Canadian Studies (18 credits)



The University of Maine is as close to the world’s second largest French-speaking city – Montreal - as it is to Providence (RI), and UMaine is closer to Canada’s Capital city - Ottawa –than it is to New York City. The State of Maine is located at the crossroads of Atlantic Canada and Central Canada, and Maine shares a border with the provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec and an international boundary with Nova Scotia. Maine and these three closest provinces share history, culture, and heritage going back hundreds of years.

Canada is Maine’s largest trade partner. Over 37,000 jobs in Maine depend on the Canada-Maine trade relationship, and 61 Canadian-owned companies employ 6,500 people in 176 locations in Maine.


A student who takes a minor in Canadian Studies is prepared with a foundation for employment with Canadian companies, organizations, and institutions. But most importantly, a student with a Canadian Studies minor gains a foundation which provides the student with confidence to effectively and knowledgeably engage with anyone from Canada – the country which is America’s closest and most important international ally and economic trade partner.


The Canadian Studies minor requires 6 courses. These must include CAN 101 - Introduction to Canadian Studies, two Canadian Core Courses (100% Canadian content), and three additional courses from either the Core or Canadian Related Courses (50 % or more Canadian content).

UMaine offers Canadian Studies courses in 18 disciplines, with the majority in Anthropology, Business, Economics, English, Forestry, History, Political Science, and French.  Given Maine’s location next to the Francophone populations in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces and also the state’s Franco American heritage, the Canadian Studies minor includes courses in North American French. 

Required Introductory 3-Credit Course:

CAN 101 – Introduction to Canadian Studies.

Two Canadian Core 3-Credit Courses *

ARH 268 Canadian Art

BUA 328 Canada/US Business: Comparison

BUA 596 International Field Study

CAN 401 Readings in Canadian Studies

ECO 340 Canadian Economics: Issues and Policies

ECO 370 Topics in Economics: Comparative Health Economics

ENG 236 Canadian Literature

ENG 336 Canadian Literature

ENG 436 Top in Canadian Literature

ENG 536 Studies in Canadian Literature

FTY 444 Forest Resources Economics

FAS 459 Colonial Canada

FRE 350 Multi-Disciplinary Readings in French

FRE 397 French Immersion in Quebec (May Term)

FRE 463 Quebec Poetry

FRE 464 Quebec Theatre

FRE 495 Capstone – Canada

FRE 490 Topics in French/Fr Canada

FRE 509 Seminar in Poetry/Quebec

FRE 510 Seminar Theatre/Quebec

FRE 597 Project in French I/Quebec, Acadia

FRE 598 Projects in French II/Quebec, Acadia

FRE 699 Grad Thesis – Quebec, Acadia

HTY 459 Colonial Canada

HTY 460 Modern Canada

HTY 520 Canadian Historiography

POS 243 Canadian Government and Politics

POS 344 Public Policy in Canada

POS 372 Canadian Foreign Policy

POS 496 International Affairs Internship/Canada

POS 499 Senior Seminar of Political Science/Canada

INA 201 Topics in International Affairs/Canada

STT 496 Advanced Internship: Can. Elem. Ed.

STT 497 Advanced Internship: Can. Sec. Ed.

Three Canadian Related Courses**

ANT 221 Intro to Folklore

ANT 372 North American Prehistory

ANT 422 Folklore of Maine and Maritime Provinces

ANT 426 Native American Folklore

ANT 597 Advanced Topics in NA Anthropology

CMJ 314 International Mass Communication

CMJ 545 Media Ecology

DIS Disability Policy

ECO 343 North American Economic Integration

ECO 499 Readings in Economics

FAS 100 Intro to Franco American Studies

FAS 120 People, Places, and Pasts

FAS 230 Franco American Women’s Experience

FAS 240 French Exploration/ Settlement of Maine

FAS 250 Exile, Migrations, and Communities

FAS 270 Immigration, Yesterday & Today

FAS 329 Topics in Franco American Studies

FAS 442 French Language of North America

FAS 459 Colonial Canada

FRE 101 Elementary French I

FRE 102 Elementary French II

FRE 201 Intermediate French I

FRE 202 Intermediate French II

FRE 117 Accelerated French I

FRE 218 Accelerated French II

FRE 305 Conversation and Composition I

FRE 306 Conversation and Composition II

FRE 307 French for Business

FRE 309 Readings in French Literature

FRE 310 Readings in Francophone Literature

FRE 315 Advanced French Conversation

FRE 320 French Pronunciation

FRE 350 Multidisciplinary Readings in French

FRE 397 French (May Term)

FRE 400 Advanced French Grammar and Composition

FRE 401 Translation and Comparative Style

FRE 413 Advanced Composition and Stylistics

FRE 442 French Language of North America

FRE 465 North American French Novel

FRE 495 Senior Project in French (Canada)

FRE 508 Seminar in the Novel/North American

ERS 100 Intro Survey of Geology

ERS 110 Coastal Geology of New England/Maritimes

ERS 111 Coastal Geology of NE/Maritimes lab

ERS 441 Glaciers and Our Landscape

ERS 542 Quaternary Environment & Climate Change

GEO 349 Early Modern North America in Atlantic Perspective

HTY 199 Problems in History

HTY 221 History and Comics

HTY 312 Furs, Frontiers, and Fame

HTY 349 Early Modern North American Atlantic Perspective

HTY 398 Historical Issues

HTY 458 History of Fr Canada and Franco Americans

HTY 521 Canada/US: 1783 to the Present

HTY 609 Sem. in New Eng.-Quebec-Atl. Prov. Hist.

MES 540 Maine and the Northeast Borderlands

NAS 102 Intro to Wabanaki History, Culture, and Contemporary Issues

* ** Course offerings are subject to change. Check the Canadian-American Center’s website at for the most recently updated course offerings. If you feel that a class that is not listed may qualify for the Canadian Studies minor, please contact Frédéric Rondeau (


Courses taken at a Canadian university through the Canada Year Program may be included toward the Canadian Studies minor. The Canada Year program is a UMaine Study Abroad program. 

The Canadian Year Program is administered by the Canadian American Center. It offers students the opportunity to study for one or two semesters at a Canadian English-speaking university, or to study French in an immersion program. Contact Betsy Arntzen ( for scholarship and program information.


A student majoring in International Affairs may choose the Canadian Studies concentration.  A Canadian Studies academic advisor is assigned, and the student must meet the Canadian Studies minor requirements as well as the International Affairs core requirements to complete the IA major.  

For complete information about Canadian Studies, visit the Canadian-American Center, 154 College Avenue, phone (207) 581-4220 or at or contact Prof. Stephen Hornsby at


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