EFFECTS OF CIGARETE SMOKINGThere have been numerous campaigns against cigarette smoking communicating that this vice causes death. However, a threat to health does not seem to be a good reason for quitting anymore. People somehow block themselves and ignore all the information that is given to them. The purpose of this essay is to discuss three effects of cigarette smoking, besides the broadly mentioned possibility of developing cancer or dying, which are the smell of smoke, the stained teeth, and the cost of doing it.The first effect of cigarette smoking, and probably the one that the non-smokers hate the most, is that it permeates everything around it. Smokers usually have smelly hair, breath, clothes, and, if they smoke indoors, a smelly room. The stench of cigarette smoke is very penetrating and hard to remove. Even if the person quits smoking the odor remains for a long time.The second effect of cigarette smoking is one that most people do not even take into consideration. It stains the teeth yellow or sometimes even brown. Since this effect is long term, most people are not aware of it when they begin smoking. The truth is that a cigarette stain is very hard to eliminate from the teeth, and it will probably end up costing a considerable amount of money. Yellow teeth are disgusting because they give an unhygienic image and make people look older.The third effect of smoking is that it will eventually end up affecting the smoker’s personal economy. Depending on the country, the prices of cigarettes can differ. Nevertheless, even at an affordable price the regular consumption of cigarettes will eventually take its economic toll.These are only three out of many other effects that cigarette smoking can have, but to any sensible person they are more than enough to realize that smoking is bad. People cannot possibly be proud of calling themselves smokers. It is terrible for health as well as personal appearance. In the end, those who live in poverty, stink of smoke, and have yellow teeth are the people who are affected the most by this life threatening activity.THE EFFECTS OF ENTERING A UNIVERSITYEntering a university is a very important and interesting experience in a person’s life, but at the same time it is an experience that will change your lifestyle and personality forever. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three main effects of entering a university which are missing old friends, learning how to survive during university, and developing responsible behavior which must accompany university studies.The first and also the most common effect of entering a University is that once you enter the new school, you start missing your old friends. There are many reasons you and your friends start splitting apart and leaving to study in different cities or schools, but feeling sad because you miss them is inevitable. This doesn’t mean you are never going to see your friends again, but it isn’t the same to be at school without your best friends.The second effect of entering a university is the fact that you have to get acquainted with the entire university environment. Being at junior high or at high school is completely different than being in a university, so you have to learn how to survive in it. During university studies you have to search for your own way to success because at a university, teachers are not going to solve your problems.The third and most important effect of entering a university is the responsible behavior you must develop during your way through the university. Entering a university forces you to be a responsible person because you are the only one who will care about you. During university studies you are in charge of your life and of the decisions that you make such as doing or not doing homework, going or not going to class, etc. Being a responsible person is essential for anyone in this world; without responsibility a person’s life can be a mess and will never reach success.Entering a university, as everything that is new in our lives, can be terrifying at first, but with a little bit of effort, it can become one of the greatest experiences of our lives. It is very important to enjoy our university studies because it will help us become independent and responsible people, only if we learn how to survive it.THE EFFECTS OF ALCHOHOLISMHow many times have you heard about the consequences of alcoholism? Have you taken them into account? Alcoholism is one of the major problems in society. The effects of this disease are really serious. Many people get used to drink alcohol , and they can easily abuse; that is the problem. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the physical, psychological, and economic effects of alcoholism.The first effects of alcoholism are physical. These are the most important because these can cause your death. For example, alcoholism causes cancer in the stomach, kidneys, and liver. Besides, alcohol alters the digestion of nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Alcoholism also causes severe damage in the neurons, so it causes alterations in the body movements, loss of appetite, and depression. There are other effects in the body like gastritis and cirrhosis of the liver. All these physical consequences could cause your death if you drink alcohol in mass quantities.The second effects caused by alcoholism are psychological. At the beginning, alcohol makes you feel relaxed, but if you drink it in excess, it increases anxiety and causes depression. It also causes family and legal problems, violence, changes of behavior, suicide, among others. Alcohol is very powerful and alters all your normal behaviors.The third effects of alcoholism are economic. According to the National Institute and Drug Abuse, drug abuse and dependence cost an estimated $98 billion. Alcohol is not cheap. If you drink two or three times in a week, it could cost you about $1000 pesos or more a week! People do not think about the money and spend almost everything when they are drunk.In conclusion, the effects of alcoholism which are physical, psychological, and economic can cause many problems that affect your life in all aspects. Alcohol alters your brain, muscles, digestion process, and other disorders that affect your health. It also can cause you depression or changes in your behavior that result in problems with your family, friends, and with yourself. Besides, it will leave you in poverty because it cost a lot. Finally, I invite you to think about it and ask you why drink it?THE EFFECT OF BEING AN ATHLETEPracticing a sport is much more than the sole act of pushing your body through exhaustion or using your skills to reach your goal. There are many effects that show after you get involved in a sport, physical, human, and social. The purpose of this paper is to discuss those effects.The first major effect of practicing a sport is that you will develop physical abilities. Your body will be in better shape, and you’ll be able to achieve things that physically you couldn’t accomplish before. For instance your speed, muscular mass, stamina, lung capacity, and elasticity will all increase enormously. By exercising on a regular basis your body will be healthier, which means fewer diseases and fewer injuries. People with a healthy life tend to live longer and happier.The second effect has to do with your personal life. Yes, sports will get very deep into your life. Practicing a sport requires some time, so you will be entertained for a while everyday instead of watching television or surfing on the internet. By practicing a sport you’ll get the chance to travel to new places where meets are held. And that’s not all because once you enter a better level of competition; you may compete in national or international meets, attract sponsors, and even make a profit out of it!Most important is the effect that practicing a sport causes on your person, your social side. You will meet a lot of people in the business, from beginners to professionals; however, only a small group of individuals will become your friends to the point of turning into your second family. That is having a team. As an athlete you will develop a strong character and a competitive spirit. Besides you’ll become more disciplined and responsible, which will certainly help you in your professional life.The effects of being an athlete shape your body, your life, and your mind in good ways. Practicing a sport keeps you entertained and far away from boredom. In addition you will have the chance to experience the amazing feeling of beating all your opponents down from the quarterfinals or crossing the finish line ahead of everyone else.THE EFFECTS OF BEING A FOREIGN STUDENTUsually becoming a foreign student in order to study in another city can change your life in many aspects. Living in a city far away from home can bring many consequences and effects which almost always change a student’s form of life. When I became a foreign student, many things changed or had to change. You do not live with your family, so usually you have to learn how to live in harmony with others, how to do things by yourself, how to move to other places, etc. Being a foreign makes you learn a lot of things, but at the beginning it can be somewhat difficult, as it happened to me. That is why the purpose of this paper is to discuss the three main effects of being a foreign student.The main effect and the one that affects you most is the fact that you do not live with your parents and in your house, which means that you will not enjoy its commodities. It was so good when your mom cooked for you, and when the house maid used to make your bed. Your dad took you to school, and when classes finished, you returned to your room and made yourself completely comfortable. But becoming a foreign student implies that you will live in a dormitory or that you will rent an apartment. Usually you have to take care of dirty dishes, messy rooms, and cooking. This means you have to learn many new things, like how to cook several dishes. In a few words, you have to learn how to be independent.Another effect is that you have to find your way around the city, so you have to know the main parts of the city. If you have a car, it may be easier to explore the city. You can just get lost and see where each street takes you, and then find a way back home. But if you don’t have a car, you need to learn how to get around by walking, in buses, or with taxis. For this you may find out about bus routes or find out how much costs to use taxis, and in this way you can plan the time it will take you to get from your house to school, for example. This will force you to plan your time better, and maybe you will have less available time along the day. This may decrease the time you have to make homework or to hang out with your friends, for example. But over time, you learn how to plan your activities in a better way.A foreign student may also find himself feeling somewhat lonely, since arriving in a new city means you don’t know anyone. You may be lucky if another friend from your city comes with, but usually you are alone. It is important to start meeting people and making friends. In this way it will be much easier to get used to being a foreign student. You will have new people with who to hang with, with whom to go to parties. Besides you won’t have to be quiet all the time in classes like when you don’t know someone. Sometimes friends can also help you in a lot of situations, like when you have problems about running out of money, when you need to go to your house quickly but you don’t have a car, or when you need to get something that is not easily found. But most of all, with friends you can have a great time and learn a lot of things.Leaving your house and going to another city to study is an experience in your life that cannot be compared to any other experience in your life. You learn how to be independent, and you get to meet tons of people. It may be somewhat difficult to live without your parents and in another city, but this makes you learn how to live your life better and how to appreciate what you have, like your parents and your belongings. Besides, you get to appreciate the things you achieve during your life because you learn that your goals are not achieved easily, but that they cost a lot of work and effort. In conclusion, being a foreign student is great!CAUSES OF ANOREXIAHave you ever felt afraid of gaining weight? If the answer is affirmative, just be careful. Sometimes wishing to have a perfect body can be dangerous. Desires like those could be the origin to a very well known disease called anorexia which is an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and fear of becoming fat. Even when anorexia is linked to a physical condition, the real causes of anorexia are related to an individual’s emotionality. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the main causes of anorexia which are worthless personal feelings, stressful events in life, and cultural influence of the country where the person is living.The first cause of anorexia and, in my opinion, the most important is a worthless personal feeling. A person who has a low self-esteem usually feels useless and valueless, despite achievements in his life, and he doesn’t like the way he looks. These feelings cause the individual to feel rejection and an alleged pressure from the society. As a consequence, an anorexic person is always looking for the perfection.The second and an important cause of Anorexia is the existence of stressful events in life. It is usually that you feel stressed and worried when you are working under pressure, or it is common that you suffer nervousness as a consequence of experience life changes. These situations begin to affect your schedule and you stop doing some vital activities to stay healthy. In the case of anorexia, a person begins to stop eating in the right times or even stop eating.The third and final cause of anorexia is the cultural influence of the country where the person is living. It is very common that some societies consider that the ideal beauty is based in extreme thinness. Nowadays, this idea has caused thousands of women and men to go on starvation diets or use products that supposedly make them lose weight in few days. The use of these products is originated just by the idea of body perfection.As you can see, the causes of anorexia which are worthless personal feelings, stressful events in life, and cultural influence of the country where the person is living, are situations that can look normal, but that can have deathly consequences.THE EFFECTS OF EXERCISEThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of exercise in your absolute health (mental, social, and physical health). If you are not well in one of the three parts, you are not completely healthy. Exercising is a free time activity that helps people to feel good in every aspect of the health definition.The best known part that exercising improves is the physical part. The physical effect of exercising is that every part and system of our body is in continuous movement. There are many parts in our body that benefit from exercise, but one of the most important parts that exercising helps is the cardiovascular system. For example, when you exercise, muscles move, and to move, muscles need oxygen in the blood, so the heart has to pump blood in a faster rhythm to keep the muscles moving. This trains your heart and lungs giving you more strength for the future.Another part of the definition of health is mental health. This aspect is for me one of the aspects that makes people exercise. Exercise distracts and relaxes you for a while because in your exercise, you are discharging many feelings and incommodities, such as stress. Many people feel that after exercising, all the problems and pressures of their lifestyle disappear or at least are forgotten for a while. While exercising problems of our lives can be solved because you are calm and relaxed, and it is just much easier to think clearly.The social aspect of health is helped with exercise because many of the sports are or can be made with someone else. This makes stronger relationships because you meet people that are like you and share the same things. I think that this makes you feel more secure and learn about human relationships.Exercising is an activity that touches the three aspects of health. By exercising you could improve the functioning of your body, be calm in your mind, and meet new people which make a healthier life. I think that another benefit of exercising is the satisfaction of doing something that helps you to live healthy. This idea causes r many people to think of exercise as a drug. You should try it. Exercise, and be healthy.EFFECTS OF LIVING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRYLiving away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it has very important effects on one's life. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three main effects that living in another country can produce in your personal life.The major effect, and also a very common one, is that once you start a regular life away from home, you miss everything. This fact doesn't mean that you are unhappy but that you are aware of being on your own. Missing your family and the attention they all paid to you is a very usual thing to do. Little details like sitting on a Sunday morning watching TV alone instead of helping your dad organizing his things or having a nice chat with your mom makes you realize how valuable your family really is. It is also completely acceptable to miss all the facilities you used to have back at home, like your house, your car, your bed, and your bathroom. It's obvious then that you have started to appreciate everything you had back where you belong.The second main effect would be learning how to accept another type of society and culture into your daily life. Since you are living in a place with different customs and traditions from yours, you have to be able to develop yourself in unknown conditions. This means making new friends, learning other points of view, accepting different opinions and values, and seizing every opportunity you have to go to new places. Therefore, you'll be able to achieve true knowledge. Suggesting to change your mind totally or to be square minded would be foolish; the best thing to do would be to stick to your most important values and, according to them, change those that you believe could be improved.The most significant effect of living away from home is the independent behavior that grows inside of you. Living on your own far from your family gives you a lot of experiences toward organizing your life. Since it is up to you and no one else to go to school, clean your room, wash your clothes, and organize your expenses, it is predictable that you will have a good and strong meaning of responsibility. Being independent and responsible will help you get through life every goal you want to achieve.Living far from home, even for a short period of time, can be really hard at the beginning. We have to remember that all changes are difficult, but they are necessary to go through them to build character. Most important of all, it helps us appreciate everything we have. Not realizing how lucky we are can be a really bad mistake because things don't last forever and we have to make the best out of them.The Effects of Standing Up Your Girlfriend on a DateDating is a very common practice among teenagers, but some of them don’t even know what to do or what not to do. This essay is directed to male teenagers that do not know what happens if you stand up your girlfriend on a date. The purpose is to discuss the three main effects of “standing up your girlfriend on a date.”The first effect of standing up a girl is that she will be waiting for you at least 20 minutes. During this period of time she may start thinking why you did not appear. Depending on the girl, she will think of good reasons of why you did not appear, understand you, and forgive you. But most of the girls will go crazy and want to kill you slowly and painfully after the first 10 minutes of waiting for you.The second main effect of standing up your girlfriend on a date would be that she may never talk to you again. This is maybe a very reasonable action after you stand her up; at least you should make a phone call to tell you are not going to be able to go. Sometimes even if you make a phone call, the girl may feel too offended to understand any reasons, and she may stop talking to you.The most significant effect of standing up a girlfriend on a date is that she can have a bigger brother with very bad temper. In this case not only your possibilities of dating a girl again are in danger, but also your health. If by accident you stand up a girl on a date, explain to her why you could not go; that way at least she will be less angry. Be aware of this especially if she has a big brother. Many times getting stood up is such a big deal for the girl that she tells all her friends and family. If she has a bigger brother with bad temper, run because this can be the last time you stand up.The effects of standing up a girl on a date as you can notice are very dangerous affecting your further possibilities of dating again, so you better avoid it. Every time you are thinking of dating someone, plan what you can to have a good date, and never stand up just because you want. Think a little bit of the consequences of standing up before you do it.Sample Cause and Effect Essay - "Great Gatsby"Gatsby’s Death: A Question of Moralsby Feross Aboukhadijeh, 11th gradeIn F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1920s era novel?The Great Gatsby, the character George Wilson shoots the protagonist Jay Gatsby dead. But who is to blame for this moral lapse in judgment? Obviously the person who pulled the trigger, right? But what about other shady characters like Tom and Daisy Buchanan who lied to George in order to get “off the hook”? It is clear that Tom and Daisy played a key role in the murder of Gatsby; therefore, they should share the responsibility for his death.When George comes to Tom to find out who owns the yellow car, Tom reveals that it was Gatsby, knowing full well George’s deranged mental state and his intentions to murder the car owner. Furthermore, Tom fails to mention important details about the accident—like the fact that it was Daisy driving the car, not Gatsby—in order to pin the blame on Gatsby. It is obvious that Tom knew about Daisy’s involvement in car accident because of his decision to leave town the day after the incident. Furthermore, Tom’s spineless cowardice is displayed by his failure to fess up to the crime of adultery with George’s wife. It is obvious to Tom that George is hunting for the man who had the affair with his wife, and yet Tom has the mendaciousness to blame his own crimes on Gatsby as well. It must be stressed that Tom knew full well while speaking with George that afterward he would seek out Gatsby and try to kill him—and yet he does nothing. This makes him directly accountable for the death of Gatsby and thus morally responsible.Daisy also comes in for her share of the blame because of her lack of morals. Daisy should have stopped the car immediately after she hit Myrtle, but instead she kept on driving, even increasing her speed. Gatsby said, “Anyhow—Daisy stepped on it. I tried to make her stop, but she couldn't so I pulled on the emergency brake. Then she fell over into my lap and I drove on” (151). After the accident, Daisy should have admitted her mistake and taken responsibility for the actions, but instead she chose to let Gatsby take the heat for her carelessness while she made plans to leave town. At the end of Chapter VIII, Nick sees Daisy “conspiring” with Tom—no doubt about their plan to literally leave their problems behind the next day. Daisy’s failure to come clean causes George to assume that Gatsby was driving the car and ultimately leads to his murder.Although George played an obvious role in the murder of the novel’s hero, Jay Gatsby, he was clearly maltreated and misguided by Tom and Daisy who through their moral carelessness caused him to commit murder. George does not deserve all of the blame for his actions because he was in a precarious mental state at the time and was egged on by immoral, self-serving characters. Ultimately, Gatsby’s death was caused by a combination of Tom, Daisy, and George who must share responsibility for Gatsby’s death. ................

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