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[Pages:20]IXL Skill Alignment

6th grade alignment for Texas GO Math!

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This document includes the IXL? skill alignments to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Texas GO Math! curriculum. IXL provides skill alignments as a service to teachers, students, and parents. The skill alignments are provided by IXL and are not affiliated with, sponsored by, reviewed, approved or endorsed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt or any other third party. IXL? and IXL Learning? are registered trademarks of IXL Learning, Inc. All other intellectual property rights (e.g., unregistered and registered trademarks and copyrights) are the property of their respective owners.

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IXL Learning ? 2022

Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Module 1


Textbook section 1.1: Identifying Integers and Their Opposites

1.2: Comparing and Ordering Integers

1.3: Absolute Value

IXL skills

1. Graph integers on horizontal and vertical number lines 36C

2. Understanding opposite integers X8L

Also consider

? Understanding integers 8EP ? Integers on number lines K6J

1. Compare integers 4G6 2. Put integers in order CMQ 3. Compare temperatures above and below

zero UVD

1. Absolute value of integers on number lines MSF 2. Absolute value and integers: word

problems 9CW

Also consider

? Absolute value 2YZ ? Integer inequalities with absolute values 4A8

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Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Module 2

Rational Numbers

Textbook section 2.1: Classifying Rational Numbers

2.2: Identifying Opposites and Absolute Value of Rational Numbers

2.3: Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers

IXL skills

1. Classify rational numbers using a diagram 64K 2. Classify numbers VJD 3. Write rational numbers in the form a/b YHQ

Also consider

? Understand fractions as division: word problems QNG

? Rational numbers: equal or not equal ZDH

1. Absolute values and opposites of rational numbers S7K

2. Rational numbers on number lines DJE

Also consider

? Rational numbers: find the sign V2E

1. Compare and order rational numbers using number lines FMS

2. Compare and order rational numbers MFM 3. Compare and order rational numbers: word

problems ETK

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Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Module 3

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Textbook section

IXL skills

3.1: Multiplying Fractions

1. Multiply fractions and whole numbers C7G

2. Multiply two fractions E5C

3. Multiply fractions and whole numbers: word problems 55X

Also consider

? Multiply two fractions using models 54X

? Estimate products of fractions and whole numbers EFY

3.2: Multiplying Mixed Numbers

1. Multiply mixed numbers C7B 2. Multiply mixed numbers: word problems EEQ

Also consider

? Scaling whole numbers by fractions: justify your answer 9YZ

? Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers H2T

? Estimate products of mixed numbers 5BG

? Multiply three or more mixed numbers, fractions, and/or whole numbers 7FB

3.3: Dividing Fractions

1. Reciprocals 5BT 2. Divide fractions ABT 3. Divide fractions: word problems KDQ

Also consider

? Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models DXW

? Divide whole numbers and unit fractions DPA

? Divide fractions by whole numbers in recipes HL9

3.4: Dividing Mixed Numbers

1. Divide fractions and mixed numbers K6K

2. Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems MTS

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Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Also consider

? Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two fractions: word problems 67U

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Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Module 4

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Textbook section

4.1: Multiplying Decimals

IXL skills

1. Multiply decimals using grids NY9 2. Multiply decimals 2WT 3. Estimate products of decimal numbers EPL

Also consider

? Inequalities with decimal multiplication 5XH

4.2: Dividing Decimals

1. Divide decimals EN5

2. Multiply and divide decimals: word problems GZN

Also consider

? Inequalities with decimal division 7DK

? Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two decimals: word problems 8HT

4.3: Applying Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers

1. Multi-step word problems with rational numbers D2G

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Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Module 5

Adding and Subtracting Integers

Textbook section 5.1: Adding Integers with the Same Sign

5.2: Adding Integers with Different Signs

5.3: Subtracting Integers

5.4: Applying Addition and Subtraction of Integers

IXL skills

1. Add integers with the same sign using counters ZJX

2. Add two negative integers using number lines 2SJ

3. Add integers with the same sign 45F

1. Add integers with different signs using counters 57M

2. Add two integers with different signs using number lines DX2

3. Add integers with different signs Q2F

Also consider

? Add integers using counters 4J9 ? Add integers ZM6

1. Subtract integers using counters NYM 2. Subtract integers using number lines EW2 3. Subtract integers WQ6

Also consider

? Add and subtract integers: find the sign HBD

1. Add and subtract integers: word problems MP9 2. Add three or more integers F2N

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Texas GO Math! - 6th grade

Module 6

Multiplying and Dividing Integers

Textbook section 6.1: Multiplying Integers

6.2: Dividing integers

6.3: Applying Integer Operations

IXL skills

1. Understand multiplying by a negative integer using a number line EPM

2. Multiply integers J6V

Also consider

? Multiply integers: find the sign DKA

1. Divide integers JZC

Also consider

? Divide integers: find the sign Q6T ? Add, subtract, multiply, or divide two

integers VMW

1. Evaluate expressions involving integers SK7

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