• Abundance/scarcity

• Abuse of power

• Action

• Adversities

• Adversity

• Aging

• Alienation

• American Dream

• Angels

• Apathy

• Appreciation

• Arrogance

• Art

• Attraction

• Authenticity

• Authority

• Autonomy

• Beating the odds

• Beauty

• Beliefs

• Benefits of hard work

• Betrayal

• Bias

• Bonds

• Bravery

• Capitalism

• Career

• Celebration

• Chance

• Change

• Change of power – necessity

• Change versus tradition

• Chaos and order

• Childhood

• Children

• Choices and possibilities

• Circle of life

• Civilize vs. uncivilized society

• Climate change

• Code of conduct

• Collaboration

• Comfort after death

• Coming of age

• Commitment

• Common sense

• Communication – verbal and nonverbal

• Companionship

• Compassion

• Competition

• Compromise

• Confidence

• Conservation

• Conspiracy

• Courage

• Creation

• Crime

• Cruelty

• Cultural assimilation

• Culture

• Dangers of ignorance

• Darkness and light

• Death and dying

• Deception

• Dedication

• Democracy

• Denial

• Depression

• Desire to escape

• Despair

• Destiny

• Destruction of beauty

• Devotion

• Disillusionment

• Displacement

• Dissatisfaction

• Dominance

• Dreams

• Earth

• Economics

• Effects from the past

• Emotions

• Empowerment

• Emptiness

• Encouragement

• Equality

• Ethics

• Evils by humanity

• Evils of racism

• Exploration

• External beauty vs internal beauty

• Facing darkness

• Facing reality

• Failure

• Faith versus doubt

• Fame

• Family

• Fate

• Fear

• Fear of failure

• Female roles

• Feminism

• Forgiveness

• Fortune

• Freedom

• Freewill

• Friendship

• Fulfillment

• Funerals

• Future

• Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender rights

• Gender roles

• Generosity

• Goals

• God

• Good vs Evil

• Government

• Gratitude

• Greed

• Grief

• Growing up

• Growth

• Guilt

• Happiness

• Hate

• Hazards of passing judgment

• Health

• Heartbreak

• Heaven

• Heritage

• Heroism – real and perceived

• Hierarchy

• Honesty

• Honor

• Hope

• Human nature

• Human rights

• Humility

• Humor

• Hypocrisy

• Identity

• Identity crisis

• Ideology

• Ignorance

• Illusion of power

• Imagination

• Immortality

• Importance of family

• Impossibility

• Independence

• Individual versus society

• Individuality

• Inequalities

• Injustice

• Inner peace

• Inner versus outer strength

• Innocence

• Insecurities

• Inspiration

• Integrity

• Intellect

• Isolation

• Jealousy

• Joy

• Justice

• Kindness

• Knowledge versus ignorance

• Language

• Law

• Leadership

• Liberty

• Lies

• Logic

• Loneliness as destructive force

• Losing hope

• Loss of innocence

• Lost honor

• Love and sacrifice

• Loyalty

• Lust

• Manipulation

• Mankind

• Marriage

• Masculinity & Gender

• Materialism

• Maturity

• Medicine

• Memories

• Mercy

• Minorities

• Morals

• Mortality

• Motherhood

• Mourning

• Music

• Names – power and significance

• Nationalism

• Nature

• Necessity

• Neglect

• Normality

• Not giving up

• Opportunity

• Oppression

• Optimism

• Overcoming

• Pain

• Parent-child relationships

• Passion

• Past vs Present vs Future

• Patience

• Patriotism – positive side or complications

• Patterns

• Peace

• Peer pressure

• Perfection

• Perseverance

• Persistence

• Person vs. group identity

• Personal vs public image

• Poverty

• Power

• Power and corruption

• Power of one

• Power of the mind vs authority

• Power of tradition

• Power of wealth

• Power of words

• Power of silence

• Prayer

• Prejudice

• Pride and downfall

• Privacy

• Progress – real or illusion

• Purpose

• Quest for discovery

• Quest for knowledge

• Quest for power

• Quests

• Race

• Reality

• Rebellion

• Rebirth

• Redemption

• Regret

• Relationships

• Religion

• Resilience

• Resistance

• Reunion

• Revenge

• Revolution

• Role of men

• Role of religion

• Role of women

• Sacrifice

• Sanity

• Secrecy

• Security/safety

• Segregation

• Self – inner and outer

• Self-awareness

• Self-discipline

• Selfishness

• Selflessness

• Self-preservation

• Self-reliance

• Self-worth

• Separation

• Simplicity

• Sin

• Sincerity

• Social construct

• Social mobility

• Society

• Solitude

• Soul

• Spirituality

• Strength

• Suffering

• Suicide

• Supernatural

• Survival

• Sympathy

• Teamwork

• Technology in society

• Temptation and destruction

• Time

• Tolerance

• Totalitarianism

• Traditions

• Travel

• Trust

• Truth

• Uncertainty

• Unconditional love

• Unity

• Universe

• Valor

• Vanity as downfall

• Vices

• Violence

• Virtue

• Vulnerability

• War – glory, necessity, pain, tragedy

• Wastefulness

• Wealth

• Willpower

• Winning and losing

• Wisdom

• Working class struggles

• Youth

• ____________________

• ____________________

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• ____________________

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• ____________________

• ____________________

• ____________________

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Thematic topic: idea or concept in literature (a one or two-word phrase)

Thematic statement: what the author conveys about that topic (complete sentence)


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