UCC Files


Morning Prayer at General Synod

July 1, 2017

8: 00 am

*indicates that all are invited to stand in body or spirit.

Congregation is invited to respond as indicated by bold print.

Opening Sentences

Leader O God, come to our assistance;

ALL O Holy One, make haste to help us.

Leader O God, open our lips,

ALL And our mouths shall proclaim your praise.

Psalm 46

Leader Our sure defense,

Our shelter and help in trouble,

God never stands far off.

So we stand unshaken when solid earth cracks

and volcanoes slide into the sea,

when breakers rage

and mountains tremble in the swell.

All There is a river

whose streams make glad the city of God,

the holy place where the Most High dwells.

With God there, the city stands;

God will help it at break of day.

Nations rage, empires fall.

God speaks, earth melts.

Leader The Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Come! See the wonders

God does across the earth:

All Everywhere stopping wars,

Smashing, crushing, burning

all the weapons of war.

Leader God says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

exalted among the nations, exalted in the earth.”

The Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

All Glory to the Creator,

to Christ and to the Spirit,

now and forever.

*Song Morning Has Broken BUNESSAN

Morning has broken like the first morning

Blackbird has spoken like the first bird

Praise for the singing, praise for the morning

Praise for them springing, fresh from the Word.

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven

Like the first dewfall on the first grass

Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden

Sprung in completeness where God’s feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning

Born of the one light Eden saw play

Praise with elation, praise ev'ry morning

God's recreation of the new day.

Psalm 63 As Morning Breaks Michael Joncas



1. O God, you are my God, for you I long;

for you my soul is thirsting.

My body pines for you like a dry,

weary land without water.

So I gaze on you in your holy place

to see your strength and your glory. Refrain

2. For your love is better than life,

my lips will speak your praise.

So I will bless you all my life,

in your name I will lift up my hands.

My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,

My mouth shall praise you with joy.


3. On my bed I remember you.

On you I muse through the night

for you have been my help;

in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.

My soul clings to you;

your right hand holds me fast.


*Closing Hymn Awake, Awake to Love and Work MORNING SONG


Leader Almighty God,

give us faith to live this day

not knowing where it will lead,

but with the assurance

that your love and guidance are with us always;

through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let us bless God.

Thanks be to God!

Acknowledgements and Thanks

Leaders in today’s service:

The Rev. Hyo-Jung Kim, Pastor, Morsemere Community UCC, Ridgefield, NJ

Dr. Jo Deen (Jody) Blaine Davis, Director of Music Ministries, Congregational Church of New Canaan, CT, and President, UCC Musicians Association

Dr. Thomas More Scott, Director of Music Ministries at First Congregational Church, Hudson, Ohio

Writer and Planners for this morning’s service:

Dr. Thomas More Scott, writer; Director of Music Ministries at

First Congregational Church, Hudson, Ohio

The Rev. Dr. Diane M. Carter, Pastor of St. Paul’s UCC, Bellevue, Ohio

Mr. Jerry King, Director of Television and Media at Cathedral of Hope,

Dallas, Texas

The Rev. Susan A. Blain, Minister for Faith Formation,

Curator of Worship and Liturgical Arts, UCC, Cleveland, Ohio

Thanks to the Steinway Piano Gallery of Washington D.C. (11611 Old Georgetown Road, North Bethesda, MD 20852, 301-230-6535) for the loan of the Allen Organ and Steinway Piano used throughout Synod.

Artesian Pool and Fountain created by Clifford F. Dupill of The Athena Garden, Latrobe, PA.

Copyright and Licensing:

Music livestreamed under Worshipcast License 7631

Music performances covered under PERFORMmusic License 7631

Morning Has Broken – Text by Eleanor Farjeon. Tune – BUNESSAN (Gaelic). Public domain

As Morning Breaks – J. Michael Joncas. © 1985, OCP Publications. Used with permission under One License A-71582

Awake, Awake to Love and Work – Text by Geoffrey Studdert-Kennedy. Tune--MORNING SONG. Public domain

Psalm 46 Translation from The Psalter: International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), © 1995,

Archdiocese of Chicago, Liturgy Training Publications, adapted


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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