
Summer of AP Biology 2015

“An Evolving Creation!”

Welcome to AP Biology!

I am excited to be your AP Biology teacher here at Charlestown High School. This summer you will delve into the world of biology like you never thought you would in those hot summer months! We will explore several hot topics to whet your appetite for the coming year of hard work.

This summer assignment has been designed for several purposes:

• to get you to think during those summer months to keep your mind sharp, because I will expect a lot out of it come September

• to expose you to some of the technology we will use during the year in this course and to give you time to familiarize yourself with how they work

• to expand your vocabulary by familiarizing you with terms that we will be using in class

• to introduce you to major concepts from AP Biology through non-classroom methods of learning

• to have you earn several strong grades to help you begin the first term with confidence.

You can reach me by email. I will check this on a regular basis. I will be in and out of town throughout the summer, but feel free to contact me at anytime during the summer if you have questions or need help.

I think you will find the assignments to be fun and informative, and I am pretty confident you will find our summer readings to be quite thought provoking. The first reading, Survival of the Sickest, is a recent publication and one of the best science-based books I have read in a long time!

Welcome aboard!

Ms. Pearson



AP Biology Summer Assignments Due Dates

|# |Due Date |Assignment Task |Points |

|1 |June 22 |? Turn in your completed student information sheet to Ms. Neville |10 |

| | |? Secure a copy of the summer reading book as early as possible. If you are ordering | |

| | |your copy online it may take up to a 1-2 weeks to get your books, so plan ahead! The | |

| | |first assignment for the summer reading is due on July 20, 2015. | |

|2 |June 22 |Send a test email to Ms. Pearson. I will send back a reply to confirm that your email was|20 |

| | |properly received. e-mail to: jneville@ | |

|3 |July 23, August 07,|? Biology “Summer Scavenger Hunt” |120 |

| |& August 22 |? 60 items “collected” and posted in a power point, keynote, Prezi, or an electronic | |

| | |diary created in a word processing program like Microsoft Word | |

| | |? Due Dates: July 23, August 07, & August 22 | |

|4 |July 16 Chapters |? Read Survival of the Sickest by Sharon Moalem |50 |

| |1-4 |? The assignment for this book has been posted on the class web page | |

| | | | |

| | |apbiologychs. | |

| | | | |

| | |? Be prepared to participate in a class discussion group in September. | |

| | | |50 |

| |July 28 Chapters | | |

| |5-8 | | |

|5 |September 4 |? Purchase and bring to school your class supplies for AP Biology |50 |


Summer work must be emailed to me by 11:59pm on the dates listed (remember that email records both the time and date it was sent so I will see the exact minute you sent it). I suggest you also email yourself the work so that you have a record of the exact day and time you sent it.

I don’t have a computer? My computer died? My internet connection failed? NO PROBLEM- you can mail it to me using the US Postal Service! (You can even mail it from another country! – I’ll get a cool international stamp then!) I prefer typed work, but if you lack a computer for some reason, neatly handwrite the assignments.

If you do not have access to a computer at all, or for part of the summer because you are traveling, you may mail the work to me at the following address. It must be post marked by the due date listed in this packet.

Charlestown High School

ATTENTION: Jessica Pearson/AP Biology

240 Medford Street

Charlestown, MA 02129


| |



Your assignments will be individually read by me, and graded based on completion and quality of the work.

Assignments that arrive late* or not at all will NOT be read. A zero will be placed in the grade book if the work is late* or not done. If I read several assignments that appear to be “a little too similar” to each other, ALL parties will receive a zero.

(*late = post mark on the envelope is after the due date on this document or the date/time record on the email document is after the due date on this document.)

I acknowledge that I have reviewed the AP Biology Summer 2015 Assignment and understand its requirements. I have read and understand the policy on late work and turning in assignments described above.

Student Signature:_________________________________________________________________



Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade Next Year: 10 11 12

1. Why did you sign up to take AP Biology? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

2. What are your personal strengths when it comes to learning new material? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

3. What causes you to struggle in a course? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

4. What is the most effective way for you to prepare for a test? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

5. What are your plans after graduating from high school?

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

6. How many other AP courses are you enrolled in? (Please list). ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________

Phone Number: ________________________



? Visit the class web page at apbiologychs. and become familiar with the various resources available on the page. ALL of your summer assignments will be posted on the web page and any updates about the course will be posted throughout the summer.

? Please send me a test email by Monday, June 22, 2015. My email, that I check several times every day, is jneville@. If you do not have an email, please go to and set up a FREE g-mail account. Be sure to check your email account at least a couple times a week.


o In the subject box please enter AP Bio + your name. For example “AP Bio Charles Darwin”

o Type an appropriate greeting such as “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”

o In the body of the email please type your name, your grade for next year, and one fun or interesting

fact about yourself

o Type an appropriate closing and include at least your first name

o I will send a reply email as a confirmation that your email was properly receive by me. If you do not

get a reply email within 48 hours then please try again.

? There are two other electronic resources that we will use on a regular basis once school begins.

O Our textbook has a fantastic online site with many great animations, activities, and MP3s that are great resources for helping you understand the key concepts in biology. The majority of these assignments will be submitted electronically online. I will give you instructions for registering for our online class when school begins in September.

O It is my intention to record a series of 10-minute video lectures and making them available online. These lectures will be used as homework assignments, which will free up class time for doing more activities such as laboratory investigations and more time for teacher-student interaction. Another advantage to the online lecture videos is they will be a resource you can view at your own pace and replay as many time as you need to pick up the key points.

O If you do not have Internet access at home or have slower dial-up access, I will address alternative options once the school begins in September.


For this part of your summer assignment, you will be familiarizing yourself with science terms that we will be using at different points throughout the year. On the next page is the list of terms.

1. Each item is worth 2 points (1 point for the photo and 1 point for a proper definition and use of the term.) Your goal is to earn at total of 120 points!!!.

2. Earn 120 points by “collecting” 60 items from the list of terms. When I say “collect”, I mean you should collect that item by finding it and taking a photograph (digital or paper printed) of that item. You will publish your photographs using ONE of the following media: power point, keynote, Prezi, or an electronic scrapbook or diary using a word processing program like Microsoft Word.

a. For EACH photograph you will clearly identify the term from the vocabulary list you are connecting the photo to by typing the vocabulary term in bold print and underlining the term.

b. You will write a caption for each photo in which you properly define the word and clearly explain how your photo illustrates or relates to the selected term.

c. All definitions and descriptions MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not directly copy and paste definitions from an online source or you run the risk of losing points!

3. The NEW curriculum developed for AP Biology started with the 2012-2013 school year. The course has been designed around four big ideas that run throughout biology. I have divided the scavenger hunt terms into the four big ideas they best fit. You must collect the required number of items for each big idea. The required number for each big idea is listed below:

? Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. (20 items required!)

? Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow,

to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. (20 items required!)

? Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.(10 items required!)

? Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess

complex properties(10 items required!)

4. There are THREE due dates for this project ...

Items from Big Idea #1 ..............................................................................................................................July 23rd Items from Big Idea #2 ...........................................................................................................................August 7th

Items from Big Idea #3 & Items from Big Idea #4 ................................................................................August 22nd

FOR EACH DUE DATE ... you must email me an electronic copy of your power point, keynote, or electronic diary; if you cannot send an electronic copy you need to mail a hard copy. Remember your email or envelope MUST be postmarked by the due date!

5. You do not need to find the exact item on the list, say for example, it is an internal part to an organism, but you must apply the term to the specimen you find and explain how this specimen represents the term. NO organisms should be harmed in the process of taking your photographs!

a. Example: If you choose the term “phloem”, you could submit a photograph you have taken of a plant leaf or a plant stem and then explain what phloem is and specifically where phloem is in your specimen.

6. Original Photos ONLY: You cannot use an image from any publication or the Web.

You must have taken the photograph yourself. The best way to prove that is to place an item in all of your photographs that only you could have added each time, something that you might usually have on you like a specific pen or a key chain or a ring, or a small toy object, etc. Be creative! The SAME object MUST appear in all submitted photos; photos in which your selected object does not appear will NOT BE COUNTED FOR POINTS!

7. Natural Items ONLY: Each specimen, including humans you photograph may be used for only ONE item, but all must be from something that you have found in nature. Take a walk around your yard, neighborhood, and town. DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY! Research what the term means and in what organisms it can be found ... and then go out and find one.

8. Team Work: You may work with other students in the class to complete this project, but each student must turn in his or her own project with a unique set of terms chosen. There are over 100 choices ... probability says there is a very small chance that any two students will have most of the same terms chosen. Of course a few terms may overlap, but the large majority must be unique.

9. Examples: I will post few examples on our class web page by June 30th to give you a few good examples of what I am looking for.

10. Once school resumes, you will have an opportunity to share at least a portion of your Biology Summer Scavenger Hunt with your peers.

11. In addition, you will have opportunities to modify and add information to your scavenger hunt as the school year progresses. I hope to turn this project into a study tool for the national exam in May.


Below are items you are to “collect”. An individual organism can only be used ONCE. Humans are acceptable for ONE category only! You must take all photos yourself; no internet photos!

Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. (20 items required!)

1. acoelomate 17. Deuterostome 31. mycorrhizal fungi

2. adaptation of an animal 18. distinguishing characteristics 32. Organisms in different

3. adaptation of a plant between monocots &dicots animal divisions

4. amniotic egg (up to 4 diiferent photos for 8 points) 33. Organisms in different

5. analogous structure 19. Eubacteria plant divisions

6 angiosperm 20. Fungi 34. Organisms in same class

7. annelid 21. gastropod but different orders

8. arachnid 22. genetic variation 35. protostome

9. archaebacteria 23. Gnathostome 36. pseudocoelomate

10. arthropod 24. gymnosperm cone 37. radial symmetry (animal)

11. artificial selection 25. gymnosperm leaf 38. seedless vascular plant

12. bilateral symmetry 26. Homologous structure 39. tetrapod

13. bryophytes (nonvascular plant) 27. Lichens 40. unicellular organism

14. chordate 28. modified leaf of a plant 41. vestigial structure

15. cnidarian 29. modified root of a plant

16. coelomate 30. modified stem of a plant

Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. (20 items required!)

1. adhesion of water 2. anabolic 3. ATP

4. autotroph 5. Calvin cycle 6. carbohydrate

7. catabolic 8. Cellulose 9. chitin

10. cohesion of water 11. denaturation 12. ectothermy

13. endothermy 14. entropy 15. enzyme

16. fermentation 17. glycogen 18. glycolysis

19. heterotroph 20. homeostasis 21. hypertonic

22. hypotonic 23. hydrophilic 24. hydrophobic

25. isotonic 26. Kinesis 27. Kreb’s (citric acid) cycle

28. lactic acid 29. Long day plant 30. phloem

31. phospholipid 32. saturated fat 33. stomata

34. taxis 35. territorial behavior 36. transpiration

37. unsaturated fat 38. xylem

Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. (10 items required!)

(Note: Since many of the concepts under Big Idea 3 happen at a cellular and molecular level, it is not practical to include many of the key terms you will encounter for this concept.)

1. courtship or mating behavior (careful!) 2. diploid 3. ethylene

4. eukaryote 5. double fertilization 6. gamete

7. haploid 9. flock, herd, or schooling behavior 10. genotype

10. genetically modified organism (GMO) 11. herbivory responses 12. mimicry (Batesian)

13. mimicry (Mullerian) 14. mitosis 15. meiosis

16. phenotype 17. pollinator 18. prokaryote

19. seed dispersal method 20. tropism

Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.(10 items required!)

1. altruistic behavior 2.biological magnification 3. biomes

4. climax community 5. commensalism 6. competition

7. detritovore 8. Endosperm 9. introduced species

10. keystone species 11. K-strategist 12. mutualism

13. niche 14. Food Chain 15. parasitism

16. pioneer species 17. population 18. predation

19. r-strategist 20. succession


These are NOT textbook readings! Your summer readings are from books about science, they could be considered “popular science” writings. They are intended to introduce you to another way of looking at science.

Yes, there are people who love science so much that they spend their time researching and writing books about it and there are people who love science even more that they spend their time reading these science books. You too may become one of these people, Young Grasshopper! We will read other “fun” science books and articles during the school year. It’s summer ... it will be a bit relaxed, but I do expect you to read and respond with thoughtful ideas!


Due: July 16

Survival of the Sickest by Dr. Sharon Moalem

ISBN: 978-006-088966-1

Check out of your local library

Purchase at a local bookstore

Purchase online at



Please use the summer as your opportunity to get your supplies for AP Biology early! Come to class prepared to go on day one!


? A 3-ring class binder (a minimum of 2.5” – 3.0”) for organizing class work. YES, I know that’s BIG, but you will fill it by the end of the year – at least once!

? At least one set of 8 dividers for your binder. The requirements and directions for setting up your binder will be shared the first week of class.

? A scientific calculator. A basic Texas Instrument TI-30 or an equivalent calculator will be fineThe use of math and statistics is an emphasis of the NEW curriculum. A calculator will be needed for ALL pre and post lab work.

? A set of blue or black ink pens. You will be required to use ink with your laboratory notebooks. This is standard procedure in college and professional laboratories because your entries are considered to be a permanent record of your work.


? All students will need to purchase a laboratory notebook. This is a composition notebook available at Wal-Mart, Staples, Office-Max, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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