Name: Date:

Cell Biology Review

Directions: With a partner (one or two only, please), go through the different “stations” to review the SEVERAL concepts we covered this unit. I expect you to be focusing with your full attention during this review. If you show me that you cannot handle reviewing with your partner, I may change your partner pairing or ask you to complete an alternative assignment.

After you complete one “station” raise your hand. I will come around with a stamp/sticker. I’ll give you a stamp/sticker for each station completed. At the end of the review time, if you have all stamps/stickers at the end of the session, you will receive 2 wolfies. If you have 4 stations, you’ll receive 1 Wolfie.

*If you accidently close any of the windows, you can go to mslinscience. and click the link back to the station you were at.

If you finish at a station and have not finished a different station, then stay at your station and do the writing work that you did not do.

|*Station 1: Macromolecules + Enzymes |

A. Play this jeopardy at your table. You can play on separate teams. Who won? _________________________________

B. Enzymes- follow the directions below.

Make a graph showing an enzyme with the following conditions.

|pH |Relative Rate |

|1 |0.2 |

|3 |0.4 |

|5 |0.6 |

|7 |0.9 |

|9 |0.5 |

|11 |0.1 |

|13 |0.0 |

|14 |0.0 |

What is it’s optimal conditions? _______________

Now, look at your graph and describe where…

a. The enzyme is denatured: __________________________________________________

b. What could I do to pH, temperature, etc. that would NOT affect the reaction rate? List them below:

i. ________________________________________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________________________________________

c. If I have this enzyme mixed with protein X at a pH of 11, what can I do to increase the reaction rate? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

|*Station 2: Focusing the Microscope Practical + Cell Types |

A. Go to and complete the focusing practical.

B. Describe prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

C. Out of the following, determine which ones are prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses.

a. A scientist was walking through a cave in Tanzania and scratched her arm. After a week of feeling kind of sick, she spiked a fever and continued to get sicker and sicker. After another week, she started to vomit blood and eventually developed sores all over her body. After she died, they did an autopsy and discovered her organs had all liquefied. When they finally found the molecular culprit, they realized that it only contained DNA. It had no protein making machinery, thus it attacked other cells to reproduce. What type of cell is it? _____________

b. Juli was walking around school setting up for Healthy Living at Thanksgiving (You should all go! Friday, November 22 at 5:30). She found an unidentifiable substance and showed it to Tuan. Just like the rest of the class, they think like scientists, so they decided to look at it underneath the microscope. Together, they focused the slide, using care to make sure not to crush the slide. They found cells with clusters of green organelles inside. The nucleic acid was found inside a membrane bound organelle. Surrounding the cell was a thicker surrounding that did not seem to expand or contract even when substances like salt water would normally contract them. What type of cell is this? ___________________________________

c. Monday, in class, Evelyn wasn’t feeling well. She started to cough and forgot to cough into her elbow corner. Indira, who sits nearby, felt some saliva particles fly onto her face. EWWW! She wiped them off. Evelyn wasn’t in class the next day, and Indira had heard rumors of her being sick, but she thought nothing of it. In Indira’s next class, she sat down next to Fernado. Over the next couple of days, she started to feel worse and worse. On Friday, Indira coughed on Fernando. EW! Fernado started to feel sick over the next couple of days. When Indira went to the doctor, she got her throat swabbed and the doctor placed it onto a petri dish. The doctor found that the cells that were in her body contained a cell wall. There were no membrane-bound organelles though. What type of cell is this? ______________________________

D. Write at least 3 story problems describing prokaryotic/eukaryotic/virus cells.

a. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E. This is a picture of an influenza virus. Label the capsid and the nucleic acid. What macromolecule is the capsid composed of?

|*Station 3: Cell Organelles, Cell Membranes, Types of Solutions |

A. Cells: Complete the online quizzes at the following websites.

Go to (slightly easier)

Or (a little harder)

# correct: ________/ 10 or 14; I should study: ______________________________________________

B. Cell Membranes + Cell Transport

Use this website to review the cell membrane and transport.

a. What does the cell membrane look like?

b. What type of transport does not require energy?

c. What type of transport requires energy?

d. Explain the role of protein in transport.

C. Types of Solution

a. Go to

b. Draw and explain why water flows in the direction it does in each type of solution.

|Station 4: Photosynthesis |

A. Draw the picture of the chloroplast that you see and then label the following parts: thylakoid, stroma, grana, inner membrane, outer membrane.

(1) Where do the light reactions of photosynthesis take place?

(2) Where do the dark reactions of photosynthesis take place?

(3) Why is the chloroplast green?

B. Use the words below, and write the equation for photosynthesis. Write it down:

• Oxygen

• Carbon Dioxide

• Light

• Glucose (C6H12O6)

• Water

Separate the molecules that are needed for the light and dark reactions. Write them down in the table below and label them as either a reactant or product.

|Light Dependant |Light Independent |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

C. Light/Light-Independent Reaction

Imagine you are a big oak tree. Explain the process of photosynthesis as if you live inside the thylakoid. (Like the magic school bus- shrunk down to the size so that you could fit into the membrane).


D. *Bonus: Big Mac and The Tree

What do a McDonalds Big Mac and a tree have in common? Discuss this topic with your group? Synthesize your thoughts and write three full sentences with your answer:

|Station 5: Cellular Respiration |

You have options for this portion.

Pick at least one of the following.

Option 1: Review. Watch one of the following videos on cellular respiration:

• (Khan Academy Overview) If you + your group have questions about a specific portion (Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, or ETC, there are some Khan Academy videos for those as well)

Take notes from the video:

Summarize your learning below:

Option 2: Answer the following questions.

Label the following diagrams.

What process is this showing? ____________________________________________________

What process is this showing? _____________________________________________________________

1. The end product of glycolysis is:


b. Acetyl- CoA

c. Lactate

d. Pyruvate

2. The final output of the Krebs Cycle includes all of the following except:


b. FADH2

c. ATP

d. CO2

3. NADH is produced during:

a. Glycolysis

b. The Krebs Cycle

c. Electron Transport Chain

d. A & B only

e. All of the above

4. The light-dependent reactions take place in the membranes of small sacs called:

a. Thylakoids

b. Grana

c. Photosystems

d. Photons

5. During what stage of photosynthesis is oxygen produced?

a. The light dependent reactions

b. Carbon fixation

c. Krebs Cycle

d. 02 is not produced in photosynthesis

6. What molecule is produced by the end of the Calvin Cycle?


b. CO2

c. ATP

d. H20

e. Glucose

7. The oxygen that is released as O2 during photosynthesis came from molecules.

a. Carbon dioxide

b. Water

c. Glucose

d. Chlorophyll

e. ATP

8. The conversion of CO2 into glucose is also called:

a. Electron transport

b. Light dependent reactions

c. Carbon fixation

d. None of the above

9. In what ways are photosynthesis and cellular respiration the opposite of one another?

10. What are 2 differences between the electron transport chain in photosynthesis (light reaction) and cellular respiration?

11. Explain why we need to breathe in oxygen:

12. If humans don’t have oxygen, how much ATP would we produce? Would all parts of cellular respiration break down?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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