


JUNE 12 – 13th. 2018

April 20th. 2018

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Buckingham Palace.

London. England. U.K.

May it please Your Majesty.

I am directed to, and it is my most pleasant duty, to present and convey to you the following message for and on behalf of the Officers and Members of the Loyal Orange Association of Canada.

In this special year as your Majesty celebrates a 92nd. Birthday and continues in your glorious reign, the officers and members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, who will meet in Fredericton New Brunswick Canada for their 18oth. Biennial sessions present their humble duty and do here state their firm expression of Loyalty and continued support to your Majesty, the Monarchy and the Crown.

As you continue in your Reign, as a shining example to the values of Honour, Duty, Commitment and Dedication, it is our sincere Prayer, that Almighty God’s divine providence will spare Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Phillip, and members of The Royal Family for many years to come.

For M.W. Brother G.W. Budden Grand Master & Sovereign, Officers and Members of The Loyal Orange Association of Canada.

I am and remain, your humble and obedient servant.

M.W. Brother John D. Chalmers

Grand Secretary of Canada.



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Donald Wilson

Grand Master of The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

& Sovereign of The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Canada.

Elected Fredericton New Brunswick, June 13th. 2018

Deputy Grand Master Canada 2014 - 2018

Past Provincial Grand Master GOL of Quebec

Past Master LOL 55 Huntly.

Treasurer Orange & Protestant Children’s Foundation

Member of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Fort Coulonge, Quebec



Ogle R. Gowan……………………………………………………………………………….…. 1830 -1846

George Benjamin…………………………………………………………………………………1846 -1853

Ogle R. Gowan…………………………………………………………………………………………. 1853

George Whitehead………………………………………….……………………………………………1854

Ogle R. Gowan………………………………………………………………………………………...…1854

John Flanagan……………………………………………………………………………………………1855

Ogle R. Gowan…………………………………………………………………………………………...1855

George L. Allen…………………………………………………………………………………...1856 -1859

Hon. J. H. Cameron………………………………………………………………………….…. 1859 -1870

Sir Mackenzie Bowell…………………………………………………………………………….1870 -1878

Henry Merrick……………………………………………………………………………………. 1878 -1884

W. Parkhill…………………… …………………….…………………………………………....1884 -1887

Hon. N. Clarke Wallace……………………………………….………………………………....1887 -1902

Hon. Dr. T.S. Sproule……… …………………….…………………………………………….1902 -1911

His Honour Judge J.H. Scott……………………….…………………………………………...1911 -1914

Dr D.D. Ellis……………………………………………………………………………………….1914 -1918

Hon. H.C. Hocken…………… …………………….……………………………………………1918 -1922

Hon. W.D. McPherson, K.C… …………………….. …………………………………….… 1922 -1924

Hon. Dr. J. Edwards………… …………………….. …………………………………….…...1924 -1928

John Easton………………… ………………………………………………………………….1928 -1930

Lt. Col. Hon T. Ashmore Kidd. ……………………. ………………………………………….1930 -1933

J. S. Tait. O.B.E. K.C……… ………………………………… ……………………………...1933 -1937

Rt. Hon. Sir R. Squires. P.C. K.C.M.G. K.C……………….............................................1937 -1940

Lt. Col. Hon. T. Ashmore Kidd………………………………………………………………….1940 -1947

R. Hardy Small. M.P………………………………………………………………………….......1947-1951

J.E. Claney……………………………………………………………………………………......1951 -1954

Rev. Cannon W.C. V. Martin B. Th……………….…………………………………………...1954 -1957

Leslie H. Saunders……………………………………………………………………………....1957 -1960

Rev. Cannon H.E. Ashmore…………………………………………………………………….1960 -1962

George Warren…………………………………………………..............................................1962 -1965

C.W. Smith……………………………………………………….............................................1965 -1969

Rev. Dr. C.S. Moffatt…………………………………………………………………………….1969 -1974

T.R. Reside………………………………………………………. ……………………………...1974 -1978

Jackie D. Phillips……………………………………………………………………………........1978 -1981

Harold Stubbs………………………………………... ……………………………………….…1981 -1984

John Crane………………………………………………………………………………………. 1984 -1987

Eldon Brownlee………………………………………………………………………………......1987 -1990

Dr. H. Ovas Wagg……………………………………. ………………………………………....1990 -1993

Dominic DiStasi………………………………………. ………………………………………....1993 -1996

Gerald Budden……………………………………….…………………………………………. 1996 -1999

David Griffin……………………………………………………………………………………… 1999 -2002

William Johnston………………………………………………………………………………… 2002 -2006

Harry Thompson………………………………………………………………………………… 2006 -2010

Roy Dawe...........................................................................................................................2010- 2014

Gerald Budden...................................................................................................................2014- 2018

Donald Wilson....................................................................................................................2018-


Due to members serving in the armed forces Grand Lodge did not meet

In the years 1941, 43, 44, 45.

1830 -1843 Brockville Tor. 1844 Hamilton. Ont.

1846 Toronto. Ont.

1847 Cobourg. Ont.

1848 Toronto. Ont.

1849 Toronto. Ont.

1850 Hamilton. Ont

1851 Drummondville. Que.

1852 Port Hope. Ont.

1853 Kingston. Ont.

1854 Brantford. Ont

1855. Toronto. Ont.

1856. Brockville. Ont.

1857. Quebec. Que.

1858. London. Ont.

1859. Hamilton. Ont.

1860. Ottawa. Ont.

1861. Kingston. Ont..

1862. Montreal. Que.

1863. Belleville. Ont.

1864. St. Catherines. Ont.

1865. Goderich. Ont.

1866. Brockville. Ont.

1867. Ottawa. Ont.

1868. Halifax. N.S>

1869. Toronto. Ont.

1870. Kingston. Ont.

1871. Hamilton. Ont.

1872. Montreal. Que.

1873. Belleville. Ont.

1874. St. Catherines. Ont.

1875. Sarnia. Ont..

1876. Cobourg. Ont.

1877. Ottawa. Ont.

1878. Saint John. N.B.

1879. Ottawa. Ont.

1880. Toronto. Ont.

1881. Port Hope. Ont.

1882. Sherbrooke. Que.

1883. St. Catherines. Ont.

1884. London. Ont.

1885. Cornwall. Ont.

1886. Toronto. Ont.

1887. Belleville. Ont.

1888. Winnipeg. M.B.

1889. Goderich. Ont.

1890. Saint John. N.B.

1891. Kingston. Ont.

1892. Montreal. Que.

1893. Sault Ste. Marie. Ont.

1894. Lindsay. Ont.

1895. Halifax. N.S.

1896. Collingwood. Ont.

1897. Windsor. Ont.

1898. Toronto. Ont.

1899. London. Ont.

1900. Toronto. Ont.

1901. Niagara Falls. Ont.

1902. Winnipeg. M.B.

1903. Picton. Ont.

1904. Owen Sound. Ont.

1905. Toronto. Ont.

1906. Vancouver. B.C.

1907. Midland. Ont.

1908. Peterborough. Ont.

1909. Brantford. Ont.

1910. Winnipeg. M.B.

1911. Fredericton. N.B.

1912. St. John’s. N.L.

1913. Regina. S.K.

1914. Winnipeg. M.B.

1915. Toronto. Ont.


1917. Charlottetown. P.E.I.

1918. Ottawa. Ont.

1919. Calgary. A.B.

1920. Toronto. Ont.

1921. Kingston. Ont.

1922. Winnipeg. M.B.

1923. Sault Ste. Marie. Ont.

1924. Vancouver. B.C.

1925. Ottawa. Ont.

1926. Saint John. N.B.

1927. Edmonton. A.B.

1928. Montreal. Que.

1929. Brockville. Ont.

1930. Hamilton. Ont.

1931. Montreal. Que.

1932. Regina. S.K.

1933. Halifax. N.S.

1934. St. John’s. N.L.

1935. Charlottetown. P.E.I.

1936. Ottawa. Ont.

1937. Fort William. Ont.

1938. Winnipeg. M.B.

1939. Vancouver. B.C.

1942 Toronto. Ont.

1946 Winnipeg. M.B.

1947 Niagara Falls. Ont.

1948 Hamilton. Ont.

1949 Montreal. Que.

1950 St. John’s. N.L.

1951 Fredericton. N.B.

1952 Montreal. Que.

1953 Charlottetown. P.E.I.

1954 Saskatoon. S.K.

1955 Ottawa. Ont.

1956 Winnipeg. M.B.

1958 Montreal. Que.

1959 Edmonton. A.B.

1960 Toronto. Ont.

1961 Brockville. Ont.

1962 Halifax. N.S.

1963 St. John’s. N.L.

1964 Regina. S.K.

1965 Niagara Falls. Ont.

1966 Winnipeg. M.B.

1967 Moncton. N.B.

1968 Vancouver. B.C.

1969 Ottawa. Ont.

1970 Winnipeg. M.B.

1971 Fredericton. N.B.

1972 Calgary. A.B.

1973 Montreal. Que.

1974 Niagara Falls. Ont.

1975 Winnipeg. M.B.

1976 St. John’s. N.L.

1977 Vancouver. B.C.

1978 Ottawa. Ont.

1979 Halifax. N.S

1980 Regina. S.K.

1981 Toronto. Ont.

1982 Winnipeg. M.B.

1983 Moncton. N.B.

1984 Ottawa. Ont.

1985 Edmonton. A.B.

1986 St. John’s. N.L.

1987 Toronto. Ont.

1988 Vancouver. Rich. B.C.

1989 Quebec City. Que.

1990 Halifax. N.S.

1991 Winnipeg. M.B.

1992 Ottawa. Ont.

1993 Regina. S.K.

1994. Saint John. N.B.

1995. Toronto. Ont.

1996. Edmonton. A.B.

1997. St. John’s. N.L.

1998. Vancouver. Rich. B.C.

1999. Hull. Que.

2000. Charlottetown. P.E.I.

2002 Winnipeg. M.B.

2004. Fredericton. N.B.

2006 Fredericton. N.B.

2008 Toronto. Ont.

2010 St. John’s. NL

2012 Fredericton N.B.

2014 Fredericton N.B.

2016 St John’s. NL

2018 Fredericton N.B.

2020 Fredericton N.B.

1898 Ottawa. Ont. 1957 Vancouver B.C.

Lest We Forget

On Sunday June 10th. 2018 members and friends of the Orange family of Canada, assembled in The Fredericton Inn Fredericton N.B. for a Divine Service of Praise. All national leaders participated in the service, which included remembrance of members who have passed from among us.

The service was held under the direction of Rev. Bob Jones of St. Paul’s United Church in Fredericton who reminded us of our faith, what it means, and the importance of applying it to our lodges and our daily lives. MW Bro. Ralph Roberts Past Grand Chaplain of Canada brought the gift of music to the service.


OFFICERS FOR 2018-2020

M.W. Grand Master & Sovereign

Donald Wilson......................................................................137 Ch. deLaPasse. Mansfield. PQ J0X 1R0

Immediate Past Grand Master

Gerald Budden....................................................77 Commerfords Rd. Conception Bay S. NL A1W 5S7

M.W. Deputy Grand Master

Robert Smith…………………………………………. 18 DeForest Rd. Waterford New Brunswick E4E 4W8

M.W. Grand Chaplain

Daniel MacDonald…………………………………………………….1903 Avalon St. London. ON N5W 3G9

M.W. Grand Secretary

John D. Chalmers…………………………………..……...94 Sheppard Ave. West. Toronto ON M2N-1M5

M.W. Grand Treasurer

Roy Dawe…………………………………………………….…..........….P.O. Box 89. Cupids. NL A0A 2B0

M.W. Grand Lecturer

Rick Heatherington………………………………………….35 Castleridge Way N.E. Calgary. AB. T3J 1P8

M.W. Grand Marshal

James Pyke..............................................................................34 Waverly Rd. Bowmanville. ON L1C 1L1

M.W. Deputy Grand Chaplains (as per Provincial Returns).

Harrold W. Dawe……………………………………………………………… Clarkes Beach NL A0A 1W0

Herbert Reid………………………………………………………………………………C.B.S. NL A1X 7N5

John Yarrow............................................................................................................Moncton. NB E1E 3T5

Gerald Stewart………………………………………………………………. Carroll’s Crossing NB. E9C 2E5

Rev. C.K.S. Lucas..............................................................................................Cannington. ON L0E-1C0

M.W. Deputy Grand Lecturers (as per Provincial Returns)

Gordon Morgan……………………………………………………………………………. C.B.S. NL A1X 6S5

Arnold Davidson…………………………………………………………..................Currieburg. NB E2V 3W2

Gordon Read………………………………………………………………….…….….Omemee. ON K0L 2W0


Gerald W. Budden Grand Master…………………………………………………. Conception Bay South. .NL

Don Wilson. Dep. Grand Master……………………………………................……….………. Mansfield. PQ

John D. Chalmers, Grand Secretary ………………….. ……………………………………...……Toronto. ON

Roy Dawe Grand Treasurer….………………………………………….......................................…Cupids. NL

Allan Borden, Grand Chaplain…….…………………………………...……………………….…...Moncton. NB

James Pyke. Grand Marshal…..........................................................................Bowmanville. ON L1C 1L1

Norman Nelson. Grand Lecturer.................................................................................New Westminster BC

Arnold Davidson Dep. Grand Lecturer (NB)..........................................................................Woodlands NB


William Johnston, .....................………………………………………………………..........Medicine Hat. AB

Gerald W. Budden…………………………………………………………....…......Conception Bay South. NL

Roy Dawe…………………………………………………….…..........………………..P.O. Box 89. Cupids. NL


Art Duncan. Past Deputy Grand Treasurer Canada……………………………………….……Brockville ON

Richard Lowrey. Past Deputy Grand secretary Canada..................................................Bowmanville. ON

David Lajeunesse Past Grand Chaplain Canada…………………………………………………. Cobden ON

Ralph Roberts Past Grand Chaplain Canada………………………………………………………...Cupids NL


Sir Knight Edgar Carman MW Grand Master Grand Black Chapter of B.A……........................Coburg ON


Western Canada

Sean Allen, Prov. Grand Master………………………………………….....................................Winnipeg MB

Richard Heatherington, Prov. Grand Secretary..........................................................................Calgary AB

Ontario West

Mark Aiken Prov. Grand Master ……………………………………………………….…... Wasaga Beach ON

Ian Gillespie Dep. Grand master…………………………………………………………....…... Etobicoke ON

Michael Thomas Grand Secretary…………………………………………………………………....Toronto ON

Donald Guy Prov. Grand Treasurer……………………………………………….………….….... Oshawa ON

Gerry Darroch. Prov. Past Grand Master……………………………………………….……………. Ajax ON

Stanley Gilpin. Prov. Past Grand Master...........................................................................Bobcaygeon ON

Daniel MacDonald Prov.Past Grand Treasurer.........................................................................London. ON

Ontario East

Richard Lowery Prov. Grand Master………………………………………………................ Bowmanville ON

Calvin Yeo. Prov. Dep. Grand Secretary................................................................................Hampton.ON

Edgar Carman, Prov. Past Grand Master………………………………………………………. Cobourg. ON

Ron Shannon Prov. Past Grand Secretary………………………………………………………...Prescott ON

John Arksey. Grand Chaplain..............................................................................................Morrisburg ON


James Allan. Prov. Grand Master……………………………………………………….......Kinnears Mills. PQ

Ross Davidson. Prov. Grand Chaplain……………………………………………………. Thetford Mines. PQ

Ken Hall. Prov. Past Grand Master.........................................................................................................PQ.

Rufus Jamieson Past Grand Master...............................................................................Kinnears Mills. PQ

New Brunswick

Robert Smith. Prov. Grand Master……………………………………………………….………. Waterford. NB

John D. Yarrow Prov. Grand Secretary……………………………………………………………. Moncton NB

Anthony Watson. Prov. Grand Treasurer...............................................................................Nashwakis NB

William Petite. Prov. Past Grand Master................................................................................................. NB

Clifford Hargrove. Prov. Past Grand Master..........................................................................Petticodiak NB

Fred Williams. Prov. Past Grand Master..................................................................................................NB

William Carlisle. , Prov. Past Grand Master.....................................................................Burrts Corners NB

Daniel Grasse. Prov. Past Grand Secretary.................................................................................Geary. NB

Fenwick Newfoundland – Labrador

Bruce Penny Prov. Grand Master………………………………………………………...............St. John’s NL

Donald C. Smith Dep. Grand master……………………………………………………....……….... C.B.S. NL

Clyde Crane, Prov. Grand Secretary.……………………………………………….……. Spaniards Bay. NL

Paul Seymour Past Prov. Grand Marshal……………………………….........……………. Bishops Falls. NL

Ralph Ford Prov. Grand Auditor……………………………………………………………………St. John’s NL

Harold Snow. Prov. Past Grand Master……………………..............…………….….……Clarkes Beach. NL

Harold Dawe. Prov. Past Grand Chaplain.......................................................................Clarkes Beach. NL

Gordon Morgan Prov. Past Grand Lecturer....................................................................................CBS. NL

County Masters

Lynn Barr. County Master Toronto……………………………………………………………….......Whitby ON

Bil Segui County Master Middlesex…...………………………………………………………………Aylmer ON

Past County Masters

Terry Good United Counties Ont. East………………………………………………………………. Arden ON

Larry Toll. Carlton County. Ont. East..........................................................................................Russell ON

Masters of Primary Lodges

Past Masters of Primary Lodges

Rick Glover Past Master LOL 2697 Ont. West............................................................................Whitby ON

Jack Chatten. Past Master LOL 3279 Ont. East....................................................................Deseronto ON

John Whitney Past Master LOL 25 Ont. East.............................................................................Ottawa ON

Proxy for Masters of Primary Lodges

William Bradley LOL 25 Ont. East.......................................................................................Smiths Falls ON

Darrell Barr LOL 2311 Western Canada..............................................................................Sandy Lake MB

Michael Strain LOL 482 Ont. East............................................................................................Pickering ON


Ron Sharpe LOL 256 Ont. West.................................................................................................Fergus ON

Calvin Johnson LOL 133 NB...............................................................................................Rolling Dam NB

Orange Insurance Representative

Michael Strain C.E.O. ………………………………………………………………………………Pickering ON


The officers of the Grand Lodge being in their chairs of office The Grand Master & Sovereign called the meeting to order, and following the opening ceremonies, the one hundred and eightieth sessions of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada were declared open in the Royal Scarlet Degree at 1.15 pm by the Grand Master & Sovereign M.W. Bro. G. Budden. (Scripture read from Romans 5 ch. 1-10)


The Grand Master & Sovereign made the following appointments for the duration of these sessions.


Bro’s. W. Johnston. - R. Roberts – D. Griffin


Bro’s. M. Thomas – F. Williams


Bro’s. S. Gilpin – T. Good


Bro’s N. Nelson – W. Petite


Bro's G. Budden – D. Wilson


The Royal Scarlet Lecture was repeated by Bro’s N. Nelson & A. Davidson


No business associated with the Royal Scarlett Degree was received or brought up at this meeting.

The Royal Scarlet is the 4th. and highest Degree of our association. If your County Lodge has an active Scarlet Chapter, all degree work and Exultations must be done by that Chapter. If there is no Scarlet Chapter active in your County, degree work and Exultations can be done by each Primary Lodge in such County.


Moved by Bro. J. Chalmers

Seconded by Bro. D. Lajeunesse

That the Grand Lodge do now reduce to the Orange Degree (CARRIED)

The Grand Orange Lodge was then reduced by the Grand Master who advised the Grand Lodge was now working in the Orange Degree, and instructed the Deputy Grand Master to advise the Sentinel and Tyler.


We your Credentials committee beg leave to report the following

voting delegates 52

visitors 2

Total registered 54

Moved by Bro. D. Lajeunesse

Seconded by Bro. C. Crane

That the Interim report of the Credentials Committee be received (CARRIED)


To the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Officers & Members Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

The striking committee reports the following standing committee nominations. (Chair is first named)

Moved by Bro. W. Johnston

Seconded by Bro. R. Roberts

That the Striking Committee report be adopted as presented. (CARRIED


To the Officers and members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

Dear Brethren;

It is indeed my great pleasure to welcome each of you to St. John's for this the bi-annual sessions of our Grand Lodge.

A very warm welcome to each of you to this the 180th session of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, held here in the beautiful City of Fredericton, New Brunswick.

This is our 6th time meeting in the City of Fredericton, the 5th since 2004. Some of the reasons we meet here in Fredericton, is the reasonable cost factors associated to hotel rates, meeting rooms availability and costs, reasonable meals rates, costs associated with travel, and the cooperation between hotel management and the Grand Secretary's office. It is also a fine location if members wanted to extend their travel, being close to Nova Scotia, Quebec and the USA. The location affords those interested in site seeing to take advantage of the location. It is also a beautiful area of New Brunswick, so try to get out and enjoy this city and if you have the time explore the province. However, I have heard concern expressed by members, that serious consideration should be given to having the next sessions either in Ontario or Western Canada and this will have to be a matter addressed by the incoming Grand Lodge Executive.

THE QUEEN: As members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada, we pledge our loyalty and allegiance to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11. May she continue to enjoy good health and happiness as she continues to serve as our beloved monarch, we also make reference to the May 19th. wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and wish them much happiness as Duke and Duchess of Sussex. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

VISITORS; During the last number of sessions those visiting us from overseas or the USA have been reduced in number, either because of costs, or because of health or difficulty in travel. But from within Canada there is always a few, so if you are attending these sessions for the first time as a visitor or even as a delegate, we hope that you enjoy your visit and we trust that you put it on your calendar for future visits, we would really like to see you again.


Since our last sessions in 2016 we are again saddened by the lost through death of a number of our brethren as we again meet to carry out the business of this Grand Lodge. We realize that they have been called to the Grand Lodge above, and although we will miss their input and friendship, we take comfort in the fact that they have obtained a higher reward than us who are left behind. May we honor their service by increasing our own contribution in time and work on behalf of our association. We extend to the families bereaved, our sincere sympathy.



The sentinel continues to provide vital information on lodge activities and events that occur from time to time in the various lodges throughout this great country. These events are often highlighted by photos and written commentary which is much appreciated by the reader. The sentinel also offers the opportunity for the Grand Master 8l Sovereign to share a message which is very much appreciated. The sentinel editor is MW. Bro. John Chalmers, and he has been most professional in seeing that the sentinel is maintaining its mandate as a voice for the orange association in Canada.


The headquarters of Orange Insurance has recently moved from 94 Sheppard Ave. in Toronto to 505 Consumer's Road in Toronto. The sale was a financial success for the association and the company continues to offer sound products in life insurance options. The company continues to be guided by its Chief Executive Officer Bro. Michael Strain with MW Bro. Roy Dawe continuing to be the President of the Board of Orange Insurance.

In my last report to the delegates in 2016,1 reported that after the board obtained legal advice, the board commenced legal action as it related to what the board considered inappropriate expenses of the company. This matter continues to be before the courts and the board and our lawyers continue to pursue the required action. I will defer any other comments on this court action to our CEO Bro. Michael Strain or to the Chairman of the Board.


It has been quite an honor for me to again serve you this past four years as your Grand Master & Sovereign. I have attended to all invitations received and have carried out my responsibilities to the best of my ability. Just this past April I have attended the Provincial Grand Lodge Sessions of Eastern Ontario; and the Provincial Grand Lodge Sessions of Ontario West, and in May the Provincial Grand Lodge Sessions of Newfoundland and Labrador. During the sessions in Ontario East I was informed that this was the first session of the newly established Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association of Ontario, as the LOBA of Ontario West and Eastern Ontario decided to come together to form one LOBA Association of Ontario. We wish them all the best in this milestone. In Ontario West, special tribute was paid to RW Bro. John Wells the Grand Secretary of Ontario West who passed away while in office. This was a heavy lost for the orange association of Ontario West and also for the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada and for Orange Insurance as Bro. Wells was well respected and a dedicated member of our fraternity and we will miss him greatly.


Every year that goes by we all wander about the future of our association, but the years come and go and we are still here. We are here as we were in the past, discussing the orange association, debating constitution, protocol, financial matters, ritual, membership, property, and change. We still honor our sovereign, our country, and we are still committed to our ideals of equal rights for all and special privileges for none. We honor tradition, we honor the protestant concept of religion as delivered to us by the heroes of the past, and we respect hard work and morality.

We honor family, and we continue to spread to the best of our ability the standards of which our association is built on. In a short while from now we will elect a new slate of officers to led us into the future, a future filled with uncertainty, but a future that we will conquer and survive as we have in the past, as we have faith in God and in our association. We will continue to be here for many years to come. In closing I would like to thank the executive for the matter in which you performed your duties and to the support and timely advise that you gave me from time to time. Don, Roy and John, you have contributed much to the association and it has been my pleasure to share your company these past number of years and I wish you the best as you continue to work for our noble cause. To the orange brethren across our great land thanks for your contributions and may you continue to support our association to the best of your ability.

We are not here to play, to dream to drift, we have hard work to do and loads to lift Shun not the struggle, face it, this God's Gift It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong How hard the battle goes, the day how long Faint not, fight on - Tomorrow comes the song.

Sincerely & fraternally,

Gerald W. Budden

Grand Master & Sovereign June 12th. 2018

Moved by Bro. Norman Nelson

Seconded by Bro. David Lajeunesse

That the report of the Grand Master be received and forwarded to the committee on correspondence, and our best thanks be extended to him. (CARRIED)


MW Bro D. Griffin Ont. W. – Wor. Bro. Karl Snow NL


To the Most Worshipful Grand Master

Officers and Members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada



The Minutes of the meeting in St. Johns NL 2016 were printed and distributed as per Rule 26 Constitution & Laws.


During the past two years, Provincial Grand Lodge reports show us that 62 members passed from among us. We can no longer see them as we did in life, but we remember the tributes which bear witness to their commitment and dedication to the Orange Association. To us from failing hands the torch is passed. Let us now pause as the Grand Chaplain leads us in prayer as we Remember Them.

SALE OF REAL PROPERTY June 1st. 2016 – May 31st. 2018

In accordance with the requirements governing Real Property, as found in the Act of Incorporation, the Executive Committee, has authorized the following property sales.

Sold for $

• LOL 27 Quebec September 9th. 2016 1,724.63

• LOL 488 Ont. East April 13th. 2017 109,999.99

• LOL 1168 Ont. East June 26th. 2017 40,000.00

• LOL 46 Ont. East November 28th. 2017 150,000.00


The Orange Annual Passwords were forwarded to the L.O.L.- L.O.B.A.- and J.O.L. as received from the Imperial Grand Secretary’s office in 2017 and 2018


The 2017 and 2018 Annual Password for the L.O.Y.B.A. was selected by the M.W. Grand Master of Canada, and transmitted to the Provincial Grand Lodges in which they function, by the Grand Secretary of Canada.


Two new Primary Lodge Warrants 3287 and 3288 were issued to the Prov. Grand Lodge of Western Canada, and in the same jurisdiction LOL 1755 Keyes MB has been re-activated, and we congratulate The Provincial Grand Lodge of Western Canada


The Sentinel which is printed by Britannia Printers Canada Inc. Is published by the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada. As Managing Editor, I say a big heartfelt thank-you to all those who have sent donations, they are much appreciated. This important publication which is a lifeline that connects our membership all across Canada, is also found on the Grand Lodge website, at grandorangelodge.ca Please ensure that your news and pictures are sent in with a mind to giving enough time for publication, and remember, no story is to insignificant to publish.

Deadlines for news items are APRIL 30th. JULY 30th. NOV. 30th. All LOL, LOBA, LTB, Lodges receive one complimentary copy which is sent to the Recording Secretary. It is very important to advise me when a new Brother is elected to that office, given that if you don’t, the Sentinel will continue to be sent to the address of the previous Secretary. Lodges can order extra copies to be sent with their complimentary copy at a cost of $15.00 each per year. Members who receive the Sentinel at their home address, pay a yearly subscription of $15.00, if extra copies are required they can be ordered at $15.00 each per year and will be added to your delivery bag.


Much of the correspondence this office deals with today, is done electronically by email and is found in the Correspondence folder, which has been forwarded to the committee on correspondence for their consideration.


The office of the Grand Secretary, and Headquarters for the Grand Lodge of Canada and “The Sentinel”, are now located at 505 Consumers Rd. #706 Toronto M2J 4V8. Orange Insurance provides this space at no charge to the Grand Lodge of Canada. and I would like at this time to express on behalf of all our members, our thanks and appreciation to the board of Orange Insurance for this Fraternal expression to the Grand Lodge.

This move was due to the sale of the former Orange H/Q at 94 Sheppard Ave West November 2017. As a result of this move, the many artifacts from the former building were placed in a secure storage facility in North Toronto. Prior to the move pictures were taken (approx. 800) of all items which will be processed and placed on our website as part of a virtual museum for all to see.

I continue to be at Orange Headquarters for at least two and sometimes three days a week, on Tues. and Thurs. to conduct the business of the Grand Secretary’s office, which includes responding to all communications, letters and emails, as well as dealing with Constitutional and Property issues.

Your national executive continues to meet twice per year to deal with the necessary business of our Association. This usually tries to coincide with Orange Insurance Spring and Fall meetings to generate travel savings. All Insurance and Executive meetings now take place at Orange Headquarters.


Over the past year your national executive has been considering how we might address our declining membership numbers and given that the only way we can interest people to become a part of our association is TO ASK THEM, we are proposing a way to do just that. You will find in your folder some literature which will act as tools to enable us to speak to the public.

We are requesting that a proposed budget amount to support this initiative be given serious consideration, which will allow for this initiative to move forward. The funds will be used to cover the expense of bringing a selected member from each jurisdiction to Orange Headquarters for a one or two-day training seminar which will enable them to be “Presenters”. Funding will also cover accommodations etc. Once the training is completed, the member would function as a “Presenter”, and would be asked to attend primary Lodge functions to speak at open events organized by the lodge using the enclosed material.


The GOL Canada website is administered by the office of the Grand Secretary of Canada, and it continues to remain current and up to date regarding content. We try to include editions of the GOL USA magazine the “Orangeman”, GOL Scotland’s “Torch” as well as the “Sentinel”. Forms for the Dominic DiStasi Bursary for Post-Secondary Studies are also available on our website, with the closing date for applications to be received being October 1st. of the current year. (These can now be sent directly from the website to the Grand Secretary)

Once the virtual museum is developed you will be able to see all the items from the former Headquarters which will include Banners – Pictures – Regalia. If there are lodges who wish to have items included in this collection, i.e. Banners, or items of interest, you can simply take a photo and send it to me.

QR or quick response codes, which when photographed with your cell or smart phone that has a QR App (which is free) will bring you directly to our website and can be used to attract the public to our website as we continue to find ways to be more visible. (A QR code is printed on the pamphlet “The Orange Association In Canada”)

Reporting forms for all levels of our association are available on our website and are accepted without the seal (unless you have it in electronic form) all Lodges are now required to use them. These forms have been refined to make them easier to use. For those Lodges who do not have computer possibility, forms which can be done by hand are available from Grand Secretary’s office.


It is my hope that what has been accomplished over the last two years meets with the approval of this Grand Body. We must remain positive in our outlook, and be considerate of the Christian values of the Protestant Faith which defines us. It remains my firm conviction that the Orange Association has much to offer to Canada in the future as it has in the past, and I look forward to the continuing challenge of helping to find ways to make that happen

Respectfully Submitted

John D. Chalmers. Grand Secretary.

Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.


Fredericton Inn Fredericton N.B. June 11th. 2018

To the Most Worshipful Grand Master

& Members of the Grand Orange Council of Canada. (As per Rule 14 Const. & Laws)

The Report of The Grand Secretary to The Grand Orange Council of Canada, relates to legislation from Provincial Lodges, issues of National concern, promotional items, and legal matters.


(the executive of each Provincial Grand Lodge is the legislation committee for that jurisdiction.)

Although no issues of legislation have been placed before this Grand body for consideration, we watch the actions of our national government to ensure that our values and beliefs are not diminished by legislation before the house.


Your Grand Lodge Executive has responded to the following issues on behalf of the membership.

• To Her Majesty the Queen, re observance of her 92nd. Birthday on April 21st. 2018

• To the board members of the O.S.S.T.F. (Ontario Sec. Sch. Teachers Federation) expressing our outrage when they suggested that Schools with the name of Sir John A. MacDonald be renamed. (no response received)

• There are ongoing attempts to have the traitorous crimes of Louis Riel forgiven. The Grand Lodge of Canada has been historically opposed to any change to his standing and continues to monitor this situation. Our most recent letter in opposition to this was sent to the Prime Minister and Opposition Leaders Feb.2017. (no responses) When this issue come before us again we will deal with it as a National campaign involving all our elected members of Canada’s Parliament.


As distributed by the Grand Secretary, to the members of the Grand Council of Canada.


• The following list of items are available from Orange H/Quarters.

• Lodge Ties.

• Lodge Hats.

• Ladies Silk Scarves.

• Orange Standard Flags (6” x 10”) with desk stands.

• L.O.L. Lapel Pin.

• 5 – 10 – 25 - 35 – 50 and 60-year Service Pins, are now priced at $8.00 each.

• Alexander Muir, Maple Leaf Forever peel-off stickers.

• Miniature Jewels have been discontinued

• Colour portrait of King William III (9” x 10”).

• Official Orange Crest window decals, interior


• “Where do you Fit In”

• “Orangeism in Canada Today Means” (can be copied by Lodges for their own use)

• Booklets for new members. (general instructions and lecture)

• Computer-generated certificates are available from the Grand Secretary at $5.00. each, Wedding Anniversary (Members or non-members). (For any year)

• Past Masters. (Members only)

• Cert. Of Merit. (Members or non-members). (Recognizing community and or Lodge work)

• Recognition Cert. (Members or non-members). (Length of service / special occasion / Birthday.

• Arch Purple Degree Cert. (Members only). (Can be back dated)

• Scarlet Certificates


Our website was updated at the end of 2017 this updating will make our site more user friendly and easier to navigate. Capitation Returns forms for all levels are now available as a download from our website,


I am pleased to report that there are no legal matters before the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada at this time.


I would like to extend my thanks to the Executive of the Grand Lodge of Canada for their help and co-operation, in what I can truly say has been, and continues to be, a tremendous team effort on behalf of our Association. I would also express my appreciation to all Provincial jurisdictions for their co-operation.

Sincerely & Fraternally

J.D. Chalmers. Grand Secretary of Canada.

Moved by Bro. James Pyke

Seconded by Bro. Rick Hetherington

That the reports of the Grand Secretary be received and forwarded to the committee on correspondence. (CARRIED)


To the Most Worshipful Grand Master

Officers and Members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada



Bro. Roy Dawe

Board Chairman, Orange Insurance.

this report was sent to the Insurance committee from Council, and will be dealt with in their report


The Grand Secretary informed that all matters have been referred to the appropriate Committee folder and Committee chairs can pick up their folder at adjournment

Receiving and reading Notices of Motion. (2) (which are found at the end of this report)

These are to be considered by all Primary Lodges, the results of which, to be forwarded to the next superior Lodge and eventually to the Grand Secretary of Canada on or before May 20th. 2018


Past Grand Masters of Canada W. Johnston. R. Dawe.

Grand Black Chapter of B. A. The Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of British America, MW Sir Kt. Edgar Carman was received before the altar, accorded Grand Lodge Honors and brought to a seat on the Dais.

Provincial Grand Masters Representatives of Western Canada - Ontario West - Ontario East - Quebec - New Brunswick- Newfoundland/Lab. Were recognised before the altar. Recognition was also given to all Past Provincial Grand Masters present.


The Grand Secretary read the message of Loyalty as found at the beginning of this report, and indicated that it had been forwarded to Her Majesty the Queen. A response which was received from Buckingham Palace is also included in this report.


The M.W. Grand Master adjourned the sessions at 3.50 pm. To reconvene at 9 am. Wednesday June 13th. 2018


The Grand Lodge was called to order and re-opened from adjournment as per Constitution & Laws at 9.05am. by M.W. Bro. G. Budden Grand Master, following which the Grand Chaplain read scripture from the book of Isaiah.

Moved by Bro. Bro. D. Glazier

Seconded by J. Pyke

That the minutes of the preceding session be adopted as if read and printed in the report of proceeding (CARRIED)


We your Credentials committee beg leave to report the following

voting delegates 55

visitors 3

Total registered 58

Moved by Bro. C. Crane

Seconded by Bro. D. Smith

That the supplementary report of the Credentials Committee be received.



To The Most Worshipful Grand Master

Officers & Members, Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

We the committee on correspondence report that we have reviewed all the records provided and find that all are in good order, and we compliment the Grand Secretary on his expertise and efficiency.

Moved by Bro. Ron Shannon

Seconded by Bro. Bill Petite

That this report be adopted as presented and printed in the report of proceedings. (CARRIED)


To The Most Worshipful Grand Master

Officers and Members, Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

We your committee on Suspensions & Expulsions having reviewed the statistics for the years 2016 and 2017 see an alarming number of members suspended for nonpayment of dues. For the year 2016 there are 69 and for 2017 there are 58. In an effort to curb this trend we make the following recommendations.

1.When a member is reported under N.P.D. contact information be provided so that the Prov. Grand Lodge of each jurisdiction may be able to do a follow up contact with the member to better understand the situation as to those members.

2.That better efforts be made to communicate to suspended members the requirements for re-instatement.

3. Have contact with members on a timely basis to remind them that they are in arrears, and try to understand their circumstances

With reference to the letter from Brother S. Belding, we, your committee, based on the information presented see no admission of any wrong doing, nor any remorse for his said actions and recommend that the current suspension be upheld.

It is also noted that this individual may currently be attending meetings at a Lodge in Ontario West

Moved by Bro. James Allan

Seconded by Bro. Mark Aiken

That the report on Suspensions & Expulsions be accepted as presented. (CARRIED)

(note, the Const. & Laws requires all Primary Lodges to maintain a list of their suspended members)


MW Grand Master & Brethren.

Respectively submitted

Roy Dawe Treasurer Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.



this report was sent to the finance committee from Council, and will be dealt with in their report



To the M.W. Grand Master,

Officers and Members, Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.

Most Worshipful Sir & Brethren, we your committee on Finance have reviewed the financial statements and make the following suggestions.

That Grand Lodge would engage in a fund-raising project (s) that would associate our organization with a charity, that would allow for revenue generation and visibility with potential future members.

That an effort be initiated that would start a process that would allow for increased revenue to offset the approved operation of surviving on Dormant Lodge funds.

That the revenue and expenses be provided in more detail format to the Finance Committee

Moved by Bro. Ralph Ford

Seconded by Bro. Art Duncan

That the Finance report be accepted as presented, subject to any approved changes. That the recommendations presented and approved be accepted and printed in the Report of Proceedings (CARRIED)


To The Most Worshipful Grand Master

Officers & Members, Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

On behalf of the Insurance Committee, consisting of Brothers Harold Snow, John Arksey, Bill Carlisle and myself, I respectfully submit the following report. My name is Michael Strain and I have been the Chief Executive Officer of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund since December 13, 2015. Prior to my appointment as Chief Executive Officer I was on the Board of Directors of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund for over 10 years and for a significant portion of that time also acted as the Chair of its Audit and Finance Committee

While the focus of this report is on the insurance operations it is important to fully understand the structure of our organization. Pursuant to its Act of Incorporation in 1890 The Grand Orange Lodge of British America was incorporated by Parliament of Canada. In 1926 Parliament amended the Act to enable The Grand Orange Lodge of British America to establish a benefit fund from which on satisfactory evidence of the death of a member who has complied with all its lawful requirements, a sum or sums to be paid to a designated beneficiary such as a widow or orphan.

The Grand Orange Lodge of British America is registered under the Insurance Companies Act (Canada) with the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (“OSFI”) as an insurance company. Therefore, to be perfectly clear, the Grand Orange Lodge of British America is one member-owned organization that happens to also provide life insurance, investment products and fraternal benefits for its members. There is one, and only one, legal entity and any thought that the insurance operation is a separate and distinct legal entity from The Grand Orange Lodge of British America is incorrect.

The Grand Orange Lodge of British America’s insurance operations are conducted under the operating name The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund. The insurance operations of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America was established for the purpose of assisting lodge members, their spouses, children and other appointed beneficiaries in their time of need. The insurance operation continues today to provide insurance protection and wealth management products to members at competitive rates across the country including such products as final and funeral expense, enhanced whole life, guaranteed issue and legacy insurance products as well as basic wealth accumulation annuities.

As mentioned, the Grand Orange Lodge of British America is regulated by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, an agent of the federal government of Canada. As such, the Grand Orange Lodge of British America is required by law to maintain a requisite level of capital to ensure that the operations can continue as a going concern for the foreseeable future in order to meet its obligations to the policyholders and members of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America. Failure to do so could result in the termination of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund and potentially The Grand Orange Lodge of British America.

The Board of Directors of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund and the management team have developed and are fully committed to and are engaged in the execution of a business plan that addresses short, medium and long term goals for the insurance operation that are realistic and achievable. Given the current challenges in the Canadian economy, including prolonged low interest rates and significant competition in the insurance industry, the execution of the business plan is challenging and must be approached in a prudent and patient manner. Management and the Board of Directors have been and will continue to be in frequent contact with OSFI to ensure that they are aware of and approve all steps that we wish to undertake to sustain and hopefully grow the insurance operations and ensure it is there to protect our policyholders, members and allow The Grand Orange Lodge of British America to fulfill its fraternal obligations. The focus of the business plan is to increase sales, reduce and contain costs and to ensure optimal levels of capital remain in place. Over the last two years significant process has been made on all three fronts and as such strong financial results.

For the year ending December 31, 2017 the Grand Orange Lodge of British America had a net income before taxes of approximately $800,000 compared to a net income before taxes of approximately $190,000 for the year ending December 31, 2016. The net income before taxes for the year ending December 31, 2017 was impacted by the onetime sale of the headquarters at 94 Sheppard Avenue in Toronto. This sale was undertaken by the Board to unlock an asset with significant value and to move that value into a more capital efficient asset going forward. The insurance operations had above industry average capital ratios exceeding the requirements as laid out by the Government of Canada and received clean reports from our independent auditor and appointed actuary for the year ended December 31, 2017. For the first quarter of fiscal 2018 the Grand Orange Lodge of British America generated a net income before taxes of approximately $485,000 with further strengthening of our key capital ratios. This is an important foundation to build from as we work to continue stabilization and build controlled growth for the insurance operations in the future.

I want to ensure the members of the Order that the insurance operation is currently solvent, adequately capitalized and well positioned to meet all the needs of our policyholders. The road ahead remains challenging but with the detailed and realistic business plan, the appropriate qualified management in place, a fully engaged and active Board and the support of the appropriate external professional advisers we are optimistic that this will continue to be the case.

As many of you are aware, over the last three years, significant change has occurred within the insurance operations. This change was undertaken with significant and careful consideration to address various issues and challenges. This included a wholesale change in the executive management at the insurance operations with a new Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer both appointed. The new management team has taken this opportunity, with appropriate Board oversight and involvement, to implement and execute a careful and detailed review of the insurance operations to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to sustain and grow the business going forward.

Since December 2015 there has been a significant cost cutting initiative implemented which was designed to bring operating expenses under control in the insurance operations and allow more optimal uses of resources. Management has also begun to look for new business opportunities to revitalize the sale of our traditional business with pre-existing and new agents.

Unfortunately, the Board became aware in 2015 that previous management had undertaken what appears to be fraudulent activities to the detriment of the operation and was forced to pursue legal proceedings to get a resolution. The legal proceedings against the previous management of the insurance operations continue to progress through the legal system in Ontario. At this point in time we are awaiting the setting of a trial date by a judge and we expect to have that done in the coming weeks. Given the resource and time constraints in Ontario’s legal system currently the trial is expected to be sometime in 2019 although there is a small chance that it could proceed in late 2018. The Board, management and our legal counsel remain confident in our position and are committed to seeing these proceedings through to a resolution.

Moved by Bro. John Chalmers

Seconded by Bro. Roy Dawe

That the report on Orange Insurance, be adopted as presented (CARRIED)

Financial reports available on request from Orange Insurance at 416-223-1690


To The Most Worshipful Grand Master Officers & Members of

The Grand Orange Lodge of Canada

1) Be it resolved that: the brothers in of the grand orange Lodge of Canada, assembled in the city of Fredericton in the province of New Brunswick on the occasion of our 180th sessions reaffirm our loyalty to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, queen of Canada.

2) Be it resolved that the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada expresses our hardy congratulations to the organization committee, both from the national and provincial levels for a job well done in planning these glorious sessions at the Fredericton Inn in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

3) Be it resolved that: the members of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada express our appreciation to Rev. Robert Jones and bro Bill Petite for conducting the divine church service and providing music.

4) Be it resolved that: the members of the Grand orange Lodge of Canada express our best wishes and congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Megan Markle on the occasion of their wedding.

5) Be it resolved that: the thanks of this grand body go to the Fredericton Inn and staff for the excellent service during the sessions.

6) Be it resolved that: we continue to support the efforts of all international orange members in their battles to maintain civil and religious freedoms whenever and wherever threatened, and that we continue our efforts to promote the principles and values of the protestant faith.

7) Be it resolved that: we express our gratitude to the outgoing Grand Lodge of Canada executive for their devoted support to this Association.

8) Be it resolved that: we express our ongoing support of our Canadian forces on this 100th. anniversary of the passing of Lieutenant Colonel John McRae the author of in Flanders Fields.

Most Worshipful Sir & Brethren, we your committee on Resolutions beg leave to report as follows.

Moved by Bro. Ian Gillespie

Seconded by Bro. Norman Nelson

That this report be adopted as presented and be included in the report of proceedings (CARRIED)

The Grand Master & Sovereign invited, MW Sir Kt. Edgar Carman addressed the meeting on behalf of the Grand Black Chapter of BA


(Representatives from the L.O.B.A. MW Sister M. McCurry Grand Mistress

& G.B.C. MW Sir Kt. Edgar Carman brought greetings during the Banquet on Tuesday June 7th.


We your Credentials committee beg leave to report the following

voting delegates 55

visitors 2

Total registered 57

Moved by Bro. C. Crane

Seconded by Bro. D. Smith

That the final report of the Credentials Committee be received (CARRIED)



From the Provincial Grand Lodge of NL Const. & Laws Committee

That rule 57 Constitution & Laws Who Shall Compose the Provincial Grand Lodges be amended as follows.

Who Shall Compose the Provincial Grand Lodges

57 Provincial Grand Lodges shall be composed of their officers; Past Grand Masters; Past Provincial Grand Masters; last Past Provincial Grand Officers; Past Provincial Grand Masters who have held office for one consecutive year; County and District Masters; Commanders of Scarlet Chapters (or in his absence the Deputy Commander, and in his absence a duly appointed proxy who must be a member of the Chapter and in good standing in a Primary Orange Lodge); Past County and District Masters; and Past Commanders of Scarlet Chapters, and Masters and Past Masters of Primary Lodges; and the Secretary of the Insurance Department of the Grand Lodge, subject to the restrictions provided in Section 40 (B). When the Master of a County, District or Primary Lodge is absent, or being present, votes in some other capacity, the Deputy Master of such Lodge may represent it; and, in the absence of the Master and Deputy Master, then a proxy duly appointed in open lodge, who must be a member of such lodge, may represent it “and shall be entitled to sit and vote, but may not run for nor hold office unless otherwise qualified” (all members of Provincial Grand Lodges shall have the Royal Scarlet Degree), and shall be members in good standing in a Primary Lodge.

The above N.O.M. has been incorrectly filed given that there is no Rule 57, and must be re file using the correct Rule number which is Rule 56


From Sarawak L.O.L. 1302 Ont. West

Topic: Order of Business.

Which reads (The following “Order of Business” is a suggested agenda for your guidance)

Be amended to read as follows “the following is the order of business”

W.C. no OW. no O.E.no P.Q no N.B.no NL.no ISOL nr

4.4 22.8 17.8 2.4 8.5 42.5 0.8

% In Favour 0% %Against 100% Const. & Laws recommends Non – Concurrence

Membership agreed, the Amendment is Defeated

Constitution & Laws Committee. Chairman David Griffin

Grand Master & Sovereign. Gerry Budden. Deputy Grand Master. Don Wilson.

Grand Secretary. John Chalmers. (acting chair). Grand Treasurer. Roy Dawe.

Moved by Bro. John Chalmers

Seconded by Bro. Ian Gillespie

That the report of the Constitution & Laws committee be accepted as presented (CARRIED)


Wor. Bro. John Chalmers presented a verbal report on behalf of the Sentinel our national publication. Bro. Chalmers thanked members who have sent in news pictures and items of interest from all across Canada, and encouraged members to keep them coming. The Sentinel is also used to publicise such things as the Grand Lodge Proclamation of Meeting, as well as financial reports for Orange Insurance. All new initiated members receive a one-year subscription, lodges are asked to notify the Sentinel when new members are initiated. Lodges are also asked to update addresses on an annual basis to ensure that the Sentinel is going to someone in your Lodge who will make it available to your other members. Lodges who wish to receive more than one copy can have it added to their package at a cost of $15.00 per year. (all lodges receive their first copy at no cost) Please notify The Grand Secretary/Sentinel Editor


The M.W. Grand Master & Sovereign, Bro. G. Budden, presented the Gavel to M.W. Bro. W. Johnston, P.G.M. and requested that he conduct the Election of Officers for this M.W. Grand Orange Lodge for the next two years, the results of which can be found o page of this report

The newly elected Grand Master & Sovereign M.W. Bro. Donald Wilson extended his thanks to the Delegates for re-electing him to the office of Grand Master & Sovereign of Canada, the Grand Master also congratulated all officers on being elected and re-elected. The Deputy Grand Master responded on behalf of the other officers, and pledged their support to the Grand Master & Sovereign.


MW Bro. Daniel MacDonald appointed to the office of MW Grand Chaplain of Canada.

MW Bro. Gerald Budden appointed as chairman of Constitution & Laws committee.


The Grand Master announced that the next meeting of the Grand Lodge of Canada will take place

June 2020 in The Fredericton Inn N.B. June 7 – 10 (date confirmed)


Moved by Bro. J. Chalmers

Seconded by Bro. Rick Heatherington

That the Minutes of these Sessions be adopted, printed and distributed to all Primary Lodges (CARRIED)


Moved by Bro. H. Snow

Seconded by Bro. G. Morgan

That the Grand Lodge do now raise the meeting to the Royal Scarlet Degree (CARRIED)


The Grand Lodge was then raised to the Royal Scarlet Degree on the direction of the Grand Master. The Royal Scarlet Lecture was repeated, and the closing ceremonies as per Ritual were concluded with the singing of the Royal Anthem



Words in italic are the rule as it is currently written

Words Highlighted with strikethrough are deleted

Words in BOLD CAPITALS are added


From the Provincial Grand Lodge NL Const. & Laws Committee

Refiled from 2016 with the correct rule number (56)

That rule 56 Constitution & Laws Who Shall Compose the Provincial Grand Lodges be amended as follows.

Who Shall Compose the Provincial Grand Lodges

56 Provincial Grand Lodges shall be composed of their officers; Past Grand Masters; Past Provincial Grand Masters; last Past Provincial Grand Officers; Past Provincial Grand Masters who have held office for one consecutive year; County and District Masters; Commanders of Scarlet Chapters (or in his absence the Deputy Commander, and in his absence a duly appointed proxy who must be a member of the Chapter and in good standing in a Primary Orange Lodge); Past County and District Masters; and Past Commanders of Scarlet Chapters, and Masters and Past Masters of Primary Lodges; and the Secretary of the Insurance Department of the Grand Lodge, subject to the restrictions provided in Section Rule 6. When the Master of a County, District or Primary Lodge is absent, or being present, votes in some other capacity, the Deputy Master of such Lodge may represent it; and, in the absence of the Master and Deputy Master, then a proxy duly appointed in open lodge, who must be a member of such lodge, may represent it AND SHALL BE ENTITLED TO SIT AND VOTE, BUT MAY NOT RUN FOR NOR HOLD OFFICE UNLESS OTHERWISE QUALIFIED (all members of Provincial Grand Lodges shall have the Royal Scarlet Degree), and shall be members in good standing in a Primary Lodge. Provincial Grand Lodges with a membership of 500 or less and whose members are in possession of the Royal Scarlet Degree, shall be eligible to sit, vote and hold office in such Provincial Grand Lodges. (subject to the terms of Rule #59)


From the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario East.

(A) Bi-Enniel Meeting

That rule 7 Constitution & Laws of the Loyal Orange Association of British America be amended to read

7. The Grand Lodge shall meet in the month of June every two years YEAR except as hereinafter provided, at such place as shall be fixed upon at the preceding Biennial ANNUAL meeting, except in a case of emergency, when the Grand Master, with the consent the Grand Lodge Executive, and two thirds of the Provincial Grand Masters, may change the place of meeting


We fell it would be in the best interest of the Orange Order in Canada that the Grand Lodge should meet on an annual basis

Two years is too longa time lapse to address current and ongoing issues within our country and our association.

It is our belief two years is too long between meetings to discuss current issues affecting the Orange Association.


Be it resolved that the annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada be held in every Provincial Jurisdiction on a rotating basis.


Many members within our jurisdiction find it difficult to arrange travel to the eastern provinces for each Grand Lodge Session. As such it is our feeling that decisions pertaining to the Orange Order are being made without contribution from all areas of the country.

Meetings within each Provincial Jurisdiction would provide opportunity for each Province to showcase the history and geography of our great nation.


Notice of Motion From the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge Ontario East

Re: Reduce Capitation

Be it resolved that the capitation tax charged by the Grand Lodge of Canada to each reported member be reduced by $2.00 to bring total capitation to each reported member to $7.00


All Primary Lodges are suffering with fewer members therefore less income. A reduction in capitation could be a source of financial help.

Re: Remove rule #55 from the Constitution and Laws

Be it resolved that rule #155 of the Constitution and Laws be deleted and therefore require all members to pay all dues as required.


1. Whereas rule #155 of the Constitution and Laws states that life membership may be conferred on any

member in good standing upon an agreed fee;

2. Whereas the Primary Lodge shall be responsible for and pay over dues and capitation to superior lodges

provided that Life Member continue to be accounted for in the annual returns.

3. Whereas the Life Member of a Primary Lodge which becomes dormant shall be given special

dispensation from the Grand Master to affiliate with another lodge and the member so affiliating shall be

exempted from payment of lodge dues or capitation and the primary lodge shall be exempted from paying

dues or capitation to superior lodges on behalf of such member.

4. Whereas the dues and capitation paid by each member is required for operating expenses of the Primary

lodge and all superior lodges.


G.M. & Sov. Donald Wilson 137 Ch. DeLaPasse. Mansfield PQ J0X 1R0 donwilson_9@sympatico.ca

G.S. John D. Chalmers. 94 Sheppard Ave. West. Toronto. ON M2N-1M5 jodachal@yahoo.ca


Western Canada

G.M. Sean Allen. 69 Mallard Way. Winnipeg MB R3R 1X3 lol3211@hoymail.ca

G.S. Rick Hetherington 147 Falcon Close N.E. Calgary AB T3J 1X2


Ontario West

G.M. Mark Aiken. 146 Silverbirch Ave markjaiken@

Grand Sec. Michael Thomas big_m_prop@

Ontario East

G.M. Richard Lowery 47 Fourth St. Bowmanville ON L1C 2G5 lowery@

G.S. Ryan Campbell 39 Rastila St. Ottawa. ON K1T 2C5 rc8686@


G.M. James Allan. 3080 Allan Rd. Kinnear’s Mills. P.Q. G0N 1K0

G.S. Allison W. Corrigan. P.O. Box 934. Shawville. P.Q. J0X 2Y0 alcor@tlb.sympatico.ca

New Brunswick

Grand Master. Robert P. Smith (Deceased)

G.S. John D. Yarrow 6 Carolyn Cr. Moncton NB E1E 3T5 john_yarrow@

Prince Edward Island

(1 Lodge under Grand Lodge of Canada jurisdiction.)

Nova Scotia

(1 Lodge under Grand Lodge of Canada jurisdiction)


Grand Master Bruce Penny bruce.penny@

G.S. Clyde Crane. P.O. Box 298, R.R.1 Spaniards Bay. N.L. A0A-3X0 clyde.crane@

L.O.B.A. Canada

G.M. Marlene McCurry PO Box 1995, Neepawa. MB R0J 1H0 mmarlenemccurry@

G.S. Shirley Buchanan 1 Newman Ave. Tor. ON M4C 5A3 sbuchanan54@

Grand Black Chapter of British America.

G.M. Edgar Carmen 2810 Peter St. Coburg. ON K9A 4J9 ecarman@explornet.ca

G.R. Ralph Ford PO Box 74 Charlottetown. NL A0C 1L0 ralph.ford@yahoo.ca





Michael Thomas..................................OW

John Yarrow........................................NB


William Johnston……………………......AB

Dave Griffin...........................................ON

Ralph Roberts.......................................NL


Donald C. Smith..................................NL

David Lajeunesse................................OE

Mark Aiken..........................................OW

James Allan.........................................PQ


Ron Shannon......................................OE

Clyde Crane........................................NL

Dan MacDonald..................................OW

Bill Petite.............................................NB


Ken Hall...............................................PQ

Jim Pyke..............................................OE

Ian Gillespie.........................................OW

Norman Nelson....................................WC


Art Duncan.........................................OE

Ralph Ford.........................................NL

Robert Smith......................................NB

Sean Allen.........................................WC


Gerald Budden. GM & S………………NL

Donald Wilson. DGM………………… PQ

John Chalmers. GS…………………...OW

Norman Nelson. GL…………………...WC

David Griffin. Ch. C& L………………..OW


Michael Strain…….……………………OW

Harold Snow.......................................NL

John Arksey........................................OE

Bill Carlisle..........................................NB


David Griffin. PGM. Chair……………. OW

Gerald Budden. GM & S………...……. NL

Donald Wilson.DGM…………………...PQ

John Chalmers. GS…………………....OW

Roy Dawe .GT……………………….….NL


John Chalmers………………………… OW

Ritual Editing.

Rick Heatherington. Grand Lecturer.

Don Wilson. Grand Master.

Robert Smith. Deputy Grand Master.

John Chalmers. Grand Secretary.

Gerald Budden. (Chairman Const. & Laws)

Constitution & Laws

Gerald Budden (chairman)

Don Wilson Grand Master.

Robert Smith Deputy Grand Master.

John Chalmers. Grand Secretary.

Roy Dawe Grand Treasurer.


Promotional Items

Alexander Muir Commemorative Stamp Sticker .

$3.00 per 100 or $25.00 per 1000

Canadian Orange Flag 6”x10” w/stand .... $4.00 ea.

King William colour portrait, 9”x10”..............$6.00 ea.

King William portrait 10 or more……….......$5.00 ea.

L.O.L. 5-10-25-35-50-&60 year Pins...........$ 8.00 ea.

G.O.L. Pins for all members........................$ 5.00 ea.

(in quantity) 5 pins $20.00 20 pins $ 60.00

Key Fobs…..................................................$ 5.00 ea.

Official Ties………………………………..... $30.00 ea.

Hats..(navy)…(gray/black)……………...…..$10.00 ea.

Scarves………………………………….…. ..$30.00 ea.

Window Decals (Orange Crest) interior….. $ 2.00 ea.


Wedding Anniversary. (any year)………… $5.00 ea.

Birthday………………. (any year) ……...… $5.00 ea.

Recognition. (event/commitment…….……. $5.00 ea.

Merit………………………….……………… $5.00 ea.

Past Master……………… .. Memb only ...$5.00 ea.

Royal Arch Purple Deg. Memb. Only …. $5.00 ea.

Grand Masters Certificate, awarded by the Grand Master for special occasions & recognition

Literature Available

Orangeism in Canada Today. (self-copy) n/c

Leaders of The Reformation………………..$ 1.00 ea.

Orangeism. (it’s roots & branches)……..….$ 1.00 ea.


Please Note

Some of the promotional items and literature are in short supply, and, as it becomes necessary to re-order, and provided they are still available, there may be price changes to some of the items listed.


Primary Lodge Supplies


Honorary Membership……………………....


Resignation / Withdrawal……………...........$5.00

Constitution & Laws. ……………...…............$5.00 ea.

Decoded Lecture Books……………………...$5.00 ea.

(Cipher still required for passwords)


Bible Presentation Stickers…per doz…. $2.00 Application for Admission

Notice of Meeting

Application for Affiliation

Application for Dual Membership

Application for Reinstatement

Funeral Service Hymn Cards

Lodge Seals……………………………….... $75.00 ea.

Rituals, (for each Degree) ……………......$ 2.00 ea.

Rituals New................................................$10.00 ea.

Warrants, New, (includes init. Supply…...$100.00 ea.

Warrant renewal, (lost or destroyed) ..........$ 5.00 ea.

Requests for Rituals and or the Decoded Lecture book which contains the Secret work for all Degrees, must bear the Seal of the Lodge, and be signed by the Wor. Master & Recording Secretary

Royal Scarlet

Application for Exultation, per 100.................$2.00

Royal Scarlet Certificate. ..............................$5.00

Prices subject to change without notice Above prices do not include postage


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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