Using our decision making skills and what we have learned ...

Using our decision making and goal setting skills along with what we have learned about Secondary Concentration, Pathways and Postsecondary options; make a recommendation for the students below. Remember to discuss your possible options with you teammates before writing the goals for the individuals in the situations.

Stewart is a sophomore in high school. Stewart is determined to go to Notre Dame. He has been a big Notre Dame fan since he was a little boy. He watches all of the Notre Dame games on television each season. At this time his GPA is a 3.2. He has just found out that most students attending Notre Dame have a 4.0 GPA from high school. What is he to do? What recommendations would you make for Stewart? What goals does Stewart need to set for himself? What goals would you set for yourself if you were Stewart?

Rachel is known as the social butterfly in the sixth grade, she is the most popular girl in the sixth grade. Rachel does not think much about her future beyond how many my space and facebook friends that she had at this time. She thinks what happens will happen why worry about it. Rachel is involved in cheerleading, gymnastics, and the drama club plus she has many friends at school. Rachel was also selected as the homeroom representative to the student council this year. What recommendations would you make for Rachel? What goals does Rachel need to set for herself? What goals would you set for yourself if you were Rachel?

John loves working with his hands. John loves helping his dad by handing him tools when he is working on the family cars. He likes to repair lawn mowers and bicycles in his spare time. He is good enough at repairing these items that his neighbors are now paying him to work on their lawn mowers after school. His parents think that he needs to get a “good education” and should go to college so that he can “get ahead”. John is a sophomore with a 2.0 GPA. John is getting ready to sign up for the classes he would like to take his junior year. What does John need to think about? What recommendations do you offer John? What goals does John need to set at this time? What goals would you set for yourself if you were John?

Suzie loves to socialize at school. Suzie socializes so much that she is just getting by in her classes. Her present GPA is a 1.00. She has selected the same classes in high school as her friends so that she can be with them. Suzie has no real plans for her future. She doesn’t even like to think about the future after high school when she will not see her friends every day. What does Suzie need to think about? What are your recommendations for Suzie’s new goals? What goals does Suzie need to set for herself? What goals would you set for yourself if you were Suzie?

Robert has a 4.0 GPA. His parents are so proud of him and his grades. He has always worked for hard to make his straight A’s. He has had perfect attendance since for the last eleven years too. He has always done great in school and his parents think that is wonderful. His parents have set up an appointment with the high school counselor to discuss Robert’s options. What would you suggest if you were the counselor at the meeting? What goals would you set for yourself if you were Robert?

Barbara hates school and dreads going each day. She seldom understands her assignments and is not interested in any of her classes. Barbara averages missing about one day per week during the school year. She attends school because she is not 16 yet. She hopes to quit school as soon as she turns 16. What does Barbara need to think about? What would you suggest for Barbara? What do you think would help Barbara the most and why? What goals would you set for yourself if you were Barbara?

James is a sophomore in high school with a 4.0GPA. He loves learning new things and enjoys all of his classes. He exceeds in every class and even asks for extra work after he completes his assignments and projects. James excels in all of the activities that he participates in at school. He has not even considered college since his family needs money badly and he plans on entering the workforce right after high school. What recommendations would you make for James? What goals would you set for yourself if you were James?

Kelley is a sophomore with a 3.0 GPA. She is on the basketball, soccer, volleyball and softball teams at her high school. She volunteers at the senior citizens retirement home every Sunday afternoon for two hours. Kelley has not really considered her future at this time. She is well liked by all students and teachers at school. Her parents have never really taken an interest in Kelley’s school work. They are more interested in her sports accomplishment instead. What would you recommend for Kelley? What goals would you set for yourself if you were Kelley?


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