Ephesians 2:1-10

Colossians 1:15-23

Christ is Supreme

I. Pray and ask God to reveal truth to you through His Word by His Spirit.

II. Read Colossians 1:15-23 on pages 1531-1532.

III. Fill in the blanks below from those same verses as you SLOWLY re-read the verses and allow God to reveal His precious truth to you about your Savior—He is in charge of everything even when it doesn’t look like it to us! Hallelujah!

1:15 Christ is the ______________ ______________ of the ______________ God. He existed ______________ God made ______________ at all and is _________________ over all creation.

1:16 Christ is the one through whom God created ________________ in ______________ and ______________. He made the ______ ________ _ ________ ________ and the ______________ _ ____ _______ __ _ __ ____(____________, ________________, ______________, and _______________. Everything has been created ______________ him and __________ him.

1:17 He existed ______________ everything else began, and he ______________ all creation ______________.

Read the footnote for verses 15-17. Pray and thank him for holding it all together and for making his unlimited power available to you! The one who created everything cares how your day goes—oh how he loves you!!

1:18 Christ is the ______________ of the church, which is his ______________. He is the ______________ of all who will ______________ from the ______________, so he is ______________ in ___________________.

1:19 For God in all his __________________ was pleased to ______________ in Christ,

Think about all the hugeness of God living in Jesus’ limited human body and being pleased about it—what proof of his love for us!

1:20 and by him God ____________________ everything to himself. He made ______________ with everything in ______________ and on ______________ by means of his blood on the cross.

1:21 This includes ______________ who were once so _________ ______________ from God. You ______________ his ______________, separated from him by your ______________ ______________ and ______________,

I love the first two words in the next verse. Paul has just reminded us how God used to see us, then he writes:

1:22 yet now he has brought ______________ back as his ______________. He has done this through his ______________ on the cross in his own ______________ ______________. As a result, he has brought ______________ into the very ______________ of ______________, and you are ______________ and __________________ as you stand before him ______________ a ______________ ______________.

Praise God that he didn’t leave us where we were! Remember that we were all once evil enemies of God. YET look what he calls us NOW: friends, holy, blameless, without a single fault. Let your mind chew on those words. Enjoy them like a taste of the sweetest honey. We humans have a tendency to dwell on what we were. Pray and ask God to help you let go of what you were and to really believe you are what he says you are: friend, holy, blameless, without a single fault.

It cost Jesus everything to accomplish this, but he loves us so much that he thinks we are worth it.

1:23 But you must ________________ to ______________ this truth and ______________ in it ______________. Don’t ______________ away from the _________________ you received when you first heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, ______________, have been appointed by ______________ to proclaim it.

Think about the word drift. A boat drifts when the person in charge doesn’t take time to tie it down. We can drift away from the truth of who we are in Jesus if we don’t take time to tie our minds and hearts to the truth. Mark verse 22 in your bible and read it several times each day for the next week. Firmly tie yourself to the truth that you are God’s Friend, holy, blameless, and without a single fault because you are in Jesus. Pray that God would make this truth real to you.

Oh, how He loves you!!!!!!!


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