Before I begin today I want to clear up an error in last week’s sermon. I attributed the line, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” from the song titled, “Stronger” to Carrie Underwood when in fact this was a song performed by Kelly Clarkson. I apologize for the error. I was confused because Carrie Underwood had a song titled, “What doesn’t kill you won’t get you life insurance”. I was confused and I apologize to both ladies for my error. Today we begin a series of messages titled, “Gospel Behavior”. We spent 7 weeks looking at the wonder of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Romans chapter 8. We skip ahead now to chapters 12 and 13 which contain exhortations regarding the need to live out what we’ve experienced on the inside. Romans is structured like many of Paul’s letters to the churches. The beginning of the letter focuses on doctrine and theology and the end focuses on practical application. Romans 8 ends a section on the principles of the gospel and Romans 12 begins a section on the practices of the gospel. I’ve titled this series, “Gospel Behavior” because the heading in my Bible for the verses in chapter 12 is “Behave Like a Christian”. A struggling theologian once said that “believior determines behavior” and I think this is true as well. Romans 8 calls us to believe but Romans 12 and 13 remind us how we should behave. There should be a direct link from what we believe to how we behave. Now, a caveat. Romans 12 and 13 are not attempting to put us in a legalistic box regarding behavior. However, this exhortation by Paul does attempt to remind us of what genuine belief “looks like” on the outside. There ought to be no disconnect between what we believe and how we behave. Unfortunately, none of us gets this right every time, but we need to see that every time we say or do something, we have an opportunity to reveal something about Who we believe in. And this is such an important part of the discipleship process and why we are encouraging you to get into what we are calling “faith circles”; communities of two, three or more people who are doing life and faith together. Pastor Donita is taking my sermon notes and providing a study guide for your use in these circles if you’d like to take advantage of that. There is much more content that we could discuss. We are going to go through Romans 12:1-8 as a bit of a foundation for the rest of the text through chapter 13. Let’s read the verses now: “I?beseech?you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies?a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,?which is?your?reasonable service.?2?And?do not be conformed to this world, but?be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may?prove what?is?that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 3?For I say,?through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you,?not to think?of himself?more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt?to each one a measure of faith.?4?For?as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,?5?so?we,?being?many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.?6?Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is?given to us,?let us use them:?if prophecy,?let us?prophesy?in proportion to our faith;?7?or ministry,?let us use it?in?our ministering;?he who teaches, in teaching;?8?he who exhorts, in exhortation;?he who gives, with liberality;?he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy,?with cheerfulness.”There are really two important parts to this text and this makes up my big idea for this message: “When I am available, God changes me to make me usable”. These first eight verses set the foundation…there has to be an internal change which leads to the external behavior. Let’s read verses 1-2 again: ““I?beseech?you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies?a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,?which is?your?reasonable service.?2?And?do not be conformed to this world, but?be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may?prove what?is?that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. First of all note the urgency of Paul’s words here and how this is so important. If you are a follower of Jesus and have been changed by this incredible gospel, it is urgent that you continue in the process of change that has begun. Paul says, “I beseech you”. Paul begs you. This is not supposed to be optional. There is simply no category in the revealed word of God for someone who claims to be a Christian but then cares nothing for the claims that Christ makes on his life. If you are not doing what Paul is exhorting you to do here, then something is wrong and something needs to change. Now let’s look at the three verbs in this passage. The first one is an active verb which means that the responsibility is up to you. “We are told to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.” The presentation of our life originates from the fact that we are no longer the master of our life. We could talk a lot about the idea of a “living sacrifice” but I won’t take the time. I want to remind you of the responsibility to present yourself. This is an action that only you can do. God will not “present you”. This is a voluntary presentation of your life. This is the available part of my big idea. Are you presenting your body as a living sacrifice which, by the way, is your reasonable service? Again, when you enter into a relationship with Christ, you no longer are the master of your life. You no longer get to call the shots as we say. If you think you are the master of your life then you either haven’t been changed, have been misinformed, or are just not acknowledging the truth. In the Old Testament sacrificial system an animal was presented for sacrifice and was killed. You and I are to be living sacrifices but we must present ourselves. This presentation is required regardless of your age, ethnicity or economic background. No one is too old and no one is too young. Now, note the next two verbs. “Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. “ These are not active verbs. They are passive verbs. You are the recipient of the action, not the doer of the action. That means that someone or something is acting upon you. Here is where we see the spiritual battle. Who is attempting to conform you to this world? It isn’t Jesus. Jesus doesn’t want you to be conformed to this world but Satan does. Being conformed to this world is the activity of Satan. Satan wants to conform you to the world and he doesn’t quit simply because you believe in Jesus. Though Satan can’t inhabit the life of a believer, he can inhibit the life of a believer. And he doesn’t ask your permission either. As I understand it, there is no “neutral position” for any of us. We are either being conformed or we are being transformed. We are following the patterns of this world, being conformed from the outside in, or we are being transformed from the inside out. Let’s think about the second verb, transformed. Who is doing the transforming? It isn’t Satan now. It’s God. Being transformed in our minds is the activity of God. The Holy Spirit has access to your mind and begins the process of transformation. This isn’t salvation per se. The audience here in Romans 12 is believers who have already been born again into the family and kingdom of God. But this transformation is an ongoing process that we submit to, that we present ourselves to. Let me ask you this question, To whom are you showing up for work each day? Are you being conformed to the world by Satan or are you being transformed by God? Finally note the phrase, “that you may approve what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”. This is the part where we become usable. Then Paul goes on to describe something supernatural that goes on. Let’s read verses 3-8 again: 3?For I say,?through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you,?not to think?of himself?more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt?to each one a measure of faith.?4?For?as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,?5?so?we,?being?many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.?6?Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is?given to us,?let us use them:?if prophecy,?let us?prophesy?in proportion to our faith;?7?or ministry,?let us use it?in?our ministering;?he who teaches, in teaching;?8?he who exhorts, in exhortation;?he who gives, with liberality;?he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy,?with cheerfulness.” This is really the first New Testament description of the idea of spiritual gifts. The big idea is that “When I am available, God changes me to make me usable.” So we present ourselves to the transforming work of God, not being conformed to the world, and then God gives us gifts that enable us to be usable for His work. These are supernatural gifts, not the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound…though that would be really cool…not superhero kind of gifts but gifts that others are to see in us and marvel at how they impact our lives (catch that put there?] Ok. Paul lists some of them here; prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership and mercy. There are other lists…I’ve seen as many as 31 different gifts identified but I believe there are many more. Now you might say “Wait, I know people who are great teachers and show mercy and they are not believers.” Sure, you do. I do too. Those abilities flow out of their being created in the image of God but without Christ they are not using them for the kingdom of God. That’s the difference. Spiritual gifts are one way that we become usable for the kingdom of God. If you are a follower of Jesus, you’ve been given these supernatural gifts and its important for you to find them and yet it’s more important for you to begin to use them. Also note that (18) Spiritual gifts are to be used in conjunction with others. The following verses outline some very practical ways in how these gifts manifest themselves in everyday life…that’s for next week. Let’s bring this to a conclusion and ask you to consider some things for your life. “When I am available…” “Present your bodies as a living sacrifice” Are you available? Really? How are you making yourself available? A sacrifice implies sacrifice. Are you engaging with God’s word on a daily basis…making your mind available to the ministry of God’s word? Have a desire but don’t know where to start…ask me. We will get you started. Are you in a faith circle…in a consistent community of two or three or more people who have permission to speak into your life as you study God’s word together? Don’t have time…yes you do. Stop lying to yourself. You have time. You have 168 hours. You have time or you are the only person in this world who is so valuable to your family or job or your Netflix account that you don’t have time…but you’re not…Have a desire but don’t know where to start…ask me…Text me at 57O-837-9393. “God changes me…” This is the transformation process that God begins and this process never really stops. Again, you are either being conformed by Satan to the world or being transformed by God…If you look over the last year of your life you should notice transformation. If not, something’s wrong…my guess is that if you are not seeing transformation then you are not making yourself available. Make yourself available. God doesn’t put anyone on the shelf. “To Make me usable.” Here is where the spiritual gifting comes in. If you are just puzzled as to what this would be for you we have an excellent class to help you identify your spiritual gifts and passions. It will take 6 hours of your time. Don’t have time…don’t make me repeat that stuff about family, job and Netflix…you have time. Text me or put something on the connection card. We’ll get a class started at a time that works for you. ................

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