552450000036576000Grade 5 – Unit 1 Session 2 Resources: Finding God Series 2021Session 2: God Saves Us (pgs 13-20)Theme: As humans, we are tempted to sin and inclined to do wrong because of original sin. God sent Jesus to help us overcome sin and reunite with Him as His children. By following Jesus’ example, we treat others as God wants. Prayer: Sign of the Cross – 2 X Our Father – 1 X Glory Be -1X REVIEW We believe that because God loves us, He made all things in heaven and on earth including us. We are His most special creation and made in His image. The love of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is the source of all love in the world.THE NATURE OF SIN & THE HUMAN CONDITION4572035560This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND00This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-NDThe Book of Genesis tells us how God created Adam and Eve in His image. He gave them the Garden of Eden and cared and provided for them. When faced with temptation by the serpent, they lost trust in God and disobeyed Him even though He had given them everything. Sin entered the world and the world changed forever. Adam and Eve’s sin is called Original Sin and as their descendants, we are all born with it. We are subject to the human condition. We are made by God so we are good but because God gave us free will, we sometimes make the wrong choices and sin. When we say no to God and sin, we are falling away from God. Adam and Eve’s bad decision is known as The Fall. 762001524000Video – God’s Story: The Fall (Use right mouse and click Open Hyperlink) READ Page 14. 09842500Scan the bar code on the top left of page 14 and listen to God’s Word from the Letter of St. James 1: 12- 15. Read Page 13. THE PROMISE OF SALVATION0-3175Before Adam and Eve disobeyed God, God knew that sin would enter the world. HE IS GOD AND KNOWS EVERYTHING AND HAS A PLAN FOR EACH OF US. God the Father knew that He would send a Savior and Rescuer to save us from ourselves. God also knew that it would be His Only Son, Jesus. Why does God allow sin in our world? It is a mystery but we know that God created us with free will to say yes or no to Him. God wants us to love Him willingly and not be forced to. When we are born, we are born with one sin, Original Sin. The Sacrament of Baptism washes that away. From then on, it is our love, trust and faith in God that helps us avoid sin. When we sin, we lose sight of God’s plan and move farther away from Him. God wants to bring us back, forgive our sins and restore our friendship. God sends His Only Son, Jesus to help us. Jesus is our Rescuer!!28689303048000What do we need to be saved from? Our separation from God through sin. 29241753302000How does God send help to save us? He sends His Son, JESUS!12858753238500Why Jesus? God shows us how He will sacrifice His Only Son for us out of love.17373601905000What does Jesus do? He teaches us how to love and obey God and He dies for us. 16954502794000What should we do? We need to trust and follow Jesus to love, obey and thank God.SOCIAL JUSTICE 0-1270Sin can lead to many injustices in the world. Justice means “fair treatment”. People treat each other unfairly and without love or respect which is exactly what Jesus told us NOT to do. It is our responsibility as Catholics to listen to the words and actions of Jesus and Church teachings and to restore justice to the world. We learn about injustice by understanding the experiences of others. We see things in new perspectives, when we volunteer inside and outside our communities. 1447801524000VIDEO – Service Learning & Catholic Teaching (Use right mouse and click Open Hyperlink) the ACTIVITY: Roundtable (pg 18) (Not doing as a group) Please PICK 2 PROBLEMS and offer a solution and email. 54864001524000EMAILTO REPHomeworkGr5@01841500 ................

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