
Chapter 131. Define organizational anizational effectiveness is a central theme in both the pragmatically oriented literature on management and the theoretically oriented literature of organizational behavior (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 384). Plainly this means that means that manager within organizations need to identify what it is they need to asses effectiveness, how they plan on measuring it, and then how the final products come together. In a criminal justice environment this could involve the number of doctors at a rehabilitation center in relation to how many patients they have to treat. In this scenario we determine the amount of patients to doctors and determine an amount of patients each doctor can tolerate to be able to run a successful term with them. 2. Discuss theories of organizational effectiveness.On theory is that of the goal model, which defines effectiveness as the degree to which an organization realizes its goals (Etzioni, 1964:8). This model aims to identify an organizations goals and how they should be planning towards achieving them. It takes a more rational approach to the planning process and determines the best plan if action that any organization should be executing. In law enforcement, proper investigative techniques are measured by the number of unsolved and solved cases, and what they need to do to move toward their goal. Another theory is the internal process model, which argues the concerned with morale within an organization, it may be seen as simply focusing on a limited set of goals (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 393). This requires that leadership is enforcing the proper means of communication and all individuals of the organization is working towards a common goal and they understand that by keeping morale and camaraderie high, they can achieve their goals. 3. Explain the various methods for assessing effectiveness?Variable analysis, this method is used to examine causal links in the attainment of some goal (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 394-95). This aims to examine the leadership, effectiveness of training, and supervision implemented within the organization to best obtain job proficiency to be able to real a number of organization goals. In a law firm, this could be depicted as the on the job training the interns and employees get on the different process of court and the understanding of how judgments are passed on offenders. By analyzing the supervisors actions in pushing the training on towards the recipient will tell us they’re style of leadership in which they are employing on to them. Two other methods for assessing effectiveness will be gross-multifunctioning analysis, which is the target of inquiry is failed or failing organizations; and revelatory analysis, directly addresses the question of effectiveness for whom by investigating how organizations are used by groups inside and outside organizations (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 395-97). Gross- multifunctional analysis examines the outcome of how organizations work towards their goals. Taking in account all the measures and actions that have accumulated up to the point in which they’re successful in their goals or not. Revelatory analysis directly addresses the question of effectiveness for whom, by investigating how organizations are used by groups inside and outside organizations (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 395-97). This method can be best exercised within the Law enforcement and how they interact with local agencies to obtain a goal. 4. Explain the utility of variable analysis in assessing criminal justice organizational effectiveness.Variable analysis recognizes that organizations have multiple goals and that an assessment of effectiveness may not deal with all of them. We could assess the effectiveness of criminal justice organizations in providing a safe and comfortable working environment for workers or managers, or we could assess their effectiveness at garnering or spending budgetary resources (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 396). Variable analysis aids us in identifying the goals that is meant to be obtained by organizations and measure how effective their efforts are in the process. This could entail many different policing avenues of approaches from community policing to appropriate use of force on an individual. 5. Discuss alternatives to outcome measures. Process measures are considered the alternative to outcome measures, which aim to measure the activities in which are assumed to cause effectiveness within organizations (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 401-02). A good example of process measures would be better focused towards the rehabilitative program. This programs aims to help offenders get the medical attention the required in order to be integrated back into society. The way we measure the effectiveness of the program is the methods used in the program. This involves the physical contact with the individuals, the medication given, the effectiveness of the medicine, and much more. Chapter 14: 1. Discuss why change occurs?Organizational change and its attendant concepts and theories cover minor procedural changes within an agency (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 412). These changes occur because of the system and frame work within organizations constantly change and to adapt, change is a must. In criminal justice, a court house can run efficiently with no changes until laws in which they enforce, procedures that they operate by, and policy change. This occurs because of new ideas and perspectives being introduced; supervisors and managers coming and going. Change is necessary for an organization to survive in the ever changing economy. 2. Discuss the process of organizational change?The garbage can theory posits a model of organizations in which problems become receptacles for people to toss in solutions that interest them (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 417). This type of change is generated mainly by those who reside within the organization which place inputs into the major decision making of the company. Within that group will be a few key holders, who will place their own ideas for change on the table when the time is right. For some, there will be personal agendas for the change but it’s like fishing. You only know what you catch if you throw the right bait in the water. 3. Discuss change planning in criminal justice organizations?Planned organizational change requires innovation and accepts problems as opportunities to pursue real improvement in an agency’s performance (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 418). An example of this type of change will be a court losing a judge because of drug dealings and corruption. A reactive approach to this situation is to relieve the current staff of their duties and warrant the proper punishment at the same time set a standard to follow by for the incoming crew to adhere to.4. Discuss personal and organizational sources of resistance to change?Personal Sources of resistance to change will involve employees resisting for a number of personal reasons (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 428). This could be driven from a lot of issues concerning family and work related problems. In criminal justice, law enforcement for example, an introduction of new officer in a community could change the relationship with the established officers and local gangs. This could also raise suspicion of individuals within gang organizations working with law enforcement if they see a change has occurred. This change if felt throughout the organization because of the resistance being placed on the chance by the employees which affects them directly on the streets as well as in the officer space. 5. Explain organizational development?Organizational development (OD) focuses on the environmental influences of an organization (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 438). That includes the values, routines, methods in which the organization was built up on and changes them to something either better or worse. Management often has input on this because of the leadership constantly changing. Development within organizations should focus on increasing the levels of productivity, trust, and cohesiveness of those who reside within it.Chapter 15:1. Discuss the application of knowledge to criminal justice organizations?The application of knowledge within criminal justice organization will look towards the research placed into crime statistics, methods to decrease criminal activity and the effectiveness of correctional programs within communities. The usefulness of the information gained will be the determinant of how the organization utilizes it. In community corrections, the programs in which they employ on to the public will have a set guidance how to aid those who come through the program, however, will not tell them how. They are required to use the information gained from the previous staff and neighboring jurisdictions on the methods that were effective. Management has a great influence in the concept by training their subordinates to act in the absence of leadership. It’s the sectional leadership that is going to get them though most of the problems that arise on the job. 2. Discuss the application of knowledge to social science research?Knowledge to social science research involves criminal justice organizations to develop their own experiments and views on how to develop a more effective way of conducting their specific type of business. Within policing, this could be meant to understand the methods in which they impose on to the public now and evaluate if they are lowering crime, recidivism and repeat arrest at that. Conduct research analysis on the methods the reduce them and then start exercising them in the organization. 3. Discuss the application of knowledge to data development?The application of date development within criminal justice organizations is defined as the system in which collects and sorts data (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 461). The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) is a data collection agency which is responsible for providing accurate information on crimes being committed within the county. With the addition of the incident reporting system, both have contributed greatly to the analysis of crime and incidents. This could be used to identify areas of the most serious crimes being committed as well as an area in which a good majority of a city’s crime is taken place in. 4. Explain in-house research?In-house research refers to the development of the capacity within organizations to address their own data and research needs (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 462). This capacity involves the collective inputs of the sections and staff groups within an organization. In law enforcement, police departments have specialized units tasked with crime analysis to determine policy changes. In corrections, prison populations can be recorded in association with overcrowding occurring and increased violence from the inmates. 5. Discuss knowledge as truth, power, and understanding?The power of knowledge may contribute to rational processes within organizations, processes that can promote or resist change based on empirical evidence (Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas, 2013, p. 465-66). In corrections, this could be illustrated as the treatment of individuals dependent on their racial and religious background. Showing this to those in powers will influence a forced change from researchers or they will suffer consequences. These ties into knowledge of truth by knowing the methods and employment of an organization being good or bad and how it effects its employees or patients. ................

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