European Values Study

@article{kaya2019institutionalization, abstract = {This study examines church–state relations in Europe, and analyzes their influence on anti-immigrant attitudes. The literature explains this relationship primarily with religious demographics, or state privileges for the majority faith. Alternately, this study focuses on the status of the majority religion. It argues that, in countries with a national church, citizens are more likely to consider the institutionalization of a new religion to be occurring at the expense of the national heritage, and react negatively. To test that hypothesis, the study focuses on Muslim immigrants in Europe, and builds an index that gauges the extent to which European states institutionalize Islam. Then, employing multilevel regression analysis, it investigates how the institutionalization of Islam influences anti-Muslim prejudice in different contexts of church–state regimes. Individual-level data come from the latest wave of the European Values Study, and cover 31 countries. Findings indicate that, in European countries with a national church, institutionalization of Islam increases anti-Muslim prejudice. In countries without a national church, however, institutionalization leads to tolerance. These results confirm the continuing relevance of religion on the national level in Europe, despite the decline in individual religiosity.}, added-at = {2019-04-15T09:35:30.000+0200}, author = {Kaya, Serdar}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1111/psj.12332}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {81c04a398b9d39867922933ee94fd8e1}, intrahash = {06df6ee06f57e65d081e61b38d90dd57}, journal = {Policy Studies Journal}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked english kbe onlinefirst}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-15T09:35:30.000+0200}, title = {Institutionalization of Islam in Secular Europe: The Influence of State–Religion Relations on Anti-Muslim Attitudes}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{pavlovic2019global, abstract = {The paper empirically identifies the world's cultural zones, comprised of the countries with the distinctive patterns of values, and determines their relationship with the country's communist past and current state of democracy. The analysis is based on the countries' average values on the two main dimensions of cross-cultural variations: the traditional versus secular-rational and the survival versus self-expression values. The World Values Survey and European Values Study data from 101 countries were used. The K-means method of cluster analysis and the Variance Ration Criterion for determining the final number of clusters were performed. The solution with three clusters appeared as the most appropriate and theoretically meaningful, representing three broad cultural value syndromes. The first value syndrome was defined by low self-expression and high secular-rational values (the zone of secularized authority), the second one by low secular-rational and low self-expression values (the zone of traditional authority), while the third was characterized by high values on both value dimensions (the zone of emancipation). The countries' cluster membership is highly correlated with the (non-)communist past and the level of socioeconomic development. The countries in three cultural zones significantly differ in terms of the state of democracy: democracy is more fully developed in the countries in the cultural zone of emancipation, and the least developed in the countries with the prevailing traditional authority cultural outlook.}, added-at = {2019-04-15T09:30:17.000+0200}, author = {Pavlovic, Zoran and Todosijevic, Bojan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1007/s11135-019-00861-1}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {ecaefe2369cb13c24f19b77ca60a34d5}, intrahash = {c994f5bee17367fa5a0de70ad138aa74}, issn = {1573-7845}, journal = {Quality & Quantity}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked english kbe onlinefirst}, note = {First published online: March 29, 2019, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-15T09:30:17.000+0200}, title = {Global cultural zones the empirical way: value structure of cultural zones and their relationship with democracy and the communist past}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{mair2019alternatives, abstract = {Increasing numbers of older adults cross-nationally are without children or partners in later life and therefore likely have greater reliance on non-kin (e.g., friends). This pattern may be particularly pronounced in country contexts that emphasize friendship. This paper hypothesizes that those who lack kin (e.g., children, partners) and/or who live in countries with a stronger emphasis on friendship have more friends in their networks. While these hypothesized patterns are consistent with interdisciplinary literatures, they have not been tested empirically and therefore remain overlooked in current “aging alone” narratives.This study combines individual-level data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE, Wave 6) with nation-level data from the European Values Survey (EVS) to estimate multilevel negative binomial models exploring number of friends among those aged 50+ who lack kin across 17 countries.Older adults who lack kin or whose kin are unavailable report more friends in their networks, particularly in countries with a higher percentage of people who believe that friends are “very important” in life.This paper challenges dominating assumptions about “aging alone” that rely heavily on lack of family as an indicator of “alone.” Future studies of “kinlessness” should consider the extent to which friendship is correlated with lack of kin, particularly in more socioeconomically developed countries. Previous research on “aging alone” may have overestimated risk in more privileged countries that already emphasize friendship, but underestimated risk in family-centered countries where “kinlessness” and alternative sources of support are less common.}, added-at = {2019-04-15T09:23:06.000+0200}, author = {Mair, Christine A}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/geronb/gbz029}, eprint = {}, interhash = {5fe2276f97264151e54afec82deee45a}, intrahash = {50e921586486ba986bbb1bf0d684fcf5}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS}, timestamp = {2019-04-15T09:23:06.000+0200}, title = {Alternatives to Aging Alone?: “Kinlessness” and the Importance of Friends across European Contexts}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{ruck2018religious, abstract = {The decline in the everyday importance of religion with economic development is a well-known correlation, but which phenomenon comes first? Using unsupervised factor analysis and a birth cohort approach to create a retrospective time series, we present 100-year time series of secularization in different nations, derived from recent global values surveys, which we compare by decade to historical gross domestic product figures in those nations. We find evidence that a rise in secularization generally has preceded economic growth over the past century. Our multilevel, time-lagged regressions also indicate that tolerance for individual rights predicted 20th century economic growth even better than secularization. These findings hold when we control for education and shared cultural heritage.}, added-at = {2019-04-15T09:17:25.000+0200}, author = {Ruck, Damian J. and Bentley, R. Alexander and Lawson, Daniel J.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1126/sciadv.aar8680}, elocation-id = {eaar8680}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {21c03ec999f5c425a4369171ce35a8a2}, intrahash = {67d54f75e46c582ca638f1c2cebd4be7}, journal = {Science Advances}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 7, study = {EVS1981-2008, WVS}, timestamp = {2019-04-15T09:17:25.000+0200}, title = {Religious change preceded economic change in the 20th century}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2018}@article{gesthuizen2019extrinsic, abstract = {Academic literature emphasizes the importance of work values to job satisfaction and commitment. There is agreement that work values are multidimensional—most often identified as having extrinsic and intrinsic elements. However, little work has gone into assessing the measurement invariance of work values in different contexts. In this contribution, we ask, Do we find similar patterns of extrinsic and intrinsic work values across different cultural contexts? As such, we investigate the validity of work values when they are applied in cross-national analyses by identifying sets of items that can be translated into scales of extrinsic and intrinsic work values that carry a similar meaning in those cultural contexts. We thus want to know which items that make up work values are best understood in diverse contexts and are most suitable for cross-cultural analysis. We tackle this issue by relying on the European Values Study 2008, as well as the CUPESSE data from 2016. The results reveal that there is a trade-off between the number of items researchers use to study work values and the number of countries analyzed if we aim for a more equivalent analysis of work values across Europe. }, added-at = {2019-03-20T08:24:19.000+0100}, author = {Gesthuizen, Maurice and Kovarek, Daniel and Rapp, Carolin}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1177/0002716219829016}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {0546c37a429518c53bd12d8908324a35}, intrahash = {b4bb34ae413f068e5eef039db555eeac}, journal = {The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {60-83}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:24:19.000+0100}, title = {Extrinsic and Intrinsic Work Values: Findings on Equivalence in Different Cultural Contexts}, url = {}, volume = 682, year = 2019}@article{storm2016religion, abstract = {New research drawing on European survey data finds that religious decline does not equal moral decline. Dr Ingrid Storm explains why involvement in religion makes most difference to morality in the most religious countries, and matters less for moral values now than it did in the 1980s. }, added-at = {2019-03-20T08:19:39.000+0100}, author = {Storm, Ingrid}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {c5aaf3d4a1048d198d3a51d0b8493427}, intrahash = {deaad1bbfded1538036f43d39cc5a14b}, journal = {Manchester Policy Blogs (University of Manchester)}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked electronic english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:19:39.000+0100}, title = {Does religion have any impact on morality in modern Europe?}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{beugelsdijk2018dimensions, abstract = {Cross-national research on cultural differences across space and time intersects multiple disciplines but the prominence of concepts varies by academic fields. Hofstede’s dimensional concept of culture, to begin with, dominates in cross-cultural psychology and international management. Inglehart’s dynamic concept of culture, by contrast, prevails in sociology and political science. We argue that this disciplinary division is unfortunate because the two concepts are complementary, for which reason a synthesis rectifies their mutual weaknesses. Indeed, while Hofstede’s dimensional concept neglects cultural dynamics, Inglehart’s dynamic concept is dimensionally reductionist. We demonstrate empirically that combining these two concepts leads to an improved understanding of cultural differences. Inspired by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, we use data from the European Value Studies and World Values Surveys for 495,011 individuals born between 1900 and 1999 in 110 countries and then show that change on these dimensions proceeds as Inglehart and his collaborators suggest. Most notably, younger generations have become more individualistic and more joyous. But even though economic development and generational replacement drive this cultural change, roughly half of the variation in national cultural orientations is unique to each country, due to lasting intercept differences in developmental trajectories that trace back to remote historic drivers. We discuss the implications for cross-national cultural research. }, added-at = {2019-03-20T08:11:24.000+0100}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Welzel, Chris}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1177/0022022118798505}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {cac61e04b3850afe878f622bfdae66dd}, intrahash = {8dfddc7ab33c4eb16f96404834fd80ee}, journal = {Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {1469-1505}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:19:59.000+0100}, title = {Dimensions and Dynamics of National Culture: Synthesizing Hofstede With Inglehart}, url = {/brokenurl#10.1177/0022022118798505}, volume = 49, year = 2018}@book{hense2015politische, abstract = {Was h?lt die EU als demokratisches System im Inneren zusammen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein, damit sich auch in Krisenzeiten die Bürgerinnen und Bürger nicht von der Demokratie abwenden? Und kann eine demokratische Kultur und ein europ?isches Bewusstsein in einem Land entstehen, das noch vor 20 Jahren in Kriege mit seinen Nachbarstaaten verwickelt war? Folgende Ausführungen stehen unter der Leitfrage, wie gut die politische Kultur des jüngsten EU-Mitglieds Kroatien mit der der übrigen Mitgliedsstaaten übereinstimmt und welche Einflussfaktoren für den Glauben an die Demokratie für die Bev?lkerung von Relevanz sind. Auf Basis der Umfragedaten der European Values Study wird mittels einer Mehrebenenanalyse die Frage beantwortet, ob L?ndermerkmale entscheidend für die Akzeptanz der Demokratie sind oder nicht vielmehr individuelle Merkmale der Bev?lkerung - wie beispielsweise die Religiosit?t.}, added-at = {2019-03-07T09:40:54.000+0100}, address = {Hamburg}, author = {Hense, Svenja}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {835ea6a7f1438332cda4142e9b659e67}, intrahash = {4f421ff689c07fcb1b52c8611a01f12b}, isbn = {978-3-95934-545-3}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 book checked german kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 96, publisher = {Diplomica Verlag}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-07T09:40:54.000+0100}, title = {Politische Kultur in Kroatien im europ?ischen Vergleich: Eine Analyse auf Basis der European Values Study}, year = 2015}@phdthesis{castellani2019vertical, added-at = {2019-03-07T07:54:02.000+0100}, author = {Castellani, Marco}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {3f587c2c76604b89b8a93ccf73ec9972}, intrahash = {934faff05ac74604b2a613168e3ab389}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english kbe phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, school = {Università degli studi di Udine}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Vertical Integration and Social Capital: Theory and Empirics}, year = 2019}@article{pachulia2018catch, added-at = {2019-02-27T12:03:30.000+0100}, author = {Pachulia, Merab}, biburl = {}, day = 21, gesis-study_no = {ZA7500}, interhash = {2eaf220d5a8acfab68242f4194ea75a4}, intrahash = {11534c70c4148166d76e1f5e62d0904d}, journal = {The Financial}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Georgia Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA7500 article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = may, note = {First published online: May 21, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {"Catch Up and Overtake America" has failed, shall we give it another try? }, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{pachulia2018drugs, added-at = {2019-02-27T11:49:38.000+0100}, author = {Pachulia, Merab}, biburl = {}, day = 28, interhash = {ba8ccab113b9f63f8a39f3819fe645a2}, intrahash = {fc81d63912d5f9323dede2be5d5bfb3a}, journal = {The Financial}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Georgia Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = may, note = {First published online: May 28, 2018, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {No Sex, but Drugs and rock & roll}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{pachulia2018young, added-at = {2019-02-27T11:28:07.000+0100}, author = {Pachulia, Merab}, biburl = {}, day = 18, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA7500}, interhash = {efec7b6df0fe6b6511043696867e72a7}, intrahash = {1aa1170ccccc26ac05965b0cc2bdeb2c}, journal = {The Financial}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Georgia Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 ZA7500 article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = {June}, note = {First published online: June 18, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008, EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Most young Georgians believe in hell and heaven}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{pachulia2018georgian, added-at = {2019-02-27T11:09:34.000+0100}, author = {Pachulia, Merab}, biburl = {}, day = 25, gesis-study_no = {ZA7500}, interhash = {0ae805d25dfb67d05e4af9c945213444}, intrahash = {ffd8fede1946c396068cd23b1dabd860}, journal = {The Financial}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Georgia Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA7500 article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = {June}, note = {First published online: June 25, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {The Georgian Army Rules }, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{pachulia2018after, added-at = {2019-02-27T11:02:44.000+0100}, author = {Pachulia, Merab}, biburl = {}, day = 13, interhash = {c1089d89763e15b17833eaa1782d6ad3}, intrahash = {adacb7028f4bc8ad0ae8171d87c8b201}, journal = {The Financial}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Georgia Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = {August}, note = {First published online: August 13, 2018, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {After Cannabis Legalization, Volume Limits on Khantsi?}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{lortkipanidze2019marriage, added-at = {2019-02-27T10:39:03.000+0100}, author = {Lortkipanidze, Ani}, biburl = {}, day = 12, gesis-study_no = {ZA7500}, interhash = {9461f7b683e9f49c84c800bc2f1d0e34}, intrahash = {cfec7e1d7c7dddd03aacc4aadc4293d2}, journal = {The Financial}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Georgia Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA7500 article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = {February}, note = {First published online: February 12, 2019, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Does Marriage Still Matter? }, url = {}, year = 2019}@book{baloban2019vrednote, abstract = {U Europi se od 1981. godine kontinuirano, svakih desetak godina, provodi me?unarodno istra?ivanje sustava vrednota te recepcije i primjene vrijednosnih orijentacija pod nazivom European Values Study (EVS). Hrvatska se u taj me?unarodni projekt uklju?ila s tre?im valom istra?ivanja 1999. godine preko Katoli?koga bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu, koji je kao nositelj projekt interdisciplinarno okupio znanstvenike s razli?itih fakulteta Sveu?ili?ta i znanstvenoistra?iva?kih instituta. Rezultate dosada?njih istra?ivanja, kao i komentare istih, hrvatski su istra?iva?i u posljednjih dvadesetak godina objelodanili u knjigama i ?asopisima na hrvatskom jeziku, kao i na stranim jezicima.U ovoj knjizi predstavljeni su odre?eni rezultati petog vala istra?ivanja u Hrvatskoj (2017./2018.), u komparaciji s tre?im (1999.) i ?etvrtim valom (2008.) tako da se vidi kretanje (ne)prihva?anja pojedinih vrednota u posljednja dva desetlje?a u Hrvatskoj. Vrijednosti koje su istra?ivane su: obitelj, posao, religija, politika i slobodno vrijeme, zatim solidarnost, pravednosti socijalna osjetljivost kao i povjerenje u ljude i razli?ite institucije, moral i etika te druge.Studiju su suizdali Katoli?ki bogoslovni fakultet Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu, Hrvatsko katoli?ko sveu?ili?te i Kr??anska sada?njost.}, added-at = {2019-02-27T08:33:42.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800, ZA7500}, interhash = {cc992faed3227fa265bcb76540f105d4}, intrahash = {f5c658477b9dc057571b38807d634b54}, isbn = {978-953-11-119-66}, keywords = {2019 Croatia EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4800 ZA7500 book checked croatian kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 102, publisher = {Kr??anska sada?njost d.o.o. Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb Croatian Catholic University}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-02-27T11:37:35.000+0100}, title = {Vrednote u Hrvatskoj od 1999. do 2018. Prema European Values Study}, year = 2019}@article{simon2000valeurs, added-at = {2019-02-21T12:37:46.000+0100}, author = {Simon, Francois}, biburl = {}, day = 10, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {6091eb089c3caad4a76e1bd7cdaf8b41}, intrahash = {b5eec5638e98f6f73fe1c888cb9b8b90}, journal = {Ouest France}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {December}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 3, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs: notre petite boussole}, year = 2000}@article{eschapasse2000francais, added-at = {2019-02-21T12:31:26.000+0100}, author = {Eschapasse, Baudoin and Binesti, Corinne}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {85f6d8f299002301d761078d96cb644a}, intrahash = {42265f37f528a4bb77cb4ce991338eab}, journal = {La Vie}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2886, pages = {10-15}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Francais, ou sont vos priorites ?}, url = {}, year = 2000}@article{brechon2000franais, added-at = {2019-02-21T12:24:59.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Schweisguth, Etienne}, biburl = {}, day = 16, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {bfe13693375a786b8987a1e40039db6c}, intrahash = {0c1c751574e925d8173941db43c147b7}, journal = {Le Monde}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {November}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les Fran?ais sont de plus en plus attachés à la liberté privée et à l'ordre public}, url = {}, year = 2000}@article{delarminat2000bonher, added-at = {2019-02-21T12:15:35.000+0100}, author = {de Larminat, Astrid}, biburl = {}, day = 17, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {7bb37d8e0f8a0c64ea9d3ba734d23996}, intrahash = {5203abf523f81666c458b1f78ae6063c}, journal = {Le Figaro}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Le bonher est dans le sondage}, year = 2000}@article{nn2000francais, added-at = {2019-02-21T12:12:14.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, day = 17, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {c8ef37619b5e30472587741a9c501c68}, intrahash = {8737b007bdb87892f689b28364d60bd5}, journal = {La Libération}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les Francais heureux}, year = 2000}@article{nn2000francais, added-at = {2019-02-21T12:08:46.000+0100}, author = {N.N}, biburl = {}, day = 17, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {4e1f992d9b76a0381a6be69b87f9ae5c}, intrahash = {f7223702fa277f79beab07b7cb67f629}, journal = {Sud Ouest}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les Francais heureux}, year = 2000}@article{maurin2001franais, added-at = {2019-02-21T11:36:15.000+0100}, author = {Maurin, Louis}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {709e96874e8e2715d28473a9d298705e}, intrahash = {6af10cb1086379e5a86fb4db96513027}, journal = {Alternatives Economiques}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {68-71}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les Fran?ais sont-ils devenus libéraux ? }, url = {}, year = 2001}@article{roudet2001jeunes, added-at = {2019-02-21T11:13:31.000+0100}, author = {Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e70e7ca2701d72e4272e71a2a824d9cc}, intrahash = {e6e3f007ef546d79d5d491d7c3d7a374}, journal = {INJEP En Direct}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-8}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Jeunes francais: les valeurs ein hausse}, year = 2001}@article{brechon2002ingalits, added-at = {2019-02-20T12:46:10.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, gesi-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {867c8cb3490663766a8d2e10de23ef6e}, intrahash = {2eccf1bb3913723d1a5d04fe48e51676}, journal = {Le Monde}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 12, 2002, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les inégalités dans les sociétés européennes fragilisent la démocratie }, url = {}, year = 2002}@article{brechon2004valeurs, abstract = {La France appara?t sur le plan des valeurs comme un pays charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et celle du Sud. Tel est l'un des principaux enseignements des enquêtes internationales réalisées à intervalles réguliers depuis le début des années 80. }, added-at = {2019-02-20T11:01:13.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA3811}, interhash = {4a2872adf28ef2ffdc5dedb1b522f69e}, intrahash = {d1cf667b5ec6d0ce88b3fb5164164582}, journal = {Hors-série Sciences Humaines}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1981 EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA3811 ZA4438 article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 46, study = {EVS1981, EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Valeurs: une France entre Nord et Sud }, url = {}, year = 2004}@article{tincq2005lintrt, added-at = {2019-02-20T10:49:11.000+0100}, author = {Tincq, Henri}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {4ec302376b297ffe6f2c7bd39edbbda5}, intrahash = {644812e10454a1303960bf38a426428a}, journal = {Le Monde}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: August 16, 2005, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {L'intérêt pour la religion revient chez les jeunes (Yves Lambert, sociologue, chercheur au CNRS)}, year = 2005}@article{lambert2006leurope, added-at = {2019-02-20T10:33:28.000+0100}, biburl = {}, editor = {Lambert, Yves}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {463106aa913321174e0627c293970625}, intrahash = {260ba0f6d3579b292f3cd944a54667aa}, journal = {Le Monde des Religions}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {30-31}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {L'Europe des 'athees convaincus'}, year = 2006}@article{vidalie2009tolrance, added-at = {2019-02-20T10:20:13.000+0100}, author = {Vidalie, Anne}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {f204f8201d9efc5589f5a597476069d0}, intrahash = {34d6640c2a7a67d028421c2149ebb87c}, journal = {L'Express}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: April 24, 2009, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {La tolérance, valeur en hausse }, url = {}, year = 2009}@article{brechon2009lindividualisation, added-at = {2019-02-20T10:10:37.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Le Monde}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {b890536d2da2d5ee9637bed8229597d4}, intrahash = {31b7c7cc5fd1b9911fdd0a6eb4eb1f59}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: April 24, 2009, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {L'individualisation progresse, mais pas l'individualisme}, url = {}, year = 2009}@article{devillepin2009lvolution, added-at = {2019-02-20T09:27:38.000+0100}, author = {de Villepin, Lucie}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {53573591f2667e6bdae825f329b9aac0}, intrahash = {e2cceaccab47812057ec13bc433b5ad3}, journal = {Futuribles - Compte rendu de la table ronde du 23 juin 2009}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {L’évolution des valeurs des Fran?ais}, year = 2009}@article{maurin2009franais, added-at = {2019-02-20T09:01:22.000+0100}, author = {Maurin, Louis}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {6061f3e818e36241cc67e2190a193c4a}, intrahash = {6055d9351bbd5297dad6a4133c5642d9}, journal = {Alternatives ?conomiques}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {39-39}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Les Fran?ais sont de vrais libéraux}, url = {}, volume = 282, year = 2009}@article{maurot2009franais, abstract = {La dernière enquête sur les valeurs des Fran?ais dessine un pays soucieux de liberté dans la sphère privée et d'égalité dans le domaine social. La famille reste de loin la valeur phare.}, added-at = {2019-02-20T08:50:51.000+0100}, author = {Maurot, Elodie}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {5806202c7eaf058063de359fea94b34e}, intrahash = {37a359d5d9a7890422051c6a4bfd2eb5}, journal = {La Croix}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: August 14, 2009, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Ce à quoi les Fran?ais tiennent}, url = {}, year = 2009}@article{coirier2009lvolution, abstract = {Analyse à partir de l’enquête EVS (European Values Survey) de l’évolution des valeurs de l’ensemble des personnes résidant en France, avec un regard plus spécifique sur la perception des Fran?ais à l’égard des immigrés et les valeurs des populations immigrées vivant en France.}, added-at = {2019-02-20T08:36:35.000+0100}, author = {Coirier, Evelyne}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {666d470dde14f6f8a9eba4cc0718e4b1}, intrahash = {2596ae6abc40f0a1e9c1a94e1f8c02e4}, journal = {Infos migrations }, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 11, pages = {1-6}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {L’évolution des valeurs en France}, url = {}, year = 2009}@article{brchon2010lindividualisation, added-at = {2019-02-20T08:15:52.000+0100}, author = {Brèchon, Pierre and Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6d5e3ad2c93f0520c0567c6ad02509a4}, intrahash = {3761f3a937bc212de52f8b6fdd8ff516}, journal = {Réforme}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: July 8, 2010, . (EVS)}, pages = 11, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {L’individualisation encourage à s’occuper des autres}, url = {}, year = 2010}@article{brechon2010europe, added-at = {2019-02-19T12:36:31.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.3811}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {8ab953d26bb3f08aa846a78a3d97c427}, intrahash = {ea4a984029c6774eba6f3a29b94580e0}, journal = {Rue Saint-Guillaume}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA3811 article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 160, pages = {28-30}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Une Europe sans valeurs consensuelles? }, url = {}, year = 2010}@article{roudet2010liens, abstract = {Dépolitisation, crise de confiance dans les institutions politiques, développement de mobilisations protestataires : en 1999, l’avant-dernière enquête Valeurs témoignait de tendances fortes dans le rapport des jeunes à la politique – (1) V. encadré Sources p. 4. Dix ans plus tard, les résultats de la dernière enquête révèlent un regain d’intérêt des jeunes pour la politique et confirment une montée de la participation protestataire, tandis que le déficit politique concerne toujours les jeunes les moins scolarisés.}, added-at = {2019-02-19T12:21:27.000+0100}, author = {Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3f0c26759892e9f0867109577e0f9a23}, intrahash = {9cf465db6ca2a3d23fe3aa81a06f9467}, journal = {Jeunesses: études et synthèses}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {1-4}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Liens à la politique. Des jeunes davantage impliqués et plus protestataires}, url = {}, year = 2010}@article{gorce2011jeunes, abstract = {Contrairement à une idée re?ue, les jeunes générations ne sont pas dépolitisées. Les dernières études montrent même un regain d'intérêt qui s'accompagne de comportements nouveauxContrairement à une idée re?ue, les jeunes générations ne sont pas dépolitisées. Les dernières études montrent même un regain d'intérêt qui s'accompagne de comportements nouveaux.}, added-at = {2019-02-19T12:11:33.000+0100}, author = {Gorce, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6099a6120dd50b0eb9de33894c3fa342}, intrahash = {38721b53b00ac58399b52ebd8352ec8d}, journal = {La Croix}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: January 21, 2011, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Les jeunes s’intéressent encore à la politique }, url = {}, year = 2011}@article{devillepin2011lvolution, added-at = {2019-02-19T11:49:05.000+0100}, author = {de Villepin, Lucie}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10188}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {999d6832a8991881e047dc641a4d0dda}, intrahash = {368956663bde88bed1bacc303c514316}, journal = {Futuribles - Compte rendu de la table ronde du 9 février 2011}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {2-5}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {L’évolution des valeurs des Fran?ais}, year = 2011}@article{roudet2011participation, abstract = {Plus d’un tiers des jeunes Fran?ais adhère à au moins une association. L’adhésion des jeunes augmente en même temps que s’élève leur niveau d’études. Stable depuis vingt ans et centrée sur des activités sportives, culturelles et de loisirs, la participation associative juvénile tend aujourd’hui à concerner davantage la vie de la cité. }, added-at = {2019-02-19T11:40:42.000+0100}, author = {Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5147c4b5b1dc99750a82cd4a07edf6bd}, intrahash = {8f3436ffaf9f8f8fada82f8c3127b7a6}, issn = {2112-3985}, journal = {Jeunesses: études et synthèses}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {1-4}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Participation associative: des jeunes plus engagés dans la vie de la cité}, url = {}, year = 2011}@article{henry2013jeunesse, abstract = {Si les grandes divergences qui opposaient les générations entre elles ont reculé, une fracture nouvelle sépare aujourd’hui les jeunes selon leurs niveaux de dipl?mes et leurs origines. Tel est l’enseignement majeur de la grande enquête sur les valeurs des jeunes Fran?ais depuis 30 ans publiée par l’Institut national de la jeunesse et de l’éducation populaire (Injep).}, added-at = {2019-02-19T11:15:08.000+0100}, author = {Henry, Sylvain}, biburl = {}, interhash = {afd2e07cf910e5048549d2f75d3502e3}, intrahash = {9b1db45434f7b6ff2dedd4721e558f35}, journal = {Les Idées en mouvement}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 205, pages = 11, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Une jeunesse avec des valeurs, mais divisée}, year = 2013}@inproceedings{brechon2013leurope, added-at = {2019-02-19T10:58:27.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {5e Festival de Géopolitique de Grenoble, 4-7 April 2013}, interhash = {7e94e175222143f3813ce7315d4427d1}, intrahash = {a32a5a311bc4913eede1cb8984b2e130}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France checked french inproceedings kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-02-27T08:12:29.000+0100}, title = {L’Europe devient-elle xénophobe ?}, year = 2013}@article{stricot2013croyants, abstract = {?Quelles valeurs partagent les jeunes? Comment évoluent-elles depuis 30 ans??. Telles ont été les questions posées mardi 4 juin lors d'une conférence-débat organisée par l'Injep (Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire) à la Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris 13e). Parmi les thèmes abordés, il a été question de l'appartenance et de la pratique religieuse chez les jeunes générations. Les jeunes Fran?ais et ceux issus de l'immigration seraient enclins à relativiser leur religion et leur spiritualité.}, added-at = {2019-02-19T10:45:37.000+0100}, author = {Stricot, Matthieu}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, day = 6, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {e8466077ccabd621cef546e676a00e39}, intrahash = {03731b1775d295f90d93a2ac457008ae}, journal = {Le Monde Des Religions}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {June}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Croyants ou non, les jeunes veulent vivre la religion autrement}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{brechon2013lindividualisationlarvolutionsilencieusedeseuropens, added-at = {2019-02-19T09:22:12.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, day = 19, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {6f3a8feed98c901cc4c36dc6a0936c67}, intrahash = {f70d9444926fc6c8b8e298be73c916a9}, journal = {Le Monde}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {June}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {L’individualisation:larévolutionsilencieusedesEuropéens}, year = 2013}@article{gonthier2014droitisation, added-at = {2019-02-18T12:50:26.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, interhash = {07463be44a289e1e121b1893c9e930bf}, intrahash = {ec4949bb734b5bd633ae469a45da7856}, journal = {La Revue du projet}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 35, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {La droitisation des valeurs: une illusion d’optique?}, url = {}, year = 2014}@article{brechon2014dcelons, added-at = {2019-02-18T12:45:53.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {750c4cd8d784e5585ef866477f52f121}, intrahash = {8dacd61f3d7e96fac5d8826adc245b2c}, journal = {Réforme}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked french indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 09, 2014, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Nous ne décelons pas de baisse des valeurs de solidarité}, url = {}, year = 2014}@inproceedings{brechon2015confidence, added-at = {2019-02-18T12:17:43.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {33rd ISSR (International Society for Sociology of Religion) Conference at Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium), July 2-5}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.11334}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA4950}, hal_id = {halshs-01502611}, hal_version = {v1}, interhash = {bea41f021f51feaf2aa962b68f5adaeb}, intrahash = {53bf03057179c065641ba0010b717704}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ISSP ISSP2008 ISSP_input2019 ZA4800 ZA4950 checked english inproceedings kbe}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pdf = {}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How much confidence can be done to the measure of religious indicators in the main international surveys (EVS, ESS, ISSP)?}, url = {}, year = 2015}@book{galland2001valeurs, abstract = {Y a-t-il aujourd'hui une crise des valeurs chez les jeunes? Ceu-ci manquent-ils de repères, comme le pensent certains, pour se situer dans une société en profond changement? Quelles sont leurs valeurs et comment ont ont-elles évolué au cours des dernières années en France?Pour répondre à ces questions, ce livre s'appuie sur les résultats, relatifs aux 18-29 ans, d'une grande enquête sur les valeurs des fran?ais. Réalisée à trois reprises en 1981, 1990 et 1999, cette enquête par questionnaire permet d'appréhender les évolutions depuis vingt ans et de faire des comparaisons entre les différentes générations.Résultat d'un travail d'équipe, l'ouvrage étudie l'ensemble des valeurs : famille, sociabilité, travail, politique, religion, normes sociales, mais aussi r?les féminins et masculins, relations aux institutions, appartenances associatives... autant de domaines de l'existence qui permettent de brosser un panorama complet de la jeunesse fran?aise. }, added-at = {2019-02-18T11:26:38.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11307}, editor = {Galland, Olivier and Roudet, Bernard}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {b24096305df4a50f4a472849b3ed66c9}, intrahash = {e8d55e3bf9520fed33f48131497884c2}, isbn = {2-7475-1798-5}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA3811 book checked french kbe}, note = { (EVS)}, publisher = {L'Harmattan}, series = {Débats Jeunesses, 8}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-02-27T08:12:29.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des jeunes. Tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, url = {/}, year = 2001}@book{brechon2000valeurs, abstract = {Ce livre, s'appuyant sur la partie fran?aise d'une grande enquête internationale par questionnaire réalisée à trois reprises en 1981, 1990 et 1999, présente un diagnostic clair et documenté qui permet une interprétation des valeurs des Fran?ais et de leur évolution au cours des deux dernières décennies. }, added-at = {2019-02-18T11:00:57.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.4438, doi:10.4232/1.4460, doi:10.4232/1.11307}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA4460, ZA3811}, interhash = {0a210c8b342af1ed0756595c6eb487b7}, intrahash = {703dbf3e173fe153d3f46c6e5d239660}, isbn = {2200252129}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA3811 ZA4438 ZA4460 book checked french kbe}, note = {(EVS}, pages = 280, publisher = {Armand Colin}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-04-15T11:29:09.000+0200}, title = {Les valeurs des Fran?ais. ?volutions de 1980 à 2000}, year = 2000}@book{galland2012jeunesse, abstract = {L’image de la jeunesse portée par notre société, largement renvoyée par les médias, est souvent simplificatrice : jeunesse dangereuse des quartiers dits ? sensibles ?, jeunesse éloignée de la valeur travail, jeunesse dépolitisée et sans engagements ou bien jeunesse radicalisée et révoltée… Des effets de grossissements médiatiques, polarisés sur quelques faits de société, tendent à être présentés comme des mutations sociales portées par les jeunes générations.Pourtant une approche comparative dans le temps montre que les changements sociaux sont moins rapides qu’on peut le penser et que leur interprétation doit être davantage mesurée. Certes la jeunesse change, mais les changements qui l’affectent sont très progressifs, révélant des réorganisations en cours dans les systèmes de valeurs. Par l’observation d’évolutions sur près de trente ans, les enquêtes par questionnaire sur les valeurs des Fran?ais, effectuées sur des échantillons représentatifs de la population, autorisent une compréhension en profondeur des transformations dans l’organisation sociale de notre pays et des changements effectifs dans les valeurs et les comportements des jeunes.Faisant suite aux trois vagues précédentes (1981, 1990 et 1999), l’enquête effectuée en 2008 rend possibles des comparaisons entre les jeunes et les adultes comme entre les différentes générations et permet d’analyser des évolutions dans le temps. Disposer de trente ans de recul est rare pour une enquête par questionnaire : dans toute recherche quantitative, les données produites doivent en effet être issues d’un même protocole d’enquêtes (échantillons et questions semblables) pour pouvoir être comparées dans le temps.Seules les enquêtes Valeurs ont posé, sur une aussi longue période, les mêmes questions couvrant les principaux domaines de la vie : la qualité des données et les possibilités de ces enquêtes sont donc sans équivalent et dépassent largement celles d’un simple sondage .Afin de promouvoir une meilleure connaissance de la jeunesse, de ses engagements et de ses pratiques, l’Institut national de la jeunesse et de l’éducation populaire, établissement public du ministère chargé de la jeunesse, est partenaire des enquêtes Valeurs depuis 1999 : l’INJEP a appuyé financièrement la mise en ?uvre des deux dernières enquêtes et a impulsé une analyse secondaire de leurs résultats pour les jeunes de 18 à 29 ans. Pourquoi avoir retenu, pour délimiter la jeunesse, cette tranche d’?ge de 18-29 ans ? La limite inférieure, 18 ans, est en fait l’?ge minimum des personnes interrogées.C’est une nécessité pour réaliser des enquêtes internationales prenant en compte les législations de différents pays : ainsi, en France, on ne peut pas poser certaines questions à des mineurs sans autorisation parentale (celles concernant la politique par exemple). Mais les résultats de travaux ou sondages impliquant les 15-17 ans permettent de retrouver certaines tendances de l’enquête. La limite supérieure de la tranche d’?ge retenue est portée à 29 ans.D’un point de vue sociologique, la jeunesse peut en effet être définie comme la phase de préparation à l’exercice des r?les conformes à l’?ge adulte et comme le passage des principales étapes introduisant à ces r?les. Or, Olivier Galland a montré que l’accès plus tardif aux statuts définissant l’?ge adulte impose, d’un point de vue à la fois statistique et sociologique, de repousser la borne supérieure de la classe d’?ge habituellement utilisée en France (24 ans) et d’y adjoindre la classe quinquennale immédiatement supérieure (Galland, 2000).Qu’entend-on par valeurs ? Pour des sociologues comme ?mile Durkheim ou Max Weber, l’unité d’une société se fonde sur des valeurs partagées, sur des ? idéaux collectifs ? transmis aux individus. Selon Durkheim, les valeurs orientent l’activité des individus en leur fournissant un ensemble de références idéales. Fondement des opinions et des comportements, repères normatifs pour la pensée et l’action, les valeurs ne sont toutefois pas directement observables.Il faut les approcher en recueillant des informations susceptibles d’être interprétées en termes de valeurs. Ainsi, la recherche sur les valeurs est produite par inférence, opération logique par laquelle on admet une proposition en vertu de sa liaison avec d’autres propositions tenues pour vraies. Ce processus conduit à construire le questionnaire autour d’indicateurs dont la qualité informative a été éprouvée (Bréchon, Tchernia, 2000).Les valeurs d’un individu sont organisées, elles entretiennent entre elles une certaine cohérence. Au niveau d’une société, des modèles d’articulation vont se révéler plus fréquents que d’autres. Des valeurs sont consensuelles, d’autres davantage conflictuelles. En tout cas, les valeurs ne disparaissent pas : acquises progressivement au cours de la socialisation des individus, elles évoluent lentement.Afin d’évaluer ce qui fait la stabilité d’une société, mais aussi ce qui peut la faire bouger, il est important, note Pierre Bréchon, d’analyser ce processus de changement des systèmes de valeurs, de repérer comment les individus recomposent leurs systèmes de valeurs et de comprendre ainsi les tendances d’évolution d’une société.}, added-at = {2019-02-18T10:27:03.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Olivier and Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d11bf0a21be1977fa9191f2daf2357a5}, intrahash = {e327377c53d2390bf6fa4537864d0976}, isbn = {978-2-11-009089-8}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France book checked french kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, series = {La Documentation Fran?aise}, timestamp = {2019-02-27T08:12:29.000+0100}, title = {Une jeunesse différente ?Les valeurs des jeunes Fran?ais depuis 30 ans}, year = 2012}@book{galland2014jeunes, added-at = {2019-02-18T10:19:41.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Galland, Olivier and Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4e80b0f183aa92bb0a17a8fc9bfd660d}, intrahash = {69a21577af17c0547638207333e8cc53}, isbn = {978-2-7246-3342-9}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France book checked french kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 160, publisher = {INJEP}, series = {Agora Débats/Jeunesses, n° 67,}, timestamp = {2019-02-27T08:12:29.000+0100}, title = {Jeunes Européens: quelles valeurs en partage?}, year = 2014}@book{brechon2013atlas, abstract = {Qui sont les Européens ? Ont-ils une identité culturelle et des valeurs communes ? La construction européenne a-t-elle permis de créer un espace plus homogène ? Observe-t-on au contraire la persistance de frontières invisibles, tracées par l’histoire, la religion ou marquées par l’antagonisme Est/Ouest ? Résultat d’une enquête – la European Values Study – menée depuis plus de trente ans, cet atlas offre un panorama complet des valeurs des Européens. Avec près d’une centaine de cartes et graphiques, il vient corriger un certain nombre d’idées re?ues sur nos voisins européens et peut-être aussi sur nous-mêmes ! }, added-at = {2019-02-18T10:08:23.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, interhash = {640067ae60c858e0f528dcc315a75d35}, intrahash = {326c0c037cdaff2ab5e2b7dbb88e9485}, isbn = {9782200287818}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France book checked french kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 128, timestamp = {2019-02-27T08:12:29.000+0100}, title = {Atlas des Européens. Valeurs communes et différences nationales}, year = 2013}@book{brechon2013valeurs, added-at = {2019-02-18T09:51:31.000+0100}, biburl = {}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre}, interhash = {48b7b14796b369108cf1af8916b78130}, intrahash = {eae9286088fe6594771bde926faac84c}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France book checked french kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, series = {Futuribles 395}, timestamp = {2019-02-27T08:12:29.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des Européens}, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{2017european, abstract = {In sharp contrast to the popular belief that values are converging and becoming increasingly standardized, this book draws on the EVS surveys to show that Europe remains very diverse in terms of values orientations toward the major issues of everyday life. It also addresses how and in what direction values are actually changing, thus emphasizing the joint influence of key factors like secularization, economic development, the rise in educational attainment levels and the welfare state. Written by the team of political scientists and sociologists who are carrying out the EVS surveys in France, this books leads to the striking conclusion that increasingly individualized value systems do not necessarily mirror a more individualistic society. }, added-at = {2019-02-18T08:55:09.000+0100}, address = {Leiden, Niederlande}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1163/9789004341067}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {90665bc2c245be44b82da7bbefa00308}, intrahash = {e187c4d9cd9d342ee162605bf5a5fa5f}, isbn = {978-90-04-34106-7}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP France ZA4800 book checked english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 294, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies, No. 17}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Values. Trends and Divides Over Thirty Years}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{taipale2019technological, abstract = {In this chapter, the suggestion is made that the relevance and timeliness of the concept of digital family is owing to certain advances in personal communication technologies that, together with wider social changes in the developed world, facilitate people's participation in a digital society. First, we take a look at recent technological advancements in personal communication technology and social media applications, after which we examine more in-depth some of the major sociocultural transformations to have paved way for the emergence and rise of the digital family.}, added-at = {2019-02-14T13:49:59.000+0100}, address = {Cham}, author = {Taipale, Sakari}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Intergenerational Connections in Digital Families}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.13090}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-11947-8_3}, gesis-study_no = {ZA7500}, interhash = {995abd18662138e31e9539b0fbe4ae3c}, intrahash = {8063c9ba99f6642e33ca12c199377572}, isbn = {978-3-030-11947-8}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA7500 checked english incollection kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {25-39}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Technological Drivers and Sociocultural Change}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{hucakova2018vskum, added-at = {2019-02-14T13:46:39.000+0100}, author = {Hucáková, Monika}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.13090}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4460, ZA4800, ZA7500}, interhash = {3e9e3e2e9b8ccb556a341d2b6eac4448}, intrahash = {e3b820a1b09a805541fd331146ff244f}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic indexproved kbe noindex slovak}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008, EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {V?skum EVS: Slabne po?iadavka ukotvi? rolu matky v man?elstve. Medzi hodnotami Európanov má najv?znamnej?ie postavenie rodina}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{baptista2018leftright, abstract = {This article aims to find out how the Left-Right political dichotomy is present in the electorate, seeking to ascertain their understanding and knowledge about this political dyad. For this, we used a questionnaire survey aimed at assessing the social, economic and cultural values of citizens, in order to understand the political ideology of each respondent. The conclusions show that the surveyed electorate presents difficulties in understanding, orienting and self-positioning on the left-right political scale.}, added-at = {2019-02-14T13:21:54.000+0100}, author = {Baptista, Jo?o and Loureiro, Marlene}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.31211/interacoes.n35.2018.a3}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {da58a5f2ae70ca58f36dbc0b32dc838e}, intrahash = {bfbe52abec9f66c6d9fc4a0b79555a83}, journal = {Intera??es: Sociedade e as novas modernidades}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked indexproved kbe noindex portuguese review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 35, pages = {57-80}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Left-Right Political Ideology - Exploratory Study of the Portuguese Electorate [Ideologia Política Esquerda-Direita – Estudo Exploratório do Eleitorado Português]}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{veltri2016sulle, added-at = {2019-02-14T13:07:50.000+0100}, author = {Veltri, Giuseppe A.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {2b2a655cb5251ee8b58daa14dd73540d}, intrahash = {4cef890c92553b9b4362e9e83640c6b2}, journal = {Medium Italia}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked electronic indexproved italian kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Sulle differenze culturali in Italia: cosa ci dicono i dati}, url = {}, year = 2016}@techreport{voeten2016people, abstract = {In an important and already influential 2016 article in the Journal of Democracy, Roberto Stefan Foa and Yascha Mounk argue that citizens in consolidated democracies in Europe and the United States have “become more cynical about the value of democracy as a political system” and “more willing to express support for authoritarian alternatives” (Foa and Mounk 2016, p.7). Moreover, millennials are especially culpable.These are important and broad claims that are worthy of a systematic follow-up analysis. My purpose is not to replicate Foa and Mounk’s findings but to examine the veracity of their substantive claims more systematically. I show that there is no evidence for the first claim. Trends in overall support for democracy and its non-democratic alternatives have been flat for the past two decades. This finding is very robust to different ways of defining the countries of interest.There is some support for the second claim. Millennials are somewhat more favorably inclined towards non-democratic ways of ruling their countries even after we account for age. Nevertheless these effects primarily come from the United States. Moreover, when we look at confidence in actual democratic institutions, then the opposite pattern emerges: older people have lost faith in U.S. Congress and the Executive to a greater extent than younger people. }, added-at = {2019-02-14T12:49:44.000+0100}, author = {Voeten, Erik}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.2139/ssrn.2882878}, institution = {Georgetown University - Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS)}, interhash = {a296eb6b92cb4fc5ec4175f6b8ed92a3}, intrahash = {240c75223d30c99b2f6640a6392d762a}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP checked english kbe techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Are People Really Turning Away from Democracy?}, url = {}, year = 2016}@techreport{adler2018centrist, abstract = {A wave of new research has documented the decline in citizen support for demo-cracy. But the distribution of anti-democratic attitudes remains unclear. In this article, I use the World Values Survey and European Values Survey to examine the relationship between democratic discontent and the left-right political spectrum. I find that, contrary to much contemporary commentary, hostility to democracy is strongest not at the political extremes, but in the center. Respondents at the center of the political spectrum are the least supportive of democracy, least committed to its institutions, and most supportive of authoritarianism. I refer to this surprising finding as the ‘centrist paradox.’ Recent research has advanced our understanding of extremist parties. We know far less, however, about moderates. The centrist paradox points to this lacuna.}, added-at = {2019-02-14T12:05:29.000+0100}, author = {Adler, David}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.2139/ssrn.3214467}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {affbfa1b58346228a6d88e7387bf0a2f}, intrahash = {87de8ed784aefc47267b961d05519a39}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english kbe techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 24, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Centrist Paradox. Political Correlates of the Democratic Disconnect}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{adler2018centrists, added-at = {2019-02-14T11:47:57.000+0100}, author = {Adler, David}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {b0443582faab51f2dd5c23d2625b03f3}, intrahash = {6e6847addca2586c2cad307228928314}, journal = {The New Vork Times}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: May 23, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Centrists Are the Most Hostile to Democracy, Not Extremists}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{maineri2019trust, abstract = {Vandaag viert Facebook haar 15e verjaardag. De sociale netwerksite, ooit door Mark Zuckerberg opgericht als online fotoboek voor zijn klasgenoten op Harvard University, heeft een felle groeispurt gekend, maar werd het afgelopen jaar met hevige groeipijnen geconfronteerd. Sociologen Angelica Maineri en Tim Reeskens gaan na of de controverse rondom datalekken het vertrouwen in sociale media heeft geschaad. }, added-at = {2019-02-14T10:28:14.000+0100}, author = {Maineri, Angelica and Reeskens, Tim}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e9cdfba73ac77a26778f5e70776e7b18}, intrahash = {47611dcef2b6d025faefdc5e3ddc5f98}, journal = {Sociale Vraagstukken - Blog}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch electronic indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {First published online: February 04, 2019, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-02-26T16:46:07.000+0100}, title = {In Zuck we trust?}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{fountain2018family, abstract = {Families and marriages have existed since the start of human history, long before the Bible evolved. Yet the influence of this one book on the concept of marriage and the family relationships that resulted far outweighs any other source over the past 2000 years.}, added-at = {2019-02-14T09:58:35.000+0100}, author = {Fountain, Jeff}, biburl = {}, interhash = {21a06c55001d3ab3ac511652aaa7c89f}, intrahash = {a114957c781ffca6341674c7d4592b50}, journal = {Weekly Word}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: August 27, 2018, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Family & Marriage}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{bartels2013political, added-at = {2019-02-14T09:13:27.000+0100}, author = {Bartels, Larry}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {a7caad5ebd840427dd3c8395f23c0b1f}, intrahash = {1605bb2a3d8d0f35e42f647bdd4ba8f2}, journal = {The Monkey Cage - Blog}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: August 22, 2013, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {(Not Much) Political Polarization in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{ennserjedenastik2019bringt, abstract = {Personen mit Migrationshintergrund haben per se kein traditionelleres Frauenbild, hier lebende Muslime laut einer Studie aber schon.}, added-at = {2019-02-13T13:45:47.000+0100}, author = {Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8259affae0fa5d356c8f7ba328836185}, intrahash = {1f8cb991df5caa1efe98e37e05f0aee7}, journal = {Der Standard}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: January 31, 2019, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Bringt Zuwanderung patriarchale Rollenbilder nach ?sterreich?}, url = {}, year = 2019}@techreport{arnorsson2016causes, abstract = {We analyse the voting pattern in the June 23rd referendum on the continued participation of the United Kingdom in the European Union and evaluate the reasons for the results. We find that regions where GDP per capita is low, a high proportion of people have low education, a high proportion is over the age of 65 and there is strong net immigration are more likely to be apprehensive of the E.U., consider the enlargement of the E.U. as having gone too far, be suspicious of immigrants and not want them as neighbours and, most importantly, to vote for Brexit. The fear of immigration does not seem to be fully justified in terms of the literature on the labour market effects of immigrants in the UK. Looking at the response of the sterling exchange to poll numbers we find that investors appear to view Brexit as a negative event. }, added-at = {2019-02-13T13:19:42.000+0100}, author = {Arnorsson, Agust and Zoega, Gylfi}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, institution = {Center for Economic Studies (CES) and the ifo Institute}, interhash = {dc365acae95b6ba5bf97297a3ac60ffb}, intrahash = {8d33898dec9d101a31606e20ba60b789}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english kbe techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 35, series = {CESifo Working Paper No. 6056}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {On the Causes of Brexit}, year = 2016}@article{arnorsson2018causes, abstract = {We analyse the voting pattern in the June 23rdreferendum on the continued participation of the United Kingdom in the European Union and evaluate the reasons for the results. We find that output, education and the share of older people at the regional level can explain attitudes towards immigrants and the European Union. Thus, regions where GDP per capita is low, a high proportion of people has low education, a high proportion is over the age of 65 and there is strong net immigration are more likely to be apprehensive of the European Union, be suspicious of immigrants and not want them as neighbours and, most importantly, to vote for Brexit. The fear of immigration does not seem to be fully justified in terms of the literature on the labour market effects of immigrants in the UK. Using the British Election Study, we find similar results. Thus negative attitudes towards immigration and EU enlargement are correlated with voting for Brexit using data on individuals.}, added-at = {2019-02-13T11:30:45.000+0100}, author = {Arnorsson, Agust and Zoega, Gylfi}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2018.02.001}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {04344262063e8b3de74f3284bffc9fd7}, intrahash = {b57311629f036d2178f95983e84138e0}, issn = {0176-2680}, journal = {European Journal of Political Economy}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {301-323}, study = {ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {On the causes of Brexit}, url = {}, volume = 55, year = 2018}@article{meinhart2018religis, abstract = {Alle zehn Jahre widmet sich eine Studie dem Wertegefüge der Bev?lkerung. Im dritten Teil der profil-Serie geht es um die Religion. }, added-at = {2019-02-13T11:00:34.000+0100}, author = {Meinhart, Edith}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9e352d712caa7e1384337a4609ccbc6d}, intrahash = {49670dc43c7aaefa1337b56cf08fa1f7}, journal = {Profil}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: November 09, 2108, . (EVS)}, number = 45, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wie religi?s sind die ?sterreicher?}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 2018}@article{nn2018studie, added-at = {2019-02-13T10:51:30.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c052c2325bf566e4f114c1c6aa1c88ef}, intrahash = {1881bb6ea32ede6d9f83951c7999bb09}, journal = {}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic german indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: November 08, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Studie: Mehrheit in ?sterreich glaubt an Gott}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018sterreicher, added-at = {2019-02-13T10:34:54.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2aed467e19d2f8573826e97810b1d504}, intrahash = {192eb9e424d41e067c7b9d34377ba7ce}, journal = {Ober?sterreichisches Volksblatt}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {?sterreicher bleiben zwar religi?s ... aber entkoppeln sich st?rker von den Religionsgemeinschaften}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018religiositt, abstract = {Zwei Drittel der ?sterreicher verstehen sich als religi?se Menschen. 32 Prozent der ?sterreicher besuchen monatlich einen Gottesdienst.}, added-at = {2019-02-13T10:27:13.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {052f9176ee22804efd845e13a3d84bce}, intrahash = {5b91aadc21498834bf613d5d64acce23}, journal = {Ober?sterreichische Nachrichten}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: November 05, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Religiosit?t entkoppelt sich von Religionsgemeinschaften}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018religiositt, added-at = {2019-02-13T10:22:17.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {052f9176ee22804efd845e13a3d84bce}, intrahash = {a7ce7e1c14752dde16f7353113b8966a}, journal = {Kleine Zeitung}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: November 05, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Religiosit?t entkoppelt sich von Religionsgemeinschaften}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018religion, abstract = {Zwei Drittel der ?sterreicher bezeichnen sich als religi?s. Von den Religionsgemeinschaften entfernen sie sich aber immer mehr. Das ergab die "Europ?ische Wertestudie".}, added-at = {2019-02-13T10:00:51.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1f0a25938dde8485f8bcfa1346e69f34}, intrahash = {4896361860caac3c85555dcc169b7d3f}, journal = {Die Presse}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: November 05, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Religion entkoppelt sich von Religionsgemeinschaften}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018religiositt, abstract = {Zwei Drittel der ?sterreicherinnen und ?sterreicher verstehen sich als religi?se Menschen. Die pers?nliche Religiosit?t entkoppelt sich aber zunehmend von den Religionsgemeinschaften.}, added-at = {2019-02-13T09:53:30.000+0100}, author = {N.N}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4beb1ebe29bcd9e2e5cdbbc4dafe45c3}, intrahash = {7fba8a8364069ced54bada59efa83c86}, journal = {}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic german indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: November 05, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Religiosit?t entkoppelt sich von Gemeinschaften}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{bruhl2018wertestudie, abstract = {Religion ist für die Menschen kein zentraler Lebensbereich mehr. Dennoch k?nnte sie eine Renaissance erleben.}, added-at = {2019-02-13T09:43:41.000+0100}, author = {Brühl, Ute}, biburl = {}, interhash = {713d9baea5fe07b201816906eb7a727e}, intrahash = {09524fbdbf744ac2a46e0e1f65cbcf07}, journal = {Kurier}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: November 04, 2018, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertestudie: Die gro?e Mehrheit der ?sterreicher glaubt an Gott}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018wertestudie, added-at = {2019-02-13T09:33:27.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {23fa645bacdf6b8b94490211805b6880}, intrahash = {b71008d6849d8e30a636575783c7b3b5}, journal = {Ober?sterreichische Nachrichten}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 29, 2018, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertestudie: ?sterreicher wollen ausgeglichene Work-Life-Balance}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018sterreicher, added-at = {2019-02-13T09:25:19.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {33d05a502d320863c432cd247294a88b}, intrahash = {28e03d12ff6bd3fff367c8f0cea00d6c}, journal = {Ober?sterreichisches Volksblatt}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 29, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {?sterreicher wollen ausgeglichene Work-Life-Balance}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2017wertestudie, abstract = {Die Einstellung der ?sterreicher zu Arbeit und Beruf hat sich seit 1990 stark ge?ndert. Angenehme Arbeitszeiten sind vielen besonders wichtig. }, added-at = {2019-02-13T09:16:38.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b75bd07ab20ddbfadb21a45bdb4f3df1}, intrahash = {a4aaae365598f6d024906990ba4f22df}, journal = {Die Presse}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 29, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertestudie: Arbeit ist ?sterreichern weniger wichtig}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{bruhl2018werte, added-at = {2019-02-13T08:57:15.000+0100}, author = {Brühl, Ute}, biburl = {}, interhash = {763ae5b9835f4af23b3e398a3f1d07e3}, intrahash = {dd2543b90747a3dba660b841127d0fa3}, journal = {Kurier}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 28, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Werte: Familie ist hohes Gut, Arbeit nur noch das halbe Leben}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{meinhart2018wertecheck, abstract = {Alle zehn Jahre untersuchen Forscher das Wertegefüge der Bev?lkerung. Im zweiten Teil der profil-Serie geht es um Geldverdienen und Familie, Freunde und Freizeit.}, added-at = {2019-02-12T12:50:12.000+0100}, author = {Meinhart, Edith}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f5505205dccc4b1f9cfe099d4492add1}, intrahash = {eaade6c73a877a1c859258ad04ae5b71}, journal = {Profil}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October, 27, 2018, . (EVS)}, number = 44, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertecheck: Familie und Freunde, Beruf und Freizeit}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 2018}@article{nn2018bedeutung, abstract = {?sterreich-Teil der Europ?ischen Wertestudie ist "profil"-Titelgeschichte - Religi?se Praxis "erodiert", auch wenn 73 Prozent der Bev?lkerung an Gott glaubt - Hohe Zustimmung zur Demokratie als Staatsform}, added-at = {2019-02-12T12:41:04.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bb3b3ba62022dc06affc083b1b90a31f}, intrahash = {9728772c0e5914cb1eea40fc0e10e58e}, journal = {Katholische Kirche ?sterreich}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic german indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {First published online: October 22, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-02-26T16:47:33.000+0100}, title = {Bedeutung der Religion nimmt für ?sterreicher weiter ab}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018wunsch, abstract = {Die ?sterreicherinnen und ?sterreicher haben von der Politik ein positiveres Bild als noch vor zehn Jahren, die Demokratie genie?t h?chste Zustimmungsraten, ein "starker Führer" wird mehr denn je abgelehnt. Das sind die ersten Ergebnisse der neuen "Europ?ischen Wertestudie", die von der Universit?t Wien erhoben wurden.}, added-at = {2019-02-12T12:07:25.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {14015225248421a83ab7db58249cc3cf}, intrahash = {22fe8789302309785b519da8dbcc44e4}, journal = {News}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 22, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wunsch nach "starkem Führer" gesunken}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018wertestudie, abstract = {Wunsch nach "starkem Führer" in vergangenen zehn Jahren deutlich gesunken. ?sterreicher bleiben kritisch punkto Zuwanderung.}, added-at = {2019-02-12T11:59:45.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6045c3c95feaedaaa8bc0671dc6ba69e}, intrahash = {6be0b5ce901c8a53a9f7b77dd4a717df}, journal = {}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 22, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertestudie: Zufriedenheit mit Demokratie und Politik gestiegen}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018wertestudie, abstract = {Die ?sterreicher sehnen sich kaum nach einem "starken Führer", vertrauen dafür Polizei, Sozialversicherung und Gewerkschaften - Pluspunkte gab es auch beim Vertrauen in die Regierung. Das ergab eine Studie der Uni Wien.}, added-at = {2019-02-12T11:35:59.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6045c3c95feaedaaa8bc0671dc6ba69e}, intrahash = {117c6076c6fcbbb9ab508ac735b73e75}, journal = {Die Presse}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ISSP2017 Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 22, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {ISSP2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertestudie: Zufriedenheit mit Demokratie und Politik gestiegen}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018bedeutung, abstract = {Die Bedeutung der Religion nimmt für ?sterreicherinnen und ?sterreicher weiter ab. Gab 1990 noch rund ein Viertel der Bev?lkerung an, Religion sei ?sehr wichtig im Leben“, so geben das von den heuer dazu Befragten nur noch 16 Prozent an.}, added-at = {2019-02-07T11:22:19.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {aa6ae7376cfaa04cc4ef59588db799f8}, intrahash = {ea24b133bdce32c4517b8f938444af08}, journal = {}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic german indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {First published online: October 22, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-02-26T16:47:52.000+0100}, title = {Bedeutung der Religion nimmt in ?sterreich weiter ab}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018zufriedenheit, abstract = {Die ?sterreicherinnen und ?sterreicher haben von der Politik ein positiveres Bild als noch vor zehn Jahren, die Demokratie genie?t h?chste Zustimmungsraten. Den Wunsch nach einem ?starken Führer“ hegen ?nur“ mehr 16 Prozent.}, added-at = {2019-02-05T11:55:52.000+0100}, author = {N.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9c08779b0ad0079063b2e4ffc8fa872a}, intrahash = {cad0927e13c02f234e8dc1738e16ad37}, journal = {?sterreich.ORF.AT (}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic german indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {First published online: October 22, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-02-26T16:41:29.000+0100}, title = {Zufriedenheit mit Politik gestiegen}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nn2018wertestudie, abstract = {Woher jemand kommt, wird immer unwichtiger. Wer sich an gewisse Spielregeln h?lt, wird heute eher als ?sterreicher akzeptiert als vor 30 Jahren.}, added-at = {2019-02-05T10:25:35.000+0100}, author = {N.N}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8e73ea70fc0d7e54cd76348428d52570}, intrahash = {f7ee178d5ef82f4b33ac3143bb66efe7}, journal = {Kurier}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 21, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Wertestudie: Wer ist ein echter ?sterreicher?}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{meinhart2018woran, abstract = {Einmal pro Dekade liefert eine gro?angelegte Studie ein gro?formatiges Standbild aus dem Innenleben ?sterreichs. Welche Werte pr?gen seine Bewohner? Was ist ihnen wichtig, wo schalten sie ab? Wie halten sie es mit der Demokratie? Wie schauen sie in die Zukunft? Und wie ist es um den sozialen Zusammenhalt bestellt?}, added-at = {2019-02-05T09:52:05.000+0100}, author = {Meinhart, Edith}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cf572b94f6852e832222a3b40eb9a31b}, intrahash = {f5ede757352bc0777f7719a48425c8f8}, journal = {Profil}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2017 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, note = {First published online: October 20, 2018, . (EVS)}, number = 43, study = {EVS2017}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Woran ?sterreich glaubt}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 2018}@book{friesl2009sterreicherinnen, abstract = { Was denken ?sterreicherinnen und ?sterreicher über Beziehung, Arbeit, Religion und Politik? Wie haben sich diese Einstellungen zwischen 1990 und 2008 ver?ndert? Lassen sich Trends erkennen? Das Buch pr?sentiert die Werthaltungen der ?sterreichischen Bev?lkerung der letzten 20 Jahre und beleuchtet eingehend die Hintergründe und Ursachen dieser Einstellungen.?"Die ?sterreicher/-innen“ richtet, ausgehend von der im Rahmen des Instituts für praktische Theologie 2008 zum dritten Mal durchgeführten ?Europ?ischen Wertestudie“, seinen Fokus auf deren ?sterreich-Auswertung. Die Autor(inn)en gehen den obenstehenden Fragen auf den Grund und spüren mithilfe detaillierter Daten und Fakten schlüssige Antworten auf. Neben den Analysen der einzelnen Lebensfelder stellen sie Perspektiven und Handlungsempfehlungen dar. Dabei wird den Herausforderungen, die sich angesichts von Gegenwart und Zukunft für Familien, Politik und Kirche ergeben, ausreichend Platz einger?umt.Mit Beitr?gen von u. a. Gudrun Biffl, Thomas Hofer, Erich Lehner, Katharina Renner, Andreas Steinmayr, Claudia Tschippan, Renate Wieser, Paul M. Zulehner. }, added-at = {2019-02-04T11:17:19.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10059}, editor = {Friesl, Christian and Polak, Regina and Hamachers-Zuba, Ursula}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {0f35261f7b6e9f4d6312d22bb0ef8740}, intrahash = {f205de24387d0de17a778f38830acd61}, isbn = {978-3-7076-0295-1}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 book checked german kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 352, publisher = {Czernin Verlag}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-02-04T11:21:34.000+0100}, title = {Die ?sterreicher/-innen. Wertewandel 1990-2008}, year = 2009}@incollection{lakomy2017values, abstract = {This paper utilizes an untapped data source containing information about completed fertility rates and many explanatory variables to elaborate the education-fertility link. Indicators of the theory of value change and rational choice theory are tested as possible explanations for this relationship. A Poisson regression is used to analyze data from the fourth wave of the European Values Study, with the number of children as the dependent variable. The association between education and fertility is found to be generally negative and stronger for women. The findings also indicate that opportunity costs and liberal values are stronger predictors of fertility among women than among men, and largely explain the more negative effect of education on women. Additional analysis of different welfare regimes reveals that the multivariate association between education and fertility remains significant only for the post-communist countries of Europe.}, added-at = {2019-02-04T09:15:28.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, author = {Lakomy, Martin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Special issue on Education and fertility in low-fertility settings}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10059}, doi = {10.1553/populationyearbook2017s121}, editor = {Lutz, Wolfgang and Beaujouan, Eva and Sobotka, Tomas and Nitsche, Natalie and Van Bavel, Jan}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {633ce196c159bc41e671af1f6087114d}, intrahash = {b09d3f3333eb492df1f580b5e32106e3}, isbn = {1782-4414}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection kbe}, note = { 0x003905f3.pdf. (EVS)}, pages = {121-414}, privnote = {note = {38 countries, number of children (completed fertility), ISCED, ISEI, items from the SDT value index, age, sex, and marital status}}, publisher = {Verlag der ?sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften}, series = {Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2017, Volume 15}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The role of values and of socioeconomic status in the education-fertility link among men and women}, year = 2017}@article{dulmer2018impact, abstract = {Moral rules that forbid killing, stealing, or cheating exist in every society. In the highly insecure environment of traditional societies, such rules claim absolute validity and have to be followed strictly (moral universalism/absolutism). Laid down by benevolent metaphysical powers, moral rules ensure maximal predictability, permitting the individual to cope with high levels of stress caused by insecurity. Modernisation, rationalisation, and secularisation change the application mode of moral rules. In modern societies, since the consequences of right action can no longer be assigned to metaphysical powers, people have to take responsibility for the foreseeable consequences themselves: conflicts become possible between moral rules and the negative consequences of morally right actions. As a result, formerly strict moral rules become prima facie rules which are applied context-sensitively (moral contextualism/restricted moral universalism): grey areas of moral dissent come into existence. In the highly secure environment of modern welfare states, people can tolerate more moral ambiguity, which however does not mean that basic moral rules lose their universal validity. Based on these considerations it is expected that younger cohorts are morally more tolerant than older ones. Since moral judgment requires cognitive skills, more highly educated people are assumed to be better able to distinguish under what conditions moral rule obedience is required and under what conditions an exception might be morally justifiable. The empirical results based on the European Values Study 2008 confirm these expectations.}, added-at = {2019-01-28T09:24:29.000+0100}, author = {Dülmer, Hermann}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {9b360c4d0595290a8d864e956853393f}, intrahash = {8b33cbb2b9b7fb7942c9e39684dede3d}, journal = {The Aoyama Journal of Global Studies and Collaboration}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {81-107}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {The Impact of Modernisation and Culture on Morality and Moral Change in Europe: From Universalism to Contextualism}, url = {}, year = 2018}@inproceedings{anton2018sociological, abstract = {The matter of national identity has a long tradition in sociological research of almost all European countries. This could be an explanation for a considerable literature which was developed in different socio-political circumstances and why now is very difficult to examine it in a comprehensive way. This subject became more actual in the recent geopolitical context where we can notice contradictory trends between integration/globalisation and fragmentation, or we are challenging by the issues of migration. Despite of a current tendency, (in fact, is a recurrent one), that national identity is imagined and constructed, the author advocates a "civic nationalism" that makes a claim to respecting cultural differences but also to build and secure a specific national identity very useful during dialog with other nations. On the other hand, we are witnessing to increasing diversification of European societies and attempts to create a collective identity at European level in order to enhance a consciousness of being European. The opinion expressed by the author is that there are no contradictions between to be national and to be European. The paper identifies the main methodological issues within sociological research to measure diverse dimensions of national and European identity. In this respect, we are interested to scrutinize the meanings of national and of European identity used by several universities from Europe, or inside of various research programs (Eurobarometer, European Values Study, European Social Survey and International Social Survey Programme). Conclusions in this paper are purely conceptual and are not based on own empirical survey. However, there are many secondary data sets which are available for exploitation and with a great potential to develop deeply and analytical analysis. At the same time, the models examined here could be an argument for future projects research which are preparing to be submitted in the following competition.}, added-at = {2019-01-24T11:53:17.000+0100}, author = {Anton, Mihail}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {14th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education" Bucharest, April 19 - 20, 2018 }, doi = {10.12753/2066-026X-18-284}, interhash = {96e2f80ea0d3b9beb161e5fab8810bad}, intrahash = {0bba8f32f981b16077a2c7dc6f4f5ff6}, keywords = {2018 EB_input2019 EVS EVS_input2019 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2019 checked english inproceedings kbe}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {490-496}, study = {Eurobarometer, EVS, ISSP}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Sociological Measurement of National and European Identity. Explanatory Models and Secondary Data Analysis.}, year = 2018}@book{drfler2019elterliche, abstract = {Welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede bestehen bei der Aufteilung von bezahlter und unbezahlter Arbeit von Eltern in ?sterreich und Schweden und welche Ursachen lassen sich seit den 1990er Jahren feststellen? Sonja D?rfler untersucht das Verhalten von Müttern und V?tern und beleuchtet die Entwicklung der kulturellen und der familienpolitischen Ebene beider L?nder hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf die elterliche Arbeitsteilung. Die Analysen zeigen, dass sich seither in beiden L?ndern auf allen drei Ebenen ein progressiver Wandel vollzogen hat, wobei dieser in Schweden deutlich früher einsetzte und auch heute noch weiter fortgeschritten ist. Dieses Buch zeigt auf, welche konkreten Rahmenbedingungen von Seiten der Politik gesetzt werden k?nnen, um eine geschlechtergerechtere Arbeitsteilung bei Eltern zum Wohle der Gesamtgesellschaft zu erreichen.}, added-at = {2019-01-24T09:09:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {D?rfler, Sonja}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12661, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23206-1}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5900, ZA4460, ZA3811}, interhash = {c33e0b9fe522848ff5f624794c393457}, intrahash = {1a6bcf654b4bb454f6c0da809df8bfc5}, isbn = {978-3-658-23205-4}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2012 ISSP_input2019 ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA5900 book checked german kbe}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 190, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {ISSP2012, EVS1990, EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T08:30:36.000+0100}, title = {Elterliche Arbeitsteilung in ?sterreich und Schweden. Die Entwicklung institutioneller und kultureller Rahmenbedingungen von 1990 bis heute [Parental division of labor in Austria and Sweden. The development of institutional and cultural framework conditions from 1990 to today]}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{brechon2018transmission, abstract = {Dans quelle mesure la religion se transmet-elle d’une génération à l’autre ? Quelle est la part d’évolution, de changement entre les parents et les enfants dans leurs attitudes religieuses ? Pour le montrer, cet article considère d’abord la carte de la religion majoritaire en Europe, qui donne à voir les ruptures du christianisme au cours du dernier millénaire. Les appartenances religieuses se sont donc apparemment très bien maintenues entre pays orthodoxes, protestants et catholiques. L’analyse des données des enquêtes European Values Studies (EVS) d’abord, International Social Survey programme (ISSP) ensuite, montre qu’un processus de sécularisation très important est en cours et que la religion ne se transmet plus aussi bien qu’autrefois ; c’est aujourd’hui l’irréligion qui se transmet le plus facilement, en tout cas dans les pays les plus sécularisés.}, added-at = {2019-01-22T09:32:55.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.13161, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.3917/reof.156.0011}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4950, ZA4800}, interhash = {96decc8056bdd7de0f74d2903b437c18}, intrahash = {8ac1080632713b41326ce6d7e72c9f41}, issn = {9791090994072}, journal = {Revue de l'OFCE}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2008 ISSP_input2019 SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 ZA4950 article checked french indexproved kbe review_proved}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {11-27}, study = {ISSP2008, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {La transmission des pratiques et croyances religieuses d’une génération à l’autre [The transmission of religious practices and beliefs from one generation to the next]}, url = {}, volume = 156, year = 2018}@techreport{steinhauer2018working, abstract = {In this paper I provide empirical evidence that the strength of beliefs regarding the harm children suffer when their mothers work plays an important role in explaining gender gaps in labor market outcomes and fertility trends. I exploit a unique setting in Switzerland and compare outcomes of one cohort of Swiss women born in the 1950s either into the French or German ethno-linguistic group. This allows me to compareoutcomes of women exposed to different norms regarding working mothers while holding constant typical confounding factors such as composition, labor market opportunities, and work-family policies. Consistent with the strong belief that children suffer with working mothers in the German region, I find that German-born women are 15-25% less likely to work as mothers and 20-20% more likely to remain childless compared to their French-born peers. Only the extensive margins show marked differences and especially among the highly educated. I argue that an identity framework along the lines of Akerlof and Kranton (2000) can rationalize these patterns in a tractable way. }, added-at = {2019-01-21T08:56:40.000+0100}, author = {Steinhauer, Andreas}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11564, doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3880 v1.1.0, ZA4804 v3.0.0}, institution = {Sciences Po}, interhash = {9005ec032f92c593e5aa1c5a06502877}, intrahash = {f0bfc876a7c05a16be8e84afbfbd7192}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2002 ISSP_input2019 ZA3880 ZA4804 checked english kbe techreport}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, series = {LIEPP Working Paper n°79}, study = {ISSP2002, EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Working Moms, Childlessness, and Female Identity }, url = {}, year = 2018}@book{2018religious, abstract = {This book is an empirical comparative study of the complexity of religion in the public spheres of the five Nordic countries. The result of a five-year collaborative research project, the work examines how increasingly religiously diverse Nordic societies regulate, debate, and negotiate religion in the state, the polity, the media, and civil society. The project finds that there are seemingly contradictory religious trends at different social levels: a growing secularization at the individual level, and a deprivatization of religion in politics, the media, and civil society. It offers a critique of the current theories of secularization and the return of religion, introducing religious complexity as an alternative concept to understand these paradoxes. This book is for scholars, students, and readers with an interest in understanding the public role of religion in the West. }, added-at = {2019-01-16T12:01:05.000+0100}, address = {Cham}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11372, doi:10.4232/1.13161, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.2150, doi:10.4232/1.3190, doi:10.4232/1.11334}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-55678-9}, editor = {Furseth, Inger}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3950, ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800, ZA2150, ZA3190, ZA4950}, interhash = {ded6e0ca00cce7c894fb4b41951b017d}, intrahash = {132bcc1557fb4f426138c62b49a9cade}, isbn = {978-3-319-55678-9}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1991 ISSP1998 ISSP2004 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2019 ZA2150 ZA3190 ZA3811 ZA3950 ZA4460 ZA4800 ZA4950 book checked english kbe}, note = {. (ISSP) (EVS)}, pages = 341, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, series = {Palgrave Studies in Religion, Politics, and Policy}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008, ISSP1991, ISSP1998, ISSP2008, ISSP2004}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Complexity in the Public Sphere: Comparing Nordic Countries}, url = {}, year = 2018}@book{hein2018grenzen, abstract = {Von den "Grenzen der Verfassung" ist seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert die Rede. Dieser Sonderband widmet sich in interdisziplin?rer Perspektive der Frage, ob und in welcher Weise der Grenzbegriff für die verfassungspolitische Analyse systematisch fruchtbar gemacht werden kann. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass moderne Verfassungen nicht nur selbst aktiv Grenzen ziehen, sondern sich auch ihrerseits vielf?ltigen Grenzziehungen gegenüber sehen. Diese Grenzen werden von den politik- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Beitr?gen dieses Sonderbandes systematisch unter die Lupe genommen. Vier Grenzziehungen werden n?her untersucht: die Grenzen der Verfassungsgebung, die Grenzen der Effektivit?t und Pr?zision von Verfassungen, die Grenzen der Legitimit?t von Verfassungen und die nationalstaatlichen Verfassungsgrenzen. Darüber hinaus werden die zentralen methodischen und inhaltlichen Fragen diskutiert, denen sich die Verfassungsforschung mit Rückgriff auf den Grenzbegriff zukünftig widmen sollte.}, added-at = {2019-01-15T11:01:00.000+0100}, address = {Baden-Baden}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, editor = {Hein, Michael and Petersen, Felix and Steinsdorff, Silvia von}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {4f65e4f58da31943f9bac05ef8e34f5c}, intrahash = {19162cac374f5a5cc4e349b0e2dcd037}, isbn = {978-3-8487-4947-8}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 book checked german kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 288, publisher = {Nomos}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-15T11:02:19.000+0100}, title = {Die Grenzen der Verfassung}, year = 2018}@incollection{stark2018legitimitt, added-at = {2019-01-15T10:57:41.000+0100}, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Stark, Toralf and Smolka, Theresia and Pickel, Susanne}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Die Grenzen der Verfassung}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, editor = {Hein, Michael and Petersen, Felix and von Steinsdorff, Silvia von}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {df2289f52e99bb61555a03bb28f7399f}, intrahash = {dd765e46fa23825ae1b6929ea1b21695}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {185-206}, publisher = {Nomos}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Die Legitimit?t demokratischer Verfassungen – ein Vorschlag zur empirischen Bestimmung}, year = 2018}@article{kerrissey2018labor, abstract = {This research uses comparative survey data to examine the effects of labor union membership on individual political participation. We argue that national political institutions—specifically, democracy and corporatism—shape the ways that unions mobilize their members to engage in the political sphere. Democratic regimes provide structural opportunities and cultural repertoires that lead unions to focus on member mobilization, especially via contentious politics and political parties. Corporatism, which directly links unions to state structures, undercuts the logics and incentives for union mobilization. We draw upon historical cases of Germany, the United States, Chile, and Egypt to illustrate how democracy and corporatism shape unions’ mobilization efforts. Multilevel models of World Values Survey data from roughly 60 countries find that union members participate more than non-members across a range of electoral and extra-institutional political acts, such as demonstrating, occupying buildings, signing petitions, party work, and so forth. In democratic societies, such effects are stronger and participation shifts toward parties and contentious politics. In less democratic societies, union members are particularly likely to work with and through other political organizations. Corporatist arrangements generally dampen the political activities of union members.}, added-at = {2019-01-14T14:45:50.000+0100}, author = {Kerrissey, Jasmine and Schofer, Evan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11372, doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1093/sf/soy044}, eprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/sf/97/1/10.1093_sf_soy044/2/soy044.pdf}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3950, ZA4804}, interhash = {86610cfb8b3e8156bb92ba5dae6100fe}, intrahash = {8750d1b97bed5f1f75ae18230b60ebbc}, journal = {Social Forces}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2004 ISSP_input2018 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {427-464}, study = {ISSP2004, EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Labor Unions and Political Participation in Comparative Perspective}, url = {}, volume = 97, year = 2018}@book{baloban2005potrazi, added-at = {2019-01-14T13:41:02.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, biburl = {}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {ce2e3e5b9e3683268878bd2eab17dcbf}, intrahash = {835119036e533b2fb34ff09b62fdc89f}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP book checked croatian kbe}, note = {(EVS)}, publisher = {Golden?marketing-Tehni?ka?knjiga}, study = {EVS}, timestamp = {2019-01-14T13:41:02.000+0100}, title = {U POTRAZI ZA IDENTITETOM}, year = 2005}@article{crpic2010dinaminost, abstract = {This paper is based on the results of the European Values Study carried out in Croatia in 2008 on a sample of 1525 individuals, adults living in Croatia. The study was performed to compare the state of religiosity in Croatia to that of 1999 when the same population was tested with the same questionnaire during thefirst study. The basic dimension of religiosity was studied. We were interested in whether there have been significant changes in the dynamics of religious life in Croatia, and in which direction these changes might be going. The results obtained indicate that the level of religiosity in Croatia continues to be high and stable,although some significant changes are visible. For individual indicators we note a slight decrease in the level of religiosity, particularly in respect of denominational identification, attending religious services and the public role of the Church where asignificant decrease in confidence in the Church was noted, particularly in the ability of the Church to provide an adequate response to moral, spiritual, family and social problems and questions. On the other hand, many indicators remain stableand Croatia continues to be among the most religious countries in Europe. One result of the research of particular importance is insight into the dynamics of changes in the structure of religiosity. An increased share of young people compared to older people was registered among the religious, as well as an increase in the share of men and a decreased share of women. }, added-at = {2019-01-14T13:33:14.000+0100}, author = {?RPI?, Gordan and ZRIN??AK, Sini?a}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {fefe9fdc36fecd5d00ce7146e455708c}, intrahash = {04c556b758eac6a7db53ba1d140df4be}, journal = {Dru?tvena istra?ivanja : journal for general social issues}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA4800 article checked croatian indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {1-2 (105-106)}, pages = {3-27}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {DINAMI?NOST U STABILNOSTI: RELIGIOZNOST U HRVATSKOJ 1999. i 2008. GODINE}, url = {}, volume = 19, year = 2010}@phdthesis{malisauskaite2018versus, added-at = {2019-01-14T12:51:01.000+0100}, author = {Mali?auskait?, Gintar?}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {156f27835da09a708e666408d0ab2d2a}, intrahash = {b899cf62d9e66079b1c4e0e3e05f2a81}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english kbe phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 135, school = {University of Kent, School of Economics}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {East versus West: did Communist Regimes matter in the Long-run? Essays on the Comparative Economics of the Former Eastern Bloc Countries}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{gratian2018comment, added-at = {2019-01-14T12:41:00.000+0100}, author = {Gratian, Paul}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c18e611503820a562c564c2b4fa8e07f}, intrahash = {609aa1d17cf7e3a1c76e3e27ee984b20}, journal = {Le blog de Supermood}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked french indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {First published online: October 4, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS}, timestamp = {2019-02-26T17:27:02.000+0100}, title = {Comment manager les millennials?}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{borsenberger2016welfare, abstract = {Welfare regime types are classified according to the role played by three main institutions, namely the market, the state and the family. They can be reinterpreted as systems of exchanges for providing resources based on the main principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. Depending on the different possible dialectical relations between these three principles, they lead to different social cohesion regimes. This paper is the first attempt to empirically test this hypothesis at a European level by elaborating a measure of social cohesion based on values and creating a typology of social cohesion regimes. In comparison to welfare regimes, it invites to go one step further by considering the articulation between the three main principles and proposes a more precise classification for countries. The results invite further research on the links between welfare and social cohesion regimes. The analysis is based on data from the 2008 European Values Study (EVS) in 43 countries using principal component analysis, multidimensional scaling and cluster analyses. }, added-at = {2019-01-14T12:19:10.000+0100}, author = {Borsenberger, Monique and Fleury, Charles and Dickes, Paul}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2016.1172717}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {09047a9731d0917135cec20cabe0dfe9}, intrahash = {9bf5144950f1464adda38ebb62f5000d}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {221-244}, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Welfare regimes and social cohesion regimes: do they express the same values?}, url = {}, volume = 18, year = 2016}@article{doring2019party, abstract = {Here, we present Party Facts (), a modern online database of political parties worldwide. With this project, we provide a comprehensive database of political parties across time and world regions, link party information from some of the core social science data sets, and offer a platform to link political parties across data sets. An initial list of 4000 core parties in 212 countries is mainly based on four major data sets. The core parties in Party Facts are linked with party information from some of the key social science data sets, currently 26. From these data sets, we have included and linked about 15,000 party observations. Party Facts is an important step in developing a more coherent operationalization of political parties across time and space and a gateway to existing data sets on political parties. It allows answering innovative party research questions that require the combination of multiple data sets. }, added-at = {2019-01-14T10:10:35.000+0100}, author = {D?ring, Holger and Regel, Sven}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1177/1354068818820671}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {42d37b77df91ee3d05c35af38214ccd9}, intrahash = {5d823de5e6d40d10713a7b246a907bd2}, journal = {Party Politics}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 7, 2019, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008 v3.0.0}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Party Facts: A database of political parties worldwide}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{carriero2018support, abstract = { This article investigates attitudes towards the conditionality of benefits targeted to a specific needy group, the unemployed, and analyses their relationship with the structure of income inequality. The focus is on the deservingness of welfare recipients. The public seems to use five criteria to define deservingness and, consequently, the conditionality to which public support is subjected: need, attitude (i.e. gratefulness), control (over neediness), reciprocity (of giving and receiving) and identity, that is the similarity or proximity between the providers of public support (the taxpayers) and the people who should receive it. People’s willingness to help depends on how close they consider benefit recipients to be to themselves (i.e. the extent to which they belong to the same in-group). The identity criterion is the main object of our investigation. We argue that the operation of this criterion at the micro-level can be affected by macro-level variables. Specifically, we focus on different measures of the structure of income inequality which are indicators of the social distance between welfare recipients and taxpayers. Based on data from three waves of the European Values Study (1990–2008) collected in 30 countries, the study offers a comparative and longitudinal analysis. The picture emerging from the within-country analysis – which removed much of the between-country heterogeneity ? shows that when the social distance grows, it is more difficult for the majority of citizens (upper and middle classes) to identify with the unemployed. }, added-at = {2019-01-14T09:45:11.000+0100}, author = {Carriero, Renzo and Filandri, Marianna}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1177/0958928718815624}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {4c28a2fde2c3c16a18bde16881640814}, intrahash = {83bfbc2eb7e8889c85afa87256bb9b65}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: December 23, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Support for conditional unemployment benefit in European countries: The role of income inequality}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{reeskens2019nashvilleverklaring, abstract = {De ophef rondom de Nederlandse vertaling van de Nashville-verklaring zindert na. Met name de handtekening van Kees van der Staaij roept negatieve reacties op. Maar moet de actie van de SGP-Tweede Kamer-voorman ons verbazen? Hoe zit het met de tolerantie jegens en homoseksualiteit van jonge SGP’ers? En wat vindt de achterban van DENK? Socioloog Tim Reeskens duikt in de beschikbare data.}, added-at = {2019-01-14T09:33:57.000+0100}, author = {Reeskens, Tim}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7353cd429f45a8aab35c3294a701526c}, intrahash = {3543dd14805cb20b6f8260d2a2ac02e7}, journal = {Sociale Vraagstukken}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS_input2019 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: January 9, 2019, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {De Nashville-verklaring: preken voor de Staatsgereformeerde Kerk?}, url = {}, year = 2019}@article{karkov2012countries, abstract = {Economists face huge challenges when trying to find the exact reasons for wealth and growth. A new thesis argues that the Roman Catholic order of Cistercians formed the basis for prosperity in the West.}, added-at = {2019-01-14T08:48:46.000+0100}, author = {Karkov, Rasmus}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9e650a7c31634b20fe79fdc2ba6c809c}, intrahash = {05ad26e074285f7e789d12db511d3ae4}, journal = {ScienceNordic}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: July 23, 2012, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Why some countries are richer than others}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{zavecz2015viktor, added-at = {2019-01-10T11:52:48.000+0100}, author = {Závecz, Gerg?}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {ec1ab254f6727e41c73654cb8d1d3c47}, intrahash = {43e4c2475d18ce657abcdc524c2fab46}, journal = {LSE Blog}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Viktor Orbán’s views on the death penalty could push Hungary further to the margins of EU politics}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{clements2017attitudes, added-at = {2019-01-10T11:37:02.000+0100}, author = {Clements, Ben}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b85e2b372c6f9b73cdafb6f331fb2b57}, intrahash = {0ca54cc76db4d5f33451ca0bb83e2363}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes towards Gay Rights}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{grabbe2016survive, added-at = {2019-01-10T10:32:52.000+0100}, author = {Grabbe, Heather and Lehne, Stefan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b33ca9c4fab59dc3a882e6bace3f8614}, intrahash = {e13e9d6090cb1575a268ed4ead2b4b33}, journal = {Carnegie Europe}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {First published online: June 14,2016, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Can the EU Survive Populism?}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{fitzgerald2018swedens, added-at = {2019-01-10T10:17:37.000+0100}, author = {Fitzgerald, Jennifer}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, day = 8, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {ec90966643497060a1849f97980d70a9}, intrahash = {9902bbc4977fcf179e44e070b1fade3b}, journal = {The Washington Post}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe newspaper noindex}, month = {September}, note = {First published online: September 8, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Sweden’s far-right party may do well in Sunday’s election. Here’s a surprising reason}, type = {Newspaper}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{diabate2014mtter, abstract = {Was ist eigentlich heutzutage eine "gute" Mutter? Die Assoziationen sind facettenreich und bewegen sich zwischen Mythos und Alltag. Mütter sollen beispielsweise fürsorglich sowie aufopferungsvoll sein und für ihre Kinder die eigene Berufst?tigkeit aufgeben. Mutterleitbilder haben eine lange Tradition, sie sind historisch gewachsen und in allen Kulturen mit besonderen Eigenschaften verbunden.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T10:07:15.000+0100}, author = {Diabaté, Sabine}, biburl = {}, interhash = {972d3462cb12d0b70e72097cea925c56}, intrahash = {951e25d148020d56a12946ef68246d3c}, journal = {Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic german indexproved kbe noindex}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-02-26T16:40:07.000+0100}, title = {Mütter heute: Leitbilder, Lebensrealit?ten und Wünsche}, url = {}, year = 2014}@article{english2018thermostatic, added-at = {2019-01-10T09:56:29.000+0100}, author = {English, Patrick}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ea0c311d85e88acaf245b49406385a9a}, intrahash = {47dd343ffac16bcb703fd4f8d8beca80}, journal = {LSE Blog}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked electronic english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Thermostatic public opinion: why UK anti-immigrant sentiments rise and then fall}, url = {}, year = 2018}@inproceedings{klassen2018disadvantage, abstract = {INTRODUCTION: The paper outlines the connection between being disadvantaged and perceptions of democracy, through the paradigm of the capability approach. The paper briefly summarises the notion of adaptive preferences and how this can be used to explain why disadvantaged citizens are likely to hold different levels of satisfaction with democracy. METHODS: The study analyses about 3.2 million respondents from 162 cross-national surveys covering 143 countries between 1973 and 2016. This public opinion data is analysed against relative levels of economic deprivation and contrasted with five indices of democratic quality. RESULTS: Respondents are more satisfied with democracy as income is more equitably distributed between population quintiles. Democratic satisfaction is more sensitive to changes in income distribution for some demographic groups. Higher socioeconomic groups exhibit stronger correlations with expert indices of democratic quality. DISCUSSION: We find that there is evidence for the utility of the notion of adaptive preferences for understanding satisfaction with democracy. This suggests that more attention should be paid to how inequality is distributed across society, rather than just presenting analysis on how much inequality there is in various democratic societies.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T09:49:22.000+0100}, author = {Klassen, Andrew James}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Conference for the Australian Political Studies Association help in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 21.-25. July 2018, 25th World Congress of the International Political Science Association}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {3e36c1196c1cdaf5bc817e53ec3eb705}, intrahash = {ee874c46e25bd0aaf38a972f83c1b886}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english inproceedings}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Disadvantage and Democracy: Why Income and Education Matter for Attitudes Towards Democracy}, url = {}, year = 2018}@phdthesis{haveric2018beyond, added-at = {2019-01-10T09:40:02.000+0100}, author = {Haveric, Sabina}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {5560021eee76c264b1c837dcb4331a06}, intrahash = {23974c243d57218e7a7c4319f1b8d758}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english kbe phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 180, school = {Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakult?t der Universit?t zu K?ln}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Beyond ethnic voting: Economic and patronage driven electoral mobilization}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{steckermeier2018better, abstract = {The goal of this study is to explore the relationship between culture and social well-being, focusing on inferiority feelings. While being respected is widely seen as a key ingredient of a good life, inferiority feelings signal a lack of esteem from others. Previous research has mainly looked at income inequality as the key contextual condition for inferiority feelings and other status concerns, often inspired by the income inequality thesis/Spirit Level paradigm (Wilkinson and Pickett 2010). We contribute to this discussion by extending this paradigm into the cultural realm. Our main assumption is that an inegalitarian culture breeds inferiority feelings, whereas an egalitarian culture dampens them and in this sense is ``better''. Within a multi-level framework we combine information on culture, operationalized as collective values and beliefs, retrieved from the European Value Study for 30 European countries, and survey data on inferiority feelings for over 37,000 individuals from the most recent European Quality of Life Survey (2011--12). Our evidence suggests that widespread self-expression values and social trust (as expressions of an egalitarian culture) are indeed better as they dampen individuals' inferiority feelings while widespread individual blame for poverty (an expression of an inegalitarian culture) heightens them. In further analyses of each income quintile separately, we find evidence that culture matters---for good or worse---for all income groups, except the poorest quintiles. Our results should prompt scholars of social status and social well-being to pay more attention to the impact of culture.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T09:12:53.000+0100}, author = {Steckermeier, Leonie C. and Delhey, Jan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-018-2007-z}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {44fb719b381c052a31ab7d0b1742c9b3}, intrahash = {79cdbbbe413c43e6de3d64044e1d3502}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: October 24,2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Better for Everyone? Egalitarian Culture and Social Wellbeing in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{nikodem2018oekivanju, abstract = {Rad se temelji na analizi rezultata empirijskog istra?ivanja provedenog u razdobljuod sije?nja do travnja 2017. godine na prigodnom uzorku studenata Sveu?ili?tau Zagrebu i Hrvatskog katoli?kog sveu?ili?ta (N = 1270). Istra?ivanje je provedenometodom ankete (grupno anketiranje) na studentima od prve do pete, odnosno ?estegodine na trima sastavnicama Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu (Filozofski fakultet, Fakultet strojarstvai brodogradnje i Medicinski fakultet) te na ?etirima odjelima Hrvatskog katoli?kogsveu?ili?ta (sociologija, psihologija, povijest i komunikologija). Osnovni cilj radaprezentacija je i analiza religioznosti zagreba?kih studenata temeljem dvaju empirijskihistra?ivanja koja su provedena 2005. i 2017. godine. U radu se polazi od op?e pretpostavkeo sukladnosti religijskih promjena kod jednog dijela zagreba?kih studenata sreligijskim promjenama koje su prisutne kod op?e populacije u Hrvatskoj. U radu supostavljene tri radne hipoteze koje pretpostavljaju: prvo, da su studenti HKS-a sklonijikr??anskoj religioznosti od studenata SVZG-a; drugo, da su studentice sklonije kr??anskojreligioznosti od studenata; tre?e, da je kr??anska religioznost studenata sna?nopovezana s njihovim politi?kim orijentacijama. Rezultati analize potvr?uju prvu i tre?uradnu hipotezu.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T08:54:32.000+0100}, author = {Nikodem, Krunoslav and Jurlina, Juraj}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.5673/sip.56.3.4}, interhash = {cd1a5c9a6feaa0175d56ba3e2d3837a6}, intrahash = {6f7cc5a84ea74db470ef2f68466d8228}, journal = {Sociology and Space}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked croatian indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {3 (212)}, pages = {273-298}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {U o?ekivanju opadanja religioznosti? Komparativna analiza religioznosti zagreba?kih studenata}, url = {}, volume = 55, year = 2018}@article{gonthier2018lgalit, abstract = {La tension s’est aujourd’hui durcie pour les politiques sociales entre une logique d’efficacité et une logique de protection et d’égalité. Les grandes enquêtes d’opinion menées en Europe depuis les années 1990 permettent de comprendre comment les citoyens répondent aux contraintes qui pèsent sur l’action publique. La demande de protection étatique conna?t en France une forte montée en puissance, sans être pour autant corrélée à une demande de réduction des inégalités. Ce découplage s’explique par l’opinion, plus répandue en France qu’ailleurs en Europe, selon laquelle les aides sociales auraient des effets négatifs sur la cohésion sociale. La demande d’?tat et la demande d’égalité progressent ainsi toutes deux, mais de fa?on dissociée.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T08:45:01.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {77d5901ee48d7de5e4578774ee9b03e5}, intrahash = {da59b41ccbc5cc824c0221f881577770}, journal = {Informations sociales}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 article checked french indexproved kbe noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {108-119}, publisher = {Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales (CNAF)}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {L’?tat sans l’égalité ? Les attentes des Fran?ais à l’égard de la protection sociale depuis les années 1990}, url = {}, volume = {196-197}, year = 2018}@incollection{degroot2005beyond, added-at = {2019-01-10T08:35:01.000+0100}, address = {Münster}, author = {de Groot, Kees}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religious leadership and christian identity}, editor = {Nauer, Doris and Nauta, Rein and Witte, Henk}, interhash = {dfe597f6a0ba94bc222c3246c5e41d46}, intrahash = {94d736830e8277e833141b9e416c7f7b}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {84-96}, publisher = {LIT Verlag Münster}, series = {Tilburg Theological Studies; No. 1}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Beyond parochialism: Roman catholic parishes re-discovering catholicity}, url = {}, year = 2005}@techreport{vecernik2018ranking, abstract = {In the Czech public and professional discourse, there is a strong rhetoric of a rooted egalitarianism of the society. This study thus traces various objective and subjective dimensions of socio-economic inequality in an attempt to examine the validity of this rhetoric. It uses various data on levels and trends in earnings, household income and living conditions in the Czech Republic in comparison with other European countries. The study examines data provided by the Czech Statistical Office, databases and publications of the European Commission, Eurostat, the OECD, and other institutions. In addition, own calculations based on data from the EU-SILC survey and comparative sociological surveys are presented. The data are arranged in such a way that it is always clear what position the Czech Republic occupies in a European ranking. In fact, Czech society is not the most equal in earnings, nor in the economic situation of its households. Although the country ranks among societies with low social inequality, Czechs are not ‘so exceptional’ in their objective economic equality, nor are they extraordinarily egalitarian in their attitudes.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T08:23:55.000+0100}, author = {Ve?erník, Ji?í and Mysíková, Martina}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.12777}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800, ZA5400}, institution = {Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague}, interhash = {38279418f5f7a03bd9c8d52bb59d3e48}, intrahash = {b098e35460a23f0a3cbe50e0910f9e23}, isbn = {978-80-7330-324-2}, keywords = {2018 Czech_Republic EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2009 ISSP_input2018 ZA3811 ZA4800 ZA5400 checked english kbe techreport}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008, ISSP2009}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Ranking objective and perceived inequality. A comparison of the Czech Republic in the European context }, url = {}, year = 2018}@incollection{levina2018anomia, added-at = {2019-01-10T08:04:28.000+0100}, address = {Riga}, author = {?evina, Je?ena and Mārtinsone, Kristīne}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Pluralism Anxiety. Acting Socially in Latvia}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10162}, editor = {Kruk, Sergei}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4767, v1.1.0}, interhash = {38446f9e82ddf370acaa096074d4b8d9}, intrahash = {698733c771237a6454e76a3a94a1cbf8}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Latvia ZA4767 checked english incollection kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {67-90}, publisher = {Rīga Stradi?? University}, study = {EVS2008 Latvia}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Anomia, Social Participation and Subjective Well-being: a Psychological Perspective}, url = {}, year = 2018}@book{kruk2018pluralism, added-at = {2019-01-10T07:58:07.000+0100}, address = {Riga}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10162}, editor = {Kruk, Sergei}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4767, v1.1.0}, interhash = {d15f93d693d672349c37f6868f5de749}, intrahash = {597b991b3571cff35eab02c3c4c88566}, isbn = {978-9934-563-31-7}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Latvia ZA4767 book checked english kbe}, note = {. (EVS)}, publisher = {Rīga Stradi?? University}, study = {EVS2008 Latvia}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Pluralism Anxiety. Acting Socially in Latvia}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{halman2018european, abstract = {The article describes the main stages of the development of a cross-national comparative and longitudinal survey research project on basic human values in Europe. It is noted that the relevance of focusing on values is that they function as prime guidelines in people's life and they also reflect many of the social changes that have taken place in Europe. A key result of the European Values Study project is that there is unity in diversity in Europe. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the new data collection provides researchers with information about current values and enables to find out if and to what extent and in which direction values are changing in a rapidly changing European society.}, added-at = {2019-01-10T07:47:58.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek and Lomazzi, Vera}, biburl = {}, doi = {urn:nbn:nl:ui:12-7616d521-1007-41f5-b250-2710b481605d}, interhash = {5f1c087e50ebaff3303408e8fb131135}, intrahash = {c163e22ed6450fc771d3fe867cdcde1d}, journal = {Journal of Belarusian State University. Sociology}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved kbe noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {24-35}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {European Values Studies}, url = {}, volume = 2018, year = 2018}@article{reher2018gender, abstract = {Does public policy in Europe reflect women’s preferences equally well as men’s? This study compares the opinions of women and men with concrete policy on a set of 20 issues across a diverse range of policy areas in 31 European countries. It shows that the majorities of men and women frequently prefer the same policy. However, when they disagree, men’s preferences are more likely to be represented. Neither the proportion of women in parliament nor the left–right orientation of the government explains variation in women’s policy representation. Instead, a higher number of parliamentary parties increase the likelihood that policy reflects women’s views. This effect does not seem to be driven by left-libertarian politics or Green parties, even though women’s stronger support for ‘new politics’ issues is an important source of disagreement between men and women.}, added-at = {2019-01-09T10:02:40.000+0100}, author = {Reher, Stefanie}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10938, doi:10.4232/1.11378, doi:10.4232/1.10985, doi:10.4232/1.10987, doi:10.4232/1.11140, doi:10.4232/1.11428, doi:10.4232/1.11625, doi:10.4232/1.12006, doi:10.4232/1.12014, doi:10.4232/1.3430, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.4700, doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.11994, doi:10.4232/1.3603, doi:10.4232/1.4887}, doi = {10.1017/S1755773918000140}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3388, ZA3626, ZA4561, ZA4743, ZA4977, ZA5000, ZA5237, ZA5566, ZA5597, ZA3430, ZA3910, ZA4700, ZA4800, ZA5896, ZA3603, ZA4887}, interhash = {3991915a011c3156a4e8b6a097ab0175}, intrahash = {98995b44f20c5aa9bb05bfe715903a39}, journal = {European Political Science Review}, keywords = {2018 EB54.2 EB56.1 EB67.3 EB69.1 EB72.3 EB73.1 EB74.1 EB76.2 EB77.1 EB_input2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP FlashEB114 FlashEB253 FlashEB388 ISSP ISSP1999 ISSP2003 ISSP2006 ISSP_input2018 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3388 ZA3430 ZA3603 ZA3626 ZA3910 ZA4561 ZA4700 ZA4743 ZA4800 ZA4887 ZA4977 ZA5000 ZA5237 ZA5566 ZA5597 ZA5896 article checked indexproved kbe review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 4, pages = {613-635}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, study = {EB54.2, EB56.1, EB67.3, EB69.1, EB72.3, EB73.1, EB74.1, EB76.2, EB77.1, ISSP1999, ISSP2003, ISSP2006, EVS2008, FlashEB114, FlashEB253, FlashEB388}, timestamp = {2019-03-13T17:55:49.000+0100}, title = {Gender and opinion–policy congruence in Europe}, volume = 10, year = 2018}@article{kaasa2015culture, abstract = {Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possible relationship of religion and culture with the social capital in a particular region. Design/methodology/approach – The data of 85 regions from 26 European countries are analysed. Regression analysis is used for analysing cultural dimensions, religion-related aspects and the communist past as possible factors of social capital components. In addition, graphic analysis is used for the generalisation of the results. Findings – The results from both the regression and graphic analyses indicate that cultural dimensions capture the possible reasons for different levels of social capital better than religion-related aspects or the division according to the communist background. Research limitations/implications – Conclusions can be drawn only for the European regions analysed. Data were not available for regions in all European countries and including control variables was limited by the data availability. Practical implications – When intending to develop policies for increasing social capital, the culture of a particular region should be assessed in order to predict the success of the policies. Originality/value – The novelty of this study lies in including cultural dimensions based on Hofstede’s concept to the set of possible factors determining the level of social capital in a region.}, added-at = {2019-01-07T12:06:54.000+0100}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1108/IJSSP-11-2014-0110}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {883df5fc83003cae00aea53add889e00}, intrahash = {cc4d952409f4c43a629669aa862847f2}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked indexproved input2017 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {11/12}, pages = {772-794}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31145}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-07T12:06:54.000+0100}, title = {Culture, Religion and Social Capital: Evidence from European Regions}, url = {}, volume = 35, year = 2015}@article{sa2014morale, abstract = {Tax morale is recognized as one of the most important variables to understand the levels of compliance obtained in most countries. This paper analyzes the impact of occupational status, income level, behavioral, political and psychological factors on tax morale level of Portuguese taxpayers. A sample of 1,514 Portuguese individuals was obtained from the European Values Study (EVS) developed in 2008. A factor analysis was used to extract the underlying dimensions of tax morale. Multiple regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between the dimensions revealed by factor analysis, occupational status, income level, and tax morale. The findings suggest that occupational status, income, political democratic system, individual satisfaction, trust in others, and individual ?s identification with Portugal have a strong significantly effect on tax morale. }, added-at = {2018-11-05T09:28:40.000+0100}, author = {Sá, Cristina and Martins, Antonio and Gomes, Carlos F.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {672eecb7d672f483f1be9281f07be518}, intrahash = {2c20ae98c0d738882317ee40a892ef47}, journal = {Journal of Economics, Business, and Management}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked english indexproved noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {112-116}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Tax morale, occupation, and income level: an analysis of Portuguese taxpayers}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2014}@book{ramos2013opinio, added-at = {2018-11-05T09:11:39.000+0100}, address = {Lisboa}, author = {Ramos, Alice and Pereira, Cícero Roberto and Barreto, José and Tavares, José and Chambel, Maria José and Magalh?es, Pedro and Aboim, Sofia}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {868a467d2c53bc8591eebfcf664e93e8}, intrahash = {02d918bb5a72d86b755a580ebc9f3035}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Portuguese ZA4800 book checked}, note = {. (EVS)}, publisher = {Funda??o Francisco Manuel dos Santos}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-23T12:21:59.000+0100}, title = {20 Anos de opini?o pública em Portugal e na Europa}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{freire2008party, abstract = {The article investigates the differences among West European countries in terms of the degree to which individuals' left—right self-placement is anchored in social, value and partisan factors. The study shows that clarity of party alternatives is much more important than political socialization in structuring citizens' left—right attitudes, i.e. the greater the clarity of party alternatives, the more structured the left—right orientations of citizens. As a first step in the investigation, the article seeks to show that the relative weights of social factors in explaining individual left—right self-placement, vis-à-vis values and partisan loyalties, are important, contrary to the poor results of previous studies. }, added-at = {2018-11-05T08:57:03.000+0100}, author = {Freire, André}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.3811}, doi = {10.1177/1354068807085889}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {bf30ed495c0ec2c2c4e1ecfd11f1918e}, intrahash = {d43b7f2b160cbe911f8752d4aa1f4e9e}, journal = {Party Politics}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 article checked english indexproved review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {189-209}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Party Polarization and Citizens' Left-Right Orientations}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2008}@article{freire2006bringing, abstract = {This article seeks to show that the relative weight of social factors in explaining individual left-right self-placement, vis-a-vis values and partisan loyalties, is very important, contrary to the poor results shown by prior studies. The bias in previous literature was due to the fact that the models used for social factors were underspecified: they included only structural and organizational dimensions and ignored social identity. However, when the model was correctly specified by adding indicators of social identity, it was possible to reach an opposite conclusion. The cases studied were 12 western European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, and Ireland) in 1990 and 1999. }, added-at = {2018-11-05T08:50:44.000+0100}, author = {Freire, André}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11307}, doi = {10.1177/0192512106067358}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {8fd6eb72a7457d726e24541ffd60a116}, intrahash = {985d4efcd87364c71a85d81e090e8b15}, journal = {International Political Science Review}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 article checked english indexproved review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {359-378}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Bringing Social Identities Back In: The Social Anchors of Left-Right Orientation in Western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2006}@article{meulemann2018wnschen, abstract = {"Der Wunsch einer kirchlichen Beerdigung sollte vom Rahmungsbedürfnis biographischer ?berg?nge und von der Christlichkeit positiv, von der religi?sen Skepsis - Kirchenkritik, Religionskritik, naturalistisches Weltbild und religi?se Indifferenz - negativ abh?ngen. Das wird im ALLBUS von 1982 bis 2012 geprüft. Weil das Rahmungsbedürfnis nicht erhoben wurde, wird dieses aus den Effekten der Christlichkeit und der Religiosit?t in zwei Regressionsanalysen erschlossen. Erstens sollte seine Wirkung am st?rkeren Einfluss weniger verpflichtender Dimensionen der Christlichkeit sichtbar werden. Diese Voraussage trifft zu: Die blo?e Kirchenzugeh?rigkeit wirkt st?rker als kirchliche Praktiken oder christliche ?berzeugungen. Zweitens wird als Pr?diktorvariable die Kirchenbindung so gebildet, dass zwischen durch ihre Praxis und ihren Glauben motivierten Mitgliedern und habituellen Mitgliedern sowie zwischen habituellen Nichtmitgliedern und ihre religi?se Skepsis motivierten Nichtmitgliedern unterschieden wird. Dann sollte der Wunsch einer kirchlichen Beerdigung bei habituellen Nichtmitgliedern st?rker sein als bei motivierten Nichtmitgliedern und bei habituellen Mitgliedern st?rker als bei habituellen Nichtmitgliedern; denn in beiden Vergleichen teilt die erste Gruppe immer noch das Christentum als kulturelles Residuum. Auch diese beiden Voraussagen treffen zu. Abschlie?end wird diskutiert, inwiefern das Rahmungsbedürfnis für kirchlich begleitete biographische ?berg?nge als Kulturkirchlichkeit verstanden werden kann."}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 33. Fassung, Januar 2019}, added-at = {2018-10-11T09:55:25.000+0200}, addurl = {file://J:\Work\Allbus\ALLBUS\Bibliographie\Bibliographie 33. Fassung\Beitr?ge für 33. Fassung (2018)\Meulemann (2018) Wünschen Sie eine Beerdigung durch die Kirche.pdf}, author = {Meulemann, Heiner}, availability = {06.08.2018}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.5771/0038-6073-2018-1-33}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {c28a3d895783f6bbc525a0a8e8f87ac0}, intrahash = {3f17578a4d5a66ebe8e610a49dc4b9fc}, issn = {0038-6073}, journal = {Soziale Welt}, keywords = {2018 ALLBUS ALLBUS_input2018 ALLBUS_lieferung1 ALLBUS_version33 ALLBUSkum1982-2012 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked german indexproved review_proved reviewed}, language = {german}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {33-63}, privnote = {ALLBUS_ID=2330 ; pubdate=2018/8/6 ; reprint-status=in-file}, study = {EVS1981-2008, ALLBUSkum1982-2012}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T11:16:48.000+0100}, title = {"Wünschen Sie eine Beerdigung durch die Kirche?" Kasualien als kulturelles Residuum nach der S?kularisierung in Deutschland 1982-2012}, url = {}, volume = 69, year = 2018}@article{vandewerfhorst2018early, abstract = {Between-school tracking is high on the agenda of academicresearchers and policy makers, as tracking children early in the school career is believed to enhance socioeconomic inequalities in learning opportunities. Contemporary debates on the relevance of inclusive education in the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Germany, may learn from changes in educational inequalities that have emerged after past reforms from early tracking to comprehensive systems. I study educational inequalities by socioeconomic background in nine countries, across time. Using a difference-in-difference design and international student assessment data collected among eighth-graders, it is demonstrated that socioeconomic inequalities are more strongly reduced in systems that have transformed their educational system from tracked to comprehensive education than in systems without this reform. Moreover, the reduction of social inequalities was most eminent at the top of the achievement distribution. Among top-performers, socioeconomic inequality was reduced after the reform. Among low-performing students, the reform did little to the level of inequality by social background. Robustness checks showed that especially the reform in England and Wales was influential on the observed reduction of inequalities in mathematics performance.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T12:34:56.000+0200}, author = {van de Werfhorst, Herman G.}, biburl = {}, doi = {}, interhash = {d8eb6eff07042dcfc0a02b6282da3012}, intrahash = {9bd51735398d6091137a64bc30ef1df8}, issn = {0276-5624}, journal = {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Early tracking and socioeconomic inequality in academic achievement: Studying reforms in nine countries}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{botelhomoniz2018ndice, abstract = {Com este trabalho queremos entender que constru??es teóricas e empíricas nos permitem medir a centralidade e intensidade dos significados religiosos tradicionais, bem como das suas express?es modernas mais plurais e difusas, na vida dos indivíduos, na primeira década e meia do século XXI. Para isso propomos um modelo de conceptualiza??o e mensura??o da religi?o – um índice de religiosidade – que consideramos ser útil e adequado para descrever e medir as suas várias express?es e dimens?es contempor?neas. Para a constru??o do índice inspirámo-nos em alguns dos modelos existentes, nomeadamente o trabalho de Huber & Huber, e em três bancos de dados estatísticos específicos: o European Values Survey (1999-2008), o European Social Survey (2002-2014) e o World Christian Database (2015). Para irmos além dos constructos teóricos e da padroniza??o de um índice de religiosidade, analisamos e medimos a religi?o num grupo específico de países europeus e comparamos os vários níveis de religiosidade entre eles.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T12:27:23.000+0200}, author = {Botelho Moniz, Jorge}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10152, doi:10.4232/1.11523}, doi = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3779 v3.0.1, ZA4754 v1.1.0}, interhash = {75e102a33e1134549fc33e90d35c676c}, intrahash = {09040095b5cddb2abb4af8f5d77a9fad}, issn = {1983-2850}, journal = {Revista Brasileira de História das Religi?es}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA3779 ZA4754 article checked indexproved noindex portuguese review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 32, pages = {191-219}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T16:15:15.000+0200}, title = {?ndice de Religiosidade: Uma proposta de teoriza??o e medi??o dos fenómenos religiosos contempor?neos}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2018}@mastersthesis{seinen2018selfinterest, added-at = {2018-10-09T12:10:42.000+0200}, author = {Seinen, Pieter}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0.}, interhash = {8fc813579edf75dabd81593632d8b5a7}, intrahash = {89fb57eb105e64e125211709f12bc3b4}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked english mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 81, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Self-interest or beliefs? A Multilevel Analysis of Support for Wealth Redistribution across countries }, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{lomazzi2018consolidamento, added-at = {2018-10-09T12:04:29.000+0200}, author = {Lomazzi, Vera and Vezzoni, Cristiano}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.3280/SR2018-116012}, interhash = {8e7430b1b0e6047586f2f6adba5ebe38}, intrahash = {fe2e929c3b4d014683b5dab448262ce1}, issn = {1971-8446}, journal = {Sociologia E Ricerca Sociale }, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved italian review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 116, pages = {143-158}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:48:04.000+0100}, title = {Consolidamento e innovazione nelle surveys transnazionali europee}, url = {}, year = 2018}@techreport{witajewskabaltvilka2018political, abstract = {The paper studies the factors that shape party issue competition on climate change and environmentalism. It covers the quantitative study on political parties' positions in 22 European countries during electoral campaigns between 1990 and 2016, as well as two case studies: Polish electoral campaign in 2011 and German electoral campaign in 2013. The paper concludes that more favourable public opinion towards environment, lower socio-economic inequality and weaker trade unions are associated with high party competition on climate change and environmentalism. }, added-at = {2018-10-09T12:00:20.000+0200}, author = {Witajewska-Baltvilka, Baiba}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800}, institution = {Instytut Badán Strukturalynch (Institut for Structural Research)}, interhash = {1369a31a494e67cbee9f674eb2519a2a}, intrahash = {5db8f75e5913d4ec9f71caa75fd5adea}, issn = {2451-4373}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked english techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political parties and climate change policy: why do parties sometimes talk about it, but sometimes keep silent}, url = {}, year = 2018}@book{soper2018religion, abstract = {It is difficult to imagine forces in the modern world as potent as nationalism and religion. Both provide people with a source of meaning, each has motivated individuals to carry out extraordinary acts of heroism and cruelty, and both serve as the foundation for communal and personal identity. While the subject has received both scholarly and popular attention, this distinctive book is the first comparative study to examine the origins and development of three distinct models: religious nationalism, secular nationalism, and civil-religious nationalism. Using multiple methods, the authors develop a new theoretical framework that can be applied across diverse countries and religious traditions to understand the emergence, development, and stability of different church-state arrangements over time. The work combines public opinion, constitutional, and content analysis of the United States, Israel, India, Greece, Uruguay, and Malaysia, weaving together historical and contemporary illustrations.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T11:45:14.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Soper, J. Christopher and Fetzer, Joel S.}, biburl = {}, collection = {Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion and Politics}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.12312}, doi = {10.1017/9781316995280}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA3910, ZA5950}, interhash = {27539c20dc838446d9f3dd6d09279fbd}, intrahash = {b44a08cc424152ba379d06ba4b68d133}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Greece ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP2013 ISSP_input2018 book checked english}, note = {. (EVS)}, place = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2003, ISSP2013}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Nationalism in Global Perspective}, url = {}, year = 2018}@book{fitzgerald2018close, abstract = {Who votes for radical right parties and why? This book argues that the increasing popularity of the radical right in Europe originates in community bonds: strong ties to one's locality motivate support for the radical right. These parties use nostalgic themes and symbolic politicking to idealize community, defend local autonomy, and ultimately draw local identity into the electoral realm. While other explanations of the radical right's popularity typify supporters as victims of macro-economic shifts and strains, the author's account explores people's day-to-day experiences that link local connections to political decisions. The analysis also raises questions about the political implications of different formal authority structures such as the level and nature of power devolved to local units. The localist model of radical right support illuminates the psychological, social, and institutional conditions and processes that render people's feelings about their cities, towns, and villages relevant for politics.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T11:36:32.000+0200}, author = {Fitzgerald, Jennifer}, biburl = {}, collection = {Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1017/9781108377218}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {ae4da0590bdf89355f31138e24a56e48}, intrahash = {c490ae46e0606a910d3eb587c8dcc977}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 book checked english}, note = {. (EVS)}, place = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, series = {Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Close to Home: Local Ties and Voting Radical Right in Europe}, year = 2018}@article{brigevich2018regional, abstract = {The rise of “new regionalism” is one of the most salient features of the post-Cold War international order. Despite the resurgence of regionalism in Europe, little consensus exists on how regional identity impacts public opinion toward the European Union. To remedy this problem, this study examines the impact of three types of individual-level regional identity on support for integration: parochialism (exclusive regionalism), inclusive regionalism, and pseudo-exclusive regionalism. Contrary to scholarly expectations, the multilevel analysis reveals that inclusive regionalists are as equally Eurosceptic as parochial regionalists. In general, regional identity depresses support for integration unless it is expressly combined with a supranational identity. This finding holds true even in minority nations, where respondents are, on the whole, less Euro-friendly. }, added-at = {2018-10-09T11:31:56.000+0200}, author = {Brigevich, Anna}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1177/1465116518793708}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {e5fcd74436da6eaeae013db59518cf95}, intrahash = {020789f52ba7b32627896c76e43104f8}, journal = {European Union Politics}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 28, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Regional identity and support for integration: An EU-wide comparison of parochialists, inclusive regionalist, and pseudo-exclusivists}, url = {}, year = 2018}@incollection{ljunge2018trust, abstract = {Past studies have shown that trust measures are clearly and positively correlated with good health. The problem for research, however, lies in the uncertainty over whether trust actually causes better health or whether the reverse is true. Martin Ljunge applied his design to solve this problem. Focusing on the health of very young children and finding that the mother typically carries the trust for the children, he gathered trust measures both in the present country as well as in the mother?€?s country of origin. Thus, trust becomes exogenous to the current problem. This exogenous trust measure was significant and beneficial in the children?€?s health.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T11:22:49.000+0200}, author = {Ljunge, Martin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Elgar Companion to Social Capital and Health}, doi = {10.4337/9781785360718.00022}, editor = {Folland, Sherman and Nauenberg, Eric}, interhash = {01ec3a351859164b65b45b9c3b09f5c5}, intrahash = {75b726dc1ae308fbce49baecc13ada7c}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {184-195}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, study = {WVS/EVS}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust promotes health: addressing reverse causality by studying children of immigrants}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{pessin2018navigating, abstract = {Gender attitudes toward women’s employment are of particular importance because they positively in?uence gender-equal outcomes in the labor market. Our understanding of the mechanisms that promote egalitarian gender attitudes among immigrants, however, remains limited.<b>Objective</b>: By studying ?rst- and second-generation immigrants from multiple origins and living in different countries, this article seeks to explain under what conditions the prevalent cultural attitudes toward gender roles at the origin and destination in?uence immigrants’ gender attitudes. We address three main research questions. First, does the country-of-origin gender ideology in?uence immigrants’ views toward working women? Second, does the country-of-destination gender ideology in?uence immigrants’ views toward working women? And third, are these relationships moderated by (1) the immigrant generation; (2) the age at arrival in the country of destination; (3) the length of residence at the destination?<b>Methods</b>: Using data from the European Social Survey, we model immigrants’ gender attitudes toward working women by using linear cross-classi?ed models to account for clustering into the country of origin and destination.<b>Results</b>: The results highlight the importance of the context of early socialization in shaping immigrants’ gender attitudes. First-generation immigrants, and more speci?cally adult migrants, hold gender attitudes that re?ect more strongly the country of origin’s gender culture. In contrast, the positive association between gender ideology at destination and immigrants’ gender attitudes is stronger among second-generation immigrants and child migrants.<b>Contribution</b>: We add to the literature on gender ideology formation by analyzing the in?uence of gender ideology at the origin and destination levels on the gender attitudes of immigrants from 96 countries of origin and residing across 32 countries of destination.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T11:15:04.000+0200}, author = {Pessin, Léa and Arpino, Bruno}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.35}, eprint = {}, interhash = {8221a779246b885f14021be5baa0f0a0}, intrahash = {e5c30b63475005a59ab5a6bc9041f3c1}, journal = {Demographic Research}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 35, pages = {967-1016}, study = {WVS/EVS}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:36:17.000+0200}, title = {Navigating between two cultures: Immigrants' gender attitudes toward working women}, url = {}, volume = 38, year = 2018}@incollection{lundby2018scandinavia, abstract = {The Scandinavian welfare societies depend on strong states to provide public services and to redistribute income. Scandinavians enjoy comprehensive welfare systems that offer citizens social security within open economies. Scandinavia combines international market capitalism with government regulation. The political-economic crisis in Europe influences Scandinavia as well, with pressure from globalization and immigration, and new political divisions that are articulated by right-wing populism. The Scandinavian countries are built on egalitarian values and practices and the level of trust between people is high. However, the countries are finding that these egalitarian values also have unintended, problematic consequences, especially as these once relatively homogenous societies experience growing diversity. Today, there are peculiar contrasts in the Scandinavian cultural-religious landscape, between old churches with large majorities of the population as members, and levels of secularity in Scandinavian societies that position the region as the most secular corner of the world.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T11:02:49.000+0200}, address = {Berlin, Boston}, author = {Lundby, Knut and Repstad, P?l}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Contesting Religion: The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1515/9783110502060-006}, editor = {Lundby, Knut}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {2eb585c01abe8b85d828f6c21184ea33}, intrahash = {156ee0906e8c8bb739bf126a84fe3a31}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {13-32}, publisher = {DeGruyter}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Scandinavia: Traits, Trends and Tensions. }, year = 2018}@article{shih2018regression, abstract = {A regression tree method for analyzing rank data is proposed. A key ingredient of the methodology is to convert ranks into scores by paired comparison. We then utilize the GUIDE tree method on the score vectors to identify the preference patterns in the data. This method is exempt from selection bias and the simulation results show that it is good with respect to the selection of split variables and has a better prediction accuracy than the two other investigated methods in some cases. Furthermore, it is applicable to complex data which may contain incomplete ranks and missing covariate values. We demonstrate its usefulness in two real data studies.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T10:52:44.000+0200}, author = {Shih, Yu-Shan and Liu, Kuang-Hsun}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11634-018-0332-3}, interhash = {7bd0ce444121b3119bf30f9e21746d5e}, intrahash = {8fa519e665f690a859fd9a5892d33e31}, issn = {1862-5355}, journal = {Advances in Data Analysis and Classification}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed ZA3811 article checked english indexproved review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Regression trees for detecting preference patterns from rank data}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{pavlovic2018ispitivanje, abstract = {The paper examines applicability of Inglehart’s model of dimensions of traditional/secular-rational values and survival/self expresion values, based on European Values Study data, conducted in Serbia in 2008. Dimensions of values are extracted by applying nonlinear principal component analysis, with asigning ordinal level of analysis. We present three-dimensional solution which separates dimension of survival/self expresion values into two dimensions. The deviations from the two-dimensional model were interpreted in accordance with the theory of revised modernization and thesis about value change in dependance of sociocultural paths of developement of society.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T09:30:10.000+0200}, author = {Pavlovi?, Nina}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.2298/SOC1802481P}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {e165cc5649b464866b9dc079d495a12f}, intrahash = {e9639e304ccd54fffa2a9ba2b5382bf4}, journal = {Sociologija}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed serbia}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {481-496}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:48:04.000+0100}, title = {Ispitivanje Struktura Dimenzija Tradicionalnih/Sekularno-Racionalnih Vrednosti I Vrednosti Prezivljavanja/Samoekspresije U Modelu Ronalda Inglharta: Slucaj Srbije [Examination of the Structure of the Traditional/Secular-Rational and Survival/Self-expression Value Dimensions in the Model of Ronald Inglehart: the Case of Serbia]}, url = {}, volume = 60, year = 2018}@article{dileo2018assessing, abstract = {This paper attempts to fill the gap on the existing entrepreneurship literature by empirically testing the influence of two groups of individual-level factors (socio-economic, demographic and perceptual characteristics) and two groups of country-level factors (both formal and informal institutional measures and macroeconomic variables) on three stages of the entrepreneurial process. We analyze the interplay between individual and context factors in nascent, young and established entrepreneurs across 49 different countries, mixing data from different sources and applying multilevel binary logistic regression models. Our results show that entrepreneurial activities are male headed, irrespectively of the entrepreneurial stage of their activities, and that highly-educated entrepreneurs are more oriented to start up new ventures. The existence of a wider network of people involved in entrepreneurship contributes to updating information on new markets and opportunities, leading to a more accurate entrepreneurial decision. The level of development of a country constitutes an important determinant of entrepreneurship but also moderates the relationship between entrepreneurship and institutional factors. In more developed countries, individual characteristics may be still determinant factors shaping the decision to become an entrepreneur, although their magnitude may depend on the stage of the entrepreneurial process. Finally, the key to entrepreneurship for both more and less developed countries seems to be their fiscal systems: a fair tax system that actively fights tax evasion and corruption seems to be essential to reducing the economic pressure associated with the creation and survival of ventures.}, added-at = {2018-10-09T09:23:54.000+0200}, author = {Dileo, Ivano and Garcia Pereiro, Thais}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1007/s11365-018-0528-1}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {1b51181960e1089309c48b1615b386cf}, intrahash = {93813422f599ebfe9bedc394b7ecfe74}, issn = {1555-1938}, journal = {International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 16, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Assessing the impact of individual and context factors on the entrepreneurial process. A cross-country multilevel approach}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{molteni2018shifts, abstract = {Religious change continues to be a controversial topic that involves both theoretical and methodological issues. As to the European context, the main dispute is between secularization and individualization theory, especially considering the ‘believing without belonging’ thesis. This article will tackle this dispute given these three choices: firstly, we assume that cohort replacement is the main driver of religious change; secondly, religious tradition has to be taken fully into account to explain religious change; thirdly, we consider religiosity as a complex phenomenon that requires a multidimensional approach. Results from a multilevel multiple responses model based on EVS (European Values Study) data show that practice is declining across cohorts in all the countries whereas trends for belief and self-definition diverge only for Eastern Orthodox countries. Depending on the interpretation, such exception seems supporting rather than undermining the ‘believing without belonging’ theory. }, added-at = {2018-10-09T09:15:43.000+0200}, author = {Molteni, Francesco and Biolcati, Ferruccio}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1177/0037768618772969}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {a99b6b7e216fa3fcc3c55374f531acc6}, intrahash = {a9d249d34b8fe0bee90ed07f7e83efaf}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2018 AHindexed EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {413-432}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Shifts in religiosity across cohorts in Europe: A multilevel and multidimensional analysis based on the European Values Study}, url = {}, volume = 65, year = 2018}@book{Mannewitz2015Politische, abstract = {Politische-Kultur- und Demokratieforschung geh?ren sp?testens seit der dritten Demokratisierungswelle zu den dynamischsten Subdisziplinen der internationalen Politikwissenschaft. Diese Studie modifiziert und überführt das Konzept der ?Embedded Democracy“ in eine wertezentrierte, zweidimensionale Typologie politischer Kultur. Sie unterscheidet Haltungen zu obligatorischen von Haltungen zu fakultativen Elementen konstitutioneller Demokratie und widmet sich im empirischen Teil der Frage, ob es in Deutschland nach über zwei Jahrzehnten nach der Wiedervereinigung so etwas wie eine ?innere Einheit“ gibt.Der subnationalen Analyse verschiedener Umfragedaten zufolge l?sst sich diese These (ebenso wie die zweier politischer Kulturen) allerdings kaum aufrechterhalten – vielmehr haben sich durch historische, sozio?konomische und konfessionelle Friktionen mehrere Regionalkulturen in der Bundesrepublik etabliert, die sich durch je unterschiedliche demokratisch-konstitutionelle Vorstellungen auszeichnen. }, added-at = {2018-09-18T17:46:35.000+0200}, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Mannewitz, Tom}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a1bdaed468887645c050170d4ec38ef2}, intrahash = {77f0e0796c8963a8919eb5549ee2f61c}, isbn = {978-3-8487-2110-8}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen ISSP ISSP2004 ISSP2006 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2016 PB PB_input2017 book checked german gt input2016 isspbib2016}, note = {(Politbarometer) (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 548, privnote = {PB_ID=362 ; ISSP_ID=29929}, publisher = {Nomos}, study = {EB6.0, EB67.2, EB74.3, ISSP2006, ISSP2004, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2018-10-26T10:03:22.000+0200}, title = {Politische Kultur und demokratischer Verfassungsstaat. Ein subnationaler Vergleich zwei Jahrzehnte nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung}, year = 2015}@incollection{gladkich2013politischer, abstract = {(uh) In dem Buchkapitel wird untersucht, wie sich Religiosit?t und Atheismus in Deutschland entwickeln. Darauf aufbauend werden theoretische Implikationen abgeleitet.Neben anderen Datens?tzen verwenden die Autoren den ALLBUS 1991 und 2008, um den Gottesglaube im innerdeutschen Vergleich darzustellen.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 28. Fassung, April 2014}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:52:37.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Gladkich, Anja and Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion und Politik im vereinigten Deutschland: Was bleibt von der Rückkehr des Religi?sen?}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Hidalgo, Oliver}, interhash = {36ab6dd092ed9b92ac846ceedb914e29}, intrahash = {505858c88683bef0f2ddb324f73b7eca}, isbn = {978-3-531-94181-3}, keywords = {2013 ALLBUS ALLBUS1991 ALLBUS2008 ALLBUS_input2013 ALLBUS_version28 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP checked gt incollection input2014}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (EVS)}, pages = {137-163}, privnote = {ALLBUS_ID=2399 ; reprint-status=in-file ; EVS_ID=5934414 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Springer VS}, series = {Politik und Religion}, study = {ALLBUS1991, ALLBUS2008, (KuRiE2006)}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Politischer Atheismus - Der ?neue" Atheismus als politisches Projekt oder Abbild empirischer Realit?t?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{muller2012religious, abstract = {"It is our main aim in this chapter to describe and explain the state and development of religion, churches and religiosity in Germany. After a brief historical overview of religion, we then, in the central empirical part, investigate religion not only on the individual level, but also on its organizational level, i.e., the societal and legal status of the main churches, and their financial resources and personnel structures. The data used in this part are drawn from several population surveys, as well as from official and ecclesiastical sources. Due to the special situation in Germany, empirical data for West and East Germany will be presented mainly separately but also in relation to each other. In the final part of this chapter, we interpret the results according to the three explanatory perspectives of religious change which were outlined in the introduction to this book: the secularization thesis, the individualization thesis, and the supply-side rational-choice approach."Als empirische Basis dienen u.a. ALLBUS-Daten aus den Jahren 1990, 1991, 2000 und 2008.}, access-date2 = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EAufgenommen: 27. Fassung, Februar 2013VS2008}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:51:43.000+0200}, address = {Farnham}, author = {Müller, Olaf and Pollack, Detlef and Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe: Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization}, editor = {Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf and Pickel, Gert}, interhash = {848cbcf55a028d40d8a2335c818bef9c}, intrahash = {95529cdaa24f14c75b7f2bc3224377d8}, isbn = {978-1-4094-2621-9}, keywords = {2012 ALLBUS ALLBUS1990 ALLBUS1991 ALLBUS2000 ALLBUS2008 ALLBUS_input2012 ALLBUS_version27 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP checked english gt incollection input2014}, language = {english}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {95-120}, privnote = {ALLBUS_ID=2231 ; reprint-status=no-file ; EVS_ID=5934376 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Ashgate}, study = {EVS1990, EVS999, EV2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Religious Landscape in Germany: Secularizing West - Secularized East}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{muller2013kirchen, abstract = {(SOLIS) "In diesem Beitrag wird der der Zusammenhang zwischen Kirchen, Religionsgemeinschaften und Religiosit?t in der deutschen Gesellschaft definiert und seine sozialgeschichtliche Entwicklungslinie nachgezeichnet, gegenw?rtige und prognostizierte Auspr?gungen beleuchtet sowie die gesellschaftspolitische Relevanz des Gegenstands thematisiert."Als empirische Grundlage dienen u.a. ALLBUS-Daten aus den Jahren 1990, 2002, 2008 und 2010.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 28. Fassung, April 2014}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:51:43.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Müller, Olaf and Pollack, Detlef}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Handw?rterbuch zur Gesellschaft Deutschlands}, edition = 3, editor = {Mau, Steffen and Sch?neck, Nadine M.}, interhash = {8e2d627c7367e725270d9e2c3acb5700}, intrahash = {d72da3d1e572c53564cb5f0a90f63728}, isbn = {978-3-531-17663-5}, keywords = {2013 ALLBUS ALLBUS1990 ALLBUS2002 ALLBUS2008 ALLBUS2010 ALLBUS_input2013 ALLBUS_version28 EVS EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP checked gt incollection input2014}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (EVS)}, pages = {464-476}, privnote = {ALLBUS_ID=2410 ; reprint-status=in-fileEVS_ID=5934423 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS1990, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Kirchen, Religionsgemeinschaften und Religiosit?t}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{mannewitz2013ostwestgegensatz, abstract = {Der Text qualifiziert die popul?re Ost-West-These anhand zweier zentraler Kategorien (Effektivit?t und Legitimit?t der Demokratie) als unterkomplex. In Deutschland liegen mehrere politisch-kulturelle Brüche quer zueinander, etwa zwischen prosperierenden und strukturschwachen Regionen. Zum Vergleich von Demokratielegitimit?t in den verschiedenen Bundesl?ndern wird der ALLBUS Datensatz von 2008 verwendet}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 28. Fassung, April 2014}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:50:53.000+0200}, author = {Mannewitz, Tom}, availability = {19.03.2014}, biburl = {}, interhash = {27f5c88a5d3087fb4ecfe00e9bc013af}, intrahash = {e98a2ad268ffa34dd0b0d118d4d116fd}, journal = {Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik}, keywords = {2013 ALLBUS ALLBUS2008 ALLBUS_input2013 ALLBUS_version28 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen Legitimit?t Neue_L?nder PB PB_input2017 Politische_Kultur Regionen article checked democracy german gt indexproved noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (EVS) (Politbarometer)}, number = 2, pages = {205-215}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934425 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25 ; ALLBUS_ID=2408 ; pubdate=2014/3/19 ; reprint-status=in-file ; PB_ID=381}, study = {ALLBUS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Kein Ost-West-Gegensatz: Regionale Unterschiede der deutschen politischen Kultur}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2013}@article{hirschle2013secularization, abstract = {This research note contributes to an evaluation of the validity of secularization theory by studying the relationship between economic modernization and patterns of religious change. Both the disenchantment narrative of Berger and Weber and the existential security perspective of Inglehart hypothesize that economic development should be accompanied by a weakening of religious values. Using macro-level panel regressions, my analysis reveals that while economic growth is directly associated with diminishing church attendance rates, it is not directly associated with a decline in belief. The relation between economic growth and religious decline is therefore not primarily mediated by a ?secularization of consciousness.? Findings instead indicate that economic prosperity leads to a change in consumption patterns on the part of individuals due to increased income and availability of alternative, secular opportunities to meet needs previously fulfilled by traditional religion. A decline in religious belief may occur as a secondary consequence of this behavioral change, since diminishing worship attendance rates reduce the influence of religion on value socialization. Neben anderen Datens?tzen wird der ALLBUS 1982 und 1984 verwendet, um den Zusammenhang von wirtschaftlichem Wachstum, religi?sem Glauben und Kirchgangsh?ufigkeit zu analysieren.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 28. Fassung, April 2014}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:50:53.000+0200}, author = {Hirschle, Jochen}, availability = {13.03.2014}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12030}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {a2ed4a691aefa9db44a53db48d9e8780}, intrahash = {8b022f1248d4c3f56b14cc996c9efcfd}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2013 AHindexed ALLBUS ALLBUS1982 ALLBUS1984 ALLBUS_input2013 ALLBUS_version28 Church_attendance Consumer_market EB_input2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Economic_growth Eurobarometer FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Religious_values SCOPUSindexed SSCIindex SSCIindexed Secularization ZA4800 article checked english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, language = {english}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP) (ALLBUS)}, number = 2, pages = {410-424}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934316 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15 ; ALLBUS_ID=2299 ; pubdate=2014/3/13 ; reprint-status=in-file}, study = {ALLBUS1982 ; ALLBUS1984 ;Eurobarometer ; ISSP ; EVS - European Values Study 2008 ; ESS - European Social Survey ; ALLBUS}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {'Secularization of Consciousness' or Alternative Opportunities? The Impact of Economic Growth on Religious Belief and Practice in 13 European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 52, year = 2013}@incollection{meulemann2010kulturumbruch, abstract = {(dn) Mit Zeitreihen aus mehreren Datens?tzen, u.a. dem ALLBUS (1980-2008), untersucht Meulemann den Wertewandel in Deutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung. Im Fokus steht dabei die Frage, ob die Wiedervereinigung die ost- und westdeutschen Wertvorstellungen zu einer gesamtdeutschen Wertvorstellung zusammengeführt hat.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 25. Fassung, M?rz 2011}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:50:53.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Meulemann, Heiner}, availability = {02.05.2012}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen im Spiegel der empirischen Sozialforschung}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-92590-5_4}, editor = {{Faulbaum, Frank} and {Wolf, Christof}}, interhash = {64d331ada5be894b5594cf1648110e6b}, intrahash = {39284bb833392bb478e24057e7e364c4}, keywords = {2010 ALLBUS ALLBUS_input2010 ALLBUS_version25 ALLBUSkum1980-2008 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 checked fdz_jb german incollection}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = {3 (Teil II)}, pages = {59-91}, privnote = {ALLBUS_ID=1903 ; pubdate=2012/5/2 ; reprint-status=in-file}, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, series = {Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute}, study = {ALLBUSkum.1980-2008, (ISSP/ ESS/ EVS)}, timestamp = {2018-10-25T15:42:53.000+0200}, title = {Kulturumbruch und Wiedervereinigung. Wertewandel in Deutschland in den letzten 60 Jahren}, url = {}, year = 2010}@book{pollack2015religion, abstract = {"Sind Religion und Moderne vereinbar, führen Modernisierungsprozesse zur S?kularisierung oder hat die Religion selbst modernisierende Potenziale? Anhand einzelner europ?ischer und au?ereurop?ischer L?nder - u.a. Italien, Niederlande, Deutschland, Polen, Russland, USA, Südkorea und Brasilien - gehen die Autoren dem Verh?ltnis von Modernisierung und religi?sem Wandel nach. Entgegen der S?kularisierungstheorie zeigen die Fallbeispiele, dass Modernisierung und religi?se Revitalisierung Hand in Hand gehen k?nnen. In europ?ischen Gesellschaften dominiert jedoch eine Konstellation, die zu einer starken Abschw?chung religi?ser und kirchlicher Bindungen geführt hat."Für die Analysen dienen neben anderen Datenquellen die ALLBUS-Daten von 1996, 2002 und 2012 als Datengrundlage.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 30. Fassung, M?rz 2016}, added-at = {2018-08-09T16:50:53.000+0200}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Pollack, Detlef and Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3d8a765bec5715b95df42138c8a80b58}, intrahash = {c2bb7f2df0639da20b277e841ad5bc17}, keywords = {2015 ALLBUS ALLBUS1996 ALLBUS2002 ALLBUS2012 ALLBUS_input2015 ALLBUS_version30 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1991 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2016 book checked german gt input2016 isspbib2016}, language = {German}, note = {(ALLBUS) (EVS) (ISSP)}, privnote = {ALLBUS_ID=2721 ; reprint-status=no-file ; ISSP_ID=29968}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, series = {Religion und Moderne}, study = {ALLBUS1996, ALLBUS2002, ALLBUS2012}, timestamp = {2018-08-21T11:44:14.000+0200}, title = {Religion in der Moderne: Ein internationaler Vergleich}, year = 2015}@article{christmann2018economic, abstract = {This study tests the links between economic performance, democratic quality and satisfaction with democracy (SWD) at multiple levels. By analysing a time-series cross-sectional (TSCS) dataset of 57 democracies between 1990 and 2014, it finds the two types of performance matter almost equally: countries with good democratic and economic records tend to show higher levels of SWD than countries without them. Over time, an improvement in ‘objective’ democratic and economic conditions is shown to be related to increasing levels of national SWD. The second part of the study reconfirms these relationships at the individual level by analysing survey data from the “Europeans' understandings and evaluations of democracy” special module of the sixth round of the European Social Survey. It shows that respondents' evaluations of the economy and democracy are strongly related to their SWD. Finally, it demonstrates that the effect of objective democratic and economic performances on SWD is mediated by peoples' evaluations of them.}, added-at = {2018-07-23T09:22:36.000+0200}, author = {Christmann, Pablo}, biburl = {}, doi = {}, interhash = {79c10e2e9f9ddeb266cde25d441bd4d0}, intrahash = {30f653f9df0039b948d5b7c4a0265d19}, issn = {0261-3794}, journal = {Electoral Studies}, keywords = {2018 EB_input2018 EVS EVS_input2018 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {79-89}, study = {use of EB and EVS, but not referred}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Economic performance, quality of democracy and satisfaction with democracy}, url = {}, volume = 53, year = 2018}@article{shorrocks2018cohort, abstract = {This article finds firmer evidence than has previously been presented that men are more left-wing than women in older birth cohorts, while women are more left-wing than men in younger cohorts. Analysis of the European Values Study/World Values Survey provides the first systematic test of how processes of modernization and social change have led to this phenomenon. In older cohorts, women are more right-wing primarily because of their greater religiosity and the high salience of religiosity for left-right self-placement and vote choice in older cohorts. In younger, more secular, cohorts, women’s greater support for economic equality and state intervention and, to a lesser extent, for liberal values makes them more left-wing than men. Because the gender gap varies in this way between cohorts, research focusing on the aggregate-level gap between all men and all women underestimates gender differences in left-right self-placement and vote choice. }, added-at = {2018-07-16T11:42:42.000+0200}, author = {Shorrocks, Rosalind}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.1005}, doi = {10.1177/0032329217751688}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {fd4aa775234be38bf7f6ec7cf14ff4e7}, intrahash = {852e8eb63be1fe25677b33bcb727cbf0}, journal = {Politics & Society}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {135-175}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cohort Change in Political Gender Gaps in Europe and Canada: The Role of Modernization}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2018}@techreport{joly2018generations, abstract = {How is the protest behavior of citizens in new democracies influenced by their experience of the past? Certain theories of political socialization hold that cohorts reaching political maturity under dictatorship are subject to apathy. Yet, it remains unclear whether mobilization during the transition can counterbalance this effect. This article examines the protest behavior of citizens socialized in Eastern Germany, a region marked by two legacies: a legacy of autocracy and, following the 1989-90 revolution, a legacy of transitional mobilization. Using age-periodcohort models with data from the European Social Survey, the analysis assesses the evolution of gaps in protest across generations and time between East and West Germans. The resultsdemonstrate that participation in demonstrations, petitions, and boycotts is lower for East Germans socialized under communism in comparison with West Germans from the same cohorts. This participation deficit remains stable over time and even increases for certain protest activities.}, added-at = {2018-07-16T11:37:28.000+0200}, address = {Berlin}, author = {Joly, Philippe}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, institution = {WZB - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung}, interhash = {fc718da45f698c1d3504acaa36701078}, intrahash = {24d27d9215c24f348e9e8b1a0d904e05}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2018 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, series = {WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2018-101}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Generations and Protest in Eastern Germany: Between Revolution and Apathy}, url = {}, year = 2018}@incollection{tatar2019balkans, abstract = {Transitions to democracy and EU integration processes in post-communist Europe have been accompanied by relatively low levels of protest mobilisation. However, in recent years, new waves of protests have emerged in the region, ranging from mass demonstrations to organised strikes and riots. The rise in elite-challenging activity suggests a revival of protest politics in former communist countries in the current economic crisis. This chapter comparatively examines the dynamics and determinants of different forms of protest activity in Southeast Europe.1 Drawing on theoretical insights derived from the literature on political behaviour and social movements, this chapter analyses the profile of different types of protesters and the factors that may account for their preference for certain forms of protest actions over others. Research on Southeast Europe often investigates citizen participation from a cross-national perspective at a single point in time, with special emphasis on aspects of electoral participation. This study follows a longitudinal approach that captures the dynamic phenomena of protest participation using statistical analysis of survey datasets (such as the regularly published European Values Surveys and World Values Surveys) that allow for comparisons over time both cross-nationally and within a single country. Besides assessing the effects of individual-level variables, the chapter also considers country-level contextual factors such as the levels of democratic and economic development.}, added-at = {2018-07-16T10:50:45.000+0200}, address = {London and New York}, author = {Tatar, Marius I.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Movements in the Balkans: Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, editor = {Bieber, Florian and Brentin, Dario}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {8a974a1924f9af865ae14ea369a03c24}, intrahash = {24ae63b3be18607072a2413ebdfe6390}, isbn = {9781315167985}, keywords = {2019 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection input2018}, note = {First published online: June 20, 2018.(EVS)}, pages = {131-157}, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {EVS}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Are the Balkans different? Mapping protest politics in post-communist Southeastern Europe}, year = 2019}@mastersthesis{pavlovova2018determinants, abstract = {This work examines the reported life satisfaction in the Czech Republic over the period between 1991 and 2016. The relationships between various individual characteristics and reported life satisfaction are analysed using the ordinary least squares and the results are compared across time. This work extends the existing literature not only by providing a more up-to-date analysis of the correlates of life satisfaction in the Czech Republic but also by analysing them in a wider time horizon. Some relationships were found rather stable over the considered period (for example, those associated with health, satisfaction with institutions or with political beliefs). Even though higher education and higher income were not strictly associated with higher satisfaction, the differences in satisfaction of individuals belonging to the lower and upper deciles of income are significant throughout the whole period. On the other hand, some associations have changed substantially over time (e.g. those related to being a student). Contrary to the existing literature on the period of transition, life satisfaction in the Czech Republic appears to be U-shaped in age during the whole considered period including the 90s. However, the turning points and the exact shape of the relationship changed over time.}, added-at = {2018-07-16T10:19:49.000+0200}, author = {Pavlovová, Anna}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {b511a7673df2b7c5ac10f8104c346c5b}, intrahash = {7f686b9f507ef0de6a6495d9a1244050}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2018 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 70, school = {Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Determinants of Life Satisfaction in the Czech Republic and their Development over Time [Determinanty ?ivotní spokojenosti v ?eské republice a jejich v?voj v ?asebakalá?ská práce]}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{coutinho2016religiosity, abstract = {This paper has three aims. The first aim is to measure religiosity across all European countries through an index that combines beliefs, practices, and attitudes. The second aim is to analyse the strength of societal factors on religiosity, including modernisation, communist rule, national identity, religious pluralism, and religious freedom. The final aim is to group European countries by religiosity and to characterise each cluster by dominant religions and these five societal factors. Based on EVS 2008, it was applied multivariate analysis to reach these aims. Cluster 1 is mainly composed of Orthodox, Muslims, and Catholics; cluster 2 of Catholics, Orthodox, and people without religion; cluster 3 by people without religion, Protestants, and Catholics. Across clusters, the degree of human development, religious pluralism, and religious freedom increase, while the degree of national identity decreases.}, added-at = {2018-07-12T12:13:50.000+0200}, author = {Coutinho, José Pereira}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.7458/SPP2016816251}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {6f0f36bd5151a11e83c99a126d1081c9}, intrahash = {31d43ccb3a15172f265dc692b15bc240}, journal = {Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 81, pages = {163-188}, study = {ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T15:12:46.000+0200}, title = {Religiosity in Europe: an index, factors, and clusters of religiosity}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{deulzurrun2002associational, abstract = {Organizational membership seems to be linked to a more participatory and informed political culture, to foster electoral participation, and to promote positive feelings toward democracy. More recently, the social capital and associative democracy debates have introduced new arguments about the positive effects of associational involvement. However, little attention has been paid to the problems of measuring associational involvement and to their consequences for our theories. This article discusses the various problems of validity and reliability of our measurements of associational membership. It is shown that different questionnaire formats produce substantially different results. The article also addresses the issue of measurement errors and emphasizes the problems they introduce when doing cross-national comparisons. }, added-at = {2018-07-09T11:07:34.000+0200}, author = {de Ulzurrun, Laura Morales Diez}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11307}, doi = {10.1177/0032329202030003005}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {e5a910562803656fa51536269ab71db7}, intrahash = {54c3fe5f7f0580d9d7213ebbb9a8b9f5}, journal = {Politics & Society}, keywords = {2002 EB_input2018 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2018 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {497-523}, study = {EVS1999, div. EB 1983-1998}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Associational Membership and Social Capital in Comparative Perspective: a Note on the Problems of Measurement}, url = {}, volume = 30, year = 2002}@techreport{koopmans2018ethnische, abstract = {In einem gro?en Feldexperiment haben wir die Ursachen von Diskriminierung gegenüber Bewerbern mit Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Dazu versendeten wir tausende Bewerbungen von fiktiven Personen an reale Stellenausschreibungen in acht Berufen im gesamten Bundesgebiet. Neben der Ethnizit?t der Bewerber (deutschst?mmig oder Migrationshintergrund in einem von 34 Herkunftsl?ndern), ihrem ph?notypischen Erscheinungsbild (Schwarz, Wei? oder Asiatisch) und ihrer Religionszugeh?rigkeit (keine, Christlich, Muslimisch oder Buddhistisch/Hinduistisch) variierten wir weitere Merkmale der Bewerbungen, wie das Geschlecht des Bewerbers, den Notendurch-schnitt, ob der Bewerbung ein Referenzschreiben beilag und ob Informationen über die derzeitige Vertragssituation bereitgestellt wurden. Unsere Ergebnisse best?tigen, dass Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund gegenüber Bewerbern ohne Migrationshintergrund diskriminiert werden. Allerdings variiert das Ausma? der Diskriminierung deutlich zwischen Herkunftsgruppen: Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund in West- und Südeuropa sowie Ostasien werden nicht signifikant diskriminiert, w?hrend andere Herkunftsgruppen erhebliche Nachteile erfahren. Auch Bewerber mit schwarzem Ph?notyp und mit muslimischer Religion erfahren signifikante Diskriminierung. Mit Blick auf die klassischen Erkl?rungsans?tze für Diskriminierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - d.h. pr?ferenzbasierte und statistische Diskriminierung - zeigen unsere Analysen, dass die kulturelle Distanz zwischen Herkunftsl?ndern und Deutschland die Diskriminierung gegenüber verschiedenen Gruppen deutlich besser erkl?rt als leistungsbezogene Gruppenmerkmale wie der durchschnittliche Bildungsstand. Somit sprechen unsere Befunde st?rker für pr?ferenzbasierte Diskriminierung als für statistische Diskriminierung.[We conducted a large-scale field experiment to investigate the drivers of discrimination against second generation immigrant job applicants. To these ends, we sent thousands of applications from fictitious persons to real job openings in eight professions all over Germany. Next to job applicants’ ethnicity (German or migration background in one out of 34 origin countries), phenotype (Asian, Black, White), and religious affiliation (none, Buddhist or Hindu, Christian, or Muslim), we varied several other characteristics of the applications, such as applicants’ gender, final grades, whether or not a reference letter was included, as well as information about applicants’ current contract. Our results confirm that employers discriminate against immigrant job applicants. The magnitude of discrimination, however, varies strongly between origin groups. Whereas employers do not discriminate against Western and Southern European and East Asian immigrants, other origin groups experience significant disadvantages. In addition, we observe substantial disadvantages for Black and Muslim job applicants. With respect to classic theories about the drivers of discrimination on the labor market, that is, taste-based and statistical discrimination, we find that the cultural distance between origin countries and Germany explains discrimination against different groups much better than productivity-related group characteristics, such as average levels of education. Consequently, our empirical findings are more supportive of taste-based discrimination than they are of statistical discrimination theories.]}, added-at = {2018-06-25T12:22:49.000+0200}, address = {Berlin}, author = {Koopmans, Ruud and Veit, Susanne and Yemane, Ruta}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, institution = {WZB - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung}, interhash = {1401963d27b29ab014543603bc05add1}, intrahash = {f95fd3527f860f684643d0f4da3fb2dc}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked german input2018 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {SP VI 2018-104}, series = {Discussion Paper}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2018-10-29T09:02:06.000+0100}, title = {Ethnische Hierarchien in der Bewerberauswahl: Ein Feldexperiment zu den Ursachen von Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{obrizan2018quantifying, abstract = {Previous literature has shown substantially lower levels of self-reported health in transition countries. The current paper provides the most recent estimates of the size of the transition gap in self-rated health by using up to 241,698 observations from the World Values Survey and the European Values Study collected between 1989 and 2014. The estimated gap is in the range of 12.7--23.7 percentage points lower probability of reporting `Very Good' or `Good' self-rated health which indicates that the process of transition is far from completion at least based on a subjective evaluation of health.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T12:14:23.000+0200}, author = {Obrizan, Maksym}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1057/s41294-018-0067-3}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {ab72235ca0b05a8e80b2921fcc0f6a83}, intrahash = {be517ba72ebca5d74fb7c5ee188cd003}, issn = {1478-3320}, journal = {Comparative Economic Studies}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: May 25, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Quantifying the Gap in Self-Rated Health for Transition Countries Over 1989--2014}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{akaliyski2018united, abstract = {The European Union (EU) is considered to be a unique economic and political union that integrates most European countries. This article focuses on the cultural aspect of European integration, which has been increasingly debated over the course of deepening and widening integration and in the context of the legitimation crisis of the EU. Among the main goals of the EU is to promote certain values, which raises the question of whether it has been efficient in (or enabled) reducing cultural value gaps among the participating countries. World polity and institutional isomorphism theories suggest that cultural values may trickle down in a vertical manner from the institutions of the EU to its member states and candidates. Furthermore, hybridisation theory postulates that values diffuse horizontally through intensified interactions enabled by the EU. These two perspectives imply the possibility of cultural convergence among countries associated with the EU. By contrast, the culture clash thesis assumes that differences in cultural identity prevent value convergence across countries; growing awareness of such differences may even increase the pre‐existing cultural value distances. To test these different scenarios, distances in emancipative and secular values are compared across pairs of countries using combined repeated cross‐sectional data from the European Values Study and the World Values Survey gathered between 1992 and 2011. This study finds that the longer a country has been part of the EU, the more closely its values approximate those of the EU founding countries, which in turn are the most homogenous. Initial cultural distance to the founders’ average values appears irrelevant to acquiring membership or candidacy status. However, new member states experienced substantial cultural convergence with old member states after 1992, as did current candidates between 2001 and 2008. Since 1992, nations not participating in the integration process have diverged substantially from EU members, essentially leading to cultural polarisation in Europe. The findings are independent of (changes in) economic disparities and suggest the importance of cultural diffusion as one of the fundamental mechanisms of cultural change. This empirical study contributes to the literature on European integration, political and sociological theories of globalisation, and cross‐cultural theories of societal value change.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T12:10:49.000+0200}, author = {Akaliyski, Plamen}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1111/1475-6765.12285}, eprint = {}, gesis-study = {ZA4804}, interhash = {55065faed2042952c0ce9bb288bd0b9e}, intrahash = {a5c1b3a2ff0a569ecea81ea69e7b4128}, journal = {European Journal of Political Research}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: May 27, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {United in diversity? The convergence of cultural values among EU member states and candidates}, url = {}, year = 2018}@book{ackermann2018stealth, abstract = {Maya Ackermann widmet sich erstmalig der Frage, wie viel Demokratie die Schweizerinnen und Schweizer wollen. Das Buch stellt damit eine Reaktion auf die zeitgen?ssische und provokante These einer Politologin und eines Politologen aus den Vereinigten Staaten dar. John R. Hibbing und Elizabeth Theiss-Morse behaupten in ihrer popul?ren Studie Stealth Democracy, dass viele Menschen nur minimale politische Beteiligungsrechte einfordern würden und generell nichts mit Politik zu tun haben m?chten. Die Autorin übertr?gt dieses Konzept auf die Schweiz und somit auf ein Land, das sich durch weitreichende politische Mitbestimmungsrechte auszeichnet. Die empirischen Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin, dass die Schweizerinnen und Schweizer mit den vorherrschenden direktdemokratischen Institutionen und Strukturen mehrheitlich zufrieden sind und eine Stealth Democracy tendenziell eher ablehnen.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T12:02:42.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Ackermann, Maya}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {b95f8989f1ae5b1d9691a392933a2128}, intrahash = {f87393ecc8c9108a2524e065cc2ad374}, isbn = {978-3-658-22238-3}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP GESISpanel GP_input2018 GP_pro ZA4800 book checked german input2018}, note = {. (EVS) (GESIS Panel)}, pages = 310, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-02-15T14:18:47.000+0100}, title = {Stealth Democracy in der Schweiz}, url = {}, year = 2018}@mastersthesis{malejcikova2017sexulna, abstract = {The aim of this thesis is a cross-cultural comparism of the sexual identity of LGBrespondents and attitudes of adult heterosexual participants towards them between Brazil and Slovakia. Firstly, the sexual identity of LGB has been tested using LGBIS (Mohr & Kendra, 2012). Secondly, attitudes of adult heterosexuals have been measured using Multidimensional Scale of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Man (Gato, Fontaine & Carneiro, 2012). Results have shown some differences in sexual identity between slovakian and brazilian LGB as well as a relation between social environment and attitudes of heterosexual adults towards homosexuals.Slovakian participants tend to hold more homophobic attitudes and support homosexuals less than Brazilians (p< .001). Additional analysis of gender and religiosity influence is discussed and further research is suggested.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T11:46:23.000+0200}, address = {Brne}, author = {Malej?íková, Dominika}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {81539dc5e3d61e751f542249450345ae}, intrahash = {92d6c125c067d67e932a9e1b70f5294b}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked input2018 mastersthesis slovak}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2018-06-25T11:46:23.000+0200}, title = {Sexuálna identita LGB a postoj dospel?ch heterosexuálnychrespondentov vo?i nim (Komparatívna ?túdia Brazílie a Slovenska)}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{duque2017corrupo, abstract = {Uma das consequências da corrup??o é a pobreza, à qual está associada a violência e a instabilidade política. A rela??o entre estas realidades é complexa e, entre elas, existe uma retroa??o positiva. A partir de uma análise longitudinal dos dados do European Values Survey (EVS), entre 1990 e 2008-2010, apresentam-se algumas ilustra??es empíricas, para a situa??o portuguesa e para a média dos países da Uni?o Europeia, relacionando os casos acima mencionados. Conclui-se que Portugal apresenta um nível de capital humano ligeiramente abaixo do nível médio da escala (de 2,8) e abaixo do nível dos demais países da Uni?o Europeia, o que demonstra que continua a ser um país submergido em contextos de fragilidade democrática e cívica. Esta realidade é também percetível ao analisar as institui??es que representam a estabilidade democrática, já que a maioria dos portugueses coloca estas institui??es como as menos credíveis, evidenciando, assim, a falta de seguran?a nas estruturas democráticas.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T11:01:33.000+0200}, address = {Porto}, author = {Duque, Eduardo and Calheiros, António}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Overarching Issues of the European Space: Society, Economy and Heritage in a Scenario Towards Greater Territorial Cohesion [GRANDES PROBLEM?TICAS DO ESPA?O EUROPEU - Sociedade, Economia e Património num Cenário Tendente a uma Maior Coes?o Territorial]}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, editor = {Pina, Helena and Martins, Felisbela}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {84617f43e16d877d6fc31f71c3e3b821}, intrahash = {b9876f3ad84b478816d453356a2982b4}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked incollection input2018 portuguese}, note = {. (EVS)}, publisher = {UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO – Faculdade de Letras}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-06-28T07:45:56.000+0200}, title = {A corrup??o e a falta de seguran?a nas estruturas democráticas}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{kiss2018churches, abstract = {This chapter deals with another important segment of the Hungarian institutional network, the churches. It provides statistics about the religious distribution of the Hungarian community and the frequency of various religious practices, discusses the institutional network operated by the Hungarian churches and some of the most important religious movements. In Romania, and among Transylvanian Hungarians too, ecclesiastical religiosity is very high in a European comparison, and churches play a relatively important role in society. Also, in Transylvania the religious and ethnic cleavage reinforce each other. The institutions and organizations operated by the Hungarian churches---especially in the domain of education, social and health care---are constituent parts of the institutional network that sustains ethnic parallelism, and as such, are important tools of community building.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T10:50:37.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Kiss, Dénes}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Unequal Accommodation of Minority Rights: Hungarians in Transylvania}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-78893-7_7}, editor = {Kiss, Tamás and Székely, István Gerg? and Toró, Tibor and Bárdi, Nándor and Horváth, István}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {9b341e31ffe3688ccdbf17e6ffb0666d}, intrahash = {fbd577816813873987e89c2099fcf970}, isbn = {978-3-319-78893-7}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection input2018}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {293-316}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Churches and Religious Life}, url = {}, year = 2018}@phdthesis{lethnissen2018churching, added-at = {2018-06-25T10:25:16.000+0200}, author = {Leth-Nissen, Karen Marie}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.3680, doi:10.4232/1.11334, doi:10.4232/1.12590}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA3680, ZA4950, ZA6670}, interhash = {c486e8a58ff0b288e1b74e5aa76cc06f}, intrahash = {e839fe13105b7b5f2c325018e4407e06}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2001 ISSP2008 ISSP2014 ISSP_input2018 ZA4800 checked english input2018 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, school = {University of Copenhagen}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2001, ISSP2008, ISSP2014}, timestamp = {2019-04-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, title = {Churching Alone. A Study of the Danish Folk Church at Organisational, Individual, and Societal Levels}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{dingler2018parliaments, abstract = {Although there are considerably more men than women in most parliaments around the world, we know little about whether male-dominated legislatures neglect women’s policy preferences. Our article addresses this gap by analysing the congruence of policy preferences between women, men and their elected representatives. We endeavour to answer two questions. Are women’s policy preferences underrepresented in modern democracies? If so, which factors explain the size of the gender gaps in policy preference congruence? Comparing 21 European countries, we show that women’s preferences actually tend to be more accurately represented in parliaments than those of men. Moreover, our analyses reveal that this unanticipated finding is not driven by the share of female office-holders, but rather by levels of women’s turnout, which leads us to conclude that who votes is more important than who represents for policy preference congruence. }, added-at = {2018-06-25T10:12:39.000+0200}, author = {Dingler, Sarah C. and Kroeber, Corinna and Fortin-Rittberger, Jessica}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1080/13501763.2017.1423104}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {4ea18d945d62b4ab6763a04f30e75c34}, intrahash = {a98a04358be555b39298cfeda901b0a9}, journal = {Journal of European Public Policy}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 31, 2018, . (EVS)}, pages = 20, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do parliaments underrepresent women’s policy preferences? Exploring gender equality in policy congruence in 21 European democracies}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{langsaether2018class, abstract = {Influential theories of class voting assume that the phenomenon occurs because classes hold different political values, which in turn affect their party preference. However, we do not know how important this mechanism is. Hence, this article uses high-quality survey data from 12 Western European countries to study the association between class and voting. The results suggest that political values – including non-economic values – play a central role in accounting for this association, although substantial class differences persist even when holding political values constant. I furthermore argue that the relevance of this mechanism should vary by party family. Political values should account for class voting to the extent that parties give the voters clear signals on issues of relevance to the value orientations. As such, party behaviour not only affects the level of class voting, but the very nature of the link between class and voting. This article contributes first by testing one of the most important theories of the mechanisms behind class voting, and second by demonstrating how the parties’ behaviour affects this mechanism. }, added-at = {2018-06-25T10:05:58.000+0200}, author = {Langs?ther, Peter Egge}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10188}, doi = {10.1080/17457289.2018.1464015}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v2.0.0}, interhash = {efd0334353ee19e9f655e63883d5d289}, intrahash = {d49c6d0e73597b7b1ce944c8a036b997}, journal = {Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: April 18, 2018, . (EVS)}, pages = 18, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Class voting and the differential role of political values: evidence from 12 West-European countries}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{peiropalomino2018social, abstract = {This paper analyses the relationship between social capital and environmental performance in the European Union. In a first stage, environmental performance is measured by an index of eco-efficiency at the country level, computed using data envelopment analysis techniques and data for the year 2013. In a second stage, the influence of social capital and other relevant control variables on eco-efficiency is assessed by means of truncated regressions and bootstrapping, as proposed by Simar and Wilson (J Econom 136(1):31--64, 2007). For several model specifications, tests fail to reject the hypothesis of no effect of social capital on environmental performance, and the main driver of environmental performance is found to be the level of economic development, measured by GDP per capita. Furthermore, this result is robust to different definitions of social capital and sample periods.}, added-at = {2018-06-25T09:55:10.000+0200}, author = {Peiró-Palomino, Jesús and Picazo-Tadeo, Andrés J.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1007/s10640-018-0226-z}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, 4800}, interhash = {785a3d4e26b0661ddda85b32c6962e38}, intrahash = {d1bfd3778b146c8a252e5c2b442b42d5}, issn = {1573-1502}, journal = {Environmental and Resource Economics}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 13, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is Social Capital Green? Cultural Features and Environmental Performance in the European Union}, url = {}, year = 2018}@inproceedings{deleeuw2018matter, abstract = {While several studies have demonstrated that individuals’ left-right orientation is linked to their support for democracy, thus far we know little about the historical roots of this association. Drawing on data from the European Values Study (1999–2008), the present study investigates to what degree this association is shaped by countries’ authoritarian past. By distinguishing between countries with a democratic, left-wingauthoritarian and right-wing authoritarian legacy, we demonstrate that the direction and strength of this association is aligned with the ideology of the authoritarian predecessor and that leftist orientations are linked to lower levels of support in left-wing legacies while the same holds for rightist orientations in countries with a right-wing legacy. In addition, we show that this association can for a large part be accounted for by individuals’ support for the authoritarian predecessor and cannot be reduced to individuals’ socialization under authoritarian rule. As such, our study highlights the importance of historical contextualization, when inferring shifts on the left-right dimension to changes in popular support for democracy. }, added-at = {2018-06-25T09:41:03.000+0200}, author = {de Leeuw, Sjifra and Rekker, Roderik and Azrout, Rachid and van Spanje, Joost}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {ECPR Joint Sessions 10–14 April 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {dc30f00783ef9ce103db7119f6f8d227}, intrahash = {bcc2a1b5a73585d3696d54e279dc9442}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english inproceedings input2018}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 26, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A matter of nostalgia: How authoritarian traditions shape the distribution of democratic support on the left-right dimension.}, url = {}, year = 2018}@inproceedings{egli2017cultural, added-at = {2018-05-03T11:52:40.000+0200}, author = {Egli, Simon and Mayer, Boris and Mast, Fred W.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {15th Swiss Psychological Society Conference "Treasuring the Diversity of Psychology" September 5, 2017, Lausanne}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {0ad07db333c45c3c3bf90f7acce39987}, intrahash = {1091414cb6951c18107328d390a65308}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english inproceedings input2018}, note = {. (EVS)}, organization = {University of Bern, Institute of Psychology}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural Differences and Similaritiesamong German-, French- and ItalianspeakingSwitzerland and NeighboringCountries}, url = {}, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{vuorikko2018uskonnottomien, abstract = {Objectives An unbeliever is someone who doesn’t believe in God or gods. There are a lot of unbelievers in the World, especially in Europe. However, the scientific understanding of unbelief is limited. There is little research on different kinds of unbelievers. This study began to explore ritual atheists. Ritual atheists are unbelievers who find some religious rituals meaningful in their lives. The study explored conservative and liberal attitudes of unbelievers, ritual atheists and religious people. It was hypothesized that unbelievers are more liberal than ritual atheists and ritual atheists are more liberal than religious people. Methods The participants were from the 2008 EVS (European Values Study) data, which was collected from 45 different European countries. New variables were computed from the original items, and they represented attitudes concerning morals, family life, tolerance, immigrants and requirements of national identity. Most of the variables were computed by arithmetic means or by using factor analysis. The data was analyzed by multivariate and univariate analysis of variance, by t tests and by discriminant analysis. Results and conclusions With most of the attitudes, unbelievers were more liberal than ritual atheists who, for their part, were more liberal than religious people. This study provided entirely new information about the attitudes of ritual atheists. The results support the assumption that ritual atheism is a unique form of unbelief: a ritual atheist adopts some of the religious influences of the culture, without being religious.}, added-at = {2018-05-03T11:43:28.000+0200}, author = {Vuorikko, Salla}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study = {ZA4800}, interhash = {f2b3a1a5ccdc3437e612397efd402f42}, intrahash = {eeb965d52aba24e4b4095cb36717b115}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english input2018 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Uskonnottomien ja uskonnollisten ihmisten sek? rituaalisten ateistien asenteet konservatiivisuus-liberaalisuus -ulottuvuudella}, url = {}, year = 2018}@incollection{klicperovabaker2018democratic, abstract = {A generation after the democratic revolutions of 1989, most post-communist countries remain democratic. However, citizens differ by their identification with democratic values and by the prevalence of five main ``(non)democratic mentalities'' which we derived from the European Values Study (EVS). Our focus was on three post-communist regions: (a) the post-soviet core countries (Russia, Moldova, Ukraine), (b) ex-soviet Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), and (c) Central European ``Visegrad'' countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). Results indicate that democrats (i.e., secular democrats and religious democrats) are represented in every country; their incidence is higher among elites and among the young; yet democrats in all post-communist countries constitute a minority. Intolerant traditionalists are most typical for the post-soviet core countries, while passive skeptics constitute majority in the post-communist Central Europe and plurality in the Baltics. Passive skepticism can be interpreted in terms of an enduring ``post-communist syndrome.''}, added-at = {2018-05-03T11:34:30.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Klicperova-Baker, Martina and Kostal, Jaroslav}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values and Identities in the Post-Communist World }, data-doi = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-72616-8_2}, editor = {Lebedeva, Nadezhda and Dimitrova, Radosveta and Berry, John}, gesis-study = {ZA4804 v1.0.0}, interhash = {5298c0810ce0f4068bbaf2a01c8ee55f}, intrahash = {fa64b2ce93d50679911c5fee4ce14407}, isbn = {978-3-319-72616-8}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english incollection input2018}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {27-51}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Democratic Values in the Post-Communist Region: The Incidence of Traditionalists, Skeptics, Democrats, and Radicals}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{schalembier2018evaluation, abstract = {This study explains how income inequality affects life satisfaction in Europe. Although research about the impact of income inequality on life satisfaction is inconclusive, authors suggest several reasons for its potential impact. In the literature section we discuss three types of explanations for the impact of inequality: pure aversion for inequality, aversion for inequality motivated by how an individual is personally affected by inequality and preferences for equality of opportunities. In order to test these explanations, we examine how three corresponding variables, respectively attitude towards redistribution, income and perceived mobility, interact with both actual and perceived income inequality in multilevel analyses using data from the European Values Survey. Our results reveal that there are significant differences between how people are affected by actual income inequality and how they are affected by perceived income inequality. The impact of perceived income inequality on life satisfaction depends on perceived mobility in society and income, while the impact of actual income inequality solely depends on perceived mobility. We conclude that traditional explanations often erroneously assume that people correctly assess income inequality. Moreover these explanations are more capable of clarifying the effect of perceived income inequality on life satisfaction than that of actual inequality.}, added-at = {2018-04-10T10:23:13.000+0200}, author = {Schalembier, Benjamin}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/s10902-018-9970-6}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0.}, interhash = {5e687a8852c3a51857dbf81694673f9c}, intrahash = {050bf9b90baaeb673fcf351330b96ec4}, issn = {1573-7780}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: March 2, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {An Evaluation of Common Explanations for the Impact of Income Inequality on Life Satisfaction}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{mueller2017microsimulation, abstract = {This article presents a new approach to the comparison of the meaning of social or political key terms in different national contexts. Instead of relying on classical statistical instruments such as t-tests of the mean attitudes, the author proposes to analyze value conflicts between the mentioned groups. In international surveys like the European Values Study (EVS) the related conflict data are not directly available but can be generated by microsimulation: for this purpose the article proposes to look at the value differences of randomly matched artificial pairs of respondents. The resulting dyadic data-records correspond to simulated virtual encounters of persons with the same or different opinions about a political issue. In this way it becomes possible to measure the amount and the thematic focus of the value conflicts between the protagonists of a key term in different countries: the absence of conflicts between these groups points to the same meaning of the key term, whereas dissent about its attributes is an indicator of semantic differences. The benchmark for assessing these international inter-group conflicts are the national intra-group conflicts, which are generally underestimated. Consequently, an application of the proposed method to an artificial dataset with systematically varying statistical properties suggests that the traditional t-tests of mean attitudes overestimate the international group differences. By considering the internal ideological variation of the compared groups we probably get a more realistic assessment of their international similarities and differences. Thus we dare to tackle with the proposed virtual encounter method a real world problem: the comparative analysis of the values of the political left in Sweden, France, and the UK on the basis of attitudes gathered in the European Values Study (2008). A major result is that income equality is revealed to be an important common value of the political left in the three countries mentioned. Finally, the article points to the possibility of comparing different intra-national groups with regard to their ideologies. By the virtual encounter method it is possible to focus the analysis on a particular country and compare e.g. its national parties or different generations of partisans.}, added-at = {2018-04-10T10:17:34.000+0200}, author = {Mueller, Georg P.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {f6bbc4305ee9163dcdc8be2e3b5a971a}, intrahash = {74a577285404ecaeccac6b7f996f7bd4}, issn = {1234-9224}, journal = {Ask. Research & Methods}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {61-80}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {On the Use of Microsimulation for Investigating Ideological Dissent: Exemplary Analyses of the Values of the European Political Left }, url = {}, volume = 26, year = 2017}@article{gosselin2018relationships, abstract = {Many empirical studies have analyzed the relationship between human activity and the environment. Some of these have focused on the potentially negative impacts of human activity on the environment while others have tried to identify the socio-political variables that could be at play in this relationship. Herein, we used well-adapted statistical methods to study the relationship between human activity and biodiversity in Europe at the country level. We worked with classical biodiversity indicators (two state indicators, two pressure indicators and one response indicator) on the one hand, and socio-economic variables on the other hand. We found strong relationships between economic variables and both pressure indicators (related to soil sealing) and state indicators (related to the proportion of extinct and threatened species). However, there was no relationship between economic variables and the response indicator (related to the proportion of protected area). We did find significant relationships between biodiversity and some sociological variables: in particular, interpersonal trust, which is known to favor economic prosperity, improved biodiversity levels. However, the best models all included economic variables. Our results cast a new light on an old issue: first, they reveal that the spatial density of human activity – either through economic growth or population levels – is a key variable that is positively related to land sealing levels and to both past and current biodiversity erosion; they also show that the impact of the spatial density of human activity on biodiversity state indicators tends to decelerate – but not to decrease – as the spatial density of human activity increases. Our results clearly indicate that the spatial density of human activity should be part of any political analyses related to biodiversity – including systems of biodiversity indicators. Our results also reveal the need for further studies involving these metrics. They also emphasize the tension between policy objectives related to economic growth and biodiversity preservation. Yet, they indicate that increasing social trust, which seems to favor both economic growth and biodiversity levels, might provide a solution.}, added-at = {2018-04-10T10:00:00.000+0200}, author = {Gosselin, Frédéric and Callois, Jean-Marc}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.010}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {3dd76a82c8f4c700e48adede79567f1e}, intrahash = {52a61a9805ae8c02a89d4b70c576ae2f}, issn = {1470-160X}, journal = {Ecological Indicators}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {356-365}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Relationships between human activity and biodiversity in Europe at the national scale: Spatial density of human activity as a core driver of biodiversity erosion}, url = {}, volume = 90, year = 2018}@techreport{harding1981european, added-at = {2018-03-01T08:01:52.000+0100}, author = {Harding, Stephen D and George, C}, biburl = {}, institution = {European Value Systems Study Group}, interhash = {3fd1cd0cfeabc86aa9c478b6af28ba88}, intrahash = {b1dcd06a8de162d4e4afc2f3f41b3aa7}, keywords = {1981 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked input2018 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:36:58.000+0200}, title = {European Values Pilot Survey: Comments on the British Data}, year = 1981}@techreport{harding1980value, added-at = {2018-03-01T07:59:41.000+0100}, author = {Harding, Stephen D}, biburl = {}, institution = {Survey Research Unit, Polytechnic of North London}, interhash = {8de0884d5f9bba91b9f81c22739c79b8}, intrahash = {5f588440a3825205f20411eef4c6e28a}, keywords = {1980 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked input2018 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVSSG}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:36:58.000+0200}, title = {On Value Systems in Europe: a report on the preliminary values studies prepared for the European Value Systems Study Group}, year = 1980}@article{carriero2017religion, abstract = {The article aims to investigate the relationship between individual religiosity and attitudes towards government responsibility for citizens' welfare. The rationale for such a relationship stems from the idea that religion and government spending can be intended as substitute mechanisms that may insure individuals against negative life events. We theorized the existence of an additional and opposite mechanism working in certain contexts: complementarity of responsibility. The local solutions provided by Church organizations and State interventions are not always perceived to be in opposition, but they can reinforce each other. In testing the relationship between religiosity and attitudes toward public support, we hypothesized a moderating impact of contextual features: the prevalent religious denomination in a country and the type of welfare state regime. Both may have indeed influence on citizens' opinions about the role of government responsibility because they contribute to shape individual preferences. To address these issues in a multilevel framework, we analyse the integrated European Value Study database for 31 European countries. Our results confirm that the different Christian doctrines, the various types of welfare state regimes, as well as the combinations of the two, shape differently the relationship between religiosity and attitudes toward government responsibility. }, added-at = {2018-02-26T09:16:22.000+0100}, author = {Carriero, Renzo and Filandri, Marianna and Molteni, Francesco}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1423/88794}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {385d3cd50b6864a43b76ac90a495093e}, intrahash = {82e208080e7eeef4733a299ce3bcea4b}, issn = {0486-0349}, journal = {Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Rivista trimestrale fondata da Camillo Pellizzi}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {769-802}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion, welfare regimes and attitudes toward government responsibility for citizens' welfare. A European comparative analysis}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{hajdu2018period, abstract = { In this paper, we analyze whether work values differ between three dimensions of time (age, birth cohort, period). Using data of five waves of the World Values Survey and the European Values Study from more than forty countries and hierarchical age-period-cohort regression models, we did not find relevant gaps between birth cohorts with respect to the relative importance of work or with respect to work values. Thus, we claim that, in European and Euro-Atlantic countries, birth cohorts, on average, do not differ significantly with regard to their work values. Our results suggest, however, that the relative importance of work is significantly higher in the middle-age groups than among the younger or older groups. Regarding work values, we found that the importance of having an interesting job, good pay, and good hours decreases with age, and that job security is equally important at every age, whereas the importance of having a useful job increases with age.}, added-at = {2018-02-26T09:00:17.000+0100}, author = {Hajdu, Gábor and Sik, Endre}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {c60d31d7df03c74010fe0a82619592b7}, intrahash = {91a9ed2ba9ed5416b2117ea54cceb63f}, journal = {Societies }, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2018 kbe noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = 11, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Age, Period, and Cohort Differences in Work Centrality and Work Values}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2018}@article{gugushvili2017change, abstract = {Regime change experienced in post-communist societies is of great significance for research in social stratification and mobility. Nonetheless, the existing literature does not provide a clear answer if cross-national differences in social mobility are determined by communist legacies or by the divergent paths these countries followed in their transition to the capitalist system. It is hypothesised that higher income inequality and an overall decline in material wellbeing would increase the importance of parental economic capital, whereas the relative role of parental cultural capital in offspring’s life chances would decline. For 24 societies in Central and Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus, I find evidence on the decisive role of social origins, particularly parental education, in predicting individuals’ educational and occupational attainment. However, significant and systematic changes in intergenerational social mobility from pre- to post-transitional cohorts are not observed. The derived findings are robust to alternative specifications of social origins and destinations. Arguably, differences in intergenerational links between parents’ and offspring’s socio-economic status resulted from historical discrepancies in the communist period rather than the consequences of idiosyncratic developments in post-communist transition.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T09:56:47.000+0100}, author = {Gugushvili, Alexi}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10188}, doi = {10.1016/j.rssm.2017.10.004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v2.0.0}, interhash = {cbf099849071f3c9ec6a562a88446560}, intrahash = {abbc45f0c7b878d9f9b8cbef122c268a}, issn = {0276-5624}, journal = {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {59-71}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Change or continuity? Intergenerational social mobility and post-communist transition}, url = {}, volume = 52, year = 2017}@article{freire2016regime, abstract = {By comparing the Baltic States with Greece, Portugal and Spain, we seek to discover whether the type of authoritarian legacy and regime transition has any effect on the way citizens think about the left-right (L-R) divide in new democracies. We argue that while the authoritarian legacy is important, the type of transition and, particularly, the kind of political alliances and party-politicization of issues during the new regime's formative years is more important. Evidence confirms our expectations, even after several cross-validating tests.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T09:51:39.000+0100}, author = {Freire, André and Kivistik, Kats}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {ff4a13b52dd6259989a229c3cdeafc30}, intrahash = {e9fcb5c7feaf3087e910f7a6c6e658b5}, issn = {0967-067X}, journal = {Communist and Post-Communist Studies}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {293-311}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Regime transition, value conflicts and the left-right divide at the mass level: The Baltic States and Southern Europe compared}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 2016}@article{rodriguezjusticia2018education, abstract = {While the determinants of tax morale have been widely studied in the literature, surprisingly, the fundamental influence of education on tax morale has yet to be investigated. Given the insights from the psychological and political science literature about the role of education in the formation of social values, in this paper, we analyze two channels through which education shapes tax morale. We find that education has a positive impact on tax morale for those individuals that are net beneficiaries of the welfare state, and a negative impact for those that are net contributors. Furthermore, our results indicate that the more highly educated because of their better knowledge on public affairs exhibit higher levels of tax morale in countries that have better quality public services, a fairer tax system and higher quality institutions.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T09:46:51.000+0100}, author = {Rodriguez-Justicia, David and Theilen, Bernd}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1016/j.joep.2017.10.001}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {edfcefdcb35cf094f1cf1b93bcfce831}, intrahash = {a0e326ba9fbc4280df207ff7f459c074}, issn = {0167-4870}, journal = {Journal of Economic Psychology}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2018 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 isspbib2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {18-48}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=32509}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Education and tax morale}, url = {}, volume = 64, year = 2018}@inproceedings{matei2017crosscultural, abstract = {Today’s young generation is a challenge for HR specialists everywhere. The generation that lives life trough the Smartphone screen is the subject of debates and studies in numerous areas of the social and economic life. As teachers, we realize that it is increasingly difficult to make students get involved, while companies complain that young people do not want to work. The purpose of this cross-cultural study is to identify to what extent the cultural factor influences the attitude towards work and what and if there are the common characteristics of young employees that cross over cultural boundaries. For this purpose, an intercultural study on work attitude was conducted in six countries: Hungary, India, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, and Sweden. A part of the study was discusses in depth in a previous paper, so, within this paper we will mainly focus on the similarities and differences between the young generations of the six countries. We found that, although the cultural factor accounts for the differences in perception of the studied generations, there are also some similarities one might consider universal in today’s young generation. Research findings and limitations are discussed.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T09:34:41.000+0100}, author = {Matei, Mirabela-Constanta and Abrudan, Maria-Madela}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Management Conference “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century”, November 2nd-4th, 2017, Bucharest, Romania}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {0dfd6b143b35c427b6a6df5ff8b61ea1}, intrahash = {12f4f644614e2270fb73aec1eda61d59}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english inproceedings input2018}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-Cultural Study on the Attitude Towards Work of Young Employees }, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{yanovskiy2017notes, abstract = {The Universal Suffrage introduction and subsequent rising of welfare state (nanny state) make the institution vulnerable to critics from the point of view of economists. Universal suffrage caused chronic budget deficit and increasing public debt burden during peacetime. Universal Suffrage defense is usually based on the following two claims: Universal Suffrage is an integral and basic component of real Rule of Law Democracy and Universal Suffrage has clear moral advantages compared with census limited participation. Our analysis shows the moral foundation of Universal Suffrage is even less solid than economic. Undeserved privilege is encouraging more and more people to drop their responsibilities for themselves and for their families, while securing their “right” to decide the country’s fate on the Day of Elections. New irresponsible and budget dependent voters create new opportunities for the bureaucrats seeking discretion power and additional funding for theirs bureaus. We stress reasonable doubt about Long Run compatibility of Universal Suffrage with constitutional foundations of Democracy (like property rights, free speech and more). Supporters of the Welfare state require that their power to rig elections be secured for the sake of fighting Discrimination. The same people often require that votes of their opponents be ignored (i. e. effectively denying opponents’ “right to vote”). As a result, one could observe now pretty broad consensus on the necessity to introduce (to restore) qualifications for voting.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T09:20:19.000+0100}, author = {Yanovskiy, Konstantin E. and Zhavoronkov, Sergei V.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.4804}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v1.0.0}, interhash = {c55a95bde6bf7b656f5ae68649029879}, intrahash = {792796d63d761a2d4e7325a3cadb2a32}, journal = {Ekonomicheskaya Politika}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4804 article checked indexproved input2018 review_proved russian}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {102-123}, privnote = {НЕСКОЛЬКО ЗАМЕТОК О МОРАЛЬНОСТИ ВСЕОБЩЕЙ ИЗБИРАТЕЛЬНОЙ ПРИВИЛЕГИИ}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {The Few Notes on Universal Suffrage Morality}, url = {}, volume = 12, year = 2017}@phdthesis{khalil2017europe, abstract = {This dissertation connects an idea of Europe, the Kantian idea of Europe, with publicopinion data measuring support for the EU. By the Kantian idea of Europe, I refer to the idea of the EU as a federation of independent republics. I look at multiple dimensions of support for the EU. The first dimension is utilitarian. As the initial promise of the EU and its predecessor institutions was largely economic, I check if public support for the EU is contingent on economic performance and find mixed support for my hypotheses. The dimension I consider comes from revised modernization theory. I check and see if education, interest in politics and postmaterialist values play a role in determining support for the EU. Postmaterialists do support the EU more than materialists do, but stagnant levels of materialism over the last three decades means that we cannot rely on value change to provide support for the EU in the future. Next, I consider the minority nationalisms inEuropean nation-states which have long sought greater autonomy vis-à-vis the nationstate. The EU was considered a vehicle for achieving this autonomy but its impact has been limited at best. I also check if people who are from these regions seeking greater autonomy are more supportive of the EU than others in their state. I find that support for this hypothesis is limited at best. Finally, I turn my attention to the creation of a European identity in opposition to an ‘other’, namely the Muslim immigrant. The question animating my analysis here is whether there is a nascent European nationalism which sees itself in opposition to the Muslim ‘other’. My analysis shows that those who are generally biased against immigrants do not support the EU. However, if we differentiate between immigrants from within the EU and those from outside the EU, there is much more support for the former. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be an affective European identity, but does lead me to conclude that there exists a base for one. All my analyses are conducted using data from the Eurobarometer and European Social Survey. Both the surveys provide a long time-series and ask questions which measure support for the EU.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T09:08:16.000+0100}, author = {Khalil, Huzefa}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.4804, doi:10.4232/1.10953, doi:10.4232/1.12801}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v1.0.0, ZA3693 v1.0.1, ZA6788 v1.2.0}, interhash = {f53fd8c949508f281660c934a0fbbe57}, intrahash = {42816ddec527736163e5ec9303550799}, keywords = {2017 EB58.1 EB86.2 EB_input2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ZA3693 ZA4804 ZA6788 checked english input2018 phdthesis}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, school = {The University of Michigan}, study = {EVS1981-2008, EB58.1, EB86.2}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Europe: Requiem for an Idea?}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{vanhoorn2018happiness, abstract = {Estimating heterogeneous happiness or subjective well-being (SWB) functions and making inferences about differences in people's tastes or preferences has some interesting advantages over stated and revealed preferences methods and is growing in popularity. However, evidence on the validity of such SWB-based or “inferred” preferences measures, meaning these measures’ ability to capture what they are supposed to capture, is lacking, widespread evidence on the (construct) validity of SWB indicators themselves notwithstanding. Empirical analysis reveals that differences in preferences inferred from heterogeneity in estimated happiness functions map onto differences in self-reported behavior and attitudes in expected ways, suggesting that SWB-based measures of differences in preferences indeed capture the construct they are supposed to capture. Hence, the conclusion that the happiness approach provides a valid means for making inferences about differences in people's preferences.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T08:50:47.000+0100}, author = {van Hoorn, André}, biburl = {}, doi = {}, interhash = {077c9266375f394c7dbe44a2bc71cc6b}, intrahash = {f011a34a294d3089b3fb74fc9749b3b7}, issn = {2214-8043}, journal = {Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {53-65}, study = {combined dataset with WVS "Waves 3 and 5 of the combined EVS and WVS data sets respectively (European Social Survey 2016; European Values Study Group and World Values Survey Association 2006; World Values Survey Association 2009)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is the happiness approach to measuring preferences valid?}, url = {}, volume = 73, year = 2018}@incollection{recker2018applications, abstract = {The chapter “Applications of Research Data Management at GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences” explores ways in which an archive - i.e. an organization whose work has a strong focus on preservation and dissemination of digital data - can become involved in research data management (RDM). The Data Archive looks back on a long history of working with researchers to make their data re-usable and accessible since 1960. Today it provides support for Research Data Management across the entire data lifecycle by offering a wide range of tools and services tailored to the needs of different types of stakeholders. The chapter gives an overview of selected tools and services offered in the areas of metadata and data documentation, data preparation, data publication, and long-term preservation. To illustrate how support for research data management plays out in different settings, three case studies for typical scenarios are presented: 1) The European Values Survey (EVS), a large international longitudinal survey studying basic human values across Europe. 2) The German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES), a national survey program with a comprehensive approach to gain insights into the German federal elections. 3) A data center in the health sector which decided to make data originally collected to support policy-making available to research. }, added-at = {2018-02-22T08:20:33.000+0100}, author = {Recker, Jonas and Zenk-M?ltgen, Wolfgang and Mauer, Reiner}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Research Data Management - A European Perspective}, editor = {Kruse, Filip and Thestrup, Jesper Boserup}, interhash = {93cb7d0e3d342476bedbb89f4ef5d6f6}, intrahash = {eff18e551aaf1535748d72d94772db71}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2018}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {119-146}, study = {EVS as example}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Applications of Research Data Management at GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences}, year = 2018}@article{grunow2018gender, abstract = {The authors argue, in line with recent research, that operationalizing gender ideology as a unidimensional construct ranging from traditional to egalitarian is problematic and propose an alternative framework that takes the multidimensionality of gender ideologies into account. Using latent class analysis, they operationalize their gender ideology framework based on data from the 2008 European Values Study, of which eight European countries reflecting the spectrum of current work–family policies were selected. The authors examine the form in which gender ideologies cluster in the various countries. Five ideology profiles were identified: egalitarian, egalitarian essentialism, intensive parenting, moderate traditional, and traditional. The five ideology profiles were found in all countries, but with pronounced variation in size. Ideologies mixing gender essentialist and egalitarian views appear to have replaced traditional ideologies, even in countries offering some institutional support for gendered separate spheres.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T08:13:19.000+0100}, author = {Grunow, Daniela and Begall, Katia and Buchler, Sandra}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1111/jomf.12453}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {c56457d792d5e6deeee59d90ccbfd2d9}, intrahash = {c82cfbfb5e8d2cc63090bedd0792a613}, issn = {1741-3737}, journal = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {42-60}, publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Ideologies in Europe: A Multidimensional Framework}, url = {}, volume = 80, year = 2018}@mastersthesis{gewecke2017complicated, abstract = {The European Union’s climate mitigation is highly dependent on member state compliance with EU climate policy. This paper therefore investigates the effect of different factors on national compliance with the EU’s emission target of a 20 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared to 1990. This target is further divided into additional ones, covering different sectors: a 21 percent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2020 compared to 2005 in the sectors covered by the Emissions Trading System (ETS), and differentiated targets for each member state under the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) during the same period. Common operationalizations of compliance in quantitative research are associated with problems since the available data mostly concern policy output. This paper measures compliance in terms of outcome instead, by comparing the emission targets to the actual reductions made by the member states. The results indicate that compliance with the nation-specific targets in the ESD sector is mostly decided by how much a state is required to reduce their emissions. Regarding the ETS target, compliance appears somewhat likelier in member states where a larger share of citizens are members of an environmental organization, and a little more unlikely in states where the industry contributes economically with a larger share of GDP.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T08:07:25.000+0100}, author = {Gewecke, Hanne}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {8b06ee90b7d65c71be4f43edf71c46ca}, intrahash = {de3383897ce614af40f3811cb4a04ff4}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english input2018 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {Uppsala University, Department of Government, Political Science C }, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {It’s Complicated: A quantitative analysis explaining member state compliance with the EU’s 2020 emission target}, type = {Bachelor thesis}, url = {}, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{klusakova2017promna, abstract = {This diploma thesis dealt with the issue of the transformation of family values of Czech women and men after 1989. In particular, due to the little attention to the development of family values and the related gender differences so far, the work aimed to reveal whether and how the family values change for women and men in the Czech population and the role played by the educational factor in this variable. The target was followed by a secondary analysis of the EVS data from the years 1991, 1999 and 2008. The analysis showed that not all respondents' answers suggest a steady increase in the support of liberal family values over time. Women with higher education can not be considered as representatives of change at the level of all tested areas of family values. The analysis proves that no single group can be identified as a representative of change. With regard to family and marriage, it seems more likely that, according to the results of the analysis, it is mostly men, often with a lower level of achieved education, who give more liberal answers in these areas. Education thus does not always need to contribute to an increase in the support of liberal values in society. In the area of parenthood it is mostly women with higher education who support liberal values. As regards values, marriage and parenthood have become two separated worlds, in which men and women within different educational groups take different stands.}, added-at = {2018-02-22T07:58:04.000+0100}, author = {Klusáková, Markéta}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {81ed09259257b1ab21823bfeb2feb981}, intrahash = {8aad6ee6bb1340e24e9cad0427443b12}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 checked czech input2018 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Philosophy}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:36:58.000+0200}, title = {Proměna rodinn?ch hodnot po roce 1989 u ?esk?ch ?en a mu?? v souvislosti se vzděláním}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{arpino2015changes, added-at = {2018-02-21T13:11:34.000+0100}, author = {Arpino, Bruno and Esping-Andersen, Gosta and Pessin, Léa}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/esr/jcv002}, eprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/esr/31/3/10.1093_esr_jcv002/1/jcv002.pdf}, interhash = {c76ea67c032e2b3248759a673a203ff7}, intrahash = {98d938a8b814b6b2620138f7dcfd1c76}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2018 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2018 isspbib2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {370-382}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=32133 ; pubdate=1 June 2015}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How Do Changes in Gender Role Attitudes Towards Female Employment Influence Fertility? A Macro-Level Analysis}, url = {}, volume = 31, year = 2015}@phdthesis{cameron2017citizen, abstract = {The global financial crisis was the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The crisis, which had its origins in the United States' housing market crash of 2007, led to global impacts including rising unemployment and underemployment, home foreclosures, fewer opportunities for young people, and a loss of retirement savings. Previous research has examined the role of economic conditions in influencing various types of political behaviors and attitudes, however this has primarily pertained to fluctuations in economic performance during ordinarytimes. The magnitude of the recent crisis presents an unprecedented opportunityto examine how citizen political engagement in democratic societies is affected by amajor economic shock. This thesis investigates how the global financial crisis hasaffected citizen political behavior|including voting behavior, civic engagement, andpolitical protest|as well as democratic attitudes. To investigate the impact of the crisis, the study uses cross-national survey data fielded before and after the crisis in countries affected by the crisis to varying degrees. This enables a comparison both over time and across countries. Data from the previous two waves of the World Values Survey in 18 democratic countries is used to investigate the crisis impacts on civic engagement, political protest, and democratic support, while data from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems in 13 countries facilitates an analysis of electoral behavior. Multilevel modeling and other quantitative methods are used to assess how factors at the country and individual level affected citizen political engagement before and after the crisis hit. The thesis tests a number of theories regarding the relationship between economic conditions and political behavior, including grievances and resources approaches. The analysis finds that countries harder hit by the crisis were more likely to experience declines in voter turnout, civic engagement, political protest and democratic support, suggesting the crisis had a demobilizing effect on participation. Similarly, at the individual level there was no evidence of a mobilization amongst those most vulnerable to the crisis, rather it continued to be those with resources that were most likely to participate in politics. The study contributes to our understanding of how economic conditions in uence political attitudes and behaviors, and more broadly speaks to the political ramifications of major economic shocks.}, added-at = {2018-02-21T13:04:23.000+0100}, author = {Cameron, Sarah M.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253, doi:10.7804/cses.module1.2003-08-04, doi:10.7804/cses.module2.2007-06-27, doi:10.7804/cses.module3.2013-03-27}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0, ZA5179, ZA5180, ZA5181}, interhash = {be1b7c917b0a981fe72e354bd4815931}, intrahash = {b1bc3d71729915f7469342f5e9d522b0}, keywords = {2017 CSES CSES_I CSES_II CSES_III CSES_input2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2018 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, school = {Australian National University}, study = {EVS1981-2008, CSES_I, CSES_II, CSES_III}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Citizen Responses to the Global Financial Crisis. A Comparative Study of Participation and DemocraticSupport}, year = 2017}@article{bocek2018uprchlick, added-at = {2018-01-22T12:24:23.000+0100}, author = {Bo?ek, Jan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, day = 16, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {0fe2bf56919c54b230d702c0ba89fa3a}, intrahash = {939a5e4bcaece3a22e0370340d52d529}, journal = {iROZHLAS}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges ZA4800 article checked czech indexproved input2018 newspaper noindex review_proved}, month = {January}, note = {First published online: January 16, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {?esko po uprchlické krizi: roste netolerance k cizinc?m, lidem jiné barvy pleti a jiného vyznání}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{baute2018european, abstract = {This study investigates whether citizens' concerns about the EU's impact on social security are a distinct source of Euroscepticism. By analysing data from the European Values Study 2008, we show that citizens differentiate between domain-specific fears about European integration (i.e. about social security, national sovereignty, culture, payments and jobs), meaning that they cannot be reduced completely to a general fear about European integration. Furthermore, socioeconomic determinants and ideological position are more important in explaining citizens' fear about the EU's impact on social security than in explaining their generalised fear of European integration. In countries with higher social spending, citizens are more fearful of European integration in general, however, social spending does not affect fears about social security more strongly than it affects other EU-related fears. }, added-at = {2018-01-22T11:58:38.000+0100}, author = {Baute, Sharon and Meuleman, Bart and Abts, Koen and Swyngedouw, Marc}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1177/1465116517749769}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {951e50ba4849a22eb48c568c98cb466f}, intrahash = {58d118df35ce608d4e2696e3b42e4ce8}, journal = {European Union Politics}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 10, 2018, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European integration as a threat to social security: Another source of Euroscepticism?}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{palmisano2017donne, abstract = {The gender aspect has been largely ignored in analyses of secularisation processes, although the latter subject has been widely debated by sociologists of religion. Italy is no exception : whereas the little research done into the topic from a diachronic perspective has generally focussed on the population as a whole, the studies analysing men’s and women’s religiosity separately have been characterized by a synchronic approach. This is why we know little or nothing about the secularisation process among women in Italy. This article aims at illing in the gap by presenting an initial analysis of female religious change over three decades from the various dimensions constituting the concept of religiosity. The 4 waves of European Values Study supply the fundamental data used. The analyses show that in the period under investigation female secularisation did not increase, which inding is here interpreted in the light of speciic theoretical perspectives on female secularisation applied to the Italian context}, added-at = {2018-01-22T11:53:07.000+0100}, author = {Palmisano, Stefania and Todesco, Lorenzo}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.19272/201731302003}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {0a99b1acca2b3222a4028d273d296457}, intrahash = {fef5bf1d6139c1cfc0a09ab672de5ec6}, issn = {0394-9397}, journal = {Religioni e società}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked indexproved input2017 italian noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 88, pages = {31-48}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Donne di poca fede? Uno sguardo diacronico sulla secolarizzazione femminile in Italia}, url = {}, volume = 32, year = 2017}@phdthesis{dobewall2013human, abstract = {Values are beliefs that guide and justify people’s actions, while also reflecting cultural ideals and a shared understanding of what is right and wrong, good or bad in a society. Aim of this thesis is to find out whether and to what extent two widely used value theories – those of Shalom Schwartz and Ronald Inglehart – overlap and to identify their unique features (Studies I and II). Subjective well-being is another important concept used in this dissertation. It refers to people's evaluations of their happiness and satisfaction with their life. The thesis aims to distinguish age, birth cohort, and period effects in changes of life satisfaction (Study III), in order to explain cultural differences in change across the life-span. I also assess the convergence between self- and other-ratings of subjective well-being (Study IV) and personal values (Study V), both examined in relation to personality traits. The main results of the thesis and the conclusions are as follows: ? The value theories proposed by Shalom Schwartz and Ronald Inglehart share one dimension, which seems to coincide with what is best known as the opposition between individualism and collectivism (Study I). An analysis of the joint structure of Schwartz’s and Inglehart’s items (Study II) showed that in order to be autonomous, individuals need to have both self-expressive and secular-rational values, whereas being embedded means endorsing both traditional and survival values. I also found unique content of both Schwartz’s and Inglehart’s values not captured by the other respective theory, suggesting that researchers should continue to use them both. ? Are there cross-cultural differences in life-span trajectories of life satisfaction? I found in Finland and Sweden that age does not seem to matter much for how satisfied people are. The relationship between age and life satisfaction in Estonia and Latvia was best described as curvilinear, with life satisfaction reaching its lowest level at around 51–60 years of age, then remaining at the same level (Latvia) or slightly increasing again (Estonia). At the same time, younger people were remarkably more satisfied than older people (Study III). The observed age differences in life satisfaction in the two Baltic countries seem to be best attributed to an interaction of cohort and period effects. Thus, a universal life satisfaction age trajectory may not exist; the relationship between age and life satisfaction is likely to vary along with important cultural, political, and socioeconomic factors. ? Study IV reported a strong self-other agreement in subjective well-being (SWB). Self- and other-rated personality facet scores (N3: Depression and E6: Positive Emotions) were found to partially mediate the agreement between self- and other-rated SWB. The findings suggest that, when making judgments about someone’ happiness or life satisfaction, observers indeed rely on the personality traits of this person. Moreover, I found that self-reported SWB reflects, to some extent, what other people think about this person’s personality. ? Finally, Study V compared the self-other agreement in personal values versus the Big Five personality traits. When corrected for attenuation due to measurement error, self-other agreement in both the higher-order values and more narrowly defined value factors was substantial and similar to that for the Big Five personality traits. The results of Study V suggest that people can judge others’ values with some accuracy and therefore other-ratings of personal values can be used to validate and complement self-report value measures.}, added-at = {2018-01-22T11:43:53.000+0100}, author = {Dobewall, Henrik}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {EVS4804}, interhash = {c32416c2fce0d941060a2a464540e9f0}, intrahash = {9c06e80a402ddf61a1a28e7e5a3a3bce}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2018 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2018 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, school = {Universitas Tartuensis}, series = {Dissertationes Psychologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 38}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Human values and subjective well-being: An exploration of individual and cultural differences, change across life span, and self-other agreement}, year = 2013}@article{molteni2017religious, abstract = {The situation of the formerly communist countries representsan anomaly within the sociological debate about the various secularisationprocesses currently underway in Europe. The main issues relate to whetheror not Eastern Europe has experienced a religious revival following the fall ofcommunism and, if so, which dimensions of religiosity are most involved inthat revival. Sociologists have yet to reach a clear consensus on country trendsor on the impact of Christian doctrines on these processes. We will addressthese issues throughout this article. The results from different piecewiseregression analyses of European Values Study (EVS) data show that regularreligious practice in general is declining from cohort to cohort, whereasreligious belief has shown a revival followed by a decrease from the oldest tothe youngest cohorts. The impact of a country’s main religious traditions is arelevant factor; predominantly Orthodox countries, for example, break withthe overall results by showing a slight increase of religious practice as wellas stable (and very high) belief among the youngest cohort. This situation isprimarily driven by data from the Russian Federation and Bulgaria.}, added-at = {2018-01-22T11:21:48.000+0100}, author = {Molteni, Francesco}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.20413/rascee.2017.10.1.35-53}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {2c95db5ac53f691ee573e3eba07eeaf1}, intrahash = {0d009bb0cb72202b65cef26cc6b0cc16}, journal = {Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {35-53}, study = {EVS1981-2008 v3.0.0}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Change among Cohorts in Eastern Europe: A Longitudinal Analysis of Religious Practice and Belief in Formerly Communist Countries}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2017}@incollection{bleckmann2017unterschiedliche, added-at = {2018-01-22T10:28:28.000+0100}, address = {Baden Baden}, author = {Bleckmann, Lisa and Lahusen, Christian}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Protest in Bewegung?: Zum Wandel von Bedingungen, Formen und Effekten politischen Protests}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789}, editor = {Daphi, Priska and Deitelhoff, Nicole and Rucht, Dieter and Teune, Simon}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811}, interhash = {f636f9fca465ef93f480ca0672ba09fb}, intrahash = {181e1d09f0430ca17187794ac785cf5d}, isbn = {978-3-8487-4593-7}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4460 checked german incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {227-254}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Leviathan Sonderband 33}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Unterschiedliche Protestkulturen? : Eine vergleichende Analyse von Demonstrationsteilnahmen in Ost- und Westdeutschland, 1990-2013}, year = 2017}@article{schnabel2017religion, abstract = {Der Artikel adressiert die Frage, wie individuelle Religiosit?t und Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit zu einander relationiert sind. Die Mitgliedsstaaten derEU unterscheiden sich massiv hinsichtlich der Ausgestaltung ihrer Wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Systeme, dennoch l?sst sich Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit nach wie vor als trade mark europ?ischer Sozialmodelle verstehen. Historisch aus den Auseinandersetzungen zwischen gouvernementaler Bürokratie und Kirche w?hrend der Nationalstaatsbildung entstanden, h?ngt die Legitimation der heutigen Wohlfahrtssysteme nicht zuletzt von deren Akzeptanz in der Bev?lkerung ab. Diese Akzeptanz und ihre religi?se Beeinflussung soll auf der Basis der Daten des European Value Study (EVS 2008) für die Mitgliedsstaaten der Europ?ischen Union ausgeleuchtet werden. Dabei soll insbesondere untersucht werden, wie Religion als l?nderspezifischer Kontext (in Form von Majorit?tsverh?ltnissen und dem Staat-Religions-Verh?ltnis) und als individuelle Religiosit?t (Konfessionszugeh?rigkeit, Kirchgangsh?ufigkeit und Identit?t) die Akzeptanz sowohl staatlicher Umverteilung als auch staatlicher Steuererhebung beeinflussen. Auf der Basis einer Mehrebenenanalyse kommt die Untersuchung zu dem Ergebnis, dass sowohl individuelle Religiosit?t als auch gesellschaftliche religi?se Majorit?tsverh?ltnisse trotz starker S?kularisierung in Europa nach wie vor einen Effekt auf die Akzeptanz von Umverteilung und Besteuerung haben.}, added-at = {2018-01-15T09:42:14.000+0100}, author = {Schnabel, Annette}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {22d890e035d1c2f4b53da6fe100df932}, intrahash = {50f67d3863cd02934c38156480dffe19}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked german indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {211-327}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Religion und Wohlfahrtsstaat in Europa - eine ambivalente Liaison}, volume = 1, year = 2017}@article{peiropalomino2017geography, abstract = {This paper assesses the role of the associational activity dimension of social capital in regional innovation for 257 EU 28 regions in the pre-crisis (2000–2007) and the crisis (2008–2012) period. The analysis is carried out using flexible non-parametric kernel regressions, which allow for exploring heterogeneity across space and over time. The results show that effects widely differ across regions, but no differences are found between periods. In particular, the largest effects are found for less developed and transition regions from the periphery. In contrast, for most of the developed regions in the core of Europe the impact is non-significant. These results might be useful for policy design in the H2020 framework.}, added-at = {2018-01-09T11:59:40.000+0100}, author = {Peiró-Palomino, Jesús}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1111/pirs.12337}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811. ZA4800}, interhash = {349f3c8b28f36fa23479410ea8f90f69}, intrahash = {b689abf8b5d9dc8f36f704d586d6dc52}, issn = {1435-5957}, journal = {Papers in Regional Science}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: December 19, 2107, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The geography of social capital and innovation in the European Union}, url = {}, year = 2017}@inproceedings{rennstich2107shift, abstract = {Whereas Inglehart and Baker (2000) try to show the relationship between economicdevelopment and systematic changes in basic values, this paper attempts to test the existence of a relationship between a certain set of values and “digital economic fitness” in a changed global economic environment now dominated by digital technology. Digitalization has impacted political agency, economic and social participation, as well as cultural parameters, and as a consequence individual behavior. Social norms and values, the argument goes, have altered the establishment and impact of social networks. Whether those values seem to translate into national “digital cultures,” or put differently whether certain values seem to be clustered more strongly within some countries than within others or whether they tend to balance each other out. Before we can look at the aggregate nation-level, we must establish a clear relationship between individual attitudes and a culture leading to a society better equipped for the “Digital Economy” and do so by investigating data from the latest waves of the World Value Survey and European Values Survey conducted from 2002-2014.}, added-at = {2018-01-09T11:50:31.000+0100}, author = {Rennstich, Joachim K.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {IPSA 2017, Digital Political Science, Hannover, Dec 4- 6, 2017}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {1c7c0b6d83138db7629c311e637d519d}, intrahash = {066f97e03b820afb1e08154451705084}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english inproceedings input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-27T16:46:01.000+0100}, title = {The Shift Towards a Digital Culture? Postindustrialism, Values, and Digital Fitness}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{gugushvili2017political, abstract = {Building on the previously investigated macro-sociological models which analyze the consequences of economic development, income inequality, and international migration on social mobility, this article studies the specific contextual covariates of intergenerational reproduction of occupational status in post-communist societies. It is theorized that social mobility is higher in societies with democratic political regimes and less liberalized economies. The outlined hypotheses are tested by using micro- and macro-level datasets for 21 post-communist societies which are fitted into multilevel mixed-effects linear regressions. The derived findings suggest that factors specific to transition societies, conventional macro-level variables, and the legacy of the Soviet Union explain variation in intergenerational social mobility, but the results vary depending which birth cohorts survey participants belong to and whether or not they stem from advantaged or disadvantaged social origins. These findings are robust to various alternative data, sample, and method specifications.}, added-at = {2018-01-09T11:43:48.000+0100}, author = {Gugushvili, Alexi}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {804db269d6910e1c0a829f73c1e1794b}, intrahash = {7c67acfa19dbd4b9a04913392096c0a9}, issn = {0049-089X}, journal = {Social Science Research}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {Supplement C}, pages = {58-81}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political democracy, economic liberalization, and macro-sociological models of intergenerational mobility}, url = {}, volume = 66, year = 2017}@article{hanitzsch2018caught, abstract = {Despite signs of declining press trust in many western countries, we know little about trends in press trust across the world. Based on comparative survey data from the World Values Survey (WVS) and European Values Study (EVS), this study looks into national levels of trust in the press and identifies factors that drive differences across societies and individuals as well as over time. Findings indicate that the widely noted decline in media trust is not a universal trend; it is true for only about half of the studied countries, with the United States experiencing the largest and most dramatic drop in trust in the press. Political trust has emerged as key factor for our understanding of trust in the press. We found robust evidence for what we called the trust nexus—the idea that trust in the news media is strongly linked to the way publics look at political institutions. The link between press trust and political trust was considerably stronger in politically polarized societies. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the relation between press trust and political trust is becoming stronger over time. We reason that the strong connection between media and political trust may be driven by a growing public sentiment against elite groups. }, added-at = {2018-01-09T11:30:23.000+0100}, author = {Hanitzsch, Thomas and Dalen, Arjen Van and Steindl, Nina}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1177/1940161217740695}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {72e5ee49522a2d98b325383946152a5c}, intrahash = {e183d312ac648e1cd6052b657a726e86}, journal = {The International Journal of Press/Politics}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved}, note = {First published online: November 15, 2017, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {3-23}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Caught in the Nexus: A Comparative and Longitudinal Analysis of Public Trust in the Press}, url = {}, volume = 23, year = 2018}@article{ribberink2017secular, abstract = {The literature about secularization proposes two distinct explanations of anti-Muslim sentiment in secularized societies. The first theory understands it in terms of religious competition between Muslims and the remaining minority of orthodox Protestants; the second understands it as resulting from value conflicts between Muslims and the nonreligious majority. The two theories are tested by means of a multilevel analysis of the European Values Study 2008. Our findings indicate that, although more secularized countries are on average more tolerant towards Muslims and Islam, strongest anti-Muslim attitudes are nonetheless found among the nonreligious in these countries.}, added-at = {2017-12-21T09:20:58.000+0100}, author = {Ribberink, Egbert and Achterberg, Peter and Houtman, Dick}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, description = {Secular Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Western Europe - Ribberink - 2017 - Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion - Wiley Online Library}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12335}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {fee2eac6556b6d361482e6bbed1a636a}, intrahash = {4c4614422b08204a033f22012f0d10e0}, issn = {1468-5906}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2017 AHindexed EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {259-276}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Secular Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2017}@book{chiva2018gender, abstract = {This book traces the struggles over the institutions of political representation in Central and Eastern Europe, focusing on the factors that have held women back over the post-communist period, as well as on the growing evidence for change throughout the region. Post-communist Europe has long raised two puzzles for scholars of women’s representation in politics. First, why have women been under-represented in politics in every country in the region since communism’s collapse? Secondly, why are there relatively few cases where women’s advocates have been successful in pressing for change? This comparative study of Europe’s new democracies argues that these puzzles are best understood as questions about male dominance – that is, about the mechanisms that sustain, or, alternatively, change long-established patterns of male over-representation in politics over time. The author covers six EU member states – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia – during the period 1990-2016. The book will be of use to students and scholars in the fields of Comparative Politics, Democracy and Democratization, European Studies, Gender Studies, Post-Communist Studies, and Central and Eastern European Studies.}, added-at = {2017-11-30T10:55:32.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Chiva, Cristina}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1057/978-1-137-01177-0}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA4800}, interhash = {20e5934cfd2ab739584f1f7e053c4b4a}, intrahash = {9902eb39c4178d7565d3ca1cc86971c4}, isbn = {978-1-137-01176-3}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4460 ZA4800 book checked english input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, series = {Gender and Politics}, study = {EVS1990, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender, Institutions and Political Representation. Reproducing Male Dominance in Europe’s New Democracies}, url = {}, year = 2018}@incollection{chiva2018candidate, abstract = {This chapter examines the supply and demand model of candidate recruitment in the context of post-communist Europe. Altogether, it seeks to make a prima facie case as to where the balance of the evidence lies with respect to identifying the mechanisms sustaining men's numerical over-representation in politics over the post-communist period. I find that that the mechanisms responsible for sustaining male over-representation in politics over the post-communist period are located primarily at the stage where party gatekeepers select candidates for political office. Additionally, there is also some (for now, limited) evidence that supply-side factors---time, rather than motivation---also play a role in the shift from eligible to aspirant. However, there is virtually no evidence that electorates in the post-communist region actively prefer male candidates to the extent that they vote against women in elections.}, added-at = {2017-11-30T10:31:46.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Chiva, Cristina}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Gender, Institutions and Political Representation: Reproducing Male Dominance in Europe's New Democracies}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1057/978-1-137-01177-0_3}, gesis-study = {ZA4460, ZA4800}, interhash = {1f51c24f02a3b1bca02f137721b85ccf}, intrahash = {8312bbe10d3644d9b736d936ad9a50df}, isbn = {978-1-137-01177-0}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4460 ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {First published online: November 22, 2017, . (EVS)}, pages = {49-80}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan UK}, study = {EVS1990, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Candidate Selection and Male Dominance in Europe's New Democracies}, url = {}, year = 2018}@techreport{maineri2017evaluating, abstract = {This report addresses the quality of the population registers which are currently being used as sampling frames in countries participating in the four cross-European surveys cooperating in SERISS: the European Social Survey (ESS), the European Values Study (EVS), the Gender and Generations Program (GGP), and the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). It summarizes what efforts have been undertaken by register authorities to improve and update the registers and presents an inventory of the main problems encountered in the field by survey sampling experts. In addition, it discusses the quality of alternative methods of sampling and possible improvements. Finally, the report reflects on how the major problems in sampling frames affect survey research and how they could be tackled to jointly improve sampling practices.}, added-at = {2017-11-30T10:25:26.000+0100}, author = {Maineri, Angelica and Scherpenzeel, Annette and Bristle, Johanna and Pflüger, Senta-Melissa and Butt, Sarah and Zins, Stefan and Emery, Tom and Luijkx, Ruud}, biburl = {}, institution = {SERISS - Workpackage 2 - Representing the population}, interhash = {2af152e5bb9cdcd10af04e3e97082134}, intrahash = {364b37f023b77a238916f3b9bb7a3136}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Evaluating the quality of sampling frames used in European cross-national surveys}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{haurylik2017monetary, abstract = {The need to study monetary thinking of the population is caused both by process of reforming the economic sphere, and the transformation of public consciousness. The article presents the results of complex research of features of monetary thinking of the population of Republic of Belarus, which was conducted between July 2016 to March 2017 with application of qualitative and quantitative research methods: deep interview, expert survey and questionnaires. The data obtained are supplemented by the information contained in the works of the Belarusian scientists, as well, the dynamics of the population of values based on a comparison of the results of a questionnaire survey, conducted in 2017, and the European Values Study, conducted in 2008–2009. Public perceptions were revealed about the money as a subject of social relations; predominant type of economic behaviour; attitude to entrepreneurs and financial institutions. It was also established differences in monetary thinking of different categories of population.}, added-at = {2017-11-30T09:54:12.000+0100}, author = {Haurylik, A. N.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study = {ZA4800}, interhash = {c4b3e4e66c986b5220962427a5416e9d}, intrahash = {fa7b08ed268234e398b89913d31a0690}, journal = {Belarus. State Univ. Sociol}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved russian}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {95-102}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {МОНЕТАРНОЕ МЫШЛЕНИЕ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ [Monetary thinking of the population of the Republic of Belarus]}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{berg2017territorial, added-at = {2017-11-21T09:01:50.000+0100}, author = {Berg, Linda}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cultural Borders of Europe: Narratives, Concepts and Practices in the Present and the Past }, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, editor = {Andre?n, Mats and Lindkvist, Thomas and So?hrman, Ingmar and Vajta, Katharina}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3910, ZA4800}, interhash = {9a982f4b6d61195c7410bde100fbdbdf}, intrahash = {bd8cf32ff4571cc66c421bc7a7c650d9}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP_input2017 ZA3910 ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {19-39}, series = {Series: Making Sense of History: Studies in Historical Cultures, volume 30}, study = {ISSP2003, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Territorial and Religious Identifications in Europe}, year = 2017}@book{andren2017cultural, abstract = {The cultural borders of Europe are today more visible than ever, and with them comes a sense of uncertainty with respect to liberal democratic traditions: whether treated as abstractions or concrete realities, cultural divisions challenge concepts of legitimacy and political representation as well as the legal bases for citizenship. Thus, an understanding of such borders and their consequences is of utmost importance for promoting the evolution of democracy. Cultural Borders of Europe provides a wide-ranging exploration of these lines of demarcation in a variety of regions and historical eras, providing essential insights into the state of European intercultural relations today.}, added-at = {2017-11-21T08:29:55.000+0100}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, editor = {Andre?n, Mats and Lindkvist, Thomas and So?hrman, Ingmar and Vajta, Katharina}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3910, ZA4800}, interhash = {3062b4b42a1633b2020516d088b2f593}, intrahash = {31bd02f696ba3c87d125f0e93b73562c}, isbn = {978-1-78533-590-7}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP_input2017 ZA3910 ZA4800 book checked english input2017}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 218, series = {Making Sense of History: Studies in Historical Cultures, volume 30}, study = {ISSP2003, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural Borders of Europe: Narratives, Concepts and Practices in the Present and the Past}, year = 2017}@book{suwada2017fathering, abstract = {This book provides an account of fatherhood and changing parental roles in Sweden and Poland. It uses a comparative perspective to show what men understand a father’s role to be, and how they seek to live up to it. Fathering, the author argues, is a social phenomenon grounded in cultural patterns of parenting, gender roles and models of masculinity, and also shaped by family policy. Being a father today, she demonstrates, is longer connected solely with being the main breadwinner. Rather, it has become increasingly common for fathers to take on duties traditionally regarded as the domain of women. This means that men often face conflicting expectations based on different models of fatherhood. The aim of this thought-provoking book is to track these models, analysing their origins and their consequences for gender order. It will appeal to students and scholars of gender studies, the sociology of families and social policy studies.}, added-at = {2017-11-15T11:28:20.000+0100}, address = {Cham}, author = {Suwada, Katarzyna}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.2620, doi:10.4232/1.11564, doi:10.4232/1.12661, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-47782-4}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2620, ZA3880, ZA5900, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {d23c4ec88be8b74e99fa67ca6899cf23}, intrahash = {583e03825303f2642994a7aef5728033}, isbn = {978-3-319-47781-7}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1994 ISSP2002 ISSP2012 ISSP_input2017 ZA2620 ZA3811 ZA3880 ZA4800 ZA5990 book checked english input2017}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 315, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, study = {ISSP1994, ISSP2002, ISSP2012, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Men, Fathering and the Gender Trap. Sweden and Poland compared}, year = 2017}@article{soon2017effects, abstract = {With the European Union expansion in 2004 providing a unique form of natural experiment, this paper uses the European Values Study data and the difference-in-differences estimation to identify causal effects of the EU expansion on migrants’ employment chances and income. Estimation results suggest that the expansion has increased migrants’ employment chances and income. The probability of having a full-time employment for a male migrant in the postexpansion period increases by about 7.7 percentage points. The increase in income for male migrants is higher than that of their female counterparts after the expansion. When the income distribution is broken down into quantiles, estimation results show that male migrants at lower ends of the income distribution experience higher increase in income. At the highest end of the income distribution, there is no evidence that the expansion has any significant effect on either male or female migrants? income.}, added-at = {2017-10-16T08:45:37.000+0200}, address = {Prague}, author = {Soon, Jan-Jan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.18267/j.pep.648}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {32d2434b1b36976b34f1fa51b75c99ae}, intrahash = {57bc24083e8b6bc976c8ec8538a26256}, journal = {Prague Economic Papers}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved}, note = {First published online: September 21, 2107, . (EVS)}, publisher = {University of Economics Prague}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Effects of EU Expansion on Migrants’ Employment and Income: A Natural Experiment}, url = {}, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{secci2017linking, abstract = {In the debate that counterpoises cognitive and non-cognitive abilities, IQ is researched in differences across countries and associated to several factors, among which differences in savings. On the other side, non-cognitive factors such as self-control, while researched at the micro level, are not often analyzed cross-country. The main aim of this research is thus to identify the elements that form self-control at the national level and analyzing whether the overall index has predictive power in explaining savings. Alongside, it is explored which of the components is better at predicting savings. Lastly, a comparison between IQ and Self-Control is run to understand which one has more explanatory power. The method consisted in studying the theoretical literature, leading to the identification of the capacity of exercising self-control, and the desire/interest in exercising it. The former is measured through household survey data, and the latter with cultural indexes and institutional constraints. Results found strong relationship between national indexes of self-control and private savings, where the cultural component dominates the household one. IQ and Self-Control have similar power in explaining savings, and are highly correlated with each other. Overall, self-control seems an important factor in determining differences in private savings across countries.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T11:35:07.000+0200}, author = {Secci, Mariella}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {8f50d50880c8c854a40b8b8460c2e66a}, intrahash = {bcd3c082dc059a0acfdcaadbd2bb2249}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 50, school = {Radboud University Nijmegen School of Management}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Linking self-control to saving differences: An analysis across countries}, year = 2017}@techreport{lancee2017cultural, abstract = {We conducted a cross-national harmonized field experiment on ethnic discrimination on the labour market in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom. In all five countries we sent job applications from fictitious job candidates to real job openings. The fictitious job candidates were either natives or had an immigrant background in one out of 52 different countries of origin. In all countries, we find clear differences in the call-back rates of the majority population and minority applicants, confirming that minority applicants are discriminated against in the hiring process. In addition, our results point to large differences in the extent of discrimination between minority applicants from different countries of origin. Drawing on previous research that relates ethnic hierarchies in social distance to differences in cultural values, we investigate whether the level of cultural distance between immigrant groups and the native population helps to explain ethnic hierarchies in hiring discrimination. Our results confirm the expected relationship by trend. The stronger an immigrant’s country deviates from the receiving society with regard to secular and emancipative values or shares of Muslim population, the lower the likelihood that employers signal interest in minority candidates’ application for a job.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T11:19:24.000+0200}, author = {Lancee, Bram and Soiné, Hannah and Fernández Reino, Mari?a and Veit, Susanne}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, institution = {GEMM Project}, interhash = {130a3f2e65b990aa519a79491291c541}, intrahash = {b65895532f8cead24f0259a09320c69c}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2017 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 37, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural distance and ethnic discrimination in hiring behaviour. Results from a cross-national field experiment}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{kavlin2017understanding, abstract = {We focus on three developed countries with mature democracies and a history of liberal values: United States, England and France. Almond and Verba emphasize the importance of political culture in sustaining or threatening democratic political structure. Thus, starting from the author’s original statement, this study will attempt to determine the extent to which political cultures and orientations are good predictors of new party allegiances and the relative stability of contemporary political systems. Is political culture as described by Almond and Verba a good predictor of current party allegiances and, furthermore, can it predict a possible shift in the political structure? This study will seek to verify two main hypothesis:? H1. Political culture and orientation are good indicators of party allegiance trends; and? H2. Political culture and orientation predict a possible shift in the political system itself.In the following section we will explain the foundations of Almond and Verba’s theory of political culture, offering a summary of the main concepts developed in The Civic Culture and their relevance to this particular study.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T11:04:36.000+0200}, author = {Kavlin, Sofia}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.22215/cria.v4i0.1186}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811 v3.0.0, ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {d8cd8625818bfc875299bc35ef5eae5c}, intrahash = {ee58124ce94f2b19fad51a5f0022fb2f}, journal = {Carleton Review of International Affairs}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {17-44}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Understanding the Evolution of Political Cultures in France, England and U.S.A.}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2017}@article{zajkowska2017selfemployment, abstract = {There is a broad discussion in the literature if self-employment is a solution allowing women to reconcile their work and family life. Nevertheless there is still very little empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis for different countries and institutional frameworks and the results are mixed. One of the reasons may be the lack of sufficient data containing questions on self-employment, entrepreneurship, innovations, firm performance and simultaneously questions fertility intentions and decisions. The article compares properties of several European representative surveys and discusses potential methodological issues.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T10:49:45.000+0200}, author = {Zajkowska, Olga}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11137, doi: 10.4232/1.11645, doi:10.4232/1.11847, doi:10.4232/1.11851, doi:10.4232/1.12006, doi: 10.4232/1.12251, doi:10.4232/1.12340, doi: 10.4232/1.12250, doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.11648, doi:10.4232/1.12661}, doi = {10.4467/20843968ZP.16.015.7230}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5900, ZA4350, ZA4800, ZA4976, ZA5526, ZA5565, ZA5564, ZA5566, ZA5932, ZA5964, ZA5929}, interhash = {ef0187d6154767500db1b6f93c1069fe}, intrahash = {645c123c7492cbcded6038b119778205}, journal = {Zarzadzanie Publiczne (Public Management)}, keywords = {2017 EB72.2 EB75.1 EB75.4 EB76.1 EB76.2 EB81.5 EB82.3 EB83.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2005 ISSP2012 ISSP_input2017 ZA4350 ZA4800 ZA4976 ZA5526 ZA5564 ZA5565 ZA5566 ZA5900 ZA5929 ZA5932 ZA5964 article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 38, pages = {177-189}, study = {EB72.2, EB75.1, EB76.1, EB75.4, EB76.2, EB82.3, EB83.1, EB81.5, EVS2008, ISSP2005, ISSP2012}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Self-employment and Motherhood – What Can We Infer from the Survey Data?}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{calvo2017attitudes, abstract = {Attitudes toward globalization are of great importance. Not only do they represent what people of a country think about globalization, but they can play an active role in the political scene, especially in the case of democratic countries. In this thesis, the focus will be set on attitudes toward economic globalization. These attitudes were studied using surveys made in both the Benelux Union countries, as well as in the Visegrad group. These attitudes were compared with the survey’s benchmark, within each group and between groups, in order to find out the differences. Finally, ordered probit models were used, in order to determine which variables influence the likelihood in different countries and for the different years, to facilitate different time periods comparison. The results have shown that mostly, attitudes toward globalization are influenced by the circumstances that people encounter in their lives, together with their capacity to take advantage of opportunities, which means that attitudes are not innate. Attitudes toward globalization became more negative within the Benelux Union and the Visegrad group countries during the first decade of the 2000’s.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T09:51:57.000+0200}, author = {Calvo, Rosa María}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.2880, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.12312}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800, ZA2880, ZA3910, ZA5950}, interhash = {12b2c691a65500f8bc75c00668f9ad5b}, intrahash = {0ff3b4cbb336dd2584ff021b30e032ad}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1995 ISSP2003 ISSP2013 ISSP_input2017 ZA2880 ZA3811 ZA3910 ZA4460 ZA4800 ZA5950 checked english input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 102, school = {Radboud University Nijmegen School of Management}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008, ISSP1995 ISSP2003, ISSP2013}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes toward globalization cross-country, cross-time study in the Visegrad group countries and Benelux Union countries}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{kropp2017cases, abstract = {This paper analyses two European social science surveys in a comparative perspective. Some twenty years apart, two groups of scholars launched two European social surveys. In 1981, the first round of the European Values Study (EVS) took place and twenty years later, in 2001, the first round of the European Social Survey (ESS) was launched. From the outset, both surveys were closely connected to national and European social scientific institutions, had ties to the EU and used the most sophisticated survey techniques of their time to address urgent contemporary political and social problems. However, only the ESS has managed to exploit these connections to European political institutions in order to obtain symbolic and monetary resources. The article argues that, in order to explain the trajectory of two social surveys, we need to understand not only the scientific and organizational properties of the two surveys, but just as importantly the constellation of the European field of research policy and the field of social science in Europe. In the twenty years separating the EVS and the ESS, social sciences and not least classical issues like social cohesion and political participation had become a part of issues funded through the EU research policies. In this way, the paper shows that success of social scientific projects are not only a result of the intrinsic qualities of the projects, but need to be understood in relation to and as a consequence of how it relates to of the social institutions and uses opening offers by changes in the settlement.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T09:35:04.000+0200}, author = {Kropp, Kristoffer}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.25364/11.2:2017.1.4}, interhash = {21b482a498e358e363e99c3217b06402}, intrahash = {537e453a1a552ffed812d1f3309bc813}, journal = {Serendipities Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:25:51.000+0200}, title = {The Cases of the European Values Study and the European Social Survey – European Constellations of Social Science Knowledge Production}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2017}@incollection{buss2017making, added-at = {2017-10-12T08:50:09.000+0200}, address = {Cheltenham (UK)}, author = {Bu?, Christopher and Ebbinghaus, Bernhard and Naumann, Elias}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare. Attitudes to Welfare Deservingness }, editor = {van Oorschot, Wim and Roosma, Femke and Meuleman, Bart and Reeskens, Tim}, interhash = {b24bde0ba4121f65918041b9d3d13e1d}, intrahash = {4c7304d04c7efbbd1b0acf36cb5f738e}, isbn = {978 1 78536 720 5}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {167-185}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Making Deservingness of the Unemployed Conditional: Changes in Public Support for the Conditionality of Unemployment Benefits }, year = 2017}@techreport{obrzan2017transition, abstract = {Previous literature has shown substantially lower levels of self-reported health in transition countries compared to developed and developing countries. The current paper provides the most recent estimates of the size of the transition gap in self-rated health by using up to 241,698 observations from the World Values Survey (WVS) and the European Values Study (EVS) collected between 1989 and 2014. During the earlier transition period of 1989–2007 transition countries were 0.088 to 0.127 lower on a 0 to 1 scale (from ‘Very poor’ to ‘Very good’ self-rated health). The transition gap remains in place in the second period after the Asian crisis (0.069 to 0.094 lower self-rated health) and even after the Global financial crisis of 2008 (0.062 to 0.105 lower self-rated health). Judging from these estimates the process of transition is far from completion at least based on a subjective evaluation of health, which is one of the key determinants of human development. It is also plausible that poor self-perceived health may ‘justify’ abnormally high health-care utilization and an excessive (and expensive) network of physicians and hospital beds per capita still characterizing transition countries.}, added-at = {2017-10-12T08:35:22.000+0200}, author = {Obrzan, Maksym}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, institution = {Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine}, interhash = {f65a791a6a4259690ea0d944ac739532}, intrahash = {3a51ee772781376a6afbd3e166d16ad5}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2017 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, series = {MPRA Paper No. 81151}, study = {EVS1981-20008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Transition gap in self-rated health}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{petrou2017victimisation, abstract = {We examined the link between victimisation and life satisfaction for 85,301 gay and bisexual individuals across 44 European countries. We expected this negative link to be stronger when the internalised homonegativity of the victim was high (e.g. because the victim is more vulnerable) and weaker when victimisation occurs in countries that express intolerance towards homosexuality (e.g. because in such contexts victims expect victimisation more and they attribute it to their external environment). Additionally, we expected internalised homonegativity to relate negatively to life satisfaction. Multilevel analyses revealed that victimisation (i.e. verbal insults, threats of violence, minor or major physical assaults) and internalised homonegativity were negatively related to life satisfaction. Furthermore, as we expected, the negative link between victimisation and life satisfaction was stronger when high internalised homonegativity was reported (and the interaction effect occurred for verbal insults and major assaults as outcome variables), while it was weaker when there was low national tolerance of homosexuality (and the interaction effect occurred for verbal insults and for minor assaults). Future research and social policy should consider how the consequences of victimisation are dependent on personal as well as national attitudes towards homosexuality. }, added-at = {2017-10-11T12:59:04.000+0200}, author = {Petrou, Paraskevas and Lemke, Richard}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13691058.2017.1368710}, eprint = {}, interhash = {feb219ca882ae92ea7175de38f0e372d}, intrahash = {b49fb21aa3418f54d96d26ffe2e7578b}, journal = {Culture, Health & Sexuality}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: September 14, 2107, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-18}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Victimisation and life satisfaction of gay and bisexual individuals in 44 European countries: the moderating role of country-level and person-level attitudes towards homosexuality}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{lim2017trust, abstract = {We reexamine the role of trust in macroeconomic performance using a new econometric method, a two-step approach adopted by Di Tella et al. (AER, 2001). In the first step, the measure of trust is constructed from the micro-regression of trust. This method allows us to extract the component of trust that is not influenced by individual-level socio-economic factors. In the second step, measures of macroeconomic performances are regressed on this improved measure of country-level trust. We find a strong positive relationship between the level of trust and real GDP per person stipulated by an increase in investment. Our results also indicate that the impact of trust on macroeconomic variables estimated by previous studies is biased upwards.}, added-at = {2017-10-11T12:09:08.000+0200}, author = {Lim, Sokchea and Morshed, AKM Mahbub and Khun, Channary}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1016/j.econmod.2017.07.020}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {9cc60ff35333a0a4f35343d4b6379fdc}, intrahash = {1d3718e3631280f19b937ce5e5542a14}, issn = {0264-9993}, journal = {Economic Modelling}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 5, 2017, , (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust and macroeconomic performance: A two-step approach}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{prag2017cultural, abstract = {STUDY QUESTIONTo what extent do financial, demographic and cultural determinants explain the vast cross-national differences in ART treatments in Europe?SUMMARY ANSWERThe normative cultural acceptance of ART is a major driver of ART treatments in Europe, above and beyond differences in country wealth, demographic aspects and religious composition.WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADYThere are vast differences in the number of ART treatments across European countries, which are to some extent related to country affluence, regulation, and insurance coverage and costs. The role and impact of cultural and normative factors has not been explored in a larger cross-national comparison.STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATIONA descriptive and comparative cross-national analysis of ART treatment prevalence in over 30 European countries in 2010, with the outcome defined as the total number of ART cycles per million women of reproductive age (15–44 years). Data is drawn from multiple sources (ICMART, US Census Bureau Library, World Bank, Barro–Lee Educational Attainment Dataset, IFFS Surveillance reports, European Values Study and World Religion Database).PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODSOur sample includes data from 35 European countries, where we describe the associations between demographic and cultural factors and the prevalence of ART treatments. Bivariate correlation and ordinary least squares multiple regression analysis serves to establish the relationships between predictor variables and the number of ART treatments per million women aged 15–44 years in a country.MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCEA one-percent increase in national GDP is associated with 382 (95% CI: 177–587) additional ART procedures per million women of reproductive age, yet this effect is reduced to 99 (?92 to 290) treatments once cultural values and demographic factors are accounted for. In our fully adjusted model, normative cultural values measuring the acceptability of ART are the strongest predictor of ART usage, with a one-point increase of average approval in a country associated with 276 (167–385) additional ART treatments per million women of reproductive age.LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTIONFindings are based on a cross-sectional, cross-national analysis, making formal tests of causality impossible and prohibiting inferences to the individual level.WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGSResults indicate that reproductive health policy should openly acknowledge the importance of cultural norms in informally shaping and regulating the wider availability of ART treatment.STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S)Funding for this project was provided by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7 2007–2013) (No. 320116 Families and Societies), European Research Council for the SOCIOGENOME Consolidator Grant (ERC-2013-CoG-615603) and the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (all to M.C.M.). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERN/A.}, added-at = {2017-10-09T09:20:30.000+0200}, author = {Pr?g, Patrick and Mills, Melinda C}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10188}, doi = {10.1093/humrep/dex298}, eprint = {/oup/backfile/content_public/journal/humrep/pap/10.1093_humrep_dex298/2/dex298.pdf}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v2.0.0}, interhash = {8121aa6d6b9408883d34ba9b70b5ae79}, intrahash = {71661394d080a021a6068d7a50e30e09}, journal = {Human Reproduction}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: September 29, 2017, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-10}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural determinants influence assisted reproduction usage in Europe more than economic and demographic factors}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{gudzinskas2017trends, abstract = {The paper focuses on the variation of institutional confidence in the Baltic countries. Within of framework of qualitative comparative framework, it employs a historical approach to detect causes of divergence of trust in rule of law institutions between Estonia vis-à-vis other two Baltic states. While it observes a range of variables that could affect the differences, it emphasises the role of political leadership during critical junctures, which might explain both why Estonia forged ahead at the outset of the post-communist transformation and most recent positive developments in the Baltic countries since the financial crisis in 2008–2010.}, added-at = {2017-10-05T12:01:48.000+0200}, author = {Gud?inskas, Liutauras}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1515/pce-2016-0020}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {a13b76324329a514751f7fa8251e1dac}, intrahash = {46ec32fd29f41f43b85eed4ef9265cec}, issn = {1801-3422}, journal = {Politics in Central Europe}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trends in confi dence in public institutions:A comparative analysis of the Baltic countries}, url = {}, volume = 13, year = 2017}@phdthesis{castanhosilva2017contemporary, abstract = {Populists are considered the greatest challenge to liberal democracy today. Who are they, why are they successful, and what happens next? These are the three main questions addressed in this dissertation. Conceptually, it starts with an ideational definition, according to which populism is to be found in the realm of ideas. It combines praise of common people as a virtuous, homogeneous group, a belief in absolute popular sovereignty in politics, and despise of evil, conspiratorial elites. Based on that, theories suggest that the basic reason for these actors' success lies on an erosion of perceived legitimacy of state institutions. Multiple causes have been presented, which can lead to such a loss of confidence: political and economic crises, endemic corruption, elite collusion, and large-scale social transformations, to name a few. On the other hand, consequences of populism, especially at the attitudinal level, have been scarcely studied. Some have suggested that it might increase even more one's distrust in political institutions, it might influence participation, and can have an impact on tolerance. Research on this area, however, is still in its infancy. This thesis uses several methods to address these issues. In the first empirical chapter, I use content analysis to classify electoral manifestos and candidates' speeches from 146 parliamentary parties in 28 countries, mostly between 2010 and 2015, on a scale of how populist they are. These include most countries in Western Europe, South and North America. The next chapter turns to causes. With fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), I analyze what is behind populists' success across those cases at the country-level. Findings indicate two combinations of conditions: high corruption in Latin American democracies, and elite collusion in European ones. I proceed by testing these causes at the micro-level, using data from the World Values Survey for a sample of those countries (23). At the individual level, the best predictor of support for more populist parties is lack of trust in political institutions. From that, the next part investigates consequences. With similar models, we observe that populism seems to also decrease political trust, and has some impact on participation. Moreover, right-wing populism appears to cause an increase in intolerance. Given the importance of political trust on both sides of the coin, some pages are dedicated to disentangle the relationship between it and populism. I start by investigating this relation among populists in power, with a comparative case study of Bolivia and Ecuador. I find that elected populist leaders adapt their discourse to target actors who can be credibly framed as elites, remaining anti-elitist. And so do supporters, who follow leaders in redefining the elite and remain anti-establishment while being in favor of the government. Last but not least, I use various methods and data sources to identify the direction of causality between populism and trust as attitudes. Results indicate that, rather than a causal connection, the two seem to be manifestations of a common, more fundamental, psychological attribute. This thesis approaches the populist phenomenon from different sides, and concludes with recommendations on how to identify such actors, the contexts in which they rise, and what to expect once they are there.}, added-at = {2017-10-05T11:54:03.000+0200}, author = {Castanho Silva, Bruno}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {3d3cc1588df0a5329b7f24dec8630afd}, intrahash = {ad3ebccacbbcb895f14293269e0ecff4}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2017 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Contemporary Populism: Actors, Causes, and Consequences Across 28 Democracies}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{roex2017social, abstract = {Why are the unemployed particularly unhappy in some societies? According to the social norm theory of unemployment, the well-being of the non-employed is lower in countries with a strong social norm to work because of the greater stigma attached to unemployment. In this study, a social norm to work has been defined as the extent to which people expect others to work: do people think the unemployed should take any job they are offered, or should they have a right to refuse? The combined world and European values study and the European social survey were used to test the theory. Multilevel analyses show that---net of one's own norm and other measures of the social norm to work, such as one's personal work ethic---the well-being of unemployed men is lower in countries with a strong social norm to work, in particular that of the long-term unemployed. Overall, it appears that the social norm to work still weighs more heavily upon men than women.}, added-at = {2017-10-05T11:44:24.000+0200}, author = {Roex, Karlijn L. A. and R?zer, Jesper J.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-017-1723-0}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {adb53d460dcc8300d44ef02d089f8c45}, intrahash = {1ad813ff89a9e8a4bb092ce3df961d36}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 09, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Social Norm to Work and the Well-Being of the Short- and Long-Term Unemployed}, url = {}, year = 2017}@techreport{wuepper2017culture, abstract = {There is a dynamically growing literature on the effects of culture on economic outcomes but few studies have focused on environmental outcomes. We use a very detailed, new dataset on recent success in reducing soil erosion across European regions and find that culture matters. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that regions with a long-term orientation and pro-environmental preferences have recently been more successful in reducing soil erosion. We find that such regions have achieved at least 3% (±1.5%) more erosion mitigation than other regions, and possibly 4.5% (±1.5%). The most important mechanism is the use of cover crops so that the land is covered with vegetation all year round. While a long-term orientation is perhaps less susceptible to change as an intrinsic societal characteristic, we argue that pro-environmental preferences are more sensitive to public policies and might be an effective lever to improve policy outcomes in the agri-environmental domain.}, added-at = {2017-10-05T11:35:28.000+0200}, author = {Wuepper, David}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, institution = {Technische Universit?t München}, interhash = {31d1ebd13e772c9cf979c53ebb8d002c}, intrahash = {b897294eb4d2c963b62728306ceffe1e}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english input2017 techreport}, note = {. First published online: July 2017, (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does Culture Affect Soil Erosion? Empirical Evidence from Europe}, year = 2017}@article{budde2017partisan, abstract = {Current comparative policy research gives no clear answer to the question of whether partisan politics in general or the partisan composition of governments in particular matter for different morality policy outputs across countries and over time. This article addresses this desideratum by employing a new encompassing dataset that captures the regulatory permissiveness in six morality policies that are homosexuality, same-sex partnership, prostitution, pornography, abortion and euthanasia in 16 European countries over five decades from 1960 to 2010. Given the prevalent scepticism about a role for political parties for morality policies in existing research, this is a ‘hard’ test case for the ‘parties do matter’ argument. Starting from the basic theoretical assumption that different party families, if represented in national governments to varying degrees, ought to leave differing imprints on morality policy making, this research demonstrates that parties matter when accounting for the variation in morality policy outputs. This general statement needs to be qualified in three important ways. First, the nature of morality policy implies that party positions or preferences cannot be fully understood by merely focusing on one single cleavage alone. Instead, morality policy is located at the interface of different cleavages, including not only left-right and secular-religious dimensions, but also the conflicts between materialism and postmaterialism, green-alternative-libertarian and traditional-authoritarian-nationalist (GAL-TAN) parties, and integration and demarcation. Second, it is argued in this article that the relevance of different cleavages for morality issues varies over time. Third, partisan effects can be found only if individual cabinets, rather than country-years, are used as the unit of analysis in the research design. In particular, party families that tend to prioritise individual freedom over collective interests (i.e., left and liberal parties) are associated with significantly more liberal morality policies than party families that stress societal values and order (i.e., conservative/right and religious parties). While the latter are unlikely to overturn previous moves towards permissiveness, these results suggest that they might preserve the status quo at least. Curiously, no systematic effects of green parties are found, which may be because they have been represented in European governments at later periods when morality policy outputs were already quite permissive.}, added-at = {2017-10-05T11:23:50.000+0200}, author = {Budde, Emma and Heichel, Stephan and Hurka, Steffen and Knill, Christoph}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1111/1475-6765.12233}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, interhash = {d0ccd0b80175bd6705c0a8c3c4b0f633}, intrahash = {4f73b1010cf09e100b99566149babf5d}, issn = {1475-6765}, journal = {European Journal of Political Research}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 14, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Partisan effects in morality policy making}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{sackmann2017bewusste, abstract = {In Kap. 6 wird eine Reihe interner und aktuell externer Gründe besprochen, warum und wann eine bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit Unternehmenskultur notwendig wird. Zu den internen Gründen geh?ren schnelles Wachstum, Stagnation, ein Führungswechsel wie auch strategische Allianzen, Firmenzusammenschlüsse sowie eine Internationalisierung. Von den externen Gründen werden der gesellschaftliche Wertewandel, die digitale Transformation sowie politische Unsicherheiten behandelt. All diese Situationen erfordern eine bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit der vorhandenen Unternehmenskultur.}, added-at = {2017-10-05T10:53:58.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Sackmann, Sonja}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Unternehmenskultur: Erkennen - Entwickeln - Ver?ndern: Erfolgreich durch kulturbewusstes Management}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-18634-0_6}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {bfa0386763538a250a2db08997d707d2}, intrahash = {4921e64ebe27fa93bd35deb7414b0da1}, isbn = {978-3-658-18634-0}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {169-206}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Wann ist eine bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit der Unternehmenskultur besonders wichtig?}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{ang2017wheat, abstract = {Several recent contributions to the literature have suggested that the strength of family ties is related to various economic and social outcomes. For example, Alesina and Giuliano (2014) highlight that the strength of family ties is strongly correlated with lower \{GDP\} and lower quality of institutions. However, the forces shaping family ties remain relatively unexplored in the literature. This paper proposes and tests the hypothesis that the agricultural legacy of a country matters for shaping the strength of its family ties. Using data from the World Values Survey and the European Values Study, the results show that societies with a legacy of cultivating wheat tend to have weaker family ties. Analysis at the sub-national level (US data) and the country level corroborate these findings. The estimations allow for alternative hypotheses which propose that pathogen stress and climatic variation can potentially also give rise to the formation of family ties. The results suggest that the suitability of land for wheat production is the most influential factor in explaining the variation in the strength of family ties across societies and countries. }, added-at = {2017-10-05T10:10:00.000+0200}, author = {Ang, James B. and Fredriksson, Per G.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1016/j.euroecorev.2017.08.007}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {884c270c768faee4bfabd1844cc0bdba}, intrahash = {a7849ec174d39bea67c7842e38d2e09e}, issn = {0014-2921}, journal = {European Economic Review }, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 31, 2017, . (EVS)}, pages = {236-256}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Wheat agriculture and family ties}, url = {}, volume = 100, year = 2017}@article{koning2017selecting, abstract = {Academics have long predicted the tension between immigration and welfare to lead to the erosion of redistributive institutions, but empirical studies have found little evidence for that prediction. This paper argues that concerns about immigrant welfare dependence are more likely to lead to one or more of the following three responses: (1) changes to admission policies aimed at attracting those immigrants who are least likely to turn to the state for financial support; (2) restrictions on immigrants' access to social programmes and benefits; and (3) extensive integration services and immigrant-targeted labour market programmes. Combining a content analysis of party manifestoes and secondary analysis of cross-national survey data, this paper maps the views of parties and voters on these possible strategies in 15 Western European welfare states. The analysis reaches three main conclusions. First, the currency these responses enjoy differs strikingly from one country to another. Second, ideological affiliation helps to explain some of the variation within countries. Third, by and large the views of voters and the position of political parties seem to be in line with each other, albeit with important exceptions.}, added-at = {2017-10-04T09:11:19.000+0200}, author = {Koning, Edward Anthony}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10987, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1057/s41295-017-0097-7}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4743, ZA4800}, interhash = {82f10e70c890e1ee4b1491d648d375e6}, intrahash = {0e286b9a0003d4912fae1062f0ccece1}, issn = {1740-388X}, journal = {Comparative European Politics}, keywords = {2017 EB69.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4743 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: June 2, 2017, . (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {628-660}, study = {EB69.1, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Selecting, disentitling, or investing? Exploring party and voter responses to immigrant welfare dependence in 15 West European welfare states}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2017}@book{zmerli2017handbook, abstract = {Political trust – of citizens in government, parliament or political parties – has been centre stage in political science for more than half a century, reflecting ongoing concerns about the legitimacy of representative democracy. This Handbook offers the first truly global perspective on political trust and integrates the conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and empirical state of the art.An impressive, international body of expert scholars explore established and new venues of research, by taking stock of levels, trends, explanations and implications of political trust, and relating them to regional particularities across the globe. Along with a wealth of genuine empirical analyses, this Handbook also features the latest developments in personality, cognitive and emotional research and discusses, not only the relevance, but also the ‘dark side’ of political trust.Discerning yet accessible, this Handbook provides scholars, students and policy makers with the tools to navigate through a complexity of theories, trends, causes and consequences of political trust, whilst also directing their future research. }, added-at = {2017-09-12T11:15:09.000+0200}, address = {Cheltenham (UK), Northhampton (USA)}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11135, doi:10.4232/1.11428, doi:10.4232/1.12061, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, editor = {Zmerli, Sonja and van der Meer, Tom W.G.}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4973, ZA5000, ZA5685, ZA4460 v3.0.0, ZA3811 v3.0.0, ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {7632e3027bff93f052aac05192f5d294}, intrahash = {29cda217ce7d99d4bdec2b53bfb105bd}, keywords = {2017 EB71.3 EB73.1 EB78.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP book checked english input2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 560, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, study = {EB71.3, EB73.1, EB78.1, EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Handbook on Political Trust}, year = 2017}@inproceedings{campossoria2017destination, abstract = {Different studies have shown that environmental activists at home display an attitude-behaviour gap when they go on holiday. Attribution theory investigates why people who are actively involved in protecting the environment at home do not maintain this type of behaviour when they go on vacation, which may have negative environmental consequences, albeit involuntarily. This paper contributes to a better understanding of such hypothesis analyzing tourists’ environmental attitudes distinguishing when they decide to go on holiday domestically or abroad. The paper takes advantage of multilevel approach because destination choice may affect pro-environmental attitudes of tourists heterogeneously across European countries. Since the individuals are nested into countries, a random slope logistic model specifically may take into account such hierarchical data structure considering simultaneously individual and contextual variables (Rabe-Hesketh & Skrondal, 2012). This model can adequately split the variation in environmental support of tourists into a between-individual level and a within-country level, allowing the intercept and/or the coefficients (slopes) to vary randomly across countries. The analysis is conducted for EU-27 countries, combining micro-data, correspond to the Flash Eurobarometer 281 drawn from the European Commission and data from the European Value Survey, and macro-data from different international sources. The study concludes that the environmental concerns of tourists when travelling domestically were around 15% higher than those travelling abroad. Additionally, the random slope variance regarding destination choice parameter is statistically significant, which allows us to explore the underpinning behind the heterogeneous pattern across countries. In fact, tourists from The Netherlands, Ireland or Spain do not show significant differences in their behavior when traveling outside or within borders.}, added-at = {2017-08-31T13:40:33.000+0200}, author = {Campos-Soria, Juan Antonio and García-Pozo, Alejandro and Marchante Mera, Andrés J. and Nú?ez Carrasco, Aníbal}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {2017 International Academic Conference on Business, Stockholm, Sweden, June 4.-8.}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10082}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5217}, interhash = {1844614d822a1d10f173ecbce8a7cd5f}, intrahash = {49500518de2ee1b497d16e086b7e3f3d}, keywords = {2017 EB_input2017 EVS EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP FlashEB281 ZA5217 checked english inproceedings input2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, study = {FlashEB281, EVS}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does destination choice affect environmental attitudes of european tourists?}, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{hanzlova2011nositel, abstract = {Who are the postmaterialists? Sociodemographic characteristics of those who bear postmaterialistic values in the Czech Republic and Germany This master thesis is devoted to the Value Change Theory formulated by Ronald Inglehart. This American sociologist came in the 1970's with a conclusion, that there is a substantial difference between the values of the generation that experienced war and the values of the post-war generation, which is experiencing an unprecedential economic growth. As a consequence these younger generations have different priorities called by Inglehart as postmaterialistic values in contrast to materialistic ones. The aim of this paper is to find out what are the socio-demographic characteristics of postmaterialists, whether they differ in time and over countries by using secondary data from the European Values Study and from International Social Survey Programme. The results support the theory only partly. Czech and German postmaterialists are both rather younger and more educated. But there is a difference when examining the influence of gender and the size of community, where they live. In the Czech Republic the probability of being a postmaterialist is higher among men and together with eastern Germany it is higher in big cities. For western Germany relationships were in both cases not significant. A model for combined data and Likelihood ratio test at the end displayed that even the relationship between the Inglehart?s indicator and independent variables, even the degree of probability are among tested countries different. }, added-at = {2017-08-30T10:23:12.000+0200}, author = {Han?lová, Barbora}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2de005c8e47e594ec51e11e4f8230fb9}, intrahash = {b50fa784f82e9114f5f2244bf3252e3f}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2017 checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Kdo jsou nositelé postmaterialistick?ch hodnot? Sociodemografické charakteristiky postmaterialist? v ?eské republice a v Německu [Who are the postmaterialists Values? Sociodemographic characteristics of postmaterialists. In the Czech Republic and in Germany]}, url = {}, year = 2011}@mastersthesis{sebestova2011generan, abstract = {The thesis deals with the impact of generation differences on value orientationand work attitudes. The main question of the work is into what extent are values and workattitudes of people working in same profession influenced by the generationalbackground, the social conditions or by the individual characteristics.The theoretical part of this thesis outlines the meaning, descent and importanceof the key words. Also the fact that value orientations and work attitudes relateto the generational background of individuals and other social or individual dispositonsis mentioned.In another section of the theoretical part of the thesis research methods of valuesand attitudes are described, as well as two probably most significant research in this area,World Values Survey and European Values Study.The next part of the thesis was drafted as an empirical probe concentratingon teaching profession only. The aim of the probing was to define how much are valuesand work attitudes among the teachers influenced by the generational backgroundand how much by the other dispositions. The results do not verify the influence ofgenerational background. The probing instead discovered that teachers from all definedgenerations have similar values and attitudes probably relating to personal characteristicstypical for this kind of profession.The thesis also studies, apart from the influence of generation differences on workattitudes and value orientation, some specifics concerning teaching profession in general.}, added-at = {2017-08-30T09:50:14.000+0200}, author = {?ebestová, Veronika}, biburl = {}, interhash = {635f1204b10773b578472bdaf765b495}, intrahash = {6c78ccdab241792554a3391c087118f2}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra sociologie}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Genera?ní rozdíly a jejich dopad na hodnotovou orientaci a postoje k práci [Generation differences and their impact on value orientation and work attitudes]}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {}, year = 2011}@incollection{ramet2017macedonias, abstract = {How successful or unsuccessful has Macedonia been since its declaration of independence in 1991? The question sounds simple enough. At first glance, one is inclined to say that it has been unusually unsuccessful, even by Balkan standards. The country has been blocked by Greece in its quest to join the European Union (EU) and NATO, was forced – again by Greece – to change its flag and modify its constitution to renounce territorial aspirations it never nurtured, and was admitted to the United Nations only under the humiliating name Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – a designation which suggests to Macedonians that their state is a kind of pariah. Then there is the fact that 30.4 per cent of its people were living below the poverty line in 2011 (see the Introduction to this volume). Again, as noted in the Introduction, Macedonia's ranking on press freedom in 2015 was the lowest among the seven Yugoslav successor states. And finally, there is the extent of corruption through which the ruling party has maintained itself in power since 2006 (detailed below in the subsection Allegations of Abuse of Power and in the section Political Transformation II below).On the other hand, Macedonia was successful in staying out of the War of Yugoslav Succession (1991–95) as well as the 1999 War for Kosovo, avoided being carved up between Greece and Serbia in 1992, and has been relatively successful in boosting revenue from tourism, earning 110 million euros from that sector in 2013. In addition, in 2001, an Albanian insurgency was successfully resolved with the signing of the Ohrid Peace Accords (discussed below).In March 2004, the Republic of Macedonia applied for membership in the European Union. The European Commission reviewed the country's application and delivered a favorable opinion in November 2005 and, the following month, Macedonia was granted candidate status. In order to gain membership in the EU, Macedonia will have to meet certain criteria laid down by the European Council at its meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, in June 1993.}, added-at = {2017-08-30T09:00:32.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Ramet, Sabrina P.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States: Accomplishments, Setbacks, and Challenges since 1990}, doi = {10.1017/9781316848289.012}, editor = {Ramet, Sabrina P. and Hassenstab, Christine M. and Listhaug, Ola}, interhash = {c17a20bf88859c34ffc192dfee29b063}, intrahash = {95be3a8fac8748969c90ee1639f4752a}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {287-320}, place = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Macedonia's Post-Yugoslav Reality: Corruption, Wiretapping, and Stolen Elections}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{kirbis2017political, abstract = {Political culture, i.e. citizens’ values, attitudes, and behaviors within the political community, are one of the defining features of a country, having important consequences for the lives of its citizens as well as for the functioning of the state. In this sense, particularly democratic political culture – mass orientations compatible with and representing the ethos of democracy – is crucial for the stability and functioning of a democratic system. Since the analysis of past and present political culture may also predict future democratic functioning, it is especially important to examine the levels and patterns of political culture in newer, post-communist democracies, which are often characterized as fragile and unstable.The aim of the present chapter is to examine political culture in the Yugoslav successor states and to compare it both cross-nationally and longitudinally within the wider European context. The first section of the chapter gives a brief overview of classic and more recent conceptualizations of political culture and deals with the importance of political culture for a functioning democracy. The second section presents in brief some explanations concerning cross-national variations in political culture, together with a brief summary of findings of previous research in Yugoslav successor states. In the third section the main research questions and hypotheses are outlined, while the fourth section presents data sources and democratic political culture indicators used in our empirical analysis. The fifth section presents our results and the last section provides a tentative conclusion to our findings.Conceptualizations of Political CulturePolitical culture is a central concept in the social sciences, traditionally referring to a set of political values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are characteristic of a particular political community (country, region, social group, political elite, etc.). Before the twentieth-century classical authors were using other terms to speak of political culture and there was a consensus on the main notion of political culture (which dates back to ancient times) – the central importance of values and beliefs of citizens for the working and survival of the political system they live in.}, added-at = {2017-08-30T08:40:25.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Kirbis, Andrej and Flere, Sergej}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States: Accomplishments, Setbacks, and Challenges since 1990}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1017/9781316848289.006}, editor = {Ramet, Sabrina P. and Hassenstab, Christine M. and Listhaug, Ola}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {9cc2363b0a60fa49c28526c1c1ca4ffd}, intrahash = {0e42468d28d133fb290d0482753b867a}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {108-134}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Culture in the Yugoslav Successor States}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{dyrstad2017institutional, abstract = {Successfully building new democracies depends on the development of a viable political culture that brings citizens together regardless of their location within the cleavages and divides of society. This has been a critical part of the democratization process in the Yugoslav successor states. The purpose of this chapter is to investigate how far these countries have come in establishing citizens’ trust in institutions. We see institutional trust as a key aspect of political culture. Much of scholarly interest in the democratic development of the successor states has focused on the choice of new institutions, including the complex institutional structures that have been implemented in many countries, with Bosnia-Herzegovina as the most striking case. Instead of analyzing these new institutions in detail, we study how citizens themselves evaluate their institutions, with an emphasis on the public's confidence in the main national institutions, specifically the parliament, civil institutions, and institutions assuring public order (such as the armed forces, the police, and the justice system). For comparative purposes, we also evaluate the level of trust in the European Union held by those same citizens.The advantage of studying citizens’ trust in institutions rather than investigating the institutions themselves is that it is hard to determine a priori criteria against which institutions should be evaluated. Due to the inherent intricacy of domestic institutions, they are also difficult to compare. Comparing trust in the same institutions, on the other hand, is relatively straightforward. Previous research has shown that institutional performance is a key determinant of political trust, and institutional trust can therefore be seen as a simple performance indicator of how citizens evaluate their institutions.If citizens develop confidence and trust in the new institutions, this indicates that the institutions are working. We know from previous research that it is difficult to establish clear criteria or cut-off points for high and low levels of trust, and that comparisons over time or across countries are necessary in order to evaluate how well institutions are perceived to be performing. This means that reported levels of trust should not be interpreted in absolute terms. However, repeated measurements over time as well as cross-country comparisons provide information on relative values.}, added-at = {2017-08-30T08:22:25.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Dyrstad, Karin and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States: Accomplishments, Setbacks, and Challenges since 1990}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1017/9781316848289.005}, editor = {Ramet, Sabrina P. and Hassenstab, Christine M. and Listhaug, Ola}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {4428d388bf3dac8fac0c4088b6ec9341}, intrahash = {530fbc84132e3e58bba9c3b978be5627}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {87-107}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Institutional Trust in the Yugoslav Successor States: A Comparative Approach}, url = {}, year = 2017}@book{ramet2017building, abstract = {Building democracy in societies that have known only authoritarian rule for half a century is complicated. Taking the post-Yugoslav region as its case study, this volume shows how success with democratisation depends on various factors, including establishing the rule of law, the consolidation of free media, and society's acceptance of ethnic, religious and sexual minorities. Surveying the seven successor states, the authors argue that Slovenia is in a class by itself as the most successful, with Croatia and Serbia not far behind. The other states - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Kosovo - are all struggling with problems of corruption, poverty, and unemployment. The authors treat the issue of values as a policy problem in its own right, debating the extent to which values have been transformed by changes in education and the media, how churches and women's organisations have entered into the policy debate, and whether governments have embraced a programme designed to effect changes in values.}, added-at = {2017-08-29T12:18:51.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1017/9781316848289}, editor = {Ramet, Sabrina P. and Hassenstab, Christine M. and Listhaug, Ola}, interhash = {ba117c9df8af20dd88bcffeb03f5fec0}, intrahash = {34b4f1a13d68ac54acab2c6dd46de314}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen PB PB_input2017 book checked english input2017}, note = { . (EVS) (Politbarometer)}, privnote = {PB_ID=457}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Building Democracy in the Yugoslav Successor States.Accomplishments, Setbacks, and Challenges since 1990}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{lomazzi2017margini, added-at = {2017-08-29T11:16:42.000+0200}, address = {Milano}, author = {Lomazzi, Vera}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Una generazione in panchina, da Neet a risorsa per il paese}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {b733ee2c3f554a3b5edc257470230364}, intrahash = {c2d6ef03e1f6f77c3e86cf1d089f0a7b}, isbn = {978-88-343-3324-2}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked incollection input2017 italian}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {132-142}, publisher = {Vita E Pensiero}, series = {Quaderni Rapporto Giovani n.6}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Ai margini della partecipazione. Giovani NEET e (in)attivismo politico in Europa}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{puccioni2017ruolo, added-at = {2017-08-28T12:14:10.000+0200}, address = {Milano}, author = {Puccioni, Chiara}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Una generazione in panchina, da Neet a risorsa per il paese}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10031}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4755}, interhash = {af90e6e027a6fc23bfcf6c57a61a2320}, intrahash = {550a73499c24176c56c6b64dd5d22e24}, isbn = {978-88-343-3324-2}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4755 checked incollection input2017 italian}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {118-131}, publisher = {Vita E Pensiero}, series = {Quaderni Rapporto Giovani n.6}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Il ruolo del background familiare per i NEET italiani}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{mascherini2017quadro, added-at = {2017-08-28T11:58:15.000+0200}, address = {Milano}, author = {Mascherini, Massimiliano}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Una generazione in panchina, da Neet a risorsa per il paese}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {a0f8fe45e4f22e59569911c59eccdeca}, intrahash = {aa3b40914f59709e3507891350658ca9}, isbn = {978-88-343-3324-2}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked incollection input2017 italian}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {17-28}, publisher = {Vita E Pensiero}, series = {Quaderni Rapporto Giovani n.6}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Il quadro dei NEET in Europa: caratteristiche e costi socio-economici}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{bellani2017never, abstract = {BACKGROUNDLifelong singlehood is a comparatively rare demographic phenomenon, averaging about 5% across the European Union. However, levels of lifelong singlehood vary greatly between countries in Europe. What explains this variation? Our main thesis is that it reflects the prevailing norms regarding gender roles. We hypothesize that in societies that have not adapted to women’s new roles there will be a greater propensity toward lifelong singlehood, especially among highly educated women.OBJECTIVEWe analyze the link between levels of gender egalitarianism and the probability oflifelong singlehood, both overall and by educational attainment.METHODSWe apply multilevel modeling to European Social Survey (ESS) and European ValuesStudy (EVS) data collected between 2002 and 2014. We focus on differences innonpartnering across levels of education. We run separate models for men and women.RESULTSIn support of our hypothesis, our analysis reveals an inverse U-shaped relationshipbetween levels of gender equity and the likelihood of lifelong singlehood for women.The association is particularly marked for more highly educated women, while it islinear for low-educated men.CONCLUSIONSOur results suggest that high levels of singlehood are concentrated very much withinthose societies where traditional gender values have waned but gender egalitarianism remains poorly diffused. Where gender egalitarianism has become normatively dominant, we find higher levels of partnering for better-educated women and for loweducated men.CONTRIBUTIONOur study contributes to the limited research on singlehood as well as to the growingbody of literature on the demographic consequences of the ongoing revolution inwomen’s roles.}, added-at = {2017-08-28T08:37:41.000+0200}, author = {Bellani, Daniela and Esping-Andersen, G?sta and Nedoluzhko, Lesia}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {0cceab3fbaa97a91dca9ebd477c270ff}, intrahash = {dfbcccf6fbd028c28626dc4bf7328a09}, journal = {Demographic Research}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {53-100}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:38:26.000+0200}, title = {Never partnered: A multilevel analysis of lifelong singlehood}, url = {}, volume = 37, year = 2017}@book{knutsen2018social, abstract = {This book analyses the impact of socio-structural variables, such as social class, religion, urban/rural residence, age and gender, on influencing an individual’s voting preferences. There have been major changes in recent decades both to social structure and how social structure determines people’s voting behaviour. There has also been a shift in value orientations, for example from religious to secular values and from more authoritarian to libertarian values. The author addresses the questions: How do social structure and value orientations influence party choice in advanced industrial democracies?; To what extent is the impact of social structure on party choice transmitted via value orientations?; To what extent is the impact of value orientations on party choice causal effects when controlled for the prior structural variables? The book will be of use to advanced students and scholars in the fields of comparative politics, electoral politics and political sociology. }, added-at = {2017-08-28T08:27:24.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Knutsen, Oddbj?rn}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-52123-7}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {5f9c3f32ed531ae72e429f93573128c8}, intrahash = {0dc13d6f84228b15771795a8132cb154}, isbn = {978-3-319-52122-0}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 book checked english input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Structure, Value Orientations and Party Choice in Western Europe}, url = {}, year = 2018}@incollection{knutsen2018party, abstract = {This chapter focuses on describing the data, countries, party systems and the macro-level variables used for explaining the empirical patterns in the subsequent chapters. The chapter commences with a brief description of the comparative data set that is used -- the European Values Study 2008--2010. The 18 West European countries that are included in the study are then presented. The case is made for grouping the countries into four regions on the basis of party systems and welfare state regimes. The party choice variable used is then presented and political parties are grouped into party families. The final parts of the chapter present the macro-level variables, the measures for advanced industrialism and party system characteristics.}, added-at = {2017-08-23T09:30:32.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Knutsen, Oddbj?rn}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Structure, Value Orientations and Party Choice in Western Europe}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-52123-7_2}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {36493d305c51c385a4dd0c63a2dbc786}, intrahash = {8abe56eababbc59aa7b1fc4128723c2c}, isbn = {978-3-319-52123-7}, keywords = {2018 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {First published online: July 10, 2017, . (EVS)}, pages = {33-58}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Data Set and the Party Systems of the 18 Countries}, url = {}, year = 2018}@article{durovic2017longitudinal, abstract = {This article asserts that the impact of generational replacement on gendered political participation patterns is not sufficiently taken into account by existing analyses of participatory gender inequalities. In this longitudinal study, gender and generational differences in French protest patterns are systematically examined. The article tackles two interrelated questions: what is the impact of generational replacement on gender differences in political action in France, and from an individual-level perspective, how do we explain the different participation levels from different generations of women and men? A longitudinal quantitative analysis of survey data from the European Values Study from 1981 to 2008 confirms the significance of generational differences as well as the multi-dimensionality of participatory gender differences.}, added-at = {2017-08-23T08:27:43.000+0200}, author = {Durovic, Anja}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, doi = {10.1057/s41253-017-0039-4}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {9696875135c56adbf76a45af974d08c9}, intrahash = {bdfd5374abafaeb678501112358d2580}, issn = {1476-3427}, journal = {French Politics}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 25, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A longitudinal analysis of gendered patterns in political action in France: a generational story?}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{hall2017political, abstract = {This chapter explores the roots of redistributive social solidarity in the developed democracies. Banting and Kymlicka (Cahpter 1, this volume) define social solidarity as a worldview widespread among the populace, with civic, democratic and redistributive dimensions, whereby individuals tolerate views and practices they dislike, accept democratic decisions even if those run counter to their beliefs or interests, and support relatively generous provisions to help the disadvantaged. Although solidarity can also be judged by the policies of a community, in this formulation, solidarity refers to a set of attitudes widely shared within the community or nation. My focus is on the redistributive dimension of social solidarity, namely the willingness of people to see governments redistribute resources to the less advantaged, and my interest is in understanding how such attitudes come to be widely shared and sustained within a society. Although the sources of support for social rights are not identical to those for civil and political rights, this account can inform our more general understanding of the roots of social solidarity (Marshall 1950).}, added-at = {2017-08-02T10:32:21.000+0200}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Hall, Peter A.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Strains of Commitment. The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies}, chapter = 8, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10227, doi:10.4232/1.11378, doi:10.4232/1.10889, doi:10.4232/1.2310, doi:10.4232/1.3430, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, editor = {Banting, Keith and Kymlicka, Will}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5438, ZA3626, ZA171, ZA2310, ZA3430, ZA3910, ZA5400, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {e4abc415ea8deb17d8f20b06f5e164d1}, intrahash = {615a9393bd3e1f7e0499ac0f59e82f5f}, isbn = {9780198795452}, keywords = {2017 EB31a EB56.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP FlashEB279 ISSP ISSP1992 ISSP1999 ISSP2003 ISSP2009 ISSP_input2017 ZA171 ZA2310 ZA3430 ZA3626 ZA3811 ZA3910 ZA5400 ZA5438 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {201-232}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, study = {FlashEB279, EB56.1, EB31A, ISSP1992, ISSP1999, ISSP2003, ISSP2009, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Political Sources of Social Solidarity}, year = 2017}@article{lomazzi2017testing, abstract = {This study provides a critical evaluation of the gender role attitude scale included in the fourth wave of the European Values Study. The goodness of this scale is tested considering first of all its reliability and the stability of the factorial structure. The results suggest caution in the use of this instrument: the scale presents a deep variation in reliability across countries and its configuration is not stable, displaying several different factor structures from one country to another. In considering the source of this instability, this study addresses a priming effect due to questions introduced in 2008 immediately prior to the use of the gender role attitudes scale that modified the context of response. }, added-at = {2017-07-19T10:33:04.000+0200}, author = {Lomazzi, Vera}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1177/0759106317710859}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {5df150a6f4337932442e2b3ecf7dbe7b}, intrahash = {51f97fe9885ac65ce24b63cd4df36e34}, journal = {Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2018 SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 isspbib2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {90-100}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31350}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Testing the Goodness of the EVS Gender Role Attitudes Scale}, url = {}, volume = 135, year = 2017}@article{frangi2017unions, abstract = {Public institutions and trade unions in particular are often portrayed as facing a deep crisis. In order to better understand to what extent unions are still perceived as legitimate institutions from the society as a whole (working and non-working individuals), we analyse the determinants of confidence in unions across 14 European countries between 1981 and 2009. Confidence in unions is explained through individual-level variables (by a rational and an ideational mechanism) and contextual-level factors (relevant economic and employment relations characteristics). Using data from the European Values Study (EVS) merged with contextual datasets, we develop a series of regression models to examine the main determinants of confidence in unions. We demonstrate that confidence in unions cannot only be traced back to the support from members and left-wing oriented individuals but it is also related to non-working individuals and vulnerable social groups, in particular when confronted with economic shocks. Our findings challenge both the ‘crisis of confidence’ in institutions and the ‘crisis of unionism’ narratives. Implications for union representation and organizing strategies are discussed.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T10:23:27.000+0200}, author = {Frangi, Lorenzo and Koos, Sebastian and Hadziabdic, Sinisa}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1111/bjir.12248}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {03f21b556777573f0269eb0fbd563b39}, intrahash = {0dbc2a41c2e50e501f4e56ffea07b945}, issn = {1467-8543}, journal = {British Journal of Industrial Relations}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: June 28, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {In Unions We Trust! Analysing Confidence in Unions across Europe}, url = {}, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{keprta2012komparativn, abstract = {The thesis discusses the overall characteristics of Czech welfare state. First itdescribes the emergence and evolution of the welfare state in general and dividesparticular types of welfare state according to Esping-Andersen’s typology. Then itdeals with the Czech welfare state. It characterizes the development since Austro-Hungarian Empire until 2010. It points to the specific nature of Czech welfare state,which consists of all different types of welfare state.In empirical part, the social transfer abuse is examined, using a regressionmodel. The examination is restricted to sick-leave. The model shows relationbetween the sickness benefit, wage and sickness absence, which illustrates the highprobable benefit abuse. Finally the thesis discusses the main reason to defraud – low identification of citizens with the state, which stems from the history.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T10:18:24.000+0200}, author = {Keprta, Jan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10188}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {ef6ecc2c9de07014aac9ff03c714ecac}, intrahash = {e10e8454ade142194f97cdf8c7a9049a}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 97, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Komparativní charakteristika ?eského státu blahobytu}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {}, year = 2012}@mastersthesis{kubincova2011rodiovstv, abstract = {This bachelor thesis deals with parenting in 21st century, mainly in Czech Republic. The purpose of this thesis is to summarize basic theories, why people want to have children, outline historical and demographic development parenting in Czech Republic and analyze reproduction behaviour of young mothers. And secondary analysis of dates from between 1991 and 1999, which was focused mainly on young parents. An secondary analysis is compared aged categories and their opinions and attitudes to family values. Czech society has changed in chosen years, became very open, democratic and modern. We can also seed differences betweed chosen age categories.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T10:09:47.000+0200}, author = {Kubincová, Michaela}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11159}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5080 v1.0.0}, interhash = {b28f2eb1b3d8a7aa9dae6711f94b5bc1}, intrahash = {f77e3e092a7c1d44d47649c7791f7a9e}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP WVS ZA5080 checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 48, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra sociologie}, study = {European and World Values Surveys Four-Wave Integrated Data File, 1981-2004}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Rodi?ovství v 21. století [Parenthood in the 21st century]}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {}, year = 2011}@mastersthesis{daudova2011struktur, abstract = {The intention of this study is to compare nuptiality intensity and time distribution during the years 1980 – 1989 and 2000 – 2009. Major part of this study concerns with the nuptiality of unmarried people thus the main source of data for the analysis are nuptiality life tables of unmarried. This study contains also analysis of population structure according to age and marital status, opinion of the Czech population to the institution of marriage and rank of the Czech Republic in the international context. Results of the study shows that in the 80s of the 20th century indicatior of the nuptiality intensity and indicator of the nuptiality conjugation were stable. At that time people got married often and in lower age. The beginning of the 21st centurywas a dynamic period. During the whole first decade the intensity of nuptiality was decreasing while the age of the first marriage was increasing.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T09:59:39.000+0200}, author = {Daudová, Alena}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10059}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA4800}, interhash = {fa369d4caf787cff6025e3851b9ba272}, intrahash = {09db13744b85002ad0d2b4b8182df1ea}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 65, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze P?írodovědecká fakulta}, study = {EVS1990, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Změny struktur sňate?nosti v ?eské republice: po?átek 21. století versus 80. léta20. století[Changing nuptiality patterns in the Czech Republic: start of the 21st century contrasted with the eighties of the 20th century]}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {}, year = 2011}@mastersthesis{strakova2011postoj, abstract = {This bachelor’s thesis, entitled “Position on the causes of poverty by respondents of the 2008 European Values Study in the Czech Republic”, concerns the perceptions of EVS respondents about the causes of poverty. The average monthly income of EVS respondents is used as an explanatory factor. According to the ideas of van Oorschot and Halman, the causes of poverty can be explained in two dimensions:the individual-societal dimension and the fate-blame dimension, which is polarized onan axis from fate to blame. This typology is explored in the EVS by the question: Whydo some people around us live in poverty? Respondents chose from the followingoptions:1. Because they are unlucky2. Because of laziness and a lack of will power3. Because of injustice in society4. Poverty is an inevitable part of progress5. For none of these reasonsThe goal of this study is to determine whether the level of respondents’ incomeinfluences their opinion on the cause of poverty. The working hypotheses are asfollows:· EVS respondents who cite bad luck as the cause of povertyhave, on average, lower income than EVS respondents whoattribute poverty to other causes· EVS respondents who cite laziness as the cause of povertyhave, on average, higher income than EVS respondents whoattribute poverty to other causes· EVS respondents who cite injustice in society as a cause ofpoverty have, on average, lower income than EVSrespondents who attribute poverty to other causes· EVS respondents who cite inevitable part of progress as acause of poverty have, on average, higher income thanEVS respondents who attribute poverty to other causesThe use of statistical methods (Anova) supports the second and third workinghypotheses and does not support the first and forth working hypothesis.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T09:42:58.000+0200}, author = {Straková, Eva}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7c123bdf1632b759eacaaeb4ced63ac1}, intrahash = {77517323f51cc11c386b8e1f7e21976f}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 46, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Postoj respondent? studie European Values Study 2008 v ?eské republice k p?í?inám chudoby [Position on the causes of poverty by respondents of the 2008 European Values Study in the Czech Republic]}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, url = {}, year = 2011}@mastersthesis{lopez2017frequency, abstract = {In this thesis we explore the intensity of adjectives and how it can bepredicted by different word features. We investigate how to accuratelydetermine intensity between synonymous adjectives. For this, we look atfeatures such as word frequency, number of senses and syllable length.Our study is inspired by life satisfaction and happiness surveys and thepossibility that differences in intensity in the translation of the adjectivesused for the questionnaires could explain the high degree of satisfactionthat some countries show. We base our hypothesis on the theories ofgrammaticalization and semantic bleaching and the discoveries made byother researches about the relations between these word features andword intensity. We focus on studying Danish, English and French. Ourstudy points to a statistically significant negative correlation betweenword frequency and word intensity.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T09:28:43.000+0200}, author = {López, Rebeca Padilla}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7c77df25ab431e9f5c75c39caca91f53}, intrahash = {33cc3b11f6b8e708ff766ec01ad7f194}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 35, school = {Uppsala University}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Word Frequency as aPredictor of Word Intensity}, url = {}, year = 2017}@phdthesis{hoffarth2017religious, abstract = {Even in relatively tolerant countries, anti-gay bias remains socially divisive, despite being widely viewed as violating social norms of tolerance. From a Justification-Suppression Model (JSM) framework, social norms may generally suppress anti-gay bias in tolerant countries, yet bias may be “released” by religious justifications among those who resist gay rights progress. I hypothesized that more frequent religious attendance would be associated with greater anti-gay bias, that this relation would be stronger in countries where anti-gay bias more strongly violates social norms of tolerance, and that the relation between religious attendance and anti-gay bias would be partially accounted for by religious justifications. In Part 1, I examined the relation between religious attendance and anti-gay bias in the US. In Part 2, I examined the relation between religious attendance and anti-gay bias across different countries. Finally, in Part 3, I examined religious justifications for anti-gay bias. Across large, nationally representative US samples and international samples (representing a total of 97 different countries), over 215,000 participants, and various indicators of anti-gay bias (e.g., dislike, moral condemnation, opposing gay rights), more frequent religious attendance was uniquely associated with greater anti-gay bias, over and above religious fundamentalism, political ideology, religious denomination, and other theoretically relevant covariates. Moreover, in 4 of 6 multilevel models, religious attendance was associated with anti-gay bias in countries with greater gay rights recognition, but was unrelated to anti-gay bias in countries with lower gay rights recognition. Google searches for a religious justification (“love the sinner hate the sin”) coincided temporally with gay-rights relevant searches. In U.S. and Canadian samples, much of the association between religious attendance andReligious Attendance Anti-Gay IIIanti-gay bias was explained by “sinner-sin” religious justification, with religious attendance not associated with anti-gay bias when respondents reported relatively low familiarity with this justification. These findings suggest that social divisions on homosexuality in relatively tolerant social contexts may be in large part due to religious justifications for anti-gay bias (consistent with the JSM). Potential interventions building on these findings may include encouraging religious leaders to promote norms of tolerance and acceptance, increasing intergroup contact between frequent religious attenders and gays, and perspective-taking exercises.}, added-at = {2017-07-19T09:15:18.000+0200}, author = {Hoffarth, Mark Romeo}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {7b341dd75bab0d6f82b6f13683d434dc}, intrahash = {73d5ac95449999e96d85a4ea2d838a95}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 127, school = {Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {When and Why is Religious Attendance Associated with Anti-Gay Bias?A Justification-Suppression Model Approach}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{ayoub2017getting, abstract = { Global attitudes involving homosexuality are changing rapidly. Tolerance toward lesbian and gay relationships has increased in almost every continent. More often than not, younger people have been at the forefront of this change. In this article, we explore explanations for this cross-national phenomenon. Specifically, we test to see whether contextual factors, those that allow lesbian women and gay men to freely express themselves or to gain cultural representation in the media, have driven this transformation. The results show that inter-cohort effects, or more liberal attitudes among younger people, are related to the pervasiveness of a nation’s mass media and to the presence of press freedom. This research suggests a strong link between increasing mass support for minority rights and the factors that encourage and allow minorities to express their viewpoints to others. These findings have broad implications, in that they help us understand the growing global acceptance around gay rights. }, added-at = {2017-07-18T12:18:28.000+0200}, author = {Ayoub, Phillip M. and Garretson, Jeremiah}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10791, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1177/0010414016666836}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {6352ee30a138686873a21427f8fc9345}, intrahash = {30cfc1d293ea1f7ac0c6e764ff562266}, journal = {Comparative Political Studies}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA4438 ZA4460 ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: September 8, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 8, pages = {1055-1085}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Getting the Message Out: Media Context and Global Changes in Attitudes Toward Homosexuality}, url = {}, volume = 50, year = 2017}@article{vandermeer2017political, abstract = { This article extends and tests the trust-as-evaluation approach that is dominant in political science. Citizens supposedly grant and withhold trust in politics based on an assessment of its merits. We argue that the relevance of performances and processes should be conditional on the values that citizens hold dear and the accuracy with which they perceive them. Through multilevel analyses of the European Value Survey 2008, we model the (conditional) effects of a wide range of macro-economic outcomes and procedural characteristics on two aspects of political trust: satisfaction with democracy and confidence in political institutions. We find that macro-economic outcomes do not relate to political trust once we control for corruption. The effects of corruption and macro-economic outcomes are indeed stronger among the higher educated. However, the effect of macro-economic outcomes is not conditional on citizens’ values. We discuss the theoretical implications of these findings for the use of the trust-as-evaluation approach. }, added-at = {2017-07-18T12:07:54.000+0200}, author = {van der Meer, Tom and Hakhverdian, Armen}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1177/0032321715607514}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {9566e36f915188915bbec3cfd24b4c00}, intrahash = {533fc619df64e7ea1a4f4adfae7e9090}, journal = {Political Studies}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published: March 29, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {81-102}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Trust as the Evaluation of Process and Performance: A Cross-National Study of 42 European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 65, year = 2017}@article{beauregard2017quotas, abstract = { This paper proposes to investigate the influence of legislative quotas on gender differences in political participation by analyzing the within- and across-country effects of quotas. Gender quotas can signal to women that their presence in politics is welcome, leading to a subsequent increase in their involvement in political activities. This change in political behavior should not be reproduced in men; thus, when gender quotas are present, the gap between men’s and women’s participation narrows. Using the European Values Survey and data from eighteen European democracies, this paper demonstrates that this indeed occurs for some political activities when gender gaps are compared before and after the introduction of quotas within countries. This result, however, is not replicated for across-country analyses. European countries without legislative gender quotas tend to have smaller gender gaps than countries with them. This result is explained by referring to the context of the adoption of gender quotas. }, added-at = {2017-07-18T12:02:46.000+0200}, author = {Beauregard, Katrine}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/1065912917710116}, eprint = {}, interhash = {1d61951711093d4e5ad3a9c48d4e5a73}, intrahash = {fcea12849a8a3de08a8c6791f5e54c4b}, journal = {Political Research Quarterly}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: June 2, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Quotas and Gender Gaps in Political Participation among Established Industrial European Democracies: Distinguishing Within- and Across-Country Effects}, url = {}, year = 2017}@book{quack2017religious, abstract = {This book provides a conceptually and empirically rich introduction to religious indifference on the basis of original anthropological, historical and sociological research.Religious indifference is a central category for understanding contemporary societies, and a controversial one. For some scholars, a growing religious indifference indicates a dramatic decline in religiosity and epitomizes the endpoint of secularization processes. Others view it as an indicator of moral apathy and philosophical nihilism, whilst yet others see it as paving the way for new forms of political tolerance and solidarity. This volume describes and analyses the symbolic power of religious indifference and the conceptual contestations surrounding it. Detailed case studies cover anthropological and qualitative data from the UK, Germany, Estonia, the USA, Canada, and India analyse large quantitative data sets, and provide philosophical-literary inquiries into the phenomenon. They highlight how, for different actors and agendas, religious indifference can constitute an objective or a challenge. Pursuing a relational approach to non-religion, the book conceptualizes religious indifference in its interrelatedness with religion as well as more avowed forms of non-religion.}, added-at = {2017-07-12T11:09:11.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.3190, doi:10.4232/1.11334}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-48476-1}, editor = {Quack, Johannes and Schuh, Cora}, gesis_study_no = {ZA4460, ZA4800, ZA3190, ZA4950}, interhash = {26311118c79e9f2bb03e8babcb2f23af}, intrahash = {cc38d1fbbe289170fc60bbe274e3ff37}, isbn = {978-3-319-48474-7, 978-3-319-48476-1 (eBook)}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1998 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2017 ZA3190 ZA4460 ZA4800 ZA4950 book checked english input2017}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 273, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS1990, EVS2008, ISSP1998, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious indifference: new perspectives from studies on secularization and nonreligion}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{buberennser2016human, abstract = {Since its inception in 2010, the Arab Spring has evolved into a situation of violent conflict in many countries, leading to high levels of migration from the affected region. Given the social impact of the large number of individuals applying for asylum across Europe in 2015, it is important to study who these persons are in terms of their skills, motivations, and intentions. DiPAS (Displaced Persons in Austria Survey) aims to uncover the socio-demographic characteristics of the persons seeking refuge who arrived in Austria in 2015, mainly originating from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Particular focus is on human capital, attitudes and values. This survey, the first of its kind in Austria and possibly in Europe, was carried out among adult displaced persons, mostly residing in Vienna, yielding 514 completed interviews. Information gathered on spouses and children allows for the analysis of 972 persons living in Austria, and of further 419 partners and children abroad. Results indicate that the surveyed population comprised mainly young families with children, particularly those coming from Syria and Iraq. Their educational level is high compared with the average level in their country of origin. A vast majority of respondents are Muslims, rating their religiosity at medium levels. Judging from stated attitudes towards gender equity, interviewed men seem to have more liberal attitudes than their compatriots. The majority of respondents do not intend to return to their home countries, mostly because of the perception of permanent threat. DiPAS provides data for political decision-making and the on-going societal dialogue. Its findings can help to inform assessments about the integration potential of the displaced population into the host society. In addition, the applied methodological technique and experiences during the fieldwork provide valuable insights on sampling asylum seekers and refugees in the current European context.}, added-at = {2017-07-06T17:11:28.000+0200}, author = {Buber-Ennser, Isabella and Kohlenberger, Judith and Rengs, Bernhard and Al Zalak, Zakarya and Goujon, Anne and Striessnig, Erich and Potan?oková, Michaela and Gisser, Richard and Testa, Maria Rita and Lutz, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0163481}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, interhash = {d294f5df3b4b19b5ca2e6eeb4ffeb94f}, intrahash = {46c9cff0c17d9d1f3e4c1cccdb60b16e}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, month = {09}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 9, pages = {1-29}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T15:17:55.000+0200}, title = {Human Capital, Values, and Attitudes of Persons Seeking Refuge in Austria in 2015}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2016}@book{grasso2016generations, abstract = {This new comparative analysis shows that there are reasons to be concerned about the future of democratic politics. Younger generations have become disengaged from the political process. The evidence presented in this comprehensive study shows that they are not just less likely than older generations to engage in institutional political activism such as voting and party membership - they are also less likely to engage in extra-institutional protest activism.Generations, Political Participation and Social Change in Western Europe offers a rigorously researched empirical analysis of political participation trends across generations in Western Europe. It examines the way in which the political behaviour of younger generations leads to social change. Are younger generations completely disengaged from politics, or do they simply choose to participate in a different way to previous generations?The book is of key interest to scholars, students and practitioners of political sociology, political participation and behaviour, European Politics, Comparative Politics and Sociology. }, added-at = {2017-06-20T10:38:23.000+0200}, address = {London and New York}, author = {Grasso, Maria T.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10791, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11159}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA5080}, interhash = {90d58d89c382fb57a1d608d0beb2734d}, intrahash = {76f50cf0aa179be968b482592fd838d8}, isbn = {9781138924994}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP WVS/EVS1981-2004 ZA3811 ZA4438 ZA4460 ZA5080 book checked input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 252, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Research in Comparative Politics}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS1999, WVS/EVS1981-2004}, timestamp = {2019-01-23T12:20:34.000+0100}, title = {Generations, Political Participation and Social Change in Western Europe}, year = 2016}@techreport{evans2017brexit, abstract = {Aversion to immigrants was a defining issue in political debates about Brexit andhas grown into a major issue in many European Union nations. But if Britons arenot uniquely hostile, then Britain's exit from the EU may be only the first symptomof enduring conflicts that will plague EU nations in future years. A well-establishedindicator of prejudice – aversion to outgroups as a neighbours – shows thatprejudice against immigrants, other races, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and Gypsies areall relatively low in Britain. This is as expected from the general decline of prejudicewith socioeconomic development, leaving Britain similar to other prosperous EUand Anglophone nations. Confirmatory factor analysis suggests a single latentethno-religious prejudice generates all these specific prejudices. Replication usingother measures of prejudice and another cross-national dataset confirms thesefindings. Detailed analysis of Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, and the USAshows that prejudice in the EU declined to a minimum in the mid-90s, perhapslower than elsewhere, but is now rising steadily, becoming higher than elsewhere.Data are from the pooled World and European Values Surveys (over 450,000individuals, 300 surveys, and 100 nations for this analysis). Analysis is bydescriptive, multi-level, and structural equation methods.}, added-at = {2017-06-19T12:04:42.000+0200}, author = {Evans, M.D.R. and Kelley, Jonathan}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.25973.99048}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v3.0.0}, institution = {University of Nevada and International Survey Center }, interhash = {9b37629aebbedfcd784d05e9797428a5}, intrahash = {4c9f3d9712c6d275c7cae5267d6966a2}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981-2008, WVS}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {BREXIT and Prejudice Against Immigrants: The UK is not Unique}, url = {}, year = 2017}@mastersthesis{tuckova2013rozvod, abstract = {This bachelor thesis deals with divorce and the history of divorce situation till the beginning of the 21st century. It describes the essential divorce problem areas, lists both negative and positive divorce consequences, specific effects of divorce on children, historical evolvement of legal regulations of divorce and their present-day form and current development trends in the Czech Republic. Empirical part of the thesis analyses opinion shifts on family and divorce in Czech population between years 1991 and 2008 and social heredity of divorce behaviour and alternative attitudes towards family and marriage based on the data from 2008.}, added-at = {2017-06-19T11:40:59.000+0200}, author = {Tu?ková, Markéta}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {2c3ea2fe96df1f3a6c6e0c121232e15d}, intrahash = {25b75ce7a757afe0411757248098cf81}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 56, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Rozvod ve 21. století [Divorce in the 21st century]}, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, year = 2013}@mastersthesis{polesna2013reproduknho, abstract = {The aim of this work is to analyze the changes in reproductive behavior within the second demographic transition in five countries of Europe. The Czech Republic, Estonia, The Netherlands, Finland and Portugal were selected. Each of them represents one of trajectories of the second demographic transition in the European region. Within theoretical concept of the second demographic transition the research of cultural factors was particularly stressed as they are considered to be the main factors of stimulation of the changes. Attention was focused on the analysis of value orientation of selected populations using data of the European Values Study (EVS) and the International Social Survey (ISSP). Analysis of reproductive behavior inthose countries was included as well. It was found out, that changes in value orientation in the post-communistic countries couldn?t have been the only determinant of changes in reproductive behavior. Moreover, the value change has been still taking place even in the countries where the second demographic transition started three or four decades ago. The European-wide mechanism of the differentiation in value orientations has been identified. The holders of liberal and the individualistic values have become rather more educated, young, unmarried people and those living in larger cities. Thus, the analysis suggested post-communist countries have been approaching, the North-western European countries. The analysis of the reproductive behavior in the chosen European countries confirmed the existence of the general factors behind the second demographic transition in all countries. The trajectories that have been explored on the basis of the time sequence of the course of second demographic transition show that the paths ofthe second demographic transition have been different in Europe. Probably the causes of thedifferent paths are of cultural, social, historical, religious and economic character. }, added-at = {2017-06-19T11:21:57.000+0200}, author = {Polesná, Helena}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.2620}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800, ZA2620 v1.0.0}, interhash = {272dcafd217e41df68207d2afde6f557}, intrahash = {517dd055de7efa500bc8983773d3f29d}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1994 ISSP_input2017 ZA2620 ZA3811 ZA4460 ZA4800 checked czech input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 261, school = {Univerzita Karlova v Praze}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008, ISSP1994}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {ZM?NY REPRODUK?N?HO CHOV?N? Z POHLEDU DRUH?HO DEMOGRAFICK?HO P?ECHODU VE VYBRAN?CH EVROPSK?CH ZEM?CH [Changes in Reproductive Behaviour Within the Second Demographic Transition in the Selected European Countries]}, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{kevins2017expanding, abstract = {In recent decades, and particularly since the financial crisis, continental Europe has seen an increasing gap between those workers who have well-protected, good-paying jobs with strong benefits and those who work lower-quality, nonstandard jobs, or who have no regular work at all. This situation would seem to call for increased spending on the social safety net, yet governments throughout the region have instead been turning to austerity. In the face of that reality, the options for helping disadvantaged workers are to extend coverage through re-allocating the benefits given to higher-level workers, maintain the benefits of the well-off as the number of outsiders continues to grow, or simply ignore the problem. This book asks why different nations have taken different tacks in handling-or not handling-this problem. }, added-at = {2017-06-19T10:17:25.000+0200}, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Kevins, Anthony}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {f8cddf5f1ca1edcffd5a2ecfa50ae505}, intrahash = {7e49fc6ebc4832967107da78d4e5aa14}, isbn = {9789462980211}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 book checked english input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 224, publisher = {Amsterdam University Press}, series = {Changing Welfare States}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Expanding welfare in an age of austerity: Increasing Protection in an Unprotected World}, year = 2017}@phdthesis{Lykes2016Local, abstract = {Religion as culture shapes the worldview of its subscribers and thence attitude formation and preferences of individuals towards many topics including the environment. Research interest in the impact of religion soared in the late 1960s, in response to White's (1967) article in Science claiming that a huge burden of guilt for the environment crisis rested on the shoulders of Christianity. Although this Dominion Hypothesis highlights the contrast between Christianity and other religions, the contrast has not been addressed in systematic comparative cross-national research assessing whether Christians hold more negative environmental attitudes than other world religions. This dissertation fills that research gap. The Dominion Hypothesis does not exhaust the potential impacts of religion on environmentalism. For example, social psychology posits the importance of experience as well as of culture on attitudes about matters one encounters directly, so the dissertation posits the Direct Experience Hypothesis and confirms the differentiation of local from global environmental attitudes. Moreover, social psychology also directs our attention to the Reverence Hypothesis, that a subjective side effect of religiosity is reverence and responsibility for nature. To address the Dominion Hypothesis that Christians hold less environmentalist attitudes than their peers in other religious traditions, the direct experience effect, and the Reverence Hypothesis, this dissertation includes descriptive analysis, psychometric scale evaluations, OLS regression, and multilevel modeling of data from the pooled World Values Survey/European Values Survey. Findings are mixed on the Dominion Hypothesis, but consistently support the Direct Experience and Reverence Hypotheses.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, author = {Lykes, Valerie}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {c5e004a0a5923a9dce80a5db0d1435e4}, intrahash = {d2552dc7780403704d0104d02f68372c}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked input2017 isspbib2017 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31051}, school = {University of Nevada, Reno}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-17T13:02:23.000+0100}, title = {Local environmental attitudes, global environmental attitudes, and religion: An analysis in 47 tnations }, year = 2016}@phdthesis{Macintyre2015empirical, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Brisbaine}, author = {Macintyre, Alison}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {6209e6561051a46fffa69944b7104090}, intrahash = {0fee7d8117cd5b995e2d4dbf6c91c222}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked input2017 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31265}, school = {Queensland University of Technology}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-07T11:59:06.000+0100}, title = {An empirical examination of the consequences of national pride: Analyses of survey and experimental data}, volume = {PhD}, year = 2015}@techreport{Mueller2016On, abstract = {There is an increasing number of interview projects like the European Values Study (EVS) or the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), which collect in many different countries internationally comparative interview data. Some of them even offer time series, which go back to the 1980ies. Unfortunately, these public datasets are generally not suitable for the analysis of political conflicts and socio-cultural cleavages. Hence the present paper tackles the problem of extracting conflict data from such interview projects by means of a new microsimulation method: instead of analysing the original interviews by focusing on individuals, the paper proposes to look at the value-differences between randomly matched artificial pairs of respondents. These artificial dyadic data records are used to simulate virtual encounters of persons, who may have either the same or different opinions about a certain issue. In the first case there is harmony, in the second virtual conflict that can be statistically aggregated for all analysed dyads of persons. This way it becomes possible to measure the total amount of conflict of a group (i) with the rest of society, (ii) with a similar group in another country, and (iii) with a politically opposite group. The afore-mentioned methodology of simulated virtual conflicts is used in order to analyse the variation of the ideology of the political left in different European countries. Of special interest are conflicts about traditional left values like equality, social security, and state ownership of industry, which concern respondents, who are partisans of the left as well as those, who identify with a right party. On the basis of the already mentioned European Values Study, the analysis is performed for three typical countries with rather different left party traditions: Sweden, France, and the UK.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Fribourg}, author = {Mueller, George P.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800}, institution = {University of Freiburg/Fribourg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences}, interhash = {f2c20d6dc5ba8c2fc08ff516a46d3118}, intrahash = {83a7d5edf9d26eaee21496818805ea6d}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked input2017 isspbib2017 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, notes = {}, number = 471, pages = 14, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30947}, series = {FSES Working Papers}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-11-05T11:54:11.000+0100}, title = {On the use of interview data for the microsimulation of ideological conflicts: an analysis of the political cleavages of the European left }, url = {}, year = 2016}@mastersthesis{Seewan2015Eine, abstract = {Ausgehend von aktuellen Debatten zur Definition von Religiosit?t besch?ftigt sich die vorliegende Masterarbeit mit der empirischen Messung dieses Konzeptes. Ich w?hle quantitative Items der Europ?ischen Wertestudie um exemplarisch das ihnen inh?rente Bild von Religiosit?t zu analysieren und frage erstens, durch welche Merkmale und Dimensionen Religiosit?t erhoben wird und zweitens wie sich diese Erhebung in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten ver?ndert hat. Mittels einer thematischen Analyse wurden vorhandene Inhalte identifiziert, charakterisiert und systematisch Themen und Dimensionen von Religiosit?t zugeordnet. Insgesamt konnten vier Dimensionen (Zugeh?rigkeit, Lebenswelt, Inhalte und Abgrenzung) und fünfzehn Themen identifiziert werden. Ihre inhaltlichen Charakteristika und zeitlichen Ver?nderungen weisen auf einen Wandel des (gemessenen) Religi?sen hin, der sich durch zunehmende Flüchtigkeit, zunehmende Individualisierung und das Verschwimmen religi?ser Positionen auszeichnet. Diese Befunde k?nnen einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Debatte der Religionssoziologie sowie der sozialwissenschaftlichen Reflexion methodologischer Praktiken leisten.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, author = {Seewan, Lena}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {8df0fbe9c7afc1c5d595b9d3b9a69829}, intrahash = {7f4d6711ab66671ff09d7044587b177c}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked input2017 isspbib2017 mastersthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31298}, school = {University of Vienna}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2018-11-05T11:47:00.000+0100}, title = {Eine Frage des Glaubens?: Ver?nderung der Messung von Religiosit?t in soziologischen Umfragen}, year = 2015}@book{somczyski2016democratic, abstract = {Across the world, mass political protest has shaped the course of modern history. Building on decades of theory, we hypothesize that the extent and intensity of political protest is a function of micro-level democratic values and socio-demographics, country-level economic development and democratic practices, and the discrepancy (i.e. cross-level interaction) between a country’s democratic practices and peoples’ trust in key democratic institutions – that is, political parties, the justice system, and parliament.This book is a Technical Report on the logic of, and methodology for, creating a multi-year multi-country database needed for comparative research on political protest. It concerns both the selection and ex-post harmonization of survey information and the manner in which the multilevel structured data can be used in substantive analyses.The database we created contains information on more than two million people from 142 countries or territories, interviewed between the 1960s and 2013. It stores individual-level variables from 1,721 national surveys stemming from 22 well-known international survey projects, including the European Social Survey, the International Social Survey Programme, and the World Values Survey. We constructed comparable measures of peoples’ participation in demonstrations and signing petitions, their democratic values and socio-demographic characteristics. We complemented the harmonized individual-level data with macro-level measures of democracy, economic performance, and income inequality gathered from external sources. In the process, we pulled together three strands of survey methodology – on data quality, ex-post harmonization, and multilevel modeling.This book is funded by the (Polish) National Science Center under a three-year international cooperation grant for the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN), and The Ohio State University (OSU) Mershon Center for International Security Studies (grant number: Harmonia-2012/06/M/HS6/00322).}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Warsaw}, author = {S?omczyński, Kazimierz M. and Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina and Jenkins, J. Craig and Ko?czyńska, Marta and Powa?ko, Przemek and Wysmu?ek, Ilona and Oleksiyanko, Olena and Zieliński, Marcin W. and Dubrow, Joshua K.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Harmonization of Data from International Survey Projects}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10791, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.10874, doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.10878, doi:10.4232/1.10888, doi:10.4232/1.10937, doi:10.4232/1.10964, doi:10.4232/1.11479, doi:10.4232/1.11558, doi:10.4232/1.1490, doi:10.4232/1.1840, doi:10.4232/1.1950, doi:10.4232/1.2150, doi:10.4232/1.2900, doi:10.4232/1.3190, doi:10.4232/1.11372, doi:10.4232/1.4700, doi:10.4232/1.10079, doi:10.4232/1.11334, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.11418, doi:10.4232/1.11759}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA4800, ZA1318, ZA1320, ZA1750, ZA3387, ZA4231, ZA5234, ZA5612, ZA1490, ZA1840, ZA1950, ZA2150, ZA2900, ZA3190, ZA3950, ZA4700, ZA4850, ZA4950, ZA5400, ZA5500, ZA5800}, interhash = {f0bdf1193bc7a39c3c14934d0d6a8999}, intrahash = {52e0c8db227a44a3ae7f53dc8c5d225a}, isbn = {978-83-7683-126-8}, keywords = {2016 EB19 EB21 EB31 EB54.1 EB62.2 EB73.4 EB77.3 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1989 ISSP1990 ISSP1991 ISSP1996 ISSP1998 ISSP2004 ISSP2006 ISSP2007 ISSP2008 ISSP2009 ISSP2010 ISSP2011 ISSP_input2017 ZA1318 ZA1320 ZA1490 ZA1750 ZA1840 ZA1950 ZA2150 ZA2900 ZA3190 ZA3387 ZA3811 ZA3950 ZA4231 ZA4438 ZA4460 ZA4700 ZA4800 ZA4850 ZA4950 ZA5234 ZA5400 ZA5500 ZA5612 ZA5800 book checked input2017 isspbib2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 282, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30878}, publisher = {IFiS Publishers}, study = {EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EB19 EB21 EB31 EB54.1 EB62.2 EB73.4 EB77.3 ISSP1985 ISSP1989 ISSP1990 ISSP1991 ISSP1996 ISSP1998 ISSP2004 ISSP2006 ISSP2007 ISSP2008 ISSP2009 ISSP2010 ISSP2011}, timestamp = {2018-10-17T16:22:56.000+0200}, title = {Democratic Values and Protest Behavior}, year = 2016}@incollection{Dragolov2016Methodology, abstract = {The multifaceted conceptual framework of the Social Cohesion Radarnecessitates an elaborated methodological approach. This chapter presents the datasources and methodology we have used to measure the level and trend of socialcohesion across 34 European Union and OECD member states in four time periods:Wave 1 (1989–1995), Wave 2 (1996–2003), Wave 3 (2004–2008), and Wave 4(2009–2012). The Social Cohesion Radar draws exclusively on large-scale inter-nationally comparative secondary data from high-quality academic and institutionalsources. The operationalization of the nine dimensions follows a re?ective mea-surement approach in expressing each dimension as a latent construct manifested ininterrelated indicators that are interchangeable across time. The resulting countryscores on each dimension are thus factor scores which preclude absolute compar-isons and allow only relative statements regarding the degree of cohesion. On theother hand, the computation of the three domain indices and the overall index ofcohesion follows the formative measurement approach; each index is the arithmeticmean of the respective constituent dimensions. In addition, the chapter introducesthe uniform color-coding scheme that has been used throughout the book to easereaders in interpreting the results.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Dragolov, Georgi and Ignacz, Zsofia and Lorenz, Jan and Delhey, Jan and Boehnke, Klaus and Unzicker, Kai}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Cohesion in the Western World: What Holds Societies Together: Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.2310, doi:10.4232/1.3430, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.11005, doi:10.4232/1.10913, doi:10.4232/1.10937, doi:10.4232/1.10962, doi:10.4232/1.10968, doi:10.4232/1.10974, doi:10.4232/1.10983, doi:10.4232/1.10984, doi:10.4232/1.11430}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2310, ZA3430, ZA5400, ZA4804, ZA2637, ZA3387, ZA4229, ZA4411, ZA4506, ZA4529, ZA4530, ZA5233}, interhash = {a695c136817f5a3e827e6574df4bbb79}, intrahash = {111d5b4b275473f87b2bb41150a34a01}, keywords = {2016 EB43.1 EB54.1 EB62.0 EB63.4 EB65.2 EB67.1 EB67.2 EB73.3 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1992 ISSP1999 ISSP2009 ISSP_input2017 ZA2310 ZA2637 ZA3387 ZA3430 ZA4229 ZA4411 ZA4506 ZA4529 ZA4530 ZA4804 ZA5233 ZA5400 checked incollection input2017 isspbib2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {15-34}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31222}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {ISSP1992, ISSP1999, ISSP2009, EVS1981-2008, EB43.1, EB54.1, EB62.0, EB63.4, EB65.2, EB67.1, EB67.2, EB73.3}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Methodology of the Social Cohesion Radar}, year = 2016}@techreport{Kolczynska2014Survey, abstract = {Papers in the CONSIRT Working Papers Series are pre-publication versions of the author(s)’ academic work. Working Papers posted on are in progress, under submission, or forthcoming. Working Papers are produced on this site by the author(s) for the consumption of the international scientific community and others interested in this work. CONSIRT Working Papers are not subject to double-blind peer review. CONSIRT reviewed the Working Paper submission for general suitability, but the quality of the Working Paper itself is the responsibility of the author(s). The form and content of papers are the responsibility of individual authors. The cover sheet is standard across all papers (subject to change), but the format of the rest of the work is not standardized. Comments on papers or questions about their content should be sent directly to the author, at his or her email address.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Columbus}, author = {Kolczynska, Marta and Schoene, Matthew}, biburl = {}, institution = {Ohio State University}, interhash = {2b5988e8ed5411b7dab1eedc899919a8}, intrahash = {9e1bd3b1495982895fc638e8638f7905}, keywords = {2014 EB_input2017 EVS EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2017 checked input2017 isspbib2017 techreport}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 27, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30883}, series = {CONSIRT Working Papers Series}, study = {ISSP 1985-2011, EVS 1981-2008, Eurobarometer 1983-2012}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Survey Data Harmonization and the Quality of Data Documentation in Cross-National Surveys}, url = {}, year = 2014}@phdthesis{Ganjour2016Capital, abstract = {La thèse analyse l’impact de divers facteurs institutionnels sur le capital social dans une perspective comparative, macrosociologique. Des Analyses de Cluster et de Regressions Logistiques Binomiales sur plusieurs pays révèlent la présence de modèles très différents de capital social selon les pays tant du point de vue des normes que des pratiques de sociabilité. Divers facteurs tels que les pratiques successorales, économiques, maritales, de fécondité et de divortialité, ainsi que les pratiques éducatives et le capital social sont considérés. Les configurations entre ces facteurs sont analysées avec l’utilisation de la Qualitative Comparative Analyse (QCA). Les résultats de QCA mettent en valeur les facteurs nécessaires et suffisants pour la création du type bridging de capital social. L’analyse empirique utilise les données de l’ISSP International Social Survey Programm (2001) et de l’EVS European Values Studies (2008). La variation du capital social à travers les cinq régimes sociaux distingués par la typologie d’Esping-Andersen (1990): post-communiste, méditerranéen, conservateur, libéral et social-démocrate, confirme l’influence du facteur institutionnel. }, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, author = {Ganjour, Olga}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.3680}, doi = {10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:83362}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA3680}, interhash = {a5d77c5aca2b5b25f7186878905b0212}, intrahash = {4783972abdae4b84c8abcc1107dc4f89}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2001 ISSP_input2017 ZA3680 ZA4800 checked french input2017 isspbib2017 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 348, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30946}, school = {Université de Genève}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2001}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Capital social et ?tat-providence: une approche quantitative à partir des données de l'International Social Survey Program (ISSP) 2001 et l'European Values Study (EVS) 2008 }, url = {}, year = 2016}@incollection{Brechon2017Measuring, abstract = {After having provided a reminder of the diversity of definitions religiousindifference and atheism may have, this chapter aims to measure irreligion in manycountries thanks to the EVS and ISSP international quantitative surveys. From 1990to 2008, secularization evolved slowly but steadily. This process does not lead to adisappearance of religions and to complete atheism and rejection of God, but ratherto a loss of interest in religion, which, for many people, is no longer important inlife. This low level of interest often goes hand in hand with uncertain, floating andblurred beliefs. But for strongly unreligious people, the value system is very differentfrom that of religious people. Nevertheless, countries differ considerably: someEuropean countries remain very religious while others are almost completelyirreligious.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Brechon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religious indifference: new perspectives from studies on secularization and nonreligion}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.3190, doi:10.4232/1.11334}, editor = {Quack, Johannes and Schuh, Cora}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460 v3.0.0, ZA4800 v3.0.0, ZA3190 v1.0.0, ZA4950 v2.2.0}, interhash = {c000daa5de9ac39698265e03f18d3aad}, intrahash = {9fae80c268d3ac714819e1a9e1c8684d}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1998 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2017 checked incollection input2017 isspbib2017}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {143-170}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31164}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS1990, EVS2008, ISSP1998, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Measuring Religious Indifference in International Sociological Quantitative Surveys (EVS and ISSP)}, year = 2017}@book{Meda2017Reinventing, abstract = {This book looks at the history of work and the meanings that are attached to it over time. Taking as its basis a number of international surveys and interviews conducted in Europe, the authors consider the significance of work for Europeans today.Over the years the meaning of work has changed. It has become more highly diversified, and it is today invested with high expectations that conflict with organisational developments and the changing nature of the labour market. The authors use a generational perspective to explore whether it is possible to reconcile the contemporary “ethos” of work, especially with regards to women and young people, with organisations that are increasingly under pressure to be profitable and productive.Reinventing Work in Europe will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of sociology of work, employment and organizations, labour studies, digital economy, and political economy.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Meda, Dominique and Vendramin, Patricia}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10791, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.11648}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-39525-8}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA4460, ZA4800, ZA4350}, interhash = {c43e81f4a7883a9dc355286cbee254ca}, intrahash = {9a8ae56620d1ff7a19a88651728f245a}, isbn = {978-3-319-39525-8}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2005 ISSP_input2017 ZA4350 ZA4438 ZA4460 ZA4800 book checked input2017 isspbib2017}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 265, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31246}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS2008, ISSP2005}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Reinventing Work in Europe: Value, Generations and Labour}, url = {}, year = 2017}@phdthesis{Danielson2016Migration, abstract = {Immigration and its impact on aggregate welfare state preferences and welfare state reform has been the subject of numerous academic and political debates. Despite prolonged attention to these issues, however, empirical research has yielded mixed results concerning what effect, if any, immigration has the structure and generosity of the welfare state. This issue is further exacerbated by the absence of concerted conceptual cross-germination between the various theoretical literatures that examine immigration's effect on various social, economic, and political outcomes, making it difficult to identify the mechanisms through which immigration may shape the welfare state. To address these issues, I draw on social psychological research, theories of the welfare state, research on radical right-wing parties, and case studies from the United States to argue that changes in both the volume and characteristics of immigrants entering Western Europe might: 1) undermine the cross-class alliances necessary for maintaining the welfare state, 2) reduce public support for welfare programs, and 3) provide politicians on the far-right with a symbolic resource that can be used to justify cutting/restructuring welfare state programs believed to benefit immigrants. Empirical examinations of these arguments using a wide range of data sources indicate that immigration may be directly and indirectly related to welfare state spending. With regard to the former, the data indicate that the influx of migrants from less-developed countries into social and Christian democratic countries has contributed to rising program demand and corresponding increases in expenditures on more reactive welfare state programs (i.e., unemployment benefits). With regard to the indirect impact of immigration on the welfare state, analyses of voting and public opinion data demonstrate that changes in immigration have contributed to the electoral success of predominantly neoliberal, far-right, nationalist parties and contributed to rising levels of anti-immigrant sentiment over time. These factors, in turn, resulted in: 1) declines in popular support for those social and Christian democratic parties that are dedicated to the maintenance and/or expansion of the welfare state, and 2) reductions in average levels of support for welfare state programs designed to address issues of unemployment, making the welfare state more vulnerable to future retrenchment.}, added-at = {2017-06-07T11:20:55.000+0200}, address = {Tucson}, author = {Danielson, J. Taylor}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.1490, doi:10.4232/1.1680, doi:10.4232/1.1950, doi:10.4232/1.2310, doi:10.4232/1.2880, doi:10.4232/1.2900, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.4700, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, gesis-study_no = {ZA1490, ZA1950, ZA2900, ZA4700, ZA1680, ZA2310, ZA3430, ZA5400, ZA2880, ZA3910, ZA4800}, interhash = {5dc46809658afa4c39fdb9131d4ef583}, intrahash = {db91e60b79f84609d4df27f1b1c5ed79}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1987 ISSP1990 ISSP1992 ISSP1995 ISSP1996 ISSP1999 ISSP2003 ISSP2006 ISSP2009 ISSP_input2017 ZA1490 ZA1680 ZA1950 ZA2310 ZA2880 ZA2900 ZA3430 ZA3910 ZA4700 ZA4800 ZA5400 checked input2017 isspbib2017 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31039}, school = {University of Arizona, School of Sociology}, study = {ISSP1985, ISSP1990, ISSP1996, ISSP2006, ISSP1987, ISSP1992, ISSP1999, ISSP2009, ISSP1995, ISSP2003, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Migration, Nationalism, and The Welfare State}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{lomazzi2017gender, abstract = {Considering gender role attitudes as part of a broader cultural change related to the modernization process, this study adopts a path-dependency approach to analyze the support for the role of women in the public sphere in Italy since 1988. Modernization processes varied across Italian regions and the paper explores how different gender patterns developed accordingly. Using pooled data from European Values Survey, World Values Survey, and International Social Survey Program, the author assesses if this specific change is part of the postmaterialist shift and investigates the mechanisms of change carrying out cohort decomposition methods. The results address a reinforcement of traditionalism mainly due to the period effect that shows regional differences given by history. }, added-at = {2017-05-30T12:35:50.000+0200}, author = {Lomazzi, Vera}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005, doi:10.4232/1.1700, doi:10.4232/1.2620}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2017.1318330}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804, ZA1700, ZA2620}, interhash = {ce1626a8b272555b04b29a5565696eaa}, intrahash = {b0aa60a729e6a70d06ed8602ceaebf61}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP1988 ISSP1994 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA1700 ZA2620 ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {1-26}, study = {EVS1981-2008, ISSP1988, ISSP1994}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender role attitudes in Italy: 1988–2008. A path-dependency story of traditionalism}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{kageyama2016financial, abstract = {Comparing the financial burden of having children across countries accompanies various types of measurement issues. The present study employs financial satisfaction to overcome the measurement issues and examines how the financial burden of having children differs across development stages. The challenge in this approach lies in detecting the impact of having children on financial satisfaction. To address this challenge, we focus our attention on the peculiar movement of satisfaction in the financial domain of life, which is measured by standardizing financial satisfaction by overall life satisfaction, and perform regression analyses using World and European Integrated Values Survey. The results show that the negative impact of having an additional child on satisfaction becomes particularly greater in the financial domain as income increases and total fertility rate (TFR) decreases. The results also indicate that having children offers a sense of financial security to the elderly in high TFR countries while this is not the case in lower TFR countries. These results support the general idea that the heavier financial burden of having children is a major cause of fertility decline and provide policy implications to find a way out of extremely low fertility.}, added-at = {2017-05-30T12:24:33.000+0200}, author = {Kageyama, Junji and Matsuura, Tsukasa}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, doi = {10.1007/s10902-016-9799-9}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {3eab5093ac7bdbdddabfbd59d52259b8}, intrahash = {ca0e0627e36648d5dd145f7474145602}, issn = {1573-7780}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-26}, study = {EVS1981-2008, WVS2009}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Financial Burden of Having Children and Fertility Differentials Across Development and Life Stages: Evidence from Satisfaction Data}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{kurowska2017impact, abstract = {Purpose The purpose of this paper is to solve the puzzle of the disproportionately lower employment rate of mothers of toddlers with relation to the employment rate of mothers of preschool and school-age children in Estonia. Design/methodology/approach The research is based on the Most Similar System Design and compares Estonia with Lithuania. The applied methods include inferential statistics and microsimulation techniques, employing the OECD Benefits and Wages Calculator, the OECD Family Support Calculator and EUROMOD – the European tax-benefit microsimulation model. Findings The comparison revealed that the overwhelming majority of the crucial aspects of socio-cultural, economic and institutional conditions were more favourable for maternal employment in Estonia than in Lithuania. This explains the higher maternal employment rates both for mothers of pre-schoolers and school-age children in Estonia. However, one particular element of the institutional context targeted to the mothers of toddlers – the unconditional parental benefit – had an entirely opposite character. This particular feature of the parental leave scheme was the only factor that could explain why the employment rate of mothers of toddlers is disproportionately lower than the employment rate of mothers of older children in Estonia and much lower than the employment of mothers of toddlers in Lithuania. Originality/value This study complements previous research by providing evidence on the relative importance of universal parental benefit schemes in the context of other country-specific conditions for maternal employment, including the availability of institutional childcare. Furthermore, the results presented show that childcare regime typologies, at least those that characterise Eastern European countries, should be more sensitive to children’s age. }, added-at = {2017-05-30T12:15:24.000+0200}, author = {Kurowska, Anna}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458}, doi = {10.1108/IJSSP-08-2015-0085}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v4.0.0}, interhash = {edb78527730df899d58b934aae915403}, intrahash = {3facbc455a3d7cf028a8e20c7877309c}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {1/2}, pages = {33-50}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The impact of an unconditional parental benefit on employment of mothers: A comparative study of Estonia and Lithuania}, url = {}, volume = 37, year = 2017}@incollection{dejonge2017combining, abstract = {We applied the Reference Distribution Method to pool time series on life satisfaction in the USA, Japan, The Netherlands and Spain, using results from the World Values Survey to derive reference distributions from. This resulted in consistent time series spanning almost 60 years for Japan, 40 years for The Netherlands and 35 years for the USA and Spain. Life satisfaction in Japan and The Netherlands was almost equal in the eighties, but at present differs more than one point in favor of The Netherlands. Life satisfaction in Spain reached its lowest value of 6.0 in 2012, but has increased since then to 6.3 in 2015.}, added-at = {2017-05-30T12:06:01.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {DeJonge, Tineke and Veenhoven, Ruut and Kalmijn, Wim}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Diversity in Survey Questions on the Same Topic: Techniques for Improving Comparability}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-53261-5_11}, interhash = {d32789d63f4a759aae2f81e19aa69f46}, intrahash = {9e15dbf5fbcf6d953f5d2023b8df9382}, isbn = {978-3-319-53261-5}, keywords = {2017 EB_input2017 EVS EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {123-147}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Combining and Pooling of Time Series on Life Satisfaction in the USA, Japan, The Netherlands and Spain}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{knight2017egalitarianism, abstract = { This article challenges the implicit assumption of many cross-national studies that gender-role attitudes fall along a single continuum between traditional and egalitarian. The authors argue that this approach obscures theoretically important distinctions in attitudes and renders analyses of change over time incomplete. Using latent class analysis, they investigate the multidimensional nature of gender-role attitudes in 17 postindustrial European countries. They identify three distinct varieties of egalitarianism that they designate as liberal egalitarianism, egalitarian familism, and flexible egalitarianism. They show that while traditional gender-role attitudes have precipitously and uniformly declined in accordance with the “rising tide” narrative toward greater egalitarianism, the relative prevalence of different egalitarianisms varies markedly across countries. Furthermore, they find that European nations are not converging toward one dominant egalitarian model but rather, remain differentiated by varieties of egalitarianism. }, added-at = {2017-05-30T10:32:06.000+0200}, author = {Knight, Carly R. and Brinton, Mary C.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.4804}, doi = {10.1086/689814}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v1.0.0}, interhash = {d18a6d52f40234e897357f35b654f219}, intrahash = {5f09bf84825dc30cdd9e4f74ed557dcf}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {1485-1532}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {One Egalitarianism or Several? Two Decades of Gender-Role Attitude Change in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 122, year = 2017}@article{marckmann2017relative, abstract = {Is the sense of obligation we feel towards our parents comparable to the one we feel towards our children? Most studies of normative solidarity measure only filial norms, that is, norms for children’s obligations towards parents, whilst largely ignoring parental norms, that is, norms for parents’ obligations towards children. This article quantitatively investigates parental and filial norms in 20 countries within 5 European regions. The article examines the question of whether the family cultures of North-West Europe can be understood as cultures of descending familialism, that is, cultures in which parental obligations are emphasised over filial obligations, as opposed to cultures of extreme individualism. The article contributes to the literature on family norms theoretically by showing that family cultures should be differentiated not merely by their strength but also by their direction, and methodologically by highlighting the importance of developing precise measures of both parental and filial norms. For the Nordic countries in particular, the analysis shows that the family culture is pluralistic, with the question of intergenerational responsibilities being one likely to provoke discussion in these societies for years to come. }, added-at = {2017-05-30T10:18:48.000+0200}, author = {Marckmann, Bella}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2017.1290267}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {3199419d13e9ec60bc6bc87f06095ab8}, intrahash = {b937d1ef6136be5692db200c4289f26c}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 14, 2017, (EVS)}, pages = {1-26}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {All is not relative: intergenerational norms in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{barone2017educational, abstract = {This article assesses trends over time in the influence of social origins on educational attainment in 26 European countries. We use a cumulative dataset that merges the European Social Survey (waves 2002–2010), the International Social Survey Programme (1999, 2009) and the European Value Study (2008). Our contribution to the literature is threefold. First, we replicate as closely as possible the previous study by Breen et al. [(2009) ‘Nonpersistent in educational attainment: Evidence from eight European countries’, American Journal of Sociology 114: 1475–1521] and extend it to a larger set of countries and to more recent cohorts. Second, we reassess the argument that equalization does not involve Higher Education. Third, we consider whether our conclusions change if we use a more comprehensive measurement of social origins that jointly incorporates indicators of social class, social status and parental education. We detect a generalized reduction of educational inequalities in the post-war decades. When we focus on Higher Education, we still detect evidence of equalization, although to a lower extent. Our analyses do not support the claim that, when using a more comprehensive treatment of social origins, the patterns for different indicators evolve in opposite directions. }, added-at = {2017-05-30T08:31:15.000+0200}, author = {Barone, Carlo and Ruggera, Lucia}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12458, doi:10.4232/1.3430, doi:10.4232/1.11506}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2017.1290265}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA3430, ZA5400}, interhash = {4e9c938f7d3288b20cb423d96d49dff1}, intrahash = {7294b98222e689893297de6d726f13d0}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1999 ISSP2009 ISSP_input2017 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3430 ZA4800 ZA5400 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: March 31, 2017, . (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {1-25}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP1999, ISSP2009}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Educational equalization stalled? Trends in inequality of educational opportunity between 1930 and 1980 across 26 European nations}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{siegers2017religious, abstract = {Religions indifference is generally defined in terms of what it is not: it is neither a religious belief nor the denial of transcendental realities. Some studies suggest that indifferent individuals, although they have no religious beliefs and practices, turn to religion for specific occasions, e.g. religious rites of passage. This study focuses on factors influencing attitudes of religiously indifferent people towards religious rites of passage for birth, marriage, and death. Research hypotheses are drawn from the concept of vicarious religion and secularisation theory. The results show that religious factors influence whether indifferent individuals support religious rituals. In line with the concept of vicarious religion support for Churches increase the probability that individuals support religious rites of passage. In line with secularisation theory, support for religious rituals depends on a religious socialisation therefore reflects a habit. For those individuals that are not member in a church, value orientations are also related to support for religious rites of passage.}, added-at = {2017-05-29T12:09:36.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Siegers, Pascal}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religious Indifference: New Perspectives From Studies on Secularization and Nonreligion}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10059}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-48476-1_9}, editor = {Quack, Johannes and Schuh, Cora}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v1.0.0}, interhash = {cdf208649239b3e7aa1b32d19d9432f1}, intrahash = {b50216fc7bb0c90d2895d35eeb827bdd}, isbn = {978-3-319-48476-1}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {171-192}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Indifference and Religious Rites of Passage}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{kragten2017income, abstract = {The income inequality hypothesis states that income inequality has a negative effect on individual's health, partially because it reduces social trust. This article aims to critically assess the income inequality hypothesis by comparing several analytical strategies, namely OLS regression, multilevel regression, fixed effects models and fixed effects models using pseudo panel data. To test the hypothesis, data from two studies conducted between 1981 and 2014 were combined: the World Values Survey and the European Values Study. Three frequently used measures of health were taken into account. In the OLS and multilevel models, income inequality was often associated with better health, whereas in the fixed effects and pseudo panel data, income inequality was associated with poorer health, suggesting that the unexpected results of the OLS and multilevel methods might be explained by unobserved confounders. Furthermore, in almost all of the models, social trust mediates the relationship between income inequality and health, showing the importance of this mechanism. Interestingly, the pseudo panel data offer the strongest support for the income inequality hypothesis, suggesting that better controlling for confounding factors and/or more carefully monitoring cohort effects, may result in a better understanding whether and how income inequality can be harmful for people's health.}, added-at = {2017-05-29T11:55:09.000+0200}, author = {Kragten, Nigel and R?zer, Jesper}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-016-1283-8}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {6e9d50a585ce2ec6cfaae11ad0e50188}, intrahash = {563ef8ca56b79071d93c75640fa54789}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: March 4, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {1015-1033}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Income Inequality Hypothesis Revisited: Assessing the Hypothesis Using Four Methodological Approaches}, url = {}, volume = 131, year = 2017}@phdthesis{praeg2015social, abstract = {The relationship between socioeconomic status, health, and wellbeing has puzzled researchers for decades. Individuals with higher education, a better job, or higher status, live longer and are healthier. The four essays in this book offer a fresh view on crucial aspects of this relationship. Drawing on data from more than fifty countries, the multidimensional nature of socioeconomic status is explored, not only covering objective indicators of socioeconomic status--education, income, occupational prestige--but also individuals' subjective perceptions of socioeconomic status and status differentials between doctors and patients. Furthermore, the essays analyze the multilevel nature of social stratification, comparing differences in the strength of the relationship between education and health across countries and regions, as well as investigating the pathways by which income inequality affects health.}, added-at = {2017-05-29T10:11:05.000+0200}, author = {Praeg, Patrick}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.11759}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0, ZA5800 v2.0.0}, interhash = {106cae6c6eadcc6eac9e1c03bf9d7e3b}, intrahash = {e0983811b9c946733b220fa8881931e0}, isbn = {978-94-6299-125-5}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2011 ISSP_input2017 ZA4800 ZA5800 checked english input2017 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, publisher = {University of Groningen}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2011}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social stratification and health: Four essays on social determinants of health and wellbeing}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{prag2017educational, abstract = {The US shows a distinct health disadvantage when compared to other high-income nations. A potential lever to reduce this disadvantage is to improve the health situation of lower socioeconomic groups. Our objective is to explore how the considerable within-US variation in health inequalities compares to the health inequalities across other Western countries.}, added-at = {2017-05-29T09:49:55.000+0200}, author = {Pr?g, Patrick and Subramanian, S. V.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/s00038-017-0981-6}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {9be0970e51c1e72a4aa9232637e39a14}, intrahash = {76768fcf375c54144be1ec0e40ac8cdb}, issn = {1661-8564}, journal = {International Journal of Public Health}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: May 22, 2017, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-8}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Educational inequalities in self-rated health across US states and European countries}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{friedrich2016ofness, abstract = {In this paper we adopt a user-centered indexing perspective to propose a concept for the subject indexing of social science survey data. Operationalization processes in survey development mean that the constructs being studied are mostly hidden in the verbalization of the questionnaire (latent subject content). Indexable concepts are therefore found at two different semantic levels that, inspired by research on the indexing of pictures (Shatford, Cat Classif Q 6(3):39–62, 1986), we treat as the ofness and aboutness of survey data. We apply a syntax of term linking and role indicators, combining directive terms (e.g., attitude, experience, perception) with subject terms (e.g., corruption, foreigners). Each directive and subject term combination represents a retrievable unit of interest to the secondary researcher.}, added-at = {2017-05-22T10:11:28.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Friedrich, Tanja and Siegers, Pascal}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Analysis of Large and Complex Data}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11847, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-25226-1_54}, editor = {Wilhelm, Adalbert F.X. and Kestler, Hans A.}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5565 v4.0.0, ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {a43a814188e70176fd4473b41f544478}, intrahash = {03494064c5e56355a76f2df973b4139b}, isbn = {978-3-319-25226-1}, keywords = {2016 EB76.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ZA4800 ZA5565 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {629-638}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {EB76.1, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Ofness and Aboutness of Survey Data: Improved Indexing of Social Science Questionnaires}, url = {}, year = 2016}@incollection{troitzsch2016survey, abstract = {The available survey data sources can only give an incomplete access to the empirical problem under consideration for the reasons discussed in more depth in Sect. 12.?1, but anyway three surveys can be used as sources for finding out which norm orientations prevail in the regions under consideration in GLODERS and which are the propensities and frequencies of norm-related actions.}, added-at = {2017-05-22T09:43:39.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Troitzsch, Klaus G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Dimensions of Organised Crime: Modelling the Dynamics of Extortion Rackets}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12448, doi:10.?4232/?1.?11004}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-45169-5_9}, editor = {Elsenbroich, Corinna and Anzola, David and Gilbert, Nigel}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5687, ZA4800}, interhash = {36977091bfa08543802a70175740296b}, intrahash = {6ee6c95f4da4c52c52dad75ecac086d5}, isbn = {978-3-319-45169-5}, keywords = {2016 EB79.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ZA4800 ZA5687 checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {133-151}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {79.1 v3.0.0, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Survey Data and Computational Qualitative Analysis}, url = {}, year = 2016}@book{elsenbroich2016social, abstract = {This book presents a multi-disciplinary investigation into extortion rackets with a particular focus on the structures of criminal organisations and their collapse, societal processes in which extortion rackets strive and fail and the impacts of bottom-up and top-down ways of fighting extortion racketeering. Through integrating a range of disciplines and methods the book provides an extensive case study of empirically based computational social science. It is based on a wealth of qualitative data regarding multiple extortion rackets, such as the Sicilian Mafia, an international money laundering organisation and a predatory extortion case in Germany. Computational methods are used for data analysis, to help in operationalising data for use in agent-based models and to explore structures and dynamics of extortion racketeering through simulations. In addition to textual data sources, stakeholders and experts are extensively involved, providing narratives for analysis and qualitative validation of models. The book presents a systematic application of computational social science methods to the substantive area of extortion racketeering. The reader will gain a deep understanding of extortion rackets, in particular their entrenchment in society and processes supporting and undermining extortion rackets. Also covered are computational social science methods, in particular computationally assisted text analysis and agent-based modelling, and the integration of empirical, theoretical and computational social science.}, added-at = {2017-05-22T09:39:51.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12448, doi:10.?4232/?1.?11004}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-45169-5}, editor = {Elsenbroich, Corinna and Anzola, David and Gilbert, Nigel}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5687, ZA4800}, interhash = {57df141595d44ac9572821fe23c9a4c1}, intrahash = {6069b70785a22c5c39804134b129ff9f}, isbn = {978-3-319-45169-5}, keywords = {2016 EB79.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ZA4800 ZA5687 book checked english input2017}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 250, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {Computational Social Sciences}, study = {79.1 v3.0.0, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Dimensions of Organised Crime. Modelling the Dynamics of Extortion Rackets}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{nardin2016simulating, abstract = {Protection racketeering groups are powerful, deeply entrenched in multiple societies across the globe, and they harm the societies and economies in which they operate in multiple ways. These reasons make their dynamics important to understand and an objective of both scientific and application-oriented interest. Legal and social norm-based approaches arguably play significant roles in influencing protection racket dynamics. We propose an agent-based simulation model, the Palermo Scenario, to enrich our understanding of these influences and to test the effect of different policies on protection racket dynamics. Our model integrates the legal and the social norm-based approaches and uses a complex normative agent architecture that enables the analysis of both agents' behaviours and mental normative representations driving behaviour. We demonstrate the usefulness of the model and the benefits of using this complex normative architecture through a case study of the Sicilian Mafia.}, added-at = {2017-05-18T11:01:57.000+0200}, author = {Nardin, Luis G. and Andrighetto, Giulia and Conte, Rosaria and Sz{\'e}kely, {\'A}ron and Anzola, David and Elsenbroich, Corinna and Lotzmann, Ulf and Neumann, Martin and Punzo, Valentina and Troitzsch, Klaus G.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11855, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/s10458-016-9330-z}, gesis-study_no = {ZA5687 v1.0.0, ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {c1608f25d43ff8770d86369b99d278b7}, intrahash = {0ac5caa5a30f51d51c3a9cf1940a9790}, issn = {1573-7454}, journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}, keywords = {2016 EB79.1 EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed ZA4800 ZA5687 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {1117-1147}, study = {EB79.1, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Simulating protection rackets: a case study of the Sicilian Mafia}, url = {}, volume = 30, year = 2016}@book{clements2016surveying, abstract = {Clements provides a detailed study of religious beliefs in British society, using a broad range of opinion poll and social survey data. Examining public opinion on religious-secular issues, this book provides a rich analysis of the belief and attitudes of social groups over time.}, added-at = {2017-05-10T12:28:21.000+0200}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Clements, B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e27e3066378e73ab43610504afac16e9}, intrahash = {c6f71931acafc9bb877c0958e18cad7a}, isbn = {978-1349700981}, keywords = {2016 EB_input2017 EVS EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP book checked english input2017}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 144, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan UK}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Surveying Christian Beliefs and Religious Debates in Post-War Britain}, year = 2016}@article{slomczynski2017nonunique, abstract = {For a given survey data file we define a non-unique record, NUR, as a sequence of all values in a given case (record), which is identical to that of another case in the same dataset. We analyzed 1,721 national surveys in 22 international projects, covering 142 countries and 2.3 million respondents, and found a total of 5,893 NURs concentrated in 162 national surveys, in 17 projects and 80 countries. We show that the probability of the occurrence of any NUR in an average survey sample is exceedingly small, and although NURs constitute a minor fraction of all records, it is unlikely that they are solely the result of random chance. We describe how NURs are distributed across projects, countries, time, modes of data collection, and samplingmethods. We demonstrate that NURs diminish data quality and potentially have undesirable effects on the results of statistical analyses. Identifying NURs allows researchers to examine the consequences of their existence in data files. We argue that such records should be flagged in all publically available data archives. We provide a complete list of NURs for all analyzed national surveys.}, added-at = {2017-04-26T08:50:28.000+0200}, author = {Slomczynski, Kazimierz and Powalko, Przemek and Krauze, Tadeusz}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10874, doi:10.4232/1.10878, doi:10.4232/1.10888, doi:10.4232/1.10937, doi:10.4232/1.10964, doi:10.4232/1.11479, doi:10.4232/1.11558, doi:10.4232/1.1490, doi:10.4232/1.1840, doi:10.4232/1.1950, doi:10.4232/1.2150, doi:10.4232/1.2900, doi:10.4232/1.3190, doi:10.4232/1.11372, doi:10.4232/1.4700, doi:10.4232/1.10079, doi:10.4232/1.11334, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.11418, doi:10.4232/1.11759, doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA1318, ZA1320, ZA1750, ZA3387, ZA4231, ZA5234, ZA5612, ZA1490, ZA1840, ZA1950, ZA2150, ZA2900, ZA3190, ZA3950, ZA4700, ZA4850, ZA4950, ZA5400, ZA5500, ZA5800, ZA4804}, interhash = {7dfe6bd94b5c487c3c605f9747a38189}, intrahash = {e12d9ef97ffb718576fea9823653ce13}, issn = {1864-3361}, journal = {Survey Research Methods}, keywords = {2017 EB19 EB21 EB31 EB54.1 EB62.2 EB73.4 EB77.3 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1989 ISSP1990 ISSP1991 ISSP1996 ISSP1998 ISSP2004 ISSP2006 ISSP2007 ISSP2008 ISSP2009 ISSP2010 ISSP2011 ISSP_input2017 OA_SSOAR OAproved SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA1318 ZA1320 ZA1490 ZA1750 ZA1840 ZA1950 ZA2150 ZA2900 ZA3190 ZA3387 ZA3950 ZA4231 ZA4700 ZA4804 ZA4850 ZA4950 ZA5234 ZA5400 ZA5500 ZA5612 ZA5800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {1-16}, study = {EB19, EB21, EB31, EB54.1, EB62.2, EB73.4, EB77.3, ISSP1985, ISSP1989, ISSP1990, ISSP1991, ISSP1996, ISSP1998, ISSP2004, ISSP2006, ISSP2007, ISSP2008, ISSP2009, ISSP2010, ISSP2011, EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T13:22:18.000+0200}, title = {Non-unique Records in International Survey Projects: The Need for Extending Data Quality Control}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2017}@article{mikucka2017economic, abstract = {Summary Governments across the world seek to promote a better life for their citizens, but thus far scholars have provided contradictory advice. While some argue that economic growth leads to higher subjective well-being, and others argue that it does not, we are the first to specify two conditions that make economic growth compatible with subjective well-being over time: increasing social trust and declining income inequality. Our methodological contribution is to combine micro- and macro-level data from a large sample of developing, transition, and developed countries and to explicitly distinguish the cross-country differences from the changes over time. We perform a multilevel analysis of harmonized data composed of the World Values Survey, the European Values Study, and macro-level indicators of economic growth and income inequality for 46 countries, observed from 1981 to 2012. Our results show that in the long run economic growth improves subjective well-being when social trust does not decline and, in richer countries, when income inequality reduces. These results are compatible with the recommendation that, to pursue durable improvements in people’s subjective well-being, policy-makers should adopt a ”promote, protect and reduce” policy agenda: promote economic growth, protect and promote social trust, and reduce income inequality. }, added-at = {2017-04-11T07:38:49.000+0200}, author = {Mikucka, Malgorzata and Sarracino, Francesco and Dubrow, Joshua K.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.01.002}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {5b8484c23700c9835255a2cbc8fa5c98}, intrahash = {e493c5adf7c52fe2cde9a3e850b7af3e}, issn = {0305-750X}, journal = {World Development }, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {447-459}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {When Does Economic Growth Improve Life Satisfaction? Multilevel Analysis of the Roles of Social Trust and Income Inequality in 46 Countries, 1981–2012 }, url = {}, volume = 93, year = 2017}@article{boge2017albania, abstract = {Purpose Given the premise of de facto universal standards for FM, this paper investigates development of FM at an Albanian and a Norwegian university hospital through examination of two hypotheses: H1: The university hospital has recognised FM and established a designated FM organisation; H2: The university hospital provides adequate food and catering services at ward kitchens and buffets. Design/methodology/approach An exploratory and descriptive comparative case study based on a diverse cases design. Findings There is limited support for H1 at the Albanian university hospital, and strong support for H1 at the Norwegian university hospital. Both the Albanian and the Norwegian university hospitals rely on in-house production of facilities services, but the Albanian university hospital has outsourced food and catering services. FM and provision of facilities services is deeply integrated with the Norwegian university hospital’s core activities. There is also limited support for H2 at the Albanian university hospital and strong support for H2 at the Norwegian university hospital. The conclusion is hence, the Albanian Ministry of Health and the Albanian university hospital’s top management have a comprehensive but not impossible task, if the aim is to catch up with the Norwegian university hospital concerning FM. Research limitations/implications This is an exploratory and descriptive comparative case study. Large N studies should be carried out both in Albania, Norway and preferably also in other countries to corroborate and develop the findings. Originality/value This is the first comparative study of FM at an Albanian and a Norwegian university hospital }, added-at = {2017-04-11T07:32:51.000+0200}, author = {Boge, Knut and Aliaj, Anjola}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1108/F-07-2016-0079}, eprint = {}, interhash = {764672b065f65ff9a932e60dccbf940b}, intrahash = {0a85c3b2237ed3e0529115fe1100bf85}, journal = {Facilities}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online, . (EVS)}, number = {7/8}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Albania vs. Norway - FM at two university hospitals}, url = {}, volume = 35, year = 2017}@article{yerkes2017attitudes, abstract = {Attitudes towards the civil and social citizenship rights of individuals in diverse family forms are under researched. We use cross-national data from a pilot study among students in Denmark, Spain, Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands to explore cross-country differences in beliefs about partnership, parenthood and social rights of same-sex couples vs. heterosexual couples or married vs. cohabiting couples. The results suggest a polarization in students’ attitudes between countries that appear more traditional (i.e. Italy and Croatia) and less traditional (Spain and the Netherlands), where the rights of married heterosexual couples are privileged over other family forms more so than in non-traditional countries. Moreover, equality in social rights is generally more widely accepted than equality in civil rights, particularly in relationship to parenthood rights and in more traditional countries. We discuss the implications of these findings and the implications for further research in this under-explored area of attitudinal research. }, added-at = {2017-04-11T07:24:18.000+0200}, author = {Yerkes, Mara A. and Sani, Giulia Maria Dotti and Solera, Cristina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/00918369.2017.1310507}, eprint = {}, interhash = {0eb2726f4ebbffad0f38a02cadf87ac0}, intrahash = {063bd30d047254efefa55ff3d46cdb84}, journal = {Journal of Homosexuality}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: March 23, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes Towards Parenthood, Partnership and Social Rights for Diverse Families: Evidence from a Pilot Study in Five Countries}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{sieben2017childrearing, abstract = {This study contrasts two theoretical perspectives on the relationship between intergenerational class mobility and child-rearing values. According to the dissociative thesis, which describes social mobility as a disruptive experience leading to insecurity, social isolation, stress and frustration, socially mobile individuals less often prefer community-oriented qualities such as tolerance and respect for other people, unselfishness, good manners and obedience. The beneficiary thesis, on the other hand, predicts that socially mobile individuals have a stronger preference for individual-based values such as hard work, determination, responsibility, independence and thrift. In both cases, these mobility effects are thought to be stronger for more extremely mobile individuals and for downwardly mobile compared with upwardly mobile individuals. However, using Dutch data from the European Values Study 2008, hardly any significant intergenerational mobility effects are found. Maybe intergenerational mobility is not such an extraordinary experience as mobility theory would lead us to believe, or mobile individuals adjust themselves very quickly to their new situation. }, added-at = {2017-04-04T08:52:05.000+0200}, author = {Sieben, Inge}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1177/0268580917693954}, eprint = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0}, interhash = {61e8d60fc39435c945ddb231eded9ca3}, intrahash = {57e67917d13a4974c1d7c34158aeb378}, journal = {International Sociology}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 1, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Child-rearing values: The impact of intergenerational class mobility}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{breen2011secularism, abstract = {The European Values Study is a pan-European project which utilises an omnibussurvey focusing especially on values associated with work, religion, lifestyles and other issues. Its most recent data gathering exercise was in 2008, the fourth of its kind.This study focuses on changing religious values in Ireland over the span of the EVS (1981-2008) and examines the rise in secularism and the rapid decrease in church participation, which brings Ireland much close to European norms.The data to hand suggest a variety of important social questions: If religious and social values and attitudes are changing, what are the implications for Irish society? As we become an increasingly educated society in quantifiable terms, what is happening to our value and belief systems? Does the erosion of church practice mean the erosion of values or are we simply witnessing transference of allegiance from institutions to self?Some commentators suggest that reduction of care and concern for others, a reduced sense of God, and a minimised approach to things religious, allied with a rise in liberalism, are not of themselves harbingers of prosperity and joy for society; the opposite they contend is true, and will result in decreased happiness and increased alienation.Is it incontrovertible that Ireland will be different in the future, that the social map will have very different contours, especially in relation to institutional religion. As the Irish let go of things deeply rooted in their culture and tradition, is this simply a matter of becoming a mature nation amongst the nations of Europe?}, added-at = {2017-04-04T08:44:01.000+0200}, author = {Breen, Michael J. and Reynolds, Caillin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d7c45c7e28b1a287fab51866f3d6c2a3}, intrahash = {f52f2efca14278819c732100d8c43093}, journal = {The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {195-212}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Rise of Secularism and the Decline of Religiosity in Ireland: The Pattern of Religious Change in Europe}, volume = 1, year = 2011}@article{aassve2016trust, abstract = {We argue that the divergence in fertility trends in advanced societies is influenced by the interaction of long-standing differences in generalized trust with the increase in women's educational attainment. Our argument builds on the idea that trust enhances individuals’ and couples’ willingness to outsource childcare to outside their extended family. This becomes critically important as women's increased education leads to greater demand for combining work and family life. We test our hypothesis using data from the World Values Survey and European Values Study on 36 industrialized countries between the years 1981 and 2009. Multilevel statistical analyses reveal that the interaction between national-level generalized trust and cohort-level women's education is positively associated with completed fertility. As education among women expands, high levels of generalized trust moderate fertility decline.}, added-at = {2017-03-08T12:12:45.000+0100}, author = {Aassve, Arnstein and Billari, Francesco C. and Pessin, Léa}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/sf/sow080}, eprint = {/oup/backfile/Content_public/Journal/sf/95/2/10.1093_sf_sow080/3/sow080.pdf}, interhash = {2d7a1de3fbe5dd8b28847be5157b4a13}, intrahash = {bf5ea268a623a4a62a88697c18e0538f}, journal = {Social Forces}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = 663, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust and Fertility Dynamics}, url = {}, volume = 95, year = 2016}@phdthesis{reynolds2017religion, abstract = {This thesis examines the relationship between religion and values through an analysis of the four waves of the European Values Study 1981 -2008. The thesis engages with key conceptualisations and theorisations of the relationship between religion and values from the fields of social psychology, classical and comparative sociology. These are then framed within major theories of social and cultural change, principally theories of modernization and secularization. The insights drawn from the theoretical literature are then formulated into a series of hypotheses that are tested in relation to a large subset of national samples from the four waves of the European Values Study. Firstly, the analysis comprises a cross-national comparison of the relationship between different dimensions of religiosity and values in different domains. The findings of these analyses suggest that there is considerable accord across Europe and over time, in the relationship between each dimension of religiosity and values in different domains. Secondly, the analysis assesses the strength and stability of the relationship between religiosity and values relative to key sociodemographic variables. The findings here show the relationship between each dimension and values is one that is relatively strong in comparison to, and net of the effects of, important sociodemographic variables. Thirdly, the analysis moves from the micro level to the macro level, and through multilevel analyses, assesses the degree to which individual religiosity, individual values, and their micro-level relationship, are contingent on macro-characteristics of societies. The findings here suggest that macro-level differences between societies are important in explaining both religiosity and values. Furthermore, the findings show that the relationship between religiosity and values is one that is contingent on these differences. In relation to macro-level characteristics used to explain these differences, operationalizations of core concepts in modernization and secularization theories, the findings are broadly supportive of secularization theory, with some noteworthy exceptions. Finally, the research asserts the importance of operationalizing the strong macro-level theory that makes up secularization paradigm in future empirical research.}, added-at = {2017-03-06T11:47:43.000+0100}, author = {Reynolds, Caillin}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0}, interhash = {d982de7081bb62fe781f0f17ab944800}, intrahash = {c1e48d0a5750a0787a521df6cfc715cf}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion, values, and secularization in Europe: a multilevel. cross-national, comparative analysis of the European Values Study Data}, url = {}, year = 2017}@techreport{wysmulek2017harmonizing, added-at = {2017-03-06T11:38:31.000+0100}, author = {Wysmu?ek, Ilona}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2dfeb77bbaeb553ce62cbf1c67242f23}, intrahash = {6848b7f425d4556a3be0da974003427d}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked electronic english input2017 techtreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Harmonizing Corruption Items in Cross-national Surveys}, url = {}, year = 2017}@inproceedings{tourbeaux2013stratification, added-at = {2017-03-06T11:32:08.000+0100}, author = {Tourbeaux, Jér?me}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les populations vulnérables. Le XVIè colloque national de démographie a eu lieu à Maison Meditérranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, à Aix-en-Provence, du 28 au 31 mai 2013}, interhash = {a1eaebe85e12c038cdc5ee48e0dc4b4d}, intrahash = {47dccbae14ac910c5f46a47eba0649a1}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked french inproceedings input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {862-879}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Stratification sociale et vulnérabilité au Luxembourg}, year = 2013}@article{verbakel2015mantelzorgers, abstract = {This study answers the question why some individuals are informal caregivers and others are not, and why some informal caregivers spend more hours on their caregiving task than others. In particular, it studies the role of paid work, generosity of formal health care and the presence of a strong care norm in the country. Results were based on multilevel analyses on the European Quality of Life Survey 2012 (30,999 respondents of whom 4,377 were informal caregivers). On average, 14.6% of the population aged 18 to 65 in European countries were informal caregivers, and they spent on average 12.3 hours a week on informal caregiving. Generally, paid work was negatively related to (intensive) informal caregiving. Fulltimers were found to be informal caregiver less often than parttimers and housewives, but equally often as retired, unemployed, disabled people. Within the group of informal caregivers, fulltimers spent fewer hours on caregiving than parttimers; housewives and retired people spent most hours on caregiving. A generous health care system and a strong family norm in a country did not correlate with the odds of being an informal caregiver, but were significantly related to intensity of informal caregiving: generosity of health care related negatively and a strong family norm related positively with the intensity of informal caregiving.}, added-at = {2017-03-06T11:17:41.000+0100}, author = {Verbakel, C.M.C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4a78f7e5ceaf46a1d86b8293eae1d052}, intrahash = {70b472bc21b33fe82a50018d936fbc7e}, issn = {0169-2216}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch family_norm health_care indexproved informal_caregiving input2017 international_comparison noindex paid_work review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {468-490}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Mantelzorgers in Europa. De rol van betaalde arbeid, generositeit van de gezondheidszorg en nationale normen omtrent zorggedrag [Informal caregivers in Europe: The role of paid work, generosity of formal health care and national care norms]}, volume = 31, year = 2015}@incollection{morales2017political, added-at = {2017-03-06T11:08:40.000+0100}, author = {Morales, Laura}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Trust at Risk: Implications for EU Policies and Institutions}, doi = {10.2777/364327}, editor = {Commission, European}, interhash = {f20beaa0e52b7b0774d7d4a7f055a4a6}, intrahash = {a59f2886cec6f33e071f61429c29d869}, isbn = {978-92-79-65517-3}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {129-151}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political confidence and political behaviour}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{holmberg2017trust, abstract = {Parliaments are—or should at least be—the central rule-making institutions in democratic countries. If people do not have faith in the institution making the rules, it is less likely that people live by them. Consequently, it is beneficiary if trust in parliament is high. But it is also a normative good in itself. If the people do not trust the key institution whereby they can exercise “rule by the people over itself,” democracy itself is endangered. Secondly, trust levels should be reasonably even spread among relevant social and political groups in a society because parliament should ideally be a nonpartisan level playing field. However, because the majority in parliament typically chooses and sustains the acting government, one could say that legislatures in parliamentary democracies should not be level playing fields. According to this argument, there should be differences in trust in parliament between groups of individuals with varying political affiliations. Supporters of the majority in parliament should be expected to have higher trust in the legislature compared to citizens who voted for the opposition.We test our three hypotheses on data from some 80 countries participating in World Value Survey, either in Waves 5 or 6. We find that people in both new and established democracies harbor lower levels of trust than an intuitive interpretation of normative theory would lead us to expect. We also find that the attitudes of tens of thousands of citizens garnered from across 42 new and old democracies suggest that levels of average trust in groups of these societies are not as equally distributed, as a simple reading of democratic theory would have us to believe. In particular, individuals with a stronger interest in politics, and who are winners by the account of the last election, have statistically substantively relevant higher average levels of trust in parliament as an institution than do other citizens. The latter seems to us especially potentially problematic in particular for some of the new democracies where majority-dominant parties manage to cling on to power over several election cycles. If what we find here were generally applicable also over several election cycles, we would expect the gap between winners and losers to widen and sediment and potentially sow the seeds of anti-system movements opposed to democracy. Parliament is obviously a partisan creature in the eyes of most citizens in democracies. The level playing field idea does not fly.}, added-at = {2017-02-28T09:00:15.000+0100}, author = {Holmberg, Soren and Lindberg, Staffan and Svensson, Richard}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1002/pa.1647}, interhash = {1a25a0c18d1fb31c3b432f0e8d225311}, intrahash = {5ab8a230c14ad7107808497479516f9d}, issn = {1479-1854}, journal = {Journal of Public Affairs}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 16, 2017, . (EVS)}, number = {1-2}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust in parliament}, url = {}, volume = 17, year = 2017}@article{soon2017flags, abstract = {Purpose: Even though Europe has recently undergone a difficult time and is recovering from the aftermath of prevalent unemployment, immigrants are still flocking towards Europe and taking up citizenships of their host countries through naturalisation. This paper looks at the how naturalised immigrants fare in terms of income and employment chances, compared to immigrants.Design/methodology/approach: Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design and the 2008 European Values Study integrated dataset with a final sample of 4,460 observations, this paper isolates the causal effect of naturalisation on the income and employment chances of immigrants by exploiting exogenous variations generated by the eligibility rules for naturalisation in 41 European countries.Findings: Main findings show that (i) the probability of being naturalised increases for eligible immigrants, (ii) income and employment chances increase for eligible immigrants, and (iii) income and employment chances increase for naturalised immigrants. Research limitations/implications This study has a data limitation, where in using the discontinuity design, there is an unbalanced number of observations to the left and right of the design’s threshold value.Originality/value: There are limited studies using causal models or potential outcome frameworks to examine the effect of immigrant naturalisation on labour market outcomes in Europe. This study fills this gap. }, added-at = {2017-02-28T08:42:51.000+0100}, author = {Soon, Jan-Jan}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1108/IJSE-06-2015-0179}, eprint = {}, interhash = {bff06d19aaaf74c7e2f8ff603a23e6e0}, intrahash = {3ae4cd7cbd181744d01f7096965e035b}, journal = {International Journal of Social Economics}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, study = {EVS2008, Integrated data file}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Flags and anthems: naturalisation effects on income and employment}, url = {}, volume = 44, year = 2017}@article{brauksa2016political, abstract = {This article explains political business cycle theory and political factors that could affect economic development. It introduces results of previous research for the case of Latvia and seeks for the explanation and insight on the action appropriate to the theory and possibility to apply it for the situation in Latvia.This article uses European values Study data, which is a cross-national and longitudinal survey aimed at understanding human value system and beliefs all over Europe. In the study there is an ongoing discussion on how decisions and actions of the politicians have influenced people’s trust and attitude towards them and how this can be partially explained by political business cycle theory.}, added-at = {2017-02-22T12:51:45.000+0100}, author = {Brauk?a, Ieva}, biburl = {}, description = {}, interhash = {d939b09006a6a3e87e8424f7a069f702}, intrahash = {d9aa760f9eee04010eef51c3b25bed56}, journal = {Journal of Economics and Management Research}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {5-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Aspects of Economic Development in Latvia}, volume = {4/5}, year = 2016}@article{roudijk2017cultural, abstract = {Self-reported health (SRH) is a measure widely used in health research and population studies. Differences in SRH have been observed between countries and cultural values have been hypothesized to partly explain such differences. Cultural values can be operationalized by two cultural dimensions using the World Values Survey (WVS), namely the traditional/rational--secular and the survival/self-expression dimension. We investigate whether there is an association between the WVS cultural dimensions and SRH, both within and between countries.}, added-at = {2017-02-16T13:32:25.000+0100}, author = {Roudijk, Bram and Donders, Rogier and Stalmeier, Peep}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1007/s11136-017-1512-x}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 V3.0.0}, interhash = {c70a79f217178e64ffb07ed4dd9893a3}, intrahash = {cf3b2eb216eedeaa922d9af98d409e25}, issn = {1573-2649}, journal = {Quality of Life Research}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 10, 2017, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-9}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural values: can they explain self-reported health?}, url = {}, year = 2017}@techreport{mullerova2016workers, abstract = {Two decades after the fall of state socialism, the Czech Republic records the widest employment gap between women with and without pre-school children among OECD countries: 41 pp. Several substantial parental leave reforms took place during the first stage of the transition (1995) and after the EU accession (2008). The responses by the targeted population, i.e. take-up rates and duration of work interruptions, do not fully mimic predictable effects drawn by financial incentives. Why is that? Using the European Values Study and the Generations and Gender Programme panel data, I show that quite counter-intuitively, in the context of post-socialist public policy adjustments, preference for long leaves does not stem from lower preference for welfare state institutions, but from a purely intra-household value change in favour of higher task specialization between men and women. Indeed, unlike most European countries and even other post-communist countries, we observe a significant turn towards specialized couple preferences - among both women and men, both parents and non-parents, and both the higher and lower educated.}, added-at = {2017-02-16T13:29:26.000+0100}, author = {Mullerova, Alzbeta}, biburl = {}, institution = {EconomiX - CNRS, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense}, interhash = {38fb3163431cc361be605dc3a5b852a8}, intrahash = {bb1c977fb2348e824df458d5bd3027ef}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 central_and_eastern_european_transition checked culture english family_policy gender_roles input2017 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Workers or mothers? Czech welfare and gender role preferencesin transition}, year = 2016}@phdthesis{sumanova2016macedonia, abstract = {The purpose of the thesis with the title Macedonia – An Analysis of Religious Changes during the Period of Transition is to find out whether the changes in the religious sphere actually happened and what kind of changes are we talking about. To carry out our research we used different methods – the method of historical analysis and the descriptive method of historical events, an analysis of theories that are related to sociology of religion an religious changes, and finally the method of secondary analysis of empirical data that are related to the religious sphere in Macedonia. Macedonia's entrance into the period of transition causes the newly formed country to experience economic, political and sociocultural chages. Those are reflected also in the changing ethical and value systems of the individual as well as of the whole society. If we understand religion as a part of the social system, then we can assume that certain changes appeared also in the religious area. These changes turned out to be in favor of religion and religious institutions. With the collapse of the socialist system and the formation of the republic of Macedonia, the newly formed country finds itself serching for its identity again. In this process Macedonia leans on religion, the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which, in the chaotic times of Yugoslavia's breakup, proves out to be a fervent supporter of tradition, with the help of which the Macedonian nation can bind again. On the other side, the Albaninan minority in Macedonia leans on the Islamic community. Religion undoubtedly played an important role in the relations between Macedonians and Albanians, what can be perceived in the conflict in 2001 that led to armed conflicts. In Macedonia's society, religion and religious institutions have gained a more important role again, which results in the revitalization of religion. The process of secularization was evidently slowing down as the nation was turning towards desecularization – revitalisation of religion, not only on the level of society, but also on the level of the individual and his personal beliefs. All that can be confirmed by the data of various empirical surveys based on Macedonia, like the surveys of macedonian sociologists (Matevska, Aceski etc.) and international research, like the studies of The European Values Study (EVS), The World Values Study (WVS), The Gallup Study etc.}, added-at = {2017-02-16T13:22:15.000+0100}, author = {?umanova, Aleksandra}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b45517e62be17543b5a9e4bdd8a3884c}, intrahash = {c87f9a4bfb2b94682844d1ce7ef2ff90}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked input2017 phdthesis slovenian}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Macedonia – An Analysis of Religious Changes during the Period of Transition}, url = {}, year = 2016}@techreport{scherpenzeel2017sampling, abstract = {Obtaining good probability samples is a key challenge for European cross-national studies in order to represent the population. This report gives an overview of the sampling frames which are used in countries participating in the four cross-European surveys cooperating in SERISS: the European Social Survey (ESS), the European Values Study (EVS), the Gender and Generations Program (GGP), and the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). The overview will show where possibilities exist to jointly build and share sampling frames and where studies not using an existing population register can profit from the experience of other studies which do have access to such a register in the same country. It provides a valuable knowledge database of national sampling procedures and accessible population registers across Europe and in addition offers a way to improve harmonization of sampling frames and sample data across European surveys.}, added-at = {2017-02-16T13:12:40.000+0100}, author = {Scherpenzeel, Annette and Maineri, Angelica M. and Bristle, Johanna and Pflüger, Senta-Melissa and Mindarova, Ilziya and Butt, Sarah and Zins, Stefan and Emery, Tom and Luijkx, Ruud}, biburl = {}, institution = {Deliverable 2.1 of the SERISS project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme GA No: 654221}, interhash = {3e4cb5380e7fd6281d312614a0d40ed7}, intrahash = {1181a6637009073ff555edb5189eda34}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 32, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The use of sampling frames in European studies}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{chua2017human, abstract = {Human life history (LH) strategies are theoretically regulated by developmental exposure to environmental cues that ancestrally predicted LH-relevant world states (e.g., risk of morbidity–mortality). Recent modeling work has raised the question of whether the association of childhood family factors with adult LH variation arises via (i) direct sampling of external environmental cues during development and/or (ii) calibration of LH strategies to internal somatic condition (i.e., health), which itself reflects exposure to variably favorable environments. The present research tested between these possibilities through three online surveys involving a total of over 26,000 participants. Participants completed questionnaires assessing components of self-reported environmental harshness (i.e., socioeconomic status, family neglect, and neighborhood crime), health status, and various LH-related psychological and behavioral phenotypes (e.g., mating strategies, paranoia, and anxiety), modeled as a unidimensional latent variable. Structural equation models suggested that exposure to harsh ecologies had direct effects on latent LH strategy as well as indirect effects on latent LH strategy mediated via health status. These findings suggest that human LH strategies may be calibrated to both external and internal cues and that such calibrational effects manifest in a wide range of psychological and behavioral phenotypes. }, added-at = {2017-02-16T13:02:54.000+0100}, author = {Chua, Kristine J. and Lukaszewski, Aaron W. and Grant, DeMond M. and Sng, Oliver}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {}, doi = {10.1177/1474704916677342}, eprint = {}, interhash = {49719c8a96a692f46525f8ed889e1241}, intrahash = {1f520117fbd8001d5b4ba4f61fb1acba}, journal = {Evolutionary Psychology}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english health indexproved input2017 life_history_calibration life_history_theory predictive_adaptive_response psychometric_assessment review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-16}, study = {ZA4804}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:29:33.000+0200}, title = {Human Life History Strategies}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2017}@article{onraet2017happiness, abstract = { In the present study, we investigated the much debated “happiness gap” between conservatives and liberals, approaching the issue from a multilevel person × context perspective. More specifically, we investigated whether this relationship depends on country-level threat. We used individual-level data for right-wing attitudes and psychological well-being from 94 large, representative samples collected worldwide (total N = 137,890) and objective indicators of country-level threat as the contextual variable. Our results suggest that, especially in countries characterized by high levels of threat, individuals with right-wing attitudes experienced greater well-being than individuals with left-wing attitudes. In countries with a low level of threat, this relationship was considerably weaker or even absent. Our findings corroborate the view that right-wing attitudes may serve a self-protective function, helping individuals to manage and cope with threat. }, added-at = {2017-02-15T18:10:55.000+0100}, author = {Onraet, Emma and Assche, Jasper Van and Roets, Arne and Haesevoets, Tessa and Hiel, Alain Van}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/1948550616662125}, eprint = {}, interhash = {511a3e8030a9f1ed2bde25d224cd07af}, intrahash = {38743f76d8cb6f95be37e6db897587fe}, journal = {Social Psychological and Personality Science}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {11-19}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Happiness Gap Between Conservatives and Liberals Depends on Country-Level Threat}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2017}@inproceedings{toprakkiran2016equality, added-at = {2017-02-15T18:06:28.000+0100}, author = {Toprakkiran, Nihan and Yasar, Rusen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3d0494551ce9b14215e0d849b89d5455}, intrahash = {9c0d692fddb1c6843e7a5fc00776ca87}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 ZA804 checked english inproceedings input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008, ZA4800, ZA4804 V3.0.0}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is Equality Better for Everyone? A Multilevel Approach to Income Inequality and Subjective Wellbeing }, url = {.}, year = 2016}@article{hodel2017genderfair, abstract = { The present study investigates whether and how the use of gender-fair language is related to linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic differences between countries with grammatical gender languages. To answer this question, we analyzed job titles in online job advertisements from four European countries differing in achieved gender equality and egalitarian versus hierarchical cultural values (Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and Czech Republic). Results show that gender-fair job titles were more frequent in more egalitarian countries with higher levels of socioeconomic gender equality (Switzerland, Austria) than in countries with a higher acceptance of hierarchies and inequalities (Poland, Czech Republic). In the latter countries, gender-specific (masculine or feminine) job titles predominated. Moreover, gender-fair job titles were more prevalent in a female-dominated branch (health care) and a gender-balanced economic branch (food services) than in a male-dominated branch (constructional steel and metal work). Thus, our findings suggest that the language use in job advertisements indeed corresponds with linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic aspects and may contribute to the transmission of gender (in)equalities and gender stereotypes. }, added-at = {2017-02-15T17:57:55.000+0100}, author = {Hodel, Lea and Formanowicz, Magdalena and Sczesny, Sabine and Valdrová, Jana and von Stockhausen, Lisa}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {10.4232/1.12253}, doi = {10.1177/0022022116688085}, eprint = {}, interhash = {28a2aac4d1233a12e4935dc9e6071361}, intrahash = {c2612fe0d32693863d97d958d88bd2ad}, journal = {Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 2, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {ZA4804, EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender-Fair Language in Job Advertisements}, url = {}, year = 2017}@book{rahlf2017visualisation, abstract = {This book introduces readers to the fundamentals of creating presentation graphics using R, based on 100 detailed and complete scripts. It shows how bar and column charts, population pyramids, Lorenz curves, box plots, scatter plots, time series, radial polygons, Gantt charts, heat maps, bump charts, mosaic and balloon charts, and a series of different thematic map types can be created using R’s Base Graphics System. Every example uses real data and includes step-by-step explanations of the figures and their programming.The open source software R is an established standard and a powerful tool for various visualizing applications, integrating nearly all technologies relevant for data visualization. The basic software, enhanced by more than 7000 extension packs currently freely available, is intensively used by organizations including Google, Facebook and the CIA. The book serves as a comprehensive reference guide to a broad variety of applications in various fields.This book is intended for all kinds of R users, ranging from experts, for whom especially the example codes are particularly useful, to beginners, who will find the finished graphics most helpful in learning what R can actually deliver.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 31. Fassung, M?rz 2017}, added-at = {2017-02-15T17:45:26.000+0100}, address = {Cham}, author = {Rahlf, Thomas}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi: 0.4232/1.12512, doi:10.4232/1.10151, doi:10.4232/1.12253, doi:10.4232/1.10990, doi:10.4232/1.11334, doi:10.4232/1.11506}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-49751-8}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2391, ZA4753 1.1.0, ZA4804 3.0.0, ZA4972 3.0.2 ZA4950, ZA5400 v3.0.0}, interhash = {dbd83989cd47b408e38629f4f43087a5}, intrahash = {fb929eaa6472424a4bfb7a3d6e635c83}, isbn = {978-3-319-49750-1}, keywords = {2017 ALLBUS ALLBUS1991 ALLBUS2010 ALLBUS_input2016 ALLBUS_version31 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen ISSP ISSP2008 ISSP2009 ISSP_input2017 PB PB_input2017 Politbarometer ZA2391 ZA4590 ZA4753 ZA4804 ZA4972 ZA5400 book checked english gt input2017}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (Eurobarometer) (Politbarometer)(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 385, privnote = {PB_ID=459}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, study = {Politbarometer, EVS2008, EVS1981-2008, ALLBUS1991, ALLBUS2010, EB71.2, ISSP2008, ISSP2009}, timestamp = {2019-03-19T16:40:41.000+0100}, title = {Data Visualisation with R: 100 Examples}, url = {}, year = 2017}@book{moore2016divorce, abstract = {This book focuses on parental commitment to family life after divorce, in contrast to its common perception as an irrevocable breaking up of the family unit, which is often perpetuated by representations from popular culture and the media. In the first detailed review of emotions and emotion work undertaken by divorced parents, the author sheds light on how parents manage feelings of guilt, fear, on-going anger and everyday unhappiness in the course of family life post-divorce. Moore demonstrates how the emotional dimension of divorce is shaped by societal and structural factors and requires parents to undertake considerable emotion work in the creation of new moral identities. The book points to the often gendered responsibilities for sustaining family lives post separation, and how these reflect extensive inequalities in family practices. The author concludes that divorce is not dangerous for society; it is not a social evil or a demonstration of the rise of selfish individualism, and that divorcees remain committed to former partners and children long after divorce. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of Sociology, Psychology, Family Studies, Social Policy, Social Work and Law.}, added-at = {2017-02-15T17:28:24.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Moore, Elena}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1057/978-1-137-43822-5}, interhash = {8a94f75983b2ada165aff8e19dcdbcf6}, intrahash = {ad394359689fcdb02013dad87db43ec3}, isbn = {978-1-137-43822-5}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 274, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, series = {Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Divorce, Families and Emotion Work - 'Only Death Will Make Us Part'}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{han2016skills, abstract = {There has been a scholarly consensus that greater union strength translates into lower levels of wage inequality. However, recent evidence indicates that this union effect disappeared in the 1990s. We argue that unions still reduce wage inequality, but that their effect is dependent on the type of workers that are actually unionized. Using survey data, we construct a variable that measures the proportion of union members that are unskilled manual workers in twenty wealthy democracies. We find that as the share of these workers rises, wage inequality falls, regardless of the level of union density, the level of union coverage, or whether a country has liberal, mixed, or coordinated market economy. However, the proportion of union members that are unskilled manual workers has no effect on wage inequality when wage bargaining institutions are decentralized, likely because such workers are unable to extract wage gains from their more skilled and higher paid union brethren in such an institutional context. These results suggest that the unitary actor assumption, so commonly employed by scholars to explain union effects on political and socio-economic outcomes, is misplaced; and that even though politicians may be more responsive to the policy preferences of the wealthy, poorer individuals can achieve relative economic gains when properly organized. }, added-at = {2017-02-15T17:17:58.000+0100}, author = {Han, Kyung Joon and Castater, Eric Graig}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.rssm.2016.05.001}, interhash = {0c228f114e76be0ec1fd82fa27b17dde}, intrahash = {8f6ca3ccd904705f99c5154b46a46de1}, issn = {0276-5624}, journal = {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: May 11, 2016, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-12}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {They may not have the skills, but they have the desire: Why the skill composition of trade unions matters for wage inequality }, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2016}@article{baizan2016effect, abstract = {In this paper, we aim to assess the extent to which individual-level completed fertility varies across contexts characterized by policies supporting different gender division of labor models. We examine key labor market and care policies that shape gender relations in households and in the public domain. We also consider the role of gender norms, which can act as both a moderator and a confounding factor for policy effects. We hypothesize that, by facilitating role compatibility and reducing the gendered costs of childrearing, policies that support gender equality lead to an increase in fertility levels and to a reduction in fertility differentials by the level of education. Using individual-level data from the European Union Survey on Income and Living Conditions for 16 countries, combined with country-level data, we analyze completed fertility through multilevel Poisson's models. We find that the national level of childcare coverage is positively associated with fertility. Family allowances, prevalence of women's part-time employment and length of paid leaves were also found to be positively associated with completed fertility, though the associations were not statistically significant. These variables show a significant positive pattern according to education. A high number of average working hours for men are negatively associated with completed fertility and show a strong negative pattern by educational level. The prevalence of gender-egalitarian norms is highly predictive of fertility levels, yet we found no consistent evidence of a weaker association of gender-equality policies in countries where egalitarian values are less prevalent.}, added-at = {2017-02-09T13:17:38.000+0100}, author = {Baizan, Pau and Arpino, Bruno and Delclòs, Carlos Eric}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10680-015-9356-y}, interhash = {69b0b79636cea2bb3d21ee9b5032c3a5}, intrahash = {bc1bb1cfd6b37952a5359a02b4c5b9d1}, issn = {1572-9885}, journal = {European Journal of Population}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 15, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-30}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Effect of Gender Policies on Fertility: The Moderating Role of Education and Normative Context}, url = {}, volume = 32, year = 2016}@article{vanvlimmeren2016clusters, abstract = {Survey data are often used to map cultural diversity by aggregating scores of attitude and value items across countries. However, this procedure only makes sense if the same concept is measured in all countries. In this study we argue that when (co)variances among sets of items are similar across countries, these countries share a common way of assigning meaning to the items. Clusters of cultures can then be observed by doing a cluster analysis on the (co)variance matrices of sets of related items. This study focuses on family values and gender role attitudes. We find four clusters of cultures that assign a distinct meaning to these items, especially in the case of gender roles. Some of these differences reflect response style behavior in the form of acquiescence. Adjusting for this style effect impacts on country comparisons hence demonstrating the usefulness of investigating the patterns of meaning given to sets of items prior to aggregating scores into cultural characteristics.}, added-at = {2017-02-09T13:09:27.000+0100}, author = {van Vlimmeren, Eva and Moors, Guy B. D. and Gelissen, John P. T. M.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11135-016-0422-2}, interhash = {4c98dd6338ebcf4660caf33311c49574}, intrahash = {80e726b83ad34ea24e9f815483e3719e}, issn = {1573-7845}, journal = {Quality & Quantity}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: October 11, 2016, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Clusters of cultures: diversity in meaning of family value and gender role items across Europe}, url = {}, year = 2016}@phdthesis{hagen2016attitudes, abstract = {Because attitudes toward marriage impact the lives of many members of society, it is important to understand what those attitudes are and what predicts such attitudes in order to inform future research and marriage advocacy. Furthermore, to design studies to examine attitudes toward marriage, it is important to have an understanding of the power of previous studies. Towards those goals, this study attempted to answer two questions: a) To what extent do attitudes of Albanians toward marriage parallel theorized typologies of attitudes? b) What predicts membership in attitudinal groups? To answer these questions, this study examined attitudes toward marriage among Albanians using data from the 2008 European Values Study. It tested the hypothesis that institutional, companionate, and individualistic attitudes toward marriage documented in literature from Europe and North America would emerge in the data from Albania, alongside a hypothesized fourth “fa?ade” attitudinal grouping. It further tested the hypothesis that lower educational attainment, higher religiosity, increasing age, being male, living in rural areas, having a lower income, reporting lower parental educational attainment, living with both parents at age 14, and having no history of cohabitation would positively and significantly predict membership in more traditional attitudinal clusters. A hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis with a forced four-cluster solution and a follow-up discriminant analysis were used to test the first hypothesis and a multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to test the second hypothesis. In order to inform future studies, a power analysis of the multinomial logistic regression results and sample size estimates for forthcoming studies were also conducted. The study found that the three attitudinal groups in literature emerged in the cluster and discriminant analyses. The fa?ade group did not emerge. Using weighted data with replacement of missing values, the study found that age and degree of urbanism were significant predictors of membership in attitudinal groups. The power analysis indicated that the study was robustly powered, while sample size estimates suggested that between 600 to 1400 respondents will be needed for future studies of similar variables in a similar population. The findings show that Albania is very similar to the rest of Europe in its place on the map of attitudes toward marriage. The study lays the groundwork for future studies and can inform advocacy for stronger marriages and families in Albania.}, added-at = {2017-02-09T13:04:43.000+0100}, author = {Hagen, Timothy Paul}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b5d3efcbf3525074d7059fed8e6e7cef}, intrahash = {5191e4b22944933f31e4cfe04ed98ad8}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 phdthesis}, note = { . (EVS)}, school = {Clemson University}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes Toward Marriage Among Albanians: Establishing Baseline Attitudinal Clusters and Predictors from the 2008 European Values Study}, url = { }, year = 2016}@phdthesis{peter2017voluntarily, abstract = {This dissertation investigates the gender gap in voluntary association participation in cross-national perspective and gives insights into why women’s voluntary association affiliation is similar to that of men in some countries but falls behind men’s participation in other countries. This dissertation adds to the existing literature by focusing on the antecedents of the gender gap in voluntary association participation. The crucial starting point has been to conceptualize membership in voluntary associations as a multilevel phenomenon affected by individual-level attributes as well as country-level characteristics. Using this perspective makes it possible to investigate cross-national variation in the gender gap in voluntary association participation and to examine how the gender gap is related to composition effects and shaped by country characteristics. Studying the extent of the gender gap in voluntary association participation and identifying its causes may help in understanding women’s position in contemporary societies. By joining a voluntary association the individual actor becomes part of a social network. The social resources embedded in this network may be accessed and mobilized for achieving one’s aims. Therefore, voluntary associations are a relevant factor in structuring social inequality and membership in voluntary associations has ramifications in the status attainment process. If women’s position in different areas of society is — at least partly — influenced by the resources that become available via participation in voluntary associations, then it will be fruitful to study the extent of this gender gap as well as its individual and societal antecedents.Although there is ample evidence from single-country studies of a gender gap in voluntary association participation and a sizeable stock of comparative studies on levels of voluntary association participation as well as cross-national research on gender inequalities in the family, the market and the state, there is a lack of a systematic inquiry of the gender gap in the voluntary sector in comparative perspective. Thus, in order to close this research gap the central research questions pursued in this dissertation are: Is there a gender gap in voluntary association participation in contemporary European countries? Does this gender gap vary across countries? Which individual-level and country-level characteristics as well as mechanisms can explain these cross-national differences? Is the gender gap varying over time? Which factors can explain temporal variation in the gender gap in voluntary association participation?In order to answer these questions, data from the European Social Survey, the European Values Study and the World Values Survey has been analyzed using different quantitative methods including two-level Poisson regression, nonlinear Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition and three-level logistic multilevel models for change. These analyses give insights into the multilevel antecedents of the gender gap in voluntary association participation.}, added-at = {2017-02-09T12:56:54.000+0100}, author = {Peter, Sascha A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1ee1bf08085303fdd91eaa84fb7ad5d6}, intrahash = {57cd8c5e32f584661d0b9d90626b5acc}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {Universit?t Hamburg}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008, EVS1981}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Voluntarily Disconnected? A Cross-national and Longitudinal Study on Gender Differentials in Voluntary Association Participation[Freiwillig unverbunden? Eine international vergleichende und l?ngsschnittliche Untersuchung zu den Geschlechterunterschieden in der Partizipation in Freiwilligenassoziationen]}, url = {}, year = 2017}@inproceedings{meyers2017intergenerational, abstract = {he global crisis and its negative consequences on living conditions in Europe have led in some countries to massive protests, especially among young persons. Kern et al. (2015) argue that this rising and sudden political engagement can be explained by grievance theory: individuals whose interests are threatened react by engaging themselves politically. However, they also demonstrate that political participation in a more long-term perspective is better explained by the civic voluntarism model. Brady et al. (1995) establish that resources like time, money and civic skills are central for getting politically active. Persons with a low socioeconomic status who possess fewer resources are generally less political active. In a long-term perspective the economic crisis and the deterioration of living conditions should lead to less political participation of young people.I want to use the civic voluntarism model to analyse and describe the changing political participation forms of different generations. Generations are defined as persons having experienced similar historical conditions when growing up, thus developing similar values and beliefs (Grasso, 2014). I will look at the generation of the baby boomers born after World War II and compare them to the generation Y born before the turn of the millennium. Both generations grew up in times of social changes and challenges. I will use a broad definition of participation, which integrates political and social engagement, to look at the different participation modes of the generations (Meyers & Willems, 2016; Sloam, 2014; Dalton, 2008).The analysis is based on data of the European Values Study and uses multivariate methods (factor and cluster analysis) to determine different engagement types within the two generations in Western Europe. Are there signs that the young generation disengages from society? Do they engage themselves in other ways than the older generation? How can the civic voluntarism model help to explain the differences between older and younger generations?}, added-at = {2017-02-09T12:49:18.000+0100}, author = {Meyers, Christiane}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {ESA RN30 Midterm Conference 2017, in association with ISA RC34 ‘Global Youth Futures: Perspectives and Prospects’, Ericeira, 15.-18.01.2017}, interhash = {e5652c6474b13758c635aa163b139832}, intrahash = {603919593cba09b2b9c5660849472b8f}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english inproceedings input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Intergenerational differences in social and political participation in Western Europe}, url = {}, year = 2017}@phdthesis{jo2010study, abstract = {Recent years have seen increasing attention on culture within the school of social policy and the development in theorising the relationship between culture and welfare. However, the cultural analysis of welfare has not been sufficiently supported by empirical evidence. Within the existing research, the causal effect of culture on social policy is either abstract (historical) as the cultural foundations of welfare or nebulous as welfare attitudes which are conversely dependent upon welfare policy. This research aims to find and show the empirical evidence for the effect of culture on social policy. A critical review of prominent theoretical arguments and empirical work on the relationship between culture and welfare leads us to a conceptualisation of the cultural context for policy making with the societal values which are neither as abstract as the universal human basic values nor as concrete but situation-dependent as public opinion, and of the effect of culture on social policy as twofold: the ex-ante causal effect and the ex-post legitimacy control effect. Drawing on all three waves of European Values Study and corresponding World Values Survey data we attempt to measure the societal values within 22 OECD countries, which are comparable across time and country, equivalently obtainable both at the individual and collective levels and stable over time.}, added-at = {2017-02-06T10:20:19.000+0100}, author = {Jo, Nam Kyoung}, biburl = {}, interhash = {030147f73ae8e4f18ad5ad8d863ce549}, intrahash = {3d1852303dbac29c081f640556a2bb6f}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked english fdz_jb input2016 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, school = {The University of York}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A study of the cultural explanation of welfare: the effect of values on social policy within the welfare states. Heslington, University of York}, url = {}, year = 2010}@book{halman2010mapping, abstract = {Since the dramatic events in 1989 and 1990, Central and Eastern Europeans have been engaged in a process of democratization and liberalization which are transforming their societies fundamentally. The rapid transformation processes appear to be very differential and the particular patterns are complex to interpret and understand. This volume elaborates on a number of issues that seem particular important for the people in Central and Eastern Europe: the development and working of democracy, the public support for, legitimacy and efficacy of democracy and the free market economy, and of course the stability of the newly established political culture.}, added-at = {2017-02-06T10:07:24.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, Loek and Voicu, Malina}, biburl = {}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Voicu, Malina}, interhash = {a740bc706e9fe3d85e19e7ba7574a09a}, intrahash = {0658e57cdf49020f1a3de52a59fb32ab}, isbn = {9789004185623}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked fdz_jb german input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 293, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies, 13}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Mapping Value Orientations in Central and Eastern Europe.}, year = 2010}@book{beckers2010komparative, abstract = {Die Autoren spannen ein Panorama verschiedener Ans?tze und Methoden des prim?r variablenorientierten Vergleichens mit Umfragedaten auf und stellen eine Vielfalt von Zugangsweisen zu Vergleichen vor. Anhand von praktischen Beispielen angewandter empirischer Sozialforschung wird ein ?berblick über verschiedene inhaltliche Themenfelder vermittelt. Werte, Moral, Bildung, Erwerbssituation, Wissensgesellschaft, Partizipation, Mediennutzung, Partnerschaft, Beziehungszufriedenheit, physische Attraktivit?t und Umweltbewusstsein illustrieren zudem aktuelle Methoden des Vergleichs. Darunter finden sich u.a. Varianten der Mehrebenenanalyse, unterschiedliche Pfad- und Strukturgleichungsmodelle, Panelmodelle und Zeitreihenanalysen.Das Vergleichen in einem weiteren Sinne kann nicht auf die offensichtlichen Aspekte wie L?nder- und Zeitvergleiche beschr?nkt bleiben. Vielmehr sollten sich Sozialwissenschaftler auf verschiedenen Stufen des Forschungsprozesses bei der Nutzung ihrer Daten und der Anwendung ihrer Methoden fragen, wie vergleichende Elemente zu einem Erkenntnisgewinn und einer kritischen Prüfung ihrer Annahmen beitragen k?nnen. Hierfür liefern die versammelten Beitr?ge vielf?ltige Beispiele und geben anwendungsorientierte und daher praktisch nachvollziehbare Antworten.}, added-at = {2017-02-06T09:59:50.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Beckers, Tilo and Birkelbach, Klaus and Hagenah, J?rg and Rosar, Ulrich}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-92472-4}, editor = {Beckers, Tilo and Birkelbach, Klaus and Hagenah, J?rg and Rosar, Ulrich}, interhash = {c5f480e722fde68ebce693047e865973}, intrahash = {adb37dca50e2f0df79d2d16657e59b68}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 book checked fdz_jb german input2016}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 527, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Komparative empirische Sozialforschung}, url = {}, year = 2010}@incollection{franzen2010umweltbewusstsein, abstract = {Die ?bernutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und die Zerst?rung der Natur sind seit den 1970er Jahren ein dominantes Thema in ?ffentlichkeit und Politik. Zurzeit steht besonders die Sorge um den Klimawandel, verursacht durch anthropogen erzeugte CO2-Emissionen und andere Gase, im Vordergrund. Seit das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1988 von der World Meteorological Organization (WMO) und den United Nations (UN) ins Leben gerufen wurde, hat das IPCC vier wissenschaftliche Berichte vorgelegt, in denen die bisherige Klimaerw?rmung dokumentiert wird und vor den Folgen einer weiteren globalen Erw?rmung gewarnt wird. So ist die globale Durchschnittstemperatur in den letzten hundert Jahren (von 1906 bis 2006) um 0,74 Grad gestiegen. Im letzten Report aus dem Jahr 2007 geht das IPCC darüber hinaus von einer weiteren Erh?hung der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur bei ungebremster Zunahme von CO2-Emissionen von 4-6 Grad im Jahr 2100 aus (IPCC 2007). Diese Prognose und die damit einhergehenden Konsequenzen haben die EU und andere Staaten dazu veranlasst, drastische Ma?nahmen anzukündigen. Die EU hat sich verpflichtet, die Kohlendioxid-Emissionen bis 2020 um 20% – bezogen auf das Niveau von 1990 – zu senken. Dieses Ziel soll durch die so genannte 20/20/20-Regel erreicht werden. Demnach sollen die Treibhausgase zum einen durch die Reduktion des Energiebedarfs um 20% gesenkt werden und zum anderen der Anteil an Energie aus regenerativen Quellen bis 2020 auf 20% erh?ht werden. Die EU hat die Erh?hung des Reduktionsziels auf 30% angekündigt, falls sich andere Industriel?nder diesem Ziel anschlie?en (Commission of the European Communities 2008). Viele Wissenschaftler (u.a. der Nobelpreistr?ger und Energieminister der USA Steven Chu) fordern sogar eine Halbierung der globalen CO2-Emissionen bis 2050 und sowohl die G8-als auch die G5-Staaten stimmen diesen Reduktionszielen im Prinzip zu (G8-Erkl?rung vom 10. Juli 2009).}, added-at = {2017-02-06T08:52:51.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Franzen, Axel and Vogl, Dominikus}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Komparative empirische Sozialforschung}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-92472-4_13}, editor = {Beckers, Tilo and Birkelbach, Klaus and Hagenah, J{\"o}rg and Rosar, Ulrich}, interhash = {60f80e4d4a0c4344dafb5389fedbd0e4}, intrahash = {fdfbd7b5f2682272121c6b177fa8df57}, isbn = {978-3-531-92472-4}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2000 ISSP_input2016 checked fdz_jb german incollection input2016}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {337-362}, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, study = {EVS1999, ISSP2000}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Umweltbewusstsein und der Reichtum von Nationen: Ein Vergleich von WVS, ISSP und EVS}, url = {}, year = 2010}@article{crpic2010women, abstract = {The article is based on empirical research from the European Values Study, an international study which was carried out in Croatia in 1999 and 2008. The article examines relationships between men and women through theoretical review and empirical results. After the introduction in which particular focus is given to feminist criticism of relationships between men and women, particularly with regard totheological tradition, the article examines whether Croatians continue to tend to choose traditional forms of family and marriage; it looks at whether, fifteen years after the end of the war, and coming out of the trauma of war, stabilization is occurring in respect of relationships between men and women; whether "egalitarian" and "traditional" dimensions of gender roles are developing, and whether there arestatistically significant differences between them. On the basis of the results obtained, it can be concluded that after the trauma of war, stabilization is occurring in Croatian society with respect to gender roles, and according to many indicators Croatia continues to be a predominately traditional European society. Significant differences in the assessment of male and female roles in society were obtained at the level that the authors identify as "worldview" while at an "existential" level, such differences between gender roles were not identified, which leaves room for newevaluation and study of the observed phenomenon.}, added-at = {2017-02-02T17:41:53.000+0100}, author = {Crpic, Gordan and Sever, Irena and Mravunac, Damir}, biburl = {}, interhash = {90a360620fe7f124802503e0ddbcf4b2}, intrahash = {d2ddb6c6db7cc60b3871154a4e36b78a}, journal = {Dru?tvena istra?ivanja: journal for general social issues}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked croatian fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {1-2 (105-106)}, pages = {69-89}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Women and Men: Egalitarianism at an Existential Level and Collision of Worldview [?ENE I MU?KARCI: EGALITARNOST NA EGZISTENCIJALNOJ I KOLIZIJA U SVJETONAZORSKOJ RAVNI]}, url = {}, volume = 19, year = 2010}@article{friesl2010anderen, abstract = {Unter Bezugnahme auf die Daten der ?Europ?ischen Wertestudie – ?sterreichteil? (1990, 1999, 2008) und unter Berücksichtigung der Solidarit?tsstudie 1994 sowie der Umfrage ?Lifestyle 2009– Migration? fragt der Beitrag nach Vorkommen und Ausformung der Fremdenfeindlichkeit in ?sterreich w?hrend der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte. Sowohl fremdenfeindliche Einstellungen als auch die allgemeinen Abgrenzungstendenzen der ?sterreicherInnen haben zum Teil stark zugenommen. Bildung und Alter, Freiheitsskepsis, moralischer Rigorismus, Autoritarismus, ?politische Anomie? und individuell-materialistische Grundhaltung erweisen sich dabei als einflussreiche Faktoren. Zunehmend h?ngt auch der Nationalstolz mit ethnisch begründeten Ausschlusstendenzen zusammen. Diese Ergebnisse sümierend wird die ?Traditionalismus-Hypothese? als eine m?gliche Erkl?rung für die steigende Fremdenfeindlichkeit vorgeschlagen.}, added-at = {2017-02-02T17:05:02.000+0100}, author = {Friesl, Christian and Renner, Katharina and Wieser, Renate}, biburl = {}, interhash = {83de3e72a6458c142700c6c9a6f89ec3}, intrahash = {5871a0c48dbad8c1fa0eb7dd0c4e5fd1}, journal = {SWS-Rundschau}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked fdz_jb german indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {6-32}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {?Wir“ und ?die Anderen“ – Einstellungen zu ?Fremden“ und ?Fremdenfeindlichkeit“ in ?sterreich}, volume = 50, year = 2010}@article{jagodzinski2010economic, abstract = {This paper investigates the influence of the economic, social, and cultural variables on life satisfaction in Asia and Europe. The second section sets a unifying theoretical framework for all three domains by defining life satisfaction as a function of aspirations and expectations which in turn are affected by micro- and macro-level variables. On the micro-level, economic capital is a resource for the actor. On the macro-level, societal economic capital improves the opportunity structure for the individual under certain conditions. Thus, economic capital on both levels positively affects the perceived chances of fulfilling aspirations. As long as the latter remain unchanged life satisfaction will increase. Social and cultural factors partially follow the same logic, as indicated by the terms social and cultural capital. Under a set of assumptions, the hypotheses derived are that personal and societal economic capital, national pride and national integration, religiosity, and societal religious integration, all positively affect the life satisfaction of the individual. A multi-level analysis of data from the European Values Study and the AsiaBarometer confirms the micro-level hypotheses. The economic macro-level indicators also display the theoretically expected positive effect on life satisfaction in the multivariate analysis of Asian and European data. By contrast, the direct cross-level effects of a society's national integration and particularly of religion do not become significant in Europe, yet they are highly significant in Asia. This strong influence of the social and cultural context in Asia can be interpreted in two different ways.}, added-at = {2017-02-02T16:38:41.000+0100}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-009-9555-1}, interhash = {d7d3411b4a9efb1d57e6bec76cce6419}, intrahash = {e6a6d59340b56fa2ecf86955a0c63c5a}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: December 31, 2009, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {85-104}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Economic, Social, and Cultural Determinants of Life Satisfaction: Are there Differences Between Asia and Europe?}, url = {}, volume = 97, year = 2010}@article{kafkova2010meaning, abstract = {Meaning of Work among the Elderly Czech and Slovak Workers. Due to population ageing, Czech and Slovak elderly workers have been becoming an important element in the labour market while their economic activity has been still rather low. To increase it, it is essential not only to enhance the competencies of elderly workers and eliminate prejudices of employers against them but also to encourage their motivation to work. In such context, value of work for elderly workers may be crucial. This paper focuses on the value of work and the attitudes to work of elderly Czech and Slovak workers. It is based on the European Value Study (EVS) longitudinal data which surveyed work values in 1991, 1999 and 2008. As the paper illustrates, attitudes to work of elderly workers are very different in Czech Republic and Slovakia nowadays. The differences are not evident only in the generation of elderly workers but in younger generations too. The diversity of the attitudes to work is not caused by age but has been reflecting the different development of Czech and Slovak society since the separation in 1993. There has been a considerable decrease of work value in the Czech Republic as well as the decrease of work satisfaction and ambitions. Work attitudes of the Slovak population have remained stable in the last two decades. The value of work has remained very important for elderly Slovak workers emphasising job security and good salary.}, added-at = {2017-02-02T13:45:51.000+0100}, author = {Kafková, Marcela Petrová and Rabu?ic, Ladislav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f4a0b9514de3c4c5ee6a0134b2e2193b}, intrahash = {18d84eb5af330fdf1788ef609d2a8bc4}, journal = {Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed slovak}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {316-338}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Meaning of Work among the elderly Czech and Slovak workers}, volume = 42, year = 2010}@article{rimac2010analysis, abstract = {Using the correlational model of multiple regression analysis, the authors analyzed data on characteristics of the procedure of on-field sampling, descriptors of the interviewing procedure, descriptors of interviewers, settlements where interviews were done, and characteristics of contact and respondents. These were analyzed as descriptors of the behavior of 139 interviewers in the European Values Study in Croatia. Availability of respondents as a combination of demographic and contactcharacteristics was detected as the main predictor of variability of the response rate. Another set of predictors were recognized in the set of characteristics of interviewers’ behavior which do not comply with the proposed rules of sampling or interviewing.Those predictors clearly depict interviewers' utility oriented behavior aiming at maximizing the financial effects of engagement in fieldwork. Therefore, real economic-motivation model of fieldwork management has to be developed in orderto prevent practice of utilitarian disobeying fieldwork rules. Other predictors show considerably less or none of the predictive power with regard to the response rate.}, added-at = {2017-02-02T13:40:44.000+0100}, author = {Rimac, Ivan and Zorec, Lea and Ogresta, Jelena}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6878ff63651b9df2e222c297a69e675f}, intrahash = {8ea33865b480fb2a80786a9b9074e7d2}, journal = {Journal for General Social Issues}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked croatian fdz_jb indexproved input2016 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {1-2}, pages = {47-67}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Analysis of Survey Response Rate in the European Values Study}, url = {}, volume = 19, year = 2010}@inproceedings{s2016morale, abstract = {The reasons that explain different behaviors towards tax obligations in similar countries are not completely understood yet. The main purpose of this paper is to identify and compare the factors that influence tax morale levels in Portugal and Spain. We use data from European Values Study (EVS). Using a sample of 2,652 individuals, a factor analysis was used to extract the underlying dimensions of tax morale of Portuguese and Spanish taxpayers. Based on a factor analysis, the results of this paper show that sociological and behavioral factors, psychological factors and political factors are important for a good understanding of taxpayers’ behavior in Iberian Peninsula. This paper added value relies on the analyses of a wide range of variables and on the comparison between Portugal and Spain. Our conclusions provided insights that tax authorities and politicians can use to better focus their strategies and actions in order to increase compliance, reduce tax evasion, fight underground economy and increase country?s competitiveness.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:57:15.000+0100}, author = {Sá, Cristina and Gomes, Carlos and Martins, António}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {ICBFEM 2016: International Conference on Business, Finance, Economics and Management, Paris, France, Dec 29-30, 2016)}, country = {Portugal}, interhash = {717eb138fe29823502d9f29757824138}, intrahash = {bbd613cfaa5cadf141039e6b7c4a0480}, issn = {PISSN:2010-376X, EISSN:2010-3778}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english inproceedings input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, organization = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Tax Morale Dimensions Analysis in Portugal and Spain}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{rutkauskas2016paying, abstract = {This article investigates theoretical and practical aspects of tax morale in euro area countries. The attitude of households on tax payment – whether to pay taxes or not – is assessed quantitatively by employing dichotomous logit-probit regression analysis. Research is based on household level data received from World Values Survey and European Values Study. The results suggest that the main issues behind weak tax morale are corruption, disrespect to the country. Additionally tax morale is significantly affected by factors like age, gender, religiousness, gender, income and education. Article concludes on possible policy options in order to increase tax morale.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:49:30.000+0100}, author = {Rutkauskas, Virgilijus}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.19197/tbr.v15i3.56}, interhash = {f13ace4877eeb9073eb43788d8269228}, intrahash = {eac154fb1bd1d74272256d6b030b9051}, issn = {2451-0955}, journal = {Torun Business Review}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {5-21}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:04:36.000+0200}, title = {Paying taxes in Euro area countries: issues behind tax morale}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2016}@article{gozzo2017matters, abstract = {During the twentieth century, theoretical and empirical studies aimed to analyse changes in individual participation and in social and political dynamics. A great emphasis was attributed to the process of individualization. Young people were described as a generation with a limited political involvement, especially considering traditional forms of political participation, but more and more likely to search an “individualized” way towards the participation. Furlong and Cartmel bring back the youth identity to the thesis about the reflexive rebuilding of identity, according to which the individualization is a process due to some structural characteristics of post-industrial society. Employing data from European Values Study researches, we test if and how structural variables and contextual dynamics affect political involvement and its changes, with particular attention on youth involvement. Actually, participation takes the form of a multifaceted reality and youth individual profiles are heterogeneous. The process of individualization has, in this sense, different effects and various consequences on participation’s profiles. According to these considerations, this analysis shows the incidence of structural, contextual and cognitive dimensions on individual choices to participate, focusing on longitudinal plan and cohorts. A second step compares the causal importance of structural and cognitive dimension on different typologies of involvement.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:42:49.000+0100}, author = {Gozzo, Simona and Sampugnaro, Rossana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {df3725d8f0994370fdd56d9f75b0ade5}, intrahash = {9f3f0bdd74ad1a3078dc904b3b7b8f22}, issn = {2035-6609}, journal = {Partecipazione e Conflitto}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:13:03.000+0200}, title = {What Matters? Changes in European Youth Participation}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2017}@incollection{borrellporta2017changing, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:37:09.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge, London}, author = {Borrell-Porta, Mireia and Costa-Font, Joan and Sato, Azusa}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Economics Current and Emerging Avenues}, editor = {Costa-Font, Joan and Macis, Mario}, interhash = {a7919715469349d82e9f5928dee22b5d}, intrahash = {5cadbe4be5f5282c23546f9a4aa4be12}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {261-282}, publisher = {MIT Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Culture to Change Society?}, year = 2017}@incollection{beugelsdijk2017measuring, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:30:16.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge, London}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Klasing, Mariko J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Economics Current and Emerging Avenues}, editor = {Costa-Font, Joan and Macis, Mario}, interhash = {4711c020abcb1919f9280ca60ffa44d5}, intrahash = {f2333d18e40fe9902f3ec1c411d8af4c}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {129-172}, publisher = {MIT Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring Value Diversity within Countries}, year = 2017}@article{rutkauskas2016factors, abstract = {This article investigates the theoretical and practical aspects of tax morale among households in European Union countries. The attitude of households on tax payment is assessed quantitatively by employing a dichotomous logit-probit regression analysis. The research is based on household-level data received fromthe World Values Survey and the European Values Study. Weak tax morale among European Union households is mainly determined by the perception of corruption, disrespect to one’s own country and parliament. Additionally, a household’s tax morale depends on age, gender, religiousness, level of income and education. Based on the findings of this article, a more precise policy guidance is presented.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:21:12.000+0100}, author = {Rutkauskas, Virgilijus}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.15388/Ekon.2016.3.10325}, interhash = {4cb4b267f0afda078c5873b6273eba38}, intrahash = {b6be7b906b91fcf82ec5228edff1923b}, issn = {2424-6166}, journal = {Ekonomika}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {7-27}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:23:07.000+0200}, title = {Factors behind weak tax morale: the case of European Union countries}, url = {}, volume = 95, year = 2016}@article{zapryanova2016effect, abstract = {Does supranational identity have an independent effect on individuals’ beliefs about culturally contested issues in their national systems? This article demonstrates that self-categorization in the supranational realm – a seemingly unrelated category to domestic value cleavages – has implications for individuals’ views on cultural issues. Traditional theories of international norm diffusion focus almost exclusively on state-level interactions, but our findings provide further evidence to the existence of a more direct mechanism through which norms reach some citizens. A sense of identification with a supranational entity such as Europe makes citizens more likely to espouse the views and opinions promoted by supranational organizations. We use the European Values Study to examine whether supranational identity is associated with socially liberal preferences. Results from the multi-level models indicate that supranational identity exerts a systematic effect on attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights and gender equality. Additionally, while these effects are more consistent in EU member states, supranational identity exhibits a similar impact on social attitudes in non-EU countries such as those in the former Soviet Union.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:12:38.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, author = {Zapryanova, Galina M. and Surzhko-Harned, Lena}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1017/S1755773915000193}, interhash = {63788fdc1b2cf55096060acba7b418d8}, intrahash = {8e57256df7d54f4277e851cd9dcb51b7}, journal = {European Political Science Review}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 1, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {547-566}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The effect of supranational identity on cultural values in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2016}@article{kaasa2017culture, abstract = {This exploratory study investigates the effect of different cultural dimensions on different innovation indicators covering as many EU countries and neighbouring countries as possible. The measures of cultural dimensions were composed on the basis of the EVS/WVS data with the help of confirmatory factor analysis. Correlation, regression, graphical and cluster analyses were used. It was confirmed that innovation processes are strongly reliant on culture: power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity turned out to be negatively and individualism positively related to innovation performance. The final innovation performance may develop on the basis of the combined effect of the four cultural dimensions that may or may not balance each other in a particular country. Hence, the Culture Index was calculated on the basis of the four cultural dimensions and it appeared to explain the differences in innovation performance between different countries quite well.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:07:58.000+0100}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/tesg.12194}, interhash = {8b4f1b14cac35347096e2c7f43814310}, intrahash = {d861cd031e746811bb3ab3ceaf07354e}, issn = {1467-9663}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 6, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {109-128}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Culture and Innovation: Evidence from the European Union and Neighbouring Countries}, url = {}, volume = 108, year = 2017}@article{voicu2016dynamics, abstract = {Our paper starts by portraying our views on social change and on the role that value change plays in the mix of social change. Then, we explain the selection of the four domains – attitudes towards welfare state, attitudes towards democracy, the participative culture, and gender beliefs – and what we expect to see in a post-communist society. We do not intend to explore the four domains in-depth. However, the findings are important per se and provide a unique standpoint in the existing literature as they reveal some new aspects of the transitional period in Romania and generally in Central and Eastern Europe.}, added-at = {2017-02-01T09:05:12.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan and Telegdy, Balázs}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c498495a2d26599f206e61be7e09d523}, intrahash = {b42a33298880426ea3eb0d8aa83a278e}, journal = {Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Social Analysis}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {7-30}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Dynamics of Social Values: 1990–2012}, url = {}, volume = 6, year = 2016}@inproceedings{draulans2015secularisation, abstract = {The objective of our analysis based on EVS 2008-data, from 47 countries, is three-fold: answer the question ‘How secular was Europe in 2008?’, search for similarities and differences in the religious orientations and practices of men and women and consider the growing interest in research into gender, religion and (professional) labour in our analyses. We find no evidence for the statement that the religious situation of Europe can be characterised in terms of ‘believing without belonging’ nor does the rational choice theory hold true for the European religious landscape. Our results show a substantial difference between men and women working full-time. The employment of women will not close the religious gender gap. Methodologically spoken, we were confronted with the difficulties caused by using a questionnaire developed on the basis of a Christian frame of reference, when trying to measure spirituality or religious orientations and practices among Muslim respondents.}, added-at = {2017-01-24T09:53:11.000+0100}, author = {Draulans, Veerle and De Tavernier, Wouter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {ISSR International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Louvain-la-Neuve 02-05 July 2015}, interhash = {cd9f88e2cf8f2510f9c1f5f8e20c5f76}, intrahash = {6fb9176bc03f09d999c84c5551008a68}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english inproceedings input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Secularisation in Europe: a Gender Issue? An analysis based on Data from the European Values Study, 2008}, year = 2015}@mastersthesis{welt2015influence, abstract = {This Master Thesis analyzes how beneficial parental involvement is for third level education of an individual. Effects derived from parental behavior are measured based on new data on a larger scale compared to previous research, and by exploiting so far unused involvement variables. For the measurement a logit regression is applied to European Value Study data, for a selection of thirteen countries across Europe. Through this approach with micro level data, evidence for different effects regarding magnitude and direction, in various countries and between the parents, has been found. It can be concluded that while involvement of the parents has a positive impact on the attainment of third level education, the effect varies between countries due to country specific differences.}, added-at = {2017-01-24T09:44:36.000+0100}, author = {Welt, Christian Alexander}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c8810c5a487242d89d22c872b446381b}, intrahash = {b037b7e5b92fa6ce4caff61633a59b57}, keyword = {Education,European Value Study,cross-European,tertiary education,parental influence}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english input2017 mastersthesis}, language = {eng}, note = { . (EVS)}, school = {Lund University, School of Economics and Management}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Influence of Parents’ Involvement on Children’s Education: A Study of Tertiary Education in European Countries}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{vanheuvelen2017brother, abstract = {Analyzing 40 countries in the 2008–2009 European Values Study (EVS), we test hypotheses that three religion dimensions—religious orthodoxy (believing), involvement in religious services and organizations (behaving), and affiliation with religious traditions (belonging)—are associated with economic communitarianism as opposed to individualism and with extending economic concern universalistically to all social categories. The EVS assesses respondents’ concern for the living conditions of social categories ranging from their immediate family to all humankind, as well as for vulnerable social categories—the elderly, the sick and disabled, poor children, the unemployed, and immigrants. While we find that Protestants are in some respects limited and exclusive in extending economic communitarianism, two of the most important factors in concern for the well-being of others and in universalistically extending this are religious orthodoxy and involvement in religion. Moreover, the orthodox and the religiously involved are more likely to express concern for the well-being of immigrants. We conclude that people of faith are far less exclusive and particularistic than less religious people in their economic concern for others, suggesting they could support welfare state efforts within their countries, bailouts to help weaker economies in Europe, and foreign aid to improve the conditions of those living in poorer countries. }, added-at = {2017-01-24T09:40:17.000+0100}, author = {VanHeuvelen, Tom and Robinson, Robert V.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/2329496516686618}, eprint = {}, interhash = {73f0212f438dfefd369f040f93cf7a7e}, intrahash = {43c645776236a80cbc2c764eacf5272d}, journal = {Social Currents}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 13, 2017, . (EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {“And Who Is My Brother?” The Scope of Religious Communitarianism in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2017}@article{littler2017rethinking, abstract = {The relationship between democracy and terrorism remains a source of significant debate, with academic evidence suggesting that democracy both inhibits and encourages acts of terrorism and political violence. Accepting this apparent contradiction, this paper argues that a more nuanced approach to understanding political systems, focussing on the subjective perceptions of individual actors, may allow these differences to be reconciled. Using regression analysis undertaken with UK data from the European Values Study, the results shows how attitudes to politics may frame assessments of the intrinsic valence – or attractiveness – of political participation, support for terrorism, and the implications this may have for both counter-terrorism and counter-extremism policy. }, added-at = {2017-01-24T09:35:53.000+0100}, author = {Littler, Mark}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/19434472.2016.1245211}, eprint = {}, interhash = {26d0ee733ba525fae20242431629bcbc}, intrahash = {a40f1538fa5c362bc2bdabeab1a0966e}, journal = {Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: November 09, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {52-61}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Rethinking democracy and terrorism: a quantitative analysis of attitudes to democratic politics and support for terrorism in the UK}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2017}@incollection{vileyn2017diversity, added-at = {2017-01-18T08:02:59.000+0100}, address = {London, New York}, author = {Vileyn, Matthias and Bursens, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Complex Political Decision-Making. Leadership, Legitimacy and Communication}, editor = {Bursens, Peter and De Landtsheer, Christ'l and Braeckmans, Luc and Segaert, Barbara}, interhash = {4e601b874893e6e7fcba39023cecbc26}, intrahash = {65ae44e0e02ddfcb9122ec9af9431a56}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {59-76}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Diversity and Democratic Legitimacy in the EU: What Can We Learn from Other Federal Systems?}, year = 2017}@article{mikucka2016measure, abstract = {This article presents issues relevant for including employment status and occupational position in analyses of survey data. It describes the employment statuses distinguished by International Labour Organization (ILO) and discusses their internal heterogeneity and possible overlaps. Further, it presents the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) and discusses its usefulness for social research. It finishes with the presentation of scales (prestige and socio-economic status) and classifications (EGP and ESeC). The discussion is illustrated by examples of questions and data from large international surveys, such as the European Social Survey, the European Values Study, and the International Social Survey Program. }, added-at = {2017-01-18T07:51:11.000+0100}, author = {Mikucka, Ma?gorzata}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.10079}, doi = {10.7172/1644-9584.60.3}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0, ZA4850 v2.0.0}, interhash = {6fcee2a1912310e0a8d0936606a688fd}, intrahash = {1ae105f230b38f60ae8c090a00389a04}, issn = {1644-9584}, journal = {Problemy Zarz?dzania}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2007 ISSP_input2017 ZA4800 ZA4850 article checked english indexproved input2017 isspbib2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = {2 (60)}, pages = {40-60}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2007}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How to Measure Employment Status and Occupation in Analyses of Survey Data?}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2016}@article{rajevska2016theoretical, abstract = {The author presents a comparative analysis of old-age pension systems in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania using a method of retrospective simulation run on a self-developed model. The model baseline case is a person retiring in December 2014 after 40 years of service with nationwide average salary. Other cases include low and high-earners, funded schemes participants and simulations for modified notional capital valorisation formulae. Three study countries return very dissimilar results, which is caused by differences in their pension systems’ designs. Lack of non-contributory element (basic pension) in Latvia leads to a low degree of progressivity, with inexcusably low pensions to low-earners and excessively generous pensions to high-earners. Participation in funded pillar II schemes has not brought any significant gains to pension plan sharers. Notional capital valorisation rules adopted in different countries that use the NDC-system significantly influence pension amount.}, added-at = {2017-01-17T11:59:11.000+0100}, author = {Rajevska, Olga}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1515/eb-2016-0002}, interhash = {b83f0f099dfda8593ca767c047be67c7}, intrahash = {c17d9374472af4690fac04717223f326}, issn = {2256-0394}, journal = {Economics and Business}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4800 article checked indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {13-19}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Theoretical Old-Age Pension Benefits and Replacement Rates in the Baltic States: A Retrospective Simulation}, url = {}, volume = 28, year = 2016}@article{aliyev2014civil, abstract = {The research to date on informal networks of the post-communist South Caucasus has tended to focus either on the informal institutions’ role in providing social safety nets for the population or on the networks’ economic functions. This article examines the impact of informal kinship networks on participation in organized civil society in the present-day Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. In order to explore how kinship institutions affect membership in civil society organizations across the South Caucasus, this research builds on a variety of primary and secondary sources. The findings of this study reveal that kinship-based networks serve as a significant source of social capital in the South Caucasus: they offer social support to their members and encourage intra-network bonding, making participation in civil society unattractive. However, the prevalence of kinship networks does not significantly affect popular attitudes towards organized civil society and the reliance on kinship structures is not seen as substitute for membership in formal civil society. }, added-at = {2017-01-16T10:33:49.000+0100}, author = {Aliyev, Huseyn}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14683857.2014.904545}, eprint = {}, interhash = {02e8b92ddb2f36a407392e5bdbbce664}, intrahash = {981d7f95ce77fd3bd470e3b302ed0a3b}, journal = {Southeast European and Black Sea Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {263-282}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civil society in the South Caucasus: kinship networks as obstacles to civil participation}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2014}@article{grasso2014period, abstract = {This paper presents a method for studying age-period-cohort effects in a comparative context where repeated cross-sectional data are available covering a suitably long period of time. The method consists in the application of multi-level models with country as the higher level of analysis and random coefficients to model variables which vary at the country-level. Additionally, the application of generalized additive models (GAMs) and generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) provides robust empirical tests of cohort categorizations applied in this and previous studies to estimate otherwise collinear effects. To illustrate the method, I derive and test the theory that generations will be differentiated in their patterns of participation based on the ascendancy of certain repertoires in the era of their political socialization. }, added-at = {2017-01-16T10:30:37.000+0100}, author = {Grasso, Maria T.}, biburl = {}, doi = {}, interhash = {16f9000abf8572eb8d9d36d57715224b}, intrahash = {83f364a417ea2259b182bc9847cf5a33}, issn = {0261-3794}, journal = {Electoral Studies }, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 4, 2013, . (EVS)}, pages = {63-76}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Age, period and cohort analysis in a comparative context: Political generations and political participation repertoires in Western Europe }, url = {}, volume = 33, year = 2014}@incollection{jox2017perspektiven, abstract = {W?hrend der Deutsche Bundestag im Jahr 2015 über eine gesetzliche Regelung des assistierten Suizids debattierte, waren Wissenschaftler und Forscher aufgerufen, ihre Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und die Gesetzgeber in einer neutralen, sachlichen und differenzierten Art und Weise über die vorhandene wissenschaftliche Evidenz zu diesem Thema zu informieren. Auch nach Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes hat diese Aufgabe nichts an Aktualit?t und Dringlichkeit eingebü?t. Dazu geh?rt unter anderem auch das Sammeln und Aufzeigen der Evidenz, die es über die Perspektive derer gibt, die von solch einem Gesetz vorrangig und existenziell betroffen sind: die Patienten und ihre Angeh?rigen.}, added-at = {2017-01-16T10:15:27.000+0100}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, author = {Jox, Ralf J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Assistierter Suizid: Der Stand der Wissenschaft: mit einem Kommentar zum neuen Sterbehilfe-Gesetz}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-52669-9_6}, editor = {Borasio, Gian Domenico and Jox, Ralf J. and Taupitz, Jochen and Wiesing, Urban}, interhash = {00dbc8c4118b1f26df6cf33bce5bfffb}, intrahash = {42003368b789cec5e290b71ee339a3e1}, isbn = {978-3-662-52669-9}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {51-60}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Perspektiven deutscher Patienten und B{\"u}rger auf den assistierten Suizid}, url = {}, year = 2017}@incollection{ringdal2015gender, abstract = {The purpose of this chapter is to describe gender-role attitudes in Southeastern Europe within the wider context of European countries by means of data from the European Value Study (EVS) conducted in 2008. This comparative perspective has the advantage of giving reference points when looking at values and attitudes in individual countries or country groups. There is also a disadvantage to this approach as this broad overview entails that the description of each country will be very superficial. This approach is, thus, meant to complement the preceding chapters in this book, most of which have more narrow foci.}, added-at = {2017-01-16T10:08:32.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Ringdal, Kristen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Gender (In)equality and Gender Politics in Southeastern Europe: A Question of Justice}, doi = {10.1057/9781137449924_16}, editor = {Hassenstab, Christine M. and Ramet, Sabrina P.}, interhash = {ce73eaee5504476ae8e6d33b261d12ce}, intrahash = {d0ab0aa7345a6d55d1d0bfc8d2cd1efd}, isbn = {978-1-137-44992-4}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = { (EVS)}, pages = {321-337}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan UK}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Roles in Southeastern Europe}, url = {}, year = 2015}@incollection{ferragina2016social, abstract = {Social capital is a multi-dimensional concept, which reinstates the importance of informal social networks, formal social networks and social trust for the functioning of societies and institutions. The study of European history and the increasing political and administrative autonomy of European regions offer theoretical and empirical ground to undertake research at the comparative level. In this respect, Beugelsdijk and Van Schaik (2005a; 2005b) proposed a first comparative measurement of social capital in European regions. In this chapter, I deal with the technical shortcomings of their work and I propose in conclusion a categorization of European regions based on classical sociological theory. The remainder of the chapter is as follows: first, I discuss the rationale to propose a cross-regional analysis of social capital in order to complement the traditional cross-national comparisons; second I analyse the most influential methods adopted to measure social capital; third, I discuss the method used in the chapter to categorize European regions and nations; and fourth, I compare the cross-regional and cross-national classifications. }, added-at = {2017-01-16T10:05:13.000+0100}, author = {Ferragina, Emanuele}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development}, editor = {Westlund, Hans and Larsson, Johan P.}, interhash = {58188209c1c02cea8bdbf5d3fce80a71}, intrahash = {484f2891ce6ab29d44568d94b3bb7dfa}, isbn = {9781783476824}, keywords = {2016 EB223 EB273 EB_input2017 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {257-295}, study = {Special_EB223; Special_EB273; EVS1999; EVS1990}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The social capital of European regions }, url = {}, year = 2016}@mastersthesis{ryan2016income, added-at = {2017-01-16T09:55:00.000+0100}, author = {Ryan, Alexander}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {10.4232/1.12253}, interhash = {bd41e23dbc70d6cef7027e8743e714a0}, intrahash = {c56bc6cedd33ad8fe460bd684eb665c0}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ZA4804 checked english input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 66, school = {G?teborgs Universitet, Department of Political Science}, study = {EVS LongitudinalFile 1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Income Inequality and Mass Polarization}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{kelley2017income, abstract = {Based on earlier, mainly aggregate analyses, conventional wisdom previously held that income inequality reduces happiness. But aggregate models consistently yield misleading results in this domain, substantially because of intractable problems of sample size, confounding omitted variables, and conditional effects differing between poor developing nations, rich advanced nations, and nations in transition from Communism. Based on more recent evidence, scholarly views are beginning to merge on a consensus that national income inequality is irrelevant to individuals' subjective well-being in advanced nations and normal times, as shown by multi-level models with appropriate controls (including socioeconomic development, an engine of happiness and foe of inequality). For developing nations, consensus is not as strong, but the bulk of the evidence indicates a neutral to positive effect for inequality. Building on this foundation, this paper provides exploratory analyses to stimulate future research, extending our understanding of the social psychological and cultural forces that generate these results; dissects changes over time and expectations for the future; and addresses the possibility that inequality may reduce well-being in extraordinary circumstances and for particular groups – for example creating differences in formerly Communist nations between the political left and the right, and between older and younger cohorts. }, added-at = {2017-01-16T09:46:32.000+0100}, author = {Kelley, Jonathan and Evans, M.D.R.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ssresearch.2016.12.007}, interhash = {0dac4571da9051d757a115d5d57781d4}, intrahash = {b0d90e62b0965ca2227a565365d103ee}, issn = {0049-089X}, journal = {Social Science Research }, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: December 23, 2016, . (EVS)}, pages = {39-74}, study = {EVS, ISSP?}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The new income inequality and well-being paradigm: Inequality has no effect on happiness in rich nations and normal times, varied effects in extraordinary circumstances, increases happiness in poor nations, and interacts with individuals' perceptions, attitudes, politics, and expectations for the future }, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2017}@article{lauro2016model, abstract = {Composite indicators (CIs), in the social sciences, are used more and more for measuring very complex phenomena as the poverty, the progress and the well-being. Using an approach Model Based in to build CIs, instead of an approach Data Driven, it is possible to consider the role (formative and reflective) of the manifest variables (MVs) and to model the relationships among the CIs. In this article, we begin introducing structural equation modeling (SEM) as a tool for building Model Based CIs. Secondly, among the several methods developed to estimate SEM, we show Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM), due to the key role that estimation of the latent variables (i.e. the CIs) plays in the estimation process. Moreover, we present some recent developments in PLS-PM for the treatment of non metric data, hierarchical data, longitudinal data and multi-block data. Finally, we demonstrate how these recent developments can strongly help in the building of CIs. It is easy to realize, for example, that as a consequence of considering nominal and ordinal data, the knowledge about a phenomenon synthesized by a CI is considerably extended and improved especially for operational use. In order to highlight the potentiality of the proposed approach, the construction of a CI is discussed. In particular, a CI of Social Cohesion, developed by using European Values Study data, will be described in detail.}, added-at = {2017-01-16T09:42:34.000+0100}, author = {Lauro, Natale Carlo and Grassia, Maria Gabriella and Cataldo, Rosanna}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-016-1516-x}, interhash = {2e2c6990a7ee48fea0219ded326387e6}, intrahash = {51ddd7a7e68b09cdb1d422bddc4b05ee}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2017 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-35}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Model Based Composite Indicators: New Developments in Partial Least Squares-Path Modeling for the Building of Different Types of Composite Indicators}, url = {}, year = 2016}@mastersthesis{kok2016europeanisation, abstract = {This study aims to describe and analyse the Europeanisation of defence policy in smaller member states. By using comparative analysis it will assess the impact of their EU membership on the national policies and institutions of three countries: the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden.}, added-at = {2017-01-16T09:38:26.000+0100}, author = {Kok, Caroline J. A. M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {16e04509ba8eaeba869ff53812601ca1}, intrahash = {6158be30e534d9036cd124697ef823b9}, keywords = {2016 Belgium EB_input2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP Netherlands Sweden checked english input2017 mastersthesis}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 57, school = {Universiteit Leiden}, study = {EVS2008, Eurobarometer 2015}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Europeanisation of National Defence Policies}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{voicu2011sociability, abstract = {The bulk of the literature investigating the connection between social capitaland the welfare state explores the impact of the latter one on various manifestationsof the first one. The tested assumption is therefore usually related to theeffects of the institutional arrangements on the existing resources. Our paperproposes a different approach, focusing on the effects of four social capitalindicators on very general attitudes towards the welfare state. Using multilevelmodels, we show that the less formalized manifestations of social capital arenegatively related to the support for a broader welfare state, while for the moreformal ones the opposite holds true. Considering the relations between the welfareculture and the shape of the welfare state (as described in the literature), and ourfindings, we conclude that the institutional arrangements represent both a factorwhich models social capital, as well as a consequence of the latter one.}, added-at = {2017-01-10T12:21:42.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan and Voicu, Malina}, biburl = {}, interhash = {96a3117815c36e9b04fff485dc567293}, intrahash = {29940b5093b2210dee8486088dbb3eb2}, journal = {Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked comparative_research english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved social_capital state welfare_attitudes}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 33, pages = {72-90}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How sociability and trust impact on welfare attitudes: a crosseuropean analysis}, year = 2011}@article{kramer2016ungleichheitsrtsel, added-at = {2017-01-10T11:55:10.000+0100}, author = {Kramer, Bernd}, biburl = {}, day = 15, interhash = {0de62920aab11513728467dfbde556f4}, intrahash = {d155d8471821e1b5b40200017998c9f9}, journal = {Der Spiegel}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved input2017 newspaper noindex not_reviewed review_proved}, month = {December}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Das Ungleichheitsr?tsel}, type = {Newspaper}, year = 2016}@article{gaulhofer2016frdert, added-at = {2017-01-10T11:49:14.000+0100}, author = {Gaulhofer, Karl}, biburl = {}, day = 13, interhash = {ccf50a1663b40fd0a359fb6655541b97}, intrahash = {fca4b4e50d448bd1c9ae0f86b1123186}, journal = {Die Presse}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved input2017 newspaper noindex not_reviewed review_proved}, month = {October}, note = {(EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {F?rdert Ungleichheit den sozialen Frieden?}, type = {Newspaper}, year = 2016}@article{wagner2016wegen, added-at = {2017-01-10T10:58:37.000+0100}, author = {Wagner, Gerald}, biburl = {}, day = 2, interhash = {93adfeb755acaeff419cb65428b7059d}, intrahash = {25abba3f1c156cc76d4e0acc1fb50c4d}, journal = {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved input2017 newspaper noindex not_reviewed review_proved}, month = {october}, note = {(EVS)}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Von wegen Klassenbewusstsein}, type = {Newspaper}, year = 2016}@incollection{polak2016religion, added-at = {2017-01-10T08:53:52.000+0100}, address = {Berlin, Boston}, author = {Polak, Regina and Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Focus on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe. A Regional View}, doi = {10.1515/9783110228120-002}, editor = {Máté-Tóth, András and Rosta, Gergely}, interhash = {02e3245e431d3e5f54064b2b62cde388}, intrahash = {7a35e09a50a8f60fefb4094be389a140}, isbn = {978-3-11-022812-0}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {33-74}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Values in Central and Eastern Europe}, url = {}, year = 2016}@incollection{klicperovabaker2016toward, added-at = {2017-01-10T08:47:55.000+0100}, address = {Cheltenham (UK), Northhampton (USA)}, author = {Klicperová-Baker, Martina and Ko??ál, Jaroslav}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Integration, Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/14804}, editor = {Sicakkan, Hakan G.}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 V1.0.0}, interhash = {d702c00640feadd626e723e5059676b5}, intrahash = {acc275e9ffce875ce59087dad7ddd991}, isbn = {978 1 78536 090 9}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {183-208}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, study = {EVS1981-2008 Longitudinal File}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Toward Empirical Assessment of the European Demos and Public Sphere: Comparing Democratic Value Orientations of Citizens and Elites}, year = 2016}@incollection{dulmer2009moralischer, abstract = { In der Literatur findet sich eine breite theoretisch ausgerichtete Diskussion über moralischen Universalismus, moralischen Kontextualismus und moralischen Relativismus, wobei sich im Laufe der Zeit eine Vielzahl von Standpunkten unter den Vertretern der verschiedenen Positionen herausgebildet hat. Ganz im Gegensatz zu der Fülle theoretischer Abhandlungen ist die Anzahl empirisch ausgerichteter Beitr?ge, die sich systematisch und damit nicht nur exemplarisch anhand von Einzelf?llen mit der Frage interkultureller moralischer Unterschiede bzw. Gemeinsamkeiten auseinandersetzt, doch eher bescheiden. Diese Feststellung gilt insbesondere für quantitativ ausgerichtete Arbeiten. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung besteht in erster Linie darin, anhand der kombinierten Europ?ischen und Weltwertestudie zu analysieren, inwieweit sich für ausgew?hlte Themenbereiche bedeutende kulturelle Eigenheiten nachweisen lassen, die sich nicht auf systematische und damit theoretisch zu erwartende Unterschiede zwischen den Befragten oder den einzelnen L?ndern zurückführen lassen. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung soll somit ein Beitrag dazu geleistet werden, bestehende empirische Forschungslücken zu verringern. }, added-at = {2017-01-10T08:26:04.000+0100}, address = {Paderborn}, author = {Dülmer, Hermann}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Moralischer Relativismus}, editor = {Ernst, Gerhard}, interhash = {63b814aa50cd7b4e244a917971acc542}, intrahash = {071b56d5e20262a415b1d3a996ea1842}, isbn = {978-3-89785-314-0}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {55-79}, privnote = {European Values Study:EVS 1999 (Wave III): Belgien 1999, Bulgarien 1999, D?nemark 1999, Deutschland (Ost und West getrennt) 1999, Estland 1999, Finnland 2000, Frankreich 1999, Gro?britannien 1999, Irland 1999, Island 1999, Italien 1999, Kroatien 1999, Lettland 1999, Litauen 1999, Luxemburg 1999, Malta 1999, Niederlande 1999, Nordirland 1999, ?sterreich 1999, Polen 1999, Portugal 1999, Rum?nien 1999, Russland 1999, Schweden 1999, Slowakei 1999, Slowenien 1999, Spanien 1999, Tschechische Republik 1999, Türkei 2001, Ukraine 1999, Ungarn 1999, Wei?russland 2000.World Values Survey:WVS 1995 (Wave III): Aserbaidschan 1997, Australien 1995, Armenien 1997, Brasilien 1997, El Salvador 1999, Georgien 1996, Indien 1995, Kolumbien 1998, Neuseeland 1998, Norwegen 1996, Schweiz 1996, Uruguay 1996.WVS 2000 (Wave IV): ?gypten 2000, Albanien 2002, Algerien 2002, Argentinien 1999, Bangladesch 2002, Chile 2000, China 2001, Indonesien 2001, Iran 2000, Japan 2000, Jordanien 2001, Kanada 2000, Kirgisistan 2003, Marokko 2001, Mazedonien 2001, Mexiko 2000, Moldau 2002, Pakistan 2001, Peru 2001, Philippinen 2001, Saudi-Arabien 2003, Simbabwe 2001, Südafrika 2001, Südkorea 2001, Uganda 2001, USA 1999, Venezuela 2000, Vietnam 2001.}, publisher = {Mentis Verlag}, study = {EVS1999, WVS_Wave_III, WVS_Wave_IV}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:44:13.000+0200}, title = {Moralischer Universalismus, moralischer Kontextualismus oder moralischer Relativismus? Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand der Europ?ischen und der Weltwertestudie}, year = 2009}@incollection{jagodzinski2010welchen, added-at = {2017-01-10T08:21:31.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang and Dülmer, Hermann}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Komparative empirische Sozialforschung}, editor = {Beckers, Tilo and Birkelbach, Klaus and Hagenah, J?rg and Rosar, Ulrich}, interhash = {248afedfb3b2e1a046657b64ec4d172b}, intrahash = {3aab051423ad11655107ee1b759942c7}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP OA_SSOAR OAproved checked german incollection input2017}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {231-257}, privnote = {European Values Study (Wave III): Greece excluded}, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T13:22:18.000+0200}, title = {Welchen Einfluss hat Kultur auf die Einstellungen zu Moral, Gleichheit und Demokratie in christlichen europ?ischen Gesellschaften und in der Türkei?}, url = {}, year = 2010}@incollection{dulmer2011multilevel, added-at = {2017-01-10T08:01:19.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Dülmer, Hermann}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cross Cultural Analysis. Methods and Applications}, editor = {Davidov, Eldad and Schmidt, Peter and Billiet, Jaak}, interhash = {2fa28a70e156f557dcadb4bcfe8ad485}, intrahash = {a9c3168b1755412f50aab9183a9bdb9a}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2017}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {311-340}, privnote = {European Values Study (Wave III): Belarus 2000, Belgium 1999, Bulgaria 1999, Croatia 1999, Czech Republic 1999, Denmark 1999, Estonia 1999, Finland 2000, France 1999, Germany 1999 (East and West separately), Great Britain 1999, Hungary 1999, Iceland 1999, Ireland 1999, Italy 1999, Latvia 1999, Lithuania 1999, Luxembourg 1999, Malta 1999, Netherlands 1999, Northern Ireland 1999, Poland 1999, Romania 1999, Russia 1999, Slovakia 1999, Slovenia 1999, Spain 1999, Sweden 1999, Turkey 2001, Ukraine 1999.World Values Survey (Wave IV): Albania 2002, Argentina 1999, Canada 2000, Chile 2000, China 2001, India 2001, Japan 2000, Kyrgyzstan 2003, Mexico 2000, Morocco 2001, Peru 200, Philippines 2001, Republic of Korea 2001, Republic of Macedonia 2001, Republic of Moldova 2002, Singapore 2002, South Africa 2001, Uganda 2001, United Republic of Tanzania 2001, USA 1999, Viet Nam 2001, Zimbabwe 2001.}, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {EVS1999, WVS_Wave_IV}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A Multilevel Regression Analysis on Work Ethic}, year = 2011}@article{dulmer2015testing, abstract = {Inglehart and Welzel (2005) argue that modernization moves in two phases. The transition from agrarian to industrial society fosters a shift from ‘traditional to secular-rational values’, the transition from industrial to postindustrial society a shift from ‘survival to self-expression values’. We test for the first time the measurement model and the explanatory model of the theory in a multilevel framework. To obtain a reliable measure, four items and the assumption of orthogonal value dimensions need to be given up. Testing our new, reliable measure confirms the explanatory component of the theory. Based on the new dimensions, societies and their culture zones are aligned on the cultural map more clearly along a diagonal that reflects economic development; disturbances by culture zones appear much less pronounced.}, added-at = {2017-01-10T07:56:46.000+0100}, author = {Dülmer, Hermann and Inglehart, Ronald and Welzel, Christian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {43d01a7eb38916a75ca4ba49ba0fb4c5}, intrahash = {01c1482333d7134aa6c4be97683f1484}, journal = {World Values Research}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2017 FDZ_IUP ML_SEM article checked cultural_change cultural_map english indexproved input2017 noindex review_proved revised_theory_of_modernization}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {68-100}, privnote = {European Values Study (Wave III): Austria 1999, Belarus 2000, Belgium 1999, Bulgaria 1999, Czech Republic 1999, Denmark 1999, Estonia 1999, Finland 2000, France 1999, Germany East 1999, Germany West 1999, Hungary 1999, Iceland 1999/2000, Ireland 1999, Italy 1999, Latvia 1999, Lithuania 1999, Luxembourg 1999, Malta 1999, Netherlands 1999, Northern Ireland 1999, Poland 1999, Portugal 1999, Romania 1999, Russia 1999, Slovakia 1999, Slovenia 1999, Spain 1999, Sweden 1999/2000, Turkey 2001, Ukraine 1999.World Values Survey (Wave III): Albania 1998, Argentina 1995, Armenia 1997, Australia 1995, Azerbaijan 1997, Belarus 1996, Brazil 1997, Bulgaria 1997, Chile 1996, Croatia 1996, Czech Republic 1998, Dominican Republic 1996, Estonia 1996, Finland 1996, Georgia 1996, Germany East 1997, Germany West 1997, Hungary 1998, India 1995, Japan 1995, Latvia 1996, Lithuania 1997, Macedonia 1998, Mexico 1996, Moldova 1996, New Zealand 1998, Nigeria 1995, Norway 1996, Peru 1996, Philippines 1996, Romania 1998, Russia 1995, Slovakia 1998, Slovenia 1995, South Africa 1996, Spain 1995, Sweden 1996, Switzerland 1996, Ukraine 1996, Uruguay 1996, USA 1995, Venezuela 1996.World Values Survey (Wave IV): Albania 2002, Algeria 2002, Argentina 1999, Bangladesh 2002, Canada 2000, Chile 2000, Indonesia 2001, Japan 2000, Jordan 2001, Korea South 2001, Kyrgyzstan 2003, Macedonia 2001, Mexico 2000, Moldova 2002, Nigeria 2000, Peru 2001, Philippines 2001, Singapore 2002, South Africa 2001, Spain 2000, Tanzania 2001, Uganda 2001, USA 1999, Venezuela 2000, Viet Nam 2001, Zimbabwe 2001.}, study = {EVS1999, WVS_Wave_III, WVS_Wave_IV}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Testing the Revised Theory of Modernization: Measurement and Explanatory Aspects}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2015}@article{krause2012atlas, abstract = {The European Values Study (EVS) is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research programme on basic human values, initiated in the late 1970s. A product of this research is the Atlas of European Values (AoEV), published by the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands. This publication offers maps and background information about the opinions of the population in 46 European countries. The question was whether these materials have a potential for (geography) education. In a Comenius Project named European Values Education experts from different universities combined their experience in order to answer this question. They developed different map-tools and framework, background information, assignments, strategies, lesson plans and videos on how to deal with the maps and questions of the AoEV in an educational setting. All materials have been trialled in different countries and are available in 7 languages (English, Turkish, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Slovak). They got a positive response from lecturers, teachers and students and can be used for courses about Europe, culture, citizenship and value-related issues and also meet the high standards of learning. They are available for free on the website article summarises the basic findings of the European Values Study with respect to the theoretical frame. It discusses the geographical and educational contexts in which the developed materials and tools of the Atlas of European Values website can be used.}, added-at = {2017-01-09T11:57:53.000+0100}, author = {Krause, Uwe}, biburl = {}, interhash = {96b803cc7c3c2877f434908a3c24ecba}, intrahash = {0a8c4dbfb4d8c09a287a8bfa451219b4}, journal = {European Journal of Geography}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {54-71}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The atlas of European values project: mapping the values of Europeans for educationalpurposes.}, volume = 3, year = 2012}@article{gugushvili2016intergenerational, abstract = {This article explores the consequences of intergenerational social mobility on perceptions of popular explanations of poverty. It is hypothesised that those who experience improvements in socio-economic status through social mobility are more likely to blame poverty on individual characteristics such as laziness and lack of willpower and are less likely to attribute failure to injustice in society, and on the macro-level, the effect of social mobility on perceptions of popular explanations of poverty is moderated by contextual environment. The described hypotheses are tested by using multinomial and multilevel logistic regressions and two complementary datasets---European Values Studies and the Life in Transition Survey. The derived findings suggest that social mobility is indeed associated with perceptions of individual blame and social blame of why some people are in need. However, these effects are manifested primarily among subjectively mobile individuals and are also conditioned by the legacy of socialism and the level of economic development of countries where individuals reside.}, added-at = {2016-12-20T09:20:59.000+0100}, author = {Gugushvili, Alexi}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11211-016-0275-9}, interhash = {4a28c1acb730481170c3fc730e74540c}, intrahash = {1d0fcd9bc31c81971446627001fccc9b}, issn = {1573-6725}, journal = {Social Justice Research}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english fairness indexproved input2016 intergenerational_social_mobility multilevel_analysis poverty_explanations review_proved reviewed social_justice subjective_mobility}, note = {First published online: November 23, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {402-428}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Intergenerational Social Mobility and Popular Explanations of Poverty: A Comparative Perspective}, url = {}, volume = 29, year = 2016}@techreport{asuyama2016delegation, abstract = {The degree of delegating authority to non-managerial and non-supervisory workers substantially varies across countries and industries. By examining worker-level data from 14 countries, I empirically explain this variation by region-specific social capital that proxies workers' degree of self-centeredness and the industry-specific need for coordination. The empirical results of this study confirm the theoretical predictions by Alonso et al. (2008) for the first time: the negative association between coordination needs and decentralization is mitigated in regions with lower self-centeredness of workers. In particular, when self-centeredness of workers (respectively, need for coordination) is very low, the degree of delegation is always high regardless of the level of the need for coordination (self-centeredness of workers). Positive associations between delegation and its benefits, including job satisfaction, wages (proxy for higher productivity), and skill upgrading of workers, are also found. These results imply that people's degree of self-centeredness affects a country's economic development patterns by changing the degree of decentralization and its benefits.}, added-at = {2016-12-20T09:14:52.000+0100}, author = {Asuyama, Yoko}, biburl = {}, institution = {Institute of Developing Economies}, interhash = {8edd72c9c05d013157a3c1710bccbb59}, intrahash = {648073aa47053bf81a02b68782800110}, journal = {IDE Discussion Paper}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked coordination decentralization delegation english input2016 social_capital techreport trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 620, timestamp = {2019-03-28T10:54:08.000+0100}, title = {Delegation to Workers across Countries and Industries: Social Capital and Coordination Needs Matter}, url = {}, year = 2016}@incollection{pickel2014religionen, abstract = {Im europ?ischen Vergleich wird Deutschland oft als Paradebeispiel für die Durchsetzungskraft der in der Religionssoziologie weit verbreiteten S?kularisierungstheorie angesehen. Zum einen findet man Westdeutschland. Dort wird quasi idealtypisch der westeurop?ische S?kularisierungsverlauf mit seiner Erosion kirchlicher Bindungen, der Verdr?ngung des Religi?sen ins Private sowie der sinkenden Bedeutung von Religion für die Alltagsfragen der Menschen abgebildet (siehe zusammenfassend Beitr?ge in Pickel/Sammet 2011).}, added-at = {2016-12-20T08:34:35.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Zwischen S?kularisierung und relig?ser Vitalisierung: Religiosit?t in Deutschland und Polen im Vergleich}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-04663-7_9}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {5f7bffb4774aafd142ee5272011c805f}, intrahash = {9f773a7b9c2d154fb3fc21d9f81c241f}, isbn = {978-3-658-04663-7}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 ZA4804 checked german incollection input2016 isspbib2016}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {95-108}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=23144}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, series = { Ver?ffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie}, study = {EVS 1981-2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Die Religionen Deutschlands, Polens und Europas im Vergleich. Ein empirischer Test religionssoziologischer Theorien}, url = {}, year = 2014}@book{poguntke2015citizenship, abstract = {Democracies are transforming worldwide, but at the same time political inequality is increasing. This development threatens to leave growing portions of mass publics effectively ‘outside’ the political process.This volume brings together leading authorities in the field of democratic citizenship and participation to address pertinent questions concerning the quality of the democratic political process at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Analysing causes and consequences of recent developments in democratic governance and citizenship, it contributes new and original research to the ongoing debate on the crisis of representative democracy. The contributors deal with a broad range of issues including aspects of democratic citizenship and citizens' perceptions of system performance, political inequality and the democratic impact of participatory innovations.This book will be of key interest to scholars and students in democratization studies, democratic citizenship, comparative politics, political sociology and political participation.Table of Contents:1 Introduction: Citizenship, participation and democracy in an era of crisis Thomas Poguntke, Sigrid Ro?teutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Sonja Zmerli PART 1 Citizenship and perceptions of system performance 2 Democratic institutions and citizen beliefs about democracy: How do they interact? Max Kaase 3 What’s gone wrong with democracy, or with theories explaining why it has? Jacques Thomassen 4 When representation fails: Behavioural reactions to perceived failure of political representation in France and Germany Oscar W. Gabriel 5. Mass media and political trust in Europe: Testing for ‘rainmaker’ effects Sonja Zmerli, Kenneth Newton and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck 6 The dynamics of good citizenship norms M. Kent Kennings PART II Inequality: socialization and supply-side perspectives 7 Early conditions of political participation and civic integration of immigrant-children Hartmut Esser 8 Political socialization and inequality: The role of primary schools Simone Abendsch?n and Sigrid Ro?teutscher 9 Much ado about something? Demand- and supply-side participation in a dysfunctional democratic market William A. Maloney 10 Living in different worlds? Left-wing parties and trade unions Thomas Poguntke PART III The democratic impact of participatory innovations 11 Is digitally networked participation a form of political participation? Yannis Theocharis 12 Citizen engagement and acting in the interest of citizens in the EU Beate Kohler-Koch 13 Representative vs. direct democracy in Germany: A contribution to an ongoing debate Franz Urban Pappi 14 Democratic citizenship under challenge Thomas Poguntke, Sigrid Ro?teutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck and Sonja Zmerli}, added-at = {2016-12-19T13:06:38.000+0100}, address = {London}, biburl = {}, editor = {Poguntke, Thomas and Rossteutscher, Sigrid and Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger and Zmerli, Sonja}, interhash = {302c48e930994279b6f2f83f4a67777f}, intrahash = {e801b93e26d26fe8ca88078ee05f83ef}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2016 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP book checked english input2016}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 256, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Research in Comparative Politics}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. Essays in honour of Jan W. van Deth}, year = 2015}@incollection{borowik2013central, abstract = {This essay offers a fresh exploration of atheism in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), while also providing an overview of existing research into atheism and non-religion in the region. In light of the legacy of state-imposed atheism, and the subsequent (apparent) ‘religious awakening’ in some countries, the authors demonstrate the significance of national religious traditions and confessional structures for understanding diversity of atheism’s nature and extent within the area. Analysis of European Values Survey data show that confessional structures of societies play more important role in spread of atheism than religious tradition (Catholicism or Orthodoxy) and that religious mono-confessionality supports vitality of religion, while religious pluralism makes more space for further differentiations of world-views, including atheism. The analysis also confirm that in CEE atheists, both ‘soft’ and ‘hard’, are not coherent as a group, and that some of them profess belief in supernatural powers and/or declare a religious affiliation.}, added-at = {2016-12-19T13:00:10.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Borowik, Irena and An?i?, Branko and Tyra?a, Rados?aw}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Oxford Handbook of Atheism}, editor = {Bullivant, Stephen and Ruse, Michael}, interhash = {11e625b6e50d77be7a1ec36112abf8f4}, intrahash = {57caa7656462976f7d0ae0a23694d2d4}, keywords = {2015 CEE EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP atheization catholicism central_and_eastern_europe checked communism confessional_structure english incollection input2016 orthodoxy post-communist religious_awakening religious_pluralism state-imposed_atheism}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {623-637}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Central and Eastern Europe}, year = 2013}@article{weber2015zuwanderer, abstract = {The share of residents with foreign roots in Germany will rise considerably in the next years. A crucial societal question will certainly be whether natives will get used to the increasing level of ethnic diversity or whether anti-immigrant threat perceptions will rise. There is an obvious empirical paradox in the context of this question: On the one hand, high immigration usually coincides with more skeptical views towards immigration and greater success for right-wing political parties. On the other hand, these reactions are often over-represented in regions where the actual share of migrants is rather low. This paper presents an overview of theories and evidence on this apparent contradiction. A crucial factor which can at least partially reconcile these ambivalent findings is the geographic level of analysis: If the national share of migrants increases, media coverage of the topic is greater and fears among the population accordingly rise in most cases. On the level of regions, however, effects of contact and habituation are strongest, such that people living in high-immigrant regions tend to perceive immigration in a more positive way. On the level of city districts, the relationship seemingly turns negative again. Here, the more tolerant citizens live in residential areas with a low to moderate share of migrants, while natives living in districts with many foreigners tend to move away or vote for far-right parties, as the success of the ``Alternative for Germany'' (AfD) in the 2016 state elections suggests. A number of conclusions can be drawn with regard to current developments in Germany.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 31. Fassung, M?rz 2017}, added-at = {2016-12-19T11:56:33.000+0100}, addurl = {file://J:\Work\Allbus\ALLBUS\Bibliographie\Bibliographie 31. Fassung\Aufgenommene PDFs\Weber (2016) Mehr Zuwanderer, mehr Fremdenangst.pdf}, author = {Weber, Hannes}, availability = {20.10.2016}, biburl = {}, description = {ALLBUS_ID=2926 ; pubdate=2016/10/20 ; reprint-status=in-file}, doi = {10.1007/s11609-016-0300-8}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4578, ZA4800, ZA4973}, interhash = {9d0097a14529a21368fde0d7b168ca64}, intrahash = {76c4089f62bc0514ae72badaf75766ea}, issn = {1862-2593}, journal = {Berliner Journal für Soziologie}, keywords = {2015 ALLBUS ALLBUS_input2016 ALLBUS_version31 ALLBUSkum1980-2012 EB71.3 EB_input2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen PB PB_input2017 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked german indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (Politbarometer) (ALLBUS)}, number = 4, pages = {397-428}, study = {study, EVS2008, EB71.3, ALLBUSkum1980-2012}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T18:49:28.000+0100}, title = {Mehr Zuwanderer, mehr Fremdenangst? Ein ?berblick über den Forschungsstand und ein Erkl?rungsversuch aktueller Entwicklungen in Deutschland [More immigrants, more xenophobia? A review of the current state of research and an attempt to explain recent developments in Germany]}, url = {}, volume = 25, year = 2015}@incollection{pickel2014religioses, added-at = {2016-12-19T11:49:40.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Pickel, Gert and Jaeckel, Yvonne and G?tze, Claudia and Gladkich, Anja}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Zwischen S?kularisierung und religi?ser Vitalisierung: Religiosit?t in Deutschland und Polen im Vergleich}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-04663-7_19}, editor = {Hainz, Michael and Pickel, Gert and Pollack, Detlef and Libiszowska-{\.{Z}}{\'o}{\l}tkowska, Maria and Firlit, El{\.{z}}bieta}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3798, ZA4800}, interhash = {cc6cf1af522f39836c8040c6f4fd1071}, intrahash = {5e9e4cc24d47e7bf6490200f65b4873b}, isbn = {978-3-658-04663-7}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ZA3798 ZA480 checked german incollection input2016}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {199-216}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, study = {EVS 1990; EVS 2000; EVS; EVS 2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Religi?ses Sozialkapital in Deutschland und Polen}, url = {}, year = 2014}@book{clements2015religion, abstract = {Based on extensive analysis of surveys from recent decades, this book provides a detailed study of the attitudes of religious groups in Britain. It looks at continuity and change in relation to party support, ideology, abortion, homosexuality and gay rights, foreign policy, and public opinion towards religion in public life.}, added-at = {2016-12-19T11:44:24.000+0100}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Clements, Ben}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1057/9781137313591}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804}, interhash = {9792e2fb366d8afc4a3aa1bb4eb55c44}, intrahash = {8b48ad14101e9320c72da22ce3b07ca4}, isbn = {978-0-230-29389-2}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2016 EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP book checked english input2016}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 280, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, study = {European Values Study 1981-2008; Eurobarometer 1970-2006}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Public Opinion in BritainContinuity and Change}, year = 2015}@incollection{thomassen2015whats, added-at = {2016-12-19T10:51:45.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Thomassen, Jacques}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. Essays in honour of Jan W. van Deth}, editor = {Poguntke, Thomas and Rossteutscher, Sigrid and Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger and Zmerli, Sonja}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA480}, interhash = {a44b69a96cc1298d58761751617e92b9}, intrahash = {595ecbc9d77d5447f90ea53d4d1e41ee}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2016 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4800 checked english incollection input2016}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {34-52}, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Research in Comparative Politics}, study = {Eurobarometer 1973-2012, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {What’s gone wrong with democracy, or with theories explaining why it has? }, year = 2015}@book{dalton2015civic, abstract = {This book re-evaluates Almond, Verba, and Pye's original ideas about the shape of a civic culture that supports democracy. Marshaling a massive amount of cross-national, longitudinal public opinion data from the World Values Survey Association, the authors demonstrate multiple manifestations of a deep shift in the mass attitudes and behaviors that undergird democracy. The chapters in this book show that in dozens of countries around the world, citizens have turned away from allegiance toward a decidedly 'assertive' posture to politics: they have become more distrustful of electoral politics, institutions, and representatives and are more ready to confront elites with demands from below. Most importantly, societies that have advanced the most in the transition from an allegiant to an assertive model of citizenship are better-performing democracies - in terms of both accountable and effective governance.Table of Contents:Foreword: pushing the envelope: analyzing the impact of values Marita R. Inglehart1. Political culture and value change Russell J. Dalton and Christian WelzelPart I. Changing Values:2. Value change over a third of a century: the evidence for generational replacement Paul R. Abramson3. The decline of deference revisited: evidence after twenty-five years Neil Nevitte4. Enlightening people: the spark of emancipative values Christian Welzel and Alejandro MorenoPart II. Changing Images of Government:5. Reassessing the civic-culture model Russell J. Dalton and Doh Chull Shin6. Dissatisfied democrats: democratic maturation in old and new democracies Hans-Dieter Klingemann7. Support for democracy in postcommunist Europe and Eurasia Christian Haerpfer and Kseniya KizilovaPart III. The Impact of Cultural Change:8. The structure and sources of global environmental attitudes Robert Rohrschneider, Matt Miles and Mark Peffley9. Social change and the politics of protest Tor Georg Jakobsen and Ola Listhaug10. Mecca or oil?: why Arab states lag in gender equality Pippa Norris11. Allegiance eroding: people's dwindling willingness to fight in wars Bi Puranen12. From allegiant to assertive citizens Christian Welzel and Russell J. Dalton.}, added-at = {2016-12-19T09:45:05.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge}, biburl = {}, editor = {Dalton, Russell J. and Welzel, Christian}, interhash = {01263ce4f7ee72610a799c4435ed59f6}, intrahash = {0e8800f82886b2d3a3ffa25614ace50f}, isbn = {9781107682726}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2015}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 360, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Civic Culture Transformed. From Allegiant to Assertive Citizens}, year = 2015}@article{ariely2015trusting, abstract = {Despite the fact that the media serves as a vital source of information about politics, the relation between media trust and political trust has largely been overlooked, especially outside the USA. Adopting a comparative approach, this study examines the way(s) in which trust in the press and political trust are related across dissimilar media environments. Analyzing survey data from 32 European countries, we found that while trust in the press and political trust are positively related, the magnitude of the relation differs across countries. This variation is explained by three structural components within the media environment: media autonomy, journalistic professionalism, and party/press parallelism. The multilevel models indicate that countries with more media autonomy and journalistic professionalism evince a weaker relation between media trust and political trust. A stronger relation obtains in media environments characterized by party/press parallelism. These findings illustrate how media environments affect citizen perceptions toward the political sphere: the less restricted and more professional the media environment, the more the public perceptions have the opportunity to be affected by what is being reported. }, added-at = {2016-12-19T09:33:05.000+0100}, author = {Ariely, Gal}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/17457289.2014.997739}, eprint = {}, interhash = {e14e94a82c44b2e91bafb5f09c9c8061}, intrahash = {a8dd26587b74d10e09dec0b745f586b5}, journal = {Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 6, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {351-367}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trusting the Press and Political Trust: A Conditional Relationship}, url = {}, volume = 25, year = 2015}@article{katsanidou2015party, abstract = {Although the study of the relationship between political confidence and political participation has produced contradictory results thus far, it has established, nevertheless, that this relationship depends on the exact nature of the participation: voting, party engagement and protesting. On the basis of these findings, to further specify the nature of this relationship, we make a second distinction between confidence in representative and implementing institutions. We assume that context matters, so our multi-level approach includes individual level data from the 1999 to 2001 and 2008 to 2010 waves of the European Values Study (EVS), as well as national-level data. Our results show that different types of confidence in institutions have unique effects on these three modes of participation and that these findings hold over the last decade. While confidence in parliament is the key to the elite-driven modes of participation, grassroots-driven modes are triggered by a lack of confidence in the implementing institutions.}, added-at = {2016-12-19T09:11:09.000+0100}, author = {Katsanidou, Alexia and Eder, Christina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1057/cep.2015.27}, interhash = {2a2e095ed1cabf3a2c821078335d6acd}, intrahash = {510b68a28b9ec4bbafdb0904ac0511ae}, issn = {1740-388X}, journal = {Comparative European Politics}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: October 19, 2015, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Vote, party, or protest: The influence of confidence in political institutions on various modes of political participation in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{khun2015people, abstract = {We investigate the effect of trade restrictions on the perception of well-being. Using combined cross-sectional micro data from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey of individuals in 89 countries, we find that citizens of a country with a lower degree of trade restrictions are more satisfied with their lives. The results are also robust across different measures of well-being, different definitions of trade restrictions, different estimation methods, and different sample sizes.}, added-at = {2016-12-19T09:07:43.000+0100}, author = {Khun, Channary and Lahiri, Sajal and Lim, Sokchea}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/09638199.2014.882389}, eprint = {}, interhash = {9040d1b7902b200290bff9f6628027e3}, intrahash = {7f912999ce2800d0fb7191760e6c7a53}, journal = {The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved}, note = {First published online: January 28, 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {132-146}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do people really support trade restrictions? Cross-country evidence}, url = {}, volume = 24, year = 2015}@article{voeten2016people, added-at = {2016-12-13T10:51:18.000+0100}, author = {Voeten, Erik}, biburl = {}, interhash = {911857da8df340242e7e8ba309914cf5}, intrahash = {1965f7945edb3c81e15d4a30b3c77503}, journal = {The Washington Post}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 newspaper not_reviewed review_proved}, month = {December}, note = {(EVS)}, pubdate = {December 9}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {No, people really aren’t turning away from democracy}, type = {Newspaper}, year = 2016}@article{reinemann2016vergebliche, added-at = {2016-12-12T10:01:41.000+0100}, author = {Reinemann, Carsten and Fawzi, Nayla}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d2d0e764f10cd54582453593c90d1c82}, intrahash = {274af1b3d50e1fcc4463e1e7779fb958}, journal = {Der Tagesspiegel}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges article checked german indexproved input2016 newspaper noindex not_reviewed review_proved}, month = {January}, note = {(EVS)}, pubdate = {January 24}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Eine vergebliche Suche nach der Lügenpresse}, type = {Newspaper}, year = 2016}@article{gruffyddjones2016mondays, added-at = {2016-12-12T09:55:37.000+0100}, author = {Gruffydd-Jones, Jamie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {86b5ceb9cee452976d062caaa51dda23}, intrahash = {5827a9e999c1e16e82da0ac075985b15}, journal = {The Washington Post}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 newspaper not_reviewed review_proved}, month = {June}, note = {(EVS)}, pubdate = {June 17}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {How Monday’s England-Slovakia soccer match just might influence Brexit}, type = {Newspaper}, year = 2016}@article{mikucka2016satisfaction, abstract = {This investigation examined whether the life satisfaction advantage of married over unmarried people decreased over the past 3 decades and whether the changes in contextual gender specialization explained this trend. Contextual gender specialization was defined as a country-year-specific share of married women who fully specialize in household work. The author used representative data from the World Values Survey–European Values Study integrated data set for 87 countries (N = 292,525) covering a period of 29 years (1981–2009). The results showed that the life satisfaction advantage of being married decreased over time among men but not among women. Furthermore, the decline of contextual gender specialization correlated with this trend in developed but not in developing countries. In developed countries the life satisfaction of unmarried people increased as the contextual gender specialization declined, whereas the life satisfaction of married people was not affected.}, added-at = {2016-12-12T08:21:30.000+0100}, author = {Mikucka, Ma?gorzata}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jomf.12290}, interhash = {b466c3232110cb528fb203a5d5c4e7bd}, intrahash = {495231bdaf96c28abb74e5e4b1963e57}, issn = {1741-3737}, journal = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family_economics gender_roles indexproved input2016 marriage review_proved reviewed societal_contexts trends well-being}, note = {First published online: May 16, 2016. . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {759-779}, publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Life Satisfaction Advantage of Being Married and Gender Specialization}, url = {}, volume = 78, year = 2016}@book{wolf2016handbook, added-at = {2016-12-07T10:40:40.000+0100}, address = {Los Angeles}, biburl = {}, editor = {Wolf, Christof and Joye, Dominique and Smith, Tom W and Fu, Yang-chih}, interhash = {84c1ad2ed99a821083b99e81691d9c15}, intrahash = {7964a84395fb9a661f87e2a6774bfdc7}, keywords = {2016 EB_input2016 EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2006 ISSP2012 ISSP_input2016 book checked english input2016}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, publisher = {Sage}, study = {EVS, Eurobarometer, ISSP2006, ISSP2012}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology }, year = 2016}@incollection{eichhorn2016economic, added-at = {2016-12-06T10:45:40.000+0100}, address = {London and New York}, author = {Eichhorn, Jan and Hensing, Jakob and Hübner, Christine}, biburl = {}, editor = {Voicu, M?lina and Mochmann, Ingvill C. and Dülmer, Hermann}, interhash = {95b78c58593927a57d64f73001832c65}, intrahash = {f16966fe925247eb5bd038194cc02e15}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {193-219}, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Economic crisis and democratic legitimacy}, year = 2016}@article{blohm2013respondent, abstract = {Nonresponse is an ongoing challenge for survey research. In the German GeneralSocial Survey (ALLBUS) 2010, an experiment was set up to test the effect of respondent incentives on outcome rates, sample composition and fieldwork efforts. Arandom subsample of target persons was offered a monetary incentive of €10 to bepaid upon completion of the interview. The other part of the sample acted as a control group receiving no incentive. The incentive used in ALLBUS 2010 led to an increase in the response rate, mainly by improving the cooperation rate. It did not change the sample composition in a major way. Concerning fieldwork efforts, a slight reduction was observed: In the incentive condition, a given number of interviews was achieved with a lower number of contact attempts than in the no incentive condition.}, added-at = {2016-12-05T12:31:43.000+0100}, author = {Blohm, Michael and Koch, Achim}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.12758/mda.2013.004}, interhash = {fe4a07164df818a9e86ccbe703b62787}, intrahash = {348b2c050229073c01a4947f541486da}, journal = {MDA - methods, data, analyses}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {89-122}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Respondent Incentives in a National Face-to-Face Survey. Effects on Outcome Rates, Sample Composition and Fieldwork Efforts}, url = {}, volume = 7, year = 2013}@book{aarts2013crossnational, abstract = {On the 24th of March 1976, Alexander Solzhenitsyn delivered his speech Warning to the Western World on BBC Radio. He raised the question of whether Europeans are still willing to preserve and develop their own identity; not as a fortress, globalization makes that impossible, but as a reservoir of human values that can stimulate and help to build a global humanism. This speech inspired an international and multidisciplinary group of academics to debate the cultural predicament of Europe. The European Values Study (EVS) provides valid and reliable information on how Europeans felt and thought about European identity and the underlying value systems of their countries. Over time the goals of the EVS shifted from providing policymakers with accurate information to addressing the social scientific forum, and from description and ad hoc interpretations of the research findings to empirical tests of theoretical explanations.}, added-at = {2016-12-05T12:24:16.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Aarts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1163/9789004261662_002}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {0cb764495c10240340365311f7da643d}, intrahash = {a0f1bf08ab94dc2f9362ce4b9c3a1a89}, isbn = {9789004261662}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked english fdz_jb input2016}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {1-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-National Values in Europe Today: Facts andExplanations}, url = {}, volume = {Value contrasts and consensus in present-day Europe: painting Europe's moral landscapes}, year = 2013}@article{munzkonig2013armutsgefhrdungsquote, abstract = {Zur Messung monet?rer Armut bietet die amtliche Sozialberichterstattung zwei Indikatoren an: die Armutsgef?hrdungsquote und die Mindestsicherungsquote. Diese beziehen sich auf unterschiedliche Sachverhalte und k?nnen durchaus unterschiedliche Entwicklungen aufzeigen. W?hrend der Anteil derer, die Mindestsicherungsleistungen beziehen, von 2007 bis 2011 gesunken ist, weist die Armutsgef?hrdungsquote im selben Zeitraum eine steigende Tendenz aus. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, welche ?berschneidungen es zwischen dem Personenkreis der Einkommensarmen und dem Kreis der Personen mit Bezug von Mindestsicherungsleistungen gibt. Der Mikrozensus ist eine geeignete Datenbasis, um dieser Fragestellung nachzugehen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass immer mehr Personen mit Bezug von Mindestsicherungsleistungen zugleich von relativer Einkommensarmut betroffen sind.The ‘at Risk of Poverty’ Rate and the Rate of Recipients of Minimum Social Security Benefits: Two Indicators to Measure Monetary PovertyGerman official statistics offer two indicators to measure monetary poverty: the ‘at risk of poverty’ rate and the rate of recipients of minimum social security benefits. These two indicators reflect different approaches to measuring monetary living conditions and do not necessarily show the same trends. Between 2007 and 2011 the rate of people receiving minimum social security benefits decreased; by contrast, during the same period, the ‘at risk of poverty’ rate showed an upward trend. Against this backdrop, the question arises to what extent the group of people being at risk of poverty and the group of people receiving minimum social security benefits overlap. The Mikrozensus, an official household survey, is an appropriate dataset to analyse this issue. This paper shows that the number of people to whom both poverty indicators apply – receiving minimum social security benefits and being at risk of poverty – is increasing.}, added-at = {2016-12-05T12:05:00.000+0100}, author = {Munz-K?nig, Eva}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.3790/sfo.62.5.123}, interhash = {276b0a8dafa462fc508547771ada7825}, intrahash = {f03db2514de018cb8db00ccb419c8348}, isbn = {1865-5386}, journal = {Sozialer Fortschritt}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked fdz_jb german indexproved input2016 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {123-131}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Armutsgef?hrdungsquote und Mindestsicherungsquote: Zwei Indikatoren zur Messung monet?rer Armut}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2013}@book{razzu2017gender, abstract = {Under communism there was, in the countries of Eastern Europe, a high level of gender equality in the labour market, particularly in terms of high participation rates by women. The transition from communism has upset this situation, with different impacts in the different countries. This book presents a comprehensive overview of gender and the labour market since the fall of communism in a wide range of Eastern European countries. Each country chapter describes the nature of inequality in the particular country, and goes on to examine the factors responsible for this, including government policies, changing social attitudes, levels of educational attainment and the impact of motherhood. Overall, the book provides an interesting comparison to the situation in Western developed countries, outlining differences and similarities. No one single Eastern European model emerges while, as in Western developed countries, a range of experiences and trends is the norm.Prologue1. The Wider Context Giovanni Razzu 2. Bulgaria Vasil Tzanov 3. The Czech Republic Lenka Filipova and Mariola Pytlikova 4. East Germany Heike Trappe 5. Estonia Rein V??rmann and Jelena Helem?e 6. Hungary Eva Fodor 7. Lithuania Boguslavas Gruzeyskis and Vida Kanopiene 8. Poland Jan Baran, Roma Keister, Piotr Lewandowski, Iga Magda9. Romania Giovanni Razzu 10. Slovenia Jana Javornik Epilogue}, added-at = {2016-12-05T10:30:00.000+0100}, address = {London and New York}, biburl = {}, editor = {Razzu, Giovanni}, interhash = {468b0a0d8cd89229e99b618b2d4578c5}, intrahash = {a09fe70395262b1728cf1ed46c889020}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 276, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Inequality in the Eastern European Labour Market.Twenty-five years of transition since the fall of communism}, year = 2016}@article{callens2016integration, abstract = {In this article, we analyse the relationship between integration policies and perceived intergroup threat across European countries. By distinguishing between several strands of integration policies and forms of threat (economic vs cultural), we attempt to shed more light on the mechanisms underlying the policy-threat nexus. We combine data from The European Values Study of 2008 and the Migration Integration Policy Index of 2007, resulting in a sample of 29,844 native residents in 27 countries, on which we apply multilevel analysis. The outcomes of the analysis reveal that respondents living in a country with more-inclusive integration policies – more specifically, policies aimed at labour market access and political participation – display lower perceptions of economic threat. By contrast, integration policies are not significantly associated with perceptions of cultural threat.}, added-at = {2016-12-05T10:23:14.000+0100}, author = {Callens, Marie-Sophie and Meuleman, Bart}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0020715216665437}, eprint = {}, interhash = {27682fd174bd3aedd5838ec20edc3cfd}, intrahash = {fd3c586364d8d2d4907dcd5eb604b380}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 29, 2016, . (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do integration policies relate to economic and cultural threat perceptions? A comparative study in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{delhey2016europisierung, abstract = {Anknüpfend an das transaktionalistische Paradigma in der Tradition von Karl W. Deutsch und die Theorie des gestuften gesellschaftlichen Raums von Arndt Sorge wird in dem Beitrag der Frage nachgegangen, warum die Handlungs- und Einstellungshorizonte der Menschen in manchen EU-Staaten st?rker europazentriert (und in diesem Sinne st?rker ?europ?isiert“) sind als in anderen. Mit Umfragedaten aus mehreren Quellen wird durch partielle Korrelationsmodelle für die EU-27-Mitgliedstaaten gezeigt, dass sich die Determinanten der Europ?isierung mit Blick auf den Handlungs- und Einstellungshorizont deutlich unterscheiden. W?hrend bei den Handlungen vor allem die wohlhabenderen und kleineren L?nder europazentriert sind, sind es bei den Einstellungen vor allem die postkommunistischen Staaten und jene, die geografisch im Zentrum der EU liegen und nicht protestantisch gepr?gt sind. Entgegen der transaktionalistischen Theorie haben Bev?lkerungen mit einem europ?ischen Handlungshorizont keinen kongruenten Einstellungshorizont: ?doing Europe“ und ?feeling Europe“ fallen auseinander. Building on the transactionalist paradigm in the tradition of Karl W. Deutsch as well as on Arndt Sorge's theory of tiered social spaces, this study examines why everyday actions and attitudes are more centered on Europe (i.?inspacee. ``Europeanized'') in some EU member states than in others. Analyzing a variety of survey data on the EU-27 countries with partial correlation models, it is shown that the macro-level determinants of Europeanization differ between actions and attitudes. While actions are more Europe-centered in small and affluent countries, attitudes are more Europe-centered in post-communist states as well as in countries that are located in the geographical center of the EU and that do not have a protestant religious tradition. Contrary to transactionalist theory, the Europeanization of actions does not coincide with the Europeanization of attitudes: ``doing Europe'' and ``feeling Europe'' do not go hand in hand.}, added-at = {2016-11-29T11:34:27.000+0100}, author = {Delhey, Jan and Deutschmann, Emanuel}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11609-016-0307-1}, interhash = {9b0265e6764c4b05c374530e6042101c}, intrahash = {8d5b712807f70c3a9d32ecb273828366}, issn = {1862-2593}, journal = {Berliner Journal für Soziologie}, keywords = {2016 EB64.1 EB66.1 EB67.1 EB69.1 EB71.1 EB71.3 EB_input2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked europeanization everyday_life german indexproved input2016 practices review_proved reviewed transnationalism}, note = {First published online: August 3, 2016, . (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {7-33}, study = {EB64.1; EB66.1; EB67.1; EB69.1; EB71.1; EB71.3; EVS 2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Zur Europ?isierung der Handlungs- und Einstellungshorizonte: Ein makrosoziologischer Vergleich der EU-Mitgliedstaaten}, url = {}, volume = 26, year = 2016}@article{ariely2017global, abstract = {This paper explores the ways in which globalisation influences social identity. Combining a psychological social‐identity framework with sociological considerations regarding the contextual impact of globalisation, it tests whether global identification—that is, people's identification as global citizens—constitutes an inclusive category, negatively linked to xenophobic attitudes towards immigrants across countries and whether the actual country level of globalisation moderates the relationship between global identification and xenophobia. Unlike most psychological studies of globalisation, it draws its data from 124 national samples across 86 countries, with 154,760 respondents overall, using three different cross‐national surveys. Study 1 (International Social Survey Program National Identity Module III 2013; N?=?39,426, countries?=?32) evinces that while global identification is in fact negatively linked to xenophobia, the correlation is moderated by the country level of globalisation, countries marked by higher levels of globalisation exhibiting a stronger negative relation between global identification and xenophobia than those characterised by a lower level of globalisation. Study 2 (European Values Study 2008; N?=?53,083, countries?=?44) and Study 3 (World Values Survey 6; N?=?65,251, countries?=?48) replicated these results across other countries employing dissimilar scales for global identification and xenophobia. }, added-at = {2016-11-29T08:11:38.000+0100}, author = {Ariely, Gal}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.12312}, doi = {10.1002/ijop.12364}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA5950}, interhash = {d831a63244715668f6d8e4b3a9de9997}, intrahash = {49125f08a2ff8a2ca1d25b76d16ec103}, issn = {1464-066X}, journal = {International Journal of Psychology}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2013 ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 ZA5950 article checked english globalization identity indexproved input2016 isspbib2017 review_proved reviewed xenophobia}, note = {First published online: July 18, 2016, . (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = {S1}, pages = {87-96}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2013}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Global identification, xenophobia and globalisation: A cross-national exploration}, url = {}, volume = 52, year = 2017}@article{storm2015civic, abstract = {The relationship between religion and volunteering is well documented (Putnam and Campbell, 2010; Ruiter and De Graaf, 2006), and a prevalent hypothesis for the association is that the effect of religion is mediated through religious social networks. However, research on this relationship has largely been conducted on majority Christian populations in the United States and Europe. In this study, we use two data sets, the European Values Study (1999–2008) and the Ethnic Minority British Election Survey (2010) to examine this relationship in Britain on the general population and ethnic minority population, respectively. The results suggest that religion increases volunteering primarily through bonding rather than bridging social networks. We also find that in non-Christian religions, solitary and collective religious rituals may both have an effect on civic participation, but whereas the effect of service attendance is mediated through bonding social networks, the effect of prayer is mediated more through bridging networks. Finally, values of individual autonomy and generalized trust are associated with non-religious, but not religious, participation, suggesting an alternative secular ethos of civic engagement. }, added-at = {2016-11-23T11:49:35.000+0100}, author = {Storm, Ingrid}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a0588f29df42ea92ae005481b5a3d265}, intrahash = {bd1bf9b65bd8b6d5032633d875931c69}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: October 28, 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {14-29}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civic engagement in Britain: the role of religion and inclusive values}, volume = 31, year = 2015}@article{storm2015religion, abstract = {A well supported finding in social science is that religiosity is associated with pro-social behaviours such as volunteering, but the religious decline in Europe characterising the latter part of the twentieth century has not been accompanied by decline in voluntary participation. This period is also associated with a sharp increase in the moral emphasis on individual autonomy and inclusiveness over social norms and traditions. In this analysis of the European Values Study (2008–2010), I examine the relationship between religion and volunteering, taking both individual values and aggregate norms into account. Religious attendance is found to be associated with volunteering at the individual level. However, the average citizen’s likelihood of volunteering is lower in more religious countries. This could be due in part to secular countries’ high levels of inclusive individualism (autonomy values and generalised trust) which are positively associated with volunteering among both religious and non-religious respondents. }, added-at = {2016-11-23T11:45:29.000+0100}, author = {Storm, Ingrid}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13537903.2015.1025542}, eprint = {}, interhash = {1d11cb7cb8ecefc10f771fb92a756bea}, intrahash = {d2bcda7452132945f9f4fbf3f18f1e19}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2015 AHindexed EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {213-229}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion, Inclusive Individualism, and Volunteering in Europe}, url = { }, volume = 30, year = 2015}@incollection{schneider2015familie, added-at = {2016-11-23T11:39:57.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Schneider, Norbert F.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Handbuch Familiensoziologie}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02276-1_2}, editor = {Hill, Paul B. and Kopp, Johannes}, interhash = {d34e7429f494185ed89155b7f0469f19}, intrahash = {35e26dd91d1b2aadedbbff77d4819292}, isbn = {978-3-658-02276-1}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {21-53}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:52:46.000+0200}, title = {Familie in Westeuropa}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{schnabel2015religious, abstract = {The relationship of religion and Europe most often evokes two theses: (i) Europe is widely considered as a secular continent and (ii) its nation-states and institutions are shaped by confessional cultures going back to different denominations. Both theses are supported by scientific master narratives that are intertwined with ideas about the particular path of European modernity. A closer empirical look on the basis of the European Values Survey 2008 data discloses that these two narratives do not mirror the complex reality of religion in Europe. Religion still matters in Europe but is moderated by country-specific characteristics of the church-state-relation and denominational homogeneity. The classical gap between Catholicism and Protestantism seems to be lost. Our analysis is a contribution to a more complex understanding of how religion still shapes Europe and identities in Europe.}, added-at = {2016-11-22T11:06:39.000+0100}, author = {Schnabel, Annette and Gr?tsch, Florian}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11577-014-0295-0}, interhash = {87374b5aaa0c68392e91a8fd1834f462}, intrahash = {5c46b6e1cd4e1dab6c0c460f4f32ab7d}, issn = {1861-891X}, journal = {KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked europe german indexproved input2015 multi-level_analysis national_identity religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-25}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {The Religious Argument in Europe: The Explanation Aggregate of Religion and National Identity in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 67, year = 2015}@article{simister2016genderbased, abstract = {This paper reports evidence on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), violence against women by husband or male partner, based on household surveys from many countries. A woman’s risk of experiencing domestic violence varies, within a country and between countries, for many reasons. This paper focuses on religion: in particular, comparing Catholics with Protestants. It reports evidence that Catholic women have a higher risk of GBV than Protestant women. A possible explanation for this higher risk is investigated: the ban on divorce by the Catholic Church. Household surveys confirm that Catholics are less likely than Protestants to divorce. Divorce is a possible escape-route for a woman abused by her husband; preventing divorce keeps many women trapped in marriage to a violent husband.}, added-at = {2016-11-22T10:04:33.000+0100}, author = {Simister, John and Kowalewska, Grazyna}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11005, doi:10.4232/1.10128}, doi = {10.4236/psych.2016.713155}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4804 v2.0.0, ZA4743 v3.0.0}, interhash = {74877e159c8fd4278cdc9a75ea2da07f}, intrahash = {6d882ebc33146647a4d68d3bd6545bc8}, journal = {Psychology}, keywords = {2016 EB69.1 EB_input2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 article checked english indexproved input2016 isspbib2017 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 7, pages = {1624-1644}, study = {EVS1981-2008, ISSP1988-2015 (ZACAT), EB69.1}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender-Based Violence and Christianity: Catholic Prevention of Divorce Traps Women in an Abusive Marriage}, url = {}, year = 2016}@book{luijkx2017european, abstract = {This volume presents the beliefs and values of people in European countries and the trends that appeared at turn of the century. Based on survey data from the 1981, 1990, 1999, and 2008 values studies in Europe, trends in human values are examined concerning important life domains such as religion and morality, primary relations and family life, work and leisure time, society and political culture. It shows the cultural varieties and similarities in value profiles of the Europeans at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.}, added-at = {2016-11-22T09:54:25.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Luijkx, Ruud and Halman, Loek and Sieben, Inge and Brislinger, Evelyn and Quandt, Markus}, biburl = {}, interhash = {176a05fd1b89a3f77cf13a1888014075}, intrahash = {c78fe6b1b8b9642ccd9f33d914f95f4d}, isbn = {9789004328433}, issn = {1568-5926}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 300, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies, 16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Values in Numbers. Trends and Traditions at the Turn of the Century}, year = 2016}@article{vecernik2015satisfaction, abstract = {This article contributes to the debate about the impact of the transition on subjective well-being. After reviewing the relevant literature the authors draw on the surveys of the European Values Study of 1991, 1999 and 2008 to describe the trends in life satisfaction in 13 Western and 11 Eastern countries. The analysis finds that life satisfaction levels in transition countries have come to approach those in the West: the ‘rather unhappy’ 1990s were followed by the ‘rather happy’ 2000s. The strengthening correlation between life satisfaction and GDP reflects this process of convergence. The characteristics of respondents, however, are more important than the national GDP, and a regression of life satisfaction with basic demographic and stratification variables shows their reinforcing effect, especially in Eastern countries. The findings of other surveys reporting on developments of attitudes since 2008 vary but are far from proving a uniform negative impact of economic recession on life satisfaction. }, added-at = {2016-11-17T10:25:57.000+0100}, author = {Ve?erník, Ji?í and Mysíková, Martina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14631377.2015.1026687}, eprint = {}, interhash = {9d81eadd2beff3ebedcded5fde313ef7}, intrahash = {43976d6869b79c364141579fe7e26dec}, journal = {Post-Communist Economies}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {170-187}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {GDP and life satisfaction in European countries – focus on transition}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2015}@article{uz2015cultures, abstract = {The consequences of globalization are a matter of debate. This study is an attempt to test the predictions of homogenization, polarization, and hybridization theorists with regard to the similarities and differences between and within societies. Utilizing four waves of the World Values Survey, from 1989 to 2007, this study covers 20 societies that represent 55% of the world population. The survey involved value statements in 72 areas by nationally representative samples. Results showed that differences between Western and non-Western countries’ cultures tended to increase slightly over time, but that these increases in disagreement were not due to cultures moving in opposite directions. In all instances, they were moving in the same direction, with one of the cultures moving faster. The direction of influence was mostly from Western toward non-Western, lending support to the idea that globalization leads to homogenization, rather than to polarization or hybridization.}, added-at = {2016-11-17T10:22:13.000+0100}, author = {Uz, Irem}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0539018414554827}, eprint = {}, interhash = {a9bab5c22c6e47b2118d20765071e047}, intrahash = {395c59e0cd3b4b4b3891f553b419037b}, journal = {Social Science Information}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {78-90}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do cultures clash?}, url = {}, volume = 54, year = 2015}@article{uunk2015cultural, abstract = {Despite substantial country variation in gender-role attitudes and female labor supply and theoretical arguments stressing the consequences of contextual attitudes for individual behavior, prior research did not find evidence for an effect of a country's gender-role attitudes on female labor supply. In this study I reassess this finding using a powerful multilevel design on the 2008 wave of the European Values Study on 33 countries. I find a substantial positive and independent effect of a country's egalitarian gender-role attitudes on individual women's odds of labor market attachment. The original, gross effect can for one-fourth be attributed to an effect of individual gender-role attitudes and one-tenth to an institutional effect. These findings indicate that the cultural (attitude) context matters for female labor supply. }, added-at = {2016-11-17T09:41:39.000+0100}, author = {Uunk, Wilfred}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2014.995772}, eprint = {}, interhash = {4e11f8303400acce44c3b05d4111d424}, intrahash = {14155d9471a7c465a578ff77dd89c40e}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked contextual_effects cross-national_research female_labor_supply gender-role_attitudes indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {176-198}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Does the Cultural Context Matter? The effect of a country's gender-role attitudes on female labor supply}, url = {}, volume = 17, year = 2015}@article{novy2015politics, abstract = {Politics in the Supermarket: Boycotting Consumers as Agents of Social Change. At first glance, searching for why consumers abstain from certain products seems part of a research agenda that should primarily be elucidated by marketing literature. In fact, an individual's refusal to buy some goods used to be perceived as a matter of the marketplace, where the economic laws of supply and demand markedly predetermine a consumer's decision to purchase a product. However, in past decades, boycotts have been strongly interconnected with the concept of political participation, although the political nature of consumer behaviour often seems to be controversial. As some theorists of civic engagement have pointed out, in light of the incessant widening of the repertoire of participatory modes, studying political participation is not too far from “the theory of everything.” This article makes an effort to introduce boycotting as a relevant tool for influencing political affairs. It deals with the application of the approach developed by Sidney Verba and his colleagues that parsimoniously tells why some people are politically active while others are not. It asks whether their well-known Civic Voluntarism Model provides a suitable theoretical framework for explaining such a specific form of individual political action as boycotting in the 41 countries included in the fourth wave of the European Values Study (EVS). Due to the hierarchical data structure, multilevel models are employed to examine the effects of individual as well as contextual variables on the probability of a boycott. Sociológia 2015, Vol. 47 (No. 1: 87-112)}, added-at = {2016-11-17T09:37:45.000+0100}, author = {Novy, Michal}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5c0a7a35d2d90ffd1e41ec8347b6a0b0}, intrahash = {d504cd743ff4836903803ae81741bbd4}, journal = {Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked czech indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {87-112}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Politics in the supermarket: boycotting consumers as agents of social change}, volume = 47, year = 2015}@incollection{linssen2014trends, added-at = {2016-11-17T09:22:40.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Linssen, Rik and Schmeets, Hans and Scheepers, Peer and te Grotenhuis, Manfred}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Trust and Disenchantment with Politics}, doi = {10.1163/9789004276062_004}, editor = {Eder, Christina and Mochmann, Ingvill and Quandt, Markus}, interhash = {aa548cef80c70aef94830deec48415fb}, intrahash = {9c732342b12306c79516c1653599ec16}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {31-58}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trends in Conventional and Unconventional Political: Participation in Europe, 1981–2008 }, url = {}, year = 2014}@article{kostal2015european, abstract = {A sequel to an analysis of citizens' predispositions for democracy (Part I), this study focuses on larger units, shared ideologies. European ideologies were explored by secondary data analysis of European Values Study (EVS) wave 4, years 2008–2010, 44 countries, 73 questionnaire items, N = 63,281 respondents. The nature of the ideologies is inviting to cluster analysis approach as they tend to be described in terms of ‘patterned clusters’ and likened to an urban cacophony. We applied cluster analysis to reveal prevalent ideological patterns (pro- and antidemocratic tendencies) within the noise of attitudes, values, and behavioral tendencies of European voters and nonvoters. This time our unit was not an individual citizen but a more general unit, ‘an averaged electoral case’. Each major party and also ‘no party’, ‘other party’, and ‘DK/NA’ categories for each country were represented by an abstracted (non)voter with average opinions (using all 73 variables), producing N = 302 averaged electoral tendencies. These were subjected to hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis. Resulting clusters partitioned Europe into three political regions: active democracy (the north-west; 41\% of Europeans, 64.5\% democratic), moderate democracy (southern and postcommunist Europe; 48\% of Europeans, 21.7\% democratic), passive democracy (south-east: Turkey, Romania, Albania, Northern Cyprus; 11\% of Europeans, 9.6\% democratic). This study thus provided a complementary perspective to the study from Part I (which manifested trans-nationally shared political mentalities of European citizens): European public ideologies manifested regional divides and confirmed the lack of internationally shared public sphere. }, added-at = {2016-11-17T09:12:20.000+0100}, author = {Ko??ál, Jaroslav and Klicperová-Baker, Martina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2015.1018719}, eprint = {}, interhash = {a4d3ba3bff778b4386a39560cd66d190}, intrahash = {2ce9109aa6d7d199c7e444acd047a2a2}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {333-350}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Sociopolitical Mentalities: Identifying Pro- and Antidemocratic Tendencies. Part II – Group (ideological, partisan, regional) perspective}, url = {}, volume = 17, year = 2015}@article{lahusen2015beyond, abstract = { This article deals with the development of ‘unconventional’ political participation in Germany between 1974 and 2008. Our aim is to describe empirically the evolution of protest actions across time and differences between east and west. Moreover, we strive to unveil explanatory factors by analysing data from the Political Action Survey (1974/75) and the European Values Study (2008) in regard to lawful demonstrations. For this purpose, we draw on scholarly writing and test the causal effects of socio-demographic, social-structural and attitudinal factors. Our findings show that participation in lawful protest forms is not anymore a minoritarian, exceptional or unconventional act of political claims making, but a normal aspect of political behaviour. Demonstrations do not recruit exclusively a specific constituency with a clear social profile, but rather citizens from different social backgrounds and orientations. Moreover, our data suggest a gradual convergence between East and West Germany. }, added-at = {2016-11-17T09:08:50.000+0100}, author = {Lahusen, Christian and Bleckmann, Lisa}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/09644008.2015.1060414}, eprint = {}, interhash = {692afa21331b6c7528f2800d59cabbdf}, intrahash = {d9095fd0d7561308fe6385c6442d19d6}, journal = {German Politics}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {402-426}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Beyond the Ballot Box: Changing Patterns of Political Protest Participation in Germany (1974–2008)}, url = {}, volume = 24, year = 2015}@article{klicperovabaker2015european, abstract = {The article focuses on citizens’ predispositions for democracy and discusses the concepts of democratic mentality, demos, and demoi. Democratic mentality was operationalized by attitudes, values, and behavioral tendencies which promote civility and civic political culture. Theoretical analysis is followed by an empirical assessment of diverse intranational and international mentalities: prodemocratic, antidemocratic, and nondemocratic tendencies. Constellations of attitudes were explored by secondary data analysis of European Values Study (EVS wave 4, 2008–2010 period, 44 countries, 73 questionnaire items). Individual citizens (N = 63,281) were classified by k-means cluster analysis into: (1) ‘secular democrats’, (2) ‘religious democrats’, (3) ‘nondemocratic skeptics’, (4) ‘antidemocratic intolerant economically deprived traditionalists’, and (5) ‘antidemocratic religious radicals’. All mentalities occurred in each country; countries differed by the incidence of democratic (1 + 2), nondemocratic (3), and antidemocratic (4 + 5) mentalities. Democratic mentality was prevalent in the Northwest (especially in Scandinavia) and among elites; its average incidence in Europe was 40.9\%. The results manifested trans-nationally shared political mentalities of European citizens, indicated that democrats were significantly present in every country, and confirmed presence of a robust demos in the North-Western Europe. International democratic mentality (trans-national demos) can be viewed as a possible source of democratic peace (Pax democratica). Civility was an important component of democratic mentality. It was demonstrated that democracy can function without prevalent active political participation but it is hard to conceive democracy without widespread civility. Whenever democracy is being exported or restored, the process must primarily focus on civility and not be limited to mere cultivation of political culture.}, added-at = {2016-11-16T18:02:05.000+0100}, author = {Klicperová-Baker, Martina and Ko??ál, Jaroslav}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2015.1018720}, interhash = {d93e829e96b675a792288b82bdc9b84c}, intrahash = {f03593ecb45109505ac90730bdda6d75}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed antidemocratic_tendencies article checked cluster_analysis democratic_mentality demos elites english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {301-332}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Sociopolitical Mentalities: Identifying Pro- and Antidemocratic TendenciesPart I – Individual citizens’ perspective }, url = {}, volume = 17, year = 2015}@article{kentmencin2015participation, abstract = {Although Turkey is no stranger to protest events, there has been only limited research into why some people participate in protests, such as demonstrations and boycotts, while others do not. Using the 2008 European Values Study data, this paper investigates how socio-economic and demographic variables, political attitudes and orientations, social capital and religiosity explain variations in the likelihood of engaging in unconventional political activity in Turkey. Comparing results for Turkey with results for the European Union (EU), the present study finds that traditional explanations of participation in unconventional forms of political action in stable democracies do not seem to explain participation in Turkey. Education, institutional trust, democratic satisfaction and religious beliefs are the only factors that shape non-traditional participation in Turkey. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics, political attitudes and orientations, social capital and religious beliefs explain most of the variation in unconventional activism in the EU. }, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:44:41.000+0100}, author = {Kentmen-?in, ?i?dem}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14683857.2015.1015314}, eprint = {}, interhash = {a5326ef749618e39bdc579bf2c60c839}, intrahash = {9591c6ee1a21c0e39ac539f76f10dae7}, journal = {Southeast European and Black Sea Studies}, keywords = {2015 EU EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Turkey activism article checked demonstration english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed social_protest}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {223-237}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Participation in social protests: comparing Turkey with EU patterns}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2015}@incollection{hoelscher2015vergleiche, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:39:49.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Hoelscher, Michael}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Empirische Kultursoziologie: Festschrift für Jürgen Gerhards zum 60. Geburtstag}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-08733-3_7}, editor = {R?ssel, J?rg and Roose, Jochen}, interhash = {e4f66868a02625807ee67e6eb6c271ea}, intrahash = {3fc7b0ed06251d7f0f21bcbcddb14ce1}, isbn = {978-3-658-08733-3}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {195-220}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:52:46.000+0200}, title = {Vergleiche vergleichen: die Analyse politischer Kulturen in Europa mit Hilfeverschiedener Techniken}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{hayward2015aging, abstract = {Religious change has been studied from the perspectives of both individual development and societal progress, but a lack of long-term longitudinal data has limited the capacity to examine them simultaneously. This study uses repeated cross-sectional data from the World Values Survey/European Values Study, covering 80 nations over the period from 1981 to 2013 to estimate age, period, and cohort effects on mean changes in the subjective importance of God and attendance at religious services. A cross-classified mixed model approach was used, examining both random effects indicating between-country differences in these changes and fixed factors unifying them in a broader framework. Older age was associated with greater personal and organizational religious involvement in a large majority of societies, but the strength of this association differed by culture, with the largest mean effects occurring in Western nations. Period effects were detected in many cultural areas but were very heterogeneous in direction and magnitude. Period changes were related to national wealth, with increase in per capita gross domestic product being related to declines in mean religious involvement. Cohort effects were in evidence in relatively few societies. These results indicate that both individual aging processes and changes in the material environment may influence changes in religious involvement, in keeping with both psychological and sociological theory, but that culture also plays a role in the nature and speed of these changes.}, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:36:05.000+0100}, author = {Hayward, R. David and Krause, Neal}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0022022115597066}, eprint = {}, interhash = {bb8b8c94368ce7e565ae8fb4bb8073d4}, intrahash = {952dc63452eb5028e10970bee391f6ac}, journal = {Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 8, pages = {979-995}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Aging, Social Developmental, and Cultural Factors in Changing Patterns of Religious Involvement Over a 32-Year Period: An Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of 80 Countries}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2015}@article{halman2015secularization, abstract = {Analysing survey data from the European Values Study, we investigate whether and how changes in church attendance bring about changes in people’s acceptance of abortion, homosexuality, divorce, and euthanasia. We argue that decreasing church attendance not only should enhance overall acceptance of these moral issues, but it should also lead to greater diversity in opinions on them. From our analyses, we can indeed conclude that declining levels of church attendance have been accompanied by greater permissiveness and increased diversity in attitudes towards abortion, divorce, and euthanasia. However, opinions about homosexuality hardly seem affected by developments in religiosity. Moreover, the trends in Western and Eastern Europe appear rather different. Eastern Europeans are far more conservative; in fact, no significant changes in church attendance levels (on average) were found there. The association between church attendance and moral views is in general weaker in Central and Eastern Europe than in Western Europe, and is even absent in some cases.}, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:33:07.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek and van Ingen, Erik}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/esr/jcv064}, eprint = {}, interhash = {355bceb5894baf1844613c20307963d3}, intrahash = {1de52ba45f21cdb53f14e2aba07b9e7a}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {616-627}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Secularization and Changing Moral Views: European Trends in Church Attendance and Views on Homosexuality, Divorce, Abortion, and Euthanasia}, url = {}, volume = 31, year = 2015}@article{guetto2015religiosity, abstract = {The Second Demographic Transition (SDT) theory underlines the importance of changing values and attitudes to explain the trend toward low fertility and raising female labour market participation. We contribute to this debate comparing religiosity and gender attitudes over several European countries using three waves of the European Values Study (1990, 1999 and 2008). By dealing with the issues of measurement invariance and endogeneity between values and behaviour, our results support some critiques of the SDT theory. The pace of the process of sociocultural change has not been the same across European countries and the forerunners of the SDT, that is, the most secularized and gender-egalitarian societies, now have the highest female labour market participation rates and the highest fertility. We provide evidence for a ‘macro–micro paradox’ regarding the role of values on family behaviours. Religiosity is positively correlated with fertility and housewifery, while gender attitudes are only correlated with women’s labour market decisions. These correlations are stronger in more traditional countries, even if aggregate fertility is lower. We stress the necessity to integrate cultural and structural explanations, suggesting the lack of family policies and the rigidity of the family formation process as possible mechanisms to unravel this paradox.}, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:28:08.000+0100}, author = {Guetto, Raffaele and Luijkx, Ruud and Scherer, Stefani}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0001699315573335}, eprint = {}, interhash = {c822c3d6cfaddbeb4319f0449657dcaf}, intrahash = {5dfae505e02f4194abac4545932f2256}, journal = {Acta Sociologica}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article attitudes checked english female_labour_market_participation fertility gender_attitudes indexproved input2015 measurement_invariance religiosity review_proved reviewed values}, note = {First published online: March 5, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {155-172}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity, gender attitudes and women’s labour market participation and fertility decisions in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 58, year = 2015}@article{gonthier2015interventionism, abstract = {Based on the European Values Study, this article shows that the rejection of economic liberalism is not an epiphenomenon resulting from the 2007 crisis, but has been an underlying trend across the European Union since the 1990s. By examining attitudes towards the state, it shows that almost all Europeans became more interventionist between 1990 and 2008. Since the economic and political characteristics of individuals had a combined influence, this article emphasizes that social vulnerability is not always a sufficient condition for support for the state. Several similarities between the micro- and macrosociological levels are also observed. While the most vulnerable Europeans are the most supportive of the state, those living in countries with the greatest inequality are more likely to develop social demands. The few countries where interventionism is declining are those where confidence in institutions tends to be diminishing; thus also revealing the symbolic foundations of demands on the state.}, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:22:20.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric and Matthews, Toby}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dacc8c8af4d03b26bbdadc798ce4b37c}, intrahash = {d6f304124ebb99f0d4836f49a17d1014}, issn = {22717641}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-38}, publisher = {Sciences Po University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Rise of Interventionism in the European Union and its Social Foundations: An Analysis of Economic Attitudes Between 1990 and 2008}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2015}@article{feich2015changes, abstract = {This study aimed to investigate the changes that have occurred in the religious beliefs and practices of Roman Catholics in Ireland between 1981 and 2008 and to examine the extent to which Catholics have become liberal in their attitudes towards social issues over this period. Data were derived from 23 religious indicators and six social items sourced from the European Values Study (EVS). Only Roman Catholic respondents (n=3810) were included in the analysis. Data were analysed using ANOVA, t-tests, and chi-square tests. The majority of religious indicators were found to be in significant decline between 1981 and 2008. Also, Catholic attitudes towards homosexuality, euthanasia, abortion, prostitution, divorce, and the use of ‘soft drugs’ were found to have become significantly more liberal over this period. These findings support not only the notions of privatisation of religion and morality but also the emergence of a liberal ethos among a considerable proportion of Catholics in Ireland. Results are discussed in relation to theories of secularisation, believing without belonging, and the emergence of Liberal Catholics. Suggestions for future research, such as investigating the effect of conflict between one’s Catholic identity and liberal views, are made. }, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:18:27.000+0100}, author = {Féich, Pádraig ? and O’Connell, Michael}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13537903.2015.1025551}, eprint = {}, interhash = {fc44e5e8f400537cc0b04ab1f537de67}, intrahash = {15d66130d2cfaf576b7e7f329d79e867}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2015 AHindexed EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed ZA4804 article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {231-247}, study = {EVS1981-2008, Longitudinal Data Set}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changes in Roman Catholic Beliefs and Practices in Ireland between 1981 and 2008 and the Emergence of the Liberal Catholic}, url = {}, used_variables = {a006, e069_01, f024, f025, f028, f031, f032,f033, f034, f035, f036, f037, f038, f050, f051, f053, f054, f055, f062, f063, f064, f065, f066, f118, f119, f120, f121, f122, f126, s002evs, s003, x003r}, volume = 30, year = 2015}@article{cicatiello2015income, abstract = {An extensive theoretical and empirical literature already investigates the impact of income inequality on citizens' involvement in specific politically-oriented activities such as voting, membership of political groups, participation in political meetings, etc. In order to broaden still further the theoretical perspective on the connection between income inequality and citizens' political participation, this paper links the literature on inequality and political engagement with the one proposing a conceptualization of different forms of political participation. More specifically, this paper proposes a conceptual framework that analyzes how income inequality interacts with individuals' income position in explaining citizens' involvement in conventional and unconventional political activities. The core of the paper focuses on a multilevel mixed-effects empirical analysis carried out on survey data collected by the European Values Study project; its results support the hypothesis that income inequality significantly shapes the effect of household income in determining citizens' forms of political engagement.}, added-at = {2016-11-16T17:09:58.000+0100}, author = {Cicatiello, Lorenzo and Ercolano, Salvatore and Gaeta, Giuseppe Lucio}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10663-015-9292-4}, interhash = {f04ae9e6d4adc33c87f7296ecad5b395}, intrahash = {dd71ce64354417b39db7d9971ead0f98}, issn = {1573-6911}, journal = {Empirica}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved inequality input2015 political_participation review_proved}, note = {First published online: March 12, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {447-479}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Income distribution and political participation: a multilevel analysis}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2015}@incollection{marody2017polish, added-at = {2016-11-16T08:32:56.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Marody, Miros?awa and Mandes, S?awomir}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion, Politics, and Values in Poland: Continuity and Change Since 1989}, doi = {10.1057/978-1-137-43751-8_11}, editor = {Ramet, Sabrina P. and Borowik, Irena}, interhash = {dd5ebd079635538f9b1255cd4e15caaf}, intrahash = {ac98565ab6f767a03fc6e210e5f415b3}, isbn = {978-1-137-43751-8}, keywords = {2017 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2016}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {231-255}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan US}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Polish Religious Values as Reflected in the European Values Study}, url = {}, year = 2017}@book{polak2011zukunft, added-at = {2016-11-15T12:28:00.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, biburl = {}, editor = {Polak, Regina}, interhash = {731971d83c0a71673d32980acb5bbad0}, intrahash = {ad33feaf9e334c1ba64b906cc4862e19}, isbn = {978-3-205-78732-7}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked fdz_jb german input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 341, publisher = {B?hlau Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Zukunft. Werte. Europa. Die europ?ische Wertestudie 1990-2010: ?sterreich im Vergleich}, year = 2011}@article{muller2011coping, abstract = {This article focuses on the impact of interpersonal distrust on the perceived locus of control of the concerned person. It is argued that distrust triggers a psychological shift of the perceived locus of control towards distrusted others—a process, which may however be slowed down or even stopped by appropriate subjective or objective buffers. E.g. reliable law enforcement may have this buffering effect as well as the instrumentalisation of the state by corrupt practices. On the bases of interview data form the European Values Study, the article first shows for a great number of Eastern and Western countries the existence of the postulated negative impact of distrust on the degree of perceived internal control. In a second step, the article also investigates the buffering effects of trustworthy law enforcement and corruption. The statistical analyses demonstrate that in Central and Eastern Europe, corruption has a much stronger buffering effect than law enforcement, whereas in Western Europe, the strengths of the two types of buffers are just the reverse.}, added-at = {2016-11-15T11:51:36.000+0100}, author = {Müller, Georg P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e083d0895b45d7cd1aa383d0196869d0}, intrahash = {cd986a1fd86159fab1e1d05491b25ede}, issn = {12311413}, journal = {Polish Sociological Review}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 174, pages = {181-194}, publisher = {Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne (Polish Sociological Association)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Coping with Low-Trust Situations in Eastern and Western Europe: On the Role of Justice and Corruption as Buffers of Interpersonal Distrust}, url = {}, year = 2011}@book{halman2011respect, abstract = {Nederlanders worden steeds ego?stischer. De samenleving verhardt en verhuftert. Alles moet hier maar kunnen. Kinderen moeten we vooral vrijlaten, maar moeders moeten het huishouden doen. Maar we blijven ook een land dat gastvrij en solidair is, met de blik op Europa. De kloof tussen burger en politiek blijft ongekend hoog. Dat is in een notendop hoe Nederlanders hun eigen samenleving zien. Dat beeld is echter niet correct, blijkt uit dit boek. Respect man! bevat een schat aan informatie over de waarden die Nederlanders er op nahouden en de veranderingen die zich daarin de afgelopen dertig jaar hebben voorgedaan. Nederlanders hebben juist weinig op met het idee dat ’alles moet kunnen’. Ze grijpen nog steeds terug op waarden van vroeger, zoals huwelijkstrouw, respect voor ouderen en eigen verantwoordelijkheid.Deze conclusie kan worden getrokken op basis van het Europese waardenonderzoek. Dit onderzoek richt zich op wat mensen in het leven waardevol en belangrijk vinden: waarden op het gebied van politiek en religie, gezin en familie, vrije tijd en werk, solidariteit en vertrouwen, milieu en geluk, euthanasie en abortus.De auteurs leveren met dit boek een bijdrage aan het debat over wie Nederlanders zijn, waar zij voor staan en wat er sinds de jaren tachtig in onze samenleving is veranderd. Het boek geeft verhelderende inzichten voor het vaak heftige debat dat al jaren wordt gevoerd over onze normen en waarden.}, added-at = {2016-11-14T13:09:12.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, biburl = {}, editor = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and I.J.P., Sieben}, interhash = {abc5931fcb67549c4bc93acd53edd28f}, intrahash = {edefe93ca1506f3e4c5b2a744718240e}, isbn = {978-90-8863-076-7}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked dutch fdz_jb input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 274, publisher = {Celsus}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Respect man! Tolerantie, solidariteit en andere moderne waarden }, year = 2011}@article{kimikotanaka2011materialism, abstract = {Ideational change has been posited as a key element in shifting family and fertility behaviors insofar as values are driving factors behind subsequent practices. Still, factors that shape family and parenthood values have received relatively less attention. Moreover, the possibility that these factors vary in type or extent by gender or across socio-cultural context has not been adequately explored. Using the 1999 European Values Survey, this paper aims to contribute to knowledge about family values formation by examining whether the tendency to express traditional views about family is associated with the extent to which a person adheres to "(post-) materialist" values. Additionally, we examine the extent to which geopolitical context is associated with family values. Our results suggest that the relationship between materialism and traditional family values varies by gender and the particular family value in question, and that geopolitical boundaries had a strong association with family values. Un changement idéationnel a été avancé comme élément clé pour ce qui est de modifier les comportements relatifs à la famille et à la fertilité, dans la mesure où les valeurs sont des facteurs moteurs derrière les pratiques ultérieures. Néanmoins, les facteurs qui influencent les valeurs familiales et parentales ont re?u relativement moins d'attention. De plus, la possibilité que ces facteurs varient en type ou en degré selon le genre ou le contexte socioculturel n'a pas été suffisamment explorée. En utilisant l'?tude européenne sur les valeurs de 1999, cet article a pour but de contribuer à la connaissance sur la formation des valeurs familiales en déterminant si la tendance à exprimer des opinions traditionnelles sur la famille est associée au degré auquel une personne adhère aux valeurs "post-matérialistes". En outre, nous examinons à quel point le contexte géopolitique est associé aux valeurs familiales. Nos résultats semblent indiquer que la relation entre le matérialisme et les valeurs familiales traditionnelles varie selon le genre et la valeur familiale particulière en question, et que les frontières géopolitiques présentaient une forte corrélation avec les valeurs familiales. El cambio ideacional ha sido postulado como un elemento clave en la modificación de las conductas familiares y reproductivas, en la medida en que los valores son fuerzas motrices subyacentes a las prácticas correspondientes. Así y todo, los factores que configuran los valores familiares y parentales han recibido, relativamente, menos atención. Asimismo, tampoco ha sido adecuadamente estudiada la posibilidad de que tales factores varíen en tipo o en magnitud en función del género o de los distintos contextos socioculturales. Este trabajo, que toma como referencia el Estudio Europeo sobre Valores 1999, aspira a contribuir al conocimiento de la formación de valores familiares examinando en qué medida la tendencia a expresar nociones tradiciones sobre la familia guarda correlato con la medida en que un sujeto adhiere a valores "(post-) materialistas". Además, en él hemos examinado la medida en que el contexto geopolítico se asocia con los valores familiares. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la relación entre materialismo y valores familiares tradicionales varía según el género y según el valor familiar particular en cuestión, y que las fronteras geopolíticas tienen una fuerte correlación con los valores familiares.}, added-at = {2016-11-10T13:11:39.000+0100}, author = {Kimiko Tanaka, Deborah S. Lowry}, biburl = {}, interhash = {790f8bc1b0f6e1dbfa603367da94dd7e}, intrahash = {1d98ccbb8db0c0b798f6a29cc4bc4130}, issn = {00472328, 19299850}, journal = {Journal of Comparative Family Studies}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {131-144}, publisher = {Dr. George Kurian}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Materialism, Gender, and Family Values in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2011}@article{pavlovic2016postmaterialism, abstract = {The materialist-postmaterialist value dimension, understood as assigning priority to self-expression and quality of life as opposed to physical and economic security, has been one of the most important heuristic tools in the analysis of the changes of predominant values in cross-cultural and comparative studies in past decades. In recent elaboration of self-expression and emancipative values (in both cases, with postmaterialism as the most important component), postmaterialist values have been viewed as an essence of democratic political culture and a cultural precondition of effective democracy. This study was aimed at analysing the relation between postmaterialist values (understood as a political - thick culture variable), satisfaction with country’s democracy (institutional - thin culture variable) and support for democracy. The data from the European Values Survey (EVS), conducted on the nationally representative samples in twenty East European countries on the total of twenty countries and 30,393 respondents, were used. It is shown that postmaterialism is an important aspect of democratic political culture in Eastern Europe; in general, the most supportive of democracy are postmaterialists. On the other hand, there is a mixed pattern between the postmaterialist values and satisfaction with democracy – in some countries, citizens satisfied with democracy are more prone to choose postmaterialist items compared to the dissatisfied ones, while in some other countries the reverse is true. Both are, however, important predictors of the support for democracy as well as the country’s level of democracy development (measured by the EIU Democracy index). The relevance of postmaterialist values for the promotion of democratic political culture in Eastern Europe, possible alternative mechanisms of value change as well as the materialist-postmaterialist conception are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-11-10T10:49:58.000+0100}, author = {Pavlovi?, Zoran}, biburl = {}, interhash = {531c9d97c1b2ea768f296af2b2591f08}, intrahash = {a94dba48583d201a93caaa88b593de47}, issn = {2285-4916}, journal = {European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP OA_SSOAR OAproved article checked eastern_europe indexproved input2016 noindex political_culture post-materialism review_proved reviewed satisfaction_with_democracy support_for_democracy values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {41-55}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T13:22:18.000+0200}, title = {(Post)Materialism, Satisfaction with Democracy and Support for Democracy in Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 5, year = 2016}@article{pavlovic2015individual, abstract = {This paper is aimed at analysing the level of postmaterialist values in Eastern European countries as well as the main individual and country level predictors of the postmaterialist value preference. The data from the World Values Survey (WVS) and the European Values Survey (EVS), conducted on the nationally representative samples in the period from 1990 to 2008, were used. The main analysis was performed on the data from the fourth wave of EVS (2008/2010), on the total of twenty countries and 30,393 respondents. A number of individual (age, education, income level, size of town, economic hardship in formative years) as well as country level variables (inflation and unemployment rate, Human Development Index and GINI index values) were used. The results have shown that the level of postmaterialist values in Eastern Europe, measured by the standard four-item index, is relatively low and relatively stable in the period 1990–2008. Younger, urban and more educated respondents as well as the citizens from more developed and economically stable Eastern European nations are more inclined towards postmaterialism. The significance of the current socio-economic conditions for the variation in postmaterialism as well as the insignificance of economic security during the formative period of political maturation calls into question the assumptions of Inglehart’s original model. The possible alternative mechanisms of value change as well as of the (post)materialist conception are discussed. }, added-at = {2016-11-10T10:40:59.000+0100}, author = {Pavlovi?, Zoran Pavlovi?}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e38c9225d24b36153d1be5a54d2f8307}, intrahash = {1a5d5da56b91efe992fbfdaed0a3abed}, issn = {2285–4916}, journal = {European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP OA_SSOAR OAproved article checked eastern_europe indexproved input2016 noindex post-materialism review_proved reviewed values values_change}, note = { . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {1-11}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T13:22:18.000+0200}, title = {Individual and Country Level Determinants of (Post)Materialist Values in Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2015}@article{repak2016communist, abstract = {The aim of this article is to analyze application of the participatory model of democracy in the former communist countries, emphasizing influences of communist legacies. First part of paper covers basic characteristics of the participatory model of democracy and discusses communist heritage that is hypothesized to hamper development of participative democracy. In the third part of the paper goals of the investigation are defined and countries of the former communist block grouped. The last part of research presents analysis of the data obtained by the EVS research conducted on 2008.}, added-at = {2016-11-10T10:20:23.000+0100}, author = {Repak, Dragana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0570501e937c5cc62f5b4829be42ffa9}, intrahash = {6d16dc099dc8d5ffac1bdb59119de86b}, issn = {2285-4916}, journal = {European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2016 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {1-16}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T17:55:21.000+0200}, title = {Is the Communist Ghost Still Alive? Participative Democracy in Eastern Europe after the Fall of Berlin Wall. The Case of Post-Conflict Yugoslavia and East-Central Europe}, url = {}, volume = 5, year = 2016}@techreport{boarini2016multidimensional, abstract = {We compute a distribution-adjusted welfare measure that aggregates outcomes in three dimensions of well-being, namely income, employment and longevity. Aggregation weights reflect preferences of people on these dimensions. The welfare measure is calculated for 26 OECD countries and selected emerging economies, and covers about three decades. Relying on a single theoretical model of a hypothetical representative agent, we combine life satisfaction regressions to capture the full welfare losses of unemployment with a calibration approach to capture the value of longevity. We test for robustness of results over a series of datasets and specifications and find that the resulting estimated shadow prices of (one percentage point of) unemployment and one year of longevity average 2% and 6% of income respectively. While we assume an identical utility function for all individuals, shadow prices of unemployment and longevity vary both across countries and within countries across income groups. We find that economic growth differs significantly from the growth of our welfare measure. The latter grew faster than GDP thanks to the gains that countries experienced on longevity, but was also more volatile due to changes in unemployment. Rising income inequality exerts a negative effect on our welfare measure. Gains in longevity have almost the same impact on welfare as income growth, while the long-term impact of employment was smaller.}, added-at = {2016-11-07T09:49:12.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Boarini, Romina and Murtin, Fabrice and Schreyer, Paul and Fleurbaey, Marc}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1787/5jlpq7qvxc6f}, institution = {OECD Publishing}, interhash = {750ad9e450ab8c6fca47b1308f6eddf9}, intrahash = {970c59f635d013d544bf164fd37198dc}, issn = {1815-2031}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked english input2016 living_standards measurement techreport welfare well-being}, note = { . (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 54, series = {OECD Statistics Working Papers}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Multi-dimensional Living Standards: A Welfare Measure Based on Preferences}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{kelley2016societal, abstract = {Abstract Income inequality has been contentious for millennia, a source of political conflict for centuries, and is now widely feared as a pernicious “side effect” of economic progress. But equality is only a means to an end and so must be evaluated by its consequences. The fundamental question is: What effect does a country's level of income inequality have on its citizens' quality of life, their subjective well-being? We show that in developing nations inequality is certainly not harmful but probably beneficial, increasing well-being by about 8 points out of 100. This may well be Kuznets's inverted “U”: In the earliest stages of development some are able to move out of the (poorly paying) subsistence economy into the (better paying) modern economy; their higher pay increases their well-being while simultaneously increasing inequality. In advanced nations, income inequality on average neither helps nor harms. Estimates are from random-intercept fixed-effects multi-level models, confirmed by over four dozen sensitivity tests. Data are from the pooled World Values/European Values Surveys, Waves 1 to 5 with 169 representative national samples in 68 nations, 1981 to 2009, and over 200,000 respondents, replicated and extended in the European Quality of Life Surveys. }, added-at = {2016-11-04T12:28:21.000+0100}, author = {Kelley, Jonathan and Evans, M.D.R.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ssresearch.2016.04.020}, interhash = {2e41160bf809f749cd217b88764e7c31}, intrahash = {821b0e2541db3c2552045ef1ed20271d}, issn = {0049-089X}, journal = {Social Science Research }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: August 09, 2016, . (EVS)}, pages = {1-23}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Societal income inequality and individual subjective well-being: Results from 68 societies and over 200,000 individuals, 1981–2008}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2016}@incollection{hudson2015exploring, added-at = {2016-10-19T10:49:40.000+0200}, address = {London}, author = {Hudson, John and Jo, Nam Kyoung and Keung, Antonia}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Culture and the Politics of Welfare: Exploring Societal Values and Social Choices}, doi = {10.1057/9781137457493_2}, interhash = {a9cf7b93248c8ce48b7fbcdcaf7b46b9}, intrahash = {a849a693c41d2aed9182a51ea055d488}, isbn = {978-1-137-45749-3}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP WVS checked culture incollection input2016 social_values welfare_state}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {5-23}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan UK}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Exploring the Cultural Context of Welfare Policy Making}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{caragliu2016winner, abstract = {This paper offers a new perspective on urban innovation and enters the debate on the contribution of non-material growth-enhancing factors to the socio-economic performance of cities. Because of the often widespread availability of ``hard'' production factors, most cities increasingly compete for attracting non-material production factors whose role, in light of the more widespread diffusion of physical production factors, may ultimately determine their long-run economic success. Against this background, our paper focuses on a relatively neglected non-material factor, viz. urban risk attitude. In fact, cities offer the competitive and challenging environment where individual characteristics of actors may enjoy their highest returns; risk-loving and innovative individuals may sort in large urban agglomerations. The paper tests whether cities attracting such individuals and, thus, enjoying a more positive and open attitude towards risk, tend to innovate more. The empirical analysis of the paper is based on the most recent (2008/2009) wave of the European Values Study. Micro- data on about 80,000 individuals located in different EU urban areas are used to calculate city-specific attitudes towards risk that go beyond individual characteristics. This city-level risk attitude variable is then used within a knowledge production function approach, as an explanatory variable for urban innovation (patent applications to the European Patent Office) along with more traditional knowledge determinants (human capital and R{\&}D expenditures). Our empirical results show that cities with a more open and positive attitude towards risk ceteris paribus also tend to be more innovative. In addition, we find that, unlike traditional knowledge production factors, this factor faces no decreasing returns. While further research might be beneficial in order to more precisely pinpoint the extent of such effects, our findings appear to be robust and suggest a positive role for the urban attitude towards risky endeavours in explaining urban innovation.}, added-at = {2016-10-19T10:41:39.000+0200}, author = {Caragliu, Andrea and Del Bo, Chiara F. and Kourtit, Karima and Nijkamp, Peter}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00168-015-0734-5}, interhash = {79a7b51b75c336505ef6184d1891c3b8}, intrahash = {5c56cfde1075e0a5bb47cdb5b569aad9}, issn = {1432-0592}, journal = {The Annals of Regional Science}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2016 review_proved}, note = {First published online: December 28, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {617-645}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {The winner takes it all: forward-looking cities and urban innovation}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2016}@article{grizzle2015trusting, abstract = {Using data from the European Values Study, this article examines the mechanisms through which social capital facilitates volunteering in Nordic countries. Three specific mechanisms are examined as drivers of volunteering: Generalized trust, subjective well-being, and religious activity. We find that trust bridges social capital and that people volunteer more as their level of generalized and institutional trust increases. Our results also indicate that individuals with higher levels of well-being and those who attend religious services regularly are more likely to volunteer.}, added-at = {2016-10-04T08:23:07.000+0200}, author = {Grizzle, Cleopatra and Yusuf, Juita-Elena (Wie)}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/17448689.2015.1117230}, eprint = {}, interhash = {995d7b212dc2ad9a187957cf41cabab7}, intrahash = {39838c61ed12ba0e5dd149ed3f34788d}, journal = {Journal of Civil Society}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked civic_engagement english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed social_capital trust volunteering}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {384-401}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trusting, Happy, Religious, and Giving: Explaining Volunteering in the Context of Nordic Exceptionalism}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2015}@incollection{rossi2011legami, added-at = {2016-09-27T09:01:36.000+0200}, address = {Milano}, author = {Rossi, Giovanna}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Uscire dalla crisi. I valori degli italiani alla prova}, editor = {Rovati, Giancarlo}, interhash = {a7ffa9c26835314443ad1db60cc1a331}, intrahash = {af915c0e2791e043e402032345215281}, isbn = {9788834321140}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2016 italian}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {143-179}, publisher = {Vita & Pensiero}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Legami e percorsi di coppia: le trasformazioni della coniugalità in Italia}, year = 2011}@incollection{rossi2012legami, added-at = {2016-09-27T08:44:24.000+0200}, address = {Milano}, author = {Rossi, Giovanna}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {L'Italia nell'Europa: i valori tra persistenze e trasformazioni}, editor = {Pollini, Gabriele and Pretto, A.lbertina and Rovati, Giancarlo}, interhash = {b823e65f0e3c3ef069988a2dc59558f9}, intrahash = {73002094e4bdf06583a022dd6ca25d4e}, isbn = {9788820405724}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2016 italian}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {135-166}, privnote = {47 countries/regions}, publisher = {FrancoAngeli}, series = {Sociologia per la persona}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Legami e percorsi di coppia: le trasformazioni della coniugalità in Europa}, year = 2012}@incollection{rossi2014famiglia, added-at = {2016-09-27T08:33:50.000+0200}, address = {Siena}, author = {Rossi, Giovanna}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {La famiglia, luce di Dio in una società senza Dio. Nuova evangelizzazione e famiglia}, editor = {Peréz-Soba, Juan José}, interhash = {d919f5049fde928d2e160f716a35868a}, intrahash = {e3fc83cfd06327acd3d87be3f6ac2af6}, isbn = {978 88 6879 0462}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2016 italian}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-75}, privnote = {47 countries/regions}, publisher = {Cantagalli}, series = {Studi sulla persona e la famiglia 25}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Famiglia e trasmissione di fede}, year = 2014}@article{deregt2011leftwing, abstract = {A sometimes heated debate between authoritarianism researchers takes place on the issue of authoritarianism on the left. Some researchers argue that authoritarianism is typical for right-wing political orientation while other researchers assert that authoritarianism can also be found at the left side of the political spectrum. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we aim to contribute to the ongoing discussion on left-wing authoritarianism. Using representative samples, the relationship between authoritarianism and political preferences is examined in 13 ex-communist Eastern European countries. Employing six different indicators of left-wing/communist political orientations make clear that, despite cross-national differences, left-wing authoritarianism is definitely not a myth in Eastern European countries. Second, it was aimed to survey whether authoritarian persons in Eastern European countries might be a possible threat for the transition to democracy. Based upon five items it was demonstrated that in general the Eastern European population seems to hold a positive opinion on democracy. However, it becomes also clear that authoritarian persons in the ex-communist countries are significantly less positive towards democracy. }, added-at = {2016-09-22T14:24:10.000+0200}, author = {de Regt, Sabrina and Mortelmans, Dimitri and Smits, Tim}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.postcomstud.2011.10.006}, interhash = {2882d37dfc9adf226b7d44dae8f83a4c}, intrahash = {61df465d83f74708c2808c0199534ce6}, issn = {0967-067X}, journal = {Communist and Post-Communist Studies }, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked eastern_europe english fdz_jb indexproved input2016 left_wing_authoritarianism review_proved reviewed support_for_democracy}, note = {First published online: November 8, 2011, . (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {299 - 308}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Left-wing authoritarianism is not a myth, but a worrisome reality. Evidence from 13 Eastern European countries}, url = {}, volume = 44, year = 2011}@book{2011crosscultural, abstract = {Intended to bridge the gap between the latest methodological developments and cross-cultural research, this interdisciplinary resource presents the latest strategies for analyzing cross-cultural data. Techniques are demonstrated through the use of applications that employ cross national data sets such as the latest European Social Survey. With an emphasis on the generalized latent variable approach, internationally–prominent researchers from a variety of fields explain how the methods work, how to apply them, and how they relate to other methods presented in the book. Syntax and graphical and verbal explanations of the techniques are included. A website features some of the data sets and syntax commands used in the book.Applications from the behavioral and social sciences that use real data-sets demonstrate:The use of samples from 17 countries to validate the resistance to change scale across these nations How to test the cross-national invariance properties of social trust The interplay between social structure, religiosity, values, and social attitudes A comparison of anti-immigrant attitudes and patterns of religious orientations across European countries.The book is divided into techniques for analyzing cross-cultural data within the generalized-latent-variable approach: multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis and multiple-group structural equation modeling; multi-level analysis; latent class analysis; and item-response theory. Since researchers from various disciplines often use different methodological approaches, a consistent framework for describing and applying each method is used so as to cross ‘methodological borders’ between disciplines. Some chapters describe the basic strategy and how it relates to other techniques presented in the book, others apply the techniques and address specific research questions, and a few combine the two. A table in the preface highlights for each chapter: a description of the contents, the statistical methods used, the goal(s) of the analysis, and the data set employed.This book is intended for researchers, practitioners, and advanced students interested in cross-cultural research. Because the applications span a variety of disciplines, the book will appeal to researchers and students in: psychology, political science, sociology, education, marketing and economics, geography, criminology, psychometrics, epidemiology, and public health, as well as those interested in methodology. It is also appropriate for an advanced methods course in cross-cultural analysis.}, added-at = {2016-09-22T14:20:12.000+0200}, address = {London}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11449}, editor = {Davidov, Eldad and Schmidt, Peter and Billiet, Jaak}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3910}, interhash = {3fc08542507902c99ddd84728d7dfdd8}, intrahash = {abf377da4015924d50c82c3ad41a1106}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP_input2019 ZA3910 book checked english fdz_jb input2016}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {European Association of methodology series}, study = {EVS, ISSP2003}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-cultural analysis: methods and applications}, year = 2011}@article{baker2011citizen, abstract = {The transfer of responsibilities from central to local government has often been justified on the grounds of efficiency and democracy under the principle of subsidiarity. The existing models for mapping local government power in Europe, however, are often insufficiently detailed to allow an in-depth comparison, and little is known about the level of citizen support for increasing the responsibilities of local government. This paper attempts to expand this knowledge base by using financial local government data and opinion data from the European Values Study to analyse these questions. It relates the level of local government responsibilities in Europe to the level of citizen support for increasing local government responsibilities. These findings are then used to develop a research agenda on local government measurement, and to reflect on the difficulties facing the European comparative local government researcher. Keywords: ? comparative local government ? citizen attitudes ? local government power ? decentralisation ? local government spending}, added-at = {2016-09-22T12:13:45.000+0200}, author = {Baker, Keith and Van de Walle, Steven and Skelcher, Chris}, biburl = {}, interhash = {42c4041fd2e64d234b3a7cb15db97f82}, intrahash = {e4a59be64def0446298af6356416a996}, journal = {Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked citizen_attitudes comparative_local_government decentralisation fdz_jb indexproved input2016 local_government_power local_government_spending review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Citizen support for Increasing the Responsibilities of Local Government in European Countries: A Comparative Analysis}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2011}@article{bekhuis2014education, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, author = {Bekhuis, Hidde and Lubbers, Marcel and Verkuyten, Maykel}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/ijpor/edt037}, interhash = {83ad21dc15e070c3b4928bf8a14b92d6}, intrahash = {749c84f98af4e80474efeb1fb183371c}, journal = {International Journal of Public Opinion Research}, keywords = {2014 EB_input2016 EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: December 18, 2013, . (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 4, pages = {487-500}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=29085}, study = {ISSP2003, Eurobarometer 1982-88, 1994, 1999-2003, EVS and WVS 1981-84, 1989-93, 1995-2005, 2008, 2009}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {How Education Moderates the Relation between Globalization and Nationalist Attitudes}, url = {}, volume = 26, year = 2014}@article{alaminos2016opinin, abstract = {In the European public opinion, the majorities support the idea that democraticgovernments (the state and administration), must provide the SocialWelfare. The public opinion understands that the obligation to provide socialwelfare is of government and public administration. It is not a responsibilityof civil society or private sector. The crisis of 2007 and the dismantling of thewelfare state that begins in several southern European societies occur in thiscontext. The civil society organizations keep a significant role but withoutassigned to them the responsibility in managing welfare. The role attributedto charities or private sector is minimal. This is the case for child protection,social services, social housing, etc. In 2013, this preference for state actionin this case for the care of the elderly is reiterated. The public opinion in GreatBritain said that the responsibility of caring are the elders themselves (39%)or the government (33%). Spain and Italy attribute the responsibility to carefor elderly the government (55%) and secondly to the families of the elderly(20%). Turkish public opinion holds the opinions of the Mediterranean socie -ties, with the government (42%) and secondly the family (22%). The reductionof state intervention in welfare, for example by limiting public health careis valued negatively in all countries considered.In the attention to poverty and reducing inequalities, the central role is alsoattributed to the government and state. In general, individualistic approach,where each individual must solve their problems alone, or the approach thatattributes to the civil society organizations the responsibility for social protection,they have not received big support in public opinion in the countriesconcerned. This public opinion about the need for government interventionto reduce income differences must be interpreted in a general context wherethe most widespread impression asserts that inequality is accentuated, andincreased in recent years. An inequality considered as a serious problem ingeneral and specially for democracy in the country. The question in the year2012, about the importance to democracy that the government protects citi -zens against poverty reaches an average of 9.37 in Spain, 8.4 in Britain, Italy9.2, 8.8 in Portugal, on a scale from 1 to 10. In that sense, from the standpoint of public opinion, there is no doubt about the importance that the governmentstaking responsibility to protect the population from poverty and socialexclusion. In a sense, the inequality, the poverty and the government's responsibilityto mitigate and prevent, are evident. This public opinion includes aninsight about the democratic legitimacy of the system.The data indicate that for countries like Portugal and Turkey, in 2012, wasconsidered unjust that inequality allows the access to a better education orhealthcare quality only for being richer. In the case of Britain, wider accep -tance of the privileges of inequality is appreciated. On the opposite approach,Portugal and Turkey consider that poverty may cause health problems. In thecase of Britain is 44% who agree with this statement. In 2014, satisfactionwith the state of public services was fairly low in the case of Spain and Italy,with dissatisfaction between 60% and 70%. This perception is consistentwith the views of 2012 where Portuguese society was also critical with thestate of health and education system. Taken together the two areas, educationand health, it seems that Britain has suffered from fewer cuts, or that theyhave seen damaged to a lesser extent their educational or health quality.However, the opinion in the three countries, Italy, Spain and Britain in 2014is that health system will go worse. In this context, highlights the optimismof the Turkish society, where 39% believe that health care in their countrywill get better while only 18% of citizens think that may get worse.We are in a paradoxical situation where, although it is perfectly clear that theresponsibility for combating poverty lies with governments, generally confidentthat these governments will act and intervene properly is quite low, atleast considering the relevance of the intervention, and clear allocation ofresponsibilities to the government. In 2009 after two years from the start of thecrisis, 70% of Italians, 62% of Britons, 57% of Spaniards and 54% of Portuguesetend not to trust the government action in its fight against poverty. Consideringthe organizations such as NGOs or charities, and the trust that citizens havein them in their actions against poverty, nearly three out of four citizens tendto trust them. The confidence of citizens, about that the people can be effectivein combating poverty, is located halfway between trust in organizationssuch as NGOs and distrust that showed respect to the state administration.Spain is the country in which the society and public opinion show greaterconfidence about the role that citizens can exercise to combat poverty. So73% say that they trust in the citizens to perform these tasks. It is also thecase in Portugal, with 67% of citizens who trust in society to fight povertyand 60% for the British. The lower confidence regarding the role that citizenscan exercise themselves in the fight against poverty is found in Italian societywhere about half, 50% said not trust that citizens can cope with this task.Data for 2008 and 2009 showed that the participation of civil society (throughmembership in associations or formal organizations) in the provision of welfareservices was quite small for the countries considered. Something higherwas the participation in volunteer activities. In the case of European countries,one of the reasons for this low level of membership in organizations came from the belief that the responsibility of providing social welfare belongs tothe state and public administration. Nowadays, with the intensity of the economiccrisis, those affected by it have reacted in a resilient way, that follows theline of more collaboration and solidarity. It is not probably a dramatic increaseon the belonging to civil society organizations or charities. Because the responsibilityof Social Welfare belong to the state, and the idea of democracy is onstage, is more probable a political reactions in the electoral arena.}, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, author = {Alaminos, Antonio}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.11759}, doi = {10.14198/socdos.2016.1.1.01}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v3.0.0, ZA5400 v3.0.0, ZA5800 v2.0.0,}, interhash = {d877a37004eea93967f2ef935ae58257}, intrahash = {b2986f7ff9ca217b48af430216c2a448}, issn = {2445-2661}, journal = {Sociologiados. Revista de Investigación Social}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2009 ISSP2011 ISSP_input2016 ZA4800 ZA5400 ZA5800 article checked indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {15-47}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30243}, publisher = {Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Sociología II}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2009, ISSP2011}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {La opinión pública internacional y el Estado del Bienestar [The International Public Opinion and the Welfare State]}, volume = 1, year = 2016}@article{kevins2015political, abstract = {In a post-industrial world in which employment is increasingly ‘non-standard’, the tying of benefit access to standard employment history in insurance-style programmes has created considerable insider–outsider welfare state divisions. This article investigates the factors shaping attempts to address this issue through the extension of benefit coverage. Comparing the introduction of minimum income schemes in France and Italy, it explores the explanatory power of various partisanship- and institution-based accounts. The article argues that Italian inaction was the result not of partisanship-based factors, but rather of contrasting levels of public pressure. The divergent public opinion was, in turn, shaped by institutional characteristics typically associated with Southern European welfare states. Survey and multi-level model analyses provide support for the claim that the centrality of the family and limited administrative capacity have had an impact on concern for the unemployed.}, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, author = {Kevins, Anthony}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.1490, doi:10.4232/1.1950, doi:10.4232/1.2900, doi:10.4232/1.10789}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA1490, ZA1950, ZA2900}, interhash = {1cc9ceb67637392aa62359982f47fd65}, intrahash = {724cd71f44fef0f9fb2b6edaf8ec90c0}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1990 ISSP1996 ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA1490 ZA1950 ZA2900 ZA3811 article checked indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {303-315}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30549}, study = {EVS1999, ISSP1985, ISSP1990, ISSP1996}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Political actors, public opinion and the extension of welfare coverage}, volume = 25, year = 2015}@article{tomescudubrow2016harmonization, abstract = {This article describes challenges and solutions to ex post harmonization of survey data in the social sciences based on the big data project “Democratic Values and Protest Behavior: Data Harmonization, Measurement Comparability, and Multi-Level Modeling.” This project engages with the relationship between democracy and protest behavior in comparative perspective by proposing a theoretical model that explains variation in political protest through individual-level characteristics, country-level determinants, and interactions between the two. Testing it requires data with information at both the individual and country levels that vary across space and over time. The project’s team pooled information from 22 well-known international survey projects into a data set of 2.3 million respondents, covering a total of 142 countries and territories, and spanning almost 50 years, to construct common measures of political behavior, social attitudes, and demographics. The integrated data set is appended with country variables from nonsurvey sources. Mapping the methodological complexities this work raised and their solutions became the springboard for the analytic framework of Survey Data Recycling (SDR). SDR facilitates reprocessing information from extant cross-national projects in ways that minimize the “messiness” of data built into original surveys, expand the range of possible comparisons over time and across countries, and improve confidence in substantive results.}, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, author = {Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina and Slomczynski, Kazimierz M.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10874, doi:10.4232/1.10878, doi:10.4232/1.10888, doi:10.4232/1.10937, doi:10.4232/1.10964, doi:10.4232/1.11479, doi:10.4232/1.11558, doi:10.4232/1.1490, doi:10.4232/1.1840, doi:10.4232/1.1950, doi:10.4232/1.2150, doi:10.4232/1.2900, doi:10.4232/1.3190, doi:10.4232/1.11372, doi:10.4232/1.4700, doi:10.4232/1.10079, doi:10.4232/1.11334, doi:10.4232/1.11506, doi:10.4232/1.11418, doi:10.4232/1.11759, doi:10.4232/1.11005}, doi = {10.1080/00207659.2016.1130424}, gesis-study_no = {ZA1318, ZA1320, ZA1750, ZA3387, ZA4231, ZA5234, ZA5612, ZA1490, ZA1840, ZA1950, ZA2150, ZA2900, ZA3190, ZA3950, ZA4700, ZA4850, ZA4950, ZA5400, ZA5500, ZA5800, ZA4804}, interhash = {a144758ea43bd1bad5a918fa50047c77}, intrahash = {e74a02ea65b456d941e7a7995df6f939}, issn = {00207659}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2016 EB19 EB21 EB31 EB54.1 EB62.2 EB73.4 EB77.3 EB_input2016 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1989 ISSP1990 ISSP1991 ISSP1996 ISSP1998 ISSP2004 ISSP2006 ISSP2007 ISSP2008 ISSP2009 ISSP2010 ISSP2011 ISSP_input2016 ZA1318 ZA1320 ZA1490 ZA1750 ZA1840 ZA1950 ZA2150 ZA2900 ZA3190 ZA3387 ZA3950 ZA4231 ZA4700 ZA4804 ZA4850 ZA4950 ZA5234 ZA5400 ZA5500 ZA5612 ZA5800 article checked indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {58-72}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30480}, study = {EB19, EB21, EB31, EB54.1, EB62.2, EB73.4, EB77.3, ISSP1985, ISSP1989, ISSP1990, ISSP1991, ISSP1996, ISSP1998, ISSP2004, ISSP2006, ISSP2007, ISSP2008, ISSP2009, ISSP2010, ISSP2011, EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Harmonization of Cross-National Survey Projects on Political Behavior: Developing the Analytic Framework of Survey Data Recycling}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2016}@article{han2016income, abstract = {Using a multilevel analysis method, this article tests different hypotheses for how income inequality affects voter support for radical right-wing parties (RRPs) in Western Europe. Specifically, the article shows how this ‘income inequality effect’ encourages poor people to vote for RRPs, while it concurrently discourages rich people from doing so. This finding supports the social identity hypothesis, which states that social identity (a micro-level factor) intermediates income inequality effect (a macro-level factor) on voter support for RRPs. The article's results suggest, further, that income inequality has different effects between the main supporters of RRPs with dissimilar occupations (e.g., manual workers and the petty bourgeoisie) because they belong to different income groups; and that country-level factors may have different effects on people regarding their support for RRPs.?Income inequality has different effects on the support for radical right-wing parties between different income groups.?While income inequality encourages the poor to vote for radical right-wing parties, it dissuades rich people from doing so.?Inequality has dissimilar impacts on party support between different key constituencies of radical right-wing parties.}, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, author = {Han, Kyung Joon}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d5e303be0f2dfe74d5c7a39b4079a52f}, intrahash = {b2ce47d04e03767e419fed2f82391cb9}, journal = {Electoral Studies}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 6, pages = {54-64}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30268}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T09:57:21.000+0100}, title = {Income Inequality and Voting for Radical Right-wing Parties}, volume = 42, year = 2016}@incollection{Rosta2014Religiosit?t, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Zwischen S?kularisierung und religi?ser Vitalisierung}, interhash = {1e91622b3fe27a1302993b4f96055c5d}, intrahash = {b38ff5388d42f888331fe8f97ac7d698}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 checked incollection input2016 isspbib2016}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {135-147}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=23145}, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS1990-2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Religiosit?t und politische Pr?ferenzen – Polen und Deutschland}, year = 2014}@book{Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik2014Harmonising, abstract = {This book explains harmonisation techniques that can be used in survey research to align national systems of categories and definitions in such a way that comparison is possible across countries and cultures. It provides an introduction to instruments for collecting internationally comparable data of interest to survey researchers. It shows how seven key demographic and socio-economic variables can be harmonised and employed in European comparative surveys. The seven key variables discussed in detail are: education, occupation, income, activity status, private household, ethnicity, and family. These demographic and socio-economic variables are background variables that no survey can do without. They frequently have the greatest explanatory capacity to analyse social structures, and are a mirror image of the way societies are organised nationally. This becomes readily apparent when one attempts, for example, to compare national education systems. Moreover, a comparison of the national definitions of concepts such as "private household" reveals several different historically and culturally shaped underlying concepts. Indeed, some European countries do not even have a word for "private household". Hence such national definitions and categories cannot simply be translated from one culture to another. They must be harmonised. ?}, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, address = {Dordrecht U.A.}, author = {Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Jürgen H.P. and Warner, Uwe}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-007-7238-0}, interhash = {543ea802086987e5803f0092b011ee35}, intrahash = {ddc7f1ec64f9520cfe3b97dfb002517a}, isbn = {978-94-007-7237-3}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 book checked input2016 isspbib2016}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 274, privnote = {ISSP_ID=29067}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Harmonising Deographic and Socio-economic Variables for Cross-national Comparative Survey Research}, url = {}, year = 2014}@book{Spohn2015Religion, abstract = {This volume analyzes changing relationships between religion and national identity in the course of European integration. Examining elite discourse, media debates and public opinions across Europe over a decade, it explores how accelerated European integration and Eastern enlargement have affected religious markers of collective identity.}, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Spohn, Wilifried and Koenig, Matthias and Kn?bl, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.2880, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.10908,doi:10.4232/1.10911, doi:10.4232/1.10926, doi:10.4232/1.10933, doi:10.4232/1.10935, doi:10.4232/1.10937, doi:10.4232/1.10958, doi:10.4232/1.10961, doi:10.4232/1.10970, doi:10.4232/1.10983, doi:10.4232/1.11135, doi:10.4232/1.11479, doi:10.4232/1.10188, doi:10.4232/1.10899, doi:10.4232/1.10946}, doi = {10.1057/9780230390775}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2141 ZA2459 ZA2563 ZA2880 ZA2936 ZA3204 ZA3296 ZA3387 ZA3627 ZA3910 ZA3938 ZA3978 ZA3979 ZA3983 ZA4056 ZA4246 ZA4414 ZA4529 ZA4800 ZA4973 ZA5234}, interhash = {dc24e0b581e2caaade4b81dc6dbabbde}, intrahash = {c1dac7128189ff81a5ff22280b9351dc}, isbn = {978-0-230-39076-8}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1995 ISSP2003 ISSP_input2016 ZA2141 ZA2459 ZA2563 ZA2880 ZA2936 ZA3204 ZA3296 ZA3387 ZA3627 ZA3910 ZA3938 ZA3978 ZA3979 ZA3983 ZA4056 ZA4246 ZA4414 ZA4529 ZA4800 ZA4973 ZA5234 book checked english input2016 isspbib2016}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 187, privnote = {ISSP_ID=29971}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, series = {Identities and Modernities in Europe}, study = {Eurobarometer 37.0 ; Eurobarometer 40 ; Eurobarometer 42 ; ISSP 1995 (National Identity I) ; Eurobarometer 47.1 ; Eurobarometer 52.0 ; Eurobarometer 53 ; Eurobarometer 54.1 ; Eurobarometer 56.2 ; ISSP 2003 (National Identity II) ; Eurobarometer 60.1 ; Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2001.1 ; CCEB - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2002.2 ; Eurobarometer 61 ; CCEB - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2004.1 ; Eurobarometer 64.2 ; Eurobarometer 67.1 ; EVS - European Values Study 2008: Integrated Dataset ; Eurobarometer 71.3 ; Eurobarometer 73.4 ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and national identities in an enlarged Europe}, year = 2015}@book{Kriv?2013Ako, added-at = {2016-09-21T15:28:48.000+0200}, address = {Bratislavá}, author = {Kriv?, Vladimir}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d3d29a7c884ccf5ea55b8fcb22df77dd}, intrahash = {cee64e2e172c9e131b4f59fe2a8dffe3}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1998 ISSP2002 ISSP_input2016 book checked input2016 isspbib2016}, note = {(ISSP) (EVS)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=29046}, publisher = {Sociologick? ?stav SAV}, study = {EVS1991-2008, ISSP1998, ISSP2002}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Ako Sa Mení Slovenská Spolocnost}, year = 2013}@article{vezzoni2015church, abstract = {The debate over religious change in Italy is far from having reached unanimous conclusions: some scholars point to an unbroken trend toward a decrease of religiosity, while others highlight the signs of a religious revival, especially in younger generations. Besides difficulties with definitions, different conclusions are also due to a lack of information over a sufficiently long period of time. This problem is tackled here by developing a pooled analysis of repeated cross-section surveys that span over four decades. Using six different studies, the article analyzes the secularization trend in Italy on the basis of church attendance that, despite well-founded criticism, continues to be a crucial indicator of this phenomenon. The results, estimated using multilevel models, show that the trend of attendance at Mass in Italy has decreased since the 1960s until today, despite a period of stability at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The overall trend looks like a “recumbent S” trend (decrease up to the 1970s, stability in the 1980s, decrease afterwards). Thus, the claims of a religious revival in Italy are not supported by our results.}, added-at = {2016-09-20T08:58:56.000+0200}, author = {Vezzoni, Cristiano and Biolcati-Rinaldi, Ferruccio}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12173}, interhash = {226bca5b21934ebe7d4679d9208b7260}, intrahash = {cf16080b6a64af0f15480c0f0ffd08e9}, issn = {1468-5906}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2015 AHindexed EB_input2016 EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {100-118}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Church Attendance and Religious Change in Italy, 1968–2010: A Multilevel Analysis of Pooled Datasets}, url = {}, volume = 54, year = 2015}@book{lomazzi2016donne, abstract = {Sebbene molti passi siano stati fatti nel cammino verso la parità tra uomini e donne, le relazioni tra i generi e la legittimazione del ruolo della donna nella sfera pubblica restano ancora limitate da vincoli culturali che non permettono il pieno riconoscimento dei diritti e delle potenzialità che il contributo femminile può offrire alla società. I paesi europei hanno sviluppato i propri percorsi verso la parità con ritmi e velocità differenti, portando ad esiti molto diversi, nonostante il comune percorso indirizzato dalla strategia transnazionale del gender mainstreaming. Esistono delle ragioni culturali che motivano questa diversità? Quali sono i fattori contestuali ed individuali che possono limitare o promuovere lo sviluppo di una cultura maggiormente paritaria? E perché alcuni paesi europei migliorano di anno in anno la propria situazione ed altri restano invece stazionari? Assumendo le dinamiche di genere come un concetto situato e multilivello, il volume cerca di rispondere a questi interrogativi, mettendo in evidenza il legame esistente tra i valori individuali e il contesto culturale di riferimento, proponendo un'analisi sincronica e diacronica degli atteggiamenti verso i ruoli femminili nella sfera pubblica.}, added-at = {2016-09-19T09:15:08.000+0200}, address = {Milano}, author = {Lomazzi, Vera}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2a630a6a2b94d491c8f335640d6deea4}, intrahash = {ce534090fceb061fb6f1ee7df84f9ca2}, isbn = {9788891739902}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked input2016 italian}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 224, publisher = {FrancoAngeli}, series = {Sociologia per la persona}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Donne e sfera pubblica. I valori degli europei a confronto}, year = 2016}@article{mazzucchelli2016etica, added-at = {2016-09-19T09:08:51.000+0200}, author = {Mazzucchelli, Sara and Lomazzi, Vera}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.3280/SP2016-001007}, interhash = {34a5e505c434bba041446923a376f818}, intrahash = {1ead69e1e845a6fccf2997dab590fca8}, issn = {1972-5116}, journal = {Sociologia e politiche sociali}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2016 italian noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {127-160}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Etica e ricerca sociologica : neutralità o impegno verso i valori? : analisi di un caso esemplificativo : l'european values study}, year = 2016}@article{jagodzinski2006comparative, abstract = {This paper gives a broad overview over comparative surveys in Europe which are sofar available in European archives. In contrast to cultural relativism, it defends comparative research as an essential means for deepening our understanding of other cultures and our own culture as well. The article gives a historical overview of the most important comparative surveys with European participation after World War II and ends with the presentation of three large survey programs: the European and World Value Surveys, the International Social Survey Program, and the European Social Survey. Only the latter has succeeded, however, in building up a sufficiently large infrastructure for the support of questionnaire drafting, translation, sampling, data collection, data processing and archiving, and data analysis. We can only hope that a similar infrastructure can be established for other international survey programs in the future.}, added-at = {2016-09-15T12:38:46.000+0200}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8ad872691ce0dae26dc938aa8d37b515}, intrahash = {db3b34e9e6a7b063fdc365127d13ed6a}, journal = {Kwansei Gakuin Sociology Department studies}, keywords = {2006 EB_input2016 ESS EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 WVS article checked comparative_surveys english indexproved infrastructures input2016 isspbib2016 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 101, pages = {1-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Comparative Survey Research and its Infrastructure in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2006}@article{savelyev2016decomposition, abstract = {The research tests a modernization model (Welzel et al. 2003; Inglehart-Welzel 2009; 2010) applied to post-socialist societies in comparison with West European countries. The linear decomposition analysis of integrated World Values Survey (waves WVS1994-1999, WVS1999-2004, WVS2005-2007) and European Values Study (waves EVS1999-2001, EVS2008-2010) data showed that Inglehart’s socialization hypothesis (Inglehart 1990), which is related to a fundamental emancipative shift in values, was true for both selected West European and post-socialist countries with minor exceptions. However, the study demonstrates that the observed variability in value change in different countries in Europe is due to specific country-level contextual effects and not the population turnover. This finding confronts the assumption of exclusiveness of socialization against historical period in forming value orientations. Nevertheless the study supports in part the tested modernization model and proves that post-socialist societies (including Post-soviet) can follow a path of development which is similar to advanced Western Europe if the economic security increases.}, added-at = {2016-09-13T11:46:18.000+0200}, author = {Savelyev, Yuriy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f0cd8a37fcf5b653a4ca4e1fd7f54d11}, intrahash = {52178771242af7c9fb98eb9dfe3ceac1}, journal = {Sociológia}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked decomposition english indexproved input2016 modernization post-socialist_societies review_proved reviewed social_change socialization_hypothesis values}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {267-289}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Decomposition of Value Change in European Societies in 1995-2008: Test of Modernization Model and Socialization Hypothesis}, url = {}, volume = 48, year = 2016}@article{litina2016cultural, abstract = {Summary This paper investigates the hypothesis that individual environmental attitudes are partly determined by a cultural component. Our analysis tackles this issue both theoretically and empirically. In the theoretical section of the paper, we describe a model of intergenerational transmission of cultural traits. In the empirical section, we use survey data from the European Values Study, to empirically identify this cultural component in environmental attitudes. We use a comparative approach that exploits variations associated with European migration flows. Our findings suggest that culture has a persistent and statistically significant impact on the environmental values of migrants: differences in environmental attitudes among migrants can be traced back to social values that persist in their countries of origin. We also show that environmental attitudes are resilient to incentives derived from the external environment: environmental conditions migrants have been exposed to in their countries of origin do not have a significant impact on their preferences when living in the host country. Our empirical findings are robust to a number of alternative assumptions and present interesting dimensions of heterogeneity concerning the cultural transmission process. These results imply that in the presence of multiple environmental problems that require collective action, comprehending the driving forces behind the formation of an environmental culture is critical to effective policy formation. }, added-at = {2016-09-08T10:28:26.000+0200}, author = {Litina, Anastasia and Moriconi, Simone and Zanaj, Skerdilajda}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.worlddev.2016.03.016}, interhash = {9512f5d981d12c9a0e294b0d2bcc0426}, intrahash = {838e30a224c2324c2e7eb15116a178f9}, issn = {0305-750X}, journal = {World Development }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cultural_transmission english environmental_preferences environmental_values indexproved input2016 migration review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {131 - 148}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Cultural Transmission of Environmental Values: A Comparative Approach}, url = {}, volume = 84, year = 2016}@book{2014vrednote, abstract = {Knjiga je plod ?etvrtoga vala European Values Study – 2008 istra?ivanja i predstavlja nastojanje pozicioniranja Hrvatske na vrijednosnoj karti Europe me?u 47 istra?ivanih zemalja.Specifi?nost EVS-a za Hrvatsku o?ituje se u interdisciplinarnoj suradnji znanstvenika Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu. Ve? od 1998. godine do danas na EVS projektu s posebnom akribijom i znanstvenom odgovorno??u sudjeluju teolozi i sociolozi, psiholozi, politolozi i metodi?ari, znanstvenici vi?e sastavnica Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu, ali i ?ire.Podru?ja istra?ivanja su odnos religije i morala, dru?tva i politike, braka i obiteljskog ?ivota, zatim uloga spolova, rad i slobodno vrijeme, seksualnost i obrazovanje.Knjiga je sastavljena od triju dijelova. Prvi i tre?i sadr?e dva poglavlja, a drugi i sadr?i ?etiri poglavlja. U svim su poglavljima u analizu, osim Hrvatske, uklju?ene i zemlje biv?e federacije (BiH, Srbija, Slovenija, Crna Gora, Makedonija i Kosovo) te Hrvatskoj susjedne zemlje (Ma?arska, Austrija i Italija).Iz perspektive izdava?a ove knjige – a izdava?i su Katoli?ki bogoslovni fakultet Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu i Kr??anska sada?njost – valja naglasiti da je ova suradnja na tragu dijalo?ke otvorenosti, odnosno na tragu Drugoga vatikanskog sabora koji je u pastoralnoj praksi Crkve tra?io ne samo priznanje i primjenu na?ela teologije, nego i otkri?a neteolo?kih znanosti, prije svega psihologije i sociologije.}, added-at = {2016-09-06T13:33:57.000+0200}, address = {Zagreb}, biburl = {}, editor = {Baloban, Josip and Nikodem, Krunoslav and Zrin??ak, Sini?a}, interhash = {b93af637e66a16ac8fb6a2393a46b879}, intrahash = {d21966773811045396cbbad0c3e1e990}, isbn = {978-953-11-0894-2}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP book checked croatia croatian europe family input2016 marriage}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 484, publisher = {Kr??anska sada?njost, KBF Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Vrednote u Hrvatskoj i u Europi: komparativna analiza}, year = 2014}@article{valentova2014gender, abstract = {Abstract Although many studies have concluded that men and women differ in their attitudes towards immigrants, no research has yet examined the mechanisms behind these differences. This paper provides an analysis of how specific immigration-related perceived threats (job competition, threats to the majority culture, sustainability of the welfare system, and out-group size) are associated with perceptions of a general, immigration-related threat among men and women in Luxembourg. In analyses conducted separately for residents with different migratory backgrounds, we found that native women had a greater tendency than their male counterparts to associate the threat of crime with a general threat. Among first-generation immigrants, men put more emphasis on the out-group size threat, whereas women placed greater stress on the importance of the culture threat. Among second-generation immigrants, men and women differed with respect to their perception of job, cultural, and out-group size threats. }, added-at = {2016-09-05T13:53:08.000+0200}, author = {Valentova, Marie and Alieva, Aigul}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijintrel.2013.08.010}, interhash = {03259a79a3ed1ce7eb3009aef9fee64c}, intrahash = {04f96014e4d956be0cf83be6db1c3c7a}, issn = {0147-1767}, journal = {International Journal of Intercultural Relations }, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: September 26, 2013, . (EVS)}, pages = {175 - 182}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender differences in the perception of immigration-related threats}, url = {}, volume = 39, year = 2014}@article{voicu2015migrating, abstract = {This paper considers the case of the international migrants’ confidence in political institutions, from a social embeddedness perspective on political trust. We use country-level aggregates of confidence in institutions as indicators of specific cultures of trust, and by employing data from the European Values Study, we test two competing hypotheses. First, as confidence in institutions depends on the values formed during early childhood, the international migrant’s confidence in political institutions in the current country of residency will be influenced by the confidence context from the country of origin. Second, the host country may have different norms of trust in political institutions, and a process of re-socialization may occur. Therefore, the immigrants’ confidence in institutions is influenced by two confidence contexts: one from the origin country and one from the host country. The time spent in the two cultures, along with other characteristics from these contexts, shape the interaction effects we tested in multilevel cross-classified models.}, added-at = {2016-09-05T13:43:22.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan and Tufi?, Claudiu D.}, biburl = {}, day = 11, doi = {10.1017/S1755773915000417}, interhash = {e43af86d16b625de36fb5e60e6522a01}, intrahash = {b72dc1e1e659bc415fb5d38652f30882}, journal = {European Political Science Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked confidence_in_institutions english indexproved input2016 institutionalization international_migrants political_trust review_proved reviewed socialization}, month = {12}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-23}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Migrating trust: contextual determinants of international migrants’ confidence in political institutions}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{weber2015national, abstract = {Immigration is of growing significance to the demographic makeup of Western Europe. A long-standing and highly disputed question is whether a larger number of immigrants are associated with more negative attitudes toward immigration or whether the reverse is true. Previous studies yielded contradictory results on various levels of analysis (national, regional, local). These inconsistencies may partly be linked to what is known as the ‘modifiable areal unit problem’ in spatial analysis. This article seeks to address this issue by analyzing the relationship between the percentage foreign-born and perceived group threat in 15 Western European countries on the national as well as on three differing regional levels (N?=?70, 207, and 624 regions, respectively), together with survey data from the European Values Study’s fourth wave. I expect threat effects to operate through national communication systems while contact and habituation to immigrants to work on the regional level. Consistent with theoretical expectations, the results show a positive correlation between the national proportion of immigrants and perceived threat, while the coefficients are negative on the regional level. More immigration might thus lead to a more negative evaluation of the presence of immigrants in European countries, but apparently not within the regions where most of the newcomers reside. Two recent examples illustrate this seemingly paradoxical relationship. As a methodological result, effect size and statistical significance vary with the delimitation of the regional units of analysis (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques (NUTS)-1, -2, or -3). This suggests that research in this field should pay more attention to how and why spatial units are defined.}, added-at = {2016-09-05T13:33:49.000+0200}, author = {Weber, Hannes}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0020715215571950}, eprint = {}, interhash = {7d25204d6f16b3ffe6c9f7707175a052}, intrahash = {9cc61a8571bbd7c2bfc16dbd6dadeadc}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP NUTS SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english europe immigration indexproved input2016 modifiable_area_unit_problem multilevel_analysis political_demography review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 10, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {116-140}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {National and regional proportion of immigrants and perceived threat of immigration: A three-level analysis in Western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2015}@article{klein2013social, abstract = {The theoretical analysis of the concepts of social capital and of social cohesion shows that social capital should be considered as a micro concept whereas social cohesion, being a broader concept than social capital, is a more appropriate concept for macro analysis. Therefore, we suggest that data on the individual level should only be used to analyze the relationship between social capital, social cohesion indicators and subjective well-being and that they do not allow commenting on the level of social cohesion in a society. For this last type of analyses aggregated indicators of social cohesion have to be computed which is not the issue of this paper. Our empirical analysis is based on individual data for Luxembourg in 2008. In general, our results suggest that investments in social capital generate monetary returns (increased income) and psychic returns (increased subjective well-being) even in a highly developed and multicultural country like Luxembourg. When we are adding on the micro level variables representing the economic domain of social cohesion following Bernard (1999), then we observe that this domain also has an effect on income and on subjective well-being. Therefore, we recommend including the economic domain in any future analysis using the concept of social cohesion.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T13:35:48.000+0200}, author = {Klein, Carlo}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-011-9963-x}, interhash = {df34e77478008c16c4e04694b55249f9}, intrahash = {f3a09e8d4a5932c3b747f2acaa103253}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital social_cohesion subjective_wellbeing}, note = {First published online: December 06, 2011, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {891--911}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital or Social Cohesion: What Matters For Subjective Well-Being?}, url = {}, volume = 110, year = 2013}@article{siegers2016religious, abstract = {Abstract Many studies have shown that individual religiosity is related to a Christian Democratic vote. Recently, studies from sociology of religion have reported the rise of holistic spirituality. This paper is the first to examine the effects of holistic spirituality on party choice. In addition, it critically assesses the assertion that conventional religiosity prevents individuals from affiliating with Green parties. Our results show that spirituality is related to a higher probability of choosing Green parties. Moreover, conventional religiosity increases the probability that moderate left voters will prefer a Green party to a Social Democratic party. This result shows that there is common ground between the electorates of Green and Christian Democratic parties, thus creating possibilities for new political coalitions. }, added-at = {2016-09-01T12:29:53.000+0200}, author = {Siegers, Pascal and Franzmann, Simon and Hassan, Mira}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.electstud.2016.08.008}, interhash = {a2b8e6c10851972619803d347f87b150}, intrahash = {519ef3db9fcefbf11587a4e07096cbc2}, issn = {0261-3794}, journal = {Electoral Studies }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english europe green_vote indexproved input2016 party_choice religion review_proved reviewed spirituality}, note = {First published online: August 12, 2016, . (EVS)}, pages = {203-213}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The religious and spiritual underpinnings of party choice in christian Europe}, url = {}, volume = 44, year = 2016}@article{rozer2016national, abstract = {The well-known Income Inequality Hypothesis suggests that income disparities in a country are detrimental for people's health. Empirical studies testing this hypothesis so far have found mixed results. In this study, we argue that a reason for these mixed findings may be that high national income inequality mostly harms individuals with high levels of social trust. We employ data of the World Value Survey and European Value Survey, using information on 393,761 respondents within 89 countries. Multilevel regression analyses, across countries and within countries across time, confirm findings from earlier studies that there is a negative association between national income inequality and self-rated health. Our results also reveal that national income inequality is especially detrimental for trustful citizens: while the effect of income inequality is nearly absent among people with low social trust it is negative among people with high social trust. }, added-at = {2016-09-01T12:21:22.000+0200}, author = {R?zer, Jesper and Kraaykamp, Gerbert and Huijts, Tim}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2016.1153697}, eprint = {}, interhash = {e8d9b891a2ba20020987a13b922a9b79}, intrahash = {9d7af44d658ce413263acc77ca7b3fad}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed WVS article checked income_inequality indexproved input2016 multilevel_models review_proved reviewed self-rated_health social_trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {245-263}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {National income inequality and self-rated health: the differing impact of individual social trust across 89 countries}, url = {}, volume = 18, year = 2016}@article{stavrova2016cynical, abstract = {Based on the existing literature on worldview beliefs, cynical hostility, and Machiavellian cynicism, we suggest that holding cynical beliefs about human nature can be detrimental for individuals’ income. Cynical individuals are more likely to avoid cooperation and trust or to overinvest in monitoring, control, and other means of protection from potential exploitation. As a result, they are more likely to forgo valuable opportunities for cooperation and consequently less likely to reap the benefits of joint efforts and mutual help compared with their less cynical counterparts. Studies 1 and 2, using nationally representative longitudinal surveys of the American population, show that individuals who endorsed cynical beliefs about human nature at baseline earned comparatively lower incomes 9 (Study 1) and 2 (Study 2) years later. In Study 3, applying a multilevel model of change to a nationally representative panel study of the German population, we show that cynical beliefs at baseline undermined an income increase in the course of the following 9 years. In Study 4, the negative effect of cynical beliefs on income proved to be independent of individual differences in the Big Five personality dimensions. Study 5 provided the first tentative evidence of the hypothesized mechanism underlying this effect. Using survey data from 41 countries, it revealed that the negative effect of cynical beliefs on income is alleviated in sociocultural contexts with low levels of prosocial behavior, high homicide rates and high overall societal cynicism levels. Holding cynical beliefs about others has negative economic outcomes unless such beliefs hold true. }, added-at = {2016-09-01T12:14:51.000+0200}, author = {Stavrova, Olga and Ehlebracht, Daniel}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1037/pspp0000050}, interhash = {bf97804f7a6e74e1daad9b652ed559b6}, intrahash = {e5c8ba2aa29716055b8bded1b06d81d9}, journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {116-132}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cynical beliefs about human nature and income: Longitudinal and cross-cultural analyses}, url = {}, volume = 110, year = 2016}@article{storm2016morality, abstract = {The exact relationship between religiosity and moral values is understudied, and it is unclear what the process of secularization means for the morality of Europeans. Previous research shows that religion is associated with low levels of political and economic development. A potential explanation is that religion provides an alternative moral authority to the authority of the state. Using data from four waves of the European Values Study 1981–2008, I analyze attitudes to personal autonomy (vs tradition) and self-interest (vs social norms) in a multilevel model of 48 European countries. The results show that religious decline has been accompanied by an increase in autonomy values, but not self-interest, that the relationship between religion and morality is stronger in more religious countries, and that it has declined since the 1980s. We also show that religiosity is more negatively associated with self-interest among people with low confidence in state authorities.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T11:56:01.000+0200}, author = {Storm, Ingrid}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1017/S1755048315000899}, interhash = {11e76e3199028d46157f9eac725fa565}, intrahash = {72a4740a667a65fa35f4849247becbaa}, issn = {1755-0491}, journal = {Politics and Religion}, keywords = {2016 AHindexed EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english europe indexproved input2016 morality religion review_proved reviewed values}, month = {3}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 01, numpages = {28}, pages = {111-138}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Morality in Context: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Religion and Values in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2016}@article{hutchison2016fourth, abstract = {Media freedom is typically viewed as crucial to democracy and development. The idea is that independent news media will facilitate free and fair elections and shine a spotlight on corruption—thereby serving as a fourth estate. Yet political leaders often justify restricting media freedom on the grounds that irresponsible news coverage will incite political violence—potentially undermining government and in effect acting as a fifth column. So is media freedom a force for democracy or a source of civil conflict? We hypothesize that the effect of media freedom on civil conflict is conditioned by a country’s level of intolerance. Specifically, we predict when social intolerance is low, media freedom will discourage domestic conflict because the tone of the news coverage will reflect the level of tolerance and ameliorate any inflammatory coverage. In contrast, we predict that high levels of social intolerance will fuel and be fueled by inflammatory news coverage if the media are free, thereby promoting civil conflict. We test our hypotheses across countries and over time drawing from World Values and European Values Surveys and the Global Media Freedom Dataset and find that the combination of media freedom and high social intolerance is associated with increased civil conflict.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T11:11:25.000+0200}, author = {Hutchison, Marc L. and Schiano, Salvatore and Whitten-Woodring, Jenifer}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/1940161216632362}, eprint = {}, interhash = {56a586baefd56bf08b7c005798df9b02}, intrahash = {389d9569eecf2f8f3f113771a7092f49}, journal = {The International Journal of Press/Politics}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article asia censorship checked english freedom_of_the_press indexproved input2016 media_effects peace political_conflict review_proved}, note = {First published online: February 24, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {165-187}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {When the Fourth Estate Becomes a Fifth Column: The Effect of Media Freedom and Social Intolerance on Civil Conflict}, url = {}, volume = 21, year = 2016}@article{valentova2016traditional, abstract = {The aims of the present paper are to explore how traditional gender roles (focusing mainly on attitudes towards the division of labour between men and women) relate to social cohesion and to examine whether this relationship differs among men and women. The multi-dimensional concept of social cohesion is measured by two general components: a behavioural dimension (consisting of civic and political participation and the intensity of non-kin social relations) and an attitudinal dimension (institutional trust and solidarity). The analysis, based on the data of the European Values Study from Luxembourg, reveals that being more traditional is related to higher attitudinal cohesion: i.e. higher institutional trust and solidarity. Conversely, traditional attitudes are associated with less cohesive behaviour, namely with a lower intensity of non-kin social relations and political participation. Tradition-oriented women show significantly lower levels of political participation than their male counterparts, whereas traditional men tend to demonstrate less solidarity than women.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T10:57:43.000+0200}, author = {Valentova, Marie}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-015-0961-2}, interhash = {20fa23b8f4c4dbc8472eb2a048c09989}, intrahash = {8a54484fa1d1029c6363c6d911b4f31a}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english gender gender_roles indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed social_cohesion}, note = {First published online: April 18, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {153--178}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How Do Traditional Gender Roles Relate to Social Cohesion? Focus on Differences Between Women and Men}, url = {}, volume = 127, year = 2016}@article{dingemans2015religion, abstract = {Many previous studies have linked religiosity to social trust. Yet much of this relation remains insufficiently understood, which is partly due to the fact that religiosity is a multidimensional phenomenon. In this article, we identify several of those dimensions, including the integration in religious communities, the importance of God in people's lives, and the religious context. These dimensions give rise to different mechanisms that produce both trust-enhancing and trust-reducing effects. Data from the European Values Survey (2008) were used to test the resulting hypotheses, using multilevel logistic regression models. We conclude that the micro effects are ambivalent: integration in religious communities furthers trust, whereas religious socialization and the importance of God lower trust. On the macro level, we find a strong effect of Protestantism, which is in line with previous studies, but that remains puzzling since the individual-level difference between Protestants and the other religious traditions was found to be very small. In addition, in contrast to other studies, we found that religious diversity increases social trust.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T10:48:31.000+0200}, author = {Dingemans, Ellen and Van Ingen, Erik}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12217}, interhash = {eb2ee21146a36b0089f97d45f8a7298a}, intrahash = {694be43db0073897fcd87a6b3e6d42f7}, issn = {1468-5906}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2015 AHindexed EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english indexproved input2016 religion review_proved reviewed trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {739-755}, study = {EVS2008, Integrated Dataset}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does Religion Breed Trust? A Cross-National Study of the Effects of Religious Involvement, Religious Faith, and Religious Context on Social Trust}, url = {}, volume = 54, year = 2015}@article{kamerade2016civil, abstract = {To contribute to the debate as to whether volunteering is an outcome of democratization rather than a driver of it, we analyze how divergent democratization pathways in six countries of the former Soviet Union have led to varied levels of volunteering. Using data from the European Values Study, we find that Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia - which followed a Europeanization path - have high and increasing levels of civil liberties and volunteering. In Russia and Belarus, following a pre-emption path, civil liberties have remained low and volunteering has declined. Surprisingly, despite the Orange Revolution and increased civil liberties, volunteering rates in Ukraine have also declined. The case of Ukraine indicates that the freedom to participate is not always taken up by citizens. Our findings suggest it is not volunteering that brings civil liberties, but rather that increased civil liberties lead to higher levels of volunteering.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T10:41:09.000+0200}, author = {Kamerāde, Daiga and Crotty, Jo and Ljubownikow, Sergej}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0899764016649689}, eprint = {}, interhash = {e83f0dff9806a108aba710adbaafa617}, intrahash = {c4eca2b8efcc96b25bd518dbe34e9b1f}, journal = {Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cross-national_comparison democratization english former_soviet_union indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed social_origins_theory volunteering}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civil liberties and Volunteering in Six Former Soviet Union Countries}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{moor2016temporary, abstract = {In this article, we examine the temporary and long-term consequences of the death of a parent or child on happiness. According to set-point theory external conditions are expected to only have a short-term or limited influence on happiness. This directly contradicts the basic assumption of affective theories on happiness, which states that major life-events have a lasting influence on well-being. Moreover, we test whether the association between bereavement and happiness is equally strong across the life course. To test our hypotheses we make use of the fourth wave of the European Values Study. Our research findings demonstrate that people who lost their father, mother or child are more likely to feel unhappy than people without this experience. Ten years after the death of a parent or child we still find a significant difference in happiness between people who have and have not experienced this loss. The assumption of set-point theory, that major life evens only have a temporary impact on SWB, is not supported by our data. Moreover, the association between bereavement and SWB strongly differs across the life-course. We might even conclude that the age at which the loss occurred is more decisive for the strength of the association between bereavement and SWB than the duration of the loss.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T10:31:34.000+0200}, author = {Moor, Nienke and de Graaf, Paul M.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10902-015-9624-x}, interhash = {ff76e53a8c989f65f4a4a05727933c2f}, intrahash = {118f3946cde4b40fa197ce67b1c6685e}, issn = {1573-7780}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article bereavement checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {Firts published online: April 25, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {913-936}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Temporary and Long-Term Consequences of Bereavement on Happiness}, url = {}, volume = 17, year = 2016}@article{takacs2016social, abstract = {By examining social attitudes on same-sex adoption in 28 European countries, we highlighted individual and country-level factors that can determine the level of social acceptance or rejection of this specific kind of adoption. This article contributes to the literature on social acceptance of lesbian women, gay men, and their adoption practices in Europe and directs attention to several previously under-researched aspects of social attitudes on same-sex parenting rights. The empirical base of this study was the fourth round of the European Values Study, conducted in 2008--2010. Using ordered logistic regressions, we examined the impact of several individual and country-level characteristics on the agreement level with the statement that ``Homosexual couples should be able to adopt children.'' We found strong relationships between social attitudes towards adoption by same-sex couples and the existence of legislation permitting same-sex adoption practices at the country-level, as well as some individual attitudes, including those related to traditional family formation practices, ``justification of homosexuality,'' and (non-) preference for homosexual neighbors. Our findings indicate a shift within the potential interpretational contexts of adoption by same-sex couples from a narrow sexuality-based framework to a different and possibly much wider context of family and parenting practices.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T10:13:19.000+0200}, author = {Takács, Judit and Szalma, Ivett and Bartus, Tamás}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10508-016-0691-9}, interhash = {8a6ddaef3d01b9c31eb81a9783a8f5f7}, intrahash = {5f622683033d9cd457cbdc43d0aeeac2}, issn = {1573-2800}, journal = {Archives of Sexual Behavior}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed adoption article checked english homosexuality indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed same-sex social_attitudes}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {1787--1798}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Attitudes Toward Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2016}@incollection{weber2016immigration, added-at = {2016-09-01T09:23:39.000+0200}, address = {London, New York}, author = {Weber, Hannes}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Identity Revisited. New approaches and recent empirical evidence}, chapter = 9, editor = {Kaina, Viktoria and Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel and Kuhn, Sebastian}, interhash = {6e145d89d5725d66bdd407db63b6ab1f}, intrahash = {9154e784295923197bdbad61777c4a5d}, isbn = {978-1138886360}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked europe identity immigration incollection input2016}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {157-176}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group}, series = {Critical European Studies, Vol. 4}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Does immigration contribute to the formation of a European identity? A multi-level analysis in Western Europe}, year = 2016}@book{kaina2016european, abstract = {It has been argued that the emergence of a European collective identity would help overcome growing disparity caused by the increasing diversity of today s European Union, with 28 member states and more than 500 million people.Research on European integration is facing the pressing question of what holds Europe together in times of crisis, growing distributional conflict and instability in its neighbourhood. This book departs from the ideas of group cohesion in the EU, and reflects on the newest dynamics and practices of European identity. Whilst applying innovative qualitative, quantitative and experimental research methods and an interdisciplinary approach, this volume looks at a variety of issues such as European citizenship, mobility of European citizens, space-based identities, dual identities, student identity and value-sharing. In doing so, this volume presents new perspectives on this complex and dynamic subject and points to potential solutions both in the academic discourse and the political practice of the EU.This text will be of key interest to scholars and students of European integration, European studies, international relations, citizenship studies, political sociology as well as more broadly in the social sciences. "Preface Viktoria Kaina and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski Introduction Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski, Viktoria Kaina and Sebastian Kuhn PART I Theorizing European identity: Recent conceptual perspectives 1 The citizenship-identity nexus in the EU revisited Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski 2 Theorizing European identity: Contributions to constructivist IR debates on collective identity Bahar Rumelili and Münevver Cebeci 3 European identity after Ockham’s razor: European identification Jochen Roose PART II Measuring European identity: New methodological outlooks 4 European Union symbols under threat: Identity considerations Laura Cram and Stratos Patrikios 5 Experimental exposure to the EU energy label: Trust and implicit identification with the EU Philipp Heinrich 6 A Europeanization of identities? Quantitative analysis of space-based collective identities in Europe Katharina Cirlanaru PART III Explaining European identity: fresh empirical evidence 7 Crisis, resilience and EU citizenship: collective identifications of EU migrants in Norway and Denmark Deniz Neriman Duru, Asimina Michaildou and Hans-J?rg Trenz 8 Dual identity and its mechanisms: national and European identity in the Italo-Slovene border area Simona Guglielmi 9 Does immigration contribute to the formation of a European identity? A multi-level analysis in Western Europe Hannes Weber 10 European identity and diffuse support for the European Union in a time of crisis: What can we learn from University students? Kristine Mitchell 11 Commonality and EU identification: The perception of value sharing as a foundation of European identity Tuuli-Marja Kleiner and Nicola Bücker 12 Building ‘us’, and constructing ‘them’: Mass European identity building and the problem of inside-outside-definitions Viktoria Kaina and Sebastian Kuhn ‘In search of the unknown’– An essay on the need of non-knowledge in European identity research Viktoria Kaina}, added-at = {2016-09-01T09:17:32.000+0200}, address = {London, New York}, biburl = {}, editor = {Kaina, Viktoria and Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel and Kuhn, Sebastian}, interhash = {ad9b5ce8968410e1fd95240274fc4ef6}, intrahash = {93d0db1b9ebebcd9f0e7502981a5d315}, isbn = {978-1138886360}, keywords = {2016 EB44.2 EB54.1 EB56.2 EB56.3 EB58.1 EB60.1 EB62.0 EB64.2 EB66.1 EB68.1 EB69.2 EB70.1 EB72.4 EB74.2 EB76.3 EB78.1 EB80.1 EB_input2016 EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP book checked english europe identity input2016}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = 272, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group}, series = {Critical European Studies, Vol. 4}, study = {EB44.2; EB54.1; EB56.2; EB58.1; EB60.1; EB62.0; EB56.3; EB69.2; EB64.2; EB66.1; EB68.1; EB70.1; EB72.4; EB74.2; EB76.3; EB78.1; EB80.1}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Identity Revisited. New approaches and recent empirical evidence}, year = 2016}@book{Dragolov2016Social, abstract = {Many people in the Western world are concerned that the social fabric of societies is fraying. This book constitutes the first-of-its-kind systematic account of social cohesion, from theory through methodology to empirical evidence. Readers are introduced to the academically developed Social Cohesion Radar of Bertelsmann Stiftung, a globally active non-governmental organization. The Social Cohesion Radar defines and measures cohesion as characterized by three core aspects: resilient social relations, positive emotional connectedness between people and the community, and a pronounced focus on the common good. Using high-quality academic and institutional data sources, the Social Cohesion Radar provides insights into the level and development of social cohesion over a period of almost 25 years internationally, among 34 European Union and OECD members, and regionally, among the 16 federal states of Germany. It further provides insights into what influences cohesion, and what cohesion is good for. One of the key findings is that social cohesion promotes a happier life for everyone.}, added-at = {2016-09-01T08:12:04.000+0200}, address = {Cham, Switzerland}, author = {Dragolov, Georgi and Ignácz, Zsófia S. and Lorenz, Jan and Delhey, Jan and Boehnke, Klaus and Unzicker, Kai}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-32464-7}, interhash = {b8e4e41bd6231639ca6223977c29062c}, intrahash = {012138402053c762a88d9c0f4ef7d5a4}, isbn = {978-3-319-32463-0}, issn = {2211-7644}, keywords = {2016 EB43.1 EB54.1 EB62.0 EB63.4 EB65.2 EB67.1 EB67.2 EB73.3 EB_input2016 EVS EVS_input2016 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1992 ISSP1999 ISSP2009 ISSP_input2016 ZA4331 ZA4574 ZA4614 ZA5433 book checked english input2016 isspbib2017}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 138, privnote = {ISSP_ID=31244}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research}, study = {EVS, ZA4331, ZA4574, ZA4614, ZA5433, ISSP1992, ISSP1999, ISSP2009, EB43.1, EB54.1, EB62.0, EB63.4, EB65.2, EB67.1, EB67.2, EB73.3}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Cohesion in the Western World. What Holds Societies Together: Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar}, year = 2016}@article{ribberink2015socialists, abstract = {The political situation in the Soviet Union during the twentieth century has led some to suggest that socialism is some kind of secular religion as opposed to ‘normal’ religion. In modern Europe, however, there have been vibrant Christian socialist movements. This article looks into the different attitudes of socialists towards religion and answers the question whether it is pressure of religious activity or pressure of religious identity that makes socialists resist religion. The results from a multilevel analysis of three waves of the European Values Study (1990–2008) in 21 Western European countries specifically point to an increase in anti-religiosity by socialists in countries marked by Catholic and Orthodox religious identities. }, added-at = {2016-09-01T07:46:43.000+0200}, author = {Ribberink, Egbert and Achterberg, Peter and Houtman, Dick}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13537903.2015.1081347}, eprint = {}, interhash = {e0fd4e2d20864a5d554e8dfade34d74b}, intrahash = {d5b5e84f29896f63ef0b1ba6c5e7ba92}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2015 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article catholic_church checked english europe indexproved input2016 religion review_proved reviewed socialism}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {435-452}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Are all Socialists Anti-religious? Anti-religiosity and the Socialist Left in 21 Western European Countries (1990–2008)}, url = {}, volume = 30, year = 2015}@article{berlemann2016hurricane, abstract = {Abstract While natural disasters might have numerous direct (typically negative) effects, the effect of an increase of natural disaster risk on individual well-being is often neglected. In this paper we study the effects of natural disaster risk on self-reported happiness and life satisfaction at the example of tropical storms. Combining several waves of the integrated European/World Values Survey and appropriate storm data we find a systematically negative effect of hurricane risk on both measures of individual well-being in relatively poor countries in which the population has little possibilities to take protective measures against storms. In highly developed countries, we find a systematic negative and much smaller effect only for life satisfaction. Altogether we conclude that disaster risk tends to play a role for individual well-being, especially on low levels of development. }, added-at = {2016-09-01T07:42:14.000+0200}, author = {Berlemann, Michael}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.01.020}, interhash = {e674b7df8720612cf76266505bc8d7ca}, intrahash = {7498cbce83ab7072fc17193127c3f73a}, issn = {0921-8009}, journal = {Ecological Economics }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english happiness indexproved input2016 life_satisfaction natural_disasters review_proved reviewed well-being}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {99 - 113}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does hurricane risk affect individual well-being? Empirical evidence on the indirect effects of natural disasters}, url = {}, volume = 124, year = 2016}@article{grizzle2015determinants, abstract = {Using data from the European Values Study, this study applies the dominant status model of volunteering introduced by Smith (1994) to explain volunteering in Nordic countries. Consistent with the dominant status model, male gender, being married, and high educational attainment are important predictors of volunteering. However, this study also finds that in Nordic countries, neither income nor employment status has a statistically significant effect on an individual’s decision to volunteer. }, added-at = {2016-09-01T07:32:30.000+0200}, author = {Grizzle, Cleopatra}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/01900692.2014.938820}, eprint = {}, interhash = {e71ff6849b91a489b036630aea38f057}, intrahash = {dc2975dba257e64343150871549a2956}, journal = {International Journal of Public Administration}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article charitable_behavior charitable_giving checked english indexproved input2016 philanthropy prosocial_behavior review_proved reviewed volunteering}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {364-370}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Determinants of Volunteering in Nordic Countries: Evidence from the European Values Survey}, url = {}, volume = 38, year = 2015}@article{stavrova2015single, abstract = {Although the question of whether parenthood is generally beneficial for well-being is currently being hotly debated in the social sciences, single parents are nearly unanimously assumed to be worse off than their partnered counterparts. The present research questions this finding by demonstrating that whether single parents are actually less happy than partnered parents depends on a country’s cultural norms regarding childbearing practices. Using two large-scale international data sets (the European Values Study [EVS] and the European Social Survey [ESS]) covering altogether 43 countries, we show that only in collectivist countries and countries with a strong two-parent family norm did parenthood negatively affect the life satisfaction and the emotional well-being of single but not partnered (married or cohabiting) individuals. Most notably, the detrimental effect of a country’s social norm of a two-parent family existed even among single parents who did not share this norm themselves.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T18:24:03.000+0200}, author = {Stavrova, Olga and Fetchenhauer, Detlef}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0022022114551160}, interhash = {b64231d60ab1afb9f1cd0f76c9236685}, intrahash = {d146d51699f35b0913187816f224e6ec}, issn = {0022-0221}, journal = {Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology}, keywords = {2015 Children EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article attitudes checked english indexproved input2016 life_satisfaction parenthood partnership_arrangements review_proved reviewed social_norms subjective_wellbeing values}, note = {First published online: September 21, 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {134-149}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Single parents, unhappy parents? Parenthood, partnership, and the cultural normative context.}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2015}@article{kleiner2016trust, abstract = {This article explores why citizens of one nation trust other nations. It is suggested that additional to economic and political performance, cultural excellence constitutes a national image from which transnational trust is derived if the image is prestigious. Using data from the European Election Study, the European Values Study, and Eurostat, multi-level fixed effects regressions are conducted to test this hypothesis. Results indicate that transnational trust is grounded in economic, political, societal and cultural sources. The findings show, furthermore, that for transnational trust, a nation’s ‘cultural modernity’ seems to be the most influential foundation.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T17:43:03.000+0200}, author = {Kleiner, Tuuli-Marja}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1163/15691330-12341375}, interhash = {d70fed190588807e5d92c426f3de587c}, intrahash = {60977723d4a8762b0f61a133fd63abf9}, issn = {1569-1322}, journal = {Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked corruption cultural_modernity english indexproved input2016 national_image review_proved reviewed trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {85-111}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Why We Trust Other Nations}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2016}@article{mijs2016neoliberalism, abstract = {Studies suggest that the rise of neoliberalism accompanies a foregrounding of individual responsibility and a weakening of community. The authors provide a theoretical agenda for studying the interactions between the global diffusion of neoliberal policies and ideologies, on the one side, and cultural repertoires and boundary configurations, on the other, in the context of local, national, and regional variation. Exploiting variation in the rate of adoption of neoliberal policies across European societies, the authors show how levels of neoliberal penetration covary with the way citizens draw symbolic boundaries along the lines of ethnoreligious otherness and moral deservingness.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T17:30:59.000+0200}, author = {Mijs, Jonathan J. B. and Bakhtiari, Elyas and Lamont, Michèle}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/2378023116632538}, eprint = {}, interhash = {b5647bc1a2191bc93a9857cc4c3b061f}, intrahash = {962a071fae233695c1080faf5f67de76}, journal = {Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked europe indexproved inequality input2016 neoliberalism noindex review_proved reviewed symbolic_boundaries}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-8}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Neoliberalism and Symbolic Boundaries in Europe: Global Diffusion, Local Context, Regional Variation}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2016}@article{bilgin2016empirical, abstract = {Tax morale is defined an intrinsic motivation of paying taxes, and it is closely related to tax compliance. It is essential to search determinants of tax morale for a comprehensive understanding of tax compliance . In this paper, determinants of tax morale in Bosnia-Herzegovina are searched. Tax morale is an ordered categorical dependent variable. Therefore, ordered probit model is estimated to derive the relations between tax morale and relevant variables. The magnitudes of estimated coefficients are not interpreted; their signs are taken into account since ordered probit model refers to a nonlinear equation. The marginal effects are computed to determine the effect of each variable on tax morale. Marginal effect indicates the change in the probability of specific tax morale category when an independent variable changes by one unit. The indicators related to demographic features (gender, age, marital status), employment status (self employed, retired, student etc.), economic status (income levels) and social capital (religiosity, confidence in government, confidence injustice system, confidence in parliament, education levels etc.) are the independent variables used in the model. The effects of these variables on tax morale are analyzed . For this aim, a relevant dataset obtained from European Values Study (EVS) database is used in estimating the model. EVS is a survey researching socio-cultural and political changes in Europe. The question related to tax morale in the survey is classified as the dependent variable of the model. The findings from the estimated model suggest that some of the social capital variables, demographic factors and income level have important effects on tax morale. Vergi ahlak? vergi ?demeyle ilgili bir i?sel motivasyon olarak tan?mlanmaktad?r ve vergi uyumu ile yak?ndan ili?kilidir. Vergi uyumunun daha iyi anla??labilmesi i?in vergi ahlak?nm belirleyicileri üzerinde ara?t?rma yapmak ?nemlidir. Bu ?al??mada Bosna-Hersek i?in vergi ahlak?n?n belirleyicileri ara?t?r?lmaktad?r. Vergi ahlak? kategorik ba??ml? de?i?kendir. Bu yüzden, vergi ahlak? ve ilgili de?i?kenler aras?ndaki ili?kileri tan?mlamak i?in s?ral? probit modeli tahmin edilmektedir. Tahmin edilen katsay?lar?n büyüklülükleri analiz edilmemektedir; s?ral? probit modeli do?rusal olmayan denklemi i?aret etti?i i?in bu katsay?lar?n i?aretleri dikkate al?nmamaktad?r. Her bir de?i?kenin vergi ahlak? üzerindeki etkisini belirlemek i?in marjinal etkiler hesaplanm??t?r. Marjinal etki ba??ms?z de?i?ken bir birim de?i?ti?inde belirli bir vergi ahlak? kategorisinin olas?l???ndaki de?i?imi g?stermektedir. Demografik ?zelliklere ili?kin g?stergeler (cinsiyet, ya?, medeni durum), istihdam durumu g?stergeleri (kendi i?inin sahibi, emekli, ??renci vs.), ekonomik statü unsurlar? (gelir düzeyi) ve sosyal sermaye fakt?rleri (dindarl?k, hükümete güven, parlamentoya güven, e?itim düzeyi, vs.) modelde kullan?lan ba??ms?z de?i?kenlerdir. Bu de?i?kenlerin vergi ahlak? üzerindeki etkileri analiz edilmektedir. Bu ama?la, model tahmini i?in Avrupa De?erler Ara?t?rmas? (EVS) veri taban?ndan al?nm?? ilgili veri seti kullan?lmaktad?r. EVS Avrupa'daki sosyo-kültürel ve politik de?i?imleri analiz eden bir ara?t?rmad?r. Bu ara?t?rmada vergi ahlak? ile ilgili soru modelin ba??ml? de?i?keni olarak al?nmaktad?r. Tahmin edilen modelden elde edilen bulgular baz? sosyal sermaye de?i?kenlerinin, demografik fakt?rlerin ve gelir düzeyinin vergi ahlak? üzerinde ?nemli etkileri oldu?unu s?ylemektedir.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T17:20:48.000+0200}, author = {Bilgin, Cevat and Bilgin, Handan Kaynar}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5c94ec2a931d9e7601e3d60c45ca6c11}, intrahash = {5325a41e3d5e101fc98ba6a97bf7db81}, issn = {13099841}, journal = {Balkan Journal of Social Sciences / Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Turkish article checked english indexproved input2016 noindex public_finance review_proved socioeconomic_factors taxpayer_compliance}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 9, pages = 166, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {An Empirical Analysis of Tax Moral in Bosnia-Herzegovina}, url = {}, volume = 5, year = 2016}@article{eidhof2016consensus, abstract = {As schools are increasingly expected to develop their students’ political and social engagement in order to promote good citizenship, they are struggling to define what good citizenship is. In this article, we put forward a way of formulating perspectives on citizenship that specifies the normative aspects of good citizenship in a systematic manner. In doing so, we distinguish between citizenship education goals which are generally shared and citizenship education goals that are often disputed. Subsequently, an exploratory data analysis is conducted to investigate to which degree educational level in current Western European educational systems is associated with outcomes regarding these consensus and contested citizenship education goals. The findings provide support for our hypothesis that educational level is predominantly associated with general democratic citizenship outcomes, rather than with outcomes that are emphasized by more specific, but contested citizenship perspectives.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T17:03:14.000+0200}, author = {Eidhof, Bram BF and ten Dam, Geert TM and Dijkstra, Anne Bert and van de Werfhorst, Herman G}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/1746197915626084}, eprint = {}, interhash = {83679747621987913b27e2e664b3cd9b}, intrahash = {6127b60f659fd372c30ce23d1a5b9deb}, journal = {Education, Citizenship and Social Justice}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked citizenship education english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 28, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {114-129}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Consensus and contested citizenship education goals in Western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2016}@article{immerzeel2015explaining, abstract = {It is common wisdom in radical right research that men are over-represented among the radical right electorate. We explore whether a radical right gender gap exists across 12 Western European countries and examine how this gap may be explained. Using the European Values Study (2010), we find a radical right gender gap that remains substantial after controlling for socioeconomic and political characteristics. However, our results indicate strong cross-national variation in the size of the gap. Explanations for these differences are explored by looking at the outsider image and the populist discourse style of the radical right parties, which are hypothesised to keep women from voting for the radical right. Our results do not confirm this expectation: differences in party characteristics do not account for cross-national differences in the gender gap. Implications of these findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T16:54:21.000+0200}, author = {Immerzeel, Tim and Coffé, Hilde and van der Lippe, Tanja}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1057/cep.2013.20}, interhash = {9cdb4f0a0e9d1bf80504ccd5cdd7d180}, intrahash = {d54f03764514b67c260dcb3ff35dc088}, issn = {1740-388X}, journal = {Comparative European Politics}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cross-national english gender indexproved input2016 party_characteristics radical_right review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 01, 2013, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {263-286}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Explaining the gender gap in radical right voting: A cross-national investigation in 12 Western European countries}, url = {}, volume = 13, year = 2015}@article{zuccotti2015migration, abstract = {The study compares the social mobility and status attainment of first- and second-generation Turks in nine Western European countries with those of Western European natives and with those of Turks in Turkey. It shows that the children of low-class migrants are more likely to acquire a higher education than their counterparts in Turkey, making them more educationally mobile. Moreover, they successfully convert this education in the Western European labor market, and are upwardly mobile relative to the first generation. When comparing labor market outcomes of second generations relative to Turks in Turkey, however, the results show that the same level of education leads to a higher occupation in Turkey. The implications of these findings are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T16:40:11.000+0200}, author = {Zuccotti, Carolina V. and Ganzeboom, Harry B. G. and Guveli, Ayse}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/imre.12219}, interhash = {0a47aa13ecae8eb76b59d4b876f5cad5}, intrahash = {bfb5378c935336fd77ac4bd8781d1442}, issn = {1747-7379}, journal = {International Migration Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Turkey article checked indexproved input2016 migration review_proved reviewed social_mobility}, note = {. (EVS)}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Has Migration Been Beneficial for Migrants and Their Children?}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{pacheco2016changing, abstract = {This paper contributes to the growing multidisciplinary body of literature on subjective well-being by investigating the longitudinal stability and impact of societal cultural values (SCVs) – as opposed to the more common organizational values – on job satisfaction. It is assumed that SCVs evolve slowly; hence, their impact on job satisfaction is likely to remain stable over time. False adherence to this assumption could cause misalignment between organizational policies/practices and expectations formed by societal culture, decreasing job satisfaction and adversely affecting productivity, competiveness and prosperity. Four waves of the European Values Study are used to examine whether SCVs have evolved and their impacts on job satisfaction over a relatively short time: 1981–2008. SCVs are parameterized through reference to traditional vs secular-rational, and survival vs self-expression value continuums. Results indicate that the strength of many SCVs has declined, the impacts of traditional societal values on job satisfaction have remained fairly constant, and the impacts of survival societal values on job satisfaction have declined substantially over this sample period. These reductions in SCVs amplify the importance of accounting for such changes when designing new or adjusting existing policies/practices to enhance job satisfaction and stimulate improvements in productivity, competitiveness and prosperity.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T13:19:18.000+0200}, author = {Pacheco, Gail and van der Westhuizen, De Wet and Ghobadian, Abby and Webber, Don J. and O'Regan, Nicholas}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/1467-8551.12150}, interhash = {1e1b3cd8377c6e9d10a8c511703a2551}, intrahash = {7f72c4c2ae4c8b29b58f90a767f07c44}, issn = {1467-8551}, journal = {British Journal of Management}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 11, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {606-627}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Changing Influence of Societal Culture on Job Satisfaction across Europe}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2016}@incollection{ramos2016economic, abstract = {Recent decades have seen some European countries experiencing a new wave of migratory rates that have sustained economic growth and simultaneously contributed to changes in the pattems of customs, life styles, values and religions. Alongside this new European setting, ambivalent positions in the attitude domain have emerged. This occurs because in contemporary democratic societies people are embedded within cultural environments that disseminate a social discourse stressing that good people are egalitarian and non-discriminatory.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T13:06:12.000+0200}, author = {Ramos, Alice and Pereira, Cícero Roberto and Vala, Jorge}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values, Economic Crisis and Democracy}, editor = {Voicu, Malina and Mochmann, Ingvill C. and Dülmer, Hermann}, interhash = {15b37cbd079456fc69ebbfc4681a22a6}, intrahash = {f373de3b47b581064638ab28f2bcefb7}, isbn = {978-1-138-95917-0}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked immigrants incollection input2016 social_attitudes}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {104-137}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Economic crisis, human values and attitudes towards immigrants}, year = 2016}@article{rozer2016income, abstract = {Abstract According to the income inequality hypothesis, income inequality is associated with poorer health. One important proposed mechanism for this effect is reduced trust. In this study, we argue that income inequality during a person's formative years (i.e., around age 16) may have lasting consequences for trust and health. Multilevel analyses of data from the combined World Values Survey and European Values Study that were collected between 1981 and 2014 support our prediction and show that income inequality is associated with ill health in young adults, in part because it reduces their social trust. The negative consequences of income inequality remain stable for a substantial period of life but eventually fade away and have no effect after age 36. }, added-at = {2016-08-31T12:49:41.000+0200}, author = {R?zer, Jesper Jelle and Volker, Beate}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.047}, interhash = {ee75aaa9871822823af9ec6067d1e7ad}, intrahash = {88fcdda493260dc7e7ad2125f5e1b9d6}, issn = {0277-9536}, journal = {Social Science & Medicine }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked income_inequality indexproved input2016 perceived_health period_and_cohort_effects review_proved reviewed social_trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {37-45}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Does income inequality have lasting effects on health and trust?}, url = {}, volume = 149, year = 2016}@article{sarracino2016social, abstract = {As social capital affects many social and economic outcomes, it is important to monitor its changes over time. This study uses WVS-EVS integrated data (1990--2012) to describe the trends of 8 proxies of social capital in 30 Western and Eastern European countries. We found positive trends of trust in others, confidence in public services, and in armed forces; negative trends of participation in groups and associations, and of confidence in political institutions; mixed trends of civic cooperation, and of confidence in religious and empowering institutions. We also found evidence that over time the differences in social capital among European countries predominantly increased (sigma-convergence). These differences are not explained by differences in the initial stocks of social capital (beta-convergence).}, added-at = {2016-08-31T12:40:24.000+0200}, author = {Sarracino, Francesco and Mikucka, Ma?gorzata}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-016-1255-z}, interhash = {0e8e2fc233b205486540361d57f87fcf}, intrahash = {8aa6314e09610476502c26decdfc8180}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2016 Beta_convergence EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Sigma_convergence Trends WVS article checked europe indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-26}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital in Europe from 1990 to 2012: Trends and Convergence}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{marchenko2016civic, abstract = {This article analyses civic activities in East European countries using data from the European Values Study (2008–2010), which reveals the linkage between civic activities and democratic political culture at the country level. The analysis looks at the elements of democratic political culture which could promote or prevent the rise of civic engagement in Eastern Europe, namely trust towards political institutions, interest in politics, and satisfaction with democracy. Whilst it is too early to apply the concept of “critical citizen” to a civic activist in the area – it is suggested that the concept “dispassionate, but interested” be used. }, added-at = {2016-08-31T12:29:48.000+0200}, author = {Marchenko, Alla}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/21599165.2015.1130698}, eprint = {}, interhash = {a14d545dfa6f3db093ee63e862da712d}, intrahash = {ea64757f9709f31ce13df9c7549b0c55}, journal = {East European Politics}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked civic_activities democracy eastern_europe indexproved input2016 political_culture review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {12-27}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Civic activities in Eastern Europe: links with democratic political culture}, url = {}, volume = 32, year = 2016}@incollection{kaasa2016culture, abstract = {It is commonly accepted that innovations play an important role in economic development and growth. Besides the research and development (R&D) activity as an important input, the innovation process is additionally influenced by many other factors. One of the factors that have received much attention in the literature is the overall level of human capital of a particular country.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T12:20:30.000+0200}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Re-thinking Diversity: Multiple Approaches in Theory, Media, Communities, and Managerial Practice}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-11502-9_5}, interhash = {43b856696fb5e84396941a97c807504c}, intrahash = {ef5233c1c83f675b4abfada57747d071}, isbn = {978-3-658-11502-9}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2016}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {83-107}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Culture as a Possible Factor of Innovation: Evidence from the European Union and Neighboring Countries}, url = {}, year = 2016}@article{katsanidou2016policies, abstract = {Publishing in top-ranking journals in the social sciences and international relations requires writing with clarity. Accurately described and transparent methods sections ensure high-quality academic writing. The methodology section of empirical papers should explain the exact steps taken by the authors when operationalizing concepts and testing hypotheses to facilitate replication. This also allows for monitoring quality, challenging findings, and promoting good scientific practices. The quality of methodology sections is the result of the interaction between academic cultures of data sharing, effective application of rules, and good-quality research data management (RDM). This article evaluates the impact of standards on replicability. We present an empirical analysis of a set of sixty-six articles published during the period 1984-2013 that use data from all waves of the European Values Survey. We find differences demonstrating the impact of good RDM and data policies on good scientific practice.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T11:52:30.000+0200}, author = {Katsanidou, Alexia and Horton, Laurence and Jensen, Uwe}, biburl = {}, daten-doi = {10.7802/70}, doi = {10.1093/isp/ekv014}, eprint = {}, interhash = {e38344001564d2322e2deec1da7bbd70}, intrahash = {bb905bbe4d51c8b425b5bcc68434a85a}, issn = {1528-3577}, journal = {International Studies Perspectives}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed academic_writing article checked data_management data_policies indexproved input2016 replication review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-13}, publisher = {The Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Data Policies, Data Management, and the Quality of Academic Writing}, url = {}, volume = 0, year = 2016}@article{park2016socioeconomic, abstract = {This study investigates the extent to which both national and personal socioeconomic status shape national norms and parenting priorities concerning child socialization. Data came from the European Values Survey, the World Values Survey, and the World Bank Data Catalog, resulting in 227,431 parents from 90 nations across fives study waves (1981–2008). Child independence was more popular in nations with greater wealth and more highly educated populations; obedience was more popular in nations with less wealth and lower percentages of educated and urban populations. Personal socioeconomic status predicted individual parents' prioritization of child independence and obedience; higher social class predicted a greater likelihood of endorsing independence and not endorsing obedience. Time-slope estimation across study waves revealed that parents' prioritization of independence and obedience may rise over time in developing nations. Results provide implications for education, practice, and policy on cultural variations in parenting.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T11:41:26.000+0200}, author = {Park, Heejung and Lau, Anna S.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jomf.12247}, interhash = {9fbbbe308986850fed724ce0be38adc2}, intrahash = {75e4be582b45530812f796eee50999cb}, issn = {1741-3737}, journal = {Journal of Marriage and Family}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture indexproved input2016 parenting review_proved reviewed social_change social_trends socioeconomic_status sociohistorical_change}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {43-59}, publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc.}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Socioeconomic Status and Parenting Priorities: Child Independence and Obedience Around the World}, url = {}, volume = 78, year = 2016}@article{jutz2015income, abstract = {IntroductionThe aim of the paper is to examine the role of income inequality and redistribution for income-related health inequalities in Europe. This paper contributes in two ways to the literature on macro determinants of socio-economic inequalities in health. First, it widens the distinctive focus of the research field on welfare state regimes to quantifiable measures such as social policy indicators. Second, looking at income differences completes studies on socio-economic health inequalities, which often analyse health inequalities based on educational differences.MethodsUsing data from the European Values Study (2008/2009), 42 European countries are available for analysis. Country characteristics are derived from SWIID, Eurostat, and ILO and include indicators for income inequality, social policies, and economic performance. The data is analysed by using a two-step hierarchical estimation approach: At the first step—the individual level—the effect of household income on self-assessed health is extracted and introduced as an indicator measuring income-related health inequalities at the second step, the country-level.ResultsIndividual-level analyses reveal that income-related health inequalities exist all across Europe. Results from country-level analyses show that higher income inequality is significantly positively related to higher health inequalities while social policies do not show significant relations. Nevertheless, the results show the expected negative association between social policies and health inequalities. Economic performance also has a reducing influence on health inequalities. In all models, income inequality was the dominating explanatory effect for health inequalities.ConclusionsThe analyses indicate that income inequality has more impact on health inequalities than social policies. On the contrary, social policies seemed to matter to all individuals regardless of socio-economic position since it is significantly positively linked to overall population health. Even though social policies are not significantly related to health inequalities, the power of public redistribution to impact health inequalities should not be downplayed. Social policies as a way of public redistribution are a possible instrument to reduce income inequalities which would in turn lead to a reduction in health inequalities.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T11:32:05.000+0200}, author = {Jutz, Regina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1186/s12939-015-0247-y}, interhash = {2781705b8ae9785229c22c79eedb4d44}, intrahash = {d7e99cf4694c2f6cc6da45bc437d4055}, issn = {1475-9276}, journal = {International Journal for Equity in Health}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Health_inequalities SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked europe hea income income_inequality indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed social_spending}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 117, pages = {1-14}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T16:56:24.000+0200}, title = {The role of income inequality and social policies on income-related health inequalities in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2015}@article{voas2015normalization, abstract = {James Lewis challenged the assertion that religious ‘nones’ are becoming more like the general population. The evidence he offers is insufficient to make his case, however: the generational dynamics of religious change are invisible if one takes a cross-sectional snapshot of the entire population, undifferentiated by age. In addition, write-in responses on census and survey forms do not provide a good basis for studying the characteristics of the very large and growing number of people who are non-religious.}, added-at = {2016-08-31T10:56:17.000+0200}, author = {Voas, David}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13537903.2015.1081354}, eprint = {}, interhash = {f3575ec225a835e7b5434efcd3887311}, intrahash = {ee1f2766a4b602370d4033f042fe9ff8}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2015 AHindexed Atheismus Attitudes_towards_religion EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Normalization SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {505-508}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {The Normalization of Non-religion: A Reply to James Lewis}, url = {}, volume = 30, year = 2015}@book{voicu2016values, abstract = {For the past decade European countries have undergone a severe economic crisis, with severe consequences both for individuals and for governments. Unemployment and rising poverty have compelled individuals to reconsider their own priorities and goals, while governments have been forced to rethink social policies on the national level, as well as their international economic and political agreements. Some countries have been more deeply affected by the crisis than others, and the impact of economic shortage on individuals and governments has differed, not only because of the different magnitudes of the crisis, but also because individuals react differently to the contextual changes.This book makes use of cross-national survey data to explore the impact of wealth and economic contexts on social values. Instead of attempting to explain how aggregate changes occur (as previous volumes have done) the chapters in this collection focus on micro-level effects to interrogate more deeply the interplay between attitudes and values – and the way both can change as a result of transformation of economic context. This book elaborates on several dimensions of value change: the measurement model and the way it changes under the impact of economic shortage; the connection between universal value orientations and attitudes towards different objects (e.g. the welfare state, immigrants and ethnic groups); the effects of economic factors and vulnerability on values and attitudinal orientations; how particular political and economic contexts produce changes in political orientations.This book focuses on the interrelationship of social values, attitudes and economic scarcity in the context of the last economic crisis experienced by many European countries. It will appeal to scholars and students of sociology, political science and economics.Preface Ingvill C. Mochmann Part I: Introduction 1. Values and attitudes in times of economic scarcity Malina Voicu, Hermann Dülmer PART II: Stability and change of measurement model 2. Basic Human Values: Stability of Value Typology in Europe Maksim Rudnev, Vladimir Maguna, Peter Schmidt 3. Trust in political institutions: Stability of Measurement Model in Europe Lluis Coromina, Edurne Bartolomé Peral PART III: Values and attitudes in time of crisis: nexus and over time variation 4. Economic crisis, human values and political attitudes Joakim Kulin, Alex Seymer 5. Economic crisis, human values and attitudes towards immigrants Alice Ramos, Cicero Roberto Pereira, Jorge Vala 6. Economic crisis, human values and attitudes towards European Union Dafina Kurti, Karoline Harzenetter 7. Economic crisis and Non-Institutionalized Political Participation Anna Kern, Sofie Marien, Marc Hooghe 8. Economic crisis and democratic legitimacy Jan Eichhorn, Jakob Hensing, Christine Hübner PART IV: Case studies: higher scarcity and value change 9. Greece in times of crisis: Shaping political identification Alexia Katsanidou 10. Portugal in times of crisis: value change and policy representation André Freire, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Inês Lima 11. Romania in times of crisis: economic conditions and support for democracy Mircea Com?a, Claudiu Tufis 12. Conclusions Hermann Dülmer, Malina Voicu, Ingvill C. Mochmann }, added-at = {2016-08-31T10:29:48.000+0200}, address = {Abingdon, Oxon}, biburl = {}, editor = {Voicu, Malina and Mochmann, Ingvill C. and Dülmer, Hermann}, interhash = {7f1ec2beb579603ced528ec8a6c4fad9}, intrahash = {ffe0d86613c0f464686d3a91408a8554}, isbn = {978-1-13-895917-0}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Financial_Crisis Scarcity ZA4800 book checked democracy input2016 social_values}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 318, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {EVS2008, ZA4800}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Values, Economic Crisis and Democracy}, year = 2016}@article{djankov2016happiness, abstract = {Abstract Citizens in Eastern Europe are less satisfied with life than their peers in other countries. This happiness gap has persisted over time, despite predictions to the contrary by earlier scholars. It holds after controlling for a variety of covariates, such as the standard of living, life expectancy and Eastern Orthodox religion. Armed with a battery of surveys from the early 1990s to 2014, we argue that the happiness gap is explained by how citizens in post-communist countries perceive their governments. Eastern Europeans link their life satisfaction to higher perceived corruption and weaker government performance. Our results suggest that the transition from central planning is still incomplete, at least in the psychology of people. This paper is written as part of a symposium: Ukraine: Escape from Post-Soviet Legacy?}, added-at = {2016-08-31T10:15:37.000+0200}, author = {Djankov, Simeon and Nikolova, Elena and Zilinsky, Jan}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.jce.2015.10.006}, interhash = {af32aa416de0c737553287330d10b3f8}, intrahash = {d1052e4533870a51ead2028cf2fc046f}, issn = {0147-5967}, journal = {Journal of Comparative Economics }, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Government_performance SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked corruption happiness indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {108 - 124}, privnote = {This paper is written as part of a symposium: Ukraine: Escape from Post-Soviet Legacy?}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {The happiness gap in Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 44, year = 2016}@article{kaasa2016dataset, abstract = {This article documents a new dataset of cultural distance measures both at the country and regional levels in Europe. These measures were calculated using data from the European Value Survey and European Social Survey. The composite index of cultural distance and the distances according to separate dimensions both were calculated. The created matrices can be used by researchers when applying the concept of cultural distance, for instance in international business research, but it also helps to operationalise cultural distances at the regional level by multinational enterprises. Examples of comparisons of the distances between different European countries and regions enabled by the new dataset as well as a comparison to analogical measures based on Hofstede's original scores are given. }, added-at = {2016-08-31T09:48:48.000+0200}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli and Vadi, Maaja and Varblane, Urmas}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ribaf.2015.11.014}, interhash = {06a884c64c7689351556696025887eea}, intrahash = {29ec5334069463a0bc4a3745f3c57f01}, issn = {0275-5319}, journal = {Research in International Business and Finance }, keywords = {2016 Distance EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Hofstede Multinational_enterprises Regions SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture europe indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {231 - 241}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {A new dataset of cultural distances for European countries and regions}, url = {}, volume = 37, year = 2016}@article{berggren2015globalization, abstract = {Abstract Tolerance – respecting those who are different – is arguably of particular importance in an era of globalization, where a potential for economic, social and personal development is increasingly a function of interaction with others different from oneself. We investigate whether globalization induces parents to want to instill tolerance in their children, the main idea being that this quality would equip children for greater success in a more integrated world. Using a survey measure, we indeed find that globalization enhances the willingness to transmit such social values. More precisely, economic and social, but not to the same extent political, globalization has this effect, as shown by using the \{KOF\} Index of Globalization in regression analysis of up to 59 countries. Extreme bounds analysis and outlier tests indicate robustness. Overall, our results suggest that certain kinds of globalization seem able to shape values in ways considered desirable by many. }, added-at = {2016-08-31T09:38:20.000+0200}, author = {Berggren, Niclas and Nilsson, Therese}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.jce.2015.02.005}, interhash = {94a28b8fe0e6ac277fa389dded5cbe65}, intrahash = {3fa257358f9559ada63cc7de6a24e043}, issn = {0147-5967}, journal = {Journal of Comparative Economics }, keywords = {2015 Children EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_Values Tolerance Transmission article checked globalization indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {371 - 389}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Globalization and the transmission of social values: The case of tolerance}, url = {}, volume = 43, year = 2015}@incollection{duque2013values, abstract = {Work represents a significant part of a person's life. At working age, people spend much of their time divided between family, leisure and work, and the way a person relates to work conditions family, social and economic relationships. With the proliferation and diversification of occupations – a characteristic of modern societies – the world of work became a personal challenge, as it is no longer seen exclusively from the perspective of existential necessity – concerned about the needs for security and livelihood – but to be now understood as a social phenomenon, with an exchange value through which market's goods and services can be reached. Thus, in contemporary society, work is perceived as something that is not determined, but a reality that involves the whole person and develops throughout life. Therefore, when considering how individuals relate to and value work, we identify the values underlying the mentality that shapes a society. Based on this principle, and according to the European Values Study, the present study intends to analyze the value of work in Portugal in the last three decades and place the results against the national average for the European Union.}, added-at = {2016-07-20T09:32:28.000+0200}, author = {Duque, Eduardo Jorge}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Trabalho, organiza??es e profiss?es: recomposi??es conceptuais e desafios empíricos}, editor = {Marques, Ana Paula and Gon?alves, Carlos Manuel and Veloso, Luísa}, interhash = {1942db53ccd9609af3e8a210c7f5a162}, intrahash = {d66c0a9f08123336be4e149e2e0ad774}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP change_of_values checked incollection input2016 values work_values}, note = {. (EVS)}, organization = {Universidade do Minho: Sec??o Temática Trabalho, Organiza??es e Profiss?es. Associa??o Portuguesa de Sociologia}, pages = {81-98}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Work values in portuguese society and in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{heath2005globalization, abstract = {As globalization has opened up channels of communication between different countries and increased interest in cross-national analysis, public opinion survey research has expanded its reach in the world. This article examines both the breadth and the depth of the globalization of public opinion research. First, we discuss the growth of cross-national surveys such as the World Values Survey, the International Social Survey Program, the European Social Survey, and the various Global Barometers. We then turn to the issues of data quality and comparability. Has the globalization of survey research meant the spread of a standard “product” of known and equivalent quality to diverse countries? Can survey research in diverse countries and contexts deliver meaningful comparisons of public opinion? Has globalization led to the dominance of an intellectual framework and set of assumptions that may not be quite appropriate outside their original homes? Finally, the article suggests a new standard for “grading” cross-national programs of survey research, inspired by debates in evidence-based medicine.}, added-at = {2016-07-12T14:32:06.000+0200}, author = {Heath, Anthony and Fisher, Stephen and Smith, Shawna}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1146/annurev.polisci.8.090203.103000}, interhash = {cb51fd7021a6b172ac93d06868c93492}, intrahash = {663f23709067bcdc6dd6e1ca30b4a4ce}, issn = {10942939}, journal = {Annual Review of Political Science}, keywords = {2005 CSES CSES_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked comparative_research cross-national_research globalization indexproved input2014 international_relations political_psychology public_opinion resaerch review_proved reviewed survey_history survey_methodology}, label = {00217}, note = {. (CSES) (ISSP) (EVS)}, notes = {}, pages = {297-333}, privnote = {CSES_ID=51 ; pubdate=June 2005 ; ISSP_ID=2255 ; notes=Article, Accession Number=17053690; Heath, Anthony 1; Email Fisher, Stephen 1; Email Smith, Shawna 1; Email; Affiliation=1=Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3UQ, United Kingdom; Source Info=2005, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p297; Subject Term=GLOBALIZATION; Subject Term=INTERNATIONAL relations; Subject Term=PUBLIC opinion; Subject Term=POLITICAL psychology; Subject Term=SURVEYS; Subject Term=RESEARCH; Author-Supplied Keyword=comparative research; Author-Supplied Keyword=cross-national research; Author-Supplied Keyword=survey history; Author-Supplied Keyword=survey methodology; NAICS/Industry Codes=928120 International Affairs; Number of Pages=37p; Illustrations=5 charts; Document Type=Article ; EVS_ID=3764041 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {The Globalization of Public Opinion Research}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2005}@inproceedings{Netscher2011Transferring, abstract = {In the context of an eroding concept of nation state, according to the political coalescence and the enlargement of the European Union, the aim of the present paper is to focus on the political interest of EU-migrants, due to existing differences in the political systems of the country of origin and Germany. Based on a common model of citizens’ political interest, general findings are transmitted to the analysis of immigrants. It can be shown that socio-demographics are less powerful predictors. In contrast, the time of residence and the political socialization of the so-called first generation of EU-migrants are discussed as explanatory variables. The empirical results indicate that system ifferences matter in explaining immigrants’ political interest.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 26. Fassung, Februar 2012}, added-at = {2016-07-12T14:32:06.000+0200}, address = {Prague}, author = {Netscher, Sebastian}, availability = {18.01.2012}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {6th Global Conference: Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship}, eventdate = {11.03.2011}, interhash = {66019ec264fddb69ec4d66a0ec31978a}, intrahash = {cdd365d1ea7e725e123a0da09e1ed7d2}, keywords = {2011 ALLBUS ALLBUS2002-2008 ALLBUS_input2011 ALLBUS_version26 CSES CSES_input2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP checked english inproceedings input2014}, label = {00616}, language = {english}, note = {. (ALLBUS) (CSES) (EVS)}, privnote = {CSES_ID=749 ; pubdate=March 11-13, 2011 ; ALLBUS_ID=2046 ; pubdate=2011/3/11 ; reprint-status=in-file (verfügbar seit: 18.01.2012)}, study = {ALLBUS2002-2008, (ESS 2002-2008/ EVS 2008/ EES 2004/ Post election study for the national German parliament election 2002/ CSES 2003/ 2007/ 2010/ IDEA 2005/ Eurostat 2008)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Transferring Knowledge: EU-Migrants and their Levels of Political Interest}, url = {}, year = 2011}@techreport{pitlik2014social, abstract = {We address empirically trust as a determinant of support for government intervention. The entral notion provided in the present paper is that the influence of generalized social trust on intervention attitudes is conditional on the perceived reliability, honesty, and incorruptibility of state actors and of major companies. Starting point is an idea by Aghion, Algan, Cahuc, and Shleifer (2010) thatindividuals who generally distrust others have a stronger taste for a regulation of economic activities, while people with high interpersonal trust are in favor of less strict regulations and state control. This line of argumentation neglects that (lack of) trust spills over to distrust in both governmental as well as in private institutions. People who tend to (dis-)trust other unknown people also tend to (dis-)trust state actors and private sector actors. Estimating the determinants of interventionist preferences with data from the World Values Survey/European Values Study for approximately 100,000-115,000 individuals in 37 OECD- and EU-countries, we show that the impact of social trust on government intervention attitudes is conditional on individual confidence in state actors and in companies.JEL codes: D70, D78, H10}, added-at = {2016-07-04T08:55:55.000+0200}, author = {Pitlik, Hans and Kouba, Ludek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {101ed734ce255dd3b7f686e17e4b7ef0}, intrahash = {a8b48b014a2919426394ef33ac999cf6}, journal = {WWWforEurope}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked english input2015 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 8, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does social distrust always lead to a stronger support for government intervention? }, url = {}, year = 2014}@inproceedings{pitlik2013social, abstract = {We address empirically trust as a determinant of support for government intervention. The central notion provided in the present paper is that the influence of generalized social trust on intervention attitudes is conditional on the perceived reliability, honesty, and incorruptibility of state actors and of major companies. Starting point is an idea by Aghion, Algan, Cahuc, and Shleifer (2010) that individuals who generally distrust others have a stronger taste for a regulation of economic activities, while people with high interpersonal trust are in favor of lessstrict regulations and state control. This line of argumentation neglects that (lack of) trust also spills over to (lack of) trust in governmental as well as in private institutions. People who tend to (dis-)trust other unknown people also tend to distrust states actors and companies. Estimating the determinants of interventionist preferences with data from the World Values Survey/European Values Study for approximately 100,000 -115,000 individuals in 37 OECD- and EU-countries, we show that the impact of social trust on government intervention attitudes is conditional on individual confidence in state actors and in companies.JEL codes: D74, D78, P35}, added-at = {2016-07-04T08:47:40.000+0200}, author = {Pitlik, Hans and Kouba, Ludek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {6th Australasian Public Choice Society Conference}, interhash = {8e08ce32d04580e2ebac8663631eadab}, intrahash = {a5607d803d462b15b81691254c23c0ec}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked english inproceedings input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {Draft version: 03 September 2013}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does social distrust always lead to a stronger support for government intervention?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{eder2014citizens, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:32:02.000+0200}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Eder, Christina and Katsanidou, Alexia}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Trust and Disenchantment with Politics}, doi = {10.1163/9789004276062_006}, editor = {Eder, Christina and Mochmann, Ingvill and Quandt, Markus}, interhash = {f9f8195732acee1b83c43b1ba804a9be}, intrahash = {4109944140ab4f8bf68fb08a359c821b}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {83-108}, publisher = {Brill Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {When Citizens Lose Faith: Political Trust and Political Participation}, url = {}, volume = 125, year = 2014}@book{eder2014political, abstract = {That the publics of Western democracies are becoming increasingly disenchanted with their political institutions is part of the conventional wisdom in Political Science. This trend is often equated with the expectation that all forms of political attachment and participation show similar patterns of decline. Based on empirical underpinnings derived from a range of original and sophisticated comparative analyses from Europe and beyond, this collection shows that no such universal pattern of decline exists. Nor should it be expected, given the diversity of reasons that citizens have to place or withdraw trust, and to engage in conventional political participation or in protest.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:29:47.000+0200}, biburl = {}, editor = {Eder, Christina and Mochmann, Ingvill C. and Quandt, Markus}, interhash = {05a2bd6fcfd2ed4d9d8bd44da3cc2a72}, intrahash = {f9d048ad20ed5e1181c07038d30035a0}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2015}, month = {December}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 224, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political trust and disenchantment with politics: international perspectives}, year = 2014}@article{lagrange2014renouveau, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:25:28.000+0200}, author = {Lagrange, Hugues}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fd902bf037fda7ad63ed1b5e3b683972}, intrahash = {ba41c7ace00a63083583b90114d19073}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2014 Descendants_of_Immigrants EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP France ISSP ISSP_input2015 Islam SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked french immigration indexproved input2015 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {201-244}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:31:47.000+0100}, title = {Le renouveau religieux des immigrés et de leurs descendants en France}, volume = 55, year = 2014}@article{minarik2014employment, abstract = {The fall of communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe has profoundly changed the religious landscape in many countries. Sociologists have studied the rise and decline of religious beliefs and participation in the post-communist region, but economic approaches have been rare. This article suggests supplementing the dominant theories—the demand-side explanation of secularization and the supply-side explanation of religious revivals—with a model of individual time allocation. The model presented in the article predicts both the initial growth and the subsequent decline of religious participation in postcommunist countries. The empirical portion of the article focuses on six central European countries with different levels of religiosity. Data from the three waves of the ISSP survey support the model.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:17:31.000+0200}, author = {Minarik, Pavol}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12113}, interhash = {e28ef3deb721bd66bc4d2a640848788e}, intrahash = {5052bf0414939383ddafc1285ff25062}, issn = {1468-5906}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1991 ISSP1998 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2015 Postcommunist_Transition Religious_Participation SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Time_Allocation article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {296-315}, study = {ISSP1991, ISSP1998, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Employment, Wages, and Religious Revivals in Postcommunist Countries}, url = {}, volume = 53, year = 2014}@phdthesis{pierewan2014essays, abstract = {The claim that economic crisis matters for well-being seems intuitive; supporting evidence, however, remains elusive. The present study aims to examine the individual and contextual determinants of well-being across regions in Europe during the 2007-2008 economic crisis. This study contributes to the existing research on the determinants of well-being in three ways. First, while most studies explain the determinants of well-being in the context of non-crisis, this study examines the determinants during a period of crisis. Second, while most research on well-being focuses on cross-national comparisons of well-being, this study investigates variations at both the regional and national levels. Third, while most studies use either individual or aggregate analyses to examine the determinants of well-being, this study uses multilevel models.This study uses datasets that combine individual, regional and country level data. Individual data is taken from the 2008 European Values Study (EVS) and the 2004-2010 European Social Survey (ESS). Regional level data comes from Eurostat and Euroboundarymaps, while country level data comes from the Inglehart Index, UNU-WIDER and Esping-Andersen categorisation on welfare states. To analyse the data, this study uses various multilevel models including multivariate multilevel model, multilevel simultaneous equations model and spatial dependence multilevel model.The main findings show that during the crisis under consideration, well-being is associated not only with individual determinants, but also with regional and national determinants. Results suggest that happiness and health are positively correlated at individual, regional and national levels. In terms of social capital, this study shows the reciprocal relationship between association membership and trust. Frequent Internet use at the time of crisis is positively associated with well-being. Finally, the findings suggest that, by means of unobserved factors, well-being is spatially correlated with the well-being of those neighbouring regions.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:12:02.000+0200}, author = {Pierewan, Adi}, biburl = {}, interhash = {935cf73cde44a0fb7572f0bc00dc0314}, intrahash = {e13734e0343b7fa9961519bbf7fc243b}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 Economic_Crisis European_Regions FDZ_IUP Multilevel_Model checked english input2015 phdthesis well-being}, note = {(EVS)}, school = {University of Manchester}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Essays on well-being during crisis in Europe}, type = {Doctoral thesis}, year = 2014}@article{olafsdottir2014public, abstract = {Abstract Social scientists have long recognized that macro-level factors have the potential to shape the health of populations and individuals. Along these lines, they have theorized about the role of the welfare state in creating more equal opportunities and outcomes and how this intervention may benefit health. More recently, scholars and policymakers alike have pointed out how the involvement of civil society actors may replace or complement any state effort. Using data from the World Values Surveys and the European Values Study, combined with national-level indicators for welfare state and civil society involvement, we test the impact of each sector on health and health inequalities in 25 countries around the world. We find that both have a statistically significant effect on overall health, but the civil society sector may have a greater independent influence in societies with weaker welfare states. The health inequalities results are less conclusive, but suggest a strong civil society may be particularly beneficial to vulnerable populations, such as the low income and unemployed. Our paper represents an early step in providing empirical evidence for the impact of the welfare state and civil society on health and health inequalities. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:09:11.000+0200}, author = {Olafsdottir, Sigrun and Bakhtiari, Elyas and Barman, Emily}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.09.045}, interhash = {c35f79a9e96fc09694c085090d29ef71}, intrahash = {c7946ebb7eb539e6bcf5cb5ef8b7065a}, issn = {0277-9536}, journal = {Social Science & Medicine }, keywords = {2014 Civil_society Cross-national_research EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Health_inequalities SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed welfare_state}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {174-181}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Public or private? The role of the state and civil society in health and health inequalities across nations }, url = {}, volume = 123, year = 2014}@article{nesporova2014roadside, abstract = {This article provides a comparison of roadside memorials in two European post-communist countries, namely the Czech Republic and Romania. The number of memorials, dedicated to the victims of sudden death, often resulting from traffic accidents, has seen a significant increase in both countries over the last two decades. As the phenomenon appears to be assuming worldwide proportions, the authors have chosen to focus on a comparison of two societies which have widely different approaches towards death and religion. Whereas in the Czech Republic roadside memorials have more to do with the memory of the dead in the here and now, in Romania they are closely interlinked with religious practices and beliefs regarding the soul and the afterlife. Roadside memorials thus reflect the progressive secularisation of Czech society and a religious revival in Romania. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:06:05.000+0200}, author = {Nesporová, Olga and Stahl, Irina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13576275.2013.870543}, eprint = {}, interhash = {335147ce4a88f8ae9ad4d3f30a2467f8}, intrahash = {43518c2ae4bad0e4ae855565b52d950e}, journal = {Mortality}, keywords = {2014 Czech_Republic EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Romania SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 memory religion review_proved reviewed roadside_memorials sudden_death}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {22-40}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Roadside memorials in the Czech Republic and Romania: memory versus religion in two European post-communist countries}, url = { }, volume = 19, year = 2014}@article{pierewan2014happiness, abstract = {Most studies of well-being use happiness or health as a single outcome. They either explain happiness in terms of health (and other factors) or conversely explain health in terms of happiness. Moreover, only a few studies include contextual explanations of well-being. This study investigates the individual, regional and national covariations in happiness and health. In doing so, we use multivariate multilevel model to explain happiness and health. We study 47 countries across Europe using the 2008 European Values Study. The problem of missing data has been solved using multilevel multiple imputation. We find that the determinants of both happiness and health are quite similar. At individual, regional and national levels, happiness and health are positively correlated. Being married, being educated, and being affluent are positively associated with being happy and being healthy. Conversely, individual unemployment and regional unemployment rates are negatively associated with happiness and health}, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:04:56.000+0200}, author = {Pierewan, Adi Cilik and Tampubolon, Gindo}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11482-014-9309-3}, interhash = {5cf02e81cef3125c2db93ceff1817aa0}, intrahash = {816bfac579815192101dc065cd98faec}, issn = {1871-2576}, journal = {Applied Research in Quality of Life}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Multivariate_Multilevel_Model SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english europe happiness health indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: March 26, 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {237-252}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Happiness and Health in Europe: A Multivariate Multilevel Model}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2014}@article{mikucka2014individualistic, abstract = {The paper tests whether the well-being cost of own unemployment is higher in individualistic countries and among persons with more individualistic orientations. I consider two dimensions of individualism: family support and self-reliance. I adopt a multilevel regression methodology on data of the European Values Study (2008) for 42 European countries. The results confirm that in Europe individualism correlates with higher well-being cost of own unemployment. Specifically, the relationship between unemployment and well-being is moderated by the family support norm. Its effect size is substantial, similar to the effect of country unemployment rate. This paper is the first one to establish in a comparative context that the well-being cost of own unemployment is higher in individualistic countries. It is also the first one to investigate the mechanisms behind this regularity. In contrast to the theoretical predictions, the importance of personal orientations is much weaker than the one of normative factors. Consistently with previous literature, the results suggest that the support among family members depends more on social norms than on individual values.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:02:59.000+0200}, author = {Mikucka, Ma?gorzata}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10902-013-9445-8}, interhash = {ad305c2a00259ddbcd6be4b239dd585f}, intrahash = {07ba4d0049a924801dab1c06674cad3a}, issn = {1573-7780}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Family_support SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Self-reliance Social_norms Subjective_well-being Unemployment article checked english happiness indexproved input2015 life_satisfaction review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {673-691}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does Individualistic Culture Lower the Well-Being of the Unemployed? Evidence from Europe}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2014}@article{pierewan2014spatial, abstract = {Understanding geographical perspective in explaining well-being is among the important issue in the subject. This study examines how nested and spatial structures explain variations in individual well-being across regions in Europe. We use the 2008 European Values Study, comprising 23,483 respondents residing in 200 regions (NUTS2) in Europe. Using spatial dependence multilevel model, the results show well-being to be spatially dependent through unobserved factors, meaning that well-being clusters because of clustering of unobserved factors. These findings suggest that addressing unobserved factors in neighbouring regions is an important issue for understanding individual well-being.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T13:01:30.000+0200}, author = {Pierewan, Adi and Tampubolon, Gindo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2bcfcc5042a05eb4d1859e43043350bb}, intrahash = {335b796ee2c1093d52f98e7bb09df63d}, journal = {Applied Geography}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Multilevel_Model SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Spatial_Dependence article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed well-being}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {168-176}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Spatial dependence multilevel model of well-being across regions in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 47, year = 2014}@incollection{masso2014between, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:58:20.000+0200}, author = {Masso, Jaan and Espenberg, Kerly and Masso, Anu and Mierina, Inta and Philips, Kaia}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199687428.003.0005}, interhash = {63e790f01a4aa60f42eac44849060ebc}, intrahash = {5433a693040af6ee12b83f9a5e503f18}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 Estonia FDZ_IUP Latvia Lithuania Strong_inequality_growth access_to_education checked english fertility incollection input2015 poverty social_impacts speed_of_reforms taxation transition}, month = jan, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {96-125}, publisher = {Oxford University Press ({OUP})}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Between Economic Growth and Social Justice}, url = {}, year = 2014}@article{pitlik2015social, abstract = {We address empirically trust as a determinant of support for government intervention. The central notion provided in the present paper is that the influence of generalized social trust on intervention attitudes is conditional on the perceived reliability, honesty, and incorruptibility of state actors and of major companies. Starting point is an idea by Aghion, Algan, Cahuc, and Shleifer (2010) that individuals who generally distrust others have a stronger taste for a regulation of economic activities, while people with high interpersonal trust are in favor of less strict regulations and state control. This line of argumentation neglects that (lack of) trust spills over to distrust in both governmental as well as in private institutions. People who tend to (dis-)trust other unknown people also tend to (dis-)trust state actors and private sector actors. Estimating the determinants of interventionist preferences with data from the World Values Survey/European Values Study for approximately 100,000 -115,000 individuals in 37 OECD- and EU-countries, we show that the impact of social trust on government intervention attitudes is conditional on individual confidence in state actors and in companies.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:49:38.000+0200}, author = {Pitlik, Hans and Kouba, Ludek}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11127-015-0258-7}, interhash = {f5331867b31af54f34df8862d5c45727}, intrahash = {eabacd0eaf110a624288f839a03ad4b1}, issn = {1573-7101}, journal = {Public Choice}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Government_Regulation Institutional_Trust Preference_Formation SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_Trust article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: April 24, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {355-377}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does social distrust always lead to a stronger support for government intervention?}, url = {}, volume = 163, year = 2015}@article{makarovic2014power, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:44:26.000+0200}, author = {Makarovi?, Matej and Rek, Mateja}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0dfc7ebf79fe3026626e60848a1cdfa6}, intrahash = {03058a773d883770e9133583dabf1db7}, journal = {Sociológia}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked democracy english europe indexproved influence input2015 political_participation power review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {686-705}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Power and Influence-Based Political Participation in European Democracies}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2014}@article{ljunge2014trust, abstract = {Abstract This paper estimates the intergenerational transmission of trust by studying children of immigrants in 29 European countries with ancestry in 87 nations. There is significant transmission of trust on the mother's side, and the transmission is significantly stronger than on the father's side. The transmission is stronger in high trust countries. Building trust in high trust environments is a process lasting generations. Intriguingly, trust transmission is strong also in low trust birth countries if ancestral trust is very high. There is persistence of very high trust in low trusting environments through cultural transmission in the family. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:38:42.000+0200}, author = {Ljunge, Martin}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.jebo.2014.07.001}, interhash = {ce42c62b88e50daa82d088b46bdd5480}, intrahash = {06e7d78a6f47af8a79d730954603d40c}, issn = {0167-2681}, journal = {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization }, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Immigrants Integration_of_immigrants Intergenerational_transmission SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cultural_transmission english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed social_capital trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {175 - 196}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust issues: Evidence on the intergenerational trust transmission among children of immigrants}, url = {}, volume = 106, year = 2014}@article{ljunge2014social, abstract = {Abstract This paper presents evidence that generalized trust promotes health. Children of immigrants in a broad set of European countries with ancestry from across the world are studied. Individuals are examined within country of residence using variation in trust across countries of ancestry. The approach addresses reverse causality and concerns that the trust measure picks up institutional factors in the individual's contextual setting. There is a significant positive estimate of ancestral trust in explaining self-assessed health. The finding is robust to accounting for individual, parental, and extensive ancestral country characteristics. Individuals with higher ancestral trust are also less likely to be hampered by health problems in their daily life, providing evidence of trust influencing real life outcomes. Individuals with high trust feel and act healthier, enabling a more productive life. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:34:00.000+0200}, author = {Ljunge, Martin}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ehb.2014.09.001}, interhash = {deba17987f3c5b5f55e7d43523f7f617}, intrahash = {3c2c07cc2cbe5bc77633a481efd45ad4}, issn = {1570-677X}, journal = {Economics & Human Biology }, keywords = {2014 Children_of_immigrants EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Self-assessed_health Self-reported_health Social_capital article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed social_capital trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {165 - 186}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social capital and health: Evidence that ancestral trust promotes health among children of immigrants}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2014}@article{puntscher2014social, abstract = {The purpose of these analyses is to investigate collective memory, i.e. the shared historical experiences of a community, as driving force for contemporary social capital. Three societal characteristics are considered proxies for collective memory: the current institutional framework as indicator for present common experiences; the cultural attitudes as proxy for long-term developments; and severe shocks in the history of the regions. The primary aim is thus to understand whether collective memory permits identification of not only the effects of recent (i.e. institutional) or distant (i.e. cultural) on-going experiences, but also of the impact of such relevant shocks. For this purpose, a comprehensive case study is conducted within a cross-border research area with special historical development, where it is possible to discriminate between these three indicators of collective memory.The findings suggest a significant impact of collective memory on social capital endowment. Particularly striking shocks are sustained in the collective memory of a community, influencing its behavior even long after the incident occurred. As a consequence, especially the levels of social trust and networking of the affected population are significantly influenced, such that the community develops protective measures in order to secure its norms, values and traditions. As a result, the social capital of a population is heavily influenced by events that occurred outside living memory.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:33:09.000+0200}, author = {Puntscher, Sibylle and Hauser, Christoph and Pichler, Karin and Tappeiner, Gottfried}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/kykl.12046}, interhash = {d85f2d3fc26d16fb05e51a5503ba7314}, intrahash = {a09598ff2c42ff86a5fb7f554080856e}, issn = {1467-6435}, journal = {Kyklos}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {116--132}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital and Collective Memory: A Complex Relationship}, url = {}, volume = 67, year = 2014}@article{koneke2014trust, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:28:46.000+0200}, author = {K?neke, Vanessa}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1186/1472-6939-15-86}, interhash = {178de092aa0a8707dd1a1ab786df0f90}, intrahash = {74337a07abe9f4e49a50479640d6f424}, journal = {BMC Medical Ethics}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 End-of-life-decisions FDZ_IUP Health_care SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Slippery_slope article checked english euthanasia indexproved input2015 public_opinion review_proved reviewed trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 86, pages = {1-17}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust increases euthanasia acceptance: a multilevel analysis using the European Values Study}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2014}@article{puntscher2015impact, abstract = {This study analyses the determinants of the most widely used indicators of subjective well-being (SWB), namely life satisfaction and happiness, within European regions. In particular, we assess to what extent these two measures are related to strictly economic factors or alternatively are driven by social and institutional settings. Our analyses extend the corresponding literature by (1) focusing on European regions instead of nations of the whole world and thus allowing for intra-national differences; (2) highlighting the impact of social capital considered in a broad manner covering general trust, institutional trust, associational activity and the close social ties; and (3) modelling possible spatial influences from the neighbouring regions by estimating a spatial error model. The results indicate that such spatial autocorrelations indeed exist and that the various social capital components are major impact factors alongside the conventional determinants health, religion and unemployment, but that income does not exhibit a statistically significant influence on the SWB of the European regions considered.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:28:33.000+0200}, author = {Puntscher, Sibylle and Hauser, Christoph and Walde, Janette and Tappeiner, Gottfried}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10902-014-9555-y}, interhash = {c2689a5790f13073ae8e126460f2ee81}, intrahash = {c77a4172e7bff5729509436aa543f61f}, issn = {1573-7780}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 European_Regions FDZ_IUP Life_Satisfaction SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Spatial_Analyses Subjective_well-being article checked english happiness indexproved input2015 life_satisfaction review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {1231-1246}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Impact of Social Capital on Subjective Well-Being: A Regional Perspective}, url = {}, volume = 16, year = 2015}@article{reeskens2014hostcountry, abstract = {While research has traditionally focused on first- and second-generation immigrants' socio-economic incorporation and to a lesser extent on their cultural and political integration, we analyse their affective attachment to the host country. Specifically, we assess: (1) the extent to which immigrants appear more or less ‘patriotic’ than non-immigrants; (2) what individual-level characteristics lead immigrants to greater (or lesser) attachment and; (3) whether cross-national differences in affective feelings towards the host country can be explained by relevant contextual characteristics. Analysing the 2008 wave of the European Values Study, we arrive at the conclusion that immigrants are not disaffected in terms of national pride, and that their own attachment is largely a function of the community in which they find themselves. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:23:42.000+0200}, author = {Reeskens, Tim and Wright, Matthew}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/01419870.2013.851397}, eprint = {}, interhash = {893584c1d076c8b49f280c89dbb46509}, intrahash = {6ca3b39e46f61732ee414a777706131f}, journal = {Ethnic and Racial Studies}, keywords = {2014 Countries_of_Destination Cross-national_comparison EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Immigrants Patriotism SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 national_identity review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: November 14, 2016, . (EVS)}, number = 14, pages = {2493-2511}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Host-country patriotism among European immigrants: a comparative study of its individual and societal roots}, url = { }, volume = 37, year = 2014}@article{justwan2015disenfranchised, abstract = {Western societies show varying reactions to the challenges of immigration. This is especially true with regards to voting rights for immigrants. This article shows that previous research has neglected generalized trust as a powerful predictor for different degrees of inclusiveness in this policy area. Elections are the gateways to the political decision-making processes in all democracies. For members of the host society, extending voting rights to noncitizens means granting members of an ‘out-group’ direct influence on their own lives. This requires a ‘leap of faith’ that is only possible at higher levels of generalized trust.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:23:29.000+0200}, author = {Justwan, Florian}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0192512113513200}, eprint = {}, interhash = {447984110b72456c1d11bb175af721cb}, intrahash = {994af5b708de874e8af03a95405d2394}, journal = {International Political Science Review}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked citizenship english generalized_trust immigration indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 noncitizen_voting political_integration review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online April 15, 2014, . (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 4, pages = {373-392}, privnote = {A more recent version of this article was published on [08-13-2015] ; ISSP_ID=30562}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Disenfranchised minorities: Trust, definitions of citizenship, and noncitizen voting rights in developed democracies}, url = {}, volume = 36, year = 2015}@article{rusu2014transnational, abstract = {What makes people support the European Union project has been a topic of constant research in the social sciences during the last decades. The key explanations of attitudes towards EU integration and enlargement processes are mainly related to identity issues, trust in political institutions, post-materialism, cognitive mobilization and utilitarianism. This paper revisits these explanations and adds a new ingredient to the debate, namely the role of solidarity in confining sceptical attitudes towards enlargement. We hypothesize that a deficit of transnational solidarity at the level of citizens is related to an attitude of reluctance about further EU enlargement. For this purpose, we employ a multilevel approach on individual-level data from the European Values Study 2008 – 2009 and contextual data for 42 countries. Our findings support the idea of a significant, positive relation between transnational solidarity and pro-enlargement attitudes.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:19:33.000+0200}, author = {Rusu, Hora?iu and Andrei, Gheorghi??}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e26aadb2482a466d8655014c314c5e35}, intrahash = {142340745e8211f3f5ab7376284ae388}, journal = {Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review}, keywords = {2014 EU_Enlargement EU_Integration EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Postmaterialism SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Transnational_Solidarity article checked english identity indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {261-282}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Transnational Solidarity and Public Support for the EU Enlargement}, volume = 46, year = 2014}@article{sieben2014religion, abstract = {The authors explore the impact of religion on two key parental values – obedience and autonomy – in contemporary Dutch society, one of the most secularized countries in the world. Three main religious dimensions are investigated: belonging (religious denomination), behaving (church attendance) and believing (traditional beliefs about God). In analysing survey data from the 2008 European Values Study in the Netherlands, it was found that religious dimensions appear to be significant attributes of parental values. Furthermore, denominational differences in both autonomy and obedience can be explained by church attendance (network mechanism), whereas differences in autonomy can partly be explained by transcendental beliefs (moral mechanism). However, the heterogeneity of the religious population in the Netherlands makes conclusions anything but straightforward and sometimes contrary to theoretical expectations.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:14:40.000+0200}, author = {Sieben, Inge and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1aa23c3a3da28ee7980f76cb343d6df6}, intrahash = {584d004f483a12a94cfdf971ac85609b}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed Autonomy Belief_in_God Church_Attendance Denominations EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Obendience Parental_Values SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {121-140}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and parental values in a secularized country: Evidence from the Netherlands}, volume = 61, year = 2014}@article{hvizdakova2014level, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:04:03.000+0200}, author = {Hviz?áková, Ivana and Urbancíková, Natasa}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.2478/esrp-2014-0009}, interhash = {8afadf196d2e57559f9121550ea6e95d}, intrahash = {a7bca3d75afa62aea2b43d16bed976fa}, issn_online = {1896-1525}, issn_print = {1231-1952}, journal = {European Spatial Research and Policy}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {123-136}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Level of Social Capital, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Countries of the European Union (EU)}, url = {}, volume = 21, year = 2014}@article{sorensen2014ruralurban, abstract = {S?rensen J. F. L. Rural–urban differences in life satisfaction: evidence from the European Union, Regional Studies. This paper uses data from the European Values Study 2008 to investigate rural–urban differences in life satisfaction across the European Union. Rural dwellers were found to have a significantly higher life satisfaction than city dwellers when holding socio-economic factors constant. This is systematically observed across three European Union country clusters defined by their level of affluence (gross domestic product (GDP)). With this background, the latter part of the paper explores the factors behind the higher life satisfaction in rural areas, focusing on differences in levels of insecurity, frames of comparison and levels of social interaction. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T12:02:24.000+0200}, author = {S?rensen, Jens F. L.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/00343404.2012.753142}, interhash = {4939621c1e403ed203f7dbe590bee4b3}, intrahash = {b86c963c56bef3013668b3e96c3ab87b}, journal = {Regional Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 European_Union FDZ_IUP Rural_urban_differences SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2015 life_satisfaction review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 9, pages = {1451-1466}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Rural-urban differences in life satisfaction : evidence from the European Union}, url = {}, volume = 48, year = 2014}@article{thorisdottir2014theories, abstract = {The Icelandic economy collapsed dramatically in the fall of 2008, making the country one of the first victims of the sharp economic downturn that hit most of the West. The Icelandic crisis may serve as an especially illuminating case study of the psychology of economic booms and busts. We offer an analysis of the buildup and aftermath of the economic crisis in Iceland using theories and findings from social psychology and related disciplines. During the buildup, at the national level we focus on strong national identity, high levels of trust, and system justification. At the group level, we discuss homogeneity of bank employees, group identity, and organizational culture. At the individual level the focus is on motivated reasoning and cognitive heuristics. During the aftermath at the national level, the primary focus is on collective action and the ascent of women into power. At the individual level we discuss changes in values, and report on a study in which we examined people's perceptions of what caused the crisis and how it relates to political ideology. We conclude by considering several behaviors not accounted for in our analysis and some policy implications that can be gleaned from the analysis.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:55:04.000+0200}, author = {Thórisdóttir, Hulda and Karólínudóttir, Karen Erla}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/asap.12051}, interhash = {d46914a6f4622dc4bad4c098c426a52a}, intrahash = {a91c21012dbfdcb77103372215d515a1}, issn = {1530-2415}, journal = {Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {281-310}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Boom and the Bust: Can Theories from Social Psychology and Related Disciplines Account for One Country's Economic Crisis?}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2014}@article{torgler2014suicide, abstract = {Suicide has remained a persistent social phenomenon and now accounts for more deaths than motor vehicle accidents. There has been much debate, however, over which religious constructs might best explain the variation in suicide rates. Our empirical analysis reveals that even though theological and social differences between Catholicism and Protestantism have decreased, Catholics are still less likely than Protestants to commit or accept suicide. This difference holds even after we control for such confounding factors as social and religious networks. In addition, although religious networks do mitigate suicides among Protestants, the influence of church attendance is more dominant among Catholics. Our analysis also indicates that alternative concepts such as religious commitment and religiosity strongly reduce suicide acceptance.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:52:47.000+0200}, author = {Torgler, Benno and Schaltegger, Christoph}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12117}, interhash = {0dea503fe404d3bd29a72b63764285ff}, intrahash = {05eb6b73e263fde864a6342501296528}, issn = {1468-5906}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed Catholicism EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Protestantism SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Suicide article checked english indexproved input2015 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {316-340}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Suicide and Religion: New Evidence on the Differences Between Protestantism and Catholicism}, url = {}, volume = 53, year = 2014}@article{hajkova2014efficiency, abstract = {Abstract Knowledge is increasingly becoming a vital factor in a city’s development. However, the mechanism of the transformation of a knowledge base into urban development remains unclear. This study estimates the impact of the knowledge bases of European cities on both city-level population growth and economic growth. Its findings shed new light on the role of knowledge processes in the development of cities in both new Member states and in the EU-15. Our results suggest that cities in new Member states turn their knowledge bases into urban growth more efficiently than those in the EU-15, especially owing to the weak initial level of synthetic knowledge creation and transfer. We also demonstrate that economic growth in 2004–2009 was mainly attributed to economic convergence and internal knowledge transfer with sales effects. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:50:46.000+0200}, author = {Hájková, Veronika and Hájek, Petr}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.cities.2014.04.001}, interhash = {6765b42561462ae7748e7cd1dd9e7f94}, intrahash = {fdd01a2fe7d1d61565f9019d74cfc055}, issn = {0264-2751}, journal = {Cities }, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 Economic_growth Efficiency_analysis FDZ_IUP Knowledge_base Knowledge_economy Population_growth SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {11-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Efficiency of knowledge bases in urban population and economic growth – Evidence from European cities }, url = {}, volume = {40, Part A}, year = 2014}@article{toros2014social, abstract = {The aim of this article is to set out the various explanations of voting behaviour in Turkey. Its principal intellectual motivation is to present the political and social indicators that shape voting in such a way as to explain how an activity which is so crucial for democratic life is also based upon voters' values and surrounding political context. Although the number of empirical work on voting behaviour in Turkey is increasing there is a considerable room for testing alternative variables and research tools in order to expand the academic knowledge on the problematic. Findings ratified that the political and personal values coupled with the other social factors have considerable impact on the voting behaviour in Turkey. Additionally this research also proved that these factors work differently for the competing political parties. Hence the contribution of this study is the introduction of an explicit analysis on the impact of different social and political factors that are salient in voting behaviour and magnitudes of these factors on different political parties by using a public database. Thus this study will not only uncover the relevancy of the variables in the literature for Turkish voters but also it will highlight the meaning and significance of these factors for different political parties.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:47:22.000+0200}, author = {Toros, Emre}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-013-0247-5}, interhash = {b384194b6fef715ecc4c43b1a032fe56}, intrahash = {0c4d9e9be2dc84f3f817848c4c2828a3}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english imported indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {1011–1029}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Indicators and Voting: The Turkish Case}, url = {}, volume = 115, year = 2014}@article{vecernik2014subjective, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:45:35.000+0200}, author = {Vecernik, Jiri}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a26cf5e9012b84cb17ab9ab14f9336ab}, intrahash = {8dcb3121728ae26f5a3db21d39febb83}, journal = {Politicka Ekonomie}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {249-269}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Subjective well-being in the Czech Republic and Central Europe: macro- and micro- determinants}, volume = 62, year = 2014}@article{dinas2014ageperiodcohort, abstract = {Abstract This paper develops a design-based approach to identifying cohort effects in \{APC\} analyses. Cohort effects arise when one cohort is treated by a unique set of formative socialization experiences, which causes it to differ from other cohorts in relevant outcomes. \{APC\} analyses typically compare treated and untreated cohorts from a single population. Our approach introduces a second group—a control group, in which no unit is treated but that is otherwise similar to the first—and adapts difference-in-differences estimation to the \{APC\} framework. The approach yields two identification strategies, each based on transparent and testable assumptions. We illustrate how the method works and what is to be gained through three examples. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:43:10.000+0200}, author = {Dinas, Elias and Stoker, Laura}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.electstud.2013.06.006}, interhash = {c5dc88cfce9e0ff01b493ec399735c3f}, intrahash = {bed5d49dc9eb6e296971ce8900df9fc9}, issn = {0261-3794}, journal = {Electoral Studies }, keywords = {2014 Age-Period-Cohort_analysis Cohort_effects Control_group Difference-in-differences EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Identification_problem SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {28-40}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Age-Period-Cohort analysis: A design-based approach }, url = {}, volume = 33, year = 2014}@article{veltri2014three, abstract = {One of the most frequently perceived divisions in Italy is that of a substantial cultural discrepancy in the environmental values of the North, the Centre and the South. The recent and prolonged waste crisis in Southern Italy reinforced this common public discourse. There are, however, no recent studies that have explored these alleged differences. This study aims to fill this hiatus by analysing differences across macro-regions in terms of the endorsement of basic environmental values. Differences in environmental values are examined using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale with a multi-level variance components analysis. The findings suggest that whilst dissimilarities between macro-regions do exist, they are not in fact as significant as might be expected, thus indicating the existence of a national cultural homogeneity in terms of 'primitive' beliefs towards nature and humanity's relationship with it. The findings also highlight the problems of 'Ecological Fallacy' and underscore the complexity of the relationship between values and behaviour. Adapted from the source document}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:39:01.000+0200}, author = {Veltri, Giuseppe A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d9e40723506f2919d9846363fa1e0a59}, intrahash = {cbec84fce9be2af0f9f5bb7900200dd1}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2014 Cultural_Values EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Fallacies Homogenity Myths SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Wastes article checked english imported indexproved input2015 italy review_proved reviewed values}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {763-793}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Myth of 'Three Italies': Differences and Similarities in Environmental Values Between Macro-Regions}, volume = 16, year = 2014}@article{voicu2014participative, abstract = {This paper uses insights from the literature on social capital and from the sociology of values to explain dependency of immigrants’ involvement in associations depend on the norms of participation in their country of origin as well as the norms of their host countries. The argument is that changing the social context should lead to changing participative behaviours. I use cross-classified multilevel models on the EVS 2008 data to test if average levels of participation in the host and in the origin society determine immigrants’ propensity to become member in voluntary organizations. The findings point to a partial assimilation of immigrants. Their behaviours, while influenced by their culture of origin, are mainly shaped by their country of residence. The relation is influenced by the differences between the patterns of participation in the two cultures, the age when migrating and the dependency of the origin on remittances}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:37:35.000+0200}, affiliation = {CEPS/INSTEAD; Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy; Department of Sociology, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan}, biburl = {}, copyright = {International Society for Third-Sector Research and The Johns Hopkins University}, doi = {10.1007/s11266-013-9355-8}, interhash = {543e61e2df5d8f4a17d49474a0289366}, intrahash = {e2deab7af0bc36a55a023b54e0f9226c}, journal = {Voluntas}, keywords = {2014 Assimilation Double_contextuality EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP International_migration Membership_in_associations SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Value_change article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, language = {English}, note = {First published online: February 20, 2013, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {612-635}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Participative Immigrants or Participative Cultures? The Importance of Cultural Heritage in Determining Involvement in Associations}, volume = 25, year = 2014}@article{golubovic2014comparative, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:36:09.000+0200}, author = {Golubovic, Natasa and Dzunic, Marija and Marinkovic, Srdjan}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.5937/industrija42-5375}, interhash = {7833e47a736782f7c0710de7db6df1a3}, intrahash = {987ae7be4b5ac29b6959261597078948}, journal = {Industrija}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP article capital checked economics english indexproved input2015 noindex norms review_proved reviewed social_capital social_networks trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {71-92}, publisher = {Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T16:56:52.000+0200}, title = {A comparative analysis of social capital in the western Balkan countries}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2014}@article{voicu2014socialization, abstract = {Two explanations, institutionalization and socialization, are generally used to explain the impact of social context on how much one trusts others. This paper uses the case of international immigrants to show that the two assumptions are complementary. Cross-classified multilevel models fitted on EVS 2008-2009 data prove that immigrants' levels of social trust depend on one hand on the culture of trust in the country of origin, and on the other hand on the culture of trust in the host society. While the host is generally salient, the outcome is shaped by structural conditions. In a host society rich in immigrants, the impact of the local culture increases. A country of origin dependent on remittances tends to be more influential. Coming from a country poorer in social trust to a more trustful one boosts immigrants' likelihood to trust others.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:34:15.000+0200}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {413e613d32ff417d0bec9288a0a35a9b}, intrahash = {6e07e9af3542bc22d417e4b8fcc8fe3b}, issn = {1582-4551}, journal = {Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review }, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP OA_SSOAR OAproved SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {201-220}, timestamp = {2019-04-10T13:22:18.000+0200}, title = {Socialization and Institutionalization Effects on Immigrants’ Social Trust}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2014}@article{gavreliuc2014cartography, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:31:03.000+0200}, author = {Gavreliuc, Alin and Gavreliuc, Dana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a5f2340adfdda7e001cc578b4fbf9489}, intrahash = {1501a1b7baed9f7bfd4cef9dc0eee530}, journal = {Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 inter-ethnic_attitudes inter-regional_attitudes review_proved reviewed social_capital social_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 44, pages = {212-228}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cartography of the Banatian Identity Dynamics in the Last Decade: the Registers of Social Attitudes and Social Capital.}, year = 2014}@article{voicu2014immigrants, abstract = {Resilience, exposure and transferability are the most common explanations of immigrant political mobilisation in the context of the host society. They are based on assumptions about socialisation and institutionalisation, which are common to native-born groups as well. They lead to hypotheses about the impact of ‘cultures of voting turnout.’ This paper tests these hypotheses through cross-classified multilevel logistic regression analysis of immigrants' voting intentions. The method is new to the analysis of voting behaviour, and allows the comparison of immigrants of multiple origin groups in multiple host countries. This paper provides support for exposure effects: living in a society where most people cast ballots in national elections increases the odds that immigrants are willing to vote. Transferability is not evident, as coming from a culture of high turnout actually lowers the probability of voting. Such impact is not mediated by the length of stay or by the political opportunity structure specific to immigrants, but is stronger in systems of compulsory voting. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:29:02.000+0200}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan and Com?a, Mircea}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/1369183X.2013.873712}, eprint = {}, interhash = {b992203c7fc17dd37a8ba9738863ff8e}, intrahash = {9ec551028ca3a657b43e3ec9e6dcfce1}, journal = {Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 Exposure FDZ_IUP International_Migrants Resilience SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Transferability Voting_Turnout article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: January 06, 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {1572-1592}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Immigrants' Participation in Voting: Exposure, Resilience, and Transferability}, url = { }, volume = 40, year = 2014}@article{yucel2014correlates, abstract = {Using the most recent wave of European Values Survey (EVS) data, this study explores the correlates of generalized trust by comparing Turkish and Greek communities living on the island of Cyprus. The results suggest that, besides confidence in institutions, there are different determinants of trust for each Cypriot community. In comparing Greek and Turkish Cypriots, the results suggest that being married, being older, having an urban residence, being in better health, and participating more in voluntary organizations are correlated with higher levels of generalized trust among Turkish Cypriots, whereas Greek Cypriots who are natives and who have more life satisfaction have higher levels of generalized trust. This study makes a significant contribution by being the first empirical study to test generalized trust among both communities living in the island of Cyprus. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:24:49.000+0200}, author = {Yucel, Deniz and Ekici, Tufan}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1017/S1062798714000271}, interhash = {f46277dea22a678ea8703f0609c213c4}, intrahash = {a7a6003b0823479ee58b839925dfe26b}, issn = {1474-0575}, journal = {European Review}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, month = {7}, note = {First published online: June 30, 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 03, numpages = {16}, pages = {453-468}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Correlates of Generalized Trust among Turkish and Greek Cypriots: Evidence from the European Values Survey Data}, url = {}, volume = 22, year = 2014}@article{fitzgerald2014searching, abstract = {Attitudes toward gay men and lesbians are generally more tolerant in Western than in Eastern Europe. This study uses data from the first five rounds of the European Social Survey to examine acculturation among migrants moving from Eastern Europe to Western Europe, in terms of attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. After controlling for background factors associated with attitudes toward homosexuality, we find evidence of acculturation, whereby attitudes become more tolerant—and more typical of those prevalent in Western Europe—with longer residency in this region. This study builds on existing research into cross-national differences in attitudes toward homosexuality and extends the existing North American literature on acculturation to a European context.}, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:19:34.000+0200}, author = {Fitzgerald, Rory and Winstone, Lizzy and Prestage, Yvette}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/ijpor/edu021}, eprint = {}, interhash = {bbe3af048bc2f306aa2c779b2bb5724a}, intrahash = {32b1e0ab12d9d498783d7346274c9934}, journal = {International Journal of Public Opinion Research}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 07, 2014, . (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {323-341}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=29386}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Searching For Evidence of Acculturation: Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Migrants Moving From Eastern to Western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 26, year = 2014}@article{field2014another, abstract = {Opinion polls of adults are used to illuminate public attitudes to Church and clergy in Britain since the 1960s. Wherever possible, comparative data are provided for other institutions and professions. The standing of Church and clergy diminished over the half-century, especially in the 1990s and 2000s, mirroring the net decline in institutional Christianity revealed in performance indicators of church membership, attendance, rites of passage and affiliation. This loss of status reflects, not merely the passive effects of a secularizing climate, but active disenchantment with policies and practices pursued by Church and clergy. The paper exemplifies how secularization can be understood (following Chaves) as declining religious authority. }, added-at = {2016-06-29T11:11:57.000+0200}, author = {Field, Clive D.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13619462.2014.923765}, eprint = {}, interhash = {6cada1000779aa1e2c66bb9f1795d577}, intrahash = {0b01aa1f8a9df830110e2683dd1c4c9c}, journal = {Contemporary British History}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed Church Clergy EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 Institutional_Religion Public_Opinion_Polls Religious_Authority SCOPUSindexed Secularization article checked english indexproved input2016 isspbib2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {190-218}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=30447}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Another Window on British Secularization: Public Attitudes to Church and Clergy Since the 1960s}, url = { }, volume = 28, year = 2014}@incollection{algan2014trust, added-at = {2016-06-16T15:32:19.000+0200}, author = {Algan, Yann and Cahuc, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Handbook of Economic Growth}, editor = {Aghion, Philippe and Durlauf, Steven}, interhash = {9dac30118a8fec7069eab05ee8adbbc6}, intrahash = {40850e7a8d0885466f37aef35c404b56}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2015 checked english incollection input2015}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {49-120}, publisher = {Elsevier}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust, growth and well-being: new evidence and policy implications}, year = 2014}@article{ekici2014social, abstract = {Based on data from a 1999 and a 2008 European Values Survey, the main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between a variety of social capital indicators, satisfaction with government and democracy, and subjective well-being. Happiness and life satisfaction were used as outcome measures of subjective well-being. The indicators of social capital used in this study are general trust, trust in institutions, political engagement, concern for others, societal norms, and membership in volunteer organizations. The analyses reveal a significant increase in happiness, life satisfaction, and many social capital variables between 1999 and 2008. Generalized trust, trust in institutions, government satisfaction, and democracy satisfaction are positive correlates of well-being, although some relationships are significant only in 2008. Several demographic variables are also linked with subjective well-being such as income, employment status, age, gender, and education. We discuss the findings in relation to the significant societal, economic, and political changes experienced in Turkey between 1999 and 2008. Policy implications are also emphasized such as improved trust among individuals, trustworthiness of government institutions, and functioning of democracy.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:47:19.000+0200}, author = {Ekici, Tufan and Koydemir, Selda}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-013-0464-y}, interhash = {45cdb972c13d3fcdcd2d36f48f512876}, intrahash = {9369a4db0b7e7e569db12d9dfb675516}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {1031-1053}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital, Government and Democracy Satisfaction, and Happiness in Turkey: A Comparison of Surveys in 1999 and 2008}, url = {}, volume = 118, year = 2014}@article{eichhorn2014effect, abstract = {A negative effect of unemployment on subjective well-being has been demonstrated in many studies casting substantial doubt about assumptions of decisions of individuals to choose unemployment voluntarily as the utility-maximising option. These studies have been extended to take into account national-level context factors which have been shown to moderate the relationship between unemployment and life-satisfaction. So far most studies focussed mainly on economic indicators, although demographic and cultural differences between countries also affect how unemployment is perceived. An important variable that is not included in the majority of proper multilevel studies is the extent of unemployment benefits. Traditional micro-economic approaches argue that more extensive provisions should reduce the cost of unemployment and therefore reduce the motivation to regain employment---reflected in a reduction of the negative impact of unemployment. This study investigates this claim by using European Values Study data from all European Union countries and Norway as well as harmonised macroeconomic statistics from Eurostat. It finds that the effect of unemployment on life-satisfaction is indeed moderated by economic and demographic national-level factors, but not by unemployment benefits. To what extent unemployment reduces life-satisfaction varies greatly between countries, but appears to not be influenced by the extent of state unemployment provisions.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:45:26.000+0200}, author = {Eichhorn, Jan}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-013-0474-9}, interhash = {23875de3eb18ddeeff472ede8dbd1528}, intrahash = {d8d6ef7df7700aed133f5d185d389169}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {389--404}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The (Non-) Effect of Unemployment Benefits: Variations in the Effect of Unemployment on Life-Satisfaction Between EU Countries}, url = {}, volume = 119, year = 2014}@article{delhey2014measuring, abstract = {This article seeks to conceptually clarify the measurement of Europeanization from a transactional perspective. Following Karl Deutsch, we regard cross-border practices and sense of community as constitutive for an emerging European society. But we critically reassess how this approach has been put into empirical practice by contemporary scholars. Typically, too much attention is paid to absolute Europeanization, and too little to relative Europeanization. In order to properly investigate the European society as situated between the nation-state and the world society, we argue that Europeanization involves both national openness (the salience of Europe compared to the nation-state) and external closure (the salience of Europe compared to the world). Three indices are suggested to capture relative Europeanization and its major components. Recent Eurobarometer and European Values Study data on practices and attitudes of EU citizens is used to illustrate our approach empirically. The results demonstrate that external closure adds a new layer of information for understanding everyday life Europeanization. We also find a bifurcation between practices for which Europe is the more relevant reference frame (as compared to the world) and attitudes for which it is not. }, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:41:06.000+0200}, author = {Delhey, Jan and Deutschmann, Emanuel and Graf, Timo and Richter, Katharina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2014.904916}, eprint = {}, interhash = {b46996970ce86fb9614aaa02503e4799}, intrahash = {bb8121ba0aa87bcc7506c91acc67e725}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 European_identity European_society Europeanization FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Transactions Transnationalism article checked english globalization indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {355-377}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring the Europeanization of Everyday Life: Three New Indices and an Empirical Application}, url = { }, volume = 16, year = 2014}@incollection{Dekker2014, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:38:00.000+0200}, address = {New York, NY}, author = {Dekker, Paul}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Modernizing Democracy: Associations and Associating in the 21st Century}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4939-0485-3_4}, editor = {Freise, Matthias and Hallmann, Thorsten}, interhash = {5ad5d41cc14ba70fbca795c32cb79d8f}, intrahash = {8634a841ea6ec0c981f8a788968d2188}, isbn = {978-1-4939-0485-3}, keywords = {2014 Alexis-de-Tocqueville Civil_society EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Political_involvement School_of_democracy Voluntary_associations checked english incollection input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {45-57}, publisher = {Springer New York}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Tocqueville Did Not Write About Soccer Clubs: Participation in Voluntary Associations and Political Involvement}, url = {}, year = 2014}@article{caragliu2014cognitive, abstract = {Caragliu A. and Nijkamp P. Cognitive capital and islands of innovation: the Lucas growth model from a regional perspective, Regional Studies. Knowledge triggers regional growth. Evidence suggests that skilled labour force concentrates in islands of innovation, providing an advantage for innovative regions and a challenge for lagging ones. A growth model explaining the effect of human capital on regional wealth is presented. Estimates are based on the European Values Study (EVS) and Eurostat regional data. The externality driving growth in the model is cognitive capital. Empirical tests show that a higher endowment of cognitive capital generates increasing returns to knowledge, favouring the emergence of islands of innovation; also, regions with a high endowment of cognitive capital attract knowledge spillovers from neighbours.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:35:08.000+0200}, author = {Caragliu, Andrea and Nijkamp, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {01d4c2cb98cc5739cb34bab361d54e6b}, intrahash = {4733476ae4304d3e3b714ca3acf7515c}, journal = {Regional Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {624-645}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cognitive Capital and Islands of Innovation: The Lucas Growth Model from a Regional Perspective}, volume = 48, year = 2014}@article{camarero2014marriage, abstract = {The objective of this study is to identify and describe the existing ideals regarding marriage or long-term coupling in Europe during the first decade of the twenty-first century and to measure their prevalence in the population. To obtain this broad picture we have developed a typology of marriages based on data from the 2008-2010 European Values Study and inspired by Louis Roussel's models. Two criteria have been used to classify evaluative opinions on marriage and construct the ideal types: the nature and function of the bond between partners. The first criterion, the nature of the relationship, differentiates those who favour an Alliance model (42.2% of Europeans), a Fusion model (38.1%) and an Association model (19.5%). In turn, within each ideal type, marriage can be conceived as being necessary or contingent. Combining both criterion results in a typology of six ideal types representing a broad spectrum; at the extremes we find the apparently outdated Institutional marriage supported by 27.8% of the population and an emerging ideal known as the Pure-relationship, supported by 8.4% of Europeans.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:25:16.000+0200}, author = {Camarero, Mercedes}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2013.878097}, interhash = {5f7a4091a463c84d51f5237d3dd8ac7a}, intrahash = {a97c0c1bb59ba5a555a07842e7dc2a15}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Marriage_and_divorce SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {443-461}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Marriage in Europe: Ideal types of marriage in the first decade of the twenty-first century}, url = {}, volume = 16, year = 2014}@article{callens2014attitudes, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to investigate attitudes toward the integration of immigrants in Luxembourg---the country with the highest proportion of immigrants in Europe. First, the paper examines how attitudes toward integration (consisting of two dimensions: attitudes toward assimilation and attitudes toward multiculturalism) vary among different groups of the country's residents, i.e. natives and residents with a migratory background. Second, it examines how these attitudes have evolved over a period of nearly ten years. The Luxembourgish European Value Study data from 1999 and 2008 are used. The results of the analyses reveal that attitudes towards the integration of immigrants differ significantly among the resident groups analysed. Native residents are more supportive of the assimilation model compared to foreign-born residents and second-generation immigrants with two foreign-born parents, whereas the latter groups score higher on the multiculturalism scale than the other groups. With respect to trends in attitudes towards integration, the assimilation model gained popularity between 1999 and 2008 among all groups, whereas only a small decrease in popularity was found with respect to preferences for multicultural integration.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:23:56.000+0200}, author = {Callens, Marie-Sophie and Valentová, Marie and Meuleman, Bart}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s12134-013-0272-x}, interhash = {6e217b17f22ab9aa0eb58fecb1138db3}, intrahash = {d41a09a441fd32ed13418b2647ab0de1}, issn = {1874-6365}, journal = {Journal of International Migration and Integration}, keywords = {2014 Assimilation Attitude_towards_migration EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Luxembourg Multiculturalism SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {135--157}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do Attitudes Towards the Integration of Immigrants Change Over Time? A Comparative Study of Natives, Second-Generation Immigrants and Foreign-Born Residents in Luxembourg}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2014}@incollection{busemeyer2014varieties, abstract = {The positive association between education and voting participation is well-documented in the literature. What has not been studied so far is the variation of the micro-level effect of education across countries and whether the institutional set-up of the political economy might contribute to explaining this variation. The core claim of this chapter is that the degree of economic coordination influences the impact of education on participation on the micro level – on top of a host of alternative explanations. Relative to those with basic training, individuals with a vocational education are more likely to participate in elections in coordinated market economies compared to liberal market economies. We offer two explanations for this robust effect, centering on the impact of social networks and psychological effects. The empirical basis for this article is a multi-level analysis of survey data from the European Values Survey (2008).}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:21:35.000+0200}, address = {Cheltenham}, author = {Busemeyer, Marius and Goerres, Achim}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {How welfare states shape the democratic public}, editor = {Kumlin, S and Stadelmann-Steffen, I.}, interhash = {a852f5fd827a49131b9776c923ab3c4c}, intrahash = {cd23f86dcae3d9933408197d1b683f7b}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Institutions Turnout checked education english incollection inequality input2015}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {63-89}, publisher = {Elgar}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Varieties of capitalism, education and inequalities in political participation}, year = 2014}@article{burkimsher2014religious, abstract = {The purpose of this research note is to summarize the available data on trends in religious attendance across 24 European countries to determine whether a base level has been reached in some countries. We focus on the changes observed in the period 1990–2012. After critically assessing the data quality of the recent European Social Survey (ESS) and European Values Study (EVS), we present four different methods of assessing current trends. First, we assess intercohort differentials, an indicator previously used extensively. We then look at trends in young people's rates of attendance, followed by trends of the postwar cohorts born in 1950–1981. We proceed to an appraisal of individual life-course variations by looking at attendance as a child and young adult. A compilation of these indicators shows that they often do not fully agree on whether there is growth, decline, or stability. To generalize, the high-attending Catholic countries are more likely to exhibit religious decline, whilst a few ex-communist countries are seeing sustained growth. The most secular countries seem to be generally stabilizing in the 5–20 percent range for attendance rates of the postwar generations.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:13:36.000+0200}, author = {Burkimsher, Marion}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/jssr.12111}, interhash = {17b212c3a8322f1ea7f40b0286e7107e}, intrahash = {6e8c86d3b4cf0a96c5b784fe46681ea2}, issn = {1468-5906}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {432-445}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is Religious Attendance Bottoming Out? An Examination of Current Trends Across Europe}, url = {}, volume = 53, year = 2014}@article{brusis2014conditional, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:11:34.000+0200}, author = {Brusis, Martin and Melnykovska, Inna and Solonenko, Iryna and Umland, Andreas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {23c399cca4a9bb068216259690c2a037}, intrahash = {75beb5c5d8210d6222d956c6a4922669}, journal = {Journal of Ukrainian Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2015 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {1-12}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The conditional impact of democracy conditions. How the European Union interacts with political competition in Eastern Partnership countries}, volume = {Special Edition}, year = 2014}@article{bilgin2014determinants, abstract = {Tax morale is defined as the intrinsic motivation to pay taxes, and is closely related to tax compliance. Determinants of tax morale need to be investigated for a more comprehensive understanding of tax compliance. In this paper, determinants of tax morale in Turkey and Spain are analysed on the basis of World Values Survey data. Firstly, descriptive statistics of the variables used in the models are provided. Since tax morale is an ordered categorical dependent variable, ordered probit models are estimated separately for Turkey and Spain to derive the relations between tax morale and relevant variables. Marginal effects are computed since the coefficients of the models cannot be interpreted because of the nonlinearity of the estimated models. The marginal effects related to the top level of tax morale category are presented. The independent variables are combined by demographic factors, employment categories, economic status of the respondents and social capital variables. The findings from the estimated model suggest that social capital variables and some of the demographic factors have important effects on tax morale in Turkey. Confidence variables have positive effects; if taxpayers feel confidence in political entities they are willing to pay taxes. Religion and national pride affect tax morale positively. On the other hand, the results are different for Spain; social capital variables do not have effects on tax morale. Specifically, confidence variables are found to be statistically insignificant. Age, education level and the income level have significant effects on tax morale in Spain.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:07:26.000+0200}, author = {Bilgin, Cevat}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.17979/ejge.2014.3.1.4297}, interhash = {d90e85bf7606ea735956693f98a3e56c}, intrahash = {e14166e26b7d2c1dfd2b8f1a4a6b8572}, journal = {European Journal of Government and Economics}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Ordered_probit SCOPUSindexed Tax_evasion Tax_morale article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {60-74}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T15:18:34.000+0200}, title = {Determinants of tax morale in Spain and Turkey: an empirical analysis}, url = { }, volume = 3, year = 2014}@article{bernheim2014questions, abstract = {This article analyses domestic and foreign reactions to a 2008 report in the British Medical Journal on the complementary and, as argued, synergistic relationship between palliative care and euthanasia in Belgium. The earliest initiators of palliative care in Belgium in the late 1970s held the view that access to proper palliative care was a precondition for euthanasia to be acceptable and that euthanasia and palliative care could, and should, develop together. Advocates of euthanasia including author Jan Bernheim, independent from but together with British expatriates, were among the founders of what was probably the first palliative care service in Europe outside of the United Kingdom. In what has become known as the Belgian model of integral end-of-life care, euthanasia is an available option, also at the end of a palliative care pathway. This approach became the majority view among the wider Belgian public, palliative care workers, other health professionals, and legislators. The legal regulation of euthanasia in 2002 was preceded and followed by a considerable expansion of palliative care services. It is argued that this synergistic development was made possible by public confidence in the health care system and widespread progressive social attitudes that gave rise to a high level of community support for both palliative care and euthanasia. The Belgian model of so-called integral end-of-life care is continuing to evolve, with constant scrutiny of practice and improvements to procedures. It still exhibits several imperfections, for which some solutions are being developed. This article analyses this model by way of answers to a series of questions posed by Journal of Bioethical Inquiry consulting editor Michael Ashby to the Belgian authors.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T14:01:59.000+0200}, author = {Bernheim, Jan L. and Distelmans, Wim and Mullie, Arsène and Ashby, Michael A.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11673-014-9554-z}, interhash = {61e311e77f98525abcd5214ee088e0ac}, intrahash = {627463945667c3d2aea8c7c83ba817e5}, journal = {Journal of Bioethical Inquiry}, keywords = {2014 Belgium Death EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP Palliative_care SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english euthanasia indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {507–529}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Questions and answers on the Belgian model of integral end-of-life care : experiment? Prototype?}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2014}@article{barboschi2014meeting, added-at = {2016-06-16T13:52:08.000+0200}, author = {Barboschi, Monica and Kontrikova, Vera and Bayraktar, Fatih}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4095d335948722767a490a164fda743d}, intrahash = {0e24d413329571a8beee64f21877aba5}, journal = {Research Newsletter: Eastern Mediterranean University}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2015 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2014, pages = {13-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Meeting of New Online Contacts: Changes in European Children’s Patterns of Sociability}, year = 2014}@incollection{arbak2014measuring, abstract = {Measuring human capital has been a challenge for economists. In the MENA region, scarcity of comparable and reliable data complicates the task. To overcome this challenge, we rely on an international survey that covers most of the region. In addition to current estimates, we make a forward-looking assessment of how human capital stocks may change in the future. We found human capital stocks are low in most SEMC, except in Israel and Turkey, where returns to education are flat. Despite high attainment levels, Greece, Spain, and Portugal perform poorly, only marginally surpassing the bottom-ranked SEMC. Thus improving attainment levels can produce measurable gains in the future only when the returns to education are high.}, added-at = {2016-06-16T13:34:51.000+0200}, address = {Cham}, author = {Arbak, Emrah}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Economic and Social Development of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries}, editor = {Ayadi, Rym and Dabrowski, Marek and De Wulf, Luc}, interhash = {c3768888dc4582dda18a6b7da121e418}, intrahash = {45ad757f0f6af6ba0e4a4eb1b1510923}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2015}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {267-283}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring Returns to Education and Human Capital}, year = 2014}@book{welzel2013freedom, abstract = {This book presents a comprehensive theory of why human freedom gave way to increasing oppression since the invention of states – and why this trend began to reverse itself more recently, leading to a rapid expansion of universal freedoms and democracy. Drawing on a massive body of evidence, the author tests various explanations of the rise of freedom, providing convincing support of a well-reasoned theory of emancipation. The study demonstrates multiple trends toward human empowerment, which converge to give people control over their lives. Most important among these trends is the spread of “emancipative values,” which emphasize free choice and equal opportunities. The author identifies the desire for emancipation as the origin of the human empowerment trend and shows when and why this desire grows strong; why it is the source of democracy; and how it vitalizes civil society, feeds humanitarian norms, enhances happiness, and helps redirect modern civilization toward sustainable development.}, added-at = {2016-06-15T12:22:11.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Welzel, Christian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a6f0b96c68fb44bd0961ba197fe18532}, intrahash = {197cc15dac1dccb10e199333c189f5d5}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2015}, note = {(EVS)}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, study = {EVS1990-2005}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Freedom rising: human empowerment and the quest for emancipation}, year = 2013}@incollection{voicu2013religion, abstract = {Previous studies have shown that religion has a positive effect on civic engagement, both beliefs and behaviors increasing the level of social participation. The relationship between religion, state, and society, however, is different in postcommunist countries. The communist regimes imposed a forced secularization, isolating religion into the private life and reducing its impact on public affairs. Using data from European Values Study, 2008 wave, collected in 21 postcommunist countries, this chapter investigates how postcommunist legacy shapes social participation in countries from Central and Eastern Europe. The data shows that church attendance has a significant positive effect on civil activism in the countries under investigation, while belonging to a Protestant denomination boosts the civil engagement. When one takes into account country’s main religious denomination, people living in countries with a strong Catholic tradition are more inclined to participate in civil associations, while those living in Orthodox countries are less predisposed to be civically active.}, added-at = {2016-06-15T12:15:52.000+0200}, address = {Dordrecht}, author = {Voicu, Malina and Tufis, Claudiu}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion and Civil Society in Europe}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-007-6815-4_11}, editor = {de Hart, Joep and Dekker, Paul and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {a3de9cf0322402fae806dbcb4953c680}, intrahash = {ffbc52e434f4909fbf0835b82ea00d04}, isbn = {978-94-007-6815-4}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2015}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {203-217}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, study = {EVS1981-2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Social Participation in Postcommunist Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{muller2013religiskonfessionelle, abstract = {In religious terms, East and West Germany are still two separate societies more than 20 years after reunification. While the large majority of the population in West Germany belongs to one of the two main Christian churches, the proportion of those without a denomination in East Germany is now more than 70 \%. Moreover, as far as church involvement, confidence in the church and individual religiosity are concerned, the West Germans have a much stronger religious affiliation to the church than their East German counterparts. The main reason for this difference is the influence of different political systems and legal cultures in East and West during the period when the two parts of Germany were divided. The fact, though, that the process of secularization has continued unabated in East Germany since 1989, and that the religious and ecclesiastical discrepancies between the two parts of the country have, if anything, become stronger rather than weaker since then, would suggest that there are other factors at work here, too. In this contribution, we argue that one of the factors that needs to be considered is the dominant denominational culture that exists in each of the two parts of the country, a culture which is highly persistent, can easily reproduce itself, puts pressure on the respective minority cultures, and is able to diffuse into them. While the dominant denominational culture in West Germany is able to slow down the current processes of secularization, the secular, non-denominational majority culture in the East tends rather to produce effects which accelerate these processes. In this essay, we use a variety of empirical indicators (effectiveness of religious socialization, denominational affiliation, churchly affiliation, faith in God) to demonstrate these effects.}, added-at = {2016-06-15T12:04:05.000+0200}, author = {Müller, Olaf and Pollack, Detlef and Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11577-013-0221-x}, interhash = {a6b304afb233d34ef410cfbf1d1ad9a8}, intrahash = {f45e10b354ee13889638cb4e7dca61ff}, issn = {1861-891X}, journal = {KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2015 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {123--148}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religi?s-konfessionelle Kultur und individuelle Religiosit?t: Ein Vergleich zwischen West- und Ostdeutschland (Denominational culture and individual religiosity: a comparison between West and East Germany)}, url = {}, volume = 65, year = 2013}@book{kufer2013europische, added-at = {2016-06-15T12:00:29.000+0200}, address = {Berlin}, author = {Kufer, Astrid}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e224c5983745885d09c2624cb8bff875}, intrahash = {f3c0d17044674a98e7589d2f3f214953}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2015}, note = {(EVS)}, publisher = {Lit Verl.}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:52:46.000+0200}, title = {Europ?ische Wertegemeinschaft? eine empirische Untersuchung gesellschaftlicher Werte in 27 EU-Staaten auf Basis sozialgeschichtlicher Analysen und aktueller Umfragedaten}, year = 2013}@article{brechon2013religiosite, added-at = {2016-06-15T11:30:45.000+0200}, author = {Brechon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {33f3a88c9c61b9a98d9c90d6b2da8f70}, intrahash = {117631b5dc8b26e918ac584645ba86f3}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2015 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 395, pages = {105–113}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {La religiosite en Europe de l'Ouest : evolution depuis 30 ans}, year = 2013}@article{brechon2013religion, added-at = {2016-06-15T11:26:30.000+0200}, author = {Brechon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5704cbfa93f162e956b3cc7b8fc65f92}, intrahash = {3bbdca6575a8c29013f59de7414b27a8}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2015 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 393, pages = {75 -87}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Religion et valeurs en Europe : effets sociopolitiques de la dimension religieuse chez les Europeens}, year = 2013}@article{astor2013couple, added-at = {2016-06-15T11:07:47.000+0200}, author = {Astor, Sandrine and Dompnier, Nathalie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7009e6863e5a1001a189548d50c0434f}, intrahash = {e4fd2966512f8fb7b2e13af350b4d31f}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2015 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2015 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 395, pages = {11-24}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Le couple et le mariage vus par les Europeens}, year = 2013}@article{stam2016arbeidsethos, added-at = {2016-06-07T14:00:55.000+0200}, author = {Stam, Kirsten and Sieben, I.J.P and Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7badd6ec50b0c70b82f0d5993aef966f}, intrahash = {09303b306e9b5cadb5e860ab5b57182e}, journal = {Religie en Samenleving}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2016 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {6-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Arbeidsethos in Europa: religieuze traditie of modernisering}, volume = 11, year = 2016}@article{sieben2015morality, abstract = {In this study, we investigate morality in relation to the public good in post-socialist Europe. Public good morality is defined as the (non)acceptance of behaviour that contravenes the law and harms society and the greater good of the collective, such as cheating on taxes if one has the chance, paying cash to avoid taxes, not paying one’s fare in public transport, and claiming state benefits one is not entitled to. Using data from the European Values Study in 2008 on more than 30,000 respondents in 23 post-socialist states, we find that on average the level of public good morality is quite high: 8.4 on a ten-point scale. However, there are marked differences between individuals and between countries, which we attempt to explain by looking at the legacy of communist rule, processes of democratization and compliance attitudes. We find that individuals living in former Soviet states are more ‘lenient’ when it comes to actions that harm the collective. However, those who lived under communist rule for a longer time display higher (and not lower) levels of public good morality. The level of democracy in a country does not seem to add any explanatory power, but individuals who hold more democratic values appear to be morally less strict. Finally, compliance attitudes such as interpersonal trust and confidence in government do not seem to mediate the observed relationships between communist rule and democracy on the one hand and public good morality on the other hand.}, added-at = {2016-06-07T13:55:27.000+0200}, author = {Sieben, Inge and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {45b3f7bd8c4658cbe82b9b1f5e2b16ed}, intrahash = {413e07cd9e792370f0635edddad1ddc0}, issn = {1736-8758}, journal = {Studies of Transition States and Societies}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP OA_SSOAR OAproved SCOPUSindexed article checked communist_rule comparative_research democracy english indexproved input2016 morality public_good review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, timestamp = {2019-04-10T13:22:18.000+0200}, title = {Morality and the Public Good in Post-Socialist European States}, url = {}, volume = 7, year = 2015}@article{stam2016employment, abstract = {This article examines to what extent a social norm to work moderates the relationship between employment status and subjective well-being. It was expected that the detrimental impact of non-employment on subjective well-being would be larger in countries with a stronger social norm. Using a direct measure of the social norm to work and employing data from 45 European countries, this study assessed subjective well-being levels of five employment status groups for men and women separately. Results showed that subjective well-being of unemployed men and women is unaffected by the social norm to work. However, non-working disabled men are worse off in countries with a stronger norm. Living in such a country also decreases the well-being gap between employed and retired men, whereas retired women are worse off in these countries. This effect for retirees disappears when a country’s GDP is taken into account, suggesting that norms matter less than affluence.}, added-at = {2016-06-07T13:09:04.000+0200}, author = {Stam, Kirsten and Sieben, Inge and Verbakel, Ellen and de Graaf, Paul M}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0950017014564602}, eprint = {}, interhash = {7672914aac10723df71d75409ee8f343}, intrahash = {4a1d0f7f0857e56e1b190e5086aabe12}, journal = {Work, employment and society}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cross-national_comparison employment_status english indexproved input2016 multilevel_analysis review_proved reviewed social_norm_to_work subjective_wellbeing}, note = {First published online April 17, 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {309-333}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Employment status and subjective well-being: the role of the social norm to work}, url = {}, volume = 30, year = 2016}@article{duque2013atitude, added-at = {2016-06-07T12:33:40.000+0200}, author = {Duque, Eduardo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {503e0910e51122119e923789b37cfe9e}, intrahash = {ee80bea2bd4e9f2357a4eb1f61e2cac8}, issn = {2182-1879}, journal = {Plataforma Barómetro Social}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Portuguese article checked deinstitutionalization indexproved input2016 noindex religion review_proved youth}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {1-2}, pages = 3, publisher = {Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras. Instituto de Sociologia}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Atitude dos jovens portugueses face à religi?o}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{duque2013capital, abstract = {Keywords: social capital, sustainable development, social intelligence, social networks, identity, values.In the last decades, there has been a growing concern for an equitable and sustainable social development; hence development policies that have outlined have implied a concern for equity and justice, thus learning from the past to project the future. But those who appreciate the horizon, without diminishing the estate and the memory, live the present moment committed to facilitate the future. This position implies an attitude of citizens committed to the social. It is thus compromised and co-responsible entrepreneurship that comprises social capital as a means of sustainable development.This study seeks to understand the extent to which social capital is one of the determinants of sustainable development. One wonders, for this, the indicators that best measure social capital.In more specific, we seek to understand how far society has encouraged the Portuguese capital as a fundamental resource for development. This point is illustrated from the European Values Survey and, in a longitudinal, analyzes the Portuguese behavior between 1990 and 2008. The results show that the Portuguese are not yet sensitized to the issue of sustainable development, reveal very closed postures, little or nothing concerned with the construction of a more active and committed to the common good.}, added-at = {2016-06-07T12:24:29.000+0200}, author = {Duque, Eduardo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9275707d2850bbc9cef541ed1ea17e85}, intrahash = {1da94260bc373c8b53a02d0dc1e2afb3}, journal = {Configura??es}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Portuguese article checked identity indexproved input2016 noindex review_proved social_capital social_intelligence social_networks sustainable_development values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 11, pages = {189-201}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {Capital social como instrumento de desenvolvimento sustentável }, url = { }, year = 2013}@book{duque2014mudanas, abstract = {O fenómeno religioso tem sido, ao longo dos tempos, objecto de particular aten??o. Foi sendo redefinido perante as suas circunst?ncias históricas e socioculturais. Parece ter sobrevivido aos diversos anúncios do seu desaparecimento, anunciados tanto pela via da aliena??o intelectual (Comte) e antropológica (Feuerbach), como psíquica (Freud) e socioeconómica (Marx). Todavia, é inegável que a modernidade, com a sua consequente individualiza??o social, deixou e continua a deixar marcas de uma progressiva seculariza??o da sociedade. Tal facto conduz a um progressivo desgaste dos referentes provenientes dos costumes e tradi??es da religi?o institucional, levando, por um lado, a uma perda da influência da institucionalidade religiosa e, por outro, a uma vivência religiosa mais íntima e privada. Esta transforma??o, reconfigura??o ou inclusive decomposi??o do religioso na modernidade revela a capacidade que este fenómeno tem em manter-se em constante processo de mudan?a, adaptando-se e assumindo os contextos socioculturais em que se insere. ? desde a actualidade, desde o diagnóstico actual e da sociedade que nos envolve que olhamos para o passado e para o futuro, tentando auscultar a situa??o sociorreligiosa portuguesa, de forma a caracterizar a religiosidade dos portugueses e perceber até que ponto esta se identifica com a de outros países de semelhante matriz histórico-religiosa (como é o caso de ?ustria, Bélgica, Espanha, Fran?a, Irlanda, Itália e Polónia), bem como se procura precisar as novas formas ou tendências do religioso em Portugal.}, added-at = {2016-06-07T10:54:55.000+0200}, address = {V. N. Famalic?o}, author = {Duque, Eduardo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {61614a9ab51774a89c8a0e0dcb075408}, intrahash = {85213c4752c409bfd6b4b7965d7f7bf3}, isbn = {978-989-755-051-5}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP Portuguese Postmaterialism Religiosity Secularization book checked individualization input2016 reviewed values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = 339, publisher = {Edi??es Húmus}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:48:48.000+0200}, title = {Mudan?as Culturais. Mudan?as Religiosas. Perfis e tendências da religiosidade em Portugal numa perspetiva comparada}, url = {}, used_variables = {v337; v312; v334; v339}, volume = 1, year = 2014}@article{carriero2016inequality, abstract = {This article investigates how income inequality affects class differences in attitudes to redistribution. Drawing on the fourth wave (2008–09) of the European Values Study, it provides a multilevel analysis covering 44 nations. The main finding is that class differences in attitudes to redistribution tend to fade out in more unequal countries, not because higher classes converge toward more pro-redistributive positions, but because working class people become less egalitarian. This result proved to be robust with respect to several checks and to the inclusion of different control variables, both economic and non-economic. The interpretation of these puzzling findings points to the role of various societal and cultural factors, such as social mobility, political discourse and individualistic values.}, added-at = {2016-06-07T10:50:23.000+0200}, author = {Carriero, Renzo}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1163/15691330-12341366}, interhash = {2e557b6db7c28daf4905fc71c248a00b}, intrahash = {a09e2314bf11529b6575f01ee28a8b31}, journal = {Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2016 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article attitudes_to_redistribution checked class comparative_research income_inequality indexproved input2016 multilevel_analysis review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {112-139}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T10:03:07.000+0100}, title = {More Inequality, Fewer Class Differences: The Paradox of Attitudes to Redistribution Across European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2016}@article{marozzi2015construction, abstract = {Keywords: Composite indicator Tolerance towards immigrants Prejudice against immigrants Uncertainty analysis Monte Carlo methodsIn contemporary globalization, migrations to Europe have accelerated in speed and scale. Over the last decades, there has been an increase in negative attitudes towards immigration, and many studies have emphasized marked differences in the strength of anti-immigrant attitudes among European countries. However, very few studies performed a rigorous statistical assessment of the issue. A new index measuring the level of perceived threat from immigrants is proposed and applied to a data set covering 47 European countries and regions. The results show that Malta and Cyprus have the strongest perception of socio-economic threat from immigrants, followed by Austria, Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Hungary, and that the countries/regions with the weakest perception of threat are Armenia, Sweden, Romania and Northern Cyprus. It is shown that the proposed index has many theoretical and practical advantages over the existing indexes of perceived threat from immigrants. The robustness of the index is assessed using uncertainty analysis. It is very important for policy makers to monitor the level of perceived socio-economic threat from immigrants because negative attitudes towards immigrants make integration difficult and affect social capital, a key aspect of societal wellbeing and economic development. Monitoring is the basis for further political measures aimed at fostering immigrant integration. The proposed index is a useful monitoring tool, an entry point for the ongoing debate on tolerance and can spark further research for a better understanding of the issue.}, added-at = {2016-06-07T10:40:29.000+0200}, author = {Marozzi, Marco}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-015-1037-z}, interhash = {fcdda514b4e9d2fb3492fc64d5922d84}, intrahash = {d22908897d792a569702f5364bc448cd}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2015 EVS EVS_input2016 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english immigrants indexproved input2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First online: 19 July 2015, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {413-437}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Construction, Robustness Assessment and Application of an Index of Perceived Level of Socio-Economic Threat from Immigrants: A Study of 47 European Countries and Regions}, url = {}, volume = 128, year = 2015}@article{brechon2009mesure, abstract = {The author aims to examine the main European surveys dealing with social and political issues—the European Values Survey (EVS), the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) and the European Social Survey (ESS)—to observe how religious affiliation and non-affiliation are measured. Are the questions similar in these surveys? Are the results for the same years identical with different indicators? The author gives information about the different available surveys but also highlights the effects of different wording. He looks into the reliability of answers (is there bias linked to social “desirability”, as some sociologists have shown for the USA?), and finally he emphasizes that this very simple data allows complicated issues to be dealt with (singling out paradoxical categories like “believing without belonging” and “belonging without believing”), and quite comprehensive profiles of typical attitudes of each denomination and of those without religion to be described. }, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0037768609103351}, interhash = {33bfe4253a5dd5ce5f9f491cd44b302d}, intrahash = {a32cca1de77cb6230e51dfbb8e664629}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2009 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {163-178 }, privnote = {ISSP_ID=1115 ; pubdate=June }, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:19:22.000+0100}, title = {La mesure de l'appartenance et de la non-appartenance confessionnelle dans les grandes enquêtes européennes (The measurement of membership and non-denominational in major European surveys)}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2009}@article{brechon2004influence, abstract = {A panoramic view of religion in Europe is sketched on the basis of an international survey of religious attitudes (International Social Survey Programme, 1998). It is then shown that integration into a religious system (on a scale from "regular church-goer" to "no religion") has significant effects on ethical and political attitudes (regarding sexual permissiveness, men's and women's roles in society, abortion, civic morality, confidence in institutions, political orientation). Whatever the European country, integration into Catholicism or Protestantism corresponds to attitudes that are more traditional, conformist, and politically to the right. No clear difference may be observed between Catholics and Protestants, groups that today are culturally fairly close.}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.3917/rfs.455.0026}, interhash = {e8ff108ffac63986405f6b14798ca052}, intrahash = {fb614a43b53600f71eb47f3e501aa2bf}, issn = {0035-2969}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, notes = {<Go to ISI>://WOS:000221124700002}, number = {Suppl.}, pages = {27-48}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=1105 ; notes=Times Cited=0, S}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Influence of religious integration on attitudes: A comparative analysis of European countries}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2004}@article{brechon2011pertinence, abstract = {The principal explanations of contemporary religious change face two main difficulties. On the one hand, they often fail to express the complexity of the ongoing evolution, because they are too focused on institutional religion, e.g. secularization. On the other hand, some of them favour fashionable themes (the growth of individualism, the privatization of religion) and skirt the societal impact of religion. The idea of dualism allows a combined approach to the process of religious de-institutionalization and the new patterns of its regulation. The authors discuss this theory on the basis of data relating to Switzerland, France and other Western European countries (EVS, ISSP). In spite of the difficulty of finding relevant indicators that allow proper comparison, the results are promising. They invite further critical analysis of current definitions. The theory of dualism allows us to reopen the debate on religious change. }, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {Brechon, Pierre and Campiche, Roland J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cad55867c639abdfa53ada37c91bfb82}, intrahash = {c2c0d528c14b57f6c28ba4087cd23b3f}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2011 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {162-175}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=1116}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:19:22.000+0100}, title = {Pertinence de la theorie de la dualisation de la religion en Suisse, en France et en Europe (Pertinence of the dualization theory of religion in Switzerland, France and Europe)}, volume = 58, year = 2011}@article{hadlermarkus2012influence, abstract = {Societal variation in xenophobia, homophobia, and other prejudices is frequently explained by the economic background and political history of different countries. This article expands these explanations by considering the influence of world societal factors on individual attitudes. The empirical analysis is based on survey data collected within the World Value Survey and European Values Study framework between 1989 and 2010. Data are combined to a three-wave cross-sectional design including about 130,000 respondents from 32 countries. Results show that xenophobia and homophobia are influenced by the national political history, societal affluence, and the presence of international organizations. Global forces, however, are of particular importance for homophobia}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {{Hadler, Markus}}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1533-8525.2012.01232.x}, interhash = {f4ed71ac269f71ab6bb0303dd97831d5}, intrahash = {7de8d6f65c0756866872b11c37f0e1dd}, journal = {The Sociological Quarterly}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = { 10.1111/j.1533-8525.2012.01232.x. (ISSP) (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {211-237}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=5237 ; EVS_ID=5934125 ; inputdate=2014-04-07 ; editdate=2014-04-07 ; pubdate=2014-04-07}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:19:22.000+0100}, title = {The Influence of World Societal Forces on Social Tolerance. A Time Comparative Study of Prejudices in 32 Countries}, url = {}, volume = 53, year = 2012}@article{arts2001welfare, abstract = {In this article, we investigate whether and, if so, to what extent, people's notions of solidarity and their choices of justice principles are related to the type of welfare state regime they live under, as well as to individual socio-demographic and ideological factors. We analyse data from the International Social Survey Program 1996 and the European Values Study 1999 , which together cover preferences of citizens from 20 welfare states. Hypotheses pertaining to people's notions of solidarity and preferences for justice principles in the different welfare state regimes are derived from the work of Esping-Andersen and his critics, as well as from sociological and socialpsychological theories of solidarity and distributive justice. We find important, although not decisive, evidence for the thesis that the actual state of affairs with respect to the welfare state regime under which citizens live determines their views about which level of solidarity should be achieved and which justice principles should be emphasized. However, differences found are often not very pronounced, and we argue that this is a consequence of the fact that values of solidarity and justice are matters of priority to all welfare states. Taking into account the differences which exist between welfare state regimes, we also find important differences between individuals and social groups in their preferred level of solidarity and in their choice of justice principles. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]Copyright of Acta Sociologica (Taylor & Francis Ltd) is the property of Taylor & Francis Ltd and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts)}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {Arts, Wil and Gelissen, John}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/000169930104400401}, interhash = {12d225e0d22865176362aee4942b67d8}, intrahash = {f2fb68a6780ea4d3a1ab0c3e54643e8f}, issn = {00016993}, journal = {Acta Sociologica}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1996 ISSP_input2014 PUBLIC_welfare SCOPUSindexed SOCIAL_groups SOLIDARITY SSCIindexed Social_surveys WELFARE_economics article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed welfare_state}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, notes = {; }, number = 4, pages = {283-299}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=3186 ; notes=Article, Accession Number=5691813; Arts, Wil 1; Email Gelissen, John; Email; Affiliation=1=Department of Sociology, Tilburg University, P.O., Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands; Source Info=2001, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p283; Subject Term=WELFARE state; Subject Term=WELFARE economics; Subject Term=PUBLIC welfare; Subject Term=SOCIAL surveys; Subject Term=SOLIDARITY; Subject Term=SOCIAL groups; NAICS/Industry Codes=525120 Health and Welfare Funds; NAICS/Industry Codes=624190 Other Individual and Family Services; NAICS/Industry Codes=624230 Emergency and Other Relief Services; NAICS/Industry Codes=923130 Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans' Affairs Programs); Number of Pages=17p; Illustrations=4 charts, 2 diagrams; Document Type=Article; Full Text Word Count=11622}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:19:22.000+0100}, title = {Welfare States, Solidarity and Justice Principles: Does the Type Really Matter?}, url = {}, volume = 44, year = 2001}@article{han2013income, abstract = {Does the income inequality of a country increase the nationalistic sentiments of its citizens? If so, why do people become more nationalistic when inequality grows? This article answers these questions, which have been historically observed and theoretically suggested, but rarely answered with empirical tests. By borrowing formal models in Shayo (2009) and using a multilevel analysis method with survey data in multiple years, this article shows that income inequality increases the national pride of poor people, which is an essential aspect of nationalistic sentiments, particularly in countries whose lower class has many migrants. This result implies that the link between income inequality, income levels, and nationalistic sentiments may be shaped by other social features such as the level of migration}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {Han, Kyung Joon}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9bf26e782dc6fa0816d67f2f6da4acfd}, intrahash = {b90ff3dfbcf58096da3a15e44b8ede1f}, journal = {International Journal of Public Opinion Research}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked income_inequality indexproved input2014 migration national_pride nationalism review_proved reviewed social_identity}, note = {(ISSP) (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {502 - 521}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=5260}, study = {EVS1995, EVS2000, EVS2005}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:19:22.000+0100}, title = {Income Inequality, International Migration, and National Pride: A Test of Social Identification Theory}, volume = 25, year = 2013}@book{Inglehart2003Rising, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {{Inglehart, Ronald} and {Norris, Pippa}}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7b286daf410e4ab42727ee99e495dd37}, intrahash = {faa135eec485b7810e1e6c74e0d66eb1}, isbn = {978-0521529501, 0521529506}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 book checked english gender_roles input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 240, privnote = {ISSP_ID=5358 ; EVS_ID=3776368 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Rising tide: gender equality and cultural change around the world}, year = 2003}@inproceedings{Biolcati-Rinaldi2011Secularization, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, author = {Biolcati-Rinaldi, Ferruccio and Vezzoni, Cristiano}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Survey Research Association, Lausanne, 18-22 July 2011}, interhash = {c4cd39c1b69705ea093acf1c29c88154}, intrahash = {943ff474f173739df4e324fd3422240a}, keywords = {2011 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=2862 ; pubdate=July 18-22}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Secularization or Religious Revival? Measuring Church Attendance Trend in Italy Using Multilevel Analysis}, year = 2011}@book{Greeley2003Religion, abstract = {Most sociologists of religion describe a general decline in religious faith and practice in Europe over the last two centuries. The secularizing forces of the Enlightenment, science, industrialization, the influence of Freud and Marx, and urbanization are all felt to have diminished the power of the churches and demystified the human condition. In Andrew Greeley's view, such overarching theories and frameworks do not begin to accommodate a wide variety of contrasting and contrary social phenomena. Religion at the End of the Second Millenium, engages the complexities of contemporary Europe to present a nuanced picture of religious faith rising, declining, or remaining stable.While challenging the secularization model, Greeley's approach is not polemical. He examines belief in God and in life after death, belief in superstition and magic, convictions about the relations between church and state, attitudes toward religion and science, and the effect of religion on the everyday lives of people. Drawing upon statistical and empirical data spanning twenty years, Greeley shows that while religion has increased in some countries (most notably the former communist countries and especially Russia) in others it has declined (Britain, the Netherlands, and France). In some countries it is relatively unchanged (primarily the traditional Catholic countries), and in still others (some of the social democratic countries) it has both declined and increased. In terms of individuals, Greeley finds that religion becomes more important to people as they age. He observes that surveys showing less religion among the young ignore the possibility that the age correlation is a life cycle matter and not a sign of social change.Patently, religion in Europe changed enormously between the end of the first millenium and the end of the second. In Greeley's judgment, the change has been an improvement, not because superstition has been eliminated (it has not), but because freedom to exercise religious belief has replaced }, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, address = {New Brunswick}, author = {Greeley, Andrew}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10791, doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.2150, doi:10.4232/1.3190}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA4460, ZA2150, ZA3190}, interhash = {e5534bd8066d606f0dbdcee558385bb1}, intrahash = {d2b151b75dd6154ac05b5f2607180791}, isbn = {978-0765808219}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1991 ISSP1998 ISSP_input2014 ZA2150 ZA3190 ZA4438 ZA4460 book checked english input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=5185}, publisher = {Transaction Press}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1990, ISSP1991, ISSP1998}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium: A Sociological Profile}, year = 2003}@phdthesis{Keller2012Marginalization, abstract = {Integration across the European continent has extended considerably in the past two decades. One of the reported benefits of this integration has been the increasing inclusion of marginalized groups. Legislation protecting minority rights has been generated and IGOs and NGOs have been developed to improve the quality of life for the disadvantaged European citizenry. However, marginalization – understood as individuals’ exclusion from meaningful participation in society - continues to persist and it is seen by politicians and the masses alike as an important social problem. This dissertation explores attitudes towards three marginalized groups – immigrants, the economically disadvantaged and women. It develops a theoretical framework for which intersections of various segments of the social system is an important explanatory variable. Using intersectionality as a driving framework, it answers the questions: What are the similarities and differences in attitudes towards immigrants, the economically disadvantaged and women? What are the important individual and country-level determinants of attitudes towards each of these marginalized populations? To answer these questions, I begin with describing overall levels of exclusive attitudes towards issues pertaining to ethnicity/immigrants, the economically disadvantaged/poor, and women. Using the European Values Study, I find similar levels of exclusive attitudes towards each group while seemingly immigrants generate the most concern for individuals across Europe. Furthermore, I find that the distinction between being native born rather than an immigrant has the largest effect in generating less inclusive attitudes towards all marginalized groups relative to other demographic characteristics. For this reason I focus on the effects of the intersection of immigrant status and gender. Regional comparisons suggest variation in attitudes towards marginalized groups but no one region sticks out as particularly inclusive or exclusive. Next, I complete three separate analyses. First, I examine differences between elite and mass opinions in shaping attitudes about immigrant threat and nationalism. In this chapter I analyze data from the IntUne Survey: Integrated and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an “Ever Closer Europe,” conducted among parliamentarians and the general public. While elite levels of anti-immigrant threat do positively increase mass-nationalism, I find that the general population has a larger impact on elites than the reciprocal relationship. This finding gives strong support to theories arguing that elites are very much aware of the moods among their constituents and reshape and readjust their attitudes and political party platforms to align with the sentiments of the general public. In my next chapter I analyze the intersections of country-levels economic factors and welfare regime variables with multidimensional measures of economic disadvantaged in Central and Eastern Europe. I utilize a new classification of welfare regime types which divides Central and Eastern Europe into three distinct welfare regime categories – Totalitarian Former USSR , Developing Post-communist European and Developed Post-communist European types. I employ hierarchical linear modeling to examine within- and between-country variation in attitudes toward concern with workers in Central and Eastern Europe. I find that the so-call developed Totalitarian Former USSR type countries are more likely concerned with workers’ standard of living relative to the Developing Post-communist European countries. I also find the GINI coefficient – the level of income inequality in a country is most important in predicting whether or not one believes the most economically disadvantaged are worse off than in the past. Finally I analyze the intersections of gender and nation. Specifically, I examine the social, political and economic country-level factors that influence attitudes towards women in the labor force. In this analysis, I combine and impute data using five different data sets: The European Social Survey, IntUne, Eurequal, International Social Survey Programme and the European Values Study. The combination of data sets allows me to generate a significantly larger population and country sample than any one survey could provide. In this analysis, I find that social measures such as the percent of women in parliament and a gender inequality index are not as important in determining attitudes about women as political or economic measures. This dissertation increases our understanding of the individual and country-level determinants of attitudes towards issues involving marginalized groups in Europe – Do people consider immigrants a threat? How close do you feel to workers? Do you disagree that everyone earns their fair share in your country? Are working women capable of developing warm relationships with children? Should men complete a larger share of household chores? By relying on five newly available datasets, this dissertation also provides new examples of ways to incorporate intersectionality into quantitative comparative research.}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, author = {Keller, Carolyn Elizabeth}, biburl = {}, interhash = {856074d07fbfdd11dcfdb817b7fbfab1}, intrahash = {42456b2906a0eeaae296a4b4cfe74946}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Stratification checked comparative_methodology europe input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (ISSP) (EVS)}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=5444}, school = {Ohio State University}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Marginalization across Europe: Intersections of Ethnicity, Class, Gender and States}, url = {}, volume = {Ph.D.}, year = 2012}@phdthesis{motiejunait2008female, abstract = {Gendered patterns of work have changed radically over recent decades in Europe. Two different directions have been observed. In Western Europe, employment rates for women with small children have increased rapidly. In contrast, in Eastern Europe the collapse of socialism ushered in an opposing trend, towards the decreasing employment of women. However, while the trend in Western Europe has been accompanied by an increasing public acceptance of non-traditional roles for females in Eastern Europe, the economic changes seem to have evoked a renaissance of traditional gender roles. Consequently, normative beliefs regarding a gendered division of work have often been considered as being among the forces underpinningfemale inclusion in/exclusion from the labour market. While analysing the interrelationships between female employment, gender roles, and societal ideals regarding the gendered division of work, the studies collected in this book call into question these assumptions.}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Motiejunaité, Akvil?}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10790, doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.2620, doi:10.4232/1.11564}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4460, ZA3811, ZA2620, ZA3880}, interhash = {556eeaa6db0ff3daf39458fc80a282fd}, intrahash = {4264fbd44834ae5726680ae063cbee69}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1994 ISSP2002 ISSP_input2014 checked english input2014 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 141, privnote = {ISSP_ID=4128}, publisher = {Stockholm University}, series = {Stockholm Studies in Sociology. N.S., No. 29}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, ISSP1994, ISSP2002}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Female Employment, Gender Roles, and Attitudes: The Baltic Countries in a Broader Context }, type = {Ph.D. dissertation}, year = 2008}@inproceedings{biolcatirinaldi2013church, abstract = {In many European countries the debate over secularization and religious change is far from having reached unanimous conclusions. In Italy, for example, some scholars underline an unbroken trend toward a decrease of religiosity, while other scholars highlight the signs of a religious revival especially in younger generations.The aim of the paper is to define the religious change in church attendance in European countries for a period as long as possible. The analytical strategy is to consider more surveys together in order to widen the observation window and to get more reliable estimates. Many surveys are suitable for the analysis so it is necessary to apply some selection criteria. Two criteria are going to be applied: surveys should be repeated - since we are interested in aggregate change - and they should come from non-commercial institutes given the open access to the data. Applying these criteria and taking into account the comparative constraint, we will analysis religious change in up to 15 EU countries using the following five studies: Eurobarometer, European social survey (Ess), European values study (Evs), World values survey (Wvs), International Social Survey Programme (Issp).The joint analysis of many surveys gives also the opportunity to compare different data and evaluate their reliability. The question of convergence of results will be addressed, in levels of church attendance and their development over time. To evaluate systematically time change and survey effects a multilevel analysis is developed, where individuals are nested in surveys administered over different time points.}, added-at = {2016-04-07T16:20:42.000+0200}, address = {Slovenia}, author = {Biolcati-Rinaldi, Ferruccio and Vezzoni, Cristiano}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Survey Research Association, Ljubljana, 15-19 July 2013}, interhash = {2ae555e5a5649ef7068103b589c5b081}, intrahash = {016a4037ee05488b4e376ef72770e4da}, keywords = {2013 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 WVS checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, notes = {ISSP}, privnote = {ISSP_ID=2963}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Church Attendance and Religious Change in Europe (1970-2011). Theoretical Debate, Methodological Issues and Empirical Results}, year = 2013}@phdthesis{GarciaAlbacete2014Young, abstract = {Are young people today politically 'apathetic'? Or are they democratically 'mature' citizens? This book examines several types of involvement to reveal changes in young people's political participation in Europe in recent decades. It uses various concepts of 'age' to compare participation across countries and over time.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Garcia Albacete, Gema}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10074, doi:10.4232/1.12253, doi:10.4232/1.10078}, doi = {10.1057/9781137341310}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3521, ZA4804, ZA3950}, interhash = {7624a14458c59543f680d2bc452e655b}, intrahash = {6bb42afad7bfbfe008d672b3d94e8300}, isbn = {978-1-137-34130-3}, keywords = {2014 EB_input2014 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie ISSP2004 ISSP_input2016 MannheimTrendfile1970-2002 ZA3521 ZA3950 ZA4804 checked english input2014 isspbib2016 phdthesis}, language = {English}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 357, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=131546 ; inputdate=18.07.2012 ; lastedit=14.08.2015 ; ISSP_ID=29043}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, school = {Zugl.: Mannheim, Univ., Diss.}, study = {Mannheim Eurobarometer Trend File 1970-2002 ; ESS - European Social Survey 2002-2008 ; EVS - European Values Study 1981-2008 ; Eurobarometer 1974-2002 ; ISSP2004 ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Young people`s political participation in Western Europe: continuity or generational change?}, type = {phdthesis}, year = 2014}@article{behr2014comparability, abstract = {This article focuses on assessing item comparability in cross-national surveys by asking probing questions in Web surveys. The ``civil disobedience'' item from the ``rights in a democracy'' scale of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) serves as a substantive case study. Identical Web surveys were fielded in Canada (English-speaking), Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Spain, and the U.S. A category-selection and a comprehension probe, respectively, were incorporated into the Web surveys after the closed-ended ``civil disobedience'' item. Responses to the category selection-probe reveal that notably in Germany, Hungary, and Spain the detachment of politicians from the people and their lack of responsiveness is deplored. Responses to the comprehension probe show that mainly in the U.S. and Canada violence and/or destruction are associated with civil disobedience. These results suggest reasons for the peculiar statistical results found for the ``civil disobedience'' item in the ISSP study. On the whole, Web probing proves to be a valuable tool for identifying interpretation differences and potential bias in cross-national survey research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, author = {Behr, Dorothée and Braun, Michael and Kaczmirek, Lars and Bandilla, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11135-012-9754-8}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3950}, interhash = {1bc3611fb314a61c1fb822792d7bbc11}, intrahash = {f9d5e1af865b225c353d3a33d5002be9}, issn = {1573-7845}, journal = {Quality & Quantity}, keywords = {2014 Comparability Cross_national_survey_research EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie ISSP ISSP_input2014 Mixed_methods Probing SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Summer_School Web_surveys ZA3950 article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, language = {English}, note = {First published online: August 10, 2012, . (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {127-148}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=134783 ; inputdate=23.04.2013 ; lastedit=27.08.2015}, study = {ISSP 2004 (Citizenship) ; EVS - European Values Study ; ESS - European Social Survey ; Eurobarometer ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Item comparability in cross-national surveys : results from asking probing questions in cross-national web surveys about attitudes towards civil disobedience}, url = {}, volume = 48, year = 2014}@article{holtmann2015denkt, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, author = {Holtmann, Everhard and Jaeck, Tobias}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4979374e6f667515b78c4114f8a97177}, intrahash = {6023f3702daedf1a94cac75cabac66a5}, journal = {Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen GESIS-Studie PB PB_input2017 article checked german indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, language = {German}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (Politbarometer)}, number = {33/34}, pages = {35-45}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=144605 ; inputdate=07.10.2015 ; PB_ID=361}, study = {Politbarometer 1990-2012 ; ALLBUS 1990-2012 ; Eurobarometer 1990-2012 ; EVS - European Values Study 1990-2012 ; Freiwilligensurvey ; ESS - European Social Survey}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Was denkt und meint das Volk? Deutschland im dritten Jahrzehnt der Einheit}, url = {}, year = 2015}@article{kriesi2013democratic, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, author = {Kriesi, Hanspeter}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.5771/0032-3470-2013-4-609}, interhash = {cdfeafb020b3cf1fb64366f62f5e9aa3}, intrahash = {165bd6fbc272d88600fa91339c1de242}, journal = {Politische Vierteljahresschrift}, keywords = {2013 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked german indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, language = {German}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 4, pages = {609-638}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=139031 ; inputdate=14.02.2014 ; lastedit=21.07.2015}, study = {erw?hnt: ISSP 1985-1990-1996-2006 (Role of Government I-IV) ; Eurobarometer ; CEEB - Central and Eastern Eurobarometer ; Latinobarometer ; East Asia Barometer ; Afrobarometer ; Arab Barometer}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Democratic legitimacy : is there a legitimacy crisis in contemorary politics?}, url = {}, volume = 54, year = 2013}@article{kohler2007surveys, abstract = {The article uses the so called “internal criteria of representativeness” to assess the unit nonresponse bias in ?ve European comparative survey projects. It then goes on investigating several ideas why unit nonresponse bias might vary between surveys and countries. It is proposed that unit nonresponse bias is either caused by country characteristics or survey methodology. The empirical evidence presented speaks more in favour of the latter than of the former. Among the survey characteristics the features that strengthen the leverage to control interviewers’ behaviour have top priority.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, author = {Kohler, Ulrich}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.4230, doi:10.4232/1.4063, doi:10.4232/1.3880, doi:10.4232/1.11307}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4230, ZA4063, ZA3880, ZA3811}, interhash = {cca27ae107e8d014473cbc1a9fd9ec4c}, intrahash = {a45525c66d2f74e9a97816d7f5a8d5e7}, journal = {Survey Research Methods}, keywords = {2007 EB62.1 EB_input2014 EQLS2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie ISSP ISSP2002 ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 ZA3880 ZA4063 ZA4230 article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, language = {English}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {55-67}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=132513 ; ISSP_ID=1660 ; inputdate=25.09.2012 ; lastedit=17.03.2015}, study = {Eurobarometer 62.1 ; Euromodule (EQLS) ; ISSP 2002 (Family and Changing Gender Roles III) ; EVS - European Values Study 1999 ; ESS - European Social Survey 2002 ; ESS - European Social Survey 2004}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Surveys from inside : an assessment of unit nonresponse bias with internal criteria}, volume = 1, year = 2007}@article{pickel2010skularisierung, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, author = {Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2150 ZA2620 ZA3190 ZA3440 ZA3811 ZA3950}, interhash = {17709240694876ea0f21e4f4dfa3ac00}, intrahash = {ee28e2ddb83f851e4ecf1dbfac5ad265}, journal = {K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2010 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA2150 ZA2620 ZA3190 ZA3440 ZA3811 ZA3950 article checked german indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, language = {German}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {219-245}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=124906 ; inputdate=12.07.2010 ; lastedit=07.10.2014}, study = {ISSP 1991 (Religion I) ; ISSP 1994 (Family and Changing Gender Roles II) ; ISSP 1998 (Religion II) ; ISSP 2000 (Environment II) ; ISSP 2004 (Citizenship) ; EVS - European Values Study 1999/2000 ; Eurobarometer 2006 ; CCEB - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003 ; CEEB - Central and Eastern Eurobarometer 1992 ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {S?kularisierung, Individualisierung oder Marktmodell? Religiosit?t und ihre Erkl?rungsfaktoren im europ?ischen Vergleich}, volume = 62, year = 2010}@book{Rahlf2014Datendesign, abstract = {"Die Visualisierung von Daten hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Beachtung gewonnen. Zu den traditionellen Anwendungsbereichen in der Wissenschaft oder dem Marketing treten neue Gebiete wie Big-Data-Analysen oder der Datenjournalismus. Mit der Open Source Software R, die sich zunehmend als Standard im Bereich der Statistiksoftware etabliert, steht ein m?chtiges Werkzeug zur Verfügung, das hinsichtlich der Visualisierungsm?glichkeiten praktisch keine Wünsche offen l?sst. Dieses Buch führt in die Grundlagen der Gestaltung von Pr?sentationsgrafiken mit R ein und zeigt anhand von 100 vollst?ndigen Skript-Beispielen, wie Sie Balken- und S?ulendiagramme, Bev?lkerungspyramiden, Lorenzkurven, Streudiagramme, Zeitreihendarstellungen, Radialpolygone, Gantt-Diagramme, Sparklines, Heatmaps, Bumpcharts, Mosaik- und Ballonplots sowie eine Reihe verschiedener thematischer Kartentypen mit dem Base Graphics System von R erstellen. Für jedes Beispiel werden reale Daten verwendet sowie die Abbildung und deren Programmierung Schritt für Schritt erl?utert. Das durchgehend farbig gestaltete Buch ist damit ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk für eine Fülle von Anwendungsf?llen der Datenvisualisierung. " (Verlagsinformation)}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 29. Fassung, M?rz 2015}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {München}, addurl = {file://J:\Work\Allbus\ALLBUS\Bibliographie\Bibliographie 29. Fassung\verwendete PDFs\Rahlf (2014) Datendesign mit R - 100 Visualisierungsbeispiele.pdf}, author = {Rahlf, Thomas}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.12512, doi:10.4232/1.10151, doi:10.4232/1.12253, doi:10.4232/1.10990}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2391, ZA4753 1.1.0, ZA4804 3.0.0, ZA4972 3.0.2}, interhash = {c01baa3d894dd0dc037bac27402e5fab}, intrahash = {8424cdc6abc263d5261b9b48122d59d3}, keywords = {2014 ALLBUS ALLBUS1998 ALLBUS2008 ALLBUS_input2014 ALLBUS_version29 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen GESIS-Studie PB PB_input2017 Politbarometer ZA2391 ZA4753 ZA4804 ZA4972 book checked german gt input2014}, language = {German}, note = {(ALLBUS) (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (Politbarometer)}, pages = 426, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=139546 ; inputdate=15.04.2014 ; lastedit=18.08.2015 ALLBUS_ID=2494 ; reprint-status=in-file ; PB_ID=316}, publisher = {Open Source Press}, study = {ALLBUS1998, ALLBUS2008}, timestamp = {2018-10-19T10:48:04.000+0200}, title = {Datendesign mit R: 100 Visualisierungsbeispiele}, year = 2014}@techreport{Akaliyski2012Religiosity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Berlin}, author = {Akaliyski, Plamen}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4973 ZA4800 ZA3910}, institution = {Freie Universit?t Berlin}, interhash = {15d9918c966d9a01886086e0de6e25f8}, intrahash = {2cca1d9795d1bf041f422850543cbc21}, keywords = {2012 EB_input2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP_input2014 ZA3910 ZA4800 ZA4973 checked english input2014 techreport}, language = {English}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 11, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=142336 ; inputdate=24.02.2015 ; lastedit=18.08.2015}, study = {Eurobarometer 71.3 ; Special Eurobarometer 225 ; EVS - European Values Study 2008 ; ISSP 2003 (National Identity II) ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity and national identity in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2012}@book{Lyons2012Theory, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Prag}, author = {Lyons, Pat}, biburl = {}, editor = {{Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik, Prag}, Institut für Soziologie}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3062 ZA4054 ZA3190 ZA4950 ZA2880 ZA3910 ZA3950 ZA4747 ZA4186}, interhash = {e1f7db937a7a37a16cd46e38a85eb205}, intrahash = {a38c83a9da8ede3e347d83f631b9092e}, keywords = {2012 Datenbank Datengewinnung EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1990 ISSP1995 ISSP1996 ISSP1998 ISSP2003 ISSP2004 ISSP2006 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2014 Politics ZA2880 ZA3062 ZA3190 ZA3910 ZA3950 ZA4054 ZA4186 ZA4747 ZA4950 book checked german input2014}, language = {German}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 403, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=135642 ; inputdate=05.06.2013 ; lastedit=18.08.2015}, publisher = {Selbstverl.}, study = {World Values Survey Eastern Europe and Germany 1995-1997 ; Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe 1990-2001: Kumulation PCP I und II ; ISSP 1998 (Religion II) ; ISSP 2008 (Religion III) ; ISSP 1995 (National Identity I) ; ISSP 2003 (National Identity II) ; ISSP 2004 (Citizenship) ; ISSP 1985-1990-1996-2006 (Role of Government I-IV) ; Flash Eurobarometer 162 ; ESS - European Social Survey 2 - 2004 ; Eurobarometer ; EES - European Election Study ; EVS - European Values Study ; Sekund?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Theory, data and analysis : data resources for the study of politics in the Czech Republic}, year = 2012}@book{Pickel2011Religion, abstract = {Einleitung; - Gert Pickel und Kornelia Sammet: Einleitung: Religion und Religiosit?t zwanzig Jahre nach dem Umbruch in Deutschland 11; I. Leitlinien und Grundfragen zur Entwicklung des Religi?sen in Deutschland; - Volkhard Krech und Markus Hero: Die Pluralisierung des religi?sen Feldes in Deutschland. Empirische Befunde und systematische ?berlegungen 27; - Gert Pickel: Atheistischer Osten und gl?ubiger Westen? Pfade der Konfessionslosigkeit im innerdeutschen Vergleich 43; - Eberhart Tiefensee: Religi?se Indifferenz als interdisziplin?re Herausforderung 79; - Peter H?hmann: Ver?nderungen kirchlicher Zugeh?rigkeit und Bindung. Eine Fallstudie aus der Region Darmstadt 103; II. Die Sondersituation in Ostdeutschland; - Detlef Pollack und Olaf Müller: Die religi?se Entwicklungen in Ostdeutschland nach 1989 125; - Monika Wohlrab-Sahr: Forcierte S?kularit?t oder Logiken der Aneignung repressiver S?kularisierung 145; - Gert Pickel: Ostdeutschland im europ?ischen Vergleich. Immer noch ein Sonderfall oder ein Sonderweg? 165; - Maria Widl: Die katholische Kirche in Mittel- und Ostdeutschland; Situation und pastorale Herausforderungen angesichts der S?kularit?t 191; - Uta Karstein: Konflikt um die symbolische Ordnung. ?berlegungen zum religi?s-weltanschaulichen Feld der DDR und zur Frage einer ?typisch" katholischen Position 205; III. Religiosit?t und soziale Lagen; - Anja Gladkich: Religi?se Vitalit?t und Religionslosigkeit bei jungen Erwachsenen in Ost-und Westdeutschland nach der Wende 225; - Kornelia Sammet: Religion und Religionskritik in Weltsichten von; Arbeitslosengeld-II-Empf?ngern in Ostdeutschland 245; - Marliese Wei?mann, Daniel Bergelt und Timmo Krüger: Arbeit als Sinnstiftung in prek?ren Lebenslagen in Ostdeutschland 263; - Irene Becci: Religion im Aufbau der Haftentlassenenhilfe in Ostdeutschland 279; IV. Religion und Politik; - Lèvent Tezcan: Konzeptionelle ?berlegungen zur Gegenwartsgeschichte des Verh?ltnisses zwischen Christentum und Islam in Deutschland 293; - Jürgen Leibold und Andrea Kummerer: Religiosit?t und Vorurteile gegenüber Muslimen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Zwischen Dialogbereitschaft und Bedrohungsphantasien 311; - Alexander Leistner:?Kirche muss Probiergemeinschaft sein". Typen des Verh?ltnisses von Religion und Politik in den Biographien von Friedensaktivisten 325; - Thomas Schmidt-Lux:Kirchenkampf und Aulastreit. Die Debatten um den Wiederaufbau der Leipziger Universit?tskirche 343}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, biburl = {}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2150 ZA4570 ZA4600 ZA4460 ZA3000 ZA3190 ZA4950 ZA5189 ZA4513 ZA2620 ZA2321 ZA3950}, interhash = {23ab6a4937bce9e3192f69ab3980531c}, intrahash = {b7d1a067ccdd47ecf45f922974ca3c31}, keywords = {2011 ALLBUS EB_input2014 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie Gesellschaft ISSP ISSP1991 ISSP1994 ISSP1998 ISSP2004 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2014 Religiosity ZA2150 ZA2321 ZA2620 ZA3000 ZA3190 ZA3950 ZA4460 ZA4513 ZA4570 ZA4600 ZA4950 ZA5189 book checked german germany historical_development input2014}, language = {German}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 358, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=125542 ; inputdate=06.09.2011 ; lastedit=21.08.2015}, publisher = {VS Verl. für Sozialwiss.}, series = {Ver?ffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie }, study = {ALLBUS 1980-2008 ; ALLBUS 1998 ; ALLBUS 2008 ; Darmstadt-Studie ; EVS - European Values Study 1990 ; ISSP 1991 (Religion I) ; ISSP 1994 (Family and Changing Gender Roles II) ; ISSP 1998 (Religion II) ; ISSP 2004 (Citizenship) ; ISSP 2008 (Religion III) ; DJI-Jugendsurvey 1992 ; DJI-Jugendsurvey 1997 ; DJI-Jugendsurvey 2003 ; Jugend 2006 (Kumulation 2002 und 2006) ; CEEB - Central and Eastern Eurobarometer 1992 ; CCEB - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003 ; ESS - European Social Survey 2003}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion und Religiosit?t im vereinigten Deutschland : zwanzig Jahre nach dem Umbruch}, year = 2011}@incollection{Trittler2015Religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Trittler, Sabine and Mandes, Slawomir and Koenig, Matthias}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion and national identities in an enlarged Europe}, editor = {Spohn, W. and Koenig, M. and Kn?bl, W.}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2141 ZA2459 ZA2563 ZA2880 ZA2936 ZA3204 ZA3296 ZA3387 ZA3627 ZA3910 ZA3938 ZA3978 ZA3979 ZA3983 ZA4056 ZA4246 ZA4414 ZA4529 ZA4800 ZA4973 ZA5234}, interhash = {66969d83c3a8e1aa21a4310dce4f9f17}, intrahash = {4453ec014458676878b696441c3524f1}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1995 ISSP2003 ISSP_input2014 ZA2141 ZA2459 ZA2563 ZA2880 ZA2936 ZA3204 ZA3296 ZA3387 ZA3627 ZA3910 ZA3938 ZA3978 ZA3979 ZA3983 ZA4056 ZA4246 ZA4414 ZA4529 ZA4800 ZA4973 ZA5234 checked english incollection input2014}, language = {English}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {124-145}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=144482 ; inputdate=02.09.2015 ; lastedit=02.09.2015}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, study = {Eurobarometer 37.0 ; Eurobarometer 40 ; Eurobarometer 42 ; ISSP 1995 (National Identity I) ; Eurobarometer 47.1 ; Eurobarometer 52.0 ; Eurobarometer 53 ; Eurobarometer 54.1 ; Eurobarometer 56.2 ; ISSP 2003 (National Identity II) ; Eurobarometer 60.1 ; Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2001.1 ; CCEB - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2002.2 ; Eurobarometer 61 ; CCEB - Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2004.1 ; Eurobarometer 64.2 ; Eurobarometer 67.1 ; EVS - European Values Study 2008: Integrated Dataset ; Eurobarometer 71.3 ; Eurobarometer 73.4 ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious dimensions of national and European identities: evidence from cross-national suvey research}, year = 2015}@incollection{Braun2015Evaluating, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Braun, Michael and Behr, Dorothée and Kaczmirek, Lars and Bandilla, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Improving survey methods}, editor = {Engel, Uwe}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3910 ZA3950}, interhash = {8c5688fcd1d6d5413f2f7b811dbae00d}, intrahash = {c2ed6d1d01ae73fd9ea39e7c9cdf71d3}, keywords = {2015 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP2004 ISSP_input2014 ZA3910 ZA3950 checked english incollection input2014}, language = {English}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {184-197}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=141252 ; inputdate=27.10.2014 ; lastedit=03.06.2015}, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {ISSP 2003 (National Identity II) ; ISSP 2004 (Citizenship) ; ESS - European Social Survey (erw?hnt) ; EVS - European Values Study ; Eurobarometer (erw?hnt)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Evaluating cross-national item equivalence with probing questions in web surveys}, year = 2015}@book{Kaase1995Beliefs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Oxford u.a.}, author = {Kaase, Max and Newton, Kenneth}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA1490 ZA1950 ZA0765 ZA4438 ZA0628}, interhash = {0d08de88483430d71eb82afd70ac4f15}, intrahash = {d3746a72f970b97a77b585f8f1087dce}, keywords = {1995 EB_input2014 EU EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie ISSP ISSP1985 ISSP1987 ISSP_input2014 Westeuropa ZA0628 ZA0765 ZA1490 ZA1950 ZA4438 book checked english historical_development input2014 international_relations politisches_Handeln}, language = {English}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 217, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=94017 ; lastedit=17.03.2015}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, series = {Beliefs in Government, Vol. 5}, study = {ISSP 1985 (Role of Government I) ; ISSP 1987 (Social Inequality I) ; Political Action I (An Eight Nation Study) ; Eurobarometer 6 - 35 ; EVS - European Values Study 1981 ; ECS - European Communities Study 1973 ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Beliefs in government}, year = 1995}@incollection{pickel2011vielfalt, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:38:37.000+0100}, address = {Opladen}, author = {Pickel, Susanne}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Ostdeutschland und die Sozialwissenschaften: Bilanz und Perspektiven 20 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung}, editor = {Lorenz, Astrid}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4600 ZA4800 ZA3073 ZA4216 ZA4991 ZA3874 ZA3875 ZA3161 ZA2599 ZA2601 ZA1920 ZA1919 ZA1918 ZA1917 ZA1916 ZA4700}, interhash = {65a3a4c544ba62d17035279d65f03b0a}, intrahash = {de4610785fa6e322226e1d9014e189df}, isbn = {978-3-86649-424-4}, keywords = {2011 ALLBUS EB_input2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP FDZ_Wahlen ISSP ISSP2006 ISSP_input2014 Mikroensus ZA1916 ZA1917 ZA1918 ZA1919 ZA1920 ZA2599 ZA2601 ZA3073 ZA3161 ZA3874 ZA3875 ZA4216 ZA4600 ZA4700 ZA4800 ZA4991 checked german incollection input2014}, language = {German}, note = {(ALLBUS) (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {375-400}, privnote = {Eurobarometer_ID=134862 ; inputdate=25.04.2013 ; lastedit=10.02.2015}, publisher = {B. Budrich}, study = {ALLBUS 2008 ; EVS - European Values Study 2008 ; Politbarometer 1977-2007 ; Deutsche Nationale Wahlstudie - Nachwahlstudie 1998 (Deutsche CSES-Studie) ; Deutsche CSES-Studie zur Bundestagswahlstudie 2002 - Telefonische Nachwahlstudie ; Bundestagswahl 2005 Kampagnendynamik - Vor- und Nachwahlstudie ; Nach der Bundestagswahl 2002: Deutschland im Aufbruch? ; Nach der Bundestagswahl 2002: Das Regierungsprogramm ; Blitzumfrage zur Bundestagswahl 1998 ; Vorwahlstudie 1994 (Trenduntersuchungen) ; Nachwahlstudie zur Bundestagswahl 1994 ; Wahlstudie 1990 (Trenduntersuchungen) ; Wahlstudie 1990 (Panelstudie) ; Wahlstudie 1990 (Panel: 4. Welle) ; Wahlstudie 1990 (Panel: 3. Welle, Oktober-November 1990) ; Wahlstudie 1990 (Panel: 2. Welle, Mai-Juni 1990) ; Eurobarometer (erw?hnt) ; ISSP 2006 (Role of Government IV) (erw?hnt) ; ESS - European Social Survey ; CSES (erw?hnt) ; AIDS-Vorstellungen in Deutschland: Wahlstudie 1990 (Panelstudie)}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Erst Vielfalt schafft Wissen über Ost und West : Strukturdatten, Surveys, qualitative Interviews und Methodenmix}, url = {}, year = 2011}@incollection{Arts2003Europe, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Bijsterveld, A.J.A. and Veraghtert, K.F.E.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity. Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P.}, interhash = {a1af58837744e1655be93e3aa22da254}, intrahash = {e4f666a6e700f592749cef51e1b526f6}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {67-85}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256355 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europe and its values in an historical perspective}, year = 2003}@book{Elzo2000Espana, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, A F.}, biburl = {}, editor = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, Francisco Andrés}, interhash = {32c0d0e06ecc58434d7119905568403b}, intrahash = {a660bb8d52a6cabbb31c85d51fe9ea16}, isbn = {8434874105}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Life Politics_society Religion_morality book checked environment family input2014 national_identity work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 397, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281330 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundación Santa María}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Espana 2000, entre el localismo y la globalidad: La encuesta Europea de valores en su tercera aplicación, 1981 - 1999}, type = {Edited Book}, url = {}, year = 2000}@incollection{Gundelach1996Folkelige, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lund}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Vardetraditioner I nordiskt perspectiv}, editor = {Bexell, G. and Stenius, H.}, interhash = {3a1e51d7ecf31fd0419554757648650e}, intrahash = {2566949345c0f69a02b6bb6893d34938}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {95-112}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281289 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lund University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Folkelige bevaegelser og vor tids veardier}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@book{Gubert2000La, abstract = {La vecchia contrapposizione fra tradizione e modernità non dà più conto dell'orizzonte dei valori che sta maturando nella società italiana. Modernità, post-modernità e tradizione si intrecciano, così come individualismo, interessi di gruppo e solidarietà, laicità e religiosità, spirito nazionale, europeismo e nuovo desiderio di autonomia locale. Se dal 1981 al 1999 gli orientamenti di valore sono andati sempre più ricomponendosi attorno ad alcune istituzioni tradizionali, non mancano tendenze contrarie e declini inattesi. Si afferma un individualismo inedito che intreccia la propria vocazione a disfarsi di ogni autorità normativa con l'impegno nell'associazionismo e, spesso, con la solidarietà.Anche le consuete contrapposizioni territoriali hanno perso la loro potenzialità esplicativa e i valori mutano d'accento e si rappresentano in modo poco dipendente dalle ripartizioni tradizionali siano queste di tipo spaziale (Nord e Sud, città e campagna), temporale (giovani e anziani) o socio-economico.All'interno dell'Europa, si delinea così una via italiana alla crisi della modernità. I valori si ricompongono secondo relazioni inedite, segnando la fine dei luoghi comuni che tracciavano collegamenti certi e divaricazioni definitive. I risultati dell'indagine nazionale sui valori, condotta nel 1999 nell'ambito dello European Values Study ed il loro confronto con i dati del 1981 e del 1990, permettono, in questo lavoro, di prendere atto delle trasformazioni che sono destinate a cambiare il volto del Paese.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Milano}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, editor = {Gubert, Renzo}, interhash = {70693771fd60d37998ffa48812a551ec}, intrahash = {ae34c4b2f6949608edc0f0f2bdaf3bb1}, isbn = {8846421663, 9788846421661}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 560, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280881 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {FrancoAngeli}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La via italiana alla postmodernità; Verso una nuova architettura dei valori}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2000}@incollection{Stoetzel1988Defeatism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boulder}, author = {Stoetzel, Jean}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Comparing Pluralist Democracies, Strains on Legitimacy (New Directions in Comparative and International Politics)}, editor = {Dogan, Mattei}, interhash = {80f737c5d48607b2306d80bd6ca4d597}, intrahash = {a1c906518dbcae0722c04857f087c2ef}, isbn = {813304512}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {168-180}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280962 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Westview Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Defeatism in Western Europe: Reluctance to Fight for Country}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1988}@book{Inglehart1996North, abstract = {This book examines basic value changes that are transforming life in North Amerca as old economic boundaries become outmoded, and an increasingly compatible cultural perspective replaces long-standing narrow nationalism. The authors present solid empirical evidence - cross-national and over time - that what Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans want out of life is changing in analogous ways and reinforcing economic integration.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Nevitte, Neil and Basa?ez, Miguel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {acf0b10b024b106c035d457641b5da9c}, intrahash = {8aa182a019b0790935fb51bdbce3693f}, isbn = {202305570}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english input2014 national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 198, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281172 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Aldine de Gruyter}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The North American Trajectory: Cultural, Economic and Political Ties among the United States, Canada and Mexico}, type = {Book}, year = 1996}@book{Tomasi1993Young, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Tomasi, Luigi}, biburl = {}, editor = {Tomasi, Luigi}, interhash = {810b8f2277ccb96bb7ebaad64354cad1}, intrahash = {945133bcfbf355f16e4cc0cd5bf19a04}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religion_morality book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 195, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281059 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Reverditi Edizioni}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Young People and Religions in Europe: Persistance and Change in Values}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1993}@phdthesis{Loughran2014values, abstract = {It has long been argued that underlying values should hold a central role in political analysis (Easton 1953). This would seem increasingly relevant in an era of de-alignment and catch-all parties in which political actors often make direct values orientated appeals to the electorate instead of relying on the social allegiances of voters (Norris and Inglehart 2004). The influence of values on individual vote choice preferences has often been subsumed within broader socio-structural or rational choice models of voting, such as party ID or spatial measures. With the expansion in appropriate data and measures available to empirical researchers, the last two decades have seen a substantial increase in the number of studies directly addressing the values-voting relationship (Schwartz 1992, Feldman 2003). This existingempirical literature has generally focused on analysing the role of values on voting in single electoral contexts. While this approach has generated many useful findings in establishing the role of values in differentiating political choice, it has not yet demonstrated the causal mechanisms which couldhighlight the wider significance of values to electoral choice research (Leimgruber 2011). In addition there is little work that considers the impact of political context on the values-voting relationship. This paper aims to go some way to addressing these gaps by taking a comparative, cross-national approach. Firstly, it aims to test the viability of political identity in mediating the influence of values on voter preferences by using left-right identity as mediator in a path analysis at the European wide level. Secondly it will measure the effects of contextual factors, such as party polarisation and the effective number of parties, onthe values-voting relationship by comparing values models of voting in 15 West European Democracies. It is argued firstly that mediation influence of left-right highlights the complexity and variation in the values-voting relationship. Secondly, values have a greater role in influencing voter choice in countries in which the party system is more polarised. The analysis presented in this paper utilises data from the European Values Survey (1990-2008) to develop nuanced latent measures of political values, with the aim of developing models that can highlight the causal mechanisms that render values relevant to vote choice decisions. Results from Structural Equation path models will be presented.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Manchester}, author = {Loughran, Thomas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b6c4e4127d938d56cb36f30a1a9f9e64}, intrahash = {cacdf412a185f74a9211bd7bd7b4f081}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 51, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938690 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, publisher = {University of Manchester}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {A values based electorate? How does electoral context influence the relationship between political values and voting in West European Democracies?}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{Baker2008America, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Baker, W E.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {fea03442a73459f42dd6fe5730c56c38}, intrahash = {61187167e64ef58ba2fe10efbf027171}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {9-43}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280736 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-05-13 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {America the Traditional}, year = 2008}@incollection{Breen2003Ask, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Breen, M J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Technology & Transcendence}, editor = {Breen, M J. and Conway, Eamonn and McMilan, Barry}, interhash = {9a215a65be563723d8ffb3ca65348fa1}, intrahash = {db9744d3f0b3b3c7fd96c02233f48e89}, isbn = {185607384X}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281030 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Columba Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Ask Me Another: An Evaluation of Issues Arising from the European Values Survey in Relation to Questions Concerning Technology & Transcendence}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@misc{Hoepfner2013To, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hoepfner, Daniel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {76bf5c7d9f3841cc45da95477249d26d}, intrahash = {49fb3c43c7ead3e611ab44e31755912b}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935678 ; inputdate=2014-07-05 ; editdate=2014-07-05 ; pubdate=2014-07-05}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {To what degree is European Identification about the EU?}, year = 2013}@incollection{Halman1999Globalization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in Secularizing Society. The European's religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {1ad49669f4910f0c3a0c4847a8a68a28}, intrahash = {4281e7f3889e7136152d108310654054}, isbn = {9036197406}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {153-172}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256402 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European values studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Globalization and Patterns of Religious Belief Systems}, year = 1999}@inproceedings{Elzo1998Mutations, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Actes du 3ème Forum du Travail Social, 'Mutations, travial social et cohesion sociale', Bordeaux}, interhash = {79b2410f574b662192efdaa2811b959f}, intrahash = {d9a130c59eda17c7348c6eb519dcc092}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {163-186}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280906 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institut regional du travial social aquitane}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Mutations sociales et societé européenne}, type = {Conference Proceedings}, year = 1998}@incollection{deMoor1983Nederland, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {s-Gravenhage}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Normen en Waarden: Verandering of Verschuiving}, editor = {Becker, J W. and al., et}, interhash = {341d1e82e020e052981cd71e409c36da}, intrahash = {973e2c38ae505d562f68655770d8541a}, isbn = {9060951859, 9789060951859}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {117-151}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280782 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {VUGA}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Nederland Binnen de Europese Cultuur; Een Studie Naar Waarden (x- The Netherlands within European Culture: A Values Study)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1983}@incollection{Roux2014Expliquer, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Roux, Guillaume}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {403515cef7feb93cb91536f73fa3f1d7}, intrahash = {00fd6c98914e2fc5b92eaadeb97204bd}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {73-88}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934927 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Expliquer la xénophobie: valeurs culturelles, attitudes politiques et perception d'une menace}, year = 2014}@book{bei2014tranzicione, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Beograd}, author = {Be?i?, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e6550577f4587796628493b291d0e97c}, intrahash = {5c2554173ec20837ed772f43b840b720}, isbn = {978-86-531-0085-8}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 484, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938330 ; inputdate=2014-10-28 ; editdate=2014-10-28 ; pubdate=2014-10-28}, publisher = {?igoja ?tampa}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Tranzicione Traume I Promene Vrednoshnih Orijentacija - Generacijski Pristup: Komparativna empirijska studija vrednosti u zemljama biv?e Jugoslavije}, year = 2014}@incollection{Capraro1993Valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Vicenza}, author = {Capraro, G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Anziani e cultura europea. Atti del convegno naziale della Federuni Trento}, interhash = {0cd1b45536ae83794da5c26685ee64e1}, intrahash = {3cf220f32b1e192e18c799dab00a9b3e}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281331 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Rezzara}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valori europei e loro trasmissione in un 'europa aperta'}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@book{Ott2003Croatian, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, biburl = {}, editor = {Ott, Katarina}, interhash = {31f8d8baa4343f19397cf15d0dc4f8d8}, intrahash = {31e5ee7724cef94c27139b42ff538739}, isbn = {9536047306, 9789536047307}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 339, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280900 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institute of Public Finance}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Croatian Accession to the European Union: Institutional Challenges}, type = {Edited Book}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2003}@incollection{Nicolás1994Postmaterialismo, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Nicolás, J Díez}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {8ca5f7367833620949bd1aaf56fd3483}, intrahash = {baaa099cf6966a35531ddf8fac0b226a}, isbn = {8481120227, 9788481120226}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Spanish checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {125-156}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281016 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Post-materialismo y desarrollo económico en Espa?a}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Baloban2005In, abstract = {This study analyses the social reality of Croatia in the context of the European environment. Comprative data from other European countries and the recognized European standards enabled the analysis of Croatia in various aspects of contemporary sociality. As a post-communist and Central European country, Croatia is faced with many reforms and social changes that largely depend on its basic and dominant values. On the other hand, current and future social changes will undoubtedly influence the transformation of individual values. Therefore, we believe that this book will justify the need for further systematic research of values, as well as the necessity to permanently focus on this subject.Keyword: Environment, Work, Family, Politics, Religion, Moral issues, National identity.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {0fec66de5ca4d9fbc7ef35d7cd1a39ef}, intrahash = {9dbcdce7a8761309b6f7dda4cec20f99}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Life Politics_society Religiosity_morality book checked environment family input2014 national_identity work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 344, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280939 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehnicka knjiga}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Study of Values: Croatia and Europe}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2005}@incollection{Delooz1985Death, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Europe-North-America}, author = {Delooz, P.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers}, interhash = {27da987c6c01dd8f27e7baab05878903}, intrahash = {5f017182b742b6f20bef26972327828e}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281053 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Death and the Hereafter}, type = {Book Section}, volume = 31, year = 1985}@incollection{Roudet2001Introduction, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {a49f2001f776d965e262d0e30afe0030}, intrahash = {25d213d71d436150fed01e366ab0b1e5}, isbn = {9782747517980, 2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281203 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Introduction: Appréhender les valeurs des jeunes et leurs évolutions depuis vingt ans}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@incollection{Abrams1985Demographic, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Abrams, Mark}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {5a16fb4f189d07f03166f5e88d512613}, intrahash = {a92ca116f37b3ad82add29e94b946b2d}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {21-49}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280867 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-08 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan in association with the European Value Systems Study Group}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Demographic Correlates of Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@book{Elzo1990Jóvenus, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Others}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2218ec3998bdf828018f0c2d91d042a0}, intrahash = {c83359b0e5b89864d2f5b9f39df25f0a}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281117 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Vitoria Gasteiz: Servicio Central de publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Jóvenus Vascos 1990. Informe Sociológico sobre comportamientos, actitudes y valores de la juventud vasca actual y de su evolución en los últimos cuatro a?os}, type = {Book}, year = 1990}@incollection{Basá?ez2008Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Basá?ez, Miguel and Moreno, Alejandro}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {d297f0c047de1d814212af48eee5c96d}, intrahash = {561d5089cc54cc5fc63e872580b8ecf0}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english gender_roles incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {75-94}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280739 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Value Change in Mexico, 1980-2000: Evidence from the World Values Surveys}, year = 2008}@incollection{Halman1995La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {8d36538176ab5c0b62b4a892421568b0}, intrahash = {da83e40e366842eda96fdcb8faf41ff2}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {61-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281184 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La Comparazione dei Valori Nell' European Value Study. La Misurazione dei Valori e il Problema della Comparabilit.'}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Halman1995Measuring, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {OECD Measuring What Students Learn}, interhash = {d40123d84253a3953358f7fe0cfad594}, intrahash = {2af0bdd11fe828f74499f24e36bd8329}, isbn = {9789264043589}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {110-122}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281272 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {OECD}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring and Comparing Democratic Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@misc{Jovanovi2012Trust, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jovanovi?, Milos and Gavrilovi?, Danijela}, biburl = {}, interhash = {882635b19de963576c7c2ff5c1f46eb3}, intrahash = {b24cc258bfe1f0e72a7db13d7aa4cd56}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938926 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Trust and Legitimation - The Case of Serbia}, year = 2012}@incollection{Pettersson1995Cultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In the Eye of the Beholder}, editor = {Svallfors, Stefan and Kangas, Olli}, interhash = {a79d328935a16a71ae5d3ec0ba7c7eaa}, intrahash = {6c206ffa42c8e36aaa2117341403304e}, isbn = {9163033348}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {104-115}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280959 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Cultural Change, Cultural Diversity and the Basic Grammar of Justice}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Nikodem2005Family, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Nikodem, Krunoslav and Ara?i?, Pero}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Analysis of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {c038175bb608ed2c7e5bb7c435677a34}, intrahash = {9f8e342008545485d1823653551742e2}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {145-178}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281284 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehnicka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Family in Transformation}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@incollection{Listhaug1995Impact, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {42ec9037c66b61f6824fc85943ee2ef5}, intrahash = {f86972064acf30d8dd9965be75e463cc}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {163-178}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281280 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Impact of Modernization and Value Change on Confidence in Institutions}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Rukavishnikov1998Political, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Moscow, USSR}, annotation = {in Russisch}, author = {Rukavishnikov, V. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Ester, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4938b2f01a9a3b8ea3d891325b460fe1}, intrahash = {b82284f0b6769d80aa9326c0367552b7}, isbn = {5853021966}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 368, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256421 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Coincidence}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Political cultures and social changes: International comparisons}, year = 1998}@incollection{Halman1995Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Towards a Market Economy: Beyond the Point of No Return}, interhash = {68dc5d7d0e3c8875cb45d43128b20cf1}, intrahash = {b7b392c01ef5bd0d72894b1da78559db}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {97-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280973 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {ESOMAR}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values in East and West: A Comparison of Basic Values in Eastern and Western European Countries}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Nicolás1994Tendencias, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, editor = {Nicolas, Juan Diez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {0c38379347965b557162048ea2695650}, intrahash = {0fb0def55b2d683468ad09d8ba2d2e8e}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280937 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y politicos}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1994}@incollection{Gonthier2014Plus, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {b51a79fb7ca2642bdc32fa940314f376}, intrahash = {854f8057505b0dd0b1b9229f03dc8a1f}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {135-150}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934966 ; inputdate=2014-05-21 ; editdate=2014-05-21 ; pubdate=2014-05-21}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Plus d'?tat, plus d'égalité. ?volution des attitudes économiques dans l'Union européenne}, year = 2014}@incollection{Baloban2005Marriage, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Analysis of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {3c71f4e0f7d80356fb6a516d992f9121}, intrahash = {3beb78f3a7179d137da25da63f5a092a}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {115-144}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281287 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehnicka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Marriage: The Institution that is Expected from - and which is not Invested in!}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@incollection{Voicu2003Volunteering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Voicu, Malina and Voicu, Bogdan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Values of Volunteering: Cross-cultural Perspectives}, editor = {Dekker, Paul and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {1234a4305b3ae9bee133197779a9988f}, intrahash = {540eab11b1b71640a600f72753b4a312}, isbn = {0306477378, 0306478544}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {143-160}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281067 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kluwer academic/Plenum publishers}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Volunteering in Romania: A 'rara avis'}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@incollection{Devereux2004No, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Manchester}, author = {Devereux, E. and Breen, M J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Issues in Ireland Today}, editor = {Collins, N. and Cradden, T.}, interhash = {2b34e78a441f57cab028cecdd3dda89e}, intrahash = {1cbecd18aeca52e29da13da5ad88fba5}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {168-188}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763903 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Manchester University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {No racists here: Public opinion and media treatment of asylum seekers and refugees}, year = 2004}@inproceedings{Baloban2002Oivotvorenje, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Simpozij hrvatskih vjernika laika}, interhash = {6b85c86bff305d890447ba747a571d79}, intrahash = {31fe98b1396540d66961099488d186d7}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Serbo-Croatian checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281224 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kranjska sadasnjost}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Otvorenje socijalnog nauka Crkve u drustvu u Crkvi (Realization of Social Teaching of the Church in Society and Church)}, type = {Conference Paper}, year = 2002}@incollection{Fahey2004Link, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Fahey, Tony and Smyth, Emer}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {42d6688b6767f1c2de8011e304943a74}, intrahash = {7330b247af6869d0ff4ce7595fc58b23}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Subjective_well-being checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {57-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264466 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Link Between Subjective Well-Being and Objective Conditions in European Societies}, year = 2004}@incollection{Kanji1996Unpacking, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Kanji, Mebs and Nevitte, Neil and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies: Integration, Values, Identification and Participation}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {d136f55220c1fce38f740155c3262c55}, intrahash = {44e6f60ba244ebd08ce4e6c2a02a5eee}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english environment incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {285-310}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281027 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Unpacking Environmental Orientations: Deep or Superficial?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Halman1991Katholiek, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Sociale Aspecten van Modernisering}, editor = {Ester, Peter and van Wezel, Jan}, interhash = {5fa97af091b8e12ea1d7037500374720}, intrahash = {cc8843e18f09df9a1e466760146b7ee1}, isbn = {9036195152, 9789036195157}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {209-222}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281194 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Katholiek en Protestants West-Europa: Een Realistische Distinctie? (x- Catholic and Protestant Western Europe. A Realistic Distinction?)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1991}@book{Ara?i?2003Postkomunisti?ki, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {?akovo}, author = {Ara?i?, Pero and ?rpi?, Gordan and Nikodem, Krunoslav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0c067fe1706d838c63583dc490ff054f}, intrahash = {d910927d116d1c70e496f5216e7fbe96}, isbn = {9536935058}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity Serbo-Croatian book checked input2014 religion value_system}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 488, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280893 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Teologija u ?akovu}, series = {Biblioteka Diacovensia: Studije}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Postkomunisti?ki horizonti: Obrisi sustava vrijednosti i religijskih orijentacija u deset postkomunisti?kih zemalja (Post-Communist Horizons: An overview of value systems and religious orientations in ten post-communist countries)}, type = {Book}, year = 2003}@incollection{Rehberg2012Soziale, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zürich}, author = {Rehberg, Walter and Moser, Benjamin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Sozialbericht 2012: Fokus Generationen}, editor = {Bühlmann, Felix and Schmid Botkine, Céline and Farago, Peter and H?pflinger, Fran?ois and Joye, Dominique and Levy, René and Perring-Chiello, Pasqualina and Stuter, Christian}, interhash = {e2340924af662834cd8c2e136fa22f3a}, intrahash = {b2e6ee57cc1a19e6531445cfb67a31b6}, isbn = {978-3-03777-122-8}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {125-155}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934379 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Seismo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Soziale Integration : Indikatoren. Dominique Joye, René Levy, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, Christian Suter}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Borre2002Partivalg, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Borre, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {483dadbac6e0fc357c6236df48e253a3}, intrahash = {658ca8bd87e8d28fbd389b5a0e5250a5}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {195-231}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281161 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Partivalg, politiske v?rdier og livsverdenens v?rdier}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 2002}@incollection{Tchernia1994Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {a6e43a4620498d6d04632c5659f66a48}, intrahash = {6d4d859d309d0f1c3ca7e4c38c6d7ee3}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {201-226}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280996 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les Fran?ais et leur société}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@phdthesis{Verweij1998Secularisering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Verweij, J.A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c5b106a474e7d1f098334c77afb3a9bb}, intrahash = {b927e93b1439564fc9e2259a1fc86980}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256424 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2013-06-27 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Secularisering tussen feit en fictie. Een internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek naar determinanten van religieuze betrokkenheid}, year = 1998}@incollection{Bréchon2008French, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {8d7fc79c3a6212f9339ffae7ffef57f3}, intrahash = {50cf0b17b8719eec314042b92a6a89b4}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {219-245}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280745 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {French Values: Between Southern and Northern Europe}, year = 2008}@book{Gerhards2006Kulturelle, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Gerhards, Jürgen and Hoelscher, Micheal}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6598c615432d8cca0786a420296d8052}, intrahash = {5e306042accfaef2cc7cf5fcda2aa659}, keywords = {2006 Deutsch EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement book checked family gender_roles input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280935 ; country=alle landen behalve cyprus ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {VS Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Kulturelle Grenzen der Europ?ischen Union. Unterschiede zwischen den Mitglieds- und Beitrittsl?ndern und der Türkei. (English title: Cultural Boundaries of the European Union. Differences Between the Current and Future Member States and Turkey.)}, type = {Book}, year = 2006}@book{Abbruzzese1995Italiani, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Rimini}, author = {Abbruzzese, Salvatore and Gubert, Renzo and Pollini, Gabriele}, biburl = {}, interhash = {12a58d0db57b1410e1fca8ee1c05d404}, intrahash = {e781424b45120329157125b3382c59c9}, isbn = {8880490478, 9788880490470}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 206, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280894 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Guaraldi}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Italiani atto secondo}, type = {Book}, year = 1995}@inproceedings{Nikodem2002Uloga, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, annotation = {Conference Name: Simpozij hrvatskih vjernika laika, Conference Location: Osijek, Hrvatska}, author = {Nikodem, Krunoslav}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Mogu?nosti organiziranog djelovanja vjernika laika u Hrvatskoj, Simpozij hrvatskih vjernika laika, Osijek, Hrvatska, 5.- 6.10.2001}, editor = {Hranic, Djuro}, interhash = {98ad3a3a1f790ec1360852a82aa3dbe2}, intrahash = {1fe8a4462b4a7c471ddae633b6992a25}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {643-667}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281295 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kr??anska sada?njost}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Uloga znanosti u 21. stolje?u - dru?tvena pristranost postmodernih znanstvenih teorija? (The Role of Science in the 21th Century - Social Prejudice of Postmodern Scientific Theories?)}, type = {Conference Paper}, year = 2002}@incollection{Mair2013European, abstract = {Previous sociological and gerontological research documents the benefits of social ties for older adults. By integrating literature on linked lives, activity theory, and social networks, I suggest the concept of a ?social activity network? (SAN), which is a broad network composed of activity-related ties and family network ties. Studies of older adults? social activity networks cross-nationally reveal regional and national differences. Scholars suggest that variation in older adults? ties may reflect cultural, economic, and policy differences between nations. Few studies, however, specifically examine the potential contextualizing role of national culture and economy/policy using empirical cross-national measures. In this chapter, I combine data from six sources including the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), World Values Survey (WVS), European Values Study (EVS), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), World Bank (WB), and United Nations (UN). Utilizing this unique combination of data, I empirically document cross-national patterns in European older adults? social activity networks and discuss broadly the potential of such publicly available national measures for the study of European older adults? social lives in multiple contexts.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Mair, C A.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Aging in European Societies: Healthy Aging in Europe}, editor = {Phellas, Constantinos}, interhash = {1e52caf5444be3e481350d8584dc7159}, intrahash = {b1752a1fb463d17e4d37f27931405ece}, isbn = {978-1-4419-8345-9}, keywords = {2013 Aging Cross-national Cultural_values EVS EVS_input2014 Economic_development FDZ_IUP Social_networks checked english europe incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {61-81}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938975 ; inputdate=2014-11-25 ; editdate=2014-11-25 ; pubdate=2014-11-25}, publisher = {Springer US}, series = {International Perspectives on Aging}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Older Adults? Social Activity Networks in National Context: A Cross-National Exploration of National Cultural, Policy, and Economic Characteristics}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Lindseth1994Religión, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Lindseth, Odd Helge and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {801b9fe3948ce5a8bb56a3df5ab7d28e}, intrahash = {c26236ff3384e2f94a389fc81d6117f5}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish checked incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {469-482}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280967 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religión y valores del trabajo en los noventa: un estudio comparativo de Europa Occidental y Estados Unidos}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Linz1988Legitimacy, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boulder}, author = {Linz, J J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Comparing Pluralist Democracies, Strains on Legitimacy}, editor = {Dogan, Mattei}, interhash = {9b59ed9c93f1d2b6e16ad376d6c45e2c}, intrahash = {545a03789cc1bb263466a24a9685ede1}, isbn = {813304512}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {65-113}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281135 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Westview Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Legitimacy of Democracy and the Socioeconomic System}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1988}@book{Juknevicius2002Skirtingumo, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Vilnius}, annotation = {Summary in English}, author = {Juknevicius, Stanislovas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7a150db3cbab4c0f70f89c35207373eb}, intrahash = {22c1ab682181f48c5ca3711b27dce722}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014 lithuanian}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280864 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Skirtingumo dimensijos -Lietuvos gyventoju vertybes europiniame kontekste- (Dimensions of Difference: The Values of Lithuanians in the European Context)}, type = {Book}, year = 2002}@incollection{N?rreg?rd-Nielsen2002Unge, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {N?rreg?rd-Nielsen, Esther and ?stergaard, Jeanette}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {73cf117b2b4ec98d1275fa547cce0e70}, intrahash = {c3546c7fe28aba41c10a1125030884b5}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280976 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Unge stiller st?rre krav til deres fremtidige arbejde}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@book{Kleiner2013Understanding, abstract = {This volume brings social science research infrastructures to the foreground and provides a conceptual framework for understanding them. Key common denominators are that they provide public good resources for research, and that they are established to support research for the long-term. Research infrastructures are embedded in research practices and communities, at national and international levels. They enhance the efficiency of the research process as well as fundamental aspects of the scientific method, for example, comparability, replication, and diffusion of knowledge and information. The contributions within this book demonstrate that research infrastructures are triggering a major paradigm shift in the social sciences, with profound effects on the nature of knowledge production within and across disciplines. Indeed, they are in large part responsible for an invisible revolution that is affecting research and researchers in fundamental ways. The focus of this book is on charting and clarifying their functions and their impact with the goal of improving our understanding of their underlying mechanisms, their challenges, and their immense potential for advancing science.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zürich}, author = {Kleiner, Brian and Renschler, Isabelle and Wernli, Boris and Farago, Peter and Joye, Dominique}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e97f606ec6d5774a7feca51179ae48ac}, intrahash = {d5b8867b051b494ea127493d78d2f017}, isbn = {978-3-03777-133-4}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 228, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934418 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Seismo Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Understanding research infrastructures in the social science}, url = {}, year = 2013}@misc{Meeusen2011Territorial, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Meeusen, Cecil}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4167972b28d63786eb0c9cf37f56b94a}, intrahash = {a612d2bf5664aec12bef148e0123ef16}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4824449 ; inputdate=2011-07-28 ; editdate=2011-07-28 ; pubdate=2011-07-28}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Territorial Belonging in Belgium: Effects of the political context}, year = 2011}@incollection{Gerard1985Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Gerard, David}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {157d898e800f2a1a89526ab32cfb217e}, intrahash = {5e704e8785e9a7a89176c617f8b94992}, isbn = {333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {201-226}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280972 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Palgrave MacMillan}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Values and Voluntary Work}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@book{Denz2001Konfliktgesellschaft, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, author = {Denz, Hermann and Friesl, Christian and Polak, Regina and Zuba, Reinhard and Zulehner, P M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1adb751ef989844c58167e4b7fdfcc8e}, intrahash = {a8b07b5912c593b693ad85db6a02df3b}, isbn = {3707601021}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_conditions Social_values book checked german input2014 public_opinion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 254, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281087 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Czernin Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Die Konfliktgesellschaft - Wertewandel in ?sterreich 1990-2000}, type = {Book}, year = 2001}@book{Pfetsch2013Political, abstract = {This book offers new and compelling insight into the emergent shared culture of the relationship between political actors and journalists in nine European democracies. It is a truly comparative account of the attitudes of 2,500 political communication elites between Helsinki and Madrid on various aspects of the media's role in politics and on the mutual relationship of politicians, political spokespersons and journalists. The study identifies national political communication cultures across Europe over the importance of journalists in advocacy and commentary, pressures on the media and perceived political influence. It also highlights that professional roles determine the perception of news-making, the interpretation of daily political life and the ethos of professional conduct and interaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Pfetsch, Barbara}, biburl = {}, interhash = {60cd05e1ec376d9b209d6eed84dca46b}, intrahash = {ad7edd767a7c3fd964ca0e0db433ed9c}, isbn = {9780230302013}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 360, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939372 ; inputdate=2014-12-08 ; editdate=2014-12-08 ; pubdate=2014-12-08}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Political Communication Cultures in Western Europe: Attitudes of Political Actors and Journalists in Nine Countries}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Ester2006Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {d58f0a1c49e88efa23840c4963601b82}, intrahash = {96cec013c3f919d59c3da70c1a19736b}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {303-313}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264464 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-02-18 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values, Value Change, and Generations: Grand Picture and Summarizing Perspective}, year = 2006}@incollection{Nikodem2012Religiosity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Nikodem, Krunoslav}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Transformations of Religiosity: Religion and Religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989-2010}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, interhash = {b3527b0c23f9b5f297505b57e51724ce}, intrahash = {e24736939fcb6d2225f1010ecf1f50f2}, isbn = {978-3-531-17540-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {175-196}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934200 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, publisher = {Springer VS}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religiosity and Marriage. Family Attitudes in Croatia}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Orizo1994Los, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y politicos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {0937400098c6d5db491c2e0adfbe1bab}, intrahash = {7375f525a32f43cae1ccff5711d821a0}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {229-250}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280920 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Los valores de libertad en Espa?a}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Thomassen1995Support, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Thomassen, J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Citizens and the State}, editor = {Klingemann, H D. and Fuchs, D.}, interhash = {10d22f99b06470dc148bd5b574d46760}, intrahash = {e96eae3e0f78962ba54f0c464bcf6239}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {383-416}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776967 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Support for democratic values}, year = 1995}@incollection{Nevitte2003Authority, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Nevitte, Neil and Kanji, Mebs}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {265fbb0dce528a531d72c972239a4666}, intrahash = {64d9efbef83c2bcb0bfd675580fa0030}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {157-182}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264035 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Authority Orientations and Political Support: A Cross-national Analysis of Satisfaction with Governments and Democracy}, year = 2003}@misc{Minagawa2003Differentials, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Minagawa, Yuka}, biburl = {}, interhash = {22cb2046a0c04f6d98f95d223b91a37a}, intrahash = {282076aa5d4d60d396f84db263f6a943}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939133 ; inputdate=2014-12-01 ; editdate=2014-12-01 ; pubdate=2014-12-01}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Differentials in Quality of Life across Eastern Europe: Evidence Based on Healthy Life Expectancy}, year = 2003}@incollection{Dekker1996Volunteering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Dekker, Paul and van den Broek, Andries}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies: Integration, Values, Identification and Participation}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {4978734991d0218c38d09ba229d8ebc2}, intrahash = {f0d36b767bc9b28296119c27be7b036a}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {125-152}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281051 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Study}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Volunteering and Politics: Involvement in Voluntary Associations from a 'Civic Culture' Perspective}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Togeby2002Hvilke, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Togeby, Lise}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {3ae13622a59a917692135b4f5de2937b}, intrahash = {0b6043b280fe870130ac284c1868a59f}, isbn = {8741225449, 9788741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {260-299}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280989 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Hvilke v?rdier ?ndrer sig, hvorn?r og hos hvem?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{Siegers2012Pluralismus, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Siegers, Pascal}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religi?ser Pluralismus im Fokus quantitativer Religionsforschung}, editor = {Pollack, Detlef and Tucci, Ingrid and Ziebert, Hans-Georg}, interhash = {5ac7e483b6ffcc873821f18ad3eb9ca3}, intrahash = {3be0b78c5bbba471f02f514a25ac7dcc}, isbn = {978-3-531-18697-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {75-105}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934381 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Springer VS}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Pluralismus religi?ser Orientierungen in Europa : Ergebnisse aus der vierten Welle der Europ?ischen Wertestudie 2008/2008}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Tournier2014Libéralisme, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tournier, Vincent}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {16b3885fbc5c6c1b3aed97f1d5be506d}, intrahash = {9cd8ba9f6a1cc1f9e8baf7a719ec1aad}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {33-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934925 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Libéralisme des moeurs, incivisme, autorité}, year = 2014}@incollection{DalsgaardClausen2002V?rdierne, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Dalsgaard Clausen, Jakob and Koch-Nielsen, Inger}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {5505646934fa19b0540722b4a9d7064d}, intrahash = {ee1eff3a5f08b5ae024df2f095730bb7}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281321 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {V?rdierne i det frivillige arbejde}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{Lambert1995La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {d682da64a8d5a2147250c153d8aefcc1}, intrahash = {0d5d447b4f39b45f3b73a74ed51a00c9}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {473-496}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281104 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La Francia: valori carenti di idealit.àe trascendenza}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Goedegebuure2003He, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Goedegebuure, Jaap}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {6aa2cc7258c48603bd3f965e7baab5a5}, intrahash = {2c7f11e423936e1822e314bc49ede7c9}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {463-467}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281413 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-04-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {He Who Tears Down Also Builds Up. Literature and the Debate on Norms and Values}, year = 2003}@incollection{Dogan1994Erosion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Dogan, Mattei}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Towards a European Nation? Political Trends in Europe}, editor = {Haller, Max and Richter, Rudolf}, interhash = {62851907a176725d2862d394feed5326}, intrahash = {ccf5089ef669d0b1a3d6e3beffc9d97f}, isbn = {1563243849, 9781563243844}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {31-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280822 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Sharpe}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Erosion of Nationalism in the West European Community}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Nevitte1999Orientations, abstract = {This paper employs the 1981 and 1990 World Values Surveys to demonstrate that publics in advanced industrial states have become less deferential both in general, as well as in the polity, the family, and the workplace. In addition, this analysis also provides broad-gauged prime facie support for the claim (Eckstein, 1966, 1969, 1975, 1992; Pateman, 1970; Kohn, 1969; Greenberg et al., 1995) that authority orientations across different domains are generalizable: attitudes toward authority in the polity, the family, and the workplace do indeed appear to be inter-connected. Furthermore, even under the most rigorous testing conditions, when multiple authority orientations are pitted against each other, and when various other prominent explanations are introduced, Orientations toward authority in one domain turn out to be useful (i.e., statistically significant) estimates of authority orientations in another.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Nevitte, Neil and Kanji, Mebs}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Directions in Quantatative Comparative Sociology}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {c661fdb86360907338edf0f60822d041}, intrahash = {7becfa8d625a5a9f93f24b8743dc7c5e}, isbn = {9004114114, 9789004114111}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics WVS1981 WVS1990 checked english family incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {161-190}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281318 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Orientations Towards Authority and Congruency Theory: The Cross National, Cross Time Evidence}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1999}@book{Orizo1984Espa?a, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Orizo, A Francisco}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4c2c4ed00cb457d33bdf223364ff75d5}, intrahash = {c28dbc83b6f2d4d9e22c8b64d07f4d7d}, isbn = {8471001438, 9788471001436}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281099 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MAPFRE S.A.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Espa?a, entre la apatia y el cambio social}, type = {Book}, year = 1984}@book{Gubert1992Persistenze, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, editor = {Gubert, Renzo}, interhash = {1f7026891952926f606b006ba096214f}, intrahash = {9805b640b282a9233a78ebed9cb2c695}, isbn = {9788879780124}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 648, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281134 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Reverdito Edizioni}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Persistenze e mutamenti dei valori degli Italiani nel contesto Europeo}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1992}@misc{Bogomilova2007Secularization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bogomilova, N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {13e25f65fbe3bfb4e1aa38b08022e905}, intrahash = {97b4411973da949dc35fcdbf2be32803}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {200-217}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281175 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Secularization or religion rebirth in post- communist countries: The European perspective}, year = 2007}@incollection{Seligman1994Some, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Seligman, A.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {A New Europe? Social Change and Political Transformation}, editor = {Rootes, C. and Davis, H.}, interhash = {357d6e181dba7a8b6c2841cea5c0f7f1}, intrahash = {867145026ef9e698857271cc1d71c0a7}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {188-201}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776713 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {UCL Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Some thoughts on trust, collective identity, and the transition from state socialism}, year = 1994}@inproceedings{Baloban2001Pogled, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Kr??anska nada na po?etku novoga stolje?a}, interhash = {30e0a2c17ac824e959f8d6a92a76fdfb}, intrahash = {bd4ecddb2dda13c665c75915c7108224}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Serbo-Croatian checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {121-150}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281269 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Pogled na dana?nju crkvenu praksu, pastoralne strukture i modele (View of the Current Church Practices, Pastoral Structures and Models)}, type = {Conference Paper}, year = 2001}@incollection{Roudet2001Lamitié, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Roudet, Bernard and Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {1769b9c9c5d17bc598dea73ee859d41b}, intrahash = {28cb676e56a2ef8b338dce52081a16a1}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281336 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'amitié, une valeur toujours centrale}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@incollection{Gundelach1995Grassroots, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Impact of Values}, editor = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {eed299ff3c2e7448a540c4505ef93fdb}, intrahash = {0b2fafcc9a2f81fb76e6ca308f31671e}, isbn = {0198279574, 0198294751}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {412-440}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281015 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford university Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Grass-roots activity}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Phillips1985Structure, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Phillips, David and Harding, Stephen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {621170ef6189eacdc62e224e3be12f4f}, intrahash = {c7746f0e7ca170d5416ee9daf68caabf}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {93-109}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281276 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Structure of Moral Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@book{Arts2004European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d0c1bcb538664cdecd302092cfd43cda}, intrahash = {f5dd6c5ffe0940b1936dcd455f49663f}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 402, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256362 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {European values at the Turn of the Millenium}, year = 2004}@incollection{Dogan2000Class, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Party Systems and Voters Alignments: Revisited}, editor = {Karvonen, L. and Kuhle, S.}, interhash = {ecd4ecdee235aabb1ddfea77370b8859}, intrahash = {c13581e836b6d4ed4ee0756b0cfcd2a0}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {93-114}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698008 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Class, Religion, Party: Triple Decline in Electoral Cleavages in Western Europe}, year = 2000}@inproceedings{Barbulescu2013Citizens, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Barbulescu, Roxana and Beaudonnet, Laurie}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {20th International Conference of Europeanists, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 25-27th June}, interhash = {710419b78e162b2a7a93a8b19aa06445}, intrahash = {cce1f5e1e1539d92eb1f94c61b8fc72f}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934847 ; inputdate=2014-05-14 ; editdate=2014-05-14 ; pubdate=2014-05-14}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Citizens like No Other: Contextual and Individual Explanations of Attitudes towards Roma Population in the EU}, year = 2013}@incollection{Lipset1985Canada, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Lipset, S Martin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Canada and the United States: Enduring Friendship, Persistent Stress}, editor = {Doran, C F. and Sigler, J F.}, interhash = {10872ed692618d186e72d64f76acc077}, intrahash = {57d66be9c40a53b324d5ac8099bf3e78}, isbn = {131138049}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {109-160}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281296 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Canada and the United States: The Cultural Dimension}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Vilacy2012Portugal, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Farnham}, author = {Vilacy, Helena}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe: Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization}, editor = {Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf and Pickel, Gert}, interhash = {a1aa49eabc232054801a3b9123cd6b56}, intrahash = {983c379f2c26e0c08b009637ee63b9fd}, isbn = {978-1-4094-2621-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {77-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934372 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Ashgate}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Portugal: secularization and religious vitality of the roman catholic church in a southern European country}, url = {}, year = 2012}@book{Elzo1992Euskalerria, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bilbao}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, F Andrés and Barreda, M A. and Garmendia, F. and Blasco, P G. and Santacoloma, J F.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {539e097f33faff42b1439813364cd1cf}, intrahash = {db07e63921653b2bd97acaaa2f1c1ec2}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281186 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universidad De Deusto Deiker}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Euskalerria en la encuesta europea de valores. Son Los Vascos Diferentas?}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@incollection{Fran?ois2014Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Fran?ois, Abel and Berton, R Magni}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {6373c7af5cf99b6ad644af235555d70c}, intrahash = {46f505dffb97ee99df43fbe3df8aaa1a}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {169-188}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934990 ; inputdate=2014-05-22 ; editdate=2014-05-22 ; pubdate=2014-05-22}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les valeurs ont-elles un sexe? les gender gaps en Europe}, year = 2014}@incollection{Lesthaeghe1994Living, abstract = {The authors suggest that ideational factors and aspirations as well as economic factors should be taken into account in the analysis of living arrangements among young adults in various Western European countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Lesthaeghe, Ron and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Europe's Population in the 1990's}, editor = {Coleman, D A.}, interhash = {b413f9c2384b77db7110163f4a07937b}, intrahash = {10b8b8c35760d62bef88c37035c463a2}, isbn = {0198288964, 9780198288961}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {163-221}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280781 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Living Arrangements, Socio-Economic Position and Values Among Young Adults: a Pattern Description for France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands 1990}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Welzel2007Democratization, abstract = {This article describes a model that considers the emergence and florescence of democracies as something embedded in a more encompassing evolutionary process. Democratization in this light is the institutional component of a broader process of human development that promotes people empowerment on various fronts. In this process increasing individual resources give rise to emancipative values that in turn release democratizing social pressures.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Welzel, Christian}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {63d9716fa4e5a373cef3955ccf9b94b9}, intrahash = {621c2580c03f9e206743963ab05d53ef}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {155-186}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264123 ; inputdate=2009-02-17 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-02-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Democratization in the Human Development Perspective}, year = 2007}@phdthesis{Kankara?2010Essays, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Kankara?, Milo?}, biburl = {}, interhash = {21c5d4f082da8aaf6e2daa41f3416937}, intrahash = {23e9244194733db6a9952ea295582397}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452925 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Essays on Measurement Equivalence in Cross-Cultural Survey Research. A Latent Class Approach}, year = 2010}@book{Orizo1995La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés}, biburl = {}, interhash = {067d1e3ff28daa9d62e5cdd740309350}, intrahash = {d9ac8a409fcfb9d93f893cff42207686}, isbn = {8474762170, 9788474762174}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 80, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280836 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La dinamica intergeneracional en los sistemas de valores de los Espa?oles}, type = {Book}, year = 1995}@book{Ryssevik1988Ung, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bergen}, author = {Ryssevik, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0705de3f685a684d21a11c507d3d4e6e}, intrahash = {aacefab8db612942bc630d870ca09c48}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280980 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {NSD}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Ung i Euro: Ein NSD l?repakke}, type = {Book}, year = 1988}@book{Zulehner1991Vom, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, author = {Zulehner, P M. and others}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8a4a9287de4f11c738b7097c28df1a8f}, intrahash = {23ba43b1bb2fe40c16aa6aa920dd8763}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280835 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Herder}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Vom Untertan zum Freiheitskünstler. Eine Kulturdiagnose anhand der Untersuchungen "Religion im Leben der ?sterreicher 1970-1990" - "Europ?ische Wertestudie - ?sterreich"}, type = {Book}, year = 1991}@misc{Fairbrother2013Political, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Fairbrother, Malcolm}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8cbc41066de6d57bb96314bc5dd700de}, intrahash = {c019c4f3df5f35ead1edaaa921ba7955}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935281 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Political Economy of Religiosity: Development and Inequality Reconsidered}, year = 2013}@book{DeJong2009Culture, abstract = {Since the early 1990s, culture, in the sense of norms and values, has entered economic analysis again, whereas it was totally absent from mainstream economics during most of the second half of the twentieth century. The disappointing results of mainstream economics and developments in the world economy triggered an awareness of the relevance of the context in which people make decisions. Developments which were triggering this were the unexpected high growth rates in Asia, (the Asian miracle), the transition of previously centrally planned economies and the increased attention for the role of religion after 9/11/2001.Some of the areas this research covers are:The history of culture in economics from Adam Smith to the presentThe way culture is incorporated into economic analysisMethods used in empirical analysis on culture and economicsCulture as an explanatory factor of cross-country difference in institutions and performanceCulture appears to be relevant for explaining differences between otherwise similar countries; in particular OECD-countries. Uncertainty avoidance, for example, significantly explains the relative importance of financial markets. This book is the first that provides an overview of the field of culture and economics and will be of use to postgraduate researchers in the field of economics and culture.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {De Jong, Eelke}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cf6873005c79fced1063216f7c84e19d}, intrahash = {5a9f4d05de3e0560863d3ef230302719}, isbn = {978-0-415-43888-9}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 268, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939311 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Culture and Economics: on Values, Economics and International Business}, url = {}, year = 2009}@incollection{Barker1993Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Berkhamstead}, author = {Barker, D G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Volunteering in Europe}, editor = {Davis-Smith, Justin}, interhash = {0ee9ca447209fb2221c57726152aea41}, intrahash = {a9a6587577b9383351a93e02a048d7a3}, isbn = {1897708505, 9781897708507}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_Engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {10-31}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281278 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {The Volunteer Centre}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Values and Volunteering}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@incollection{Inglehart1998Political, abstract = {ABSTRACT OF THE BOOK:The problem of establishing equivalence in order to compare the same concepts or phenomena in different settings is common for researchers in comparative politics. Despite the importance of the problem there are few strategies to deal effectively with it. Comparative Politics tackles the issues involved and explores strategies to deal with many of the problems of establishing equivalence. Each contribution focuses on a theoretically relevant theme, such as tolerance, political values, religious orientations, gender roles, voluntary associations, party organisations, party positions, democratic regimes, and the mass media. Each chapter covers different topics, methods, data or countries, making use of previously unpublished empirical research to show the problems of finding similar or identical indicators in realistic research settings. This useful study reveals the potential for pragmatic solutions to the problems of establishing equivalence. Many ot the strategies used show how the complicated search for equivalence can unearth substantial additional information which can enhance the quality and reliability of any research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Comparative Politics: The Problem of Equivalence}, editor = {van Deth, J W.}, interhash = {763909af23adf399e828abd6835090de}, intrahash = {eeee98c07e6a52baf5922bbef4c1919b}, isbn = {415192455}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {61-85}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281136 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Values}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 1998}@incollection{Bréchon1994Le, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, H.}, interhash = {136baa102a96ba51e2a32f9b7106a7b5}, intrahash = {a6505643ebde6ff4a1b9fd9afbd21bf8}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {163-200}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280983 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Le rapport à la politique}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Abela1991Transmitting, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Rome}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9768ad758c893032e499285f7c15069d}, intrahash = {76ac9652ad610e28a9b991b7c33b8050}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_values book checked english family input2014 moral_issues religion work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 340, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281259 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Jesuit Publications, Valletta & Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Transmitting Values in European Malta: A Study in the Contemporary Values of Modern Society}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1991}@incollection{Levinsen2002Individualisering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Levinsen, Klaus}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {a96967d273139a523d069356d6fe0673}, intrahash = {91e22bab5c3cc315ab86de7a5ef9515d}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {169-194}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280874 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualisering og politiske v?rdier (x- Individualization and Political Values)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{deMoor1994Sociocultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bonn}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values and Attitudes in Family Households with Rural Peer Groups, Social Networks, and Action Spaces: Implications of Institutional Transition in East and West for Value Formation and Transmission}, editor = {Cécora, James and Alimova, Tatjana}, interhash = {e1866aeb4ee3329086f113cfd7625a55}, intrahash = {45e2ce19d2678cf3f5f0e5f6ed2cc2f7}, isbn = {3884882961}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {153-162}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281111 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {FAA Society for Agricultural Policy Research and Rural Sociology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Socio-cultural Differentiation of Values in Western Family Households. Postmaterialism as Reflected in the European Values Study}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Schweisguth1995Status, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Schweisguth, Etienne}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Impact of Values}, editor = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {1f29ed885f4c7625b863288cdec5e74a}, intrahash = {830d442d01aa53e93112ac3e697f89a3}, isbn = {0198279574, 0198294751}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {332-354}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280819 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford university Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Status Tensions}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Bartkowski2004Voluntary, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Bartkowski, Jerzy and Jasińska-Kania, Aleksandra}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {d0b66364d7f5e8dcf611bb41d0320d2c}, intrahash = {95c52906e45ce258455fb192b5ce02d2}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {109-138}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264468 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Voluntary Organizations and the Development of Civil Society}, year = 2004}@book{Whelan1994Values, abstract = {It shows that value change in Ireland cannot be understood as involving simply a convergence to Western European norms. The nature of Irish modernisation and industrialisatoin has contributed to the emergence of a distinctive values profile. The authors examine trends and make comparisons across a range of countries for a wide range of different spheres. These include; values and social change, religious and moral values, marriage and the family, work values, citizenship and values, the value bases of polictical partisanship and values and subjective well-being. The book provides for both the student and general reader a valuable survey and synthesis of significant changes in fundamental areas of Irish life and society Other books by Christpher T Whelan Social Mobility and Social Class in Ireland.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Whelan, C T.}, biburl = {}, editor = {Whelan, C.T.}, interhash = {6d07c654a0358234c6676e431fe288a4}, intrahash = {8159323f57b809c427788cd8dfe772cc}, isbn = {0717119475, 9780717119479}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281090 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Gill and Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values and Social Change in Ireland}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1994}@book{Noelle-Neumann1983Eine, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zürich/Osnabrück}, annotation = {Texte + Thesen 155}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, interhash = {da035a5a9161218f5a998a657dcd50df}, intrahash = {add29a4efa7fafe439e99609e0a2fdd1}, isbn = {3720151557}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2014 public_opinion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 147, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280858 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Edition Interfrom/ A. Fromm}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Eine demoskopische Deutschstunde}, type = {Book}, year = 1983}@incollection{Zanders1994Veranderende, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven/Amersfoort}, author = {Zanders, Harry}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Op Zoek naar de Arbeidersklasse}, editor = {de Witte, Hans}, interhash = {224055c4e9d0f832e56e7dda9aae85f2}, intrahash = {a923a5b0c8637a9a04379f0b139bb658}, isbn = {9033429314}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {292-316}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280943 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Acco}, series = {Hiva}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Veranderende Arbeidsori?ntaties in Europa 1981-1990 (x- Changing Labour Orientations in Europe 1981 - 1990)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Jasinska-Kania1999Impact, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aldershot}, author = {Jasinska-Kania, Aleksandra}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Education and Racism: A Cross-national Inventory of Positive Effects of Education on Ethnic Tolerance}, editor = {Hagendoorn, Louk and Nekuee, Shervin}, interhash = {0bfeb963282c39275db48e6da45582d4}, intrahash = {7d72eec24dca9eb6225e978fc6766949}, isbn = {754611418}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {75-92}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280942 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ashgate}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Impact of Education on Racism in Poland Compared with Other European Countries}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1999}@incollection{Friedlmeier2012Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bristol}, author = {Friedlmeier, Mihaela and Gavreliuc, Alin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Intergenerational relations: European perspectives in family and society}, editor = {Albert, Isabelle and Ferring, Dieter}, interhash = {9c52f4b60b7e919aa2f82f760a0a6e24}, intrahash = {4ec4f8dc2968e1467a79b041d2e1507f}, isbn = {781447300984}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {;. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934792 ; inputdate=2014-05-12 ; editdate=2014-05-12 ; pubdate=2014-05-12}, publisher = {Policy Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Value orientations and perception of social change in postcommunist Romania}, url = {;}, year = 2012}@book{Bailey1992Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bailey, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c6a88ce83688cb5b8691731a8d8e1e6b}, intrahash = {7398855557219c579c61a997a1117aa0}, isbn = {978-0582068094}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 304, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776708 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Longman Publishing Group}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Social Europe}, year = 1992}@incollection{Kerkhofs1991Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Eurobarometer. The Dynamics of European Public Opinion}, editor = {Reif, Karlheinz and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {0855993a85feac5e9dfadbf09643aa03}, intrahash = {becf5060eaad4ed11b78f5f55e24d97d}, isbn = {333527542}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {377-384}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281173 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values and the Challenging of Europe's Identity}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1991}@incollection{Jasinska-Kania1995Religione, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Jasinska-Kania, Aleksandra}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {df762749dbb263421634cdeeb6abffd2}, intrahash = {8c6b344a94e49373f05e0870acb2bf35}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked incollection input2014 italian religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {445-472}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280901 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autono- ma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religione, valori e politica in Polonia, Ungheria e Cecoslovacchia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@inproceedings{Barbovschi2013Meeting, abstract = {This article discusses children's offline meetings with new contacts established online by taking country-level predictors (i.e. importance of family, importance of friendship and interpersonal trust). The data was drawn from two projects: EU Kids Online II and European Values Survey 2008. The sample of the study included 25,142 children andadolescents aged between 9 and 16 from 25 European countries. The prevalence of meeting online contacts offline differs significantly across countries. Two-level hierarchical logistic regression was conducted to predict odds of meeting with online contacts based on family type and country-level predictors as importance of family, importance of friends and interpersonal trust (operationalised as trust in most people). The results indicated that meeting online contacts offline increased with children's age. Children living in typical families were less likely to engage in online meetings. Theimportance of family and friends significantly lowered the probability of meeting online contacts offline. Contrary, interpersonal trust increased the probability of such a meeting. The findings suggest that already existing social bonds might shape the social integration of youth via online contacts, but new media has facilitated the replacement of closeknit ties with more loose, extended peer-based networks. The results were discussed in scope of contributions, limitations and further suggestions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lisbon}, author = {Barbovschi, Monica and Kontríková, Vera and Bayraktar, Fatih}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {IADIS International Conference on e-Society 2013, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 March 2013}, interhash = {cbe16d4dc36c89714409a7c434299090}, intrahash = {42902ea22feda39836a3f0749946f29b}, keywords = {2013 Children EU_Kids_Online EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP adolescents checked english inproceedings input2014 online_contacts social_bonds social_integration}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {376-380}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936717 ; inputdate=2014-08-15 ; editdate=2014-08-15 ; pubdate=2014-08-15}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Meeting new online contacts-changes in European Children's patterns of sociality}, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{Veenhoven1993Happiness, abstract = {This data-collection is about the degree to which people evaluate their life-as-a-whole positively, shortly called 'happiness' or 'life-satisfaction. It present data on happiness in nations as assessed in survey studies. The data concern average level and dispersion of happiness and allow comparison between nations and through time.Average level happiness is an indicator of livability of a nation. Like physical and mental health, it denotes the degree to which people flourish in a society. Dispersion of happiness is an indicator of social inequality in nations. The collection restricts to surveys that used acceptable questions on happiness. June 1998 it covered 1483 studies in 94 nations between 1945-1998 (current number mentioned on the start-screen). On some items for some countries, it involves time series, some time series cover 10 to 40 years. The collection is updated periodically.Data are presented by question type. In some cases, responses on divergent questions can be transformed to comparable scores. Three techniques are used to homogenize the data.Some illustrative results: Average happiness differs markedly across nations. The differences cannot be attributed to cultural variation in measurement error. The differences can neither be explained as a result of cultural variation in outlook on life. The differences in happiness are largely the result of variation in real quality-of-life. Happiness has risen over the last decades in several nations. Dispersion of happiness in nations varies with inequality in length of life and inequality in income.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Rotterdam}, author = {Veenhoven, Ruut}, biburl = {}, interhash = {652752c9f97bf2340b848b8bb3a3f244}, intrahash = {1bc1c958ae4e710a33dd620c3e3d306b}, isbn = {907257946}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Subjective_well-being WVS1990 book checked english input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 365, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280877 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Risbo}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Happiness in Nations: Subjective Appreciation of Life in 56 Nations 1946 - 1992}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1993}@phdthesis{Swift2012Reexamining, abstract = {This paper reexamines the effects of state religion on religious service attendance across countries. Using attendance data from the World Values Survey and Gallup World Poll, it pays special attention to the variables used for state religion, regulation of religion, and government favoritism toward religion. Because this analysis uses a larger set of data than has been used in many previous studies, it provides a more representative sample of countries and sheds some light on how particular state religions may affect attendance. Results suggest a complex relationship between religious service attendance and various measures of state religion, not the simple negative relationship found in prior literature.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Swift, Matthew}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b6e199c80c7f10207eaf5e5357284175}, intrahash = {9c19ef5ae795c0eff03f7e8cbb15a76a}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 47, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935454 ; inputdate=2014-06-23 ; editdate=2014-06-23 ; pubdate=2014-06-23}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Reexamining the Effects of State Religion on Religious Service Attendance}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Schweisguth2001Un, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Schweisguth, Etienne}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {c14ea33a8a8886429262c556651615f7}, intrahash = {fb40eb537e4b9745536e137c41be6035}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281034 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Un nouveau cocktail de valeurs: liberté, priveé et ordre public}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@book{Abela2001Youth, abstract = {Youth Participation in Voluntary Organisations brings together three interrelated papers in youth studies. The author complements comparative data analyses of the European Values Study and a national youth survey, with an in-dept study of life histories of young Catholic adults. The first chapter examines changing voluntary activities of young people over the past fifteen years in a comparative European perspective, in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, new lifestyles, shifts in values and solidarity towards people in need. The second chapter is concerned with deviant behaviour and accounts for the unconventional lifestyles of young people with social problems. The final chapter traces the similar origins but also the multiple destinations of young Catholics in contemporary Malta. On this basis, an international study of life histories discusses the emergence of new Catholic identities for the society of the future.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Malta}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9f7b5960a89bb990f4f547ccab3282d6}, intrahash = {7d458e0b07e16f191fbc0080d9b60d09}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement book checked english input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280991 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Parliamentary Secretariat, Ministry of Education}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Youth Participation in Voluntary Organisations in Malta, A Comparative Analysis of European Values Studies}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 2001}@incollection{Halman1996shifting, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political value change in western democracies. Integration, values, identification, and participation}, editor = {Halman, L. and Nevitte, N.}, interhash = {3b1546aa12d941a5d30e547d8fc3d7aa}, intrahash = {26aead609b892f3ffbc4b7089c25f142}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {261-284}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256399 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The shifting soures of morality: From religion to postmaterialism?}, year = 1996}@incollection{Gubert1995LItalia, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {900fb8063c40154cf9240f94141ac090}, intrahash = {88972714c114f3ce934ea4f74cb2cdac}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {525-542}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280789 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'Italia tra post-modernità e neo-tradizione: un'ipotesi conclusiva non storicista}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@misc{Ercolano2012Environmental, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ercolano, Salvatore and Gaeta, G Lucio and Romano, Oriana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e518dc6c9ba2246c962ef6c1b878d5ed}, intrahash = {36b112eb1835fd4584e82d7d7dc0f1d8}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938892 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Environmental fiscal reform and willingness to pay for the environment: an empirical analysis on European micro data}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Halman1996Left, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Heinen, A.G.J.J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political value change in western democracies. Integration, values, identification, and participation}, editor = {Halman, L. and Nevitte, N.}, interhash = {7813ed9e1e9961322266449bc6850141}, intrahash = {1e02f0f13da582fcd559a701652b9b13}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-58}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256391 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Left and right in modern society}, year = 1996}@misc{Reshetova2012Territorial, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Reshetova, Nataliya}, biburl = {}, interhash = {118fc884f02ebcf61b3b5ed7f8687f18}, intrahash = {7b1e0efe2dd903f9c7463cd468b45124}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938976 ; inputdate=2014-11-25 ; editdate=2014-11-25 ; pubdate=2014-11-25}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Territorial Dimension in Ukraine as an Indicator of Satisfaction with Democracy in the Period of Transition}, year = 2012}@incollection{Lambert1997Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Lambert, Yves and Voyé, Lilianne}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cultures jeunes et religions en Europe}, editor = {Campiche, Rol}, interhash = {55023695c18182cc99c95495e59d6408}, intrahash = {16cbe71084ba72f4e5b52125a9b0fced}, isbn = {2204057223}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {97-166}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281195 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Cerf}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les croyances des jeunes Européens}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@incollection{Draulans2003Religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Draulans, Veerle and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {638b23b685b4d7fcc98427cc46fbc5e5}, intrahash = {8633d6140c1e4e83daf8901f1bc78b01}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {371-400}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281407 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious and Moral Pluralism in Contemporary Europe}, year = 2003}@incollection{Listhaug2004Civic, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Listhaug, Ola and Ringdal, Kristen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {8deafa8eb06a6d23fa10c217e233e49e}, intrahash = {d7cc3d1c00e43dc465d94ef21606d140}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {341-362}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276539 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-26}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civic Morality in Stable, New, and Half-hearted Democracies}, year = 2004}@incollection{Bréchon2006Les, abstract = {Cet ouvrage analyse, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et, le cas échéant, comparatiste, les idéologies politiques qui ont marqué l'Allemagne aux XIXe et XXe siècles. La notion même de parti, les processus de constitution et d'institutionnalisation des organisations politiques au cours du XIXe siècle constituent un premier objet d'étude aux dimensions socio-historiques. Les familles politiques constituées sous l'Empire wilhelmien sont étudiées selon des approches sociologique, historique et politologique. Dans les contributions centrées sur le XXe siècle, la réflexion est orientée sur les ruptures et les continuités que l'on peut observer dans l'histoire des grandes cultures politiques. Dans le cadre d'une comparaison entre l'Allemagne et la France sont analysés les fonctionnements des groupes et ? fractions ? politiques dans les parlements des deux pays ainsi que les réponses allemandes et fran?aises aux enquêtes sur les valeurs des Européens menées en 1981, 1990 et 1999. Ce volume réunit des contributions de spécialistes allemands et fran?ais d'origine disciplinaire différente, socio-historiens, politistes, historiens ou germanistes, et dépasse ainsi le cadre restreint d'une analyse relevant uniquement de l'histoire politique pour intégrer l'étude des structures organisationnelles, de la composition sociologique des électorats et des instances dirigeantes ainsi que celle du rapport que les partis entretiennent avec des organisations connexes (associations, groupes d'intérêts, syndicats) et, enfin, des idéologies ou cultures politiques qui sous-tendent leur programme.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lyon}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cultures politiques et partis au XIX° et XX° siècles : l'exemple allemand}, editor = {Saint-Gille, Anne-Marie}, interhash = {14f8a156552932d497800cc31be80210}, intrahash = {33eb98eb226b077233ec4c3043d9c4f1}, isbn = {978-2-7297-0780-4}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {245-263}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935829 ; inputdate=2014-07-10 ; editdate=2014-07-10 ; pubdate=2014-07-10}, publisher = {Presses universitaires de Lyon}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les cultures politiques en Allemagne et en France : approche comparée des résultats de l'enquête sur les valeurs européennes}, url = {}, year = 2006}@incollection{Inglehart2004East, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe: Identity, Values and Culture}, editor = {Klingemann, H D. and Fuchs, D. and Zieloka, J.}, interhash = {755fd912fbe856834f3890cba3ce5d81}, intrahash = {d48caebd9dcd19e9ba16748f993fb2f2}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776364 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {East European value systems in global perspective}, year = 2004}@incollection{Baloban2004Politische, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Vienna - Würzburg}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Was macht Europa zukunfsf?hig? Sozialethische Perspektiven}, editor = {Pribyl, Herbert and Ren?ckl, Helmut}, interhash = {a6c2b829c6718963349b042ce009c67b}, intrahash = {5b961a363de71d667f4e7f60268fbf84}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked german incollection input2014 moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281332 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Echter-Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Politische Kompetenz setzt ethische Kompetenz voraus}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2004}@book{Elzo1996Los, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Ayerbe, Miguel and Buenetxea, Esther and Garmendia, Francisco and González Blasco, Pedro and Larra?aga, Nekane and Santacoloma, Francisco and Setién Santamaría, M Luisa and Silvestre, María}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8ddaa99e998315eb7e3283529573cfd0}, intrahash = {418a0fa5d6c417eb5446f9b8ccbd81a0}, isbn = {844571094X, 9788445710944}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 369, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281040 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Vitoria-Gasteiz: Gobierno Vasco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Los valores en la comunidad autónoma del País Vasco Y Navarra. Su evolución en los a?os 1990-1995}, type = {Book}, year = 1996}@incollection{Zanders1995Changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Zanders, Harry and Harding, Stephen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {3b3a8fa9a781eafc3faa454486b3bca4}, intrahash = {321c31614a81d4e63a253e60ed6d7f87}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {195-216}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281093 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Work Values in Europe and North America: Continents and Occupations Compared}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Inglehart1997Trend, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boulder}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Citizen Politics in Post-Industrial Societies}, editor = {Clark, T Nichols and Rempel, Michael}, interhash = {4c471a296ae0cbed26cebec6e4d25f1c}, intrahash = {a639c701b61c0f62ee7a1d24e91da28a}, isbn = {813366976}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {57-66}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280922 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Westview Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Trend toward Postmaterialist Values Continues}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@book{Abela1998Secularised, abstract = {A sociological study of youth values in a city-island posits the secularisation of sexuality. In Euro-Mediterranean Malta, religious control is being displaced by a secular administration of sexuality. Urban, higher educated, secularised and media-sensitive young people are more inclined to adopt liberal lifestyles than their traditional counterparts. The study uncovers the incidence of sexual abuse, prostitution, marital and sexual problems and an increase in the justification of divorce, homosexuality, extra-marital relations and the use of contraceptives. There is no evidence to support the view that the confrontation between traditional restrictive morality and liberal lifestyles is experienced as a dramatic or shattering transition in sexuality. At a time of uncertainty and increased individualisation, there is a need for support services to those who stand a risk of social exclusion because of their sexual orientation, lifestyles or activity.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Valletta}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a935c0bcf9ddec413836f93ad0134a82}, intrahash = {90a4eef4f73b57e949af19b2c4b0a857}, isbn = {9990968497, 9789990968491}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english family input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 99, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281359 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Social Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Secularised Sexuality: Youth Values in a City-island}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1998}@book{Abrams1985Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, biburl = {}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {2d0d239fb112a7659327d051513fd919}, intrahash = {2de0c28b6ad55305d330166827cdd815}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 351, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281206 ; country=UK ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan in association with the European Value System Study Group}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1985}@incollection{Déchaux2006Lentraide, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Déchaux, Jean-Hugues and Herpin, Nicolas}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {L'épreuve des inégalités}, editor = {Lagrange, Hugues}, interhash = {8879427fa77055f3742a021f40fdd92b}, intrahash = {229d51a506134989923cb5f5cd92d637}, isbn = {978-2-13-055814-9}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {'%C3%A9preuve_des_in%C3%A9galit%C3%A9s. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {153-191}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936327 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, publisher = {PUF}, series = {Le lien social}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'entraide familiale n'accro?t pas la cohésion sociale}, url = {'%C3%A9preuve_des_in%C3%A9galit%C3%A9s}, year = 2006}@book{Engeli2012Morality, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Engeli, I. and Green-Pedersen, Chr. and Thorup Larsen, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6263218f00345d2155d09e2f5fdbd2b2}, intrahash = {d7e8ab5b9a7b1eb9771a7ab24b5d7a2c}, isbn = {9780230309333}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934791 ; inputdate=2014-05-12 ; editdate=2014-05-12 ; pubdate=2014-05-12}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Morality politics in Western Europe : parties, agendas and policy choices}, year = 2012}@incollection{Schwartz2007Theory, abstract = {This article presents a theory of seven cultural value orientations that form three cultural value dimensions. This theory permits more finely tuned characterization of cultures than other theories. It is distinctive in deriving the cultural orientations from a priori theorizing. It also specifies a coherent, integrated system of relations among the orientations, postulating that they are interdependent rather than orthogonal. Analyses of data from 73 countries using two different instruments, validate the 7 cultural orientations and the structure of interrelations among them. Conceptual and empirical comparisons of these orientations with Inglehart's two dimensions clarify similarities and differences. Using the cultural orientations, I generate a worldwide empirical mapping of 76 national cultures that identifies 7 transnational cultural groupings: West European, English-speaking, Latin American, East European, South Asian, Confucian influenced, and African and Middle Eastern. I briefly discuss distinctive cultural characteristics of these groupings. I then examine examples of socioeconomic, political, and demographic factors that give rise to national differences on the cultural value dimensions, factors that are themselves reciprocally influenced by culture. Finally, I examine consequences of prevailing cultural value orientations for attitudes and behavior (e.g., conventional morality, opposition to immigration, political activism) and argue that culture mediates the effects of major social structural variables on them.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Schwartz, S H.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {5d07176bfbe5d756faabf1c5b25f27e6}, intrahash = {b2a8bca97bafa8aa8671e16fa240fa4b}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {33-78}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264042 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-02-16 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {A Theory of Cultural Value Orientations: Explication and Applications}, year = 2007}@incollection{vandenBroek1994Political, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {van den Broek, Andries and Heunks, Felix}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {838e6efc6c93ec7141dfe557e6bc8a7f}, intrahash = {b44fdb1b9b5d4cde23542c124485ff16}, isbn = {903619833X}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {67-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281089 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Culture: Patterns of Political Orientations and Behaviour}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@misc{Kullmann2003European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kullmann, S Timutschin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6ff6ec9a914814879ab416e8f7f95f2c}, intrahash = {1000e70c8e87cad59addd14f98c78a43}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934784 ; inputdate=2014-05-10 ; editdate=2014-05-10 ; pubdate=2014-05-10}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {European abortion regimes in the context of church-state relations}, year = 2003}@incollection{Rimac2005In, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Rimac, Ivan and Milas, Goran}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Study of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip and Ara?i?, Pero}, interhash = {b1d2b3ba28c79b116a075ccc03917b66}, intrahash = {fd296b7e75b7c7d4d4f4b94203853941}, isbn = {9532122567, 9789532122565}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {85-114}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280784 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehni?ka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {In Search of Democratic Development Agents: Comparative Analysis of Satisfaction with Democracy in European Countries}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@phdthesis{H'madoun2013Religion, abstract = {For researchers working in the field, "economics of religion" traces back all the way to Adam Smith but for others this new sub-discipline only emerged in the 70's to really breakthrough in 1998 with lannaccone's preliminary review in the Journal of Economic Literature. Being mostly an American enterprise, this dissertation is one of the first in Europe to be entirely devoted to this research area. It comprises a selection of papers that deal with the influence of religion on economic preferences and a literature review. The main contribution is empirical, i.e. to show if and to what extent religion plays a role in key microeconomic choices for work, cooperation and saving. The first chapter briefly discusses the history of economics of religion and its main discussion topics. It also includes the main theoretical framework for the empirical analyses in subsequent chapters. Chapter 2 looks into the relationship between women's female labor force participation and their individual religiosity, with both World Values Survey (2005-2008) and European Values Study (2008) data. The analysis suggests that the gap in religious and non-religious women's work decision is influenced by countries' social norms with respect to working women (probably the result of the religious heritage), more so than by their own individual religiosity. Chapter 3 focuses on religion and attitudes toward free riding and fraud, using the same WVS and EVS data. Evidence is found of a significant and positive correlation between belief in God and the disapproval of cheating on taxes, falsely claiming government benefits, free riding on public transport and bribery. No clear results are found for religious participation, nor the image of God dominant in particular cultures which according to Stark (2001) should matter. The final chapter is a treatment of intertemporal trade-offs, and studies the extent to which religiosity affects individual time preferences with original web-survey data. Religious upbringing turns out to have a significant effect only in a few cases, and associated with higher time preferences contrary to previous findings. A closer examination reveals that the higher average discount rate can be almost entirely attributed to the Muslim respondents.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Antwerp}, author = {H'madoun, Maryam}, biburl = {}, interhash = {63dc67e4da195d7925bfc973338558da}, intrahash = {2e55df31a6aa122e234a9ddf481dfbae}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 153, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935301 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion and Economic Preferences}, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{Pettersson2008Changing, abstract = {In 1981, the European and World Values surveys started the empirical investigation of cultural values on a global scale. This volume builds upon the findings of these surveys and analyzes value change in a number of key countries around the globe. The authors track value change and stability in their respective countries during the last decade (the last two decades where data are available) of the 20th century. All authors have been actively involved in value surveys and have a great deal of expertise in countries that they write on. Thus, the volume is a valuable complement to studies that deal with the topic from a global perspective without providing any detail about individual societies. The countries covered are: Argentina, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United States.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9882d5e9e3930111bdb1d9ff19ef6554}, intrahash = {be28593a44bce6d8799de438ca9c6430}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics Social_engagement Subjective_well-being book checked english family gender_roles input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = 388, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280735 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, year = 2008}@incollection{Bréchon1996Linfluence, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Berne}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Dynamiques et transitions en Europe. Approche pluridisciplinaire}, editor = {Tapia, Claude}, interhash = {0a982596b144b71cf5995588a2c1f255}, intrahash = {84cd6e5b30cb3cedc5a5ce1dd383c7cf}, isbn = {3906754510}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {117-132}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281215 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Peter Lange}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'influence des religions en Europe (x- The Influence of Religions in Europe)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@book{Savicka2004Postmaterialism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Vilnius}, author = {Savicka, Aida}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ba3ccff38bfd6c31de4089efed68f08e}, intrahash = {f061c87a7a7da514bfbaee8d1f093b5c}, isbn = {9986638518, 9789986638513}, keywords = {2004 Cultural_diffusion EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Global_cultural_flows Politics Post-industrial_society Postmaterialist_theory Postmodernism book checked english input2014 lithuanian}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 163, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281319 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Research Institute of Culture, Philosophy and Arts}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Postmaterialism and Globalisation: The Specificity of Value Change in the Post-Communist Milieu}, type = {Book}, year = 2004}@incollection{Rabier1988Letat, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve}, author = {Rabier, J R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {L'Europe et la sante, Hasard et/ou Nécessité?}, editor = {Massart-Pierard, Fran?oise}, interhash = {e833d120818c3c4ea9edfc8829619e63}, intrahash = {c430c6a3f89ef62bddaf923cf5c6782b}, isbn = {2872090452, 9782872090457}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Subjective_well-being checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281012 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Academia (Collection Eurospectives) Louvain-La-Neuve}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'etat de sante des Europeens tel qu'ils le per?oivent}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1988}@incollection{Harding1985Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Harding, Stephen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {4fbb3ca823721e16ce6c4ac1b10045cb}, intrahash = {613be905a10a53c0824d617a17b072c1}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Subjective_well-being checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {227-252}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281335 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, series = {Studies in the Contemporary Values of Modern Society}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Values and the Nature of Psychological Well-Being}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Ester1993Environmental, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and Seuren, Brigitte}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {24b69c393669fc2a574a50c8f4055ef0}, intrahash = {32a3407fa5dc3b76a24651fb23b1f53c}, isbn = {903619993X}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english environment incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {163-182}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281006 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Environmental Concern and Offering Willingness in Europe and North America}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@incollection{deMoor1985Huwelijk, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Baarn}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Huwelijk en Gezin, Wat is hun Toekomst in West-Europa}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {11217dcb6a738acee28846012a9d8bad}, intrahash = {a662a84b2cc19429782d08732a28f871}, isbn = {9026307020}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {10-23}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281291 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ambo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Huwelijk en Gezin in West-Europa, Enkele Gegevens (x- Marriage and The Family in Western Europe, Some Figures)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Moreno2003Corruption, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Moreno, Alejandro}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {08e6a97a391f64339fb9dd63be684d21}, intrahash = {1ffee975b5aaa29accb9dbab47ce9dde}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {265-277}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264039 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Corruption and Democracy: A Cultural Assessment}, year = 2003}@incollection{Rousell1994La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Rousell, L.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {76373d387be75171691327442a0d3dcf}, intrahash = {7a70a7c0c8c284cac1962756b8fd3fdb}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked family french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-84}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281217 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La famille}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Azadarmaki2003Worldviews, abstract = {This paper analyzes the religious beliefs, religiosity, national identity, and attitudes toward Western culture, family, and gender relations of the publics of three Islamic countries. It is based on national representative surveys of 3000 Egyptians, 2532 Iranians, and 1222 Jondanians that were carried out in 2000-2001, as part of the World Values Surveys. We first discuss the views of the respondents concerning key indicators of religious beliefs, religiosity, identity, and attitudes toward Western culture. Then, we describe variations in such values as the ideal number of children, attitudes toward marriage and women, family ties, and trusts in major social institutions in these three countries. Next, we present age and educational differences in religious beliefs, trust in mosque, identity, trust in government, attitude toward women and gender relations. We conclude by pointing to the variation in the nature of the regime as an important determinant of the variations in the worldviews among the public in these three Islamic countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Azadarmaki, Taqhi and Moaddel, Mansoor}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {a280c8e0c8e392d4aeefd825b847d659}, intrahash = {36d6799220bfeccfd6b94ea0c4ca39c0}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {69-89}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3258625 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Worldviews of Islamic Publics: The Cases of Egypt, Iran, and Jordan}, year = 2003}@incollection{Gundelach2008Denmark, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {a30ee6a39f125a09c39f9781b7a24ea6}, intrahash = {0a95166501dd76aed3ba5abcb4b7e8b3}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {149-173}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280742 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Denmark: Solid or Fluid?}, year = 2008}@incollection{Gundelach2002V?rdier, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {0848acaf23e0686dcb8e45a1704b7359}, intrahash = {5d844490cba3b13b3a27a5ef4945b295}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281163 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {V?rdier p? dagsordenen}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{Lambert2003New, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000}, editor = {McLeod, Hugh and Ustorf, Werner}, interhash = {6348ed74537613126baed5b5bf0e52a6}, intrahash = {2fcb38742a3bf2bac88bb6f74bac4fdc}, isbn = {0511058667, 9780511058660}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {63-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281004 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {New Christianity, Indifferences and Diffused Spirituality}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@incollection{Halman1999religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden-Boston-Koln}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T. and Verweij, J.A.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Directions in Quantitative Comparative Sociology}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, interhash = {9d2956627444d2237e7d14aed752da65}, intrahash = {dd7466c3be959f2c8af498ba982080ab}, isbn = {9004114114}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 72, pages = {141-160}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256410 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The religious factor in contemporary society: The Differential Impact of Religion on the Private and Public Sphere in Comparative Perspective}, year = 1999}@incollection{Heunks1996Patterns, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Heunks, F.J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political value change in Western democracies}, editor = {Halman, L. and Nevitte, N.}, interhash = {1628f2540108bfbbfc529baa9bcebcba}, intrahash = {0dcac0694a934c3b9da0c6f3215f9246}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {15-32}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256416 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Patterns of social and political integration}, year = 1996}@incollection{Dogan2000Nationalism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Societies Corporations and the Nation-State}, editor = {Scheuch, E. and Sciulli, D.}, interhash = {062ef3a0997eb2eda943928cb0b3b19f}, intrahash = {b1006405255f4396bce6b0c1c754fccd}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {181-200}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698009 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, publisher = {Brill Academic Publishers}, series = {Annals of the International Institute of Sociology}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Nationalism in Europe: Decline in the West, Revival in the East}, year = 2000}@book{Kerkhofs1984De, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tielt en Weesp}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan and Rezsohazy, Rudolf}, biburl = {}, editor = {Kerkhofs, Jan and Rezsohazy, Rudolf}, interhash = {a7f2afcc035f8ef571dcaf665b8a8876}, intrahash = {781d8e1f217dc4c2bc064b620b1415d1}, isbn = {9020911724}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 217, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281077 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lannoo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {De Stille Ommekeer: Oude en Nieuwe Waarden in het Belgi? van de Jaren Tachtig (x- The Silent Turn. Old and New Values in Belgium in the Eighties)}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1984}@incollection{Riis1997Dispersion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {?rhus}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Religious Movements in Europe}, editor = {Meldgaard, Helle and Aagaard, Johannes}, interhash = {a30b8513de7446ef6863980a530ca3d9}, intrahash = {459afedfb9e87918f1ce61aa1c6ded39}, isbn = {8772885483}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281100 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Aarhus Universitetsforlag}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Dispersion of Unorthodox Religiosity in Western Europe}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@incollection{Gerard1985Religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Gerard, David}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {df529437c1caca1b5a30737c5976c1cd}, intrahash = {e324df416a87ba167c392960225c48db}, isbn = {333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {50-92}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281228 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Palgrave MacMillan}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Attitudes and Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Dekker1997Voluntary, abstract = {The relevance of social participation and intermediary associations for democracy has been at the centre of approaches to democratic politics since the nineteenth century. More recently the rise of new states in Central and Easter Europe and contemporary discussions about social conflict, civil society, communitarianism, and social capital have stimulated a revival of the subject. This study explores the changing role and functions of voluntary associations, intermediary organisations and other social movements in democratic societies. The contributors employ macro and mico-perspectives to examine the relationship between social and political involvement in the democratic process. The contributors use previously unpublished empirical data from countries such as Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium , Norway and Spain. They find the structure of voluntary associations and intermediary organisations throughout these countries has changed significantly and their membership levels and relevance to democratic decision-making have grown, pointing to a changing, but not declining, democratic culture in Western Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Dekker, Paul and Koopmans, Ruud and van den Broek, Andries}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Private Groups and Public Life. Social Participation, Voluntary Association and Political Involvement in Representative Democracies}, editor = {van Deth, J W.}, interhash = {dacfbac0079dffc4163f4bba42dd85ac}, intrahash = {236371942a2ebc79c1fbc9d128a18098}, isbn = {415169550}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {221-239}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280938 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Voluntary Associations, Social Movements and Individual Political Behavior in Western Europe}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 1997}@incollection{Tiberj2014Vieillissement, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Armand Colin}, author = {Tiberj, Vincent}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {229f110e4eccafe374d08fbbdeaf452b}, intrahash = {48ddfe15947322b812ef2143b25c80c6}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {189-203}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934977 ; inputdate=2014-05-22 ; editdate=2014-05-22 ; pubdate=2014-05-22}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Vieillissement ou renouvellement générationnel? Les valeurs conjuguées dans le temps}, year = 2014}@book{Noelle-Neumann1987verletzte, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth and K?cher, Renate}, biburl = {}, interhash = {45994a22338a6b45700193528cd8d88f}, intrahash = {e4eb9afc5750253339cbed58f1e0dff0}, isbn = {3548346960, 3421063311}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 Ethnopsychology FDZ_IUP National_characteristics book checked german input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 447, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280912 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Die verletzte Nation}, type = {Book}, year = 1987}@book{Orizo1985Juventud, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés and Gomez-Reino Carnota, Manuel and Gonzalez Blasco, Pedro and Linz Storch de Gracia, J J. and Toharia Cortes, J Juan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6330b5bd2eec730f211b440329277906}, intrahash = {b9adfe7051e35f8ecba39b05ad67afb9}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 475, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281028 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ediciones SM}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Juventud Espa?ola 1984 (Spanish Youth 1984)}, type = {Book}, year = 1985}@book{Stoetzel1983Que, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Stoetzel, Jean}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9b97bfceda615a7a5aef3a79bbe5aa10}, intrahash = {9671f6d8d0d62b4a3a39e92dffbd460a}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280964 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MAPFRE S.A.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Que pensamos nos Europeos?}, type = {Book}, year = 1983}@incollection{Baloban2005Morality, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Analysis of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {b327172a419c4e92743f50cd9d5a6cf1}, intrahash = {2066c0e54278cbf8fec2acb4663e997e}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {233-256}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281070 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehnicka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Morality in Transitional Croatia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@incollection{Phillips1985Participation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Phillips, David}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {d9c2bfbc512f432cb0794b5018f113ab}, intrahash = {b4c9ed32a6f8f3964aa7ff300ce86985}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {146-172}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281171 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Participation and Political Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Bréchon2001Une, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans (chapter 7)}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {bd2f0b09f01c1e12ff4b56a4cf76d1a9}, intrahash = {2fbf9484571c9dbdd73f3336a7d6e7ff}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281110 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Une jeunesse globalement peu contestataire}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@incollection{Gubert1997Ela, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Annali di Sociologia-Soziologisches Jahrbuch 1997}, interhash = {fe2e2004889bd50aa7a66dae3915dfdf}, intrahash = {dcf21213ea450618720163153006ea3a}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281137 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {E'la scala dello stato dei valori? I casi della aree culturali italiana e tedesca}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@book{Voyé1992Belges, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Brussel}, author = {Voyé, Liliane and Bawin-Legros, Bernadette and Kerkhofs, Jan and Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, editor = {Voyé, Liliane and Bawin-Legros, Bernadette and Kerkhofs, Jan and Dobbelaere, Karel}, interhash = {cc5c345d24fdb64054ec319d2d1f961e}, intrahash = {60c2947c4b6f8fc413630c30c0e11492}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281158 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {De Boeck-Wesmael}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Belges, heureux et satisfaits: Les Valeurs des Belges dans les Années 90 (Belgians, Happy and Satisfied)}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1992}@incollection{Riffault1994La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Riffault, Hélène}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {94fa3c9c51a5f78d8f3834ec6d9a0aee}, intrahash = {f5d2f76baa27dbc8489f045597b4fb55}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {11-34}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281035 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France (PUF)}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La personne: soi et les autres}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Kerkhofs1995Europa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Brug of Breuk?}, editor = {Akhandas, Anissa and Alexander, Katrien and Corthout, Sven and Declerq, Tijl and Reynaert, Bie and van Dael, Dani?l and Verlinden, Peter}, interhash = {4849d5fb32965bde8e4f410e956dba84}, intrahash = {d848b993e7e96e2b3e3cd23810d8bb68}, isbn = {9061529166}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {121-133}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281079 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Davidsfonds}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europa: Bolwerk of Brug?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Listhaug1995Confidence, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Listhaug, O. and Wiberg, M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Citizens and the State}, editor = {Klingemann, H D. and Fuchs, D.}, interhash = {20c97f34da84190a1715c62640062760}, intrahash = {7e589c745847a7297e4f20cfb651fddc}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {298-322}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776693 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Confidence in political and private institutions}, year = 1995}@incollection{Heunks1996Varieties, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Heunks, F.J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political value change in western democracies}, editor = {Halman, L. and Nevitte, N.}, interhash = {6e516da49972682f29fbaad0217916ef}, intrahash = {d47acf8f30a52de5e03bc91175af9e35}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {221-234}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256415 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Varieties in political participation}, year = 1996}@incollection{Lindseth1994Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Lindseth, O Helge and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Scandinavian Values: Religion and Morality in the Nordic Countries}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Riis, Ole}, interhash = {4d966d18a7be608052a3172789a7f314}, intrahash = {1ba96a7c6c0e7a7ac82bbe92575835a2}, isbn = {9155434118}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {85-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281149 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Almqvist & Wiksell International}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Work Values in the 1990's: A Comparative Study of Western Europe and North America}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Halman1999Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Riis, O.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f9ffd42eb1e9437bf5a0fe6fcd959d9e}, intrahash = {db751918ab6c99cf1cb3454efd53b885}, isbn = {9036197406}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {xviii + 204}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256411 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European values studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion in Secularizing Society. The European's religion at the end of the 20th century}, year = 1999}@incollection{vandenBroek1994Eastern, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {van den Broek, Andries and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {bcc173b077f048ca7eacc6013f8808ce}, intrahash = {07b864004254113e5f9b9cdb7de3215b}, isbn = {9789036199933, 903619833X}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {183-228}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281260 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Eastern Europe after 1989}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Halman1994Measuring, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek and Vloet, Astrid}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7e112517c47b8825792f667c1c6eef5a}, intrahash = {1a098fff01b1469addf696cba9c0af0f}, isbn = {9075001045}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement book checked english family input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 163, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281225 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-03 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {WORC}, series = {Report/ WORC}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring and Comparing Values in 16 Countries of the Western World}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1994}@incollection{vandenAkker1994Primary, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {van den Akker, Piet and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {3e033cd048f9cc6585f38f5bae1c6719}, intrahash = {6bcf5496bdaa59e7b354ee1c1b4312e3}, isbn = {903619833X}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {97-128}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280809 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Primary Relations in Western Societies}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Bréchon2001Moins, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {313a2b4c35350434cf75d2587b8852f3}, intrahash = {da2cb2af12bd940714128daf11b2b561}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281160 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Moins politisés, mais plus protestataires}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@book{Abela1994Shifting, abstract = {Shifting Family Values discerns signs of change in Maltese family values. A sociological analysis of the European Values Surveys (1981-1991) discovers change but also stability in Maltese attitudes towards sexuality, gender relations, marriage, resistance to divorce and the education of children in traditional family values. The western European trend towards greater individualization is experienced as a period of transition marked by the emergence of new social problems. Though the negative side of development is often countered by the people's resourcefulness, the author argues for the the development of social policy and social work for the provision of personalized and caring social services.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Floriana}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {56f35746876d7917c4a745d4eedc2809}, intrahash = {51b6b674e75bbb4f5901311cac8ff5c6}, isbn = {9990920052}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english family gender_roles input2014 moral_issues}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 85, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281352 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Discern. Institute for Research on Signs of the Time}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Shifting Family Values in Malta}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1994}@book{Wilson1994Time, abstract = {Soka Gakkai--a movement of Japanese Buddhism--is one of the world's most rapidly expanding religious movements, especially in the West. The movement sponsors a variety of cultural and educational causes, and is active in promoting world peace and preservation of the environment; as such it has established a high profile in world affairs. Soka Gakkai is also a significant social phenomenon in its own right. This study documents this in its thorough survey of the United Kingdom membership that traces the sources of the movement's appeal to its socially diverse constituency. The combination of a questionnaire survey and personal interviews bring illuminating detail to this sociological analysis. The authors suggest that Soka Gakkai is consistent with modern thought that places a growing emphasis on the essentially private nature of belief and on personal autonomy, and less emphasis on traditional religious institutions. It is for these reasons that Soka Gakkai is a faith in tune with the times and has widening appeal to young people.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Wilson, Bryan and Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0aec37aa15d67961212cb99b729e5892}, intrahash = {ff877594cf6d137680692f0ca76dae25}, isbn = {0198279159, 0198293143}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 267, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280915 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A Time to Chant: the Sōka Gakkai Buddhists in Britain}, type = {Book}, year = 1994}@incollection{Gundelach1992Womens, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aarhus}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {From Voters to Participants}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter and Siune, Karen}, interhash = {465afece1d8db7a394987bc5aeea12be}, intrahash = {26fb03a70a32b74ae156f18dedd2b9eb}, isbn = {8773350796, 9788773350799}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {176-193}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281095 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Politica}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Women's Movement and Attitudes to Abortion}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1992}@book{Halman2005atlas, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, L. and Luijkx, R. and Zundert, M van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {afa3e6e5c114d57e1a22f6533a3e2123}, intrahash = {133e4710c6fdbcb6ead63f0ebd875734}, isbn = {9789004144606, 9004144609}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics Social_engagement Subjective_well-being book checked english environment family gender_roles input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 140, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763943 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The atlas of European values}, year = 2005}@incollection{Schnell2013Construction, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Vienna}, author = {Schnell, Tajana and Keenan, W J.F.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Constructs of Meaning and Religious Transformation. Current Issues in the Psychology of Religion}, editor = {Westerink, Herman}, interhash = {493eaa95e44aa8c098a5a74fff61bcaf}, intrahash = {61ff3ba52a7d27c7eac9651d6d745443}, isbn = {978-3-8471-0099-7}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {101-118}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935384 ; inputdate=2014-06-19 ; editdate=2014-06-19 ; pubdate=2014-06-19}, publisher = {V&R unipress}, series = {Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Construction of Atheist Spirituality: A Survey-Based Study}, url = {}, year = 2013}@misc{Knill2013Morality, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Knill, Christoph and Nebel, Kerstin and Preidel, Caroline}, biburl = {}, interhash = {722d26eeb38562a274772cf4fcc3eb05}, intrahash = {5934fff2f76b0be79fa7b2bd1c53ce12}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935523 ; inputdate=2014-06-27 ; editdate=2014-06-27 ; pubdate=2014-06-27}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Morality Policy in Catholic Countries: A Comparison of Outputs and Reform Dynamics in the Regulation of Abortion and Same-sex Unions}, year = 2013}@book{Defois1983LEurope, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Defois, Gérard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {47078b5a625149e40e67309496fb1457}, intrahash = {b4ee47688161ac32217659402c12f12f}, isbn = {2227430362}, keywords = {1983 Christianity EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religious_life_and_customs book checked french input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 79, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281074 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centurion}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'Europe et ses valeurs, une question pour l'Eglise}, type = {Book}, year = 1983}@incollection{Halman2003Volunteering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The value of volunteering. Cross-cultural perspectives}, editor = {Dekker, P. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, interhash = {cc4676aa03bb6c9d39e46431e92779bf}, intrahash = {96b31f336f6c7bc4063b78a1a2292af5}, isbn = {306477378}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {179-197}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256382 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Press/ Plenum Publishers}, series = {Nonprofit and civil society studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Volunteering, democracy, and democratic attitudes}, year = 2003}@incollection{Carballo2008Cultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Carballo, Marita}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {3b0947e73ee6c0e36c0a3f69fada6934}, intrahash = {f692ad20ccd37285e15c44358301b3ce}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {95-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280740 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural Trends in Argentina: 1983-2000}, year = 2008}@techreport{Halman1997NorthSouth, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L. and Petterson, T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7e9cfbf19e70e61c776f59f0692b5bf8}, intrahash = {2500e3946b83007e9ac9e5c5094c4826}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 sociology_and_psychology techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256400 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, school = {Tilburg University. Work and Organization Research Centre}, series = {WORC Paper}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {A North-South divide in basic value profiles? Comparative analyses of values among the mass publics in northern protestant and southern catholic European countries}, volume = 6, year = 1997}@incollection{Auh2008Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Auh, S Young}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {ff352f79c11184963833c941ee9c6d72}, intrahash = {924b63545d95badbf21872c33169a4d7}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {305-331}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280748 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Value Change and Democratization in South Korea}, year = 2008}@incollection{Inglehart1997Vergleichende, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leverkusen}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft}, editor = {Muller-Rommel, Ferdinand and Berg-Schlosser, Dirk}, interhash = {569dca1d60e5721fa5c9814d562cf4c9}, intrahash = {27d88b653e5f0f1665b8c3490c144216}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {141-158}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281159 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Leske Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Vergleichende Wertewandelforschung}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@misc{Gerard1985What, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gerard, David}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Society}, interhash = {15cbf84cb8af6d2e34123606ac19c08a}, intrahash = {ce1495d135fee437a39b98e113e99711}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {236-238}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281222 ; pubdate=8th November ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {What Makes a Volunteer?}, type = {Newspaper Article}, year = 1985}@incollection{Bréchon2002Mesurer, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Aux frontières des attitudes : entre le politique et le religieux. Textes en hommage à Guy Michelat}, editor = {Donegani, Jean-Marie and Duchesne, Sophie and Haegel, Florence}, interhash = {37c76b4c177478c6c185de8e1e8c0980}, intrahash = {37a7544b4bad3a2697982f4a5dfa2601}, isbn = {2-7475-2789-1}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {153-172}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935705 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, publisher = {L'Harmattan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Mesurer les croyances religieuses}, url = {}, year = 2002}@incollection{Inglehart1998New, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boulder}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Clark, T Nichols}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The New Political Culture}, editor = {Clark, T Nichols and Hoffmann-Martinot, Vincent}, interhash = {7d320212aa11c00c56f9390e0ef0c45a}, intrahash = {2dee61da77b170f16952ef954d81df2a}, isbn = {813328144}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {9-72}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281050 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Westview Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The New Political Culture: Changing Dynamics of Support for the Welfare State and other Policies in Postindustrial Societies}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1998}@incollection{Halman1999Contemporary, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Riis, O.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in Secularizing Society: The European's religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {8667885dbddfcb739c30e66e2710471e}, intrahash = {a4c3f16ac2f3345bf06d081cfbb565d5}, isbn = {9036197406}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {1-18}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256412 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European values studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Contemporary European Discourse on Religion and Morality}, year = 1999}@incollection{Nevitte2007Individualization, abstract = {After reviewing the major variations in how individualization is interpreted and explained, this article turns to the World Values Survey (WVS) data to empirically investigate one central aspect of individualization, namely, the connection between religiosity and moral values. That analysis demonstrates, first, that rates of decline in levels of religiosity in most advanced industrial states have been quite modest. The rate of change in moral outlooks, by contrast, has been much more striking. Those two core findings, we argue, draw attention to the question of what explains these cross-national and cross-time variations. The remainder of the article empirically explores a variety of plausible explanations. The results of that analysis reveal not only significant variations between European and North American publics, but also that associational behavior plays a significant role in gearing the dynamics of individualization.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Nevitte, Neil and Cochrane, Christopher}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {327d8090fcab988ef46b5df7b818ec80}, intrahash = {e7d643e8fd21912606ba43e24a4b6c3f}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {99-126}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264119 ; inputdate=2009-02-17 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-02-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Individualization in Europe and America: Connecting Religious and Moral Values}, year = 2007}@incollection{Vandecasteele2004Privatization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Vandecasteele, Leen and Billiet, Jaak}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {0662d66ea2c5cb1f2dfc1a192997b3c9}, intrahash = {94878c3d73a1141c5c94f4260b662e8f}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {205-229}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264471 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Privatization in the Family Sphere: Longitudinal and Comparative Analyses in Four European Countries}, year = 2004}@incollection{Davie2001persistence, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Davie, G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Peter Berger and the Study of Religion}, editor = {Woodhead, L. and Heelas, P. and Martin, D.}, interhash = {738e88875b74e817b0cecf29dcbfbe29}, intrahash = {742671fdf299298c40f4e882ea9bdcb3}, isbn = {415215315}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {101-111}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763875 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The persistence of institutional religion in modern Europe}, year = 2001}@incollection{Halman2003Contemporary, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Riis, O.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in secularizing society : the Europeans' religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {112c7774d319d7758c1c9f881d4c0f00}, intrahash = {26c830a891a5cd2c9b6c207568359ebf}, isbn = {9004126228}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {1-21}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256413 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Contemporary European discourses on religion and morality}, year = 2003}@incollection{Kerkhofs1995Il, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {23cb4d1861fe1e5341297eb8c9fd70a3}, intrahash = {4f2aee8044e45edfdcd269774810fd99}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {23-38}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281214 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Il significato degli studi sui valori per il futuro dell' Europa (x- The Significance of the Values Study for Europe's Future)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Klingemann2004Introduction, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Klingemann, H D. and Fuchs, D. and Fuchs, S. and Zielonka, J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe: Identity, Values and Culture}, editor = {Klingemann, H D. and Fuchs, D. and Zielonka, J.}, interhash = {053a7cb973bbf79efa72a82ae3927519}, intrahash = {8c5f9ce2ebaca056463dfc7c2814fd0c}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {1-28}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776375 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, publisher = {Oxford University press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Introduction: Support for democracy in central and eastern Europe}, year = 2004}@book{Ester1994Individualizing, abstract = {This Dutch volume reports the results from the second wave of the European Values Study, data for which were collected in 1990 (first wave: 1981). Aside from the major West European nations (13 in all), the surveys were also carried out in the United States and Canada to provide a richer basis for comparison. The book's concluding chapter presents findings from a replication of the surveys in six countries of the former Eastern Bloc.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {f53d7d9b1f92b76f66bbee8fe0810aaa}, intrahash = {53ad4c3f936270e0248baf966261c313}, isbn = {903619833X, 903619993X}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 311, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280795 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Series}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, type = {Edited Book}, url = {}, year = 1994}@book{Bréchon2000Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre}, interhash = {89933ee1aef5442f0dec446ba3bcf98e}, intrahash = {8d39f57ad2a30ba805297a48fac37bdb}, isbn = {2200252129}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 280, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281083 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les valeurs des Fran?ais: Evolutions de 1980 à 2000 (x- The Values of the French. Evolutions from 1980 to 2000)}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2000}@incollection{Inglehart1994Individualización, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {287756a4aceae6e8fad5e4da79fcc29a}, intrahash = {5dc91e85b6932b8da12b4775520e80c8}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {29-62}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280979 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualización y cambio de valores en Europa}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Pettersson1988Bakom, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, interhash = {76f7d2cb8bb2d0ac90386ee6d51ae9e9}, intrahash = {c78322b09c82a52227bc0ced8ccfeba1}, isbn = {9138099748}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 181, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281022 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institutet f?r framtidsstudier}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Bakom dubbla las. En studie av sm? och l?ngsamma v?rderingsf?r?ndringar}, type = {Book}, year = 1988}@incollection{Meret2013Gender, abstract = {The book analyses intersections between gender and diversity through cross-national studies of European public spheres. It explores key questions like to what extent female citizens and migrant/minority groups are included/ excluded in European public spheres and how they contribute to these emerging spheres. Reflections about European equality and diversity issues are based on new research from a large-scale EU project.The theoretical part poses questions of ethno-national diversity and gender from the European context and applies an intersectionality approach to research about the European public spheres. The empirical part contains cross-country and regional case studies comparing the attitudes of collective actors (political parties, NGOs, media) towards gender and ethno-national diversity. It includes studies of the European Women's Lobby, the European Network against Racism and the FEMM Committee in the European Parliament. This book is a must read for students and scholars of Gender Studies, Citizenship and Intersectionality.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Hampshire}, author = {Meret, Susi and Siim, Birte}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Negotiating Gender and Diversity in an Emergent European Public Sphere}, editor = {Siim, Birte and Mokre, Monika}, interhash = {a94e9115ac3eccf908c0b0b27f348105}, intrahash = {7ddf477be55a27636a3d19380d1f74df}, isbn = {9780230359680}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {78-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938634 ; inputdate=2014-11-11 ; editdate=2014-11-11 ; pubdate=2014-11-11}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, series = {Gender and Politics}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Gender, populism and politics of belonging: Discourses of right-wing populist parties in Denmark, Norway and Austria}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Listhaug1999Comparative, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Listhaug, Ola and Aalberg, Toril}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Directions in Quantitative Comparative Sociology}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {2322f0c91a3597de829d89e06975a2f5}, intrahash = {8c9856a2b1f98b5fda789001b1dcc791}, isbn = {9004114114}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {117-140}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281267 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-29 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Comparative Public Opinion on Distributive Justice: A Study of Equality Ideals and Attitudes Toward Current Policies}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 1999}@incollection{Kotzé2003Revising, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Kotzé, Hennie and Lombard, Karin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {91eab65e20319c3e286469ab87aad3b4}, intrahash = {405f0c8ec1cf46144d47d43a9437d458}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {183-207}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264036 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Revising the Value Shift Hypothesis: A Descriptive Analysis of South Africa's Value Priorities between 1990 and 2001}, year = 2003}@book{Kerkhofs1992De, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tielt}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan and Dobbelaere, Karel and Voyé, Lilianne and Bawin-Legros, Bernadette}, biburl = {}, editor = {Kerkhofs, Jan and Dobbelaere, Karel and Voyé, Lilianne and Bawin-Legros, Bernadette}, interhash = {e690c485a5f60c634ad1efa3b615c671}, intrahash = {65eca56e89222cad494dd09e72c6413f}, isbn = {9020921231, 9051300999}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 288, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281325 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lannoo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {De Versnelde Ommekeer}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1992}@book{Koralewicz1999European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Warsaw}, author = {Koralewicz, Jadwiga}, biburl = {}, editor = {Koralewicz, Jadwiga}, interhash = {ed062849a0e9b7dc4aae249f21e044de}, intrahash = {5cb3f03bfd34d67b311509fc3d9c42b3}, isbn = {8386759720, 9788386759729}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 191, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280804 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institute of political studies, Polish academy of sciences and Collegium Civitas Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The European Value System}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1999}@incollection{Dargent2014Changements, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dargent, Claude}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {fabb1446ee3344455985b7ab496c1251}, intrahash = {974319a524c5ae8eceb3ec381e998654}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {105-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934928 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Changements religieux, espace public et croyances en Europe}, year = 2014}@incollection{Dobbelaere1995Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {35571222ccd6e902ba6be1a0960dd7cd}, intrahash = {4e79b20cbe6fc56168b81cae64e7b51c}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {full text available at: . (EVS)}, pages = {1-30}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280931 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion in Europe and North America}, type = {Book Section}, url = {/brokenurl#full text available at: }, year = 1995}@incollection{Baloban2005Solidarity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan and ?rpi?, Gordan and ?tengl, Ivan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Analysis of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {cfce7cbb2267834195f6834550ec8cfb}, intrahash = {1d362cb4ddc204596fed5ff16fd9df21}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {179-206}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281167 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehnicka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Solidarity and Social (In)Sensitivity}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@incollection{Esmer2007Globalization, abstract = {It is frequently asserted that the ongoing process that is commonly referred to as globalization should bring about widespread changes in values. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the unparalleled increases in the flow of capital, goods, services and information coupled with the revolutionary developments in information and communication technologies should result in a convergence of values.This paper is attempt to assess the direction and the magnitude of value change between 1981, when the first WVS/EVS surveys were conducted, and 2001, the last year for which data are available. Data from some 20 countries are analyzed to follow possible changes in values. Furthermore, the paper offers a test of the convergence hypothesis by examining the standard deviations and the coefficients of variation of a wideranging list of values.The conclusion is that cultural value change has been rather limited during this period at least for this sample of countries. Among the dimensions studied, marriage, family and gender relations seem to be the area of most significant change. On the other hand, we have found almost no evidence for even a slow convergence of values.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Esmer, Yilmaz}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {0cb51c7d1d0ffd4bb7fdeaa87e691501}, intrahash = {7b813a55ca3c59e8d22e7dff261663f4}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Subjective_well-being checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {79-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264118 ; inputdate=2009-02-17 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-02-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Globalization, "McDonaldization" and Values: Quo Vadis?}, year = 2007}@incollection{Dobbelaere1993Church, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Secularization, Rationalism and Sectarianism: Essays in Honour of Bryan R. Wilson}, editor = {Barker, Eileen and Beckford, J A. and Dobbelaere, Karel}, interhash = {bf99b8a189a9f932404452197deeeb4a}, intrahash = {fe9d6a70c9d78eb8c551ae07930a8dd9}, isbn = {198277210}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {19-36}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281199 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Clarendon Press.}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Church Involvement and Secularization: Making Sense of the European Case}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@book{Inglehart2004Human, abstract = {For over twenty-five years Ronald Inglehart and his colleagues have been collecting survey data on the beliefs and opinions of people all over the world on a variety of topics. This work led Inglehart to expound his noted theory about the development of post-materialist values in developed countries and explore its effect on politics. This book, based on the most comprehensive of these surveys, the World Values Survey conducted in over forty countries from 1990-93, publishes for the first time all of the findings of this survey. The questions cover issues such as politics, economics, religion, family life, and gender roles, and reflect differences in response by age, gender, economic standing, and education. This book provides a wealth of data that will appeal to social scientists, journalists, people in international business, and policy makers interested in understanding social, political, or cultural attitudes in different countries. Ronald Inglehart is Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan, and coauthor of Value Change in Global Perspective, as well as many other books and articles. Miguel Basanez is Professor of Political Science, Institutio Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, and director of MORI de Mexico. Alejandro Moreno is Professor of Political Science, Institutio Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Mexico City}, author = {Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a1f5a112a7192f8ce76e5b088155caa5}, intrahash = {e6611be578bef2a9bd1ce3c49644b865}, isbn = {978-0472108336, 0472108336}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 498, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776365 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, publisher = {Siglo XXI Editores}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Human beliefs and values : a cross-cultural sourcebook based on the 1999-2002 values surveys}, year = 2004}@incollection{Ashford1987Family, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aldershot, Hants}, author = {Ashford, Sheena}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Report of 1986 British Social Attitudes Survey}, interhash = {5fb9b905aa67237250f7ff172405ee72}, intrahash = {4bbc60edf879d8c6a737b0323a3f36d1}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280895 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Gower}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Family Matters}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1987}@incollection{Arts2002Risk, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Warzawa}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Kultura, Osobowosc, Polityka}, editor = {Chmielewski, P. and Krauze, T. and Wesolowski, W.}, interhash = {e08787f8b75a1ab342242103a69113f6}, intrahash = {4dc3bce662f7f8dfcea2e81792db5d2b}, isbn = {8388495917}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {321-348}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256361 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Risk and Trust: Value Change in the Second Age of Modernity}, year = 2002}@incollection{Listhaug1988Holdninger, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Fred och f?rtroende. S?kerhetspolitiska opinioner och debattfr?gor i Norden}, editor = {Lindahl, Rutger and Lindgren, Karin}, interhash = {2f55e8f0c7e8b1250b2618fe1d54f3c4}, intrahash = {9d655f0327e2c98901a0003cc1e3848d}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281264 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Nordsam}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Holdninger til krig og fred i Europa}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1988}@incollection{Nevitte2008Cleavages, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Nevitte, Neil and Kanji, Mebs}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {d71b46dca6f785e4d3849bb8dfc96ebc}, intrahash = {ea7e64e2aeff62bec54ba5ca0884dbf1}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement Subjective_well-being checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {45-73}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280738 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cleavages, Value Gaps and Regime Support: Evidence from Canada and 26 Other Societies}, year = 2008}@book{Orizo1996Sistemas, abstract = {Este libro analiza la dinámica intergeneracional en los sistemas de valores de los espa?oles, la dialéctica de jóvenes y adultos en sus enrolamientos, lo que ha constituido el objeto de un estudio realizado por el Instituto DATA en 1994 por encargo del CIS. El análisis se basa en los resultados de dos encuestas, una a una muestra de jóvenes y otra a una de adultos, con un total de más de 6000 casos, a las que se suman otras de a?os anteriores de DATA y CIS. Con todas ellas se han confeccionado series temporales -rese?adas en tablas y gráficos- que abarcan desde el a?o 81, fecha de la primera Encuesta Europea de Valores, hasta el a?o 94.El estudio entronca con una doble tradición de la investigación social espa?ola: la de las encuestas de valores, las promovidas por el EVSSG (European Value System Study Group) en 1981 y 1990, por un lado; y la de las encuestas de juventud, particularmente las patrocinadas en la última década por la Fundación Santa María, por el otro. Su argumento central es el del seguimiento de la evolución de una variedad de indicadores actitudinales y de valores, lo que ha permitido identificar y evaluar los cambios sucedidos desde principios de los ochenta a la mitad de los noventa en las distintas cohortes y entre los diferentes grupos de edad, concretamente las nuevas prioridades de la población joven de hoy.Juventud que, al acomodarse a una situación de crisis y de incertidumbre, ha registrado un cierto giro hacia valores de corte tradicional: desde los de tipo igualitario -tan enraizados en nuestra tradición izquierdista de igualdad social- a los de religiosidad y creencias, último corolario del proceso de individualización tal como se está produciendo en esta mitad de los noventa.Y a la vez que incrementa los índices de solidaridad familiar lo hace también con los de solidaridad social y con la aceptación de modelos de intervención. Todo ello en un contexto de fragmentación y comportamiento normativa, del que son abanderados los jóvenes, que eligen valores a la carta en bastante mayor proporción que los adultos.En el libro se examinan los distintos sistemas de valores, finalizando con una recapitulación de la evolución -más convergente que otra cosa- de los jóvenes y adultos.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, annotation = {CIS Monografies no 150 Siglo XXI}, author = {Orizo, A F.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5fca92fe5b6490322240da79a443cf74}, intrahash = {2433459cc38e39134d1ea8d2b90ff3e1}, isbn = {8474762308}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_values Spain Spanish book checked input2014 public_opinion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 364, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281341 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centro de Investigaciones Sociolócicas}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Sistemas de Valores en la Espa?a de los 90}, type = {Book}, year = 1996}@incollection{Garelli2013Changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Garelli, Franco and Ricucci, Roberta}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Prayer in Religion and Spirituality}, editor = {Giordan, Giuseppe and Woodhead, Linda}, interhash = {4ef3ddfd18dbca6a5649123af50503af}, intrahash = {4f87dc1e6efc65726ee68ae10d58e758}, isbn = {789004260481}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {53-76}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935456 ; inputdate=2014-06-23 ; editdate=2014-06-23 ; pubdate=2014-06-23}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Changing Attitudes towards Prayer: Comparison between European and Italian Trends}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Dyrstad2013Citizens, abstract = {Parliament is a key institution in democracy and the main arena for inter-party politics. Citizens? confidence in parliament is an important indicator for how democracy works in society. In this chapter, we present an overview of recent research on comparative trends in voters? confidence in European parliaments in the last quarter century. We also compare trends for confidence in parliament and other political institutions with private institutions like major companies and the press. The literature has pursued explanations for variations in political trust in several directions. Building on the early studies by Miller, several scholars have explained the decline of trust from the evolvement of policy distance between government elites and citizens. In discussion and analysis, this chapter includes factors at the individual level as well as the national, aggregated level. Our main interest lies in the effect of political institutions and policy issues on political trust. While mature democracies see only smaller variations in confidence over time, there are larger fluctuations and decline in post-Communist Europe. Contrary to our expectations, institutional factors do not explain much of the differences in confidence in parliament in Europe, while policy issues play an important role.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Dyrstad, Karin and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Party Governance and Party Democracy}, editor = {Müller, W C. and Narud, H Marthe}, interhash = {8f394b8b025c89089ae141684bfdbc60}, intrahash = {f889c64f8bbfe6ec45fd7bbd41da925d}, isbn = {978-1-4614-6588-1}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 European_politics FDZ_IUP New_democracies Political_support Political_trust checked english incollection input2014 political_parties}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {159-174}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938503 ; inputdate=2014-11-04 ; editdate=2014-11-04 ; pubdate=2014-11-04}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Citizens? Confidence in European Parliaments: Institutions and Issues}, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{Medino1987Como, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {A.C. Mexico}, author = {Medino, A H.}, biburl = {}, editor = {Medino, A.H.}, interhash = {73d90db9a92c5b0bbda4123129d23940}, intrahash = {f76b6e9f8df37b2fd032c603f931d5ac}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281343 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centro de Estudios Educativos}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Como somos los Mexicanos, Consejo Nacional de recursos para la attencion de la Juventud}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1987}@incollection{Gundelach1996Individualization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Gundelach, Peter and Kreiner, Svend}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies: Integration, Values, Identification and Participation}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {fd80cfce462c9fb9d6788a602bc6e853}, intrahash = {d7cc3a6d00790e4722351c239e53d1aa}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {81-102}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281317 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualization or Neo-Conservatism}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Lambert1993Les, abstract = {Les données rassemblées par l'A. permettent de mesurer l'ampleur de l'effondrement de l'adhésion chrétienne auprès des jeunes, en France et en Europe. S'agit-il d'une sortie de la religion ou d'une redéfinition en profondeur de la croyance ? Quelle que soit l'hypothèse retenue, le déplacement en cours exige par sa portée d'être restitué à l'échelle d'une histoire longue, plaide l'A.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lagny}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Le debat (=journal)}, editor = {Gallimard}, interhash = {992e9d14fa1e1d63e64b3090ef11a23f}, intrahash = {f12831d44a4ba226f1271fcd44f090d4}, isbn = {0246-2346}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Youth checked french incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 75, pages = {63-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280855 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Sodis}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les jeunes et le christianisme: le grand defi}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@incollection{Kerkhofs1995Léglise, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tous les chemins ne mènent plus à Rome}, editor = {Luneau, René and Michel, Patrick}, interhash = {7de4a6c0e946eb97f72b7238e576871e}, intrahash = {fe0a9a28c26b192c6cdaad9ed71e4086}, isbn = {2226079378}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {107-130}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281347 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Albin Michel}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'église et ses intellectuels}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Voicu2004Work, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Voicu, Madalina}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {c1acf747215bb03d18d22c1ce02d5b7e}, intrahash = {e90c545430e73cab52aca20cdf226828}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {231-254}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276538 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-26}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Work and Family Life in Europe: Value Patterns and Policy Making}, year = 2004}@inproceedings{Stoetzel1986Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stoetzel, Jean}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Démographie et Sociologie}, interhash = {41dbb8237de31d32dc3ee0ede4673182}, intrahash = {f7d9c99bd9c44f12a73bbdc776cd3916}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {109-119}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280984 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les Européens: comment ils évaluent leur état de santé'}, type = {Conference Proceedings}, year = 1986}@techreport{2003Policy, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Economic, The National and Forum, Social}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3054ff8fd849dfefb237a43b68860a85}, intrahash = {687998c78b941ce09fb221c86a137151}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {1-150}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280880 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Policy Implications of Social Capital}, type = {Report}, volume = 28, year = 2003}@incollection{Astor2014Une, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Astor, Sandrine and Dompnier, Nathalie}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {b7094d97f02568757473399539f39d19}, intrahash = {7035e52f5ed916e2589ca2da1d0aca8b}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {14-29}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934907 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Une géographie des valeurs familiales en Europe}, year = 2014}@incollection{Jo2013Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bristol}, author = {Jo, N K.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Policy Review 25, Analysis and debate in social policy}, editor = {Ramia, Gaby and Farnsworth, Kevin and Irving, Zo?}, interhash = {b0c4a7ee4a814d7228fe71127988de29}, intrahash = {7994a32c0e2b6d0f9b5b48ddeacde417}, isbn = {9781447312741}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 25, pages = {167-181}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935447 ; inputdate=2014-06-23 ; editdate=2014-06-23 ; pubdate=2014-06-23}, publisher = {Policy Press}, series = {Social Policy Review}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Social policy and culture: the cases of Japan and South Korea}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Baloban2002Opredjeljenje, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Hrvatska demografska i demostrate?ka drama }, editor = {Pavleti?, Vlatko}, interhash = {e24e875b8bc95ed0ec64acdf7d991ede}, intrahash = {102e34cdc3dd3df08327fa97e3e66356}, isbn = {9536113120}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Serbo-Croatian checked family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {230-238}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280814 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Opredjeljenje za budu?nost vodi u sigurniju budu?nost (Commitment for Future Leads into Safely Future)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{cirpi2005An, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan and Zrinka, Sinia}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Study of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip and Ara?i?, Pero}, interhash = {6ae77967ab6ad168004681c4d948ec06}, intrahash = {8f444948a093ce0ab510a578db4e9aec}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {19-44}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280882 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehni?ka knjiga }, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {An Emerging Civil Society: Leisure Time and Voluntary Organisations in Croatia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@incollection{Halman1995Individualisering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm/Stehag}, author = {Halman, Loek and Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I tider av uppbrott. V?rderingar och v?rderingsf?r?ndringar i det moderna samhaellet}, editor = {Anshelm, Jonas}, interhash = {5e7af0a1f472d210ae0b619b3b4b1190}, intrahash = {22c41fa0f1f3a313c9810823735ef1cb}, isbn = {9171392653}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Swedish checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {11-36}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280889 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Symposion}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualisering och v?rdefragmentering (x- Individualization and Value Fragmentation)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Uhlenwinkel2013Teaching, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Potsdam}, biburl = {}, editor = {Uhlenwinkel, Anke}, interhash = {e9b0a1f592d0eba97061a49a3bb5b102}, intrahash = {c51bc6034dc8dfdb41d68ae3fed234af}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 European_value_ FDZ_IUP book checked curriculum_framework education english family input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 134, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939369 ; inputdate=2014-12-08 ; editdate=2014-12-08 ; pubdate=2014-12-08}, publisher = {Universit?tsverlag Potsdam}, series = {Potsdamer Geographische Praxis (3)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Teaching about the family values of Europeans: critical reflections from the third student exchange of the EVE-project}, year = 2013}@book{Vala2003Valores, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lisboa}, author = {Vala, Jorge and Cabral, M Villaverde and Ramos, Alice}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6d6d2b6cd66e626bbdf851f0d639e937}, intrahash = {10e2d5b5b9bfd8c0d91303a71d17f549}, isbn = {9726711002, 9789726711001}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Portugese book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 496, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281237 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Imprensa de Ciências Sociais}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valores Sociais: mudan?as e contrastes em Portugal e na Europa (Social Values: changes and constrasts in Portugal and in Europe)}, type = {Book}, year = 2003}@inproceedings{Sevcíková2012Exposure, abstract = {This study examined individual-level factors and country-level factors which predict exposure to online sexual materials (EOSM) among European children. The sample consisted of children aged 11-15 years (N=12,472) who were surveyed within the project EU Kids Online II. A cross-cultural comparison has shown that the country-level factors accounted for 11 % of the variation in EOSM within the European sample. However, neither broadband penetration, nor religious faith were significant as studied country-level factors, while all individual-level predictors such as advanced age, being male, increased amount of time spent online, emotional problems, sensation seeking, and excessive internet use predicted EOSM. On the other hand, gender had a different effect on EOSM at the cross-country level. The countries with higher rates of exposure indicated lower gender differences in EOSM. The implications of the findings are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Australia}, author = {Sevcíková, Anna and Serek, Jan and Machacková, Hana}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology 2012}, editor = {Strano, M. and Hrachovec, H. and Sudweeks, F. and Ess, C.}, interhash = {2c954922c8acb2586da1f943931ee900}, intrahash = {3167e9e8a872e2a62f402ab13670399a}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {502-513}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935347 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, publisher = {Murdoch University}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Exposure to online Sexual Materials and Crosscountry Differences in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2012}@inproceedings{Noelle-Neumann1984Zweifel, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Des vorbereitenden Symposiums am 19. Mai 1983}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Die Stellung der Wissenschaft in der modernen Kultur. Dokumentation des Kongresses des Studienzentrums Weikersheim}, interhash = {b8e0a2e2da8c4581c0794b3e25b26184}, intrahash = {b53d8e680d30752f9204cdb77b411e6c}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {74-86}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281187 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Der Zweifel am Verstand, Wertewandel am Beispiel der Normen des rationalen Verhaltens}, type = {Conference Proceedings}, volume = {22/23}, year = 1984}@incollection{Halman1995Individualization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek and Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {0e19d6dc6038803cf36c680901e152d1}, intrahash = {f74ffffb12a7f736d9af0126a7bd27f3}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Moral_Issues checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {297-316}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281283 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Individualization and Value Fragmentation}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Mahoney1985Theological, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Mahoney, J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Neil}, interhash = {1570e889d441ca5123e2a5d2d397dedc}, intrahash = {ccfd8fc3f9620029ee0ba773c4ed479a}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {253-278}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280949 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, series = {Studies in the Contemporary Values of Modern Society}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Theological and Pastoral Reflections}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@book{Rezsohazy1984Lunivers, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve}, author = {Rezsohazy, R J. and Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, editor = {Rezsohazy, Rudolf J. and Kerkhofs, Jan}, interhash = {b6fa65fc7c1f3562863ec929da00816a}, intrahash = {e5d24f905654a893677f4de011fac8b3}, isbn = {2870850239, 9782870850237}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 215, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281143 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {CIACO S.C.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'univers des Belges, valeurs anciennes et valeurs nouvelles dans les anées 80 (De Stille Ommekeer: Oude en Nieuwe Waarden in het Belgi? van de Jaren Tachtig)}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1984}@incollection{Hodgkinson2003Volunteering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Hodgkinson, V A.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Values of Volunteering: Cross-Cultural Perspectives}, editor = {Dekker, Paul and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {53291dff7879bb7c75cfde31a9a6052c}, intrahash = {04e1f6e932e65066e604ad5e89409901}, isbn = {0306477378, 0306478544}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280865 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kluwer academic/Plenum publishers}, series = {Non-profit and Civil Society Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Volunteering in Global Perspective}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@incollection{Inglehart2000Transformation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Opladen}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Minkenberg, Michael}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion und Politik: Zwischen Universalismus und Partikularismus}, editor = {Meyer, Heinz-Dieter and Minkenberg, Michael and Ostner, Ilona}, interhash = {930b4846da68618373c3b899a95258ad}, intrahash = {d8a48a0e60b4bfcee2be50c13ad6df30}, isbn = {3810022004}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {125-138}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281303 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Leske and Budrich}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Die Transformation religioeser Werte in entwickelten Industriegesellschaften}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2000}@incollection{Aish-vanVaerenbergh1994Algunas, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Aish-van Vaerenbergh, Anne-Marie and Rabier, Jacques-Rene}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, R F.}, interhash = {8dff1350adcb9352da14b46da485c268}, intrahash = {7d172db4c606e18e04fbb295b78ccb02}, isbn = {8481120227, 9788481120226}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {595-615}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281094 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Algunas reflexiones metodológicas sobre la investigación estadística intercultural sobre los valores}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Norris2003Public, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London/New York}, author = {Norris, P. and Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government, and the Public}, editor = {Norris, P. and Kern, M. and Just, M.}, interhash = {6ba10a7ed88a78d980530922f259405d}, intrahash = {3acacfb3d2189edf0e20193725b8d77b}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {203-228}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776701 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Public opinion among Muslims and the West}, year = 2003}@incollection{Yuchtman-Ya'ar2003Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Yuchtman-Ya'ar, Ephraim}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {040d4509342b81c40a0dc0ee2dd504b4}, intrahash = {f79c1e663f4cd7c4118edef3735f500b}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {117-137}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264033 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Value Priorities in Israeli Society: An Examination of Inglehart's Theory of Modernization and Cultural Variation}, year = 2003}@incollection{Nevitte1996Tolerance, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Nevitte, Neil}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {643ed78d2e07b6f1f3c4a0d91988326d}, intrahash = {39424e3757039dd889c06da1dbb59f20}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {59-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280990 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Tolerance and Intolerance in Advanced Industrial States: The Cross-Time Evidence}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Bréchon1999Integration, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in Secularizing Society}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Riis, Ole}, interhash = {195df51e8f83f8c4d134f55860bd3b37}, intrahash = {f11d352afcae4b12aa03eedfe0456fd1}, isbn = {9004126228}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {114-161}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280824 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Integration into Catholicism and Protestantism in Europe: The Impact on Moral and Political Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1999}@incollection{Timmermans2012Morality, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Timmermans, Arco and Breeman, Gerard}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Morality politics in Western Europe : parties, agendas and policy choices}, editor = {Engeli, I. and Green-Pedersen, Chr. and Thorup Larsen, L.}, interhash = {723bdb701d94007455606e89beaaa0e0}, intrahash = {e4e44a2436da507520a4e7c8c9ac9112}, isbn = {9780230309333}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-61}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934787 ; inputdate=2014-05-12 ; editdate=2014-05-12 ; pubdate=2014-05-12}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Morality issues in the Netherlands: coalition politics under pressure}, year = 2012}@book{Ayerbe2000La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ayerbe, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a4af92b7322b966d1f496015db4d37d4}, intrahash = {f822873c4d9f5992e8ac3a6b8d2c36f0}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish book checked input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281061 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Gobierno Vasco: presidencia de Gobierno, Gabinete de Estudios Sociológicos}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La cultura del trabajo y la actitud emprendedora en el ámbito profesional de la comunidad autonóma del país vasco}, type = {Book}, year = 2000}@incollection{Dogan2000Deficit, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Berlin}, annotation = {Reprinted in Sociologie Romaneasca, 2001, pp. 1-20.}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Making of the European Union}, editor = {Haller, M.}, interhash = {90b4f6a06cd2074752bcf5352e28f560}, intrahash = {e9d65cb05839a18bd85cc53efaa88793}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {241-261}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698010 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Deficit of Confidence Within European Democracies}, year = 2000}@incollection{Gubert1995Analysis, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {83cf3698048a221e95655703cf4bd7db}, intrahash = {a50d69eca1ff292ccced5e9904b3b6fb}, isbn = {9036196361, 9789036196369}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {179-194}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280851 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Analysis of Regional Differences in the Values of Europeans}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@inproceedings{Tomka2007Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Weimar}, author = {Tomka, Mikos}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of contributions from the Maribor Symposium 2005}, editor = {Miroslav, Polzer and Devetak, Silvo and Toplak, Ludvik and Unger, Felix and Eder, Maria}, interhash = {c76f54835bf446c0d6fead720e2ddb7b}, intrahash = {58eeddd147636b1d9e2ed7bc3b94e905}, isbn = {978-3-89739-561-9}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {17-35}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938902 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, publisher = {VDG}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion in Europe: Sociological Considerations with Special Reference to Central and Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 6, year = 2007}@book{Tomasi1994La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Milano}, author = {Tomasi, Luigi}, biburl = {}, interhash = {86d54e2cf31e29b934f501dfb0ca709d}, intrahash = {8bf153f81b1308493878f867281cfa97}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014 italian religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280786 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Angeli}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La religione dei giovani europei}, type = {Book}, year = 1994}@incollection{Beugelsdijk2003Bridging, abstract = {In this paper we develop a model of growth and social capital, and test it using data from the European Value Studies (EVS). Following Putnam?s distinction between bonding and bridging social capital, we model social capital as participation in two types of social networks: first, closed networks of family and friends, and, second, open networks that bridge different communities. Agents have a preference for socialising, which they trade off against material well-being. Participation in both social networks is time-consuming and comes at the cost of participation in the formal economic sphere and working time. Through this channel, higher levels of social capital may crowd out economic growth. In addition, participation in intercommunity networks reduces incentives for rent seeking and cheating. Through this channel, higher level of bridging social capital may enhance economic growth. Testing the model, we find that regional differences in materialistic attitudes and the value attached to family life significantly reduce the participation in open networks and that this in turn reduces regional output growth in Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Smulders, Sjak}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {a0cb20ba4231b85178ccc9c4e2e74517}, intrahash = {492242020e0769a89a5024399a0767ce}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english family incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {147-184}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280753 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Bridging and Bonding Social Capital: Which Type is Good for Economic Growth?}, year = 2003}@incollection{Dobbelaere1995Religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel and Jagodzinski, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Impact of Values}, editor = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {cbc6b0423391158a0067f0e5b202a213}, intrahash = {bd4599bc64bfc1fa78a31edc6b9c07db}, isbn = {0198279574, 0198294751}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {197-217}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281361 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, series = {Beliefs in Government}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Cognitions and Beliefs}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Dobbelaere1999Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Dobbelaere, K.J. and Gevers, J.M.P. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in Secularizing Society. The European's religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {d9daeee4b2327e8a48849e320cd9aeca}, intrahash = {4bf6971d75598138a875bd1ef62984b0}, isbn = {9036197406}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {67-82}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256372 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European values studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion and the family}, year = 1999}@incollection{Hardiman1998Changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Hardiman, N. and Whelan, C T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Ireland and the Politics of Change}, editor = {Crotty, W. and Schmitt, D E.}, interhash = {f52f4f067ca6ec87125d58553e9543c8}, intrahash = {99d06c2bbfc26ce2c51ac247c3358c24}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {65-85}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763983 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, publisher = {Longman}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Changing values}, year = 1998}@book{Galland2007Sociologie, abstract = {La jeunesse est une catégorie aux contours incertains. ? quel ?ge débute-t-elle, à quel ?ge finit-elle ? La sociologie montre que la jeunesse est avant tout un passage dont les frontières et la définition ont évolué au cours de l?histoire et se modulent selon les situations sociales. L?affaiblissement des rites de passage, l?allongement des transitions professionnelles et la prolongation du temps des expériences qui tendent à repousser toujours plus tard l?accès à un plein statut adulte font que la jeunesse se décompose désormais en plusieurs phases ? de l?adolescence au statut de jeune adulte ? que ce livre tente de décrire. Devenu un ? classique ? du sujet depuis sa parution initiale en 1991, l?ouvrage repère et explique les évolutions significatives entra?nées par ce mouvement général de recomposition sociale que la jeunesse subit parfois douloureusement. Cette 5e édition prolonge et approfondit la présentation des résultats européens portant sur les jeunes. Elle actualise également l?ouvrage en présentant les travaux récents ayant porté sur l?entrée dans la vie adulte, les valeurs des jeunes, les comportements sexuels et la culture adolescente.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {79df1fde19f40e36853640b4958ca0c7}, intrahash = {b904cb1826e8e697a4fbb4e841050e68}, isbn = {9782200270087}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 256, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936336 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, series = {U}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Sociologie de la jeunesse}, url = {}, year = 2007}@incollection{Dalton2003Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Dalton, R J. and Hac, P Minh and Nghi, P Thanh and Ong, N T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {571e5ce54769ba73a845828478b456a4}, intrahash = {7e2ff26d691f670e760963afe7623965}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {139-156}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264034 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Relations and Social Capital in Vietnam: Findings from the 2001 World Values Survey}, year = 2003}@incollection{Pettersson2008Changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {026b4d8633a59ac83e9f6ffe3afe9b76}, intrahash = {c1c96faee5855fd8103ba52a51bc9993}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {123-148}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280741 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Swedish Civic Orientations: From Solidarity to Activism?}, year = 2008}@incollection{Brown1985Marriage, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Brown, J. and Comber, M. and Gibson, K. and Howard, S.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {e281335d5fbe9357d757613646b30266}, intrahash = {fe1a1693b77b0c7f1eef39be33a8c781}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014 marriage moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {109-145}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280953 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Marriage and the Family}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@book{Fogarty1984Irish, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Fogarty, M Patrick and Ryan, Liam and Lee, Joseph}, biburl = {}, interhash = {910b0b16dc657c9c5c9a5cd999aa6df4}, intrahash = {7d0bf91141c86431bffe0363bf430669}, isbn = {907271359}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english euthanasia family input2014 marriage moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 298, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281064 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Dominican Publications}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Irish Values & Attitudes: the Irish Report of the European Value Systems Study}, type = {Book}, year = 1984}@incollection{Deutsch2008Civic, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Deutsch, Franziska and Welzel, Christian and Wucherpfennig, Julian}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {95fce7ca342957d246e329571768527a}, intrahash = {8a51945b3616b93e31271550391041a3}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {199-217}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280744 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civic Values and Value Change in Austria and Germany}, year = 2008}@incollection{Riffault1994Le, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Riffault, Hélène}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {7e3780dc623766886a5af14fa565c229}, intrahash = {32f7af9848a275b89aa9715c50e4a7f3}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {85-122}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280878 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France (PUF)}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Le travail et la représentation sociale de l'economie}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Dobbelaere1997Luhmann, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven / Amersfoort}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Sociale Systemen Bestaan: Een Kennismaking met het Werk van Niklas Luhmann}, editor = {Laermans, Rudi}, interhash = {10a5ff1507e5ab1839c87b9d11ffd45e}, intrahash = {42596bfd4dec219690d152d200711d7e}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {181-196}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281146 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Acco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Luhmann en de Analyse van de Godsdienst: Enkele Denkpistes (x- Luhman and the Analysis of Religion: Some Thoughts)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@book{Harding1986Contrasting, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Harding, Stephen and Phillips, D R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {63f44f0400e67ab95b85cd3279f29e92}, intrahash = {930c041c39f1c27e506c48ce9b7094d6}, isbn = {0333386787, 9780333386781}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 274, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280827 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Contrasting Values in Western Europe. Unity, Diversity & Change}, type = {Book}, year = 1986}@book{Hamberg1988Religi?s, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Hamberg, Eva}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5e21e41836e1366cc17db0655bda124f}, intrahash = {edca2cb8f9c2d2719badc8073b819860}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Swedish book checked input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281131 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Religionssociologiska Institutet}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religi?s tro och religi?st engagemang}, type = {Book}, year = 1988}@book{vanDeth1995Impact, abstract = {This book is the fourth in the 'Beliefs in government' series, and focuses on phenomena indicative of widespread change in the value orientations of citizens in Western Europe during the past two decades. These include a decline in religious belief, waning class values, and rising post-materialism - along with environmentalism, feminism, and post-modernism. The extent of these changes, and their impact on the conduct of politics, are the dual concerns of this book. Its first few chapters present a simple model of the relationship between value orientations and political participation, and follow up with an account of how value orientations can be established empirically. Subsequent chapters draw on extensive data from across Europe, in order to track changes in three key types of value orientation - religious/secular, left/right materialism, and materialism/post-materialism - and additionally discusses the emergence of the value orientations relating to feminism, post-modernism, and environmentalism. The third part of the book examines the impact of the three key types on political effectiveness, political trust, interest in politics, voting behaviour, and involvement in new social movements. It concludes with an assessment of the implications of changing value orientations for the governability of advanced industrial societies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, biburl = {}, editor = {Van Deth, Jan W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {d72c96b31ecf67740f802a398ab3ba24}, intrahash = {3e52ef5e404b3c83281ce3d6b95f6ff1}, isbn = {0198279574, 0198294751}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 588, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281251 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Impact of Values}, type = {Edited Book}, url = {}, year = 1995}@incollection{Loose2003Europe, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Loose, Donald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {d64d018383ce0407eb3e7ec038870531}, intrahash = {46bf5a133611c3d5c658144a3210136f}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {469-476}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281412 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-03-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europe: A Question Onto Itself?}, year = 2003}@book{Riffault1994Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Riffault, Hélène}, biburl = {}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {56bf44dcd9360a0a42508ab7526d7e96}, intrahash = {516dc5258e0326fb37b41e982e4bca99}, isbn = {2130459986}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 326, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281132 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France (PUF)}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1994}@book{Whelan1992Stability, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Whelan, C T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3a2153c36936a981667dcac6d73aef9c}, intrahash = {ff9ac5e1554a48e222b26e917f74088b}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english gender_roles input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281304 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Gill and Macmillan}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Stability and Change in Values and Attitudes Relevant to Women's Participation in the Labour Force and Wider Role in Society}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@incollection{Vala2004Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Vala, Jorge and Lima, Marcus and Lopes, Diniz}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {7fa3a98ed054778fee753c7c5b7032d7}, intrahash = {aec6914f4564634a315c71d87763c0c8}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 national_identity social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {139-163}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264469 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Values, Prejudice and Solidarity in the European Union}, year = 2004}@incollection{Ester1994Empirical, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, annotation = {Also published in International Journal of Sociology, ISSN: 00207659, Vol.24, P81-110.}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Towards a European Nation?: Political Trends in Europe}, editor = {Haller, Max and Richter, Rudolf}, interhash = {3e5497aeb7a2957f61fccf32ed13e361}, intrahash = {310d91bdc9c93f08938b9bd7e642ebdd}, isbn = {1563243849, 9781563243844}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {157-182}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281298 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Sharpe}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Empirical Trends in Religious and Moral Beliefs in Western Europe: A Cross-Sectional Longitudinal Analysis, 1981-1990}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Kerkhofs1985Enkele, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Baarn}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Katholiek Nederland Na 1945}, editor = {Stouthard, Philippe and van Tillo, Gerard}, interhash = {ebd5e034be857f89f5668170eae9c069}, intrahash = {d8a5890ae7843f4ef6ef03205dfbec7c}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {169-178}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281231 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {AMBO}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Enkele Europese Ori?ntatiepunten voor Nederlandse Katholieken (x- Some European Orientation Points for Dutch Catholics)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Becker1995Generations, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Becker, Henk A.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {e94eaf696670ba1cb37f2e4756c02d89}, intrahash = {8c1bebc11756999726c969795c73c42b}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english environment incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {269-296}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281312 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Generations and Value Change}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Inglehart1997Postmaterialist, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge MA}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Why People Don't Trust Government}, editor = {Nye, J S. and Zelikow, P D. and Kling, D C.}, interhash = {05e9f00e56cdb183fcebc8d664e1ec07}, intrahash = {09ca76e9346030e38e64b90950549105}, isbn = {0674940563, 0674940571}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {217-236}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281266 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Postmaterialist Values and the Erosion of Institutional Authority}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@incollection{Oorschot2007Multilevel, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Ashgate}, author = {Oorschot, W van and Uunk, W.J.G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Justice, Legitimacy and the Welfare State}, editor = {Mau, S. and Veghte, B.}, interhash = {3f7c5c49fc5d6c1e405048acdbb438b2}, intrahash = {3f936739b8598711658290fd493ca4d2}, isbn = {9780754649397}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {217-238}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3631152 ; inputdate=2009-11-02 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2009-11-02}, publisher = {Aldershot}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Multi-level Determinants of the Public's Informal Solidarity towards Immigrants in European Welfare States}, url = {}, year = 2007}@incollection{Huseby1995Identification, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Huseby, B Margrethe and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {e3115ea8a97636c55e0693efd0812871}, intrahash = {44dfa09cdb7a0e67fe1183687052cb48}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 national_identity social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {137-162}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281247 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Identification of Norwegians With Europe: The Impact of Values and Centre-Periphery Factors}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Knutsen2006End, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Knutsen, Oddbj?rn}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {3673d89447e1be910a109a5208a1a73b}, intrahash = {f6cdd167b6e43a457d2bcc3ba1badd49}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {115-150}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264455 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The End of Traditional Political Values?}, year = 2006}@incollection{Bréchon2007Crossnational, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Bréchon, P.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion}, editor = {Beckford, J A. and Demerath, N J.}, interhash = {1855b7f8f03682917ca5d2b4d7540a72}, intrahash = {6f0f038c47ca07c48b30857a84d77ab5}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {463-489}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763861 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-national comparisons of individual religiosity}, year = 2007}@book{Zulehner1993Europa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Düsseldorf}, author = {Zulehner, P M. and Denz, Hermann}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5da54cec1fcea6cd8447a49d4dc207bc}, intrahash = {a0614dcb059682240445e6bccbc48cc2}, isbn = {3491779464}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 264, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281168 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Patmos}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Wie Europa lebt und glaubt: europ?ische Wertestudie (x- How Europe Lives and Believes)}, type = {Book}, year = 1993}@incollection{Lambert2001Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {18871e38b1d255837e1029450874f1d7}, intrahash = {42dd52b5f861267fff9e2d5d852eb038}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280941 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion: croire sans appartenir}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@incollection{Halman1998Understanding, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Utrecht}, annotation = {CD-ROM}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Memory, history and critique: European identity at the millenium. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, at the University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, 19-08-1996}, editor = {Brinkhuis, F. and Talmor, S.}, interhash = {008919a7dd7b568ac2dfbeed95fb4a9d}, intrahash = {f7a97de999b2f236b6782303899f8f71}, isbn = {73022118}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256378 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {ISSEI/University for Humanist Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Understanding cross-national differences in basic value orientations}, year = 1998}@book{Inglehart1997Modernization, abstract = {Economic, technological, and sociopolitical changes have been transforming the cultures of advanced industrial societies in profoundly important ways during the past few decades. This ambitious work examines changes in religious beliefs, in motives for work, in the issues that give rise to political conflict, in the importance people attach to having children and families, and in attitudes toward divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. Ronald Inglehart's earlier book, The Silent Revolution (Princeton, 1977), broke new ground by discovering a major intergenerational shift in the values of the populations of advanced industrial societies. This new volume demonstrates that this value shift is part of a much broader process of cultural change that is gradually transforming political, economic, and social life in these societies.Inglehart uses a massive body of time-series survey data from twenty-six nations, gathered from 1970 through 1988, to analyze the cultural changes that are occurring as younger generations gradually replace older ones in the adult population. These changes have far-reaching political implications, and they seem to be transforming the economic growth rates of societies and the kind of economic development that is pursued.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Princeton}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, interhash = {781980c46a7299032c0fda4e6ab2de28}, intrahash = {3977a43011c964e38a829e533cd2d89b}, isbn = {691022968}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Subjective_well-being book checked english family input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 453, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280917 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic and Political Change in 43 Societies}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1997}@book{Inglehart1990Culture, abstract = {Economic, technological, and sociopolitical changes have been transforming the cultures of advanced industrial societies in profoundly important ways during the past few decades. This ambitious work examines changes in religious beliefs, in motives for work, in the issues that give rise to political conflict, in the importance people attach to having children and families, and in attitudes toward divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. Ronald Inglehart's earlier book, The Silent Revolution (Princeton, 1977), broke new ground by discovering a major intergenerational shift in the values of the populations of advanced industrial societies. This new volume demonstrates that this value shift is part of a much broader process of cultural change that is gradually transforming political, economic, and social life in these societies.Inglehart uses a massive body of time-series survey data from twenty-six nations, gathered from 1970 through 1988, to analyze the cultural changes that are occurring as younger generations gradually replace older ones in the adult population. These changes have far-reaching political implications, and they seem to be transforming the economic growth rates of societies and the kind of economic development that is pursued.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Princeton}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA0626 ZA0627 ZA0628 ZA0765 ZA0986 ZA0987 ZA0988 ZA0989 ZA0990 ZA0995 ZA1036 ZA1037 ZA1038 ZA1039 ZA1206 ZA1207 ZA1208 ZA1209 ZA1318 ZA1319 ZA1320 ZA1321 ZA1541 ZA1542 ZA1543 ZA1544 ZA1712 ZA1713}, interhash = {d05130f7e0d9e783f9a1844ec8cf43eb}, intrahash = {c026234e98a09091de3f80aa38df0557}, isbn = {069107786x, 0691022968}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english family input2014 moral_issues religion work}, language = {English}, note = {. (EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, pages = 484, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281023 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-29 ; pubdate=2009-03-02 ; Eurobarometer_ID=102902}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, study = {Political Action I (An Eight Nation Study), ECS - European Communities Study 1970, ECS - European Communities Study 1971, ECS - European Communities Study 1973, Eurobarometer 1973-1987, Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1990}@incollection{Riis1994Patterns, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Scandinavian Values: Religion and Morality in the Nordic Countries}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Riis, Ole}, interhash = {acdde36be49dcc60f4261da7ccf000de}, intrahash = {24257a05c83151017c9700c8cdc2006f}, isbn = {9155434118}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {99-128}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280886 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Almqvist & Wiksell International}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Patterns of Secularization in Scandinavia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Bozonnet2014Lécocentrisme, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bozonnet, Jean-Paul}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {f8f6e16e2f9ebb5fcbc8496ec118e25d}, intrahash = {f4055d2f793c696eeec633a294656609}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {89-104}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934930 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {L'écocentrisme en Europe: une mise en récit de la nature, post-industrielle et post-religieuse}, year = 2014}@book{deMoor1995Values, abstract = {The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values, initiated by the European Value Systems Study Group (EVSSG) in the late 1970s, at that time an informal grouping of academics. Now, it is carried on in the setting of a foundation, using the (abbreviated) name of the group European Values Study (EVS). The EVSSG aimed at designing and conducting a major empirical study of the moral and social values underlying European social and political institutions and governing conduct. A rich academic literature has now been created around the original survey, and numerous other works have made use of the findings.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e052690f93125952e88e183dce7addfc}, intrahash = {278e511b54a3bc604dd3c45f5d1567a0}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english family input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 322, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281221 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Values in Western Societies}, type = {Book}, year = 1995}@book{Nevitte1996Decline, abstract = {Since the 1980's Canadians have experienced turmoil on an unprecedented scale and on a variety of fronts. Constitutional battles pitted citizen against citizen and publics against leaders. Vigorous new interest groups challenged governments to respond to new issues like the environment, gay rights, and equality for women. In the face of expanding trade relations Canadians mobilized to respond to economic uncertainty, and family relations were exposed to new stresses. What explains the turmoil? In this extraordinarily wide-ranging book, Neil Nevitte demonstrates that the changing patterns of Canadian values are connected. Changing attitudes to authority in the family are connected to changing attitudes to the work-place and to politics and they all point to one theme--the decline of deference. Canada's turmoil is not unique, nor is it a result of the "Americanization" of Canadian values. Canada, he argues is but one stage on which the rhythms of post-industrial value change are played out.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Toronto}, author = {Nevitte, Neil}, biburl = {}, interhash = {00038304b6a77419fe46982dbeaae424}, intrahash = {7606bb10747fa189700fcb2462eaf5bd}, isbn = {1551110318}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english family input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 350, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281202 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Broadview Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Decline of Deference: Canadian Value Change in Cross National Perspective}, type = {Book}, year = 1996}@incollection{Liedhegener2014Religionszugeh?rigkeit, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, author = {Liedhegener, Antonius and Odermatt, Anastas}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Europa mit oder ohne Religion? Der Beitrag der Religion zum gegenw?rtigen und künftigen Europa}, editor = {Appel, Kurt and Guanzini, Isabella and Walser, Angelika}, interhash = {e8acee6bcd7e278191dc454107694ff1}, intrahash = {09146b6165ae00cbed7222ac6dbc95e5}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {119-167}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935672 ; inputdate=2014-07-05 ; editdate=2014-07-05 ; pubdate=2014-07-05}, publisher = {V&R}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religionszugeh?rigkeit in Europa – empirisch. Die ?Swiss Meta-database of Religious Affiliation in Europe (SMRE)?}, year = 2014}@incollection{Lesthaeghe1995Living, abstract = {Data from the 1990 European Values Surveys concerning West Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, are used to examine how various factors affect living arrangements and family building patterns. The factors considered include religion, educational and socioeconomic status, and the cultural components of conservatism.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Lesthaeghe, Ron and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {1b318a3bdee1151318d570afd9d6f81c}, intrahash = {6634711d5d9cb8da452e896a33dc9a1a}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Residence_Characteristics checked english family incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {217-250}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281060 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Living Arrangements and Parenthood: Do Values Matter?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Timms1992Family, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aldershot}, author = {Timms, Noel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2440808155f4428387afd155a464a3e9}, intrahash = {4620f0ac5d173805fca3c828e7bcab1c}, isbn = {1855212013}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english family input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 116, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281189 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Dartmouth}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Family and Citizenship: Values in Contemporary Britain}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@incollection{Chauvel1995Valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Chauvel, Louis}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Futuribles (revue)}, interhash = {23030c24d79b19d76ee2066ea541b6f7}, intrahash = {1f0a7bca2c176c7c0ce41ac2cba13183}, isbn = {2843871999}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 200, pages = {167-200}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280826 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valeurs régionales et nationales en Europe (x- Regional and National Values in Europe)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Muffels2003One, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Muffels, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {43a3565b401b33b7e8eb35128a7ab2dc}, intrahash = {94252ae2b5909de2062831c22253b8bf}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {433-448}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281410 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {One European World of Welfare or Many: The Role of Values, Behavior and Institutions}, year = 2003}@book{Gubert2004Valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Milano}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, editor = {Gubert, Renzo}, interhash = {99bace6153b38b3c14c8c75f689b39d0}, intrahash = {1c45518a6d97455118b37eb9b774a234}, isbn = {8846464109}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 704, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281183 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Franco Angeli}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valori e appartenenze sociali: per una valutazione delle nuove territorialità}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2004}@incollection{Elzo1997Problem, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Elzo, Javier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Violence: From Biology to Society}, editor = {Grisolía, J S. and Sanmartín, José and Luján, J Luis and Grisolía, Santiago}, interhash = {e4519d18fa57a09aa256b98d074a27b1}, intrahash = {3ec9a2dd1be12105f2db88cd421f2854}, isbn = {044482572X, 9780444825728}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {203-210}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280988 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Problem of Violence in the Basque Country}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@book{Ashford1992What, abstract = {This book is the fruit of a study carried out in 1990 under the auspices of the European Values Systems Study Group. The findings are derived from the responses of over 15,500 people to a questionnaire, which is rather curiously described as having been distributed across ten member countries of the EC. In fact, it was distributed across nine member countries (the 12 minus Denmark, Greece and Luxembourg), with two separate surveys having been conducted in one country, the UK, one in Northern Ireland and the other in Great Britain.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aldershot}, author = {Ashford, Sheena and Timms, Noel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e84c9146e59a43a41adf872f176d3000}, intrahash = {99ebf5f1e62033c9f7b2164db983af47}, isbn = {1855212382, 9781855212381}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 168, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280840 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Dartmouth Publishing Group}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {What Europe Thinks: A Study of Western European Values}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@book{Melich1991werte, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Berne}, annotation = {French version: Les Valuers des Suisses}, author = {Melich, Anna}, biburl = {}, editor = {Melich, Anna}, interhash = {f184d0b1e0f74affd05aa159978fe9cf}, intrahash = {b06c9cedda51d0141171bc1fab059693}, isbn = {3261044977}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280955 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lang Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Die werte der Schweizer}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1991}@book{Inglehart1998Human, abstract = {For over twenty-five years Ronald Inglehart and his colleagues have been collecting survey data on the beliefs and opinions of people all over the world on a variety of topics. This work led Inglehart to expound his noted theory about the development of post-materialist values in developed countries and explore its effect on politics. This book, based on the most comprehensive of these surveys, the World Values Survey conducted in over forty countries from 1990-93, publishes for the first time all of the findings of this survey. The questions cover issues such as politics, economics, religion, family life, and gender roles, and reflect differences in response by age, gender, economic standing, and education. This book provides a wealth of data that will appeal to social scientists, journalists, people in international business, and policy makers interested in understanding social, political, or cultural attitudes in different countries. Ronald Inglehart is Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan, and coauthor of Value Change in Global Perspective, as well as many other books and articles. Miguel Basanez is Professor of Political Science, Institutio Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico, and director of MORI de Mexico. Alejandro Moreno is Professor of Political Science, Institutio Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Ann Arbor}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Basa?ez, Miguel and Moreno, Alejandro}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a4003c56cd4f7b7402abd933c1625977}, intrahash = {8f2e02e0873b84a45057b1c54a0aa206}, isbn = {0472108336, 9780472108336}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english family gender_roles input2014 religion}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 534, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281054 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {University of Michigan Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Human Values and Belief: A Cross-Cultural Sourcebook}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1998}@inproceedings{Gundelach1991Politiske, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Hverdag i EF, Kobenhavn}, editor = {Friis, H.}, interhash = {04f4e25336f0f965777704f306215725}, intrahash = {6f628ef92417e54dfe89658256d4a952}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {121-138}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280952 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Spectrum}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Politiske og religiose holdninger (x- Political and Religious Attitudes)}, type = {Conference Proceedings}, year = 1991}@incollection{Tchernia2001R?les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {a0a35fa02c5c30e2d237e0a3d68c8309}, intrahash = {7f7c81b1abd4978ce5b822ae395553a4}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french gender_roles incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281328 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {R?les sexués: un consensus sans effets?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@book{Noelle-Neumann1987Zweifel, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth and Maier-Leibnitz, Heinz}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8966a91f2a8fccfb8023373bb83ab4e8}, intrahash = {22eaf8fb891dd84add88b8095c110415}, isbn = {3720152022}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2014 moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 139, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281032 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Zweifel am Verstand: Das irrationale als die neue Moral}, type = {Book}, year = 1987}@incollection{Esmer2003Is, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Esmer, Yilmaz}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {9a199833f80f62c5567acf4ea6fced11}, intrahash = {ed67610551f080b0a8258640d1ae7c00}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-68}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3258624 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is There an Islamic Civilization?}, year = 2003}@incollection{Gerhards2006Europ?ischer, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Münster u.a.}, author = {Gerhards, Jürgen and Holscher, Michael}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Die Werte Europas. Verfassungspatriotismus und Wertegemeinschaft in der EU?}, editor = {Heit, Helmut}, interhash = {46fe63265760513cd419900dd18eb114}, intrahash = {62f96262cf4274f1a96e1161d7330750}, isbn = {3825887707, 9783825887704}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014 v102 v105 v110 v111 v112 v114 v115 v123 v129 v131 v6 v64}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {96-107}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281065 ; country=alles behalve cyprus ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lit Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europ?ischer Verfassungspatriotismus und die Verbreitung zentraler Werte in den Mitglieds- und Beitrittsl?ndern der EU und der Türkei.(English title: European Constitutional Patriotism and the Spreading of Central Values in the Member- and Applicant Countries and Turkey.)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2006}@book{Dekker2003value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Dekker, P. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c8c729aa985dbe42221efb27fae7e16a}, intrahash = {07f029c4b906c01be0d793fb1dc4e8cb}, isbn = {306477378}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 226, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256370 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Press/ Plenum Publishers}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The value of volunteering. Cross-cultural perspectives}, year = 2003}@incollection{Tchernia2004Hélène, abstract = {Développements formels récents. Enquêtes spécifiques. Enseignements dans les sondages. Qualité dans les enquêtes. Méthodes de collectes et nouvelles technologies. Accès aux banques de données. Sondages, politiques et élections. Enquêtes répétées dans le temps. Histoire des sondages.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Echantillonage et méthodes d'enquêtes}, editor = {Ardilly, Pascal}, interhash = {9118eacdc538b41db982334d0f84dcaa}, intrahash = {1b868157eb0414d69bc119bfc8001180}, isbn = {9782100074778}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 Enquête FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936452 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, publisher = {Dunod}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Hélène Riffault : une vie et une pensée au service des sondages}, url = {}, year = 2004}@book{Juknevicius2001Europa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Kultüros ir meno institutas.^Summary in English (p. 216)}, author = {Juknevicius, Stanislovas and Matulionis, A. and Mitrikas, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cef96da42563a4f9336953494c0ae5d2}, intrahash = {60be1a7961e0fd8c301f56e5190137d3}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014 lithuanian}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280844 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europa ir mes}, type = {Book}, year = 2001}@book{Capraro1993Sociologia, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Brescia}, author = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5396ade202a92ddba9702aac5feb2695}, intrahash = {13a2844e8928e448255981e731db5996}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014 italian religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281348 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Morcelliana}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Sociologia e religione: teoria e ricerca empirica}, type = {Book}, year = 1993}@incollection{Christensen2002Arbejdsrelaterede, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Christensen, P Venturelli}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {fda3a46322b1971f347eb7f1ee8e8a84}, intrahash = {56ed9ae4865eeca3c969dacd42afea47}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281176 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Arbejdsrelaterede v?rdier og holdninger}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{Bovenberg2003Unity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Bovenberg, Lans}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {921501b21c5ef8abcbe2f51132ca56b5}, intrahash = {d48c9a284f49ffa0a549d3d48a382c86}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {403-419}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281408 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-05-13 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Unity Produces Diversity: The Economics of Europe's Social Capital}, year = 2003}@book{Stoetzel1984I, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Torino}, author = {Stoetzel, Jean}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f74096cbde5a095c560538743dfebb98}, intrahash = {43925f65772fca1517fefb4a0f28a2bb}, isbn = {8805038288, 9788805038282}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 372, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281248 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {SEI}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {I valori del tempo presente: un' inchiesta Europea}, type = {Book}, year = 1984}@phdthesis{Cozma2011Relation, abstract = {The aim of this research is to examine the relation between the change in globalizationand change in personal values (work and general life values). An analysis across 28 years and 53countries suggests that changes in different personal values have different relations with thechange in globalization. Moreover, this relation is influenced by the demographic characteristicsof the sample. The present research contributes to the literature in the following ways: 1) linkingglobalization (an economic concept) and personal values (a psychological concept), 2) providingan analysis of the relation between the change in personal values and the change in globalizationacross 28 years and 53 countries, 3) using an objective measure of globalization to examine theglobalization phenomenon, and 4) including a large number of personal values (12 values) whichprovides a rich source of information.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Knoxville}, author = {Cozma, I Florentina}, biburl = {}, interhash = {015a10240debbf65f0a22856c8dd935f}, intrahash = {a70d37763ef12f25df939457fc0d2a59}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391318 ; inputdate=2012-03-14 ; editdate=2012-03-14 ; pubdate=2012-03-14}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Relation between Globalization and Personal Values across 53 Countries and 28 Years}, url = {}, year = 2011}@incollection{Díez-Nicolás2003Two, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Díez-Nicolás, Juan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {eb8a26b9a85856537fabea4bd66a49bf}, intrahash = {e629843ab9e3bdfd5004b37d13a9a0fd}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Subjective_well-being checked english gender_roles incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {235-263}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264038 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Two Contradictory Hypotheses on Globalization: Societal Convergence or Civilization Differentiation and Clash}, year = 2003}@misc{Gonthier2013Toward, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1830a5d7e1a7e120967ffc932649279e}, intrahash = {3ba7bc842a64b5e385718b7956fe0f18}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938474 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Toward a Liberal Mood? A Multilevel Analysis of Public Support for State in the European Union Between 1990 and 2008}, year = 2013}@incollection{Pettersson2007Religion, abstract = {Most versions of secularization theory expect advanced modernity to weaken religion. In contrast, this chapter argues that two different dimensions of contemporary society affect religion in opposite ways. Rising levels of human security and well-being are assumed to drive towards religious decline, while growing cultural diversity is assumed to push towards religious growth. These two hypotheses are simultaneously investigated, using world wide data for 50 000 respondents from 37 countries with a predominantly Christian heritage. As dependent variables, two dimensions of religious involvement which relate to two core aspects of secularization theory are analyzed: church-oriented religious involvement and preferences for a religious impact on politics. The findings from three different analytical strategies demonstrate that each of the two religious orientations is positively related to the cultural diversity, and also that each of them is negatively related to human security and well-being. Furthermore, the results also indicate that the religious changes which took place between 1981 and 1999/2000 are negatively related to human well-being and security, and positively to cultural diversity. Thus, a set of comprehensive analyses of one and the same set of world wide data indicate that human security and cultural diversity affect religious involvement in opposite ways. It seems too simplistic, therefore, to view modernization as a universal cause of religious decline.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {af652fd516607be8d68147d485514b13}, intrahash = {8f757e2b2cbcec147068f6f557549022}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Subjective_well-being checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {127-153}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264121 ; inputdate=2009-02-17 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-02-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion in Contemporary Society: Eroded by Human Well-being, Supported by Cultural Diversity}, year = 2007}@incollection{Roudet2001Une, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Roudet, Bernard and Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Oliver and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {7ec83645ad39cb1b2612290080842216}, intrahash = {d084609c02724caec9f3d1b094fa9b20}, isbn = {2747517985, 9782747517980}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281211 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Une présence active dans un milieu associatif en évolution}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@book{Davie2000Religion, abstract = {Very few of the existing sociological texts which compare different European societies on specific topics are accessible to a broad range of scholars and students. The European Societies series will help fill this gap in the literature, and attempt to answer questions such as: Is there really such a thing as a 'European model' of society? Do the economic and political integration processes of the European Union also imply convergence in more general aspects of social life, like family or religious behaviour? What do the societies of Western Europe have in common with those further to the east?This series will cover the full range of European countries. As well as surveying existing knowledge in a way that will be useful to students, each book will also seek to contribute to our growing knowledge of what remains in many aspects a sociologically unknown continent.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Davie, G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {50394c30b295328897353e2bf5c42917}, intrahash = {1da1032c075bb07cd64af95f3ca97132}, isbn = {198280653}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 218, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763871 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, series = {European Societies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion in Modern Europe: A Memory Mutates}, year = 2000}@book{Gerard1983Charities, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Gerard, David}, biburl = {}, interhash = {19099656c24641e992c2189f89942825}, intrahash = {0588540a39d14e35cd86f124c99bc44c}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement book checked english input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281207 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Bedford Square Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Charities in Britain: Conservation or Change}, type = {Book}, year = 1983}@incollection{Cassidy2002Modernity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Cassidy, E.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring Ireland: Discerning Values and Beliefs}, editor = {Cassidy, E.}, interhash = {328ef9e07d0c5f1d2c881dd3a5f22122}, intrahash = {5979a8273afd53eb533426b6251d3e8b}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {17-45}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763864 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Veritas}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Modernity and Religion in Ireland: 1980-2000}, year = 2002}@incollection{Heunks1995Political, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Heunks, Felix and Hikspoors, Frans}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {5a4a68e0049f25e0f2d6b87cec833043}, intrahash = {02d9cd3c578eba587f72cda6f54d4f2b}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {text available at: . (EVS)}, pages = {51-82}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281076 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Culture 1960-1990}, type = {Book Section}, url = {/brokenurl#text available at: }, year = 1995}@incollection{Noelle-Neumann1986Portr?t, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Würzburg}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Wirkung des Sch?pferischen. Kurt Herberts zum 85. Geburtstag}, editor = {Bossle, Lothar}, interhash = {02b39425cae3dd0fd4e41723ae645bf8}, intrahash = {5d6af96cd0f87d140a1f81e107848086}, isbn = {3892470006}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {459-463}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281292 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Creator Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Portr?t der Deutschen oder: Der Versuch, einen nationalen Charakter zu ver?nderen}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1986}@incollection{Halman1994Scandinavian, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Scandinavian Values: Religion and Morality in the Nordic Countries}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Riis, Ole}, interhash = {2a20793ee8ba1d7e170848a49c5650af}, intrahash = {3d4d7cfae6138c195c9c15b14151c6bb}, isbn = {9155434118}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {59-84}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281346 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Almqvist & Wiksell International}, series = {Psychologia et Sociologia Religionum}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Scandinavian Values: How Special Are They?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Heunks1995Politiek, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Den Haag}, author = {Heunks, F J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Internationaal Vergelijkend Onderzoek}, editor = {Korsten, A. and others}, interhash = {e2aa4cffa2157a8a1da549209547b3d6}, intrahash = {e09defb335befc1c207dba26c4155cfe}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked dutch incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {359-378}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280992 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {VUGA}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Politiek Activisme in Actie, doeleinden, doelwitten en intiatiefnemers van directe actie in drie westerse democratie?n (x- Political Activism in Action, Goals, Targets and People who take Initiative in Direct Action in Tree Democratic Countries)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Gundelach1997Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Gundelach, Peter and Thorpe, Lars}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Private Groups and Public Lives. Social Participation, Voluntary Associations and Political Involvement in Representative Democracies}, editor = {van Deth, J W.}, interhash = {68c6232e2d5b71ba2555216a20dabd1d}, intrahash = {60550c3f2c893e7413b78673bde71f0b}, isbn = {415169550}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {47-63}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280916 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Reflexivity, Democracy and New Types of Citizen Involvement in Denmark}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@incollection{Arts2006Ontwikkelingen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {s' Gravenhage}, author = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek and van der Meer, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Bouwen aan vertrouwen in het openbaar bestuur: Diagnoses en Remedies}, editor = {Korsten, A. and de Goede, P.}, interhash = {817bfedc314361c158a3321511717e46}, intrahash = {6559ddc7c60fe7253b14b9be658b53ed}, isbn = {9035240243}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked dutch incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {61-78}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280862 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Elsevier Overheid}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Ontwikkelingen in politiek vertrouwen in Europa, 1981-2004}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2006}@incollection{Gabriel1996Distrust, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Gabriel, O W.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies: Integration, Values, Identification and Participation}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {4e06bec8757f3cc0b5f7008272aa6055}, intrahash = {9af7d2b5d8361b804630b81be672961d}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {193-220}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281262 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Distrust, Involvement, and Political Protest in Western Democracies}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{deMoor1985Valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Louvain-la-Neuve}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Ethique, science et foi chrétienne}, editor = {van der Bruggen, Conrad and Ladrière, Jean and Morren, Lucien}, interhash = {ebe6c797714931103252bee2d5de52f6}, intrahash = {abfba3c593486b2fbd07bc0e709255dd}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {85-107}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281019 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses de Louvain-la-Neuve}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valeurs du temps présent: une étude de l'Europe occidentale}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Gundelach2002Familiev?rdierne, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {cdd4eded9563bf1f25c1d4f8ba0915be}, intrahash = {7674db51968aa6728f05eadca9425239}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281011 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Familiev?rdierne best?r}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@incollection{Galland2001Conclusion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Olivier and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {7e42d4e13d119567bfd047a028d1f4d1}, intrahash = {039a1b2274153ac76a27e3fa580ff6f3}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281350 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Conclusion: Les valeurs des jeunes et des adultes se sont rapprochées}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@incollection{Jasinska-Kania2000Poland, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aldershot}, author = {Jasinska-Kania, Aleksandra}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Nations and Nationalism, Theoretical and Historical Perspectives}, editor = {Hagendoorn, Louk and Csepeli, Gyorgy and Dekker, Henk and Farnen, Russell}, interhash = {9d98dbbbeaf552b06d15484d5ece05ad}, intrahash = {08974d12f754f300abaaa7fb00bdb18b}, isbn = {0754611361, 9780754611363}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {281-306}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280850 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ashgate}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Poland: The 'Christ' of Nations}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2000}@incollection{Noelle-Neumann1985Meinungsführung, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Mainz}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Werte, Leitbilder, Tugenden, Zur Erneuerung politischer Kultur}, editor = {Weigelt, Klaus}, interhash = {d81c983db7f2637e5f4f2fd97c61a3e2}, intrahash = {77611fafd3593a38c582b6e1437edc96}, isbn = {3775810897}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked german incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {171-192}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281098 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {v. Hase und Koehler}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Meinungsführung in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@book{Noelle-Neumann1987Zweifel, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7b2189d475451d1f9a216f66ec044eae}, intrahash = {a59bb1f4831139a9cf216a9503765e5e}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281245 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Zweifel am Verstand}, type = {Book}, year = 1987}@incollection{Inglehart2007Mapping, abstract = {Modernization goes through two main phases, each of which brings distinctive changes in people's worldviews. The Industrial Revolution was linked with a shift from traditional to secular-rational values, bringing bureaucratization, centralization, standardization and the secularization of authority. In the post-industrial phase of modernization, a shift from survival values to self-expression values, brings increasing emancipation from both religious and secular-rational authority. Rising mass emphasis on self-expression values makes democracy increasingly likely to emerge. Although the desire for freedom is a universal human aspiration, it does not take top priority when people grow up with the feeling that survival is uncertain. But when survival seems secure, increasing emphasis on self-expression values makes the emergence of democracy increasingly likely where it does not yet exist, and makes democracy increasingly effective where it already exists.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {65f4049536e2e00d4fd8ed179340d8fe}, intrahash = {1fc00893edbe3284c52d18690c42caf3}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Survival_vs._Self-Expression_Values Traditional_vs._Secular-Rational_Values checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {11-32}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264041 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Mapping Global Values}, year = 2007}@incollection{Bréchon1997Le, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Femmes et religions, Labor et Fides}, editor = {Lautman, F.}, interhash = {7eb81fab360579f8ba37d4c12794579e}, intrahash = {716a0f65ec666854f3c926e5f3b0d6e0}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french gender_roles incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {309-330}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281310 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Le mystere des identites religieuses masculines et feminines}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@book{Friedli1986Zwischen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Freiburg}, author = {Friedli, Richard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {521270b1d0366ed14b76b9dcf91aa7e0}, intrahash = {e890329df090b15b6fad4ea640abf48a}, isbn = {3727803614}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Reincarnation book checked german input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 122, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281082 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universit?tsverlag Freiburg}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Zwischen Himmel und H?lle; Die Reinkarnation (x- Between Heaven and Hell. Reincarnation)}, type = {Book}, year = 1986}@incollection{Melich1995National, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Melich, Anna}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {adc0f5552bae67f4a3cbfeeb97c306bf}, intrahash = {dbc0afef166dbfc5c2991f46a09f2977}, isbn = {9036196311}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Subjective_well-being checked english family incollection input2014 national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {83-106}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281037 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {National Dissatisfaction and Distrust in Europe: the Case of Switzerland}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Titarenko2004Gender, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Titarenko, Larissa}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {1e2226a1d920559a3e8b55e9bc2d4dad}, intrahash = {98d79af10495f507e4f009c54171351d}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english gender_roles incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {363-385}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276540 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-26}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Attitudes Towards Religion in Six Post-Soviet States}, year = 2004}@incollection{Bréchon1997Identité, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cultures jeunes et religions en Europe}, editor = {Campiche, R J.}, interhash = {6308679714c5e1007e15eb177a095ecb}, intrahash = {7089ae489eef816c807c5abb7b1c1e84}, isbn = {2204057223}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {45-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281338 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Cerf}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Identité religieuse des jeunes en Europe (x- Religious Identity of Youth in Europe)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@incollection{Baloban2004Beitrag, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {München}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Herausforderung Europa. Die Christen im Spannungsfeld von nationaler Identit?t, demokratischer Gesellschaft und politischer Kultur, Reihe: Argumente und Materialien zu Zeitgeschehen}, editor = {Baloban, Stjepan and Rauscher, Anton}, interhash = {c3462361aae152c7cb3c4b6e551ff1a3}, intrahash = {18f14d8406f10ff5258c3429dfe41c91}, isbn = {3887952774}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 43, pages = {133-137}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281353 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans-Seidel-Stiftung e. V.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Der Beitrag der katholischen Kirche für einen EU-Beitritt Kroatiens: Sieben Thesen}, type = {Book Section}, volume = 43, year = 2004}@incollection{Chenu2006Le, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Chenu, Alain and Herpin, Nicolas}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {L'épreuve des inégallités}, editor = {Lagrange, Hugues}, interhash = {6324f023fe22b4abad537d377e35d888}, intrahash = {250eb21d852205f2f12c98002e611da1}, isbn = {978-2-13-055814-9}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {'%C3%A9preuve_des_in%C3%A9galit%C3%A9s. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {41-66}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936334 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, publisher = {PUF}, series = {Le lien Social}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Le libéralisme économique gagne les pays nordiques. La France résiste}, url = {'%C3%A9preuve_des_in%C3%A9galit%C3%A9s}, year = 2006}@incollection{Inglehart1998Valors, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Barcelona}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Valors I Diversitat Cultural a les Societats d'Europa I del Magreb}, editor = {Roque, M ?ngels}, interhash = {d1dcddf8c7c0c24cba33ff6f5edbb0c9}, intrahash = {f95e6cc82da256c9adf24665ffca4e52}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Spanish checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {36-77}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281200 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Instit Catala de la Mediterrania}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valors Canvivants i el Futur de la Politica Mediterrania}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1998}@incollection{Riis1996Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Identités réligieuses en Europe}, editor = {Davie, Grace and Hervieu-Léger, Danièle}, interhash = {177c513ab6666eacae1ad198aba713f9}, intrahash = {32fb4612f582cca30e3df33947da5570}, isbn = {2707125601}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 national_identity religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {113-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281320 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {la Découverte}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion et identité nationale au Danemarque (x- Religion and National Identity in Denmark)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@book{Anheier2001Global, abstract = {Many scholars, policy-makers, and especially activists have begun to use the term "global civil society," yet it remains highly contested and under-researched. This Yearbook, a landmark publication, discusses and clarifies the concept: mapping, measuring, and examining it on a yearly basis.The conceptual chapters, comprehensive case studies, and comparative empirical data make it an essential volume for researchers in a number of disciplines, including economics, political science, anthropology and sociology, international law, and international relations.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, annotation = {Published by Oxford University Press}, biburl = {}, editor = {Anheier, Helmut and Glasius, Marlies and Kaldor, Mary}, interhash = {734b357d4f39e2a2924b1217995148dc}, intrahash = {9b11d04c43580443cfb92b396d172bf1}, issn = {199246432}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_Engagement book checked english input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 348, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281323 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Global Civil Society 2001}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, year = 2001}@incollection{Nevitte1995North, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Nevitte, Neil and Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {74c5ffd319046cc79f7ed6bf92fb89ac}, intrahash = {52ea4100c598c0591fcbb993c1c8dcd0}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {107-136}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281208 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {North American Value Change and Integration: Lessons from Western Europe?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{vandenBroek1996Cohort, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {van den Broek, Andries}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies: Integration, Values, Identification and Particpation}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {103f41bcd4fface542477fa4031c199b}, intrahash = {befe91bc5945314d3b2be19fe6fd9044}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {237-260}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280958 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cohort Replacement and Generation Formation in Western Politics}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Arts2003cultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Hagenaars, J.A.P. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity. Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P.}, interhash = {6a6b4d926119ece3eaa44792dab12b3d}, intrahash = {09747abf8eb1697822e74cc1940db821}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {1-12}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256359 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The cultural diversity of European unity: an introduction}, year = 2003}@incollection{Pettersson1994Culture, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Scandinavian Values: Religion and Morality in the Nordic Countries}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Riis, Ole}, interhash = {87d7d605faee26bcdf86391b5f96b835}, intrahash = {63eed2dee8a82dc7466f47ede4f3d277}, isbn = {9155434118}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {197-212}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280971 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Almqvist & Wiksell International}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Culture Shift and Generational Population Replacement: Individualization, Secularization, and Moral Value Change in Contemporary Scandinavia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Melich1994Insatisfacción, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Melich, Anna}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencas mundiales de cambo en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {2a31e7d8d6249a9497b4c24483b0e6ba}, intrahash = {956e1e308960059d84631623549166ec}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Spanish Subjective_well-being checked family incollection input2014 national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {315-332}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281047 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Insatisfacción nacional y desconfianza europea: el caso de Suiza (National Dissatisfaction and Distrust in Europe. The Case of Switzerland)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Myers1992Pursuit, abstract = {Review:Pursuit of Happiness summarizes major studies about happiness and what makes people happy as of 1993. It is well researched and provides an extensive bibliography.Myers begins by asking the question: "Who is happy and why?" and then answers by sharing what (the then) current studies on happiness show. Myers also shares empirical data that supports what the ancient philosophers, Plato, Seneca, and Aristotle wrote about happiness.1. What Is Well-being? 2. Wealth and Well-being3. A Satisfied Mind 4. The Demography of Happiness5. Reprogramming the Mind6. The Traits of Happy People7. "Flow" in Work and Play8. The Friendship Factor9. Love and Marriage10. Faith, Hope, and Joy}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Myers, D G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {11872a8e702bb971ec30b7a34480b35d}, intrahash = {7d5a69baa079a181a9cdbdfb1713244c}, isbn = {380715228}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Subjective_well-being book checked english input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 336, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281139 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-22 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {William Morrow & Company}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Pursuit of Happiness: Who is Happy and Why?}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 1992}@book{Rus2005Vrednote, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Ljubljana}, author = {Rus, Veljko and To?, Niko}, biburl = {}, interhash = {764384688c7b3b39167233d8da721d4f}, intrahash = {1e271daf49c294196fc84f1c3c02591d}, isbn = {9612352003}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 461, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281038 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Dokumenti SJM}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Vrednote Slovencev in Evropejcev}, type = {Book}, year = 2005}@book{Inglehart2003Human, abstract = {This book presents findings based on a unique source of insight into the role of human values--the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey, covering 78 societies containing over 80 per cent of the world's population. The findings reveal large and coherent cross-national differences in what people want out of life. Four waves of surveys, from 1981 to 1999-2001, reveal the impact of changing values on societal phenomena. Evidence from eleven Islamic societies demonstrates that a distinctive Islamic culture exists-but the democratic ideal is endorsed overwhelmingly. Other analyses examine Gender Equality and Democracy; Corruption and Democracy; Social Capital in Vietnam; the Clash of Civilization; Political Satisfaction in Global Perspective; Trust in International Governance; and Israeli and South African values.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {60c41abca9941463e3509ec853fd2f59}, intrahash = {25b991ae6be0d44997a5af549ade0c6a}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 286, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280933 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropoloy}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2003}@incollection{deMoor1995Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {6cd7911d5441276b66642485dc4ce371}, intrahash = {7bf680878b6214dfa560004ed68b654a}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {31-50}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281213 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Moral Values: The Case of Euthanasia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Georgas2004Families, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Georgas, James and Mylonas, Kostas and Gari, Aikaterini and Panagiotopoulou, Penny}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {67d4387ea7a1620ff2ce9d43833d1e1d}, intrahash = {dc1eed954d603554cd80e6ddd8e8a337}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english enhanced family gender_roles incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {167-204}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264470 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-18;religiosity?V6: how important in your life: religion (Q1F)?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)?V50: how often spend time in church (Q6C)gender roles?V156: women really want home and children (Q46C)?V151: woman single parent, no stable relationship with man (Q44)?V160: fathers as well suited to look after children as mothers (Q46G)?V158: job best way for independence women (Q46E)?V157: being housewife as fulfilling as paid job (Q46D)?V161: men less able to handle emotions in relationships than women (Q46H)?V159: husband+wife contribute to household income (Q46F)?V149: women need children in order to be fulfilled (Q42)family?V154: working mother warm relationship with children (Q46A)?V155: pre-school child suffers with working mother (Q46B)?V112: church answers to: family life problems (Q29B)?V178: abortion if couple doesnt want more children approve/disapprove (Q50B)?V138: important in marriage: good housing (Q40F)?V139: important in marriage: agreement on politics (Q40G)?V276: are you prepared to help: immediate family (Q81A)?V133: important in marriage: faithfulness (Q40A)?V266: are you concerned with: immediate family (Q79A)?V163: parents responsiblities to their children at expense of/not their own well-being (Q48A)?V230: do you justify: adultery (Q65F)?V146: important in marriage: spending time together (Q40N)?V143: important in marriage: share household chores (Q40K)?V136: important in marriage: respect+appreciation (Q40D)?V137: important in marriage: shared religious beliefs (Q40E)?V234: do you justify: divorce (Q65J)?V68: how satisfied are you with your life (Q10)?V144: important in marriage: children (Q40L)?V177: abortion if woman not married approve/disapprove (Q50A)?V140: important in marriage: understanding+tolerance (Q40H)?V150: marriage is outdated (Q43)?V134: important in marriage: adequate income (Q40B)?V142: important in marriage: happy sexual relationship (Q40J)?V153: long-term relationship necessary to be happy (Q45B)?V233: do you justify: abortion (Q65I)?V197: good/bad: more emphasis on familylife (Q57F)?V135: important in marriage: same social background (Q40C)?COUNTRY: country code?V141: important in marriage: live apart from in-laws (Q40I)?V272: are you concerned with: eldery people (Q80A)?V147: important in marriage: talking about mutual interests (Q40O)?V162: love and respect parents always/earned (Q47)?V148: children need both parents to grow up happily (Q41)?V278: are you prepared to help: eldery people (Q81C)?V67: how much control over your life (Q9)?V145: important in marriage: discuss problems (Q40M)?V2: how important in your life: family (Q1B)religious affiliation?V102: which religious denomination do you belong to (Q23)trust in other people?V48: how often spend time with friends (Q6A)?V66: people can be trusted/cant be too careful (Q8)?V3: how important in your life: friends and acquaintances (Q1C);Waves and countries1999/2000?France?Ukraine?Lithuania?Iceland?Belarus?Estonia?Northern Ireland?Greece?Italy?Turkey?Romania?Malta?Poland?Belgium?Slovenia?Austria?Slovakia?Bulgaria?Portugal?Denmark?Hungary?United Kingdom?Spain?Ireland?Sweden?Croatia?Luxemburg?Russian Federation?Germany?Finland?Latvia?Czech Republic?Netherlands}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Families and Values in Europe}, year = 2004}@incollection{Elzo1994Nacionalismo, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Elzo, Javier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Diez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {831714fff609816d640925352637200f}, intrahash = {200fa3e6b48a6957fdfc233df1b4fdcf}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish checked incollection input2014 national_identity religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {529-550}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281080 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Libros de Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Nacionalismo, nacionalidad y religión en Euskal Herria}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Mohler2006Great, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Mohler, Peter and Rammstedt, Beatrice and Wohn, Kathrin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {9b3e713b96351fe24883204f7fb9879d}, intrahash = {b38f42dfb188f7a8debbbb23603989df}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {251-272}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264461 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Great Value Divide - Testing Hofstede's Convergence Assumption}, year = 2006}@book{Baloban2004Crkvenost, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d9cb018101e83fb7d8c2c7c561a5e11e}, intrahash = {893589ee09374990c2573cfeb5831f79}, isbn = {9532410066}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Serbo-Croatian book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 264, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280999 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Glas Koncila}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Crkvenost i obitelj pred izazovima (Churchness and family afore challenges)}, type = {Book}, year = 2004}@incollection{Delooz1984Une, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bruxelles}, author = {Delooz, P.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {La Revue Nouvelle}, interhash = {d233e422da601eea8618e0697b58a371}, intrahash = {48510b73be7753626f378c5bdb4b3a3c}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281126 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Janvier}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Une enquête européenne sur les valeurs (x- A European Values Study)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1984}@phdthesis{Lima2013Essays, abstract = {In this thesis it was intended to deepen the literature of the Economics of Hap-piness, in three different directions. As a conductive line, it was attempted to bet-ter explore the multidisciplinary character of the happiness concept, while remaininggrounded on economic methodologies. The first chapter presents the insertion of theEconomics of Happiness in the broad history of economic thought, emphasizing theoriginal contaminations and the reasons of the early detachment between economicsand psychology, while highlighting the happiness' multidisciplinary essence, and itsmethodological specificities. In the sequence, some findings and theories from differ-ent disciplines were then introduced in the following chapters, either as part of theirstarting hypothesis or to help interpret their findings.Chapter 2 investigates the causes of a possible happiness differential betweenmen and women, worldwide. Based on the fact that women have passed through his-torically landmark changes, shaping new original gender roles, it was intended to ap-proach this question with an encompassing view, also borrowing concepts from theCapabilities Approach of Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen. The empirical strat-egy was performed using data from the World Values Survey (WVS), European Val-ues Studies (EVS), CIRI Human Rights and the World Development Indicators (WDI),which combined together contemplate 20 years spanning from 1981 to 2009 and across85 countries. The first finding is that there exist a happiness gender gap, and it favourswomen. The main message from this study, in a nutshell, is that important femalerights and achievements are not automatically guarantees of happiness, but only whenaccompanied by conducive internal and external conditions, such as female's feelingof control over own life and pro-women social beliefs guiding the social norm. Thesecomplementary conditions are really important to be considered for public policies,since if they do not materialize, true and meaningfully perceived gender equality willnot be attained, regardless the proclaimed formal rights and achievements.Chapter 3 in its turn revisits the fields "established" finding regarding the impactof unemployment compared to that of inflation in terms of subjective well-being. Theuniversal character of this question is analysed for the case of developing countries.The main hypothesis conducting this study is that the impact of inflation is strongerthan that of unemployment, differently from what has been found in the previous liter-ature, focused on developed nations. The reasoning for this idea comes from the factthat developed and developing countries experience very different socio-economic anddevelopment paths that can influence the perception of these two relevant macroeco-nomic conditions and the corresponding coping strategies (also with respect to experi-ences and social remedies for inflationary and jobless periods). Using the WVS, EVS,WDI, Schneider's (2005) and Dreher's (2006) data, across 55 developing countriesand 15 years (from 1990 to 2008), it is performed an empirical two-step methodol-ogy, which takes into account either individual characteristics (including individualpersonality traits - affirmed findings in Psychology) and country level characteristics(including two macroeconomic indicators intrinsic of developing countries, i.e. thepresence and size of the informal market as well as the existence of foreign debt withthe IMF). Three are the main results of practical importance for public policies. Themost stable result is the strongly and significant negative effect of inflation and the nonsignificant negative effect of aggregate unemployment on well-being. This invertedtrade-off was strengthened and confirmed by robustness tests. An adaptation effect ofinflation in high-inflationary periods emerges from a non-linearity investigation of in-flation (which can be said to exemplify the framing and set point effects postulatedby the Prospect Theory). This work also provides evidence, for the first time on thehappiness literature, of an austerity negative effect of the IMF intervention.All in all, this thesis contributes to the economics of happiness research agendacalling the attention to the country-divergent nature of the happiness' appreciation,especially for what regards the developing and developed worlds, as well as to theimportance of taking into account the multidisciplinary essence of happiness. Bothelements can evidence collective and individual subjective dynamics usually hiddenbut present in the economic and social process.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy}, author = {Lima, S Vieira}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d82fe529cecd9446db97d58ec41f802f}, intrahash = {f3a97d86033616e0e31eed2d8b357f7d}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 206, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938702 ; inputdate=2014-11-16 ; editdate=2014-11-16 ; pubdate=2014-11-16}, series = 23, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Essays on Economics and Happiness}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Braun2006Power, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Braun, Michael and Vinken, Henk}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {d59958b91c7238e5cfe869c42a22a83e}, intrahash = {050ab8f2530f9441356280fd54ff9cab}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 religion work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {273-301}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264463 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Power of Values, Personalities, and Generations}, year = 2006}@incollection{Kotze2008Constant, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Kotze, Hennie}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {2f03cf5cf5405e51d217aaba2c57e387}, intrahash = {133c75f094a953db4e1cec03ee82f61d}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {335-367}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280749 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Constant of Transformation: Eleven Years of Value Change in South Africa, 1990-2001}, year = 2008}@incollection{Vala1994La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Vala, Jorge}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {eaf1dfd3746528cca1418b9516a169ec}, intrahash = {028de8eef25ec063b0b20631d121e836}, isbn = {8481120227, 9788481120226}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Spanish checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280863 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La emergencia de los valores post-materialistas en Portugal (x- The Emergence of Post-Materialist Values in Portugal)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Deusto2003Movimientos, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Deusto, Forum}, biburl = {}, editor = {Deusto, Forum}, interhash = {4bb1ee46cedafea1b53b5d10933e6094}, intrahash = {4a2457ff91e2383ea8c4dd62471e9284}, isbn = {8474858852, 9788474858853}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 280, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280848 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universidad de Deusto}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Movimientos de personas e ideas y multiculturalidad}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2003}@book{Gundelach1992Danskernes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {K?benhavn}, author = {Gundelach, Peter and Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e4e64f4dc1d28ea5acbb55f17374717f}, intrahash = {6c0c974191a562833b6534a31c1e32ea}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281042 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Forlaget Sociologi}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Danskernes Vaerdier (x- Danish Values)}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@book{Elzo1999Jóvenes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, F Andrés and González-Anleo, J. and Gonzaléz Blasco, P. and Laespada, M T. and Salazar, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {af9a0b8b220151058fb22b15227a3d85}, intrahash = {055934e066c522f1a31a476ab93c84d6}, isbn = {843468318}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280951 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundación Santa María}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Jóvenes Espa?oles 99}, type = {Book}, year = 1999}@incollection{Simons1999cultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Simons, J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Dynamics of Values in Fertility Change}, editor = {Leete, R.}, interhash = {1276cdcae7eda73bc5c7f2282ed85c19}, intrahash = {a4646f0df041ed4b8c478caf225c6975}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {78-99}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776716 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The cultural significance of western fertility trends in the 1980s}, year = 1999}@phdthesis{Sylla2014Essays, abstract = {Abstract: Chapter 1: The Impact of Culture on the Second-Generation Immigrants' Level of Trust in CanadaTrust is one of the main elements of social capital; it determines the extent to which an individual cooperates with others. In this chapter, I assess whether cultural factors influence the level of trust in the population of second-generation immigrants in Canada. This paper is related to two strands of empirical literature. Thefirst analyses the determinants of trust and the second studies thecultural transmission of values, attitudes and beliefs. I follow closely the literature on the cultural transmission and use an epidemiological approach to assess whether trust of second-generation immigrants is affected by their cultural heritage. This approachconsists of comparing information about the outcomes of second-generation immigrants with that of the country of origin of their ancestry. We apply this approach using the Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS), the World Value Survey (WVS) and the European Value Survey (EVS). Estimation results show that the average level of trust in the countries of origin of the ancestors of the second-generation immigrants has a strong significant impact on their level of trust. thus, individual whose country of ancestry displays a high level of trust, tend to have a high level of trust. This provides evidence that individuals' level of trust is not only explained by their personal experiences, characteristics, and the environment in which they live; but also by the culture in their country of ancestry. This means that culture does matter! I find that the results remain robust even if certain key countries are omitted or a different data set is used.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {University of Ottowa}, author = {Sylla, Daouda}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d744264bea8170753b2b4aec033675a8}, intrahash = {1f095ea396ff1a0baac5389ab6826655}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 132, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938697 ; inputdate=2014-11-16 ; editdate=2014-11-16 ; pubdate=2014-11-16}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Essays on Culture, Economic Outcome and Wellbeing}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{Fahey2002Is, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Fahey, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring Ireland: Discerning Values and Beliefs}, editor = {Cassidy, E.}, interhash = {66671da1b8d3932a4d31e195421272e5}, intrahash = {158b397f13314a004c17de04739cac84}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {46-66}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763916 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Veritas}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is atheism increasing? Ireland and Europe compared}, year = 2002}@incollection{Gundelach2002V?rdiopl?sning, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {27188717391fff5219c8678c3f0656cb}, intrahash = {2d1c5e66e361348644e00b6eeee8971a}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280945 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {V?rdiopl?sning eller v?rdiforandering?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@book{Abela2003Family, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Loughborough}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1ac39a50a9a710f897865c5dbb7b00a2}, intrahash = {6df9069f958b1c8c033fe6a07732967c}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english family input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281141 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centre for European Studies.}, series = {Cross-National Research Papers 6 (5) Quantitative Comparisons of Changing Family^Structures}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Family Values and Social Policy in Europe}, type = {Book}, year = 2003}@incollection{Orizo1998El, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Barcelona}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés and Sánchez, Alejandro}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Valors i diversitat cultural a les societats d'Europa I del Magreb}, editor = {Roque, Maria-?ngels}, interhash = {bc1243f46019299e4b45a29ca3fe59e0}, intrahash = {2eb8ee513a9c18d32a7549eedcb79251}, isbn = {8482565605}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280995 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institut Català de la Mediterrània d'Estudis I Cooperació}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {El valors dels joves}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1998}@incollection{Halman1993Westerse, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Den Haag}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cultuur en Ontwikkeling}, editor = {Veldhuis, Marijke}, interhash = {b9b3893ef9c547bac8dc45f5e4b5ceed}, intrahash = {b1f12162ec4f953e38bf7fbf41420a8e}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {7-18}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280821 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Rawoo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Westerse Waarden: Wat Weten Wij van onze Cultuur? (x- Western Values. What Do We Know About our Culture?)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@book{Halman2001European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2e74919859e4e78dc17e0c6958992aef}, intrahash = {b62a320889549e72d8c329cf49e24bb5}, isbn = {9075001460}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 389, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256385 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {EVS/WORC/Tilburg University}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The European Values Study: A Third Wave. Sourcebook of the 1999/2000 European Values Study Surveys}, year = 2001}@incollection{Arts2006New, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Thousand Oaks}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Comparative methods in the social sciences}, editor = {Sica, A.}, interhash = {60ef429cdf4c7a9bb10b6e282af2af01}, intrahash = {05bd4b98f269c65c34a01500e1c59c59}, isbn = {1412911443}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {229-240}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256366 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Sage}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {New directions in quantitative comparative sociology}, year = 2006}@book{Halman2005Atlas, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, Loek and Luijkx, Ruud and Zundert, Marga van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a43205d32df04f49898c1355267720dc}, intrahash = {66e8baf5b48542226d10a5a7ae5dd2d2}, isbn = {9004144609}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 140, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256395 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Atlas of European Values}, year = 2005}@book{Kerkhofs1997De, abstract = {Vroeger ging men op zondag naar de kerk en dacht men er niet aan om zomaar ongehuwd te gaan samenwonen. Vroeger waren kinderen vanzelfsprekend, nu worden baby's uitgesteld tot ze kunnen worden ingepast in de carrière en de reisplannen. Vroeger moest een man zijn vrouw al echt mishandelen voor zij het echtelijk dak verliet, nu is echtscheiding courant... Jan Kerkhofs is een internationale autoriteit inzake waardenonderzoek. In de 'Europeanen en hun waarden' antwoordt hij op vragen als: waarom verschuiven waarden? dachten onze grootouders anders over existenti?le vragen van het leven dan de jongeren van nu? welke opvattingen heeft de Europeaan over re?ncarnatie, arbeid, inkomen, werkloosheid, milieu, vrije tijd, altru?sme....? Zijn er significante verschillen waarneembaar tussen Noord- en Zuid-Europa, tussen rijke en minder ge?ndustrialiseerde gebieden, tussen staten met meer of minder democratie...? Wat wij denken en voelen wordt gevat in concrete cijfers.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f797bcc5a638135cd077af354b323cc4}, intrahash = {3233a5d56c83df2016f10282f6e8cf35}, isbn = {9789061526063}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked dutch environment family gender_roles input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 164, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281075 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Davidsfonds}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {De Europeanen en hun Waarden: Wat Wij Denken en Voelen (x- Europeans and their Vales. What we Think and Feel)}, type = {Book}, year = 1997}@incollection{Halman2008What, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Halman, Loek and Luijkx, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {1ec5a2b2382e107505b4d9d11c1498fa}, intrahash = {a980ba45980c8325467417afda1a12af}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {175-198}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280743 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {What Happened to Dutch Values? Investigating General and Differential Trends in Values in the Netherlands}, year = 2008}@incollection{Orizo1996Dinamica, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bilbao}, author = {Orizo, A Francisco}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Vita Cotidiana y Nuevas Generaciones}, editor = {Ruiz Olabuénaga, Ignacio}, interhash = {2c297dabba13f78686f4147a52637fa3}, intrahash = {1b359fafdc83112567398909d64be821}, isbn = {8474854318}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {65-88}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281254 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-20 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Facultad de CCPP y Sociología. lll Jornados de Sociología.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Dinamica intergeneracional en el cambio de los valores y estilos de vida}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Inglehart2003Gender, abstract = {Although democratic institutions existed long before gender equality, at this point in history, growing emphasis on gender equality is a central component of the process of democratization. It is part of a broad cultural change that is transforming industrialized societies and bringing growing mass demands for increasingly democratic institutions. This article analyzes the role of changing mass attitudes in the spread of democratic institutions, using survey evidence from 70 societies containing 80 percent of the world's population. The evidence supports the conclusion that the process of modernization drives cultural change that encourage both the rise of women in public life, and the development of democratic institutions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Norris, Pippa and Welzel, Christian}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {04ecf41562e2fb9e12c2fa0c9714fb32}, intrahash = {d36f57cd7581d67d61e57862e57c5561}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english gender_roles incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {91-115}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264032 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Equality and Democracy}, year = 2003}@incollection{Ester1992Een, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Haarlem}, author = {Ester, Peter and Vinken, Henk}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Jaarboek 90-91 van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Marktonderzoekers: Recente Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek}, editor = {Bronner, A E. and Ester, Peter and Leeflang, P S.H. and Olivier, A J. and Raaij, W F. and Wieringa, B.}, interhash = {e167b45fdae64b559d6bd987f1700176}, intrahash = {9da564e168027a923445ac0c3aa73dfa}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {83-123}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281116 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {De Vrieseborch}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Een Cross-culturele Vergelijking van 'Young Urban Professionals' (X - A Cross-cultural Comparison of 'Young Urban Professionals')}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1992}@book{Lorenz2011Ostdeutschland, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Opladen}, author = {Lorenz, Astrid}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f8b34e0a62abb288a94576e7a3388628}, intrahash = {c20875f61ef122a97d04a67da603644e}, isbn = {978-3-86649-424-4}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 503, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934427 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Verl. Barbara Budrich}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Ostdeutschland und die Sozialwissenschaften: Bilanz und Perspektiven 20 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung}, url = {}, year = 2011}@incollection{Fogarty1985British, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Fogarty, M P.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {11ff3752bdcaacad49dedb6e933d1abb}, intrahash = {ba1069fef3aee6f3551a24b804db2680}, isbn = {033338670, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {173-200}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281351 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, series = {Studies in the Contemporary Values of Modern Society}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {British Attitudes to Work}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Halman1997International, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lund}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Gene technology and the public. An interdisciplinary perspective}, editor = {Lundin, S. and Ideland, M.}, interhash = {16f0f7989bf4a858339c28d5c27e825e}, intrahash = {93ed8d31b5f1bf44b4db34af6a188eea}, isbn = {9189116003}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {129-144}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256377 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Academic Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {International comparisons of values}, year = 1997}@incollection{Riffault1995Resultados, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Riffault, Hélène}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y politicos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {67572e1507d84552f122370342b5ada5}, intrahash = {3d40fce1198c8dfc47a07d72d152d81c}, isbn = {8481120227, 9788481120226}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {369-372}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280845 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Resultados de la Encuesta de Valores en Francia}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Riis1995La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {8bcc383dbe23d0593a9f13210d29c764}, intrahash = {bd5cf7384a169b6ec229c85d9f88ff6c}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014 italian religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {407-444}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281273 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La secolarizzazione in Scandinavia (x- Secularization in Scandinavia)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Vogt1988Politiske, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oslo}, author = {Vogt, Gunnar}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0895e1cd094fb0b07e6ac98dc74b7611}, intrahash = {a30e42086b814b328cebbeecf3cf7666}, isbn = {8257036102, 9788257036102}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Norwegian Politics book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281068 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universitetet i Oslo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Politiske verdier og partisystemer: En komparativ unders?kelse av Danmark og Norge}, type = {Book}, year = 1988}@incollection{Halman2003Differential, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in secularizing society : the Europeans' religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {908e97eb515a8f273bb4f5131bfa4aee}, intrahash = {47fa9d757888bef6a6a78f5d813b1506}, isbn = {9004126228}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {48-75}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256404 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Differential patterns of secularization in Europe: exploring the impact of religion on social values}, year = 2003}@incollection{Bréchon2007Religiosité, abstract = {Ce livre aborde la manière dont les institutions religieuses deviennent des agences de marketing et les traditions des biens de consommation. Les contenus des messages et leurs modes de diffusion évoluent. Un régime de performance tend à primer sur le régime de vérité qui, jusque là, régulait les contenus et les formes d?expression des traditions religieuses, les différences, les confrontations ou les synergies entre acteurs religieux.En même temps, les représentations religieuses se construisent en dehors des régulateurs institutionnels autorisés des pratiques et des croyances. Ainsi, les médias se chargent de diffuser des images souvent stéréotypées de certaines religions qui deviennent à la mode. La pluralisation des acteurs religieux en Europe aussi bien que la diversification de l?offre de biens symboliques de salut demandent un approfondissement de l?approche sociologique des recompositions en cours en analysant au plus près les processus de régulation du croire dans une logique de marché. Pour ce faire, ce livre interroge l?utilisation du modèle du marché pour explorer dans quelle mesure les contenus de croyance se trouvent affectés et de quelle manière s?effectue la régulation du religieux dans la société pluraliste.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bern}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Pluralisation religieuse et logique de marché}, editor = {Bastian, Jean-Pierre}, interhash = {6fecddda4f3336e5376f0dfbdbed9200}, intrahash = {9383939ec0ae798e75fa7c22bd25be4f}, isbn = {978-3-03911-213-5}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {101-107}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936322 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religiosité et transformation des croyances, selon les enquêtes européennes sur les valeurs}, url = {}, year = 2007}@incollection{Beugelsdijk2003Opening, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Noorderhaven, Niels}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {bd73e41033713dea7ffe3e2e1c784155}, intrahash = {7faaf1df39a996c2bdc9315ed6422f58}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life checked english incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {95-117}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280751 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Opening the Black-box of Regional Culture. Entrepreneurial Attitude and Economic Growth in 54 European Regions}, year = 2003}@book{Malfliet2001Russia, abstract = {After the collapse of the Soviet Union ten years ago, the Russian Federation was confronted with the task to develop new relations with states and organizations on the international scene. The relations with the European Union have increasingly become a key priority in Russia's foreign policy. The European Union in its turn attaches more and more importance to the new Russia and the constant processes of political reform and economic development in this vast country. This book approaches the issue of Euro-Russian relations from a multidisciplinary point of view. It analyses from a political, historical, cultural and economical angle to which extent the relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union have developed so far.Apart from a factual overview, the authors also look deeper into the key issues as well as the flaws of this evolving relationship. In separate chapters, Russian or European approaches are given to Russian Security Policy and the relation with NATO, the European Union's Russian Policy, values perception in Russia and Europe, Russia's relationship with the outsider states and Europe's dual enlargement, the economic relations between Russia and the European Union, and the 'Strategic Partnership' that Russia and the European Union are developing.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven}, author = {Malfliet, Katlijn and Verpoest, Lien}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bf83b11b0a7f1efa367e056eab933f8f}, intrahash = {3fd1b128fc9771b8f90122e9526c5fa4}, isbn = {905867195X}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 180, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280978 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Leuven University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Russia and Europe in a Changing International Environment}, type = {Book}, year = 2001}@book{Halman1988De, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek and Heunks, Felix}, biburl = {}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Heunks, Felix}, interhash = {f6161851d4ce63a3c75eadadc1fc8600}, intrahash = {31899b22412caeaa26ff277333f1d863}, isbn = {9036195136}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 75, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280909 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {De Toekomst van de Traditie: Vier Visies op een Onderzoek naar Normen en Waarden (x- The Future of Tradition. Four Perspectives on a Study of Norms and Values)}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1988}@book{Hamberg1989Kristen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Hamberg, E M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a99e41b28296f552f20615f03b1a5f16}, intrahash = {4eaf480bdba435b7750cd13b9a1103d3}, keywords = {1989 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Swedish book checked input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 102, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281018 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Religionssociologiska Institutet}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Kristen p? mitt eget s?tt}, type = {Book}, year = 1989}@incollection{Simons1986Culture, abstract = {In modern industrial societies people consider the effects that having children will have on their life styles before deciding to reproduce. This essay examines the decision to bear children in such societies in terms of the religious relationship between individuals and society. The author constructs a model with axes representing absolutism to relativism, and individualism to collectivism, thus forming quadrants representing revisionism, fundamentalism, pragmatism, and conventionalism. The model is then used to explain 3 views of the relationship between religion and fertility in modern societies: 1) low fertility represents a decline in traditional Christian doctrine acceptance; 2) secularization relegates religion to the private sphere, and sexuality's liberation from social control allows individuals to exercise greater control over sexual conduct; and 3) when voluntary childlessness becomes the choice of more than a minority, the society's value system and norms are threatened. 20 years ago Europe saw a peak in familism and religiosity. The European Values Survey of 1200 adults in each of 27 countries provide data on moral and social value attitudes in Europe since 1981. The findings suggest that fundamentalism is positively associated with familism and negatively associated with urban residence, education, low socioeconomic status, and female employment. Conventionalism implies familism and higher income. The Irish Republic proves most fundamentalist, Spain most revisionist, Germany most conventionalist, and France most pragmatic. Low fertility is consistent with familism where expensive life styles for children and parents are highly valued, but the preferred family size will not fall below 2 since sibling and parent-child relationships motivate familist couples to have more than 1 child. The norms of the consumer society clearly change the patterns, but do not lessen the importance of parenthood to most people.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Simons, John}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The State of Population Theory: Forward from Malthus}, editor = {Coleman, D A. and Schofield, Roger}, interhash = {a07a72628666b5fc9ab3d614406c1689}, intrahash = {524dca636a8f892e1d35ac96c8e2bee3}, isbn = {631139753}, keywords = {1986 Behavior EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family fertility incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {256-277}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281156 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Blackwell}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Culture, Economy and Reproduction in Contemporary Europe}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1986}@incollection{Gundelach1996Danskernes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Aalborg}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Interkulturel kompetence}, editor = {Gullestrup, Hans and Lorentsen, Annette}, interhash = {e0f849b3558210c799103832eb4947aa}, intrahash = {2b0c6e63adb1ba03085ff21f42a02856}, isbn = {8773075213}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {9-24}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281085 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Aalborg Universitetsforlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Danskernes Saerpraeg (The Danish Character)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Nevitte1994Se, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Nevitte, Neil}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {e9cd024992fa6225582f1451ed43d8b6}, intrahash = {781607d3096f818503526d781e674e85}, isbn = {8481120227, 9788481120226}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish checked incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {285-308}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280831 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Se ha vuelto la gente más tolerante? Evidencias de la Encuesta Mundial de Valores 1981-1990}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@inproceedings{Voas2013Religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voas, David and Storm, Ingrid}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the EUREL Conference 'Religion and territory'}, editor = {Zwilling, Anne-Laure}, interhash = {c4f157394230b60f5e1d5d8c5eaa4c3e}, intrahash = {40e7040536acd5570ceab28822059e7e}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935206 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religious and secular morality across Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@inproceedings{Elzo1993Valores, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Actas del XII Congresso de Estudios Vascos, Victoria Gasteiz}, editor = {Ikaskuntza, Eusko}, interhash = {3de9b9e5b589719aaa836a4cde90441d}, intrahash = {5401bdad8d7a3404d6ed13c780cb25ad}, isbn = {8487471773}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {39-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281322 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Donostia}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valores y actitudes en la sociedad vasca: Hacia qué tipos de socialización nos dirigimos?}, type = {Conference Proceedings}, year = 1993}@inproceedings{Parts2013Dynamics, abstract = {This empirical study investigates the dynamics and the determinants of social capital in Europe over the period 1990-2008, using empirical data from EVS. Methodologically, factor analysis and regression analysis are implemented. The analysis covers 20 Western-European countries, 10 new member states and 15 EU neighbouring countries. Comparison of the levels of social capital showed that, with few exceptions, the levels of social capital are lower in Eastern Europe as compared to the old member states in Western Europe. Regression results of the determinants of social capital showed that most influential factors of social capital are education and satisfaction with democracy. It follows that investments in educational system and improving democratization processes could increase the level of social capital as an important factor of economic development.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Parts, Eve}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Discussions on Estonian Economic Policy. Theory and practice of economic policy in the European Union}, editor = {Arndt, E Moritz}, interhash = {91e2c8117259e982c959cad84a61441f}, intrahash = {29c54d068d942e907da5e3b427c259c1}, isbn = {978-9985-844-41-0}, issn = {2228-1878}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {117-136}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935303 ; inputdate=2014-06-14 ; editdate=2014-06-14 ; pubdate=2014-06-14}, publisher = {Miniprint O?}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Dynamics and Determinants of Social Capital in the European Union abd Neighbouring Countries}, url = {}, volume = 21, year = 2013}@incollection{Halman2003Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in secularizing society : the Europeans' religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {107403e2e35ba8c49a7717c3a8dca18a}, intrahash = {daf07c2d73e4ef4ac54e57aec69b221d}, isbn = {9004126228}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {162-184}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256406 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion and the social capital revisited}, year = 2003}@incollection{Rother2006Is, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Rother, Nina and Medrano, J Díez}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {c45d8a586e2d394e281ff021e070f80e}, intrahash = {f66a68140f98ef48ad56348188bf6534}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {151-178}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264456 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is the West Becoming More Tolerant?}, year = 2006}@article{shariff2014emotional, abstract = {Though beliefs in Heaven and Hell are related, they are associated with different personality characteristics and social phenomena. Here we present three studies measuring Heaven and Hell beliefs' associations with and impact on subjective well-being. We find that a belief in Heaven is consistently associated with greater happiness and life satisfaction while a belief in Hell is associated with lower happiness and life satisfaction at the national (Study 1) and individual (Study 2) level. An experimental priming study (Study 3) suggests that these differences are mainly driven by the negative emotional impact of Hell beliefs. Possible cultural evolutionary explanations for the persistence of such a distressing religious concept are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Shariff, A F. and Aknin, L B.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0085251}, interhash = {98b14682b54ebbcfcd96951d053c82a2}, intrahash = {21c2ab0418dab45fbfe69d3473ca5a25}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-8}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938897 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, timestamp = {2019-04-12T17:45:33.000+0200}, title = {The Emotional Toll of Hell: Cross-National and Experimental Evidence for the Negative Well-Being Effects of Hell Beliefs}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2014}@article{abela1999values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3f41b3cc1e1185103e636c8db90ef2b4}, intrahash = {d84ce1a9c43d36b1b5483f6ce90d1831}, journal = {The Sunday Times}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 newspaper review_proved}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281000 ; pubdate=14 November ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Values 2000: 3. Politics and Democracy}, type = {Newspaper Article}, year = 1999}@article{abela1999values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {41e5eae92a705593841b39cf7f77e47b}, intrahash = {4e913becafa52354905ab3a2a748c3d0}, journal = {The Sunday Times}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 newspaper review_proved}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281140 ; pubdate=28 November ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Values 2000: 5. Religion and Morality}, type = {Newspaper Article}, year = 1999}@article{abela1999values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6e449c329d32981c83c875af02e9f462}, intrahash = {1083f50d4501eb309f6656f5ef6d3132}, journal = {The Sunday Times}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 newspaper review_proved}, month = {October}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281360 ; pubdate=31 October ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Values 2000: 1. Marriage, Family, Gender and Parenting}, type = {Newspaper Article}, year = 1999}@article{abela1999values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {225f41b614756d02f203d316daec4a9e}, intrahash = {630fedfa7a7bc1df022eab3db85c1a97}, journal = {The Sunday Times}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 newspaper review_proved}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280928 ; pubdate=21 November ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Values 2000: 4. Quality of Life, Social Problems, European Union}, type = {Newspaper Article}, year = 1999}@article{abela1999values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d245e705cb0326be2fef62cc1af5756f}, intrahash = {ac83114ee32a7cda415f7dd4ec7fc505}, journal = {The Sunday Times}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Publikationstyp_sonstiges SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 newspaper review_proved}, month = {November}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280810 ; pubdate=7 November ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-22T12:08:37.000+0100}, title = {Values 2000: 2. Work, Poverty and Social Solidarity}, type = {Newspaper Article}, year = 1999}@article{cautres2012multidimensionality, abstract = {This paper analyzes if and how citizens' attitudes towards European Union (EU) integration are correlated with their ideological and partisan positioning, using France as a case study. We challenge traditional measures of citizens' support for European integration, which are one-dimensional. We analyze the French samples of the European Election Study (EES 2009) and the European Values Study (EVS 2008) surveys and use multiple correspondence analysis to highlight the multidimensionality of French attitudes towards European integration. To avoid methodological problems typically encountered in correspondence analysis when the variables analyzed are ordinal, we have applied an original adaptation of multiple correspondence analysis proposed by French statisticians. The use of multiple correspondence analysis demonstrates the multidimensionality of attitudes of the French towards the EU. Our results show that the correlation of attitudes towards the EU with the left-right scale or partisan identification is not the same across different dimensions. The most general attitude towards the EU (first dimension) has complex relationships with ideological and partisan positioning. However, concerns expressed with respect to the consequences of European integration in terms of loss of social benefits or those expressed in terms of loss of identity and national culture (second and third dimensions) are clearly related to the left-right scale positioning. In the second and third dimensions identified in the EVS 2008 data, attitudes towards the EU rank the left-right positioning in the expected order. These results show that perception of EU integration by the French citizens is not simple.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cautrès, Bruno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {21ee47d0703e1ab8f75462861ef67c87}, intrahash = {831e87fca53ae0e5db59b19fcbbd4693}, issn = {1027-5193}, journal = {European Integration online Papers (EIoP)}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 European_identity European_public_space Europeanization FDZ_IUP France SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 public_opinion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = 28, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936627 ; inputdate=2014-08-13 ; editdate=2014-08-13 ; pubdate=2014-08-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:31:07.000+0100}, title = {Multidimensionality of EU attitudes in France: An issue for the understanding of the politicization of attitudes towards the EU}, url = {}, volume = 16, year = 2012}@article{lambert2002religion, abstract = {En France, de l'après guerre au milieu des années soixante, la plupart des indicateurs religieux sont stables. C'est alors que s'amorce une rupture. La croyance en Dieu et la pratique culturelle baissent sensiblement, tandis que l'appartenance religieuse résiste. Ce recul dure jusqu'à la fin des années soixante-dix. Depuis 1985, les constats sont ambigus. Si le sentiment d'appartenance à une religion, la pratique et la reproduction religieuse sont en recul, d'autres signes montrent au contraire une résurgence du religieux : la croyance en une vie après la mort, la prière par exemple. Désormais, le religieux semble aussi se développer hors du cadre d'une religion donnée : il témoignerait plut?t d'une attitude plus pragmatique et plus individualisée.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1613caa40f6b7e764ac8ee09d2bc7950}, intrahash = {a57dadc32fb43d254aab835d510aecb7}, journal = {Données sociales 2002-2003}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP France années_soixante_à_aujourd'hui appartenance_religieuse article checked croyance_en_Dieu french indexproved individualisation_de_la_Religion input2014 noindex pratique_culturelle recul review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 11, pages = {565-579}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936426 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:30:46.000+0100}, title = {La religion en France des années soixante à nos jours}, url = {}, year = 2002}@article{kaasa2014regional, abstract = {The purpose of this study is to investigate the patterns of regional cultural differences within European countries. This study extends our previous work (Kaasa et al. 2013) that used data from the European Social Survey (ESS), by using more recent data and combining the ESS and the European Values Study (EVS) as data sources. We aim to study how much attention should be paid to within-country differences and how they differ across countries. The indicators of cultural dimensions were created using confirmatory factor analysis based on the initial indicators selected relying on Hofstede?s cultural dimensions. The extent and character of within-country cultural differences were examined. Our results reveal a wide diversity of regional cultural variability among the observed countries. We identified countries where within-country cultural variability is larger (Spain, Portugal, France) and smaller (Finland, Sweden, Norway) than cross-national variability. Also, in many countries a more detailed regional division (more and smaller regions) brought out larger differences, although this cannot be taken as a rule. Patterns along regions differ across cultural dimensions, making grouping regions difficult. Studying regional cultural differences within countries is important. The extent of the optimal depth of regional division applied depends on the particular country, its regional cultural variability, and the needs and aims of the researcher.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli and Vadi, Maaja and Varblane, Urmas}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10188}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800 v2.0.0}, interhash = {03d542568aabda37ee627bdb79d255ff}, intrahash = {144f93d615892ab8df7022de3ced5277}, issn = {1861-8901}, journal = {Management International Review}, keywords = {2014 Cultural_differences EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Hofstede Regions SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4800 article checked english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {825-852}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939312 ; inputdate=2014-12-06 ; editdate=2014-12-06 ; pubdate=2014-12-06}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-20T08:02:38.000+0100}, title = {Regional Cultural Differences Within European Countries: Evidence from Multi-Country Surveys}, url = {}, volume = 54, year = 2014}@article{lambert2004dclin, abstract = {Depuis quelques années, on observe un regain d'intérêt inattendu pour les pratiques et les croyances religieuses. Une tendance qui n'est pas propre à la France mais qui y revêt des traits spécifiques.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA3811}, interhash = {472a9c9076b7ad3ded4a31394c7ba2e8}, intrahash = {076a62ee67f3ada73d6fb8dc763b0045}, issn = {1252-3429}, journal = {Hors-série Sciences Humaines}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1981 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ZA3811 ZA4438 article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 46, pages = {38-41}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936436 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, study = {EVS1981, EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-02-20T11:06:49.000+0100}, title = {La fin du déclin religieux?}, url = {}, year = 2004}@book{Galland2005Les, abstract = {Observer et comprendre les valeurs des jeunes Européens, dans une perspective comparative, nous renseigne sur les tendances d'évolutions de nos sociétés. Existe-t-il, chez ces jeunes, un socle de valeurs communes ? Les nouvelles générations introduisent-elles une redéfinition des valeurs ? Pour répondre à ces questions, ce livre s'appuie sur les résultats d'une grande enquête internationale sur les valeurs. Couvrant la quasi-totalité de l'Europe et réalisée à trois reprises, cette enquête permet d'appréhender des changements sur vingt ans, de faire des comparaisons entre jeunes et adultes, entre générations, ainsi qu'entre pays ou groupe de pays. L'Europe centrale et orientale bénéficie d'une attention particulière dans le cadre de chapitres sur l'Union européenne élargie ou comparant les pays d'Europe de l'Est et de l'Ouest. Résultat d'un travail d'équipe, l'ouvrage réunit les contributions d'une dizaine de spécialistes d'un domaine de valeurs, qui constituent au final un large ensemble : valeurs politiques, religieu-ses, économiques ; valeurs liées au travail, à la sociabilité, aux normes sociales ; valeurs individualistes, démocratiques ou écologistes ; valeurs des jeunes femmes et des jeunes hommes ; sentiment d'appartenance territorial ; valeurs des jeunes Italiens ou des jeunes Fran?ais... Autant de thèmes qui permettent de dresser un panorama stimulant de la jeunesse européenne.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Galland, Olivier and Roudet, Bernard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6e893523f27ce8211f65fffd35d43bc1}, intrahash = {5057bd55d149258934d3ef6ab969c666}, isbn = {9782707145703}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 324, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935575 ; inputdate=2014-06-29 ; editdate=2014-06-29 ; pubdate=2014-06-29}, publisher = {La Découverte}, series = {Recherches}, timestamp = {2019-02-18T11:57:54.000+0100}, title = {Les jeunes européens et leurs valeurs. Europe occidentale, Europe centrale et orientale}, url = {}, year = 2005}@book{Bréchon2009La, abstract = {L'individualisme triomphant aurait tout emporté, terrassant, en France, tout attachement aux valeurs. Des propos assez convenus qui ne résistent pas aux analyses du présent ouvrage qui s'appuie sur la quatrième grande enquête consacrée aux valeurs des Fran?ais (après celles de 1981, 1990, 1999). En plus de 50 fiches commentées, tout est passé en revue : relations familiales, travail, institutions, économie, vivre ensemble? On y découvre le panorama le plus fiable de la société fran?aise. Quelles sont les valeurs qui ont le plus été remises en cause ? Quelles sont celles qui, au contraire, sont devenues dominantes et font consensus ? Les résultats, souvent surprenants, permettent de saisir les évolutions les plus marquantes et de tenter des explications. Comment faut-il interpréter, par exemple, la demande de permissivité privée et l?attachement à l?ordre public, ou bien encore le bricolage des croyances dans une société sécularisée ? Un ouvrage à mettre entre toutes les mains de ceux qui veulent ? ou prétendent ? conna?tre les Fran?ais.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {39d15a5ee65edb9ffac25404e456e66e}, intrahash = {3f89a41645cf97d54a7982a65f4c22fe}, isbn = {9782200243135}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {[]=t&type[]=a&tp[]=livre&tp[]=revue&start=. (EVS)}, pages = 320, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935532 ; inputdate=2014-06-27 ; editdate=2014-06-27 ; pubdate=2014-06-27}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2019-02-18T10:30:55.000+0100}, title = {La France à travers ses valeurs}, url = {[]=t&type[]=a&tp[]=livre&tp[]=revue&start=}, year = 2009}@book{Bréchon2014Les, abstract = {La mondialisation conduirait à une uniformisation des valeurs. Les pays seraient de plus en plus interdépendants, contraints d’adopter les mêmes modes de vie et de pensée. La construction européenne ferait dispara?tre les spécificités héritées du passé…La grande enquête consacrée aux valeurs des Européens montre qu’il n’en est rien. Depuis 1981, on n’observe pas de rapprochement massif : les différences restent très importantes entre le Nord et le Sud de l’Europe, tout comme entre l’Ouest et l’Est.Qu’il s’agisse de la famille, de la sociabilité, de la politique, du travail ou de la religion, la diversité demeure extrêmement forte. La carte des valeurs n’est pas pour autant figée. On constate partout une montée des valeurs d’individualisation, même si leur développement est inégal selon les grandes aires culturelles de l’Europe. L’ouvrage s’attache aussi à expliquer comment et pourquoi les valeurs se transforment. Il insiste notamment sur les effets du développement économique, de l’élévation du niveau d’études, de la montée de la sécularisation, des mutations de l’?tat-providence…Un ouvrage indispensable pour saisir la dynamique des valeurs et le mouvement d’individualisation qui traverse aujourd’hui l’Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6c1d7c00ba1ed90f07a482c94e72a480}, intrahash = {2d76c66b31a3c9007233ba51b10b08af}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 285, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934906 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2019-02-18T09:32:54.000+0100}, title = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, year = 2014}@incollection{ester2006eroding, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Vinken, Henk}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {106dd8ba8f7c242045192176b69e9348}, intrahash = {631416791f74d2ca89c3bebea841cff2}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked english incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 10, pages = {89-113}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264454 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Eroding Work Values?}, year = 2006}@article{alm2006russian, abstract = {Purpose: This paper examines citizens' attitudes toward paying taxes - what is sometimes termed their "tax morale" or the intrinsic motivation to pay taxes - focusing on the experience of individualsin the Russian Federation before, during, and after the transition from a planned socialist economy to amarket-based economy.Design/methodology/approach: Micro-level data for Russia from the World Values Survey andthe European Values Survey for the years 1991, 1995, and 1999 are used to estimate the determinantsof individuals' attitudes toward paying taxes. The data also allow the examination of the evolution oftax morale in the regions of Russia.Findings: The estimation results show decay in tax morale in the first four years of thetransition, and a small recovery in 1999. Significant regional differences in tax morale are also found.Research limitations/implications: The results are consistent with the relevance of social normsin tax compliance, where the widespread perception of tax evasion and of a corrupt and inefficientstate led initially to a decline of tax morale. The results also indicate that the restoration of a higherlevel of trust in the state, after some progress in the transition to a market economy, positivelyinfluenced tax morale.Practical implications: The results suggest, once tax morale is crowded out, it is difficult forgovernment to raise tax morale very quickly back to previous levels. Doing so requires designing taxsystems, tax administrations, and government structures that inspire trust and pride in governmentaland legal institutions.Originality/value: A unique aspect of the analysis is the ability to study tax morale at theindividual level before (1991), during (1995), and shortly after (1999) the Russian transition.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Alm, James and Martinez-Vazque, Jorge and Torgler, Benno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e32fe7926d5d7f3051874f193bc1b08c}, intrahash = {beba5fc837150655a14042275dc653bb}, journal = {International Journal of Social Economics}, keywords = {2006 Attitudes Behaviour EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Russia SCOPUSindexed Taxation Taxes article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {832-857}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258515 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Russian attitudes toward paying taxes - before, during, and after the transition}, volume = 33, year = 2006}@article{quaranta2014normalisation, abstract = {Authors claim that political protest is "normal" in contemporary democracies, which are, therefore, "social movement societies". This article analyses the Italian case, showing that there has been an expansion and a gradual institutionalisation of political protest, but it also tests whether there has been a "normalisation" of the protester. It is argued that in a "social movement society" protesters are more heterogeneous than in the past. Using survey data spanning over 30 years we find that the association between several individual characteristics and participation in political protest weakens or disappears. However, complete normalisation of the protester has yet to be completed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Quaranta, Mario}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13608746.2013.827863}, interhash = {4473bb7bfedc09ce887c1b2af10241e1}, intrahash = {3793a4ad80be59a3452c687750176d08}, journal = {South European Society and Politics}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Engish FDZ_IUP Normalisation_of_protest SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_movement_society article checked indexproved individual_political_protest input2014 italy political_action review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {25-50}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938686 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The 'Normalisation' of the Protester: Changes in Political Action in Italy (1981-2009)}, url = {}, volume = 19, year = 2014}@article{petersen2013moralization, abstract = {Over the course of human evolutionary history, individuals have required protection from other individuals who sought to exploit them. Moralization - broadcasting relevant behaviors as immoral - is proposed as a strategy whereby individuals attempt to engage third parties in the protection against exploitation. Whereas previous accounts of strategic morality have focused on the effect of individual differences in mating strategies, we here argue for the importance of another factor: differences in the availability of alternative sources of protection. Given the potential costs of moralization, it is predicted that it is primarily used among individuals lacking protection in the form of social allies. Consistent with this, a large cross-national set of surveys is used to reveal how individuals without friends moralize more. In contrast, however, support from other social sources such as family or religious individuals increases moralization.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Petersen, M Bang}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2b226d8cee809fa1d09a6945954b81e0}, intrahash = {3bbb9c943d128517020f054afc1a6972}, journal = {Evolution and Human Behavior}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Formidability Friends Morality SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Third-party_punishment article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {78-85}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934853 ; inputdate=2014-05-15 ; editdate=2014-05-15 ; pubdate=2014-05-15}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Moralization as protection against exploitation: do individuals without allies moralize more?}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2013}@incollection{fritz2013nonstandard, abstract = {Non-standard' employment is becoming more common. Fewer people are working full-time and/or have permanent employment contracts; more are working part-time, have fixed-term contracts or are self-employed. Many scholars have pointed to the negative consequences of this development, including 'precarious' forms of employment and in-work poverty. This volume provides a thorough theoretical and empirical analysis of these processes by understanding the 'destandardization' of employment in Europe and the associated modifications in socio-economic regulation both at national and EU level. The book provides country studies of the UK, Spain, Germany, Poland, Croatia, and the Nordic countries and offers comparative European analyses of part-time and fixed-term employment in relation to in-work poverty, exclusion and anomie. Emphasis is on 'best practice' in the governance of non-standard employment. Is there evidence for a new and socially inclusive European employment standard?}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Basingstoke}, author = {Fritz, Martin}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Non-standard employment in Europe}, editor = {Koch, Max and Fritz, Martin}, interhash = {adf917da36bcbb429f5979e756d3e6e1}, intrahash = {2f254694f726847d7359e5cf47b89b87}, isbn = {9781137267153}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {209-228}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934390 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Palgrave-Macmillan}, series = {Work and Welfare in Europe}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Non-standard employment and anomie in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{spousta2002changes, abstract = {The article provides a brief sociological description of the religious development in the regions of Bohemia and Moravia over the past centuries and a more detailed analysis of the recent trends based on the data of the European Values Study from 1991 and 1999. The main conclusions for the present situation of the country are: (a) The secularisation continues, but not as quickly as 30 or 40 years ago; (b) Religious ideas of average citizens differ more and more from the traditional Christian dogmatic or atheistic ideology - religious syncretism and Far East inspirations are widespread in the Czech Republic now; (c) The paradoxical character of current trends in the Czech Roman Catholic church is stressed - threats to and the chances of the main Czech religious society have been dramatically altered since the revolution in 1989.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Spousta, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b6ecf8774bd2faca932e05d196c613a9}, intrahash = {996e09e55f162b370150151e2a5f78c4}, journal = {Sociologick? ?asopis}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {345-363}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776952 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changes in religious values in the Czech Republic}, volume = 38, year = 2002}@article{yucel2015predicts, abstract = {This paper explores the correlates of attitudes toward marriage and children in North Cyprus, South Cyprus, Turkey and Greece, using the most recent wave of the European Values Study (EVS) data. The results show the most support for the second demographic transition theory. The combined effects of education, religiosity, political ideology and gender ideology explain the most variance in family values among these four countries. Less religiosity and egalitarian gender ideology are correlated with egalitarian attitudes towards marriage and children throughout, but cross-country differences are also significant. The effects of parenthood, marital status, education, and political ideology are in the expected direction, yet the effects are not universal but country-specific.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Yucel, Deniz}, biburl = {}, interhash = {649d3a8f821590b66fa175e1e5f8ccec}, intrahash = {aae136cea0ce058ec85ae688d20019c2}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2015 Attitudes_toward_marriage_and_children EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Gender_ideology Religiosity SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Second_demographic_transition_theory article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: February 20, 2014,. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {213-228}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938579 ; ISSP_ID=31070 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {What Predicts Egalitarian Attitudes Towards Marriage and Children: Evidence from the European Values Study}, url = {}, volume = 120, year = 2015}@article{oorschotwimvan2008solidarity, abstract = {The concern that immigration could threaten the sustainability of the European Social Model is a reason to have a closer look at popular images of immigrants in the context of European welfare states. The focus is on Europeans' informal solidarity towards immigrants relative to other vulnerable groups in society. Using data from the European Values Survey 1999/2000 we find that in all European countries the public is least solidaristic towards migrants, in comparison with elderly people, sick and disabled people and unemployed people. Contrary to expectation, there is little relation between welfare state characteristics and people's solidarity, while the relative solidarity towards immigrants is higher in culturally more diverse countries. As expected, the relative solidarity towards immigrants is lower in countries with a more negative opinion climate towards immigrants and in poorer countries of Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {{Oorschot, Wim van}}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9f2fb7b3ae27e8c106d5d022b40f24c8}, intrahash = {9c90573a7f8d5093bfde8cd799059a21}, journal = {International Journal of Social Welfare}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {3-14}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3710332 ; ISSP_ID=3369 ; inputdate=2009-12-01 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-01}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Solidarity towards Immigrants in European Welfare States}, volume = 17, year = 2008}@article{sevcikova2014roles, abstract = {The aim of this study was to examine how young people are intentionally or unintentionally exposed to sexual material on the internet. A sample from the EU Kids Online II project, including youth (N= 11,712, 11-16 years, 50 % girls)from 25 countries, was used to examine predictors of unintentional exposure to online sexual material (EOSM) via pop-up images and intentional EOSM on adult/X-rated websites. Using a multilevel analysis, we considered several individual-level predictors (psychosocial characteristics, patterns of internet use, and parental mediation), one country-level predictor (mean cultural liberalism of the country), and cross-level interactions. Except for gender, the study did not identify any specific patterns of individual-level predictors for unintentional and intentional EOSM: age, sensation seeking, sexual intercourse, amount of time spent online, level of digital skills, and degree of restrictive mediation predicted both types of EOSM. Intentional EOSM was more often reported by boys, while unintentional EOSM occurred to a similar degree among boys and girls. Finally, living in a country with a stronger culture of liberalism predicted a greater likelihood of intentional but not unintentional EOSM and also was associated with smaller gender differences in intentional EOSM.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {?ev?íková, Anna and ?erek, Jan and Barbovschi, Monica and Daneback, Kristian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a0d23900c819bfbfb0fa5b62a038713a}, intrahash = {03579fba85ee73378075fb794562bc49}, journal = {Sexuality Research and Social Policy}, keywords = {2014 Cross-country_comparison EU_kids_online_II EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Intentional/unintentional_exposure Liberalism Online_risk Pornography SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {104-115}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938577 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Roles of Individual Characteristics and Liberalismin Intentional and Unintentional Exposure to Online SexualMaterial Among European Youth: A Multilevel Approach}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2014}@article{bray2006suicide, abstract = {To examine the association of variables from survey data on well-being with suicide rates and other markers of population mental health in Europe. DESIGN: Ecological study correlating (Spearman's rank correlation) life satisfaction and happiness (European Values Survey 1999/2000) in 32 countries with suicide rates (WHO Mortality Database), rates of hospital discharge for mental and behavioural disorders and prevalence of mental disorders based on registered mental patients (WHO Regional Office for Europe) and Mental Health Index (MHI)-5 survey data (European Opinion Research Group). RESULTS: An inverse association exists between suicide rates and life satisfaction (r=-0.44; 95% CI: -0.68, -0.11) and happiness (r=-0.42; 95% CI: -0.67, -0.08). Similar though weaker associations were seen with hospital discharge data and MHI-5 data but not with the prevalence of mental disorders. The association between suicide rates and life satisfaction was weaker amongst 15-44 year olds (r=-0.31; 95% CI: -0.59, 0.04) than amongst 45-64 year olds (r=-0.47; 95% CI: -0.70, -0.14). It was strongest in the 65+ age group (r=-0.54; 95% CI: -0.75, -0.23). A similar pattern was observed for the association with happiness. In a subgroup analysis, the association between suicide and life satisfaction in Eastern Europe was similar to that in the whole dataset (r=-0.35) but a positive association was seen in Western Europe (r=0.47). CONCLUSIONS: Life satisfaction and happiness were modestly associated with other indicators of population mental health. Since all such markers have their limitations, surveys of well-being may be useful indicators of population mental health.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bray, I. and Gunnell, D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {65af613da6699370e58f74d223068f3f}, intrahash = {c53a0c47881a43af6123e9172fe98996}, journal = {Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {333-337}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763859 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Suicide rates, life satisfaction and happiness as markers for population mental health}, volume = 41, year = 2006}@article{uunk2005impact, abstract = {The proportion of women who withdraw from paid employment when they have children differs considerably among the countries of the European Union (EU), and the variation has mostly been attributed to institutional factors. In this study, we reassess the institutional explanation, because earlier supportive evidence is threatened by two alternative macro-level explanations: the influence of the economic necessity to work and the influence of gender role values in society. Our main research question is whether and to what extent these alternative explanations alter the effect of public childcare arrangements on mothers' labour supply. Using panel data from 13 countries of the EU, we find evidence in favour of the institutional and economic explanations. In countries with more generous provision of public childcare and in countries with a lower level of economic welfare, the impact of childbirth on female labour supply is less negative than in other countries. Economic welfare appears to suppress rather than rival the institutional effect. More egalitarian gender role values in a country increase mothers' labour supply, yet these values do not alter the institutional effect. Our results underpin the importance of publicly supported arrangements for enhancing female labour supply.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Uunk, Wilfred and Kalmijn, Matthijs and Muffels, Ruud}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fe207f374a59f14abefdfbdf4a91959d}, intrahash = {869aaa3635c13fc093d7a5b94e3c64a3}, journal = {Acta Sociologica}, keywords = {2005 Childcare Children EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Gender_values Labour_supply Multi-level_models Panel_analysis SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {41-62}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276596 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-05-29 ; pubdate=2009-02-26;gender roles?COUNTRY: country code;Waves and countries1999/2000?Italy?United Kingdom?Portugal?Spain?Austria?Belgium?Finland?Greece?France?Denmark?Netherlands?Ireland?Germany1990?Spain?Belgium?Netherlands?Denmark?United Kingdom?Germany (East)?France?Portugal?Germany (West)?Ireland?Austria?Italy?Finland}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Impact of Young Children on Women's Labour Supply: A Reassessment of Institutional Effects in Europe}, volume = 48, year = 2005}@article{cohen2014public, abstract = {ObjectivesIn recent years, the European euthanasia debate has become more intense, and the practice was legalized in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. We aimed to determine the current degree of public acceptance of euthanasia across Europe and investigate what factors explain differences.MethodsData were derived from the 2008 wave of the European Values Survey (EVS), conducted in 47 European countries (N = 67,786, response rate = 69 %). Acceptance of euthanasia was rated on a 1-10 scale.ResultsRelatively high acceptance was found in a small cluster of Western European countries, including the three countries that have legalized euthanasia and Denmark, France, Sweden and Spain. In a large part of Europe public acceptance was relatively low to moderate. Comparison with the results of the previous EVS wave (1999) suggests a tendency towards a polarization in Europe, with most of Western Europe becoming more permissive and most of Eastern Europe becoming less permissive.ConclusionsThere is roughly a West-East division in euthanasia acceptance among the European public, making a pan-European policy approach to the issue difficult.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cohen, Joachim and van Landeghem, Paul and Carpentier, Nico and Deliens, Luc}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00038-013-0461-6}, interhash = {8892de475439ccedd245d6edf6099732}, intrahash = {f9ef82912a8d002bf8af0881a15a6668}, journal = {International Journal of Public Health}, keywords = {2014 Cross-national_comparison EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Public_opnion SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Western_Europe article checked eastern_europe english euthanasia indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed survey}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {143-156}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934835 ; inputdate=2014-05-13 ; editdate=2014-05-13 ; pubdate=2014-05-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Public acceptance of euthanasia in Europe: a survey study in 47 countries}, url = {}, volume = 59, year = 2014}@book{brechon2010lindividualisation, abstract = {Comprendre les valeurs d'une société est capital pour tous ceux qui veulent contribuer à la faire évoluer. Or, si on étudie depuis longtemps les données économiques et sociales, peu de travaux d'envergure sont consacrés à analyser les systèmes de valeurs. C'est l'objectif poursuivi par cet ouvrage qui s'appuie sur des enquêtes ciblées, menées depuis 1981 et régulièrement mises à jour. Il montre que l'individualisation - entendue comme affirmation de l'autonomie de l'individu et de ses choix - est bien la caractéristique majeure. De fait, cette individualisation constitue une clef de compréhension de nombreux autres phénomènes contemporains (la famille, le travail, l'économie, la politique ou la religion). Faut-il y voir un danger pour notre avenir collectif ? Pas forcément ! Car l'individualisation n'est pas l'individualisme et ne pr?ne pas le culte du ? chacun pour soi ?. Elle pourrait même favoriser la cohésion sociale.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a0c91f1c3270a9dee839eebabee15d7b}, intrahash = {e013a2fd26bd06262d60d9a5c633e27a}, isbn = {9782200243128}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {[]=t&type[]=a&tp[]=livre&tp[]=revue&start=. (EVS)}, pages = 304, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935536 ; inputdate=2014-06-27 ; editdate=2014-06-27 ; pubdate=2014-06-27}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {L'individualisation des valeurs}, url = {[]=t&type[]=a&tp[]=livre&tp[]=revue&start=}, year = 2010}@article{abela1994changing, abstract = {Data obtained in values studies conducted 1981-1991 among nationally representative samples in Malta (N = 467) & 10 western European countries (N = 15,500) are used to compare the rise of individualized family values in Malta relative to other Europeans. In Malta, change coincides with continuity. In the face of rapid socioeconomic change, most Maltese are successful in keeping alive traditional family values, yet marriage breakdowns have been increasing. Traditionality shows in their strong family ties, an adherence to common religious, social, & political values, & an opposition to permissive behavior. Conventional gender relations remain strong, though new socioeconomic developments & aspirations call for a renegotiation of relations between married partners & their children. The Western European trend toward greater individualization is evident among the higher-educated young professionals. The outcome is experienced as a period of transition & personal indecision.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9dbf9dd1a32b9aab2d62403ce711ce8d}, intrahash = {f8633903aad15b4365f461aef1303951}, journal = {International Sociological Association}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english family indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281154 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Family Values in Malta: A Western European Perspective}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1994}@incollection{gelissen2013distribution, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Gelissen, John and Arts, Wil}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {a3456d9f04020880a25e26132af03a88}, intrahash = {c5ad3c8fbcb250c5ab430bebb4c888c2}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {163-183}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934531 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The distribution of social capital across Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{rusu2012measuringsocialsolidaritysomeresearchnotes, abstract = {There is an increasing public, political and research interest in social solidarity. Even though the concept has a long history and is embedded in solid approaches, there is not much literature concerned with its measurement. The paper falls into the area of the ethodological studies of social solidarity and it deals with construct validation. The objective of this paper is to test for convergent validity and nomological validity of two sets of items aiming to measure social solidarity attitudes and acts. The main method employed is confirmatory factor analysis.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Rusu, Horatiu}, biburl = {}, interhash = {65612a3d4acce4a45ee0be5b08ba43d4}, intrahash = {144faabf8fe8636b363aacdbb9ed7b63}, journal = {Social Change Review}, keywords = {2012 Confirmatory_factor__analysis Construct_validation EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_solidarity article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {71-90}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935336 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring Social Solidarity. Some Research Notes}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2012}@incollection{pickel2013zwischen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Opladen}, author = {Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Ostdeutschland und die Sozialwissenschaften: Bilanz und Perspektiven 20 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung}, editor = {Lorenz, Astrid}, interhash = {c4f37fb3dfeee4b9d1166b22c48a9a17}, intrahash = {ccefddd4f8ccb8086fc00f7d8aeff2ef}, isbn = {978-3-86649-424-4}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {169-188}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934436 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Verl. Barbara Budrich}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Zwischen best?ndigen Differenzen und überraschenden Angleichungen :Einstellungen, Religiosit?t und politische Kultur}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{hafnerfink2013national, abstract = {The article contributes to the literature on the changing concept ofcitizenship in the process of globalisation. It sets out from the thesis that the classic concepts of citizenship, which are linked to the nation state, are slowly but steadily losing their monopoly on explaining the relationship between individuals, the political community and government. Based on a theoretical discussion of the new models of citizenship, the authors seek to identify the elements of ?post-national? citizenship. The main research goal of the analysisis to discover the conditions in which elements of post-national citizenship are most likely to occur. The analysis is based on aggregated individual (survey) data (from the ESS 2008 and the EVS 2008) and macro contextual data on European Union countries. On the macro (country) level, the authors conduct a hierarchical cluster analysis and crisp set QCA and make the following findings. First, two groups of countries are formed: (a) a fairly homogeneous group of six ?post-national? citizenship countries; and (b) a more heterogeneousgroup of classic citizenship countries. Second, ?post-national? citizenship is to be expected in countries in which the following conditions are combined: on the one hand, secularised and post-industrial societies with less emphasis on a knowledge society, and on the other hand, societies with a stable national status where knowledge is important.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hafner-Fink, Mitja and Malnar, Brina and Uhan, Samo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9c4d501b99743876cbf6f1851f4e70ba}, intrahash = {8660ac00077d8c8024547932a1962575}, journal = {Sociologick? ?asopis}, keywords = {2013 EU EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english globalisation indexproved input2014 post-national_citizenship qualitative_comparative_analysis_(QCA) review_proved reviewed typology_of_countries}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {867-901}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935694 ; inputdate=2014-07-06 ; editdate=2014-07-06 ; pubdate=2014-07-06}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The National Contexts of Post-national Citizenship}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 2013}@article{klicperovabaker2012diversity, abstract = {Objectives. Heuristic study focused on common reasons for social distance from minorities and assumed that latent variables in attitudes can reveal the roots of intolerance, with a special attention to ambivalently accepted outgroups. Subjects and setting. A secondary analysis of answers to European Values Study (EVS 1999- 2010) was performed focusing on the Czech Republic alone and on Eastern European EU members (wave 3 N=10.522 and wave 4 N=13.719); responses to question Q6 (which minorities would be undesirable as neighbors). Hypotheses. Authors looked for a context in which out-groups are perceived, specifically for relationships a) between diversity and acceptance and b) between deviance and rejection of individual minority groups. Statistical analyses. Factor analyses and principal component analyses (both oblique and orthogonal rotations) based on Kaiser's criterion; Cronbach's alpha. Results. Respondents indicated consensus in social distance from minorities: the most accepted neighbors are defined mostly by ethnic or religious diversity; the most rejected groups are characterized by behavior deviant from social norms (addicts, criminals); there is a disagreement about admittance of the rest of the fourteen groups assessed (Roma, gays, AIDS patients). All factor analyses and principal component analyses yielded a stable solution close to a simple structure with three factors: 1. Diversity (ethnic, religious); 2. (Behavioral) Deviance; 3. Political extremism. Stronger social distancing from ethnic minorities and gays is related to higher minority loading on Deviance factor; conversely, minorities loading on Diversity factor tend to be accepted. Minorities who met with neighbors' ambivalence (especially Roma, gays, people with AIDS) often ambivalently appear in two factors (Diversity and Deviance). Study limitations. Methodology of Pearson's correlation matrices was used as a basis for factor analyses.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Klicperová-Baker, Martina and Kost'ál, Jaroslav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a98cb2d8749cf7f9837668f30ba1e553}, intrahash = {44a3d7b0a2d78574c8756cbc7436c282}, journal = {Ceskoslovenska Psychologie}, keywords = {2012 Diversity EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 minorities review_proved social_distance}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {297-324}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934375 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Diversity or behavioral deviance? Social distance from Roma, gays, people with aids and other minorities}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2012}@article{stam2013explaining, abstract = {This paper presents unique descriptive and explanatory analyses of cross-national variation in work ethic in 44 European countries (European Values Study 2008). A strong work ethic is the conviction that people have a moral duty to work. To explain differences in the adherence of the work ethic between countries two alternative theories are tested: modernisation theory and social institutional theory. Modernisation theory hypothesises that richer, more highly educated and urbanised countries have a weaker work ethic. Alternatively, social institutional theory predicts that countries' religious heritage, generosity of the welfare state and political history can explain differences in work ethic between countries. Multilevel regression models on an unprecedented set of 44 countries show that the modernisation hypotheses are supported. With regard to institutions, it is shown that work ethic is stronger in countries with an Islamic and Orthodox heritage as compared to a Protestant and Catholic heritage and in ex-communist countries and countries with less generous welfare states. When both theories are tested simultaneously, variance decomposition suggests that social institutional theory has more explanatory power than modernisation theory. Religious heritage is shown to be the most important factor to explain variation in work ethic between countries. Thus, although our modern societies become increasingly secularised, religious heritage still impacts our norms and values about work in a significant manner.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stam, Kirsten and Verbakel, Ellen and De Graaf, P M.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2012.726734}, interhash = {3d42c32ca68c7bf3508e49cd13769b9d}, intrahash = {4a320214cbc4f48cf8b1582d8c913122}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked comparitive_study english indexproved input2014 modernisation multilevel_analysis review_proved reviewed social_institutions work_ethic}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {268-289}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934344 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Explaining variation in work ethic in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2013}@article{graeff2013trust, abstract = {Why are the Scandinavian countries in the European Union significantly richer than Southern/Eastern European countries? We try to answer this question from an empirical social capital perspective. In particular, we are interested in the interplay of social trust as a positive and corruption as a negative manifestation of social capital. The opportunities to provide answers by multivariate modelling are, however, limited by several problems related to small sample size and low degrees of freedom. Regarding these problems, we test the interrelating influences between positive and negative social capital by applying a path model that accounts for Granger-like causal effects. Our empirical results, referring to a sample of up to 25 EU countries, show that corruption might harm poor European countries but is not able to affect social trust. However, corruption in itself means that resources end up in the wrong places and not in socioeconomically optimal investments. There is, therefore, a direct damaging effect of corruption on wealth. This implies that economic actors have to invest higher transaction and control costs which will bind resources to non-productive purposes and thus destroy economic wealth. Most remarkable is that the augmentation of positive social capital could work as an effective counterforce to corruption, even if it does not compensate for the economic loss caused by corruption. Thus, adding the social capital perspective may contribute to understanding present day variation in the wealth of European nations by the damaging effect of corrupt activities and/or the positive force of social trust.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Graeff, Peter and Svendsen, G Tinggaard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a093895ab4e1204533fbeb373e057852}, intrahash = {06ca73ce1ade1fbd4ef169797802d11c}, journal = {Quality & Quantity}, keywords = {2013 Coruption EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Granger_causality Path_model SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {2829-2846}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934314 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15}, study = {EVS1981-2010}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust and corruption: The influence of positive and negative social capital on the economic development in the European Union}, url = {}, volume = 47, year = 2013}@article{kaasa2011values, abstract = {This exploratory study mapped work values in European countries andexamined socio-economic and cultural explanations of between-country differences inthe relative importance of various work values. The data from the latest wave of theEuropean Values Study (EVS) covered 45 European countries. Exploratory factoranalysis was used in order to capture the information of initial indicators into areasonable number of dimensions. It was confirmed that extrinsic (instrumental) workvalues have more importance in countries with a lower level of socio-economicdevelopment. Regarding cultural explanations, no effect of individualism-collectivismwas found, but uncertainty avoidance turned out to be positively correlated withaffective work values and negatively with self-actualisation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4fa6278d53e5916337b063c7f06fad57}, intrahash = {b670de3e3393745d171e8325e3f09c3d}, journal = {Review of International Comparative Management}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Maslow?s_hierarchy article checked cultural_dimension europe indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved work_values}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391397 ; inputdate=2012-03-15 ; editdate=2012-03-15 ; pubdate=2012-03-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Work Values in European Countries: Empirical Evidence and Explanations}, volume = 12, year = 2011}@article{abela1993valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {58fbc362edafe8a419e65064edbbba2b}, intrahash = {932a527ab1e431350823bfc95656aff6}, journal = {La Civiltà Cattolica}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {260-269}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281007 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Valori per il futuro di Malta}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3429, year = 1993}@article{dunn2014pluralistic, abstract = {Modern democracy is based in dissent and diversity. The essential defining aspect of democracy is the existence of competitive and fair elections; an element which emphasizes diversity of opinion and serves to place one party (or group of parties) in power, while relegating the other(s) to dissent. The diversity inherent to democratic systems instills in a country's inhabitants an awareness of difference, which in turn propagates more tolerant individuals. In autocratic regimes, expression of diversity is restrained, being considered the basis of disorder and thereby detrimental to the state. In liberal democratic societies, freedom of expression and speech and a free media are widely accepted principles. Political parties and social groups in liberal democratic societies are therefore able to express varied and opposing opinions on societal concerns, and such opinions are broadcast to large swaths of the population. Exposure to such variety indicates to even the most inattentive of individuals that they reside in a diverse and heterogeneous society. For many individuals, exposure to diversity promotes tolerance of difference. While diversity tends to breed tolerance, there is a critical exception to this generality. Exposure to diversity only facilitates tolerance of difference when such exposure occurs under positive or neutral conditions. Those who are exposed to diversity under aversive conditions are instead pushed toward intolerance of difference. Our thesis in this article is thus one of pluralistic conditioning. In general, when individuals are exposed to diversity under positive or neutral conditions, they become more tolerant of diversity. However, when individuals are exposed to diversity under aversive conditions, they become less tolerant of difference. This thesis unites findings from multiple disciplines under a single theoretical framework.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dunn, Kris and Singh, S P.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13510347.2012.697056}, interhash = {df0be34c5b5eff691897d2b0c45bbf34}, intrahash = {9b94a76923ed208b30eaace276a38148}, journal = {Democratization}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked democracy elections english freedom_of_expression indexproved input2014 liberal_democracy pluralistic_conditions review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-28}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938896 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Pluralistic conditioning: social tolerance and effective democracy}, url = {}, volume = 21, year = 2014}@techreport{ljunge2012trust, abstract = {This paper estimates the intergenerational transmission of trust by studying second generation immigrants in 29 European countries with ancestry in 87 nations. There is significant transmission of trust on the mother?s side. The transmission is stronger in Northern Europe. Ancestry from more developed countries suggests a stronger transmission of trust, but the heterogeneity in ancestry dissipates for individuals who reside in Northern Europe. The results suggest an interaction between cultural background and current institutions, where building trust in Northern Europe is a long process but the adjustment to the trust levels in Southern and Eastern Europe is fast.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Ljunge, Martin}, biburl = {}, institution = {Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)}, interhash = {b33560d8cf4df6254c633c992aff6f4a}, intrahash = {5961d876ac40d98f22f348e06c74fe19}, keywords = {2012 Cultural_transmission EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Immigrants Integration_of_immigrants Intergenerational_transmission checked english input2014 techreport trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 946, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935338 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, series = {IFN Working Paper}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust Issues: Evidence from Second Generation Immigrants}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{basile2012technological, abstract = {The economic growth literature suggests that knowledge spillovers are subject to distance decay effects. In this paper the main aim is to provide a theoretical framework and empirical evidence on the role played by other kinds of proximities, namely relational, social and technological proximity, in explaining productivity growth. Using a sample of 249 EU 27 NUTS 2 regions in the period 1990-2004, semiparametric spatial autoregressive models are estimated. Results provide evidence of a positive role of social and relational proximities as important channels of knowledge spillovers, and on the fact that, when simultaneously present, different kinds of proximities generate synergic effects on growth.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Basile, Roberto and Capello, Roberta and Caragliu, Andrea}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1435-5957.2012.00438.x}, interhash = {0953ea2ac0f103ae6cc487a49128074b}, intrahash = {d752080bfb31be4a13759ddd3544b658}, journal = {Papers in Regional Science}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 European_Regions FDZ_IUP Relational_proximity SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed semiparametric_additive_models social_proximity technological_proximity}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {697-722}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939314 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Technological interdependence and regional growth in Europe: Proximity and synergy in knowledge spillovers}, url = {}, volume = 91, year = 2012}@article{rabusicova2001which, abstract = {This paper uses the survey data of EVS 1991 and EVS 1999 and in an exploratory manner it seeks to find answers to four questions concerning qualities which children should be encouraged to learn at home: (1) Has there been a change in preferences of these educational values during the period 1991-1999 in Czech society, which has been undergoing a deep political, economic and social transformation? (2) Are these preferences structured along the social and demographic characteristics of the Czech population? (3) Is there a general pattern in educational preferences among the Czech population and if so, is it traditional or modern values that are being preferred? (4) What is the position of the Czech Republic among other European countries with respect to these preferences?}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Prag}, author = {Rabu?icová, Milada and Rabu?ic, Ladislav}, biburl = {}, institution = {Institute of Sociology}, interhash = {591eada3db5d3f89c4f12a2564069270}, intrahash = {1598165c01fa0dd7917b63103540a3c4}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english enhanced family indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {123-142}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281302 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02;Educational values?V170: learn children at home: thrift (Q49G)?V167: learn children at home: feeling of responsiblity (Q49D)?V171: learn children at home: determination,perseverance (Q49H)?V174: learn children at home: obedience (Q50K)?V165: learn children at home: independence (Q49B)?V166: learn children at home: hard work (Q49C)?V164: learn children at home: good manners (Q49A)?V173: learn children at home: unselfishness (Q50J)?V172: learn children at home: religious faith (Q49I)?V168: learn children at home: imagination (Q49E)?V169: learn children at home: tolerance+respect (Q49F);Waves and countries1999/2000?Slovakia?Italy?Denmark?Bulgaria?Sweden?France?Portugal?Germany?Slovenia?Spain?Austria?Belgium?Netherlands?Poland?Czech Republic1990?Bulgaria?Belgium?Poland?Austria?Portugal?Slovakia?Denmark?Slovenia?Germany (West)?Sweden?Czech Republic?France?Netherlands?Germany (East)?Italy?Spain}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Which Qualities Should Children Be Encouraged to Learn at Home?}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@book{elzo1986juventud, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, F Andrés and Sabino, A. and al., et}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6313aa615699a7f53cfbb65c105d7427}, intrahash = {089e01008abb050837869f0be954f855}, isbn = {9788475423517}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 597, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280834 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Servicio Central de Publicaciones, Vitoria Gasteiz: Gobierno Vasco}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Juventud vasca 1986: informe sociológico sobre comportamientos actitudes y valores de la juventud}, type = {Book}, year = 1986}@techreport{schnabel2012antidiscrimination, abstract = {The paper's leading question is twofold: On the basis of a document analysis, we explore how religion is used to create integration through exclusion on the level of EU policies and debates. Additionally, we investigate on the basis of the European Value Survey, how religion and xenophobic attitudes relate to feelings of ?Europeanness?. The article argues that while religion gained relevance on the level of the European Commission and in public debates as a marker for ?us? and ?them?, individual religiousness in form of church attendance and intensity of belief support ?Europeanness? and xenophobic attitudes decreases it. The dominance of the Christian religious tradition in Europe brings about a sense of European identity and at the same time, works excluding against non-believers and Muslims as the ?cultural others?. European policies, public debates and individual attitudes here, work in the same direction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Umea}, author = {Schnabel, Anette and Gr?tsch, Florian}, biburl = {}, institution = {Umea University, Department of Sociology}, interhash = {0dfa0335595c01655da91597497d045f}, intrahash = {9d271078509d487c68f3b05fd2b44f83}, keywords = {2012 EU EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked cultural_?others? english input2014 religion techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 7, pages = 29, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936640 ; inputdate=2014-08-14 ; editdate=2014-08-14 ; pubdate=2014-08-14}, series = {Working Paper}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Anti-discrimination as a challenge of social cohesion? Religion as a multi-level phenomenon and social integration in the European Union}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{coenders2013support, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Coenders, Marcel and Lubbers, Marcel and Scheepers, Peer}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {606a074cbb03b9da90a462b6134c4cb0}, intrahash = {415407199b3cc43a84d74c546b3849fb}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {73-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934535 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Support for labour-market discrimination of migrants}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{moor2013family, abstract = {The availability of family can be considered a protective factor for aging well. In this article, we examine to what extent the family situation of older people creates vulnerability with respect to their quality of life. Because not everyone is vulnerable to the same degree, we try to identify the conditions under which older people benefit more from having family resources. Based on the resources perspective, we argue that the impact of family resources on life satisfaction is stronger for older people with fewer resources at both the individual level (material, physical and non-familial social resources) and the country level (welfare state services targeted at older adults). To test our hypotheses we make use of the fourth wave of the European Values Study, and the MULTILINKS Social Policy Indicators database. In general our data offer support for the idea that the presence of intimate family ties (with partner and children) can be considered an important resource for achieving psychological well-being, whereas their absence or loss may act as a constraint. Our vulnerability argument is partly supported by the findings. Partner resources are more important for the life satisfaction of older people with a low education and health problems. Similarly, having children only improves the life-satisfaction of lower educated older adults. However, family resources are not more important for older people with fewer material resources or for older people living in countries with low services levels targeted at older adults.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Moor, Nienke and {Graaf, de}, P M. and Komter, Aafke}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e266a8b353f51e22e121bc80e4859887}, intrahash = {3a4a2c46cca811f4e13fb08452e29a56}, journal = {Journal of Aging Studies}, keywords = {2013 Aging EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Family_ties SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Vulnerability Welfare_state_generosity article checked english indexproved input2014 life_satisfaction review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {347-357}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934312 ; inputdate=2014-04-16 ; editdate=2014-04-16 ; pubdate=2014-04-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Family, welfare state generosity and the vulnerability of older adults: A cross-national study}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2013}@incollection{tomka2001nabozenska, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Kostelni Vydri}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Nova Religiozita fascinuje a zneklidnuje}, editor = {Renockl, Helmut and Blanckenstein, Miklos}, interhash = {586ebfa1ffba1a7ffe94e0c158334b27}, intrahash = {725a35c16dab29f3468ec27b3d47722b}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {22-32}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281241 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Karmelitanske Nakladatelstvi}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Nabozenska situace v zemic1h vychodmi a stredni Evropy}, year = 2001}@article{lambert2003valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a0386e7f9b9545d25515c9784c960cae}, intrahash = {556a76bdc3e9d48168428f60952efd63}, journal = {Les valeurs dans la société fran?aise, Millénaire 3 Grand Lyon & Economie & Humanisme}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {87-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936428 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs religieuses: je veux croire comme je veux}, year = 2003}@incollection{bartolomeperal2013neighbours, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Bartolomé Peral, Edurne and Ramos, Alice}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {cb3363f4743704c7ed908b4fd949f498}, intrahash = {47e1a23a57d05c786c2036a91d0555fc}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {117-141}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934530 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Neighbours: determinants of whom Europeans want to keep at a distance}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{riis1996religionen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {da719fef6467db9cf6160110850355c7}, intrahash = {e28f9e6234f0f610adcf147449046216}, journal = {Norks statvitenskabeligt tidsskrift}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked danish indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {95-112}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281220 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religionen og det europaeiske faelleskab}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1996}@incollection{mueller2009trust, abstract = {Comparative international surveys consistently show differences between Eastern and Western Europe with regard to the perceived trustworthiness of state agencies like courts, police, or civil services. This article explores the consequences of these differences for the life satisfaction of the common citizen. The analysis concentrates on the one hand on the hypothesis that a lack of trustworthiness of state agencies implies the risk of the abuse of power by these institutions, which has among others also direct negative consequences for the life satisfaction of the citizens. On the other hand, the article also pursues the hypothesis that trustworthy state institutions may buffer the citizens' risk of being deceived by non-trustworthy fellows, which obviously has an indirect positive impact on life satisfaction. Using secondary analysis of survey data from the European Values Study (EVS), the article shows that the mentioned effects of institutional trustworthiness on life satisfaction differ by institution. It seems that the trustworthiness of the police mainly matters for the direct effects of the abuse of state power, whereas the trustworthiness of the civil service is relatively important for the buffering of distrust in fellow citizens. Based on quantitative information about these empirical regularities, the article finally makes conditional forecasts about the effects of changing trustworthiness of state agencies on the future life satisfaction in Eastern and Western Europe}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mueller, Georg}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Quality of Life and the Millennium Challenge}, editor = {M?ller, Valerie and Huschka, Denis}, interhash = {8601e621b68effb7ceaf02631ea1fd52}, intrahash = {adb71205a5d4381740a834a1fa343c40}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 Eastern/Western_Europe FDZ_IUP abuse_of_state_power buffering_of_distrust checked incollection input2014 life_satisfaction trustworthiness_of_state_agencies}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {161-176}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5431824 ; inputdate=2012-04-10 ; editdate=2012-04-10 ; pubdate=2012-04-10}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Trust and Life Satisfaction in Eastern and Western Europe}, url = {}, year = 2009}@book{tomka2004ateizmu, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lviv}, author = {Tomka, Miklos and Turij, Oleg}, biburl = {}, interhash = {eaafd4a5f1a4dbb59e3ca52b94b8bc6a}, intrahash = {d57c947a35792e514a87aa3e197b05e5}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 226, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281106 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institut Istorii^Ukrainskogo Katolits'kogo Universitetu}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Vira pisl? ateizmu : religijne ?itt? v Ukrajni v period demokrati?nih peretvoren' i der?avnoj nezale?nosti. (= Faith after Atheism. Religious Life in the Ukraine in the Period of Democratic Transformation and National Independence.)}, year = 2004}@techreport{hlavac2011subjective, abstract = {In recent years, the idea that public policy should maximize satisfaction, happiness orsome other non-material measure of well-being has received a great deal of attention. In thispaper, I conduct an empirical study of the determinants of subjective life satisfaction (SLS) in theEuropean Union using data from the most recent, 2008/2009, wave of the European ValuesStudy. In particular, I examine the association between SLS and two kinds of individual-levelcharacteristics: demographic (age, gender, foreign-born and marital status) and socio-economic(education, monthly household income, employment and student status). I find that, of theeconomic variables, employed status and higher household income are associated with greaterSLS. These findings suggest that a traditional economic policy focused on reducingunemployment and on increasing real incomes can go a long way in improving citizens? lifesatisfaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hlavac, Marek}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.2139/ssrn.1853623}, institution = {Social Science Research Network}, interhash = {5b4aaadd5e5ba228fbe16caeb1e0057a}, intrahash = {409c7605f6877991e47320d7943d9bfa}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391336 ; inputdate=2012-03-14 ; editdate=2012-03-14 ; pubdate=2012-03-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Subjective Life Satisfaction in the European Union: Determinants and Policy Implications}, url = {}, year = 2011}@article{minarik2014religion, abstract = {The role of religion has been discussed as a possible explanation of divergent economic development ever since Max Weber. This article examines its role in the post-communist transition. It adopts the approach of Guiso et al. which is based on data collected at the individual level rather than a cross-country analysis. However, with regard to recent literature we allow for a different interpretation of results. The analysis shows that religion still has an impact on individuals' economic attitudes, even after many decades of communist rule. Generally, religion is supportive of pro-market and pro-growth attitudes. The impact of different religions is not uniform, although none of them appears to be an obstacle in transition from a centrally planned economy to the free market. Further, the micro-level findings are compared with the macro-level to explain the differences in the course of transition among post-communist countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Minarik, Pavol}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14631377.2014.874656}, interhash = {df59e6dea2c393a6fd1a9ffa4b4d7c85}, intrahash = {ccb114638acfc83c8e8f24e9a440aa7e}, journal = {Post-Communist Economies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {67-88}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939301 ; inputdate=2014-12-06 ; editdate=2014-12-06 ; pubdate=2014-12-06}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religion and economic attitudes in post-communist transition}, url = {}, volume = 26, year = 2014}@article{kocher1985schwierigkeit, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Oktober}, author = {K?cher, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5f9168e6966abbdf9cdc02457809d5aa}, intrahash = {82439055a984cfe58c5d70cf0c1b635c}, journal = {Stimmen der Zeit}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281033 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Die Schwierigkeit, in Freiheit zu leben [The Difficulty to Live in Freedom]}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 10, year = 1985}@article{voicu2012trends, abstract = {The impact of modernization and industrialization on gender arrangements has been different depending on the gender culture that predominated when the modernization process started. Romania was among the most rural societies in Europe after the Second World War. Women's involvement in agricultural activity was very high, but the gender division of work was a very traditional one. The communist regimes promoted a full employment policy for the entire population but did nothing to encourage gender equality in the private space. This article focuses on the Romanian case, aiming to identify the dynamics of gender beliefs during the post-communist period. Using data from two waves of the European Values Survey (1990, 1999), as well as data provided by the Public Opinion Barometer 2007 and by Family Life - 2008, the authors carried out standard cohort decomposition methods in order to detect the mechanism that produced the most variation in gender beliefs.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Malina and Tufis, P Andreea}, biburl = {}, interhash = {43c73e329ace544c7cdf3cff7bc0fb32}, intrahash = {c4d2e1acbabcd99b3e9232e7cf1f2e81}, journal = {Current Sociology}, keywords = {2012 Dohort_Decomposition_Method EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Gender_Beliefs Romania SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_Values article checked eastern_europe english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {61-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934253 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trends in gender beliefs in Romania: 1993-2008}, url = {}, volume = 60, year = 2012}@article{koster2009management, abstract = {The risks that individuals face in everyday life, suchas illness and unemployment, can be covered using market,government, or communitymechanisms. The market can functionwith a lower level of solidarity compared to the other twomechanisms; the government mechanism requires the highestlevel of compulsory solidarity and communities are associatedwith voluntary solidarity. Social context affects individual preferenceswith regard to any one of these mechanisms. This articleinvestigates to what extent these preferences are influenced byglobalization: the economic, social and political openness ofcountries. The dataset used in this study combines data fromthe European Values Study 1999-2000 (EVS), the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF), and theKOF Index of Globalization, andcontains information about 31,554 people living in 26 Europeancountries. The results derived from logistic multilevel analysisshow that preferences towards the organization of solidarity arerelated to the different dimensions of globalization.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Koster, Ferry}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1468-246X.2009.01338.x}, interhash = {4bf90710936bd6b3a118512b40e7c54a}, intrahash = {5239dc58e1606da1dcd6588c3d3c3296}, journal = {International Social Security Review}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article attitude attitudes checked english indexproved input2014 public_opinion review_proved social_policy social_solidarity welfare_state}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {79–98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5241454 ; inputdate=2012-01-11 ; editdate=2012-01-11 ; pubdate=2012-01-11}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Risk management in a globalizing world: An empirical analysis of individual preferences in 26 European countries}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2009}@incollection{dogan2003religious, abstract = {There is no filiation between the agnosticism of intellectual elites in previous centuries and today's decline of religious beliefs in the populace. The analysis is based on several international mass surveys concerning twenty European countries between 1980 and 2000. Religious beliefs are considered as observable social facts. Seven tables bring empirical evidence. The analysis of survey research are preceded by a review of the current sociological literature, particularly in France, on the "crisis of Catholicism", "dechristianisation", "paganisation", "apostasy", and of the papal encyclics and Episcopal declarations.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cb50ac013aad7b9170882c72f87f1544}, intrahash = {f557a3c2a1a89adcc01a80afd8d758b7}, journal = {Research In the Social Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {161-188}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3710328 ; inputdate=2009-12-01 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-01 ; ISSP_ID=1159}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Beliefs In Europe: Factors of Accelerated Decline}, volume = 14, year = 2003}@article{ariely2013diversity, abstract = {Robert Putnam's "hunkering down" thesis regarding the negative effect of ethnic diversity on trust and willingness to participate in collective life launched an ongoing debate concerning the ramifications of diversity for social cohesion. Findings regarding the way in which diversity affects social cohesion are discrepant, some scholars arguing that diversity has negative effects on social cohesion and others indicating insignificant or even positive effects. This study claims that these conflicting conclusions are explained by the vagueness of social cohesion - a multidimensional concept. Analyzing cross-national survey data from 42 European countries, it demonstrates how diversity is variably related to the diverse dimensions and operationalization of social cohesion. While diversity is not associated with the most commonly adduced dimension of social cohesion - namely, interpersonal trust - it does possess a negative relation to two other dimensions of social cohesion: belonging and social solidarity. Even these negative relations are not consistent across different operationalizations of belonging and social solidarity, however. In the face of increasing concerns regarding the implications of diversity for social cohesion, these findings demonstrate that caution must be exercised when examining the relations between these two phenomena.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ariely, Gal}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/1467-9248.12068}, interhash = {882d98fa5360eca14be85e6332e06d80}, intrahash = {f1e0b769ba0f5f5c725706116c197a65}, journal = {Political Studies}, keywords = {2013 Diversity EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_cohesion}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {573–595}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935391 ; inputdate=2014-06-19 ; editdate=2014-06-19 ; pubdate=2014-06-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does Diversity Erode Social Cohesion? Conceptual and Methodological Issues}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2013}@inproceedings{aracic2003religijske, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Ara?i?, Pero and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Razvojne perspektive ruralnoga svijeta Slavonije i Baranje, Osijek, Hrvatska, 03-04.10.2002.}, editor = {?tambuk, Maja and ?undali?, Antun}, interhash = {f765015eb4a25cb2ec2710b8ea3db2ac}, intrahash = {e43f0b2df17ba87a06aa35c87f798050}, isbn = {9536666308}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity Serbo-Croatian abortion belief checked inproceedings input2014 religion youth}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {55-76}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281145 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institut drustvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religijske vrednote u Slavonji i Baranji s posebnim naglaskom na mlade (Religious Values in Slavonija and Baranja with Emphasis on Youth Population)}, type = {Lecture}, year = 2003}@incollection{rosta2012religiosity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Transformations of Religiosity: Religion and Religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989-2010}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, interhash = {588beca1d15cca29b03592db7b02825b}, intrahash = {5f620796a496280f1ea4a73adea73743}, isbn = {978-3-531-17540-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {95-110}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934195 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity and Political Values in Central and Eastern Europe}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{borgulya2013changes, abstract = {The past decade has seen significant political, economic and social changes in several Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The reasons for the most important transformation processes were the EU membership and the global recession of the late 2000's. Our study focuses on the effects of these circumstances on people's work-related values and attitudes. This longitudinal comparative analysis is based on the results of the European Values Study of 1999/2000 and 2008/2009. Our aim is to detect the priorities that determine employees' attitudes to work in ten CEE countries of the EU. Slovenia and Hungary will be paid special attention since these two countries seem not to be followingthe main direction of changes found in the CEE region.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Borgulya, Agnes and Hahn, Judit}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bb9f0c23bdf25fc896b3150aa510d1e4}, intrahash = {271337ac358a30ca34a07eb7a9bfc551}, issn = {2167-9053}, journal = {Journal of Arts and Humanities}, keywords = {2013 Central_and_Eastern_Europe EU EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english global_crisis indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved work-related_values_and_attitudes}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {24-36}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936722 ; inputdate=2014-08-18 ; editdate=2014-08-18 ; pubdate=2014-08-18}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changes in the importance of work-related values in Central and Eastern Europe: Slovenia and Hungary against the trend?}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2013}@article{christoforou2010social, abstract = {In this paper, we offer an empirical investigation of the relationshipbetween social capital and human development across European countries for thepost-war period. We argue that social organizations contribute directly to broaderwelfare aspects of development as part of the third sector of the economy, whichundertakes the provision of public goods, such as health and education, in synergywith state institutions. This is counter to views that associate social organizationswith anti-growth rent-seeking and lobbying activities. We begin with amultivariate regression analysis, which reveals that membership in socialorganizations is positively associated with human development, along with stateinstitutions of public expenditure and the quality of governance. We then conducta case study analysis to explore further the historical and cultural contextualfactors of European welfare systems that determine the capacity of third sectororganizations to enhance generalized co-operation, synergistic relations and socialwelfare against particularist interests.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Christoforou, Asimina}, biburl = {}, interhash = {afc909ddaf337c189fc7066b73502958}, intrahash = {e4cd7941ebb62568094636762447f9cb}, journal = {Journal of Institutional Economics}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked economic_theory english indexproved input2014 public_good review_proved reviewed social_capital social_networks}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {191-214}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4394523 ; inputdate=2010-11-26 ; editdate=2010-11-26 ; pubdate=2010-11-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social capital and human development: an empirical investigation across European countries}, volume = 6, year = 2010}@incollection{fisher2006decreasing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Fisher, Stephen and Heath, Anthony}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {fdbbede3f303d992ebd9078b9236d642}, intrahash = {c73e7b097c49aac7c3c31291b8b76e0e}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(ISSP) (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {207-227}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264459 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18 ; ISSP_ID=2180}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Decreasing Desires for Income Inequality?}, year = 2006}@incollection{baloban2004solidarnost, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {O solidarnosti i supsidijarnosti u Hrvatskoj}, editor = {Baloban, Stjepan and ?rpi?, Gordan}, interhash = {1dce908e88aee1c00bc1bd836c2b7025}, intrahash = {0e2e0dfb2cf1c536051ce49d62a7e660}, isbn = {9531100349, 9789531100349}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Serbo-Croatian checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280839 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centar za promicanje socijalnog nauka Crkve; Kr??anska sada?njost}, series = {Socijalni niz Crkva i dru?tvo}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Solidarnost u svjetlu socijalnog nauka Crkve (Solidarity from the Perspective of Social Teaching of the Church)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2004}@incollection{crpic2005roles, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan and Bi??an, ?eljka and Ara?i?, Pero}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Analysis of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {4be06835f64dfe92843ba75e463234e0}, intrahash = {9790afcd7a68f29ef3c23ceed739d50d}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {207-232}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281166 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehnicka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {New (and Old) Roles of Women and Men in Contemporary Europe}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@book{ramet2013civic, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ramet, S P. and Listhaug, Ola and Simkus, Albert}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1057/9781137302823}, interhash = {a58d07ddd729f817ffe4dc83163d956c}, intrahash = {76bc083fb3a323f334501f6aad7eb047}, isbn = {781137033338}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 368, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935302 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia: Value Transformation, Education and Media}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{voicu2013crosscountry, abstract = {This paper looks at country-average results in surveys of student-achievements like PISA, PIRLS or TIMSS. As other recent papers do (Fensham, 2007; Minkov, 2008), I advance the idea that the between-countries differences are determined by cultural factors. Focusing on the macro-level, I discuss social values as part of the contextual determinants for student achievement. Values are defining features of the unwritten, but powerful, hidden curriculum (Cornbleth, 2002), and are likely to have strong impact on learning. I combine macro-data computed from the values surveys (EVS/WVS 1990-2008), respectively PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS (1999-2009). Cross-classified models assess the effect of dominant social values on student achievement. The findings show that a society that places high value on autonomy in child rearing creates an environment for higher student achievement. Conversely, promoting authoritarian values as a priority for younger generations has the opposite effect. The effect is even stronger for achievements in mathematics.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {53eef803665bdbf312ecd8cf012183e9}, intrahash = {568d3ed38cc6f6a54a565bbb8c9c159d}, issn = {2014-3575}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology of Education}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked child-rearing_values comparative_large-scale_surveys_of_student_achievement english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved school_and_society social_values student_achievements}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {221-249}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938856 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-country comparisons of student achievement: the role of social values}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2013}@article{joshanloo2014thinking, abstract = {This paper reports on a multilevel study of 75 nations, which tests two hypotheses that arose from considering Tolstoy?sexperience of thinking about the meaning and purpose of life. The globalisation-as-exacerbator hypothesis predicts thatas globalisation increases, the relationship between thinking about the meaning and purpose of life and life satisfactionbecomes more negative. The religiosity-as-buffer hypothesis predicts that as religiosity increases, the relationship betweenthinking about the meaning and purpose of life and life satisfaction becomes more positive. The results presented heresupport both hypotheses. We also found that it is religious attendance (not religious belief) that functions as a buffer in therelationship between thinking about the meaning and purpose of life and life satisfaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Joshanloo, Moshen and Weijers, Dan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ccca6c0669cdcaa290ee220d4af6f24a}, intrahash = {51e6e7521f69fdf903cb75b7e0e79b82}, journal = {Journal of Psychology in Africa}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked culture english globalisation happiness indexproved input2014 life_satisfaction meaning_of_life religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {73-81}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938204 ; inputdate=2014-10-24 ; editdate=2014-10-24 ; pubdate=2014-10-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does thinking about the meaning of life make you happy in a religious and globalised world? A 75-nation study}, url = {}, volume = 24, year = 2014}@article{ayoub2014threat, abstract = {This article utilizes original survey and interview data to explore why norms governing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights mobilize an active resistance in some cases and not in others. Based on a comparison of Poland and Slovenia, this article shows that differing perceptions of threat define the way international norms are received in distinct domestic realms. Threat perception is heightened in cases where religion is historically embedded in the essence of the popular nation. In Poland, the Catholic Church created a role for itself as a symbol of the nation. There, the domestic opposition succeeded in framing a narrative that linked LGBT rights to external forces threatening national values. By contrast, the Catholic Church in Slovenia could neither maintain nor (re-)establish similarly strong ties to the popular nation, stifling the opposition's ability to mobilize a robust popular resistance. Whether resistance is effectual, however, is a related but separate question. The data suggest that resistance produced in high-threat contexts can be self-defeating in that it enhances the salience of the norm in the domestic setting.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ayoub, P M.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14754835.2014.919213}, interhash = {da1d041dea522879198ebe559da1c887}, intrahash = {2f06b7ef50a4789f7f51187fbdc3c13f}, issn = {1475-4843}, journal = {Journal of Human Rights}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {337-362}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939053 ; inputdate=2014-11-29 ; editdate=2014-11-29 ; pubdate=2014-11-29}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {With Arms Wide Shut: Threat Perception, Norm Reception, and Mobilized Resistance to LGBT Rights}, url = {}, volume = 13, year = 2014}@article{quaranta2013measuring, abstract = {This article tests the cross-national equivalence of the political protest scale, as developed by Barnes and Kaase, in 20 Western European countries using a battery of items included in the fourth wave of the European Values Study. The scale measuring the concept ofpolitical protest is widely used, but no evidence of cross-country equivalence has yet been provided in the literature. The article illustrates the concept of political protest,the relationship between concept formation, operationalization, and measurement equivalence, and the possible consequences of a lack of equivalence. It is argued that comparative research may be threatened by a lack of measurement equivalence. The spread of international surveys eases comparative designs, but at the same time enlarges the chances that we compare what is not actually comparable. The article then outlines an empirical strategy to assess the political protest scale?s measurement equivalence. To assess cross-country equivalence, Mokken Scale Analysis, a nonparametric scaling method within the family of Item Response Theory models, is used. This has been shown to work better than Con?rmatory Factor Analysis when dealing with dichotomous and polytomous items forming ordinal scales. The results show that the cross-country equivalence of the political protest scale depends on the type of measure the scholar wishes to build and use.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Quaranta, Mario}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9c1c110f9358e1889250626649427540}, intrahash = {f560fce492b4333b9805afc8065dc37a}, journal = {European Political Science Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Measurement_equivalence Mokken_scale_analysis Political_protest SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Unconventional_participation Western_Europe article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {457-482}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934324 ; inputdate=2014-04-17 ; editdate=2014-04-17 ; pubdate=2014-04-17}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring political protest in Western Europe:assessing cross-national equivalence}, url = {}, volume = 5, year = 2013}@incollection{pickel2012differentiated, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Farnham}, author = {Pickel, Gert and Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe: Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization}, editor = {Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf and Pickel, Gert}, interhash = {7a7f3f97f88d54e7318efc9519c75a46}, intrahash = {7c10dd2b92abb748e508a9a3b2a4e48a}, isbn = {978-1-4094-2621-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {229-255}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934377 ; ISSP_ID=1840 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Ashgate}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Differentiated secularization in Europe : comparative results}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{nevede2013islamophobie, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Nève de, Dorothée}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion und Politik im vereinigten Deutschland: Was bleibt von der Rückkehr des Religi?sen?}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Hidalgo, Oliver}, interhash = {084b4c17ead5e5b05a7bebdfd96cde68}, intrahash = {14b58ecea9284398f535b742726b9f3c}, isbn = {978-3-531-94181-3}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {196-220}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934435 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS2008, Integrated Dataset}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Islamophobie in Deutschland und Europa}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{takacs2013measure, abstract = {How to measure homophobia in internationally comparable ways is a central issue of the present study. Our main goal was to compare attitudes on homophobia in 27 European countries as measured by different variables within two large-scale longitudinal surveys, the European Social Survey and the European Values Study, with both following multistage probabilistic sampling plans, in order to enable a better understanding of the main determinants of homophobic attitudes at the individual as well as country levels. Our dependent variables were the following: the ? justification? of homosexuality, non-preference for homosexual neighbours, and acceptance of gay men and lesbian women (agreement with the statement that gay men and lesbians should be free to live their own life as they wish). We constructed multilevel fixed-effects linear regression and multilevel logistic regression models in order to test our hypotheses regarding the validity of our homophobia measurement instruments as well as the effects of socio-demographic, attitudinal and country-level variables on homophobic attitudes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Takács, Judit and Szalma, Ivett}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0d76a924b02e95f175cc7c3440fce0b1}, intrahash = {236d25e8b9dc900a5a7cb9d5122586cf}, journal = {Dru?boslovne razprave}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 European_Social_Survey FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed article checked english homophobia indexproved input2014 multilevel_regression review_proved}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 73, pages = {11-42}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935406 ; inputdate=2014-06-20 ; editdate=2014-06-20 ; pubdate=2014-06-20}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How to Measure Homophobia in an International Comparison}, url = {}, volume = 29, year = 2013}@incollection{dekker2006volunteering, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Dekker, P. and Broek, A. vdn}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, value change, and generations: A cross-national and intergenerational perspective}, editor = {Ester, P. and Braun, M. and Mohler, P.}, interhash = {2f2a6444e760ae92006a3695f08c879e}, intrahash = {bf4b195c371f26105cdd401fe18e0dcd}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {179-205}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256369 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;Waves and countries1999/2000?France?Denmark?Sweden?Italy?Netherlands?Ireland?United Kingdom?Belgium?Germany?Spain1990?Germany (West)?Ireland?Italy?Spain?United States?Netherlands?Sweden?Denmark?France?Belgium?United Kingdom1981?Ireland?United States?Belgium?Denmark?Sweden?Netherlands?Germany (West)?Italy?United Kingdom?France?Spain}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Is volunteering going down?}, year = 2006}@article{joshanloo2014fragility, abstract = {The belief that happiness is fragile -that it is fleeting and may easily turn into less favourable states- is common across individuals and cultures. However, not much is known about this belief domain and its structure and correlates. In the present study, we use multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and multilevel modelling to investigate the measurement invariance, cross-level isomorphism, predictive validity, and nomological network of the fragility of happiness scale across 15 nations. The results show that this scale has good statistical properties at both individual and cultural levels, and is associated with relevant psycho-social concepts in expected directions. The importance of the results, limitations, and potential directions for future research are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Joshanloo, Moshen and Weijers, Dan and Jiang, Ding-Yu and Han, Guesog and Bae, Jaechang and Pang, J S. and Ho, L Sang and Ferreira, M Christina and Demir, Melik?ah and Rizwan, Muhammad}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9da4c5bfada6714a23bdf1a8ee8ea89f}, intrahash = {24c3be7c654e5754691f44296c7c6efb}, issn = {1573-7780}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Fear_of_Happiness Fragility_of_Happiness SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture english happiness indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed well-being}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-26}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939309 ; inputdate=2014-12-06 ; editdate=2014-12-06 ; pubdate=2014-12-06}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Fragility of Happiness Beliefs Across 15 National Groups}, url = {}, year = 2014}@techreport{kukharskyy2012trust, abstract = {This paper studies the relationship between trust and foreign direct investment (FDI) in a crosssection of countries. Accounting for the issue endogeneity, this paper suggests that countries with a higher level of generalized trust attract more FDI than the low-trust countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Nürnberg}, author = {Kukharskyy, Bohdan}, biburl = {}, institution = {Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics}, interhash = {ca974de62e39c6e1dbf4347adff0a8e3}, intrahash = {6dd01a942a1630960eb782acdbc77011}, issn = {1863-5733}, keywords = {2012 Causality EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Foreign_Direct_Investment checked english input2014 techreport trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 127, pages = 10, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938982 ; inputdate=2014-11-25 ; editdate=2014-11-25 ; pubdate=2014-11-25}, series = {BGPE Discussion Paper}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{halman2004normative, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boston}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, interhash = {b3f27a990e7007671de2283f96a89011}, intrahash = {b7ef349eb5a13f87d7254cd8dc55466c}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {317-333}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256408 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;political pluralism?V256: which political party would you vote for (Q72)Survival/Self-expression?V37: do you work unpaid for: environment (Q5H)?V66: people can be trusted/cant be too careful (Q8)?V34: do you work unpaid for: political parties/groups (Q5E)?V41: do you work unpaid for: womens groups (Q5L)?V49: how often spend time with colleagues (Q6B)?V48: how often spend time with friends (Q6A)?V45: do you work unpaid for: none?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V31: do you work unpaid for: religious organisation (Q5B)?V179: signing a petition (Q51A)?V42: do you work unpaid for: peace movement (Q5M)?V51: how often spend time in clubs+voluntary associations (Q6D)?V169: learn children at home: tolerance+respect (Q49F)?V36: do you work unpaid for: 3w-development/human rights (Q5G)?V180: joining in boycotts (Q51B)?V33: do you work unpaid for: trade unions (Q5D)?V30: do you work unpaid for: welfare organisation (Q5A)?V182: joining unofficial strikes (Q51D)?V35: do you work unpaid for: local community action (Q5F)?V38: do you work unpaid for: professional associations (Q5I)?V32: do you work unpaid for: cultural activities (Q5C)?V183: occupying buildings/factories (Q51E)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56)?V44: do you work unpaid for: other groups (Q5O)?V43: do you work unpaid for: voluntary health organisations (Q5N)?V181: attending lawful demonstrations (Q51C)?V50: how often spend time in church (Q6C)?V40: do you work unpaid for: sports/recreation (Q5K)?V39: do you work unpaid for: youth work (Q5J)religious leaders should have influence in politics?V130: religious leaders and influence voting (Q39B)?V132: religious leaders and influence governm decisions (Q39D)secularization?V123: how important is God in your life (Q33)?V6: how important in your life: religion (Q1F)?V105: how often attend religious services (Q25)religious pluralism?V102: which religious denomination do you belong to (Q23)?V101: do you belong to a religious denomination (Q22)Traditional/Secular-rational?V162: love and respect parents always/earned (Q47)?V112: church answers to: family life problems (Q29B)?V255: how proud are you to be a...(nationality) citizen (Q71)?V163: parents responsiblities to their children at expense of/not their own well-being (Q48A)?V150: marriage is outdated (Q43)?V113: church answers to: spiritual needs (Q29C)?V2: how important in your life: family (Q1B)?V148: children need both parents to grow up happily (Q41)?V151: woman single parent, no stable relationship with man (Q44)?V251: belong to geographic group-most (Q67)?V114: church answers to: social problems (Q29D)?V252: belong to geographic group-next (Q68)?V111: church answers to: moral problems (Q29A)?V6: how important in your life: religion (Q1F)religious leaders should be involved in politics?V129: politicians and God (Q39A)?V131: religion and public office (Q39C);Waves and countries1999/2000?Czech Republic?Ukraine?Latvia?Russian Federation?Spain?United Kingdom?Croatia?Hungary?Austria?Lithuania?Iceland?Slovakia?Bulgaria?Germany?Estonia?Romania?Slovenia?Sweden?Netherlands?Denmark?Portugal?Poland?France?Malta?Belarus?Greece?Italy?Finland?Belgium?Ireland?Luxemburg}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Normative orientations towards the differentiation between religion and politics}, year = 2004}@article{fokas2012eastern, abstract = {This paper engages with an ongoing scholarly debate on where Orthodox Europe stands in relation to (Western) European secularisation. It navigates between perspectives presenting Orthodoxy as an exception to European secularisation on the one hand, and as an imminent participant in the secularisation process via integration into European institutions on the other. Focusing on the Greek case, the inquiry examines the extent to which Europe (both culturally and politically) may be considered to have a secularising influence on Orthodox Greece. Rejecting narrow and linear conceptions of secularisation, the paper emphasises the dialectical, discursive nature of secularisation which precludes generalisations about either eastern or western secularisation, much less about their relation to one another.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Fokas, Effie}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/09637494.2012.754269}, interhash = {be8acdaa511d8b50dda840fe9c49d037}, intrahash = {a066f745c85d4e8ae85fe288c800def1}, journal = {Religion, State and Society}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {3-4}, pages = {395-414}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935378 ; inputdate=2014-06-18 ; editdate=2014-06-18 ; pubdate=2014-06-18}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {'Eastern' Orthodoxy and 'Western' Secularisation in Contemporary Europe (with Special Reference to the Case of Greece)}, url = {}, volume = 40, year = 2012}@incollection{moor2013religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Moor, Nienke}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {89e17487423dab8434cb5fd3b0ab0ee3}, intrahash = {734f1c85e09b0505259b6c5a218931b4}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {213-229}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934527 ; inputdate=2014-04-29 ; editdate=2014-04-29 ; pubdate=2014-04-29}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religious vitality and church attendance in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{rimac2000determinante, abstract = {The analysis of trust in different institutions of the political system has shown that all the answers given by the respondents are generated on the grounds of the same mechanism of the evaluation of institutions, which offers the basis for a conclusion on the factor of general trust in the political system, and for several minor factors, which add to smaller distinctions among particular groups of institutions. The analysis of the changes in the trust in the political system, measured in whole through a summarised evaluation of all the institutions in the period from 1997 to 1999 shows that the decrease of the trust in the institutions of the system has occurred. The main reason is possible to detect in the parochial cultural pattern that dominates within the voter's approach to political trust. Therefore, the decrease of the trust in the institutions is caused by the decrease of the trust in the party in power (HDZ), where the evaluation of its performances cannot be detached from the evaluation of the institutions of the political system.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Rimac, Ivan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b5977fb5692cb26aac54909277b8f130}, intrahash = {307b9212f16e56d34be660a2fdbc7833}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Political_culture Political_trust Politics SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {471-484}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281081 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Neke determinante povjerenja u institucije politi?kog sustava u Hrvatskoj (Some Determinants of Trust in the Institutions of the Political System in Croatia)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{bradydavid2007institutional, abstract = {This study assesses three explanations for cross-national differences in unionization: Western's (1997) institutional model, economic explanations based on the business cycle or globalization, and Hechter's (2004) solidaristic theory. This study features a multilevel analysis of employed workers with the late 1990s World Values surveys of 18 affluent democracies. The analyses generally support the institutional model. Left parties and ghent systems remain influential, though ghent is less robust. Neo-corporatism and wage coordination are insignificant whereas workplace access is the more salient indicator of centralization. Beyond Western's model, right cabinet significantly weakens unionization. Refuting economic explanations, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth, as well as international trade and investment, do not influence unionization. Consistent with Hechter's claims, the welfare state reduces unionization but, contradicting his claims, immigration does not undermine unions. Ultimately, this study supports a revised institutional model that supplements Western's model with right cabinet and the welfare state.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {{Brady, David }}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4de5b464d49474e95753aba3cda75027}, intrahash = {df7ab892a3db3042601579e08f4f630c}, journal = {Work and Occupations}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {67-101}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763858 ; ISSP_ID=4743 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Institutional, Economic, or Solidaristic? Assessing Explanations for Unionization Across Affluent Democracies}, volume = 34, year = 2007}@book{inglehart2005modernization, abstract = {This book demonstrates that people's basic values and beliefs are changing, in ways that affect their political, sexual, economic, and religious behavior. These changes are roughly predictable: to a large extent, they can be explained by the revised version of modernization theory presented here. Drawing on a massive body of evidence from societies containing 85 percent of the world's population, the authors demonstrate that modernization is a process of human development, in which economic development gives rise to cultural changes that make individual autonomy, gender equality, and democracy increasingly likely. The authors present a model of social change that predicts how value systems are likely to evolve in coming decades. They demonstrate that mass values play a crucial role in the emergence and flourishing of democratic institutions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Inglehart, R. and Welzel, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8c201bab0f3712328b1f20e4c9b8682c}, intrahash = {07a7f0ed5a5d63a160d3280d8378b7f9}, isbn = {978-0521609715}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 344, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776370 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Modernization, cultural change, and democracy: the human development sequence}, year = 2005}@article{franzen2013acquiescence, abstract = {Objectives: This study examines the effect of countries? wealth on individuals? willingness to pay for environmental protection. Former studies using the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) report a positive effect, while studies using the World Values Survey (WVS) or the European Values Study (EVS) find the opposite. In this article, we explain and reconcile these opposing findings. Methods: First, we analyze the three data sets (ISSP, WVS, and EVS) separately by applying multilevel analyses and replicate the different findings. Second, we take respondents? acquiescence into account and demonstrate that wealth has a positive effect on the willingness to pay in the combined data set. Results: Respondents in poorer nations in Asia and Eastern Europe have higher levels of acquiescence than respondents in richer Western nations. This difference conceals the wealth effect of studies analyzing the WVS or EVS. If acquiescence is properly taken into account, the wealth effect is confirmed.Conclusion: Theory predicts that wealth and the willingness to protect the environment should be positively associated. This wealth effect is confirmed by our analyses of the ISSP, WVS, and EVS.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Franzen, Axel and Vogl, Dominikus}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bfc059db86443a82a3f6892b8862d3a9}, intrahash = {b7e3defe2c6949fdc80e47a3a5b45880}, journal = {Social Science Quarterly}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {637-659}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934304 ; ISSP_ID=4307 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Acquiescence and the Willingness to Pay for Environmental Protection: A Comparison of the ISSP, WVS, and EVS}, url = {}, volume = 94, year = 2013}@inproceedings{gavrilovic2012dynamics, abstract = { Due to rapid social changes, Serbia faces an enhanced dynamics of identities and their alteration, appearance of new and disappearance of old identities, as well as oscillations in the emotional legitimacy attributed to these identities. Apart from global social processes, the specificities of the Serbian transitional society also play an important role in the creation of identity matrices. This paper deals with these changes in the identity map of Serbia, trying to determine the types of present identities, their dynamics, and emotional legitimacy attributed to them by the respondents, and analyzing the results of the research conducted in the period from 2007 to 2011: Culture of Peace, Identities and Interethnic Relations in Serbia and in the Balkans in the Process of European Integration (Centre for Sociological Research of the Faculty of Philosophy in Ni?, 2007; European Value Survey, 2008; Cultural Practice of Population in Serbia (Institute for the Study of Cultural Development); Social and Cultural Capital in Serbia (Centre for the Empirical Study of Culture, 2011). The authors’ intention is to capture the change, tendency, process – the dynamics of “old” (ethnic, religious) and “new” (professional, civil) identity. Family identity can occur both in a traditional and modern form, therefore we are also going to deal with the issue of family identification in order to recognize the dominant model in Serbia. Although identities have to be “fixed” to a certain extent, still the identification of the individual and collective creation is a living process which reacts to current social happenings.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gavrilovi?, Danijela and Stjepanovi? Zaharijevski, Dragana}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings from the International scientific conference}, interhash = {b24cd1bbd24469ce97c96fc543d64729}, intrahash = {f972c34a785ac283f6f497dc8907abfb}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {275-283}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936650 ; inputdate=2014-08-14 ; editdate=2014-08-14 ; pubdate=2014-08-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Dynamics of Identities in Transitional Serbia}, volume = 1, year = 2012}@article{sobotka2003demographic, abstract = {A dramatic change in fertility, family formation and living arrangements took place in theCzech Republic over the 1990s. The establishment of democracy, profound social transformationand transition to the market economy affected the values and demographic behaviour of the youngCzech generation. This paper examines whether these demographic shifts can be interpreted withinthe framework of the second demographic transition. The theoretical part discusses the idea of thetransition, outlining three distinctive conceptualisations. Two of them - the view of the transition asa progression of characteristic interrelated demographic changes and a broader view stressing theimportance of underlying ideational factors - fit the Czech situation very well. A comparison withthe Netherlands reveals that the onset of the transition in the Czech Republic may be clearly locatedin the first half of the 1990s, lagging two decades behind the Netherlands.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sobotka, Tomá? and Zeman, Krystof and Kantorova, Vladimira}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4e7f894973d953754a9bd25b8f80bf7c}, intrahash = {f00f7faea5d8854a255732321c36ae68}, journal = {European Journal of Population}, keywords = {2003 Czech_Republic EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family fertility indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed second_demographic_transition values}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {249-277}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258538 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Demographic Shifts in the Czech Republic after 1989: A Second Demographic Transition View}, url = {}, volume = 19, year = 2003}@article{deregt2012religiosity, abstract = {In this study, the author examines the association between authoritarianism, social dominance orientation (SDO), and religiosity. She tested these associations in three sociopolitical contexts (i.e., Italy, Finland, and Estonia) based on representative samples. In all three countries, religious people were found to be more authoritarian and less socially dominant. Dallago, Cima, Roccato, Ricolfi, and Mirisola (2008) showed that religiosity decreases the correlation between SDO and authoritarianism in Italy. Their results are replicated in this study, using a more advanced measure of religiosity. The author also obtained cross-cultural confirmation in Finland. In both countries, she found hardly any relation between authoritarianism and SDO at high levels of religiosity; moderate relations were found at moderate levels of religiosity, and strong associations were found amongst nonreligious respondents. The association between authoritarianism and SDO was not influenced by religiosity in Estonia, a country with a history of communism and a high secularization rate.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {de Regt, Sabrina}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/10508619.2012.635045}, interhash = {92e592473a58d9bc2b9267cdae6f2466}, intrahash = {9d61cd24540800684b0ea87245d400dc}, journal = {The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion}, keywords = {2012 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {31-41}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934833 ; inputdate=2014-05-14 ; editdate=2014-05-14 ; pubdate=2014-05-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Authoritarianism and Social Dominance Orientation: A Cross-Cultural Comparison}, url = {}, volume = 22, year = 2012}@article{kankaras2011measurement, abstract = {It is generally accepted that both measurement inequivalence and extreme response bias (ERB) can seriously distort measurement of attitudes and subsequent causal models. However, these two issues have rarely been investigated together. In this article we demonstrate the?exibility of a multigroup latent-class factor approach in both analyzing measurement equivalence and detecting ERB. Using data from theEuropean Values Survey from 1999/2000, we identi?ed an ERB in answering Likert-type questions on attitudes toward morals of compatriots.Furthermore, we found measurement inequivalence in the form of direct effects of countries on the attitude items. The model that included boththese issues resulted in quite distinct ?ndings regarding country difference in the latent attitude compared to the models that only included one of these effects - either measurement inequivalence or extreme response. It is suggested that the all-inclusive model provides the more validestimates of country differences in the latent attitude.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kankara?, Milo? and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {15300bfd396777907d2c6a8bc0b4d9d1}, intrahash = {e32d32ccc05c572eaf29dd1cc1c2fa56}, journal = {Methodology}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452923 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Measurement Equivalenceand Extreme Response Biasin the Comparison of AttitudesAcross Europe. A Multigroup Latent-Class Factor Approach}, volume = 7, year = 2011}@article{crpic2010dynamism, abstract = {This paper is based on the results of the European Values Studycarried out in Croatia in 2008 on a sample of 1525 individuals,adults living in Croatia. The study was performed to compare thestate of religiosity in Croatia to that of 1999 when the samepopulation was tested with the same questionnaire during thefirst study. The basic dimension of religiosity was studied. Wewere interested in whether there have been significant changes inthe dynamics of religious life in Croatia, and in which directionthese changes might be going. The results obtained indicate thatthe level of religiosity in Croatia continues to be high and stable,although some significant changes are visible. For individualindicators we note a slight decrease in the level of religiosity,particularly in respect of denominational identification, attendingreligious services and the public role of the Church where asignificant decrease in confidence in the Church was noted,particularly in the ability of the Church to provide an adequateresponse to moral, spiritual, family and social problems andquestions. On the other hand, many indicators remain stableand Croatia continues to be among the most religious countriesin Europe. One result of the research of particular importance isinsight into the dynamics of changes in the structure of religiosity.An increased share of young people compared to older peoplewas registered among the religious, as well as an increase in theshare of men and a decreased share of women.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan and Zrin??ak, Sini?a}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7283ebc398928dc87594b9c8323164a2}, intrahash = {439413e8c441ec1fb2f53e0f495b6e96}, journal = {Journal for General Social Issues}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452918 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Dynamism in Stability: Religiosity in Croatia in 1999 and 2008}, volume = 19, year = 2010}@article{brechon2004lhritage, abstract = {The Christian legacy of Europe appears first in the large and globalizationresistant gap which distinguishes European countries of Catholic culture from those of Protestant culture. By analysing the European Values Survey data, the author then shows the ways in which this legacy varies from one generation to another: the older generations remain more deeply influenced by the Christian system than the younger ones. By comparing the 1981, 1990 and 1999 data by cohorts, the author points out the complexity of evolutions: with the replacement of generations, religion very often seems to be of decreasing relevance, but the young recompose elements of religiosity in forms that are often loose, far from the great narratives and dogmas of institutions. Thus only minorities build an entire system of attitudes strongly influenced by a religious or anti-religious identity. The increase in loose religious identities among the majority has not led to the dulling of conviction among the minorities.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {869cad805237b34b8de10851364dd741}, intrahash = {a4f208fbd2ffea5294ad7ad934774dfa}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2004 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Secularization article checked french indexproved input2014 religions_and_generations religious_reconstructions review_proved reviewed youth}, note = {. (EVS)(ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {203-219}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935717 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {L'héritage Chrétien De L'Europe Occidentale: Qu'en Ont Fait Les Nouvelles Générations? [Christian Heritage of Western Europe: What have the New Generations Done?]}, url = {}, volume = 52, year = 2004}@article{caragliu2012impact, abstract = {We design a conceptual framework for linking two approaches: absorptive capacity and spatial Knowledge Spillovers (KSs). Regions produce new knowledge, but only part of it is efficiently adopted in the economy; the share of efficiently adopted technology depends on cognitive capital. Our dataset is based on a panel of European regions over the period 1999 to 2006, combining data from EUROSTAT and the European Values Study (EVS). We test the hypothesis that insufficient levels of cognitive capital hamper the capability of regions to fully exploit new knowledge. Results show that a lower regional absorptive capacity increases KS towards surrounding areas, hampering the regions? capability to decode and efficiently exploit new knowledge, both locally produced and originating from outside.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Caragliu, Andrea and Nijkamp, Peter}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/00036846.2010.539549}, interhash = {62908ca8644cc5002a2da8aeee842dc8}, intrahash = {b3669ae55152d663e8909c0efae73921}, journal = {Applied Economics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 11, pages = {1363-1374}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5051435 ; inputdate=2011-11-11 ; editdate=2011-11-11 ; pubdate=2011-11-11}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The impact of regional absorptive capacity on spatial knowledge spillovers: the Cohen and Levinthal model revisited}, url = {}, volume = 44, year = 2012}@article{gerhards2008acceptance, abstract = {The article first describes how the European Union has replaced the idea of nationally bounded freedom to move, settle, and work with the idea of free movement for all Europeans and the notion of non-discrimination. The second section gives an analysis of the extent to which citizens of different European countries support the idea of non-discrimination between nationals and European foreigners. The empirical basis for our analysis is the 'European Values Study'. The descriptive findings show that the idea of non-discrimination is not supported by the majority of the European citizens, and that there are substantial differences between the countries. In the third section, we explain these differences by referring, among other factors, to the level of modernization of a country, the value orientation of the respondent, the level of education of the respondent, and the unemployment rate.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gerhards, Jürgen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {df1a6b024af3e897db2a67e8cadfc6aa}, intrahash = {ad0260d38e6078a1b43c72fd5de07e17}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 Europeanization FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english free_movement_of_labor indexproved input2014 modernization national_identity non-discrimination review_proved reviewed work}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {121-140}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276598 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-02-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Free to move? The acceptance of free movement of labour and non discrimination among citizens of Europe}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2008}@incollection{gergely2012church, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Farnham}, author = {Gergely, Rosta}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe: Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization}, editor = {Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf and Pickel, Gert}, interhash = {3ae155d404fadffc2041a81a2fdf030e}, intrahash = {c03906f904a503fc865480ef292074c4}, isbn = {978-1-4094-2621-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {187-205}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934380 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Ashgate}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Church and religion in Hungary : between religious individualization and secularization}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{crpic2000ensko, abstract = {The authors emphasise that gender is not only a biological category and not only biologically conditioned, but that various social connotations and interpretations of gender roles in society need to be borne in mind. The idea of equality of the sexes develops on the basis of Judeo-Christian teachings about man, ?male? and ?female? created in the image of God, from which, the authors stress, develops the concept of human dignity and human rights.The basic hypothesis that they are testing is: the process of individualisation has firmly caught hold of Croatian society and influenced changes in gender roles in society. Results of research carried out in Croatia were compared to results of research carried out in other European countries in 1991 - the European Value Study project (EVS) -with particular attention paid to France and Ireland. Research is done on the basis of a questionnaire that has been standardised for all counties participating in EVS-99.The first variable that is analysed relates to the employment of mothers with children. 73.5% of Croatians state that a working mother is equally able to establish a quality relationship with her child as is a mother who does not work. The same percentage was found in France in 1990 (72%). In Croatia, the percentage of those agreeing with the above statement is significantly higher among women, particularly women in the 18 to 24 age group (90.3%).The second statement is that a preschool aged child will suffer if his mother works. 55.6% of respondents agree with this statement, although for women in the 18 to 24 age group the percentage agreeing is only 36%. 54.7% of respondents agree with the statement that what women really want is a home and children, while for men across all age groups the percentage is 60%. For women the percentage varies according to age group; 79.6% of women over 55 agree with the statement, compared to 38.4% of women between the ages of 18 and 24. Next is the statement that the work of a housewife is as fulfilling as paid employment. 45,3% of respondents agree with this statement, about 50% of men across all age groups, about 60% of women over 55, and 36% of women between 18 and 24 years of age, 73.6% of respondents agree with the statement that employment is the best way for a woman to be independent. The percentage is over 80% for female respondents across all age groups, while for male respondents the percentage varies according to age group. It is interesting to note that young respondents more rarely agree that employment is necessary for a woman to be independent. The greatest level of agreement was with the statement that for houshold upkeep both spouses need to work, and there were no differences according to gender. 94.4% of respondents agree with the statement. 68.3% of respondents agree with the statement that fathers are equally capable of taking care of children, with a greater percentage of men agreeing than women. Women also more often agree that men are less capable of controlling their emotions in interpersonal relations. It has been noted that men consider themselves equally competent to women in traditional female roles, and that women consider themselves equally competent to men in traditional male roles. This inversion indicates that the process of transformation of gender roles is not yet complete.Regarding religiosity, results show that women over 25 go to church more often than men, while this percentage evens out far the 18 to 24 age group. Abortion for a woman who is unmarried is approved of by between 50 and 60% depending on the age group, while among women the percentage grows to 68% for the 18 to 24 age group. Abortion for a couple who do not want more children is approved of by 45-50% of men, and 55-60% of women. Among those who attend church at least once a week, abortion for a young girl that gets pregnant is approved of by 39.5% of men and 36% of women. For the 18 to 24 age group, 48% of men approve, and 49% of women. Abortion for a couple not wanting more children is approved of by 31,6% of men and 29.4% of women believers, and the percentages far the 18 to 24 age group, 37% if men approve, and 39.4% of women. These figures are quite high considering that they refer to practising believers, those who could be counted among ?core members?. With respect to political preferences, women more often more highly value equality, and men freedom.Finally, the authors conclude that men across all age groups are more strongly under the influence of traditional views of gender roles in society, while among women there has been a notable shift in the direction of individualisation. With respect to gender roles, young women demonstrate a significantly higher degree of individualisation than the rest of Croatian society, even than their male peers.They conclude that the proposed hypothesis regarding the influence of the process of individualisation on Croatian society is confirmed. This process has taken hold of Croatian society in various dynamics and levels of intensity. This influence is most evident among young women between the ages of 18 and 24. The authors stress the need for the process of individualisation to be followed by the process of personalisation, in order to avoid falling once again into collectivism based on new principles.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan and Bi??an, ?eljka}, biburl = {}, interhash = {585da3c9fca96aaeb697364971706d1f}, intrahash = {f14bc4a97970e93084d4ff03fb0845c3}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked gender gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {421-442}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280785 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Mu?ko i ?ensko izme?u uloge i osobe. Ispitivanje promjene uloga spolova u hrvatskom dru?tvu (Male and Female Between Role and Personality. Investigation of the role of gender changes in Croatian society)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{kleiner2012national, abstract = {European integration has led to an increase in international contact and the need for cooperation among European countries. Willingness to cooperate with other nations is dependent on mutual perceptions and evaluations, which find their expression in national images. One important dimension of these evaluations is trust. This article explores why nations trust one another. The article analyses whether a nation's cultural values influence its assumed trustworthiness when economic performance is controlled. It is hypothesized that nations that have achieved favourable international goals, for example embracing certain cultural values, earn appreciation and admiration. Thus, cultural success lends a special aura that makes these nations seem trustworthy. The social dimensions recorded in treaties provide a record of the specific cultural ideals embraced in Europe. Using data from the European Election Study, the European Values Survey and Eurostat, macro-level empirical analyses are conducted to test the hypothesis. Results indicate that the admiration mechanism has a clear effect on international trust. Thus, the author concludes that the cultural features of nations are important for their image and ascribed trustworthiness.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kleiner, Tuuli-Marja}, biburl = {}, interhash = {168a01a74777666af793fe12b16df87e}, intrahash = {103b28107598d5871bbc296f7a0e8b4a}, issn = {1751-8040}, journal = {Place Branding and Public Diplomacy}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed admiration/appreciation article checked cultural_values english europe indexproved input2014 international_trust national_image review_proved trust-generating_mechanism}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {223-234}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938477 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {National image and trustworthiness - The role of cultural values in the creation of trust between European nations}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2012}@incollection{reeskens2013shifting, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Reeskens, Tim and Wright, Matthew}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {1721f9bcb27d4508631092b4f710f93f}, intrahash = {a37acee271c4a703deef74887cde547d}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {45-71}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934529 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Shifting loyalties? Globalization and national identity in the twenty-first century}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{dutta2012culture, abstract = {This article investigates the missing link in the literature ? whether informal institutions, or what is known as culture, can affect the level of financial development for a country? Our hypothesis stresses that the cultural dimensions of a country can have an impact on its financial set-up. We consider multiple dimensions of culture, identified in the literature by Tabellini (2008), to test our hypothesis. As culture evolves in the form of greater trust, control and other traits, individuals' attitudes towards financial market change, and they engage in greater financial transactions. This, in turn, leads to better financial development. Using quantile estimation technique for a cross section of 90 countries, we find that culture significantly influences the level of financial development. To ensure the robustness of our findings we use Hofstede's cultural dimension ? ?Uncertainty Avoidance Index? (UAI) ? as an alternative measure for culture. Our results hold for multiple measures of financial development.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dutta, Nabamita and Mukherjee, Deepraj}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13504851.2011.589800}, interhash = {203d2f07754dc60ed8c7e3de9573d433}, intrahash = {c8bbb4aa4ea5dfa36d5566629b37227d}, journal = {Applied Economics Letters}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP O10 O16 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture english financial_development indexproved informal_institutions input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {585-590}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938925 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is culture a determinant of financial development?}, url = {}, volume = 19, year = 2012}@book{arts2004european, abstract = {This volume deals with Europe's diversity and homogeneity at the turn of the millennium in terms of fundamental value orientations. Using data from the 1999/2000 wave of the European Values Study the contributors to this book try to identify and offer explanations and understandings of the patterns in the basic values and attitudes that have been ascertained in specific life-spheres, e.g., work and leisure time, religion, morality, society and politics, family and marriage. The result is a cultural map of Europe that captures the diversities and similarities in value profiles of the Europeans.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {467c72355fdcbfec1319075a75d5dc78}, intrahash = {8b6fb94ee3c0908dcf53220617412c23}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 7, pages = 402, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264465 ; ISSP_ID=3396 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, year = 2004}@phdthesis{langsaether2014class, abstract = {The most important questions in the study of class voting during the last few decades have been whether, to what degree, and why class voting has been declining. Usually, a dichotomous left-right party choice variable has been utilized. This may have distorted de-alignment and realignment, as the rise of the New Left and the New Right has changed the relationship between the social classes and the political parties. In this thesis, we utilize a party family dependent variable on contemporary data instead. We first describe the class basis in 18 West-European countries for all the party families, showing that the party families normally grouped into the "Left" and "Right"categories indeed have quite different class bases.The strength of class voting also varies by party family. We then test one of the mechanisms connecting class to voting, namely the role of value orientations. This means that we see how much of the bivariate association between class and voting that disappears whencontrolling for these intermediate variables. What we find is compelling evidence of the need for a more nuanced party choice variable: The amount of class voting accounted for by the value orientations varies between the party families. The thesis thus i) describes the class basis of the West-European party families; ii) tests a mechanism through which class has its effects on voting; iii) proves the need for a more nuanced, 4th generation dependent variable.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oslo}, author = {Langs?ther, P Egge}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f073e85e51fe137fb9dd1447990e5a29}, intrahash = {0476ecd58d910f6c6a6c5df6d28f08bf}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 110, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938694 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Class Voting and Value Orientations: The fourth generation}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{gundelach2013freedom, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {7eb77248c76bee929a1cd988e4bceef8}, intrahash = {25a4cca23bb76998695882075ee9d84e}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {143-161}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934525 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Freedom or Equality?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@misc{krakovich2011ukrainians, abstract = {An analysis of social and cultural attitudes of inhabitants of Ukraine as these change during last 10 years and in comparison with attitudes of inhabitants of other European countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Krakovich, Dmitriy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dd9ff797f0f897ebe01539d2c561ed01}, intrahash = {d401437a0ddb67a88a2ea8b2330dcb67}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4960712 ; inputdate=2011-09-27 ; editdate=2011-09-27 ; pubdate=2011-09-27}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Ukrainians in the context of European space and time}, url = {}, year = 2011}@book{dogan2005political, abstract = {This book, prepared under the auspices of the ISA research committee on Comparative Sociology, focuses on a worldwide phenomenon: political mistrust, observable in almost all countries, in both established democracies and in authoritarian regimes.But ubiquity does not signify uniformity. The diversity of political regimes generates a multiplicity of forms and intensities of mistrust. Political mistrust seems inherent even in advanced democracies and in semi-democracies, where citizens are better prepared and more prone to criticize the dysfunctions of institutions and condemn the misconduct of politicians. Political mistrust is greatly nourished in many countries by a wide practice of public corruption. Of particular sociological interest is the vulnerability of political elites and of their frequent condemnation to "civil death".}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden - Boston}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b80500b645af44bfbf4b8ae53a568dcd}, intrahash = {0ae1d51409d2189e8be3579e4268381c}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked english input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 264, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698013 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, publisher = {Brill Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Mistrust and the Discrediting of Politicians}, year = 2005}@article{halman2006contemporary, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Muller, H.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e00c9cd8399acbfbcd7debe1398c63a7}, intrahash = {0ee032fcbf108ab3ca052a2486d2f627}, issn = {207152}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {117-143}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256396 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;work?V81: important in a job: meeting people (Q13K)?V72: important in a job: pleasant people (Q13B)?V77: important in a job: good hours (Q13G)?O3: important in a job: time off in weekends (Q13Q)?V78: important in a job: use initiative (Q13H)?V80: important in a job: generous holidays (Q13J)?V75: important in a job: chances for promotion (Q13E)?V83: important in a job: responsible job (Q13M)?V79: important in a job: useful for society (Q13I)?V86: important in a job: none of these?V82: important in a job: achieving something (Q13L)?V85: important in a job: meeting abilities (Q13O)?V84: important in a job: interesting job (Q13N)?V76: important in a job: respected job (Q13F)?O2: important in a job: good physical working conditions (Q13P)?V73: important in a job: not too much pressure (Q13C)?V71: important in a job: good pay (Q13A)?V74: important in a job: job security (Q13D)masculine/feminine society?V167: learn children at home: feeling of responsiblity (Q49D)?V164: learn children at home: good manners (Q49A)?V170: learn children at home: thrift (Q49G)?V192: good/bad: less emphasis on money (Q57A)?V166: learn children at home: hard work (Q49C)?V173: learn children at home: unselfishness (Q50J)?V193: good/bad: decrease work importance (Q57B)?V186: individual-state responsibility for providing (Q54A)?V188: competition good-harmful for people (Q54C)?V174: learn children at home: obedience (Q50K)?V168: learn children at home: imagination (Q49E)?V172: learn children at home: religious faith (Q49I)?V169: learn children at home: tolerance+respect (Q49F)?V171: learn children at home: determination,perseverance (Q49H)?V165: learn children at home: independence (Q49B);Waves and countries1999/2000?Croatia?Slovakia?Spain?Denmark?Ukraine?Estonia?Greece?Austria?Iceland?Malta?Poland?Romania?Hungary?Germany?Russian Federation?Portugal?Lithuania?Czech Republic?Turkey?Slovenia?Italy?Bulgaria?Latvia?Luxemburg?Belarus?France?Ireland?Sweden?Finland?Netherlands?Belgium?United Kingdom}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Contemporary work values in Africa and Europe: Comparing orientations to work in Africa and European societies}, volume = 47, year = 2006}@book{siegers2012alternative, abstract = {Der Rückgang der christlichen Religiosit?t in Europa ist vielfach empirisch belegt. Umstritten ist jedoch, ob es sich um einen Rückgang des Glaubens handelt oder ob Religion einen Formwandel erf?hrt. Pascal Siegers untersucht auf Basis von Daten der Europ?ischenWertestudie die Verbreitung spiritueller Glaubensformen in Europa. Seine Analysen machen deutlich, dass alternative Spiritualit?ten zur gr??ten religi?sen Minderheit geworden sind. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Menschen dann einen spirituellen Glauben w?hlen, wenn ein Konflikt zwischen Selbstverwirklichungswerten und der Moral der Kirchen vorliegt.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Frankfurt}, author = {Siegers, Pascal}, biburl = {}, interhash = {333da957ad8248af67f29fd846b3330c}, intrahash = {9d875fe372de2dbda20f0f9c7703e47c}, isbn = {978-3593397498}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = 373, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934384 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Alternative Spiritualit?ten : neue Formen des Glaubens in Europa: eine empirische Analyse}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{cohen2013different, abstract = {We examined how acceptance of euthanasia among the general public has changed between 1981 and 2008 in western and central and eastern European (CEE) countries using data of the European Values Surveys. Data were collected in 1981, 1990, 1999 and 2008 for 13 western European countries and in 1990, 1999 and 2008 for 10 CEE countries. Euthanasia acceptance increased each decade up until 2008 in 11 of 13 western European countries; in CEE countries, it decreased or did not increase between 1999-2008 in 8 of 10 countries. A number of explanations for and implications of this apparent east-west polarization are suggested.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cohen, Joachim and {Landeghem, van}, Paul and Carpentier, Nico and Deliens, Luc}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9bc7ef339d2ceff1d1762484b9fc9c87}, intrahash = {e00d50f1d566aea28c03f26b5f8b8ccf}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {378-380}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934789 ; inputdate=2014-05-10 ; editdate=2014-05-10 ; pubdate=2014-05-10}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Different trends in euthanasia acceptance across Europe. A study of 13 western and 10 central and eastern European countries, 1981-2008}, url = {}, volume = 23, year = 2013}@book{arts2013value, abstract = {People's fundamental values can be conceived of as conceptions of what is desirable. They influence their selection from available modes, means and ends of action. Because of the societal importance of values they deserve scholarly attention. This volume inquires into the values present-day Europeans cherish by empirically analyzing the data of 2008/2010 wave of the European Values Study and explaining the consensus and contrasts in value orientations found. The contributors to this volume try to capture the diversities and similarities in value orientations between contemporary European countries in a range of life-spheres by unravelling context and composition effects. They are in search of evidence that either country level factors such as institutional arrangements or the composition of the populations of countries in terms of gender, age, socio-economic status, religion etcetera have the greatest impact. By doing so they paint the moral landscapes of Europe today.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {600e50f3b902ee9248ce7bfe6ddfbcd2}, intrahash = {8d30a40eb78b8492b9f03e0f85f30204}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = 365, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934438 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, study = {EVS 1990-2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{westhuizenvander2012culture, abstract = {This study explores the impact of culture on participatory decision making (PDM)and job satisfaction (JS) using data obtained from the European Values Study (EVS). We parameterise two different cultural variables using principal components analysis: ?rst a continuum based on survival versus self-expression values and second a continuum based on traditional versus secular-rational values. Application of ordered logistic regression to Likert scales of PDM and JS suggests that greater self-expression in the survival versus self-expression variable enhances both PDM and JS; and more traditional values in the traditional versus secular-rational continuum have the same effect.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Westhuizen van der, D.W and Pachedo, Gail and Webber, Don J.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/09585192.2011.625967}, interhash = {cc2665635637b77500a8faae0f17dbfd}, intrahash = {ccaa0e84065e76f49984a3a759ab62e3}, journal = {The International Journal of Human Resource Management}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Job_Satisfaction Participatory_Decision_Making SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 13, pages = {2661-2679}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934245 ; inputdate=2014-04-11 ; editdate=2014-04-11 ; pubdate=2014-04-11}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Culture, participative decision making and job satisfaction}, url = {}, volume = 23, year = 2012}@article{ristovska2013alternative, abstract = {The tax noncompliance reduces government's revenues and hence negatively affects citizens' life through an inadequate provision of public services. In order to tackle tax evasion, governments usually rely on enforcement matters applying higher penalties and/or increasing the frequency of audits. On the other hand, in the last couple of years there is a growing literature and evidence suggesting that enforcement efforts alone cannot achieve significant increase on tax compliance. This literature links the willingness of citizens to pay taxes with the social values and norms, i.e. to the tax morale (Torgler 2005; Frey and Torgler 2007; Alm and Torgler 2006; Alm et al., 2011). If correct, the optimal government policies to tackle the tax evasion might defer considerably from the common ones.The aim of this study is therefore to investigate factors that shape the tax morale of Macedonian citizens, and to provide a comparative assessment with the EU countries. Our empirical investigation is based on the work of Torgler, through estimating an ordered probit model in which the dependent variable is the tax morale, and is regressed on a number of independent variables, age, gender, marital status, education, national pride, trust in institutions, happiness, life satisfaction, etc. Data for our study are from the fourth wave (2008) of the European Values Survey. Our main finding is that contrary to other studies for the European countries, the non-demographic factors are more important factors influencing tax morale in Macedonia than the demographic ones. The main contribution of this study is that it is the first attempt in our knowledge to investigate the factors driving the tax morale in Macedonia.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ristovska, Maja and Mojsoska-Blazevski, Nikica and Nikolov, Miso}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7e52d7b1ba44ae2e0afed51f32ff64ce}, intrahash = {1e8f564334059b708f3f530bf47d0fcc}, journal = {Serbian Journal of Management}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 ordered_probit review_proved social_values_and_norms tax_evasion tax_morale}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {169-183}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935390 ; inputdate=2014-06-19 ; editdate=2014-06-19 ; pubdate=2014-06-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {An alternative view to the tax evasion: the effect of tax morale on paying taxes in Macedonia and EU countries}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2013}@article{smrke2012atheism, abstract = {In post-socialist Slovenia one observes the re-emergenceof certain traditional defamatory attitudes toward atheism.For this reason, empirical testing of the following theses,which have been publically promulgated by leading representativesof the Roman Catholic Church, have been undertakenin recent years: 1. that atheists are unhappy; 2. that atheistsare unreflective about life; 3. that atheists are immoral; and4. that atheists do not feel solidarity with social minorities.On the basis of data collected by ISSP, EVS, and WVS researchstudies, it is possible to claim that these statements made bythe Catholic Church about Slovene atheists are unsubstantiated.Especially as regards 'convinced atheists' and 'naturalatheists' who exhibit above-average levels of happiness, aboveaveragebelief as to the meaning of life, average moral rigourand below-average social distance in relation to various socialminorities. The explanations of such findings will be pursuedin a comparative analysis of the ethos and value habitus ofCatholicism on the one hand, and in the secular ideologiesthat have been present in Slovenia on the other. Keywords: atheism, (de)secularization, ex-Yugoslav states,Slovenia, happiness, meaning of life, moral rigour, social distance}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Smrke, Marjan and Uhan, Samo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3d13d0112cafb1e9a4cb84155c27cbb4}, intrahash = {6ff3a6d001e8f26e67d6c11d127b9c4e}, issn = {0040-3598}, journal = {Teorija in praksa}, keywords = {(de)secularization 2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed Slovenia article atheism checked english ex-Yugoslav_states happiness indexproved input2014 meaning_of_life moral_rigour review_proved social_distance}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {492-515}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935405 ; ISSP_ID=3876 ; inputdate=2014-06-20 ; editdate=2014-06-20 ; pubdate=2014-06-20}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Atheism in post-socialist conditions: the case of Slovenia}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 2012}@incollection{ringdal2013macedonian, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ringdal, Kirsten and Simkus, Albert and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia: Value Transformation, Education and Media}, doi = {10.1057/9781137302823}, editor = {Ramet, S P. and Listhaug, Ola and Simkus, Albert}, interhash = {2ad89b2839def010ab8d1487a8b0d2ea}, intrahash = {34302e72ada06b4c3f5cd1a4dd60ee7c}, isbn = {781137033338}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935304 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Macedonian Civic Values within a European Perspective}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{voicu2012religious, abstract = {During the first decade of post-communist transition, Romania registered an important religious revival (Muller 2004; Pollack 2001, 2003, 2004; Voicu 2007). Both, religious practices and beliefs have increased, Romanian population sharing the same level of religious beliefs as people from Poland or Ireland, while church attendance is the highest among Orthodox European countries (Halman/Draulans, 2006; Pollack/Pickel, 2009). Romanian case is not a special one, religious revival being reported in other communist societies as well (Pickel 2009a). However, the magnitude of change is very high as compared to other countries in the region (Voicu, 2007: 54). Moreover, in some cases, like Slovenia or Poland, the positive trend has reached a peak during the first years of transition, followed by a descending trend (Pickel 2009a: 117, 2009b: 18).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Voicu, Malina and Constantin, Andreea}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Transformations of Religiosity: Religion and Religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989-2010}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, interhash = {cde9618914430a9a8cc6ad5a1596133c}, intrahash = {6dd0f417a196eecb4a7acd14c2d6c8b2}, isbn = {978-3-531-17540-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {155-174}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934199 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS1990, EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religious Revival in Romania: Between Cohort Replacement and Contextual Changes}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{gesthuizen2011preferences, abstract = {In this article we answered the research question to what extentvariation in extrinsic and intrinsic job preference orientations can beattributed to and explained by differences between individuals and betweencountries. We argued that socialization in school, economic deprivation, andjob quality influence job preferences, and formulated testable hypotheses onthe individual and country level. After first testing for cross-nationalequivalence of the latent constructs and assuring that factor solutions weresatisfactory, we employed multiple response multilevel models on a subset of22 countries in the European Values Study 1999/2000. The findings indicatethat higher educational attainment, a high income, working in managerialand higher professional jobs, and having autonomy in one's job stimulateintrinsic job preference orientations, while particularly educationalattainment and autonomy temper extrinsic work values. Workers in semi- andunskilled manual jobs have the highest extrinsic job preferences. On top ofindividual characteristics, living in a nation that invests much in humancapital or has a high quality labour market is associated with lower levels ofextrinsic job preferences. Moreover, countries with socio-economic featuresthat reduce the risk of economic deprivation have a more intrinsicallymotivated workforce.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gesthuizen, Maurice and Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a8b14ba616a8cbbdac9959b8db28bec3}, intrahash = {155844930ec4ba1e1f94b7fa11138064}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked country_comparison extrinsic_job_preference indexproved input2014 intrinsic_job_preference review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {663-686}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452917 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Job preferences in Europe: Tests for scale invariance and examining cross-national variation using EVS}, volume = 13, year = 2011}@article{valentova2013differences, abstract = {This article uses European Values Study (EVS) data from 1999 and 2008 to examine the evolution of gender role attitudes in Luxembourg. The article focuses on three aspects of attitudinal change. First, it analyses whether the gender role beliefs have changed during the past decade. Second, it examines whether these changes have been equally experienced by men and by women of different age categories. Third, it analyses whether the gender gap in attitudes towards gender roles diminishes over time. The outcomes of the analysis reveal that during the past 10 years Luxembourg?s residents have become significantly less traditional when it comes to attitudes towards the childcare and economic aspects of gender roles. Young women are the strongest supporters of more egalitarian division of labour between the sexes, while young men lag behind their female counterparts. This gender gap appears to persist especially in the case of attitudes towards women doing homemaking.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Valentova, Marie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {edcb25fe54b4b9029b5cbfbfc91e6cc3}, intrahash = {cf7a769d2995064754d1fc85b736a130}, journal = {Work, employment and society}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family-work_reconciliation gender_role_attitudes homemaking indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed sex_gap}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {639-657}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934357 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Age and sex differences in gender role attitudes in Luxembourg between 1999 and 2008}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2013}@article{tourbeaux2012lintegration, abstract = {This research aims to describe the process of integration of Luxembourg's Portuguese. To achieve this, we ?rst conduct a summary review of the sociological literature about integration. Once the conceptual framework established, we measure and link the two essential aspects of integration: the socio-economic integration and the acculturation. To complete, we confront the Portuguese population resident of Luxembourg to those residing in Portugal in order to highlight the degree of acculturation of Portuguese immigrants and their descendants with the Luxembourg society. This research hasrequired the use of data from the Luxembourg European Values Study (EVS) of 2008 as we measure acculturation from questions about the values of individuals. We prove that compared with their parents, the descendants of Portuguese immigrants, regarding their native social environment, are experiencing upward social mobility associatedwith the development of an "hybrid" cultural identity, composed of values both of the country of birth of their parents and of Luxembourg.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tourbeaux, Jér?me}, biburl = {}, interhash = {133b09d55cd8ae3c12e10d51f3e51b40}, intrahash = {b2fff19aceb83a4f43c563d75109d257}, journal = {Archives Europeennes de Sociologie}, keywords = {2012 Acculturation Assimilation EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Integration Luxembourg Portuguese SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {235-262}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934228 ; inputdate=2014-04-11 ; editdate=2014-04-11 ; pubdate=2014-04-11}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {L'integration des Portugais du Luxembourg}, url = {}, volume = 53, year = 2012}@article{sarracino2011money, abstract = {Discovering whether social capital endowments in modern societies have beensubjected or not to a process of gradual erosion is one of the most debated topics in recenteconomic literature. Inaugurated by Putnam's pioneering studies, the debate on socialcapital trends has been recently revived by Stevenson and Wolfers (2008) contending Easterlin's assessment. Present work is aimed at finding evidence for the relationshipbetween changes in social capital and subjective well-being in western Europe, Australia,Canada and Japan between 1980 and 2005. In particular, I would like to answer questionssuch as: (1) is social capital in western Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan declining? Issuch erosion a general trend of modern and richer societies or is it a characteristic featureof the American one? (2) can social capital trend help explain subjective well-being trend?Therefore, present research considers three different set of proxies of social capital controllingfor time and socio-demographic aspects using WVS-EVS data between 1980 and2005. Present results are encouraging, showing evidence of positive correlation betweenseveral proxies of social capital and both happiness and life satisfaction. Furthermore,results show that during last twenty-five years people in some of the most modern anddeveloped countries have persistently lost confidence in the judicial system, religiousinstitutions, parliament and civil service.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sarracino, Francesco}, biburl = {}, interhash = {befecf0c74be374f066281085d924cad}, intrahash = {fb98c583dd852d5b308eb692107ed3d1}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS1981-2008 EVS_input2014 Easterlin_paradox Economic_development FDZ_IUP Relational_goods SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being Time-series article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5431922 ; inputdate=2012-04-10 ; editdate=2012-04-10 ; pubdate=2012-04-10}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Money, Sociability and Happiness: Are Developed Countries Doomed to Social Erosion and Unhappiness?}, year = 2011}@article{angel2013after, abstract = {The rapid growth in comparative survey research carried out in multiple countries, or among different language communities within a single nation, has given rise to a renewed concern with problems of translation. The fundamental problem facing the comparative survey researcher relates to the complexity and subjectivity of language, and the fact that complete equivalence of concepts in different linguistic, cultural, and social class contexts may be in principle impossible to achieve. Yet language remains the only medium through which information concerning subjective states, values, and beliefs can be collected. That language and the subjective constructs to which it refers are influenced by a wide range of cultural and social factors. This fact has particular relevance for comparative aging research since older individuals are often monolingual in their native languages and more tied to traditional cultures than younger individuals. This paper consists of a review of basic issues related to the nature of language and communication, and discusses the possibility of a truly scientific translation process. It outlines current best practices, and also raises questions related to the common practice of using information collected with translated survey instruments in ways that assume it reflects a comparable and quantifiable latent construct.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Angel, R J.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10823-013-9197-2}, interhash = {3376cd59d5154e70c5ce484b728a50d0}, intrahash = {33215c5510ed5d82e30597bd162f1e87}, issn = {1573-0719}, journal = {Journal of cross-cultural gerontology}, keywords = {2013 Comparative_aging_research EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP International_comparisons Measurement SCOPUSindexed Translation article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {223-238}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938854 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {After Babel: Language and the Fundamental Challenges of Comparative Aging Research}, url = {}, volume = 28, year = 2013}@article{vandecasteele2004individualisering, abstract = {The aim of this article is to investigate the change of the influence of social background variables on values with respect to primary relations. In the context of an individualising society, a weakening impact of social background on individual value orientations is often uttered. This research aims to empirically test this expectation. Multivariate regression analyses are pursued with the three waves of the European Value Studies dataset. Models which pool together the three waves of the survey, allow us to estimate the changing effect of social background over time. Additionally, effects of age, cohort and period can be distinguished. The main conclusion of the research is the unchanging influence of social background variables over time. The effects of social class, age, education level, church commitment and marital status on family values are found to persist during the last two decades of the 20th century.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vandecasteele, Leen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c3af721b7a16685779d325f531393593}, intrahash = {4d504ebadeb96750d87099fa73b8b9a9}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Sociologie}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch enhanced family gender_roles indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {305-334}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3735998 ; inputdate=2009-12-18 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-18;Waves and countries1999/2000?Belgium1990?Belgium1981?Belgium}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Individualisering: waar het individu tekortschiet. Een onderzoek naar de sociale inbedding van waardeverandering met betrekking tot primaire relaties}, volume = 25, year = 2004}@article{motiejunaite2010female, abstract = {This article compares three popular explanations for changes in femaleemployment in post-socialist countries: retraditionalization, reserve army of labor,and revalued resources. Although these explanations are complementary in manyways, the retraditionalization thesis seems the most accurate explanation. In theearly 1990s, gender-role attitudes were highly traditional, a tendency that mighthave contributed to the huge decrease in female labor force participation.Despite the changes, the comeback of the male-breadwinner family model isunlikely, since the acceptance of women's working roles is rapidly increasing.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Motiejunaite, Akvile}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0f35e396ef56c311974166322f0ceeac}, intrahash = {1a1347a57b0e0f49f1fffa6a3c0d5bb7}, journal = {Journal of Baltic Studies}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436454 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Female Employment in Lithuania: Testing Three Popular Explanations}, volume = 41, year = 2010}@article{nikodem2003moderno, abstract = {The theme of this article is a new socio-political system called "Inner Totalitarianism". The formation of this system is followed through development of science and philosophy. More precisely, it means transition from "black box theory" to theoretical approach that includes an observer as a part of the observing object. The beginning of "Inner Totalitarianism" is placed on boundaries between modern society and its postmodern condition. In this kind of socio-political system, the question of social stability and control moves from the field of power and represion to the field of happiness and entertainment. One of the main thesis of this article, and of a great importance for the understanding of the system typology, is that the process of socialization in the postmodern condition of society, mediated by computer technology and mass media, becomes a process of infatilization. In other words, social acceptable behaviour learning process becomes time reducing process. The notion of time here represents time section from appearance of one's wish to fulfilment of that wish. "Inner Totalitarianism" has essentially dystopian characteristics which mostly appear as a consequence of radically understood liberalism, on the one hand, and some old greed for power, on the other.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nikodem, Krunoslav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6252a5976438afb2fa7cf56e1749c1f9}, intrahash = {4b85d7fcdf48ab001cdb0df57cd82bae}, journal = {Nova prisutnost}, keywords = {2003 Black_Box-theorie EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Postmodern_Condition SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian Technical_Society article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {29-43}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281036 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Moderno dru?tvo kao "tehni?ko dru?tvo", Dru?tveno-povijesna priprema za razvoj neljudskih oblika ?ivota (Modern Society as "Technical Society", Social and Historical Prelude to the Development of Inhuman Forms of Life)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 2003}@article{cule2013corporate, abstract = {The results from a cross-country empirical analysis show that corporate governance and ethics are linked to national scores of subjective well-being. This impact is over and above the effect that corporate governance has on national income, suggesting that people value corporate governance for additional reasons besides its economic impact.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {?ule, Monika and Fulton, M E.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13504851.2012.705424}, interhash = {2d45ab389abc3d6c862cec061f2a1d88}, intrahash = {91026363b98280eaaf20bab63dc7395e}, journal = {Applied Economics Letters}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked corporate_ethics corporate_gouvernance english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed varieties_of_capitalism well-being}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {364-367}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5937762 ; inputdate=2014-10-04 ; editdate=2014-11-20 ; pubdate=2014-10-04}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Corporate governance and subjective well-being}, url = {}, volume = 20, year = 2013}@article{dogan2002accelerated, abstract = {There is no filiation between the agnosticism of intellectual elites in previous centuries & today's decline of religious beliefs in the populace. The analysis is based on several international mass surveys concerning 20 European countries between 1980 & 2000. Religious beliefs are considered as observable social facts. Seven tables bring empirical evidence. The analysis of survey research are preceded by a review of the current sociological literature, particularly in France, on the "crisis of Catholicism," "dechristianization," "paganization," "apostasy," & of the papal encyclics & Episcopal declarations. 6 Tables, 45 References. Adapted from the source document.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, Mattei}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6e1e555c2fbe4cd62d5b4d5552e06e70}, intrahash = {30a9b544cb3ceb404f4d8003886e89d0}, issn = {15691322}, journal = {Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {127-149}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281072 ; ISSP_ID=1158 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Accelerated Decline of Religious Beliefs in Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 1, year = 2002}@book{halman2011atlas, abstract = {Who are the Europeans? How do they think about life after death, work, sex, euthanasia, immigration or freedom? What traditions do they cherish, and which modern values gain ground? This second Atlas of European Values summarizes the beliefs of Europeans in almost two hundred informative graphs, charts and maps.This Atlas is the result of the European Values Study, a research project that has measured values and beliefs throughout Europe since the 1980s. Today, the study spans a full generation, revealing value changes on topics such as homosexuality and working moms, but also demonstrating firm European traditions in democracy and rejection of bribes.The unique Atlas of European Values covers all European nations from Iceland to Turkey, and from Portugal to Russia. It graphically illustrates the rich diversity of values and beliefs of the more than 800 million Europeans living inside and outside the European Union today.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, Loek and Sieben, Inge and Van Zundert, Marga}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c2965105d0f335acdb3a3e5c797aef93}, intrahash = {8df1c9983679b1b0f725a6a53ea2ecb3}, isbn = {9789004207059}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 137, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934374 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Atlas of European values 2011 : trends and traditions at the turn of the century}, url = {}, year = 2011}@article{reitsma2012believing, abstract = {This paper investigates (trends and determinants of) individual combinations of religious believing and belonging in Europe from a cross-national and longitudinal perspective. Individual level data for the period 1981-2007 in 42 countries derived from the European Values Survey and the European Social Survey are harmonised and enriched with contextual characteristics, constituting a more comprehensive data base for Europe than any previous research. Complementary hypotheses from modernisation and market theories are derived systematically and tested rigorously. We find differential trends. In western societies, the popularity of secularity and consistent religiosity has persisted. In former communist societies, the popularity of consistent religiosity has increased whereas secularity has decreased. In both western and former communist societies, solitary religiosity has been a clear yet small phenomenon, somewhat increasing in western societies and somewhat decreasing in former communist societies. A crucial hypothesis derived from modernisation theories, stating that financial and social security would decrease consistent religiosity, is empirically supported.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Reitsma, Jan and Pelzer, Ben and Scheepers, Peer and Schilderman, Hans}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cc3154b69d0fd2a860acbb69a81bcacd}, intrahash = {661440a5649beb0c2b3b396d6c3a5fa7}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2012 Believing Belonging EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Modernisation Religious_markets SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Secularisation article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {611-632}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935342 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Believing and Belonging in Europe: Cross-national comparisons of longitudinal trends (1981-2007) and determinants}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2012}@article{fladmoe2012nature, abstract = {The aim of this article is to investigate public opinion on education in Norway, Sweden andFinland. Two questions are investigated: (1) whether there is a ?Nordic model? of publicopinion, and (2) whether public opinion is characterized by political consensus orconflict. Large-scale surveys from 1981 to 2009 are analyzed. The findings reveal thatthe nature of public opinion on education differs between Norway and Sweden on onehand and Finland on the other. In Norway and Sweden there is a tendency for supportersof the social democratic parties to have the most positive perceptions of the educationsystem, even though the degree of polarization decreased during conservativeparticipation in government. In Finland, political polarization was almost non-existent.Finally, the findings suggest that some of the dissatisfaction with the education system,as with other public institutions, was explained by support in populist parties. The articlecontributes to our understanding by filling a gap between research on education andpublic opinion.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Fladmoe, Audun}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/00313831.2011.599420}, interhash = {9d7fbe61cbf5755098e0c9a8a862c3fd}, intrahash = {ecf0d18e24d525bac97f171cb9520fcc}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Nordic_countries SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked education_system english indexproved input2014 political_polarization public_opinion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 5, pages = {457-479}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5937757 ; inputdate=2014-10-04 ; editdate=2014-10-04 ; pubdate=2014-10-04 ; ISSP_ID=3485 ; pubdate=Dec 9}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The nature of Public Opinion on Education in Norway, Sweden and Finland: Measuring the Degree of Political Polarization at the Mass Level}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2012}@article{andersen2013spiritual, abstract = {Based on data from the Danish part of the European Values Study 1981-2008, this article explores the validity of the claim for a spiritual revolution as proposed by Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead. The article suggests an operationalisation of spirituality. The results of the analyses are that religious values -Christian faith as well as spirituality- tend to be stable over an individual's life course. This suggests that, if there is a spiritual revolution, it must be the product of cohort replacement. If a spiritual revolution is taking place, Christian faith would be expected to decline in younger cohorts while spirituality would increase, but an analysis of cohort support for Christian faith and spirituality from 1981 to 2008 shows that both were constant across cohorts. Thus Danish data contain no indication that a spiritual revolution is taking place or will take place. Finally, we show that, contrary to theoretical expectations, spirituality and Christian faith are strongly correlated. A closer analysis reveals an indirect and more complicated support for parts of the theory since the two variables are explained by different factors and it shows that Christian faith, but not spirituality, is correlated with morality.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Andersen, P J. and Gundelach, Peter and Lüchau, Peter}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13537903.2013.831646}, interhash = {bbbdc20d82c05127a899356f9d82cbf4}, intrahash = {fb75d20925e3cccb5b1fe21f294276e5}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2013 AHindexed EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {385-400}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934274 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {A Spiritual Revolution in Denmark?}, url = {}, volume = 28, year = 2013}@article{lambert2006trends, abstract = {The 1981 and 1990 European Values Surveys showed a decline for almost all religious variables, a decline even sharper among young people. except for belief in an afterlife. The younger the respondents. the less religious they were likely to be. These results confirmed the thesis of increasing secularization in Europe and the West. However. the most recent. 1999 survey shows this downward trend to be counterbalanced by two other tendencies: internal Christian renewal and increased "believing without belonging". both phenomena that are clearly more developed among young people. The respective strengths of these three developments vary by country surveyed. The same phenomena are even more pronounced in Eastern European (former communist bloc) countries and in Russia. once again particularly among young people. The changes may be interpreted as a turning point after the break with religiosity that characterized the 1960s and 70s.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Y.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a4032fbc883fa02929df6440ab23e4e7}, intrahash = {675f9a62648208266bc7be8d676e5b0c}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {99-129}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776380 ; ISSP_ID=1207 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trends in religious feeling in Europe and Russia}, url = {}, volume = 47, year = 2006}@article{haas2006household, abstract = {Our aim is to contribute to better understanding of why different practices relating to the division of paid labour by sex in couple households are still to be found in different parts of Europe. We analyse data on the distribution of dominant household employment patterns in eight countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Using comparative survey evidence for a large total sample (N = 10, 123), we examine how national differences in terms of the gender division of paid work correspond with predictions drawn from well-established structuralist and culturalist theories of the determinants of cross-country variations. The findings call for a further elaboration of conventional approaches to explaining gendered employment patterns in an enlarged Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Haas, B. and Steiber, N. and Hartel, M. and Wallace, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e4174f87396bf10d2d2a91c694e0ecee}, intrahash = {fbec752cc4d715e7c280b0b3595f56c9}, journal = {Work, employment and society}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 4, pages = {751-771}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763941 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Household employment patterns in an enlarged European Union}, volume = 20, year = 2006}@article{arroyo2010rethinking, abstract = {Agent-based models informed by empirical data are growing in popularity.Many models make extensive use of collected data for the development, initialisationor validation. In parallel, models are growing in size and complexity, generating largeamounts of output data. On the other hand, Data Mining is used to extract hiddenpatterns from large collections of data using different techniques. This work proposesthe intense use of Data Mining techniques for the improvement and development ofagent-based models. It presents a methodological approach explaining why and whento use Data Mining, with a formal description of each stage of the correspondingprocess. This is illustrated with a case study, showing the application of the proposedapproach step by step.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Arroyo, J. and Hassan, S. and Gutiérrez, C. and Pavón, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {816e2bd331a416367efd06b955ddc5d0}, intrahash = {abae65732541f40a1e91189773228fe7}, journal = {Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory}, keywords = {2010 Agent-based_modelling EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked clustering data-driven data_mining english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_stimulation}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {416-435}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4589511 ; inputdate=2011-03-09 ; editdate=2011-03-09 ; pubdate=2011-03-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Re-thinking simulation: a methodological approachfor the application of data mining in agent-basedmodelling}, volume = 16, year = 2010}@article{lambert2004turning, abstract = {The 1981 and 1990 European Values surveys largely supported the thesis of increasing secularisation in Western Europe. Almost all the variables showed a religious decline, which was even deeper among young people, except for beliefs in an afterlife. Peter Berger and Grace Davie have underlined the ???European exception??? in contrast to the rest of the world. However, the last survey in 1999 revealed significant changes. The downward trend is now counterbalanced by two new tendencies: a Christian renewal and the development of religiosity without belonging, especially among young people. In particular, beliefs in an afterlife are spreading. These tendencies vary according to country. Post-socialist Europe shows an even more developed religious renewal, in particular among the young.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Y.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8669dd59c3918fd35b0b94c334d14ddc}, intrahash = {d4e172204b8874077b79102e68ddc6c4}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2004 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {29-45}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776379 ; ISSP_ID=1206 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A turning point in religious evolution in europe}, volume = 19, year = 2004}@phdthesis{zimmerman2014cultural, abstract = {Nations sharing similar historical, linguistic, and social backgrounds tend to cluster around the same cultural values systems. However, changing socioenvironmental conditions drive cultural values systems to change over time. This study compared changing cultural values in Poland in the postcommunist era with values in the Czech Republic and Slovenia, using factorial ANOVA of published data from the European Values Survey and World Values Survey. The hypotheses were: (a) cultural values in Poland have moved from traditionalist values toward secularism; (b) Poland's rate of cultural values movement was more moderate than either the Czech Republic or Slovenia; and (c) the higher degree of religiousness in Poland mirrored the slower rate of movement toward secularism. The study participants were 20,038 adults from the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovenia. Findings showed 10 of 19 cultural values in Poland showed moderate movement toward secularism, confirming that traditional cultural values in Poland had decreased. However, the findings also showed cultural migration in Poland preserved strong traditional family and religious values despite the influence of far reaching social, economic, and political changes. This study revealed two important points: (a) as cultural values within groups of nations change, cultural values in similar clusters of nations tend to move in the same direction, and (b) deeply held traditional values tend to preserve the differentiation between nations, even as process of cultural values change continues.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Phoenix, Arizona}, author = {Zimmerman, Paul}, biburl = {}, interhash = {118af27d73616b1df521838161df5685}, intrahash = {66e04afb5e50cb499038732705e5d859}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {UMI Number 3617584}, pages = 295, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938680 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, publisher = {ProQuest LLC}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Cultural Tradition and Cultural Change in Postcommunist Poland: A Secondary Data Analysis}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{moor2009after, abstract = {This chapter proposes a shift from questions regarding who believes in God to questions regarding which god do people believe in. More specifically, it addresses the impact of industrialization and democratization on the adherence to the idea of a personal god, the idea of an abstract god, the idea that God is unknowable and the idea that God doesn't exist. In answering this question, we combine Topitsch's analogy argument, that ideas about the unknown are modeled on people's experience of what is known and important to them, with Lenski's ecological evolutionism, which states that a society's subsistence technology determines what is known and important to its people. Using the European Values Surveys, wave 1999/2000, we studied ideas about god of people living in thirteen European countries who grew up in cohorts differing in political and economic condition. The findings show that ongoing industrialization negatively affect the belief in a personal god in favor of the belief in an abstract god, in agnosticism and atheism, on both the individual and the contextual levels.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Moor, Nienke}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Explaining worldwide religious diversity. The relationship between subsistence technologies and ideas about the unknown in pre-industrial and (post-)industrial societies}, interhash = {665b755225a8e4cc2cca366ec081656b}, intrahash = {59fe4c01a660ec5e3915ed765f7f44ec}, isbn = {978-90-90247472}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics checked english enhanced incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {79-109}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3722484 ; inputdate=2009-12-08 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-08;Waves and countries1999/2000?Netherlands?Portugal?United Kingdom?Finland?France?Spain?Italy?Belgium?Denmark?Sweden?Ireland?Germany?Austria}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {After a personal god: an abstract one, atheism or agnosticism?}, year = 2009}@phdthesis{rosta2004vallsossg, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest}, author = {Rosta, Gergely László}, biburl = {}, interhash = {031a1caf5d36919622da19f0f682b45d}, intrahash = {be7a26e6ac0a57a6daaeb446d647a01c}, journal = {Ph. D. thesis}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280849 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Corvinus University}, school = {Corvinus University}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Vallásosság, politikai attit?d?k és szekularizáció Nyugat-Európában}, type = {Ph. D. thesis}, url = {}, year = 2004}@article{bennink2013exploring, abstract = {Can existing longitudinal surveys profit from the (financial) advantages of web surveying by switching survey mode from face-to-face interviews to web surveys? Before such a radical change in data collection procedure can be undertaken, it needs to be established that mode effects cannot confound the responses to the survey items. To this end, the responses of the Dutch European Values Study of 2008 were compared to the responses of a time parallel web survey. The responses on 163 of the 256 items differed significantly across modes. To explain these response differences between modes, an exploratory crisp set qualitative comparative analysis approach was used. Five sufficient conditions?combinations of survey mode characteristics?but no necessary conditions for response differences between survey modes were found. Two survey characteristics were neither necessary nor sufficient to produce the outcome. Results suggest that switching modes may affect comparability between waves in a longitudinal survey.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bennink, Margot and Moors, Guy and Gelissen, John}, biburl = {}, interhash = {16d470c9f53a06d4b06e5c66e4745481}, intrahash = {4d06ff0fa9d67fe6bcfe0723ee82c804}, journal = {Field Methods}, keywords = {2013 Crisp_set_qualitative_comparative_analysis EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Face-to-face_surveys Internet_surveys Mode-effects SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Web_surveys article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {319-338}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934279 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Exploring Response Differences between Face-to-Face and Web Surveys: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Dutch European Values Survey 2008}, url = {}, volume = 25, year = 2013}@article{ruiter2006national, abstract = {To what extent does the national religious context affect volunteering? Does a religious environment affect the relation between religiosity and volunteering? To answer these questions, this study specifies individual level, contextual level, and cross-level interaction hypotheses. The authors test the hypotheses by simultaneously studying the impact of religiosity of individuals, the national religious context, and their interplay on volunteering while controlling for possible confounding factors both at individual and contextual levels. Based on multilevel analyses on data from 53 countries, frequent churchgoers are more active in volunteer work and a devout national context has an additional positive effect. However, the difference between secular and religious people is substantially smaller in devout countries than in secular countries. Church attendance is hardly relevant for volunteering in devout countries. Furthermore, religious volunteering has a strong spillover effect, implying that religious citizens also volunteer more for secular organizations. This spillover effect is stronger for Catholics than for Protestants, non-Christians and nonreligious individuals.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ruiter, Stijn and de Graaf, Nan Dirk}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a7943b0dfb05332a2ed343a4b5ee0a8a}, intrahash = {5e26a2daef9f9e0976f5695f74021082}, journal = {American Sociological Review}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english enhanced indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {191-210}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276750 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02;Waves and countries1999/2000?Belgium?Latvia?Lithuania?Croatia?Denmark?Austria?Ukraine?Russian Federation?Germany?Poland?Spain?Czech Republic?Luxemburg?Turkey?Ireland?United Kingdom?Iceland?Slovenia?Finland?Netherlands?Northern Ireland?Portugal?Hungary?France?Slovakia?Romania?Belarus?Sweden?Italy?Greece?Estonia?Bulgaria1990?Netherlands?Austria?Portugal?Belgium?Spain?Bulgaria?Italy?Russian Federation?Ireland?Slovenia?Sweden?Romania?Finland?France?United Kingdom?Germany (East)?Germany (West)?Hungary?Northern Ireland?Canada?United States?Norway?Latvia?Iceland?Denmark1981?Italy?Sweden?Netherlands?Northern Ireland?Spain?United States?Ireland?Belgium?France?United Kingdom?Canada?Denmark?Norway?Iceland?Germany (West)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {National Context, Religiosity and Volunteering: Results from 53 Countries}, url = {}, volume = 71, year = 2006}@article{vanhoorn2013protestant, abstract = {Evidence on Weber's original thesis on a Protestant work ethic is ambiguous and relies on questionable measures of work attitudes. We test the relation between Protestantism and work attitudes using a novel method, operationalizing work ethic as the effect of unemployment on individuals' subjective well-being. Analyzing a sample of 150,000 individuals from 82 societies, we find strong support for a Protestant work ethic: unemployment hurts Protestants more and hurts more in Protestant societies. Whilst the results shed new light on the Protestant work ethic debate, the method has wider applicability in the analysis of attitudinal differences.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {van Hoorn, André and Maseland, Robbert}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8f9f86a04fc3aa4ad2c52c42d497b8dd}, intrahash = {491724cd3a48a7f344e17a8ee9070510}, journal = {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Preferences SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Weber article checked culture english happiness indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed values}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-12}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935478 ; inputdate=2014-06-24 ; editdate=2014-06-24 ; pubdate=2014-06-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does a Protestant work ethic exist? Evidence from the well-being effect of unemployment}, url = {}, volume = 91, year = 2013}@article{context2013vermgen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Context}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1cc7291619752c3520ad0ea98d35966f}, intrahash = {80de958431e2195ea1d72d48deb9036b}, journal = {Context}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {11-13}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934385 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Verm?gen in Deutschland: nach wie vor ungleich verteilt}, volume = 6, year = 2013}@article{voas2013modernization, abstract = {The tendency of women to be more religious than men has been widely observed. Many theories have been offered to account for this difference, with explanations ranging from the biological to the sociological; no consensus on the explanation has been reached. Using data from the European Social Survey, the European Values Study and the International Social Survey Programme, in conjunction with a new method for measuring the gender gap, we compare different countries, generations and periods in Europe to address three key questions: (1) How much do the differences between men and women depend on what indicator of religiosity (e.g. affiliation, attendance, prayer, belief) is being considered? (2) Is there an association at the national level between the size of the gender gap and the degree of secularization or gender equality? (3) Is there a convergence in the religiosity of men and women across generations or over time? There is some evidence for such a narrowing of the gap in Europe 'most noticeably in southern and Eastern Europe' but substantial differences persist. Even in countries that are comparatively secular and where gender inequality has been much reduced, women are considerably more likely than men to identify with a religion, to call themselves religious, and to participate in public and private religious activities.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voas, David and McAndrew, Siobhan and Storm, Ingrid}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7134ff1fcf0e9ec93dac485e5c84c81f}, intrahash = {d060e9d7cc029fd6d69528efd4b8ff98}, journal = {K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2008 ISSP_input2014 Modernization SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Secularization article checked english europe gender indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {259-283}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935286 ; inputdate=2014-06-12 ; editdate=2014-06-12 ; pubdate=2014-06-12}, study = {ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Modernization and the gender gap in religiosity: Evidence from cross-national European surveys}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2013}@article{alfani2012social, abstract = {This article analyzes social norms regulating the selection of godparents in Italy and France. Based on Vaticanstatistics and European Values Study responses, the vast majority of children in Catholic Europe are baptizedand birth rituals are considered important even by nonbelievers. Moreover, the dominant custom of selectinggodparents from among kinsmen is a recent development, based on historical data. A new survey about theselection of godparents in Italy and France, conducted for this study, shows that godparents are chosen not forreligious, but for social-relational reasons. Selection of kinsmen is the norm, with uncles and aunts being themajority choice. For Italy, choice determinants are explored by means of multinomial regressions. The results arecontrasted with demographic change to show that in lowest-low fertility countries current godparenthood modelsare bound to disappear.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Alfani, Guido and Vitali, Agnese and Gourdon, Vincent}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1468-5906.2012.01659.x}, interhash = {0a2963a60ddc262a8606c0e3dc31935d}, intrahash = {8f0565f0ea3ec446b9ed31986ffe2e13}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2012 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article baptism checked demographic_change english godparents indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_change social_customs spiritual_kinship}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {482-504}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934095 ; inputdate=2014-04-07 ; editdate=2014-04-07 ; pubdate=2014-04-07}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Customs and Demographic Change: The Case of Godparenthood in Catholic Europe}, url = {}, volume = 51, year = 2012}@incollection{tomka2000religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Religiosity- it makes up gape and disturbes}, interhash = {36c8dcf1ed9e9dd58ac368d92dc9823b}, intrahash = {551693ddaed504c60e6c41cdbdf1181e}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {29-40}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281021 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Corvinus & Wurzburg Echter}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The religious situation in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe}, year = 2000}@book{arts2003cultural, abstract = {This volume deals with the values of the people in contemporary Europe. Using the survey data from the European Values Study, a number of basic values and the dynamics of value change are explored from an economic, political, social, and religiousmoral point of view.Part One focuses on Europe's values from an empirical-analytical, and a historical point of view, and also presents the views of three eminent Europeans.Part Two deals with in-depth analyses of European values, based on the empirical data set covering basic orientations in most of the domains of human life.Part Three contains reflections on the empirical findings, the value of value research, the hidden assumptions behind it, and the deeper layers of Europe's position and developments.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e9861406c0c4a2d3da61d5d5ae8950b8}, intrahash = {67f9b83ec8a0bb5401fbf01b6a8840eb}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 6, pages = 492, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280750 ; ISSP_ID=4242 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, year = 2003}@incollection{gelissen2003crossnational, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Gelissen, John}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {c6d9f7b8fa3938cef38c7a24af21949a}, intrahash = {f2bdb742c3e103d537e554dbeedb4492}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english enhanced family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {339-370}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281406 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-11;religious practice?V105: how often attend religious services (Q25)religious affiliation?V101: do you belong to a religious denomination (Q22)?V102: which religious denomination do you belong to (Q23)?V104: which religious denomination did you belong to (Q24b)Public consent to divorce?V234: do you justify: divorce (Q65J);Waves and countries1999/2000?Russian Federation?Denmark?Netherlands?Bulgaria?Belgium?Finland?Germany?Spain?Italy?Slovakia?Estonia?Romania?Czech Republic?Portugal?Belarus?Lithuania?Greece?Luxemburg?United Kingdom?Slovenia?Ukraine?Austria?Latvia?France?Iceland?Poland?Hungary?Sweden?Ireland?Northern Ireland?Croatia}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-national Differences in Public Consent to Divorce: Effects of Cultural, Structural and Compositional Factors}, year = 2003}@article{gundelach1990genopstr, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter and Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {516dc9d3d0ee666f19087a23290ef4ee}, intrahash = {3e9e7b5bbac52c0d407d402186ae1ced}, journal = {Dansk Sociologi}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked danish family indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {72-77}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280806 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Genopst?r familien?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1990}@techreport{lee2014evaluating, abstract = {Making cross-groups comparisons by using survey instruments has raised substantial scholarly concerns due to the potential risk of incomparability resulting from differential item functioning (DIF). However, not every survey item necessarily suffers from DIF. In this paper, we argue that, unlike many other survey items (e.g., political efficacy), the usual question used to measure political interest is likely to be largely immune to DIF. Our theoretical argument centers on the relative specificity of the item and a corresponding cultural homogeneity (at least in advanced democracies) in what it means to be politically interested or not. Utilizing the anchoring vignettes technique (King et al. 2004, King & Wand 2007) in our original surveys in the UK, France, and the Netherlands, we demonstrate the size of DIF is small for the standard political interest question.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lee, Seonghui and Lin, N C.N. and Stevenson, R T.}, biburl = {}, institution = {Rice University}, interhash = {e1cd615794fdbcd854e8a31a5506e3a4}, intrahash = {feb34efb302b5ee471cb407abc83137e}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-29}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938693 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Evaluating the Cross-national Comparability of Survey Measures of Political Interest Using Anchoring Vignettes}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{gesthuizen2013values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Gesthuizen, Maurice and Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {4ece5ade5c79a78485c2bd483366734a}, intrahash = {90ae3c7095ca8b21ef4f244a652a2a50}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {329-353}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934659 ; inputdate=2014-05-05 ; editdate=2014-05-05 ; pubdate=2014-05-05}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Work Values In Europe: Modernization,Globalization, Institutionalization and their Moderating Impact on the Occupational Class Effect}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{doebler2014relationships, abstract = {This paper examines relationships between religiosity and intolerance towards Muslims and immigrants among Europeans living in non-Muslim majority countries by applying multilevel modeling to European Values Study data (wave four, 2010). Thus relationships across 44 national contexts are analyzed. The analysis found large between-country differences in the overall levels of intolerance towards immigrants and Muslims. Eastern Europeans tend to be more intolerant than Western Europeans. In most countries Muslims are less accepted than immigrants,- a finding which reflects that in post-9/11 Europe Islamophobia is prevalent and many still see Muslims with suspicion. A key result is that believing matters for the citizen's attitudes towards Muslims and immigrants. Across Europe, traditional and modern fuzzy beliefs in a Higher Being are strongly negatively related to intolerance towards immigrants and Muslims, while fundamentalism is positively related to both targets of intolerance. Religious practice and denominational belonging on the other hand matter far less for the citizen's propensity to dislike the two out-groups. With the only exception of non-devout Protestants who do not practice their religion, members of religious denominations are not more intolerant than non-members. The findings are valid for the vast majority of countries although countries differ in the magnitude of the effects.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Doebler, Stefanie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9c461aa38c15d3ecf92a52f127891c41}, intrahash = {c87da29a0155b00e9f596daac0ac15de}, issn = {2211-4866}, journal = {Review of Religious Research}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed Cross-National EVS EVS_input2014 Ethnic_tolerance FDZ_IUP Multilevel Muslims Prejudice SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {61-86}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935348 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Relationships Between Religion and Intolerance Towards Muslims and Immigrants in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2014}@article{gora2014defenders, abstract = {Recent years have shown a growing academic interest in the role and function of religion in the EU. This resulted from ongoing discussions on the symbolic deficit of the European project and politicised debate on the Christian roots of European identity, as well as from the enlargement of 2004, which brought into the EU new memberstates with different traditions of church-state relations and distinctive forms of religious governance. Our study contributes to this scholarship by focusing on the role of religion in the context of the European Parliament (EP) as exercised by Polish members. The first part provides some background information on the relationshipbetween religion and politics in the Polish domestic context. This is followed by presentation of the research findings from a survey conducted among Polish members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and from a qualitative content analysis of the arguments used by them in plenary sessions. In conclusion, we argue that religion is an important resource in the hands of right-wing politicians for justifying various claims in the EP. Furthermore, we also maintain that the national context and the nationalunderstanding of the functions of religion influence the way it is presented and used at the European level.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Góra, Magdalena and Zielińska, Katarzyna}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/09637494.2014.936158}, interhash = {23417d51d6e25dd119d344642391ed20}, intrahash = {5421ebe7c7329463d518ec4971f17451}, journal = {Religion, State and Society}, keywords = {2014 EU EVS EVS_input2014 European_Parliament European_identity FDZ_IUP Poland SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {2-3}, pages = {211-226}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938588 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Defenders of faith? Victims of secularisation? Polish politicians and religion in the European Parliament}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2014}@article{inglehart2003solid, abstract = {A decade has passed since the Third Wave of democratization brought an avalanche of new, relatively unstable democracies into being, raising the question, "How solid is support for democracy in these countries?" In the intervening years, public support for democracy has faded in some countries, many of which are democratic in name only. It is unclear how long even the pretense of electoral democracy will survive in the Soviet successor states, apart from the Baltics (Brzezinski 2001). The prospects for democracy in Islamic countries seem particularly poor, with some writers arguing that the basic values of Islamic publics may be incompatible with liberal democracy (Huntington 1993, 1996). This article examines this claim, using the 1999-2001 wave of the World Values Survey, which includes 10 Islamic countries, making it possible for the first time to compare the Islamic world with other major cultural zones. We find surprisingly widespread support for democracy among Islamic publics at least by conventional measures.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {415fdca9c42bb91b3748b3f0fa7f1efc}, intrahash = {2d0178a7077f1dd2eac871460a0fac42}, journal = {PS: Political Science & Politics}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {51-57}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776363 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How solid is mass support for democracy - And how can we measure it?}, volume = 36, year = 2003}@article{verbakel2013leisure, abstract = {This study examines to what extent Europeans find "relaxing" and "learning something new" is important in their leisure time and explains variation in these leisure values by individual and country-level characteristics. These values reflect possible responses to a perceived "time crunch" resulting from demanding work and family obligations and the drive to develop personal skills because of societies' emphasis on personal achievement, respectively. Multi-level analyses were conducted with 46 countries based on the European Values Study 2008. Results show that individuals with objective time pressure (work obligations and, for females, partner's work schedules) find relaxing an important aspect of leisure time and that people who presumably perceive investments in personal development to pay off (young, highly educated, internal locus of control) value learning something new in leisure time. Country-level explanations focus on modernization and institutionalization. It is found that relaxing is more highly valued in economically advanced societies and in Muslim countries. Learning something new in leisure time is found especially important in achievement-based and post-communist societies, but "contrary to the expectations" less so in economically developed societies; apparently, rational arguments concerning the presumed pay offs of spending leisure time on personal growth prevail over the valuation of self-expression.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1093/esr/jcs046}, interhash = {a14ceb856f686deae1c04f9ef940eb6c}, intrahash = {7d5557ccd6000891f18822854369660d}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = { . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {669-682}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934362 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Leisure values of Europeans from 46 countries}, url = {}, volume = 29, year = 2013}@article{paas2013social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Paas, Stefan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {49852905f9ee63b6e791f4ff2522a795}, intrahash = {6d49d0b0500b7d4a60ffc7d018819b04}, journal = {International Bulletin of Missionary Research}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {9-12}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934432 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The use of social data in the evangelization of Europe: methodological issues}, url = {}, volume = 37, year = 2013}@inproceedings{gheorghita2014religious, abstract = {Worldwide there is a transformation of religion, professional studies supporting the existence of religious vitality in most countries of the modern world. In this global trend of increased religiosity, religious life of Western Europe becomes an exception, registering a decline of religious beliefs and practices, but also a gradual decrease of the influence of faith institutions both individually and socially. Therefore, this paper aims to understand the current religious landscape of Western Europe, both by identifying the beliefs, values and religious behaviors as well as by establishing the role of the globalization process.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {T?rgu-Mure?}, author = {Gheorghit?, Veronica}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity, 29-30 May 2014, T?rgu-Mure?, Mure?}, editor = {Boldea, Iulian}, interhash = {cf06862cc4db96c227a1623132bd0712}, intrahash = {5c50ae4e1336d28f44c50c0986e805db}, isbn = {978-606-93691-3-5}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {35-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938900 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, publisher = {Arhipelag XXI Press}, series = {Globalization and Intercultural Dialogue: Multidisciplinary Perspectives}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religious transformations in Western Europe in the globalization context}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{voicu2013attitudes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Voicu, Malina and Constantin, Andreea}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {1f62b4252c6132268333582c92e27969}, intrahash = {3a3206e7e0c80a0276a37eee2f58f876}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {311-327}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934654 ; inputdate=2014-05-05 ; editdate=2014-05-05 ; pubdate=2014-05-05}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes towards gender roles in Europe : modernization and social institutions}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{nastuta2012individual, abstract = {If we take into account the increasing number of immigrants of non-Christian religious background (Hindu, Muslims etc) who become more relevant as minority groups, contemporary Europe represents a religious melting-pot. The evident secularization trends within Western Europe, the interaction with these new social groups and their increasing social relevance creates different patterns of religious behavior in Western and Eastern Europe or in countries with Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox dominant religious tradition, if we compare them. Based on data from European Value Study (1981 - 2010) we'll try to observe if and how the religiosity of people from different European countries is influenced by individual (gender, age, education) or social level factors (religious affiliation, country's Human development index etc).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nastuta, Sebastian}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Yearbook of Petre Andrei University Iasi}, interhash = {a64416f4e11f61a5449fc3c54ac806f4}, intrahash = {92d25206382b2d8fea12bcbcde2797d4}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 European_countries FDZ_IUP Religiosity Secularization checked english incollection input2014 religious_participation sacralization}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 9, pages = {97-117}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934839 ; inputdate=2014-05-13 ; editdate=2014-05-13 ; pubdate=2014-05-13}, series = {Social Work, Sociology, Psychology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Individual and Social Factors Predicting Religiosity Differences between European Countries}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{arts2003welfare, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Oorschot, W.J.H. van}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity. Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P.}, interhash = {da214c39a33c022c762fac92620d3427}, intrahash = {f351919ab539ff10566afa0403d4c774}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {275-310}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256367 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;trust in institutions?V208: how much confidence in: social security system (Q58I)?V207: how much confidence in: civil service (Q58H)?V206: how much confidence in: parliament (Q58G)?V211: how much confidence in: health care system (Q58M)trust in other people?V66: people can be trusted/cant be too careful (Q8)civic morality?V226: do you justify: cheating on tax (Q65B)?V225: do you justify: claiming state benefits (Q65A)?V231: do you justify: accepting a bribe (Q65G)?V239: do you justify: paying cash to avoid taxes (Q65O)informal social solidarity?V273: are you concerned with: unemployed people (Q80B)?V278: are you prepared to help: eldery people (Q81C)?V277: are you prepared to help: people neighbourhood (Q81B)?V275: are you concerned with: sick and disabled (Q80D)?V280: are you prepared to help: sick and disabled (Q81E)?V276: are you prepared to help: immediate family (Q81A)?V272: are you concerned with: eldery people (Q80A)?V279: are you prepared to help: immigrants (Q81D)?V274: are you concerned with: immigrants (Q80C)participation in civil society?V12: do you belong to: welfare organisation (Q5A)?V14: do you belong to: cultural activities (Q5C)?V37: do you work unpaid for: environment (Q5H)?V23: do you belong to: womens groups (Q5L)?V49: how often spend time with colleagues (Q6B)?V40: do you work unpaid for: sports/recreation (Q5K)?V13: do you belong to: religious organisation (Q5B)?V30: do you work unpaid for: welfare organisation (Q5A)?V43: do you work unpaid for: voluntary health organisations (Q5N)?V18: do you belong to: 3w-development/human rights (Q5G)?V34: do you work unpaid for: political parties/groups (Q5E)?V41: do you work unpaid for: womens groups (Q5L)?V16: do you belong to: political parties/groups (Q5E)?V38: do you work unpaid for: professional associations (Q5I)?V33: do you work unpaid for: trade unions (Q5D)?V21: do you belong to: youth work (Q5J)?V42: do you work unpaid for: peace movement (Q5M)?V26: do you belong to: other groups (Q5O)?V35: do you work unpaid for: local community action (Q5F)?V19: do you belong to: environment (Q5H)?V31: do you work unpaid for: religious organisation (Q5B)?V36: do you work unpaid for: 3w-development/human rights (Q5G)?V39: do you work unpaid for: youth work (Q5J)?V32: do you work unpaid for: cultural activities (Q5C)?V44: do you work unpaid for: other groups (Q5O)?V17: do you belong to: local community action (Q5F)?V51: how often spend time in clubs+voluntary associations (Q6D)?V22: do you belong to: sports/recreation (Q5K)?V15: do you belong to: trade unions (Q5D)?V24: do you belong to: peace movement (Q5M)?V48: how often spend time with friends (Q6A)?V20: do you belong to: professional associations (Q5I)?V25: do you belong to: voluntary health organisations (Q5N);Waves and countries1999/2000?Netherlands?United Kingdom?Germany?Italy?Ireland?Finland?Belgium?Austria?Greece?Denmark?Sweden?Portugal?Spain?France?Northern Ireland}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The welfare state: Villain or hero of the piece?}, year = 2003}@article{nastuta2011afraid, abstract = {Starting from the assumption that fear or the threat feeling felt on immigrants as a group isa strong predictor of negativereaction and actions againstthese out-groups we are tryingto identify in this paper the socialpredictors of these feelings. Ifmost studies on anti-immigrantattitudes are oriented mainlyto economic effects, city ormunicipality effects we includedin our analysis not only theclasical variable like education,income, age, gender, professionalstatus, citizenship as in previousstudies, but also the religiousaffiliation and immigrationdescendence. Starting from EVS2008 data we obtained resultsthat confirms other studies andalso we identified the positivestrong effect of religiousdenomination on immigrationthreat feelings.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {N?stu??, Sebastian and Tompea, Ancuta Daniela}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8fd9131500f64d4df1a4a1f46830201b}, intrahash = {222800ee71bf284740b5e676d2858497}, journal = {Sfera Politicii}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked group_threat immigration_phobia indexproved input2014 noindex prejudice review_proved xenophobia}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391406 ; inputdate=2012-03-15 ; editdate=2012-03-15 ; pubdate=2012-03-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Who is afraid of immigrants? Social predictors of fear of immigrants in Europe}, volume = {XIX}, year = 2011}@article{nistor2012environmental, abstract = {The present article provides an insight into Romanians' environmental worldview, on the basis of a shortened, six item version of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale. The data are delivered from the 2008 wave of the European Value Survey (EVS), which included, for the first time, the NEP module. The results of the analysis suggest that the overall endorsement of the NEP in Romania is one of the lowest among the EVS participant countries and Romania provides also one of the highest percents of "don't know" answers regarding the NEP items. The six items do not consistently hold together and the factor analysis yields a two factor solution, with items saturating two components: one corresponding to a "humans over nature" facet and another corresponding to the "fragility of earth's balance and its carrying capacity". The comparative inter-country analysis suggests that in the case of all the other European countries, the NEP items are split into the same categories as in Romania. Thus, the major difference between Romania and the other European states consists not so much in the different structure of the NEP, but rather in the much lower endorsement of the NEP view, particularly its facets of anti-anthropocentrismand anti-human-exemptionalism such as they are currently enacted in Romania. Among the positional factors, residence in large urban settings is the most important predictor of the unequivocal endorsement of the NEP, while education is the most important factor which significantly increases the likelihood to formulate an opinion in relation with NEP items.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nistor, Laura}, biburl = {}, interhash = {244e4fcae07009c63c4fb4676a3afe25}, intrahash = {3121ced9a9c78e8863cf011bd592025f}, journal = {Romanian Sociology}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP NEP article checked english environmental_worldview indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {75-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939361 ; inputdate=2014-12-08 ; editdate=2014-12-08 ; pubdate=2014-12-08}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) in Romania. Some Empirical Findings}, volume = 10, year = 2012}@techreport{kankaras2010crossnational, abstract = {Using a case of Luxembourg a cross-cultural comparative perspective is linked to between as well as within country comparisons by answering a two-folded question. First we analyzed the level of measurement equivalence, i.e. the extent to which ethnic groups in Luxembourg and citizen of their countries of origin assign the same meaning to attitude questions. Secondly, we examined whether ethnic-cultural groups within Luxembourg resemble citizens from their native country more than Luxembourger"s attitudes, i.e. we compared the relative influence of a given national context and cultural background of Luxembourg"s minorities on their attitudes. We selected three scales from the EVS 2009 to demonstrate different types of result from such analyses. As expected, it turned out that cultural background is more important than national context in the case of the Portuguese minority that is culturally more distant to the Luxembourg"s native population, and that national setting is prevailing factor in the cases of German and French minorities that are well integrated in the Luxembourg society. The effect of a common national setting is also important with regards to the issue of measurement equivalence, where it contributes to greater comparability of intra-national, cross-ethnic comparisons.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kankara?, Milo? and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {373cc6c9e16eda67318d8cc24c4b4189}, intrahash = {fb1c92a3c056107d812f54e33c299652}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 European_Value_Study FDZ_IUP attitudes checked cross-cultural_research input2014 latent_class_factor_analysis measurement_equivalence techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 38, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391331 ; inputdate=2012-03-14 ; editdate=2012-03-14 ; pubdate=2012-03-14}, series = {LISER Working Paper Series}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Cross-National and Cross-Ethnic Differences in Political and Leisure Attitudes. A Case of Luxemburg}, year = 2010}@misc{stam2010variation, abstract = {In this study we investigate whether modernization theory can be used to explain variation in work ethic between 38 European countries. In addition, we explicitly extent the theoretical framework to hypotheses and measures at the individual level, by referring both to past and current characteristics of individuals, following the socialization and scarcity hypotheses of Inglehart (e.g. 1997). The effect of (post) modernization is researched by means of three interrelated processes: increasing economic security (economic resources), cognitive autonomy (intellectual resources) and level of social. First we hypothesize that higher economic security leads to weaker work ethic in countries. Second, we expect that a higher amount of intellectual resources affects work ethic negatively. And thirdly, we hypothesize that the higher the level of social independence is, the weaker work ethic is. These hypotheses are also applied to the individual level, both in terms of past and current resources. We use the first public release of the fourth wave of the European Values Study, which includes information on individuals? work ethic for 39 European countries. We base our analyses on 38 countries and a total number of 52,440 respondents. We find support for the country-level hypotheses on economic and intellectual resources, implying that the economic and intellectual context has an independent effect on individuals" values. Furthermore, we find support for all hypotheses on the individual level, which means that work ethic is also influenced by past and current characteristics of individuals. Modernization processes on the country and individual level are able to explain a substantial part of the variance at the country level, but only a small part on the individual level.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stam, Kirsten and Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b666464bcb05524bb4f3eec6de6d9290}, intrahash = {cf9f28795f740e50cad6e977b05e44b2}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Modernization_theory Work_ethic checked input2014 misc}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391329 ; inputdate=2012-03-14 ; editdate=2012-03-14 ; pubdate=2012-03-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Variation in Work Ethic Between and Within 38 European Countries: Another Case of Modernization?}, url = {}, year = 2010}@article{yu2013models, abstract = {Studies in the social and behavioral sciences often involve categorical data, such as ratings, and define latent constructs underlying the research issues as being discrete. In this article, models with discrete latent variables (MDLV) for the analysis of categorical data are grouped into four families, defined in terms of two dimensions (time and sampling) of the data structure. A MATLAB toolbox (referred to as the "MDLV toolbox") was developed for applying these models in practical studies. For each family of models, model representations and the statistical assumptions underlying the models are discussed. The functions of the toolbox are demonstrated by fitting these models to empirical data from the European Values Study. The purpose of this article is to offer a framework of discrete latent variable models for data analysis, and to develop the MDLV toolbox for use in estimating each model under this framework. With this accessible tool, the application of data modeling with discrete latent variables becomes feasible for a broad range of empirical studies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Yu, Hsiu-Ting}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bbad7a52ed8f0d30ebb7cb8b79207b2f}, intrahash = {cdc29c21692b91b258a98c805c52769f}, journal = {Behavior Research Methods}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked discrete_latent_variables discrete_manifest_variables english indexproved input2014 latent_class_models longitudinal_data_analysis multilevel_modeling review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {1036-1047}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934365 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Models with discrete latent variables for analysis of categorical data: A framework and a MATLAB MDLV toolbox}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2013}@article{dogan1995decline, abstract = {A comparative analysis of fundamental beliefs in twenty countries, based on three international surveys. The rapid decline in beliefs over the last two decades is confined, geographically, to Western Europe. The analysis deals with the importance of God in people's lives, perceptions of a personal God (who knows each human being personally) or a spiritualized force, religious socialization, the significance of prayer & the Bible, & the loss of faith in correlation with age groups & the dynamic of generations. The key idea is that it is possible to check, sociologically, whether God is present or absent in people's minds. Belief in the existence of God is an observable social fact. The decline in the strength of belief in certain dogma leads to doubt & indifference rather than atheism.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, Mattei}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a01e34c5537510c54de37d1dda15aa24}, intrahash = {ae8e1e2e8389128526c0ead56ca43083}, issn = {208701}, journal = {International Social Science Journal}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {405-418}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281216 ; ISSP_ID=1156 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Decline of Religious Beliefs in Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XLVII}, year = 1995}@incollection{jagodzinski1995religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Krakow}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Future of Religion East and West}, editor = {Borowik, Irena and Jablosnki, Przemyslaw}, interhash = {1bc5a61c4c7a633106b7040ae4109fb6}, intrahash = {73443181c0346c2978a833d46336be86}, isbn = {8385527281, 9788385527282}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {7-27}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281275 ; ISSP_ID=1610 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Nomos}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Pluralism in Western Europe}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{arts2004european, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European values at the turn of the millenium}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, interhash = {997328c7644fc66659d32ef6a0004047}, intrahash = {feea19b2123bd3994e46dd2b045aba68}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {25-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256363 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;trust in institutions?V206: how much confidence in: parliament (Q58G)?V203: how much confidence in: the press (Q58D)?V204: how much confidence in: trade unions (Q58E)?V205: how much confidence in: the police (Q58F)?V202: how much confidence in: education system (Q58C)?V201: how much confidence in: armed forces (Q58B)?V207: how much confidence in: civil service (Q58H)?V200: how much confidence in: church (Q58A)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56)control over life?V67: how much control over your life (Q9)trust in other people?V66: people can be trusted/cant be too careful (Q8);Waves and countries1999/2000?Croatia?Greece?Finland?Ireland?Slovakia?Netherlands?Latvia?Sweden?Slovenia?Estonia?Malta?Bulgaria?Luxemburg?Romania?Czech Republic?Belgium?Denmark?Germany?Austria?Northern Ireland?Hungary?Lithuania?Italy?Ukraine?Belarus?France?Iceland?Spain?Russian Federation?Portugal?Poland1990?Portugal?Spain?Poland?Latvia?France?Ireland?Slovakia?Lithuania?Iceland?Estonia?Bulgaria?Czech Republic?Germany (East)?Germany (West)?Northern Ireland?Italy?Norway?Denmark?Slovenia?Hungary?Sweden?Austria?Netherlands?Finland?United Kingdom?Belgium1981?Ireland?Denmark?France?Norway?Belgium?Spain?Sweden?Netherlands?Germany (West)?Iceland?Italy?Northern Ireland?United Kingdom}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {European values changes in the second age of modernity}, year = 2004}@article{beugelsdijk2006toward, abstract = {Economic development is linked with systematic changes in basic values, but cultural change is path dependent. This is known as Inglehart?s thesis. In this paper we build on his thesis and try toexplain value differences across European regions. This is relevant as it fits in the ongoing discussion of a ?Europe of the regions?. We find confirmation of Inglehart?s thesis. New however, is our finding that historical shocks like the collapse of the Soviet Union marking the ?end of history? can influence this path dependent process. Moreover, we illustrate that convergence of values into a ?single European value landscape? takes a very long period, if it would occuranyway.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and van Schaik, Ton and Arts, Wil}, biburl = {}, interhash = {26c4ec72b9aea183f2ee2ca24d34d8a0}, intrahash = {02a8b74d8a710d28f6cf000e2bcf0d05}, journal = {Regional Studies}, keywords = {2006 Culturalist_theory EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Modernization_theory Path_dependence SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {317-327}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281301 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Toward a Unified Europe? Explaining Regional Differences in Value Patterns by Economic Development, Cultural Heritage and Historical Shocks}, url = {}, volume = 40, year = 2006}@techreport{trautmann2012social, abstract = {We test whether and how membership in the upper class affects ethical behavior in a large representative population sample. Using objective measures of socioeconomic status to define class, we find no evidence of a general tendency for upper class to be less ethical, although we do replicate previous findings that higher status leads to less condemnation of infidelity. We also find evidence that higher class status leads to more self-focus and disengagement, as previously shown in laboratory studies with convenience samples.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge, USA}, author = {Trautmann, Stefan and {Kuilen, van de}, Gijs and Zeckhauser, R Jay}, biburl = {}, institution = {Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government}, interhash = {c8972b1b8ca3de8fa2fbadbe5bff38e4}, intrahash = {6aa8d9648d4d9c627da4b122227d5163}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935344 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, series = {HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Social Class and (Un)ethical Behavior: Evidence from a Large Population Sample}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{nielsen2014accommodating, abstract = {This article discusses the room for accommodating religious diversity offered by the particular configuration of secularity existing in Denmark. Theoretically, the article adopts Jose Casanova and Mark Chaves' proposals to separate analytically between the core elements of secularisation, and to leave open for empirical analyses the development and potential connections between these in different geographical and geo-political contexts.From this perspective, the article discusses the conditions for accommodating religious diversity offered by the peculiar combination prevailing in Denmark of a low level of structural differentiation combined with a high level of rationalisation, generalisation, and privatisation of religion. The article argues that the legal inequality existing in Denmark between religious communities stemming from the existence of a state supported church (i.e. a low level of differentiation) matters less for the accommodation of religious diversity than do widely held and strongly embedded popular sentiments and imaginations of the public sphere as strictly secular (i.e. a high level of rationalisation, generalisation and privatisation of religion).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nielsen, Anne Mark}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.11004, doi:10.4232/1.11449, doi:10.4232/1.11334}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4800, ZA3910, ZA4950}, interhash = {e6d06981b257bc59a92b7a72803a8756}, intrahash = {4192327b37bf6efc20031b6e0b51191c}, journal = {European Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2003 ISSP2008 ISSP_input2014 Religious_diversity ZA3910 ZA4800 ZA4950 accommodating_pluralism article checked english indexproved input2014 isspbib2017 noindex religious_minorities review_proved reviewed secularis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {245-274}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939308 ; inputdate=2014-12-06 ; editdate=2014-12-06 ; pubdate=2014-12-06;ISSP_ID=31093}, study = {EVS2008, ISSP2003, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Accommodating Religious Pluralism in Denmark}, url = {}, volume = 55, year = 2014}@article{mohanty2012thick, abstract = {"Thick moralities" are those that reflect the values or way of life of a community, while "thin" moralities are those that reflect more basic claims to decency that can be recognized across even the most diverse moral communities. I use the 2008 European Values Study to examine attitudes towards immigration and the politics of left and right in the European Union and in the Schengen Area. I show that thick preferences increase opposition to immigration in Europe and that thin preferences increase openness to immigration. I also demonstrate that thick values lead to support for the right and that thin values lead to support for the left in the majority of the countries studied.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mohanty, Pete}, biburl = {}, interhash = {66ff3ec80ff6af9f5466492293d00b06}, intrahash = {84c1dcb682136e7c9061f9880dc75b73}, issn = {1569-1322}, journal = {Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2012 EU EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english ideology immigration indexproved input2014 populism public_opinion review_proved reviewed xenophobia}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {733-761}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934856 ; inputdate=2014-05-14 ; editdate=2014-05-14 ; pubdate=2014-05-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Thick and Thin Public Sentiments and the Politics of Immigration in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 11, year = 2012}@article{oorschot2000blame, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Oorschot, W.J.H. van and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7b15bbbbbb18dc64d6db0a2add234fd2}, intrahash = {77bfd1f0616ec7508475a9fd26ed16b2}, issn = {14616696}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-28}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256423 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;poverty?q246a: why do people live in need-most important?q247b: why do people live in need-2nd most important;Waves and countries1990?Poland?Sweden?United States?Spain?United Kingdom?Canada?Germany (West)?Ireland?Italy?Denmark?France?Bulgaria?Northern Ireland?Netherlands?Norway?Belgium?Austria?Portugal?Slovakia?Czech Republic?Hungary?Germany (East)}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Blame or fate, individual or social? An international comparison of popular explanations of poverty}, volume = 2, year = 2000}@article{immerzeel2013religion, abstract = {It is often found that religious people are underrepresented among the radical right electorate, despite radical right parties? claim of being defenders of the Judeo-Christian society. This study investigates this paradoxical finding and examines to what extent two dimensions of religion ? practice and belief ? play a role in voting for a radical right party across seven West European countries. Using the European Values Study from 2008, it was found that religiously active people are indeed less likely to vote for a radical right party, because they tend to vote for a Christian party. However, the study challenges the common wisdom that religion alone is a restraint on radical right voting and shows that orthodox believers in three countries ? Belgium, Norway and Switzerland ? feel more threatened by the presence of immigrants and therefore are more likely than their mainstream counterparts to vote for a radical right party.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Immerzeel, Tim and Jaspers, Eva and Lubbers, Marcel}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/01402382.2013.797235}, interhash = {2b8cca440150d65a5ff6cf6845fccf19}, intrahash = {fc28017a431fa5742b61b08739e41e72}, journal = {West European Politics}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {946-968}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934311 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religion as Catalyst or Restraint of Radical Right Voting?}, url = {}, volume = 36, year = 2013}@article{jo2011between, abstract = {Summary In spite of the recent increasing attention on culture within welfare studies, empirical evidence of the impact of culture on social policy still appears to be rare. This article argues that culture has been conceptualized either too abstractly in studies of the cultural foundations of welfare or too concretely in the welfare attitudes approach to examine the causal impact of culture on social policy empirically. Instead, it is suggested that an in-between level conception of culture, as the stable cultural context for policy-making, is more fruitful for the cultural analysis of welfare both theoretically and empirically. In an attempt to support this with an empirical analysis across about 20 welfare states, using data from all three waves of the European Values Study and other sources, it is found that the stable cultural context (culture) matters substantially in the popular perception of the cause of poverty (public opinion) and in budgetary allocation to welfare support for unemployment (welfare policy decision).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jo, Nam}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f5210b184b6b701978b1683d6d6511f7}, intrahash = {a2732ae541e7bbd8de4fe9b7cd8dedcb}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {5-19}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436452 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Between the cultural foundations of welfare and welfare attitudes: The possibility of an in-between level conception of culture for the cultural analysis of welfare}, volume = 21, year = 2011}@article{torgler2005attitudes, abstract = {People mostly pay their taxes although there is a low probability of getting caughtand being penalized. Thus, new attempts in the tax compliance literature try to go beyondstandard economic theory. This paper examines citizens? attitudes toward paying taxes ? whatis sometimes termed their ??tax morale??, or the intrinsic motivation to pay taxes. Tax moralemay be a key determinant to explain why people are honest. However, there are very fewpapers that explore the concept of tax morale theoretically and empirically. This study, basedon the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey, therefore attempts to fill thisgap in the literature, focusing on tax morale in Austria. Societal variables such as trust or pridehave been identified as key determinants that shape tax morale in Austria. Furthermore, alower perceived compliance leads to a decrease of tax morale, which indicates that socialcomparisons are relevant. The results also show a decrease of tax morale between 1990 and1999, although Austria?s taxpayers still have a very high tax morale compared to otherEuropean countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Torgler, Benno and Schneider, Friedrich}, biburl = {}, interhash = {25b974c56ee1416d95ba98f949c55412}, intrahash = {a048d1fd3d5c9a22199082918ae75114}, journal = {Empirica}, keywords = {2005 Austria EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Tax_morale article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved social_norms}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {231-250}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258519 ; ISSP_ID=6264 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes Towards Paying Taxes in Austria: An Empirical Analysis}, url = {}, volume = 32, year = 2005}@article{weeden2013predicts, abstract = {}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Weeden, Jason and Kurzban, Robert}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7f5f257f8eac83c8e8a8eb34ce2d7641}, intrahash = {db3fbbd354df93be996bcb6c543afc12}, journal = {Evolution and Human Behavior}, keywords = {2013 Cooperation EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Morality Religiosity Reproductive_strategies SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {440-445}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934363 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {What predicts religiosity? A multinational analysis of reproductive and cooperative morals}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2013}@article{kocher1985religiositt, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {no. 1-2/85}, author = {K?cher, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a5447ce388b9238a5a6e14584abad837}, intrahash = {d5bfd2730a68e15686d15a9244df38a1}, journal = {Religionsunterricht heute, Information des Dezernates Schulen und Hochschulen im Bisch?flichen Ordinariat}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked german indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {6-10}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281249 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religiosit?t Jugendlicher ohne Kirche? [Religious Youth without Church?]}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1985}@book{tomka2005legvallsosabb, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Piliscsaba}, annotation = {Place: Budapest}, author = {Tomka, Miklós}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2bca8d1aa0846ffc04c174236c6cd48a}, intrahash = {d4ec65356edb3adafc5997ae1619c0a7}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Hungarian book checked input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 176, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281205 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {TIMP}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {A legvallásosabb ország? Vallásosság Szatmárban, Erdélyben, Romániában. (=The most religious country? Religiousness in Sathmar, in Transylvania, in Romania)}, year = 2005}@incollection{muffels2013money, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Muffels, Ruud and Skugor, Daniela and Dingemans, Ellen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {12f4c4a44b11436fca29da568b25d06b}, intrahash = {fc1ff80327e747c429472267ed8ba766}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {375-401}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934650 ; inputdate=2014-05-05 ; editdate=2014-05-05 ; pubdate=2014-05-05}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {If money does not by much happiness, what does? A multilevel analysison the impact of absolute and relative income, social values and modernization on subjective well-being in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{dulmer2013modernization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Dülmer, Hermann}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {291379b886514bbf8482d632381dc5a8}, intrahash = {073ab838eaa8387116c63c50f0fab568}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {251-275}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934544 ; inputdate=2014-04-29 ; editdate=2014-04-29 ; pubdate=2014-04-29}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Modernization, culture and morality in Europe : universalism, contextualism or relativism?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{knutsen1997partisan, abstract = {This article takes Ronald Inglehart's and Hans-Dieter Klingemann's (1976) study regarding party and ideological components of left-right identification as a point of departure for a comparative analysis of the relationship between party choice, value orientations and left-right self-placement. The empirical analysis is based on eight and thirteen countries from 1981 and 1990, respectively. Party choice is still the dominant predictor of left-right self-placement although its dominance is not as large as was shown in Inglehart and Klingemann's analysis. However, if value orientations are considered prior to party choice in a causal sense, value orientations have a larger impact than party choice in most countries. Fragmentation of the party system and the division between advanced and less advanced societies are used to explain the cross-national variations. When the explained variance in the left-right scale is decomposed into unique components explained by party choice and value orientations and a compounded component, a strong compounded component is characteristic in advanced societies, while a strong partisan component is found in less advanced societies and in less fragmented party systems.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Knutsen, Oddbj?rn}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6fbd8027111f80789877024214df3f9a}, intrahash = {b794b2f8d1ec41ea4afda9977727dca9}, journal = {International Political Science Review}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {191-225}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776376 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The partisan and the value-based component of left-right self-placement: A comparative study}, volume = 18, year = 1997}@inproceedings{crpic2002obrisi, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Mogu?nosti organiziranog djelovanja vjernika laika u Hrvatskoj, Simpozij hrvatskih vjernika laika, Osijek, 5-6.10.2001}, editor = {Hrani?, ?uro}, interhash = {21d3848ed28d514ab25027671d40d2d3}, intrahash = {284ab910f53c78a0233205f0ee0f5dbd}, isbn = {953151495x}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity Serbo-Croatian checked inproceedings input2014 moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {619-638}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280861 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kr??anska sada?njost}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Obrisi vjere i morala hrvatskih sveu?ili?nih i veleu?ili?nih profesora (Outline of the beliefs and morality of Croatian universiti and college professors)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@article{pajakpatkowska2013patterns, abstract = {The article aims at presenting women's and men's political activity, both in itsformal aspect (conventional politicalactivity) - manifesting itself in participating in elections or belonging to a political party - and informal actions (unconventional political activity) - connected with direct influence on the political sphere. On the basis of research, including that of the current author, the evolution of women's presence in politics is shown. The main manners ofexplaining the differences in intensity, as well as the chosen forms of political activity among women and men, are also put forward.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Paj?k-Patkowska, Beata}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c5fc807c018d8045677f0ead364a86d5}, intrahash = {afc79e58ab0b9ab02b2c9ff7a780d4ad}, journal = {Przegl?d Politologiczny}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked conventional_and_unconventional_political_activity english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved women_in_politics}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {143-154}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938609 ; inputdate=2014-11-11 ; editdate=2014-11-11 ; pubdate=2014-11-11}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Patterns of Women's Political Activity}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{vecernik2003skating, abstract = {The article presents a critical reading of opinion data on work and jobvalues. Three cross-national surveys are used: the ISSP module on WorkOrientations, the European Values Study, and the Households-Work-Flexibility survey. In the first part, some methodological problems aredescribed and illustrated through previous research. In the second part,several specific results are displayed. In the third part, the focus is on jobsatisfaction. One of the main conclusions of the analysis is that althoughthere are considerable differences between Central-Eastern Europe andthe EU countries in a number of indicators, the value dimension exhibitslarge independence from personal work characteristics and the nationaleconomic regime. In conclusion, we discuss the problems involved inmaking generalizations out of these results and raise the question of the?true? change in values during the transition}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vecernik, Jiri}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bae35f5b93c447f8325d7aba894dc8db}, intrahash = {084f49f0c17337c19af49253c84105ae}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 5, pages = {444-471}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5327199 ; ISSP_ID=918 ; inputdate=2012-01-30 ; editdate=2012-01-30 ; pubdate=2012-01-30}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Skating on Thin Ice: A Comparison of Work Values and Job Satisfaction in CEE and EU Countries}, volume = 44, year = 2003}@phdthesis{muller2013kirchlichkeit, abstract = {Wenn in letzter Zeit vom Aufschwung der Religion die Rede war, dann wurde immer wieder auch auf die Situation in Ostmittel- und Osteuropa verwiesen. Inwieweit h?lt eine solche Behauptung den empirischen Gegebenheiten stand? Olaf Müller untersucht in seiner Arbeit folgende Fragestellungen: Wie stellte sich die Situation im Hinblick auf die Kirchlichkeit und Religiosit?t der Menschen in den postkommunistischen L?ndern unmittelbar nach dem politischen Umbruch dar, und wie hat sich das religi?se Feld seitdem entwickelt? Welche spezifischen Muster und Zusammenh?nge lassen sich hierbei erkennen? Und durch welche Faktoren k?nnte der beobachtete religi?se Wandel bedingt sein? Die Untersuchungen fu?en auf einer Fülle von empirischem Material vor allem auf der Basis internationaler Bev?lkerungsumfragen.}, access-date2 = {Aufgenommen: 28. Fassung, April 2014}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Müller, Olaf}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1f4b71f45c7bd11c6bbcbbc41ad4711b}, intrahash = {a7f0998720dc54ffaa32692201a0bc82}, isbn = {978-3-531-19850-7}, keywords = {2013 ALLBUS1991 ALLBUS1994 ALLBUS2000 ALLBUS2008 ALLBUS_input2013 ALLBUS_version28 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_ALLBUS FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked gt input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP) (ALLBUS) }, pages = 288, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934434 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25 ; ALLBUS_ID=2411 ; reprint-status=in-file}, publisher = {Springer VS}, school = {Universti?t Münster}, study = {ALLBUS1991, ALLBUS1994, ALLBUS2000, ALLBUS2008, ALLBUS, (Aufbruch 1997) (Aufbruch 2007) (C&R 2006) (Census 1991) (ESS 2002-2008) (ESS 2008) (EVS 1990-1993) (EVS 1998) (EVS 2008) (EVS/WVS 1990-1993) (EVS/WVS 1999-2004) (ISSP 1990) (ISSP 1991) (ISSP 1995) (ISSP 1998) (ISSP 2000) (ISSP 2007) (ISSP 2008) (PCE 2000) (WVS 1994-1999) (WVS 2005-2007)}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Kirchlichkeit und Religiosit?t in Ostmittel- und Osteuropa: Entwicklungen - Muster - Bestimmungsgründe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{dickes2009construct, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dickes, Paul and Valentova, Marie and Borsenberger, Monique}, biburl = {}, interhash = {abc90737d7484ca1c880b00d60a2eafb}, intrahash = {3e6f921d1b291f8facaaa1ca7f7b7bc3}, journal = {Social Indicators research}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {451-473}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4233704 ; inputdate=2010-09-10 ; editdate=2010-09-10 ; pubdate=2010-09-10}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Construct Validation and Application of a common Measure of Social Cohesion in 33 European Countries}, volume = 98, year = 2009}@article{brechon2006valeurs, abstract = {? l?aide des données de l?European Values Survey (1981 et 1999), l?article montre d?abord que se dire de droite ou de gauche continue de faire sens. Ces identités politiques sont relatives, nuancées, plurielles mais elles dépassent les frontières nationales : les mêmes relations ? plus ou moins fortes ? entre valeurs et échelle gauche-droite se lisent dans toute l?Europe de l?Ouest. L?article montre ensuite que les identités politiques sont liées aux identités religieuses et que ces deux facettes de la construction individuelle ont des effets combinés complexes sur de nombreuses valeurs. Mais les appartenances générationnelles et le niveau d?éducation peuvent parfois aussi contribuer fortement à rendre compte de l?univers des valeurs. Dans une Europe individualisée, les valeurs sont multiples et bricolées, mais il existe une certaine régulation des préférences individuelles.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5fccd6d390757d6c83cfd3c6c9a4bfb0}, intrahash = {dfe7d97bfd7acc284e98f842590267e6}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {725-753}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936326 ; ISSP_ID=1108 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Valeurs de gauche, valeurs de droite et identités religieuses en Europe}, url = {}, volume = 47, year = 2006}@article{adolfsen2010multiple, abstract = {Attitudes toward homosexuality are complex. To get a comprehensi veview on the attitudes of people, different dimensions need to be included in research. Based on a review of the literature, we distinguish five dimensions: acceptance of homosexuality in a general sense; attitude toward equal rights; reactions to homosexuality "at close quarters"; reactions to homosexuality in public; and so-called modern homonegativity. In a study on a representative sample of Dutch Defence personnel(N=1,607) we tested this model. Structural equation modeling of several items measuring the attitude toward homosexuality offers a six factor solution. These six factors are more or less comparable to the five dimensions we distinguished.The dimension "reactions to homosexuality at close quarters" is, however, empirically split in a dimension on affective reactions to homosexuality and homosexual persons in general and a dimension on affective reaction to homosexual friends or acquaintances.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Adolfsen, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e9b43837bcf6120933a1541e6f7e6065}, intrahash = {defe4b5ada0aba8a391414868f1561b3}, journal = {Journal of Homosexuality}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article attitudes checked confirmatory_factor_analysis english homosexuality indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {1237-1257}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4824434 ; inputdate=2011-07-28 ; editdate=2011-07-28 ; pubdate=2011-07-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Multiple Dimensions of Attitudes About Homosexuality: Development of a Multifaceted Scale Measuring Attitudes Toward Homosexuality}, volume = 57, year = 2010}@incollection{halman2013public, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Halman, Loek and Sieben, Inge}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {f01634f7277469229e8f8bdd1581658b}, intrahash = {d8a53a8aefd0087403f91ff01b877329}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {277-309}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934533 ; inputdate=2014-04-29 ; editdate=2014-04-29 ; pubdate=2014-04-29}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Public good morality in Europe : an impact of communist rule?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{ayoub2013cooperative, abstract = {This article builds on previous research on Europeanization and political opportunity structures (POS) for mobilization, to explore the processes of transnational LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) mobilization in the European Union (EU). In the case of LGBT activism, European integration affects contentious politics by altering POS - both vertically and horizontally - for mobilization and changing the tactics of LGBT activism. Using the cases of Germany and Poland to trace cross-border connections between norm entrepreneur and target state, the findings suggest that LGBT activism relies on transnational resources - primarily, social spaces and organizational capacity - that are scarce in many member states but readily available in others. These horizontal opportunities among member states, alongside top-down vertical ones provided by Brussels, serve as mobilizing structures that bring together distinct groups of international actors. Europeanization also alters the tactics that transnational actors use when engaging with authorities in the target state. Employing socialization mechanisms that highlight appropriate behavior, actors tactically frame their demands in a European discourse by associating the issue of LGBT acceptance with democratic responsibilities as members of the EU community.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ayoub, P M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a2b99c42703854cc69885f37e5d5a72b}, intrahash = {0d3a56c38b625eec93e45997b0dc0c82}, journal = {European Political Science Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 Europeanization FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 norm_diffusion political_opportunity_structures review_proved reviewed sexual_minorities transnational_activism}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {279-310}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936644 ; inputdate=2014-08-14 ; editdate=2014-08-14 ; pubdate=2014-08-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cooperative transnationalism in contemporary Europe: Europeanization and political opportunities for LGBT mobilization in the European Union}, url = {}, volume = 5, year = 2013}@article{comsa2010compare, abstract = {How to Compare Means of Latent Variables across Countries and Waves: Testing for Invariance Measurement. An Application Using Eastern European Societies. Comparative social survey research is exponentially growing, more and more data being available at longitudinal and cross-national levels. When unobservable concepts are involved, the analysis of this kind of data poses the issue of measurement invariance (Are the concepts equivalent across countries and longitudinally?). The aim of this paper is to draw a clear picture of measurement invariance (MI) test via multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) using AMOS 16 software. According to the literature this is a necessary step before latent mean comparison. First, I discuss the concept of measurement invariance, and then we present the most important features and issues related to the MGCFA. The main part of the paper is dedicated to presenting a step by step procedure to test for MI using AMOS . In order to facilitate understanding, all steps are logically described; also, data and syntaxes are provided. To illustrate the procedure, I analyze the "sexual permissiveness", as it measured in two large-scale surveys (EVS and WVS). I focus on the case of those 19 former communist countries included in these surveys, for which the available measurement covers at least three points in time, during the 1990-2009 period. To measure the "sexual permissiveness", four items are used: how justifiable are homosexuality, prostitution, abortion, and divorce. Scalar invariance of "sexual permissiveness" scale is proved for most countries, so means and relationships involving this value can be meaningfully interpreted. Finally, we discuss some alternatives for presenting the means of latent variables.Sociológia 2010, Vol. 42 (No. 6: 639-669)}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Comsa, Mircea}, biburl = {}, interhash = {20a84164b11e61950abd7d8bb97ea983}, intrahash = {d770d0004cc41ea797e731f860daf9ca}, journal = {Sociológia}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 measurement_invariance multiple-group_confirmatory_factor_analysis review_proved reviewed sexual_permissiveness_scale structural_equation_modelling}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {639-669}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391323 ; inputdate=2012-03-14 ; editdate=2012-03-14 ; pubdate=2012-03-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {How to Compare Means of Latent Variables across Countries and Waves: Testing for Invariance Measurement. An Application Using Eastern European Societies}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2010}@incollection{zrinscak2003religiosity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Turin}, author = {Zrin??ak, Sini?a and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion and Generations. Handbook of the XXVII Conference}, editor = {Garelli, Franco}, interhash = {c7d8294f7f8c7a420d6e6990132c39cb}, intrahash = {d3cec33871e657fc611088ce88b52b05}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {80-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281233 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {International Society for the Sociology of Religion}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity of Croatian Youth: Just Another Exceptional Case?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@article{ivan2014children, abstract = {Parenting support is a new policy field, directed toward teaching parents how to assume their role. Its foundations are embedded in a child-centered social investment approach, which is becoming dominant in Western European welfare states. This article aims at exploring the extent to which ideas underlying these policies are coherent with individual attitudes toward children, parents, their relationship and their change over time. We analyze how these attitudes changed in five selected countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Sweden), using data from all four waves of the European Values Study (1981, 1990, 1999, 2008). We also test what kind of values are behind these attitudes, employing logistic regression as method. Our main finding is that there has been a value shift in public sentiments regarding the primacy of children, which is no longer to be viewed as a traditional type of attitude.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ivan, Georgiana and Da Roit, Barbara and Knijn, Trudie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {699101436874a43f5e5d1517321bd9f0}, intrahash = {6990851c54ff75d3f45ef6be2aa38d7c}, issn = {1552-5481}, journal = {Journal of Family Issues}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked child_centeredness english family_policy indexproved input2014 parenting_support review_proved reviewed social_investment}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {1982-2001}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939307 ; inputdate=2014-12-06 ; editdate=2014-12-06 ; pubdate=2014-12-06}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Children First? Changing Attitudes Toward the Primacy of Children in Five European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 36, year = 2014}@incollection{ester2006values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Ester, Peter and Mohler, Peter and Vinken, Henk}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {4227cb8da2d8e76ad672bfdf941040d2}, intrahash = {cdbc9f278cb8a6e05059b96112519e13}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 10, pages = {3-29}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264124 ; ISSP_ID=3240 ; inputdate=2009-02-17 ; editdate=2009-02-18 ; pubdate=2009-02-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Values and the Social Sciences: A Global World of Global Values?}, year = 2006}@book{voicu2007romnia, abstract = {Introducere: Secularizare si schimbare religiosa in epoca moderna; Capitolul 1: Masurarea practicii ?i credintei relioaseCapitolul 2: Afilierea ?i practica religioasa ?n Rom?nia postcomunist?Capitolul 3: Religiozitate ?i revitalizare religioas? ?n perioada de tranzi?ieCapitolul 4: Impactul religiei ?n spa?iul public ?i privatCapitolul 5: Increderea ?n biseric?: insecuritate existen?ial? ?i credin?a religioas?Capitolul 6:Tipuri religioase ?n Rom?niaCapitolul 7: ?n drum spre EuropaSecularizare si schimbare religiosa in epoca moderna;}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {495de3885103ad9d3162ae250b4ac9e4}, intrahash = {bdc212defe14ced17bb2ca2a043ee8e9}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Romanian book checked input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 160, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281196 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institutul European}, series = {Colectia Academica; 30 Seria Sociologie}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Rom?nia religioas?: pe valul european sau ?n urma lui?}, year = 2007}@article{quaranta2014collective, abstract = {Political participation is deemed to be a fundamental component of democratic regimes. The literature on political participation has shown that some social groups of citizens tend to be less involved in politics than other social groups, and the consequence is that the interests of these specific groups of less involved citizens are underrepresented in the political process. Given the increasing popularity of non-violent protest in contemporary democracies, it is important to understand whether political inequalities are present in this form of political engagement. In this article, we argue that non-violent protest may present inequalities, that examining the consequences of public social spending can help in understanding the cross-national differences in the levels of non-violent political protest, and that political inequalities in non-violent protest may vary according to public social spending. We test our argument using sources that include the European Values Study (1980?2009), multilevel models, and contextual data provided by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Quaranta, Mario}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/17448689.2014.944684}, interhash = {802a1140a94456406a14101806be5f54}, intrahash = {49ed190d02d06356b15a8b59cd99c356}, journal = {Journal of Civil Society}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Non-violent_political_protest SCOPUSindexed article checked english europe indexproved input2014 multilevel_models political_inequality public_social_spending review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {294-316}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938688 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Collective and Privat Resources and the Inequalities of Non-violent Political Protest in European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2014}@techreport{humpert2013satisfaction, abstract = {Recent studies on life satisfaction or well-being focus on transition countries. These countries are the Central Eastern European and Baltic states (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The half of the CEE countries are meanwhile members of the European Union (EU). Using the year 2008 of the European Values Study 2010 (EVS), I use simple OLS regressions for life satisfaction, as well as satisfaction with government and the job. Individual characteristics are in line with global well-being results. I find no evidence that Eastern European EU member countries behave different then other transition countries. But there are a some differences between the countries concerning governmental quality and job satisfaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {München}, author = {Humpert, Stephan}, biburl = {}, institution = {Universit?t München}, interhash = {75ea22c7d6e1163654f8911c6823b142}, intrahash = {f31c72954be9e077ba999ed5f16bf04a}, keywords = {2013 Central_Eastern_European_and_Baltic_states Commonwealth_of_Independent_States EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Subjective_Well-Being Subjective_well-being Transition checked english input2014 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 45449, pages = 16, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938938 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24}, series = {MPRA Paper}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A note on satisfaction with life, government and job: The case of Eastern Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{monden2013social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Monden, C W.S.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {ddbde474a172d4e6aa53c056db56322d}, intrahash = {4e1a6a3a126208eb4039addb18423f96}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {255-373}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934655 ; inputdate=2014-05-05 ; editdate=2014-05-05 ; pubdate=2014-05-05}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Social capital, social cohesion and health: is country-level trust associated with self-assessed health in Europe?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{lottes2011investigation, abstract = {The major purpose of this study was to identify thesexuality-related attitudinal patterns and variables related tothose patterns for 32 European countries. Data came from the1999 to 2000 wave of the European Values Survey whichincluded questions about attitudes toward adultery, abortion,casual sex, divorce, and homosexuality. Cluster analysisproduced six patterns with the largest cluster containing 13mostly Western European countries and the smallest clustercontaining only the country Malta. Additional patternsincluded two clusters of former Soviet Bloc countries, acluster with Ireland and Northern Ireland, and one with mostlyNordic countries. Applying Reiss's conceptualization ofsexual ideologies and Inglehart and Welzel's modernizationtheory related to value change, variables hypothesized to berelated to sexual attitudes included level of economicdevelopment, religiosity, dominant religious background,and degree of gender empowerment and traditional genderrole attitudes. Findings are discussed with respect to hypothesissupport and implications for future research}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lottes, Ilsa and Alkula, Tapani}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ab3aff731ca5ac4c74098e99f9239141}, intrahash = {71faecd776fb8e0a585de6472fac321d}, journal = {Sexuality Research and Social Policy}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 European_values FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Sexual_attitudes Sexual_ideology article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {77-92}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391417 ; inputdate=2012-03-15 ; editdate=2012-03-15 ; pubdate=2012-03-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {An Investigation of Sexuality-Related Attitudinal Patternsand Characteristics Related to Those Patternsfor 32 European Countries}, volume = 8, year = 2011}@incollection{jeene2013relative, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Jeene, Marjolein and {Oorschot, van}, Wim}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {c3482c87a305a881e7cd1be465d9f7c7}, intrahash = {38d36ee5ef14ae463ae0ca548701e35e}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {95-115}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934536 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The relative deservingness of the unemployed in the eyes of the European public}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{dickes2008social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dickes, Paul and Valentova, Marie and Borsenberger, Monique}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ea127ffef1cf6a0412aef27c0356087a}, intrahash = {f10e9f18c906cacb0812847ad4c41984}, journal = {Statistical Applicata}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {1-16}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4247210 ; inputdate=2010-09-14 ; editdate=2010-09-14 ; pubdate=2010-09-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Social cohesion: Measurement based on the EVS micro-data}, volume = 20, year = 2008}@book{dehart2013religion, abstract = {Religion is back again in Europe after never having been gone. It is manifest in the revival of religious institutions and traditions in former communist countries, in political controversies about the relationship between the church(es) and the state and about the freedom of religion and the freedom to criticize religion, and in public unease about religious minorities. This book is about religion and civil society in Europe. It moves from general theoretical and normative approaches of this relationship, via the examination of national patterns of religion-state relations, to in-depth analyses of the impact of religion and secularization on the values, pro-social attitudes and civic engagement of individuals. It covers Europe from the Lutheran North to the Catholic South, and from the secularized West to the Orthodox East and Islamic South-East with comparative analyses and country studies, concluding with an overall Europe-USA comparison.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dordrecht}, author = {de Hart, Joep and Dekker, Paul and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {864203b3a469932060d486a4f873026f}, intrahash = {27bfa738e6341d45c1bcdcdc316dc50b}, isbn = {978-94-007-6815-4}, keywords = {2013 Comeback_of_Religion_in_Europe EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Help_and_Helping_by_Religion_and_Non_Religion Helping_Values_and_Behavior_across_Europe History_of_Civil_Society Islam_and_Civil_Society Mediatization_of_Religion_and_Politics Political_Participation_of_Muslims_in_Switzerland Religion_and_Civic_Engagement_in_Europe Religion_and_Civic_Engagement_in_the_United_States Religion_and_Civil_Society Religion_and_Civil_Society_in_Russia Religion_and_Morality_in_Contemporary_Europe Religion_in_Italy Religion_in_Latin_countries Religion_in_Postcommunist_Europe Religion_in_Sweden Religion_in_Ukraine Social_Trust_in_Sweden Spiritual_Revolution_in_Denmark State_and_Civil_Society_in_Europe The_Dynamics_of_Civil_Society Vitality_of_Religious_Civil_Society book checked english input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 312, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934386 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and civil society in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{wuermeling2008keineswegs, abstract = {Die Ergebnisse meiner Studie zur Akzeptanz von EU-Grundprinzipienin der Türkei und in der EU sowie die gelieferten Erkl?rungsmodelle für Einstellungsunterschiedezweifelt Kai Arzheimer in diesem Heft an. Dass die Befunde, dieauf Sekund?ranalysen der Europ?ischen Wertestudie beruhen, keinesfalls als "M?rchen" abzutun sind, wie Arzheimer durch seine Fragestellung im Titel andeuten will, werdeich in meiner Antwort auf seinen Kommentar belegen. Vielmehr sind sie Hinweis darauf,dass es noch bedeutende Einstellungsdifferenzen zwischen der Türkei und der EUim Hinblick auf die Unterstützung von EU-Grundprinzipien wie Religionsfreiheit undGleichberechtigung gibt, w?hrend gleichzeitig die türkische ?ffentlichkeit die Demokratieund das Prinzip der Rechtsstaatlichkeit unterstützt. In einem Mehrebenenmodell,das sowohl den kulturellen Kontext als auch den Modernisierungsgrad einbezieht, wurdendie Gründe für eine eventuelle Sonderstellung der Türkei überprüft.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Wuermeling, Frederike}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0aa5133e0f034fd124b0ab14102e9d49}, intrahash = {848c2398dc0defb4b0e45985d3474904}, journal = {K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {136-148}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436449 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Keineswegs ein M?rchen aus Tausend und einer Nacht - Replik auf Kai Arzheimers Kommentar zu meinem Aufsatz "Passt die Türkei zur EU und die EU zu Europa? Eine Mehrebenenanalyse auf der Basis der Europ?ischen Wertestudie"}, volume = 60, year = 2008}@article{stovring2012cultural, abstract = {Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the cultural prerequisites for the creation of social cohesion, with particular reference to Denmark, a nation that has been found to exhibit strong social cohesion.Design/methodology/approach: The different cultural elements that characterize a society with strong cohesion are investigated and an argument is presented as to how cohesion can be conserved.Findings: Culture is understood as a social order based on mainly informal norms. Of these, trust is vital in creating social cohesion. However, trust occurs only under specific conditions, and in this regard the Danish nation, understood as a cultural community, is of interest. There is in Denmark a strong civil society characterized by honesty, reliability, and mutuality, which historically is due to the existence of several civil movements. In contrast to the idea that society can be integrated through policy initiatives, it is proposed that social cohesion occurs precisely because of the existence of a certain culture.Originality/value: The cultural and national aspect of trust is often underestimated in scientific research. The paper shows the value of culture and national community.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {St?vring, Kasper}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1108/01443331211214721}, interhash = {87d8d35eee0f1b69fd02f55d3147cdab}, intrahash = {c122a3aaef9ec05fd1d6988f1dc7ed4e}, issn = {0144-333X}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy}, keywords = {2012 Cultural_sociology Cultural_synergy Denmark EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP National_cultures SCOPUSindexed Society article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {3/4}, pages = {134-152}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938850 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The cultural prerequisites of social cohesion: With special attention to the nation of Denmark}, url = {}, volume = 32, year = 2012}@incollection{voas2009secularization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Voas, David and Doebler, Stefanie}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {31709b92bdf15f0e20e2cd0d1a48937d}, intrahash = {5930a81e0fc2e20eec50153d93d22938}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {231-249}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934528 ; inputdate=2014-04-29 ; editdate=2014-04-29 ; pubdate=2014-04-29}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, study = {EVS1990-2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Secularization in Europe}, url = {}, year = 2009}@article{cohen2012cultural, abstract = {Since 2002, Belgium has had a national law legalising euthanasia. The law prescribes several substantive due care requirements and two procedural due care requirements, i.e. consultation with an independent physician and reporting of euthanasia to a Federal Control Committee. A large discrepancy in reporting rates between the Dutch-speaking (Flanders) and the French-speaking (Wallonia) parts of Belgium has led to speculation about cultural differences affecting the practice of euthanasia in both regions. Using Belgian data from the European Values Study conducted in 2008 among a representative sample of the general public and data from a large-scale mail questionnaire survey on euthanasia of 480 physicians from Flanders and 305 from Wallonia (conducted in 2009), this study presents empirical evidence of differences between both regions in attitudes towards and practice of euthanasia. Acceptance of euthanasia by the general population was found to be slightly higher in Flanders than in Wallonia. Compared with their Flemish counterparts, Walloon physicians held more negative attitudes towards performing euthanasia and towards the reporting obligation, less often labelled hypothetical cases correctly as euthanasia, and less often defined a case of euthanasia having to be reported. A higher proportion of Flemish physicians had received a euthanasia request since the introduction of the law. In cases of a euthanasia request, Walloon physicians consulted less often with an independent physician. Requests were more often granted in Flanders than in Wallonia (51% vs 38%), and performed euthanasia cases were more often reported (73% vs 58%). The study points out some significant differences between Flanders and Wallonia in practice, knowledge and attitudes regarding euthanasia and its legal requirements which are likely to explain the discrepancy between Wallonia and Flanders in the number of euthanasia cases reported. Cultural factors seem to play an important role in the practice of (legal) euthanasia and the extent to which legal safeguards are followed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cohen, Joachim and Wesemael van, Yanna and Smets, Tinne and Bilsen, Johan and Deliens, Luc}, biburl = {}, country = {Belgium}, interhash = {af0e69757803b3adb7624879fb34a157}, intrahash = {88e778556065e57a8cf5ab8b81a1a169}, journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, keywords = {2012 Belgium Cross-cultural_Comparison EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Guideline_adherence Legal Physicians SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Terminal_Care article attitudes checked english euthanasia indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {845-853}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934106 ; inputdate=2014-04-07 ; editdate=2014-04-07 ; pubdate=2014-04-07}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural differences affecting euthanasia practice in Belgium: One law but different attitudes and practices in Flanders and Wallonia}, url = {}, volume = 75, year = 2012}@article{lange2008communist, abstract = {This article studies potential legacy effects of a communistgender order, and in particular the impact on job satisfaction, in five Central and Eastern European labour markets. The empirical basis is derived from a sub-sample of the third wave of the European Values Study. There are substantial differences between male and female employees, some of which appear to reflect the persistent influence of a communist gender order, but several findings also highlight the importance of post-communist experiences. The evolving character of Central and Eastern European gender regimes requires a closer case-study approach to uncover the relationship with job satisfaction in further detail.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lange, Thomas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2f38711bec324e58f55d992f46b8b13a}, intrahash = {fb96e3894e25fca3ded6db6fd9648026}, journal = {European Journal of Industrial Relations}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Gender_Roles ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved inequality input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {327-346}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3607172 ; ISSP_ID=3446 ; inputdate=2009-10-22 ; editdate=2009-10-22 ; pubdate=2009-10-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Communist Legacies, Gender and the Impact on Job Satisfaction in Central and Eastern Europe}, volume = 14, year = 2008}@article{dickes2013construction, abstract = {This paper aims to present a theoretically based, multidimensional and comparable measurement of social cohesion, applicable in 47 European countries/regions using the most recent micro-level data of the European Value Study (EVS) from 2008 that build upon the previous research conducted on the EVS data from 1999 covering 33 countries. The analysis is conducted in five steps. In the first part, we create a set of measurable intermediate indicators that correspond to the social cohesion dimensions suggested by the theory. In the second part, we verify whether these indicators empirically corroborate the multidimensional structure of the concept proposed by the theory. The third part examines whether the obtained intermediate indicators of social cohesion form the same constructs across countries and whether they can yield a cross-country equivalent measure of social cohesion. In the fourth step, composite scores of all dimensions of social cohesion are calculated for all analysed countries/regions. The last step shows a practical application of the obtained indices and compares levels of social cohesion in six broader geographical regions of Europe to demonstrate the applicability of the measurement in comparative research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dickes, Paul and Valentova, Marie}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-012-0116-7}, interhash = {f3c1db6ba8e22b7e973d5ce7842aa8a6}, intrahash = {c7b8877bf8b7eaae5c55d8e1bf451f5d}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2013 Composite_indicators EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP LISREL Measurement_equivalence Multidimensional_scaling SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_cohesion article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {First published online: July 4, 2012, . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {827-846}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934104 ; inputdate=2014-04-07 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-07}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Construction, validation and application of the measurement of social cohesion in 47 European countries and regions}, url = {}, volume = 113, year = 2013}@incollection{holscher2012transnationale, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {G?ttingen}, author = {H?lscher, Michael}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Kulturen der Weltwirtschaft}, editor = {Abelshauser, Werner and Gilgen, Davic and Leutzsc, Andreas}, interhash = {89e25488379d804e039742795705eeb2}, intrahash = {62965744306e69ef3afa52d8d9cea325}, isbn = {978-3-525-36424-6}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {182-201}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934367 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Transnationale Wirtschaftskulturen in Europa : empirische Befunde}, url = {}, year = 2012}@techreport{omahony2010religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {O'Mahony, Eoin}, biburl = {}, institution = {The Council for Research & Development}, interhash = {fef2847f1e16f87fee12c71a0811e3ea}, intrahash = {b323894828c0248cc36388a86320bc11}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4824450 ; inputdate=2011-07-28 ; editdate=2011-07-28 ; pubdate=2011-07-28}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religious Practice and Values in Ireland. A summary of European Values Study 4th wave data}, year = 2010}@article{georgellis2012traditional, abstract = {Using data from the European Values Survey (EVS), we examine the relationship between job and life satisfaction across Europe. We find that for the majority of employees job and life satisfaction are positively correlated, thus supporting the spillover hypothesis, whereby attitudes and practices developed in the life domain spill over into the work domain and vice versa. In contrast, we find little support for the compensation hypothesis, whereby employees who are dissatisfied in one domain seek compensatory rewards in the other domain. However, multivariate analysis reveals that the strength of the interaction between job and life satisfaction is mitigated by cultural values and interpersonal trust, as encapsulated in the ?traditional versus secular values? index reported in the EVS data. We thus find that predictors of the job?life satisfaction relationship vary across cultures and that such cross-cultural variations are systematically related to salient cultural values and beliefs. The latter findings raise important questions about the universal application of existing theories in the subjective well-being arena.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Georgellis, Yannis and Lange, Thomas}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-8551.2011.00753.x}, interhash = {d01b54f65ad6cbb3959b528c87503ad7}, intrahash = {807f81964c0652768035f760a4978cef}, journal = {British Journal of Management}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {237-454}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934859 ; inputdate=2014-05-14 ; editdate=2014-05-14 ; pubdate=2014-05-14}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Traditional versus Secular Values and the Job-Life Satisfaction Relationship Across Europe}, url = {}, volume = 23, year = 2012}@incollection{witte2004european, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Witte, H. de and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Gelissen, J.P.T.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, interhash = {17b21f976704f5aa746ab2c0053e7228}, intrahash = {c090d75f6fde1073c257fc39b88c625f}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {255-279}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256426 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;Self-determination morality?V174: learn children at home: obedience (Q50K)?V164: learn children at home: good manners (Q49A)?V167: learn children at home: feeling of responsiblity (Q49D)?V165: learn children at home: independence (Q49B)work?V77: important in a job: good hours (Q13G)?V79: important in a job: useful for society (Q13I)?V78: important in a job: use initiative (Q13H)?V84: important in a job: interesting job (Q13N)?V72: important in a job: pleasant people (Q13B)?V76: important in a job: respected job (Q13F)?V75: important in a job: chances for promotion (Q13E)?V80: important in a job: generous holidays (Q13J)?V71: important in a job: good pay (Q13A)?V74: important in a job: job security (Q13D)?V81: important in a job: meeting people (Q13K)?V73: important in a job: not too much pressure (Q13C)?V82: important in a job: achieving something (Q13L)?V83: important in a job: responsible job (Q13M)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56);Waves and countries1999/2000?Sweden?Bulgaria?Greece?Netherlands?Hungary?Ukraine?Malta?Russian Federation?Northern Ireland?United Kingdom?Belarus?Estonia?Spain?Romania?Croatia?Latvia?Austria?Italy?Iceland?Ireland?Portugal?Poland?Germany?Luxemburg?Denmark?Belgium?Czech Republic?Slovakia?Finland?France?Slovenia?Lithuania}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {European work orientations at the end of the twentieth century}, year = 2004}@article{marincea2012olympians, abstract = {The study aims to test the concept of Olympianism in order to identify the extent to which it reflects a valid and generalizable attitude among Europeans. The research uses linear regression analysis and statistic correlations by means of which are identified the factors that influence citizens' confidence in the EU, as chosen indicator of Olympianism. The results of the regression are tested through the analysis of Eurobarometer data between 2006 and 2012. The operationalization of the concept is based on the theoretical background and groups the variables found in the literature according to three dimensions: political-institutional, moral-attitudinal and identitarian. The research results show that Olympianism is not an entirely valid concept for the European continent and therefore it needs reconceptualization. Further findings regard the identified divergent and convergent patterns that show different factors which influence people's support of the EU, in relation to their nationality. An essential finding that contradicts one of the main hypotheses in the literature regarding Olympianism is that it is opposed to national consciousness. The research draws on data from the latest European Values Study in 2008. Eight countries are analyzed in comparison to the general, European tendency: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany and Great Britain.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Marincea, Adina}, biburl = {}, interhash = {de1e9fa7970d0504433b73a7dd5218d3}, intrahash = {5be633bc6490af47104e3be01fa25e9a}, journal = {Annals of the University of Oradea. International Relations and European Studies (RISE)}, keywords = {2012 EU_trust EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Olympianism article checked democratic_deficit english globalization indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {151-179}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936720 ; inputdate=2014-08-18 ; editdate=2014-08-18 ; pubdate=2014-08-18}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Who are the Olympians? A Cross-Country Analysis of People's Trust in the EU}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{pichler2009earth, abstract = {abstract: People who see themselves as and feel citizens of the world are oftenregarded as cosmopolitans. Sociology further distinguishes cosmopolitans by a setof particular orientations to the greater world. According to major normativeclaims of cosmopolitan theory, cosmopolitans hold attitudes and beliefs recognizingdiversity. They are also expected to be more open-minded, self-critical andfuture-oriented. Using data from the European Values Study (EVS), the article discussesthe possibilities to operationalize two measurement approaches to cosmopolitanism.The first one, termed the ?identity approach?, is based on self-views asa world citizen and feelings of belonging. The second, labelled ?cosmopolitan orientation?,relates to particular attitudes towards difference. Analyses show thatEVS data on the ?identity approach? are problematic. In a comparative cross-nationalstudy covering 31 European countries, it is found that individual-levelcharacteristics (gender, age, social class, citizenship, etc.) and structural conditions(GDP, sociopolitical regime) impact on the objective measurement of ?cosmopolitanorientation?. The results of a multilevel regression on this measure support theusefulness of approaching cosmopolitanism from a more ?objective? point of view.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Pichler, Florian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {282a8b7dede775b7a85e69e4db84a4d5}, intrahash = {fe63354e7964b9950e691be7702e298e}, journal = {Current Sociology}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cosmopolitanism english europe identity indexproved input2014 multilevel_analysis review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 5, pages = {704-732}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4394516 ; ISSP_ID=2402 ; inputdate=2010-11-26 ; editdate=2010-11-26 ; pubdate=2010-11-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Down to Earth' Cosmopolitanism: Subjective and Objective Measurements of Cosmopolitanism in Survey Research}, volume = 57, year = 2009}@article{ariely2013nationhood, abstract = {This paper examines whether the civic?ethnic framework is indeed relevant for the distinction between Western and Eastern Europe from institutional and public opinion perspectives. Multilevel analysis of data from the last wave of the European Value Study across 45 countries shows that there are indeed dissimilar conceptions of nationhood in the West and in the East. In Eastern Europe there is higher support for the ethnic component than the civic component and there are stronger relations between national identification and the ethnic component. The results indicate that, despite critiques of the civic?ethnic framework, to a certain extent, it reflects a distinction between Western and Eastern Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ariely, Gal}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/15705854.2012.732391}, interhash = {37f4d483072ee2403a760df503d16e92}, intrahash = {54a4424c148f050cc381bb1cab0a829a}, journal = {Perspectives on European Politics and Society}, keywords = {2013 Citizenship_Policy Civic_Identity Cross-national_Comparison EVS EVS_input2014 Ethnic_Identity FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Western_Europe article checked eastern_europe english indexproved input2014 national_identity review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {123-143}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934271 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Nationhood across Europe: the civic-ethnic framework and the distinction between Western and Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2013}@article{noelleneumann1983needs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, interhash = {31a6a977995bba9c961acf5ff9762522}, intrahash = {3052637da5f913aca704fa1ebddd8d6f}, journal = {Encounter}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {72-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280891 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Who Needs a Flag? Thoughts on German Attitudes, New & Old}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 60, year = 1983}@article{davis1999their, abstract = {Through analyses of national surveys of 21 European countries and Israel, the authors test the conventional wisdom in Europe that modernists are to the left of the religiously orthodox on economic justice concerns. Modernists are more individualistic than the orthodox in seeing individuals, not a deity, as responsible for their fates and as the ultimate moral arbiters. The authors hypothesize that modernists are also economically individualistic in believing that the poor or jobless, not the community or state, should solve their own problems. The authors find that on economic concerns, modernists are far more likely to be to the right of the orthodox than to the left.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Davis, N J. and Robinson, R V.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cc5582203dfa670d69437e4003c0f5bf}, intrahash = {45792376e4899de496fbdfb2b0911af2}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 6, pages = {1631-1665}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763879 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25 ; ISSP_ID=4924}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Their Brothers' Keepers? Orthodox Religionists, Modernists, and Economic Justice in Europe}, volume = 104, year = 1999}@article{mandes2013reject, abstract = {Given measures of religious belief and participation, young adults in Poland are becoming increasingly disengaged from the Catholic Church. Broad theories of secularisation are less useful for making sense of this trend than an analysis of the role of Catholicism in Polish society in the twentieth century, which demonstrates the ways in which forms of belief are contingent upon wider social and political transformations. This article argues that, since 1989, attempts by the Catholic Church in Poland to influence public life through conservative social and political interventions have alienated young people who are looking for religious resources with which to make sense of their lives in a rapidly changing social milieu. Alongside disengagement from conservative, propositional forms of Catholic truth and rejection of direct authority, young people still possess "religious capital" and look upon religious ideas to orientate their personal lives. However, disaffection from the propositional truths offered by the Church and disengagement from rituals and practices of "folk Catholicism" at the level of the family and local parish have not led to widespread expressions of atheism among young people. Instead, there is a sacralisation of everyday life and there are attempts to use "religious capital" to help young people make choices for life. The reconfigured "religious capital" is often expressed through diffuse Catholic symbols and sentiment as well as the periodic use of major religious festivals as a means of finding access to some form of collective religious experience. The article concludes by reflecting on the implications of these changes for the future religious landscape of Polish society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mandes, S?awomir and Rogaczewska, Maria}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13537903.2013.783338}, interhash = {927c6708631d2eb2900b8d5fa328f5d4}, intrahash = {dfb55c4ca6eac055b5ac850f9003b6ba}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2013 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {259-276}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935417 ; inputdate=2014-06-22 ; editdate=2014-06-22 ; pubdate=2014-06-22}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {"I don't reject the Catholic Church - the Catholic Church rejects me": How Twenty- and Thirty-somethings in Poland Re-evaluate their Religion}, url = {}, volume = 28, year = 2013}@article{wuermeling2007passt, abstract = {Ob die Türkei zur EU und die EU zu Europa passen, wird an Hand der Einstellungenzu den EU-Grundprinzipien Religionsfreiheit, Demokratie, Gleichberechtigung undRechtsstaatlichkeit gemessen. Als Datengrundlage dient die Europ?ische Wertestudie 2000. Trotzmitunter beachtlicher Varianzen innerhalb der Einstellungen der (EU-)Europ?er weist ein durchgeführterL?ndermittelwertvergleich auf eine deutliche Randstellung der Türkei im europ?ischenReigen hin. Um die Unterschiede aufzukl?ren, werden in einer Mehrebenenanalyse folgende zweiAnnahmen auf der L?nder- und Individualebene überprüft: Nach der Kulturhypothese sollte dieZustimmung zu den Prinzipien der EU mit dem Anteil der Muslime im Land und mit der individuellenReligiosit?t der Menschen sinken. Nach der Modernisierungshypothese sollte die Zustimmungzu den Prinzipien der EU mit dem Brutto-Inlandsprodukt pro Kopf und mit dem Bildungsgradund der Urbanisierung der Menschen steigen. Beide Hypothesen konnten sowohl auf derL?nder- als auch auf der Personenebene im Wesentlichen bewahrt werden. Ein Vergleich der relativenEffektst?rken auf der L?nderebene ergab, dass der Modernisierungseffekt in Bezug auf die Unterstützungvon Religionsfreiheit und Demokratie mehr als doppelt so stark ist wie der Einflussvom Muslimanteil. In Bezug auf die Unterstützung der Gleichberechtigung ist allerdings der Muslimanteilim Land erkl?rungskr?ftiger.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Wuermeling, Frederike}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5c7629b52271bed14b919b2218a4a7b6}, intrahash = {832f0d4552d4c32a06353881fed27df9}, journal = {K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {185-214}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5391414 ; inputdate=2012-03-15 ; editdate=2012-03-15 ; pubdate=2012-03-15}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Passt die Türkei zur EU und die EU zu Europa? Eine Mehrebenenanalyse auf der Basis der Europ?ischen Wertestudie}, volume = 59, year = 2007}@book{faheytony2005conflict, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {{Fahey, Tony} and {Hayes, Bernadette C.} and {Sinnott, Richard}}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5008cb87ca2cfa4fb20edb95942ec335}, intrahash = {69af4b01420585f9ae521b1fad210b94}, isbn = {978-9004145849, 9004145842}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 306, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763918 ; ISSP_ID=2674 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Institute of Public Administration}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Conflict and consensus: a study of values and attitudes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland}, year = 2005}@article{adam2008mapping, abstract = {Two sets of issues are elaborated and reflected on. The first one concerns thedistribution of stocks of social capital across European (EU) nations. Using theconventional proxies like trust and associational involvement on the basis of data fromcross-national surveys (European Values Study and European Social Survey as well asfrom Eurobarometer), the main tentative trends and patterns are outlined. The second setof issues refers to the quality and credibility of data. Concerning the first issue, it ispossible to speak of four groups of countries with regard to the distribution of social capitalat the European level. In contrast to authors who argue that there are no large differencesin mean scores across the national patterns, this analysis arrived at more differentiatedconclusions. Between the first and fourth groups, a very clear borderline can be drawn,while differences between the second and third groups are not so pronounced. In the contextof the thematizing and critical reflection of the validity and comparability of theempirical evidence, some errors and inconsistencies were found. It seems that they appearedin part due to the inappropriate technical design of cross-national surveys and in partbecause of the countries-specific semantic-cultural as well as institutional factors, whichdid receive much attention either in the stage of preparing and conducting the survey or inthe phase of interpreting and generalizing of the data.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Adam, Frane}, biburl = {}, interhash = {533d724f07fdd4f967f5b5617db9b987}, intrahash = {47ecbf9ae509506927b5b1f88d6e8a61}, journal = {Social Science Information}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {159-186}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436456 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Mapping social capital across Europe: findings, trends and methodological shortcomings of cross-national surveys}, volume = 47, year = 2008}@article{you2012social, abstract = {This article explores whether homogeneity or fairness better explains generalized interpersonal trust across countries. Although some research suggests that ethnic diversity and income heterogeneity have a negative impact on social trust, I argue that cross-national variations in social trust are better explained by fairness: fair procedural rules (democracy), fair administration of rules (freedom from corruption), and fair income distribution (relatively equal but also unskewed). This expectation is confirmed by a multilevel analysis of data from the World Values Surveys and European Values Study covering 170,000 individuals in 80 countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {You, Jong-sung}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9221.2012.00893.x}, interhash = {bc7783ef84aef4d083d5fb0a68d8fa01}, intrahash = {3c0966c3eca9950ed0db0541a31b2f0e}, journal = {Political Psychology}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Fairness Generalized_Interpersonal_Trust Heterogenity Homogenity Multilevel_Analysis SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_Trust article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {701-721}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934270 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social trust : fairness matters more than homogeneity}, url = {}, volume = 33, year = 2012}@article{yelensky2010religiosity, abstract = {There are no reliable statistics on the religiosity of Ukrainians in the 1960s, 1970s and1980s. Soviet literature consistently insisted that most young people in the SovietUnion did not have religious beliefs and were not practising believers, but even suchempirical data as are available allow us to cast doubt on this (see for example Fletcher,1981, pp. 14?15, 211?13). Research on religion in Soviet times was unreliable. In onereport, for example (Konkretnyye, 1967, pp. 63?83), the authors avoided generalisingabout the level of religiosity in the USSR and evidently tried to conceal theimplications of their data. In Belorussia the survey made a detailed study of thedemographic structure of what it termed the ?religious contingent?, but did not revealwhat percentage this comprised of the 10,000 people questioned in five of the sixoblasti of the republic. It also conducted a study in five oblasti of Ukraine. Among3123 young respondents polled in four Ukrainian oblasti in 1983 only 8 per centidentified themselves as non-believers (Belov, 1983, p. 68).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Yelensky, Viktor}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d989cc73e9783c5e8cb8963019e58f9c}, intrahash = {85de6cef0497a3d00be2877ffa653e87}, journal = {State and society}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity Ukraine article beliefs checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religions review_proved reviewed social_dynamics values youth}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {213-227}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4394524 ; inputdate=2010-11-26 ; editdate=2010-11-26 ; pubdate=2010-11-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity in Ukraine according to Sociological Surveys}, volume = 38, year = 2010}@article{wright2013cloth, abstract = {An oft-made claim is that national identity (NI) can function as social glue underpinning public support for the welfare state by encouraging the identification with co-nationals essential for redistribution. Empirical tests have largely ignored the possibility that the relationship depends on the kind of NI people hold, that various dimensions of welfare support are shaped by NI differently, and that these relationships depend on demographic context. Analyzing the European Values Study's 2008 wave, we find ample evidence that these distinctions matter: ethnic conceptions of NI are linked to general welfare state support, whereas civic and cultural ones are not. Moreover, all three national self-conceptions induce welfare chauvinism against immigrants, albeit to varying degrees, an effect that strengthens as immigrant diversity increases. Ultimately, we find nothing to suggest that NI can sustain public support for redistribution in an ever-diversifying age, and much to the contrary.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Wright, Matthew and Reeskens, Tim}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/13501763.2013.800796}, interhash = {448423529ec8d8898370728f5d010024}, intrahash = {fe18f5f666e1c8ad856b4b7ff3d2174d}, journal = {Journal of European Public Policy}, keywords = {2013 Diversity EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity public_opinion review_proved reviewed welfare_chauvinism welfare_support}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {1443-1463}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934369 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Of what cloth are the ties that bind? National identity and support for the welfare state across 29 European countries}, url = {}, volume = 20, year = 2013}@article{lambert2004classe, abstract = {Since the articles by Pierre Bréchon, Sinisa Zrinscak et Chantal Saint-Blancat are so rich, I am simply going to add two things: (1) first, to discuss how and why differences of age or generation have come to have a dominant effect on religion from the end of the 1960s in Western and, a little later apparently, in Eastern Europe, and (2) to clarify present-day religious changes among young people.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {137d61764e73e160639e92e370e06b10}, intrahash = {187e55ea7f78a8248cfdafa6da7c2e15}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2004 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked europe french generation indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed youth}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {249-254}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936433 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {De La Classe Sociale à La Génération Comme Facteur Principal De Différenciation Des Attitudes Religieuses}, url = {}, volume = 51, year = 2004}@article{dompnier2012durably, abstract = {From 1981 to today, diffuse support for democratic principles has remained stable with high scores, whereas support for specific forms of democracy has been much lower and largely dependent on the year considered. On the basis of the four waves of the French European Values Study data (from 1981 to 2008), this article investigates the influence of different political factors on attachment or support for democracy by testing three different hypotheses: first, the level and the type of politicization affects opinions on democracy. Second, high expectations of democracy negatively affect specific support for democracy. Third, the "losers' consent" effect means that political opposition to the government turns into dissatisfaction with democracy but does not affect support for general democratic principles. Our results partly confirm the first two hypotheses and provide evidence that the losers' consent effect is a relevant factor to explain variations in specific forms of support for democracy.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dompnier, Nathalie and Berton, R Magni}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ae3c0b3adfcbb1fcb57271b43a3440f2}, intrahash = {962f2468d449616949fc403e3f775a0a}, journal = {French Politics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 European_values_study FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked democracy france french indexproved input2014 losers?_consent public_opinion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {323-344}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938475 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {How durably do people accept democracy? Politicization, political attitudes and losers' consent in France}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2012}@article{siegers2013reincarnation, abstract = {Comparing frequency of belief in reincarnation from different international survey projects (RAMP, EVS, ISSP) reveals differences of about 15 to 20 percent depending on the specific question format. If single binary questions are used, then belief in reincarnation is more often reported than if a forced-choice question is used which offers respondents alternatives to belief in reincarnation (e.g. resurrection). One possible explanation for this result is that respondents confuse reincarnation and resurrection if a binary item is used. If this is true, then empirical studies on religious individualization would be flawed because they use belief in reincarnation as an indicator for holistic beliefs such as New Age spirituality, post-Christian spirituality and subjective life spirituality.Using a two stage question on beliefs about the afterlife that combines a binary rating procedure (1. stage) with a reduced forced-choice design (2. stage) allows analysis of whether respondents systematically confuse reincarnation and resurrection. Moreover, analysing associations with other variables on religious beliefs allows testing if consistent patterns of belief emerge.The data provide little evidence that respondents confuse resurrection and reincarnation. Rather, they reveal a high level of uncertainty about belief in the afterlife. To conclude, the paper suggests some recommendations on how belief in reincarnation should be used as an indicator for holistic beliefs.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Siegers, Pascal}, biburl = {}, interhash = {98c559ed7f437a9bbb18dc18db16d70e}, intrahash = {ee7e809dde2c0969d01d3865f8597557}, journal = {Survey Methods: Insights from the Field}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP2008 ISSP_input2014 article belief_in_reincarnation checked english forched-choice indexproved input2014 noindex question_format review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-11}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934323 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, study = {EVS1999-2008, ISSP2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Reincarnation Revisited. Question format and the distribution of belief in reincarnation in survey research}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{tomka2004comparing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion and patterns of social transformation}, editor = {Marinovic Jerolimov, Dinka and Zrinscak, Sinisa and Borowik, Irena}, interhash = {a57ed0db1a656f4a47bc2c3e2792151c}, intrahash = {62c0c90a1d59a947db2a527b011bb3fd}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {49-69}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281169 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institute for Social Research}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Comparing Countries by their Religiosity in Eastern Europe}, year = 2004}@book{norris2004sacred, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Norris, P. and Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b272a43a7148ab792ce4b2f476d3f380}, intrahash = {b3244e7e9b91b8f868cb0ac059cd2b57}, isbn = {978-0521548724}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Politics book checked english input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 348, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776702 ; ISSP_ID=5359 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Cambridge University press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Sacred and secular: religion and politics worldwide}, year = 2004}@incollection{rooijde2013conventional, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {{Rooij, de}, Eline and Reeskens, Tim}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {185ffa7ea4fef3c2c39209510ca53743}, intrahash = {ee96be88d687ccdac53d13f8a682562c}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {185-211}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934540 ; inputdate=2014-04-29 ; editdate=2014-04-29 ; pubdate=2014-04-29}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Conventional and unconventional political participation}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{reeskens2013nationalism, abstract = {A spate of work has demonstrated tensions between ethno-cultural diversity and social capital. Some have suggested that attachment to the nation can foster cross-group trust, particularly if this national self-definition is ?civic? in character rather than ?ethnic? (the Miller thesis). Similarly, others have argued that civic nations are less likely to suffer reduced social capital in response to increased diversity, as the sense of threat that typically emerges in ethnically diverse contexts will be mitigated (the Putnam thesis). The authors test these hypotheses on 27 countries using both contextual-level data and the latest wave of the European Values Study (2008). Though the evidence is mixed on civic nationalism, the authors find strong evidence that ethnic nationalism goes hand-in-hand with reduced social capital and that it increases the negative social impact of diversity. So although this study only partially confirms the benefits of civic nationalism, it clearly underlines the costs of its ethnic variety.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Reeskens, Tim and Wright, Matthew}, biburl = {}, interhash = {80ccb2d13f4af54e0a2a6dff08be8dc9}, intrahash = {7df2bd27323e6285f9708c4dd3038689}, journal = {Comparative Political Studies}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Ethno-cultural_diversity FDZ_IUP Multilevel_analysis Nationalism SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {153-181}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934330 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Nationalism and the Cohesive Society: A Multilevel Analysis of the Interplay Among Diversity, National Identity, and Social Capital across 27 European Societies}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2013}@article{kankaras2012crossnational, abstract = {Minorities' attitudes can be compared to attitudes of fellow citizen within the host country as well as to attitudes of the motherland. Given the heterogeneity of Luxembourg's minority groups, this country is a relevant example case in which the comparison needs to involve answering a two-folded question. First, the authors analyze the level of measurement equivalence, that is, the extent to which different groups can be compared. Second, the authors examine whether ethnic-cultural groups within Luxembourg resemble citizens from their native country more than their country of residence. Using European Values Study (EVS) data from 2008 the authors demonstrate different types of outcomes. Results indicate that cultural background is more important than national context in the case of culturally more distant minorities to Luxembourg's resident population and that national setting is the prevailing factor when minorities are from neighboring countries. The effect of a common national setting is also important with regards to the issue of measurement equivalence, where it contributes to greater comparability of intranational, cross-ethnic comparisons.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kankara?, Milo? and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/1069397112440945}, interhash = {8aff613db277eef634ab7e4a1292e5fa}, intrahash = {5938631ac07c09a89f9ddacb815aaaeb}, journal = {Cross-Cultural Research}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Luxembourg SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked cross-cultural_comparison english ethnic_minorities indexproved input2014 measurement_equivalence review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {224-254}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934158 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-National and Cross-Ethnic Differences in Attitudes: A Case of Luxembourg}, url = {}, volume = 46, year = 2012}@techreport{bryan2013regression, abstract = {Cross-national differences in outcomes are often analysed using regression analysis of multilevel country datasets, examples of which include the ECHP, ESS, EU-SILC, EVS, ISSP, and SHARE. We review the regression methods applicable to this data structure, pointing out problems with the assessment of country-level factors that appear not to be widely appreciated, and illustrate our arguments using Monte-Carlo simulations and analysis of women's employment probabilities and work hours using EU SILC data. With large sample sizes of individuals within each country but a small number of countries, analysts can reliably estimate individual-level effects within each country but estimates of parameters summarising country effects are likely to be unreliable. Multilevel (hierarchical) modelling methods are commonly used in this context but they are no panacea.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bryan, M L. and Jenkins, S P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f392e53ab52369412688cebb979ec2be}, intrahash = {84f894b4fdda91395bef0d7346f19260}, keywords = {2013 Country_effects Cross-national_comparisons EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Multilevel_modelling checked english input2014 techreport}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 81, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934291 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15 ; ISSP_ID=2091}, series = {IZA Discussion Paper}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Regression Analysis of Country Effects Using Multilevel Data: A Cautionary Tale}, url = {}, volume = 7583, year = 2013}@incollection{poirier2011state, abstract = {Religion is becoming increasingly important to the study of political science and to re-examine key concepts, such as democracy, securitization, foreign policy analysis, and international relations.The secularization of Europe is often understood according to the concept of "multiple modernities" - the idea that there may be several roads to modernity, which do not all mean the eradication of religion. This framework provides support for the view that different traditions, societies and groups can come to terms with the components of modernity (capitalism, democracy, human rights, science and reason) while keeping in touch with their religious background, faith and practice.Contributors examine the interaction between EU-integration processes and Western European countries, such as Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Austria, Scandinavia, Italy, and the UK, and shine fresh light on the economic and cultural contexts brought about by relationships between politics and religion, including immigrant religions and new religious movements. This volume combines theoretical perspectives from political sociology and international relations to consider the role of religion as a source of power, identity and ethics in institutions and societies.Politics of Religion in Western Europe will be of interest to scholars of politics, religion, the European Union and political sociology.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxon / New York}, author = {Poirier, Philippe}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Politics of Religion in Western Europe: Modernities in conflict?}, editor = {Foret, Fran?ois and It?aina, Xabier}, interhash = {fbaf5535430e4463aaa1ce1aaac7462b}, intrahash = {a5d0e8fd0a1f6f97376207ea89adeae9}, isbn = {978-0-415-59534-6}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {170-186}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938635 ; inputdate=2014-11-11 ; editdate=2014-11-11 ; pubdate=2014-11-11}, publisher = {Routedge}, series = {Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {State and religions in Luxembourg: A 'reconciled' and 'secularized' democracy}, url = {}, year = 2011}@article{krajnc2012protest, abstract = {In the recent decades protest participation has become most widely accepted and practiced form of citizen engagement in western democracies. Many researchers believe protest participation is crucial for democracy to be consolidated and effective, and previous studies have shown that protest participation is one of the main characteristics of a democratic public. Though protest is on the increase in western democracies, it declined in postcommunist democracies from 1990 to 2000. The bulk of participation research still comes from western countries and less is known about participation patterns of postcommunist and especially post-Yugoslav citizens. More importantly, previous cross-national studies have mostly not dealt with the motivations behind protest participation in post-Yugoslav countries. The aim of our research was twofold: firstly, we compared levels of protest participation (signing petitions, joining in boycotts, and attending lawful/peaceful demonstrations) in three regions: seven post-Yugoslav countries (BiH, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia), seventeen established EU democracies, and nine East-Central European EU member states. Secondly, we analyzed the relationship between protest participation and prodemocratic political culture (i.e. democracy index consisting of items indicating acceptance of democracy and rejecting authoritarian rule) in all three regions. We employed the newest (2008) wave of European Values Study, which consists of representative national surveys. The results indicated that post-Yugoslav population is almost as protest oriented (Mprotest = 1.89) as citizens in western countries (M = 1.93), and significantly more than ECE EU member states (M = 1.55). Interestingly, within post-Yugoslav countries, citizens of Kosovo and Macedonia report the highest levels of protest potential. The results also showed that protest participation is positively and statistically significantly associated with prodemocratic orientations in all three regions, as well as within all seven post-Yugoslav national samples. If Europeanization of West Balkan countries is understood in terms of their populations taking part in elite-challenging behaviour (e.g. protest participation) motivated by pro-democratic orientations, then all no "keeps them out", democratic protests might follow shortly, if, of course, pro-EU membership attitudes will be present in six post-Yugoslav countries at the critical times in the future. Implications of the results and future research suggestions are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Krajnc, Tavcar and Flere, Sergej and Kirbi?, Andrej}, biburl = {}, interhash = {871eee747a6c40ca4b79b43943cf10ef}, intrahash = {ef38359550811e8dba61741bfaabeee5}, journal = {The Western Balkans Policy Review}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Protest_participation article checked cross-national_studies english indexproved input2014 noindex political_culture post-Yugoslav_states post-communist_states review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {95-117}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938478 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is Protest Participation in Post-Yugoslav Countries Motivated by Pro-democratic Political Culture? A Cross-National Study}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2012}@article{reeskens2013those, abstract = {As comparative research has repeatedly demonstrated that societies where people trust each other more easily are better able to generate a series of positive externalities, the study of generalized trust has taken pandemic forms. However, critical voices have warned that the levels of trust (the intensity to cooperate) are conceptually different from the radius of trust (with whom you would cooperate) (Fukuyama in Trust. The social virtues and the creation of prosperity. Free Press, New York, 1995). In this article, the classic trust question, i.e. whether ?most people can be trusted or whether you cannot be too careful,? is brought in relation with tolerance towards cultural minorities, people with deviant behavior, and political extremists, as surveyed in the 2008 wave of the European Values Study. The results point to a hierarchy in social tolerance, furthermore indicating that while ?trusters? are more inclusive towards cultural minorities and people with deviant behavior, they are not substantially more tolerant towards extremist political voices compared to ?distrusters?. Also, the radius of trust is context dependent, with especially economic modernization determining how wide the radius of trust is. We relate the findings of this study with recent research outcomes and implications for trust research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Reeskens, Tim}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9a41e7e2d32416b0b9e6b33abe2fa030}, intrahash = {35cb3870f75d151af87906998387a866}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2013 Cross-national_analysis EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Generalized_trust Modernization Radius_of_trust SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {703-722}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934329 ; inputdate=2014-04-17 ; editdate=2014-04-17 ; pubdate=2014-04-17}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {But Who Are Those 'Most People' That Can Be Trusted? Evaluating the Radius of Trust Across 29 European Societies}, url = {}, volume = 114, year = 2013}@article{stavrova2014religious, abstract = {The question of whether religiosity is linked to prosocial behavior is currently hotly debated in psychology. This research contributes to this debate by showing that the nature of individuals' religious orientations and their relationships to prosociality depend on their country's social enforcement of religiosity. Our analyses of data from more than 70 countries indicate that in countries with no social pressure to follow a religion, religious individuals are more likely to endorse an intrinsic religious orientation (Study 1), engage in charity work (Study 2), disapprove of lying in their own interests (Study 3), and are less likely to engage in fraudulent behaviors (Study 4) compared with non-religious individuals. Ironically, in secular contexts, religious individuals are also more likely to condemn certain moral choices than non-religious individuals (Study 2). These effects of religiosity substantially weaken (and ultimately disappear) with increasing national levels of social enforcement of religiosity.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stavrova, Olga and Siegers, Pascal}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1177/0146167213510951}, interhash = {f9280545ad1690e4f234f84cbad8aae3}, intrahash = {b8fcf38c26a5de4f141b69e5775db2b1}, journal = {Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Religiosity SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked culture english indexproved input2014 moral_attitudes prosocial_and_antisocial_behavior review_proved reviewed self-determination_theory}, note = {First published online: November 11, 2013, . (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {315-333}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935288 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Prosociality and Morality Across Cultures: How Social Enforcement of Religion Shapes the Effects of Personal Religiosity on Prosocial and Moral Attitudes and Behaviors}, url = {}, volume = 40, year = 2014}@article{dong2012conditional, abstract = {In this paper we discuss whether corruption is contagious and whether conditional cooperation matters. We use the notion of "conditional corruption" for these effects. We analyze whether the justifiability to be corrupt is influenced by the perceived activities of others. Moreover, we also explore whether - and to what extent - group dynamics or socialization and past experiences affect corruption. We present evidence using two data sets at the micro level and a large macro level international panel data set. The results indicate that the willingness to engage in corruption is influenced by the perceived activities of peers and other individuals. Moreover, the panel data set at the macro level indicates that the past level of corruption has a strong impact on the current corruption level.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dong, Bin and Dulleck, Uwe and Torgler, Benno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f6619a4ec034a4cbecdf9b11d8ee137d}, intrahash = {1fab7805ea46b50d60fea61cd0759c25}, journal = {Journal of Economic Psychology}, keywords = {2012 Conditional_cooperation Contagion_effect EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Interdependent_preferences SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked corruption english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {609-627}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935505 ; inputdate=2014-06-25 ; editdate=2014-06-25 ; pubdate=2014-06-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Conditional Corruption}, url = {}, volume = 33, year = 2012}@phdthesis{foldary2004relation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest}, annotation = {Published by Corvinus University, Budapest}, author = {F?ldàry, Mònika}, biburl = {}, interhash = {28f94f0c7d07ee11c7a308e92d498606}, intrahash = {fc0c9163ae8e545d0525b8ed1f5a54eb}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281009 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, school = {Corvinus University}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Relation of religiousness and values in various age groups of the Hungarian society}, type = {Ph.D. thesis}, year = 2004}@incollection{nikodem2012croatias, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Farnham}, author = {Nikodem, Krunoslav and Zrin??ak, Sini?a}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The social significance of religion in the enlarged Europe}, editor = {Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf and Pickel, Gert}, interhash = {27a82fb0a089b07ebf08e63c0cd40f06}, intrahash = {46549db7d8e29536466bcc0f69264515}, isbn = {978-1-4094-2621-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {207-227}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934368 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Ashgate}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Croatia's religious story : the coexistence of instituionalized and individualized religiosity}, year = 2012}@article{voicu2014cultures, abstract = {This article explains the variation in the life satisfaction of international migrants across Europe using the idea of the cultural embeddedness of subjective well-being, expressed in various approaches such as social comparison theory, the Easterlin paradox and Cummins' (2003) assumption of normativeness. The authors claim that immigrants' levels of life satisfaction will be the subject of a dual contextuality. First, the cultural heritage of the country of origin has a pervasive influence long after migration. Second, a permanent upward adjustment is likely to occur toward the average level of life satisfaction in the country of current residence. Additional interaction effects, namely the impact of cultural distance and exposure to the two relevant cultures, are also considered. For testing, the authors employ multilevel cross-classified models on data from the 2008 wave of the European Values Study. The findings indicate that both origin and host societies provide relevant contextual frameworks and mould immigrants' life satisfaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan and Vasile, Marian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9559d9e8b3e99e95320e1533b3220771}, intrahash = {7ce3c09d96e8e4c90047d530728f983f}, journal = {Current Sociology}, keywords = {2014 Cross-classified_multilevel_models Cultures_of_life_satisfaction Dual_contextuality EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP International_migration SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {81-99}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934364 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, study = {EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do 'cultures of life satisfaction' travel?}, url = {}, volume = 62, year = 2014}@article{grotsch2012integration, abstract = {Since the founding of the European Union, religion has become an increasingly important aspect in shaping European identity and thereby social cohesion in Europe. Social cohesion depends to a high degree on a successfully established distinction between "us" and "them". Religion became one important marker of such boundaries. However, religion works both as an individual-level and an EU-level property. In order to take religion into consideration on the level of individual religiousness and as an institutionalised framework, we combine an analysis of key documents of the European Commission with a quantitative analysis of individual attitudes towards Europe. This combination of methods enables us to track the "discovery of religion" by the European Commission as a means for social cohesion and the potential of religion to create Europeanness among the EU-citizens. We focus on the crucial period between 1990 and 2000 in which the major system transformation from EEC to EU took place. The quantitative analysis is conducted as a multi-level analysis on the basis of the European Value Survey 1990 and 2000. The data reveal that in fact over a 10-year period, the European integration project has begun to evolve towards an identity project with religion as a key factor on both levels.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gr?tsch, Florian and Schnabel, Annette}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2012.709532}, interhash = {f68e0f033a984a4e07edef5afef80bf7}, intrahash = {040d893ed52d61b13e673740ead5094a}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english european_integration indexproved input2014 multi-level_modelling religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {586-610}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935685 ; inputdate=2014-07-04 ; editdate=2014-07-04 ; pubdate=2014-07-04}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Integration - What integration? The religious framing of the European integration process between 1990 and 2000}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2012}@incollection{sammet2012modernisation, abstract = {In the course of social modernisation processes, religiosity and church attendance as well as denominational affiliation have ? in Europe, at least ? declined in many countries (see Müller 2009; Pickel 2009; Berger/Davie/Fokas 2008). This applies to a lesser extent for women: in empirical studies, they demonstrate almost universally higher values than men in terms of church affiliation and attendance, but also of subjective religiosity. These findings are often considered to be due to the fact that women are affected to a supposedly lesser degree by social modernisation. This would imply that integrating them more into modernisation processes would cause religiosity to decrease among women as well. Inglehart and Norris argue, for example, that ?the transformation in women?s lives in modern societies during the twentieth century, generated by widening opportunities in education, the workforce, and public affairs and changes in families, the home, and modern lifestyles, has contributed to this dramatic decline in religiosity? (Inglehart/Norris 2005: 57).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Sammet, Kornelia and Bergelt, Daniel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Transformations of Religiosity: Religion and Religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989-2010}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-93326-9_4}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, interhash = {4145fadd35e77cf6a1844017a7e5490a}, intrahash = {d310950a7f40c6436d4808756e62d87d}, isbn = {978-3-531-17540-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {69-64}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934371 ; ISSP_ID=1901 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Springer VS}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The Modernisation of Gender Relations and Religion: Comparative Analysis of Secularization Processes}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{minagawa2013inequalities, abstract = {Compared to the large body of research on mortality differentials between East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, little attention has been paid to how overall population health status differs between these two country groups. This article investigates disparities in population health, measured by healthy life expectancy (HLE) between ages 20 and 74, for 23 Eastern European countries in 2008. There are substantial disparities in partial HLE between East Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, amounting to differences of 10 years on average for men and women. In addition, factors reflecting the malfunction of existing social structure are inversely associated with partial HLE. Accordingly, populations in countries where corruption, restriction of freedom, and violence are prevalent spend fewer years in good health.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Minagawa, Yuka}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1728-4457.2013.00632.x}, interhash = {33f17add5256b246bee6c7f34e2aabed}, intrahash = {17b462d98531706996a22b6ecd7ddd5e}, journal = {Population and Development Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {649-671}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939310 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Inequalities in Healthy Life Expectancy in Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 39, year = 2013}@article{gonthier2007modle, abstract = {RéSUMé. ? Le modèle de l?égalité méritocratique des chances est d?abord interrogé du point de vue de sa validité interne : la combinaison entre égalité des chances sociales et mérite est-elle susceptible de composer un modèle normatif intrinsèquement cohérent ? Il est ensuite interrogé du point de vue de sa validité externe : est-il adéquat pour rendre compte des perceptions et des représentations de la justice sociale, telles qu?elles peuvent être observées à partir de deux enquêtes internationales (EVS, 1999 ; ISSP - Inégalités sociales, 1999) ? On peut ainsi évaluer, par extension, dans quelle mesure le modèle libéral de l?équité et le modèle culturaliste de la reconnaissance s?introduisent comme des modèles de justice sociale alternatifs ou, de fa?on plus nuancée, comme des modes de régulation fonctionnelle des contingences inhérentes au modèle de l?égalité méritocratique des chances.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b9a793b1fd574011f8096addf2f46a24}, intrahash = {0c5a8ac44865e685c35f3c7790f0c2d1}, journal = {L' Année Sociologique}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {151-176}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936379 ; inputdate=2014-08-01 ; editdate=2014-08-01 ; pubdate=2014-08-01}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Le modèle de l'égalité méritocratique des chances: entre abstractiondémocratique et réalisme sociologique}, url = {}, volume = 57, year = 2007}@article{verbakel2010comparative, abstract = {This study explores explanations for the approval of euthanasia by assessing differences among individuals and countries, using four main arguments used by opponents and proponents in the public debate over euthanasia. We performed multilevel analysis on data from thirty-three countries, obtained from the European Values Study 1999/2000 and the World Values Survey 2000; we enriched these data with country-specific information. First, our results supported the hypothesis based on the religion argument: religious people and people living in a religious context are more strongly opposed to euthanasia. In addition, Protestants and people living in Protestant countries have more favorable attitudes toward euthanasia than do Catholics and people living in Catholic countries. Second, we found support for the hypothesis derived from the slippery slope argument: fear that euthanasia will be abused resulted in people from vulnerable groups and people living in countries with low-responsive health care systems being more opposed to euthanasia. Third, as the autonomy-hypothesis predicted, highly educated people and people who highly value autonomy as well as people living in a country with a stronger than average attachment to autonomy show a more favorable attitude toward euthanasia. Fourth, while the death with dignity argument predicts that people who witness unbearable suffering in their personal or national environment are more favorable toward euthanasia, our results show only weak support. Furthermore, cross-level interaction tests showed that national contexts are, to some extent, able to decrease the differences between groups in society in terms of their response to euthanasia.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Verbakel, E. and Jaspers, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ec444440dad6873e7982dc67e618718c}, intrahash = {e6b8373a8cc2d02930d3241935d41dd4}, journal = {Public Opinion Quarterly}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {109-139}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763888 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2010-01-25;autonomy?V100: good and evil: clear/no clear guidelines (Q21)Euthanasia?V235: do you justify: euthanasia (Q65K)religiosity?V115: do you believe in: God (Q30A)?V118: do you believe in: heaven (Q30D)?V6: how important in your life: religion (Q1F)?V124: do you get comfort and strength from religion (Q34)?V117: do you believe in: hell (Q30C)?V123: how important is God in your life (Q33)?V119: do you believe in: sin (Q30E)?V116: do you believe in: life after death (Q30B)?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)control over life?V67: how much control over your life (Q9)denomination?V101: do you belong to a religious denomination (Q22)?V102: which religious denomination do you belong to (Q23);Waves and countries1999/2000?Sweden?Latvia?Portugal?Italy?Malta?Austria?Bulgaria?Russian Federation?Turkey?France?Poland?Slovakia?Romania?Luxemburg?Iceland?Czech Republic?Denmark?Hungary?Lithuania?Slovenia?United Kingdom?Belarus?Germany?Finland?Estonia?Belgium?Spain?Netherlands?Ukraine?Ireland?Croatia}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {A Comparative Study on Permissiveness Toward Euthanasia: Religiosity, Slippery Slope, Autonomy, and Death with Dignity}, volume = 74, year = 2010}@article{kaufmann2012secularization, abstract = {Much of the current debate over secularization in Europe focuses only on the direction of religious change and pays exclusive attention to social causes. Scholars have been less attentive to shifts in the rate of religious decline and to the role of demography notably fertility and immigration. This article addresses both phenomena. It uses data from the European Values Surveys and European Social Survey for the period 1981-2008 to establish basic trends in religious attendance and belief across the 10 countries that have been consistently surveyed. These show that religious decline is mainly occurring in Catholic European countries and has effectively ceased among post-1945 birth cohorts in six Northwestern European societies where secularization began early. It also provides a cohort-component projection of religious affiliation for two European countries using fertility, migration, switching, and age and sex-structure parameters derived from census and immigration data. These suggest that Western Europe may be more religious at the end of our century than at its beginning.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kaufmann, Eric and Goujon, Anne and Skirbekk, Vegard}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d4778a89f2aaca1c372fb9b001199558}, intrahash = {8b49804c0b9d93eb11d556c8efc38960}, journal = {Sociology of Religion}, keywords = {2012 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Secularization Western_Europe article checked demography demography_and_ecology english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {69-91}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935306 ; inputdate=2014-06-14 ; editdate=2014-06-14 ; pubdate=2014-06-14 ; ISSP_ID=2302}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The End of Secularization in Europe? A Socio-Demographic Perspective}, url = {}, volume = 73, year = 2012}@article{sarracino2014richer, abstract = {The worrying decline of social capital (Putnam in Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community. Simon and Schuster, New York, 2000) and the disappointing trends of subjective well-being characterising the US (Easterlin in Nations and households in economic growth. Academic Press, New York, 1974; Easterlin and Angelescu in Happiness and growth the world over: time series evidence on the happiness-income paradox, 2009; Easterlin et al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci 107:22463?22468, 2010) raise urgent questions for modern societies: is the erosion of social capital a feature of the more developed and richer countries or is it rather a characteristic aspect of the American society? To test the hypothesis that the erosion of social capital and declining well-being are not a common feature of richer countries, present work focuses on Luxembourg. The main results are: (1) the erosion of social capital is not a legacy of the richest countries in the world; (2) between 1999 and 2008, people in Luxembourg experienced a substantial increase in almost every proxy of social capital; (3) both endowments and trends of social capital and subjective well-being differ significantly within the population. Migrants participate less in social relationships and report lower levels of well-being; (4) the positive relationship between trends of subjective well-being and social capital found in previous literature is confirmed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sarracino, Francesco}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10789, doi:10.4232/1.11004}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-012-0223-5}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811, ZA4800}, interhash = {a6df5dd517275f9ced0f3c5bcf28ae97}, intrahash = {afa571e9b88fd930b3112f6e79714e1e}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Easterlin_Paradox Economic_development FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {561-622}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938901 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, study = {EVS1999, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Richer in Money, Poorer in Relationships and Unhappy? Time Series Comparisons of Social Capital and Well-Being in Luxembourg}, url = {}, volume = 115, year = 2014}@article{sieben2013permissiveness, abstract = {In this study, we assess whether divorce experiences in three social contexts shape individual's permissiveness toward divorce. Using European Values Study data from 44 countries, we find that "net of personal divorce experience" parental divorce before the age of 18 (socialization context); parental divorce after the age of 18, divorce of child, and divorce of relatives (context in adult life); and country's divorce rate (national context) are related to more permissiveness toward divorce. Value climates in these three contexts clearly mediate the relationships between experiences and attitudes, but parental divorce before the age of 18, divorce of child, and divorce of relatives still are independently and positively related to permissiveness toward divorce. These findings suggest that divorce experiences affect pro-divorce attitudes on top of prevailing value climates in social contexts that are relatively close to the individual. Finally, robustness tests show that personal divorce is not only an important determinant of pro-divorce attitudes, the role played by divorce experiences in the three contexts also depends on being divorced or not. Moreover, singles are more strongly affected by their surrounding contexts than people with a stable relationship.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sieben, Inge and Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {750d855a1e4cf6498268b512c3ec6fdf}, intrahash = {133aee3759c19fa6a045d99d096cc00b}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {1175-1188}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934090 ; inputdate=2014-04-07 ; editdate=2014-04-07 ; pubdate=2014-04-07}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Permissiveness Toward Divorce: The Influence of Divorce Experiences in Three Social Contexts}, url = {}, volume = 29, year = 2013}@article{leurent2013spiritual, abstract = {Background Several studies have reported weak associations between religious or spiritual belief and psychological health. However, most have been cross-sectional surveys in the USA, limiting inference about generalizability. An international longitudinal study of incidence of major depression gave us the opportunity to investigate this relationship further.Method Data were collected in a prospective cohort study of adult general practice attendees across seven countries. Participants were followed at 6 and 12 months. Spiritual and religious beliefs were assessed using a standardized questionnaire, and DSM-IV diagnosis of major depression was made using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Logistic regression was used to estimate incidence rates and odds ratios (ORs), after multiple imputation of missing data.Results The analyses included 8318 attendees. Of participants reporting a spiritual understanding of life at baseline, 10.5% had an episode of depression in the following year compared to 10.3% of religious participants and 7.0% of the secular group (p < 0.001). However, the findings varied significantly across countries, with the difference being significant only in the UK, where spiritual participants were nearly three times more likely to experience an episode of depression than the secular group [OR 2.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.59-4.68]. The strength of belief also had an effect, with participants with strong belief having twice the risk of participants with weak belief. There was no evidence of religion acting as a buffer to prevent depression after a serious life event.Conclusions These results do not support the notion that religious and spiritual life views enhance psychological well-being.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Leurent, B. and Nazareth, I. and Bellón-Saame?o, J. and Geerlings, M.-I. and Maaroos, H. and Saldivia, S. and Svab, I. and Torres-González, F. and Xavier, M. and King, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5dacb09962eb6b20d83b0c67d41d1f1f}, intrahash = {8d140f0c22f400557a124d7d9e701990}, journal = {Psychological Medicine}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP General_practice SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 longitudinal major_depression religion review_proved spirituality}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {2109-2120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935507 ; inputdate=2014-06-25 ; editdate=2014-06-25 ; pubdate=2014-06-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Spiritual and religious beliefs as risk factors for the onset of major depression: an international cohort study}, url = {}, volume = 43, year = 2013}@incollection{kaasa2013honesty, abstract = {Purpose ? The purpose of this chapter is to assess empirically the levels of trust across the world and to explore possible differences in the levels of trust among different groups of respondents.Design/methodology/approach ? We analyze the individual-level data from 81 countries around the world using latest available European Values Study (EVS) and World Values Survey (WVS) datasets (most data refer to the year 2008). Methodologically, we compose three trust indicators using confirmatory factor analysis and then compare the level of trust in different groups. After that we calculate country-level means of trust indicators and use these as inputs in cluster analysis.Findings ? The results of our empirical analysis show that the level of trust among supervisors do not differ significantly from the overall level of trust in a society, supporting the hypothesis that honesty and trust tend to be contagious. Still, there are statistically significant differences in trust levels between almost all explored population groups which were composed on the basis of previous theoretical and empirical literature.Limitations ? Our analysis covered only selected socio-economic determinants of trust. It would be reasonable to add some contextual or systemic factors at the level of nation (like GDP per capita, quality of formal institutions, society?s polarization, or others) into further analysis.Originality/value ? Our analysis distinguishes between three different types of trust which are studied both at individual and national level. Also, differences between age groups and educational groups, men and women, religious and non-religious persons are examined. Finally, we compare the levels of trust of those supervising someone with the average trust levels in the society as a whole.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli and Parts, Steve}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {(Dis)Honesty in Management}, doi = {(2013)0000010007}, editor = {Vissak, Tiia and Vadi, Maaja}, interhash = {906f1f3036634d7e63b6669b6e4b9a5a}, intrahash = {e002fe72fce7871e5ad034e85221c6c4}, isbn = {978-1-78190-601-9 ]}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Honesty checked english general_trust incollection input2014 institutional_trust trustworthiness}, note = {(2013)0000010007. (EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {37-58}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938484 ; inputdate=2014-11-04 ; editdate=2014-11-04 ; pubdate=2014-11-04}, publisher = {Emerald Group Publishing Limited}, series = {Advanced Series in Management}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Honesty and Trust: Integrating the Values of Individuals, Organizations, and the Society}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{rabusic2000spolenost, abstract = {Discusses Ronald Inglehart's (1971) way of measuring postmaterialism. After briefly describing the concept of postmaterialism & showing how it is measured in social surveys, the proper indexes are computed, & data from a 1990/91 Czech survey are presented to show that Inglehart's 12-item battery does not work in the Czech environment. By means of Inglehart's original 4-item battery, the distribution & development of materialism & postmaterialism in the Czech Republic, 1991-1999, are described, using additional survey data. Some of the latest discussions between Inglehart & his opponents concerning the validity & reliability of his postmaterialism index are recounted.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Praha}, author = {Rabu?ic, Ladislav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9e08f636858abfc66dd87bdb618dbbda}, intrahash = {98d0bc5e11f55c4d83ed428afdb579bf}, issn = {380288}, journal = {Sociologick? ?asopis}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked czech indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {3-22}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281107 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Je ?eská spole?nost 'postmaterialistická'? (Is Czech Society "Postmaterialist"?)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 36, year = 2000}@incollection{knutsen1996impact, abstract = {Relationships between five central value orientations and party choice are examined in a comparative West European setting by using the second wave of the European Values Study from 1990. These orientations comprise two central conflict lines related to the Old Politics model for political cleavages, namely religious/secular and left-right materialist value orientations, and three new sets of value orientation which, according to theories of New Politics, should become important in advanced industrial society. The research problems are: To examine the comparative strength of the impact of the various value orientations on party preference in a comparative West European setting; To examine how voters of different party families are grouped along the various value orientations. Which parties have the most secular or religious, leftist materialist and post-materialist electorate, and are there consistent comparative patterns concerning where the voters for given party families are placed?; To focus upon the impact of the New Politics value conflicts.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Knutsen, Oddbj?rn}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies: Integration, Values, Identification and Participation}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {7e8d64507189d1b14abdf8a232ed6d4e}, intrahash = {20fd1c63e02801c8e2ae4ca4c44106d0}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {153-192}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281105 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Impact of Old Politics and New Politics Value Orientations on Party Choice: A Comparative Study}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{hagenaars2003exploring, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Hagenaars, J.A.P. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Moors, G.B.D.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity. Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P.}, interhash = {af3efb3315b55b6fd1a51cea7b6b3813}, intrahash = {eaca39dd3a255e349f2eadbc5c442c14}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1981 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {23-58}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256374 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;religiosity?V107: religious service important: birth (Q27A)?V119: do you believe in: sin (Q30E)?V108: religious service important: marriage (Q27B)?V118: do you believe in: heaven (Q30D)?V123: how important is God in your life (Q33)?V131: religion and public office (Q39C)?V117: do you believe in: hell (Q30C)?V124: do you get comfort and strength from religion (Q34)?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)?V129: politicians and God (Q39A)?V116: do you believe in: life after death (Q30B)?V115: do you believe in: God (Q30A)?V109: religious service important: death (Q27C)Environmental value?V10: environment: government should reduce environmental pollution (Q3A)?V8: environment: give part of income against environmental pollution (Q3B)?V9: environment: increase taxes to prevent environmental pollution (Q3C)informal social solidarity?V269: are you concerned with: fellow countrymen (Q79D)?V268: are you concerned with: people own region (Q79C)?V272: are you concerned with: eldery people (Q80A)?V267: are you concerned with: people neighbourhood (Q79B)?V274: are you concerned with: immigrants (Q80C)?V275: are you concerned with: sick and disabled (Q80D)?V273: are you concerned with: unemployed people (Q80B)?V270: are you concerned with: europeans (Q79E)national identity?V252: belong to geographic group-next (Q68)?V251: belong to geographic group-most (Q67)political future?V193: good/bad: decrease work importance (Q57B)?V196: good/bad: more respect for authority (Q57E)?V197: good/bad: more emphasis on familylife (Q57F)?V192: good/bad: less emphasis on money (Q57A)?V199: good/bad: more power to local authorities (Q57H)work?V84: important in a job: interesting job (Q13N)?V78: important in a job: use initiative (Q13H)?V74: important in a job: job security (Q13D)?V83: important in a job: responsible job (Q13M)?V76: important in a job: respected job (Q13F)?V77: important in a job: good hours (Q13G)?V85: important in a job: meeting abilities (Q13O)?V80: important in a job: generous holidays (Q13J)?V82: important in a job: achieving something (Q13L)?V73: important in a job: not too much pressure (Q13C)?V81: important in a job: meeting people (Q13K)?V71: important in a job: good pay (Q13A)?V79: important in a job: useful for society (Q13I)gender roles?V157: being housewife as fulfilling as paid job (Q46D)?V159: husband+wife contribute to household income (Q46F)?V156: women really want home and children (Q46C)?V160: fathers as well suited to look after children as mothers (Q46G)?V158: job best way for independence women (Q46E)?V155: pre-school child suffers with working mother (Q46B)?V178: abortion if couple doesnt want more children approve/disapprove (Q50B)?V161: men less able to handle emotions in relationships than women (Q46H)?V177: abortion if woman not married approve/disapprove (Q50A)?V154: working mother warm relationship with children (Q46A)work ethic?V94: not having to work if you dont want to (Q17E)?V92: people turn lazy not working (Q17C)?V95: work comes always first (Q17F)?V90: job needed to develop talents (Q17A)?V93: work is a duty towards society (Q17D)?V91: humiliating receiving money without working (Q17B)Marriage?V138: important in marriage: good housing (Q40F)?V136: important in marriage: respect+appreciation (Q40D)?V174: learn children at home: obedience (Q50K)?V135: important in marriage: same social background (Q40C)?V146: important in marriage: spending time together (Q40N)?V172: learn children at home: religious faith (Q49I)?V149: women need children in order to be fulfilled (Q42)?V133: important in marriage: faithfulness (Q40A)?V139: important in marriage: agreement on politics (Q40G)?V152: men need children in order to be fulfilled (Q45A)?V168: learn children at home: imagination (Q49E)?V137: important in marriage: shared religious beliefs (Q40E)?V143: important in marriage: share household chores (Q40K)?V140: important in marriage: understanding+tolerance (Q40H)?V171: learn children at home: determination,perseverance (Q49H)?V170: learn children at home: thrift (Q49G)?V147: important in marriage: talking about mutual interests (Q40O)?V167: learn children at home: feeling of responsiblity (Q49D)?V134: important in marriage: adequate income (Q40B)?V166: learn children at home: hard work (Q49C)?V165: learn children at home: independence (Q49B)civic morality?V231: do you justify: accepting a bribe (Q65G)?V237: do you justify: throwing away litter in public place(Q65M)?V234: do you justify: divorce (Q65J)?V238: do you justify: driving under influence of alcohol (Q65N)?V240: do you justify: having casual sex (Q65P)?V233: do you justify: abortion (Q65I)?V228: do you justify: taking soft drugs (Q65D)?V232: do you justify: homosexuality (Q65H)?V235: do you justify: euthanasia (Q65K)?V242: do you justify: speeding over limit in built-up areas (Q65R)?V229: do you justify: lying in own interest (Q65E)?V225: do you justify: claiming state benefits (Q65A)?V227: do you justify: joyriding (Q65C)?V230: do you justify: adultery (Q65F)?V226: do you justify: cheating on tax (Q65B)?V236: do you justify: suicide (Q65L)?V239: do you justify: paying cash to avoid taxes (Q65O)?V241: do you justify: smoking in public buildings (Q65Q)poverty?V70: why do people live in need-2nd most important (Q12)?V69: why do people live in need-most important (Q11)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56)protest proness?V180: joining in boycotts (Q51B)?V183: occupying buildings/factories (Q51E)?V181: attending lawful demonstrations (Q51C)?V179: signing a petition (Q51A)?V182: joining unofficial strikes (Q51D)democracy dimension?V218: political system: the army ruling (Q62C)?V221: democracy: causes bad economy (Q63B)?V219: political system: democratic (Q62D)?V222: democracy: is indecicive (Q63C)?V220: democracy: best political system (Q63A)?V216: political system: strong leader (Q62A)trust in institutions?V208: how much confidence in: social security system (Q58I)?V201: how much confidence in: armed forces (Q58B)?V205: how much confidence in: the police (Q58F)?V202: how much confidence in: education system (Q58C)?V211: how much confidence in: health care system (Q58M)?V200: how much confidence in: church (Q58A)?V212: how much confidence in: justice system (Q58N)?V210: how much confidence in: united nations organisation (Q58L)?V209: how much confidence in: european union (Q58J)?V203: how much confidence in: the press (Q58D)?V206: how much confidence in: parliament (Q58G)?V207: how much confidence in: civil service (Q58H)?V204: how much confidence in: trade unions (Q58E)justice dimension?V261: important: basic needs for all (Q76B)?V260: important: eliminating income inequalities (Q76A)?V262: important: recognizing people on merits (Q76C)liberal vs socialist views?V189: state give more freedom to-control firms more effectively (Q54D)?V186: individual-state responsibility for providing (Q54A)?V187: take any job-right to refuse job when unemployed (Q54B)?V188: competition good-harmful for people (Q54C)ethnocentrism?V52: dont like as neighbours: people with criminal record (Q7A)?V53: dont like as neighbours: people of different race (Q7B)?V59: dont like as neighbours: muslims (Q7H)?V62: dont like as neighbours: drug addicts (Q7K)?V60: dont like as neighbours: immigrants/foreign workers (Q7I)?V58: dont like as neighbours: emotionally unstable people (Q7G)?V56: dont like as neighbours: right wing extremists (Q7E)?V55: dont like as neighbours: heavy drinkers (Q7D)?V54: dont like as neighbours: left wing extremists (Q7C)?V61: dont like as neighbours: people with AIDS (Q7J)?V63: dont like as neighbours: homosexuals (Q7L)?V57: dont like as neighbours: large families (Q7F)?V64: dont like as neighbours: jews (Q7M);Waves and countries1999/2000?Ireland?Portugal?Hungary?Finland?Iceland?Italy?Lithuania?Belgium?Denmark?Northern Ireland?Romania?Ukraine?Croatia?Germany?Sweden?Czech Republic?Poland?Luxemburg?United Kingdom?Russian Federation?Netherlands?France?Bulgaria?Belarus?Slovenia?Slovakia?Malta?Spain?Austria?Estonia?Latvia?Greece1990?France?Spain?Latvia?Hungary?Netherlands?United Kingdom?Austria?Bulgaria?Portugal?Iceland?Germany (West)?Ireland?Czech Republic?Germany (East)?Poland?Denmark?Finland?Northern Ireland?Belgium?Sweden?Italy?Slovakia1981?Denmark?France?Spain?Italy?Iceland?Netherlands?Germany (West)?Sweden?Ireland?United Kingdom?Belgium?Northern Ireland}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Exploring Europe's basic values map}, year = 2003}@incollection{moor2009ongoing, abstract = {This chapter proposes a shift from questions regarding which god do people believe in to questions about what characteristics people attribute to their gods. More specifically, it addresses the question of how individual and societal characteristics that refer to industrialization and democratization affect the belief in Heaven and Hell of individuals living in agrarian, industrial and post-industrial societies. We test the argument of Norris and Inglehart that human security decreases people's religiosity against Topitsch's analogy argument which stipulates that ideas about the unknown are modeled on what's known and important to people. Using the European Values Surveys and the World Values Studies (wave 1999/2000), we studied people's belief about Heaven and Hell: the belief that both Heaven and Hell exist, the belief that only Heaven exists, and the belief that none exist. The findings show that ongoing industrialization has a negative impact on people's belief in Heaven and Hell, especially on people's belief in Hell.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Moor, Nienke}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Explaining worldwide religious diversity. The relationship between subsistence technologies and ideas about the unknown in pre-industrial and (post-)industrial societies}, interhash = {82c75be1ff9c398e5dd0957fa405ea1a}, intrahash = {5904c1da5cbac245017f2c18a3ebc591}, isbn = {978-90-90247472}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english enhanced incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {111-141}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3722485 ; inputdate=2009-12-08 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-08;Waves and countries1999/2000?France?Sweden?Austria?Russian Federation?Netherlands?Ireland?Spain?Malta?Estonia?Iceland?Turkey?Belgium?Italy?Belarus?Poland?Finland?Latvia?Hungary?Croatia?Slovenia?Bulgaria?Lithuania?Romania?Germany?Luxemburg?Ukraine?Slovakia?Czech Republic?Northern Ireland?Denmark}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Ongoing industrialization and people's belief in Heaven and Hell}, year = 2009}@article{kaasa2013religion, abstract = {This exploratory study investigates how various aspects related to religion are related to different dimensions of social capital, based on the latest data from the European Values Study. The study intends to include as many religion-related variables as possible and to cover all main dimensions of social capital. In addition to regression analysis, cluster analysis is used for further exploration of religious composition and its consequences for social capital. The broadest conclusions are that religion is highly related to social capital, but the cognitive dimensions of social capital seem to have a closer relationship with social capital than the structural dimensions. Also, many relationships may be overlooked if not enough different religion-related aspects and social capital dimensions are analysed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kaasa, Anneli}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/03906701.2013.856162}, interhash = {4f0689a0c03f11cb49dd20a058c7399c}, intrahash = {879061776c418baf04cff7f20a15d71e}, journal = {International Review of Sociology}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity SCOPUSindexed Social_networks article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed social_capital trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {578-596}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934307 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and social capital: evidence from European countries}, url = {}, volume = 23, year = 2013}@article{rossi2014complex, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Rossi, Giovanna}, biburl = {}, interhash = {018ebf220a71670a9781a3820f0d0210}, intrahash = {edd7e4ba97b1e91e46c334ac097e5ef3}, journal = {Journal of Comparative Family Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {173-199}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938590 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Complex Relationship between Values and Couple Patterns}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2014}@article{voicu2012measuring, abstract = {Large scale comparative studies, such as the value surveys (EVS and WVS) or the Eurobarometer, include measurements for parental/child-rearing values. This reflects a persistent interest for the topic, which produced salient studies starting with the first half of the twentieth century (Lynd and Lund 1929; Duvall 1946). Various scholars report data on parental values which use versions of the Q-sort methodology (Kohn 1977), ranking variables (Alwin 1990; Lenski 1961), scale indicators (Tulviste et al. 2007). Q-sort methodology remains the most widely employed. One of its versions is included in the value surveys as well. However, it fails to produce comparable indicators in different countries (Rabu?ic 2011; Xiao 2001) or at different moments in time (Wright and Wright 1976). This paper uses original data, provided by a Romanian convenience sample, to check if using various versions of the EVS/WVS items may lead to better ways to produce synthetic indicators for parental-values at individual level. SEM models are used to show that the best analytic solution would be to use individual items instead of producing summative indexes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bce346afb9c41d1456bfb478eadd55b9}, intrahash = {d4924f87f5370f31d1e15282e5cd9482}, journal = {Social Change Review}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked child-rearing/parental_values indexproved input2014 measurement_issues noindex rating_vs._ranking review_proved reviewed value_surveys}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {47-70}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935511 ; inputdate=2014-06-25 ; editdate=2014-06-25 ; pubdate=2014-06-25}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Measuring Child-Rearing Values. A Research Note}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 2012}@incollection{rosta2000vallasossag, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest}, annotation = {Publisher: Faludi Ferenc Akademia, Budapest}, author = {Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {A hitrol}, editor = {Banlaky, Eva and Karczub, Gyula and Karczub, Gyula}, interhash = {c9f7b4c74741a38707c68758dcfa02fc}, intrahash = {149159c3e8c0f60b2ccbc9b3f657391e}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {95-106}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281274 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-29 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Faludi Ferenc Akademia}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {A vallasossag dimenzioi es tipusai}, year = 2000}@incollection{pickel2012religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Pickel, Gert and Gladkick, Anja}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Transformations of Religiosity: Religion and Religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989-2010}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, interhash = {379772ff1d786565de8abe6b50a0bb42}, intrahash = {b44ffbdc1e30ee977000ea8424c30bfd}, isbn = {978-3-531-17540-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {69-94}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934194 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, publisher = {Springer VS}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Religious Social Capital in Europe: Connections between Religiosity and Civil Society}, url = {}, year = 2012}@book{esmer2007measuring, abstract = {In 1981, the European and World Values surveys started the empirical investigations of value orientations on a global scale. This volume builds on these surveys, which now cover a time period of a quarter of century. Two chapters discuss basic theoretical and methodological issues of value research, while four chapters focus on contemporary processes of value change: cultural globalization, individualization, secularization and democratization. These analyses of the data from the value surveys give new life to social science classics such as Tocqueville, Durkheim, Marx and Weber. The analyses are also of interest to the practitioners of economic and social development as well as educational and cultural policies. Contributors include: Chris Cochran, Yilmaz Esmer, Ronald Inglehart, Neil Nevitte, Shalom Schwartz, Thorleif Pettersson and Christian Welzel. This book was originally published as Volume 5 no. 2-3 (2006) of Brill's journal 'Comparative Sociology'.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, biburl = {}, editor = {Esmer, Yilmaz and Pettersson, Thorleif}, interhash = {ca1dabcc3ca5dedff6f4d3b297de74fc}, intrahash = {74f74296fbff618818574c539fcea4e2}, isbn = {9004158200}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Politics Subjective_well-being book checked english family input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 193, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264040 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-18 ; pubdate=2009-02-16 ; ISSP_ID=4473}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring and Mapping Cultures: 25 Years of Comparative Value Surveys}, year = 2007}@article{sundback2007membership, abstract = {The article treats the specifically Nordic paradox, of a high level of churchmembership in four national populations combining with a low level of religiouspractice and church attendance. This fact has often been explained as the outcomeof a spirit of a civil religiosity, which makes the church a symbol of thenation and of national culture. Church membership is in this view an aspect ofthe identification of individuals with their country. The concept of civil religiosityis here studied through the data from four Nordic countries in the 1999-2000 European Values Study survey, concentrating on variables that marginallyrelate to religious traditions without designating identification with churchdogmas. Through factor analysis Nordic civil religiosity seems to appear in twoforms; broadly, as carrying elements of traditional ritual behaviour and individualreligiosity, and, narrowly, as focusing on church-administered celebrationsof family rites of passage. Finally, a "civil religious" model as a prediction ofchurch-membership among the respondents is applied with varying results forthe four countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sundback, Susan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ca5e057ef4597e3a97d9231078325396}, intrahash = {edafd13e160761dfea031fa66d1cdd0d}, journal = {Implicit Religion}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, privnote = {EVS_ID=5327194 ; inputdate=2012-01-30 ; editdate=2012-01-30 ; pubdate=2012-01-30}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Membership of Nordic 'National' Churches as a 'Civil Religious' Phenomenon}, volume = 10, year = 2007}@article{jenssen1988postmaterialism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jenssen, A. T. and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e1d9b490ae8bc0cf540e8be5457ef978}, intrahash = {857fd7a0fbc189ada7af7a29b8aa12b9}, journal = {Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Norwegian Politics article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281311 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Postmaterialism og Valg i Norge}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 5, year = 1988}@article{mierina2014vicious, abstract = {The reaction of citizens deeply disappointed with their government and its decisions differs from country to country, and in some cases, such as Latvia during the recent economic crisis, has been surprisingly passive. In this paper I argue that political passivity can be partly explained by psychological mechanisms triggered by constant under-performance and unresponsiveness of political authorities. Using International Social Survey Program 2006?2007 data, I construct a structural equation model which shows that government's performance can facilitate or hinder the development of civil society through its impact on (1) a sense of political efficacy, (2) political competence, and (3) interpersonal trust. Poor institutional performance and the following loss of trust in political authorities has a negative effect on people's perceptions of politics, of themselves and of each other, discouraging further engagement in all kinds of political activities. Considering the importance of civic participation for the quality of governance this creates a vicious circle which might not be easy to break. Finally, several theoretical perspectives are discussed that help to explain the formation and persistence of the vicious circle.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mierina, Inta}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2012.749414}, interhash = {8fd2e7aa827bc5b440e27bd1097118fd}, intrahash = {0fa51f406ccdcac7eecd19dcda4443e7}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Latvia SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 political_efficacy review_proved reviewed social_capital trust vicious_circle}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 4, pages = {615-637}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938942 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24 ; ISSP_ID=29206 ; notes=Export Date=12 February 2015}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Vicious Circle: Does disappointment with political authorities contribute to political passivity in Latvia?}, url = {}, volume = 16, year = 2014}@incollection{grauel2013afraid, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Grauel, Jonas and Heine, Jana and Lahusen, Christian}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: painting Europe's Moral Landscapes}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {2aecf3f46b88c31d3c4747d6ef21c8a2}, intrahash = {ab495af8e2a13bc9e8b70e3add15f362}, isbn = {9789004254619}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 15, pages = {19-43}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934524 ; inputdate=2014-04-28 ; editdate=2014-04-28 ; pubdate=2014-04-28}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Who is afraid of the (Big Bad) European Union? European integrationand fears about job losses}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{rukavishnikov1998morals, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {in Russisch}, author = {Rukavishnikov, V. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Ester, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {48c940b53636cacc2b4edb56b904e631}, intrahash = {0b6c51d259b7d09311a7ab20de9a91e0}, journal = {Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {88-101}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256422 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Morals in a comparative dimension}, volume = 24, year = 1998}@article{voicu1999legitimitatea, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0f00512cf4c6ce1df9391f7f8feed0dc}, intrahash = {aabd890bfb42f58e72650c1692cc8532}, journal = {Revista de Cercet?ri Sociale}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Romanian article checked gender_roles indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {70-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280875 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Legitimitatea politicilor de suport pentru femei ?n societatea rom?neasc?. ?ntre cratit? si Parlament (Between Kitchen and Parliament; The Legitimacy of the Social Policies for Women in Romania)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = {3-4}, year = 1999}@book{pollini2012italia, abstract = {I risultati della quarta indagine sui valori degli europei, una ricerca a carattere internazionale promossa e realizzata dalla European Values Study (EVS). L'indagine ha coinvolto 47 Paesi europei, comparando gli orientamenti di valore maggiormente rilevanti nella vita sociale e nella cultura di ognuna delle popolazioni indagate e offrendo un importante apporto alla conoscenza delle identità culturali delle nazioni coinvolte.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {FrancoAngeli}, author = {Pollini, Gabriele and Pretto, Albertina and Rovati, Giancarlo}, biburl = {}, edition = {Milano}, interhash = {c73b0bf925e433675ffef687fb9d225a}, intrahash = {fe876367156f1d14199e48fc68cebbdd}, isbn = {9788820405724}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936628 ; inputdate=2014-08-13 ; editdate=2014-08-13 ; pubdate=2014-08-13}, series = {Sociologia per la persona}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {L 'Italia nell'Europa: i valori tra persistenze e trasformazioni}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{paxton2014volunteering, abstract = {Religion and volunteerism are closely linked, but which aspects of religiosity matter most for volunteering? This article predicts volunteering with a multi-dimensional model of private and public religiosity using a sample of 9,464 respondents from 15 Western European countries. An interaction between private and public religiosity is also theorized and tested. Three dimensions of private religiosity (religious salience, prayer, and belief) are significant in predicting volunteering, and each has a significant interaction effect with public religiosity, measured by religious attendance. The influence of public and private religiosity on volunteering, and their interaction, differ by religious affiliation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Paxton, Pamela and Reith, N E. and Glanville, J L.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1007/s13644-014-0169-y}, interhash = {67758bc0b360d9a8d604404ff92c006e}, intrahash = {fa00a6972bcc5d1a21a09e5f811fbccc}, issn = {2211-4866}, journal = {Review of Religious Research}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed Attendance EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Prayer Pro-social Religiosity SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Volunteering article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {597-625}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938681 ; inputdate=2014-11-16 ; editdate=2014-11-16 ; pubdate=2014-11-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Volunteering and the Dimensions of Religiosity: A Cross-National Analysis}, url = {}, volume = 56, year = 2014}@article{doerrenberg2014finish, abstract = {This paper examines the relationship between 'tax morale' and tax policy. Using a unique cross-country data set based on the World Values Survey and the World Tax Indicators, we find that income groups with high tax morale face higher average and marginal tax rates. We propose three possible mechanisms which could help to explain our results: i) an inverse elasticity argument where governments seek to minimize distortions, ii) a political economy argument where governments take voting behavior into account, and iii) an administrative costs argument where taxing high morale groups is more cost efficient.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Doerrenberg, Philipp and Duncan, Denvil and Fuest, Clemens and Peichl, Andreas}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/kykl.12042}, interhash = {ffa1a627130f14bd5a274a9485336f24}, intrahash = {d2328ba4505a4dc828949e9d805d88e1}, journal = {Kyklos International Review for Social Sciences}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {29-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939305 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Nice Guys Finish Last: Do Honest Taxpayers Face Higher Tax Rates?}, url = {}, volume = 67, year = 2014}@article{gelissen2007explaining, abstract = {The differences in public support for environmental protection among individuals from 50 nations were investigated. Support was determined by the willingness of individuals to make financial sacrifices to protect the environment. The results from multilevel analyses indicated that significant variance exists within and among nations in the level of support. The contextual-level variance was to a substantial degree explained by individual-level variables, capturing compositional effects. Income, postmaterialism, educational attainment, environmental involvement, and age related directly to support for environmental protection. Contextual-level variables--GDP, GDP growth, and average postmaterialist value-orientation of publics--also related directly to levels of support among nations and explained a significant part of the contextual-level variance. The findings are congruent with the affluence hypothesis and Inglehart's subjective values hypothesis. They also point to the necessity of simultaneously assessing the effects of individual- and contextual-level characteristics on proenvironmental attitudes in cross-national research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gelissen, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4ab68fead8844a55cd0929a2a03dd917}, intrahash = {7dca525278a6179d654e99a930038734}, journal = {Environment and Behavior}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {392-415}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763924 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2010-01-25;Environmental involvement?V37: do you work unpaid for: environment (Q5H)?V19: do you belong to: environment (Q5H)Individual financial endorsement of environmental protection?V8: environment: give part of income against environmental pollution (Q3A)?V9: environment: increase taxes to prevent environmental pollution (Q3B)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56);Environmental involvement?V37: do you work unpaid for: environment (Q5H)?V19: do you belong to: environment (Q5H)Individual financial endorsement of environmental protection?V8: environment: give part of income against environmental pollution (Q3A)?V9: environment: increase taxes to prevent environmental pollution (Q3B)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56);Waves and countries1999/2000?Sweden?Lithuania?Hungary?United Kingdom?Czech Republic?Finland?Croatia?Romania?Netherlands?Turkey?Austria?Germany?Estonia?Slovenia?Bulgaria?Iceland?Ireland?Slovakia?Russian Federation?Greece?France?Latvia?Belgium?Italy?Ukraine?Poland?Denmark?Spain?Belarus}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Explaining Popular Support for Environmental Protection: A Multilevel Analysis of 50 Nations}, volume = 39, year = 2007}@article{norris2012muslim, abstract = {To what extent do migrants carry their culture with them, and to what extent do they acquire the culture of their new home? The answer not only has important political implications; it also helps us understand the extent to which basic cultural values are enduring or malleable, and whether cultural values are traits of individuals or are attributes of a given society. The first part of this article considers theories about the impact of growing social diversity in Western nations. We classify two categories of society: Origins (defined as Islamic Countries of Origin for Muslim migrants, including twenty nations with plurality Muslim populations) and Destinations (defined as Western Countries of Destination for Muslim migrants, including 22 OECD member states with Protestant or Roman Catholic majority populations). Using this framework, we demonstrate that, on average, the basic social values of Muslim migrants fall roughly midway between those prevailing in their country of origin and their country of destination. We conclude that Muslim migrants do not move to Western countries with rigidly fixed attitudes; instead, they gradually absorb much of the host culture, as assimilation theories suggest.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Norris, Pippa and Inglehart, R F.}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9248.2012.00951.x}, interhash = {f7947d5359d41ea6913d169b4993b245}, intrahash = {c7e1cf4e8fd37622b36473399e174152}, journal = {Political Studies}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Islamic_societies Muslim_integration SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Western_culture article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {228-251}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935482 ; inputdate=2014-06-24 ; editdate=2014-06-24 ; pubdate=2014-06-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Muslim Integration into Western Cultures: Between Origins and Destinations}, url = {}, volume = 60, year = 2012}@article{dogan1998decline, abstract = {This paper analyses the decline of religious beliefs, of nationalist tendencies and of confidence in institutions. The empirical data gain in substance from the fact that the same trends are observed in many European countries. Sociologically it is possible to show whether God is present or absent from people's minds. Belief in the existence of God is an observable social fact. The decline of nationalism is analysed in terms of national pride, confidence in the army, defeatism and trust of neighbouring European countries. A significant proportion of Europeans do not have confidence in parliament, high administration, parties, unions, corporations and courts.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3d7966761303984151d46c9379fc7ef5}, intrahash = {ec2a78a897b53241c1ac41d76f93bf0e}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {77-90}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698005 ; ISSP_ID=1157 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The Decline of Traditional Values in Western Europe: Religion, Nationalism, Authority}, volume = 39, year = 1998}@incollection{tomka2003keletkzpeurpai, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Piliscsaba}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Nemzeti és regionális identitás, K?zép-Európában}, editor = {?brahám, Barna and Gereben, Ferenc and Stekovics, Rita}, interhash = {ce41cc9345adb3e41c4f4442684e258d}, intrahash = {adf6eddc5eda64de6506656e0efffa62}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {26-47}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281073 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem B?lcsészettudományi Kar}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {A kelet-k?zép-európai vallási változások szociológiája}, year = 2003}@article{dixon2013moving, abstract = {In light of debates over the compatibility of Islam and democracy, their importance in the EU candidate state of Turkey which has been led by the religious-based Justice and Development Party (JDP) since 2002, and the paucity of research examining liberal-democratic value change, we examine liberal-democratic value change and its sources in Turkey between 2000 and 2008. The results of our descriptive, factor, and multivariate analyses of European and World Values Survey data (2000, 2001, 2007, and 2008) indicate that despite Huntington's (1996) and Turkish secularists' pessimism, people in Turkey have not adopted more politically religious values during this time. However, personal expressions of religiosity are on the rise, and they are intertwined with politically religious values to some extent. People in Turkey have generally adopted less politically authoritarian values, but they are more supportive of military rule in 2008 than before the JDP came to power. Ethnic tolerance peaked in 2007 but declined below its 2001 level in 2008. While human development theory helps to explain these trends and values, the case of Turkey reveals that other, more political factors -such as nationalism- may counteract liberal-democratic value change. The results are suggestive of a political realignment in Turkey that transcends a secular-religious divide. They further suggest that Turkey is moving neither "East" nor "West"; rather, it is very much moving in its own direction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dixon, J C. and Borlu, Yetkin and Kasdogan, Duygu}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1080/14616696.2011.638085}, interhash = {e8434907b0cd2f1ad0858b048af65f34}, intrahash = {61d118daffd4962af2e46a91caa28909}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Muslim SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked democratization development english enlargement indexproved input2014 modernization review_proved reviewed values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {753-779}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935455 ; inputdate=2014-06-23 ; editdate=2014-06-23 ; pubdate=2014-06-23}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Moving 'East' or 'West'? Examining liberal-democratic values in Turkey, 2000-2008}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2013}@article{rehak1992czechs, abstract = {Value system differences between the people of the Czech and Slovak republics are examined through a 1991 random stratified survey of respondents in Bohemia, Moravia, Prague, and the Slovak Republic. The Slovaks demonstrated a preference for leisure activities and social life over work, family, and politics, while Czechs preferred the latter. Czechs are much less religious than the Slovaks, and the Slovaks appear to be resistang social, political, and economic changes because of their different value preferences. Significant differences in geopolitical affiliation between various regions of the two republics are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Rehak, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d69a0b10346dbf5f7c727bf29fd6feaf}, intrahash = {ec5aeca2ca6d2c0f0e506c154dd15bf0}, journal = {Sociologick? ?asopis}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {129-132}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280907 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Are the Czechs and the Slovaks Different?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 28, year = 1992}@article{schnell2012spirituality, abstract = {Summary This study contributes to the exploration of self-rated spirituality by anchoring self-ratings of spirituality and religiosity in an integrative model of personality. For the measurement of personality dispositions and characteristic adaptations, the NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R, German version) and the Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe) have been administered to a sample (N = 135) of German-speaking students. A three-step study design is employed. First, previous findings on associations between personality and religiosity/spirituality are replicated and supplemented. Second, sources of meaning are shown to explain a considerably higher amount of unique variance in religiosity and spirituality than do personality dispositions. Third, two types of spirituality "religious-and-spiritual and spiritual-but-not-religious" are identified and distinguished on the basis of personality traits. The spiritual-but-not-religious type shows significantly higher degrees of Neuroticism, and lower degrees of Agreeableness. Possible interpretations and lines of future research on "spirituality without religion" are sketched out.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Schnell, Tatjana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b741e913bfbf6eaf42469d9323e707f4}, intrahash = {5d119149f00b848fce7a2b6645da11b6}, issn = {0084-6724}, journal = {Archive for the Psychology of Religion}, keywords = {2012 Big_Five EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity SCOPUSindexed Sources_of_Meaning_and_Meaning_in_Life_Questionnaire_(SoMe) article checked english horizontal_self-transcendence indexproved input2014 personality review_proved reviewed sources_of_meaning spirituality vertical_self-transcendence}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {33-61}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935395 ; inputdate=2014-06-20 ; editdate=2014-06-20 ; pubdate=2014-06-20}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Spirituality with and without Religion - Differential Relationships with Personality}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2012}@article{albraizat2002muslims, abstract = {This paper intends to demonstrate three objectives: (1) Fukuyama's theory of the triumph of liberal democracy is cross culturally plausible at the attitudinal level; (2) Fukuyama's claim that Islam is resistant to modernity (characterized by liberal democracy and capitalism) does not hold up to empirical testing. That is, using Islam as an explanatory variable of democracy/authoritarianism is largely uncorroborated; and (3) Explore alternative explanations for the absence of democracy in most of Middle Eastern countries. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of Human Development and Political Opportunity Structure for the explanation of democracy/authoritarianism. The main conclusion of the paper is that Islam is largely irrelevant as an explanatory variable for authoritarianism/democracy.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Al-Braizat, F.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fe6d46650458393bb83faaff8923c7d0}, intrahash = {fe057fb84769401d23abc29be593abed}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {3-5}, pages = {269-300}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763840 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Muslims And Democracy: An Empirical Critique Of Fukuyama's Culturalist Approach}, volume = 43, year = 2002}@article{mayfield2012national, abstract = {Purpose? The purpose of this paper is to investigate the predictive influence of national cultural models on national infrastructure development. The national culture models of Hofstede, GLOBE, Ronen and Shenkar, and the World and European Values Survey (WEVS), were measured and compared to ascertain the best prediction fit for national infrastructure development.Design/methodology/approach? A literature review examined four established cultural models, most of which (with the exception of the WEVS) assert stable, holistic models of national culture for business applications. The argument for cultural divergence in key moderators and mediators such as infrastructure development was also discussed. Then each model's predictability was measured with set correlation methodology, using GDP and population as co-variates. Also, the marginal influence of the other three cultural typologies were controlled for in each respective analysis.Findings? Each model was found to have a positive significant prediction relationship with national culture infrastructure growth. The most promising model is the WEVS which explains a substantial proportion of the variance in national infrastructure. Additionally, WEVS has a higher predictive link to each infrastructure area than the other models. These results are preliminary and cross-sectional, yet they suggest that dynamic cultural models may be the best predictors of infrastructure development.Practical implications? The study shows that increased efforts by the private sector and government can rely on dynamic models to boost national GDPs, and give better strategic guidance to foreign financial investment and human resources management.Originality/value? The paper supports the hypotheses that national culture models can ?grow? GDP to a healthy level through prediction, assessment, and then taking necessary interventions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mayfield, Jacqueline and Mayfield, Milton}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1108/10595421211266285}, interhash = {cf6bd8b210f7f8dae0b04cd31df56f7d}, intrahash = {c157b871e2cd76f88ca6cba0e7edf946}, journal = {Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal}, keywords = {2012 Cultural_typology EVS EVS_input2014 Economic_development FDZ_IUP International_management National_cultures National_economy SCOPUSindexed Set_correlation article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {396-410}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939368 ; inputdate=2014-12-08 ; editdate=2014-12-08 ; pubdate=2014-12-08}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {National culture and infrastructure development: A comparison among four cultural typologies}, url = {}, volume = 22, year = 2012}@article{brechon2008religiosit, abstract = {L'article présente l'évolution du panorama religieux dans les différents pays européens, mettant en évidence l'importance du phénomène de sécularisation et l'émergence de recompositions du croire, sous des formes souvent floues et hésitantes. Il montre aussi la grande diversité du religieux dans les différents pays européens et affirme qu'on ne peut dire que la situation de la religion serait en Europe exceptionnelle par rapport au reste du monde. Il analyse la sociologie des ? fidèles ? et des ? distants ? et montre que les univers de la religiosité et de l'incroyance influencent toujours fortement les systèmes de valeurs.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {57dbff75a55b77bb5972fe1b39e4b4a6}, intrahash = {9692c4e3fad5f1964b72e1f2eb5ce1ba}, journal = {Politique européenne}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 24, pages = {21-41}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936333 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {La religiosité des européens : diversité et tendances communes}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 2008}@article{apahideanu2013meets, abstract = {Theoretically placeable within the framework of the secularization versus post-secularism debate, this research employs an aggregated religiosity index as an instrument to compare Western and former Communist Eastern Europe during the globalization era in terms of area trends in religiosity. Structured in eighteen differently weighted components corresponding to three core dimensions of religiosity, i.e. beliefs, practice, and affiliation, the index confirms that over the past decade, while in the West (and Central Europe as well) secularization trends have continued, albeit at different rates and content variations, globalization seems to have finally "stepped in" in the East, where the spectacular religious revival of the 1990s has been considerably slowed down, apparently entering a plateau phase, although the remarkable both denominational and religiosity diversity in the area urges to caution in any generalizing statements.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Apahideanu, Ionu?}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6a1d66f8750e06e448a21d1fc24b22ec}, intrahash = {2d6ba6e5ab98cc4a94f022b47489628a}, issn = {1583-0039}, journal = {Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies}, keywords = {2013 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity SCOPUSindexed Secularization West article checked eastern_europe english globalization indexproved input2014 post-communism review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 36, pages = {100-128}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935285 ; inputdate=2014-06-12 ; editdate=2014-06-12 ; pubdate=2014-06-12}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {East Meets West Once Again: A Quantitative Comparative Approach of Religiosity in Europe over the Last Two Decades}, url = {}, volume = 12, year = 2013}@article{voicu2012immigrants, abstract = {This study focuses on the level of membership in associations of the migrant population in Spain. Three types of civic engagement are considered: participation in all types of civic associations, in associations for immigrants and in non-immigrant associations. The article investigates whether immigrants coming from countries with higher levels of civic participation are more likely to participate in civic associations and if immigrants who have lived longer in and stayed in closer contact with a home country with a higher level of civicparticipation are more likely to join civic associations. Data used come from the Spanish National Immigrant Survey (2007) and the World Values Survey (2000, 2005). The results of multilevel logistic regressions show that immigrants who have spent more time in a more participatory context at origin and who are in closer contact with these societies are more likely to get involved in civic associations at destination.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Malina and Rusa, I Alexandra}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c5e2be3daf6c5bad40d1b6159c8fd5b3}, intrahash = {8055fd704540bdaaeb418c647914085e}, journal = {International Sociology}, keywords = {2012 Country_of_Origin EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Immigrant_Civic_Participation SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Socialization Spain article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {788-806}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934269 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Immigrants' membership in civic associations : why are some immigrants more active than others?}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2012}@article{crpic2003mentaliteti, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c8b482ccb6a3d81e5db20b02e08e5918}, intrahash = {323574d14ea974f55f64f9ccbd58eea6}, journal = {Nova prisutnost}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {155-170}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281313 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {Mentaliteti i donosenje zakona. Analiza jednog aktualnog slucaja}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 1, year = 2003}@incollection{latcheva2012concept, abstract = {Strengthening its citizens? identification with the process of European integration in general and with EU institutions and policies in particular has become one of the major challenges for the European Union today. The increasing diversification of European societies, a result of processes of globalisation and new kinds of differentiation and migration, forces political actors at different levels ? local, regional, national, and EU ? to address issues of citizenship and identity as a means to counteract social conflict and the fragmentation of societies. Identity politics on the European level, that is, attempts to create a collective identity through a redefinition of loyalties and attachments, aims at enhancing a consciousness of being European and thus at creating enduring forms of political and social integration.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Latcheva, Rossalina and Datler, Georg and Rossbacher, Eva}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-531-18898-0_29}, editor = {Salzborn, Samuel and Davidov, Eldad and Reinecke, Jost}, interhash = {5e41f3b1f50fde6f9a2c58fa65d7e443}, intrahash = {ec4a720097e51fd71013c2d9f68618e7}, isbn = {978-3-531-17130-2}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {235-248}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935686 ; inputdate=2014-07-05 ; editdate=2014-07-05 ; pubdate=2014-07-05}, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, timestamp = {2019-01-31T12:21:16.000+0100}, title = {The Concept of European Identity: Overused and Underspecified?}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{marsh1990crosscultural, abstract = {This paper compares the unemployment problem in Britain and in Spain. The risk of unemployment is greater in Spain and the social security system to support the unemployed less comprehensive than in the UK. The unemployed in both countries suffer lower psychological wellbeing than the employed in the same country, but there are surprising differences when comparisons are made between the British and Spanish unemployed. Attempts to fit the results into a general explanatory framework of relative deprivation theory fail. Differences between the two countries in the prevalence of a work ethic seem to be the most likely explanation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Marsh, C. and Alvaro, J L.}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.4438, doi:10.4232/1.1542, doi:10.4232/1.1543, doi:10.4232/1.1544}, doi = {10.1093/oxfordjournals.esr.a036564}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA1542, ZA1543, ZA1544}, interhash = {4ddd6ee98f47eefc9107c5c193fbe987}, intrahash = {575436da2826f3359139a9b6598619cb}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {1990 EB24 EB25 EB26 EB_input2014 EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being ZA1542 ZA1543 ZA1544 ZA4438 article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {237-256}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776696 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, study = {EVA1981, EB24, EB25, EB26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A cross-cultural perspective on the social and psychological distress caused by unemployment: a comparison of Spain and the United Kingdom}, url = {}, volume = 6, year = 1990}@incollection{Arts2003Shall, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Gelissen, J.P.T.M. and Luijkx, R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity. Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P.}, interhash = {36a6ac5bd8be8ba1b530d1c1010d2c20}, intrahash = {ffbf1e200e773694f1580e877d76d3d8}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {185-216}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256357 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-01-10T08:29:22.000+0100}, title = {Shall the twain ever meet? Differences and changes in socio-economic justice norms and beliefs in Eastern and Western Europe at the turn of the millennium}, url = {}, year = 2003}@incollection{vandeDonk2003Missing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {van de Donk, Wim and Hendriks, Frank and Luijkx, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {9ab53d883742fb76458dc8d53d18a38b}, intrahash = {5d1ec21d61bad324cb1057d419685156}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 national_identity social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {255-274}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280755 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Missing Links? Consensus Democracy, Voluntary Association and European Values}, url = {}, year = 2003}@article{kacprowicz2014values, abstract = {Ukraine is at the beginning of deep changes, which most probably will affect all the segments of its society. Ukrainians "shifted" westward with its values, dreams and the ideas about the future.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kacprowicz, Grazyna and Konieczna-Salamatin, Joanna}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b7eb3874446103b3ad70b3c7df5e2918}, intrahash = {f230e7bd0416433e771c32457dceb1cb}, journal = {Aspen Review Central Europe}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {42-48}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935777 ; inputdate=2014-07-08 ; editdate=2014-07-08 ; pubdate=2014-07-08}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Values and the Future of Ukraine}, url = {}, year = 2014}@article{mardesic2001crkva, abstract = {All religions of the world are nostalgic in their essence, since theylong to draw, as near as possible, to the primeval holy time when, totheir belief, there was perfect order, complete human happiness andthe nearness of divinity on the earth. Some kind of earth-Eden.Contrary to these religions, Christianity holds the principaltranshistorical and historical event took place in the middle of time,not at its beginning, in God's embodiment at the time of Romanoccupation of Palestine. Thus, Christianity turns to the memory?through the eucharist celebration and the prayer "Do this memory ofme".But, besides this nostalgia, there is another, contradictorynostalgia in Christianity; the one that remembers the wordly power ofthe established Church grown from Constantin's heritage, lending histhe law, constitution and ideology. And they are precisely the twonostalgias that will dialectically take turns in history, from thebegining of Christianity to the present day. The Second VaticanCouncil wanted to overcome that dualism, shifting away from anywordly power or coming under the authority of state. However, theconflict between the two nostalgias goes on, through in differentforms and expressions. Therefore, every Christian is called, inhimself, for resolving that duality in favor of Christ and against anywordly power.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Marde?i?, ?eljko}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4d7b3d46ee8479fddec2c58b3c04fcb5}, intrahash = {b9b7a0f56ef9437c53aad1e47df2ea6d}, journal = {Crkva u svijetu}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {127-151}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280968 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Crkva izme?u dviju opre?nih nostalgija ( Church between two opposite nostalgies )}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 36, year = 2001}@article{helliwell2007wellbeing, abstract = {This paper has a double purpose: to see how well Durkheim's [1897, Le Suicide (Paris: 1 degrees edition)] findings apply a century later, and to see if the beneficial effects of social capital on suicide prevention are parallel to those already found for subjective well-being (Helliwell 2003, Economic Modelling 20(2), pp. 331-360). The results show that more social capital and higher levels of trust are associated with lower national suicide rates, just as they are associated with higher levels of subjective well-being. Furthermore, there is a strong negative correlation between national average suicide rates and measures of life satisfaction. Thus social capital does appear to improve well-being, whether measured by higher average values of life satisfaction or by lower average suicide rates. There is a slight asymmetry, since the very high Scandinavian measures of subjective well-being are not matched by equally low suicide rates. To take the Swedish case as an example, this asymmetry is explained by Sweden having particularly high values of variables that have more weight in explaining life satisfaction than suicide (especially quality of government), and less beneficial values of variables that have more influence in explaining suicide rates (Swedes have low belief in God and high divorce rates), because with the latest data and models the Swedish data fit the well-being and suicide equations with only tiny errors. If the international suicide data pose a puzzle, it is more because suicide rates, and their estimated equations, differ greatly by gender, while life satisfaction and its explanations are similar for men and women.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Helliwell, J F.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d1d74e3d05806a2fa13be754c48c1105}, intrahash = {8db3c45e8336a409f78034d9c40761bf}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {455-496}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3764042 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Well-being and social capital: Does suicide pose a puzzle?}, volume = 81, year = 2007}@article{abendschon2014gender, abstract = {Differences between the political behavior of men and women have been a topic of political research for a long time. One focus of the 'gender gap' discussion has been on gender differences in electoral behavior. Even though the act of voting itself is fairly equally distributed, women and men seem to show different preferences when it comes to filling out the ballots. While women voted for conservativeand center-right parties to a greater degree than men until the 1970s, these gender differences are no longer prevalent in many advanced industrialized democracies. Instead, women, in comparison to men, are nowadays leaning more to the left in their voting decisions. Although analyses have revealed that the 'modern' gender voting gap varies across countries, most studies have only focused on individual-level explanations. Using data from the European Values Study for 2008, this article provides a comparative analysis regarding the current state of the gender voting gap for twenty-five European Union member states. It is the first attempt to explore in how far cross-national differences in the modern gender voting gap canbe explained, not only by the individual, but also by the sociostructural and cultural-attitudinal context. The findings for 2008 indicate that, in comparison with previous studies, the modern gender voting gap can be confirmed for most of the countries. Its size, however, varies across countries. Moreover, this article showsthat, besides individual characteristics, both socio-structural and cultural-attitudinal country factors contribute to the understanding of cross-national differences in the modern gender voting gap.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abendsch?n, Simone and Steinmetz, Stephanie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7bfce9fd55218f18c8bf4d1dad26416e}, intrahash = {3f9641c8e7e8e7d23725819b29d1da3b}, journal = {Social Politics}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 0, pages = {1-30}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938582 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {The Gender Gap in Voting Revisited:Women's Party Preferences in a European Context}, url = {}, volume = 0, year = 2014}@article{gundelach1992vaerdiaendringer, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5744224045df66985453fb63b225a65e}, intrahash = {4010664419563f840e6e8eb4691b6a8b}, journal = {Samfundsokonomen}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 8, pages = {5-11}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280926 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Vaerdiaendringer I 1980'erne}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1992}@article{marien2011political, abstract = {Scholars have repeatedly expressed concern about the consequences low levels ofpolitical trust might have for the stability of democratic political systems. Empirical supportand the identification of causal mechanisms for this concern, however, are often lacking. Inthis article, the relation between political trust and law-abiding attitudes is investigated. It isexpected that citizens with low levels of trust in the institutions of the political system willfind it more acceptable to break the law. As a result, low levels of political trust mightundermine the effectiveness and legitimacy of government action and its ability to implementlegislation. Based on survey data from 33 European countries using the 1999-2001European Values Study (N = 41,125), the relation between political trust and legal permissivenessis examined using a multilevel ordered logistic regression analysis.The results showthat respondents with low levels of political trust are significantly more likely to acceptillegal behaviour such as tax fraud than respondents with high levels of political trust. Sinceit is known from earlier research that actors who are permissive towards law-breakingbehaviour are more likely to commit these acts themselves, the hypothesis that low levels ofpolitical trust will be associated with less law compliance within a society is supported.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Marien, Sofie and Hooghe, Marc}, biburl = {}, interhash = {87394d21d82d63ecf226843dd56c2cdb}, intrahash = {90bb9e707c00c3e1044878ab4b8c2300}, journal = {European Journal of Political Research}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2018 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 isspbib2018 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {267-291}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4824433 ; inputdate=2011-07-28 ; editdate=2011-07-28 ; pubdate=2011-07-28 ; ISSP_ID=32750}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Does political trust matter? An empirical investigation into therelation between political trust and support for law compliance}, volume = 50, year = 2011}@article{piel1985deutsch, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Piel, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {64287831ee607d7da9837723866ebc0a}, intrahash = {0bd77f12d72a9f259f544b7a84b90aaf}, journal = {Die neue Ordnung}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked german indexproved input2014 national_identity noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-15}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281308 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Wie deutsch sind die Deutschen? Ihr Selbstverst?ndnis und Nationalgefühl}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 1, year = 1985}@article{riis1997idealtyperne, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2ffeaafe6fc8e7a820bdf827423932e4}, intrahash = {7fa2c0df5d30f018be5d703f982f0977}, journal = {Chaos}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {93-114}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281358 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Idealtyperne I Max Webers 'Die protestantische Ethik'}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 28, year = 1997}@article{venturellichristensen2001danesi, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Venturelli Christensen, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6ccd288b457db07a94e2244f1fc79abc}, intrahash = {ec4efc8f693be97c710d4862efc547d1}, journal = {Il Ponte}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 italian noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281057 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-22 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {I Danesi ed il Lavor}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2001}@article{kalmijn2007social, abstract = {A classic topic in the sociology of inequality lies in the subjective consequences of people's stratification position. Many studies have shown that education and occupational class have significant effects on attitudes, but little is known about how the magnitude of these effects depends on the societal context. There has been debate in the scholarly literature, with some authors arguing that effects of class and education are less important when societies are more developed, whereas other authors argue that effects are either stable (for class) or increasing (for education). We use a meta-analytical design to address this debate. More specifically we examine the effects of class and education for a broad range of attitudes (21 scales) in 22 European countries using data from the 1999 wave of the European Values Study. We pool summary-measures of association (Eta-values) into a new dataset and analyse these Eta-values (N = 453) applying multilevel models with characteristics of countries and characteristics of attitudes as the independent variables. Our results show that there is no evidence that the effects of class on attitudes are lower when countries are more modern, but we do find larger effects of education in more modern countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kalmijn, M. and Kraaykamp, G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f2d714ebbc51d2433744b09cf95bec7c}, intrahash = {5e0072a840ec6c173162d657c576f92a}, journal = {British Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {547-576}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776374 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social stratification and attitudes: a comparative analysis of the effects of class and education in Europe}, volume = 58, year = 2007}@article{breen1994social, abstract = {As M. Laver (1992) has noted, it is as difficult to categorize Irish political parties as to explain Irish voting patterns because Irish voters simply do not behave like their western European counterparts. Even recent studies employing more sophisticated notions of social class tend to reaffirm the broad conclusion that the relationship between social class & party preference in Ireland is marginal at best. But when logit regression & diagonal reference models are applied to data from the 1990 European Values Study, the relationship between social divisions (social class, class origins, & class mobility) & political partisanship is found to be greater than generally reported. 5 Tables, 24 References. Adapted from the source document.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Breen, Richard and Whelan, C T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8689ff93be7173ae73fc2317c57960cc}, intrahash = {f0fd88353316ce5d295d3d56cd2aaa0b}, issn = {3044130}, journal = {European Journal of Political Research}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {117-133}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280954 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Class, Class Origins and Political Partisanship in The Republic of Ireland}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 26, year = 1994}@article{jo2013asian, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jo, N K.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5a80aaabaef3d8e6b193b6f53ffecf9e}, intrahash = {8fb2714d47db0126dd284e318ac60d19}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935310 ; inputdate=2014-06-14 ; editdate=2014-06-14 ; pubdate=2014-06-14}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {East Asian culture? Aspects of the cultural context for policy-making in Japan and Korea and their policy implications from a comparative perspective with the Western welfare state}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{kalmijn2007regional, abstract = {In this paper, we develop a novel way of testing the stigmatization hypothesis. The stigmatization hypothesis argues that people who break traditional norms, experience sanctions from the people that surround them. We apply this hypothesis to the case of divorce and examine whether higher normative intolerance toward divorce in the region of residence lead to declines in social contacts after divorce. To test the hypothesis, we match data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) to data from the European Values Study (EVS). The ECHP data are used to model individual changes in social contacts after divorce. The EVS data are used to develop measures of individual attitudes against divorce in 65 European regions. Multilevel analyses are used to link the two, where individuals are nested in regions. The results provide partial confirmation for the stigmatization hypothesis. We first find that attitudes about divorce not only differ significantly between countries, they also differ significantly between regions within countries. Second, in regions where there is more disapproval of divorce, women experience greater declines in contacts with friends and relatives after divorce, men and women experience greater declines in neighborhood contacts, and men are more likely to end their club memberships. Third, we find that the stigmatization effect is primarily present for divorcees who did not move after divorce. Our analyses provide more direct evidence for the operation of social norms than previous studies on family behavior have done.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kalmijn, M. and Uunk, W.J.G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {40d00ff26d003ce19f88a368b56149b8}, intrahash = {6c9a29aaafdc9bdef3099cb1f0bed14b}, issn = {0049089X}, journal = {Social Science Research}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {447-468}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3631150 ; inputdate=2009-11-02 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2009-11-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Regional Value Differences in Europe and the Social Consequences of Divorce: A Test of the Stigmatization Hypothesis}, volume = 36, year = 2007}@article{delooz1983believes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Delooz, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fe1503fd95bf4d288bb39f219f1f6bd2}, intrahash = {3326560e24ea827055bb7a5f12c15dcc}, journal = {Lumen Vitae}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {367-380}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280807 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Who Believes in What?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 38, year = 1983}@article{listhaug1995monitoring, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {81ad95918ae6805cde6831b1aad51e6d}, intrahash = {3ffd4ca77407b163f15cd96539b558ce}, issn = {378097}, journal = {Sociale Wetenschappen}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {109-119}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281240 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Monitoring Long Term Cultural and Social Change in Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 38, year = 1995}@article{buhlmann2012representation, abstract = {In a cross-country comparison of 33 European countries, we tested whether a high degree of female representation attenuates the assumed negative impact of gender on political involvement. Our multilevel analyses show positive interactive effects of female representation: the degree to which the representation of women in a given country's national parliament was descriptively adequate was positively related to women's ratings of the importance of politics and self-reported political interest. With respect to political participation, the findings are mixed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bühlmann, Marc and Sch?del, Lisa}, biburl = {}, interhash = {24aa4fe9c989ee1be19b03d9f8d554a4}, intrahash = {34050757cb9862017bc5cd63a109aec9}, journal = {Representation}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {101-114}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938468 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Representation matters: the impact of descriptive women's representation on the political involvement of women}, url = {}, volume = 48, year = 2012}@article{jagodzinski1993amtskirchen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang and Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {18bae1a51c5cb5a6ebe3c16440d40806}, intrahash = {310820f338c0dfa0e5cfbe973afe77d3}, journal = {K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked german indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {68-91}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281339 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Die Amtskirchen im Prozess der Modernisierung}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 33, year = 1993}@article{brechon2007leurope, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {95d85b19fc2ce08ebb7a75249266b889}, intrahash = {2b3f3dbd11314085b15f9ebee2c9c31b}, journal = {Esprit}, keywords = {2007 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 136, pages = {136-145}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936331 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {L'Europe des religions: entre sécularisation et recompositions flottantes}, year = 2007}@article{tchernia2002valeurs, abstract = {Based on the European Value Survey, this article analyzes the economic values held by Europeans. They can be divided into those in favor of market forces vs those concerned with social justice. In Europe, there is almost total consensus in favor of the market economy as well as wide support for a guarantee that everyone's basic needs are covered. However, the author states that within each country exists a divide between supporters of a free market approach to the economy & the supporters of economic redistribution. It appears that the momentary economic situation is the decisive factor both on a national & an individual level. The most economically dynamic countries are those where opinions tend mostly toward a free market; & where individuals, less fortunate in terms of income, tend toward economic redistribution. Other factors are age, gender, political affiliation & level of education.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {540d15f328a1aacaffe94bf64cadc170}, intrahash = {6e05dbfb6283802d30f48cd1db233872}, issn = {0337307X}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {81-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280918 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs économiques des Européens face à la mondialisation (The Economic Values of Europeans in the Face of Globalization)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{burjanek2001xenophobia, abstract = {This article is based on data found in the European Values Study of 1999, & focuses on the following questions: (1) What is the degree of intensity of xenophobia among the Czech population in comparison with the states of Western & postcommunist Europe? (2) How is the view of the "foreign" ethnic group differentiated? (3) What groupings among countries may be identified if we examine the character of xenophobic attitudes among the population? (4) What factors influence the level of xenophobia of an individual? In concurrence with the observations of other authors, the article confirms the overall high degree of intensity of xenophobia among the population of postcommunist countries in comparison with advanced Western states. The intensity of xenophobia attitudes among the Czech population (measured through an overall index of xenophobia) roughly corresponds to the average attitudes of the entire sample. From the viewpoint of attitudes toward individual "foreign" ethnic groups (people of different race: Muslims; immigrants & migrant workers, Jews, Roma), the respondents expressed the strongest rejection of the Roma, & were the most tolerantly inclined toward the Jewish ethnic group. The data essentially enabled a partial identification of traits for a profile of a xenophobe, as an older individual, with a lower level of education, & in a certain sense a marginalized "victim" of the modernization process (transformation), on the whole insecure, distrustful, & at the same time authoritarian in nature.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Burjanek, Ales}, biburl = {}, interhash = {91077539213057ad4094297c8decaace}, intrahash = {b2831b10acfc0884d84fae7b1a67acd2}, issn = {12103861}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {53-68}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281084 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Xenophobia Among the Czech Population in the Context of Post-Communist Countries and Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{pettersson1991religion, abstract = {Criminological and sociological theory have long assumed a negative relationship between religion and criminality, especially in secularized contexts and when the religious norms differ from the norms of secular society. The 1981 European Values Systems Study data for Sweden, which covered secularization and moral values among the churched and unchurched, suggest a negative structural relationship between the religious factor, on the one hand, and the rates for violent crimes and crimes related to the abuse of alcohol, on the other hand. However, no structural relationships were expected for property crimes, moral offenses, or drug-related crimes. Multiple regression analyses of ecological criminal statistics, church statistics, and census data for 118 Swedish police districts showed a differentiated structural religion-crime relationship, well compatible with the assumed pattern.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {83b622f6590f78cdaba5a28e79df86b3}, intrahash = {c8f9dd41db233cf2eb52f4c62b6440df}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {1991 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {279-291}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776706 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion And Criminality - Structural Relationships Between Church Involvement And Crime Rates In Contemporary Sweden}, volume = 30, year = 1991}@article{baert2013impact, abstract = {This study directly assesses the impact of military work experience compared with civilian work experience in similar jobs on the subsequent chances of being hired in the civilian labour market. It does so through a field experiment in the Belgian labour market. A statistical examination of our experimental dataset shows that in general we cannot reject that employers are indifferent to whether job candidates gained their experience in a civilian or a military environment.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Baert, Stijn and Balcaen, Pieter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {10ab9f83a732b664941e6b4ba48ed124}, intrahash = {8c93be94d36134521230541a16194772}, journal = {Economics}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Field_Experiments Hiring_Discrimination SCOPUSindexed Transitions_in_the_Labour_Market article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {2013-37}, pages = {1-17}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934272 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The impact of military work experience on later hiring chances in the civilian labour market: Evidence from a field experiment}, url = {}, volume = 7, year = 2013}@article{kim2014individual, abstract = {This study analyzes variations that occurred between individual and contextual factors in an individual?s acceptance of science and technology (S&T). Acceptance of S&T is not fully determined by individual thought. Rather, it is also determined by social context. Hence, an individual?s acceptance could be explained by both individual and contextual predictors, rather than by just one or the other predictor.Based on data collected from 31,390 respondents in 34 countries, we applied multilevel modeling to test the effects of individual and contextual factors on individuals? acceptance of S&T. For the predictors required for the multilevel analysis in explaining the acceptance of S&T, we adopted perceived risk/benefit, knowledge, and affective image at the individual level, and economic state (gross domestic product per capita), religiosity, and post-materialism at the contextual level.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kim, Seoyong and Choi, Sang-Ok and Wang, Jaesun}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dfe82f0104258012ceba43825656ad11}, intrahash = {722021a76ba60cfb83bf1af0045b1609}, journal = {Science and Public Policy}, keywords = {2014 Acceptance_of_science_and_technology EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked comparative_study english indexproved input2014 input2016 isspbib2016 multilevel_analysis review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {44-57}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935520 ; inputdate=2014-06-27 ; editdate=2014-06-27 ; pubdate=2014-06-27 ; ISSP_ID=30641}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Individual perception vs. structural context: Searching for multilevel determinants of social acceptance of new science and technology across 34 countries}, url = {}, volume = 41, year = 2014}@article{baloban2001obitelj, abstract = {The author analyses family in Croatia on the basis of four theses, in comparison with the European families. He emphasizes the necessary connection of marriage and family, underlining that certain marriage and family values are mutually highly dependent and complementary, and stressing that in most cases divorces tear the family apart (61,74% of the marriages had children). According to empirical research projects in Croatia, family is perceived as a highly important value and as a public good. However, at the same time there occurs a gradual differentiation of marriage and family as values, which are connected to the general crisis, i.e. the restructuring of values in general. It is especially interesting that most citizens (91,5%) favour the state's assisting role with regard to family, which can be different from the European model that is undergoing the abandonment of the assistance model that was dominant until now. The author also points to the contradictory ambivalence present among Croatian citizens regarding values system related to family. The contradiction is also noticeable among Christians, who experience a certain discrepancy between their Christian ideal with regard to marriage and family, and the more concrete, real life. Furthermore, the author sees contradiction in the fact that Croatian citizens conform to the trends of the world that shape the situation in which accepting values as an objective good becomes more and more conditioned by individual criteria. Here we can also see the connection of the family to the value crisis. For example, 65,95% of Croatian citizens approve of a women having a child as a self-supporting parent outside a stabile relationship with a man, while at the same time 81,9% of the citizens state that the child needs a father and a mother for a happy upbringing. A similar phenomenon occurs with the view of abortion as murder and its legalization. In the final part of his essay the author points to yet another ambivalence; two thirds of citizens think that the Catholic Church in Croatia can give certain answers to family problems, while at the same time every second citizen thinks that the Church actually does that. Starting from the empirical data and some theological and sociological conclusions, the author offers in the end certain pastoral theological solutions for the current and future activities of the Church.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e60406ac06cf86fb2aef07a0726c76b1}, intrahash = {3ce2bb8e4b2de0c42374f4a214b13a4d}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked church citizen family indexproved input2014 marriage review_proved values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {2-3}, pages = {341-360}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280802 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Obitelj i suvremena kriza vrednota (Family and Contemporary Crisis of Values)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {/brokenurl#full-text available at }, volume = 71, year = 2001}@article{halman1987ethostypen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ba827653ff03e354bfc317f818149e91}, intrahash = {36278a37d7abd83ef6455eba8655e87e}, journal = {Sociale Wetenschappen}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {117-143}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281049 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Ethostypen in de Nederlandse samenleving}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 30, year = 1987}@article{torgler2010gender, abstract = {The topics of corruption and tax evasion have attracted signi?cant attention inthe literature in recent years. We build on that literature by investigating empirically:(1) whether attitudes toward corruption and tax evasion vary systematically withgender and (2) whether gender differences decline as men and women face similaropportunities for illicit behavior. We use data on eight Western European countriesfrom the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey. The results revealsigni?cantly greater aversion to corruption and tax evasion among women. This holdsacross countries and time, and across numerous empirical speci?cations}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Torgler, Benno and Valev, Neven}, biburl = {}, interhash = {73d21ae81fe0d015046419f478361734}, intrahash = {67d2d474aabef2e84dc1c34511376611}, journal = {Contemporary Economic Policy}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, privnote = {EVS_ID=5431929 ; inputdate=2012-04-10 ; editdate=2012-04-10 ; pubdate=2012-04-10}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Gender and public attitudes towards corruption and tax evasion}, volume = 28, year = 2010}@article{orizo1993cambio, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ff3b27e79796fe791eae1890d1c303dc}, intrahash = {096346558441e41dc9f4993eca8969ce}, journal = {Corintios XIII}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280986 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Cambio de Valores en el Sur Europeo: el caso de Espa?a. Espa?a en la Communidad Económica Europea a la luz la doctrina Social de la Iglesia}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {66/67}, year = 1993}@article{kanol2012explaining, abstract = {In this paper, the author attempts to explain why there is no Green Party in the northern part of Cyprus. Since the public opinion surveys give a blurred picture to the researcher trying to solve the puzzle, the author relies on in-depth qualitative interviews. Findings suggest that the Cyprus problem, economic problems and low trust in the output legitimacy of the system are the main variables to explain Green Party absence in northern Cyprus. The finding on the impact of the belief in the deliverability of the political system on Green Party formation stands out as a proposition that has to be tested in other cases as this has not yet been discussed in new party formation literature}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kanol, Direnc}, biburl = {}, interhash = {07e479bd5067b5cc373095bfce5c1eac}, intrahash = {dc805b50c1099c2cc2d6e7dec5cb753a}, journal = {The Cyprus Review}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 Environmental_attitudes FDZ_IUP Green_party SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 new_party_formation northern_Cyprus postmaterialism review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {39-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938985 ; inputdate=2014-11-25 ; editdate=2014-11-25 ; pubdate=2014-11-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Explaining Green Party Absence in Northern Cyprus}, url = {}, volume = 24, year = 2012}@article{galland2006traditionmodernit, abstract = {French: Les théories de la modernisation proposées dans les années cinquante et soixante avan?aient l?idée que les sociétés convergeaient vers les valeurs modernes et abandonnaient progressivement leurs valeurs traditionnelles. Cette idée de convergence est réexaminée dans cet article, dans le contexte des seules sociétés européennes, à partir de l?exploitation des enquêtes Valeurs. Une série d?échelles d?attitudes sont construites, puis analysées par des techniques multivariées. Deux résultats principaux se dégagent de cette étude. Tout d?abord, il appara?t que, quelle que soit la date ou les pays examinés, les valeurs des Européens se structurent toujours autour d?un axe de traditionalisme. Un tel résultat est évidemment en contradiction avec les thèses, fortement critiquées par ailleurs, de convergence vers la modernité. Ce résultat est aussi l?occasion de réfléchir sur le pendant du traditionalisme ? faut-il l?appeler ? modernité ? ? ? et sur les liens entre les attitudes économiques et les attitudes morales. En second lieu, la religiosité est étroitement liée à cette structuration des valeurs, mais elle oppose principalement les Européens affiliés à une religion quelle qu?elle soit aux sans-religion, plut?t que ? comme on l?imagine souvent ? les catholiques aux protestants. Au total, la tension entre tradition et modernité reste au c?ur du système de valeurs des sociétés européennes.English: The modernisation theories developed in the 50s and 60s suggested that societies were converging toward modern values, gradually abandoning their traditional values. This convergence idea is re-examined in the following article within the context of European countries and on the basis of processed Values surveys. A set of attitude scales was constructed and then analysed through multivariate techniques. Two main results emerge from this analysis. First, it appears that, regardless of date and country, the Europeans? values are still structured around a traditionalism axis. This result obviously contradicts the theories of convergence towards modernity, theories that are strongly criticised. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the counterpart of traditionalism?need it be called ?modernity??? and on the relations between economic and moral attitudes. Second, religiosity is strongly linked to this structuring of values but it mainly opposes European members of whatever religious denomination to non-members, rather than?as is often imagined? Catholics to Protestants. All in all, the tension between tradition and modernity remains at the core of the value system of European societies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Olivier and Lemel, Yannick}, biburl = {}, interhash = {313fc08a3a07b99fbcc196aab61b55cb}, intrahash = {d967f41596f9c390e5b91f296595c6be}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {725-753}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936374 ; inputdate=2014-08-01 ; editdate=2014-08-01 ; pubdate=2014-08-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Tradition-modernité: un clivage persistant des sociétés européennes}, url = {}, volume = 47, year = 2006}@article{halman2004third, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Kerkhofs, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2fe411ffde1a5336a758d430da2ee44b}, intrahash = {4b75130eb09ff9016dccf1501494eb1f}, issn = {10695664}, journal = {East-West Church & Ministry Report}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {8-9}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256392 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {The Third European Values Study (1999-2000): Selected Findings on Religion and Ethics}, volume = 12, year = 2004}@article{schweisguth2002lventail, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Schweisguth, Etienne}, biburl = {}, interhash = {03199eacba6c4653f6871fd4072ff388}, intrahash = {590a305ad1233b4390b63148cce91bb7}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {161-176}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281250 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-20 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {L'éventail des normes sociales}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{arts1998roomschen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {845ebd4c4420f410e531507f07584fba}, intrahash = {77455f13b97e0a7502267dd5002ddf9f}, issn = {380334}, journal = {Sociologische Gids}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {192-197}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256360 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Waar zijn de 'roomschen' gebleven?}, volume = {XLV}, year = 1998}@article{norris2006, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Norris, P. and Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7b3bde4b165af2496c89fdbd5804465d}, intrahash = {7f52f139e268f8f40fa2ac0872024d2b}, journal = {Public Policy Research}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {224-233}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776703 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {God, Guns and Gays}, volume = 12, year = 2006}@article{halman2004european, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P. and Moors, G.B.D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3544d1dbd8d962b0fe73739249785e93}, intrahash = {944ba3dbfbc04bdf84e437e31bf517d7}, journal = {Sotsiologiya}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {36-44}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256390 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;religiosity?V108: religious service important: marriage (Q27B)?V109: religious service important: death (Q27C)?V107: religious service important: birth (Q27A)?V118: do you believe in: heaven (Q30D)?V129: politicians and God (Q39A)?V119: do you believe in: sin (Q30E)?V115: do you believe in: God (Q30A)?V116: do you believe in: life after death (Q30B)?V117: do you believe in: hell (Q30C)?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)?V123: how important is God in your life (Q33)?V131: religion and public office (Q39C)?V124: do you get comfort and strength from religion (Q34)Environmental value?V8: environment: give part of income against environmental pollution (Q3A)?V9: environment: increase taxes to prevent environmental pollution (Q3B)?V10: environment: government should reduce environmental pollution (Q3C)informal social solidarity?V272: are you concerned with: eldery people (Q80A)?V273: are you concerned with: unemployed people (Q80B)?V270: are you concerned with: europeans (Q79E)?V269: are you concerned with: fellow countrymen (Q79D)?V267: are you concerned with: people neighbourhood (Q79B)?V268: are you concerned with: people own region (Q79C)?V274: are you concerned with: immigrants (Q80C)?V275: are you concerned with: sick and disabled (Q80D)national identity?V252: belong to geographic group-next (Q68)?V251: belong to geographic group-most (Q67)political future?V192: good/bad: less emphasis on money (Q57A)?V196: good/bad: more respect for authority (Q57E)?V193: good/bad: decrease work importance (Q57B)?V197: good/bad: more emphasis on familylife (Q57F)?V199: good/bad: more power to local authorities (Q57H)work?V82: important in a job: achieving something (Q13L)?V74: important in a job: job security (Q13D)?V78: important in a job: use initiative (Q13H)?V73: important in a job: not too much pressure (Q13C)?V84: important in a job: interesting job (Q13N)?V80: important in a job: generous holidays (Q13J)?V76: important in a job: respected job (Q13F)?V83: important in a job: responsible job (Q13M)?V85: important in a job: meeting abilities (Q13O)?V71: important in a job: good pay (Q13A)?V79: important in a job: useful for society (Q13I)?V81: important in a job: meeting people (Q13K)?V77: important in a job: good hours (Q13G)gender roles?V155: pre-school child suffers with working mother (Q46B)?V178: abortion if couple doesnt want more children approve/disapprove (Q50B)?V161: men less able to handle emotions in relationships than women (Q46H)?V177: abortion if woman not married approve/disapprove (Q50A)?V156: women really want home and children (Q46C)?V154: working mother warm relationship with children (Q46A)?V160: fathers as well suited to look after children as mothers (Q46G)?V158: job best way for independence women (Q46E)?V157: being housewife as fulfilling as paid job (Q46D)?V159: husband+wife contribute to household income (Q46F)work ethic?V90: job needed to develop talents (Q17A)?V95: work comes always first (Q17F)?V94: not having to work if you dont want to (Q17E)?V93: work is a duty towards society (Q17D)?V91: humiliating receiving money without working (Q17B)?V92: people turn lazy not working (Q17C)Marriage?V167: learn children at home: feeling of responsiblity (Q49D)?V174: learn children at home: obedience (Q50K)?V138: important in marriage: good housing (Q40F)?V136: important in marriage: respect+appreciation (Q40D)?V134: important in marriage: adequate income (Q40B)?V140: important in marriage: understanding+tolerance (Q40H)?V135: important in marriage: same social background (Q40C)?V133: important in marriage: faithfulness (Q40A)?V143: important in marriage: share household chores (Q40K)?V170: learn children at home: thrift (Q49G)?V168: learn children at home: imagination (Q49E)?V171: learn children at home: determination,perseverance (Q49H)?V153: long-term relationship necessary to be happy (Q45B)?V172: learn children at home: religious faith (Q49I)?V147: important in marriage: talking about mutual interests (Q40O)?V165: learn children at home: independence (Q49B)?V146: important in marriage: spending time together (Q40N)?V166: learn children at home: hard work (Q49C)?V139: important in marriage: agreement on politics (Q40G)?V149: women need children in order to be fulfilled (Q42)?V137: important in marriage: shared religious beliefs (Q40E)civic morality?V226: do you justify: cheating on tax (Q65B)?V231: do you justify: accepting a bribe (Q65G)?V235: do you justify: euthanasia (Q65K)?V237: do you justify: throwing away litter in public place(Q65M)?V242: do you justify: speeding over limit in built-up areas (Q65R)?V232: do you justify: homosexuality (Q65H)?V240: do you justify: having casual sex (Q65P)?V236: do you justify: suicide (Q65L)?V225: do you justify: claiming state benefits (Q65A)?V239: do you justify: paying cash to avoid taxes (Q65O)?V241: do you justify: smoking in public buildings (Q65Q)?V234: do you justify: divorce (Q65J)?V228: do you justify: taking soft drugs (Q65D)?V230: do you justify: adultery (Q65F)?V227: do you justify: joyriding (Q65C)?V233: do you justify: abortion (Q65I)?V229: do you justify: lying in own interest (Q65E)?V238: do you justify: driving under influence of alcohol (Q65N)poverty?V70: why do people live in need-2nd most important (Q12)?V69: why do people live in need-most important (Q11)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56)protest proness?V180: joining in boycotts (Q51B)?V182: joining unofficial strikes (Q51D)?V179: signing a petition (Q51A)?V181: attending lawful demonstrations (Q51C)?V183: occupying buildings/factories (Q51E)democracy dimension?V222: democracy: is indecicive (Q63C)?V220: democracy: best political system (Q63A)?V216: political system: strong leader (Q62A)?V218: political system: the army ruling (Q62C)?V219: political system: democratic (Q62D)?V221: democracy: causes bad economy (Q63B)trust in institutions?V201: how much confidence in: armed forces (Q58B)?V204: how much confidence in: trade unions (Q58E)?V208: how much confidence in: social security system (Q58I)?V207: how much confidence in: civil service (Q58H)?V200: how much confidence in: church (Q58A)?V206: how much confidence in: parliament (Q58G)?V202: how much confidence in: education system (Q58C)?V211: how much confidence in: health care system (Q58M)?V205: how much confidence in: the police (Q58F)?V210: how much confidence in: united nations organisation (Q58L)?V212: how much confidence in: justice system (Q58N)?V203: how much confidence in: the press (Q58D)?V209: how much confidence in: european union (Q58J)justice dimension?V260: important: eliminating income inequalities (Q76A)?V262: important: recognizing people on merits (Q76C)?V261: important: basic needs for all (Q76B)liberal vs socialist views?V187: take any job-right to refuse job when unemployed (Q54B)?V189: state give more freedom to-control firms more effectively (Q54D)?V188: competition good-harmful for people (Q54C)?V186: individual-state responsibility for providing (Q54A)ethnocentrism?V55: dont like as neighbours: heavy drinkers (Q7D)?V62: dont like as neighbours: drug addicts (Q7K)?V52: dont like as neighbours: people with criminal record (Q7A)?V56: dont like as neighbours: right wing extremists (Q7E)?V57: dont like as neighbours: large families (Q7F)?V53: dont like as neighbours: people of different race (Q7B)?V58: dont like as neighbours: emotionally unstable people (Q7G)?V54: dont like as neighbours: left wing extremists (Q7C)?V61: dont like as neighbours: people with AIDS (Q7J)?V60: dont like as neighbours: immigrants/foreign workers (Q7I)?V59: dont like as neighbours: muslims (Q7H)?V63: dont like as neighbours: homosexuals (Q7L)?V64: dont like as neighbours: jews (Q7M)}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {A map of European cultures. A research of main value orientations shared by European countries population}, volume = 4, year = 2004}@article{delooz1986church, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Europe-North America}, author = {Delooz, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {19e088fc5e59d3cef8af4871f8834cc9}, intrahash = {cc180312e2a987fa62b95eb479bd0fda}, journal = {Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281244 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Church in Malta}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 33, year = 1986}@article{mares2001czechs, abstract = {The Czech population attaches great importance to work in their lives, both as a source of income & as a sphere in which to realize their human potential. A factor analysis of work aspects identified three general factors in the aspects of work: an "instrumental & trade-off" factor (good pay & good job security; generous holidays, good working hours & not too much pressure; pleasant people to work with & good working conditions); a "social factor" (an interesting, useful job, responsible job, & respected job & meeting interesting people); & a "self-fulfillment" factor (chances for promotion, possibility of achievement, opportunity to use initiative, opportunity to use one's abilities). The importance attached to individual work aspects differs among members of individual social classes, as well as between men & women within these classes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mare?, Petr}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fb0ed61d56701d45ecf4b1e0fe757ad0}, intrahash = {16a844c7d291a940a1c89a3c93d22175}, issn = {12103861}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {69-84}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280923 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Czechs: Jobs and Work}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{oorschot2006social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Oorschot, W.J.H. van and Arts, W.A. and Gelissen, J.P.T.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8400547a8472def7c104fcce0310fd62}, intrahash = {e1b5a64d8f6b6fb7301690adb5434cb4}, issn = {16993}, journal = {Acta Sociologica}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {149-167}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256419 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Social capital in Europe. Measurement and regional distribution of a multi-faceted phenomenon}, volume = 49, year = 2006}@article{tchernia2003valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {333ff9cca000a19b672e1247b149b428}, intrahash = {6551639963d1e9216932ff6990c4a534}, journal = {Les valeurs dans la société fran?aise, Millénaire 3 Grand Lyon & Economie et Humanisme}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {61-65}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936455 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs du travail: vivre pour travailler?}, url = {}, year = 2003}@article{voye2012imminent, abstract = {The last European Values Study (EVS 2009) confirms the results of the three preceding EVS concerning the crumbling of links with the Church, the net fall in religious practices, in orthodoxy of beliefs and acceptance of ecclesiastic precepts in ethical matters. The Study also shows that the fall in these indicators is accentuated among younger people, of whom almost 70% are without any link to the Church since at least a generation. This EVS shows among other things, that confidence in the Church is diminishing strongly and that the replies it gives to spiritual, moral, familial and social problems are judged by a majority of people to be inadequate. Even if the catholic 'pillar' still seems to manifest itself in certain cultural specificities, most of its institutions have distanced themselves from the Church. If one adds to these observations the fact that, among the qualities to be developed among children, religious education comes in last place, it seems that progressively instituted catholic religion is moving away from the culture which is that of modern society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voyé, Liliane and Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7e5c795e86fe3594a68b57d663210e34}, intrahash = {58e87fa0f441329b67d92b7fd34c81c7}, journal = {Revue Theologique de Louvain}, keywords = {2012 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {3-26}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934383 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {An imminent deculturation : the marginalization of the Catholic Church in Belgium [Une déculturation annoncée. De la marginalisation de l'?glise Catholique en Belgique]}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2012}@article{you2005comparative, abstract = {This article argues that income inequality increases the level of corruption through material and normative mechanisms. The wealthy have both greater motivation and more opportunity to engage in corruption, whereas the poor are more vulnerable to extortion and less able to monitor and hold the rich and powerful accountable as inequality increases. Inequality also adversely affects social norms about corruption and people's beliefs about the legitimacy of rules and institutions, thereby making it easier for them to tolerate corruption as acceptable behavior. This comparative analysis of 129 countries using two-stage least squares methods with a variety of instrumental variables supports the authors' hypotheses using different measures of corruption (the World Bank's Control of Corruption Index and the Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index). The explanatory power of inequality is at least as important as conventionally accepted causes of corruption such as economic development. The authors also found a significant interaction effect between inequality and democracy, as well as evidence that inequality affects norms and perceptions about corruption using the World Values Surveys data. Because corruption also contributes to income inequality, societies often fall into vicious circles of inequality and corruption.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {You, J S. and Khagram, S.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c917ff258a60d2b34ca242eaf82c9b24}, intrahash = {bc95e4dee5b9d9849c1ded28418d634d}, journal = {American Sociological Review}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {136-157}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777012 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A comparative study of inequality and corruption}, volume = 70, year = 2005}@article{tomka2004transformations, abstract = {Si, jusqu'à une période récente, les théories sociologiques sur la modernisation et la sécularisation partageaient le même point de vue d'une perte de sens de la religion, voire de sa disparition, la plupart opposent désormais à ce concept la thèse de l'individualisation du religieux et celle de la désinstitutionalisation ou, plus exactement, de la disparition des ?glises ; elles défendent l'idée d'une transformation de la religion mais non de son effacement. Sur un plan empirique, la réactivation de l'islam, l'apparition de nouvelles formes de religiosité et de nouveaux mouvements religieux et, enfin, une restauration religieuse en Europe centrale et orientale semblent rendre discutable la thèse de la sécularisation. Après avoir réfléchi sur les relations entre sociétés et religions en Europe centrale et orientale dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle et analysé les données récentes sur la situation religieuse et l'état des ?glises dans cette région de l'Europe, l'auteur dresse un bilan qui tente de répondre à ces différentes questions théoriques.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c6e8a66127cfd7a4c4c8c58e10c73c5f}, intrahash = {bfa7144c81d5e122b0b8fbf33d95fb1d}, issn = {3380599}, journal = {Revue: d'?tudes Comparatives Est-Ouest}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Fran?ais SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Secularization article checked indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {11-35}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280892 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les transformations religieuses en Europe centrale et orientale}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 35, year = 2004}@article{riffault1995europens, abstract = {A modern reevaluation of the changing status of work explores the effects of extensive underemployment, increasing use of part-time & temporary labor, & segmentation of the labor force. Traditionally the cornerstone of social organization, (remunerated) work once was the primary determinant of direct or indirect revenues for Europeans. Further, because it created a link with a professional title, it provided a degree of social recognition. Noting cross-national differences in socioprofessional categories, the European Values Survey found that, next to family, work remains very important, much more than friends, free time, or religion. Europeans work not only to earn wages, but also for the social interaction; 70% believe that work is crucial to the social development of the individual. While material considerations constitute a major factor in the work formula, the intrinsic interest of an occupation is equally important. Europeans may be moving toward a new model of work that integrates greater levels of individual activity with less than full-time employment.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Riffault, Hélène}, biburl = {}, interhash = {457a12edd88caa2df43271abab1cec1d}, intrahash = {32ef1d8db671310b17d7a7a5ed366c86}, issn = {0337307X, 2843871999}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {25-46}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280805 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les Européens et la valeur travail (Europeans and the Work Value)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{tappeiner2008regional, abstract = {The explanation of different levels of innovation and their spatial distribution represents the central focus of the analysis. Theempirical literature documents the incidence of spatial autocorrelation in patenting activities and interprets them as evidence forknowledge spillovers. Alternatively, the authors propose the spatial pattern of input variables in innovation processes as drivingforces of patenting autocorrelation. They analyze 51 Nuts 1 regions in Europe and find that the high degree of spatial autocorrelationexhibited by patent applications can be explained comprehensively by the spatial location of the input factors in the knowledgeproduction function. These are traditional indicators on R&D investments and human capital from Eurostat and proxy variables onsocial capital from the European Values Study. This finding has important implications for the scope of an autonomous regionalinnovation policy}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tappeiner, Gottfried and Hauser, Christoph and Walde, Janette}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9300379808214175b539ecbf8bc50111}, intrahash = {ad0e30e2b05989e85e94f48be5102396}, journal = {Research Policy}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 Economic_geography FDZ_IUP Innovation Knowledge_spillovers SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {861-874}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258502 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Regional knowledge spillovers: Fact or artifact}, volume = 37, year = 2008}@article{derosa1993valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {de Rosa, G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {17d677f322a118bb029399e9762ac5db}, intrahash = {40db817d5efee3a3626e56bcb973eba6}, journal = {La Civiltà Cattolica}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280860 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {I valori degli italiani nel contesto europeo}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 1441, year = 1993}@article{listhaug1990nyere, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0ad25fcb251b442d0a4a94648a98ef36}, intrahash = {0783b5759661e43d421845517a4c25a9}, issn = {8011745}, journal = {Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Norwegian Politics Social_engagement article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {107-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280869 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Nyere sosiale bevegelser og deres politiske innflytelse}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 1990}@article{vanmeerbeeck1995importance, abstract = {Explores the meaning of church rituals & rites of passage in Flanders, Belgium, drawing on data from the 1990 European Values Survey (N = 929 respondents) & a review of the literature. Focus is on the influence of age & sex on attitudes toward baptism; the religious characteristics of people who view baptism as important to celebrate a birth; & the extent to which that attitude is linked with religiosity & spiritual behavior. It is discovered that a majority of Flemish, regardless of belief system, consider religious ritual important to marking life events. The Catholic church faces little competition for these practices: it represents a centuries-old tradition viewed as appropriately ceremonial & sacred for separating special moments from everyday events, & for intensifying ties with family & past.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {van Meerbeeck, Anne}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f27904ab95dedfe92aedf16e91e2f1f9}, intrahash = {1ab047241aac305601612485b6c5d2dd}, issn = {377686}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {1995 AHindexed EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {full-text available at . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {47-58}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280859 ; country=BE ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Importance of a Religious Service at Birth: The Persistent Demand for Baptism in Flanders}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {/brokenurl#full-text available at }, volume = 42, year = 1995}@article{warburg1999gender, abstract = {Possible relations between gender, profession and non-conformal religiosity are discussed, and patterns of religiosity are analysed among Danes in the social, educational, and health care (SEH) professions with a view to clarifying the role of gender versus that of profession in propagating non-conformal religiosity. The data were taken from an interview study of the Danish Baha'i community and from the Danish part of the European Values Study (EVS). The conversion accounts of SEH professionals among the Danish Baha'is indicate a specific religious socialization in the SEH professional environment. The EVS data demonstrate that non-conformal religiosity is much more prevalent among SEH professionals than among the rest of the population. Three to five times as many practised meditation, yoga, or healing, and belief in reincarnation was also more widespread. Regarding these indicators of non-conformal religiosity, no differences were found between men and women in the SEH professions. For persons not in the SEH professions, indicators of both conformal and non-conformal religiosity showed a higher prevalence among women than among men. This corroborates the hypothesis that the female-dominated SEH professional environment exerts a strong socialization to non-conformal religiosity, a socialization that may outweigh the general effect of gender.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Warburg, M. and Luchau, P. and Andersen, P B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {771e82a1960fedb38dd04ba691dad555}, intrahash = {707f8eb44552deb8999189ff0de67b7a}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {1999 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {277-290}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777007 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender, profession, and non-conformal religiosity}, volume = 14, year = 1999}@article{abbruzzese1994litalia, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abbruzzese, Salvatore}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fc7400c982fb9d5bf0d35bfc91ab0313}, intrahash = {47453284493c92f11264abdd3c65dcbc}, journal = {Micromega}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {123-132}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281153 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {L'Italia dei valori}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 1994}@article{arpino2013fertility, abstract = {Using data from the Eurostat Database and European Value Surveys we assess if recent fertility trends in Europe are associated with a change in values. A special emphasis is given to Spain and Italy that, together with the other Southern European countries, are often seen as a homogeneous group sharing the same 'traditional' values and demographic behaviours -as opposed to Scandinavian countries which are seen as progressive. We show that Italy and Spain are not that similar in terms of values. We also show that similarities at the country level with respect to TFR hide considerable variation at the regional level. We argue that an analysis at the regional level, as carried out here, is crucial to better understand changes in fertility levels. Our analyses provide evidence that recent fertility trends are associated with value dynamics, namely that the highest increases in TFR happened in regions where both individualism with respect to relationships and individual autonomy grew at the same time that individualism with respect to children diminished. We also provide empirical evidence in support of McDonald's theory that both gender equity in market-oriented and family-oriented institutions is necessary for fertility to rise.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Arpino, Bruno and Tavares, L Patrício}, biburl = {}, interhash = {eac7dc2070095de775b7a7b23f97fb31}, intrahash = {8a0653d1d138938a353a92d28df34520}, journal = {Population Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Spain article checked english fertility indexproved input2014 italy regional_analysis review_proved reviewed values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {62-86}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938888 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Fertility and values in Italy and Spain: A look at regional differences within the European context}, url = {}, volume = 52, year = 2013}@article{vermunt2003multilevel, abstract = {The latent class (LC) models that have been developed so far assume that observations are independent. Parametric and non-parametric random-coefficient LC models are proposed here, which will make it possible to modify this assumption. For example, the models can be used for the analysis of data collected with complex sampling designs, data with a multilevel structure, and multiple-group data for more than a few groups. An adapted EM algorithm is presented that makes maximum-likelihood estimation feasible. The new model is illustrated with examples from organizational, educational, and cross-national comparative research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vermunt, J K.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {199fc48cf0c8d32d01f47f9b333f59cf}, intrahash = {db8ee42bf8b171526767deef4fc9a297}, journal = {Sociological Methodology}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {213-239}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777002 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Multilevel latent class models}, volume = 33, year = 2003}@article{ziliukaite1998aspects, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ziliukaite, Ruta}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2cf16fcd0ce2695cf412b844d9a86b2b}, intrahash = {7ac3a5ced61cb498925cc1ec8072c61a}, journal = {Spectrum: Studies in the History of Culture}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {144-170}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280779 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Some Aspects of Christian Identity in Contemporary Lithuanian Society}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 1998}@article{juknevicius1998secularization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Juknevicius, Stanislovas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {430474bd64eb76e27bcca34a8dc32afa}, intrahash = {d557d90c25dbbde46c8622ae2851a529}, journal = {Spectrum: studies in the history of culture}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 lithuanian religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {125-143}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281091 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Secularization and the Renaissance of Religiosity in Lithuanian Contemporary Culture}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1998}@article{inglehart2005exploring, abstract = {This article argues that cultural change is roughly predictable: to a large extent, it is shaped by a few variables included in a model of cultural modernization that is presented here. The beliefs and values of a society's people are also affected by unique world events and country-specific factors that would not fit into a general model, such as a given society's political parties and leaders, so our predictions will not be precisely accurate. Nevertheless, in this article we will stick our necks out and predict the locations on two major cultural dimensions of all the countries likely to be included in the next wave of the World Values Survey, to be carried out in 2005/2006. Using a simple predictive model based on our revised version of modernization theory, we first "predict" and test the positions that 80 societies should have on a two major dimensions of cross-cultural variation in the most recent wave of surveys (carried out in 1999/2001); we find that our predictions are surprisingly accurate: the average prediction for a given country falls within a small radius of the location that is actually observed on the cross-cultural map (specifically: the average prediction and the actual location fall within a circle that occupies less than two percent of the map's area). We then use this same model to predict the survey responses that we expect to find for 120 countries that are most likely to be surveyed in the next wave of surveys, in 2005/2006. Almost half of these countries have not been included in our previous surveys (and a number have never been covered in any survey of which we are aware). These are genuine blind predictions / which we believe is an important challenge for social scientists. Our predictions will not be exactly correct; in some cases, they will not even be in the right ballpark. But we are confident that in the great majority of cases, they will come much closer to the observed results than would random guesses. We are confident that these a priori predictions will be reasonably close to the results obtained from actual fieldwork, because analysis of data from more than 60 societies surveyed in previous waves of the World Values Surveys and European Values Surveys indicates that cross-cultural differences in basic values have a surprisingly consistent relationship with economic development. The values and beliefs of mass publics vary a great deal cross-nationally, but they tend to vary in a roughly predictable way that can be derived from a revised version of modernization theory}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, R. and Welzel, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {124a62a30f4d2ede2e2b0570e30e96b9}, intrahash = {9c733e298bfb484bc4cee13bd5cdb4be}, journal = {International Review of Sociology}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {173-201}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776369 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Exploring the Unknown: Predicting the Responses of Publics not yet Surveyed}, volume = 15, year = 2005}@article{blom1988familie, abstract = {An examination of several empirical models of the relevance of the family for subjective quality of life. Data from the Norwegian values study demonstrate that satisfaction with one's home life is the most important predictor of overall life satisfaction, happiness, & affect balance. Married people & cohabitors have the highest scores of quality of life measures. Differences between the sexes are mostly insignificant, refuting the argument of Jessie Bernard (The Future of Marriage, New York: Bantam Books, 1972) that marriage benefits the husband & harms the wife. Traditional family values are positively correlated with subjective aspects of the quality of life. 4 Tables, 74 References. Modified HA.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Blom, Svein and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {818a44905cfd48bb8c5b1d04ed0bfaf0}, intrahash = {f1239aee1b74d6e8b5fbfc9068bab79c}, issn = {0040716X}, journal = {Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Norwegian SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked family indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {5-28}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281223 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Familie og livskvalitet (Family and Quality of Life)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 29, year = 1988}@article{tchernia2002riffault, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3213560960f27fe8cdcbc8ba1ead497c}, intrahash = {0d5c172f01e54e2394a857faaea6b1d4}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {79-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281293 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Hélène Riffault et les études d'opinion}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{hiller2013changes, abstract = {This article focuses on the mutual interplay between changes in divorce rates, divorce laws and cultural acceptance of divorce. The latter differs among individuals and evolves endogenously via cultural transmission mechanisms in which children's preferences are partly shaped by divorce decisions of their parents. In turn, divorce law is chosen by majority voting. The dynamics of the economy may exhibit multiple long-run equilibria. Economic shocks can destabilize the low-divorce equilibrium: through cultural evolutions, divorce rates increase and divorce law may be modified. In compliance with stylized facts, the results show that legal changes occurred after that divorce rates had started to rise.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hiller, Victor and Recoules, Magali}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2a684520b1b22fcb9aedd1c2a1d7fd56}, intrahash = {30b9862818c44193f35f1199f5745fc9}, journal = {International Review of Law and Economics}, keywords = {2013 Cultural_evolution Divorce_law EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Marriage_and_divorce SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {77-78}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934315 ; inputdate=2014-04-15 ; editdate=2014-04-15 ; pubdate=2014-04-15}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changes in divorce patterns: Culture and the law}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2013}@article{gill1998religious, abstract = {The understanding and interpretation of the presumed secularization of Britain and other European nations is clouded by a lack of adequate information regarding the substance and timing of religious change. This paper represents the first systematic effort to collect and analyze existing survey data on religious belief in Britain from the late 1930s to the present. Overall, the results show an increase in general scepticism about the existence of God, the related erosion of dominant, traditional Christian beliefs, and the persistence of nontraditional beliefs. A theoretical perspective is needed that recognizes the often corrosive effects of modern life on the transmission of religious beliefs and the continued popularity of worldviews which presume a transcendent referent, however broadly defined.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gill, R. and Hadaway, C K. and Marler, P L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {94c4f5d5d584b390ceff8c6d12502c3f}, intrahash = {edfb6d0b3f53631973badf7fb7d0e62f}, issn = {0021-8294}, journal = {Journal for the scientific study of religion}, keywords = {1998 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {507-516}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763937 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is religious belief declining in Britain?}, volume = 37, year = 1998}@article{abela2005shaping, abstract = {A comparative analysis of the European Values Study and Eurobarometer surveys identifies continuity and change of the Maltese national identity in the European Union. A shift can be observed from an essentially local and strong traditional national identity toward a more regional, Mediterranean and European sense of belonging. The emotional transmission of an inherited national identity, which has so far been driven by people's attachment to the Church and religion, party politics, local and social solidarity, traditionalism and materialism, is gradually giving way to the reshaping of a national identity in a new social context. The latter is influenced by individualized values, the importance of leisure, and a concern with global solidarity. As citizens of the European Union, most Maltese hold a national-European identity over and above an exclusively national identity. Relative to their average European counterparts, however, fewer Maltese have an exclusively national identity, a European-national identity, or an entirely European identity. They are more likely to combine a national with a European identity. It remains to be seen whether the current national-European outlook of the European-oriented Maltese is taken over by the whole population in the reshaping of a Maltese collective identity for the near future.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {455743389d8459ef4809fa6cbc1aa7aa}, intrahash = {9b4dffb7b465d84a85703c71dbe75dc1}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {10-27}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763834 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Shaping a National Identity}, volume = 35, year = 2005}@article{lesthaeghe1987demografische, abstract = {Het artikel illustreert dat de recente evolutie inzake gezinsvorming niet enkel in een belangrijke mate bepaald wordt door economische veranderingen (inzonderheid deze met betrekking tot de tewerkstellingsmogelijkheden) maar ook door waardenverschuiving.Economische factoren zouden vooral verantwoordelijk zijn voor periode-effecten die bovenop een lange-termijn trend zijn geent. Deze laatste zou overeenkomen met cohortenverschuivingen inzake waarden. Het Europees waarden-onderzoek verschaft het empirisch materiaal. Als afhankelijke veranderlijke komen vooral twee dimensies aan de orde: de tolerantiegraad ten aanzien van non-conformisme (tolerantie echtscheiding, abortus, eenouder gezin, betekenis huwelijk) en de betekenis van ouderschap. Deze worden in verband gebracht met diverse waardenschalen (religiositeit en secularisme, Ingleharts "postmaterialisme", nationalisme, linkse politieke voorkeur, afkeer politieke extremismen, tolerantie andersdenkenden en minoriteiten, sociaal engagement, etc.). Verder worden banden gelegd en getoetst met de theorieen van respectievelijk Easterlin en Simons. De eerste verklaart de terugloop in de vruchtbaarheid door de verzwakking van de economische kansen van de jongere generaties in vergelijking met hun hoge materiele aspiraties. De tweede bindt vruchtbaarheid aan het concept van de "burgerlijk religie" en aan de mate van nationalisme.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lesthaeghe, Ron and Meekers, D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {74a4d767588fb8a47863ade89ae77764}, intrahash = {58372e2fa71ba81aef632e458f3a0423}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Sociologie}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement article checked dutch family indexproved input2014 moral_issues national_identity noindex religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {2/3}, pages = {131-200}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280927 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-29 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Demografische Verschuivingen en de Evolutie van Waardenpatronen in de Europese Gemeenschap (x- Demographic Shifts and the Evolution of Value Patterns in the European Community)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 1987}@article{brechon2002individualismes, abstract = {Les enquêtes sur les valeurs des Européens révèlent les formes de l?individualisme contemporain. Non pas un égo?sme calculateur, mais un culte de l?épanouissement personnel, privilégiant la tolérance et la sociabilité amicale. Cette volonté de choisir son destin fragilise les institutions, appelées à être plus modestes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d1aa7bea63f3f9c32fdac5399a0abc1e}, intrahash = {f13e4f03f6bf2f9f0ccace6e7ea58932}, journal = {Revue Projet}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 271, pages = {54-63}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935719 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les individualismes en Europe}, url = {}, volume = 3, year = 2002}@article{coutinho2014clusters, abstract = {This article presents results of the author's PhD thesis based on religious beliefs and practices, and attitudes of towards marriage, life, and sexuality. The sample included 500 undergraduate students from public universities of Lisbon. Applying multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis to these beliefs, practices, and attitudes, three clusters or types of religiosity were produced: nuclear Catholics, intermediate Catholics, and non-Catholics. These clusters were characterised in terms of religious socialisation, as well as of non-Catholic beliefs and practices, and aspects of life. When crossed with these last items, the clusters were renamed respectively: socio-centred orthodox, ambitious heterodox, activist and hedonist non-believers.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Coutinho, J Pereira}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1bac7acdf5c07ce4a6e0a88f77e194aa}, intrahash = {caad413fea1c0a2905d8ab317f8cd5a8}, journal = {Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved individualisation input2014 noindex review_proved reviewed secularisation socialisation undergraduate_youth}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {109-130}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938576 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Clusters of religiosity of Portuguese undergraduate youth}, url = {}, volume = 75, year = 2014}@article{brechon2004valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8e7b00ac5f3dc201d0a36b836a8569a2}, intrahash = {3e69fc1187bb15bddfc084e3d45b64f1}, journal = {Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {23-25}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935817 ; inputdate=2014-07-10 ; editdate=2014-07-10 ; pubdate=2014-07-10}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des Fran?ais : Comparaisons avec les autres pays européens}, url = {}, year = 2004}@article{halman1992godsdienst, abstract = {Using interview data from the European Values Surveys of 1981 & 1990, a contrastive analysis is given of adherence to traditional religions in Belgium & the Netherlands. In both countries, increasing secularization can be seen in terms of a decline in religiosity, traditional belief, & confidence in the churches. From 1981 to 1990, the % of Belgians with no religious preference climbed from 18% to 32%, & in the Netherlands, from 36% to 49%. Although the secularization process appears to be converging in both countries, a key difference remains, in that church-going Dutch are more likely to be highly involved with their parish than are church-going Belgians.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek and Dobbelaere, Karel and de Moor, Ruud and Voyé, Liliane}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e76fd9f5c1880add6c8c84c0ab4d06fa}, intrahash = {10a0c3ab3a72764421db009945680dcb}, issn = {380334}, journal = {Sociologische Gids}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {5-6}, pages = {285-299}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281235 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Godsdienst en Kerk in Belgi? en Nederland (Religion and Church in Belgium and the Netherlands)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 39, year = 1992}@article{vlachova2001legitimacy, abstract = {This article deals with legitimacy of democracy and its relationship to trust in political institutions in the Czech Republic. The introduction includes a recapitulation of the theories concerning the legitimacy of democracy, and on the conditions necessary for this legitimacy, which is what the subject of this article is then built upon. The author distinguishes between support for democracy as a form of government, and satisfaction with the development of democracy in a (particular) country, and searches for the factors which this depends on. As explanatory factors, the author first tests trust in institutions, then political culture and personal characteristics. The analysis showed that the legitimacy of democracy and the evaluation of the development of democracy are not in the Czech Republic mutually independent, and that they depend more on political culture than on trust in the institutions being researched. For the legitimacy of democracy, a significant effect was traced only in the case of trust in NATO ? an institution that also became a value in the political culture. With the evaluation of the development of democracy, trust in institutions was more strongly felt ? a significant effect was revealed by an analysis of the social welfare system, the army and the media. It is clear that the evaluation of the performance of institutions is rather more reflected in the system efficacy of the democracy than in the legitimacy of democracy as a system of government.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vlachová, Klara}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0809a4effa45bfac3088c682925ca520}, intrahash = {f598c4498183f45c79ee4aba2ba9f74c}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {13-34}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281299 ; country=CZ ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Legitimacy of Democracy and Trust in the Political Institutions in the Czech Republic}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{rousell1995europe, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Rousell, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a41068fd887664fa31cb8fb71258dac0}, intrahash = {8ec367bb2156764d2c1543fd73d2b260}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked family french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {47-62}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281122 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Vers une Europe des familles?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{odegard1995legality, abstract = {In the democratic vision there should be opportunities for citizens to exercise power over government decisions. Legal and constitutional arrangements ought to be supported by public opinion. Therefore statutes should ideally mirror the dominant attitude of the population. In the drugs field, there has been a sharpening of sentences given in Norway and in a number of countries that cannot be matched in any other area in which society applies penal sanctions. This article raises the question of whether this trend in the level of punishment has developed in harmony with popular opinion, something which both supporters and opponents of penalties of greater severity seem to take for granted.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Odegard, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bb1a62f72366bb9011f786c4beb169ad}, intrahash = {24c9228e3cb56e1d4731ba76c5ed5cf9}, journal = {British Journal of Criminology}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {525-542}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776704 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Legality And Legitimacy - On Attitudes To Drugs And Social Sanctions}, volume = 35, year = 1995}@article{geciene2000gyvenimo, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Summary in English, p. 525.}, author = {Geciene, I.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7928a25f9a94669c2f8399bfde70ca16}, intrahash = {d0cda222541c6395e1d18199d5076a78}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 lithuanian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {278-294}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281123 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Gyvenimo kokybe Lietuvoje 1990 ir 1999 metais (Life Quality in Lithuania: 1990-1999)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{ott2005level, abstract = {Utilitarians and egalitarians have different priorities. Utilitarians prioritize the greatest level of happiness in society and are prepared to accept inequality, while egalitarians prioritize the smallest differences and are willing to accept a loss of happiness for this purpose. In theory these moral tenets conflict, but do they really clash in practice? This question is answered in two steps. First I consider the relation between level and inequality of happiness in nations; level of happiness is measured using average responses to a survey question on life satisfaction and inequality is measured with the standard deviation. There appears to be a strong negative correlation; in nations where average happiness is high, the standard deviation tends to be low. This indicates harmony instead of tension. Secondly I consider the institutional factors that are likely to affect happiness. It appears that level and equality of happiness depend largely on the same institutional context, which is another indication for harmony. We may conclude that the discussion between utilitarians and egalitarians is of little practical importance. This conclusion implies that increasing income inequality can go together with decreasing inequality in happiness and this conclusion provides moral support for Governments developing modern market economics.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ott, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {094bc73690972b27e331a1449444ead7}, intrahash = {03d759d03194da35c4836874817abe64}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {397-420}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776705 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Level and Inequality of Happiness in Nations: Does Greater Happiness of a Greater Number Imply Greater Inequality in Happiness?}, volume = 6, year = 2005}@article{kerkhofs1992mutations, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {457237103ca9c66916c5e734f8515705}, intrahash = {9ef9e5401b670025514ac0747c6190d9}, journal = {L'Entreprise et l'homme}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {215-220}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280813 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Mutations des Valeurs en Europe (x- Value Changes in Europe)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 64, year = 1992}@article{sobotka2014persistence, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sobotka, Tomá? and Beaujouan, ?va}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1111/j.1728-4457.2014.00691.x}, interhash = {d1dfc04e54b50e628ef982f8c21112ea}, intrahash = {7b8cc907ddee025bc005f80a8d64eafb}, journal = {Population and Development}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2016 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 input2016 isspbib2016 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 3, pages = {391-419}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939054 ; inputdate=2014-11-29 ; editdate=2014-11-29 ; pubdate=2014-11-29 ; ISSP_ID=29257}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Two is Best? The Persistence of a Two-Child Family Ideal in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 40, year = 2014}@article{abbruzzese1993valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abbruzzese, Salvatore}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9531d5b53b72450e8f0aadcdae07ec7f}, intrahash = {7c576d4936a129806b31f8a77ee37299}, journal = {Studi Sociali}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked indexproved input2014 italian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {37-44}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281119 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {I valori della politica}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XXXII}, year = 1993}@article{foldary2004exploring, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest-Piliscsaba}, author = {F?ldàry, Mònika and Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5b17bef8dacb09539dd4eae9c2fa3c62}, intrahash = {5d5a9fa6b591ddb4c7d19d2ef3f8903b}, journal = {Sociology of Religion in Hungary}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {8-24}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281151 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Pázmány Péter Catholic University}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Exploring Types of Religiosity}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 2004}@article{hamberg1995worldviews, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hamberg, Eva}, biburl = {}, interhash = {228cd07b5838f2eae03c286ad0fe5ad2}, intrahash = {c428516ca95addbb1fe2baab2c54af85}, journal = {Sociale Wetenschappen}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {85-108}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281114 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {World-views and Value Systems among Immigrants: Long-term Stability or Change? A Study of Hungarian Immigrants in Sweden}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 38, year = 1995}@article{valionis2000socialiniu, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Summary in English, p. 527.}, author = {Valionis, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c4cfeacc26be50992e6c40317427cca0}, intrahash = {8e9609341fb83532b27510a8fccecbdb}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 lithuanian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {324-349}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281239 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Socialiniu ir politiniu vertybiu kaita Lietuvoje 1990-1999 metais: adaptavimasis fragmentiskoje tikroveje (Social-Political Value Change in Lithuania in 1990-1999: Adaptation in a Fragmented Reality)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{crpic2000stavovi, abstract = {The authors present those results from the European Value Study which refer to the attitudes of Croatian citizens towards having children. They say that in the age groups under 58 the number of those having more children has increased (the sample was from 18 - 65 years of age), while the number of those not having children has seen an even greater increase. The number of people who have children but do not live in a stable relationship is also increasing, resulting in more and more children living in single-parent families. The number of women not living in a stable relationship is more than 200% higher than that of men, so there are more and more single mothers. Religious people with low education living in small towns have more children. ?Having children? is ranked 5th by the interviewees, which is relatively high among the 16 values offered as being important for a successful marriage. The last majority think that children need both parents to grow up happily, and that people need to have children in order to have a meaningful life. With regard to the importance of children to a woman's fulfilment, there is an extreme polarisation of opinions in which younger interviewees believe children are not an important factor for a woman's fulfilment. The authors state that there is a large gap between the positive attitude towards having children confirmed by the preceding survey in Croatia, and the reality of the drop in birth-rate and fertility confirmed by this survey. Further research is needed in order to identify and analyse the factors causing the gap, by means of which data necessary t? design a more efficient strategy of demographic revival could be obtained.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan and Kora?evi?, Karlo}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7240ca2bcff7a9c934c2c065a21332ba}, intrahash = {d90bed9e41204c8781b4fd77c5b22fb2}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked family indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved}, note = {.(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {343-357}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280903 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Stavovi hrvatskih gra?ana prema djeci (Attitudes of Croatian Citizens Towards Having Children)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{perovic2010satisfaction, abstract = {In this paper we identify the factors that have infl uenced average life satisfactionfor Croatians based on data collected in reports from 1999 and 2006. Our analysisof the data from the European Values Survey (EVS) reveals that in 1999 lifesatisfaction was higher for people who were married, those who were employed,and those who had an income between 5,001 and 8,000 Croatian kuna (HRK) permonth. Life satisfaction was U-shaped in age, minimizing around the age of 50.Th ere appeared to be little correlation between life satisfaction and education level.Based on our analysis of the 2006 data from the United Nations DevelopmentProgram (UNDP), we fi nd that in 2006 life satisfaction was higher for people whowere married, those who were employed, those who were out of the labor force,those with a university degree, and those with higher incomes. Th e impact of agein 2006 was U-shaped as it was in the 1999 data, minimizing around the age of 58.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Perovi?, Lena Male?evi?}, biburl = {}, interhash = {20d0b5f493ccfae338aaaf23c233e45f}, intrahash = {ea7c3914917a0c6631d618d159d3c816}, journal = {Croatian Economic Survey}, keywords = {2010 Croatia EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked counties_GDP_per_capita english indexproved input2014 life_satisfaction review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {45-81}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5241453 ; inputdate=2012-01-11 ; editdate=2012-01-11 ; pubdate=2012-01-11}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Life Satisfaction in Croatia}, url = {}, volume = 12, year = 2010}@article{kuntz2011reentering, abstract = {In the past two decades, Croatian political institutions have been through a whirlwind of change, from wartime politics, to international isolation, to gradual democratization and, most recently, to pending European Union membership. This paper examines the trends in the development of political culture over this twenty-year period, drawing an important distinction between democratic institution building and liberalization. At the core of the paper are the following questions: to what extent can changing political culture explain institutional change (and vice versa)? Is political culture determined by, and perhaps held prisoner to, history or is it easily mutable? Drawing from the Croatian experience, in which history alone is no forecast, the paper will conclude by attempting to draw lessons for other countries seeking to democratize their political culture.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kuntz, Jessica}, biburl = {}, interhash = {38745241c9e39d9f44cb2c8854d53437}, intrahash = {a18fd2628feb8be638bca194f7ecd99d}, journal = {Politi?ka misao}, keywords = {2011 Croatia EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Southeastern_Europe Yugoslavia article checked democratization english indexproved input2014 political_culture political_transition post-communist_politics review_proved self-expression_values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {215-246}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938472 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {(Re)Entering Europe: The Post-communist Transition of Croatian Political Culture}, url = {}, volume = 48, year = 2011}@article{dogan1994decline, abstract = {The argument that 1 sustain here can be formulated in a few words. The western European countries, having achieved their national integration a long time ago, find themselves today in a postnationalistic phase, aspiring to supranational cooperation as a consequence of their profound processes of economic, social, cultural, and political interpenetration. In each western European country the nationalistic attitude toward other western European countries is in a phase of erosion, in the sense that the trait no longer appears as a basic characteristic of the civic culture. Nationalism is still the most significant basic political value in the contemporary world, but not in western Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {April 1994}, author = {Dogan, Mattei}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d1158fef57af15a51a49270087addea3}, intrahash = {196fc6367168c0902609a0bd37fc6593}, journal = {Comparative Politics}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {281-305}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281329 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Decline of Nationalism Within Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 26, year = 1994}@article{gundelach1994protesterne, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {36afaaacca964fec062bedc60c0f83d3}, intrahash = {d080b308fc465d8b0355709a09404998}, journal = {Grus}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-21}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280910 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Er protesterne og bev gelserne forsvundet?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 44, year = 1994}@article{freitag2003beyond, abstract = {This paper evaluates the foundations of social capital as measured in terms of social trust in Switzerland. Specifically, the standard view that face-to-face interaction within voluntary associations is the dominant way to create social capital (the so-called Tocqueville model) will be challenged. While providing no support for the thesis that active membership in associations fosters social trust, our results strongly support explanations that point to personal resources, social background variables, psychological determinants, and individual attitudes, which can only be explained effectively by the socialization process within the family and in early adulthood experiences. In fact, based on the Swiss data from the World Values Survey in the mid-1990s, social trust is contingent upon life satisfaction, confidence in political and societal institutions, education, cosmopolitan culture, daily television consumption, and regional provenance.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Freitag, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3a71eee5eb27815709b25bfccf0da75b}, intrahash = {d9df657e0795e7ee3b7bd360f389bf90}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {217-232}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763922 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Beyond Tocqueville: The Origins of Social Capital in Switzerland}, volume = 19, year = 2003}@article{giorgi1990protestant, abstract = {Reanalyzed data from a 1981 European values survey to (1) determine the existence of a consensual work ethic among modern industrial societies and (2) examine the link between this work ethic and religion. The countries studied in the survey included France, Italy, West Germany, the UK, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, and Spain. A general consensus was found in Western European cultures about the values associated with work. A vocational work ethic, stressing rewards of self-fulfillment and social obligation, was recognizable in all countries. This ethic was linked with religious denomination and with degree of religious fervor. People who had been educated longer had higher work ethic values.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Giorgi, L. and Marsh, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5d3f0362426fbb1dc0cf62100bcd1950}, intrahash = {af5216b94715ffcada2527889bfbc872}, journal = {European Journal of Social Psychology}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {499-517}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763938 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Protestant Work-Ethic As A Cultural Phenomenon}, volume = 20, year = 1990}@article{abela1993postsecularisation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7e2b066036d8392db1b283bec0729bab}, intrahash = {2c004c6e0e8feb3d00161214b044228a}, journal = {Melita Theologica}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {39-58}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280876 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Post-Secularisation: The Social Significance of Religious Values in Four Catholic European Countries}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XLIV}, year = 1993}@article{halman1998persistentie, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Verweij, J.A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {24ce2a3065620eed7ec236c47f6f51dd}, intrahash = {90ed58580f83d9c8954acd82e4165eb5}, issn = {378097}, journal = {Sociale Wetenschappen}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {70-89}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256414 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {De persistentie van religie in de hedendaagse samenleving? Een exploratie van de invloed van religiositeit op private en publieke waarden in Ierland, Nederland en Zweden}, volume = 41, year = 1998}@article{cao2013temperance, abstract = {Public attitudes toward prostitution have been a neglected area of study. Temperance theory posits that end-of-the century political culture is characterized by the persistence of moral politics in which personal behavior is moralized and sanctioned. Driving this politics is the economic insecurity of the middle class to reassert status boundaries as markers of respectability in order to clearly separate classes physically and socially. This hypothesis has not been tested empirically and it contradicts hypotheses derived from post materialist theory or revised modernization theory, which propose that there is a trend toward more tolerance of deviance in contemporary society, and that the traditional class-based cleavages have shifted and now focus more on value cleavages. This study tests these competing hypotheses, examining whether there is a trend toward greater intolerance of prostitution and whether the middle class became more intolerant in the 1990s. In addition, we test the effects of social class and religiosity on tolerance of prostitution. Results show that the US public became more tolerant toward prostitution across social classes in the 1990s and that religiosity continues to serve as a powerful counterbalance to social acceptance of prostitution.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cao, Liqun and Maguire, E R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {47822210b14fdf953e0df7624966612f}, intrahash = {0d7ce02f75d0e1200f8e6f28f3c6edf5}, journal = {Social Problems}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 Enlgish FDZ_IUP Prostitution SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article ascetic_devience checked class indexproved input2014 public_opinion review_proved reviewed temperance_theory}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {188-205}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935525 ; inputdate=2014-06-27 ; editdate=2014-06-27 ; pubdate=2014-06-27}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {A Test of the Temperance Hypothesis: Class, Religiosity, and Tolerance of Prostitution}, url = {}, volume = 60, year = 2013}@article{ester1994empirical, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {95e93800b32e44054d4a6b11d6c4f9e2}, intrahash = {76b3752234af5eac69cb465a9a00126b}, issn = {207659}, journal = {International Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Morality article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {81-110}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280828 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Empirical Trends in Religious and Moral Beliefs in Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 24, year = 1994}@article{zrinscak2002attentes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Zrin??ak, Sini?a}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c7e9f2be8a496417e4ff6f978e3a0da5}, intrahash = {07e6597bbf739aef4a61df47ac9c86a4}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2002 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {509-521}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5327200 ; inputdate=2012-01-30 ; editdate=2012-01-30 ; pubdate=2012-01-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {R?les, Attentes et Conflits: la Religion et les Eglises Dans les Sociétés en Transition (Roles, Expectations and Conflicts: Religion and the Churches in Societies in Transition)}, volume = 49, year = 2002}@article{brechon2009valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b38bd2f3c4c42a41cc207211ae38a2a5}, intrahash = {2cf439c2eef9708a695d679b9ff55fb5}, journal = {Informations sociales}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 153, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936323 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des Fran?ais et des Européens : des temps hiérarchisés}, year = 2009}@article{voicu2009religion, abstract = {European societies have experienced a decrease in the social importance ofreligious issues. Values and attitudes towards gender roles have also changedin the last decades. In European countries, people have become more egalitarianwith respect to the position of women in society. The author tries to identifythe relationship between secularization and changes in gender values. Asa result of secularization, the individual value system has become fragmentedand religious values have lost their coordinating role. The investigation employscross-national and longitudinal analysis of European Values Survey data (1990,1999), most of the European countries being included in the study. The resultsindicate the decreasing impact of traditional religious belief on values related togender roles during the 1990s in Europe and a common pattern of relationshipsbetween gender values and religiosity in most European societies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Malina}, biburl = {}, interhash = {48e9ff3db520c9f9626aa41682a0fb41}, intrahash = {c18a1ffb3cbe80c302b367633f234948}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2009 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436448 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Gender across Europe}, volume = 56, year = 2009}@article{borgulya2008related, abstract = {After the shift from centrally planned to market economies, CEE countries experienced significant changes in the world of work. Full employment was replaced by a distortion in labour markets, a rapid rise in unemployment and intensive labour emigration. The following questions are discussed: (1) Can the people in CEE countries be characterized by similar work-related values? (2) Is there any diversity in attitudes towards superiors in the transition countries? To answer these questions, findings of the European Values Study are used. The comparison of data from fourteen CEE countries shows that, concerning work-related values, two groups of countries can be differentiated. The analysis of attitudes towards one?s superior also suggests the lack of a homogenous Eastern European cluster.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Borgulya, Agnes and Hahn, Judit}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a816d7c4a8c7405ffc1e8a05dace0b0c}, intrahash = {72b66a4ce95719ec40a5a639accdc118}, journal = {Journal for East European Management Studies}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {216-238}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4960718 ; inputdate=2011-09-27 ; editdate=2011-09-27 ; pubdate=2011-09-27}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Work related values and attitudes in Central and Eastern Europe}, volume = 13, year = 2008}@article{riffault2002europens, abstract = {The authors present the results of their comparative analysis covering the period 1981-1999 regarding opinions & attitudes toward work in European Union countries & five central & eastern European countries. The authors evaluate the judgments about the importance of work in life. In developed countries work is in competition with other factors of life such as leisure activities, & people display a desire of balance between work & nonwork. Furthermore, the authors study two criteria regarding work: concrete advantages & possibilities of personal development. The latter is becoming more important, & the former depends on the country, the social category, & the age group. They conclude that a definite change is taking place in Europe. When the economic & social situation permits, Europeans regard work as expression of their potential; material satisfaction if of less importance where work is accompanied by attractive & tangible benefits.___While the "social chapter" of the European Union is still evolving, the European research programme on values has carried out a series of surveys of attitudes to work in EU member countries and in five countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Hélène Riffault and Jean-Fran?ois Tchernia present the results of their comparative analyses using three criteria for their evaluations of the period 1981-1999. First of all, as regards attitudes to what work means for them, the opinions of those who work and those who do not are similar, though there are differences as to whether "work is a social obligation" and "work should always come first"; in Eastern Europe, people maintain a more traditional work ethic, whereas in the EU people would like the duty aspect to be tempered by job satisfaction. The study also looks at the extent of job satisfaction, individual free-will and respect for authority.The authors then examine people's feelings about the place of work in their lives. In the advanced countries, work has to compete with other aspects of life, such as leisure activities, and people express the desire to achieve a better balance between work and leisure.Lastly, the authors discuss two factors involved in what is expected of one's work: the concrete advantages and the possibilities for personal development. The latter is becoming much more important. As to the concrete advantages, the trends vary depending on the country and the social category and age group.They conclude that a definite change is taking place in Europe. When the economic and social situation is favourable, Europeans see their work primarily as a means of developing their personal potential; material considerations are secondary provided that the benefits are attractive and tangible.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Riffault, Hélène and Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f04993ec6beddb4f042a9a8520f5031c}, intrahash = {94a6d1fdf8770fdde35159049a76c376}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {63-77}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280843 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les Européens et le travail: Un rapport plus personnel (Europeans and Their Work. A More Personal Relationship)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{kerkhofs1992leurope, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {okt. 1992}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6163fdef9bbc0bb578dd3ef248fb4581}, intrahash = {1a2f260f1512b4da58b7a7af06ada926}, journal = {Christus}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {499-508}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281041 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {L'Europe: une autre échelle de valeurs}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 156, year = 1992}@article{hornsbysmith1995catholic, abstract = {Examines the relationship among religion, environmental & other values, and voluntary ecological activities among Catholics, using data from a 1990 values survey conducted in 14 European countries (total N = 19,558). The impact of both an individual Catholic identity and national Catholic context on values and propensity to appropriate ecological behavior is studied via path analysis, controlling for the indepedent effect of political values. Results indicate that Catholics do not manifest a greater internalized sense of stewardship compared to other groups, and religion does not significantly influence emergent forms of environmental politics.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hornsby-Smith, M P. and Procter, Michael}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9d3f74f937ca932c505358db420df303}, intrahash = {0df2de04fe87b4bcd7a375a46c314347}, issn = {377686}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {1995 AHindexed EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english environment indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {27-34}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280887 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Catholic Identity, Religious Context and Environmental Values in Western Europe: Evidence from the European Values Surveys}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 42, year = 1995}@article{gerxhani2012alone, abstract = {This article explores to what extent and how individuals' welfare state attitudes relate to their subjective assessment of the available social support. Using various sociological and sociopsychological theories the authors first provide a theoretical analysis of the micro-macro links between perceived social support (micro), social trust in support availability (macro) and public attitudes towards welfare states (micro). An empirical test based on a large cross-country dataset of 31,122 respondents in 25 European countries shows that the more welfare is provided by the state, the less of it is desired in countries where individuals have the general belief that they can rely on each other for support. Importantly, only when considered jointly, do welfare state provision and social trust in support availability become essential in explaining welfare state attitudes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {G?rxhani, Klarita and Koster, Ferry}, biburl = {}, interhash = {137a95c37138e9e3aba767bc8b7fb20b}, intrahash = {3bc370372c0ac7f5662037d687fdf5dc}, journal = {International Sociology}, keywords = {2012 Deservingness EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer European_comparison FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_support social_trust welfare_state_attitudes}, note = {(EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, number = 6, pages = {768-787}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934105 ; inputdate=2014-04-07 ; editdate=2014-04-07 ; pubdate=2014-04-07 ; Eurobarometer_ID=133378}, study = {CCEB 2002; Eurobarometer 1998; Eurobarometer 1999; Eurobarometer 2000}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {"I am not alone" : understanding public support for the welfare state}, volume = 27, year = 2012}@article{mitrikas2004semya, abstract = {Data collected in 32 European countries in 1990 & 1999 as part of a study, "Research in European Values," are interpreted. It is found that family dominated as the highest value in all countries, & there was no change between 1990 & 1999; family was rated higher than work, friends, leisure time, politics, & religion. However, changes were attested in attitudes toward marriage & related issues. A cluster analysis reveals four groups of countries differing vis-a-vis the views that (1) marriage is an obsolete institution, (2) children can successfully be raised in single-parent families, (3) single women have the right to raise a child on their own, (4) parents should do everything for their children, (5) a woman's life can only be fulfilled if she has a child/children, & (6) abortion is acceptable if a married couple does not desire to have more children. It is found that although more liberal views were expressed by respondents in all countries, there was a sharp division between such countries as Sweden, the Netherlands, France, & Belgium - where marriage was viewed largely as an institution whose time has passed & the right of single women to have children was supported - & other countries of Europe - where acceptance of such views has been slower.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Mitrikas, A Algimantas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {74ddb62a2d228f0bf7ff264d4f568b8e}, intrahash = {c9a1e408222c85906c8aa9a1faa7f4b3}, issn = {1321625}, journal = {Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked family indexproved input2014 lithuanian moral_issues religion review_proved social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {65-73}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281071 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Sem'ya kak tsennost': sostoyanie i perspektivy tsennostnogo vybora v stranakh Evropy (Family as a Value: The State and Prospects of Value Choice in European Countries)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 30, year = 2004}@article{sinnottrichard2006evaluation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {{Sinnott, Richard}}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2880 ZA3910}, interhash = {4e99d2b9e692a9fe8baa1840e74c0c12}, intrahash = {3e5095a040df2b59d4bbcf14d235f7d2}, issn = {09542892}, journal = { International Journal of Public Opinion Research}, keywords = {2006 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA2880 ZA3910 article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity review_proved reviewed}, language = {English}, note = {(EVS) (Eurobarometer) (ISSP)}, number = 2, pages = {211-223}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776717 ; ISSP_ID=2742 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28 ; Eurobarometer_ID=72632}, study = {Eurobarometer ; ISSP 1995 (National Identity I) ; ISSP 2003 (National Identity II) ; Sekund?rliteratur ; Wertestudie (EVS, WVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {An evaluation of the measurement of national, subnational and supranational identity in crossnational surveys}, volume = 18, year = 2006}@article{harding1995values, abstract = {Considers research on the centrality of work in the lives of Europeans & evaluates the extent to which changes associated with postindustrial development have impacted work values. Drawing on data from the European Values Systems Study Group surveys, two hypotheses are tested: that employees are becoming more demanding of their employers, & that they are expecting greater personal involvement in their work. Research by International Survey Research, Ltd, is drawn on to investigate the way in which organizations are developing values at both the corporate & individual levels.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Harding, Stephen and Hikspoors, F J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {db8cbf715c9045dac1eb7bcb25486d6a}, intrahash = {aa432ac4277830d68fc897c7f1c1b20f}, issn = {208701}, journal = {International Social Science Journal}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {441-456}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280905 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {New Work Values: In Theory and in Practice}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 47, year = 1995}@article{miller1990political, abstract = {Comparable survey data from Norway, Sweden and the United States are used to examine trends in political trust for the period 1964-86. During the early part of that period trust declined in all three countries; later it recovered for Norway but continued to plummet in Sweden and the United States. Three major features of the party system are hypothesized to explain the difference in these trends for the three countries. These features are: the structural aspects of the party system; the public's cognitive judgements of the parties as representatives of the policy interests; and the possibility that a negative rejection of political parties as undesirable institutions may spill over to citizen evaluations of government more generally. One major finding is that political discontent in Norway was reduced because new parties provided the disaffected with a means of representation, thus channelling dissatisfaction back into the electoral arena. In Sweden and the United States, which have more rigid party systems, accumulating dissatisfaction was directed at the regime more generally because many people failed to see any of the parties as a viable alternative.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Miller, A H. and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ca5e9b6716be2f65b123c5e176bf0f71}, intrahash = {102f46ea73887ab5070284b30ed11843}, journal = {British Journal of Political Science}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {full-text available at . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {357-386}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281340 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political Parties and Confidence in Government: A Comparison of Norway, Sweden and the United States}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {/brokenurl#full-text available at }, volume = 20, year = 1990}@article{brechon2003confiance, abstract = {Après avoir dressé un état des réflexions sociologiques passées sur la confiance interpersonnelle et la sociabilité, l?auteur essaye de comprendre, en analysant les données des enquêtes sur les valeurs des Européens, les logiques complexes de la confiance. En constitue un trait culturel résistant des différentes sociétés européennes, lié à beaucoup d?autres attitudes : sociabilité forte, optimisme général, politisation et participation politique, attitude ouverte et positive à l?égard du monde, tolérance à l?égard d?autrui... La confiance est aussi liée au capital économique et culturel des individus et au niveau de développement de chaque pays, sans que l?on puisse facilement identifier le sens des causalités.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a084a09f07cb6f8db0d5527a3fa33ef5}, intrahash = {dcd2523ddaf49d2637a2fdaa3aabe5ca}, journal = {Revue internationale de politique comparée}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {397-414}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935720 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Confiance à autrui et sociabilité : analyse européenne comparative}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2003}@article{cohen2006european, abstract = {In many European countries, the last decade has been marked by an increasing debate about the acceptability and regulation of euthanasia and other end-of-life decisions in medical practice. Growing public sensibility to a [`]right to die' for terminally ill patients has been one of the main constituents of these debates. Within this context, we sought to describe and compare acceptance of euthanasia among the general public in 33 European countries. We used the European Values Study data of 1999-2000 with a total of 41 125 respondents (63% response rate) in 33 European countries. The main outcome measure concerned the acceptance of euthanasia (defined as [`]terminating the life of the incurably sick', rated on a scale from 1 to 10). Results showed that the acceptance of euthanasia tended to be high in some countries (e.g. the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Sweden), while a markedly low acceptance was found in others (e.g. Romania, Malta and Turkey). A multivariate ordinal regression showed that weaker religious belief was the most important factor associated with a higher acceptance; however, there were also socio-demographic differences: younger cohorts, people from non-manual social classes, and people with a higher educational level tended to have a higher acceptance of euthanasia. While religious belief, socio-demographic factors, and also moral values (i.e. the belief in the right to self-determination) could largely explain the differences between countries, our findings suggest that perceptions regarding euthanasia are probably also influenced by national traditions and history (e.g. Germany). Thus, we demonstrated clear cross-national differences with regard to the acceptance of euthanasia, which can serve as an important basis for further debate and research in the specific countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cohen, J. and Marcoux, I. and Bilsen, J. and Deboosere, P. and Wal, G van der and Deliens, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dd49d086d4408b73d7a1ad7f0e5205b6}, intrahash = {4f8f3033b3a59f4a0b473a683e6f826e}, journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {743-756}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763866 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European public acceptance of euthanasia: Socio-demographic and cultural factors associated with the acceptance of euthanasia in 33 European countries}, volume = 63, year = 2006}@article{lambert2004trends, abstract = {The 1981 and 1990 European Values Surveys showed a decline for almost all religious variables, a decline even sharper among young people, except for belief in an afterlife. The younger the respondents, the less religious they were likely to be. These results confirmed the thesis of increasing secularization in Europe and the West. However, the most recent, 1999 survey shows this downward trend to be counterbalanced by two other tendencies: internal Christian renewal and increased 'believing without belonging', both phenomena that are clearly more developed among young people. The respective strengths of these three developments vary by country surveyed. The same phenomena are even more pronounced in Eastern European (former communist bloc) countries and in Russia, once again particularly among young people. The changes may be interpreted as a turning point after the break with religiosity that characterized the 1960s and 70s./Selon les enquêtes sur les Valeurs des Européens de 1981 et de 1990, presque toutes les variables religieuses indiquaient un déclin, et le recul était encore plus accentué chez les jeunes, sauf en ce qui concerne les croyances en la vie après la mort. On était d'autant moins religieux qu'on était plus jeune. Ceci donnait raison à la thèse d'une sécularisation croissante de l'Europe de l'Ouest. Cependant, selon la dernière vague d'enquêtes, celle de 1999, la tendance au déclin se trouve désormais contrebalancée par deux autres tendances : un ressaisissement chrétien interne et un croire sans appartenance, or ces phénomènes sont nettement plus accentués chez les jeunes. La part respective de ces trois tendances varie selon les pays enquêtés. On observe la même chose dans l'ex-Europe de l'Est et en Russie, et d'une manière encore plus marquée, spécialement chez les jeunes. Ces changements sont interprétés comme un tournant par rapport à la période de rupture religieuse des années soixante et soixante-dix.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {369e2838518e2ce3870b7e6271bdda1d}, intrahash = {fc1b6623daba9ff85518ccd9648d1be7}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {101-130}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936445 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Trends in Religious Feeling in Europe and Russia / Des changements dans l'évolution religieuse de l'Europe et de la Russie}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2004}@article{dogan1997erosion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f0a016c89a240c9ae0b0eec715690f97}, intrahash = {f946302a6cdb301e720355292d4996d4}, journal = {Studies in Comparative International Development}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {3-29}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698003 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Erosion of Confidence in Advanced Democracies}, year = 1997}@article{chuang2013social, abstract = {Introduction: The concept of social cohesion has invoked debate due to the vagueness of its definition and the limitations of current measurements. This paper attempts to examine the concept of social cohesion, develop measurements, and investigate the relationship between social cohesion and individual health.Methods: This study used a multilevel study design. The individual-level samples from 29 high-income countries were obtained from the 2000 World Value Survey (WVS) and the 2002 European Value Survey. National-level social cohesion statistics were obtained from Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development datasets, WorldDevelopment Indicators, and Asian Development Bank key indicators for the year 2000, and from aggregating responses from the WVS. In total 47,923 individuals were included in this study. The factor analysis was applied to identify dimensions of social cohesion, which were used as entities in the cluster analysis to generate a regime typology of social cohesion. Then, multilevel regression models were applied to assess the influences of social cohesion on an individual?s self-rated health. Results and discussion: Factor analysis identified five dimensions of social cohesion: social equality, social inclusion, social development, social capital, and social diversity. Then, the cluster analysis revealed five regimes of social cohesion. A multi-level analysis showed that respondents in countries with higher social inclusion, social capital, and social diversity were more likely to report good health above and beyond individual-level characteristics.Conclusions: This study is an innovative effort to incorporate different aspects of social cohesion. This study suggeststhat social cohesion was associated with individual self-rated after controlling individual characteristics. To achieve further advancement in population health, developed countries should consider policies that would foster a society with a high level of social inclusion, social capital, and social diversity. Future research could focus on identifying possible pathways by which social cohesion influences various health outcomes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Chuang, Ying-Chih and Chuang, Kun-Yang and Yang, Tzu-Hsuan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3f96ed8bd21d59c0908f46a83121aaaa}, intrahash = {ccddf06e6cabf3214b46574a6a9f48b5}, journal = {International journal for equity in health}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 Equality FDZ_IUP Liberty SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Self-rated_health Social_cohesion Solidarity article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {87-76}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934831 ; inputdate=2014-05-13 ; editdate=2014-05-13 ; pubdate=2014-05-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social cohesion matters in health}, url = {}, volume = 12, year = 2013}@article{christensen2001condizione, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Christensen, P Venturelli}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f23515f980dcb5b651e07e622588c714}, intrahash = {c40d9b0a6597166180696d1cbeca1d6a}, journal = {Il Ponte}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked family indexproved input2014 italian noindex review_proved}, note = {^. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {21-22}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280957 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {La Condizione della Famiglia: Italia e Danimarca a confront}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {^}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{lipset1986historical, abstract = {Differences between Canadians & Americans are analyzed with respect to a broad range of values & value-linked behaviors. The American Revolution is identified as a principal source of these differences, which have since been reinforced by a variety of structural & cultural factors. Evidence is presented from a number of fields, including literature, religion, the economy, & politics, to support the argument that Canadians tend to be more elitist, law abiding, statist, collectivity oriented, & group oriented than Americans.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lipset, S Martin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {96e1a33471f95d5e60acb90c335dd152}, intrahash = {9ce01fb7a7428706fd8666357c32b45b}, issn = {3186431}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {113-155}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280811 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Historical Traditions and National Characteristics: A Comparative Analysis of Canada and the United States}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 11, year = 1986}@article{kim2007citizens, abstract = {This article explores citizens' confidence in political institutions in relation to policy responsiveness within and across countries. The core premise of the mandate theory is that democratic elections deliver the median preferences in policy making to satisfy most citizens' interests. Thus, citizens will display greater confidence toward their political institutions when they perceive that their preferences are pursued in policy making. Twelve consolidated and new democracies from the World Values and European Values Surveys and the Comparative Manifesto Project data sets are analyzed. The findings suggest, first, that individuals across the twelve countries display lower confidence toward political parties than toward parliament or government. Second, weak ideological attachment between individuals and the median policy-making positions in parliament lessens overall citizens' confidence in political institutions. At the institutional level, citizens' confidence for each political institution is most positively affected by the inclusion of the median party in policy processes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kim, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ef2a3347cadfcc8f79fdb1dfece3e2bc}, intrahash = {6b6055f1a7649f955e2ac484fb0fda93}, journal = {Politics & Policy}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {496-521}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776699 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Citizens' Confidence in Government, Parliament and Political Parties}, volume = 35, year = 2007}@article{cohen2006trends, abstract = {Background: We wanted to examine how the acceptance of euthanasia among the general public in Western Europe has changed in the last decades, and we wanted to look for possible explanations. Methods: We analysed data from the European Values Surveys, held in 1981, 1990, and 1999-2000 in 12 West European countries. In each country, representative samples of the general public were interviewed using the same structured questionnaire in all countries. Euthanasia was explained in the questionnaires as terminating the life of the incurably sick'. Results: A total of 46 199 respondents participated in the surveys. A significant increase in acceptance of euthanasia could be observed in all countries except (West) Germany. While the average increase in euthanasia acceptance was 22%, the increase was particularly obvious in Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Sweden. Although changes in several characteristics of respondents, such as decrease in religious beliefs, rising belief in the right to self-determination, and (to a lesser extent) rise in levels of education, were associated with growing acceptance of euthanasia, they could only partly explain the increase of euthanasia acceptance over the years. Conclusions: An increase of euthanasia acceptance among the general public took place over the last two decades in almost all West European countries, possibly indicating a growing support for personal autonomy regarding medical end-of-life decisions. If this trend continues, it is likely to increase the public and political debate about the (legal) regulation of euthanasia under certain conditions of careful medical practice in several West European countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cohen, J. and Marcoux, I. and Bilsen, J. and Deboosere, P. and Wal, G van der and Deliens, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b9bca913c7bc8a7612e441a7676e5320}, intrahash = {03ffc376fc886a31ec1c280205e20135}, journal = {European Journal of Public Health}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {663-669}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763867 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trends in acceptance of euthanasia among the general public in 12 European countries (1981-1999)}, volume = 16, year = 2006}@article{hayry2003european, abstract = {Are there distinctly European values in bioethics, and if there are, what are they? Some Continental philosophers have argued that the principles of dignity, precaution, and solidarity reflect the European ethos better than the liberal concepts of autonomy, harm, and justice. These principles, so the argument goes, elevate prudence over hedonism, communality over individualism, and moral sense over pragmatism. Contrary to what their proponents often believe, however, dignity, precaution, and solidarity can be interpreted in many ways, and it is not clear which reading would, or should, be favored by popular opinion. It is therefore dangerous to think that any one understanding of "European", or any other, values could be legitimately imposed on those who have different ideas about morality in health care and related fields. Bioethical principles should be employed to promote discussion, not to suppress it.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {H?yry, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {75cdfbb9c6407591fa4e6bcc4b506dec}, intrahash = {ed0b9c3ebbe445394c41e1fa675f0df3}, journal = {Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {199-214}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3764001 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {European values in bioethics: Why, what, and how to be used?}, volume = 24, year = 2003}@article{kerkhofs1995relevantie, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {312e61b382e9fcc85bdf861e829c14e8}, intrahash = {4e789655c43335790026049d4049837f}, journal = {Ethiek en Beleid, Scoop}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {369-381}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281125 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {De Relevantie van het Europees Waardenonderzoek voor de Politiek (x- The Relevance of the European Values Study for Politics)}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1995}@article{zrinka2004generations, abstract = {The communist systems in Central and Eastern European countries had some common features, with atheism as the cornerstone of the political order, but they varied in many different aspects. Both political pressure and social change brought about not only the rise of secularism but also the rise of religiosity, particularly in the 1980s. However, the course of change and the impact of atheism on generations were quite different in each country. This is shown in the empirical analysis, which is presented in two parts. First, four countries are examined (Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia) showing three distinctive responses to communist rule. Second, on the basis of the EVS 1999 data for 14 post-communist countries, three groups of countries are differentiated according to religious and non-religious legacies and the different generational impacts of the communist system.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Zrinka, Sinia}, biburl = {}, interhash = {39f792d7924f139358752e98e3ff0beb}, intrahash = {e951110d2138c8a3702fee1e87f982b6}, issn = {377686}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2004 AHindexed EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {221-234}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281226 ; country=UA;SL;SK;RU;RO;PL;LT;LV;HU;EE;CZ;HR;BG;BY ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Generations and Atheism: Patterns of Response to Communist Rule Among Different Generations and Countries}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 51, year = 2004}@article{girard1985franais, abstract = {The results of an opinion poll on values, conducted simultaneously in nine West European countries, constitute the substance of a work published in 1983 by Jean Stoezel and entitled Les valeurs du temps présent. Enquête européenne (Paris, P.U.F.). The present paper analyses in particular that data collected in France. The main areas investigated were morality and religion, family and professional lives, attitudes towards the economic system and towards political ideology. Religious beliefs and political preferences, in a reciprocal relation, make up a veritable system in terms of which attitudes may be differentiated. On a graduated scale, the French may be situated at the moment of the enquiry a bit "left" of the average for the other European countries investigated. However, neither in France nor elsewhere can we find a rupture between two opposed groups: a strong majority of the public decides in favour of central positions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Girard, Alain and Stoetzel, Jean}, biburl = {}, interhash = {046ca314b7830c172fdcc9bc724ac4ea}, intrahash = {79fc964ca0b3d64b5d6dd9c645c00561}, journal = {Revue Fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {3-31}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281046 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Les Fran?ais et les valeurs du temps présent}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = {XXVI}, year = 1985}@article{kankaras2009measurement, abstract = {Comparing solidarity attitudes of European citizens is highly relevant inthe context of European integration and unification. Such comparisons, however, are only valid if responses to attitude questions reflect true differences in solidar- ity and, hence, the measurement of latent solidarity attitudes is comparable. Often comparability is assumed, rarely is it tested. This research presents a multiple- group latent-class factor analysis of a set of questions concerning solidarity towards different social groups, taken from the 1999/2000 wave of the European Value Study. This multiple-group comparison reveals that equivalence in attitude measurement is not established straightforwardly. However, once the sources of measurement inequivalence are taken into account, valid comparison between countries is possible. It turns out that European countries are less divided on the solidarity attitudes than would have been concluded from a model that did not account for heterogeneity in measurement. At the same time, the improved model only slightly altered country rankings on solidarity dimensions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kankara?, Milo? and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a159474f965a88a059e2c29250660265}, intrahash = {41182215b5f83b6a745b8aff6a163c13}, journal = {International Sociology}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452924 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Measurement Equivalence in Solidarity Attitudes in Europe. Insights from a Multiple-Group Latent-Class Factor Approach}, volume = 24, year = 2009}@article{rabusic2001value, abstract = {The deep structural changes witnessed in the Czech Republic in the past decade, ie, the establishment of a democratic political regime & market economy, & the transformation of the social security system, could not have steered clear of the everyday life & behavioral patterns of the Czech population. One of the areas that have been profoundly affected is demographic behavior. Marriage & fertility rates in particular have decreased to an unprecedented level. The main thesis of this paper is that the demographic changes in the Czech Republic result from a condensed progress of the second demographic transition, which was triggered off by a value change in young age cohorts born in the 1970s & early 1980s. The new value orientations of these cohorts, which were latently present even before the political change, manifested themselves fully in the free environment of the new democratic society. The paper will present evidence of the value changes by utilizing the data from the 1991 & 1999 European Values Study. It is argued that the coincidence of value & demographic changes can hardly be regarded as accidental.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Prague}, author = {Rabu?ic, Ladislav}, biburl = {}, institution = {Institute of Sociology}, interhash = {d4d7c2b4018816042165d00020aa3844}, intrahash = {fe4c1ed8072b4087752e7cdf02d2ab14}, issn = {12103861}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {99-122}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280803 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Value Change and Demographic Behaviour in the Czech Republic}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{baloban2001crkvenost, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6e3785755d5271e5b2c0fd1b21c41a22}, intrahash = {85fb9b1fd1a6379aa2ae6e39251b6eab}, journal = {Diacovensia : teolo?ki prilozi}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {7-22}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281045 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Crkvenost ?upne zajednic (Parish Community Ecclesiasticism)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{giordani2010decision, abstract = {This paper aims at assessing cultural differences in uncertainty attitude across Europe. Weselect questions from the European Values Survey (EVS) capturing salient features ofuncertain scenarios (??safe versus uncertain?, ??freedom of choice? and ??reduction of uncertainty?),and formalize these questions through simple decision-theoretic problems. Wethen consider three competing normative models of choice under uncertainty (subjectiveexpected utility (SEU), maximin utility and minimax regret), and analyze how they behavewhen facing each decision problem. We obtain theoretical predictions and, using the EVSdataset, we test them via latent class analysis to estimate the distribution of these behaviorsacross EU15. We find a larger proportion of SEU maximizers (Bayesians) in northerncountries than in southern countries. The opposite is true for maximin utility behavior.Only a few are consistent with minimax regret behavior.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Giordani, Paolo and Schlag, Karl and Zwart, Sanne}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6328f2f9a98e8456a922293f68835644}, intrahash = {819d9693f6135f458805a4a2a590acd5}, journal = {Journal of Economic Psychology}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 31, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436446 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Decision makers facing uncertainty: Theory versus evidence}, year = 2010}@article{barker1993sexualitt, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Barker, D G. and Timms, Noel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d60bd22f6f77dd8ca6d1b0de012bc8b8}, intrahash = {73ed75cc24e73e82ad5dd1f95da565b1}, journal = {Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked family german indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281197 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Sexualit?t im gesellschaflichen Kontext}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 39, year = 1993}@article{gerhards2010nondiscrimination, abstract = {The article first describes how the principle of non-discrimination of homosexuals is anchored in EU legislation and influences concrete policies of the European Union. Against this background, the second section analyses citizens' attitudes towards homosexuality and whether there are differences among the 27 EU member states and Turkey. The descriptive findings show that there are substantial differences at the national and individual level in the degree to which citizens think of homosexuality as acceptable. A sense that homosexuality is justifiable is particularly low in recently acceded countries and is almost non-existent in Turkey. Modernization theorists have argued that economic development influences the value orientation of the citizens. Other scholars have claimed that values are strongly influenced by the religious heritage of a country. Using multilevel analysis, the study tests to what extent modernization factors and/or religious factors influence citizens' attitudes towards non-discrimination of homosexuality. According to the results of the causal analysis, modernization theory and cultural heritage theory contribute to explaining attitudes towards homosexuality. All the hypotheses derived from the two theories are supported by the statistical analysis.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gerhards, Jürgen}, biburl = {}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.3811}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3811}, interhash = {a0ff044505676687bc96a5b6fc6ea855}, intrahash = {8a8394657e466b76c4c72511d3b49a92}, journal = {International Sociology}, keywords = {2010 EB_input2014 EU EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA3811 article checked discrimination english homosexuality indexproved input2014 modernization religion review_proved reviewed values}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {5-28}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4394519 ; inputdate=2010-11-26 ; editdate=2010-11-26 ; pubdate=2010-11-26}, study = {EVS1999}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Non-Discrimination towards Homosexuality: The European Union's Policy and Citizens' Attitudes towards Homosexuality in 27 European Countries}, volume = 25, year = 2010}@article{bergh2007gender, abstract = {The article aims to explain why attitudes toward gender equality and gender relations in society vary between individuals and countries. The hypotheses that are tested stem from two partly conflicting theories of modernization. Wilensky (2002) advocates a `structural' explanation for variation in gender attitudes, while Inglehart (1990, 1997) suggests a `values' explanation. The author conducts a three-part analysis: an individual, a national, and a multilevel analysis. The structural explanation is better able to account for individual level gender attitudes. Values do, to some extent, serve as the mechanism that produces national level variation. Inglehart (1990, 1997) is also right in suggesting that the effect of values on gender attitudes increases with increasing development.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bergh, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8f0d283ce45b8462ce0c0d57ef9902a6}, intrahash = {b744ea2ff38aaffb135f07eca18aa6df}, journal = {International Journal of Public Opinion Research}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {5-23}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763853 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Attitudes and Modernization Processes}, volume = 19, year = 2007}@article{tchernia2009gender, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {00c2c8ee3558318f4c4f076cae2d70db}, intrahash = {0ee87c8876f72e771fce3302856fab7a}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281096 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender Differences in Politics: A Cross-National Study of Nine Western European Countries}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 2009}@article{vaus1991gender, abstract = {There is considerable disagreement about the extent, direction, and causes of gender differences in work values and job satisfaction. In part, these inconsistencies reflect the different samples, measures, and methodologies of various studies. To overcome these problems, this article uses closely compatible data from nine Western European countries to examine the extent of gender differences on three aspects of work orientation and to test three explanations for the differences that emerge. The results show that gender differences are small and vary according to the country and the aspect of work orientation under examination. Of the three models tested--the job, family, and social characteristics models--only the former helps to explain gender differences and then only in terms of job satisfaction. The data therefore cast doubt on the existence of gender differences in work values and job satisfaction. The results also question current explanations for the supposed differences between men's and women's work orientation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vaus, D de and McAllister, I.A.N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7aad11930aad1c3a08e6d6d4e655c33b}, intrahash = {971dbbd9cbee3860280eef45ac82872d}, journal = {Work and Occupations}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {72-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763880 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender and Work Orientation: Values and Satisfaction in Western Europe}, volume = 18, year = 1991}@article{welzel2003theory, abstract = {This article demonstrates that socioeconomic development, emancipative cultural change and democratization constitute a coherent syndrome of social progress - a syndrome whose common focus has not been properly specified by classical modernization theory. We specify this syndrome as 'human development', arguing that its three components have a common focus on broadening human choice. Socioeconomic development gives people the objective means of choice by increasing individual resources; rising emancipative values strengthen people's subjective orientation towards choice; and democratization provides legal guarantees of choice by institutionalizing freedom rights. Analysis of data from the World Values Surveys demonstrates that the linkage between individual resources, emancipative values and freedom rights is universal in its presence across nations, regions and cultural zones; that this human development syndrome is shaped by a causal effect of individual resources and emancipative values on freedom rights; and that this effect operates through its impact on elite integrity, as the factor which makes freedom rights effective.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Welzel, C. and Inglehart, R. and Klingemann, H D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a99298962c7ece5089a529f2f4dce531}, intrahash = {6ff1a8683491e4b409a2ea0ec95efbd0}, journal = {European Journal of Political Research}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {341-379}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777009 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis}, volume = 42, year = 2003}@article{yuchtmanyaar2007religious, abstract = {This paper addresses the debate concerning the influence of cultural and economic contexts on the adoption of modern values by individual members of society. We have applied for this purpose a multilevel analysis (HLM), using the World Value Survey (WVS) and European Value Survey (EVS) data bank for 36 of the countries included in the 2000 wave. The cultural and economic higher-level variables are represented by religious zones (Protestant, Catholic, Ex-Socialist Catholic and Islamic) and level of economic development (Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita). The individual -level variables include age, gender, schooling and religiousness (N = 51792). The dependent variables consist of two measures: political liberal values (PLV) and social liberal values (SLY). The results of the HLM analysis indicate that although most of the variance in both measures derives from differences in individual characteristics across countries, there is also strong evidence for contextual effects of religious zones and economic development, when each factor is examined by itself. Yet because of multi-colinearity, we cannot estimate the effects of the two higher-level variables independently of each other. We end by discussing the theoretical and methodological implications of our findings.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Yuchtman-Yaar, E. and Alkalay, Y.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {243ed12ecae420407aee95b6c20de13c}, intrahash = {45bb110faf30693e78161d672e935f0c}, journal = {Social Science Research}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {789-807}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777013 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious zones, economic development and modern value orientations: Individual versus contextual effects}, volume = 36, year = 2007}@article{lange2009attitudes, abstract = {Purpose ? This paper aims to contribute to the growing body of empirical evaluations of workers?subjective well being by assessing the impact of values, beliefs, important job attributes andautonomous institution building on employees? job satisfaction across ten countries in Central andEastern Europe.Design/methodology/approach ? Data derived from the European Values Study 1999/2000 isbeing utilised, which provides detailed information not only on job satisfaction and socio-demographiccharacteristics, but also on individuals? subjective views, beliefs and important job attributes.Following a descriptive narrative on the transformation in emerging market economies, ordered probitregressions are performed to determine the significance of these characteristics, values and beliefs onworkers? job satisfaction.Findings ? The empirical findings suggest that reported attitudes, values and beliefs and theirimpact on job satisfaction evince traits of a legacy of communist industrial relations as well assubsequent experiences with economic and social transition. What is more, the study also uncovers thepositive influence of trust and confidence in autonomous institution building on workers? jobsatisfaction, specifically in the context of reformed trade unions, education and social security.Originality/value ? In previous studies, job satisfaction has been examined primarily in WesternEurope and the USA. In contrast, empirical examinations to identify the determinants of jobsatisfaction for employees in Central and Eastern Europe have not figured prominently in thisliterature. This paper adds value by providing robust empirical results for this region.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lange, Thomas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b42130911560aac3c2f429512d04913a}, intrahash = {8eb1520b92ed2612afb29a349ee577e8}, journal = {Employee Relations}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Job_satisfaction Marxist_economics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_psychology Social_values article checked english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {81-97}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258407 ; inputdate=2012-01-18 ; editdate=2012-01-18 ; pubdate=2012-01-18}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes, attributes and institutions}, volume = 31, year = 2009}@article{lambert1995postchrtienne, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4248475ea602777d536747d62a79ddcd}, intrahash = {82e046318b07210b0ba93d2dcf7c6404}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {85-112}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281129 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Vers une ère post-chrétienne?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{dunn2013preference, abstract = {The literature on authoritarianism and exclusive forms of nationalism often implies that authoritarian and exclusive-nationalist individuals will prefer radical right-wing populist parties such as Austria's FP?. The theoretical case for such implications appears sound as party programmes for radical right-wing populist parties invoke rhetoric that should appeal to individuals with either of these characteristics. To date, these implications have not been examined. This article examines quantitative survey data from five Western European countries with electorally viable radical right-wing populist parties to determine whether radical right-wing populist parties are preferred by authoritarians and/or exclusive-nationalists. Analyses indicate that the radical right-wing populist parties studied here are consistently preferred by exclusive-nationalist individuals, though not necessarily to all other parties, but only inconsistently preferred by authoritarian individuals. While more nuanced investigation is still needed, it is clear that, contrary to the assumptions in the authoritarianism literature, radical right-wing populist parties cannot always rely on authoritarian individuals for support.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dunn, Kris}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9460cc4557a0c267b4dd811d84692ce2}, intrahash = {74b7393a0ae3fcb7cd09da39d9d9675f}, journal = {Party Politics}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article authoritarian_predisposition checked english exclusive_nationalism indexproved input2014 radical_right-wing_populist_parties review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935343 ; inputdate=2014-06-16 ; editdate=2014-06-16 ; pubdate=2014-06-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Preference for radical right-wing populist parties among exclusive-nationalists and authoritarians}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{catterberg2006individual, abstract = {The expansion of democracy in the world has been paradoxically accompanied by a decline of political trust. By looking at the trends in political trust in new and stable democracies over the last 20 years, and their possible determinants, we claim that an observable decline in trust reflects the post-honeymoon disillusionment rather than the emergence of a more critical citizenry. However, the first new democracies of the third wave' show a significant reemergence of political trust after democratic consolidation. Using data from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey, we develop a multivariate model of political trust. Our findings indicate that political trust is positively related to well-being, social capital, democratic attitudes, political interest, and external efficacy, suggesting that trust responds to government performance. However, political trust is generally hindered by corruption permissiveness, political radicalism and postmaterialism. We identify differences by region and type of society in these relationships, and discuss the methodological problems inherent to the ambiguities in the concept of political trust.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Catterberg, G. and Moreno, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0319d4c12c2ce9419f81f7c946123a59}, intrahash = {ae32b4d576e45c1e47a4beeebc20e16a}, journal = {International Journal of Public Opinion Research}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {31-48}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763865 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Individual Bases of Political Trust: Trends in New and Established Democracies}, volume = 18, year = 2006}@article{gulev2012cultural, abstract = {Within a unified Europe that is heading towards ever more harmonization, it is interesting to examine why there exists such diversity in tax regimes among its countries. Is it possible that some of the decisions pertaining to taxation are based on latent cultural aspects? This study, set in a purely European context, seeks to analyze tax variations within Europe through the lens of cultural variations. Specifically, how trust, confidence and equality matter with regard to tax revenues and tax progressivity. Within this regard, we achieved strong results linking trust and confidence to higher tax revenues and higher tax progressivity. That is, where trust among societal members is low and confidence in public institutions is low, regimes opt for low tax revenues and lenient tax rates. It is argued that where mistrust is high, the issue of income distribution between societal members is likely to stay within the private or individual sphere. Conversely, countries with high trust among societal members exhibit higher levels of income distribution by delegatingmore responsibility to public institutions, reflected in higher tax revenues and more progressive tax structures.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gulev, R Ellemose and Lierse, Hanna}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b5cc1a4a8864bd3e669405323214e761}, intrahash = {4af75475d9f553f6e11d2765487396cf}, journal = {International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked confidence culture english europe income_distribution indexproved input2014 knowledge noindex review_proved tax trust}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {91-108}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938480 ; inputdate=2014-11-04 ; editdate=2014-11-04 ; pubdate=2014-11-04}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural Repercussions: Extending Our Knowledge about How Values of Trust and Confidence Influence Tax Structures within Europe}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 2012}@article{rukavishnikov1995russia, abstract = {In 1991, Russia disavowed communism & set about creating a market economy; however, the results have not been as encouraging as in Hungary & the Czech Republic. Many have commented that the problems lie not only with the huge scale of Russia's territory & population, but also within the special features of the country's political culture & the mentality of the nation. To investigate Russians' current political values, questionnaire data were obtained 1993/94 from 2,829 respondents, & the findings compared with a similar 1991 study of North Americans & Europeans. The results showed Russians to be the nation most dissatisfied with life. Compared to most other peoples, Russians expressed a high degree of confidence in interpersonal trust, however. Other factors investigated include feelings toward freedom, equality, justice, state paternalism, readiness to protest, Left/Right orientation, & reaction to the pace of reforms.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Rukavishnikov, V Olegovich and Halman, Loek and Ester, Peter and Rukavishnikova, T Pavlovna}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3769e7f910b2e1ca3ba0e168a03bda40}, intrahash = {ee5e71136c6e6c3c8e254550c059f256}, issn = {1321625}, journal = {Sociological Studies}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {75-90}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280946 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Russia Between Present and Future: Comparison of Indices of Political Culture for the Peoples of Twenty-Two Countries in Europe and North America}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 21, year = 1995}@article{foldary2006relation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest-Piliscsaba}, author = {F?ldàry, Mònika}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0bd639eae209b4b1ac09a5f140dbeedb}, intrahash = {2eaf45bf38531ab30dd7186efaab1f12}, journal = {Eastern European Religion}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {73-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281066 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Pázmány Péter Catholic University}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Relation of Religiosity and Values in Various Age Groups of Hungarian Society}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 2006}@article{inglehart1984bonheur, abstract = {On the basis that a correlation exists between subjective well-being, defined as satisfaction with life and a feeling of happiness, and variables such as sex, education, income, career, and value systems, three observations are made: (1) the level of subjective well-being varies little by stable characteristics, eg, sex; (2) it varies modestly along less stable variables, eg, income or married/unmarried;and (3) the most significant variations are noted in cases of recent change in individual's income level or marital status.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Rabier, Jacques-Rene}, biburl = {}, interhash = {812d7721e4610638b7355a193dc35b5e}, intrahash = {fb6f4cc55fda6ae95447196cdb0eb40e}, issn = {0337307X}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Subjective_well-being article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {3-29}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280987 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Du bonheur: Sentiment personnel et norme culturelle (On Happiness. Personal Feeling and Cultural Norm)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 81, year = 1984}@article{growiec2012social, abstract = {The aim of this working paper is to examine social capital in Iceland, as measured in terms of social ties, social trust, political activity and civic engagement, from a comparative perspective before and after the financial crisis of 2008. It uses data from four successive waves of the European Values Study (EVS). Following a contextualisation of this research theme, our results show that Icelanders appear to be as satisfied with their lives after the onset of the crisis as they were prior to the economic collapse. The strength of their family ties has been progressively increasing during the 26 year period covered by the data, with gradual growth in the importance awarded to family relationships, which indicates that Icelanders are now more reliant on their parents than in the past. Ties with non-family members are also adjudged to have become more important, though only after the financial crisis. Furthermore, Icelanders are more active civically and politically: for example, they are more likely to belong to a political party, social welfare organisation or local community initiative, which implies that such activities have become of greater importance since 2008. In addition, while there may have been an increase in levels of social trust among people, there is more dissatisfaction with how democracy works. In conclusion, we can see that social capital has almost certainly become more important in Iceland since the economic crisis but, given that we have been able to identify underlying trends showing that this is at least in part a long-term development, this heightened importance may not just be a consequence of the crisis but rather part of a more gradual societal change.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Growiec, Katarzyna and Vilhelmsdóttir, Sj?fn and Cairns, David}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8d2fc92d766aa60d2eb09af41316bbed}, intrahash = {905d6b658014f7f8769e30ddb6380213}, issn = {1647-0893}, journal = {CIES-IUL}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Financial_Crisis Iceland article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 138, pages = 19, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938466 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital and the Financial Crisis: The Case of Iceland}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{riis1990folkekirke, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {926371c566d6ea5ad67e16b446407d1a}, intrahash = {bafb06d27651057d831d0dc127982453}, journal = {Kritisk Forum for Praktisk Teologi}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked danish indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {56-75}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281261 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Folkekirke og folkerreligiositet, religionsociologisk belyst}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 39, year = 1990}@article{nergard1985religisitet, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nerg?rd, T B. and Skj?rshammer, Morten}, biburl = {}, interhash = {27b2fd04f82acae2c9dc99ea4cc55dd9}, intrahash = {f37366891f654b76a6b144d96fe2fcb9}, issn = {3559769}, journal = {Tidsskrift for nordisk alkoholforskning}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked danish indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281055 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {Religi?sitet og bruk av alkohol, i Alkoholpolitik}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1985}@article{brechon2002dynamique, abstract = {An examination of the way values in several major fields have changed should not give the impression that European values are diverging, argue Pierre Bréchon, Olivier Galland and Jean-Fran?ois Tchernia. Two main trends emerge from the surveys of values discussed here: -The rise of "postmaterialism": once material needs are met and there is a sense of security, people start to challenge traditional moral positions and instead emphasize aspirations such as self-expression or community participation. This trend was very marked in France during the three decades of post-war prosperity (the "Trente Glorieuses") and has continued despite slower economic growth. These aspirations appear to complement rather than contradict each other: people today aspire to satisfy both their material needs and their postmaterialist concerns.-The desire by individuals to decide for themselves what is good and bad, rather than allowing their opinions and behaviour to be determined by some higher authority, often a religious one. This trend has been growing for a long time, but it is quite distinct from selfish individualism that rejects any social norms or sense of belonging to a community. Admittedly individualism still exists, the authors stress, although in varying degrees depending on whether a country is traditionally Catholic or Protestant, but it is linked to a more or less strong sense of community, which inevitably means acceptance of certain rules of social behaviour, even a recognition of a superior "public good". Nevertheless, the authors find that there are major differences among European countries that turn out to be closely linked to whether they are traditionally Catholic or Protestant. This is also true of trends in Eastern Europe. In conclusion they argue that there is a pattern of change peculiar to each country, if not region, although some countries are more homogeneous than others. Having examined the case of several typical countries, the authors conclude that some differences persist, with their roots in the past, although this does not prevent values from changing, albeit slowly, and reforming.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Galland, Olivier and Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2a2cccfbbee1f6c394002a3aa7da697a}, intrahash = {1e54f29839ab78d7bc3e67d58d00d706}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {177-186}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280852 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:22:22.000+0100}, title = {La dynamique des valeurs en Europe: Dimension spatiale et temporelle}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{brechon2000levolution, abstract = {At the end of the 1970s, a group of social scientists started a research project on the value systems held by Europeans; using representative samples of the population of each country and basically identical questionnaires, they were then able to carry out three detailed studies, roughly ten years apart. A special issue of the journal Futuribles (number 200, July?August 1995) was devoted to the trends that emerged from the surveys held in Europe in 1981 and 1990. While awaiting the publication of another special issue covering the whole of Europe on the basis of the results of the last survey, carried out in 1999, the main trends for France are briefly presented here for the first time.First, Pierre Bréchon and Jean-Fran?ois Tchernia review the trends observed over 20 years (1981, 1990 and 1999) by age cohort (generation). They distinguish three areas: - one where values seem to have remained quite stable, such as the desire of the French to free themselves from the major intangible principles and, despite their continuing attachment to the family, their lack of interest in marriage;- one where there has been rapid change, such as the growing tolerance of homosexuality, intransigeance vis-à-vis Right-wing extremism and increasing secularization;- finally, one where values are changing more slowly. Three basic trends stand out here: first, the fact that the French are increasingly critical of their society yet at the same time more and more of them say they are personally happy. Next, the fact that "traditional" participation in political life (voting in elections) is falling, but new forms of direct participation are on the increase. Finally, as a corollary of the decline of regard for the major principles, the French are strongly attached to freedom of individual choice but also consider that it is important to maintain social order.In the second part of their article, the authors try to explain the processes behind these results: why some values remain stable while others change, and to explore what can be learned about the future from the trends observed. Instead of relying on the standard distinctions based on age, generation and period, they identify natural cycles (including the biological cycle, the life cycle and the cycle of generations), structural trends (strongly influenced by social change) and historical events (classed in two categories depending on how long their impact lasts).They are then able to suggest several keys to a better understanding of the factors most responsible for changes (or absence of change) in values and to establish an extremely useful basis for studying values in the future.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {715215a7d74a1eafbcfb689fd3bae2b6}, intrahash = {14910d66ccbbb53c213a5fed5bfb2fbb}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed Subjective_well-being article checked family french indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-20}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280896 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {L'evolution des valeurs des Fran?ais}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 253, year = 2000}@article{neumayer2004environment, abstract = {The objectives of this commentary are twofold. The first is to examine the relationship between a party's Position within the left-right political spectrum and its stance on environmental issues, as stated in party manifestos. The second is to examine the relationship between individuals' ideological orientation and pro-environmental beliefs. attitudes and self-reported behavior. Equality, distributional concerns and market skepticism are typically regarded as defining factors of left-wing political orientation. Our results suggest that left-wing parties and individuals are also more pro-environmental than their right-wing counterparts. Ecological economics similarly embraces sustainability, efficient resource allocation and equitable distribution and is skeptical towards the ability of unregulated markets to achieve these objectives. The hypothesis is put forward that ecological economics is more likely to be supported by left-wing parties and individuals. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Neumayer, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {549d6ad3272fe5bc20e9fae83b98d968}, intrahash = {ef1c4b766aa046e9d7abdcc065f379cc}, journal = {Ecological Economics}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english environment indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {3-4}, pages = {167-175}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776700 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The environment, left-wing political orientation and ecological economics}, volume = 51, year = 2004}@article{venturellichristensen2001litalia, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Venturelli Christensen, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7100d6db4b3ed3f51fe7c224f7e7c72d}, intrahash = {7ce63e2916eceec6c0a2e286bf7a6339}, journal = {Il Ponte}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 italian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281020 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {L'Italia al Lavor}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{dogan1993dclin, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1acd3490290e72baf575aba7299e5980}, intrahash = {cf1e3b575dddb1a2e0aee419603d67d4}, journal = {Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {208-233}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698000 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Déclin des nationalisme et dynamique des générations en Europe Articles de l'Ouest}, volume = 2, year = 1993}@article{welzel2002effective, abstract = {This article demonstrates that low corruption and high female representation are two characteristics of elite quality that go closely together and help make "formal" democracy increasingly "effective." However the quality of elites is not an inherently independent phenomenon but is shaped by a pervasive mass factor: rising self-expression values that shift cultural norms toward greater emphasis on responsive and inclusive elites. Self-expression values, in turn, tend to be strengthened by growing human resources among the masses. Considered in a comprehensive perspective, these various components are linked through the emancipative logic of Human Development: (1) human resources, (2) self-expression values, (3) elite quality, and (4) effective democracy all contribute to widen the scope of human autonomy and choice in several aspects of people lives, including their means and skills, their norms and values, as well as their institutions and rights.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Welzel, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4e7f7a458a81ed22cec1e37e68e50c28}, intrahash = {2be4245479455c390fe868deec09138a}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {3-5}, pages = {317-349}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777008 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Effective democracy, mass culture, and the quality of elites: The human development perspective}, volume = 43, year = 2002}@article{beugelsdijk2005social, abstract = {We study a cross section of 54 European regions. The central question is whether regional differences in economic growth are related to social capital, in the form of generalized trust and associational activity. Substantiated by extensive robustness tests, we present evidence that growth differentials in European regions are positively related to social capital measured as associational activity. Hence, our results suggest that the thesis of Putnam et al. (1993) thesis on social capital in Italian regions can be generalized. Our analysis also suggests that it is not the mere existence of network relationships that stimulates regional economic growth, but active involvement in these relationships.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Beugelsdijk, S. and Schaik, T van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0a00e6b9acdb37abcc5ab290d3c732af}, intrahash = {06d48ef53e92aa4dcd7c986237cfbc3b}, journal = {Journal of Political Economy}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {301-324}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763857 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social capital and growth in European regions: an empirical test}, volume = 21, year = 2005}@article{halman1994variations, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4a4ba92cf1ed8fb66ca79c134c64a61e}, intrahash = {ff3f4c01e0bfe54d51cc0991c15a096e}, journal = {European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {15-38}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280791 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Variations in Tolerance Levels in Europe: Evidence from the Eurobarometers and European Values Study}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1994}@article{brechon2004lopinion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {19da0fec59ad83528ba32fbc0415dd3b}, intrahash = {d461c35650acc83ad0f87030a07252aa}, journal = {Informations sociales}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 113, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935725 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {L'opinion des Européens sur les immigrés. Une mesure de l'ouverture à autrui}, year = 2004}@article{oorschot2006making, abstract = {Welfare states treat different groups of needy people differently. Such differential rationing may reflect various considerations of policymakers, who act in economic, political and cultural contexts. This article aims at contributing to a theoretical and empirical understanding of the popular cultural context of welfare rationing. It examines European public perceptions of the relative deservingness of four needy groups (elderly people, sick and disabled people, unemployed people, and immigrants). Hypotheses, deduced from a literature review, are tested against data from the 1999/2000 European Values Study survey. It is found that Europeans share a common and fundamental deservingness culture: across countries and social categories there is a consistent pattern that elderly people are seen as most deserving, closely followed by sick and disabled people; unemployed people are seen as less deserving still, and immigrants as least deserving of all. Conditionality is greater in poorer countries, in countries with lower unemployment, and in countries where people have less trust in fellow citizens and in state institutions. At the national level there is no relation with welfare regime type or welfare spending. Individual differences in conditionality are determined by several socio-demographic and attitudinal characteristics, as well as by certain features of the country people live in.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Oorschot, W v.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5e4296c4b4347a247c702413db9e667c}, intrahash = {5b487d9c3ae9fdbed1179b39e2dcddf2}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {23-42}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3710331 ; inputdate=2009-12-01 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-01}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Making the Difference in Social Europe: Deservingness Perceptions among Citizens of European Welfare States}, volume = 16, year = 2006}@article{majima2007there, abstract = {This paper critically examines Inglehart's argument that there is a predictable shift from materialist to post-materialist values, using the British case as our focus. Using the 1981, 1990 and 1999 data for the British part of World Values Surveys, we criticize the distinction between materialist and post-materialist values. Using multiple correspondence analysis, we visualize how different attitudes are related to each other by portraying them in a multiple-dimensional space. We show that the organization of cultural values is complex, and is not easily summarized by the materialist/post-materialist dichotomy.We prefer to recognize the more politically loaded nature of attitudes by distinguishing between libertarian and authoritarian values, and between conformist and rebellious citizens. We show that there is little evidence of major change between 1981 and 1999, and indeed Britons, and especially young people, are moving slightly away from post-materialism, becoming increasingly rebellious and conscientious.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Majima, S. and Savage, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9122ca0c95b75f8268bdc4df66209dbe}, intrahash = {270d9bb8a8af3c89b2cc6259f685a341}, journal = {Cultural Sociology}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {293-315}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776694 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Have There Been Culture Shifts in Britain? A Critical Encounter with Ronald Inglehart}, volume = 1, year = 2007}@article{james2006selfselection, abstract = {Suppose we want to know whether the ethics of persons with one characteristic differ from the ethics of persons having another characteristic. Self-selection bias occurs if people have control over that characteristic. When there is self-selection bias, we cannot be sure observed differences in ethics are correlated with the characteristic or are the result of individual self-selection. Self-selection bias is germane to many important business ethics questions. In this paper I explain what self-selection bias is, how it relates to business ethics research, and how to correct for it. I also illustrate the correction process in an empirical analysis of the effect of organizational rank on worker ethics. Using data from the European Values Survey, I find that being a supervisor is positively correlated with worker ethics. However, I also find a negative self-selection effect. Workers with relatively lower ethics are selected into supervisory roles.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {James, H S.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f41cc300d6a75d0feb4dde646eddcab3}, intrahash = {b8ee9095d4a3abf5e9d924086ac0759d}, journal = {Business Ethics Quarterly}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {559-577}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776371 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Self-selection bias in business ethics research}, volume = 16, year = 2006}@article{moors2007heterogeneity, abstract = {Protagonists of values theory such as Inglehart--among others--have argued that values should be conceived of as relative priorities rather than absolute preferences. As such they insist on using ranking techniques of measurement which generates choice data. In this study, we aim at validating the measurement of Inglehart's (post-)materialism by means of a latent class discrete choice model. We argue that from a statistical point of view this is the appropriate way of dealing with ranking data. Furthermore, the analyses revealed a heterogeneity in (post-)materialist value priorities that has previously been left unobserved. Consistent with Inglehart's research a post-materialist class is discerned irrespective of the number of latent classes that is selected. However, as far as materialism is concerned three different types of materialist concerns can be distinguished. The validity of the empirical typology is further demonstrated by linking it to key covariates and political attitudes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Moors, G. and Vermunt, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {224f986f527117128635cd3a579e964a}, intrahash = {10a17c7cbf952528325e7ed02a2f3ef3}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {631-648}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776697 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Heterogeneity in Post-materialist Value Priorities: Evidence from a Latent Class Discrete Choice Approach}, volume = 23, year = 2007}@article{tomka2001hagyomnyos, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3aa6e0522fd9092d9a133b52b44aaf7a}, intrahash = {46c7d4df6402abfc3d646c5b44703a30}, journal = {Educatio}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = { (EVS)}, pages = {419-433}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280798 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Hagyományos (vallási) értékek a modern társadalomban (= Traditional [religious] values in modern society)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {/}, volume = 3, year = 2001}@article{kerkhofs1984young, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c1f941ff3edfb8dc09fb57326fab00a4}, intrahash = {a45d46c0ee5361693420c88155edd8fc}, journal = {Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers Europe-North America}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281300 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Young People and Values in Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 27, year = 1984}@article{kerkhofs2002valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {April 2002}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f2dc40adb04c6b64e8b15e986b18bc78}, intrahash = {addbcb26a7c6e7aafeaa60803be91537}, journal = {Aggiornamenti sociali}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 italian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {275-283}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281288 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {I valori degli Europei}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 2002}@article{apahideanu2013empirical, abstract = {The underlying article examines the current state of the secularization debate in order to develop an updated working model of the paradigm at the micro level as manifesting in two interrelated directions: atheism,respectively heterodox hybridization of religiosity. The latter direction is further explored in its manifestation in Europe over the past two decades in an integrated approach based on the waves of the European Values Study (EVS) and the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), focusing on church mediation of the individual-divine relation, conceptualizations of God as personal versus impersonal, self-defined religiosity and spirituality, and various heterodox, uncanonical, beliefs. The findings support the secularization paradigm as manifested predominantly towards atheism in Western Europe, respectively towards heterodox, hybrid, forms of religiosity in the East.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Apahideanu, Ionut}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d5bfe4bf1e2f718cc802b59bc270b8b0}, intrahash = {365ed2794361221569b356368034b98a}, journal = {Europolis}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity Secularization article checked english europe hybridization indexproved individualization input2014 noindex post-secularism review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {37-75}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5937733 ; inputdate=2014-10-01 ; editdate=2014-10-01 ; pubdate=2014-10-01}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {An Empirical Revisiting of the Secularization debate at the Micro Level: Europe's heterodox religiosity over the last two decades}, url = {}, volume = 7, year = 2013}@article{brechon2002valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fc2fddb18f13f23aa45b09496ded257e}, intrahash = {7bba1cdcc8321b4ab4c0009a17a931bc}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {95-128}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281297 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Des valeurs politiques entre pérennité et changement}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{arts2005social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Oorschot, W.J.H. van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6e4ddc57fd842bfa3b78ac207f9b80eb}, intrahash = {c6807da2fa656415d4a9da2500611160}, issn = {9589287}, journal = {Journal of European Social Policy}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {5-26}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256418 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {The social capital of European welfare states: the crowding out hypothesis revisited}, volume = 15, year = 2005}@article{lambert2005jeunes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {eee56bcef4431448026697073726b754}, intrahash = {a2c557ab68e85a58d6b8aadb8cc1c43d}, journal = {Croire aujourd'hui}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 201, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936438 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les jeunes européens: des héritiers surprenants}, year = 2005}@article{stavrova2013religious, abstract = {Drawing on social norms theories, we suggest that religiosity substantially increases subjective well-being if it is considered normative in a certain national context. In Study 1, we test this hypothesis using an indicator of a country?s social norm of religiosity that includes both the national level of religiosity and the social desirability of religion. The results of a multilevel regression analysis suggest that religious individuals are on average happier and more satisfied with life than non-religious individuals. This effect is stronger in religious countries with dominant negative attitudes towards non-believers. In Study 2, we further examine whether the differences in social recognition of religious and non-religious individuals in countries where religiosity is normative account for this finding. The results of a moderated mediation analysis indicate that in religious countries, religious people report being treated with more respect, which partially explains their higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stavrova, Olga and Fetchenhauera, Detlef and Schl?ssera, Thomas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d5f0cf6b0b148afe8c03e2af7da6762f}, intrahash = {b9d98dda5aab42bb7b97696448c825a6}, journal = {Social Science Research}, keywords = {2013 Cross-national_differences EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_norms Social_recognition Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {90-105}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935299 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Why are religious people happy? The effect of the social norm of religiosity across countries}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2013}@article{inglehart2002gender, abstract = {Previous research has consistently found that men and women have similar levels of happiness, life satisfaction, and other global measures of subjective well-being. This article demonstrates that significant gender-related differences in subjective well-being exist-but tend to be concealed by an interaction effect between age, gender and well-being. Women under 45 tend to be happier than men; but older women are less happy. Thus, in a pooled sample of 146, 000 respondents from 65 societies, among the youngest group, 24 percent of the men and 28 percent of the women describe themselves as very happy; but among the oldest group, only 20 percent of the women describe themselves as very happy, while 25 percent of the men do so. The relationship between gender and well-being reverses itself moving from a female advantage of 4 points to a deficit of 5 points. Given the huge sample size, these differences are high v significant. The aspiration-adjustment model implies that, despite their continuing disadvantages in income, status, and power women of today should show higher levels of subjective well-being than men. A global women movement has been pushing for gender equality throughout the world, with some success, so that currently, women achievement tends to be above traditional aspiration levels. But this is offset by a systematic tendency to devalue older women. This tendency is particularly strong in advanced industrial societies where women have made the most progress-but where the mass media and advertising convey the message that only young women are beautiful and devalue the social worth of older women (Bluhm 2000). This produces an interaction between gender age, and well-being that conceals statistically significant and theoretically interesting gender differences in subjective well-being.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a230d15356bb3a4088affc7afd23fc67}, intrahash = {f209800722bde400bdbcd5b1493ab89f}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {3-5}, pages = {391-408}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776362 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Gender, aging, and subjective well-being}, volume = 43, year = 2002}@article{brechon1995levolution, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f6a0ef32cd6e9710fae26cc7a57990db}, intrahash = {39ac81e3059f0d25b68d0917586698c5}, issn = {2843871999}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {3-203}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281052 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {L'Evolution des valeurs des Européens (x- The Evolution of the Values of European People)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{tillman2013authoritarianism, abstract = {Recent scholarship has emphasized the importance of concepts rooted in social identity for understanding citizen attitudes towards the European Union (EU). This article builds upon prior research by developing an argument that authoritarians are more likely to oppose the EU and to hold exclusionary social identity attitudes. Authoritarians, who have a predisposition towards order and conformity, are likely to oppose the EU as it threatens the established social and political order of the sovereign state and the dominant national culture. In addition, authoritarians are more likely to express exclusionary social identities. Analysis of survey data finds support for these claims and demonstrates that authoritarianism decreases support for the EU directly and indirectly through various indicators of social identity attitudes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tillman, E.R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f73e7579b25d3d061e39a851c1be1efb}, intrahash = {7f3e54c1c7379e50bdd7bcc543a68d90}, journal = {European Union Politics}, keywords = {2013 Authoritarianism EU_support EVS EVS_input2014 Euroskepticism FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 public_opinion review_proved reviewed social_identity}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {566-589}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935689 ; inputdate=2014-07-06 ; editdate=2014-07-06 ; pubdate=2014-07-06}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Authoritarianism and citizen attitudes towards European integration}, url = {}, volume = 14, year = 2013}@article{zakaria2013corruption, abstract = {In examining post-communist countries, it becomes apparent that civil society is durable in certain countries and fragile in others. One then asks: What factors contribute to this condition? Many of the theorists in the post-communist literature argue that socioeconomic factors and the communist legacy have weakened post-communist civil society. The article explores the following question: Has corruption replaced the legacy of communism as a factor undermining trust in others and government? The theory proposed in this article implies a break from previous studies on the weakness of post-communist civil society, arguing that corruption has been a major factor in undermining civil society in the region. The article presents a rigorous examination of the association between corruption and post-communist civil society by focusing on the impact of political corruption on trust and, hence, post-communist civil society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Zakaria, Patty}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1b964f7d6b47bfdfcaa3348e7fea6b3d}, intrahash = {f8d91a034359c7c4e888f0e2952a6a49}, journal = {International Political Science Review}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked civil_society corruption english indexproved input2014 interpersonal_trust post-communist review_proved reviewed trust_in_government}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {351-371}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939306 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is corruption an enemy of civil society? The case of Central and Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2013}@article{fargher2008cultural, abstract = {Purpose ? This paper aims to contribute to the growing body of empirical evaluations of subjective wellbeing by assessing the impact of basic cultural values and beliefs on job satisfaction across 20countries in Eastern and Western Europe.Design/methodology/approach ? Basic cultural values and beliefs are defined by reference to traditional vs secular values and survival vs self-expression values, respectively. Data derived from the European Values Study 1999/2000 are utilised, which provide detailed information not only on job satisfaction and socio-demographic characteristics, but also on individuals? subjective views onreligion, family values, work, child-parent ties, political engagement, tolerance and interpersonal trust.Ordered probit regressions are performed to determine the significance of these characteristics, valuesand beliefs on job satisfaction.Findings ? The study highlights the strong influence of a society?s broad cultural heritage on individuals? wellbeing at work. This raises questions about the impetus for numerous motivationalinterventions by managers and consultants. Traditional cultural values exhibit a strong influence on workers? job satisfaction in Western Europe. Interpersonal trust serves as a particularly strongpredictor of job satisfaction for both Eastern and Western Europe, and for both male and female workers. The main difference between Eastern and Western Europe is driven primarily by the importance of family and religion.Originality/value ? In previous studies, job satisfaction has been strongly associated with measures of organisational culture. In contrast, the broad cultural heritage of a society as measured by its basic value and belief system has not figured prominently in this literature. This paper adds value by contributing to this fledgling field of empirical research.Keywords - Job satisfaction, National cultures, Heritage, Eastern Europe, Western Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Fargher, Scott and Kesting, Stefan and Lange, Thomas and Pacheco, Gail}, biburl = {}, interhash = {da5b8829361747b3c1be0a6401c2e887}, intrahash = {08f4365c8837ea2fabae0afccbdaace0}, journal = {International Journal of Manpower}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {630-650}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3607173 ; inputdate=2009-10-22 ; editdate=2009-10-22 ; pubdate=2009-10-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural heritage and job satisfaction in Eastern andWestern Europe}, volume = 29, year = 2008}@article{knoll2013impact, abstract = {Are people happier if they experience freedom from regulations, and how do individual attitudes towards liberalization influence personal life satisfaction? Based on the data from European and World Values Surveys and the Economic Freedom of the World project, we find evidence for positive effects of low regulation and pro-market attitudes on life satisfaction. Paradoxically, people who are opposed to market-oriented policies sometimes benefit most from deregulation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Knoll, Bodo and Pitlik, Hans and Rode, Martin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6989978efeba159cf837dab07e814376}, intrahash = {7dee6c38a3ed7e6cbde33797d8addef2}, journal = {Applied Economics Letters}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP H11 I31 L51 SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article attitudes checked english ideology indexproved input2014 life_satisfaction regulation review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {916-920}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938637 ; inputdate=2014-11-11 ; editdate=2014-11-11 ; pubdate=2014-11-11}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A note on the impact of economic regulation on life satisfaction}, url = {}, volume = 9, year = 2013}@article{savicka2000lietuvos, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Article is in Lithuanian. Summary in English, p. 524.}, author = {Savicka, Aida}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2489a1a975136d880168a34317ece3d8}, intrahash = {3226d5937a5eb8cbc4836a5be886b064}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 lithuanian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {252-277}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281048 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Lietuvos gyventoju darbo vertybes 1990-1999 metais (Work Values of Lithuanians in 1990-1999)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{aram1995economic, abstract = {Spain has experienced dramatic political and economic changes in the last several decades. In particular, joining the European Community in 1985 marked a point of economic policy change and acceleration of economic growth for Spain. Based primarily on the results of two national social surveys in 1981 and 1990, this paper examines changes in Spanish social values that corresponded to this period of economic liberalization. While necessarily speculative, the paper concludes that economic reform may have had both integrative and disintegrative influences on social values and that the extent of the country's economic growth in the last half of the decade was probably insufficient to capture additional social benefits of economic advancement.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Aram, J D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2e472abbf0a3de8d0ab997a71ab0ec48}, intrahash = {6a5bd2e9138143f51aa9f8fc84abd1cc}, journal = {Journal of Socio-Economics}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {151-167}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763842 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Economic liberalization and social values: Spain in the decade of the 1980s}, volume = 24, year = 1995}@article{scida1993associazionismo, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Scida, G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fa23e0580461dc022b8782ea03a8ba6a}, intrahash = {4cb6cfb2bb2b1de7127ac8810353ac98}, journal = {Aggiornamenti Sociali}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement article checked indexproved input2014 italian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {153-168}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281309 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Associazionismo e attività non-profit in Italia e in Europa}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XLIV}, year = 1993}@article{ayoub2014evaluating, abstract = {This article utilizes original survey and interview data to explore why norms governing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights mobilize an active resistance in some cases and not in others. Based on a comparison of Poland and Slovenia, this article shows that differing perceptions of threat define the way international norms are received in distinct domestic realms. Threat perception is heightened in cases where religion is historically embedded in the essence of the popular nation. In Poland, the Catholic Church created a role for itself as a symbol of the nation. There, the domestic opposition succeeded in framing a narrative that linked LGBT rights to external forces threatening national values. By contrast, the Catholic Church in Slovenia could neither maintain nor (re-)establish similarly strong ties to the popular nation, stifling the opposition's ability to mobilize a robust popular resistance. Whether resistance is effectual, however, is a related but separate question. The data suggest that resistance produced in high-threat contexts can be self-defeating in that it enhances the salience of the norm in the domestic setting.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ayoub, P M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9cafc50dab931e0ee9bac879cfa70d9d}, intrahash = {550f84bd73ed4fb223f692671cd49692}, journal = {Journal of Human Rights}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {337-362}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938689 ; inputdate=2014-11-15 ; editdate=2014-11-15 ; pubdate=2014-11-15}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Evaluating the Cross-national Comparability of Survey Measures of Political Interest Using Anchoring Vignettes}, url = {}, volume = 13, year = 2014}@article{ester1993yuppies, abstract = {According to the media and to marketing entrepreneurs, as well as to various political observers, yuppies (young urban professionals) are believed to be vanguards in cultural and political change of the 1980s. The pseudo-scholarly perception suggests that yuppies display a unique combination of social-ethical liberalism and social-economic conservatism and, in addition, are distinguishable by a low level of political engagement and a strong emphasis on lifestyle distinctiveness. A cross-cultural analysis of survey data from seven countries indicates that although yuppies tend to hold liberal social and ethical views,there is no evidence for their conservatism on economic matters, abstinence from political engagement or emphasis on lifestyle distinctiveness. Furthermore, the analysis provides no evidence that yuppies form part of a broader category of young left-wing professionals constituting the "new class" of the 1990s. In a final analysis the idea of a syndrome of distinctive yuppie attitudes is rejected for the seven countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ester, P. and Vinken, H.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4370f4ebd5e0151aa3a806b18d7356eb}, intrahash = {8aa47a14aac7bb1dfbf2f341295140f5}, journal = {Political Psychology}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {667-696}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763915 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Yuppies in cross-national perspective: Is there evidence of a yuppie value syndrome?}, volume = 14, year = 1993}@article{reilly2012about, abstract = {Large majorities in nearly every country support democracy, according to studies of cross-national surveys. But many of these reports have treated as missing data persons who did not provide a substantive response when asked to offer an opinion about the suitability of democracy as a regime type for their country, which has led to substantial overestimates of expressed support for democracy in some countries. This article discusses the consequences of excluding such nonsubstantive responses and offers suggestions to improve the study of popular support for democracy.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Reilly, Jonathan and Zigerell, L.J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c00741bd9edd4af6455e092db6431ef5}, intrahash = {da4ad1fcdb04b97ff87075a81d0ad75f}, journal = {Political Science & Politics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {462-468}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934173 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Don't Know Much about Democracy:Reporting Survey Data with Nonsubstantive Responses}, volume = 45, year = 2012}@article{voicu1999modernitatea, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Bogdan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1f6729df3b779212debda70dac406e22}, intrahash = {1e7825a69939b369b62109262d7ffe8f}, journal = {Revista de Cercet?ri Sociale}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {179-204}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280788 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Modernitatea ?ntre tradi?ie ?i postmodernism (Modernity Between Traditionalism and Postmodernity)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {3-4}, year = 1999}@article{healykieran2000embedded, abstract = {Blood donation is often cited as a perfect example of altruism. But blood must be collected as well as donated, and the organizational basis of the blood supply has been largely neglected. This article is a comparative study of blood collection regimes in Europe. Regimes are found to affect donation rates and donor profiles. When the Red Cross collects blood, donation is tied to religious activity and other volunteering, unlike state and blood bank systems. This study argues that collection regimes produce their donor populations by providing differing opportunities for donations. The analysis contributes to an institutional perspective on altruism and highlights the need to attend to the socially embedded nature of altruistic as well as self-interested action.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {{Healy, Kieran}}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2490}, interhash = {9dc231fed689eb8488c41e94bde508bf}, intrahash = {b21ed6a17d60601c2e5b784462e64b2f}, issn = {00029602}, journal = {The American Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2000 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, language = {English}, note = {. (EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, number = 6, pages = {1633-1657}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276595 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-02-26 ; Eurobarometer_ID=47606}, study = {Eurobarometer 41.0}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Embedded Altruism: Blood Collection Regimes and the European Union's Donor Population}, url = {}, volume = 105, year = 2000}@article{verweij1997secularization, abstract = {Previous research indicates the importance of the religious market theory in explaining cross-national differences in secularization. In this article, religious market variables are compared with indices of modernization and culture in explaining differences in religious mentality and religious activity. Data from the 1990 European Values Survey for 16 countries are used. In general, culture and modernization are more important than the religious market structure. Although church membership is explained by the religions market structure, the effects are opposed to the expectations. Of the modernization and cultural indices, development of welfare state and masculinity/femininity appear to be the most relevant characteristics. Of the market variables, level of state regulation is more important than religious pluralism.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Verweij, J. and Ester, P. and Nauta, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1cd813f910b346adbe544d8e0e5b2cca}, intrahash = {705f6169e8cdde42eb6befb8282b7930}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {1997 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {309-324}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777004 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Secularization as an economic and cultural phenomenon: A cross-national analysis}, volume = 36, year = 1997}@article{surkyn2004value, abstract = {The core issue in this article is the empirical tracing of the connection between a variety of value orientations and the life course choices concerning living arrangements and family formation. The existence of such a connection is a crucial element in the so-called theory of the Second Demographic Transition (SDT). The underlying model is of a recursive nature and based on two effects: firstly, values-based self-selection of individuals into alternative living arrangement or household types, and secondly, event-based adaptation of values to the newly chosen household situation. Any testing of such a recursive model requires the use of panel data. Failing these, only ?footprints? of the two effects can be derived and traced in cross-sectional data. Here, use is made of the latest round of the European Values Surveys of 1999-2000, mainly because no other source has such a large selection of value items. The comparison involves two Iberian countries, three western European ones, and two Scandinavian samples. The profiles of the value orientations are based on 80 items which cover a variety of dimensions (e.g. religiosity, ethics, civil morality, family values, social cohesion, expressive values, gender role orientations, trust in institutions, protest proneness and post-materialism, tolerance for minorities etc.). These are analysed according to eight different household positions based on the transitions to independent living, cohabitation and marriage, parenthood and union dissolution. Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) is used to control for confounding effects of other relevant covariates (age, gender, education, economic activity and stratification, urbanity). Subsequently, Correspondence Analysis is used to picture the proximities between the 80 value items and the eight household positions. Very similar value profiles according to household position are found for the three sets of countries, despite the fact that the onset of the SDT in Scandinavia precedes that in the Iberian countries by roughly twenty years. Moreover, the profile similarity remains intact when the comparison is extended to an extra group of seven formerly communist countries in central and Eastern Europe. Such pattern robustness is supportive of the contention that the ideational or ?cultural? factor is indeed a non-redundant and necessary (but not a sufficient) element in the explanation of the demographic changes of the SDT. Moreover, the profile similarity also points in the direction of the operation of comparable mechanisms of selection and adaptation in the contrasting European settings.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Surkyn, J. and Lesthaeghe, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {757eda6497e5e0da149c55a5b9d39818}, intrahash = {ccff0863e4e6c8d03b49d680d951c32f}, journal = {Demographic Research}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english family indexproved input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion review_proved reviewed social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {45-86}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776960 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Value Orientations and the Second Demographic Transition (SDT) in Northern, Western and Southern Europe: An Update}, volume = {S3}, year = 2004}@article{nergard1986nordmenns, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nerg?rd, Trude B. and Molven, Olav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4faf33adf8a9f1ca5f881a405776256f}, intrahash = {ef0ec41919f80062ece53b9153fd91a8}, issn = {291528}, journal = {Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvitenskap}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281315 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Nordmenns holdning til vinningskriminalitet}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1986}@article{oorschot2005welfare, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Oorschot, W.J.H. van and Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6083d0ec4220fb8a89e6cc14f463649a}, intrahash = {fd914d6044a75793c7f6c9daa6cb3741}, issn = {3055736}, journal = {Policy and Politics: Studies of local government and its services}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {33-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256420 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;participation in civil society?V38: do you work unpaid for: professional associations (Q5I)?V31: do you work unpaid for: religious organisation (Q5B)?V24: do you belong to: peace movement (Q5M)?V32: do you work unpaid for: cultural activities (Q5C)?V21: do you belong to: youth work (Q5J)?V48: how often spend time with friends (Q6A)?V33: do you work unpaid for: trade unions (Q5D)?V14: do you belong to: cultural activities (Q5C)?V41: do you work unpaid for: womens groups (Q5L)?V18: do you belong to: 3w-development/human rights (Q5G)?V39: do you work unpaid for: youth work (Q5J)?V37: do you work unpaid for: environment (Q5H)?V49: how often spend time with colleagues (Q6B)?V22: do you belong to: sports/recreation (Q5K)?V17: do you belong to: local community action (Q5F)?V13: do you belong to: religious organisation (Q5B)?V36: do you work unpaid for: 3w-development/human rights (Q5G)?V40: do you work unpaid for: sports/recreation (Q5K)?V35: do you work unpaid for: local community action (Q5F)?V26: do you belong to: other groups (Q5O)?V42: do you work unpaid for: peace movement (Q5M)?V30: do you work unpaid for: welfare organisation (Q5A)?V43: do you work unpaid for: voluntary health organisations (Q5N)?V20: do you belong to: professional associations (Q5I)?V15: do you belong to: trade unions (Q5D)?V44: do you work unpaid for: other groups (Q5O)?V16: do you belong to: political parties/groups (Q5E)?V19: do you belong to: environment (Q5H)?V51: how often spend time in clubs+voluntary associations (Q6D)?V12: do you belong to: welfare organisation (Q5A)?V23: do you belong to: womens groups (Q5L)?V25: do you belong to: voluntary health organisations (Q5N)?V34: do you work unpaid for: political parties/groups (Q5E)religiosity?V105: how often attend religious services (Q25)?V102: which religious denomination do you belong to (Q23)?V101: do you belong to a religious denomination (Q22)informal social solidarity?V273: are you concerned with: unemployed people (Q80B)?V276: are you prepared to help: immediate family (Q81A)?V274: are you concerned with: immigrants (Q80C)?V272: are you concerned with: eldery people (Q80A)?V277: are you prepared to help: people neighbourhood (Q81B)?V278: are you prepared to help: eldery people (Q81C)?V279: are you prepared to help: immigrants (Q81D)?V275: are you concerned with: sick and disabled (Q80D)?V280: are you prepared to help: sick and disabled (Q81E)trust in other people?V66: people can be trusted/cant be too careful (Q8)left-right orientation?V185: political view: left-right (Q53)trust in institutions?V208: how much confidence in: social security system (Q58I)?V207: how much confidence in: civil service (Q58H)?V206: how much confidence in: parliament (Q58G)?V211: how much confidence in: health care system (Q58M)ethnocentrism?V64: dont like as neighbours: jews (Q7M)?V65: dont like as neighbours: gypsies (Q7N)?V60: dont like as neighbours: immigrants/foreign workers (Q7I)?V59: dont like as neighbours: muslims (Q7H);Waves and countries1999/2000?France?Sweden?Denmark?Netherlands?United Kingdom?Spain?Finland?Germany?Italy?Austria?Greece?Ireland?Portugal?Belgium}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Welfare state effects on social capital and informal solidarity in the European Union: evidence from the 1999/2000 European Values Study}, volume = 33, year = 2005}@article{bosoni2014breadwinners, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bosoni, M Letizia}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d5dc4377838d39180db9246df159c04a}, intrahash = {882be06cffca39889f2553f505a18c26}, journal = {Journal of Comparative Family Studies}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Family_life SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Sex_roles article checked employment english family indexproved input2014 male_identity review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {293-306}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938589 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {"Breadwinners" or "Involved Fathers?" Men, Fathers and Work in Italy}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2014}@article{roussey2012trust, abstract = {This paper investigates the relationship between judicial resources and individuals? trust in the justice system. We argue that the justice budget is likely to have a positive and significant impact on individuals? trust in justice, thanks to its role as a signal when individuals face uncertainty regarding the judicial environment. We test this hypothesis empirically using three different budget-related variables: the justice budget per incoming case, the number of magistrates and the intensity of legal aid. Across our three regressions, we find a positive and significant correlation between judicial resources and individuals? declared trust in the justice system. This positive relationship is robust to the introduction of socio-demographic, cultural, institutional and economic control variables. We finally offer empirical support to the intuition that the effect of the justice budget on trust in justice is likely to be greater when individuals are more satisfied with the level of democracy in their country.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Roussey, Ludivine and Deffains, Bruno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ad713cdd49fccce83c1042a356d32baf}, intrahash = {48a98154ab792eab92223782a6f484bf}, journal = {Journal of Institutional Economics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {351-369}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938930 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Trust in judicial institutions: an empirical approach}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 2012}@article{baloban2000europsko, abstract = {The European Values Study (EVS) was carried out in Croatia for the first time in 1999. The research was lead by Professor Josip Baloban, head of pastoral theology on the faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Zagreb, in cooperation with some of his colleagues from the same faculty, as well as with colleagues and professors from other scientific social institutions. The project was approved and financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology.After Croatia's historical turning-point in 1990 and its becoming independent, as well as the end of the war on Croatia (1991-1995), together with the democratic process in society and partly in the Church, the need arises for some religious empirical research in the young state. Prior to this, there had been no socio-religious research free of ideological prejudice. The Catholic Theological Faculty carried out the ?Religion and Morality in Croatia? study in 1997/98. The first results have already been published in the scientific magazine Bogoslovska smotra (1998, no. 4), and individual works in later issues of the same Review. In the year 2000 in the Zagreb diocese and in the ?akovo-srijem diocese, an international study was carried out among priests entitled ?Priests 2000?.The EVS is the first international study to be carried out by the Catholic Theological Faculty, and was planned to be a three year project which storied in 1999 and will finish in 2002. It is a representative study carried out throughout Croatia on 1003 respondents according to the common European questionnaire obtained from the University of Tilburg. The questionnaire contains 114 questions or scales and a total of 359 variables. The study was done between the 5th and the 29th of April 1999. The results obtained reveal that the majority of respondents declared themselves to be Roman Catholics (84.5%), while 13,2% claimed that the question was irrelevant to the respondent, and the remainder belong to different confessions. In this issue of Bogoslovska Smotra (2000, no. 2) the first results of the study have been published. Presented works relate to the following areas: religion and morality, society and politics, marriage and family life, work and leisure time, sexuality and education. The results are preliminary and partial. Since Croatia was not included in the two previous European Value Studies (1981 and 1990), it was not possible to compare the data from this study to that of the previous European studies. Only results from the Croatian study, ?Religion and Morality in Croatia? have been used for partial comparison in the articles.The Croatian research team leading the EVS-99 in Croatia has two desires, or two plans for the next two to three years. One is to do a national study in which results from other European countries of interest to Croatia would be presented. The other is to prepare an English version of the most important articles in connection with EVS-99, to provide the European and world public with some insight into the Croatian values study and its interpretation. Besides this, the researchers hope to present the Church and society with real understanding of basic values in Croatia and their consequences. Finally, the European and in part world situation with respect to modern basic values will be made clearer to them.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, interhash = {76c372a6780ed47d9ff6d825077c9e7b}, intrahash = {80fb1f0d236f6d721af584153ea8c945}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {173-183}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280853 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Europsko istra?ivanje vrednota - EVS 1999. Podatci za Republiku Hrvatsku. Djelomi?no izvje??e (The European Value Study in Croatia - EVS 1999, Partial Report)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{tomka2006ifjsgi, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a1f1ac54c55cb5d9d57d4f460d392a19}, intrahash = {4d4c3dcbca4657461ef2ad90711986cd}, journal = {?j Ifjúsági Szemle}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {5-19}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281271 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Az ifjúsági vallásosság három évtizede (=The decades of the religiosity of the youth)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 2006}@article{regtde2012relevance, abstract = {This study provides the first thorough and cross-national assessment of the concept of authoritarianism with regard to the distinction between the working and non-working classes. This pan-European study is the first to demonstrate that, because there are no substantial differences in interpretation between the working class and the non-working class, authoritarianism scores can be compared meaningfully across the two classes. We demonstrate that the working class is more strongly inclined to authoritarianism, as suggested by Lipset. Building further upon this assessment allows a clear picture of the mediating effects of some of Lipset's presumed drivers of this relationship. Although educational levels explain a major part of class differences in authoritarianism, income level, media use and psychological insecurity play a role as well, albeit to a lesser extent. In addition to examining the underlying processes at the individual level, country-level characteristics are studied. Results show that class and authoritarianism are more strongly related to each other in richer countries than they are in relatively poor countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {{Regt, de}, Sabrina and Smits, Tim and Mortelmans, Dimitri}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a34584223b93696d606ce2abf27edec9}, intrahash = {1c08bea53602b1721c7fde229cd3d4d0}, journal = {Research in Social Stratification and Mobility}, keywords = {2012 Authoritarianism Class_differences EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP MGCFA Multilevel_models SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {280-895}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934836 ; inputdate=2014-05-13 ; editdate=2014-05-13 ; pubdate=2014-05-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The relevance of class in shaping authoritarian attitudes: A cross-national perspective}, url = {}, volume = 30, year = 2012}@article{gundelach1992danskernes, abstract = {To determine Danish attitudes toward immigrants, a secondary analysis was performed on data collected from 25 countries in Europe 1981-1983 & from 40 countries in 1990. Intolerance among Danes may be due to low educational level, relative deprivation, political populism, or authoritarian personalities. Although in different segments of the population these factors may be more or less responsible, socioeconomic position is generally more important. A comparison of Denmark with Norway & Sweden shows that in all three countries the increasing influx of immigrants over the past decade led to more intolerance. Political factors, including extreme rightist parties, are primarily responsible.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1020d4e3d8f0b73df1e4d3369fe0b15a}, intrahash = {4f10560bf8014d8c6dc198f9765571e7}, issn = {9055908}, journal = {Dansk Sociologi}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked danish indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {4-22}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281362 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Danskernes intolerance (The Intolerance of the Danes)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1992}@article{janmaat2006civic, abstract = {This paper examines the nature of civic culture and the strength of civic attitudes in postcommunist and western countries. In particular, it seeks to explore the internal consistency and durability of civic culture using World Values Survey and European Values Study data. It discusses three perspectives on the strength and durability of civic attitudes in East and West, (the historical roots, the legacy of communism, and the postcommunist transition perspectives) and explores to what extent the pattern of civic attitudes in the two regions matches the predicted outcomes of these perspectives. The paper finds that the attitudes associated with civic culture do not form a coherent syndrome, neither at the individual nor at the societal level. It further finds only marginal support for the historical perspective, which accords a great degree of persistence to civic culture. It therefore concludes that civic culture is not the monolithic and durable phenomenon that some cultural theorists claim it is.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Janmaat, J G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fb82f8d0aa0deb562e064557a4425083}, intrahash = {099db988ca8eabde8ef8dc91a5104daa}, journal = {Archives Europeennes De Sociologie}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {363-393}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776372 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civic culture in Western and Eastern Europe}, volume = 47, year = 2006}@article{grenier2006social, abstract = {In his influential 1999 article, 'Social Capital in Britain', Peter Hall offers Britain as a counter-example to Robert Putnam's analysis of declining social capital in the United States. This article draws on subsequent data sets to update Hall's assessment of the levels of social capital in Britain. It offers a generally less optimistic appraisal. European Values Survey data for Britain indicates that the decline in social trust between 1990 and 1995 paralleled US figures, and that levels of social trust appeared to plateau between 1995 and 1999. The article argues that distributional issues are critical to the assessment of social capital in Britain, and that levels of both participation and trust show persistent and even growing splits by social class. It suggests that there are relevant influences which were not fully considered by Hall, such as the changing nature of associational life and the rise in income inequality during the 1980s. In order for Britain to enjoy robust levels of social capital, policies must address these social divisions. Furthermore, previously ignored arenas such as the workplace and opportunities presented by new communication technologies may be particularly fruitful for the future development of social networks and trust in Britain.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Grenier, P. and Wright, K.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {96a28476f4c76163ba82fb66a3ee9740}, intrahash = {49ffbe8f99d05fa9165992e4deb01115}, journal = {Policy Studies}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {27-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763939 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital in Britain}, volume = 27, year = 2006}@article{nergard1985frelst, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nerg?rd, T B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d7f932b7c508dafdae06a6b1271ebcb6}, intrahash = {20b28c5e8ed3b845146d95c5ddeb9272}, issn = {8084718}, journal = {Hilsen fra Diakonhjemmet}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281193 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Frelst og lykkelig?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1985}@article{humpert2010happiness, abstract = {Recent studies in economics of happiness focusing on the influence of differentaspects of subjective well-being in transition countries. Here these countries are located inEastern Europe. After aggregating a dataset which combines the World Values Survey andthe European Values Survey, I use an OLS and ordered probit and ordered logit estimationwith marginal effects to perform regressions. The main findings are that individuals intransition countries behave like individuals in western industrialisted countries. This showsthe international reliability of approach the happiness research approach}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Humpert, Stephan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f6d01bc9c947ca97c62f43c4bffbb6cb}, intrahash = {90395e3e838f62d519623b6e684d99f0}, journal = {European Research Studies}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Subjective_well-being article checked eastern_europe english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {133-144}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5241452 ; inputdate=2012-01-11 ; editdate=2012-01-11 ; pubdate=2012-01-11}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A Note on Happiness in Eastern Europe}, url = {}, volume = 13, year = 2010}@article{agadjanian2006search, abstract = {The author analyses major trends in the recent religious history of Russia by drawing upon one particular episode-a controversial art exhibit accused in court of being sacrilegious. Religion (most importantly, Russian Orthodoxy) has been increasingly active in the public square in the post-Communist context which was favourable, though often selectively, to religion. A sharp opposition has revived between secular liberal and religious discourses where religion is thematized as a grand narrative representing national values. Yet another trend, which is in line with late modern religious patterns found in Western Europe, consists of the emergence of a highly privatized, individual, diffused religiosity. This mixed picture questions established notions of private and public religion and reveals new modes of interaction between secular and religious forces in the 21st century.L'auteur analyse les tendances majeures de l'histoire recente religieuse russe a partir d'un cas particulier, une exposition artistique controversee, accusee d'etre sacrilege et poursuivie en justice. La religion (l'orthodoxie russe principalement) devient de plus en plus active au sein de la sphere publique dans un contexte post-communiste favorable - bien que souvent de maniere selective - a la religion. A ete ranimee une nette opposition entre discours seculiers liberaux et discours religieux, au sein desquels la religion est un theme narratif utilise pour incarner les valeurs nationales. Par ailleurs, une autre tendance, en affinite avec les modeles religieux modernes que l'on trouve en Europe occidentale, concerne l'emergence d'une religiosite individuelle diffuse, hautement privatisee. Cette image plurielle interroge les notions etablies de religion publique et de religion privee, et revele de nouveaux modes d'interaction entre le seculier et le religieux dans le 21eme siecle.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Agadjanian, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b2ca644c65731b3c23edfaf60e96478d}, intrahash = {fe16e9068ef77642a31bd17e0482b0a8}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2006 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {169-184}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763839 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Search for Privacy and the Return of a Grand Narrative: Religion in a Post-Communist Society}, volume = 53, year = 2006}@article{inglehart1994economic, abstract = {Confirming Inglehart's prediction (1971) of an intergenerational shift toward postmaterialist values, a time series analysis controlling for the joint effects of inflation and unempolyment demonstrates that there is a statistically-significant trend toward postmaterialism in all eight West European countries for which data are available over the past two decades. Evidence from the 1981-83 and 1990-91 World Values Surveys indicates that this value shift occurs in any society that has experienced sufficient economic growth in recent decades so that the preadult experiences of younger birth cohorts were significantly more secure than those of older cohorts. Large intergenerational differences tend to be found in societies that have experienced rapid growth in gross national product per capita, and are negligible in societies that have had little or no growth. Accordingly, postmaterialism increased in 18 of the 20 societies on five continents for which we have comparable data over the past decade.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Abramson, P R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {772635c048b7532c2a1b8a740dbc7bfb}, intrahash = {6777651ed8ffbfe031ee58b08a0fbfb5}, journal = {American Political Science Review}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {336-353}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281029 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Economic Security and Value Change, 1970-1993}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 88, year = 1994}@article{galland2003valeurs, abstract = {Les valeurs sont des objets sociaux délicats à approcher. Acquises pour partie au cours de l'enfance et de l'adolescence, elles sont intériorisées. Chacun est détenteur de valeurs. Celles-ci ne sont pas toujours conscientes ou agencées en un discours élaboré même si elles orientent fortement les actions et les jugements des personnes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Olivier and Lemel, Yannick and Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, institution = {INSEE}, interhash = {f0e6932d4284ae4624d9e344141a1ec3}, intrahash = {1978346008330eadb43699880566c0eb}, journal = {Données sociales 2002-2003}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {559-564}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936339 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs en France}, url = {}, year = 2003}@article{dargent2006attitudes, abstract = {La multiplication des grandes enquêtes internationales depuis quelques années fournit un matériau adapté à la sociologie du changement culturel. On utilisera ici l?enquête sur les valeurs de 1999. Il s?agit d?analyser comment s?organisent les attitudes morales et les attitudes économiques des Européens, et quels liens entretiennent ces attitudes avec l?orientation politique. S?agissant des attitudes morales, on constate l?existence de trois échelles : la première porte sur les m?urs ; la deuxième s?applique à des comportements témoignant de ce que je propose de baptiser l?égotisme social ; la troisième sous-tend les opinions émises sur des formes de fraude dans le rapport à l?argent. De leur c?té, les opinions économiques se révèlent moins fortement structurées que les attitudes morales, et souvent en net décalage avec les analyses que développe la science économique, en tout cas sous sa forme aujourd?hui la plus courante. Des échelles de ce type ont été mises en relation avec l?orientation politique il y a une vingtaine d?années dans le cas fran?ais. Bien que moins fortes, ces relations sont de nouveau vérifiées aujourd?hui au niveau européen, malgré l?hétérogénéité culturelle de ce continent. En France, si le lien des attitudes économiques avec l?orientation politique semble s?être affaibli depuis vingt ans, il perdure s?agissant des positions face aux questions de m?urs.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dargent, Claude}, biburl = {}, interhash = {69b2b17e8528960a55ba5ffdffcefa9c}, intrahash = {78cd1663f53e52e0f6aa21bbde34df1e}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de sociologie}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {785-816}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936335 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Attitudes morales, attitudes économiques et orientation politique en Europe}, url = {}, volume = 47, year = 2006}@article{brechon2000valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d4659e3a40985340c2907a28ef51ee42}, intrahash = {07dd3508d8ff4b8aee931be2a503d311}, journal = {Isuma, revue canadienne de recherche sur les politiques}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {121-125}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935704 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des Fran?ais : une approche quantitative}, volume = 1, year = 2000}@article{decastrocampos2013crosscountry, abstract = {Motivated by the dominant role of cross-country heterogeneity in private saving in the creation of Eurozone imbalances over the past decade, we empirically investigate the determinants of private saving for a sample of 30 OECD countries over the period 1990?2010. In addition to standard macroeconomic variables, we include three country-specific cultural indicators, derived from the World and European Value Surveys. We find these three variables?thrift, trust and religiosity?to significantly contribute to the explanation of cross country saving heterogeneity both for the OECD group at large and for the Eurozone countries separately.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {de Castro Campos, M. and Kool, C. and Muysken, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5ae3be4d78b37a893e190eb674e9d606}, intrahash = {0e4454b87f30a77e6e96deebbfc0bb9c}, journal = {De Economist}, keywords = {2013 Current_account EVS EVS_input2014 Eurozone_imbalances FDZ_IUP Institutions SCOPUSindexed article checked culture english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {101-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935309 ; inputdate=2014-06-14 ; editdate=2014-06-14 ; pubdate=2014-06-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cross-Country Private Saving Heterogeneity and Culture}, url = {}, volume = 161, year = 2013}@article{ester1992diffusion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Düsseldorf}, annotation = {December 1992}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and Vinken, Henk}, biburl = {}, interhash = {04eccd961f4c0b4347bb3af2fa74cd98}, intrahash = {3b042de74c863617200062b72e2975d5}, journal = {H.H. Medien}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {2/3}, pages = {36-59}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281210 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Zur Diffusion und Kristallisation von Wertorientierungen in der Niederl?ndischen Bev?lkerung}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1992}@article{gonthier2008justice, abstract = {Les données fran?aises issues de l?enquête internationale European Values Survey permettent de montrer que l?attachement à l?égalité et l?attachement à la liberté sont globalement indépendants des positions occupées par les individus dans l?espace social. Ce consensus peut être précisé, d?un c?té, par un modèle cumulatif où l?adhésion conjointe à l?égalité et à la liberté trouve sa principale condition de possibilité dans une conception étendue de la justice sociale. Mais il peut également être nuancé, d?un autre c?té, par un modèle plus exclusif en matière d?orientation économique et sociale. Le consensus autour des normes de type égalitaire et des normes de type libéral appelle ainsi à être relativisé par un fort clivage politique dans la priorité donnée à l?autonomie et au mérite sur l?égalité et sur le besoin.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric}, biburl = {}, interhash = {571b9cf131f50152da63eaff5685ec1f}, intrahash = {17b9f0f8ec32cec4465d6b8d61c3dc1f}, journal = {Revue fran?aise de science politique}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {285-307}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936380 ; inputdate=2014-08-01 ; editdate=2014-08-01 ; pubdate=2014-08-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La justice sociale entre égalité et liberté}, url = {}, volume = 58, year = 2008}@article{hauser2007learning, abstract = {The learning region: the impact of social capital and weak ties on innovation, Regional Studies 41, 75-88. Theories that emphasize the role of proximity and tacit knowledge in innovation processes highlight the importance of social interaction and networking for the diffusion of knowledge. A concept that captures the impact of human relations on economic activity is social capital. Using factorial analysis with data from the European Values Study (EVS), the multidimensionality of social capital is demonstrated empirically. The obtained independent dimensions serve as inputs in a knowledge production function estimated for a sample of European regions. One of the major results is that the impact of social capital on regional innovation processes is significant and comparable with the importance of human capital. However, not all dimensions of social capital exhibit the same explanatory power. The dimension 'Associational Activity' represents the strongest driving force for patenting activity. Hence, empirical evidence for the significance of weak ties in innovative processes is given.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hauser, C. and Tappeiner, G. and Walde, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2bb352926bf333cdeacfce5a1077b020}, intrahash = {39486fb536f7fb93fa62ec242fcc9e82}, journal = {Regional Studies}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {75-88}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763998 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The learning region: The impact of social capital and weak ties on innovation}, volume = 41, year = 2007}@article{simons1986conservative, abstract = {Current British attitudes concerning fertility are examined, and the probabilities that these will lead either to a further decline to below replacement-level fertility or to a level that will sustain population replacement are assessed. The author concludes that the optimistic, or replacement-level, alternative is the more likely. The evidence for this conclusion is examined, including evidence of conservative attitudes toward fertility and childbearing, and the relative stability of the family structure; comparisons are made with the situation elsewhere in Europe}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Simons, John}, biburl = {}, interhash = {94b4b3e4659ca0d47f6f80375a07aa1c}, intrahash = {dcd5a940dfe94c08d27bc5f961d55977}, journal = {The Quarterly Journal of Social Affairs}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english family fertility indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {41-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281165 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How Conservative are British Attitudes to Reproduction?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1986}@article{listhaug1984confidence, abstract = {This article reports on an analyses of factors related to confidence in institutions The data are from the 1982 Norwegian Values Study It turns out that the unidimensionality of confidence is strong, but there is some tendency that confidence in social order comes out as a separate dimension in a factor analysis. Using two dependent variables in the analysis, one measuring overall confidence in institutions and one focusing on the confidence in the institutions of social order, these are then correlated with various independent variables The most consistent finding is that the personal satisfactions of an individual contribute to confidence in institutions. Basic political attitudes and values have some impact, especially on the social order com ponent. A weak effect of age can also be discerned. Younger people have less confidence in institutions than the older age groups.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2a76bcbfa3114257376785d42e33838d}, intrahash = {d985e973c3801c45939c760c8d6b0f6d}, issn = {16993}, journal = {Acta Sociologica}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {111-122}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281182 ; country=Norway ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Confidence in Institutions: Findings from the Norwegian Values Study}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 1984}@article{doring1992higher, abstract = {A secondary analysis of the 'European Values Survey' tests some of the theoretical conclusions regarding the rationality of trust and distrust in established institutions. A reanalysis of the data set's question relating to confidence in ten particular institutions shows that the expected impact of higher education on confidence in institutions to punish governments for breach of trust applies only to those countries with a long, uninterrupted tradition of upholding civil liberties. In these countries multivariate analyses reveal a latent pattern of 'civil society' which is the most important dimension of how institutions are perceived by respondents.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {D?ring, Herbert}, biburl = {}, interhash = {49c78a68607271757c6e509a98ef7516}, intrahash = {927bd6ca28dddbb50b16ee3c882472f0}, issn = {10.1080/01402389208424910}, journal = {West European Politics}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {126-146}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280994 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Higher Education and Confidence in Institutions: A Secondary Analysis of the European Values Survey 1981-83}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 15, year = 1992}@article{barker1992changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Barker, D G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8ccfbfbca88820ba6e1202c2739d7cdb}, intrahash = {6da69487592aab95a0401097032ff7ac}, journal = {Business Ethics: A European Review}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked english family indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {91-103}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280902 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-29 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Social Values in Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 1992}@article{halman2006secular, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Draulans, V.J.R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b5d112af013579e4fb405e699bb6736e}, intrahash = {77675204ca09436fc1459ebfd65b13eb}, issn = {71315}, journal = {British Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {263-288}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256388 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;post-materialism?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56)?V190_GB: GB: aims of this country-most important (Q55) (5 answer categories)?V191_GB: GB: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56) (5 answer categories)?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)religious practice?V13: do you belong to: religious organisation (Q5B)?V105: how often attend religious services (Q25)?V125: do you take moments of prayer/meditation (Q35)?V31: do you work unpaid for: religious organisation (Q5B)religiosity?V115: do you believe in: God (Q30A)?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)?V116: do you believe in: life after death (Q30B)?V123: how important is God in your life (Q33)?V117: do you believe in: hell (Q30C)?V118: do you believe in: heaven (Q30D)?V119: do you believe in: sin (Q30E)?V6: how important in your life: religion (Q1F)?V124: do you get comfort and strength from religion (Q34);Waves and countries1999/2000?Czech Republic?Romania?France?Finland?Slovenia?Belgium?Greece?Russian Federation?Estonia?Ireland?Denmark?Iceland?Netherlands?Sweden?Ukraine?Poland?Slovakia?Portugal?Italy?Austria?Latvia?Bulgaria?Germany?Spain?Luxemburg?United Kingdom?Lithuania?Belarus?Croatia?Hungary}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {How secular is Europe?}, volume = 57, year = 2006}@article{hvidtjorn2013familial, abstract = {It is well known that human behavior and individual psychological traits are moderately to substantially heritable. Over the past decade, an increasing number of studies have explored the genetic and environmental influence on religiousness. These studies originate predominantly from countries generally considered more religious than the very secular northern European countries. Comparisons of the results are complicated by diverse definitions of religiousness, but several studies indicate that the influence of the family environment is most predominant in early life, whereas genetic influences increase with age. We performed a population-based twin study of religiousness in a secular society using data from a Web-based survey sent to 6,707 Danish twins born 1970?1989, who were identified in the Danish Twin Registry. We applied Fishman's three conceptual dimensions of religiousness: cognition, practice, and importance. In all polygenic models and biometric analyses, we controlled for gender and age. The study sample comprised 2,237 same sex twins, a response rate of 45%. We found high correlations within both monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs in most items of religiousness, indicating a large influence from shared environmental factors. Personal religiousness such as praying to God, believing in God, and finding strength and comfort in religion were more influenced by genetic factors than were social forms of religiousness such as church attendance. We found a small tendency for increasing genetic influence with increasing age for some religious items, but not for all.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hvidtj?rn, Dorte and Petersen, Inge and Hjelmborg, Jacob and Skytthe, Axel and Christensen, Kaare and Hvidt, N C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {137071eedea8996ff9580672531fc113}, intrahash = {a6dc326619a891b63ffea24a41bd8997}, journal = {Twin Research and Human Genetics}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religiousness review_proved reviewed secular_society}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {544-553}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935475 ; inputdate=2014-06-24 ; editdate=2014-06-24 ; pubdate=2014-06-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Familial Resemblance in Religiousness in a Secular Society: A Twin Study}, url = {}, volume = 16, year = 2013}@article{halman1996ethos, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {ISSN 1084-8770}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Ester, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b607fe3297cba2f556863da21279930e}, intrahash = {6e4c6d6b5ca5b928bc4eba5cb45258f5}, issn = {10848770}, journal = {The European Legacy}, keywords = {1996 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {645-651}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256389 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {The ethos of individualism in cross-cultural perspective: Exploring the European values data}, volume = 1, year = 1996}@article{stack2008association, abstract = {Research on the predictors of individual-level attitudes toward suicide has neglected the possible role of contextual-level predictors. The present study addresses this gap in the literature by assessing the association between suicide rates and the attitudes of individuals. Based on social learning theory, it is argued that persons socialized in nations with relatively high rates of suicide are more likely to be exposed to suicidal role models, which provide positive definitions of suicide. Methods. Data refer to 40,873 adults in 31 nations, and are taken from the World Health Organization and World Values Surveys. Given the bi-level nature of the data, hierarchical linear modeling techniques (HLM) are utilized. Additional predictor variables are incorporated from previous research and include religious participation and political orientation from social learning theory, marital status and life satisfaction from control theory, and basic demographics such as age and gender. Results.The results of the HLM indicate that controlling for individual-level predictors, as well as other Level 2 variables, persons residing in nations with relatively high suicide rates are more approving of suicide than their counterparts. The model was replicated for the prediction of support for euthanasia. A social learning perspective was further supported by results linking 1970 suicide rates with suicide acceptability among older adults in 1990. Conclusions. National suicide rates are predictive of individual-level suicide acceptability. However, the main predictors of suicide acceptability included a measure from social learning theory, religiosity, and a neglected measure of control theory, life satisfaction.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stack, S. and Kposowa, A J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a42b89b0766f6e56aac2025904aa66f3}, intrahash = {ec9b6979146bdb77dc5a150c0ab562ce}, journal = {Social Science Quarterly}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {39-59}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776956 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The association of suicide rates with individual-level suicide attitudes: A cross-national analysis}, volume = 89, year = 2008}@article{galland1995permanence, abstract = {The continuity of longitudinal differences in value systems for various European nations recorded by cross-national surveys of values (1981 & 1990) suggests that these value systems are not converging in a unified European value system. The analysis shows that for one dimension - the modernity/tradition axis - data remain stable in the long run, while a general homothetic slide characterizes another dimension - the social dissatisfaction/integration axis. This shift reflects greater levels of European satisfaction & integration in 1990. The Nordic group appears to be ahead of the Mediterranean-Germanic group in reconciling these two dimensions. Further, it is noted that the role of socioprofessional status & income level is significant in erasing differences between upper & middle/lower classes. While the aging of the population entails a nostalgia for tradition, individuals from each generation emerge more modernist & socially integrated than the preceding generation. 3 Tables, 10 Figures, 5 References. Adapted from the source document.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Oliver and Lemel, Yannick}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7c63de81d977575098d8ed560e00a234}, intrahash = {d7789b09f8a0600965bb99243f48df84}, issn = {0337307X}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {113-130}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281178 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La permanence des différences: une comparaison des systèmes de valeurs entre pays européens (The Continuity of Differences: A Cross-National Comparison of European Value Systems)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{kankaras2011measurement, abstract = {Three distinctive methods of assessing measurement equivalence of ordinalitems, namely, confirmatory factor analysis, differential item functioningusing item response theory, and latent class factor analysis, make differentmodeling assumptions and adopt different procedures. Simulation data areused to compare the performance of these three approaches in detectingthe sources of measurement inequivalence. For this purpose, the authorssimulated Likert-type data using two nonlinear models, one with categoricaland one with continuous latent variables. Inequivalence was set up in theslope parameters (loadings) as well as in the item intercept parameters ina form resembling agreement and extreme response styles. Results indicatethat the item response theory and latent class factor models can relativelyaccurately detect and locate inequivalence in the intercept and slope param-eters both at the scale and the item levels. Confirmatory factor analysis per-forms well when inequivalence is located in the slope parameters butwrongfully indicates inequivalence in the slope parameters when inequiva-lence is located in the intercept parameters. Influences of sample size}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kankara?, Milo? and Vermunt, Jeroen and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {aeb9ffc3cec1887abe9a08286cfa25bf}, intrahash = {7d01b459bfa95ec61b8704e1c6e8567f}, journal = {Sociological Methods & Research}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452922 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Measurement Equivalence of OrdinalItems: A Comparison of Factor Analytic, Item Response Theory, and Latent Class Approaches}, volume = 40, year = 2011}@article{aracic2000vanost, abstract = {This study carries the results of the international research on values (EVS) that refer to marriage and family, regarding the importance of family, expectations from the Church, the permanent value of the institution of marriage, the relation between the meaning of life and the participation in the creation of a new human being, and also the questions of the integrity of family and single mothers. The results are, in comparison with other European countries, mutually quite close, except that the inclination of our citizens towards childbirth outside and without marriage stands out. Even though the results are encouraging, there are indications, with younger people, of a gradual withdrawal from the traditional Christian approaches towards these realities.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ara?ic, Pero and Nikodem, Krunoslav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7a148c4987517cb83d7365e7b8aa9662}, intrahash = {83b9c4011cdc40f974a26e712bdced58}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked family indexproved input2014 marriage moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {291-311}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280993 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Va?nost braka i obitelji u hrvatskom dru?tvu (The Importance of Marriage and Family in the Croatian Society)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{rehakova2001czech, abstract = {Research carried out over the last 30 years in many countries shows that there exists a relationship between post-materialist values and a wide spectrum of social issues, from protection of the environment at one end to voting behaviour at the other. The aim of this article is to verify whether the observed relationships in selected, primarily political issues are valid even in the case of the Czech Republic. The analysed data have been drawn from the European Value Study in the years 1991 and 1999, which provide us with the opportunity to trace changes over time. Among the issues studied here are xenophobia and ethnocentrism, relationships to the environment, voting behaviour, freedom, equality, and a just society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Reháková, Blanka}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5be0e18d787c72b22837b45ec3186591}, intrahash = {14f37c501cc58c1ef9a739ca3dcebf67}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {35-52}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281142 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Who are the Czech Materialists, Post-materialists, and Those Who are 'Mixed', and How Do They Differ in Their Opinions and Attitudes on Selected -Primarily Political- Subjects?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{piscova2002marital, abstract = {Marital and parental start and demographic behaviour in Slovakia (and in Europe) at the turn of the centuries. The structural changes in society in last decade have significant influence on everyday life. The area where this influence is very visible is demographic behaviour and the family patterns. Marriage and fertility rates in Slovakia have decreased to a historically unprecedented level, divorce rate has increased to an unprecedented level. At the beginning of the '90s the changes were mainly perceived as the result of economic hardship stemming from transformation. Gradually the explanation framework started to be more oriented towards the theory of second demographic transition in which the value orientations play the key role. The paper presents the most significant changes in demographic and family behaviour in Slovakia since '90s and using the data from the European Values Study (carried out in Slovakia in 1991 and 1999) attempts to make evidence of the shift in values concerning the family life and family patterns.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Piscova, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5e41e08efd9b295b7680aa2a9cfb387a}, intrahash = {4f2aeb959c5d8f45887ac4291ffd3e7c}, journal = {Sociologia}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {251-268}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776707 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Marital and parental start and demographic behaviour in Slovakia (and in Europe) at the turn of the centuries}, volume = 34, year = 2002}@article{dogan2005erosion, abstract = {The deficit of confidence is attested by a wealth of empirical data. The analysis deals with some nine institutions, political parties, discredit of politicians, the tandem of judges and journalists in denouncing the wrongdoings, the decreasing mistrust between nations as a compensatory trend of mistrust within nations. The countries are ranked according to the level of mistrust, which permeates all social strata. Corruption is an ubiquitous phenomenon in Europe, with few exceptions. Two illustrative emblematic cases are compared; Britain and Italy. In spite of the widespread feeling of mistrust, the legitimacy of democracy remains unchallenged. What types of citizens are needed in advanced democracies? Ignorant, credulous, believers in myths or well informed rationally distrustful citizens? Today democracy is permanently under the supervision of the public, as attested by surveys conducted periodically.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b774b2cebabe139036665215bc419db9}, intrahash = {978553d9ac80eac82a971830ed883d2d}, journal = {Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {1-2}, pages = {11-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763911 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Erosion of Confidence in Thirty European Democracies}, volume = 4, year = 2005}@article{dobbelaere1984godsdienst, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {april 1984}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b5009ed20ec08860691488d8689ff1d1}, intrahash = {b24b6a1ab88f4a6afcfcc9d09b227764}, journal = {Streven}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {594-603}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281128 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Godsdienst en Kerk in Belgi? (T- Religion and Church in Belgium)}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1984}@article{popova2012social, abstract = {The paper focuses on the role of social capital reconstruction after an ethnic conflict, addressing the importance of citizenship (re-)building for the political and economic development. Exploring the lessons learned from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the paper identifies several levels, at which policy efforts should be directed in order to ensure achievement of expected outcomes. Social capital is a complex mechanism that enables coherence and functioning of any societal system and especially of a state. If elements of social capital do not match, if the macro-level of social capital does not embrace a relevant micro-level, the system is in risk of failure and collapse. When a social capital of a political unit (e.g. state) is in focus, it could be regarded as a security factor. The findings can be applied to assess developments and to evaluate the stability risk in newly emerging states and countries in transition to democracy.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Popova, Zora}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fc196bbd612234343283ea8c7a767062}, intrahash = {c633bd2a1300042bb1eab74f29dc3d94}, journal = {Journal of Regional Security}, keywords = {2012 EU-identity EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked citizenship civil_society english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved security_factor social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {77-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936629 ; inputdate=2014-08-14 ; editdate=2014-08-14 ; pubdate=2014-08-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Social Capital as a Security Factor}, url = {}, year = 2012}@article{ziliukaite2000religiniu, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Article is in Lithuanian. Summary in English, p. 523}, author = {Ziliukaite, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2775f027dc79d3987e125e6cfc60bdf0}, intrahash = {e8d4f9880e2242bf17a74e1b8b3d9a5e}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {213-251}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281001 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Religiniu vertybiu kaita Lietuvoje 1990-1999 metais (Dynamics of Religious Values in Lithuania: 1990-1999)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{aracic2004prema, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dakova}, author = {Ara?i?, Pero}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f0e7d364f51ec684089435a0af74585f}, intrahash = {20cd2be2b9b44cffa0dcab5a2aea3657}, journal = {Diacovensia}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {55-72}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281063 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Katoli?ki bogoslovni fakultet Sveu?ili?ta u Zagrebu}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Prema 'planu i programu' u pastoralnom djelovanju. Na?ela, mogu?nosti i te?ko?e}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 12, year = 2004}@article{clements2014public, abstract = {In this Poll Trends study, 13 different sources are used to document public opinion toward homosexuality and gay rights in Great Britain in the postwar period. Three broad sets of indicators are examined: general attitudes toward homosexuality; acceptability of homosexuals in particular roles; and attitudes toward homosexual rights. Opinion was overwhelmingly negative in the 1940s and 1950s but started to liberalize following the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1967. Attitudes suffered a temporary setback with the advent of AIDS in the mid-1980s, but the thaw resumed from the early 1990s and accelerated following the millennium, especially during the second half of the first decade of the 2000s, culminating in the successful campaign for legalization of same-sex marriage in England and Wales. This trend toward liberalization has direct parallels in growing public support for several other facets of equality in Britain, notably gender, race, and religion. It also coincides with a significant reduction in religious allegiance.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Clements, Ben and Clive, F D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d0b6f0838ab8a5718c06a7a6f3f786a0}, intrahash = {6fad9a5fe255a0c9efa6d1169ef45bad}, issn = {1537-5331}, journal = {Public Opinion Quarterly}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {523-547}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938907 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Public Opinion toward Homosexuality and Gay Rights in Great Britain}, url = {}, volume = 78, year = 2014}@article{voicu2012effect, abstract = {The relations between nationalism and religiosity are complex. Although many previous studies consider religion as a precursor of nationalism, Mitchell (2006) shows that in some contexts the relationship is a reciprocal one. The present approach focuses on the connection between nationalism and Christian religiosity in European countries. People who experience rapid social changes are more likely to reinforce their national identity by searching for stability and a new definition of self and of their own identity. Religion can provide content to the reinforced national identity, especially in the context of religious monopoly resulting in the formation of larger groups that have higher potential for political mobilization and are more likely to control more resources especially when they are supported by the state. The article uses survey data provided by European Values Survey (2000 wave) for the Christian population of 30 European societies. Multilevel regression analysis was used for the analysis. The results indicate a positive effect of nationalist ideology on religiosity in countries with higher level of religious concentration, but no special impact of nationalist ideology on religion was found in post-communist countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Voicu, Malina}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a9715ef95c0e598c306070475ee5b0cc}, intrahash = {e648295081ca75dbc08fcee8045ffdfb}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {333-343}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935287 ; inputdate=2014-06-13 ; editdate=2014-06-13 ; pubdate=2014-06-13}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Effect of Nationalism on Religiosity in 30 European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 28, year = 2012}@article{kerkhofs1992problmatique, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f9db57bffdadb0c757913a3a1cca678d}, intrahash = {4007983a5c08ba32d2f3959146a5e870}, journal = {Cahiers Ceppes}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked family french indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {137-142}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280904 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La problématique familiale selon de récentes études sur les valeurs}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1992}@article{abbruzzese1993individualismo, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abbruzzese, Salvatore}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5a01b82eddc3db44f8f127e0da53c3b1}, intrahash = {b99daf1e67275a5ad05aa7884e94ccb6}, journal = {Quadrante Scolastico}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {119-129}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281349 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Individualismo e appartenenze nell'Italia dei valori}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 59, year = 1993}@article{lee2013engaging, abstract = {Previous empirical work on corruption has generally been cross-country in nature and focused on utilizing country-level corruption ratings. By using micro-level data for over 20 European countries that directly measure individual characteristics, corruption experiences, gender roles, trust and values to examine the determinants of corruption, this paper goes beyond the search for associations between various macro factors and perceptions of corruption that is prevalent in the economic literature. One focus of the paper is on how cultural norms such as gender roles and risk preferences influence corruption and whether there are gender differences in the determinants of corruption. In addition, this paper also seeks to determine if there are contagion effects in corruption at the microlevel. Using a seemingly unrelated probit approach, this paper provides empirical estimates of how past experiences with corruption affects both how bribery is viewed and the actual act of offering a bribe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lee, Wang-Sheng and Guven, Cahit}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ba0ea886fbae0ca9ce49467168f8b0f5}, intrahash = {8c2d0965384845ddeb114b365b0a7568}, journal = {Journal of Economic Psychology}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Risk_preference SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Seemingly_unrelated_probit article checked corruption english gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {287-300}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938469 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Engaging in corruption: The influence of cultural values and contagion effects at the microlevel}, url = {}, volume = 39, year = 2013}@article{valentova2008between, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Valentová, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {65af399edf72322b3504de5212ae1fc9}, intrahash = {0a9026e1d42395ed1526acadede93c17}, journal = {Journal of Social and Societal Policy}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {81-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4824447 ; inputdate=2011-07-28 ; editdate=2011-07-28 ; pubdate=2011-07-28}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Between Family and the Labor Market: Perception of Gender Roles in Luxembourg}, volume = 7, year = 2008}@article{halman2006social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Luijkx, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d75e162a683d02536f2e223e913f06a2}, intrahash = {8cf9a6c8eb57cd777f32bbdb68e1020e}, issn = {1476413}, journal = {Portuguese Journal of Social Science}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked enhanced indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {65-90}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256394 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-07-06 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;religiosity?V126: how often do you pray to God outside religious services (Q36?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)?V105: how often attend religious services (Q25)trust in other people?V66: people can be trusted/cant be too careful (Q8)left-right orientation?V185: political view: left-right (Q53)civic morality?V231: do you justify: accepting a bribe (Q65G)?V226: do you justify: cheating on tax (Q65B)?V225: do you justify: claiming state benefits (Q65A)trust in institutions?V206: how much confidence in: parliament (Q58G)?V212: how much confidence in: justice system (Q58N)?V201: how much confidence in: armed forces (Q58B)?O26: how much confidence in: NATO (Q58K)?V208: how much confidence in: social security system (Q58I)?V209: how much confidence in: european union (Q58J)?V207: how much confidence in: civil service (Q58H)?V204: how much confidence in: trade unions (Q58E)?V205: how much confidence in: the police (Q58F)?V211: how much confidence in: health care system (Q58M)?O27: how much confidence in: major companies (Q58O)?V202: how much confidence in: education system (Q58C)?V203: how much confidence in: the press (Q58D)?V200: how much confidence in: church (Q58A)?V210: how much confidence in: united nations organisation (Q58L)happiness?V11: taking all things together how happy are you (Q4);Waves and countries1999/2000?France?Portugal?Poland?Austria?Luxemburg?Slovenia?Belgium?Netherlands?Italy?Hungary?Czech Republic?Germany?Greece?Spain?Denmark?United Kingdom?Finland?Ireland?Sweden}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Social capital in contemporary Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey}, volume = 5, year = 2006}@article{kreko2012roots, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Krekó, Péter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ddaf2e9270203d6ba406927e1c80cb5f}, intrahash = {f232f1ec72021836a3a6240b9daac78b}, journal = {Journal for the Study of Antisemitism}, keywords = {2012 Authoritarianism Conformity Discriminatory_Antisemitism EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(3).pdf. (EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934877 ; inputdate=2014-05-15 ; editdate=2014-05-15 ; pubdate=2014-05-15}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Back to the roots: Are Antisemites Still Authoritarians?}, url = {(3).pdf}, volume = 4, year = 2012}@article{kerkhofs1992jongeren, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ac43ef5eb3867be277779e4db9e72d30}, intrahash = {fb6828ee6948611e553dd9b974d87257}, journal = {Korrel Cahier}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-11}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281124 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Jongeren en Waarden in een Postmoderne Cultuur (x- Young People and Values in a Postmodern Culture)}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1992}@article{baloban2000bitne, abstract = {The introduction to the article begins with some empirical information. The last decade in Croatia has seen an increase in liberalisation in the spheres of marital, family and sexual life, which has contributed to a crumbling of the institutions of marriage and the family. The divorce rate increased from 1965 until it stabilised in the 1980s - in Croatia every sixth (or in some years every fifth) marriage ends in divorce. Performs of communal living other than classical marriage there are no reliable statistics available. External factors (relatives, the Church and society) no longer guarantee the stability of marriage, but rather marital partners themselves must find their own motivation and basis for a stable marriage. Therefore, it is necessary to observe marriage within the context of changes in values in general, as well as in relation to Christian, or evangelical values. The article is in two parts. The first part analyses essential values according to a ranked list, which has been obtained from the 1999 European Values Study. Altogether, 16 values have been arranged in order by percentages obtained for the responses ?very important? and ?important?, 10 values have been analysed in more detail. In the second part of the article, latent values are analysed by method of factor analysis and four constructed indexes (orientation towards community, bond with partner, socio-cultural homogeneity and self-sufficiency). The article contains 21 tables. The most important values according to Croatian citizens are: mutual respect and appreciation; fidelity; understanding and tolerance; readiness to discuss problems that arise between husband and wife: children. Following this group of values in degree of importance are: frequent discussion of common interests; a good sex life; spending a lot of time together. The third group contains: living separately from parents; adequate income; sharing household tasks; good living conditions. The fourth and final group comprises; shared religious beliefs; being the same nationality; being from the same social class; shared political beliefs. The remarkably high percentage of respondents who rate the first five values cited as important, shows that these are key values for Croatian citizens. The fact that these values are an expression of individttalisation shows that Croatian citizens are highly individualised. Children as a key value (94,9% of respondents consider children to be an important value) are included in the first category. A ?good sex life? is also ranked highly, in seventh place (93,8%). Some of the died values have been analysed along with a set of socio-demographic variables.Although the value mutual respect and appreciation is considered to be very important by the whole population, it still means more to women than to men, particularly women in the 18 to 34 age group. Fidelity as a deep anthropological and at the same time fundamental Christian value, is of more importance to those in whose life God plays a more significant role, t? women, and to those who more regularly attend mass. 4/5 of regular churchgoers and two thirds of the rest consider fidelity to be ?very important?, from which the authors conclude that these values are supra-confessional and supra-worldview, although they receive particular emphasis and confirmation among believers. Almost all respondents (99,3%) ranked understanding and tolerance as very important to the success of a marriage. The authors also warn that this value is highly ranked, independent of its concrete realisation. And here women, especially younger generations, show a higher sensibility than men. The importance of a functional and stable marriage to Croatian citizens is shown by the results that 98.9% of respondents consider ability and willingness to discuss mutual problems to be an important value. Its high ranking reveals that it is more important to younger respondents, to respondents living in bigger cities, and to those more highly educated. 94.9% of respondents consider having children to be important to a marriage. According to the research done in Croatia in 1977, 91.1% of respondents said the same, and this value was in fourth place. This value is analysed in another article.The second group consists of three values. Only one has been analysed. Particular attention should be paid to the ?important? and ?very important? categories for speaking about common interests. It is interesting to note that the younger portion of the population more frequently classifies this value as ?very important?. Furthermore, the importance of this value increases parallel to age group. While 37.5% of the oldest generation rate this value as ?very important?, 50.3% of the youngest generation choose the same rating.In the final group of four values which can together be considered within the context of cultural homogeneity, three are analysed; having the same religious beliefs, being the same nationality, agreement on political matters. For this group of values, two interpretations need to be taken into consideration. On the one hand, citizens do not consider these values to play as crucial a role in the success of a marriage as the preceding values. On the other hand, the percentage of respondents showing an affiliation for these values must not be underestimated. For example, 65.8% of respondents rate shared religious beliefs as an important value. This conviction is particularly important to regular and periodical churchgoers. It is less important to occasional churchgoers, and least important to non-churchgoers of which 2/3 rate this value as important. Sharing the same religious beliefs is more important to the older than the younger generations. More than 55% of Croatian citizens consider being the same nationality to be important for a successful marriage, and 43.2% rate it as not important. Being the same nationality is rated as important by the majority of regular and periodical churchgoers, while every second occasional churchgoer and every third non churchgoer rates this value as important. For nearly one third of those who attend mass monthly or more often, this value is rated as unimportant. It is important to consider this value within the historical-social and socio-political matrix of the last decade. Having the same social background is no longer as important as it used to be, however, it has not lost its importance altogether if 1/3 of respondents rate it as important for a successful marriage. It is of particular interest that agreement on political matters is the least important value for Croatian citizens. 83.6% of the younger generations consider this value to be unimportant for a successful marriage, while 29.0% of the oldest generation consider this value to be important.By factor analysis four factors were obtained. Orientation towards community is an important factor for a portion of the population. A sense of community does not occur unilaterally, but through bilateral communication between husband and wife. Community is a dynamic, dialogical and tolerant duad. Therefore, this factor comprises: spending time together; speaking about common interests; sharing household tasks; discussing common problems in the relationship, in the second factor, bond with partner, children are included as an important element of a successful marriage. The third factor, socio-cultural homogeneity, comprises the following variables: shared religious beliefs; shared social and national background; agreement on political matters. The socio-cultural context in Croatia is an interesting one given that the first three values are traditional and are more or less confessionally and nationally a reflection of a homogenous environment. Their importance is decreasing now, but is not entirely negligible, as in the last ten years they gained in importance as a result of the war. Authors call the fourth factor self-sufficiency, because it focuses on the specific needs of the autocracy of married life, as a condition for the success of a marriage. In this factor, the Croatian population follows European trends, which are: as much distance as possible from parents; personal and marital financial independence; good living conditions, and these values for many gradually transform themselves from the desired ideal into concrete reality.The authors conclude that in Croatia there is a slight increase in the importance of values connected with love, in other words with the bond between marital partners. They believe that the high rating of the above-mentioned values should be observed from two points of view: on the one hand optimistically, because these values contain human ideals, and on the other hand, social reluctance towards these values essential to people and marriage leads to a lot of personal and marital frustration. They emphasise the need to revitalise asceticism (in education and acceptance of values) which adds a new interpretation suitable for contemporary times. In the end, they point out that among essential contemporary and Christian values there is a deep connection, either transparent or latent, which provides an opportunity for the Church to influence the relationship between marital partners.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9f180d7eeb1ad4f5feaaf5e49398cc22}, intrahash = {6cbd861bd75605e8103685e69db04b45}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article asceticism checked community family indexproved input2014 love marriage review_proved success values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {313-341}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280796 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Bitne vrednote za uspje?an brak u Hrvatskoj (Essential Values for a Succesful Marriage in Croatia)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{inglehart2002trends, abstract = {More than two decades ago, the authors of Political Action (Barnes et al. 19 79) predicted that what was then called "unconventional political participation" would become more widespread throughout advanced industrial societies, because it was part of a deep-rooted intergenerational change. Time series data from the 1974 Political Action survey, together with data from four waves of the World Values Surveys demonstrates that this change has indeed taken place-to such an extent that petitions, boycotts, and other forms of direct action are no longer unconventional but have become more or less normal actions for a large part of the citizenry of post-industrial societies. This type of elite-challenging actions also played an important part in the Third Wave of democratization-but after the transition to democracy, most of the new democracies subsequently experienced a post-honeymoon phase of disillusionment with democracy, in which direct political action declined. This paper analyzes data from more than 70 countries containing more than 80 percent of the world population, interpreting the long-term dynamics of elite-challenging political participation in both established democracies and new democracies. Our interpretation implies that the current decline in direct political action in the new democracies is a "post-honeymoon" period effect; in the long run, we expect that elite-challenging activity will move on an upward trajectory in most of the new democracies, as has been the case in virtually all established democracies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, R. and Catterberg, G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6870a87e10008fcca70a6d5396011eaf}, intrahash = {bd487c83860e09280c796c5170ae62c1}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Political SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {3-5}, pages = {300-316}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776367 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trends in political action: The developmental trend and the post-honeymoon decline}, volume = 43, year = 2002}@article{strapcova2005percepcia, abstract = {Perceptions on Inequality and on the Causes of Poverty in Slovakia. In this paper, popular perceptions on inequality and on the causes of poverty in Slovakia are analysed. The paper begins with the assumption that recognising popular perceptions will enable us to identify how socially marginalized people are represented in our society and what kinds of social policy measures are perceived as appropriate by the public. Our theoretical concept is based on a two dimensional typology with four basic types of poverty explanation: 1. individual blame or blaming-the-poor approach, 2. social blame or blaming-the-state approach, 3. individual fate and 4. social fate. In addition to an empirical analysis, an assessment is made as to whether perceptions are shaped by basic principles present in the judgment process (self-interest, i.e. the underdog principle, or enlightenment principle). The dynamics of changes in public opinion are examined through available comparative datasets (European Values Study 1991 and 1999, Society 2004). The results show that the individual socio-economic position has an effect on the preferred explanation of poverty causes. The higher the socio-economic position, the more stigmatising the opinion.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Strapcova, Katarína}, biburl = {}, interhash = {166b5effb704ca0f8936e282d7a7434f}, intrahash = {790382d701c449485abb67671f2e1ca6}, journal = {Sociológia}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452919 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Percepcia nerovností a prí?in chudoby na Slovensku}, volume = 37, year = 2005}@article{beugelsdijk2004entrepreneurial, abstract = {In the literature factors like entrepreneurial ability, regional innovativepotential, and entrepreneurial human capital are emphasized inexplaining the economic success of regions. Using the European ValuesStudies (EVS) dataset on norms and values in 54 European regions, we distinguishvalues that characterise self-employed, which enables us to constructa regional aggregate that reflects the average score on entrepreneurial attitude.We show that regions differ in entrepreneurial attitude, and that a highscore on entrepreneurial characteristics is correlated with a high rate of regionaleconomic growth. In this way we empirically establish the link betweenculture and economy at the regional level}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Noorderhaven, Niels}, biburl = {}, interhash = {22a7734b64b71bb49494a8c9670b6c4a}, intrahash = {3bfd2657996375ab9923261f69a7f9d8}, journal = {The Annals of Regional Science}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {199-218}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258531 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Entrepreneurial attitude and economic growth: A cross-section of 54 regions}, url = {}, volume = 38, year = 2004}@article{dogan1997declino, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {06746042ff62a58554e10e0228bfc745}, intrahash = {8b2ade45ca69a2cae338da54e6a77fc5}, journal = {Queste Istituzioni}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {101-126}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698004 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Il Declino del Voto di Classe e del Voto Religioso in Europa Occidentale}, year = 1997}@article{savicka1998materialism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Savicka, Aida}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cea1e0d3db2713d68736d0c73d618734}, intrahash = {612a051cad606190b1f12985ec89da7d}, journal = {Spectrum: Studies in the History of Culture}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {171-187}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280866 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Materialism and Postmaterialism in Lithuanian Culture}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1998}@article{janmaat2009diversity, abstract = {This article explores the empirical support for the two rival perspectives of diversity andpostmaterialism, each of which predicts different patterns and trends of social solidarityin the Western world. The diversity perspective holds that ethnocultural heterogeneityunder mines social solidarity, and consequently expects social solidarity to be weaker inmore heterogeneous societies. In the diversity logic, social solidarity should have declinedin Western societies as these societies have become more diverse due to continuousimmigration. Postmaterialism theory, by contrast, posits a positive link between postmaterialismand social solidarity, and would expect social solidarity to have increasedbecause of rising levels of postmaterialism across the Western world. This article found norelation between diversity and social solidarity at either the individual or the national level incross-sectional analyses of WVS and EVS survey data. Neither was the diversity argumentsupported by trend data on opinions about the poor. The positive relations betweenpostmaterialism and social solidarity on the other hand did confirm the postmaterialismperspective. Still, as postmaterialism contributed little to explaining the variance in socialsolidarity at the individual level and as there was no connection between postmaterialismand social solidarity at the macro-level, it can be questioned whether the solidaristicsentiments expressed by postmaterialists are sufficiently deep and lasting to underpinrobust welfare policies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Janmaat, J Germen and Braun, Robert}, biburl = {}, interhash = {04f76451a5a339a22e7db52071bb30ea}, intrahash = {af59e8e863b40c29be32b10de6ce92b8}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436451 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Diversity and Postmaterialism as Rival Perspectives in Accounting for Social Solidarity: Evidence from International Surveys}, volume = 50, year = 2009}@article{consentino2011missing, abstract = {We derive explicit formulae for estimation in logistic regression models where some of thecovariates are missing. Our approach allows for modelling the distribution of the missing covariateseither as a multivariate normal or as a multivariate t-distribution. A main advantage of this methodis that it is fast and does not require the use of iterative procedures. A model selection methodis derived which allows to choose among these distributions. In addition, we consider versions ofAkaike?s information criterion that are based on the expectation?maximization algorithm and multipleimputation methods that have a wide applicability to model selection in likelihood models in general.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Consentino, Fabrizio and Claeskens, Gerda}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ec728db3d6288e48495957a1e7482568}, intrahash = {eb89182840e73ae2efcb1cc5ed304563}, journal = {Statistical Modelling}, keywords = {2011 Akaike_information_criterion EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 missing_covariates model_selection multiple_imputation review_proved reviewed t-distribution}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {159-183}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4824441 ; inputdate=2011-07-28 ; editdate=2011-07-28 ; pubdate=2011-07-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Missing covariates in logistic regression, estimationand distribution selection}, volume = 11, year = 2011}@article{verbakel2012subjective, abstract = {This study first examines the relationship between partnership status and subjective well-being in 45 European countries by analyzing the European Values Study 2008. It was expected and empirically confirmed that married individuals have the highest level of well-being, followed by (in order) cohabiting, dating, single, and finally widowed and divorced individuals. In addition, this study examines to what extent the well-being gaps depend on the normative climate in which an individual lives. It is hypothesized that: (a) being in a non-married relationship (especially cohabitation and divorce) lowers well-being compared to being married in societies that reject non-traditional partnership statuses; and (b) not having a partner is especially detrimental for well-being levels in familialistic societies, which emphasize the importance of a strong, close-knit family. The normative climate appears to hardly affect well-being gaps between partnership statuses. Only the gap between divorced and married women is significantly wider in familialistic societies. It is concluded that the weak dependence of well-being on the normative climate may point at high autonomy in private, relationship-related decisions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Verbakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bdb4a679073c1a0e58d0d717aa6ef4df}, intrahash = {eadd74a059719c69b7df3899c9bfe007}, journal = {European Journal of Population}, keywords = {2012 Divorce EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Multilevel_analysis Partnership_status SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 marriage review_proved reviewed well-being}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {205-232}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934251 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Subjective Well-Being by Partnership Status and Its Dependence on the Normative Climate}, url = {}, volume = 28, year = 2012}@article{juknevicius2003features, abstract = {This article is an attempt to give a sketch of the Lithuanians. First we will offer definitive opinions about the Lithuanian character and values, after that we will analyze the development of values in post-Soviet Lithuania against a backdrop of processes taking place in other European countries. The greatest attention will be paid to religion, moral values and primary relations. Data on the values of Europe in general and of her individual member countries in particular, come from the results of the European Value Studies Group's (EVSG) 1990-1991 and 1999-2000 study. The firm Baltic Studies conducted the Lithuanian research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Juknevicius, Stanislovas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {175044db04275724710ea22adb4bc30d}, intrahash = {98f87dc1e772d1abdaa370bd06e06a46}, journal = {Dialogue and Universalism}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {1/2}, pages = {83-94}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280817 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Features of the Lithuanian Character and Values}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XIII}, year = 2003}@article{conci1993valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Conci, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2a74d32ff114d253573138f0ca67fdac}, intrahash = {e1a76851c5a636727132d7c26d380dbd}, journal = {Rivista di Teologia Morale}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {55-72}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281356 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {I valori degli europei fra evoluzione e nostalgia}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 15, year = 1993}@article{moors2003comparing, abstract = {This paper compares moral values in 12 European countries based on data from three waves of the European Values Survey: 1981, 1990, and 1999. We question the validity of comparisons across cultures and in time if the structural equivalence in the measurement of values is not tested. A procedure is suggested to research equivalence in measurement within a latent-class factor approach. Multiple group analyses revealed that assuming a homogeneous measurement model is not justified. Rather patterns of partial homogeneity emerged in which country and period influenced moral issues independently from the effect of two group variables on the latent-class factors. As a result, country differences generally decreased when direct effects of country on the items were introduced, however without contradicting the comparisons from the homogeneous measurement model. Period differences decreased less after allowing direct effects of the former group variable on the items.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Moors, G. and Wennekers, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f5d7ee0540c60eb0755d13c1024db61c}, intrahash = {96aa10c1e7e6efbca7255c883d9338d3}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {155-172}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776698 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Comparing Moral Values in Western European Countries between 1981 and 1999. A Multiple Group Latent-Class Factor Approach}, volume = 44, year = 2003}@article{jaufmann1986technikfreundlich, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jaufmann, Dieter and Kistler, Ernst}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ab2f043ad7823412044d980a09471e92}, intrahash = {441b7dada667b0bea620097da2f11c27}, journal = {Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {48/86}, pages = {35-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281257 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-20 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Technikfreundlich? - Technikfeindlich?}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1986}@article{rijken2008explaining, abstract = {This article contributes to the search for explanations of the cross-national variation in fertility rates by studying the influence of social policy, economic and cultural factors on fertility in the former EU15, while giving special attention to one case: The Netherlands. This country lacks good social policy for supporting parents to combine work and care and nevertheless has a relatively high fertility rate. This article addresses the backgrounds of that phenomenon, using comparative macro level data from several sources, such as 'the child benefit package', the European Values Studies, OECD and Eurostat. We argue that bivariate relationships cannot explain cross-national variation in fertility rates. Therefore, we analyse configurations of factors, which shows among others that high availability of part-time jobs for women constitutes only part of the explanation for the Dutch fertility level. Good economic prospects and high male wages in combination with relatively low female human capital make that Dutch families can afford children at their own costs when men work full-time and women work part-time. Therefore, the low level of social policy that supports parents in the indirect or direct costs of children does not result in low fertility rates.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Rijken, A J. and Knijn, Trudie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {31c586c5867db3bb5461f1931efed71d}, intrahash = {dc6e523e208393eb25ad6cc0b79479cd}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family fertility indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {763-786}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276597 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-02-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Explaining Dutch Fertility Rates In A Comparative European Perspective}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2008}@article{jenssen1989verdier, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jenssen, A Todal and Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {eaa903000bfd9b3bbf2eda223e5b3dad}, intrahash = {888fb6949f81caac9170fdbfad77de38}, issn = {8011745}, journal = {Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift}, keywords = {1989 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281092 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Verdier og valg i Norge: Svar til Oddbj?rn Knudsen}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 5, year = 1989}@article{rabusic2000nechtj, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Brno}, author = {Rabu?ic, Ladislav}, biburl = {}, institution = {Masarykova universita}, interhash = {bdd0b76225ba150822c5338f5954376a}, intrahash = {1d4eea52de646d1097e9512442c14fe6}, journal = {Sociální studia}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked czech indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {67-85}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281177 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Koho ?e?i nechtějí? O symbolické sociální exkluzi v ?eské spole?nosti (Whom the Czechs Do not Want. On Symbolic Social Exclusion in Czech Society)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 5, year = 2000}@article{lesthaeghe1994expliquer, abstract = {Decisions on family formation (cohabiting or getting married, divorce, having children, leaving home) and domestic situations (having an outside job or staying at home) are explained reductively by contemporary theories such as those of G. Becker and R. Easterlin. The cultural dimension should be added. This is shown by analysing the European survey on values in 1990 in four countries (West Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands). From 30 indicators belonging to 11 scales of values, we have extracted three dimensions of conservatism which were found to be associated with family and domestic choices in men and women aged 20-29 and 30-50. These findings confirm those from American surveys, even if the interpretation of a single survey is more limited than that of multi-round surveys. Furthermore, neo-classical economic theory seems to be more suitable for describing female behaviour and that of deceived expectations for describing male behaviour.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lesthaeghe, Ron and Moors, Guy}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d65ec53cbe8c6b4486b790e7b26450b7}, intrahash = {bd9781418dd2f576ee52430e9f84a3eb}, journal = {Population}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked family french indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {1503-1526}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281013 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Expliquer la diversité des formes familiales et domestiques. Théories économiques ou dimensions culturelles}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 49, year = 1994}@article{vlas2012where, abstract = {Starting from the growing importance of religion for politics, this article tests whether religion in Europe is connected with democratic attitudes. Analyzing and understanding such a relationship is essential for a better understanding of the prospects of present and future democratic consolidation. Our two-step approach aims to assess the variation and causal forces of democratic attitudes in Europe in the light of broader country-level factors and individual proclivities towards religion and politics. We use data from the European Values Study (1999) for the correlations and regression model. Our findings undermine the existing prejudices according to which Islam leads to authoritarian attitudes. Moreover, we illustrate the crucial roles played by satisfaction with democracy and confidence in the Church in shaping democratic attitudes across religions.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vlas, Natalia and Gherghina, Sergiu}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c86df4b2a94b776626eb5f201773759b}, intrahash = {e99ae0a6f2c61bf1873cd646770b5a12}, journal = {International Political Science Review}, keywords = {2012 Civicness Democratic_Satisfaction Democratic_attitudes EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english europe indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {336-351}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934252 ; inputdate=2014-04-14 ; editdate=2014-04-14 ; pubdate=2014-04-14}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Where does religion meet democracy? A comparative analysis of attitudes in Europe}, url = {}, volume = 33, year = 2012}@article{toros2013social, abstract = {The aim of this article is to set out the various explanations of voting behaviour in Turkey. Its principal intellectual motivation is to present the political and social indicators that shape voting in such a way as to explain how an activity which is so crucial for democratic life is also based upon voters? values and surrounding political context. Although the number of empirical work on voting behaviour in Turkey is increasing there is a considerable room for testing alternative variables and research tools in order to expand the academic knowledge on the problematic. Findings ratified that the political and personal values coupled with the other social factors have considerable impact on the voting behaviour in Turkey. Additionally this research also proved that these factors work differently for the competing political parties. Hence the contribution of this study is the introduction of an explicit analysis on the impact of different social and political factors that are salient in voting behaviour and magnitudes of these factors on different political parties by using a public database. Thus this study will not only uncover the relevancy of the variables in the literature for Turkish voters but also it will highlight the meaning and significance of these factors for different political parties.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Toros, Emre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1f502b43de85093964fd0cc9cf9b3e77}, intrahash = {2169698edda78c69f8dd7accd9e400f5}, issn = {1573-0921}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Multi_nominal_regression Political_and_social_indicators SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Turkey article checked english indexproved input2014 political_parties review_proved reviewed voting}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {1011-1029}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938885 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Indicators and Voting: The Turkish Case}, url = {}, volume = 115, year = 2013}@article{abramson1992generational, abstract = {Surveys sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities are employed to study value change in West Germany, Britain, the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Italy between 1970-71 and 1990 and in Denmark and Ireland between 1973 and 1990. During these years generational replacement had a major impact on value trends in all eight societies. In Germany, Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark generational replacement contributed to the growth of Postmaterialism, and in France, Italy and Ireland replacement was the major force creating the trend towards Postmaterialism. Even in Belgium, where there was only a slight move towards Postmaterialism, replacement may have prevented a movement towards Materialism. For the European public as a whole, replacement contributed to the growth of Postmaterialism. However, the impact of replacement is likely to be smaller in the coming two decades because relatively low birth rates during the late 1970s and the 1980s will contribute to lower rates of generational replacement.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abramson, P R. and Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6789eb5cd68c21e295fba02de38fc719}, intrahash = {8489346cc31f476e0e90caf6fc27484e}, journal = {British Journal of Political Science}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {183-228}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763838 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Generational Replacement and Value Change in Eight West European Societies}, volume = 22, year = 1992}@article{barbulescu2014protecting, abstract = {This article investigates the effect of immigration on attitudes towards Europe in Italy. This question resonates throughout the European Union (EU), but does so particularly in Italy ? one of EU's most exposed external borders, especially under recent global challenges such as the economic crisis and the Arab Spring. Over the last two decades, Italy received more than four million migrants and refugees, which has put immigration on top of the political agenda ever since. Using data from the European Values Study (EVS), we find that concerns about immigration, especially in the context of the economic crisis of 2007, is a factor of declining support for European integration and that these effects vary across regions. In particular, we demonstrate the mediating effect of context by showing that the effect of being concerned about immigration is more corrosive for support in regions with higher immigration rates than in regions with lower rates.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Barbulescu, Roxana and Beaudonnet, Laurie}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2b59501561d96f6ba48185716535d330}, intrahash = {d741a38c84f18d35fcdd795174331b7c}, journal = {Perspectives on European Politics and Society}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Support_for_European_integration article checked economic_crisis english immigration indexproved input2014 italy regional_level review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {216-237}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938581 ; inputdate=2014-11-09 ; editdate=2014-11-09 ; pubdate=2014-11-09}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Protecting Us, Protecting Europe? Public Concern about Immigration and Declining Support for European Integration in Italy}, url = {}, volume = 15, year = 2014}@article{haraldsson2006popular, abstract = {The European Values Survey explores national differences and similarities, also regarding religious beliefs which express popular assumptions regarding the nature of man and the ontological status of consciousness. These views differ radically from the dominant scientific view, also in academic psychology. The Nordic countries vary considerably in their beliefs in life after death and reincarnation with half of the respondents believing in life after death, and 43 percent of these believing in reincarnation which also goes against established views of the Christian Church. This shows independence from scientific as well as religious authorities. Is it a remnant of pre-Christian beliefs, due to exposure to Buddhist and Hindu concepts, or a sign of original independent thinking? Half a century of anti-religious regimes in Eastern Europe seems to have had no major effect on beliefs about personal survival, and the European Values Survey shows a widespread belief in reincarnation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Haraldsson, Erlendur}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b40b4fab62be7205e533a1d773579b86}, intrahash = {7e1ff58c57d45a98990ec67db2d9b882}, journal = {Nordic Psychology}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {171-180}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280856 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Popular psychology, belief in life after death and reincarnation in the Nordic countries, Western and Eastern Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 58, year = 2006}@article{rosta2004religiosity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Budapest- Piliscsaba}, author = {Rosta, Gergely}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a96dd115a3636999403760c17a1f1c9b}, intrahash = {d3a0ab07ec47560425d7f6436a7bc263}, journal = {Sociology of Religion in Hungary}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {43-65}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280940 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Pázmány Péter Catholic University}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religiosity, Political Attitudes and Secularization in Western Europe in 1981-1999}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 2004}@article{ester1994cambio, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, interhash = {69bef8a36e4ffa0692983d691febc2b5}, intrahash = {1e351ec1a3f0a8713b6854fa6ea5cc52}, journal = {Cuadernos Franciscanos}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {161-174}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281121 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {El Cambio de Valores en El Mundo occidental}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 28, year = 1994}@article{matausic2001mediji, abstract = {In the context of value chrisis in the Croatian society, it is impossible to avoid the media. They are a constituent part of that crisis, its reflection but its factor as well. Today, the value crisis as well as the media crisis are global. In Croatia it is amplified by the presence of the communist legacy, the consequences of war, general impoverishment of the population and the commercialization of media.It is justified to talk about the crisis when the discrepancy between the norms and the real situation is such that it prevents the system from working. The first part of the article points to the fact that we can really talk about the crisis of Croatian media, the second part tries to examine the relationship of the public towards (such) media, while the third part brings forward some theological observations regarding the media.Together with now almost traditional ways of violation of human dignity in media through the excessive display of violence and pornography emerges the fact that today in Croatian media anybody can be accused of anything without the need to prove the person's guilt. Besides, the praxis of ruthless digging out of information of somebody's private life has become very common, especially with famous people. That threatens their reputation, often their health and sometimes even their survival. It becomes even more problematic because of the fact that the most important media are under control of the politicians and every center of political power in Coatia wants to have its own media. While the mechanisms of the journalists' resistence to the political influence on media are not sufficiently developed, the commercialization of media establishes their new dependence on the economic sphere. As there is not enough profit for everyone on our market, an unsparing fight of all arms for gaining the audience goes on among the leading media.These are the causes of further deviations. According to the judgement of the leading people in media, some of the basic values of journalism and its ethics are not being respected, in the first place the authenticity and verification of what is being published. Because of the postition of media whose power is almost unlimited, it is very hard to fight for justice against them.Bad economic conditions are a cause of further unfavourable influences such as, for example, the concentration of media in the hands of a small group of owners. The fact that owing to that freedom and power it is easier for the media to point to some misuses and irregularities in public activities does not justify their negativity. Similarly, the fact that the greater part of journalists does their job well and the most media contents are all right cannot be the reason for not pointing to the disregard of journalist profession and ethics in other cases.In order to improve the conditions, we point out the need to clarify the proprietary relationships in media, define the educational and expert criteria for journalists, better explore the conditions in media, develop the civic society with the greater influence of citizens on media, as well as to develop the judicature. In the second part the article brings up some results on media from the European Values Survey and similar researches that have been conducted in Croatia during the last three years. Among other things, these surveys have shown that the trust among people is very low, which is obviously contributed to by the described condition of the media. However, it all happens at the expense of the media themselves, because of all social institutions they hold the last place regarding the trust the young citizens (between 18 and 35 years of age) have in them. The Catholic media hold a much better place, but their distribution is smaller, which suggests that they are less influential as well. The lack of trust in secular media does not mean they are less influential.The results of the research show that the acceptance of values (for example: positive attitude towards one's job, trust in people, enthusiasm for living, feeling of joy etc.) is proportional to media observance, especially the news oriented media.The third part of the article reports the results of the theological observations and considerations on media in West-European countries conducted during the last decade. The media compete with the traditional role of the religion: they bring the people together, they explain the meaning of life and promise deliverance. Recently the Internet has joined the other media. In its cybernetic space it creates the impression that man is omnipotent. The religious role is characterized by the ritual repetition of the various contents in media (always at the same time), which is all garnished with advertisements which consciously express their promises using the religious vocabulary.A crisis is always a chance to improve a current condition. That is why we first have to take into account the positive sides of media and enable them to express themselves more. In its official documents the Church has set a very demanding programme, but its realization has been poor so far. It is urgent that the Church emphasizes the importance of the media in its activities, and gives even more importance to nurturing the authentic communication within its traditional area of action.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Matausi?, Mirko}, biburl = {}, description = {}, interhash = {50318453d9cc5e81cbb4c24886ff756a}, intrahash = {f1fe3ad2cb13baeb14dd41ac07a7f823}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Media SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {2-3}, pages = {361-379}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280888 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Mediji u krizi vrednota (Mass-media in Value Crisis)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 71, year = 2001}@article{walter2001reincarnation, abstract = {A significant minority of Westerners believe in reincarnation, even though they do not belong to religions that teach it What is the relationship of their belief to personal identity? In areas of the world where reincarnation is accepted, one can identify three forms of pre-natal and/or post-mortem identity: the continuing self/soul, the dissolution of the self, and family identity. Comparable concepts within the contemporary West might be labelled modern, postmodern and kin-based. The article considers three forms of evidence from Britain: everyday conversation, the personal stories to be found in Reincarnation International magazine, and an interview study of thirty adults and twenty children. It is concluded that (1) the understanding of A as the reincarnation of close family member B, found in several American and African tribes and in popular Hinduism, maybe unusual in Britain; (2) in so far as people play with past identities, this cannot easily be squared with postmodern theories of the self; (3) the past identities constructed bear strong resemblance to current identities, and may be considered part of the modernist project of the self.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Walter, T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2fa3cb4f5c7838304578289ffda0049b}, intrahash = {44c0d4ef9b9f4f5cf7673db0658a7e81}, journal = {Sociology-the Journal of the British Sociological Association}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {21-38}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777005 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Reincarnation, modernity and identity}, volume = 35, year = 2001}@article{zrinscak2000vjerovanje, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Zrin??ak, Sini?a and ?rpi?, Gordan and Kuar, Stjepan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fffb10baa6e10dc2ba1893b2344c483c}, intrahash = {728541b73c608105b2cf80d05114c23b}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {233-255}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280854 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Vjerovanje i religioznost (Belief and Religiosity)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{silvestre1997perceptin, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Silvestre, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0e38c617ef9e193fd76ce5064ef0637c}, intrahash = {2f374531f7663d7c59b2437d571f3f81}, journal = {Revista Inguruak}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {93-114}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281277 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La perceptión de la función social de las mujeres en la sociedad vasca}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 18, year = 1997}@article{haraldsson1991psychic, abstract = {Three items on personal psychic experiences (telepathy, clairvoyance, and contact with the dead) were included in a survey on human values that was conducted on large representative samples in 13 countries in Europe and in the U.S. (N=18,607). The three items were originally formulated by Andrew Greeley and were translated into different European languages. In Europe, the percentage of persons reporting telepathy was 34%; clairvoyance was reported by 21%; and 25% reported contact with the dead. Percentages for the U.S. were considerably higher: 54%, 25% and 30%, respectively. There were great national differences; for example, 60% of Americans and Italians reported some psychic experience, but only 24% of the Norwegians made such claims. Looking into the question of how people who report psychic experiences differ from those who do not, revealed little or no effect of education and age but rather strinking effects of sex, marital status, reporting positive and negative affects on the Bradburn Affect Scale, and several other variables. The question of whether some of these associations could be due to a response bias effect was considered, and as far as could be ascertained, there was no response bias effect, meaning that the associations were quite specific. After national differences, the variables best predicting that one has had some psychic experience were sum of affect according to the Bradburn Affect Scale and belief in reincarnation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Haraldsson, Erlendur and Houtkooper, J M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9ba9319f37116950818f6f0a6723d6c8}, intrahash = {df5e7e8f302f974d35cc54723e22f16d}, issn = {31070}, journal = {Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english enhanced indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {145-165}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280794 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-02; Waves and countries1990?United Kingdom?Spain?Denmark?France?Ireland?Netherlands?United States?Italy?Iceland?Norway?Belgium?Sweden?Germany (West)?Finland1981?Northern Ireland?United Kingdom?Sweden?Malta?Ireland?Belgium?Italy?Netherlands?United States?Denmark?Norway?Spain?Iceland?Germany (West)?France}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Psychic Experiences in the Multinational Human Values Study}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 85, year = 1991}@article{wolbrecht2007leading, abstract = {One argument advanced in favor of descriptive representation is that female politicians serve as role models, inspiring other women to political activity. While previous research finds female role models affect women's psychological engagement, few studies report an impact on women's active participation, and none have done so in cross-national research. Our work also is the first to consider whether the impact of female role models is, as the term implies, greater among the young. Using three cross-national datasets, we find that where there are more female members of parliament (MPs), adolescent girls are more likely to discuss politics with friends and to intend to participate in politics as adults, and adult women are more likely to discuss and participate in politics. The presence of female MPs registers the same effect on political discussion regardless of age, but the impact on women's political activity is far greater among the young than the old.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Wolbrecht, C. and Campbell, D E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {31b9acb406622bad31e1480c6fa6bf1f}, intrahash = {8fc8edf1f0896306aa69e526ea82cb43}, journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {921-939}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777011 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Leading by example: Female members of parliament as political role models}, volume = 51, year = 2007}@article{tomka2002werteprferenzen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {In: Denz, Hermann (ed.): Die europ?ische Seele. Leben und Glauben in Europa. Wien}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {624ce10cc80004bca0676f6a52a111ac}, intrahash = {bc334c09c43de41e3ca8bb8e359de639}, journal = {Czernin}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {179-203}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281258 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Wertepr?ferenzen in Ost und West}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 2002}@article{cazes1995postface, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cazes, B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a420934fdeb8a3eeabf7837aa8e8deed}, intrahash = {f0b566c6f5dc546d3d3ad69d197ab321}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 200, pages = {201-203}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281198 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Postface}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1995}@article{zrinscak2000dostojanstvo, abstract = {This study discusses the topic of dignity of man and work. The standpoint of the discussion is represented by the results of researches, which refer to work and work values. They have been analysed from different angles: contemporary social processes in the sphere of work, Croatian transitional circumstances and from the perspective of social doctrine of the Church, which explains today's transformation of work and points towards possible solutions. Within this context, the following topics have been dealt with: centrality of work, significant characteristics of a job, working in the objective social circumstances and also individual and collective preferences.The results of the research show that work has been highly evaluated, but not at the expense of the family or even friends and free time. Among the important characteristics of a job, as priorities are considered a good salary, good job security and interesting job, which points to the fact that a variable of comfort and material conditions are more evaluated than personal development. Work is mostly perceived as an objective necessity, and those who are employed do not show enough satisfaction with the work itself, with autonomy in work and with job security. Croatian citizens also seem to be unauthoritarian in work because, first of all, they want to be sure in the soundness of instructions given to them by a higher-ranked person, and at the same time, they mostly agree with different pay for different work.The research points to a somewhat more significant acceptance of collective values, but here, to a large extent, contradictory and ambivalent attitudes are revealed, for example in the cases of a large acceptance of the attitudes towards competition as being stimulating, but also of the attitude towards a reduction of differences in salaries. The question of individual and collective preferences most clearly illustrates the problem of transition and the role of the state in the economic and, generally, in the social development.In the conclusion of the study, the authors discuss about four possible spheres of explanation within which it can be more clearly understood to what extent the issues of the attitude towards work express mutual world trends and European trends, tο what extent the transitional, and to what extent specific Croatian circumstances.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Zrin??ak, Sini?a and Baloban, Stjepan and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8f68b115924aefc31c127b2eb5d41e5f}, intrahash = {64212220a3066af96083951a6edd4ba1}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved work work_values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {471-484}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281102 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Dostojanstvo ?ovjeka i rad (Dignity of Man and Work)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{fahey2004subjective, abstract = {Indicators of subjective well-being have gained only limited acceptance as tools for the social-scientific analysis of human welfare, mainly because they seem insensitive to variations in the socio-economic context. However, this apparent insensitivity has been established by research which has been limited in various ways. Using data on life satisfaction for 33 European societies which goes some way to transcending these limits, this paper identifies linkages between subjective well-being and socio-economic conditions which are both strong and suggestive of important insights about national and cross-national relativities in human welfare. Populations in the rich parts of Europe have high and relatively equal life satisfaction, while those in the poorer parts of Europe have low and unequal life satisfaction. Social inequalities within rich European societies seem to have little effect on life satisfaction but they have significant effects within poor European societies. Inequalities between European societies also have strong effects. These findings suggest that analysis of inequalities and relativities in welfare in purely national terms is insufficient. Greater weight needs to be given to cross-national relativities, since these are much more consistent with what otherwise seem to be puzzling variations in subjective well-being across and within countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Fahey, T. and Smyth, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {81efdd49723a2916035d117f523e1a12}, intrahash = {b737d04fea1927e16d08069ff9d78064}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {5-27}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763920 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Do subjective indicators measure welfare?}, volume = 6, year = 2004}@article{lesthaeghe2002forms, abstract = {A central explanatory mechanism used in the "second demographic transition" conceptualisation deals with the rise of values fostering individual autonomy, secularism, rejection of institutional regulation, "postmaterialism", tolerance for minorities, egalitarianism and emancipation, etc. Already in the late 1980s, there was an emerging debate in central and eastern Europe about the possibility that both such values and new forms of household formation would spread Eastward. A decade later the debate is still going on with the pitting of a "crisis thesis" against a "second transition" thesis. In our presentation will shall argue that these two clusters of explanations are (i) not mutually exclusive, and (ii) that they could well reinforce each other.The empirical analysis itself focuses on the verification of the ideational part of the explanation. Here, the data of the 1999 round of the European Values Studies (EVS) are used for 8 western countries, 7 central European ones, and 5 eastern populations. A total of 80 items are picked pertaining to various domains such as marriage, parenthood & family, civil and ethical morality, politics, religiosity, etc. These 80 items are studied according to 8 different household types, and a cross-sectional model (i.e. the "footprints") is developed on the basis of the "selection-adaptation" process as studied in longitudinal panels. Eighty "net" values profiles for 8 household positions result from this first round. In the next round, these data are further analysed via a correspondence analysis, resulting in a visualisation of proximities between items themselves, and between the 80 items and the 8 household positions. The results are available for the pooled data of western, central and eastern European countries (but also for smaller national units if sample sizes were sufficient).Has this second demographic transition values business any relevance outside western Europe? Did this spill over into central and eastern Europe?}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Geneva}, author = {Lesthaeghe, Ron and Surkyn, J R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {45a64a59b36f85bb7a900c755c08fd39}, intrahash = {2d667e4c396509d809ebe930b95120a1}, journal = {Economic Survey of Europe}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Identification Politics Retreat Social_distance Socialization article checked english family indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex religion review_proved work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {197-216}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280879 ; country=EE;LV;LT;HR;CZ;HU;PL;SK;SL;BY;BG;RO;RU;UA ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {U.N. Economic Commission for Europe}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {New Forms of Household Formation in Central and Eastern Europe: Are They Related to Newly Emerging Value Orientations?}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 2002}@article{brechon2007croyances, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fa911ed446ba720028ba9cce1313b913}, intrahash = {c7696707ebfdd9defb575284d133e0a9}, journal = {Cahiers fran?ais}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 304, pages = {32-37}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936332 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Croyances religieuses et choix politiques: quelles relations?}, year = 2007}@article{houtman2007spiritual, abstract = {This article uses data from the World Values Survey to study the spread of post-Christian spirituality ("New Age") in 14 Western countries ( 1981 - 2000, N = 61,352). It demonstrates that this type of spirituality, characterized by a sacralization of the self, has become more widespread during the period 1981 - 2000 in most of these countries. It has advanced farthest in France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Sweden. This spiritual turn proves a byproduct of the decline of traditional moral values and hence driven by cohort replacement. Spirituality's popularity among the well educated also emerges from the latter's low levels of traditionalism. These findings confirm the theory of detraditionalization, according to which a weakening of the grip of tradition on individual selves stimulates a spiritual turn to the deeper layers of the self.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Houtman, D. and Aupers, S.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {59e9e98bc49b54d7b95a85021faa67b2}, intrahash = {6c48025a7f7f8377d7f92d8bbfc1223d}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2007 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {305-320}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3764044 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The spiritual turn and the decline of tradition: The spread of post-christian spirituality in 14 western countries, 1981-2000}, volume = 46, year = 2007}@article{pretto2012orientations, abstract = {This article offers an interpretation of data on the work orientations of Italians. The data used are taken from the latest survey carried out by the European Values Study, supplemented with other information specific to the Italian job market, which may aid understanding of the situation in that country. These extrinsic and intrinsic work orientations are analysed in light of the main changes that have taken place in Italy?s labour market.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Pretto, Albertina and Gaio, Loris}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3f6cf186d5ee94f9a74ccd030d3167de}, intrahash = {9c58578a84233075f4b504b54243e237}, issn = {1759-3077}, journal = {Bulletin of Italian Politics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english extrinsic_orientations indexproved input2014 intrinsic_orientations job_market noindex review_proved values_change}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {165-184}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939317 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Orientations to Work in Italy}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2012}@article{schweisguth1995citoyens, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Schweisguth, Etienne}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5d8d0c5d0ee670f269fb5c35deca7d5c}, intrahash = {7760e9514585216f105757f463341138}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {161-165}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280883 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-08 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les citoyens et le bien commun}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{clements2013religion, abstract = {This article examines the relationship between religious factors and opposition to abortion in Britain. It provides a detailed analysis of public opposition towards abortion undertaken for different reasons, as well as general views on whether abortion is justified or not. It assesses the relative influence of religious faith using the multi-dimensional ?belonging, behaving and believing? framework for micro-level analysis, as well as the impact of personal salience. It also accounts for the impact of socio-demographic factors and political partisanship. It uses data from two nationally representative social surveys and multivariate estimation techniques. The main finding is that opposition to abortion is not solely based on differences in faith or denominational affiliation but that greater religious involvement or commitment, as measured by attendance at services and personal salience, and more traditionalist beliefs underpin opposition. These findings generally hold across surveys, different estimation techniques and different specifications of the dependent variable.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Clements, Ben}, biburl = {}, interhash = {aea005cd2fcde1185400f867a7f815e7}, intrahash = {22e9dee8e239c00d5e690e27c86a4766}, journal = {Sociology}, keywords = {2013 Britain EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed abortion article checked english indexproved input2014 micro-level_analysis public_attitudes religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {1-18}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934781 ; inputdate=2014-05-10 ; editdate=2014-05-10 ; pubdate=2014-05-10}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and the Sources of Public Opposition to Abortion in Britain: The Role of Belonging, Behaving and Believing}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{coutinho2013portuguese, abstract = {This article, based on EVS data, discusses the evolution of Portuguese youth religiosity between 1990 and 2008. The theories of secularisation and individualisation guide this study. The author explores variables of Catholic beliefs and practices, attitudes towards life and sexuality, and non-Catholic beliefs to assess religious transformation. There was a decline of religious practice (Mass assistance) and of Catholic norms? observance; while there was an increase of Catholic and non-Catholic beliefs. Portugal is in-between Malta and Czech Republic, the two extreme types of Catholic belonging, although with differences according to variables. Family socialisation and leisure (sexuality, information and communication technologies, and consumption) are key factors for explaining these changes. Individualisation is an essential process of this late modernity and supports the explanations obtained.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Coutinho, José}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6eda8208d436717f6b76a88371ef88a4}, intrahash = {9e63e22aa70e6e49ef0f6d65e5ee4a03}, journal = {Euroregional Journal of Socio-Economic Analysis}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Family_socialisation Individualisation Leisure Portuguese_youth Religiosity Secularisation article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {21-32}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934788 ; inputdate=2014-05-12 ; editdate=2014-05-12 ; pubdate=2014-05-12}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Portuguese Youth Religiosity in the Last Two Decades}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 2013}@article{abela1995sociocultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {80dec6a59acc3365b90dbc2d22fde3c4}, intrahash = {84e5f16ae8819a4e5d31c144bde95772}, journal = {Melita Theologica}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {125-142}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281355 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Socio-Cultural Milieu of Holiness: Maltese Values in a Euro-Mediterranean Perspective}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XLVI}, year = 1995}@article{biolcatirinaldi2013partecipazione, abstract = {The debate over religious change in Italy is far from having reached unanimous conclusions: some scholars underline an unbroken trend toward a decrease of religiosity, while other scholars highlight the signs of a religious revival especially in younger generations. Beside difficulties of definitions, such different conclusions are also due to the lack of information on a sufficiently long period of time. In the paper this problem is tackled developing a pooled analysis of repeated cross-section surveys that spans over four decades. Using different studies (Eurobarometer, Issp, Evs, Ess, Itanes - Italian National Election Studies, Istat Multipurpose Household Survey), the article analyzes secularization trend in Italy on the basis of church attendance, that despite well-founded criticism keeps being a vital indicator of this phenomenon. Our results show that the trend of attendance to the mass in Italy has decreased since the 1960s until today, despite a period of stability at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The overall trend looks like a lying ?S? trend (decrease up to the Seventies, stability in the Eighties, decrease afterwards in the 2000s). Thus the revival hypothesis is not corroborated.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Biolcati-Rinaldi, Ferruccio and Vezzoni, Cristiano}, biburl = {}, interhash = {60b751c465f52f45a5b66bb3a6be680e}, intrahash = {b6b71b0b51bb45471ab17636d9420d23}, issn = {0486-0349}, journal = {Rassegna italiana di sociologia}, keywords = {2013 Church_attendance Cross-sectional_analysis EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 Religiosity Religious_change SCOPUSindexed Secularization article checked indexproved input2014 italian italy review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {55-88}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934428 ; inputdate=2014-04-26 ; editdate=2014-04-26 ; pubdate=2014-04-26}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Partecipazione alla messa e cambiamento religioso in Italia (1968-2010). Dibattito teorico, problemi metodologici e risultati empirici [Church attendance and religious change in Italy (1968-2010). Theoretical debate, methodological issues and empirical results]}, url = {}, volume = 54, year = 2013}@article{dogan1996classe, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2d86ad9b511baf7f0afd3499a2d43065}, intrahash = {8d382c6047ee821985d9039f11954bff}, journal = {Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {515-540}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698002 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Classe, Religion, Parti : Triple Déclin dans les clivages Electoraux en Europe}, year = 1996}@article{luchau2007faith, abstract = {Many social scientists seem to believe that Catholics attend church more often than Protestants because of differences in theology and not necessarily because Protestants are more secularised. In an attempt to settle this issue, this article uses data from the 1999 European Values Study to determine what factors influence church attendance in a Catholic, Protestant, and mixed European country (Italy, Denmark, and Germany). Using an ordinary least squares multiple regression the article shows that for both Catholics and Protestants it is predominantly the level of Christian faith that determines the rate of church attendance. Hence the differences in church attendance among Catholics and Protestants reflect differences in overall levels of religiosity and are not just artefacts of different views of the importance of going to church. Even Protestants do not live by faith alone.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Luchau, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {164b34fe8c9f7bbce1dab2f9076ad745}, intrahash = {83690f3076293cfedd20897c1aab155d}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2007 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {35-48}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776378 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {By Faith Alone? Church Attendance and Christian Faith in three European Countries}, volume = 22, year = 2007}@article{dogan1999deficit, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {42bd4fe17581add4766652f301dc9460}, intrahash = {fdcd95b808d475a7ddfca3ed1d81d044}, journal = {Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {513-548}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698006 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Deficit de Confiance dans les Démocracies Avancées}, volume = 6, year = 1999}@article{inglehart1999measuring, abstract = {This article responds to two critiques of the value change thesis in this issue. Davis and Davenport claim that the four-item index developed by Inglehart is invalid because respondents' first and second choices are randomly related and that it fails to predict respondents' positions on theoretically relevant social issues. We maintain that they make unwarranted assumptions about how responses to ipsative items should be related and demonstrate that the value indicators are powerful predictors. Clarke et al. argue that the trend toward postmaterialism does not result from long-term generational change but simply reflects declining inflation and rising unemployment over the past quarter-century. We show that period effects, particularly inflation, influence observed values. But after controlling for inflation, there is still a substantial shift toward postmaterialism. Moreover, rising unemployment partly offsets the effect of falling inflation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Abramson, P R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d6d33ce6da3b050dfe761490335e2877}, intrahash = {3d9c7457ec95d4852cddfed8bf2ceb6a}, journal = {American Political Science Review}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {665-677}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280950 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring Postmaterialism}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 93, year = 1999}@article{bavec2007interdependence, abstract = {Based on the desk research, the paper provides an empirical insight into correlations between some social values and five selected economic performance indicators for 20 European Union countries. We concentrated on Composite Trust. This is a one-dimensional representation of citizens? trust on national level and is calculated from three different types of trust that van Oorschot and Arts (2005) derived from the European Values Study (2001). We confirmed correlations between trust and economic performance, but we have also noticed a very different pattern for the old and the new eu member states. The old eu member states show a positive correlation, on the other hand there is no such correlation for the new member states. A plausible hypothesis is that the same level of Composite Trust causes different effects in different societies and economies.We could also assume that social structures in the new eu member states are still distorted and are not in the equilibrium which characterizes eu countries with long democratic and market economy traditions. Economic performance in the new eu member states is based mainly on economic and not on social incentives. On the other hand, correlation between trust and innovativeness is strong in all studied countries. It confirms many studies which see trust as a fundamental social enabler and stimulator for innovativeness.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bavec, C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b8d12d9b43d483b439f1348e1921e103}, intrahash = {8864ab93b8117d92468e49be14f8e2df}, journal = {Managing Global Transitions}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {213-228}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763851 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Interdependence between social values and national performance indicators: the case of the enlarge European Union}, volume = 5, year = 2007}@article{lesthaeghe1988cultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lesthaeghe, R. and Surkyn, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fb7e346009039097b3f23bd3d64199a2}, intrahash = {ed4f9799cefead799b664256732bc141}, journal = {Population and Development Review}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-45}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776691 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Cultural Dynamics And Economic-Theories Of Fertility Change}, volume = 14, year = 1988}@article{inglehart1999civilisations, abstract = {L'Enquête mondiale sur les valeurs qu'utilise l'A. dans son article est la plus grande enquête internationale par sondages jamais réalisée. Elle concerne plus de soixante pays des six continents. Les travaux de l'A. mettent en lumière un double phénomène. D'une part ils révèlent l'existence d'une évolution remarquablement cohérente des systèmes de valeurs dans un sens moderne ou post-moderne. D'autre part, ils établissent la persistance de blocs civilisationnels, soudés par leur héritage historique, et en particulier religieux. Il est montré que le développement économique se traduit par un glissement des valeurs traditionnelles vers des valeurs rationnelles-légales sans toutefois supprimer les différences culturelles.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {August, 1999}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4f85a3166e27d32054cc5f36eb584c70}, intrahash = {eda95d415d8a035f0abb7706e90fda15}, issn = {2462346}, journal = {Le Debat}, keywords = {1999 Civilization Cultural_change Cultural_feature Cultural_heritage EVS EVS_input2014 Economic_Development FDZ_IUP Modernization Post-Modernism Rationality Secularization Shortage Tolerance Tradition Value_system article checked french indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved trust well-being}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {23-54}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281345 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Choc des civilisations ou modernisation culturelle du monde?}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1999}@article{kerkhofs1995western, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {46575acc2902cf3bc2a7ba947cb6269b}, intrahash = {06cf13d3ba1faaf750ecaaf15a7e6294}, journal = {Louvain Studies}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {282-293}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281270 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Western European Attitudes to Death and the Hereafter}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 20, year = 1995}@article{lee1997postmaterialist, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lee, A R. and Kidd, Q.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3aa535d7d6a6207e8c5f43b65a5ac6e0}, intrahash = {f7a2536c1a4c69e61903d4114b47ac75}, journal = {Social Science Quarterly}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english environment indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {36-43}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776690 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {More on postmaterialist values and the environment}, volume = 78, year = 1997}@article{capraro1992valori, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, biburl = {}, interhash = {25c51a2345d565296cc10fcfa308cfe7}, intrahash = {4b9dee8a4a8b0ad87f1d99649f6d6553}, journal = {Presbyteri}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 9, pages = {679-702}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281118 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {I valori degli italiani nel contesto europeo}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XXVI}, year = 1992}@article{bodor2012development, abstract = { The current theories of governance and economic development require thepossession of certain social values. The spreading of these values is poor in the Hungariansociety. Accordingly, real development cooperation activities and real bottom-up organisedpartnership networks in Hungary are not frequent phenomena. It seems that the early results ofa research project in the agglomeration of Pécs verify this hypothesis.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bodor, ?kos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {65c9c6cbbfe345492aa90a32790fb684}, intrahash = {3971403a139662fb3e2b287503655cb6}, issn = {1429-7132}, journal = {Europa XXI}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP agglomeration article checked cooperation english governance indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved social_values}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {175-183}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938853 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Development Cooperation and Partnership in the Mirror of Social Values}, url = {}, volume = 22, year = 2012}@article{tubergen2006religious, abstract = {This study examines the religious affiliation and participation of immigrants front a large-scale, comparative perspective. I propose a "specific migration" framework, in which immigrants' religiosity is an outcome of both individual characteristics and contextual properties I-elated to immigrants' country of origin, country of destination, and combinations of origin and destination (i.e., communities). I use notions discussed in the religion and migration literature that fit into this scheme. To test these ideas, I collected and standardized 20 existing surveys on immigrants in eight Western countries, yielding about 38,000 immigrants. Applying multilevel models, I found, among other things, that: (1) immigrants from countries with higher levels of modernization express lower levels of religious commitment; (2) immigrants in religious countries are more religious themselves; and (3) the well-documented higher levels of religious commitment among women is not generalizable to immigrants.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tubergen, F van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0aec98f076c24dff83b531ee870f4a7f}, intrahash = {ac7e72b21dca893b8d4974c01a040d64}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2006 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-22}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776982 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious affiliation and attendance among immigrants in eight western countries: Individual and contextual effects}, volume = 45, year = 2006}@article{hoblaj2000bitne, abstract = {This century has been marked by the topicality of values, especially in the sphere of education. Therefore, this article is based on empirical research of the opinions of the population of Croatia regarding the question ?what should children learn at home?? Results reveal similarities between the research done in Croatia that done in other European countries.But there is a difference worth devoting some attention to: in Croatia a positive correlation was obtained (although with a certain negative tendency, particularly with younger people) between traditional values and the values that are directed towards the development of individuality; the value of religion was placed by citizens in the second-to-last position. It has also been established that Catholics do not differ from other citizens in their attitude towards the cited values, except that they place a slightly higher priority on religion, though this difference shows a tendency to decrease with young university students and grammar school children. This message should be accepted above all as a challenge to provide a warning, upon theological reflection, about the fact that religion cannot be reduced to human values alone, because in its origin it is not a human creation. This also calls for the establishment, on the principle of the complete development of young generations, of establishing a balance among values that will enable the problem of value ranking to be avoided.For a large percentage of Croatian citizens, catechism is a desirable school subject, although, among university students and somewhat less among grammar schoolchildren, a tendency of a secular relationship towards school catechism is present, i.e. a tendency towards the opinion that school catechism is not a desirable subject in school. In this tendency, the continuation of a practice already present in Croatia must be recognised: a resolution to change the profile of school catechism from the concept of parish catechism into a subject that will, among other things, promote the teaching of values. This idea is likely to meet with success, because this research has also established that Croatian citizens have a high degree of confidence in the institutions having the greatest influence on value formation in younger generations - family, the Church, school.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Hoblaj, Alojzije and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c92d18436c3975e0300a8ae464e3ffd3}, intrahash = {2723ceefa259e341c3caf509df3e34b1}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked family indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {359-393}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280932 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Bitne vrednote u odgoju mladih nara?taja s posebnim osvrtom na kolski vjeronauk (Essential Values in the Upbringing of Young Generations with Special Reference to School Catechism)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{oorschot2007welfare, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Oorschot, W van and Uunk, W.J.G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ee8d26e3e558830aa6b6ce39954e29e5}, intrahash = {075d5c757b24572783a60792436308b1}, journal = {Comparative Politics}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {63-82}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3631151 ; inputdate=2009-11-02 ; editdate=2009-11-02 ; pubdate=2009-11-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Welfare Spending and the Public's Concern for Immigrants. Multilevel Evidence for 18 European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 40, year = 2007}@article{dogan2003mfiance, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3cf43e44996a177210e228599ee966ba}, intrahash = {21d540988877e71040b0bbe03272580f}, journal = {Revue Internationale de politique comparée}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked french indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {415-432}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698012 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Méfiance et corruption: Discrédit des Elites Politiques}, volume = 3, year = 2003}@article{tomka1995europa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bdedf67948833e083d9afe5e89648986}, intrahash = {829eac9c6d46535672a2773e277affa4}, journal = {Merleg}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {333-343}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280956 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Europa Valtozo ertekrendje (= Is Europa's Value Pattern Changing?)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1995}@article{zrinka2002roles, abstract = {Drawing on data from the European Values Study (EVS) 1999, the author gives a brief overview of religions in post-communist societies & Croatia's place among them. He shows that for some societies religion is still crucial for their overall functioning. In order to understand this role, which is only partially visible on the level of empirical data, & to point out some difficulties in the sociological approach to it, the author discusses two themes: religion & war, & religion & transition. Although the recent war on the territory of the former Yugoslavia was not a religious one, the Churches played a key role both at the symbolic level of maintenance of separate national identities, & on the level of complex social processes. The contradictory & uncertain nature of transition processes additionally complicated the role of religion in society & partly prevented its accommodation to new social circumstances. These elements can all be seen in the different roles that religion has to play, contradictory expectations of the public towards the Church & sharp social conflicts that divide society}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Zrinka, Sinia}, biburl = {}, interhash = {11e0bbaee0862b1bf6e584ee9b651194}, intrahash = {63777944deea1b348914c054f6a810aa}, issn = {377686}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {2002 AHindexed EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {509-521}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280975 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Roles, Attentes et Conflicts: La Religion et les Eglises dans les Societes en Transition (Roles, Expectations and Conflicts: Religion and the Churches in Societies in Transition)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 49, year = 2002}@article{torgler2007shapes, abstract = {Objectives. Considerable evidence suggests that enforcement efforts cannot fullyexplain the high degree of tax compliance. To resolve this puzzle of tax compliance,several researchers have argued that citizens? attitudes toward paying taxes, definedas tax morale, helps to explain the high degree of tax compliance. However, moststudies have treated tax morale as a black box, without discussing which factorsshape it. Additionally, the tax compliance literature provides little empirical researchthat investigates attitudes toward paying taxes in Europe. Methods. Thus, this articleis unique in its examination of citizen tax morale within three multiculturalEuropean countries, Switzerland, Belgium, and Spain, a choice that allows far moredetailed examination of the impact of culture and institutions using data sets fromthe World Values Survey and the European Values Survey. Results. The resultsindicate the tendency that cultural and regional differences affect tax morale. Conclusion.The findings suggest that higher legitimacy for political institutions leads tohigher tax morale.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Torgler, Benno and Schneider, Friedrich}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7049a3aa65c8710b53b8d2446b8a0dad}, intrahash = {94b9acdd35c7513415f16b339579078a}, journal = {SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258496 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {What Shapes Attitudes Toward Paying Taxes? Evidence from Multicultural European Countries}, volume = 88, year = 2007}@article{sackmann1998european, abstract = {This paper analyses the relation between values and practices in European gender roles through a differentiation between public debates and local practices. Values in public debates can be seen as self-representations of leading principles of a society. On the one hand, shared values are produced and reproduced in public debates. On the other hand, individuals interpret and reproduce values in social contexts and institutions. The practices of individuals, however, are highly influenced by specific conditions, for example regional opportunity structures and regional milieus. Shared values (leading principles of a society) and (local) practices can therefore differ. Data from the Eurobarometer Studies, and from the European Values Study, are used to explicate these ideas, while information from Germany is used to show the importance of the regional level to the ways in which values and practices interrelate. The article argues that these cultural differences imply universal principles for gender equality, but at the same time the regional development of specific measures.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sackmann, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {21fc940a98c7f543da42b487cf404b8d}, intrahash = {fde2e84f1946e04c53319c55ae24735c}, journal = {Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {167-190}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776710 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Gender Roles: Public Discourses and Regional Practices}, volume = 11, year = 1998}@article{mitrikas2000seimos, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Summary in English, p. 526.}, author = {Mitrikas, A Algimantas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {73fb314f519f96a04031b2b1d5f4321b}, intrahash = {f1afa48fdbbeb1f1d35008342ac18a35}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 lithuanian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {295-323}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281133 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Seimos vertybiu pokyciai (Family Values Change)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{elteren1998riddles, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elteren, M van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {388516e6cc0462d83fba1765efb39a21}, intrahash = {02f8b8b1ee9564db0adaa067d526e86f}, journal = {Journal of American Culture}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {43-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776976 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The riddles of individualism and community in American and Dutch society}, volume = 21, year = 1998}@article{brechon2002enqutes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Special Issue July-August 2002}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b406d69befe1407995054d117f46df5f}, intrahash = {615eb6c2da127ff3da4d1eff4d2c0f4e}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-14}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281344 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les enquêtes sur les valeurs des Européens}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{halman2003religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7ca406672e9d067f61b9ac4dbc593afd}, intrahash = {0b2e39c8b76ee9d144b36437037b8816}, issn = {323470}, journal = {Politische Vierteljahresschrift}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {303-322}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256407 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Religion und Politik in der zeitgenoessischen Gesellschaft: Differenzierung oder Entdifferenzierung? Eine komparative Analyse von EVS/WVS-Umfragendaten aus 38 laendern}, volume = 33, year = 2003}@article{brechon1995europens, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {954d80b2bad2ac3173ab402af7a597b0}, intrahash = {95f83ec857d7b252681298c8ec0a7e61}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {63-84}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281039 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les Européens et la politique (x- Europeans and Politics)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{brechon2002valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Special Issue July-August 2002}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre and Tchernia, Jean-Francois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {95cb55358f77ad16c678a587625400c2}, intrahash = {8918f27c27827c74c018f9739b8d575c}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281026 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des Européens: Les tendances de long terme (x- European Values. Trends in the Long Term)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{halman1995modernization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek and Ester, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {683f2fffdb51b53bae99a6f2ae791b44}, intrahash = {be6996b7e78b54624076d7b297b3aa27}, journal = {Sociale Wetenschappen}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {28-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281010 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Modernization and the Nature of Individualism}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 38, year = 1995}@article{orizo1992cambio, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a404e34150ea68d2d270c9eabc11c2bb}, intrahash = {5fdc03ca623de850d2dba248a1d1d6b9}, journal = {Investigación y Marketing (AEDEMO)}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280966 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Cambio de Valores en Espa?a}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 38, year = 1992}@article{strabac2008antimuslim, abstract = {There is widespread interest in understanding anti-Muslim prejudice in Europe, but there is little systematic evidence about the extent and patterns of the prejudice. Using data from the 1999-2000 wave of European Values Study this article examines the extent and determinants of anti-Muslim prejudice in both Western and Eastern Europe. We find that prejudice against Muslims was more widespread than prejudice against other immigrants, and that the effects of individual and country-level predictors of prejudice resemble those found in research on anti-minority prejudice in general. Fairly similar results were obtained for both Eastern and Western Europe, but the aggregate levels of prejudice are higher in the East. Our results imply that Muslims in Europe were particularly prone to becoming targets of prejudice, even before the attacks of September 11. The results give some support to group-conflict theory, mainly with regard to the effects of the unemployment. However, the size of Muslim population in a country does not seem to increase the level of anti-Muslim prejudice.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Strabac, Z. and Listhaug, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7ef8f0209a4ff57281d456a353c87d2e}, intrahash = {189a8b31f0c03aeea7636fa5c6f304ab}, journal = {Social Science Research}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {268-286}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776957 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Anti-Muslim prejudice in Europe: A multilevel analysis of survey data from 30 countries}, volume = 37, year = 2008}@article{brechon2006valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {11642e5f32bc6254b30af66261a8985f}, intrahash = {5a6ac54eb395185951e52d7378ee979d}, journal = {Rue Saint Guillaume}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 144, pages = {36-38}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936321 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des Européens: montée de l'individualisation}, year = 2006}@article{baloban2002katholische, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, interhash = {96cb44bba4ad174ee8cff39af107978a}, intrahash = {b2d092eb42a0545042a71f306b68411b}, journal = {Stimmen der Zeit}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked german indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {177-182}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280832 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Die Katholische Kirche in Kroatien (The Catholic Church in Croatia)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 127, year = 2002}@article{arts2006identity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cd4572257614f98af09b26433738a954}, intrahash = {056d434e1c9c763fe1771af7e826114d}, issn = {17448689}, journal = {Journal of Civil Society}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {179-198}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256365 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Identity: The case of the European Union}, volume = 2, year = 2006}@article{gundelach2004happiness, abstract = {Based on the European Value Survey 1999, this article analyzes happiness and life satisfaction in nine rich, industrialized countries with different levels of perceived happiness. Using graphical modeling, the statistical analysis showed that happiness and life satisfaction are related but are different concepts and that contextual as well as individual variables are important in explaining their variations. One of the most important results is that happiness depends on whether the respondent lives in a stable relationship and on country characteristics. Life satisfaction was related to the respondent's feeling of control and his or her country of residence. In an aggregated analysis, the country-specific variables were analyzed, showing that social capital was the most important predictor of happiness.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, P. and Kreiner, S.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {91ecea9acfb353a4a4ab3e0da31287f1}, intrahash = {e3fdcee52b3635a0b65457815ef368fa}, journal = {Cross-Cultural Research}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {359-386}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763940 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Happiness and life satisfaction in advanced European countries}, volume = 38, year = 2004}@article{halman1996there, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {(in Russian)}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f0bc552e21d1d58067d377b3f65ead82}, intrahash = {ad3d4562ef50c62fd58496a475c48db4}, issn = {208701}, journal = {International Social Science Journal}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {57-79}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256375 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Is there a moral decline? A cross national inquiry into morality in contemporary society}, volume = {XLVII}, year = 1996}@article{koster2007globalization, abstract = {This article investigates whether the process of globalization through which countries become increasingly interconnected is related to people's intention to help others in society. The willingness to help others may be lower in open countries because of more porous national boundaries and lower social cohesion. On the other hand, the openness of countries can also strengthen local structures and increase the awareness of mutual interdependence. Whether globalization is negatively or positively related to the willingness to help others is assumed to dependent on the social structure of countries. In this article, hypotheses are tested using individual level data from the European Values Study and country level data from the KOF Index of Globalization, the Eurobarometer, and the International Monetary Fund. The combined data set includes 31,554 individuals living in 26 European countries. The multilevel analyses show that economic and social openness are not related to the intention to help the sick and disabled and that the willingness to help immigrants is positively related to economic and social openness. The positive relationship between openness at the national level and the individual citizen's willingness to help immigrants is explained by the social structure of a country; if people receive more positive information about the behaviour of others, they are more willing to help immigrants.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Koster, F.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5374f76a4943715d8065c066a838a982}, intrahash = {fb1f0a7e3135ee57737a1035b1f92fb5}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {537-551}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776377 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Globalization, Social Structure, and the Willingness to Help Others: a Multilevel Analysis Across 26 Countries}, volume = 23, year = 2007}@article{gundelach1993kunne, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {17dc9eaf950ce1375cb5ece0e7360cbb}, intrahash = {bcc9ed9950cade7899ac8815b1c25682}, journal = {Vital}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {6-8}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281113 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Man skal kunne styre sig}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 1993}@article{kerkhofs1992waardenverschuivingen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {21c978a92d7c99b7f1ddaa0f71312a29}, intrahash = {4edc74751136763ebb7910f424a23a22}, journal = {Cultuur in Beweging}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {21-24}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281316 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Waardenverschuivingen in Europa en Belgi? (x- Value Shifts in Europe and Belgium)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 19, year = 1992}@article{listhaug1985gender, abstract = {In the period 1957-81 women in Norway voted less frequently for the socialist parties than did men. In most recent years this pattern has changed so that women are now more likely than men to support the socialist bloc. This shift has been especially strong among the younger and the more educated women. In the younger age group the polarization by gender is also very striking; women have moved to the left and men to the right. While changing demographic patterns partially explain the gender gap in voting behaviour, differences in values must also be taken into account. The most consistent finding is that stronger religious feelings among women make them more likely to vote for the Christian People's party. Values that suggest a greater emphasis on human interactions, less emphasis on material goods, and a concern with peace, increase female support for the socialist parties.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola and Miller, A H. and Valen, Henry}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5e189af39fc9e576216915b74148c70a}, intrahash = {7af45166c284834e71fb03265541a081}, issn = {806757}, journal = {Scandinavian Political Studies}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english gender_roles indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {187-206}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281086 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Gender Gap in Norwegian Voting Behaviour}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 8, year = 1985}@article{breen2003setting, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Breen, M J. and Devereux, Eoin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {261178526c445ef52c7abe0514ed5bc3}, intrahash = {4b876b05e24705e3f94b4ec61b80bdcb}, journal = {Journal of Irish-Nordic Studies}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281236 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Setting Up Margins: Public Attitudes and Media Construction of Poverty and Exclusion in Ireland}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 2003}@article{torgler2012morale, abstract = {This study tries to remedy the current lack of tax compliance research analyzing tax morale in 10 Eastern European countries that joined the European Union in 2004 or 2007. By exploring tax morale differences between 1999 and 2008 we show that tax morale has decreased in 7 out of 10 Eastern European countries. This lack of sustainability may support the incentive based conditionality hypothesis that European Union has only a limited ability to influence tax morale over time. We observe that events and processes at the country level are crucial to understanding tax morale. Factors such as perceived government quality, trust in the justice system and the government are positively correlated with tax morale in 2008.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Torgler, Benno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1fec0a16b1acb1d0acedf9cbb8b82f04}, intrahash = {b917226886f2d32563db41d250f4f79c}, journal = {Communist and Post-Communist Studies}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 European_enlargement FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Tax_compliance Tax_morale article checked eastern_europe english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = {1-2}, pages = {11-25}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939370 ; inputdate=2014-12-08 ; editdate=2014-12-08 ; pubdate=2014-12-08}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Tax morale, Eastern Europe and European enlargement}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2012}@article{juknevicius2000lietuviu, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Article is in Lithuanian. Summary in English, p. 522}, author = {Juknevicius, Stanislovas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cac42510ae6b3bdcbea056ca9bc307e8}, intrahash = {130b36e920a3a56ed50cbf886c7dc0ac}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 lithuanian moral_issues noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {192-212}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281324 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Lietuviu moralines vertybes: tarp Dievo ir Mamonos (Moral Values of the Lithuanians: between God and Money)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{kerkhofs1992europa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {44e9b608b9bbf482d3a56f0141d98007}, intrahash = {b2849c4fcfab8dd24ea3176ebf785ef0}, journal = {Communio}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked german indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {295-304}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281327 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Europa heute: aus der Sicht der Kirchen}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 21, year = 1992}@article{abela2001wants, abstract = {Compares family values, marriage breakdown, & divorce in Malta & Western Europe, drawing on 1981-1995 survey data. Explored are likely outcomes from a national commission set up to obtain the widest possible consensus for the introduction of divorce in Malta on a Western European model that fits most closely to the local situation. Country-specific factors & social differences for permissive divorce are examined, & a hypothesis of the significance of a Catholic family culture for the upkeep of a restrictive morality on marriage values & divorce is tested. Sufficient reasons for marriage breakdown & divorce - eg, domestic violence, adultery, & alcohol abuse - are discussed, along with ways that justification & support of the divorce principle are differentiated by sociodemographic characteristics. In the Euro-Mediterranean city-island of late modernity, Malta, the observed shift in the values of the family, the secularization of sexuality, & increase in marriage breakdown are still accompanied by a strong Catholic family culture that resists civil settlement by divorce. Divorce might be legalized if the needs of a significant minority are given greater importance over the rule of a moral majority that excludes them.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {332d02479a868633cc95c88684987d87}, intrahash = {74af3be423301c4f3a3eecd3bdc1032c}, issn = {3906701}, journal = {Revue Internationale de Sociologie}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Moral_Issues article checked english family indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {75-87}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281209 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Who Wants Divorce? Marriage Values and Divorce in Malta and Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 11, year = 2001}@article{costa2003civic, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Costa, D L. and Kahn, M E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d8e2d72b4c8d1af7f0b2676431e934ec}, intrahash = {8e5c04b2ea06e086438616e262854574}, journal = {Perspectives on Politics}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {103-111}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763869 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civic Engagement and Community Heterogeneity: An Economist's Perspective}, volume = 1, year = 2003}@article{brechon2002grandes, abstract = {Après avoir présenté les trois traditions d'enquêtes sociologiques internationales (Eurobaromètres, Valeurs, ISSP), cet article explicite leurs points communs (par exemple un même souci de réplication des questions au fil du temps, des indicateurs qui doivent être décontextualisés - sortis du contexte national -, des questionnaires souvent compliqués, des problèmes inévitables de traduction en plusieurs langues) et leurs différences (par exemple dans les types de questionnements et les formulations de questions). La fin de l'article explicite les progrès que ces enquêtes ont permis de faire. Elles sont indispensables pour une bonne comparaison entre sociétés, qui ne reposait jusque-là que sur des approches monographiques. Elles permettent de dépasser les stéréotypes et les théories construites sur des impressions ou même des analyses riches mais trop spécifiques. Elles mettent bien en évidence la prégnance des différences culturelles entre pays que la mondialisation ne réduit pas facilement.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8da7bc8947211eef1f43f9a0cdd32be6}, intrahash = {bf75e44036e94dee7f03d8ebf9e84b97}, journal = {L'Année sociologique}, keywords = {2002 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, language = {French}, note = {. (EVS) (Eurobarometer) (ISSP)}, number = 1, pages = {105-130}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935714 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07 ; Eurobarometer_ID=135295 }, study = {ISSP ; Eurobarometer (erw?hnt) ; Sekund?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les grandes enquêtes internationales (Eurobaromètres, Valeurs, ISSP): apports et limites}, url = {}, volume = 52, year = 2002}@article{campbell2004sources, abstract = {The sources of institutional trust are contested in political science. Cultural explanations focusing on engagement in civic activity compete with rationalist theories that link institutional trust with perceptions of economic performance. This article subjects hypotheses derived from these competing explanations to empirical testing, using data from European Values Surveys for East and West Germany. The results cast considerable doubt over the ability of cultural factors to explain institutional trust. Whilst civic engagement is lower in the East than in the West, levels of institutional trust are indistinguishable. Regression analysis shows that cultural factors have a relatively weak impact on attitudes towards political institutions, and that economic performance is a far better model for predicting institutional trust.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Campbell, W R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4f4d5466e0d5af52d2fec5773405ca40}, intrahash = {fd87f5c3b24c142699469b0737a8fa73}, journal = {German Politics}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {401-418}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763862 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The sources of institutional trust in East and West Germany: civic culture or economic performance?}, volume = 13, year = 2004}@article{littrell2005preferred, abstract = {Purpose ? To compare preferences of business managers for kinds of explicit leader behaviour fromthree European countries, and to determine similarities and differences, indicating requirements formanagement practices and expatriate management development and training.Design/methodology/approach ? Samples of managers from Romania, Germany, and the UK arecompared using the factor scores of the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire XII to determinethe kinds of behaviour they prefer from leaders.Findings ? Significant differences are observed between all three samples, indicating different leaderstyle preferences. Comparisons and discussions are made concerning the relationships with theHofstede value dimensions.Originality/value ? Shows that different leader behaviours should be employed in businesssituations in different countries to successfully guide and motivate employees.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Littrell, Romie and Lapadus, N Valentin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cd00887f7f7f4e7f45a0562c5188ec10}, intrahash = {f441eb2f9826abdf4fb4100c77edcf27}, journal = {The Journal of Management Development}, keywords = {2005 Cross-cultural_management EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Germany,_Romania,United_Kingdom Leadership, National_cultures SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {421-442}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5258526 ; inputdate=2012-01-19 ; editdate=2012-01-19 ; pubdate=2012-01-19}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Preferred leadership behaviours: exploratory results from Romania, Germany, and the UK}, url = {}, volume = 24, year = 2005}@article{riis1993religione, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {adcd1b51e3a6adae45d04588b8cd21b6}, intrahash = {afeb7a885a6229cc965715515ce50cdc}, journal = {La religione degli Europei}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 italian noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {3-36}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281334 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La religione nella societa modernizzata}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 2, year = 1993}@article{arts2006european, abstract = {Large processes such as globalization, migration and the expansion and further integration of the European Union have led to an increased awareness of issues of collective identity in contemporary Europe. In the literature several competing claims can be found. Some observers discern a trend towards the emergence of a quasi-national European identity and an eclipse of national identities; others see a revival of nationalist sentiments such as ethnocentrism and xenophobia, whereas still others emphasize the growing importance of local and regional affiliations. Using data from the European Values Study and the Eurobarometer, this article attempts to test these competing claims. Our descriptive results show that the current claims are too uniform (there are considerable cross-national differences within Europe) and rectilinear (there are no clear over-time patterns discernible). To gain an understanding of why the somewhat confusing results are as they are, we look, with the assistance of ethnic competition theory, at the underlying causal mechanism at work at both the country and the individual level. Within-country differences in people's geographic identity and their nationalist attitudes appear to be much larger than between country differences, i.e. differences between countries are much more determined by the composition (in terms of gender, age, income, education and religion) of their population, than in terms of context (ethnic, language and religious fractionalization, prosperity and economic growth and immigration). Men, the young, those with higher income, higher education, and the non-religious identify with a broader geographical unit. The older people are and the less educated they are, the prouder they are of their country. The higher the language and religious fractionalization of a country, the lower the level of patriotism. The higher the prosperity of a country, the lower the chauvinism (ethnocentrism and xenophobia); young countries, those with higher incomes and higher education are less chauvinistic.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {492cd8046707057bfb39579411792a87}, intrahash = {7520c7a15a16c4d6da54a11d619d8731}, journal = {Journal of Civil Society}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Political_sociology SCOPUSindexed article checked english globalization governance indexproved input2014 national_identity review_proved reviewed}, note = {full text available at . (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {179-198}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281232 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Case of the European Union}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {/brokenurl#full text available at }, volume = 2, year = 2006}@article{gonthier2012change, abstract = {Many findings have documented the movements of aggregate public opinion on economic liberalism over time. By combining a series of EVS items, we point out that the French grew more skeptical of market capitalism well before the beginning of the Great Recession, and that all income and ideological groups have moved in parallel between 1990 and 2008. Yet by examining the extent to which individual-level differences can mirror the dynamics of politics and inequalities, we show that income does not influence statist attitudes equally on the right and on the left. Ideology thus appears to be a good predictor of attitudes toward economic liberalism and a powerful moderator of the influence of income. Finally, we suggest that the coexistence of different attitude dimensions might explain why the public's demand for redistribution has often been disconnected from election outcomes in France.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric and Degeorges, Adrien}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6ec6da32b7b026a8310248391ec1c1e9}, intrahash = {912db87afd92dcb60618bc26203b04d8}, journal = {French Politics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked economic_inequality economic_liberalism indexproved input2014 multiple_correspondence_analysis parallel_publics policy_mood review_proved reviewed welfare_attitudes}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {233-268}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938473 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {'Plus ?a change, plus c'est la même chose': The evolution and the structure of attitudes toward economic liberalism in France between 1990 and 2008}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2012}@article{belot2012moving, abstract = {Attitudes towards immigrants have played a major role in French politics in the last 50 years. Understanding how these attitudes are structured and what makes people become more tolerant or intolerant of immigrants appears therefore essential. In the literature, five hypotheses have been tested: the interest hypothesis, the cognitive hypothesis, the authoritarian attitudinal system hypothesis, the contact hypothesis and the contextual hypothesis. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of context. This article revisits these hypotheses using the French European Values Study data sets. Our results confirm the increase in tolerance of immigrants over the last 20 years. Disentangling the attitudinal system to which these opinions belong allows us to claim that this growth of tolerance is, at least partly, an effect of the individualization of society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Belot, Céline and Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4fef2340bc790437eada39ad34431a64}, intrahash = {c39a171a22ca7c591a9749b02841d5eb}, journal = {French Politics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP French_politics SCOPUSindexed article checked immigrants indexproved input2014 public_opinion review_proved reviewed tolerance values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {209-232}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935202 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Moving towards a more tolerant society? Attitudes towards immigrants in French politics}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2012}@article{nergard1985nordmenns, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nerg?rd, T B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a465af6213b8d7f2720c882a40b35b31}, intrahash = {a77cc124dd0596d15b41503f02cabd2a}, journal = {Kirke og kultur}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281115 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {De ti bud i nordmenns omd mme}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 1985}@article{matausic2000praenje, abstract = {The observed tendency towards informing about political events with the citizens of different age corresponds with other results obtained in other studies, which deal with the changes in the structures of political attitudes and with the generations that came through the political socialisation in the era of socialism and the generations that have been socialised after the establishment of the political multi-party system.Older respondents show more interest in politics, get more often informed on political events via the media, but also pay more trust in the institutions of the political system. All this outlines the experience of the political system in a non-differentiated form, without the independent media, typical for the socialistic social system, but also present, to a large extent, in the multi-party system. Therefore the connection between following the media and the frequency of attending liturgies is of no surprise. On the other hand, estrangement of younger generations from politics, but also from the media, is a consequence of the war as well as of a slow process of detachment of politics from the economic part of everyday life.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Matausi?, Mirko and Rimac, Ivan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8495d15ba20832ab12f890b4ed3ca146}, intrahash = {97952d9a7992ae75ba47910700ca0989}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked indexproved input2014 mass_media review_proved society trust values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {485-498}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281058 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Pra?enje medija i odnos prema vrednotama (Following the Media and Attitude towards Values)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{andrew2013socialcultural, abstract = {Background: As end-of-life (EoL) care expands across Europe and the world, service developments are increasingly studied. The sociocultural context in which such changes take place, however, is often neglected in research. Aim: To explore sociocultural factors in EoL care in Belgium as represented by the literature. Design: A scoping of the empirical research literature following a systematic search procedure with a focus on thematic analysis based on the literature findings. Data sources: Searches were carried out in eight electronic databases, five journals, reference lists, and grey literature (through September 2010). Articles informing about sociocultural issues in EoL care were included. Results: One hundred and fifteen original studies met the inclusion criteria, the majority (107) published between 2000 and 2010. Four major themes were: Setting; Caregivers; Communication; and Medical EoL Decisions (the largest category). Minority Ethnic Groups was an emerging theme. Gaps included: research in Wallonia and Brussels; the role and experiences of informal caregivers; issues of access to palliative care; and experiences of minority ethnic groups. There was a paucity of in-depth qualitative studies. Conclusions: Various sociocultural factors influence the provision of EoL care in Belgium. This country provides a unique opportunity to witness how euthanasia is put into practice when legalized, in a context where palliative care is also highly developed and where many health care institutions have Catholic affiliation, providing an important example to others. Attention to how the sociocultural context affects EoL care adds to the current evidence base of service provision, which is essential in the further development of EoL care.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Andrew, E V.W. and Cohen, Joachim and Evans, Nathalie and Me?aca, Arantza and Harding, Richard and Higginson, Irene and Pool, Robert and Gysels, Marjolein}, biburl = {}, interhash = {70db4370bac1210ed6b8392407735a11}, intrahash = {9b391a308b479c3a2b4c149f0dc1b12e}, journal = {Palliative Medicine}, keywords = {2013 Belgium EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCIEindexed SCOPUSindexed article checked culture end-of-life_care english indexproved input2014 literature_scoping palliative_care review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {131-143}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935204 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social-cultural factors in end-of-life care in Belgium: a scoping of the research literature}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2013}@article{dogan2009lgitimit, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5dbcfd38b1ac90401f2cc6d821f6d0dd}, intrahash = {6e86a29eccd6daaf3ffea36f24530555}, journal = {Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked french indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 196, privnote = {EVS_ID=3710329 ; inputdate=2009-12-01 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La légitimité politique : Nouveaux critères et anachronismes des théories classiques}, year = 2009}@article{luzny2001religion, abstract = {Using data from the 1991 & 1999 European Values Study, together with data from the International Social Survey Programme 1998 - Religion from 1999 & data from other public opinion surveys, this article tries to suggest the scope of secularization in the present Czech population. It documents how the process of structural differentiation leads to the declining significance of institutionalized religiousness & privatization of religion, as well as to a growing belief among Czech citizens that it is inappropriate for churches to try to influence politics or the economy. The article also raises the issues of the number of believers & the forms of their beliefs. One of the results of our analysis is the finding that the Czech Republic might be the most secularized country in Europe at the present time.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Luzn?, Dusan and Navrátilová, Jolana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8f665f1ba4c7acb399deb223f7a01646}, intrahash = {1b022cfb89faf7d86ecc3b1a9d266e0e}, issn = {12103861}, journal = {Czech Sociological Review}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {85-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281282 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Secularisation in the Czech Republic}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 2001}@article{jones2009influence, abstract = {Social capital has been recognized as one of the most influentialconcepts in social and political sciences. It is assumed that it has significantinfluence on several issues such as health status, educational achievementand environmental attitudes. In the present article we attempt to investigatethe influence of social capital on the tendency of European citizens tocontribute money for the environment using data from EVS 1999/2000.Firstly, an estimation of individual social capital is calculated for Europeancitizens with the use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Secondly, the relationbetween individual social capital and willingness to pay (WTP) is examined.Thirdly, further evidence is provided by introducing in the analysis the influenceof other factors such as income, age, gender and educational level. In addition,the influence of contextual factors on WTP is explored. Through the results ofthe study it is observed that most European citizens are willing to pay for theenvironment and their decision is influenced significantly from elements ofsocial capital. Furthermore, on a contextual level only some of the factorsinvestigated explain the tendency to contribute money for the environment.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Jones, Nikoleta and Malesios, Chrisovaladis and Botetzagias, Iosif}, biburl = {}, interhash = {871791963097c4e464eb84daa6ba4bb3}, intrahash = {80eae1e9125fedc52f7be1891f1e5298}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436455 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {The influence of social capital on willingness to pay for the environment among european citizens}, volume = 11, year = 2009}@article{luchau2012socioeconomic, abstract = {The national churches of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have all witnessed a steady decline in membership over the past 10?20 years. While there are several studies of disaffiliation from the Lutheran national churches in Finland, Norway and Sweden there are no such studies for Denmark. Using hitherto unseen data from Danish governmental databases, this paper analyses statistics relating to individuals who disaffiliated from the Danish national church from 2002 to 2007. These disaffiliates are compared to members of the Danish national church on socioeconomic variables such as age, urbanisation, education, gender and income. The disaffiliates tended to be younger, urban, well-educated, male and fairly well-off. This fits well with theories of secularization. It also shows that the socio-economic variables determining the tendency to disaffiliate from a national church are the same in Denmark as in Finland, Sweden and Norway.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lüchau, Peter and Andersen, P B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e37d422f52c01d6df23beccadd1a7429}, intrahash = {52fa401cbaa6a10dc842fe55b66eb474}, journal = {Nordic Journal of Religion and Society}, keywords = {2012 AHindexed Denmark EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Nordic_church SCOPUSindexed Secularization article checked disaffiliation english indexproved input2014 membership religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {27-45}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935522 ; inputdate=2014-06-27 ; editdate=2014-06-27 ; pubdate=2014-06-27}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Socio-economic factors behind disaffiliation from the Danish national church}, url = {}, volume = 25, year = 2012}@article{halman1996individualism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {31002279f139960ea3a0d66eed4120cf}, intrahash = {33243587bcada150df2bb66fee0ea405}, issn = {207152}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {195-214}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256376 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Individualism in individualized society? Results from the European values surveys}, year = 1996}@article{kerkhofs1992waardenevolutie, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d59ec4ea068ff83991a2fd7cf9fe5c49}, intrahash = {bf973f3cdfe6d6e719c456f931c1ac8b}, journal = {Ethische Perspectieven}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked dutch family indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved social_capital work}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {3-7}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281043 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Waarden-Evolutie van Jongeren in Een Postmoderne Cultuur (x- The Evolution of the Youth's Values in a Postmodern Culture)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 1992}@article{quaranta2013impact, abstract = {There are many explanations for variation in political protest. However, they have not focused sufficiently on institutions and the influence the latter exert on protest. This article, by using multilevel analysis and cross-national survey data, suggests that political protest depends on the level of institutional decentralization. In fact, decentralization increases the number of state actors, implies a multiplication of access points to the political system, and provides greater chances of influencing the decision-making process. Furthermore, it is shown that the effect of mobilizing agencies, such as political parties and trade unions, also depends on the level of decentralization.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Quaranta, Mario}, biburl = {}, interhash = {771b7ba33d9121cee2899499a1074178}, intrahash = {a1408b38626b4d294ddd59dd02169a9a}, journal = {International Political Science Review}, keywords = {2013 Decentralization EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Membership Multilevel_models Political_protest SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Western_Europe article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {502-518}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934325 ; inputdate=2014-04-17 ; editdate=2014-04-17 ; pubdate=2014-04-17}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The impact of institutional decentralization on protest in Western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 34, year = 2013}@article{leoncikas2000vertybes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Article is in Lithuanian. Summary in English, p. 532.}, author = {Leoncikas, Tadas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {51ffe800e67ab0cdcce5fd7bb8063198}, intrahash = {8e9afa225c9c292d3fc4317f275c4977}, issn = {9986638194}, journal = {Kulturologija}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Lithuania article checked culture indexproved input2014 lithuanian noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {413-431}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281307 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Vertybes ir visuomenes mazumos (Values and Social Minorities)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 6, year = 2000}@article{tchernia2005valeurs, abstract = {Cet article consiste en la présentation de quelques résultats de l?enquête EVS 1999 sur les valeurs des Européens. ? partir de trois axes : mariage, parentalité et éducation des enfants, on voit appara?tre des écarts entre les pays, même si globalement la famille reste valorisée. Il est à noter qu?il existe une différence entre la valeur attribuée à l?institution familiale et les pratiques effectives, que l?influence de la religion catholique est sensible et que la vision plus ou moins individualiste de la vie constitue un facteur important.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, interhash = {34124c4f2d83d9faac2d926599c5f542}, intrahash = {a5388cf621015a9fb9c907a73b47509c}, journal = {Informations sociales}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 124, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936451 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs familiales des Européens. Des conceptions diverses à l'oeuvre}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2005}@article{lemel2003sentiment, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lemel, Yannick}, biburl = {}, interhash = {91869b4a29edf80a595770abe909c32d}, intrahash = {0204a4ee705ec0f39ffb75ff32cafa86}, journal = {Les valeurs dans la société fran?aise, Millénaire 3 Grand Lyon & Economie et Humanisme}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {47-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936449 ; inputdate=2014-08-05 ; editdate=2014-08-05 ; pubdate=2014-08-05}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Le sentiment d'appartenance: le monde entier ou ma cité?}, url = {}, year = 2003}@article{gundelach1994national, abstract = {A theoretical explanation other than modernization theory for the diverse value profiles in European countries emerging from the 1990 European Values Survey is pursued. Countries are characterized by different social institutions in the areas of family, the welfare state, & nationalism, & the impact of these characteristics on values is examined. Per regression analyses at the country level, the % of women in paid jobs is negatively correlated with the degree of traditional authoritarian familism, & the % of Catholics is positively correlated with familism. Decommodification predicts the type of welfare state, but the relationship between that type & values is complex. The level of national pride in a society is predicted by its religious & cultural homogeneity, not by the economic factors that modernization theory would propose. Analysis shows that these important types of values cannot be condensed, nor can countries be ordered on traditional-modern dimensions without loss of explanatory power.-------------All research shows substantial between-country differences in values. How can these be explained? This article argues that a social institution's approach is more effective than the often-used modernization theory to explain value differences among countries. The analysis is based on European data from the European Values Study Group's surveys in 1990. It is shown that familism is best explained by examining particular denominations, that dominate a country. Welfare-state values are explained by the character of the welfare state and nationalistic values by the heterogeneity of the nation. The result is a picture of fragmentation of values among the European countries based on fundamental institutional arrangements in the various countries, the conclusion being that it cannot be expected that it is possible to create common European values.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {36d373c4d316e6e477af8d70ef330a32}, intrahash = {42a4d521800c2e4432fccb27cee7e932}, issn = {207152}, journal = {International Journal of Comparative Sociology}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family indexproved input2014 national_identity religion review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = {1-2}, pages = {37-58}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281246 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {National Value Differences: Modernization or Institutionalization}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 35, year = 1994}@article{lambert1993gnration, abstract = {L'?ge est la variable la plus discriminante des attitudes religieuses, mais pas en raison d'un effet d'?ge. C'est d'abord le jeu du remplacement des générations qui alimente les tendances dominantes, soit un effritement relatif de l'intégration chrétienne et une progression des croyances en une survie ou des croyances parallèles, ce qui n'empêche pas que s'opère aussi une recomposition du christianisme.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {212911b055887f6edf730ee2f72de82b}, intrahash = {0180c47ad2c25afe7b65d0c420c6104a}, issn = {0035-2969}, journal = {Revue Fran?aise de Sociologie}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {525-555}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280969 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Ages, génération et christianisme en France et en Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 34, year = 1993}@article{kerkhofs1987europa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {also available in French}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d2fcad683567a86db09210f032227d0e}, intrahash = {1a38f54d7be55d9dbde2520841794863}, journal = {Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280914 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-03 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {God in Europa (God in Europe)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 28, year = 1987}@article{abela1995youth, abstract = {Investigates the relationship among youth, religion, & community care in Malta through a comparative analysis of the European Values Surveys conducted there in 1983 (N = 467) & 1991 (N = 393). The impact of socioeconomic development on young people's religious & social values is also explored. A change in youth religiosity over the last decade is examined, particularly its link to community care in Malta relative to other West European countries. Though no clear evidence is found of a decline in church attendance or adherence to belief, a significantly growing % of Maltese youth see themselves as nonreligious. It is suggested that socioeconomic change has had an ambivalent impact on their attitudes. Social intolerance is seen as rising among young churchgoers, in detriment to community care, but this is interpreted as a passing phase. A European trend toward individualized sprituality seems to have caught on, but on a smaller scale. 3 Tables, 10 References. Adapted from the source document.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {187fca16a43b9ff5247272e4aacf8807}, intrahash = {5ea8757e7abe1dde947ee9268420b02c}, issn = {377686}, journal = {Social Compass}, keywords = {1995 AHindexed EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {59-67}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280965 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Youth, Religion and Community Care in Malta}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 42, year = 1995}@article{elmenouar2009socioeconomic, abstract = {Die Türkei als EU-Beitritts-Kandidat findet gegenw?rtig gro?e Beachtungin der Werteforschung. Im Unterschied zu der L?nder vergleichenden Perspektive bisheriger Studienwerden in diesem Artikel ausgew?hlte Regionen der Türkei in den Blick genommen, um demimmensen Entwicklungsgef?lle innerhalb der Türkei Rechnung zu tragen. Es wird untersucht, inwieweitsich Wertvorstellungen zwischen Regionen der Türkei unterscheiden und inwieweit diesein ?bereinstimmung mit Annahmen der Modernisierungstheorie mit unterschiedlichen Graden ansozio?konomischer Entwicklung einhergehen. Dabei wird zwischen Werten der demokratischenKultur, S?kularit?t sowie Familien- und Geschlechtergleichstellung unterschieden. Es wird angenommen,dass weniger liberale Einstellungen, eher intolerante Haltungen und eine Orientierungan Autorit?ten in den wirtschaftlich schwach entwickelten Regionen zu finden sind, w?hrendwirtschaftlich starke und sozial differenzierte Regionen ein h?heres Ausma? an Toleranz undBefürwortung individueller Autonomie aufweisen. Die Entwicklungsgrade von elf verschiedenenRegionen werden zun?chst anhand von Daten aus der amtlichen Statistik der Türkei wie demBSP, Bildungsniveau, Verst?dterungsgrad, der Verteilung von Besch?ftigten in den wirtschaftlichenSektoren und der Anzahl der Kinder pro Frau identifiziert. Auf Grundlage der Daten dereurop?ischen Wertestudie aus dem Jahr 2000 werden dann die Thesen durch die Anwendung multiplerKorrespondenzanalysen überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass analog zu den Annahmender Modernisierungstheorie gravierende Werteunterschiede zwischen den untersuchten Regionender Türkei in den genannten drei Wertebereichen zu finden sind. Unabh?ngig vom sozio?konomischenEntwicklungsgrad scheinen aber auch spezifische Kontexteffekte wie die Minderheitensituationund die politische Lage in einer Region Werte zu beeinflussen.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {El-Menouar, Yasemin and Fritz, Martin}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0a5c95640eb10ed3fc57932159112e11}, intrahash = {2224d277669cde82ff9978d578d77b6c}, journal = {K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Modernisierungstheorie Multiple_Korrespondenzanalyse Regionale_Unterschiede SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Sozio?konomische_Entwicklung Türkei Werte Wertorientierungen article checked german indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {535-561}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4394521 ; inputdate=2010-11-26 ; editdate=2010-11-26 ; pubdate=2010-11-26}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Socio-Economic Development and Value Orientations in Eleven Regions of Turkey (Soziookonomische Entwicklung und Wertvorstellungen in elf Regionen der Turkei)}, volume = 61, year = 2009}@article{listhaug1985public, abstract = {The literature suggests two major theoretical explanations for public resistance to taxation. The first emphasizes a cognitive, instrumental, utility-maximizing response to objective elements of taxation and government spending. The second treats contemporary tax revolts as the result of more enduring ideological predispositions, disaffection from politics in general and the result of social mobilization by anti-government protagonists. In this article we confront the self-interest model and the symbolic politics model with empirical evidence at both the aggregate level and at the micro-level. In the macro-analysis we examine the relationship between the level of taxation and the acceptance of tax cheating in twelve Western nations; in the micro-analysis we perform a more detailed study of Norway, employing survey data. The over-all results clearly show the strongest support for the symbolic politics model, while the self-interest explanation is only weakly supported by the data. An important finding is that political attitudes and values have their strongest and most consistent impact among the politically uninvolved. This result further substantiates the symbolic politics model.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola and Miller, A H.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0f9b0c076f5253bc7491875787822184}, intrahash = {b0cad1b9d7932d99fe76862e00bafbc6}, issn = {3044130}, journal = {European Journal of Political Research}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {265-282}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280960 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Public Support for Tax Evasion: Self-Interest or Symbolic Politics?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 13, year = 1985}@article{elzo1993jvenes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dfdc7cf0ad8f2cb4a6472f352012d3c8}, intrahash = {326c8cc6d9e565696d4a3345b6e68420}, issn = {4234847}, journal = {Estudios de Deusto}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {67-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281268 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Jóvenes y religión en Espa?a (x- Youth and Religion in Spain)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 41, year = 1993}@article{halman2006atlas, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Krause, U. and Palings, H.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e15543467d2f8ca9bd7b4543d43f1f50}, intrahash = {c048cff3986eaceac8ed77e2c2e412f6}, issn = {9263837}, journal = {Geografie}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {28-31}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256393 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Atlas of European Values: Aan de slag met Europese waarden en normen}, volume = 15, year = 2006}@article{kerkhofs1992point, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d23a0e5f3eaf5b701603e85d875bf33f}, intrahash = {7e2d854ee2cf055b6ca894238de7e9e6}, journal = {Concilium 1992}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked french indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {97-107}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281191 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {A quel point l'Europe est-elle religieuse?}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 240, year = 1992}@article{gundelach1994communities, abstract = {Substance abuse problems can be classified either in terms of the size of consumption among the general population & high risk groups or in terms of the treatment of substance abusers. In the early 1990s, public debate in Scandinavia about the structure & functioning of the welfare state pointed to two new (or perhaps reinvented) ways of solving substance abuse problems: social movements & community initiatives. Past experience would suggest that social movements help reduce the size of consumption among certain risk groups & that community initiatives help solve the social problems related to alcohol & drug abuse. It is argued, however, that neither of these traditional approaches can solve the current substance abuse problems because they both stem from a antiquated understanding of society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1ae2794f7d1695f1cfab8367c92f4c50}, intrahash = {d2141442ecb6a07663a331b112172b98}, issn = {7896069}, journal = {Nordisk Alkohol Tidskrift}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-12.}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281255 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Communities, Grass-roots Movements and Substance Abuse Problems: New Strategies}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 11, year = 1994}@article{halman1998nieuwe, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5ffc07b4b229c50f92537cab51ef54d5}, intrahash = {64c71cc585d0bd60a45b6610389693aa}, issn = {9211896}, journal = {Gids voor Personeelsmanagement}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {39-43}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256379 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {De nieuwe werknemer: fictie of feit?}, volume = 77, year = 1998}@article{conway2013social, abstract = {The sociology of religion literature recognizes secularization as an uneven process complicated by individual and country-level variables. However, considerably less attention has been given to how correlates of church attendance vary across divergent settings within a single religious denomination. Employing recent data from Belgium, Ireland and Slovenia, we test whether the belief, ideological support fro the church, and religious commitment correlates of religious behaviour are similar across these Catholic countries and whether there are any remaining country effects influencing church attendance. The results of ordered logit regression models show, on the one hand, the correlates of church attendance are basically the same across the three countries and, on the other hand, that country effects remain even when controlling for the key explanatory variables and other covariates. These empirical findings suggest the need to develop a more contextual-based understandings of secularization, focusing on the influence of cultural factors operative in nationally-specific settings.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Conway, Brian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8cd9e0abb063a5d89977ce6aacc28a02}, intrahash = {505f938083927c6163eee3f4eaf20984}, journal = {Review of religious research}, keywords = {2013 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Secularization article catholic_countries checked church_attendance comparative english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed survey surveys}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {61-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5937737 ; inputdate=2014-10-01 ; editdate=2014-10-01 ; pubdate=2014-10-01}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Correlates of Church Attendance in Three European Catholic Countries}, url = {}, volume = 55, year = 2013}@article{coutinho2012beliefs, abstract = {This paper presents results of the author?s PhD research: Catholic beliefs and practices, attitudes toward marriage, life and sexuality. The empirical support is a survey made to a sample of 500 students from Lisbon public universities, using a non-random sampling in two phases, first a quota sampling and after a convenience one. There are some results that stand out. More than half of students of the sample call themselves Catholic and believe in the dogmatic representations about God, Jesus and Mary, though other dogmatic beliefs as hell, purgatory and resurrection are much lower. There is some spirituality among students, although the importance of God is less important. The frequencies of the Mass, prayer, Holy Communion, confession are all very low. The attitudes toward marriage, life and sexuality lie between ?some? and ?very?, with abortion having the smallest rating and contraception the highest. In general, undergraduate youth is away from the norms of the Church. At the same time, these youngsters believe and belong more than they practice.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Coutinho, J Pereira}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f53d40550ae3b579fc7facd1c8eacb5e}, intrahash = {fed21a1fcce8d66683f9ea29c2842aa4}, issn = {2175-5841}, journal = {Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religi?o}, keywords = {2012 Beliefs._Practices EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Portugal Practices Undergraduate_students article attitudes checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 26, pages = {432-455}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934834 ; inputdate=2014-05-13 ; editdate=2014-05-13 ; pubdate=2014-05-13}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Beliefs, practices and attitudes of portuguese undergraduate youth}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 2012}@article{pitlik2013interrelation, abstract = {This paper addresses empirically determinants of individual support for the Welfare State. We examine the interrelation of informal institutions with the perceived quality of a country's institutional framework. As a proxy for informal institutions, we concentrate on three core beliefs (trust in other people, perceived control over one's own life, and religiousness) which reflect different aspects of the way people feel about internal and external constraints in managing their own lives. To analyze preferences we follow a comprehensive concept of the Welfare State, measuring attitudes toward its two basic roles, (income) redistribution and government intervention. For this purpose the paper uses survey data from the World Values Survey/European Values Study as well as different indicators for governance quality. Our results indicate that people who interpret their life course as being not at their own disposition report a substantially more positive attitude toward income qualization and government interventions. A higher quality of public administration and low confidence in major private companies amplify preferences for redistribution and intervention of people under such an external locus of control. Social trust is generally associated with higher support for redistribution and government intervention only if perceived quality of administration is high and confidence in companies is low. People who assert themselves as religious are less favorable toward income equalization. While variation in administration quality does not appear to have an impact on the relationship between religiousness and income equalization preferences, religious people are substantially less supportive of redistribution and government intervention especially if confidence in major companies is high.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Pitlik, Hans and Kouba, Ludek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4d4b102d0ed16d55d004176d8b80c73e}, intrahash = {ebd7eb71e86727e05545ea007534adcc}, journal = {WWWforEurope}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Political_economy_of_policy_reform article checked english indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved welfare_reform welfare_state}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 38, pages = 73, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935373 ; inputdate=2014-06-18 ; editdate=2014-06-18 ; pubdate=2014-06-18}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The interrelation of informal institutions and governance quality in shaping Welfare State attitudes}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{listhaug1990macrovalues, abstract = {Data from the EVSSG (acronym not identified) World Values Study are analyzed in relation to the propositions that the macrovalues of the Nordic countries are dominated by leftism, egalitarianism, weak religiosity, & a high level of life satisfaction. The findings do not support the dominance of leftism, but provide strong evidence of the latter two theses. It is suggested that the lack of support for leftism per se might be the result of the achievements of egalitarian policies, which have satisfied the populations of these countries. The findings on religiosity (eg, less than 5% of the population attend church regularly) are related to the general trend of secularism.--------------------------------------------------------------------The macrovalues of the Nordic countries are generally seen as dominated by leftism (especially a strong egalitarianism), high level of life salisfactions, and weak religiosity. Using data from the EVSSG World Values Study we present some empirical evidence relating to these propositions. We find no support for the claim that leftism is dominant, while support for the other two theses is fairly strong We speculate that the failing support for leftism is partly caused by the achievements of egalitarian policies, which weaken demand for more of the same, and partly impeded by the problems that the implementation of the leftist agenda created in these societies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1240542d2fb1ec4abc539eb332619eb4}, intrahash = {4b8ef7cabddb6f559cffb8dac061cfce}, issn = {16993}, journal = {Acta Sociologica}, keywords = {1990 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {219-234}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280873 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Macrovalues: The Nordic Countries Compared}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 33, year = 1990}@article{tomka2001eurpai, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tomka, Miklos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {202fcc74b6c357ef03361d5cb6cfcd69}, intrahash = {55fe989b94b8f799302b388c6aa7a353}, journal = {Távlatok}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {541-553}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281103 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Az európai értékrend és identitás változási tendenciái (= Tendencies of change in European value system and identity)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 54, year = 2001}@article{delooz1983divorce, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Europe-North America}, author = {Delooz, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1ba605e1771c1a5551748668d9eec4d3}, intrahash = {82e682eaf046401a59402823f766763b}, journal = {Pro Mundi Vita Dossiers}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english family indexproved input2014 moral_issues noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280868 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Divorce}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 22, year = 1983}@article{gundelach2014impact, abstract = {This article studies secularization at the individual level in a ?most similar approach? study of 13 Western European countries. Secularization is measured in two ways: as a decrease in Christian beliefs and as a decrease in the correlation between Christian beliefs and morality. In particular, the article scrutinizes the impact of two factors that are traditionally considered important for secularization: cohort and country. Based on data from the European Values Study, the article shows that the impact of cohort is primarily related to the individual?s economic deprivation during his/her formative years. A sub-country regional analysis compares the impact of the country and denomination as social institutions and finds ?within country? differences important in secularization and, in many cases, the impact of denomination as a social institution is identical in regions in different countries.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {39b118654a0d70cc06a498efcd2a37ac}, intrahash = {157d91fcaba1cfbb7bc1b51dc0da118b}, journal = {Nordic Journal of Religion and Society}, keywords = {2014 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Secularization article checked cohort english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_institutions values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {131-150}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938895 ; inputdate=2014-11-22 ; editdate=2014-11-22 ; pubdate=2014-11-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The impact of economic deprivation and regional differences on individual secularization in western Europe}, url = {}, volume = 27, year = 2014}@article{chauvel1993valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Chauvel, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {38ff3d027a74c956b5f5ad1d44f993b0}, intrahash = {3956006393d2f2fa731b69cec3147fb3}, journal = {Observation et diagnostic economique}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280898 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les Valeurs en Europe (x- Values in Europe)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 43, year = 1993}@article{schnabel2014religious, abstract = {This article focuses on religion and the embeddedness in civil society. We examine the relationship between religion and national identity (ethnic and civic). Our findings show that individual religiosity continues to play an important role in sustaining both forms of national identity. In addition to other studies, we examine the relationship between religion as a societal phenomenon and individual national identity and find the following: The stronger the relationship between state and religion, the stronger the ethnic identity; the more the religious homogeneity, the stronger the ethnic identity; and there is no relationship between aggregated degree of religious organizations and identity. We conclude that religion continues to play a major role in the making of civil society, but the specific circumstances vary according to the religious representation. In other words, religion can both make and unmake national identity.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Schnabel, Annette and Hjerm, Mikael}, biburl = {}, interhash = {089a5d02aaf708096c4bc2dc569d95fc}, intrahash = {bb3cad69f51fc8c0c1ecc63d1c311913}, journal = {SAGE open}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP MLA SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked civil_society english europe indexproved input2014 national_identity religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {1-14}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938899 ; inputdate=2014-11-23 ; editdate=2014-11-23 ; pubdate=2014-11-23}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {How the Religious Cleavages of Civil Society Shape National Identity}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2014}@article{brechon1995jeunes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tours}, annotation = {special issue}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e6ff676e3b9311b035d0a36862aa64e0}, intrahash = {196f6ccefe42250cfcab0443b7a61c11}, journal = {Literature et Nation}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {75-87}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280816 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les jeunes et l'Europe: Enquete comparative internationale (x- Youth and Europe. A Comparative International Survey)}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1995}@article{kerkhofs1992leurope, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4a2486e4deb5014406bcae1b14135ba1}, intrahash = {f7bb7762fec49024384c72e51bed8693}, journal = {Lumen Vitae}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {15-24}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280890 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {L'Europe à une nouvelle croisée des chemins; vers une autre échelle de valuers}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 47, year = 1992}@article{brechon1996valeurs, abstract = {Ce texte, basé sur les données de l'enquête de 1990 sur les valeurs des Européens, s'intéresse aux liens entre valeurs politiques et attitudes religieuses. Les valeurs politiques retenues concernent la politisation et la participation politique, les valeurs postmatérialistes, l'attitude à l'égard des étrangers, l'identité de gauche ou de droite. Pour chacune de ces dimensions, y-a-t-il un effet d'une affiliation au catholicisme ou au protestantisme et du degré d'intégration à l'un de ces deux systèmes religieux ? Plusieurs conclusions sont formulées. A l'intérieur du même pays, catholiques et protestants partagent largement les mêmes valeurs et il est de plus en plus difficile d'identifier une éthique transnationale propre à chacune de ces confessions. Par contre les personnes qui refusent toute religion ou au contraire celles qui sont fortement intégrées au christianisme adoptent des modèles de valeurs politiques et éthiques assez spécifiques. Les systèmes de valeurs des Européens dépendent aussi fortement de la culture nationale}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {da2fae87cb1147520b0e612ad9d74e05}, intrahash = {761989aa30aad326b0ced6b43034dd95}, issn = {3355985}, journal = {Archives de sciences sociales des religions}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {99-128}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281120 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs politiques en Europe: effet du contexte politique national et des attitudes religieuses (x- Political Values in Europe: Effect of the National Political Context and Religious Attitudes)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 93, year = 1996}@article{brechon2013lapport, abstract = {Voici maintenant plus de 30 ans qu'ont été lancées les enquêtes sur les valeurs des Européens (European Values Studies, EVS), d'abord menées dans 14 pays d'Europe (en 1981), puis progressivement étendues à tout le continent dans une large acception (47 pays en 2008). Gr?ce à des questionnaires précis touchant à tous les domaines de la vie privée et sociale, reconduits pour beaucoup à l'identique au fil des quatre vagues d'enquête déjà menées, et régulièrement complétés pour coller aux évolutions sociales qu'il était difficile d'anticiper il y a 30 ans, on dispose d'un très riche matériau permettant de prendre la mesure du changement social dans les différents pays européens, et de comparer les tendances à l'?uvre selon les grandes aires culturelles du continent en matière de valeurs et de comportements. Futuribles s'est fait l'écho des riches analyses que l'on pouvait en tirer dès la deuxième vague d'enquête (numéro spécial de juillet-ao?t 1995) et a prolongé l'aventure après la troisième vague (numéro de juillet-ao?t 2002). La quatrième vague lancée en 2008 donne l'occasion d'ouvrir à nouveau les colonnes de notre revue aux chercheurs qui se sont plongés dans l'analyse des derniers résultats et leur comparaison sur longue période, brillamment coordonnés par Pierre Bréchon qui montre, dans cet article préambule, l'apport considérable des enquêtes Valeurs à la compréhension des évolutions des sociétés européennes.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {54ed396c95aa8ac2c5a1d3fb9282ad39}, intrahash = {d8d460d3f3a655b7a9c57e7232ebb4b4}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 395, pages = {5-10}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934389 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {L'apport des enquêtes Valeurs. Une riche tradition de recherche pour comprendre le changement social}, url = {}, year = 2013}@article{basturk2013paradoxes, abstract = {Recently, there has been a tendency to evaluate the transformation in work values in terms of Inglehart's value change thesis. This tendency argues that extrinsic values, such as wage and job security, have lost their importance in work orientations whereas intrinsic values, such as self-realization or autonomy, have been embraced. However, the discussions that have taken place in work sociology during the last 25 years are mainly based on a growing lack of security in employment and work conditions rather than on the shift from extrinsic to intrinsic values. This study will compare Inglehart's value change viewpoint with other viewpoints on the structural conditions present in job insecurity. This comparison will be based on Sennett and Doogan's analysis and will argue that Inglehart's value change thesis is actually a discourse that helps to form the stereotype required for flexible production, thus enabling the internalization of market discipline.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bastürk, Senol}, biburl = {}, interhash = {c2ddf026eeb77c3920d93d2dcd82c678}, intrahash = {c1f8c4ba9b83271ab273a6c729470b5e}, journal = {Turkish Journal of Business Ethics}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Turkish article checked english indexproved input2014 kevin_doogan materialism noindex post-materialism review_proved richard_sennett ronald_inglehart work_orientations}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {37-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939360 ; inputdate=2014-12-08 ; editdate=2014-12-08 ; pubdate=2014-12-08}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Paradoxes of Value Change: Critique of Post-materialistic Work Orientations}, url = {}, volume = 6, year = 2013}@article{inglehart1997diminishing, abstract = {In The Joyless Economy: An Inquiry into Human Satisfaction and Consumer Dissatisfaction (1976), Tibor Scitovsky questioned the assumption that human happiness will be augmented if the level of consumption rises or becomes more uniform over time. Analysis of the 1990-1993 World Values Survey suggests that his doubts were well founded. Although economic gains apparently make a major contribution to subjective well-being as one moves from societies at the subsistence level to those with moderate levels of economic development, further economic growth seems to have little or no impact on subjective well-being. This transition seems to reflect a basic cultural change that results in the diminishing marginal utility of economic growth.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, interhash = {024409c48207416254966285b24a8433}, intrahash = {e0fec6d2f370ccc9e6e54a8a96157039}, issn = {8913811}, journal = {Critical Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Politics and Society}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {509-531}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281002 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Diminishing Utility of Economic Growth: From Maximizing Security toward Maximizing Subjective Well Being}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 10, year = 1997}@article{giorgi1992religious, abstract = {Working within a specific secularization paradigm and with data on church attendance, self-assessed religiosity, Christian doctrinal orthodoxy and devotionalism, this article develops societal profiles of religious involvement of ten European countries included in the 1981 European Values Survey. Overall the findings support Martin's work in his book, A General Theory of Secularization (1978).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Giorgi, Liana}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3d4dfb465314322f99dc819a53e41cf8}, intrahash = {19ee38203eaef845cbb165e6e960beff}, journal = {The British Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {639-656}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3276590 ; inputdate=2009-02-26 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-02-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious Involvement in a Secularized Society: An Empirical Confirmation of Martin's General Theory of Secularization}, url = {}, volume = 43, year = 1992}@article{westoff2007religiousness, abstract = {Based on official data on religion, national origin, and other indicators of ethnic origin, Muslim fertility in 13 European countries is higher than that for other women, but in most countries with trend data the differences are diminishing over time. Fertility varies by country of origin of immigrants. Various European survey data show that higher proportions of Muslim women are married and their commitment to traditional family values is greater than among other women. Muslim women are more religious than non-Muslim women and religiousness is directly associated with fertility. Among Muslim women, religiousness and commitment to family values are equally important for fertility, while for non-Muslim women religiousness is much less important.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Westoff, C F. and Frejka, T.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f3ad9250ff7e72907d08d7026cd8237f}, intrahash = {026951ef6c52fa005ac512b3829b42f5}, journal = {Population and Development Review}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {785-809}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777010 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religiousness and fertility among European Muslims}, volume = 33, year = 2007}@article{veenhoven2005return, abstract = {It is said that inequality is returning to modern nations and that this is manifest in the widening disparities in income in the late 20th century. This trend is attributed to neo-liberalism, globalisation and immigration, and is seen as a turn in the long-term trend towards a more civilised society. In this paper I challenge the idea of rising inequality. I argue that income difference falls short as an indicator of inequality and cannot be meaningfully compared across time. Instead I propose to measure inequality in another way, not by difference in presumed chances for a good life, but by the dispersion of actual outcomes of life, using the standard deviation of life-satisfaction as an indicator. Comparison across time in EU nations over the years 1973?2001 shows that the dispersion of life-satisfaction became smaller instead of larger. Comparison across 80 nations in the 1990s also shows lower dispersion in the most modern countries. So the trend towards greater equality seems to persist. If there is any truth in the theory that access to scarce resources has become more unequal, the tendency must have been compensated in some way, possibly by greater equality in personal capabilities.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Veenhoven, R.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4fd0779ba38fb7c437ef099c0fc679ee}, intrahash = {d8167676c889dcadda5846e6e91ce428}, journal = {Journal of Happiness Studies}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {457-487}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777001 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Return of Inequality in Modern Society? Test by Dispersion of Life-Satisfaction Across Time and Nations}, volume = 6, year = 2005}@article{arts2004european, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/ Boston}, author = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9912a6d482a2805ab041218cd05afef8}, intrahash = {67d173322d228cafc34bccc21c35f374}, journal = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {1-24}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281242 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium: an Introduction}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 7, year = 2004}@article{dekker2005involvement, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dekker, P. and Broek, A. vdn}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0c78e286fb15d12d036d5718c85bea69}, intrahash = {e80b75d32ad3e44c97530537c0bb7ac5}, issn = {17448689}, journal = {Journal of Civil Society}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {45-59}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256371 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Involvement in voluntary associations in North America and Western Europe: Trends and correlates 1981-2000}, volume = 1, year = 2005}@article{garciavalinas2012volunteering, abstract = {In the spirit of previous work in the compliance literature (e.g., tax, littering), we investigate whether environmental social norms affect volunteering in environmental organizations. Using two ?environmental morale? variables as indirect measures, we analyze the impact of social norms on the incidence of unpaid work in environmental organizations. In addition, we test whether violation of a specific environmental norm initiates a conditional cooperation response. We explore a large individual data set covering 32 countries from both Western and Eastern Europe, and extend the number of countries investigated to test the robustness of the relationship at the macro level. Our results indicate a strong positive relationship between the proxies for environmental social norms and volunteering in environmental organizations. The relationship persists despite our various robustness checks.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {García-Vali?as, M M. and Macintyre, Alison and Torgler, Benno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1bea568ebe9b491889edb02e855fdbfb}, intrahash = {74fb99d02232c3df8230eebc7101d9df}, journal = {Journal of Socio-Economics}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 Environmental_participation Environmental_social_norms FDZ_IUP Pro-environmental_attitudes SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {455-467}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5937752 ; inputdate=2014-10-04 ; editdate=2014-10-04 ; pubdate=2014-10-04}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Volunteering, pro-environmental attitudes and norms}, url = {}, volume = 41, year = 2012}@article{galland2003valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {448680fa40641d0640a847d75980b5dc}, intrahash = {cc870d9be98ab6bb14db9b2aa42eb530}, journal = {Les valeurs dans la société fran?aise, Millénaire 3 Grand Lyon et Economie et Humanisme}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {23-31}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936328 ; inputdate=2014-07-30 ; editdate=2014-07-30 ; pubdate=2014-07-30}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs des jeunes: la jeunesse, problème pour la société?}, year = 2003}@article{herpin2002postmatrialisme, abstract = {Over the past 25 years there has been an increase in single-parent & step families in Europe. Based on the European Values Survey conducted in 11 western European countries in 1981, 1990, & 1999, the author examines the impact on family values during this period. He offers a list of factors considered by Europeans to be critical to a stable partnership. Furthermore, he examines the values emphasized in raising children & links the rise of individualism to the greater economic independence of young people. He compares values & the social structure of public opinion, concluding that countries are "differently similar." Conjugal values have not changed in the past 20 years & differ little from country to country, particularly where the Catholic Church is dominant, & that values to be transmitted to children are not as stable or as geographically uniform. The regrouping of countries is strongly linked to their national labor market & the place occupied therein by the young.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Herpin, Nicolas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1531aa826c89899d50440594b15eda1f}, intrahash = {e2d842fb4e9dec71c9ab2fba5decd54c}, issn = {0337307x}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked family french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {41-61}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280870 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Postmatérialisme et structure des opinions sur la famille (Postmaterialism and Family Values)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{galland2002dimensions, abstract = {Trust in other people, which underpins all social life, both public and private, is evolving in different ways in different European countries. These trends, assessed via the European Values Surveys between 1981 and 1999, have been studied by Olivier Galland, who presents his findings here.He starts by identifying several factors that affect the level of trust: tolerance, permissiveness, altruism, social selectiveness and confidence in institutions. It appears from the initial research that the countries of Eastern Europe are the most selective, while the countries of Northern Europe are the most permissive and trusting. Although the sense of belonging to a community is similar from country to country, trust, selectiveness and permissiveness vary greatly. Two countries stand out: Ireland for its high moral standards and high level of social integration; and France, which is permissive with an exceptionally low level of trust.Another observation is confirmed by the surveys: the relationship between the level of trust in a given country and the degree to which its inhabitants are active in voluntary organizations, although the correlation between trust and sociableness is not automatic. In France, for example, there is a low level of trust and little participation in voluntary organizations, but a lot of socializing with friends. Then, having measured and ranked the amount of tolerance, altruism and social integration, Olivier Galland offers the following typology of Europeans: at the top of the social ranking are the "modern integrated" Northern Europeans, who are Protestant and with a strong civic sense; the "hyperpermissive" group, also in Northern Europe but in Austria and Spain as well, aged between 30 and 49, politically on the Left, postmaterialist and with no religious beliefs; the strong individualists, who are found in the Roman Catholic and Mediterranean lands, disproportionately in France, with their traditional values; the "integrated traditionalists" of Central and Southern Europe, who are elderly, from a rural background, deeply involved in family life, with strong religious beliefs and politically on the Right; lastly, the "poorly integrated traditionalists", without strong political or religious views, such as many Italian entrepreneurs.The author concludes that trust and permissiveness go together. Nevertheless he stresses that this openness is selective and may be combined, especially among young people, with a decline in social integration. The collapse of a religious underpinning for moral standards leaves people freer to choose their moral values, but also their allegiances and the company they keep.REVIEWThe author identifies several factors affecting the level of trust. The initial research reveals that Eastern European countries are the most selective & the countries of Northern Europe the most permissive. Even though, the sense of belonging to a community is similar from country to country, trust, selectiveness, & permissiveness vary greatly. The surveys also confirm the relationship between the level of trust & the degree of joining voluntary organizations. The author offers a typology of Europeans after having measured the amount of tolerance, altruism, & social integration. He concludes that trust develops together with permissiveness However, he states that this openness is selective & may be combined, particularly among young people, with a decline in social integration. The breakdown of the moral framework of religion facilitates the free choice of moral values but also those of relationships. 6 Tables, 12 Figures. E. Sanchez.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {26eb6d41948309a0d08211c15d2f71ea}, intrahash = {34446b61d0604dcb931b4d48a38b42c5}, issn = {0337307X}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed Social_engagement article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {15-39}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280792 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les dimensions de la confiance (The Dimensions of Trust)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{jagodzinski1995pluralizm, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Krákow}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, interhash = {87b9170c7c6b290e820c46373dbcd6e1}, intrahash = {0ff2baf01e57749578daab6d2408172d}, journal = {Instytut Religionznawsta, Kwartalnik Religionznwczy}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Polish article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-26}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281108 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Nomos}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Pluralizm religijny w Europie Zachidniej}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 9, year = 1995}@article{krause2012atlas, abstract = {The European Values Study (EVS) is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research programme on basic human values, initiated in the late 1970s. A product of this research is the Atlas of European Values (AoEV), published by the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands. This publication offers maps and background information about the opinions of the population in 46 European countries. The question was whether these materials have a potential for (geography) education. In a Comenius Project named European Values Education experts from different universities combined their experience in order to answer this question. They developed different map-tools and framework, background information, assignments, strategies, lesson plans and videos on how to deal with the maps and questions of the AoEV in an educational setting. All materials have been trialled in different countries and are available in 7 languages (English, Turkish, Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Slovak). They got a positive response from lecturers, teachers and students and can be used for courses about Europe, culture, citizenship and value-related issues and also meet the high standards of learning. They are available for free on the website This article summarises the basic findings of the European Values Study with respect to the theoretical frame. It discusses the geographical and educational contexts in which the developed materials and tools of the Atlas of European Values website can be used.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Krause, Uwe}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bfe885df37415485001a2faedd330ffe}, intrahash = {5f4a7989bd7905b2726c725ffaaaf865}, issn = {1792-1341}, journal = {European Journal of Geography}, keywords = {2012 Atlas EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Maps SCOPUSindexed article checked education english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {54-71}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934196 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Atlas of the European Values Project : mapping the values of Europeans for educational pueposes}, url = {}, volume = 3, year = 2012}@article{walter1999private, abstract = {Survey data indicate a substantial minority of westerners who have no attachment to Eastern or New Age religion but who nevertheless believe in reincarnation. This paper summarizes the findings of a small intensive interview study of a group of English people who take seriously the possibility of reincarnation: 1) Many of them hold reincarnation alongside Christian belief; 2) Most are less than dogmatic about their belief; 3) Some entertain the possibility of reincarnation because of experience (first or second hand), for others reincarnation solves intellectual problems, e.g., concerning theodicy; 4) They see bodily incarnations in the context of long-term spiritual progress, and they value spirit over body; 5) Their belief in reincarnation has rather little effect on the rest of their lives. It is concluded that rising belief in reincarnation heralds neither a spiritual nora moral revolution, but fits easily into the privatized religion that characterizes contemporary western societies, and England in particular.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Walter, T. and Waterhouse, H.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a611d44fd0532825cbffa2972b28230d}, intrahash = {6960ed8b86e0d2e590e6cea0205703d2}, journal = {Sociology of Religion}, keywords = {1999 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {187-197}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777006 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {A very private belief: Reincarnation in contemporary England}, volume = 60, year = 1999}@article{schlueter2013immigrant, abstract = {Although immigrant integration policies have long been hypothesized to be associated with majority members' anti-immigrant sentiments, systematic empirical research exploring this relationship is largely absent. To address this gap in the literature, the present research takes a cross-national perspective. Drawing from theory and research on group conflict and intergroup norms, we conduct two studies to examine whether preexisting integration policies that are more permissive promote or impede majority group members' subsequent negative attitudes regarding immigrants. For several Western and Eastern European countries, we link country-level information on immigrant integration policies from 2006 with individual-level survey data from the Eurobarometer 71.3 collected in 2009 (Study 1) and from the fourth wave of the European Value Study collected between 2008 and 2009 (Study 2). For both studies, the results from multilevel regression models demonstrate that immigrant integration policies that are more permissive are associated with decreased perceptions of group threat from immigrants. These findings suggest that immigrant integration policies are of key importance in improving majority members' attitudes regarding immigrants, which is widely considered desirable in modern immigrant-receiving societies.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Schlueter, Elmar and Meuleman, Bart and Davidov, Eldad}, biburl = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ssresearch.2012.12.001}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4973}, interhash = {ab3f8b0ee4d86dfbb61d8e3dd4c75e91}, intrahash = {f2ce9b9b8614216188c347ead4ee0519}, journal = {Social Science Research}, keywords = {2013 EB71.3 EB_input2014 EVS EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed ZA4973 anti-immigrant_attitudes article checked cross-national_research english group_norms group_threat_theory immigrant_integration_policies indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {670-682}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934334 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, study = {Eurobarometer 2009, EB71.3, EVS2008}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Immigrant Integration policies and perceived Group Threat: A Multilevel Study of 27 Western and Eastern European Countries}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2013}@article{beugelsdijk2005differences, abstract = {Based on the extant literature, a newly developed index measuring social capital at the regional level in Europe is presented. It is shown that there are large regional differences on this social capital index. It was tested if higher scores on this social capital index correlate with higher levels of economic development and regional economic growth in 54 Western European regions. Though further research is required, these preliminary results suggest a positive relationship exists between social capital and regional economic development. The paper concludes with suggestions for future empirical research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Beugelsdijk, S. and Schaik, T van}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dd9fc5c11f21758a1aba6b10f40feedf}, intrahash = {6a8533b2dc0729710920abb524e70b1d}, journal = {Regional Studies}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 8, pages = {1053-1064}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763856 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Differences in social capital between 54 Western European regions}, volume = 39, year = 2005}@article{gundelach1992recent, abstract = {Data from the 1973-1988 Eurobarometer surveys (N = 200,000+ respondents [Rs]) and unpublished results of a European questionnaire survey administered in 1980 & 1991 (Ns not provided) are used to describe value changes in Western Europe in relation to social institutional changes. Such institutional changes include a decrease in size and increase in fragility of families, and a larger and more heterogeneous labor market, particularly because of the increase in the number of married women having paid jobs. Globalization has resulted in a double trend of heterogenization and localism. Ways that these changes have influenced the values of the population are described, highlighting the increase in individualization and a more fragmented value system, which means, eg, that there are no clear political cleavages. The value changes can be summarized in three processes from: industrial to green; authoritarian to libertarian; and church-oriented to personal religious values. These trends suggest the advent of a society with a diversity of lifestyles & many competing value structures.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {82e5f113d711d0aee588cdf77e695798}, intrahash = {b313f84659d7e3a3546888e7e041f8df}, issn = {163287}, journal = {Futures}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english family indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {301-319}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281101 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Recent Value Changes in Western Europe}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 24, year = 1992}@article{harmon2006affluenza, abstract = {A secondary analysis of the European and World Values Surveys finds heavy television viewers are less likely than light television viewers to select an anti-acquisition national goal. Heavy viewers were also more likely than light viewers to report they are unhappy and dissatisfied both with their financial state and life overall. A nation-by-nation analysis of affluenza' (consumerist/materialist/acquisition values purportedly spread by heavy exposure to television) found few links to television viewing, but nations with heavier television viewing also were less happy. Television viewing, age, income and religiosity had little predictive value for pro-acquisition sentiments. The author concludes cultivation theory is too simple and inexact to explain any affluenza' effect. The author finds tantalizing clues of such an effect, and suggests techniques for future research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Harmon, M D.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {abde56f714a45209ce59c6363ba7cb38}, intrahash = {dfd85ce7d4f226482c0ad701f672aaa1}, journal = {International Communication Gazette}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {119-130}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763995 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Affluenza: A World Values Test}, volume = 68, year = 2006}@article{gundelach1993danskernes, abstract = {The question of the national character of the Danes is discussed in the context of intensifying European integration. Four general characteristics of the Danes are discussed: (1) trust of other Danes & mistrust of foreigners; (2) a high level of satisfaction with their life as a whole; (3) fear of loss of identity; & (4) view of the Danish language as defining ethnic identity. In the view of Sir James Mellon's Gamle Danmark ([Old Denmark] 1992), the Danes are essentially a tribe. Additionally, Danes have unique attitudes toward authority & consensus, morality, & religion, & freedom & solidarity. The cultural impact of integration into the European Community is considered.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {Also published in Interkulturel kompetence, 1996, P9-24.}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {16803cd100aaa39b301879f452795130}, intrahash = {7908ba8a35d38fc56d015a3e149c18a7}, issn = {9055908}, journal = {Dansk Sociologi}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked danish indexproved input2014 moral_issues national_identity noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {6-9}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281155 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Danskernes Saerpraeg (The Danish Character)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 1993}@article{kerkhofs1983westeuropa, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {november}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {db2472591a1ca07845d5586cafd49aea}, intrahash = {80a0c1810c2580ac0754468afce00051}, journal = {Streven}, keywords = {1983 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {99-109}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280947 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {God in West-Europa (God in Western Europe)}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1983}@article{damme2009employment, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Damme, M van and Kalmijn, M. and Uunk, W.J.G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b69bcf11434eb16e37e5154bec916045}, intrahash = {73bf3407daffd1ada20f7901f89bee8a}, issn = {2667215}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {183-197}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3631149 ; inputdate=2009-11-02 ; editdate=2009-11-17 ; pubdate=2009-11-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Employment of Separated Women in Europe: The Impact of Individual and Institutional Factors}, volume = 25, year = 2009}@article{ejerfeldt1985religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ejerfeldt, Lennart}, biburl = {}, interhash = {35b7668f6e7f8b42aab9170f2eccdf35}, intrahash = {3fab16e59c8d931be9cb4e3f1e1d8c37}, journal = {Signum}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Swedish article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {109-111}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280924 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Religion och v?rderingar i Europa (x- Religion and Values in Europe)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 11, year = 1985}@article{draulans2005mapping, abstract = {We explore the less prominent and often neglected issues of religious and moral pluralism in contemporary European society. Using the survey data from the most recent European Values Study (EVS), the patterns of religious and moral pluralism are investigated. Analyses of the previous EVS data demonstrated that Europe is not homogeneous. European countries differ not only in levels of economic development, but also in cultural heritages, languages, religious and ideological traditions, and educational and political systems. Variety in the degrees to which European societies are religiously and morally pluralistic was expected. Several hypotheses were developed to explain this variety. Our analyses do not support most of the generally accepted hypotheses.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Draulans, Veerle and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d07e2e622bed0ae4288c1a37be4fb147}, intrahash = {0798b30f508e015f7c58ec447465f315}, issn = {10.1080/13537900500067729}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary Religion}, keywords = {2005 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {179-193}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280977 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Mapping Contemporary Europe's Moral and Religious Landscape: an Analysis based on the Most Recent European Values Study}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 20, year = 2005}@article{stulhofer2009determinants, abstract = {This paper analyzes macro-determinants of negative attitudes toward homosexuality in 31 European societies. Using the European Values Study (EVS) 1999/2000, carried out on national probability samples, we tested the effects of tradition, modernization, and postmodernization on homonegativity. According to the findings, social distance toward homosexual persons was predicted by Eastern Orthodox religion, a greater degree of urbanization, economic development, and immigration. Disapproval of homosexuality was found associated with economic development and urbanization, while immigration had borderline significance. Although the analyses pointed to the central role of the modernization processes in increasing social acceptance of homosexuality in European societies, persisting religious traditions and more recent immigration waves limit the effect of modernization.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stulhofer, Aleksander and Rimac, Ivan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {61b0baeb4a477f2ba129b7047f610107}, intrahash = {bd6c93767ebc815bb8cb492dfb4fddbf}, journal = {Journal of Sex Research}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, privnote = {EVS_ID=5436453 ; inputdate=2012-04-16 ; editdate=2012-04-16 ; pubdate=2012-04-16}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Determinants of homonegativity in Europe}, volume = 46, year = 2009}@article{baloban2000spolnostodnos, abstract = {On the basis the results obtained in the ?European Values Study, EVS - 1999?, this article discusses human sexuality and Croatian citizens' attitudes towards sexual behaviour. The first part deals with the question of the importance of sexual relations for a successful marriage, and attitudes towards the lifestyle of a ?woman as a single parent?. Of 16 values offered as important for a successful marriage, ?happy sexual relationship? was in seventh place, coming after: mutual respect and appreciation, faithfulness, understanding and tolerance, being willing to discuss the problems that come up between husband and wife, children and talking a lot about mutual interests.Our research leads us to a paradox in connection with altitudes towards the lifestyle of a ?single mother?. On the one hand, we have clear support for the option of a woman having a child as a single mother (65,9%), and on the other hand, we have even clearer agreement with the opinion that a child needs both parents in order to grow up happily.The second or central part of this article deals with the social dimension of sexual behaviour: extra-marital affairs, casual sex, sexual relations of minors, and attitudes towards prostitution, homosexuality and AIDS. The third part deals with the issue of attitudes towards abortion.The hypothetical framework within which the obtained empirical results have been interpreted is based on the assumption that sexuality is a constituative part of human personality, so that an integral approach must be taken bearing in mind the dignity of human beings as such.The results of this study show, on the one hand, that generally speaking, the majority of Croatian citizens still have a traditional attitude towards sexuality in marriage and towards sexual behaviour outside marriage. This attitude coincides to a large extent with the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church. On the other hand, younger generations, as well as more educated people, are more inclined to justify different forms of sexual behaviour which are in contrast to the above-mentioned traditional attitude. Christians who practice their religion to a greater extent, are more inclined towards the traditional attitude, even though a tendency towards permissiveness is also observed in younger generations of Christians.In the research, it was possible to confirm differences in the understanding of sexuality between male and female populations in several areas. This study puts an emphasis on a value qualification of sexuality and sexual behaviour, out of which, for today's society and the Church, especially in relation to the younger generation, emerge numerous problems that require further discussion.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Stjepan and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {be204068e2a5fce4f83ed6d7d8f38cd2}, intrahash = {39b214880e72f69bb5d08a85c0cc3bf7}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 Abortion EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Prostitution SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian Sexuality article checked indexproved input2014 moral_issues review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {395-419}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280872 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Spolnost-odnos prema seksualnom pona?anju (Sexuality: Relation to Sexual Behavior)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{inglehart2000modernization, abstract = {Modernization theorists from Karl Marx to Daniel Bell have argued that economic development brings pervasive cultural changes. But others, from Max Weber to Samuel Huntington, have claimed that cultural values are an enduring and autonomous influence on society. We test the thesis that economic development is linked with systematic changes in basic values. Using data from the three waves of the World Values Surveys, which include 65 societies and 75 percent of the world's population, we find evidence of both massive cultural change and the persistence of distinctive cultural traditions. Economic development is associated with shifts away from absolute norms and values toward values that are increasingly rational, tolerant, trusting, and participatory. Cultural change, however is path dependent. The broad cultural heritage of a society-Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Confucian, or Communist-leaves an imprint on values that endures despite modernization. Moreover the differences between the values held by members of different religions within given societies are much smaller than are cross-national differences. Once established, such cross-cultural differences become part of a national culture transmitted by educational institutions and mass media. We conclude with some proposed revisions of modernization theory.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, R. and Baker, W E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6945f29abecf72613f5e252fe6ac37b0}, intrahash = {ec5ac97e995d26853f08eb9eebdab608}, journal = {American Sociological Review}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {19-51}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776366 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values}, volume = 65, year = 2000}@article{kaase1999interpersonal, abstract = {Trust is a core concept in the continuing political science discourse on social capital and its meaning for democracy. In this article, the relationship between interpersonal trust, trust in political institutions and non-institutionalised legal political participation is analysed based on data from the Eurobarometer surveys and the European/World Values Studies. The statistical relationship between interpersonal trust and political trust in nine European countries is found to be small, though generally positive. Thus, interpersonal trust cannot be regarded as an important antecedent or consequence of political trust. A different picture emerges regarding the relationship between political trust and legal non-institutionalised participation: the lower political trust the higher the probability of engaging in direct action. Finally, a positive relationship between interpersonal trust and direct action is found, thereby pointing to trust as a precondition or consequence of non-institutionalised political involvement. In sum, it appears that it is worthwhile to further pursue the study of social capital in the context of democratic politics.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kaase, M.}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3779 ZA4438}, interhash = {bd6237cb8f995f5a4c977a09edf7af39}, intrahash = {a028165d048c08a7631f3d1f71ce9960}, journal = {West European Politics}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, language = {English}, note = {(EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, number = 3, pages = {1-21}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776373 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27 ; Eurobarometer_ID=132356}, study = {EVS - European Values Study 1981 ; EVS - European Values Study 1990 ; EVS - European Values Study 1996 ; Eurobarometer ; Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Interpersonal trust, political trust and non-institutionalised political participation in Western Europe}, volume = 22, year = 1999}@article{dogan1995dclin, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {35e84bf7350796afb48332c4e9c8a9a5}, intrahash = {8549fcd331d5d162052a857e226636db}, journal = {Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 146, pages = {601-616}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3698001 ; inputdate=2009-11-20 ; editdate=2009-11-20 ; pubdate=2009-11-20}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Le Déclin du Vote de Classe et du Vote Religieux en Europe Occidentale}, volume = 4, year = 1995}@article{inglehart1999felicita, abstract = {In a longitudinal study, the Euro-Barometer, which assesses European attitudes, Italians show among the consistently lowest levels of satisfaction with their lives in Europe (between 8%-18%, 1973-1998). However, it is acknowledged that different languages & cultures attach different meanings to the term "satisfaction," & it is also noted that Italians in the prosperous North are more likely to consider themselves happy than those in the South. Another variable that affects results is age, with happiness more common among the younger in the 1970s (although by the 1980s, this lead disappears). Worldwide satisfaction rates are compared & contrasted, with the highest rates of happiness & satisfaction found in northern Europe, & the lowest in the former Soviet Union. In addition, the highest levels of happiness were found in the Protestant democracies of northern Europe & in some Catholic countries in Western Europe, such as France & Austria.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Ferrari Occhinero, Marisa}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9e8a3f2cf1c27eb52a58084d3e9af7cb}, intrahash = {01181ef952e486ae383fb3078b602ba1}, issn = {380156}, journal = {Sociologia}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked indexproved input2014 italian review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {3-14}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281069 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Felicita e democrazia: l'Italia in una prospettiva globale (Happiness and Democracy: Italy in a Global Perspective)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 33, year = 1999}@article{schuur1995measuring, abstract = {Factor analysis of the items in the Bradburn Affect Balance Scale has repeatedly shown that the positive and negative affect items are unrelated. Despite this, negative affect scores are routinely subtracted from positive affect scores to derive Affect Balance Scale Scores that apparently provide a valid measure of a sense of well-being. In this paper we offer a resolution to this paradox - and so justify the use of Affect Balance Scale Scores - by showing that the positive and negative affect items each form a single cumulative scale, and that the two cumulative scales taken together form one unidimensional unfolding scale. This explanation is based on a hypothesis by Coombs and Kao (1960) - later proved mathematically by Ross and Cliff (1964) - that when data that are unfoldable in r dimensions are factor-analyzed, r + 1 significant factors will be found. In an empirical test, Bradburn Affect Balance Scale data collected from ten countries in the 1981 and 1990 European Values Study surveys were analyzed. The results clearly support the hypothesis that the data form a single unidimensional unfolding scale, although two of the ten Affect Balance Scale items are not homogenous with the rest.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Schuur, W van and Kruijtbosch, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2cac65a7b08a70189ca1f94b92217e3e}, intrahash = {e7ae48cf78cba63ad1b354117d8e9f3c}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {49-74}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776999 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Measuring subjective well-being: Unfolding the Bradburn affect balance scale}, volume = 36, year = 1995}@article{sanfey2007transition, abstract = {This paper analyses life satisfaction in transition countries using evidence from the World Values Survey. The paper demonstrates that individuals in transition economies on average record lower values of self-reported satisfaction with life compared with those in non-transition countries. A comparison across time for a smaller sample of countries shows that life satisfaction levels have returned close to pre-transition levels in most cases, after a dip in the mid-1990s. The socio-economic groups that exhibit relatively higher levels of happiness include students, people with higher levels of education and those on higher incomes. Happiness declines with age until the early-50s and is slow to recover afterwards. Self-employed people in transition countries show a level of satisfaction as high as, or higher than, full-time employees, in contrast to evidence from non-transition countries. In addition, satisfaction levels are highest in those countries where standards of economic governance are most advanced and where inequality is lower.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sanfey, P. and Teksoz, U.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d1afb32672dd5aba21edea39222ef1ea}, intrahash = {c0a18efe5bfda1e49a29c200182322f7}, journal = {Economics of Transition}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Subjective_well-being article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {707-731}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776711 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does transition make you happy?}, volume = 15, year = 2007}@article{witte2003arbeidsorientaties, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Witte, H. de and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Gelissen, J.P.T.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {945e1af31ab073fd62aaf02fa1688637}, intrahash = {16fd7676ae1c20c1f132816e87a095e4}, issn = {1692216}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {172-186}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256425 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Arbeidsorientaties in Europa aan het einde van de twintigste eeuw. Een multi level-analyse met individuele en contextkenmerken}, volume = 19, year = 2003}@article{gundelach1994decline, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gundelach, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {2cb158a2a3272a0c13ca8d836f9ae44e}, intrahash = {7e2e8c629851e18a82998fedffe8276f}, journal = {Young}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {36-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280780 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Decline in Protest Activity Among the Young}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1994}@article{sa2013influence, abstract = {Tax morale has been recognized as the key to understand the levels of compliance achieved in most countries. We applied a structural equation model (SEM) to gain a better understanding about the factors shaping tax morale of Portuguese taxpayer?s. Our purpose was to analyse through SEM the direct effects of political democratic system, political participation, religiosity, individual satisfaction, trust in others and institutional trust on tax morale. SEM of tax morale allowed us to analyse the impact of demographic variables and risk aversion as determinants of tax morale through the use of multi-group analysis of structural invariance of SME developed. A sample of 1,553 Portuguese individual?s representative of Portuguese population obtained from European Values Study (EVS, 2010)was used. The results confirmed that Portuguese taxpayers ? tax morale is influenced by taxpayers trust on institutions like government, parliament and the judicial system, by political articipation and by the belief that democracy is a good political system for governing the country. Tax morale is also influenced by individual ?s satisfaction, by religiosity and by societal behaviour (trust in others).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Sá, Cristina and Martins, António and Gomes, Carlos}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1205a02ead5ff949c524af16d9202287}, intrahash = {32b5a9d25c106172b617abce6c4f9636}, issn = {2147-6284}, journal = {European Journal of Research on Education}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Tax_compliance Tax_morale article checked english indexproved input2014 multi-group_analysis noindex review_proved structural_equation_model}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {82-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938889 ; inputdate=2014-11-22 ; editdate=2014-11-22 ; pubdate=2014-11-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The influence of demographic factors and risk aversion on tax morale: A multi-group analysis}, url = {}, volume = 2, year = 2013}@article{vermunt2007latent, abstract = {The authors illustrate how to perform maximum-likelihood estimation in latent class (LC) analysis when there are sampling weights. The methods are natural extensions of the approaches proposed by Clogg and Eliason (1987) and Magidson (1987) for dealing with sampling weights in the log-linear analysis of frequency tables. For the log-linear form of the LC model, the approach corresponds to a special case of Haberman's (1979) log-linear LC model with cell weights. This approach can also be applied to the probability formulation of the LC model with cell weights, which can accommodate many indicators. The authors propose an efficient estimation-maximization algorithm for estimating the parameters for this formulation. A small simulation study shows that the probability estimates obtained by this approach compare favorably to other weighting approaches. Several empirical examples are provided to illustrate various possible weighting methods in LC analysis.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Vermunt, J K. and Magidson, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {795ee4d56d3b07401e77553bb00c704a}, intrahash = {d45d44b171a7a047ddd495eb4756d210}, journal = {Sociological Methods & Research}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {87-111}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3777003 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-09 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Latent class analysis with sampling weights - A maximum-likelihood approach}, volume = 36, year = 2007}@article{lambert2002religion, abstract = {The results relating to religion of the European Values Survey in 1981 and 1990 highlighted the special case of Europe, where religious belief has been declining steadily. New surveys were carried out in 1999, supplemented by studies by the ISSP (International Social Survey Programme) in 1998, which make it possible to analyse and assess the pattern of religious belief in Europe. Yves Lambert shares some results here. He starts by presenting a map of religious views in 11 European countries - Catholic, Protestant and mixed, with a description of the status of each group. Depending on the context and the period, modernity has led to decline, change and revival of belief. In the following section, he outlines the different types of believers and non-believers: Christians who go to church regularly, occasionally or not at all, agnostics and convinced atheists. The relationship with Christianity is varied, highly individual and "pick and mix"; religion tends to be perceived in terms of relativism and probability. Yves Lambert then analyses the relationship between religious views and moral values. It seems that the average regular church-goer considers faithfulness, order and authority to be more important, whereas the average convinced atheist is more permissive and politically aware but less nationalistic; yet, the differences tend to decrease.In the final section, Lambert identifies three main trends based on an analysis of 25 variables: a continuing move away from religion; a revival of Christian commitment with an increase in almost all types of religious observance; the growth of "alternative" beliefs among agnostics, in the form of individualized, unfocussed ideas not related to Christianity. The author concludes that, since the 1990s, religion - no longer in competition with its fiercest rivals, Marxism and rationalism - can now acquire a new credibility. In the context of today's general disenchantment, in which everything is reassessed, religion may develop in ever more varied and unpredictable ways. What is novel is that the situation is completely open.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e1f91c6ead3ba5f1fef43128a6ef9396}, intrahash = {63d741b62d438c853ebb6a5e33b8646c}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {129-159}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280790 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Religion: l'Europe à un tournant}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{brechon2002riffault, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {special issue July-August 2002}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b3f6729e2a1f913ee8e0677286a7d49d}, intrahash = {4b0fda0dae591c5af0c42d321c40c0bc}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked french indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {77-78}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280793 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Hélène Riffault, pionnière des sondages, très liée à la recherche}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 277, year = 2002}@article{oorschot2009welfare, abstract = {In this paper we theoretically and empirically explore the question whether the unequal distribution of different aspects of social capital (networks, trust, norms) over a number of social dimensions (gender, age, income, employment status, and educational level) is smaller in countries with more developed welfare systems. Ourdata cover 13 Western industrialised countries and two periods in time (1981, 1999). The paper adds to the existing literature in several ways: by focusing explicitly on the empirical study of social capital inequality, by relating this subject to (quantitativeand qualitative) welfare state characteristics, and by studying it from a cross-national and longitudinal perspective. We find that in the sample of countries analysed there is no clear relationship between social capital inequality and welfare state characteristics. However, whether generally welfare states do not reduce socialcapital inequalities remains an issue for future research.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Oorschot, W van and Finsveen, E.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7ad0b02cf8ba9353bcbb87258e0edfb0}, intrahash = {c6d9126cb6f25bd41887e3e852f26202}, journal = {European Societies}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {189-210}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3710330 ; inputdate=2009-12-01 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2009-12-01}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The Welfare State and Social Capital Inequality: An Empirical Exploration Using Longitudinal European/World Values Study Data from 13 Western Welfare States}, volume = 11, year = 2009}@article{abela1992european, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f6cb7eaa3c49f9b81d5dd49981fad0f5}, intrahash = {f29e501bb35534ed3b667a2e090b6fbf}, journal = {Melita Theologica}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {33-38}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281243 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {European Values Study in Malta}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = {XLIII}, year = 1992}@article{ekici2014determines, abstract = {This paper analyzes the effects of different dimensions of religiosity and trust on religious and racial prejudice in Europe. The sample is based on 37 European countries that are current or potential members of the European Union (EU). Using multi-level logistic regression modeling and the latest wave from the European Values Study data, we test the effects of both individual and country-level variables. Our results suggest that religious particularism is correlated with more religious and racial prejudice. Doctrinal belief and individual spirituality are both correlated with less religious prejudice only. Nonreligious individuals have the highest religious prejudice compared to members of religious denominations. Individual and country-level generalized trust, as well as trust in the EU, are all negatively correlated with religious and racial prejudice.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Ekici, Tufan and Yucel, Deniz}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1696a93f1e86ecaae094386d4cc93f43}, intrahash = {714069a155b302081c7cc9d5e1ac5a0b}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity Religious_prejudice SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english europe indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed trust}, note = {First published online: June, 17 2014, . (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {105-133}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938704 ; inputdate=2014-11-16 ; editdate=2014-11-16 ; pubdate=2014-11-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {What Determines Religious and Racial Prejudice in Europe? The Effects of Religiosity and Trust}, url = {}, volume = 122, year = 2014}@article{baloban2000odreeni, abstract = {In analysing the phenomena of religiosity and ecclesiasticism, it is important to take into consideration certain theological and sociological notions and facts. The first notion relates to the difference between external and internal Church membership and ecclesiasticism. The second relates to the difference between institutionalised religiosity (ecclesiasticism) and general religiosity (churchless religiosity). The boundaries between institutionalised and general religiosity are becoming more and more diffuse, resulting in Christianity a la carte, religious eclecticism and religious syncretism. The third notion concerns the observation of ecclesiasticism as a complex dynamic relationship between the individual and the Church. It is a process which is influenced by social surroundings along with institutional norms, which means a process that is subject to changes and which in turn alters the existing reality. The fourth notion takes as its starting point ecclesiasticism as a multidimensional reality, which comprises: confessional membership, confidence in the Church, religious truth, the experiential dimension, the ritual dimension, the dimension of being a Christian in society and the moral-ethical dimension. Given that it is the essentially social values examined in the EVS-1999 that are being focused on, and not only specifically Christian values, a crystallising component is missing in this article, as in the research, which is co-constitutive for ecclesiasticism.On the basis of the dimension of confessional membership, Croatia's place on the religio-ecclesiastic map is among ?Catholic? countries like Poland, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. 84.5% of respondents in the EVS-1999, declared themselves to be Catholics, while 13.6% were in the unchurched-undeclared category. Similar results have been obtained in two independent studies conducted in Croatia during the past three years: ?Religion and Morality in Croatia? (1977) and ?Aufbruch? (1977/98).The largest portion of the population continues to show a high level of confidence in the Church (59.7%), while the remainder choose either not much (29.8%) or none at all (7.4%). The decline in confidence in the Church should be observed within the entire socio-political context, in which confidence in all social institutions, particularly those of the army, school and the police, has decreased rapidly during the last two years. There is also room for further analysis into why amongst Christians themselves there is a decline in confidence in their own institution.The dimension of religious truth is analysed with particular emphasis on the ritual dimension (attending mass), on the basis of the typology regular (weekly or more often), periodical (monthly), occasional churchgoers, and non-churchgoers (never). In Croatia, 89.1% of the general population and 95% of Catholics claim to believe in God. Among Catholics, 64.6% believe in life after death, 53.1% that Hell exists, 59% that Heaven exists, 71.85% believe in sin, and 35.6% believe in telepathy. Comparison of indicators of participation during mass and in elements of belief, reveals that participation during mass and in elements of belief have a reciprocal and complementary relationship. The less an individual participates in the ritual dimension of ecclesiasticism, the less he accepts religious truth. The intensity of acceptance is linked with the frequency of the ritual dimension of ecclesiasticism. It is interesting to note that 50% of non-churchgoers believe in God, and about 40% of regular churchgoers have difficulty with belief in a personal God. Research has shown that among the general population, as among the Catholic population, there is a widening belief in reincarnation. It is most widespread among non practising Catholics (32.3%). 15% of regular churchgoers believe in reincarnation, 17.3% of periodical churchgoers and 20% of occasional churchgoers. Is this already the beginning of modern syncretistic individualised religiosity?For the experiential dimension of ecclesiasticism, only the prayer indicator is considered. An impressive 95% of those who consider themselves to be religious prav daily. But percentages are different for prayer and participation during mass. There is a tight correlation between the indicators of prayer and indicators of participation during mass, such that those who attend Church more regularly pray more regularly and vice versa. About 60% of regular churchgoers pray daily, while every third periodical and every twelfth occasional churchgoer prays daily. Among non-churchgoers, between 9 and 10% pray daily. Although frequency of prayer decreases among the younger generations, among the oldest generation and the youngest there is no significant difference in percentages with respect to ?not praying?. Processes of secularisation have succeeded in threatening prayer, but they have not entirely displaced it from the life of Croatian citizens.In the ritual dimension, respondents reached an unusual differentiation. In relation to the whole population, 31% are regular churchgoers, 18.8% periodical, 37.4% occasional, 11.9% nonchurchgoers and 0.7% undecided. Although women participate in religious rituals more often, there can not be said to be a pronounced feminisation of religious rituals. While in the general population 13,2% of men and 11% of women do not take part in religious rituals, 5% of men and 3% of women in the Catholic population never attend Sunday mass. Differentiated ritual participation is noticeably related to the level of education in the general population, where a significantly lower number of the more highly educated attend mass. Within the Catholic population the more highly educated do not deviate significantly from those less highly educated. The least ?regular? and the most ?occasional? attendance of mass is recorded in the cities of Osijek, Split and Rijeka.A very high degree of participation in religious rituals was shown in the 12 year old age group. Three quarters of the Catholic population took part in religious rituals once a week. The most intensive participation in religious rituals at 12 years of age was by respondents over the age of 59. After that there is an erratic drop. A significant drop occurred in the generation of citizens born between 1940 and 1950, which means in the generation that was most strongly influenced by a strong atheistic model of socialisation.With respect to rites of passage, Croatian respondents are similar to Europeans. The majority of Croatian citizens, including a portion of professed atheists, feel the need for religious riles on the occasions of birth (85.3%), marriage (90.9%) and death (91.1%). The same similarity to Europeans shows itself among atheists. Among professed atheists in Croatia, 39.5% want religious rites on the occasion of the birth of a child, 47.4% on the occasion of marriage, and 50% on the occasion of a funeral. Therefore, denial of one's ecclesiasticism and religiosity while at the same time seeking performance of religious rites for important life events is not a phenomenon specific to Croatian citizens, but is present among Europeans in general.With respect to the dimension of being Christian in society, it is indicative that over 55% of respondents do not feel that it is important for a politician to believe in God in order to perform his duties. In fact, as many as 83% feel that religious leaders should have no influence on how people will vote in elections. Over 42% feel that it would be better for Croatia if more people of firm religious faith served in public offices. Being Christian in society with Christian convictions and complete responsibility has not yet been fully realised.The EVS-1999 as well as the other two above-mentioned Croatian studies confirm that Croatia with its specificities is keeping pace with developments in Europe, and that events outside Croatia reflect on Croatia's citizens. It can be said, therefore, that although Croatia lags somewhat behind, everything that is happening in Europe, from secularisation, to modernisation, to individualisation... also has a visible and lasting echo in Croatia. During the Communist era, the process of stratification of and distancing from ecclesiasticism was already underway in Croatia, particularly among members of the Catholic Church. While (his process was carried by secularisation in previous decades, in recent years this process of stratification of ecclesiasticism and religiosity has been accelerated by modernisation and individualisation. If one third of regular and periodical churchgoers accept religious concepts which contradict basic Christian precepts (a personal God or a Christian conception of resurrection), then this is a case of Christianity a la carte and of a distancing from ecclesiasticism which have been present for many decades. This research confirms that religious elements from various sources are spreading throughout Croatia. These elements are gradually penetrating the general population, as well as the Catholic population. There are indications that varieties of ?neo-paganism?, animism, and naturalist religiosity specific to Croatia are developing. Therefore,more space should be devoted to these phenomena in subsequent research. Besides all this, there is the presence in society of an unarticulated spirituality, which can but does not have to be connected with religiousness or rituality. Religiosity connected with institutional religiosity (ecclesiasticism) is no longer the only reality that touches the sphere of human existential and spiritual identity.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip and ?rpi?, Gordan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {4f4228f755ffb56938a315f8fe45406c}, intrahash = {c6d70d4f44aa24ab192eebf92357a5d7}, issn = {3523101}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked christianity church ecclesiasticism indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {257-290}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281285 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Odre?eni aspekti crkvenosti ( Aspects of Ecclesiasticism )}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 70, year = 2000}@article{elzo1993rasgos, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Elzo, Javier}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e8ade318869edecdea6052b72b639640}, intrahash = {22c7b824fdff5ecef1a49c93f1fdc06c}, journal = {XX siglos}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish article checked indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {46-59}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281162 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Rasgos dominantes de la regiosidad de los jóvenes espa?oles}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 13, year = 1993}@article{nergard1986norske, abstract = {La religiosité actuelle des Norvégiens. Leur comportement envers les Dix Commandements. La vie dans la famille et la société. Engagement social et politique. Annexe: tableaux statistiques Norvège, Suède, Danemark, Etats-Unis.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Nerg?rd, T B.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8918e151319e8d092c0c15018dadf8bf}, intrahash = {40445684f3cb2add9422e8604cd18f80}, journal = {Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked danish family indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {93-105}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281253 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Det norske folks moral og verdier}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 57, year = 1986}@article{kerkhofs1984valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e8fef4b324d6e99eff7c704e85575681}, intrahash = {c7424d443c9d177c2611f3971ac3607a}, journal = {Choisir}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {13-18}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280921 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Les valeurs du temps présent: une enquête européenne (x- Contemporary Values. A European Study)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 289, year = 1984}@article{brechon1994politique, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {92f65901d7ab7e0d30f7aa52a1046b90}, intrahash = {a26080c021e501740b1df96666bb8c53}, journal = {Panoramiques}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics article checked french indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {137-141}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280778 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Haro sur la politique? Se métier des comparisons nostalgique}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 4, year = 1994}@article{inglehart1995changing, abstract = {Presents evidence that economic development, cultural change, & political change are linked in coherent & even, to some extent, predictable patterns, as modernization theory claimed, but modernization is not linear. In advanced industrial societies, the prevailing direction of development has changed in the last quarter century, & this shift is so distinctive that it might be described as postmodernization, rather than modernization. Data are analyzed from the 1990/91 World Value Survey, drawn from 43 nations throughout the world, representing almost 70% of the world's population & covering the full range of economic & political variation. Coherent cultural patterns are found, which are closely linked with the economic growth rates of given societies. The familiar modernization syndrome of industrialization & mass mobilization is linked with a consistent shift from traditional to rational legal values; this may go with either democratic or authoritarian regimes. But the emergence of advanced industrial society gives rise to a shift from scarcity values to postmodern values, in which a variety of attributes, from equal rights for women to democratic political institutions, become increasingly likely.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, interhash = {8bbefe0f9eb32315287a60bdd4136216}, intrahash = {606797d62bd3dfb9ecafe014e9f16662}, issn = {208701}, journal = {International Social Science Journal}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {379-404}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281017 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Values, Economic Development and Political Change}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 47, year = 1995}@article{rabusic2000hodnota, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Praha}, author = {Rabu?ic, Ladislav}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a3938b84e237c447421fe7b12d38c87a}, intrahash = {feb54ef15978d7660b5408cc0a43a0bf}, issn = {118265}, journal = {Demografie}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked czech family indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {286-290}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280948 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-27 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Pedo}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Hodnota dítěte (Value of Children)}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 42, year = 2000}@article{torgler2012justifiability, abstract = {This paper investigates the relationship between voluntary participation in environmental organisations and the justifiability of littering behaviour. Previous empirical work regarding determinants of littering and littering behaviour remains scarce, particularly in socio-economic analysis. We address these deficiencies, demonstrating a strong empirical link between environmental participation and reduced public littering in the European Values Survey (EVS) data for 30 Western and Eastern European countries. The results suggest that membership in environmental organisations is related to a stronger commitment to anti-littering behaviour, thereby supporting improved environmental quality.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Torgler, Benno and Garcia-Valinas, M A and Macintyre, Alison}, biburl = {}, interhash = {bea0854cd64f64cf83498aabde63fc66}, intrahash = {e3990fa2c48c62edd5074711b3926164}, journal = {Environmental Values}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english environmental_outcomes environmental_participation environmental_preferences indexproved input2014 litter review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = {209-231}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938932 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Justifiability of Littering: An Empirical Investigation}, url = {}, volume = 21, year = 2012}@article{kerkhofs1993enige, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f42432734b00ebfbe0b40ac4a66da71f}, intrahash = {99c4dc422ac9e638dec2f11d9c7846bb}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Welzijnswerk}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {21-27}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280885 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Enige Aspecten van het Vrijwilligerswerk Volgens het Europees Waardenonderzoek (x- Some Aspects of Volunteering According to the European Values Study)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 17, year = 1993}@article{kerkhofs1984westers, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, annotation = {november 1984}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {42635daafdca833519036b8a42edc142}, intrahash = {1d7f9c897ce791a38fd6351360acbaa0}, journal = {Streven}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280871 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-03 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Westers Geloof in Re?ncarnatie (x- Western Belief in Reincarnation)}, type = {Journal Article}, year = 1984}@article{delooz1985preparing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Delooz, P.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e9fa73df9391a6e1a9a7de545b4a14a1}, intrahash = {8f339d7b0ae7bc5a50036b507d437bd2}, journal = {Lumen Vitae}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english family indexproved input2014 marriage noindex review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {393-403}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281337 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Preparing for Marriage: A Sociological Approach}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 40, year = 1985}@article{dekker1998civil, abstract = {Involvement in voluntary associations is analyzed from the perspective of questions raised in the debate about civil society. After demarcating the concept of civil society in relation to the community, the market, and the state, expectations are formulated about the negative effects of modernization and individualization on volunteering and the positive effects of volunteering on social capital and public discourse. World Values 1990 data are used for inter and intranational analyses. Neither rankings of thirteen Western nations nor in-depth analyses of the U.S., the Netherlands, and Italy support worried reflections about the effects of modernization. The Idea that involvement in voluntary associations is conducive to social cohesion and political democracy finds empirical support. Both mere membership of an association and actual volunteering within such an association appear to be important in this respect.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dekker, P. and Broek, A van den}, biburl = {}, interhash = {10aff15d8461718adebe32d68210a86a}, intrahash = {4c3dd0bdd69e90c9ebf1a19aa996a357}, journal = {Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {11-38}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763882 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civil Society in Comparative Perspective: Involvement in Voluntary Associations in North America and Western Europe}, volume = 9, year = 1998}@article{harkonen2006stability, abstract = {In a series of papers, William J. Goode argued that the relationship between modernization and the class composition of divorce is inverse. Starting from his hypothesis, we examine the relationship between female education and the risk of divorce over time in 17 countries. We expect that the relationship differs across countries and across time, so that women with higher education have a higher risk of divorce in countries and at times when the social and economic costs of divorce are high, and that there is no relationship or a negative relationship where these costs are lower. Using discrete-time event-history techniques on data on first marriages from the Fertility and Family Surveys (FFS), we find that women with higher education had a higher risk of divorce in France, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Spain. We do not find a relationship between education and divorce in Estonia, Finland, West-Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Sweden, and Switzerland, nor, depending on the model specification, in Flanders and Norway. In Austria, Lithuania, and the United States, the educational gradient of divorce is negative. Furthermore, as predicted by our hypotheses, the educational gradient becomes increasingly negative in Flanders, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, and the United States. We explore this variation across time and countries in more detail with multilevel models and direct measures on the legal, social, and economic environment of the countries. We find that the de-institutionalization of marriage and unconventional family practices are associated with a negative educational gradient of divorce, while welfare state expenditure is associated with a more positive gradient.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Harkonen, J. and Dronkers, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6028f9921332a45ed50f230fffc716a3}, intrahash = {3f45cf4c6bfe1de90050a275efa7dc94}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {501-517}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763989 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Stability and change in the educational gradient of divorce. A comparison of seventeen countries}, volume = 22, year = 2006}@article{anheier2002interpersonal, abstract = {The relationship between interpersonal trust and membership in voluntary associations is a persistent research finding in sociology. What is more, the notion of trust has become a central issue in current social science theorizing covering such diverse approaches as transaction costs economics or cognitive sociology. In different ways and for different purposes, these approaches address the role of voluntary organizations, although, as this paper argues, much of this thinking remains sketchy and underdeveloped. Against an empirical portrait of this relationship, the purpose of this paper is to assess such theorizing. We first set out to explicate major approaches to trust in economics, sociology and political science, using the non-profit or voluntary organization as a focal point. We then examine the various approaches in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, and, finally, identify key areas for theoretical development. In particular, we point to the social movement literature, the social psychology of trust, and recent thinking about civil society.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Anheier, H. and Kendall, J.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a58a8961b4c5c4e772c49d95d0efc8de}, intrahash = {e2a921df8140d47841a85e57628b5b62}, journal = {British Journal of Sociology}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed Social_engagement article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {343-362}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763841 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Interpersonal trust and voluntary associations: examining three approaches}, volume = 53, year = 2002}@article{halman1989religie, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f4801a332ae3b87e2fc9a82e1fef0770}, intrahash = {ae65d3d00c06d5f3a56bd32fc74129c5}, journal = {Kosmos en Oekumene}, keywords = {1989 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked dutch indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {60-67}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281290 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Kerk of Religie in Crisis (x- Church or Religion in Crisis)}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 3, year = 1989}@article{apahideanu2012tendine, abstract = {Thematically tributary to one of the most enduring debates within modern sociology, i.e. the secularization debate, the underlying study aims at identifying the main quantitative religiosity trends in Europe over the last three decades by constructing and implementing an aggregated religiosity index as a mathematical instrument meant to operationalize and concretely measure the often too confusing term ?religiosity?. Temporally overlapping the ?globalization era? and spatially one of the areas where this phenomenon manifests itself most intensely, the study measures religiosity only numerically, that isjudging by the evolution in time of the proportion of people identifiable by one or more characteristics as ?religious?, abstaining from any inquiry into the possible or likely qualitative changes of religiosity in time. Conceptualized as three-dimensional (i.e. structured in beliefs, practice and affiliation), religiosity is measured on the basis of the answers provided by respondents throughout Europe within the European Values Survey and International Social Survey Programme waves, the results of the research suggesting a clear political-geographical delineation between the former ?Western Europe? one the one hand, where religiosity has steadily decreased, and the former Communist bloc area, plus Greece and Turkey on the other hand, where especially the 1990s have witnessed an undisputable resurgence in religious beliefs and manifestations.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Apahideanu, Ionu?}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e36912cdb3488b54663d73f90bc70c69}, intrahash = {21e61ee0d1db21076c658710cf1f6c8f}, issn = {2068-6315}, journal = {Societal and Political Psychology Review}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Religiosity article checked indexproved input2014 noindex quantitative_research review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {59-80}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935461 ; inputdate=2014-06-24 ; editdate=2014-06-24 ; pubdate=2014-06-24}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Tendin?e ale religiozit??ii ?n Europa ultimelor trei decenii: o abordare cantitativ?}, url = {}, volume = 3, year = 2012}@article{stack2006effect, abstract = {Religion provides an important basis for social integration and the prevention of deviant behavior, such as tax fraud, a crime that costs society billions of dollars in lost revenue. The literature on tax fraud and tax fraud acceptability (TFA) has neglected religiosity as a social bond that may deter this type of behavior Furthermore, existing work is based on the United States; there are no systematic cross-national studies. In particular, there is no research exploring the "moral communities" hypothesis that religiosity's effect on deviance will vary according to the strength of national moral communities. The present study addresses these two gaps in the literature by analyzing data on 45,728 individuals in 36 nations from the World Values Surveys. We control for other predictors of TFA, including social bonds, economic strain, and demographic factors. The results determined that the higher the individual's level of religiosity, the lower the TFA. Results on the moral community's hypothesis were mixed However, in a separate analysis of individual nations, the presence of a "moral community" (majority of the population identifies with a religious group) explained 39 percent of the variation in the presence or absence of the expected religiosity-TFA relationship. Furthermore, the presence of a communist regime in a nation, often known for the oppression of religious groups who then may view the regime as illegitimate, diminished the impact of religion on TFA.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Stack, S. and Kposowa, A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {504e486b2ade1f2ce8619987207a5d25}, intrahash = {0ea69e9bde8f4a998674d2f4a23cc716}, journal = {Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, keywords = {2006 AHindexed EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {325-351}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776954 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {The effect of religiosity on tax fraud acceptability: A cross-national analysis}, volume = 45, year = 2006}@article{listhaug1986defence, abstract = {This article presents the empirical findings of attitudes towards war and defence from 14 countries as measured by the International Values Study in 1981-1982. The US shows the highest level of fear that the country will be involved in a major war within the next five years. Hungary, the single Eastern European nation included, records a very low level of fear of war involvement, and is in this regard, close to Norway and Sweden. Hungary, Norway, Sweden and the US all have a public that records a strong willingness to defend the country in case of war. The defence will is much weaker in the nations of continental Europe, especially Belgium, Italy and West Germany. Some of the factors that can be used to account for differences between the countries are: Geopolitical vulnerability, historical experiences of defeat and sufferings in war, and the degree of international involvements of a nation.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Listhaug, Ola}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ff4f09c3bcf39d3587e749e17cc5f528}, intrahash = {6e2b13f121fcd77ae302ae44163ee0a7}, issn = {223433}, journal = {Journal of Peace Research}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 national_identity review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {69-76}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280812 ; country=GB;NI;IR;FR;BE;DE;NL;ES;IT;DK;SE;US;HU;Norway ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {War and Defence Attitudes: A first Look at Survey Data from 14 Countries}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 23, year = 1986}@article{kerkhofs1994catholics, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, interhash = {5775f216e9097b760b469e0ce2582575}, intrahash = {da34d55d81023f5ce12b95558c40185c}, journal = {Ethical Perspectives}, keywords = {1994 AHindexed EVS EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 moral_issues religion review_proved}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {123-129}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281234 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Catholics and Protestants in Europe: Different Ethical Views?}, type = {Journal Article}, url = {}, volume = 1, year = 1994}@article{dogan2002dissatisfaction, abstract = {An important proportion of citizens do not manifest confidence in many basic institutions (parliaments, parties, unions, army, public bureaucracies, big business, courts, ecclesiastic hierarchy, police) nor in the political class. Such a deficit of trust is attested by a wealth of empirical data. Nonetheless, the legitimacy of democratic regimes is not challenged: European citizens do not conceive realistically of an alternative system of government. A new counter-power is playing an increasing and crucial role in advanced pluralist democracies ? that of magistrates and journalists combined. France and Italy are considered as typical cases, concerning in particular corruption at the highest level of the State and society. What types of citizens are needed in advanced democracies? Ignorant, naive, deferential, credulous, believers in myths or well informed, rationally distrustful citizens? Today, democracy is permanently under the supervision of the public, as attested by surveys conducted periodically.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dogan, M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6f93206a60d08e849250bf638c052c5b}, intrahash = {dba75917c4d69b623e62b61e7ebe7cb9}, journal = {European Review}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english indexproved input2014 review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {91-114}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763907 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Dissatisfaction and mistrust in West European democracies}, volume = 10, year = 2002}@article{noorderhaven2003intercultural, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Noorderhaven, N.G. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {63d953eb9463e7ba5c21703000143a12}, intrahash = {de6e63534486e21c5e940004e235e266}, issn = {14675986}, journal = {Intercultural Education}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {67-76}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256417 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Does intercultural education lead to more cultural homogeneity and tolerance?}, volume = 14, year = 2003}@article{slenders2014tolerance, abstract = {This study aims to explain variation in the level of tolerance towards homosexuality between European countries. Results of multi-level regression analyses on 40 countries from the 2008 wave of the European Values Study show that countries? economic affluence and laws on same-sex unions are positively associated with individuals? tolerance towards homosexuality. An additional exercise suggests that the association between laws and attitudes may be the result of two-way causality; legislation seems to both shape and reflect levels of tolerance towards homosexuality. The study finds no independent association between tolerance and the level of religiosity in a country and refutes the hypothesis that high numbers of diagnosed HIV cases resulting from sex between men are negatively related to tolerance towards homosexuality in Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Slenders, Suzanne and Sieben, Inge and Vebakel, Ellen}, biburl = {}, interhash = {096d310969c4f89cc6cd001ef226a93f}, intrahash = {7ea9807eef515694d6b78499b669c88a}, journal = {International Sociology}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article attitudes checked english europe homosexuality indexproved input2014 law review_proved reviewed same-sex_marriage tolerance}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {348-367}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938703 ; inputdate=2014-11-16 ; editdate=2014-11-29 ; pubdate=2014-11-16}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Tolerance towards homosexuality in Europe: Population composition, economic affluence, religiosity, same-sex union legislation and HIV rates as explanations for country differences}, url = {}, volume = 29, year = 2014}@article{hagenaars1989searching, abstract = {Typologies play an important role in sociological theory and research. Basic to the use of (ideal) types is the notion that a subject's overt behavior can be conceived of as governed by his/her belonging or closeness to a particular underlying pure type. Many statistical techniques are in use to detect or construct these fundamental types, especially factor analysis. Much less attention has been paid to the possibilities that latent class analysis has to offer. Through an elaborate example, it is shown that the basic ideas of latent class analysis correspond eminently well with the use social scientists make of (ideal) types. Several important extensions of the basic latent class model along with significant new developments are discussed.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Hagenaars, J. and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {3f561e1c47156647a9381a749985bca6}, intrahash = {6dcdb040c137e60b6583fddb912fbfbc}, issn = {2667215}, journal = {European Sociological Review}, keywords = {1989 EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics SCOPUSindexed SSCIindexed article checked english enhanced indexproved input2014 religion review_proved reviewed}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 1, pages = {81-96}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281164 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02;Country=Netherlands;politics?v545: 349 CONFIDENCE IN PARLIAMENT ?v456: 267 HAVE YOU BEEN USING VIOLENCE ?v454: 267 HAVE YOU OCCUPIED BUILDINGS OR FACT ?v450: 267 HAVE YOU SIGNED A PETITION ?v458: 275 POLITICAL VIEW ?v457: 274 FREEDOM VS EQUALITY ?v455: 267 HAVE YOU BEEN DAMAGING THINGS ?v453: 267 HAVE YOU JOINED UNOFFICIAL STRIKES ?v249: 142 FAIR THAT QUICKER SECRTRY EARNS MORE?v451: 267 HAVE YOU JOINED IN BOYCOTTS ?v452: 267 HAVE YOU ATTENDED LAWFUL DEMONSTRAT ?v531: 343 CLOSE TO ANY PARTICULAR PARTY ?v250: 143 HOW SHOULD BUSIN-INDUSTRY BE MANAGED?v449: 266 HOW INTERESTED ARE YOU IN POLITICS ?v459: 276 ATTITUDES VIS-A-VIS THE SOCIETY religiosity?v337: 208 8TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v312: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN HELL ?v334: 208 5TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v339: 208 10TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEO?v272: 157 HOW OFTEN DO YOU ATTEND RELIOUS SERV?v338: 208 9TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v308: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD ?v335: 208 6TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v330: 208 1ST COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v313: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN HEAVEN ?v314: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN SIN ?v311: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE DEVIL ?v273: 158 ARE YOU A RELIGIOUS PERSON ?v332: 208 3RD COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v333: 208 4TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v336: 208 7TH COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v119: 113A MEMBER OF CHURCH OR RELIGOUS ORG. ?v319: 169 TAKE SOME MOMENT OF PRAYER ETC ?v331: 208 2ND COMMANDMENT APPLIES TO MOST PEOP?v318: 168 COMFORT AND STRENGTH FROM RELIGION ?v317: 167 HOW IMPORTANT IS GOD IN YOUR LIFE ?v316: 166 WHAT COMES CLOSEST TO YOUR BELIEFS ?v309: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER DEATH ?v271: 156 WHAT IS YOUR RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION?v310: 163 DO YOU BELIEVE IN A SOUL }, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Searching for Idealtypes: The Potentialities of Latent Class Analysis}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 5, year = 1989}@article{schweisguth1995monte, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Schweisguth, ?tienne}, biburl = {}, interhash = {cb6eb05c57bc96002ec609a28c4f49c5}, intrahash = {fbc18ca8eb7806a9401f6d677f28aa82}, issn = {2843871999}, journal = {Futuribles}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed article checked indexproved input2014 review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {131-160}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280897 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {La montée des valeurs individualistes}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 200, year = 1995}@article{haraldsson1985representative, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Haraldsson, Erlendur}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e325f0223885d669d389cff39c27090c}, intrahash = {7bbcc792e45949b6488bd3673a576e8c}, issn = {0037-9751}, journal = {Journal of the Society for Psychical Research}, keywords = {1985 Cognitive_attitude EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP article checked english enhanced indexproved input2014 noindex religion review_proved}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 801, pages = {145-158}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281044 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02; countries?Iceland?Spain?Canada?Malta?Denmark?France?Italy?Netherlands?Norway?Northern Ireland?Belgium?Ireland?United Kingdom?Germany (West)?United States}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Representative National Surveys of Psychic Phenomena: Iceland, Great Britain, Sweden, USA and Gallup's Multinational Survey}, type = {Journal Article}, volume = 53, year = 1985}@article{baloban2012vrednote, abstract = {The author discusses the value system in Croatia while grounding his discussion in the scientific-research project European Values Study (EVS - 2008), the Atlas of European Values, and the other recent literature, and comparing the Croatian data with that of the old European Union (EU) members, the new EU members, the country candidates for accession to EU as well as the other European countries encompassed in the EVS research. The author claims that the Croatian society and the Church lack the all-encompassing, objective, constructive, and future-oriented critical awareness as well as the needed unity that would cut across the various political parties and groups within the society. Taking note of its location within Europe, which is at the same time both secular and religious, Croatia shows a trend of differential distance from the Church in various dimensions of ecclesiality. Marriage and the family remains a fundamental value for Europeans and even more so for Croats, while the culture of work and the relationship toward leisure time continue to be tested in Croatia. Furthermore, the value of friendship and acquaintances and the transfer from friendship to acquaintance has proven to be very fluid along with the other remnants of thinking inherited from the former communist political system. While trust in political institutions is quite low amongst the contemporary Europeans, this does not necessarily mean that they are politically apathetic since they continue to decide for themselves how politically engaged they will be for personal or social reasons. On the other hand, Croats have an exceptionally low level of trust in their political institutions and are politically apathetic. A comparison of relations of Europeans and Croats toward the value of new life shows that Croatia is closer to the new EU member countries, the country candidates, and the other European countries rather than the old EU countries. The author is particularly concerned by and provoked to reflect on the phenomenon of rapid deterioration of trust in the army, police and the Church in Croatia, for which he offers a plausible explanation and a critical reflection. When it comes to the value of solidarity and social (in)sensitivity (as well as some other values), Croats also lag behind the other citizens of the Old Continent.In order to promote, advocate, and live the fundamental human values and the specific Christian values, the Christ's Church in Croatia (and, to some extent, in Europe) needs to take advantage of various models of pastoral engagement that are in correlation with the contemporary person and his/her concrete social and existential context. In relation to that, the author presents four basic pastoral models: 1. the model of universal ecclesial strategy; 2. the model of pastoral focus on individual values; 3. the model of gradual and remote ecclesiality; and 4. the model of spiritual movements.The author concludes the article by strongly emphasising the transparent and recognisable character of ecclesiality and faith that need to become evident to others through individual believers who will give the reason of their hope not only through speech but also (and especially) through life witness.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9d7d7f823cfafaff6b0ae023aa153c33}, intrahash = {d48379a0d0ab99c7a0192f5ef347e320}, journal = {Bogoslovska smotra}, keywords = {2012 Croatia EU EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP SCOPUSindexed Serbo-Croatian article checked ecclesiality indexproved input2014 pastoral_models review_proved values}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 4, pages = {955-989}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939126 ; inputdate=2014-12-01 ; editdate=2014-12-01 ; pubdate=2014-12-01}, timestamp = {2018-12-21T11:20:48.000+0100}, title = {Vrednote u Hrvatskoj u europskoj perspektivi. Pastoralno-teolo?ki vid (Values in Croatia From the European Perspective. A Pastoral-theological View)}, url = {}, volume = 82, year = 2012}@inproceedings{vanschaik2002social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {van Schaik, Ton}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {OECD-ONS International Conference on Social Capital Measurement London, September 25-27, 2002}, interhash = {a05ab42925681ecd7a09f9a250795b57}, intrahash = {44d94353766884c987ea955920d14499}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 23, privnote = {EVS_ID=5431925 ; inputdate=2012-04-10 ; editdate=2012-04-10 ; pubdate=2012-04-10}, timestamp = {2018-10-18T14:31:38.000+0200}, title = {Social Capital in the European Values Study Surveys}, url = {}, year = 2002}@techreport{Halman1996Morality, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L. and Petterson, T.}, biburl = {}, institution = {Tilburg University. Work and Organization Research Centre}, interhash = {957c4a143ccf801a54f2107bc016152d}, intrahash = {8167c28d8f5a2d6596a692644c8c3f14}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 moral_values sociology_and_psychology techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256398 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, series = {WORC Paper}, timestamp = {2018-10-17T15:40:56.000+0200}, title = {Morality and religion : a weakened relationship?}, volume = 4, year = 1996}@techreport{Hoskins2012Participatory, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Brussels}, author = {Hoskins, Bryony and Kerr, David and Abs, H J. and Janmaat, J Germen and Morrison, Jo and Ridley, Rebecca and Sizmur, Juliet}, biburl = {}, institution = {European Commission}, interhash = {56e844eda3a25acc89636a15baf6aff3}, intrahash = {7eef3db496dc346a45e8e1ed92255235}, isbn = {9780854329380}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 2, pages = 103, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936725 ; inputdate=2014-08-18 ; editdate=2014-08-18 ; pubdate=2014-08-18}, series = {Europe for Citizens Programme}, timestamp = {2018-10-17T15:39:28.000+0200}, title = {Participatory citizenship in the European Union Institute of Education}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{topf1995political, abstract = {Moves beyond the analysis of electoral turnout presented in the preceding chapter to look at wider forms of participation in the democratic process. It offers a general discussion of typologies of political activity and involvement. Taking trends across Western Europe as a whole, it concludes that, whereas electoral turnout has remained remarkably stable, political participation beyond voting has risen dramatically.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Topf, R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Citizens and the State}, data-doi = {doi:10.4232/1.10791, doi:10.4232/1.10888}, editor = {Klingemann, H D. and Fuchs, D.}, gesis-study_no = {ZA4438, ZA1750}, interhash = {749f0c65c02740f06ca28676a577c141}, intrahash = {626ec77355bc283529f004b2d893f2e9}, keywords = {1995 EB EB31 EVS EVS1981 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics ZA1750 ZA4438 checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(Eurobarometer) (EVS)}, pages = {52-91}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776970 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, study = {EVS1981, EB31}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Political involvement: Beyond electoral participation}, year = 1995}@techreport{Pastore2013Ora, abstract = {This paper examines the influence of religion on female participation to the labor market using data relative to women aged between 18 and 60 years in 47 European countries drawn from the European Values Study (EVS). We investigate the determinants of the probability of being employed rather than jobless in a LOGIT framework. The results show that women belonging to the Orthodox and, even more, Muslim denominations present a higher risk of non-employment than the agnostics, while being a Protestant increases the probability for a woman to be employed. Although its intensity is slightly weakening, the association between religious affiliation and female labor supply is robust to different sets of controls for individual and household heterogeneity as well as for welfare regimes and country specificities. Once disentangling religiously active and non-active women, we find that there are small differences between them in the case of the Orthodox and Muslim women, while active Catholic women tend to work less and non-active Protestant women tend to work more than average.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bonn}, author = {Pastore, Francesco and Tenaglia, Simona}, biburl = {}, institution = {IZA – Institute of Labor Economics}, interhash = {69834dcf318ec52a588b8622abebd133}, intrahash = {cde867c4d633b30b97c253fa31003f92}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked child_care english female_labor_supply input2014 religion techreport welfare_state_regimes}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 7356, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934346 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-22 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, series = {IZA Discussion Paper}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Ora et non Labora? A Test of the Impact of Religion on Female Labor Supply}, url = {}, year = 2013}@inproceedings{Young2013Turkish, abstract = {Throughout the last fifty years, Turkish-EU relations have fluctuated between positive to completely suspended, though one factor has remained consistent: the European Union's hesitation to grant Turkey full membership. While some EU member countries justify barring Turkey from their ranks for a multitude of institutional, economic, and security reasons, similar issues have been overlooked in the past when accepting the membership bids of countries such as Spain, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria. Why has Turkey in particular faced such sustained opposition from EU citizens? Is this opposition based on misinformed perceptions or an actual 'clash' of cultures between the EU and Turkey? This project comparatively analyzes European public opinion and the 'actual' cultural differences between Turkey and the EU, as measured by data from European Values Surveys, to conclude that EU citizens' skepticism of Turkish accession is perhaps not very misplaced after all.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Young, H Q.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Claremont-UC Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union}, interhash = {b5e4a268dac1243c9f7d7aceab342b17}, intrahash = {b1e9d50925212a882c2facca94b273ed}, issn = {2154-5731}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Turkey checked english enlargement inproceedings input2014 public_opion}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 11, pages = {143-161}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938894 ; inputdate=2014-11-22 ; editdate=2014-11-22 ; pubdate=2014-11-22}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Turkish Accession to the European Union: Shaped by Perception or Reality?}, url = {}, volume = 2013, year = 2013}@incollection{Merkl1988Comparing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boulder}, author = {{Merkl, Peter H.}}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Comparing Pluralist Democracies: Strains on Legitimacy}, editor = {Dogan, Mattei}, interhash = {26b55f3491e666b21ce9cb90e349e339}, intrahash = {ead53ccb698435972de4bd2ba96d43d8}, isbn = {813304512}, keywords = {1988 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, pages = {19-64}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281185 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02 ; Eurobarometer_ID=77039}, publisher = {Westview Press}, study = {Eurobarometer}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T15:04:55.000+0200}, title = {Comparing Legitimacy and Values Among Advanced Democratic Countries}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1988}@book{Klein2013nationale, abstract = {Nationale Identit?t ist ein schillernder Begriff. Mit ihm werden sowohl individuelle und kollektive Selbst- und Fremdbilder als auch vermeintliche und tats?chliche Gemeinsamkeiten beschrieben. Er durchdringt auf vielerlei Weise das Denken und Handeln im sozialen Kontext und ist zugleich doch wissenschaftlich schwer zu fassen. Michael Klein verfolgt das Ziel, die nationale Identit?t der Deutschen am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts aus einer soziologischen Perspektive zu skizzieren. Um die vielf?ltigen Facetten des Konzepts nationaler Identit?t abzubilden, führt er hierfür drei unterschiedliche theoretische Zug?nge zusammen. Neben dem nationalen Commitment der Deutschen stehen die sozialen Grenzkonstruktionen und die vorherrschenden Wertorientierungen im Fokus des Forschungsprogramms. Drei Leitfragen bilden das Gerüst für eine empirisch gestützte Diskussion der gegenw?rtigen nationalen Identit?t der Deutschen:Wie deutsch fühlen sich die Deutschen heute?Was, glauben die Deutschen, ist heute deutsch? Und was ist heute tats?chlich deutsch?}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Klein, Michael}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA2880 ZA3910 ZA4744 ZA4804 ZA4575}, interhash = {e811a2ec9aa51bc631052a80f45feb9a}, intrahash = {2e81e6054b3a3be1b9d1c88c11ffd20d}, isbn = {978-3-658-04014-7}, keywords = {2013 EB69.2 EB_input2014 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP1995 ISSP2003 ISSP_input2014 Identit?t Nation Patriotismus book checked german input2014}, language = {German}, note = {.(Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = 367, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934411 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25 ; Eurobarometer_ID=138202 ;}, publisher = {Springer VS}, school = {Zugl.: Hohenheim, Univ., Diss. }, study = {ISSP 1995 (National Identity I), Eurobarometer 69.2 ; ISSP 2003 (National Identity II), EVS - European Values Study 1981-2008 , ALLBUS 1980-2010 , Prim?rliteratur}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T15:04:55.000+0200}, title = {Die nationale Identit?t der Deutschen: Commitment, Grenzkonstruktionen und Werte zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Lagos2013Globalized, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Abingdon and New York}, author = {Lagos, Marta and Chu, Yun-Han}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Routledge Handbook of International Organization}, editor = {Reinalda, Bob}, interhash = {1a2c970242e88ec6fab56ec3210721f0}, intrahash = {7b6412205a90530ef0f312087e3f84e4}, isbn = {978-0-415-50143-9}, keywords = {2013 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 checked incollection input2014 isspbib2017}, note = {. (Eurobarometer) (EVS) (ISSP)}, pages = {80-93}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935207 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03;ISSP_ID=31249}, publisher = {Routledge}, study = {no data use; explanation of the big comparative surveys}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T15:04:55.000+0200}, title = {Globalized Public Opinion Data: International Comparative Surveys and Regional Barometers }, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{Abramson1995Value, abstract = {In this definitive work, Paul R. Abramson and Ronald Inglehart show that the gradual shift from Materialist values (such as the desire for freedom, self-expression, and the quality of life) is in all likelihood a global phenomenon. Value Change in Global Perspective analyzes the 1990-91 World Values Survey, conducted in 40 societies representing over 70 percent of the world's population. These surveys cover an unprecedentedly broad range of the economic and political spectrum, with data from low income countries (such as China, India, Mexico, and Nigeria), newly industrialized countries (such as South Korea), and former state-socialist countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. These data add significant new meaning to our understanding of attitude shifts throughout the world.Value Change in Global Perspective analyses over 30 years' worth of national surveys in European countries and presents the most comprehensive and nuanced discussion of this shift available. By paying special attention to the way generational replacement transforms values among mass publics, the authors are able to present a comprehensive analysis of the processes through which values change.Value Change in Global Perspective has been written to meet the needs of scholars and students alike. The use op percentage, percentage differences, and algebraic standardization procedures will make the results easy to understand and useful in courses in comparative politics and in public opinion.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Ann Arbor}, author = {{Abramson, Paul R.} and {Inglehart, Ronald}}, biburl = {}, gesis-study_no = {ZA1838 ZA0626 ZA0628 ZA1684}, interhash = {14454b6674481c838f9c201a92d116f3}, intrahash = {b3e868b0c0b06edb077ba8a1c7aa4991}, isbn = {472065912}, keywords = {1995 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP GESIS-Studie Politics ZA0626 ZA0628 ZA1684 ZA1838 book checked english input2014}, note = {(EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, pages = 192, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280997 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02 ; Eurobarometer_ID=95046}, publisher = {University of Michigan Press}, study = {Internationale Wertestudie 1981-1983 (World Values Survey) ; ECS - European Communities Study 1970 ; ECS - European Communities Study 1973 ; Eurobarometer kum.}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Value Change in Global Perspective}, type = {Book}, year = 1995}@incollection{Inglehart1999Trust, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Democracy and Trust}, editor = {Warren, M E.}, interhash = {abb6791af2ef9dbd6b78eb89be7399f2}, intrahash = {a1ab4d3c2ff69e3e9d48a7185f7e8309}, isbn = {9780521640831, 0521640830}, keywords = {1999 EB_input2014 EVS EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP Politics Subjective_well-being checked democracy english incollection input2014 social_capital trust}, note = {. (EVS) (Eurobarometer)}, pages = {88-120}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280930 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-29 ; pubdate=2009-03-02 ; Eurobarometer_ID=85704}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, study = {Eurobarometer ; Wertestudie (EVS, WVS)}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Trust, Well-Being and Democracy}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 1999}@book{Pickel2012Transformations, abstract = {- Gert Pickel and Kornelia Sammet: Introduction: Transformations of Religiosity in Central and Eastern Europe. Twenty Years after the Breakdown of Communism 7; - Friedrich Fiirstenberg: The Religious Factor in Eastern Europe.; Theoretical Considerations on Emergent Forms of Secularized Religion 21; - Willfried Spohn: Europeanization, Multiple Modernities and Religion - The Reconstruction of Collective Identities in Postcommunist Central and Eastern Europe 29; - Kornelia Sammet and Daniel Bergelt: The Modernization of Gender Relations and Religion: Comparative Analyses of Secularization Processes 51; - Gert Pickel and Anja Gladkich: Religious Social Capital in Europe; Connections between Religiosity and Civil Society 69; - Gergely Rosta: Religiosity and Political Values in Central and Eastern Europe 95; - Susanne Pickel: Do Religious People also in Modernity Elect Religious Parties? The Impact of the Religious Cleavage in Eastern Europe and Western Europe in Comparison 111; - Gert Pickel: Religiosity and Bonding to the Church in East Germany in Eastern European Comparison - is Germany Still following a Special Path? 135; - Malina Voicu and Andreea Constantin: Religious Revival in Romania: Between Cohort Replacement and Contextual Changes 155; - Krunoslav Nikodem: Religion and Marriage. Family Attitudes in Croatia 175; - Marit Cremer: The Instrumentalization o f Religious Beliefs and Adat Customery Law in Chechnya .... 197}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, biburl = {}, editor = {Pickel, Gert and Sammet, Kornelia}, gesis-study_no = {ZA3798 ZA3811 ZA3880 ZA4460 ZA4773 ZA4775 ZA4800 ZA4950}, interhash = {89f7f467c6a08ecbe42be4e342d28d52}, intrahash = {69cad4a88fff1a8a4fb0c69321e01464}, isbn = {978-3-531-17540-9}, keywords = {2012 EB_input2014 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS2008 EVS_input2014 Eurobarometer FDZ_IUP ISSP ISSP_input2014 book checked input2014}, language = {English}, note = {. (EVS) (Eurobarometer) (ISSP)}, pages = 216, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934204 ; ISSP_ID=1841 ; inputdate=2014-04-08 ; editdate=2014-04-08 ; pubdate=2014-04-08 ; Eurobarometer_ID=131175}, publisher = {Springer VS}, study = {EVS - European Values Study 1990 ; EVS - European Values Study 1993 ; EVS - European Values Study 1999 ; EVS - European Values Study 2008 ; ISSP 2008 (Religion III) ; Eurobarometer ; Prim?rliteratur ; ESS - European Social Survey}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T15:04:55.000+0200}, title = {Transformations of religiosity : religion and religiosity in Eastern Europe 1989-2010}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Pettersson2003Individual, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {a2db9447ac4a1c6b48242d4044dcf7cf}, intrahash = {47c9a7c1c25707cde820b6ab98c22e8d}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {209-233}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264037 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Individual Values and Global Governance: A Comparative Analysis of Orientations towards the United Nations}, year = 2003}@incollection{Kalmijn2003Country, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Kalmijn, Matthijs}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {7c5cf6dc1e049d4b85f4db78a6a02bdb}, intrahash = {c30321e26d9320183e0394874db16232}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 religion work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {311-337}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281405 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Country Differences in Sex-role Attitudes: Cultural and Economic Explanations}, year = 2003}@incollection{Díez-Nicolás2008Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Díez-Nicolás, Juan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {0de89272d56ac52949df61542698a706}, intrahash = {a39aea524a0de4c07d545833d5c2a599}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family gender_roles incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {247-273}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280746 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Values and Generations in Spain}, year = 2008}@book{Halman2008Changing, abstract = {This book presents the trends in beliefs and values of people in 85 countries around the world from 1981 to 2004. Based on survey data collected in 1981-1984 and 1989-1993 by the European Values Study, the 1995-1997 World Values Surveys and the 1999-2004 European Values Study and World Values Surveys, it examines trends in human values concerning economics, politics, religion, family, gender roles, civic engagement and ethical concerns and important contemporary issues such as the environment, technology, identity, life satisfaction and human happiness. It is a valuable tool for understanding the cultural patterns of countries and how human values are changing. It will be useful to social scientists, journalists, business executives, politicians and policy-makers working in an increasingly globalized world.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Halman, L.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6461a46364bdc6cfc2371b36aa276d17}, intrahash = {78f46be16e0b22a3b78531a4cfa5331b}, isbn = {9789004157781, 9004157786}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics Social_engagement Subjective_well-being book checked english environment family gender_roles input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 11, pages = 274, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763942 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing values and beliefs in 85 countries: trends from the values surveys from 1981 to 2004}, year = 2008}@book{Dobbelaere2000Verloren, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tielt}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel and Elchardus, Mark and Kerkhofs, Jan and Voyé, Liliane and Bawin-Legros, Bernadette}, biburl = {}, interhash = {eb1e2b6b4b60731b7e674331110197bf}, intrahash = {488de6a642972f498a8df021435fc17d}, isbn = {902094097x, 9789020940978}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked dutch input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 272, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280934 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lannoo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Verloren Zekerheid: De Belgen en hun Waarden, Overtuigingen en Houdingen (Lost certainties: Belgians and their values, convictions and attitudes)}, type = {Book}, year = 2000}@incollection{Simons1992Europes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London and New York}, author = {Simons, John}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Europe}, editor = {Bailey, Joe}, interhash = {87c2c5d40b47892eb095272f406a866a}, intrahash = {9b7d7defedaf778aa9a3bae1aafd9013}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {36-49}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281078 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-31 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Longman}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europe's Ageing Population - Demographic Trends}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1992}@incollection{Davie2005Europe, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Michigan}, author = {Davie, Grace}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics}, editor = {Berger, P L.}, interhash = {469e9226c7d99f2bcf89fb5dd72c5699}, intrahash = {0dace35e80aece34309a7cc7c5d855de}, isbn = {802846912}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {65-84}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281314 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europe: The Exception that Provides the Rule?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@incollection{Davie2001Patterns, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Davie, G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion}, editor = {Fenn, R K.}, interhash = {77cddcf9a985380f550c13379e2d207a}, intrahash = {10645c9d4a875ec0bcec77eae8afae12}, isbn = {978-0631212416}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {264-278}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763874 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Patterns of Religion in Western Europe: An exceptional case}, year = 2001}@incollection{Abela2000Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Malta}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Malta Year Book 2000}, editor = {Clews, S J.A.}, interhash = {9703fd1df3f6974291429c677fe47f30}, intrahash = {c6b4a96254aae58604fd7f4f3fa61c85}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {522-527}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280970 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {De La Salle Publications}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values for the Year 2000}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2000}@book{Denz2002Europ?ische, abstract = {Im Rahmen der Europ?ischen Wertestudie werden die Lebenskonzepte und Werthaltungen von Europ?erInnen zu verschiedenen personen- und gesellschaftsbezogenen Themenfeldern erforscht: Religion und Politik, Arbeit, Familie und Freizeit. "Die europ?ische Seele" stellt die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Europ?ischen Wertestudie in einen gesamteurop?ischen Kontext. Ein Vergleich mit den 1981 und 1990 erhobenen Daten erlaubt - neben Informationen über aktuelle Meinungen - teils brisante Analysen von Strukturen und Ver?nderungen der Einstellungen in Europa.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, author = {Denz, Hermann}, biburl = {}, interhash = {eb47a40afe1daa6f1e7e69517635952d}, intrahash = {7fcf51fcb94188fca6ec7cd04f568321}, isbn = {3707601048}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 269, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281281 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Czernin Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Die Europ?ische Seele: Leben und Glauben in Europa}, type = {Book}, year = 2002}@incollection{Belot2014Le, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Belot, Céline and Guinaudeau, Isabelle}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {c83661aefcd4c7066e00b1eef2f4c70b}, intrahash = {f31ea9b638e2bc16a1247964105d984f}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {151-165}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934967 ; inputdate=2014-05-21 ; editdate=2014-05-21 ; pubdate=2014-05-21}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Le soutien des citoyens à l'intégration européenne: quel r?le pour les clivages politiques traditionnels?}, year = 2014}@incollection{Kerkhofs1995De, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tielt}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Bakens in de Storm}, editor = {Forrier, W. and Leroy, P. and van Malleghem, P. and Steyaert, Jan and Storme, M E. and Traest, G.}, interhash = {fe4d66041414148c916a4c6c6559d4c2}, intrahash = {6703004df518058a644f1b85dab12e1a}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {71-90}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281179 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lannoo}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {De Toekomst van de Waarden en de Waarde van de Toekomst (x- The Future of Values and the Value of the Future)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Harding1984New, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, annotation = {Also published in: J. Vandamme (ed.), Pour une nouvelle politique sociale en Europe. Paris: Economica.}, author = {Harding, Stephen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {New Dimensions in European Social Policy}, editor = {Vandamme, Jacques}, interhash = {acd94190383d011419eb6c72c51f1ecb}, intrahash = {d08b55dae4d10a095cacae7e99083c98}, isbn = {709924739}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {77-94}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280985 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Croom Helm}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {New Values and Mutation in Society}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1984}@book{Gubert1997Specificità, abstract = {Alla crescente integrazione economica globale, all'appiattirsi delle contrapposizioni politico-ideologiche, al trionfo della razionalità tecnologica si affianca in questi nostri tempi, in forme e modi diversi sull'intera scena mondiale, il riproporsi con nuova intensità di istanze legate all'identità regionale e locale.La sociologia non può limitarsi a registrare e documentare il fenomeno, ma deve interrogarsi, utilizzando gli strumenti che le sono propri, sul fondamento che tali pretese di specificità hanno nel riferirsi a valori comunemente sentiti. L'obiettivo dell'approfondita ricerca di cui questo volume rende conto è rilevare e comparare, nel quadro di un ampio complesso di indagini condotte a livello nazionale sui valori degli europei, i tratti distintivi dell'essere e del sentirsi trentini.Le aree tematiche considerate sono quelle classiche delle inchieste sui valori (il senso della vita, il trascendente, l'etica, la famiglia, il lavoro, la politica), con l'aggiunta di una particolare attenzione alle dimensioni dell'identità e dell'autonomia locale.L'analisi è condotta con un puntuale e sistematico confronto tra gli intervistati trentini e i loro vicini, italiani e non; approfondendo poi le differenze interne alla provincia, tra aree distinte sotto il profilo della localizzazione geografica, dell'origine etnica, delle influenze culturali, della dimensione dell'insediamento; verificando infine le relazioni tra le variabili di posizione sociale e gli orientamenti di valore espressi.All'interesse che tale tipo di indagini riscuote si aggiunge, nel caso specifico del Trentino, la particolare rilevanza che vi assumono una radicata tradizione di autonomia, la presenza di forze politiche che ne traggono la propria ragion d'essere, la contiguità e la profonda interazione con il mondo culturale tedesco.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Milano}, author = {Gubert, Renzo}, biburl = {}, editor = {Gubert, Renzo}, interhash = {77a50dd243c2e7fc3909048bd4cdb980}, intrahash = {2de76e11aed0b57a7fd34b6af39fb477}, isbn = {9788846403261}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 720, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281357 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Franco Angeli}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Specificità culturale di una regione alpina nel contesto Europeo. Indagina sociologica sui valori dei Trentino}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1997}@incollection{Halman1994Individualización, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencas mundiales de cambo en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolas, J Diez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {4ce9883afe1fb3431d0ecb930c1a1d7a}, intrahash = {a52a1a06e474bc31a957a6f197248b65}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {29-62}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281130 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualización y cambio de valores en Europa y Norteamérica}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Halman2009map, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Minsk}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Hagenaars, J.A.P. and Moors, G.B.D.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Contemporary Person's Value World: Belarus in the project "European Values Study"}, editor = {Bulynko, D.M. and Danilova, A.N. and Rotman, D.G.}, interhash = {68cf08d15f0013a4bc01526af5c996d5}, intrahash = {fae110dcbd447b5235057295a10ab7c7}, keywords = {2009 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-52}, privnote = {EVS_ID=4807662 ; inputdate=2011-07-04 ; editdate=2011-07-04 ; pubdate=2011-07-04}, publisher = {Belarusian State University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {A map of European cultures. A research of main value orientations shared by European countries population}, year = 2009}@book{Friesl2001Experiment, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wien}, author = {Friesl, Christian}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e5dd21e6630aba31efd3ae985ffc0f47}, intrahash = {5680d620394defbe5e52de0b34127d25}, isbn = {3707601023X, 9783707601039}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Life Politics book checked environment family german input2014 moral_issues national_identity religion work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 240, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280837 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Experiment Jung-Sein: Die Wertewelt ?sterreichischer Jugendlicher (x- Experiment Being Young. Austria's Youth World of Values)}, type = {Book}, year = 2001}@incollection{Juknevicius2003From, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Juknevicius, Stanislovas and Savicka, Aida}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Values of Volunteering. Cross-Cultural Perspectives}, editor = {Dekker, Paul and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {c1bf644a3551558575ee5ed4ace4ec79}, intrahash = {76058f9811ddd6e628e80e2c3768bdce}, isbn = {0306477378, 0306478544}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {127-142}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281138 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kluwer academic/Plenum publishers}, series = {Nonprofit and civil society studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {From Restitution to Innovation: Volunteering in Postcommunist Countries}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@misc{Noelle-Neumann1984Lebenswerte, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, interhash = {f1de4397a937950405b6fa60075d074f}, intrahash = {a43743dc731e7923b992fb442681128e}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {9-18}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281181 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Lebenswerte Heute (X- Today's Values of Life)}, type = {Generic}, year = 1984}@incollection{Halman2006De, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {s-Gravenhage:}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Bouwen aan vertrouwen in het openbaar bestuur. Diagnoses en Remedies}, editor = {Korsten, A. and Goede, Peter de}, interhash = {dd91cb05055692de2a2920f0e66f55b4}, intrahash = {0fda43d574d00a9610afe3d9a1adde2c}, isbn = {109035240243}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {79-99}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256384 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Elsevier}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {De politiek vertrouwen? Waarom zou je? Een empirische analyse in 33 Europese landen}, year = 2006}@book{Pettersson1994Scandinavian, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Stockholm}, biburl = {}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Riis, Ole}, interhash = {4e3a6463ea1c0501913fc4c3afa15fa6}, intrahash = {3942deaedc9c9bcf7e6c82cb16bf3a6c}, isbn = {9155434118}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 212, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281227 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Almqvist & Wiksell International}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Scandinavian Values: Religion and Morality in the Nordic Countries}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1994}@book{Dobbelaere1988Het, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a5b562a63c4c9a53f840a7d178d04f6c}, intrahash = {3df4467c90a6332cbf048696f21500a1}, isbn = {9033418169}, keywords = {1988 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked dutch input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 165, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280847 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Acco}, series = {Nikè}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Het 'Volk-Gods' de Mist in? Over de kerk in Belgi? (x- 'God's People' Going Wrong? About Church in Belgium)}, type = {Book}, year = 1988}@misc{Cuffe2005Local, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Cuffe, John}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d153d51a10da5e3e3d8085b98be9cc8d}, intrahash = {46216b3888a007aacb01b1ec36c09e6c}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938476 ; inputdate=2014-11-03 ; editdate=2014-11-03 ; pubdate=2014-11-03}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Local Power, National Activity? Local Government and Political Participation in non-Federal Systems}, year = 2005}@incollection{Kerkhofs1987What, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Brussel}, annotation = {also published in French}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Europe, Dream-Adventure-Reality}, editor = {Rossman, M L.}, interhash = {f06fa1976b48687af5b00236e456e770}, intrahash = {373b33f007bea7591db22a2e7c6e60d0}, isbn = {313259542}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {230-233}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280899 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Elsevier Brussel}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {What Makes Europeans Tick}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1987}@phdthesis{Noordijk2013Building, abstract = {A culture of accommodation and tolerance is a necessary part of establishing and preserving a functional multi-national and multi-ethnic European Union. Civil society organizations and their associated social capital have been shown to foster civic capacity and achievement of public policy goals. However, social capital that is based on group identity can also contribute to a sense of intolerance towards out-groups, undermining the stated tolerance objectives of the social pillar of the European Union. States with a strong presence alongside civil society are expected to be curb the development of the exclusionary bonding form of social capital in favor of bridging social capital which will improve progress toward policy goals.This study tests the link between government capacity, social capital and tolerance using data from the 1990-2009 waves of the World Values Survey and European Values Study. Using path analysis and multi-level models of the relationships between political capacity, social capital and intolerance, the model establishes that government capacity enhances bridging social capital and which increases social tolerance. The study fills a gap in understanding how government capacity and policy can result in improved social capital even with greater diversity. A proposed relationship between political capacity and bonding forms of social capital was not supported.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Portland}, author = {Noordijk, P Andrew}, biburl = {}, interhash = {abb4f3db7ea0d519616a5203976e69a7}, intrahash = {a037c44d018e39ad9caaf19db77266b9}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 1091, pages = 245, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936712 ; inputdate=2014-08-15 ; editdate=2014-08-15 ; pubdate=2014-08-15}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Building Bridges with Social Capital in the European Union}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Bréchon2005Religion, abstract = {Articulé autour de trois grands axes structurants de la science politique - forces, attitudes et comportements politiques ; identités, communautés et citoyennetés ; r?les, régimes et institutions -, cet ouvrage entend témoigner de la richesse et de la vitalité de la politique comparée francophone et renouveler l'éclairage porté sur certains phénomènes politiques contemporains. Résolument ancré dans le concret de terrains de rechercher diversifiés et originaux, ce choix de travaux permet également de poser des jalons théoriques et méthodologiques stimulants sur une discipline en plein renouveau.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Faire de la politique comparée}, editor = {Nadal, Emmanuel and Marty, Marianne and Thiriot, Céline and Seiler, Daniel-Louis}, interhash = {c42bbbe717f83195a0cd4bca472112ca}, intrahash = {f29f52081694850eba5730d07c0d9937}, isbn = {Faire de la politique comparée}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {133-148}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935808 ; inputdate=2014-07-10 ; editdate=2014-07-10 ; pubdate=2014-07-10}, publisher = {Karthala}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion et politique en Europe de l'Ouest}, url = {}, year = 2005}@incollection{Halman2003Moral, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion}, editor = {Piedmont, R.L. and Moberg, D.O.}, interhash = {cf4c0dc51ac6349186ea688d0b801501}, intrahash = {17efa64d879e3446d1aa9839fd3b9fea}, isbn = {9004126201}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 13, pages = {173-204}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256405 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Moral pluralismin contemporary Europe: Evidence from the project religious and moral pluralism (RAMP)}, year = 2003}@incollection{crpic2005Between, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {?rpi?, Gordan and Zrinka, Sinia}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {In Search of Identity. A Comparative Study of Values: Croatia and Europe}, editor = {Baloban, Josip}, interhash = {27535f05ec63c9228fc172692e1cff8a}, intrahash = {f98616fac04c7a5d7a63c9b5f7f68da6}, isbn = {9532122567}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {45-84}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280777 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Golden Marketing - Tehni?ka knjiga}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Between Identity and Everyday Life: Religiosity in Croatian Society from the European Comparative Perspective}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2005}@book{Calvaruso1985Indagine, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Torino}, author = {Calvaruso, Claudio and Abbruzzese, Salvatore}, biburl = {}, interhash = {acf263acef91a465d656efc2b935ac59}, intrahash = {3ea36e8dce1f316b874848c5afa86754}, isbn = {8805038768}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics book checked input2014 italian moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 245, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280884 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {SEI}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Indagine sui valori in Italia. Dai post-materialismi ala ricerca di senso}, type = {Book}, year = 1985}@incollection{Jagodzinski1995Religi?ser, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Opladen}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Die deutsche Gesellschaft in vergleichender Perspektive. Festschrift für E.K. Scheuch zum 65. Geburtstag}, editor = {Reuband, K. and Pappi, F U. and Best, H.}, interhash = {4b268a2b9359aba60e9cd208b948211f}, intrahash = {4ff7648ba9ee2b5d3d0efa09343a2bda}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {261-285}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281201 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Westdeutscher Verslag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religi?ser Pluralism in Western Europe (Religious Pluralism in Western Europe)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Mehregan2014Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden}, author = {Mehregan, Abbas}, biburl = {}, interhash = {ee6d8e00891b522bbefb19ceea441300}, intrahash = {004c515d5d5020616f32518382d7576e}, isbn = {978-90-04-26909-5}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 23, pages = {74-124}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938707 ; inputdate=2014-11-16 ; editdate=2014-11-29 ; pubdate=2014-11-16}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion, Religiosity, and Democratic Values: A Comparative Perspective of Islamic and Non-Islamic Societies}, url = {}, year = 2014}@incollection{Halsey1985On, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Halsey, A H.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {d63f8b7a380d6ebf97af53eb6b69c76c}, intrahash = {f6743f380149488493b0c1355a51c11c}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {1-20}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281354 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, series = {Studies in the Contemporary Values of Modern Society}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {On Methods and Morals}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Galland1994Ages, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {ad89acc58a9bb02603b77ee3af91a6bc}, intrahash = {c11076d52837fbe8f6c53dfe2d2c9fbe}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {251-296}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280974 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Ages et valeurs}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@misc{Muradyan2013Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Muradyan, Olena and Shirokanova, Anna and Matosyan, Tigran}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fba95a878bcc7e1e25d542d906ea658b}, intrahash = {cd385ee30214e4d43565261a40dbaeca}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934790 ; inputdate=2014-05-10 ; editdate=2014-05-10 ; pubdate=2014-05-10}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Value Change in New Eastern Europe}, year = 2013}@incollection{Halman2003Capital, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lissabon}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses}, editor = {Vala, J. and Cabral, M.V. and Ramos, A.}, interhash = {2f69746b0889cb058c34458d29404924}, intrahash = {c8c0e6c3532944cc4d6d270fbf583d7c}, isbn = {9726711002}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 35, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256383 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Imprensa de Ciencias Sociais}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Capital social na Europa contemporanea}, year = 2003}@book{deFran?a1993Portugal, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Lisboa}, author = {de Fran?a, Luis}, biburl = {}, editor = {De Fran?a, L.}, interhash = {b02f709609570fb73129aae694901cf7}, intrahash = {dc47bf8b387832c2057b8edac2e751fd}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280961 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Instituto de Estudos para o desenvolvimento}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Portugal: Valores Europeus Identidade Cultura (x- Portugal. Values of European Cultural Identity)}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1993}@incollection{Silvestre1999La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oviedo}, annotation = {Also published in Revista Inguruak, 1997, Vol.18, P93-114.}, author = {Silvestre, M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cambiando el conocimiento: universidad, sociedad y feminismo}, editor = {Carreras Suárez, I. and Cid Lopez, R M. and Rodriguez, A P.}, interhash = {eeb38e8544fb55dab23bc46ac2afa851}, intrahash = {2de5a2d8865e2d6019cc002c4ff8fd1c}, isbn = {9788489613928}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish checked gender_roles incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {287-307}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281342 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ediciones KRK}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La perceptión de la función social de las mujeres en la sociedad vasca}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1999}@incollection{Vinken2006Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Vinken, Henk and Rammstedt, Beatrice}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {fbc5faa883b52b79781e38a721d08a2d}, intrahash = {8c9bef41e12f6cd0d905d7bc1eb2b626}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {233-250}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264460 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-02-18 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values, Personalities, and Generations}, year = 2006}@incollection{Halman1993Comparative, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {4adf9a3dd25f2783968d0d6086eaa6ac}, intrahash = {a45ec2adb5a984683b6aae84de81b3e0}, isbn = {903619833X}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {21-36}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280913 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Comparative Research on Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@book{Olafsson1985Hvernig, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Reykjavik}, author = {Olafsson, S.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7433d3ce77c6cc5c6e51d709086a18b1}, intrahash = {74a5863112aff0c8844dad7d49362ae3}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281148 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {University of Iceland}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Hvernig eru Islendingar? (What are the Values of Icelanders?)}, type = {Book}, year = 1985}@incollection{Davie1992God, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London and New York}, author = {Davie, Grace}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Europe}, editor = {Bailey, Joe}, interhash = {59fab72c9fd88232d2fc3b56ebc1527d}, intrahash = {d91cab5a9d99cecc96659385280001ef}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {216-238}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281263 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Longman}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {God and Ceasar: Religion in a Rapidly Changing Europe}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1992}@incollection{Beugelsdijk2003Participation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and van Schaik, Ton}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {eab014b3eab516364def8b21be12ecd6}, intrahash = {236c13e0f900f5ee3712f245faf1697b}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {119-145}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280752 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Participation in Civil Society and European Regional Economic Growth}, year = 2003}@incollection{Galland2001Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {France: l'Harmattan}, annotation = {Collection Débats Jeunesses}, author = {Galland, Olivier}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs des jeunes, tendances en France depuis 20 ans}, editor = {Galland, Olivier and Roudet, Bernard}, interhash = {adc82ff93ade4792b54df9e2423a6ff8}, intrahash = {40ceff392f680f23a3249241f69c5a33}, isbn = {2747517985}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281112 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, INJEP}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les représentations des r?les adultes}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2001}@incollection{Kuhar2012Frozen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Kuhar, Metka and Reiter, Herwig}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {1989 - Young People and Social Change after the fall of the Berlin Wall}, editor = {Leccardi, Carmen and Feixa, Carles and Kovacheva, Siyka and Reiter, Herwig and Sekulic, Tatjana}, interhash = {e977b2651f1f3a824075f4f136e3ec30}, intrahash = {bd0d3025e3dd315d1f9fe2a4149b7a6e}, isbn = {9789287171832}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {75-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935205 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Frozen Transitions? Young People in the former Yugoslavia}, year = 2012}@incollection{Dobbelaere1995Religione, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {69ff31e8ba228d98d52cd5aeae093d46}, intrahash = {6b25acb9b1d59c29c41ca2fd907c3a79}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014 italian moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {125-171}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280838 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religione e valori morali in Europa e nell America settentrionale}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Dobbelaere1996Europ?ische, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paderborn}, author = {Dobbelaere, Karel and Voyé, Liliane}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Vatikanum II und Modernisierung}, editor = {Kaufmann, Franz-Xaver and Zingerle, Arnold}, interhash = {05c5b47ba3dbeb6cf96d7cefe945eb11}, intrahash = {66a4131be83ab1dbc2d0ae3bc6fa7b73}, isbn = {3506742523}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {209-232}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281256 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Ferdinand Sch?ningh}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europ?ische Katholiken und die katholische Kirche nach dem zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Halman1993Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {bbd837fd1303b7cdf58f22eb9794a5e9}, intrahash = {084b05658d5c96d38d377f8e404f36c7}, isbn = {903619833X}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {155-162}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280820 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Value Patterns and Modernity}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@incollection{Berns2003European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Berns, Egidius}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {af26e0eb94aad9ab18f6f6211bb85009}, intrahash = {273672a8e2ce66137e05092ad4f0f43a}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {449-462}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281411 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Surrogate}, year = 2003}@book{Elzo1992Son, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bilbao}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, F Andrés and Barreda, M A. and Garmendia, F. and Blasco, P G. and Santacoloma, J F.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {6060d744caed14869c5c8139a536399c}, intrahash = {122385131f71afe6a3cee8b32b9a8805}, isbn = {8486641357, 9788486641351}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 406, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280998 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universidad de Deusto}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Son los Vascos diferentes? Euskalerria en la Encuesta Europea de Valores}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@techreport{Dixon2005Clash, abstract = {Turkey's proposed entry into the European Union (EU) has been undermined by Europeans' perceptions of Turkish-European cultural differences, particularly regarding the liberal-democratic values that the EU promotes (democracy, rule of law, and respect for and appreciation of minority/human rights). Yet, cross-national research on values has not focused on Turkey, the EU, and these liberal-democratic values, leaving assumptions of cultural differences and their explanations untested. Through analyses of World and European Values Survey data (1999-2002), this article asks whether people in Turkey have the same values regarding democracy, rule of law (versus religious and authoritarian rule), and minority/human rights as people in EU member and candidate states (as of 2000)? What factors explain these values? I find that people in Turkey support democracy to the same extent as people in EU member and candidate states, but people in Turkey are more supportive of religious and authoritarian rule and are less tolerant of minorities. Although the 'clash of civilizations' thesis expects liberal values to be ordered according to countries' religious traditions, with western Christian the most supportive and Islamic the least, only for tolerance of minorities values is this pattern found. Instead, economic development most consistently explains differences between Turkey and EU member and candidate states in support for these values. I conclude with calls for theoretical refinement, particularly of the clash of civilizations thesis, along with suggestions for future research to examine more Muslim and Orthodox countries; I discuss the debate over Turkey's EU entry.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Washington D.C.}, annotation = {Policy brief disseminated to U.S. Congresspersons, lobbyists and academics by Turkish Industrialist and Businessmen's Association}, author = {Dixon, J C.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e2726b8f8c7d1fb447bafc08d3dd032a}, intrahash = {a79a6d6f010f3df8d47143e8598e3001}, isbn = {ISSN: 00071315}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics_society checked input2014 national_identity techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281008 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {A Clash of Civilizations, or Differences in Economic Modernization? Examining Liberal-Democratic Values in Turkey and the European Union}, type = {Report}, year = 2005}@incollection{Davie1999Religion, abstract = {This chapter is divided into four sections. The first outlines the facts and figures of religious life in France, underlining the changes that have occurred in the post-war period. The second sets the French situation within the context of western Europe. In many ways France represents a hybrid case: Catholic in culture, its religious indicators display a profile more usually found in the Protestant North. The third section explains in more detail the concept of laicite, an idea more fully developed in France than anywhere else in Europe. The fourth and final section uses a case study to illustrate the persisting tensions within the current situation; it traces the affaire du foulard through the early 1990s, with a particular emphasis on what it means to be a truly tolerant and pluralist society within western Europe at the end of the twentieth century.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Davie, G.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Modern France: A Society in Transition}, editor = {Cook, M. and Davie, G.}, interhash = {27c2e66db978fb81e99f3bb87211aa1a}, intrahash = {23ce6658d0adb3929ed271931f2209e4}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {195-215}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763870 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and la?cité}, year = 1999}@incollection{Dekker2003Civil, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Dekker, Paul and Ester, Peter and Vinken, Henk}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {72d16f92368d059857728666bca3736e}, intrahash = {c7d5316d5a62d48646f497835cee5846}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {217-253}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280754 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Civil Society, Social Trust and Democratic Involvement}, year = 2003}@incollection{Ester1993Value, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {fc6285d7a01f446888e134c7dcfe4a66}, intrahash = {042727e5220ec820c984bb041a2db6f2}, isbn = {903619993X}, keywords = {1993 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {1-20}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280857 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Value Shift in Western Societies}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1993}@incollection{Gonthier2014Système, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gonthier, Frédéric and Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {2ceb1b06a97b4458f32540f5c41d9a2a}, intrahash = {fc79ada81a8181b37a69ae75d11ef497}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {205-220}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934988 ; inputdate=2014-05-22 ; editdate=2014-05-22 ; pubdate=2014-05-22}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Système de valeurs et classes sociales en Europe: le statut socioéconomique n'explique pas tout}, year = 2014}@incollection{Abela1994Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Malta}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Change, Values and Social Policy. Maltese Society: A Sociological Inquiry}, editor = {Sultana, R G. and Baldacchino, G.}, interhash = {48e150409342caa9dbcc00b168277de3}, intrahash = {1857c399b58de956753a9614d5fae280}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {253-270}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280936 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-07 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Mireva Publications}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values for Malta's future}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Halman1999Wat, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Haarlem}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Recente ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek. Jaarboek 1999 van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Marktonderzoek en Informatiemanagement}, editor = {Bronner, A.E. and Dekker, P. and Olivier, A.J. and Raaij, W.F. van and Wedel, M. and Wierenga, B.}, interhash = {eb5066af9396d23eadda2be7783e1d14}, intrahash = {e19944e27aa90b29a7221b12a6a95d4d}, isbn = {9060764560}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {131-145}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256381 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Uitgeverij de Vrieseborch}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Wat is er aan de hand met ons gezin? Een exploratie van de Europese opvattingen over gezin, huwelijk, ouderschap, ouder-kind relaties en vrouwenrollen}, year = 1999}@incollection{Inglehart2003Islamic, abstract = {In seeking to understand the root causes of the events of 9/11 many accounts have turned to Samuel P. Huntington's provocative and controversial thesis of a 'clash of civilizations', arousing strong debate. Evidence from the 1995-2001 waves of the World Values Survey/European Values Survey (WVS/EVS) allows us, for the first time, to examine an extensive body of empirical evidence relating to this debate. Comparative analysis of the beliefs and values of Islamic and non-Islamic publics in 75 societies around the globe, confirms the first claim in Huntington's thesis: culture does matter, and indeed matters a lot, so that religious legacies leave a distinct imprint on contemporary values. But Huntington is mistaken in assuming that the core clash between the West and Islamic worlds concern democracy. The evidence suggests striking similarities in the political values held in these societies. It is true that Islamic publics differ from Western publics concerning the role of religious leadership in society, but this is not a simple dichotomous clash - many non-Islamic societies side with the Islamic ones on this issue. Moreover the Huntington thesis fails to identify the most basic cultural fault line between the West and Islam, which concerns the issues of gender equality and sexual liberalization. The cultural gulf separating Islam from the West involves Eros far more than Demos.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald and Norris, Pippa}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Human Values and Social Change: Findings from the Values Surveys}, editor = {Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {eeed3035f372ace02083f2d0735455c9}, intrahash = {b2bf328949157b7c609d65d39f305546}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {5-33}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3258623 ; inputdate=2009-02-16 ; editdate=2010-01-27 ; pubdate=2009-02-16}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Islamic Culture and Democracy: Testing the 'Clash of Civilizations' Thesis}, year = 2003}@book{CarballodeCilley1987Qué, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Buenos Aires}, author = {Carballo de Cilley, Marita}, biburl = {}, interhash = {1263d52e00bcc0ee4c038f4008d3b162}, intrahash = {c8a93ecb226678be68384091a92bbd3b}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280808 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Sadei}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Qué pensamos los argentinos? Los valores de los argentinos de nuestro tiempo}, type = {Book}, year = 1987}@incollection{Scott2006Individualization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Scott, Jacqueline and Brown, Michael}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, interhash = {8c2011e8b1ee99b545e773d6dddacf8f}, intrahash = {b9bf0b36bb1eb55d8aa13967cc4dc5b3}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = {61-87}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264453 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Individualization of Family Values?}, year = 2006}@incollection{Hamberg2003Christendom, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Hamberg, E M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000}, editor = {McCleod, H. and Ustorf, W.}, interhash = {3903282eb9e32314974ba3e343d775cc}, intrahash = {6b8717ce2f11c358c271c742da9b5854}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {47-61}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763978 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Christendom in decline: The Swedish case}, year = 2003}@incollection{Harding1995Aspettative, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Harding, Stephen}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {ab08b5ff058c99ba8eb96773193115cb}, intrahash = {cf1115f52e21ba94c909ada947adc5b8}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014 italian work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {289-304}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281286 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Aspettative e opinioni dei lavoratori dipendenti: tendenze emergenti nell' Europa occidentale}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Yaría1995La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Buenos Aires}, author = {Yaría, J Alberto}, biburl = {}, editor = {Yaria, Juan Alberto}, interhash = {eb2faa28150fa17493dbc77a33033d30}, intrahash = {dbd010a3dcfae42512d189d5463e37af}, isbn = {9505920350, 9789505920358}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 359, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281230 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universidad del Salvador, Collección Estudios.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La cultura del Malestar}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1995}@incollection{Capraro1992I, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Padova}, author = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {CET, Le regioni del Nord-Est, Società, economia e ambiente}, interhash = {9387193b194f5ddf7e29aaa88e8b235f}, intrahash = {33aca3b8beab7b4dfef942c6d0761298}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {197-207}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280815 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Messaggero}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {I valori degli italiani negli anni Ottanta secondo un'indagine europea}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1992}@incollection{Becker1998Is, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {s-Gravenhage}, author = {Becker, J. and Verweij, Johan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The European Challenge. Essays on Culture, Values and Policy in a Changing Continent}, editor = {Paling, K. and Veldheer, V.}, interhash = {d0e3cd433a12d57b84c52a1f573f47af}, intrahash = {265be858d72db3d13c2a27c4b5e3df28}, isbn = {9057491540}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {61-87}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280830 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {VUGA Uitgeverij B.V.}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Is there a European Superego? An Exploration of Some Educational Values in the 1990's}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1998}@book{Pollack2012Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Farnham}, author = {Pollack, Detlef and Müller, Olaf and Pickel, Gert}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7402298e8c7b39e4f5e6e642be685fbb}, intrahash = {5bc921a8bbf662cfb09a2259963c73f0}, isbn = {978-1-4094-2621-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 278, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934382 ; inputdate=2014-04-23 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-23}, publisher = {Ashgate}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe: Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{deMoor1985Overeenkomsten, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {s-Gravenhage}, author = {de Moor, Ruud}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Differenti?le sociologie in discussie}, editor = {Hofstee, E W. and Jolles, H M. and Gadourek, I. and Rossum, W V. and Galjart, B F. and Ruiter, R. and de Moor, Ruud and Sch?ffer, I.}, interhash = {1d4402add45bdab34adddd4987576315}, intrahash = {606444214986018d4f2700c017f475ca}, isbn = {9060953967}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {106-127}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281005 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {VUGA}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Overeenkomsten en Verschillen in Waardepatronen van Westeuropeanen: Algemene of Differenti?le Sociologie? (x- Similarities and Differences in Value Patterns of West European People: General or Differential Sociology?)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Inglehart1997Public, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Belo Horizonte}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Public Opinion and the Environment}, editor = {Simoes, Solange}, interhash = {fd38ded03877a540506fcbc04cee4f74}, intrahash = {215db50d1a7f57c6bebd6d0b7e989e45}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english environment incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 16, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281056 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-01-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {University of Minas Gerais Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Public Support for Environmental Protection: Objective Problems and Subjective Values}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 1997}@incollection{Orizo1995Il, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Orizo, A F.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {b5cb93092b4e354f8869439976f1a10f}, intrahash = {19f171f926544eaa66cce9438ee1ce39}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {497-522}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281333 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Il mutamento dei valori nell'Europa meridionale: il caso della spagna}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@phdthesis{Putman2013Work, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Putman, L S.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {82fcbfd7b251e60d429e6632f6d4c7f2}, intrahash = {8c8dafcbfc77b4404821ae44570f9dc2}, isbn = {9789090273761}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 phdthesis}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 199, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938848 ; inputdate=2014-11-21 ; editdate=2014-11-21 ; pubdate=2014-11-21}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Work values: Their emergence and their consequences for labour market}, year = 2013}@incollection{Geiger2012, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Geiger, Marija and Zrinka, Sinia}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Welfare and Values in Europe. Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender}, editor = {B?ckstr?m, Anders}, interhash = {67de24ff000235ecfc59794ecf8b8ed7}, intrahash = {1b6739a024876b111edc7bc8b4fd7957}, isbn = {978-91-554-8545-0}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, number = 3, pages = {157-183}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935209 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, series = {National Overviews and Case Study Reports}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Croatia}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{Kerkhofs1986Wertewandel, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {München}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {S?kularisation und Wertewandel}, editor = {Kerber, Walter}, interhash = {b8033ab0bc81e9918bda28abbf8c8413}, intrahash = {e6ed7248ac97d142b967084dad0687e0}, keywords = {1986 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {63-74}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281152 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kindt Verlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Wertewandel: das Verst?ndnis von Gewissen, Reue und Sünde in West-Europa}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1986}@incollection{Inglehart1999Postmodernization, abstract = {Presents an analysis of the reasons for the post-modern shift to declining respect for/deference to authority among the publics of advanced industrial societies, and of the accompanying growing support for democracy. The early sections discuss: the changing emphasis on key aspects of life during the shift from modernization to post-modernization; the authoritarian reflex that occurs in periods of rapid change and insecurity?in contrast to the greater emphasis on individual autonomy and diminishing deference to authority under conditions of prosperity and security that occurs in the post-modern shift; and declining confidence in hierarchical institutions in post-modern societies. The later part of the chapter examines predicted and observed changes in cross-national norms concerning the authority using data from the three waves of the World Values Survey (1981?1997). Using these same data, it also examines the decline of confidence in the most hierarchical institutions of the survey countries over this time period?i.e. the armed forces, the police, and the church, and looks at support for strong leadership in relation to percentage priority to post-materialist goals.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Inglehart, R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Government}, editor = {Norris, P.}, interhash = {56a3498bb93cf01a53f8963099dc58be}, intrahash = {8a6519676c4c778fb8304adb1d42e6fb}, isbn = {978-0198295686}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {236-257}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776361 ; inputdate=2010-01-27 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-27}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Postmodernization erodes respect for authority but increases support for democracy}, year = 1999}@book{Capraro1995I, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, biburl = {}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {c2cef4da94ab050dd8858d5576746185}, intrahash = {0633fa4f9fd198430b28eb170585dcb1}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 549, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280823 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 1995}@book{Gubert2007Doppia, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Gubert, G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {9e916b8e06cfa5a7769678a3a1e6030f}, intrahash = {7441ac787c3c5438431d6bd8f240a162}, issn = {8889825073, 9788889825075}, keywords = {2007 EVS EVS1990 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014 italian religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 288, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280908 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, series = {QUADERNI DI FUTURIBILI 11}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Doppia secolarizzazione: La situazione religiosa della Romania post-comunista}, year = 2007}@incollection{Tchernia2014Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Tchernia, Jean-Fran?ois}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {238d263e63421d9aaee37ba6c7041fb9}, intrahash = {8520d602ca9b12e4adc21ca477f6bd14}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {121-133}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934934 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les attentes à l'égard du travail}, year = 2014}@incollection{Ashford1994Changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Ashford, S. and Halman, L.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Change and Political Transformation}, editor = {Rootes, C. and Davis, H.}, interhash = {8e4892a97d7f3a8594069bb1147c71a9}, intrahash = {ce0c0baaab8dbb450ab5a4282fe0378a}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english family incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {72-85}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763848 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-29 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {UCL Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing attitudes in the European Community}, year = 1994}@book{Elzo1994Jóvenes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Elzo, Javier and Orizo, F Andrés and González-Blasco, P. and Del Valle, A I.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {b51f93973f3def2926aee6c356cc3297}, intrahash = {f44a3a42f3ada156ddee115d997a4054}, isbn = {843484432X}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280929 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {fundación Santa María}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Jóvenes Espa?oles 1994}, type = {Book}, year = 1994}@incollection{Gundelach1994El, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Gundelach, Peter and Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de cambio en los valores sociales y políticos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {0b0ded89f5e3ded8591d7acc5df4b069}, intrahash = {d1f5003d8726d9aa4a2ad58dc1c42311}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Spanish checked family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {619-638}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280982 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {El returno al familismo?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{deMoor1989Jongeren, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leuven/Amersfoort}, author = {de Moor, Ruud and Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Kerkelijk leven in Vlaanderen anno 2000, Opstellen voor Prof.Dr. Jan Kerkhofs bij zijn emeritaat}, editor = {Bulckens, Jef and Cooreman, Paul}, interhash = {b0b49f0f19f6a265455a0f47efdaa236}, intrahash = {dcf275a58e9bef2c10ca8eae3a325e11}, isbn = {903342164x, 9789033421648}, keywords = {1989 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {39-48}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281204 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {ACCO}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Jongeren, Kerk en Religie (x- Youth, Church and Religion)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1989}@incollection{Torcal1999Facets, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Torcal, M. and Montero, J R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Social Capital and European Democracy}, editor = {Deth, J van and Maraffi, M. and Newton, K. and Whiteley, P F.}, interhash = {d4c8a3517cebf3faff503ec1c4ee4f15}, intrahash = {2c28592a1107c8db003701f423b2a699}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {154-177}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776972 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-02-08 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Facets of social capital in new democracies}, year = 1999}@incollection{Halman1999Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in Secularizing Society. The Europeans' religion ate the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {37a16e1b5fb66d8bca5cfbe30ad45fa9}, intrahash = {b2a711ff8d1198ce601698e81bfc1b41}, isbn = {9036197406}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {131-152}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256401 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilbug University Press}, series = {European values studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion and Social Capital Revisited}, year = 1999}@incollection{Inglehart1999Postmodernization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Critical Citizens: Support for Democratic Government}, editor = {Norris, Pippa}, interhash = {f88bbb81cdddd111a5781e937b49ee6d}, intrahash = {8ee71370527b35109f79fa38d81c5910}, isbn = {198294794}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {236-256}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281109 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Postmodernization Brings Declining Respect for Authority but Rising Support for Democracy}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1999}@book{Orizo1991Los, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Santa Maria}, author = {Orizo, A Francisco}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dfa9bf87cdc237c9d1a80b8767756450}, intrahash = {d267185adc37600a896272661f348999}, isbn = {8434834650}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 253, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281097 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Santa Maria: Fundacion.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Los nuevos valores de los Espa?oles (The New Values of Spaniards)}, type = {Book}, year = 1991}@incollection{Abela2004Solidarity, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Malta}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Value(s) of a Constitution for Europe}, editor = {Xuereb, Peter}, interhash = {1ba94c6599d6fab2e21d770aed38edc1}, intrahash = {bd8a7a6185423408b1ddb5c5b8a872da}, isbn = {9990967288, 9789990967289}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Solidarity checked english incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {71-101}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281127 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {European Documentation and Research Centre, University of Malta}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Solidarity and Religion in the European Union: A Comparative Sociological Perspective}, type = {Book Section}, url = {}, year = 2004}@incollection{Recchi1995La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bologna}, author = {Recchi, E.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {La societ.àdegli Europei}, editor = {Bettin Lattes, Gianfranco}, interhash = {cd1439d406ca1be1d0845191057c73bb}, intrahash = {7556d6656c61abe7bea049adca7f3482}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {171-202}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280963 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-02 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Monduzzi Editore}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La vita associative}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Bréchon2014Individualisation, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {7cf7b715a47efc3810790d1ed9f726cb}, intrahash = {b971529a388910ab22211484df573529}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {221-239}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935190 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualisation et individualisme dans les sociétés européennes}, year = 2014}@incollection{Medrano1996Does, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Medrano, J Diez}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Political Value Change in Western Democracies}, editor = {Halman, Loek and Nevitte, Neil}, interhash = {8d7371c99ec734bfa1e4614af58f91b6}, intrahash = {8c20317f5d407b1cd0520c0b89f5c84f}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {103-122}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280801 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Does Western Europe Stop at the Pyrenees?}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1996}@incollection{Riis1992, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Kobenhavn}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion en grundborg til et fag}, editor = {Andersen, A.}, interhash = {f6bd0ed677ddf30a758d83596a79768f}, intrahash = {7723a34a06e2801f86e0e92d2cc813f3}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {290-305}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281180 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Reitzel.}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1992}@incollection{Jagodzinski1995Religious, abstract = {The argument that ethical pluralism requires new forms of governmental process to manage a changed consensus about fundamental societal values and norms rests on a key premiss that there really exists a pluralism of religious beliefs and ethical norms in modern societies. This chapter examines the evidence for this premiss, and concludes that while it does reveal a tendency towards increasing religious and ethical pluralism, the trend is by no means as universal as has often been suggested. Furthermore, it is ambiguous whether disparities between religious and ideological groups will assist or hinder democratic governability.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang and Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Impact of Values}, editor = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {5a146e3fb5f9285e4d7ac1799f3cad07}, intrahash = {d7eb5870e02b8cab7e7930381de5dc91}, isbn = {0198279574, 0198294751}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {218-249}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280829 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religious and Ethical Pluralism}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Orizo1991El, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Barcelona}, author = {Orizo, F Andrés and Sánchez Fernández, Alejandro}, biburl = {}, interhash = {22c4a0c1c13c4f46b7b0bf11476df863}, intrahash = {c6edc4a034312e06d7e26e4ae88aba52}, isbn = {8439318049}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 304, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281031 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Institut Català d'Etudes Mediterranis}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {El sistema de valors dels Catalans}, type = {Book}, year = 1991}@book{Pollack2012Religi?ser, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Pollack, Detlef and Tucci, Ingrid and Ziebert, Hans-Georg}, biburl = {}, interhash = {09290a1a495c44179b9b1b9f938bd321}, intrahash = {e97bd13a43a60b2475416760439357b5}, isbn = {978-3-531-18697-9}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 288, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934378 ; inputdate=2014-04-22 ; editdate=2014-04-23 ; pubdate=2014-04-22}, publisher = {Springer VS}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religi?ser Pluralismus im Fokus quantitativer Religionsforschung}, url = {}, year = 2012}@incollection{HirschBallin2003European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Hirsch Ballin, Ernst}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Cultural Diversity of European Unity: Findings, Explanations and Reflections from the European Values Study}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Hagenaars, Jacques and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {53c868f2ad705441205fb47b01e28efe}, intrahash = {421135a6628e0ee90420d35ff3d20ad5}, isbn = {9004122990}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 6, pages = {421-432}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281409 ; inputdate=2009-03-11 ; editdate=2009-05-13 ; pubdate=2009-03-11}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Identity and Interreligious Dialogue}, year = 2003}@incollection{Orizo1997Orientaciones, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Orizo, A Francisco}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias de futuro en la sociedad espa?ola}, editor = {Tezanos Tortajada, J Felix and Montero, J Manu}, interhash = {a65d3e880093dd4c05a020c0444197bc}, intrahash = {27030b7766590a5458dc773a8d772aad}, isbn = {8486497345}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {389-442}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281174 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Edit. Sistema}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Orientaciones en los Sistemas de Valores de los Espa?oles}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1997}@incollection{Heunks1989Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Louvain la Neuve}, author = {Heunks, F J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Evangelie et culture Européenne a la fin du 20e siecle}, editor = {Weiler, A. and v.d. Bruggen, C. and Morien, L.}, interhash = {c290a738e66959f54dad7af450b673f3}, intrahash = {7a3e8a0ec311d8668ee30b18c6756d7b}, keywords = {1989 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {35-42}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281003 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Academia}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les Valeurs sur lesquelles nous vivons en Europe}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1989}@techreport{Barker1992European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, annotation = {Summary Report}, author = {Barker, D G. and Halman, Loek and Vloet, Astrid}, biburl = {}, interhash = {d5d71bd1eb9b7b32f191f8c9d36a015f}, intrahash = {ba2a5205170ce09c5fd600e9b43483ae}, isbn = {18742050403}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 techreport}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 80, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281305 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {The European Values Study 1981-1990}, type = {Report}, year = 1992}@incollection{Avram2013Religion, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Avram, Silvia and Dronkers, Jaap}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religious Education in a Multicultural Europe: Children, Parents and Schools}, editor = {Smyth, Emer and Lyons, Maureen and Darmody, Merike}, interhash = {44568bdd10fcc7b72c1c1090377c92e3}, intrahash = {77acafe6e7866bee77a58755aa8b14c1}, isbn = {9781137281494}, keywords = {2013 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {15-36}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5937744 ; inputdate=2014-10-01 ; editdate=2014-11-20 ; pubdate=2014-10-01}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion and Schooling: The European Context}, url = {}, year = 2013}@book{Abela2000Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Malta}, author = {Abela, A M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0810266ffcc85a2d8bafb6043dab351e}, intrahash = {80a93439196eb7f53975f90ec4aa6d88}, isbn = {9990989044}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Social_engagement book checked english family gender_roles input2014 moral_issues national_identity work}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 328, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281025 ; country=MT ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Commission for the Advancement of Women, Ministry for Social Policy}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Values of Women and Men in the Maltese Islands: A Comparative European Perspective}, type = {Book}, url = {}, year = 2000}@book{Halman1991Waarden, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0e72cc5e42921797b89bc23b98956a8a}, intrahash = {8d7ea4d646248875d062e5eebaa51a91}, isbn = {9036195640}, keywords = {1991 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 374, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280842 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Waarden in de Westerse Wereld: Een Internationale Exploratie van de Waarden in de Westerse Samenleving (x- Values in the Western World. An International Exploration of the Values in Western Society)}, type = {Book}, year = 1991}@incollection{Halman1999Differential, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Religion in Secularizing Society. The European's religion at the end of the 20th century}, editor = {Halman, L. and Riis, O.}, interhash = {8f9d9a0b98d16ec9d30754d2eaa2d55f}, intrahash = {9344243a6530cf45474e4151e8198623}, isbn = {9036197406}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 5, pages = {41-66}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256403 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, series = {European values studies}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Differential patterns of Secularization in Europe: Exploring the Impact of Religion on Social Values}, year = 1999}@book{Coleman1995Europes, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Coleman, D A.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0c8c03ac3efcdf9ad03edb725c12897e}, intrahash = {6e6c9f524259efc6f436faa895f327d9}, isbn = {0198288964, 0198288948}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 346, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763868 ; inputdate=2010-01-25 ; editdate=2010-01-25 ; pubdate=2010-01-25}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Europe's population in the 1990s}, year = 1995}@incollection{Kerkhofs2004Vlaanderen, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tielt}, author = {Kerkhofs, Jan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {De Vlaamse en Vlaming zijn nu Europese Uitdaging}, editor = {de Groof, Jan and Judo, Frank and Storme, Matthias}, interhash = {ba180e32d41d87585d7bb375d3f9341f}, intrahash = {6661f68aea0851bb2eff47e3861678e3}, isbn = {9020955063}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked dutch incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {full-text available at: . (EVS)}, pages = {47-60}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281192 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-05-04 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Lannoo Campus}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Vlaanderen en de Europese Waarden en Identiteit (x- Flanders and the European Values and Identity)}, type = {Book Section}, url = {/brokenurl#full-text available at: }, year = 2004}@incollection{Dompnier2014Valeurs, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Dompnier, Nathalie}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {ed84d50c590051b0347402a7e16eb563}, intrahash = {42ed7fd7fa8f18a08a580f32260cd5d5}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {55-72}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934926 ; inputdate=2014-05-19 ; editdate=2014-05-19 ; pubdate=2014-05-19}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valeurs politiques et répertoires d'action des Européens}, year = 2014}@incollection{Anheier2004Social, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Anheier, H K. and Stares, Sally and Grenier, Paola}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, Wil and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {0f7599da2c4f1821e40bec38ae37d0e5}, intrahash = {b5d1b38cc836b08e240dec8d333a61c6}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement Subjective_well-being checked english incollection input2014 social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 7, pages = {81-107}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264467 ; inputdate=2009-02-18 ; editdate=2009-07-28 ; pubdate=2009-02-18}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Social Capital and Life Satisfaction}, year = 2004}@incollection{Watson1985Subjectivism, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Watson, D.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values and Social Change in Britain}, editor = {Abrams, Mark and Gerard, David and Timms, Noel}, interhash = {cdf43ddf10f70d37950924bf629f3174}, intrahash = {3457383be8e6aa7e448761ed43c05c82}, isbn = {0333386760, 0333386779}, keywords = {1985 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {279-296}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281212 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {MacMillan}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Subjectivism and Social Planning}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1985}@incollection{Esmer2008Islam, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Esmer, Yilmaz}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change}, editor = {Pettersson, Thorleif and Esmer, Yilmaz}, interhash = {6962808ce5a257f46d8605d006d4d26c}, intrahash = {98a74fb07c2223fdb6b86b0d0ca7c524}, isbn = {9004162341}, keywords = {2008 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english gender_roles incollection input2014 national_identity religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {275-301}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280747 ; inputdate=2009-03-09 ; editdate=2009-08-05 ; pubdate=2009-03-09}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Islam, Gender, Democracy and Values: The Case of Turkey, 1990-2001}, year = 2008}@book{Hoelscher2006Wirtschaftskulturen, abstract = {Die Wirtschaft ist der am st?rksten integrierte Bereich der Europ?ischen Union. Die Wirtschaftssoziologie hat in den letzten Jahren immer deutlicher zeigen k?nnen, dass Werte und Kultur die Entwicklung der ?konomie beeinflussen. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, welche Wirtschaftskulturen in den Mitgliedsl?ndern und den Beitrittskandidaten der EU vorherrschen. Die Studie kann anhand von repr?sentativen Umfragedaten zeigen, dass sich in Europa drei gro?e Wirtschaftskulturen finden lassen, die sich vor allem im Hinblick auf eine ?ffnungs- und Leistungsdimension unterscheiden. Die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede werden analysiert und zu erkl?ren versucht. M?gliche Auswirkungen für den europ?ischen Integrationsprozess werden diskutiert.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Hoelscher, Michael}, biburl = {}, interhash = {461e3a45ac0763bc68e01419b76b1795}, intrahash = {ee18e4ef89948289f6d9e5ae15be8be2}, isbn = {3531147919, 9783531147918}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked german input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 285, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280846 ; country=alle landen behalve cyprus ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-09 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Wirtschaftskulturen in der erweiterten EU. Die Einstellungen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger im europ?ischen Vergleich. (English title: Economic Cultures in the Enlarged EU. A Comparison of European Attitudes.)}, type = {Book}, year = 2006}@incollection{Kankara?2010Testing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Kankara?, M. and Moors, G. and Vermunt, J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and Applications}, editor = {Davidov, E. and Schmidt, P. and Billiet, J.}, interhash = {d1d156609e93231c3dfaf470bdb50c2e}, intrahash = {a8c4542735b626cbcb1112edbed000aa}, keywords = {2010 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {359-384}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5452926 ; inputdate=2012-04-19 ; editdate=2012-04-19 ; pubdate=2012-04-19}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Testing for Measurement Invariance with Latent Class Analysis}, year = 2010}@incollection{Baloban2000Brine, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Zagreb}, author = {Baloban, Josip}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Izazovi civilnog dru?tva u Hrvatskoj}, editor = {Baloban, Stjepan}, interhash = {c1fcfaf4353cf2543e3286dad957945b}, intrahash = {14654627eb829794af97eb6341114d18}, isbn = {953671003x}, keywords = {2000 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Serbo-Croatian checked family incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {135-160}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280919 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centar za promicanje SNC; Kr??anska sada?njost}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Brine li se Crkva za suvremenu obitelj (Does Church Provide Family Support)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2000}@book{Ester2006Globalization, abstract = {Values are a hot topic in Europe, both in the public and political debate as well as in the social sciences. Is Europe a community of values? What are the cultural borders of the European Union? How united are Europeans with respect to their fundamental values? How does globalization affect European values? Do national values vanish?There is also a clear moral overtone in the debate: basic values are believed to erode, community values are waning, values become fragmented, and civic engagement is rapidly declining while hedonism and consumerism are prevailing. But are these far-reaching assumptions true? Answers are provided in this book.The three core issues that guide the various chapters in this book are the following: do basic values in European countries converge or diverge? Do we observe a marked decline in traditional values in European societies? Is it the youngest generation in Europe that embraces new values?}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Ester, Peter and Braun, Michael and Mohler, Peter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {69783c4d1ceeb809cfba16f9f7d188fe}, intrahash = {84a2d024c7da95105bff67f1f2162688}, isbn = {9004151273}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Perceptions_of_life Politics Social_engagement book checked english family input2014 moral_issues religion social_capital work}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 10, pages = 327, privnote = {EVS_ID=3264125 ; inputdate=2009-02-17 ; editdate=2009-08-18 ; pubdate=2009-02-17}, publisher = {Brill}, series = {European Values Studies}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Globalization, Value Change, and Generations: A Cross-National and Intergenerational Perspective}, year = 2006}@incollection{Halman2006decline, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Globalization, value change, and generations}, editor = {Ester, P. and Braun, M. and Mohler, P.}, interhash = {8882457c6012fa183216976a327f67c4}, intrahash = {b258bfaa6c4c84aa071db5a527283c70}, isbn = {9004128107}, keywords = {2006 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {31-59}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256409 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Brill Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {A decline of religious values?}, year = 2006}@book{Kaiero1994Valores, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bilbao}, author = {Kaiero, Andoni}, biburl = {}, interhash = {959ed8f066d1416f30a6f308c70eb8c9}, intrahash = {706382ee038f09f2da085db5550a5e6f}, isbn = {8474853389, 9788474853384}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 312, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281326 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Universidad de Deusto}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Valores y estilos de vida de nuestras siociedades en transformacion}, type = {Book}, year = 1994}@book{Lesthaeghe2002Meaning, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Brussel}, author = {Lesthaeghe, Ron}, biburl = {}, editor = {Lesthaeghe, Ron}, interhash = {d610c62b92acffa2cc94602112b16192}, intrahash = {9dc080e08b832d84cc67ea8b61e3c534}, isbn = {9070990881, 9789070990886}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 335, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280925 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2010-08-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {NIDI CBGS Publications}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Meaning and Choice: Value Orientations and Life Course Decisions}, type = {Edited Book}, year = 2002}@book{Stoetzel1983Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Stoetzel, Jean}, biburl = {}, interhash = {554c234e235b63255ddd9753cdf0f27e}, intrahash = {852fe7e6464f1fa5070d35fefde1f8bb}, isbn = {2130380867}, keywords = {1983 20th_Century Civilization EVS EVS_input2014 Ethics FDZ_IUP History book checked europe french input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 309, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281294 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France (PUF)}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les valeurs du temps présent: une enquête européenne (x- Contemporary Values: A European Study)}, type = {Book}, year = 1983}@incollection{Halman2004Religious, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Boston}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Draulans, V.J.R.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {European Values at the Turn of the Millennium}, editor = {Arts, W.A. and Halman, L.C.J.M.}, interhash = {34204170daa2aa29886eb603bb55d34e}, intrahash = {084b2c4d20d9ebeed9ce23619f793428}, isbn = {9004139818}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked enhanced incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {283-316}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256387 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01;religious practice?V105: how often attend religious services (Q25)?V125: do you take moments of prayer/meditation (Q35)?V13: do you belong to: religious organisation (Q5B)?V31: do you work unpaid for: religious organisation (Q5B)religiosity?V123: how important is God in your life (Q33)?V118: do you believe in: heaven (Q30D)?V115: do you believe in: God (Q30A)?V110: are you a religious person (Q28)?V116: do you believe in: life after death (Q30B)?V6: how important in your life: religion (Q1F)?V119: do you believe in: sin (Q30E)?V117: do you believe in: hell (Q30C)?V124: do you get comfort and strength from religion (Q34)post-materialism?V190: aims of this country-most important (Q55)?V191: aims of this country-2nd most important (Q56)religious affiliation?V102: which religious denomination do you belong to (Q23)?V101: do you belong to a religious denomination (Q22);Waves and countries1999/herlands2.Estonia3.Sweden4.Latvia5.Slovakia6.Portugal7.Lithuania8.Romania9.Germany10.Ireland11.Hungary12.United Kingdom13.Finland14.Spain15.Austria16.Luxemburg17.Slovenia18.France19.Denmark20.Bulgaria21.Croatia22.Italy23.Poland24.Russian Federation25.Greece26.Belarus27.Iceland28.Czech Republic29.Ukraine30.Belgium}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religious beliefs and practices in contemporary Europe}, year = 2004}@incollection{Simons1995Fertility, abstract = {This chapter is about the implications of fertility trends in Western countries in the 1980s for trends in family sentiment and social integration. The evidence used is taken from the European Values Surveys of 1981 and 1990. The intellectual foundation of the study is Emile Durkheim's work on social integration. Durkheim is famous for his use of the suicide rate as an indicator of social integration but it is less widely known that he used the birth rate as a measure of the same phenomenon. In fact a paper (Durkheim, 1888) that foreshadowed Suicide (1897) was entitled ' Suicide and fertility: a study of moral statistics'. Believing that domestic solidarity was essential to social solidarity in general, he argued in that paper that the greater the unity of the family, as evident in a ' healthy' birth rate and a low rate of marital dissolution, the more it served as a protection against suicide. A decline in the birth rate implied a decline in family sentiment.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Simons, John}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Values in Western Societies}, editor = {de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {7991cace90fd90db2b208808ec907556}, intrahash = {e63dcb2186972c577c3c9f910d09676e}, isbn = {9036196361}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS1981 EVS1990 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english family incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {251-268}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281062 ; country=FR;UK;West Germany;IT;ES;NL;BE;DK;Norway;SE;NI;IR;US;Canada;IS ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Fertility and Values in 15 Western Countries During the 1980s}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Inglehart2003Modernization, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {New York}, author = {Inglehart, Ronald}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Values of Volunteering: Cross-cultural Perspectives}, editor = {Dekker, Paul and Halman, Loek}, interhash = {bd7f044c636eb534b3990dc620021016}, intrahash = {2c8828140aa850f9a4519d839e2dc71b}, isbn = {0306477378, 036478544}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {55-70}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281219 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Kluwer academic/Plenum publishers}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Modernization and Volunteering}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@incollection{Breen2002Different, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin}, author = {Breen, M J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Measuring Ireland: Discerning Values and Beliefs}, editor = {Casssidy, Eoin}, interhash = {8a6b948f8c22bcec10ac71389f9931ad}, intrahash = {15ae9ee0dece101c61bc6ea22fd71899}, isbn = {1853906476}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281144 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Veritas Publications}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Different from their Elders & Betters: Age Cohort Differences in the Irish Data of the EVS}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@misc{Bréchon2005, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7aac820c6b8c9fc15117f887e5843943}, intrahash = {5092f0ee398d6cb23d2cc28ed7442f67}, keywords = {2005 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935824 ; inputdate=2014-07-10 ; editdate=2014-07-10 ; pubdate=2014-07-10}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion}, year = 2005}@inproceedings{Mojsoska-Blazevski2011Does, abstract = {The objective of this paper is to examine the factors influencing worker?s job satisfaction aside the conventional factors, in the vein of the basic cultural values and beliefs, and then to put this into a comparative perspective for the South-Eastern European countries (SEE) and for Macedonia, in particular. Cultural values are grouped into traditional vs. secular-rational values and survival vs. self-expression values. The main result from the study is that cultural heritage exerts considerable impact on job satisfaction in SEE with some determinants ? like the importance of work, religion and family ? exerting stronger influence in South-Eastern Europe than in Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) and in western Europe. However, cultural values are found to affect job satisfaction in Macedonia with less pronounced significance. Mainly traditional cultural values are found important in the Macedonian case, while from the survival group only trust is found to likely affect job satisfaction, and with the effect being likely stronger than in the case of SEE, CEE and western Europe.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Skopje}, author = {Mojsoska-Blazevski, Nikica and Petreski, Marjan}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Constructing Europe as a Global Power: From Market to Identity?}, editor = {Dodovski, Ivan and Pendarovski, Stevo}, interhash = {b61e42c33c7fc323eea1f85c926b3b31}, intrahash = {ee085ccb25e214f874147c8b30f4744c}, keywords = {2011 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked inproceedings input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = {196-210}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5936713 ; inputdate=2014-08-15 ; editdate=2014-08-15 ; pubdate=2014-08-15}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Does Cultural Heritage Affect Job Satisfaction: The Divide between EU and Eastern Economies}, url = {}, year = 2011}@incollection{Davie1999European, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Edinburgh}, author = {Davie, Grace}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {A Europe of Neighbours? Religious Social Thought and the Reshaping of a Pluralist Europe}, editor = {Morton, Andrew and Francis, Jim}, interhash = {34f42b680563fccf6bb45d0fd280e1c2}, intrahash = {6eaa7991eabf6e4d3e6a5776e7ac677a}, isbn = {1870126408}, keywords = {1999 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {36-53}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281238 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Centre for Theology and Public Issues}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {European Religion: A Sociological Perspective}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1999}@book{Halman1996Political, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M. and Nevitte, N.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {7912177c7f6463d81e724bda72dfd047}, intrahash = {b7dc4cd108df507c7a5ecc04a6e6b418}, isbn = {9036197171}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 343, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256397 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Political value change in western democracies. Integration, values, identification, and participation}, year = 1996}@book{Pickel2013Religion, abstract = {Die Rückkehr des Religi?sen in Politik und Gesellschaft?Seit dem tiefgreifenden politischen Umbruch von 1989/1990 sind zwanzig Jahre vergangen, die scheinbar nicht nur von einem weiteren sozialen Bedeutungsverlust des Religi?sen in Westdeutschland gepr?gt waren, sondern die auch nicht den erwarteten Aufschwung der Religion in den neuen Bundesl?ndern brachten. Dies hat Folgen für die Stellung der Kirchen in der politischen ?ffentlichkeit sowie ihre Relevanz als zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteur. Parallel führen Entwicklungen religi?ser Pluralisierung und Individualisierung zu sich ver?ndernden kulturellen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Beitr?ge des Bandes beleuchten das Verh?ltnis von Politik und Religion im Spiegel der Wiedervereinigung, den Islam als Herausforderung für die Integrationskraft der deutschen Gesellschaft, das Zusammenspiel von staatlichen und kirchlichen Akteuren im demokratischen Rechtsstaat sowie die aktuelle Diskrepanz zwischen der medial propagierten Rückkehr des Religi?sen und dem faktischen institutionellen Bedeutungsverlust der Religion in Deutschland und Europa.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Pickel, Gert and Hidalgo, Oliver}, biburl = {}, interhash = {e63e7fc2c840e71ccdcae219ba335d13}, intrahash = {5a10481e07587d1fb167f32a688ac085}, isbn = {978-3-531-94181-3}, keywords = {2013 Atheismusdebatte EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Integration_islam Islam Kirchen Politik_und_Religion S?kularisierung book checked german input2014}, note = {. (EVS)}, pages = 406, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934433 ; inputdate=2014-04-25 ; editdate=2014-04-25 ; pubdate=2014-04-25}, publisher = {Springer VS}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religion und Politik im vereinigten Deutschland: Was bleibt von der Rückkehr des Religi?sen?}, url = {}, year = 2013}@incollection{Galland2014Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Galland, Olivier and Lemel, Yannick}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Européens: ?volutions et Clivages}, editor = {Bréchon, Pierre and Gonthier, Frédéric}, interhash = {adcf6c690a2e838998cff1d4e0f998d0}, intrahash = {ce5944dc1ebe597c51dc4a16c63853aa}, isbn = {9782200291556}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {241-261}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935199 ; inputdate=2014-06-03 ; editdate=2014-06-03 ; pubdate=2014-06-03}, publisher = {Armand Colin}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les frontières de valeurs en Europe}, year = 2014}@book{Davie2002Europe, abstract = {Europeans are prone to think that what happens in Europe today will happen elsewhere in the world tomorrow. Hence their conviction that as the world modernizes, it will necessarily secularize. But quite simply this hasn't happened. Grace Davie considers, for example, the situation in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and the United States where, despite modernization, there is scant evidence for secularization She shows that European religion is not a model for export; it is something distinct, peculiar to the European corner of the world and needs to be understood in these terms.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London}, author = {Davie, Grace}, biburl = {}, interhash = {fffad743bc18d2de69f9e12bdd2bf638}, intrahash = {33bb18d23715ab8f0cb5cba1694c3e08}, isbn = {232524254}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked english input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 180, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281265 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-25 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Europe: The Exceptional Case. Parameters of Faith in the Modern World}, type = {Book}, year = 2002}@incollection{Pettersson1994Individualización, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Pettersson, Thorleif}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Tendencias mundiales de Cambio en los Valores sociales y politicos}, editor = {Nicolás, J Díez and Inglehart, Ronald}, interhash = {540d1e9a94948fb3d2cb0d0fed4f6f66}, intrahash = {bc031f8f5f169dfa6e742174dfb70a6d}, isbn = {8481120227}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics Spanish checked incollection input2014 moral_issues religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {483-498}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281088 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundesco}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Individualización, secularizacón y cambio de valor moral en la Escandinavia contemporánea (Individualization, Secularisation and Moral Value Change in Contemporary Scandinavia)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Devereux2003No, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Manchester}, author = {Devereux, Eoin and Breen, M J.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Irish Political Attitudes Today}, editor = {Collins, Neil and Cradden, Terry}, interhash = {267b5aa846b7f2e259e3fc140d4f023e}, intrahash = {24ebc111ae62342fbcdf6c8f12766085}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english incollection input2014 national_identity}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281306 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Manchester University Press.}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {No Racists Here: Media Treatment of Asylum Seekers and Refugees}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2003}@incollection{Lambert1994La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Lambert, Yves}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {ce372fe1d9af104e14922e311be45aff}, intrahash = {d5aef9060b2b2d1a7c3d5277049cafdd}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {123-162}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280800 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-08-11 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La religion: un paysage en pleine évolution}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@incollection{Lundmark1995Feminist, abstract = {This chapter proceeds from the argument that the emancipation of women and other societal changes are likely to have changed perceptions about the distribution of power between men and women. It examines the idea of a feminist political orientation from the perspective of feminist theories. It then proposes an operationalization of feminist political culture, which allows the possibility to be tested that a feminist orientation exists within a West European political context. After presenting and assessing some empirical data, it discusses the interaction between a feminist value orientation and beliefs in government.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Lundmark, Carina}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Impact of Values}, editor = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {e86faa93664eff4030fd20ed4ae06ea2}, intrahash = {84ff7da60cfef5a928164980b70d54f9}, isbn = {0198279574, 019829475}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Politics checked english gender_roles incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {250-275}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280825 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford university Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Feminist Political Orientations}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@book{Ester1997From, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Ester, P. and Halman, L.C.J.M. and Rukavishnikov, V.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a4d44c5c56b09da5dce1c5cbc373be97}, intrahash = {26b1a40e3b52edf3b40983e84fe0bfc4}, isbn = {9036197376}, keywords = {1997 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 254, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256373 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {From cold war to cold peace? A comparative empirical study of Russian and Western political cultures}, year = 1997}@misc{Bartolini2014Its, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bartolini, Stefano and Sarracino, Francesco}, biburl = {}, interhash = {49f2d1e50ec685fb26241f86c132ca47}, intrahash = {50c20fd0848807704b11f4849995b641}, keywords = {2014 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5939304 ; inputdate=2014-12-07 ; editdate=2014-12-07 ; pubdate=2014-12-07}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {It's not the economy, stupid! How social capital and GDP relate to happiness over time}, year = 2014}@book{Halman1987Traditie, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Halman, Loek and Heunks, Felix and de Moor, Ruud and Zanders, Harry}, biburl = {}, interhash = {dd9da89f6b3bc19e64677672045538e7}, intrahash = {a5f7b52b8f34c6a915f970e5f8e7f0f4}, isbn = {9036198410}, keywords = {1987 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked dutch input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 392, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281170 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-07-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Traditie, Secularisatie en Individualisering: Een Studie naar de Waarden van de Nederlanders in een Europese Context (x- Tradition, Secularization and Individualization. A Study of Dutch Values in a European Context)}, type = {Book}, year = 1987}@incollection{vandenBroek1998Membership, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {West Malling}, author = {van den Broek, Andries and Dekker, Paul}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Dimensions of the Voluntary Sector: Key Facts, Figures, Analysis and Trends}, editor = {Pharoah, Cathy and Smerdon, Matthew}, interhash = {df91cb19f9c527250f40a85b7b4e6a1c}, intrahash = {06032c66ae72706cb2e5e880e3c188ef}, isbn = {1859340776, 9781859340776}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Social_engagement checked english incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {245-251}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281147 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Charities Aid Foundation}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Membership and Activity in Voluntary Organisations - The Civil Society Perspective}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1998}@incollection{Noelle-Neumann1984glauben, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {K?ln}, author = {Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {MDG Service: Perspektiven katholischer Publizistik}, interhash = {e402872eb17c82d05124007fe035f7e5}, intrahash = {2cde674df7c2401683abc32f0966299e}, keywords = {1984 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked german incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {7-51}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281279 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Was glauben die Deutschen? (X- What do the German Believe in?)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1984}@book{Albert2012Intergenerational, abstract = {Population ageing today affects most industrialised countries, and it will have an impact on many facets of the social system. Intergenerational relationships will play a key role in dealing with the demographical and societal change. This book provides innovative views in the multidisciplinary research field of intergenerational family relations in society, with a focus on Europe. Different, but complementary, perspectives are integrated in one volume bringing together international scholars from sociology, psychology and economics. The book's chapters are grouped into three thematic sections which cover conceptual issues, multigenerational and cross-cultural perspectives, as well as applied issues. Implications for research, policy and practice are addressed and suggestions for future directions are discussed. By raising recent discussions on controversial issues, this book will stimulate the current discourse at various levels. Intergenerational relations in society and family will be equally interesting for researchers, advanced-level students and stakeholders in the fields of social policy, population ageing and intergenerational family relationships.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Bristol}, author = {Albert, Isabelle and Ferring, Dieter}, biburl = {}, interhash = {525fd0019e20b0f16c7088933e759830}, intrahash = {5b51605c7f52e067ed42c98faa68f233}, isbn = {781447300984}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {;. (EVS)}, pages = 256, privnote = {EVS_ID=5934795 ; inputdate=2014-05-12 ; editdate=2014-05-12 ; pubdate=2014-05-12}, publisher = {Policy Press}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Intergenerational relations: European perspectives in family and society}, url = {;}, year = 2012}@book{Villalaín1992La, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Madrid}, author = {Villalaín, J A. and Basterra Perez, Angel and del Valle, J M.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {31254aa6d244caf37d4e5a1021325bcd}, intrahash = {1173c859e6d0c73fdbfdc91b26b4d847}, keywords = {1992 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280797 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-16 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Fundación Santa María, Ediciones SM}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {La Sociedad Espa?ola de los 90}, type = {Book}, year = 1992}@incollection{Bréchon2003Les, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Bréchon, Pierre}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les valeurs dans la société fran?aise, Millénaire 3 Grand Lyon et Economie et Humanisme}, interhash = {655b851a83591ca1f717381391706ae9}, intrahash = {85365108015a8b571c5f252f486c4105}, keywords = {2003 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {11-17}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5935723 ; inputdate=2014-07-07 ; editdate=2014-07-07 ; pubdate=2014-07-07}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Les valeurs en politique: dépolitisation? abstention? protestation?}, year = 2003}@incollection{Jagodzinski1995Secularization, abstract = {This chapter investigates statistical evidence regarding the fall-off in church membership and attendance, which has taken place across Western Europe since World War II, and analyses variations between countries. It tentatively concludes that the pace of the process of church disengagement is linked to rationalization of society and the advance of Protestantism, which has led to a relegation of religion as an à la carte set of options, weakening its traditional guidelines on political questions. With religiously inspired deference fading away, political leaders may have more difficulty mustering support for the institutions of government.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Oxford}, author = {Jagodzinski, Wolfgang and Dobbelaere, Karel}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Impact of Values}, editor = {van Deth, J W. and Scarbrough, Elinor}, interhash = {cde62079129bfc372227acacbaa5cc8d}, intrahash = {b23bfd9801d9fab6395322ae4b6dce98}, isbn = {0198279574, 0198294751}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {76-119}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281252 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-17 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Secularization and Church Religiosity}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Zanders1994Changing, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Tilburg}, author = {Zanders, Harry}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America}, editor = {Ester, Peter and Halman, Loek and de Moor, Ruud}, interhash = {dc05821679adce61830ea8c4acd519ee}, intrahash = {d8a4c977610c3f72973fd709a2e1d669}, isbn = {903619833X}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 work}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {129-154}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281150 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-03-26 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Changing Work Values}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Riis1996Metoder, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {?rhus}, author = {Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, interhash = {351ba277bfd18e183276d4bb7f3a16c3}, intrahash = {8d6d1705a694ee38bf437f740d90898f}, isbn = {8772886072}, keywords = {1996 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP book checked danish input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = 157, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280944 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-18 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Aarhus universitetsforlag}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Metoder og teorier i religionssociologien (x- Methods and Theories of the Sociology of Religion)}, type = {Book}, year = 1996}@incollection{Mare?1994Values, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {London/New York}, author = {Mare?, P. and Rabu?ic, L. and Musil, L.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {The New Great Transformation? Change and Continuity in East-Central Europe}, editor = {Bryant, C G. and Mokryzcki, F.}, interhash = {90f0d1bd5b2763cb1c6ff3002052b62b}, intrahash = {f35e28cf4a401fcba16b2accbfd87132}, isbn = {0-415-09249-3}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {78-98}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3776695 ; inputdate=2010-01-28 ; editdate=2010-01-28 ; pubdate=2010-01-28}, publisher = {Routledge}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Values and the welfare state in Czechoslovakia}, year = 1994}@incollection{Andersen2002Religionen, abstract = {Artiklen gennemg?r indledningsvis sociologiske teorier om religi?s forandring. Sekulariseringsteorier, og religionens rolle i moderne samfund diskuteres udfra teorier af bl.a. P. Berger, T. Luckmann, Stark & Bainbridge, E. Durkheim, Karl Marx, Glock & Stark, A. Gidden og Z. Bauman. Hvor de to sidstn?vnte forskerers teorier is?r danner baggrund for de to teser artiklen unders?ger, nemlig sekulariseringshypotesen og privatiseringshypotesen. De to teser unders?ges eksemplarisk hver for sig med flere teoretiske perspektiver ift. det empiriske materiale, og konklusionerne er til dels overraskende;Religion er med Andersen og Riis? ord blevet "privatiseret". Hermed mener de, at den religi?se orientering "skifter fokus fra den institutionelle form til en personlig, ?ndelig s?gen. Denne s?gen udelukker ikke n?dvendigvis kirken, men den forholder sig ikke til den som en autoritet" (ibid: 90). Forfatterne peger dog p?, at det empiriske materiale ikke indeholder "s?rlig mange indikatorer der er egnede til at belyse netop privatiseringstesen" (ibid: 96). Af samme grund inddrager de den nordiske surveyunders?gelse RAMP fra 1998 (Gustafsson & Pettersson: 2000) til at belyse opfattelsen af kirkernes rolle i samfundet. Det viser sig nemlig, at svarene fra denne unders?gelse kan bruges til at tydeligg?re privatiseringstesen, samtidig med, at den undergraver forestillingen om sekulariseringstesen.Trods forestillinger om, at danskernes v?rdier ?ndrer sig hastigt, og har gjort det igennem de sidste 20 ?r, s? viser v?rdiunders?gelsen, at danskernes religi?se, etiske og familiem?ssige "v?rdier" ikke er i opl?sning. V?rdierne ligger generelt p? et stabilt niveau, men med undtagelse af religion, hvor det viser sig, at religion i l?bet af de 20 ?r er forandret, og nu bliver disponeret p? en anden m?de; "Det virker som om det danske samfund har bev?get sig i retning af ?get religi?s autonomi og religi?s pluralisme" (Gundelach: 97). Det b?de underst?tter og undergraver teorier om henholdsvis det senmoderne (Giddens) og det postmoderne (Bauman).}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Copenhagen}, author = {Andersen, P B. and Riis, Ole}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Danskernes v?rdier 1981-1999}, editor = {Gundelach, Peter}, interhash = {b3e52603bb5b4572bd5fa6c8fb1b1dbb}, intrahash = {8c537b540382beb401831af62e901131}, isbn = {8741225449}, keywords = {2002 EVS EVS1981 EVS1999 EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked danish incollection input2014 religion}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281024 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Religionen bliver privat}, type = {Book Section}, year = 2002}@misc{Torgler2012Work, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, author = {Torgler, Benno}, biburl = {}, interhash = {0fd733ddd64b10d72d56c52981fb1135}, intrahash = {359b3e892acaed3a3e417d980de4fd2d}, keywords = {2012 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked input2014 misc}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=5938936 ; inputdate=2014-11-24 ; editdate=2014-11-24 ; pubdate=2014-11-24}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Work values in western and eastern Europe}, year = 2012}@incollection{Halman1998Family, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Jyvaskyla, Finland}, author = {Halman, L.C.J.M.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Designs for alienation. Exploring diverse realities}, editor = {Kalekin-Fishmann, D.}, interhash = {e6b009443e9d3e8f1abc3c793788e111}, intrahash = {b21cabca387ff136eebb1d71a4abff5b}, isbn = {9513901998}, keywords = {1998 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {99-122}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3256380 ; inputdate=2009-02-01 ; editdate=2009-02-01 ; pubdate=2009-02-01}, publisher = {SoPhi University of Jyvaskyla}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Family patterns in contemporary Europe: Results from the European Values Study 1990}, year = 1998}@incollection{Capraro1995Esperienza, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Trento}, author = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {I valori degli Europei negli anni Novanta}, editor = {Capraro, Giuseppe}, interhash = {02e64340ca32214a5e2fb03c8682ef5d}, intrahash = {c8496e755c2dfc7b9ef943e6a00ac617}, keywords = {1995 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked incollection input2014 italian religion}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {209-240}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281014 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-04-01 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Esperienza religiosa e istituzione ecclesiale}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1995}@incollection{Halman2001Religion, abstract = {Social capital is an increasingly popular concept among scientists, politicians and the media. It is regarded as a remedy for many of the failures of modern society and seen as wonder glue conducive to feelings of happiness and to better performing economies and democracies. In this article we are not so much concerned with the consequences of social capital for society, but we focus on why some people have higher levels of social capital than others. We argue that this is not only due to a number of personal characteristics but also to contextual or country features. We therefore formulate hypotheses about the effects of individual and macro or country characteristics that were tested using the survey data from the European Social Survey (2002). The results demonstrate that the impact of macro characteristics is rather modest compared to the effects of individual attributes. It also seems that social capital is a multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be captured by one single measure.}, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Leiden/Boston/Koln}, author = {Halman, L. and Pettersson, T.}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Research in the social scientific study of religion}, editor = {Moberg, D O. and Piedmont, R L.}, interhash = {2a0c690e2c6773d57fa0cb5c65ef0aa0}, intrahash = {c73aa981b67f2f714f0ca7af6982b297}, isbn = {9789004121997}, keywords = {2001 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked english incollection input2014 religion social_capital}, note = {(EVS)}, number = 12, pages = {65-94}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3763944 ; inputdate=2010-01-26 ; editdate=2010-02-01 ; pubdate=2010-01-26}, publisher = {Brill}, timestamp = {2019-03-12T16:41:23.000+0100}, title = {Religion and Social Capital in Contemporary Europe: Results from the 1999/2000 European Value Study}, year = 2001}@incollection{Millan-Game1994, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Paris}, author = {Millan-Game, Helena}, biburl = {}, booktitle = {Les Valeurs des Fran?ais}, editor = {Riffault, Hélène}, interhash = {851a5c4e85ba90b3c2597a8465902fd9}, intrahash = {0952d23666a37d953e41ec94fcff6a2a}, keywords = {1994 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP checked french gender_roles incollection input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, pages = {227-250}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3280981 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-24 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {Masculin/Féminin (x- Masculine/Feminine)}, type = {Book Section}, year = 1994}@book{Titarenko2004World, added-at = {2016-02-15T20:17:36.000+0100}, address = {Minsk}, annotation = {The book is written in Russian. No English summary.}, author = {Titarenko, L G.}, biburl = {}, interhash = {a30bbb190525d7a82c0394ad61317d36}, intrahash = {5e2d3a523d5a448cc076bcdfa8064d16}, keywords = {2004 EVS EVS_input2014 FDZ_IUP Russian book checked gender_roles input2014}, note = {(EVS)}, privnote = {EVS_ID=3281218 ; inputdate=2009-03-02 ; editdate=2009-06-23 ; pubdate=2009-03-02}, publisher = {BGU}, timestamp = {2018-04-30T14:58:56.000+0200}, title = {World of Values of Contemporary Belarussian Society; the Gender Aspect}, type = {Book}, year = 2004} ................

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