
QUESTION: As it sits now if a position opens up it’s listed as a technician position and an AGR position. Is that going to change where some “positions” are either/or and not eligible for both? As in if you convert as a WG, WL, or WS, GS to an AGR, can you take that AGR man year with you wherever you go? OR is that AGR man year funding tied to that line/position? ANSWER: The movement of an AGR resource that is not a “Fenced PEC” is based on the Commander’s decision. “Non-Fenced PEC” AGR resources, known as CAT II, can be moved as an AGR competes for jobs in other squadrons.FENCED PECs (CAT I AGR): SFS, IFTU, SERE, COS, CST, and Recruiting. AGR’s that are CAT I can only apply for AGR positions that are truly vacant. QUESTION: If you’re over 20 years you must go before a retention board. Will I be non-retained before I actually have 20 good Active/AGR years to draw a retirement? ANSWER: It is a possibility if you have not reached Sanctuary (18 to 20 years TAFMS).QUESTION: What will be the order of precedence for selection/transfer to AGR and whom will be the considerations? ANSWER: This has not been established yet. The goal is to have all Tech to AGR realignments start on 1 April 2019.QUESTION: Will there be any Title 5 positions added to Maintenance?ANSWER: There has been no information indicating Maintenance will gain any additional Title 5 positions. QUESTION: For the AGR positions are those only going to be advertised to current Technicians? ANSWER: The AGR positions will only be advertised to current Title 32 dual-status technicians since we are losing T32 DS technician resources.QUESTION: Will Tuition Assistance be allotted up to the $4500 mirror active duty and available to use? ?ANSWER: AGR tuition is $4,500 per year and is available for use once an education plan has been approved in AFVEC.QUESTION: Reenlistment bonuses for critical AFSC’s applicable for AGR personnel?? ANSWER: AGR’s do not receive bonuses.? QUESTION: What is the control grade going to look like at the shop level for E8 and E9?? ANSWER: Distribution of control grades regardless of the shop are controlled and determined at the Force Development Team (Wing) and Force Development Council (JFHQ).The allocations of control grades (E-8, E-9, O-4, O-5, O-6) received by all installations is congressionally mandated. The number of control grades each installation receives is based on a NGB formula that factors in MRV allocations, enlisted and officer allocations and total availability (nationwide) of each control grade. QUESTION: Can individuals take a stripe off to become AGR? ANSWER: Applicants who are in a higher grade than the grade for this advertisement must provide a statement of understanding with their application stating they are willing to be voluntarily demoted without prejudice if selected for this position, IAW AFI 36-2502. If selected for this vacancy, voluntary demotion action must take place prior to being assessed to the AGR Program.QUESTION: Can we stay a 1st SGT if we become AGR? ANSWER: AGR’s are not permitted to serve as a First Sergeant since there are no assigned 148 RIC’s to First Sergeant UMD positions.QUESTION: As technicians, will we be reassigned if we do not apply for AGR if our position is selected?ANSWER: It is a possibility. QUESTION: Is there minimum rank requirements? ANSWER: The AGR announcements will state the minimum and maximum rank requirements.QUESTION: Can we still bring on temp technicians or will our backfills/occasional help all be occasional AGRs? ANSWER: Depending on the availability of AGR resources, it is possible there may be a 31-60 day occasional AGR resource to backfill until the full-time member is selected. Depending on the availability of Lapse Rate resources Temporary Technicians may also be authorized as backfills. QUESTION: How will the announcements be advertised? As initial or career tour? ANSWER: Most AGR tours start out as Initial tours which are three years for the IDANG. An AGR Airman will be considered career status upon completion of the initial AGR tour and order renewal. Some positions, specifically QA, have been advertised as OTOT’s (One Time Occasional Tours) to meet unit and force management needs. The AGR announcement will clearly indicate if it is an OTOT. QUESTION: Once a position is selected to flip to AGR, will it always be an AGR position or can it change via an MCR? ANSWER: AGR positions will remain an AGR resource unless they are moved to another position and it is an exchange of full-time work for full-time work. The movement of an AGR resources requires a Manning Change Request (MCR) to be routed and approved.QUESTION: Any Title 5 positions being realigned to AGR? ANSWER: No ................

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