TO: 8th Grade Math Students and Parents

TO: Students and Parents

FROM: Ms. Carmen de la Rosa

SUBJECT: Classroom Policies/ Syllabus

DATE: Monday, August 24, 2015

I am delighted that you will be joining us for a wonderful year at Somerset Academy Silver Palms.

As the year begins, there are certain expectations that I will hold my students accountable for.

Student Expectations

▪ Always do your best

▪ Positively participate in all classroom activities

▪ Stay on task without disturbing or distracting others

▪ Do not use ‘put downs’ or harass others

▪ Respect other people’s differences and opinions

▪ Raise your hand to speak

▪ Enter and exit the room quietly

▪ Complete all assignments on time

▪ Actively listen when the teacher is speaking

Classroom Rules / Procedures

▪ Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.

▪ Be courteous to others.

▪ Make sure you have text, composition book, paper, pencil, and completed assignments for every class.

▪ Sharpen your pencil before the tardy bell.

▪ Be seated in your assigned seat at all times.

▪ Have assignment ready to turn in with the proper heading (name, date, period, page number, and problem numbers on the top right corner of the page).

▪ Begin bell work as preparation for the day’s coursework.

▪ When you are absent, it is your responsibility to request the make-up work; make-up work MUST be turned in by the end of the week.

▪ Homework should be completed at home.

▪ Work must be shown in all assignments that are handed in. There will be no partial credit given. You MUST show how you obtained your answer.

▪ All assignments must be written in pencil.

▪ Restroom -- emergencies only. If you must go, please raise your hand with crossed fingers.

▪ Absolutely no electronic devices allowed -- I see it, I take it!

▪ The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher will dismiss you!

▪ Place all books under the desk before you exit the classroom.

▪ Ensure that your area is picked up and clean before you exit the classroom.

Classroom Discipline Procedures

▪ Verbal Warning

▪ Behavior Notification via Agenda

▪ Parental Contact via Telephone

▪ Parental Contact and Teacher Detention

▪ Parental Contact and Guidance Counselor

▪ Parental Contact and Referral to Appropriate Administrator

Course Information ()

▪ In Grade 10 Personal, Career, and School, the purpose of the course will be to provide students with an opportunity to experience success in school and improve attitudes and behaviors towards learning, self, school and community. Through enrollment in this class, students (and their families) are connected with public and private health, employment, counseling and social services. The private sector is involved in the collaboration in a variety of ways. These include tutoring of students, mentoring, serving as guest speakers or workshop leaders, donating materials/equipment/facilities, providing financial/in-kind support for motivation and recognition awards, offering work experience or job-shadowing opportunities, funding scholarships. Institutions of higher education also join the partnership by providing interns, tutors, mentors and scholarships.

▪ Students will be evaluated on the basis of performance in each of the following areas:

40% Tests and Projects

30% Quizzes & Formative Assessments

15% Classwork and Homework

15% Technology (TCA Website)

▪ Students are required to bring their math journals to class and to take class notes every day. My philosophy on class notes is that if I write it on the board or present it in an overhead, the student should write it in their math journal. Math journals may be used for reference during tests.

Course Supply List

▪ No. 2 Pencils/Lead Pencils

▪ Pens (any color)

▪ Color Pencils

▪ Crayons

▪ Markers

▪ Erasers

▪ Personal Pencil Sharpener

▪ College Rule Notebook Paper

▪ 2 Composition Books

▪ Graph Paper

▪ Calculator

▪ Straight Edge/Ruler

▪ 2 File Folders

▪ 1 Letter Size Hanging Folder

▪ Index Cards

Should you have any questions or wish to contact me, please call 305.257.3737 or email me at cdelarosa@. Thank you for accepting and adhering to these policies and the course syllabus.


Ms. Carmen de la Rosa

Classroom Policies & Syllabus Acknowledgment and Questionnaire

We acknowledge that we have fully read and understood the student expectations, classroom rules/procedures, classroom discipline procedures, course information, and course requirements.

Student Name: _________________________________ Parent Name: _____________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________

Student Email: __________________________________ Parent Email: ______________________________

Date: ________________________ Date: ___________________

Please answer the following questions?

1. Is there a computer at home? Yes or No

2. Is there a printer at home? Yes or No

3. Do you have a reliable internet connection at home? Yes or No

4. How does the student get home afterschool? Walk Bus Parent Pickup Aftercare


FRIDAY, AUGUST 28th, 2016.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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