How to get Array Length in Go? - Tutorial Kart

[Pages:2]How to get Array Length in Go?

Go ? Get Array Length

To get length of an array in Go, use builtin len() function. Call len() function and pass the array as argument. The function returns an integer representing the length of the array.

The syntax to call len() to find the length of an array arr is



In the following program, we will create an array arr of specific size, and find its length programmatically using len() function.


package main import "fmt" func main() {

arr := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} arrLength := len(arr) fmt.Println("Length of Array is :", arrLength) }


Length of Array is : 5


In this Golang Tutorial, we learned how to find the length of an Array in Go programming, using len() function, with the help of example program.

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