542544000036576000Grade 4 – Unit 3 Sessions 7/8Resources: Finding God Series 2021Session 7: The Beatitudes (pgs 55-62)Session 8: Jesus Our Redeemer (pgs 63-70)Theme: Jesus gave us the Beatitudes on the Sermon on the Mount as a set of directions to live a peaceful, happy, loving life with God and others. Jesus is our Redeemer because His Death frees us from our sins. Jesus rose from the dead and then ascended into heaven to be with the Father. Prayer: Sign of the Cross – 2 X Our Father – 1 X Glory Be -1X REVIEW Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another as He loves us. The Holy Spirit helps us live out this law of love. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT0438150The Sermon on the Mount is one of Jesus’ longest and most revealing teachings ever. Many people followed Jesus to hear Him teach about God’s Word. One day on the side of a mountain above the sea, thousands gathered to hear Him teach. Many were poor and sick and were longing for hope. Jesus told them about the Kingdom of God where God rules both heaven and earth. He told them how to live doing God’s will and be part of God’s Kingdom and the happiness and peace that being part of that Kingdom brings. Being close to God always brings love and peace. Jesus revealed much about God the Father and his powerful love for us. -228602286000VIDEO – God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount (Use right mouse and click Open Hyperlink) (4 min 34) EIGHT BEATITUDES Beatitude is a funny sounding word that simply means “blessed.” And “blessed” means more than happy. It is the blessings that God gives us when we live a faithful, virtuous life following Jesus’ example. Our faith means we believe and trust in God. Jesus taught us how to live our faith by serving God and others. When we are open to God’s love, we find peace and happiness. The Beatitudes are specific ways that show us how to be truly happy serving God. THE BEATITUDES ARE WAYS WE WANT TO BE!! Get that, we want to BE! Where the Ten Commandments tell us mostly things we should not do, the Beatitudes tell us how to be or exist serving God. Remember that a virtue is a habit or way of being that is doing God’s will. The Beatitudes are ideals or like virtues. -228602286000VIDEO – The Beatitudes (Use right mouse and click Open Hyperlink) the Beatitudes Sheet (file attached) OR If In Class Discuss each Beatitude Do the Matching Sheet (file attached) OR Matching on pg. 57-19812022098000JESUS IS OUR REDEEMER 52730408128000What is a Redeemer? Redeem means to “make amends for” or in Jesus’ case make amends for OUR sins resulting in SAVING us. They were not JESUS’ SINS but OUR SINS. When Jesus was dying on the Cross, He called out to God for strength. God heard Him as He hears us when we ask for help. As Jesus was dying, the soldier near Him saw Jesus’ faith in God and proclaimed Jesus was truly the Son of God. The image of Jesus holding His arms up is a famous image depicting Jesus the Redeemer. There is a statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that overlooks the city. Jesus’ arms are wide open because He is welcoming us back to God after saving us from sin. -11430029210Discuss What are some examples of how we can be redeemers? 521208016129000JESUS, SON OF GOD Jesus was born fully man and fully divine (God). Can we understand that? Again, it is a mystery just like the Trinity is a mystery of Three Persons in One God. Jesus became a man for one reason! TO SAVE US! He came to earth to be among us, live like us and teach us how to love the Father in a way we could understand. He knew He would suffer and die to save us. He knew God’s plan for Him. Jesus grew up as other child his age but He was different because He never sinned. Jesus did not start teaching about the Kingdom of God until He was 30 years old.02413000VIDEO –Jesus Growing Up (Use right mouse and click Open Hyperlink) DIES, RISES AND ASCENDSJesus dies on the Cross for us and by the power of God, He rises 3 days later. Jesus spends 40 days after He is risen visiting with His disciples and reminding them of all He taught them. He tells them to spread the Good News of his life and Resurrection and get others to follow and believe. If they believe and have faith, they can be saved. After the 40 days, Jesus ascends into Heaven to be with the Father but He does not leave His disciples alone; He sends the Holy Spirit to guide them. We already watched this in another lesson but we are watching again!02286000VIDEO – God’s Story: The Rescue (Use right mouse and click Open Hyperlink): WHY DO WE NEED A REDEEMER? God always wants us close to Him and to be in our lives. He created each one of us with a plan in mind. When we sin, we lose sight of God’s plan and move farther away from Him. God wants to bring us back, forgive our sins and restore our friendship. God sends His Only Son, Jesus to help us. Jesus is our Rescuer!!28689303048000What do we need to be saved from? Our separation from God through sin. 29241753302000How does God send help to save us? He sends His Son, JESUS!10572753238500Why Jesus?Because God shows us how He will sacrifice His Only Son for us.17373601905000What does Jesus do? He teaches us how to love and obey God and He dies for us. 16954502794000What should we do? We need to trust and follow Jesus to love, obey and thank God. ................

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