
1. Give the name of the Roman counterpart of the following gods.

a) Aphrodite

b) Hephaestus

c) Athena

d) Demeter

e) Poseidon

2. Complete the following,

(a) Ares is the god of…

(b) Hera is the goddess of..

(c) Artemis is the goddess of ..

(d )Dionysus is the god of …

(e) Hades is the god of…

a) Where did the Greek gods live?

b) What did the gods eat?

c) What did the gods drink?

d) What did the gods look like?

e) What was ichor

The Gods

____________ is the Greek God of the Sea. His Roman counterpart is _________________

Hades is the Greek god of the ___________. His Roman counterpart is _________________

Vesta is the Roman goddess of ______________ Her Greek counterpart is _______________

Apollo is the Greek and Roman god of _________________

_____________ is the Roman King of the Gods. His Greek counterpart is ________________

Diana is the Roman goddess of _________. Her Greek counterpart is ____________________

____________is the Greek Goddess of war and wisdom. Her Roman counterpart is __________

________________ is the Roman Messenger god. His Greek counterpart is ______________

Hephaestus is the Greek god of _______. His Roman counterpart is ___________________

_______ is the Greek god of War. His Roman counterpart is _________________________

__________________ is the Roman god of Wine. _______________ is his Greek counterpart

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of _______. Her Roman counterpart is ___________________

_________is the Greek queen of the gods. Her Roman counterpart is ___________________

Ceres is the Roman goddess of __________. Her Greek counterpart is __________________

Greek Gods & Roman Gods [pic]

Match the Greek god with the correct Roman god

|Zeus |Mars |

|Hera |Jupiter |

|Poseidon |Apollo |

|Hades |Diana |

|Hestia |Juno |

|Apollo |Vulcan |

|Artemis |Venus |

|Aphrodite |Neptune |

|Athena |Mercury |

|Hermes |Bacchus |

|Hephaestus |Pluto |

|Ares |Vesta |

|Dionysus |Minerva |

Put the correct symbols with the correct gods: [pic][pic][pic]

| |Aphrodite |

|Thunderbolt | |

| |Apollo |

|Skulls tombstones | |

| |Ares |

|Helmet, spear, owl | |

| |Artemis |

|Cuckoo on a sceptre | |

| |Athena |

|Winged sandals | |

| |Dionysus |

|Hammer & anvil | |

| |Hades |

|Vines, wine cup | |

| |Hephaestus |

|Trident | |

| |Hera |

|Weapons, shield | |

| |Hermes |

|Hearth | |

| |Hestia |

|Deer | |

| |Poseidon |

|Corn | |

| |Zeus |

|The Sun | |

| |Demeter |

|Heart, scallop shell | |



1. Who is the Greek King of the Gods? ________________________________

2. Name the Roman goddess of love. __________________________________

3. Who is the Greek god of hunting? __________________________________

4. Who is the Roman goddess of the home or hearth? ______________________________

5. Who is the Roman god of the Underworld? ______________________________________

6. Who is the Greek goddess of war and wisdom? ___________________________________

7. Who is the Roman messenger god? ____________________________________________

8. Who is the Greek goddess of hunting? _________________________________________

9. Who is the Roman goddess of crops? __________________________________________

10. Who is the Greek god of Wine? ______________________________________________

11. Who is the greek god of the Sun? _____________________________________________

12. Who is the Roman god of Fire? _______________________________________________

13. Who is the Roman god of War? _______________________________________________

14. Who is Demeter? __________________________________________________________

15. Who is Juno? _____________________________________________________________

16. What is ichor? ____________________________________________________________

17. Where did the gods live? ____________________________________________________

18. What did they look like? ____________________________________________________


19. What did the gods eat? _____________________________________________________

20. What did the gods drink? ___________________________________________________


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