Core 1 Assignment: The Research EssayTask:To write an essay in a persuasive voice using expository essay techniques to develop a clear idea. Purpose:Your purpose is to write a paper that develops an argument and includes support for your claims with reasons and evidence. The essay should introduce clear points in an organized way and include evidence from reliable sources (NO WIKIPEDIA SOURCES OR ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIAS). Your essay also needs to include a strong introductory paragraph and provide a conclusion as well. All of your sources need to be listed in your ic:Please choose ONE of the topics below. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your argument.Are some sports too dangerous for kids?Should schools sell fast food?Should students wear school uniforms?Should there be harsher punishments for bullying?Do kids watch too much television?Do violent games and television shows make kids violent?Are student test scores a good indication of a school’s performance?Are actors or professional athletes paid too much?Can teens make a difference in the community?Length:600-750 Words (2-3 pages)Process:You will use prewriting, drafting, revision, and editing to complete this assignment. Due Dates:Rough Draft _____________________Second Draft_____________________Final Draft _______________________General Guidelines: Your essay needs to be typed, use 12 point font, double spaced, and include your name. Please DO NOT use bold face or italics, and choose either Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman font. ................

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