Week 3Monday, January 22, 2018Name, periodWarmup 5 minRead the sentence. What is the meaning of therefore?“You left your bike in the driveway for 3 days in the rain. Therefore, it will be a little rusty.”As a resultEven thoughLastlyI choose _______, because______. 2. Return and review homework 10 min-Vocabulary Journal p. R2, 3 words*Verified by Mr. Richert_____3.Classwork 15 minFind two partners. One partner choose “pro” or for, and one “con” or against the statement: Celebrities are good examples for children. One partner will judge the debate. *Write 3 reasons to support your side. 1.2.3.Debate 1 minute per side. *Each debater get peer judge’s signature: “____debated 1 full minute, with 3 separate reasons.” Share results with class. Exemplars/champions debate. Classwork 15 minGet ipads. Go to and sign in. Go to “Language Arts” <level E <T.3 choose the best transition. In Vocabulary Journal, page L3, write 6 transitions (answer choices) Get 100 points “SmartScore.” If you finish, go to <T.5, choose reasons to support an opinion. 6 transitions from IXL T.3 transitions with classReturn ipads 5 min4. Exit Ticket 5 minUse 1 transition word on your debate topic, “celebrities are good examples for children.” For example: “Some celebrities have millions of fans. However, that does not mean they are good examples for kids.” Homework Write 3 words with sentences and synonyms from independent reading on P. R3 of your journal. Example:Word or phraseSentenceSynonym“For instance”“We learned a lot today. For instance, we learned six transition words.”“For example”Week 3Tuesday, January 23, 2018Name, period Warmup 5 minGet your ipad. Go to . Read and take quizzes. #5 ClassworkWhen class is done testing, record your scores. Knowledge Points: Quizzes Passed: _/_Pretest AverageProgram AverageDraw the graph of your progress. #6. Exit ticket Describe your progress and reading level. What do you think about it? Can you do better? What can you do to raise your reading levels? #7. HomeworkAdd 3 new words, sentences, and synonyms to R3 in your reading journal. Week 3Wednesday, January 24, 2018Name, period #8 Warmup 5 minIf you had the power to stop time, would you do it? 1. One reason to stop time would be…2. One reason not to stop time would be…Classwork 20 minIxl level D, x2: synonymsLevel E, y1: making predictions about a storyClasswork 15 min Read each paragraph of “The Capture of Father Time” at mrrichert.. In your reader’s journal, write 5 words that you think will help understand the story. part of the sentence in which each appears. Write a synonym or words that could replace each. Classwork 10 minGo to LMS. (schoology). Discuss answers to the first question in the SBAC practice test. Share with the class. Discuss before you decide. #9. Exit ticket Does finding synonyms and copying sentences help you learn vocabulary words? Why or why not? #10. HomeworkAdd 3 new words, sentences, and synonyms to R3 in your reading journal. Week 3Friday, January 26, 2018Name, period #11 Warmup 10 minWrite a paragraph about what it would be like to be able to stop time. Topic sentence: Having the power to stop time would be…Reason #1: If I could make time stop, I would…Reason #2: I would also…Reason#3: I would even… Conclusion: Stopping time would be…Classwork 20 minutesLevel D, x.2-x.6synonyms and antonymsClasswork 5 minFlocabulary: Synonyms and AntonymsDiscussKahoot 10 minSynonyms and antonymsRJ Circle 5 min“good vibes” ................

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