Convert byte to hex


Convert byte to hex

Convert byte to hexadecimal. Convert byte to hex java. Convert byte to hexadecimal online. Convert byte to hex string java. Convert byte to hex string. Convert byte to hex golang. Convert byte to hex arduino. Convert byte to hex python. How can I convert an array of bytes of Hex? Author: Deron Eriksson Description: This Java tutorial describes how to convert an array of bytes of Hex. Tutorial created using: Windows XP || JDK 1.5.0_09 ||. Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 (Eclipse 3.3.0) Class ByteArraytoHexesemple demonstrates two methods for converting an array of bytes to its equivalent hex. The first method uses Hex.encodehex () from the library Codec Apachesw Commonssw. The second method uses the standard for JavaSW ITORATORE above the matrix Byte, converting each byte on its equivalent hex string. Package Test; import; Import; Import; Import; import; Import; import org.mons.codec.binary.hex; Public class ByteArraytoHexexample {Public Static Void Main (string [] args) Throws Nosuchalgoritmexception, FileNotFoundException, IOException {String file = ""; MessageDigest MD = MessageDigest.getinStance ( "MD5"); byte [] digest = getdigest (new FileInputStream (file), MD, 2048); String result = new String (hex.encodehex (digest)); System.out.println ( "MD5 Digest (Via Commons Codec):" + result); Stringbuffer SB = New Stringbuffer (); for (byte b: digest) {sb.append (intero.tohexstring ((INT) (B & 0xFF))); } System.out.println ( "MD5 Digest (no external libraries):" + sb.ToString ()); } Public static byte [] GetDigest (InputStream is, MessageDigest MD, INT BytearraySize) Throws Nosuchalgoritmexception, IOException {MD.RESET (); byte [] bytes = new byte [bytearraysize]; int numbytes; while ((= numBytes Is.Read (Bytes))! = -1) {md.update (bytes, 0, numbetes); } Byte [] digest md.digest = (); return the digest; }} The result of bytearraytoexesempio is shown below. As you can see, both techniques yield the same results hexagonal. MD5 Digest (Via Commons Codec): 301D61853FC9CE94BBBFB55B56C218D06 MD5 Digest (no external libraries): 301D61853FC9CE94BBBBB55B56C218D6 Related Tutorials: / * JSPWiki - A wikiwiki clone based on JSP. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) in one or more of the contributor license agreements. See the distributed file notice with this paper for more information about copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); You cannot use this file if not in accordance with the license. You can get a copy of the license at Unless required by the applicable or agreed law in writing, the software distributed under the license is distributed on a basis " ? As ", without guarantees or conditions of any kind, is expressed or implicit. See the license for the specific language governing permissions and limitations within the license. * / Import; import java.util.Random; Public Class Stringlutils {/ ** * Generate a hexadecimal string to a series of bytes. * For example, if the array contains {0x01, 0x02, 0x3E}, the resulting string * will "01,023th". * * @Param bytes a byte array * @return a string representation @since * 02/03/87 * / String String String Public TohexString (Byte [] Bytes) {StringBuffer Sb = New StringBuffer (Byte.Length * 2); for (int i = 0; i > 4)); sb.append (tohex (byte [i])); } Return SB.Tostring (); } Privatic Static Char Tohex (Int Nibble) {Final char [] hexdigit = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', ' 8 ',' 9 ',' A ',' B ',' C ',' D ',' E ',' F '}; return hexdigit [nibble and 0xf]; }}} $ \ Beggroup \ $ you can write this method in a more nice way? Static Public BytearrayToString String (byte [] bytearray) {var = new hex (bytearray.length * 2); Foreach (VAR B in bytearray) Hex.AppendFormat ("{0: X2}", b); Return hex.tostring (); } $ ENDGROUP This article shows you some ways to convert byte or byte arrays [] into a hexadecimal string (base 16 or hexadecimal) hexadecimal) Commons Codec ? ? ?,? "Commons-Codecspring Security Crypto ? ? ?,?" Spring-Security-Cryptobitwise Shifting and masking. (Educational purposes) Note Both the Crypto modules of Apache Commons-Codec and Spring Security use similar 5. Bit movement techniques and masking to convert byte arrays into a hexagonal string, please study the source code below, It is useful for educational purposes.1. String.Format% 02xThis string.Format is the simplest and obvious way to convert an array byte into a hex,% 02x for lowercase hexagon, 10x uppercase hexagonal. pack com.mkyong.crypto.bytes; Import java.nio.charset.standardcharsets; Public class BytetoHexExample1 {String Static String Hex (byte [] Bytes) {Stringbuilder result = New Stringbuilder (); For (Byte ABYTE: Bytes) {result.Append (String.Format ("% 02x", ABYTE)); // uppercase // result.append (string.format ("% 02x", abyte)); } Return result.tostring (); } Public Static Void Piner (String [] args) {string input = "a"; System.out.println (hexadecimal (input.geddytes (standard charcharsets.utf_8))); }} Output 61 2. integer.toexstringthis whole.toexstring (int i) accepts an int as an argument and returns a hexagonal string. The key is to convert byte to an int and mask with a 0xFF to prevent sign extension. pack com.mkyong.crypto.bytes; Import java.nio.charset.standardcharsets; Public class ByTetoHexExample2 {String Static String Hex (byte [] Bytes) {StringBuilder result = New Stringbuilder (); For (byte ABYTE: bytes) {int decimal = (INT) ABYTE & 0XFF; // bytes expanded for int, need mask, prevent the extension of the sign // get the last 8 bits string hex = whole.toexstring (decimal); If (hex.length ()% 2 == 1) {// if half hexagon, pad with zero, e.g hex = "0" + hexagon; } Result.Append (hexadecimal); } Return result.tostring (); } Public Static Void Piner (String [] args) {string input = "a"; System.out.println (hexadecimal (input.geddytes (standard charcharsets.utf_8))); }} Output 61 3. Apache Commons Codecwe can use Hex.CodeHEX to convert byte [] to a hexagonal string or Hex.DecodeHEX to convert a hexagonal string to byte []. pack com.mkyong.crypto.bytes; Import org.mons.codec.decedereXception; Import org.mons.codec.Binary.Hex; Import java.nio.charset.standardcharsets; Public class BytetoHexExample3 {String Static String Hex (byte [] bytes) {char [] result = hex.encodehex (byte); Return the new string (result); } Public static string UNYEX (HEX STRING HEX) Remove decoderexception {Return new string (Hex.DecodeHEX (HEX)); } Static Public Void Main (string [] args) Throws decadeexception {string input = "a"; String hex = hex (input.getbytes (standardarsesets.utf_8)); System.out.println (hexadecimal); // 61 string unyex = unex (hex); System.out.println (UNEX); // a}} maven. Commons-codec Commons-codec 1.14 4. Spring safety Spring safety, we can use Hex.Cecince a Convert byte [] to a hexagonal string. pack com.mkyong.crypto.bytes; Import; Import java.nio.charset.standardcharsets; Public class BytetoHexExample4 {Public Static Void Main (String [] args) {string input = "a"; char [] encoding = hex.code (input.getbytes (standardCharsets.utf_8)); String hex = new string (encoding); System.out.println (hexadecimal); // 61 byte [] decoding = hex.decode (hexadecimal); System.out.println (new string (decoding)); // a}} maven. Spring-Security-Crypto 5.3.2.Release 5. Moving and masking bit. The source code below is from the Crypto module Spring Security, and Apache Commons codes use similar techniques to convert byte arrays into hexagonal strings, with some minor changes such as the different variable name or length calculation, core ideas are the same ideas. . package; // ... private static char (] hex = {0 ',' 1 ',' 2 ',' 3 ',' 4 ',' 5 ',' 6 ',' 7 ',' 8 ',' 9 ',' A ',' B ',' C ',' d ',' and ',' f '}; public static char [] [] bytes) {final int nbytes = bytes.length; Char [] result = new char [2 * nbytes]; // 1 hexagon contains two characters // hex = [0-f] [0-f], e.g 0f or ff int j = 0; For (Byte ABYTE: Bytes) {// LOOP Byte byte // 0xF0 = FFFF 0000 Result [J ++] = HEX [(0xF0 & ABYTE) >>> 4]; // Get the first 4 bits, the first semester Hex Char // 0x0F = 0000 FFFF Result [J ++] = HEX [(0x0F & ABYTE)]; // Get the 4 bits down, Secondal Sex Hex Char // combines the first and second half, we obtain a hexagonal hexagonal result} Result; } The difficult part is to understand the following two statements. Hexagon [(0xF0 & ABYTE) >>> 4]; Hexagon [(0x0f & Abyte)]; 5.1.1 Hex [(0xF0 & ABYTE) >>> 4] (first semester Hex) For example, a character A, Binary is 0110 0001, after bit to bit and 0xf0, becomes 0110 0000. 0110 0001 # 1 hexagon = 2 Chars [0-F] [0-F] # In this case, hexagon = [0110] [0001] 0110 0001 # 0110 = First Hex Hex, 0001 = second half hexadecimal and FFFF 0000 # 0xF0 = FFFF 0000, Bitwise e operator . 0110 0000 # Result 0110 0000 logical right movement 4 bit 0110 0000 >>> 4, becomes 0000 0110. Read this Java >> and >>> Bit closing aperator. 0110 0000 |. ???? 0110 |. 0000 # >>> 4 0000 0110 | 0000 # >>> 4 (logical right shift, zero extension) 0000 0110 # Result, the first semester convert this binary 0000 0110 into decimal, is a 6, look at the deflinal variable Char [] HEX, the value of the index 6 is 6, and the first half of the hex is hexagon [(0x0F & ABYTE)] (Second half hexagon) The same character A, binary is ? 0110 0001, bitwisole and 0x0f. 0110 0001 # 0110 = First Hex Hex, 0001 = according to Hex Hex & # bitwise and operator. 0000 FFFF # 0x0F = 0000 FFFF 0000 0001 # Result 0000 0001 Convert this binary 0000 00001 in decimal, ¨¨ 1, look at the final static variable Char [] HEX again, the value of the index 1 is 1 and the second half EXE is 1. We combine the first half and the second half of the HAX, which is 6 + 1, becomes 61. For the character A, the hexagon is hexagonal decoding 61.5.2. package; // ... private static char (] hex = {0 ',' 1 ',' 2 ',' 3 ',' 4 ',' 5 ',' 6 ',' 7 ',' 8 ',' 9 ',' a ',' b ',' c ',' d ',' and ',' f '}; public static byte [] decoding (payment s) {int nchars = s.length (); if (NCHARS% 2! = 0) {Launch a new new illegalargumentException ("Hex coded string must have a number of characters");} Byte [] Result = new byte [NCHARS / 2]; // 1 hex = 2 Char for (int i = 0; i hexagon , base16 int lsb = characters.digit (s.charat (i + 1), 16); if (msb

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