
PEDRO RIVERA BIOGRAPHYPedro Rivera worked in multiple jobs as a farmer, gangster, photographer and street vendor, had a goal: to move forward on any terrain, with the sweat of his forehead.Tireless worker, he delegated to his children the love of work, overflowingin them with energy and love, their philosophy for life: to achieve goals and success.With the support of his wife and his young children, after selling thousands of buttonsemblematic of the 1984 Olympics, he managed to raise a respectable amount of money, which he invested in his first production entitled "Voy A Bajarte Una Estrella", with the accompaniment of Mariachi.“Let the photographer sing ", shouted the parishioners of the small nightclubs and canteens of the angelina city. And Don Pedro sang, enjoying the applause that would transform him into a businessman and later into a successful producer of regional Mexican music.A life of corridosHe debuted in the cinema as a photographer in the film 'Asalto en Tijuana' in 1984. That same year he ventures as an actor in 'Camino al Infierno', based on a corrido of his own inspiration and starring Jorge Luke, Manuel Capetillo and Mario Almada. He continued with the movie 'La Tumba del Mojado', with Rosenda Bernal, Humberto Luna, Miguel Angel Rodríguez and Pedro Infante Jr. Continues with a trilogy starring Los Tigres del Norte: 'La Cage de Oro', 'La Puerta Negra 'and' El Corrido de Los Pérez ', the latter with the Almada brothers.Other titles of his cinematographic stage are 'Verdugo de Traidores', based on a corrido of his own authorship; 'The Perez Dynasty', shot in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, next to the BrothersAlmada and Emilio Franco; 'The Snows of January', with the first actor Sergio Goyri and Bernabé Meléndrez; 'The Mass of the Present Body', held in Nostitlán, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes; 'El Fiscal de Hierro ', with Lucha Villa and the Almada, from which emerged four more feature films, inspired by a moving story that is also written from a corrido of his. In 1987 he established the record label Cintas Acuario, with the purpose of recording his ownCDs and support the local talent. Singer who would become myth, Chalino Sánchez was one of them.On Christmas of 1989, his daughter Jenni gives him a golden pen: "So that you become thebest composer, dad, " she said, and her words were prophetic. With that pen he writes one of his greatest successes: "The Fall of Noriega". On January 5 ,1990 Pedro Rivera The Patriarch of the Corrido acquires unsuspected levels as a composer. The family For Don Pedro Rivera, the family, his wife and children, his mother and his brothers, have been a central part of his life. In this area, the Rivera Dynasty has a strong sense of family unity, cementing itself in Mexican principles and culture, its traditions and its peculiar reasoning of feeling and love. His story developed like so many love stories. It comes from a country man, who he fed his chivas in La Barca, Jalisco; and migrated by bicycle to the city of Hermosillo, Sonora where he meets a beautiful girl in an amateur contest on the local radio XEDL AM. From the first moment her voice and her beauty impress him. After winning her over, he married her in 1963 and supported her with the sale of lottery pieces and washing cargo buses, which they turn into their nest of love.Their economic means dod not allow them to feed themselves correctly; and enjoying the bread with cajeta, they build a family, which has now been transformed into the Rivera Dynasty, one of the stronger families in the artistic and commercial field. However, his success has not changed their traditions and the symbol of unity and fraternal love.Fruit of the union of two people who paradoxically united around music, both they procreated six children: Pedro Rivera Jr.,, interpreter of Christian music and pastor of the First Love church; Gustavo Rivera, El Malquerido, engineer in aeronautics, photographer as his father and now relevant singer of regional Mexican music;Jenni Rivera, La Diva de La Banda, one of the most outstanding singers in her genre, withA Bachelors of Real Estate and Business Administration studies; Guadalupe Rivera'Lupillo', "El Toro del Corrido"; Juan Rivera, El Grande, who stood out as a baseball player and studied Communication and now is dedicated to his artistic career; and the youngest, Rosa Rivera, an attorney at the University of Irvine, California and a JRE administrator (Jenni Rivera Enterprises)."The time I share with my family is the most important thing for me," says Don Pedro. "Since I was little, I gave them wings to fly, with discipline, yes, but I always pointed out that they had to be the best, in what they decided to be. Music was always my refuge and they saw me sing in the house and outside of it. They gradually formed an interest in music and show business. I found in my partner, the guidance and support to train them as working men and the same with my daughters. Today I am fortunate to have successful children in the trade of singing and they have become the new idols of the people. "ReflectionsDon Pedro Rivera, Patriarch of the Corrido, the personage of the town, comments:"I have always tried to be the best in any field; I am a man of struggle, of work, withfirm convictions, strong character, determined. I still remember when I was behind thechivas, in my native Jalisco, convinced that one day it would be great and I would achieve, despite my few studies, a better future."Now I am a business man, I owe it first to God, to my perseverance in the work and to the unconditional support of my family, to my principles and the strength that gives the blows in life. The best school has been life itself, with its ups and downs and achievements, of which I am proud, but what I never forget, is humility, that is the basis for being a good man, greatness is not in power, but in being able to evaluate the good and the bad, and above all in being good brothers, good children, good parents and good friends, never forgetting that we belong to the people, that is why my songs reflect my solidarity with those who are part of me and my life story"SynopsisHe is passionate about making music, creating, producing and writing songs, some interpreted by him and others by those he considers will give him the authentic taste of the people.When asked about his secret to making artists, he replies: "No, there are no secrets, the formula is simple, the people do not like plastic or cardboard artists, and they identify better with someone who, although they do sing well or not, have a good voice, get the feeling and the essence of our music. Our people identify with real people, with simple people like them. It is a direct communication. It is the human relationship choosing a repertoire within the town itself, giving it a special flavor of band, or of mariachi or norte?o, the interpreter transmits that feeling and we come from there, from the land, from the town, where popular music is our food. "In his facet of composer the name of Don Pedro Rivera is written in the history of the Mexican corrido in the United States. The researcher Elijah Wald considers it one of the most prolific and successful authors of this genre. For him to compose is a trade: "Write corridos or a song is to describe events that will one day be history. It's like narrating something everyday, or an event, recreating that anecdotic moment. Then he puts music to it. Sometimes it arises spontaneously and the melody and lyrics come at the same time. It's like an adventure. I enjoy it to the fullest. And later, when I saw my corridos in the cinema, it's as if they acquired form and color. The image is enlarged and the elements acquire a life of their own.In short, El Patriarca del Corrido, is a historian who disseminates the anecdotes of the people, with remarkable observation and analysis capacity, managing to capture the feeling of the people, the same who applauds his children and the other artists he has discovered. Living legend that has been highlighted in several facets, Don Pedro Rivera only gets involved with art and music. Objectively, he considers himself a lucky guy who has had the good fortune to start a family solid and successful. In practice, he is a simple and thorough man who has built an empire in the Mexican regional music and transcends with firm step to other latitudes. ................

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