High Performance Go - QCon

High Performance Go

QConSF 2017 13 November 2017

Dave Cheney


Hello, I'm David. I'm a software programming from Sydney, Australia. I'm a bit of a fan of Go. I help organise GopherCon each year, have been involved with the Sydney Go meetup for years, and travel a lot to talk about and teach Go.


Today we're going to take a look at techniques for writing high performance Go applications. We're going to focus on three areas in this presentation:

Benchmarking Performance measurement and pro ling Memory management and GC The goal is to give you, the audience, the tools you need to measure and improve the performance of your Go applications.



Before you can begin to tune your application, you need to establish a reliable baseline to measure the impact of your change to know if you're making things better, or worse.

In other words, "Don't guess, measure"

This section focuses on how to construct useful benchmarks using the Go testing framework, and gives practical tips for avoiding the pitfalls.

Benchmarking is closely related to pro ling, which we'll touch on during this section, then cover in more detail in the next.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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