionate marriages

48. Republican motherhood

49. Whisky Rebellion

50. George Washington

51. Alexander Hamilton

52. First Party System

53. XYZ Affair

54. Citizen Genet

55. Excise tax

56. Federalists/ Anti-Federalists

57. Federalist Papers

58. Washington’s Farewell Address

59. Tariff

60. Alien & Sedition Acts

61. Impressment

62. Jeffersonian Republicans

63. Bank of the United States

64. Judicial Review

65. Hartford Convention

66. The Election on 1800

67. Marbury vs. Madison

68. Dartmouth College v. Woodward

69. Gibbons v. Ogden

70. McCullough v. Maryland

71. John Marshall

72. Louisiana Purchase

73. Lewis & Clark

74. Loose/strict constructionist

75. The Barbary Pirates

76. Macon’s Bill #2

77. Embargo Act of 1807

78. War Hawks

79. The USS Chesapeake

80. War of 1812

81. The Treaty of Ghent

82. Adams-Onis Treaty


Chap. 4, Growth, Diversity & Conflicts in Colonial Society pp. 114 – 146

Chap. 5, The Problem of Empire pp. 150 -181

Chap. 6, Making War & Republican Gov’ts pp. 182 - 213

Chap. 7, Hammering Out a Federal Republic pp. 214 -247

Degler, Carl & Wood, Gordon, ‘Was the American Revolution a Conservative Movement?’, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on American History. McGraw-Hill, 2001.


❖ Small Group Activity: Graphic Organizer: The Path to Revolution” –Students will identify the causes and effects of the events that led to the American Revolution from 1763 – 1775. (WOR-2)

❖ Outline the changes in British policy toward the colonies from 1750 – 1776 (WOR-2)


“To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?” (ID-4, CUL-1, CUL-2)

❖ Write one paragraph for each question:

1) How were the ideals of American republicanism expressed in the Declaration of Independence? (ID-1)

2) Why was the Battle of Saratoga considered the turning point of the Revolutionary War? (POL-1)

3) How was the Articles of Confederation a great document for beginning a nation during war time, but a terrible document for growing a new nation during peace time? (POL-1)

❖ Small Group Activity: “The Articles of Confederation-The Challenge of Sovereignty” –Students will explain the significance of facts about the AofC and then organize the facts within the categories of Foreign, Domestic, Economic, Political. Each group will then develop a thesis statement concerning why the Aof C failed? (CUL-4)

❖ Response to Zinn: Use your knowledge of the U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights to support your position for or against Zinn’s statement that “when economic interest is seen behind the political clauses of the Constitution ….the document becomes … the work of certain groups trying to maintain their privileges.” (POL-1, POL-2, POL-5)

❖ Graphic Organizer: Evaluate the role of two of the following individuals in promoting American nationalism from 1796 to 1812: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, John Adams (ID-1)

❖ Expanding Maps & Graph reading Skills: Political & economic trends from 1801 – 1815. (ENV-2)

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/Free Response Day 22

Unit IV: America’s Destiny and the Rise of the Common Man (1820 – 1850) Days 23- 30

Students will analyze how territorial and economic expansionism was central to the socio-political debates that arose during the first half of the nineteenth century stemming from the spirit of nationalism that was inspired by the War of 1812. Additionally, this unit will focus on the manner in which the First Industrial Revolution changed the size and social order of America’s pre-industrial cities and towns. Students will examine the way in which the factory system and immigration gave rise to social and religious movements in the first half of the nineteenth century. Additionally students will evaluate the notions of universal manhood suffrage and the emerging reform ideologies of the early 19th century. Students will engage in a variety of small group activities that will shed light on how these issues will drive increasing sectional tensions between the established east and the emerging west as well as the social and political issues that increase the chasm between the North and the South. By the end of the unit student will be well versed in the political battles that defined American politics from the Jacksonian era to the election of 1844.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 3, 4, and 5


1. Nationalism vs. Sectionalism

2. Eli Whitney/cotton gin

3. Interchangeable parts

4. Samuel Slater

5. Lowell girls

6. Robert Fulton

7. Gibbons v. Ogden

8. Samuel F. B. Morse

9. John Deere

10. Cyrus McCormick

11. Hudson River School

12. Transcendentalism

13. Erie Canal

14. National Road

15. Short Staple Cotton

16. The Factory System

17. Monroe Doctrine

18. John C. Calhoun

19. Daniel Webster

20. Henry Clay

21. The “American System”

22. Missouri Compromise

23. Tariffs

24. Transportation Revolution

25. Era of Good Feeling

26. Denmark Vesey

27. Second Great Awakening

28. Charles G. Finney

29. Alexis De Tocqueville/ Democracy in America

30. The Election of 1824

31. Andrew Jackson

32. Democratic Party

33. Martin Van Buren

34. Universal White Male Suffrage

35. Bank War

36. Spoils System

37. Indian Removal

38. Trail of Tears

39. Reform Movements; Abolitionism, Education, Temperance, Women’s Rights

40. Seneca Falls Convention

41. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

42. Lucretia Mott

43. Dorothea Dix

44. American Colonization Society

45. William Lloyd Garrison/ The Liberator

46. Gag Rule

47. Manumission

48. Miscegenation

49. Nullification

50. Utopianism

51. Mormonism

52. Brigham Young

53. Joseph Smith

54. Yeoman Farmer

55. Nat Turner

56. American Party/Know -Nothings


Chap. 8, Creating a Republican Culture pp. 248 - 279

Chap. 9, Transforming the Economy 1820-60 pp. 284 - 313

Chap. 10, A Democratic Revolution, 1820-1844 pp. 314 - 343

Chap. 11, Religion & Reform, pp. 344 – 375

Chap. 12, The South Expands, Slavery & Society, 1800 – 1860 pp. 376 – 405

Chapter 7, “As Long as Grass Grows or Water Runs” from Howard Zinn’s, A People’s History of the United States


❖ Working with documents: “The End of Homespun –The Early Industrial Revolution” –Students will assess primary source documents to evaluate their relative importance in promoting the first Industrial Revolution in the United States. (WXT-2)

❖ “Purifying the Nation” Reformer & Ideologues Luncheon

From a teacher assigned list, students will research a 19th Century antebellum figure who was instrumental in the reform and/or religious movements of the time. Students will come to class dressed as their historical figure with a ‘calling card’ which includes a 1 minute introduction and the figure’s views on the essential question with supporting evidence from primary documents: Defend the position that your figure’s area of reform is the most vital for the purification and preservation of the Union. (ID-2)

❖ Small-group Project: “Coming Together –Nationalism Ascendant” –Students will pull together elements of emerging nationalism (from a teacher assigned list) and interpret its significance as a turning point of national thought & action.

• Each group will design an original political cartoon that illustrates a position on domestic issues or foreign policy during the time period.(WOR-5)

❖ Primary Source Partner Activity –Students will work with a partner to identify one primary source each that explicitly illustrates a major issue during the Jacksonian Era. In class student will construct a 3 to 5 sentence summary of how their primary sources illustrate change over time. (POL-2)

❖ DBQ -“The decision of the Jackson administration to remove the Cherokee Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River in the 1830’s was more a reformulation of the national policy that had been in effect since the 1790’s than a change in policy.” Assess the validity of this generalization with reference to the moral, political, constitutional, and practical concerns that shaped national Indian policy between 1789 and the mid-1830’s. (PEO-4)

❖ Response to Zinn Reading –In an era of rapid territorial expansion and the emergence of reform movements, why do you think Indian Removal did not become an issue in light of how public the U.S. government’s conflict with native peoples was. (1 page) (WOR-5)

❖ Free Response Essay (Take Home)

“Analyze the validity of the statement; Abolitionism differed little from other reform movements in its tactics, but the effects of antislavery activism were politically explosive.” (POL-2)

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/ Free Response Day 31

Unit V: The Civil War Era (1844 -1877) Days 32-40

During this unit students will examine the long term and immediate causes of the American Civil War and its outcomes throughout the Reconstruction era. The first half of the unit will be an in-depth investigation of political debate surrounding socio-economic issues of slavery in antebellum America. The second half of the unit will examine the reasons why political debate was no longer viable in preventing disunion and violent conflict. Additionally, students will look at the limitations of the war and Reconstruction legislation in reshaping race relations in American society.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 5


1. Webster-Ashburton Treaty

2. Oregon Territory

3. Clayton-Bulwar Treaty

4. Oregon Trail

5. Manifest Destiny

6. Davy Crockett

7. Sam Houston

8. Wilmot Proviso

9. Mexican American War

10. Mexican Cession

11. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

12. Gadsden Purchase

13. Antebellum

14. Compromise of 1850

15. Underground Railroad

16. Harriet Beecher Stowe/ Uncle Tom’s

17. Cabin

18. Kansas-Nebraska Act

19. Bleeding Kansas

20. Sumner-Brooks Affair

21. Free Soilers

22. Nativism

23. Dred Scott

24. Fugitive Slave Act

25. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

26. John Brown’s Raid

27. Election of 1860

28. Establishment of the Confederacy

29. Fort Sumter

30. Antietam

31. Gettysburg Address

32. African American soldiers

33. Crittenden Resolution

34. Emancipation Proclamation

35. Total War (Grant & Sherman)

36. Appomattox Court House

37. Andrew Johnson (impeachment)

38. Radical Reconstruction

39. Civil Rights Act of 1866

40. 13th, 14 15th Amendments

41. Crop lien system

42. Buffalo Soldiers

43. 100th Meridian

44. Sioux

45. Plains Indians

46. Battle of Little Big Horn

47. Transcontinental Railroad

48. Homestead Act

49. Morrill Land Grant

50. Sharecropping

51. American Missionary Association

52. Black Codes

53. Ku Klux Klan

54. Seward’s Folly

55. Election of 1876


Chap. 13, Expansion War, and Sectional Crisis pp. 410 – 442

Chap. 14, Two Societies at War pp. 444 - 477

Chap. 15, Reconstruction pp. 478 - 507

Chap. 16, Conquering the Continent pp. 508 - 538


❖ Partner project: The Union in Peril! Students will design a two minute Prezzi and present it to their classmates about a randomly assigned topic relating to the Civil War and its impact on the United States. (ID-2, ID-5, WXT-2, WXT-4, WXT-5, PEO-2, PEO-3, POL-2, POL-6, WOR-3, WOR-5, ENV-3, ENV-4, CUL-2, CUL-3, CUL-5, CUL-6)

❖ Election 1860 & 1864! Students will design a brochure detailing the primary candidates and the party platform for the candidates for the elections of 1860& 1864. Additionally, students will research one political cartoon from the each election and present it to the class (Satire, Audience, Figures, Elements). (POL-2)


“By the 1850’s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created. Using the documents and your knowledge of the period 1850 – 1861, assess the validity of this statement. (POL-5)

❖ Counterfactual History Debate: The South could have won the war if …. vs. The North could not have lost the Civil War. (WOR-5)

❖ Great West Story Book Students will create an illustrated storybook that answers this question: What are the key lessons of the Settlement of the West between 1840 and 1890? Each storybook will have two sections: People who Migrated West and Conflict with Native Americans. The storybook should be written in simple, clear language for an audience of 10-year-olds and should demonstrate a clear understanding of the unit’s major historical issues and legacies, complete with text, illustrations, and artistic adornments—that describes major events of the Settlement of the West and key lessons that people can learn from them. (PEO-5, PEO-3, ENV-2)

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/ Free Response Day 41

✓ Midterm Examination 40 Multiple Choice Questions & 2 Free Response Essays Day 42

Unit VI: Forging an Industrial Society (1869 – 1914) Day 43-48

This unit will look at how the transformation of land west of the Mississippi, the technology explosion of the Second Industrial Revolution, and the massive wave of immigration in the latter quarter of the nineteenth century brought about great social upheaval in America’s cities. Students will examine how politics in the post-Reconstruction era reconfigured the concept of sectionalism in creating a politically adversarial relationship between rural and urban peoples. Additionally, students will examine how progressive reformers in America sought to thwart Social Darwinism, increase political participation in politics, and bring about greater government involvement in regulating business and solving social problems in order to combat the excesses of industrial capitalism and urban growth.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 6 and 7


• Frederick Jackson Turner

1. Grand Army of the Potomac

2. Political Machines

3. Credit Mobilier Scandal

4. Dawes Act

5. Robber Barons; Carnegie, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Gould, Frick, Rockefeller

6. Gospel of Wealth

7. Gilded Age

8. Plessey v. Ferguson

9. Jim Crow

10. Ida B. Wells

11. Chinese Exclusion Act

12. AFL/Samuel Gompers

13. Knights of Labor

14. Homestead Strike

15. Pullman Strike

16. Eugene Debs

17. Helen Hunt Jackson/“A Century of Dishonor

18. Tuskegee/ Booker T. Washington

19. Farmer Alliance

20. William Jennings Bryan

21. W.E.B Dubois

22. Vertical Integration

23. Horizontal Integration

24. Thomas Nast

25. Old immigrants/New immigrants

26. Pendleton Act

27. Antitrust Movement

28. Free Silver

29. Gold Standard Act

30. Panic of 1893

31. Populism

32. Social Darwinism

33. Anti-Saloon League

34. WCTU

35. William James

36. Settlement Houses

37. Jane Addams

38. Socialism

39. Municipal Reform

40. Secret Ballot

41. Women’s Suffrage

42. Robert LaFollette


44. Lochner v NY

45. Theodore Roosevelt

46. John Muir

47. Square Deal

48. Anthracite Coal Strike

49. Clayton Anti-Trust Law

50. 16th & 17th Amendments

51. Federal Reserve System

52. Muckrakers

53. Ida M. Tarbell

54. Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire

55. Theodore Dreiser

56. Upton Sinclair

57. William Howard Taft

58. Ballinger-Pinchot Scandal

59. Bull Moose Party

60. Woodrow Wilson


Chap. 17, Industrial America: Corporations & Conflict, 1877-1911 pp. 544 - 573

Chap. 18, The Victorians Make the Modern, 1880-1917, pp. 574 - 605

Chap. 19, The Rise & Reform of Industrial Cities, 1880-1917, pp. 606 – 635

Chap. 20, Whose Government? Politics, Populists and Progressives, 636 - 664


❖ Write a one paragraph response that explains the change over time in the distribution of the American workforce, 1870 – 1920. (p. 681 txbk) (WXT-5, WXT-6)

❖ Seminar: Three Visions for African Americans Students will read W.E.B Dubois’ Chapter 3 from the Souls of Black Folks (1903), Booker T. Washington’s ‘Atlanta Compromise Speech and E. Watson’s “Marcus Garvey & the Rise of Black Nationalism”. (ID-6, CUL-6)

❖ Take Home Essay

“Analyze the reasons for the emergence of the Populist movement in the late nineteenth century.” (CUL-6)

❖ DBQ “In the post-Civil War U.S., corporations grew significantly in number size and influence. Analyze the impact of big business on the economy and politics, and the responses of Americans to these changes. Confine your answer to the period 1870-1900.” (WXT-5, WXT-6)

Unit VII: America on the Global Stage: Imperialism, The Great War, “Normalcy” and the Foundation of the American Century (1914-1929) Days 49-54

During the course of this unit, students will examine the role that American business played in promoting the imperialist ideals of US foreign policy. Out of the world wide conflict of The Great War, the United States of America emerged as a society with competing interests and ideals. The mass culture market and the expanding role of women were tempered with Prohibition, religious fundamentalism, and anti-immigration sentiment. Students will reconsider the image of the Jazz Age and decade of prosperity that is commonly depicted in literature and film with their examination of the economic decline that began in the agricultural market immediately following WWI and continued to the crash of 1929.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 7


• The Spanish American War

1. “Remember the Maine”

2. Yellow Journalism

3. Joseph Pulitzer

4. William Randolph Hearst

5. The Treaty of Paris

6. Cuba & Puerto Rico

7. Open Door Policy

8. “preventative intervention”

9. General ‘Black Jack’ Pershing

10. Roosevelt Corollary

11. Emilio Aguinaldo

12. Great White Fleet

13. Anti-Imperialism League

14. Panama Canal

15. Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty

16. Boxer Rebellion

17. Russo-Japanese War

18. Spheres of Influence

19. “Yellow peril”

20. Henry Cabot Lodge

21. Big Stick Policy

22. WWI (in Europe)

23. American Neutrality

24. Zimmerman Note

25. Lusitania

26. Sussex/Arabic

27. Food Administration

28. Women & the War

29. Armistice

30. Treaty of Versailles

31. 14 Points

32. League of Nations

33. Red Scare

34. Wobblies

35. Schenck v US

36. American Communist Party

37. Sacco & Vanzetti

38. Volstead Act

39. Irreconcilables

40. Harlem Renaissance

41. Langston Hughes

42. Black Nationalism

43. Marcus Garvey

44. Scottsboro

45. Dawes Act

46. Kellogg – Briand Pact

47. Teapot Dome Scandal

48. Scopes Trial

49. Fundamentalism

50. Agricultural Depression

51. McNary-Haugen Bill

52. Consumerism

53. Henry Ford

54. Scientific Management

55. Margaret Sanger

56. Cultural isolationism

57. Jazz Age

58. Lost Generation

59. F. Scott Fitzgerald

60. Charles Lindberg

61. D.W. Griffith/Birth of a Nation

62. 18th, 19thAmendments

63. Al Smith


Chap. 21, An Emerging World Power, 1877-1918 pp. 672 – 702

Chap. 22, Cultural Conflicts, Bubble & Bust 704 – 732


❖ DBQ –‘It was the strength of the opposition forces of liberal and conservative, rather than ineptitude and stubbornness of President Wilson that led to the Senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles” (WOR-4, WOR-7)

❖ Small Group Activity: “The Long Road to Suffrage” –Students will review the changes over time that eventually led to women’s suffrage and then construct a one paragraph response to an opinion on their assigned period. (ID-7)

❖ Small Group Activity: “Roaring Twenties” –Student groups will create an iMovie to demonstrate their expertise on one of the following areas; politics & gov’t, economics, cultural clashes, diplomacy & foreign affairs, mass culture (WXT-7, POL-6, CUL-6, WOR-7)

❖ Take Home Essay “In what ways did economic conditions and developments in the arts and entertainment help create the reputation of the 1920’s as the Roaring Twenties? (CUL-6, POL-6)

Unit VIII: The Great Depression, the New Deal & War, 1929 – 1949

Days 55-60

Through lecture and class activities, students will analyze to what degree was the New Deal successful in fostering economic recovery and how the role of government in the lives of its citizens changed during the 1930’s. Additionally students will examine how global effects of WWI in Europe and Asia gave rise to the rise of totalitarianism. This unit will begin with the rise of totalitarianism in Europe and Asia in the 1920’s and 1930’s taking a close look at the political and economic systems practiced in these nations compared to that of the US. Students will analyze the causes of WWII as they stemmed from the failures of the Versailles Treaty and the global economic crisis during the decades between the wars. Student will also examine how WWII raised America’s international commitments to new heights, especially in the in the years following 1945.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 7 and 8


• Black Tuesday

1. Buying on margin

2. SEC

3. Glass-Stegall Act

4. Emergency Banking Act of 1933

5. “Bank Holiday”


7. Hundred Days

8. Keynesian Economics

9. “Brain Trust”

10. First New Deal

11. Good Neighbor Policy

12. National Recovery Administration

13. Civil Works Administration

14. WPA

15. Dust Bowl

16. AAA

17. John L. Lewis

18. Smoot-Hawley Tariff

19. Tennessee Valley Authority

20. Frances Perkins

21. Indian Reorganization Act

22. Second New Deal

23. Francis Townsend

24. Social Security Act

25. Huey Long

26. Eleanor Roosevelt


28. Deficit Spending

29. Court-Packing

30. 20th, 21st Amendments

31. Isolationism

32. Totalitarianism

33. Lend-Lease Act

34. Pearl Harbor

35. Japanese Internment

36. Korematsu v US

37. Atlantic Charter

38. “Cash & Carry”

39. Neutrality Act

40. Phony War

41. War in Asia

42. War in Europe

43. Propaganda

44. War time economy

45. Teheran Conference

46. Casablanca Conference

47. D-Day Invasion

48. Dumbarton Oaks Conference

49. Yalta Conference

50. San Francisco Conference

51. United Nations

52. Atomic Bomb

53. The Holocaust

54. Nuremberg Trials

55. Bretton Woods Conference

56. Marshall Plan

57. Berlin Airlift

58. Truman Doctrine

59. Containment

60. George Kennan

61. NATO

62. Warsaw Pac


Chap. 23, Managing the Great Depression & Forging a New Deal pp. 734 - 765

Chap. 24, The World at War pp. 767 - 799

Chap. 25, Cold War America pp. 804 - 818


❖ “Causes of the Depression” –Students will rank 11 recognized causes of the Great Depression from strongest factor to weakest and then construct a thesis statement that demonstrates how the three most important causes are related. (WXT-6, WXT-7, WXT-8)

❖ Analyzing Documents –Students will analyze documents in order to develop a thesis statement and outline an argument that answers, “Franklin Roosevelt is commonly thought of as a liberal and President Hoover as a conservative. To what extent are these characterizations valid?” (POL-4, POL-6)

❖ DBQ -“Analyze the responses of Franklin Roosevelt’s administration to the problems of the Great Depression. How effective were these responses? How did they change the role of the federal government? Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 1929 – 1941 to construct your essay.” (POL-4)

❖ Small Group Activity: “Axis Partners-Clouds of War” –Students will examine FDR’s 1937 “Quarantine Speech” in relationship to another specific international event from 1937 – 1941. Students will work on the skills of recognizing cause and effect relationships and assessing the validity of the following hypothesis: “President Roosevelt’s Quarantine Speech was not a prescribed course of action but a sounding board to elicit public opinion on U.S. intervention in world conflicts.” (WOR-7)

❖ Working with Primary Sources: Students will analyze & evaluate the thinking that led to Japanese-American internment policies after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941. (PEO-6)

❖ Small Group Activity: WWII Conferences –(Part I) Students will answer guided questions based on summaries from international conferences and agreements from 1941-1945 in order to form generalizations about causes of the Cold War. (part II) Student groups will debate one another from the position of the Soviet Union or the other European Allies. (Part III) Students will construct a thesis statement assessing the extent to which roots of the Cold War may be found in agreement made at Allied wartime conferences. (WOR-7)

❖ Take Home Essay

“Analyze the influence of two of the following in American-Soviet relations in the decade following WWII.” (WOR-7, WOR-8)

• Yalta Conference

• Communist Revolution in China

• McCarthyism

• Korean War

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/ Free Response Unit 7 & 8 Day 61

Unit IX: Making Modern America (1945 – 1974) Days 62-68

During this unit, students will look at how the threat of the spread of communism drove foreign & domestic policy of the United States in the years following WWII. The “American dream” that became more attainable for many in the 1950’s and 1960’s was the antithesis of the Communist threat posed by the other super power –the Soviet Union. Lecture and class activities will analyze how increased defense spending and military containment that was once deemed vital for the continued existence of our democratic society would within two decades give way to great divisions in American society.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

❖ Period 8


1. Mao Zedong

2. Cold War

3. Korean War

4. GI Bill

5. McCarthyism


7. Alger Hiss

8. Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

9. CIA

10. “Fair Deal”

11. Levittown

12. Employment Act of 1946

13. Baby Boom

14. Benjamin Spock

15. Hungarian Uprising

16. Election of 1948

17. Dixiecrats

18. Checkers Speech

19. Jim Crow

20. Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

21. Greensboro Sit-ins

22. Montgomery Bus Boycott

23. Rosa Parks

24. Civil Rights Act of 1957


26. Federal Highway Act of 1956

27. Urban Renewal

28. Rock n’Roll

29. Beat Generation

30. Southern Renaissance

31. Battle of Dien Bien Phu

32. Suez Crisis

33. OPEC

34. Sputnik

35. Presidential Election of 1960

36. John F. Kennedy

37. Nikita Khrushchev

38. Lee Harvey Oswald

39. Warren Commission

40. Congress on Racial Equality (CORE)

41. Barry Goldwater

42. Economic Opportunity Act

43. Vietnamization

44. Laos

45. Cambodia

46. Fidel Castro

47. Bay of Pigs

48. Cuban Missile Crisis

49. Ho Chi Minh

50. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

51. Tet Offensive

52. Fall of Saigon

53. Lyndon Johnson

54. Great Society

55. War on Poverty

56. Voting Rights Act of 1964

57. Miranda vs. Arizona

58. Gideon v Wainwright

59. George Wallace

60. Richard Nixon

61. Nixon Doctrine

62. Henry Kissinger

63. Black Panthers

64. Malcolm X

65. Martin Luther King, Jr.

66. Birmingham, Alabama

67. Civil Rights Act of 1964

68. Stokely Carmichael

69. SNCC

70. Affirmative Action

71. Stonewall Riots

72. Bakke v Board of Regents

73. Kent State Riots

74. Watergate

75. Ralph Nader

76. Rachel Carson/Silent Spring

77. EPA

78. Clean Air Act

79. Stagflation

80. Economic Opportunity Act

81. Michael Harrington


Chap. 25, Cold War America pp. 818 – 835

Chap. 26, Triumph of the Middle Class, 1945-1963 pp. 838 - 866

Chap. 27, Walking into Freedom Land: The Civil Rights Movement pp. 868 - 900

Chap. 28, Liberal Crisis & Conservative Rebirth, 1961 – 1972 pp. 902 - 935


❖ Constructing a Graphic Organizer: “Categorizing the Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of the Vietnam War” (CUL-7, WOR-7, POL-6)

❖ DBQ (In Class) Analyze the changes that occurred during the 1960’s in the goals, strategies, and support of the movement for African-American civil rights. Use the documents and your knowledge of the history of the 1960’s to construct your response.” (ID-8, POL-7)

❖ Take Home Essay

“Compare and contrast United States society in the 1920’s and 1950’s with respect to two of the following: (ID-5, ID-7, WXT-7, POL-6, POL-7)

• race relations

• consumerism

• role of women

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/ Free Response Day 69

Units X: US Domestic Agenda & Foreign Policy, from Nixon - Obama

Days 70 -74

In this final unit of the year, students will examine the foundation for the civil rights struggle that was laid with the participation of African-Americans in WWII both militarily and domestically. During a time when US foreign policy was directed towards battling communism, it became increasingly clear that many Americans were still disenfranchised from “democratic” society. Students will also analyze the role that the “baby boom” generation played in shaping domestic issues since the 1960’s, and the origins of the growing mistrust and lack of confidence in government in the latter half of the twentieth century.

College Board Period(s) Encompassed:

• Period 9


1. Roe v. Wade

2. Betty Friedan/ The Feminine Mystique

3. NOW

4. Gloria Steinem

5. Phyllis Schlafly

6. ERA

7. Malaise

8. Three Mile Island


10. Washington Outsiders

11. Jimmy Carter

12. Iranian hostage crisis

13. Ronald Reagan

14. Reagan Democrats

15. Reagan coalition

16. Moral majority

17. Gerry Falwell

18. SCLC

19. Reaganomics

20. Economic Recovery Tax Act

21. National debt

22. deregulation

23. Mikhail Gorbachev

24. Glasnost

25. perestroika

26. Sandinistas

27. Contras

28. Iran-Contra Affair

29. “family values”

30. Persian Gulf War of 1991

31. Al Qaeda

32. WTO


34. Contract with America

35. Defense of Marriage Act


37. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act

38. Tea Party


Chap. 29, The Search for Order in an Era of Limits pp. 937 - 966

Chap. 30, Conservative America in Ascent pp. 972 - 1000

Chap. 31, Confronting Global and National Dilemmas pp. 1002 - 1034


❖ Respond to Chap. 21 “Carter-Reagan: The Bipartisan Consensus” from Howard Zinn’s, A People’s History of the United States: 1492 – Present. “ What does Zinn mean when he describes Presidents Carter and Reagan’s administrations as “remain[ing] within the historic political boundaries of the American system.” (1 page) (POL-6, POL-7, WOR-8, CUL-7)

✓ Multiple Choice Test w/ Free Response Day 75

Practice Exam (after school hours) TBD

Course Review Days 76 - 77

AP US History Exam May 8, 2015


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