
Lesson 9


1.a) Look at these photos. Do you know the film and TV characters in them?



b) Match four of them with descriptions a-d.

1) She' generous and kind. Her husband is quite lazy and rude, so she has to be patient. Marge Simpson

2) He's nasty and dishonest. He's also very clever - but not in a good way. Joker

3) She's shy and quiet. But she's also very strong and determined. Bella Swan

4) He's strong and confident - almost arrogant. He's usually serious, but he can be funny. James Bond

c) Complete the pairs of opposites with the blue adjectives from previous exercise.

1) mean

2) honest

3) hard-working

4) weak

5) talkative

6) modest

7) stupid

8) shy

9) funny

10) polite

11) impatient

12) nice


d) Divide the adjectives into positive, negative and neutral. Think of three or four more personality adjectives.

2. Think of some film or TV characters and. What adjectives can you use to describe them?

3. Look at the pictures. Label them with the adjectives.

arrogant clever generous impatient lazy nasty

shy talkative


4. Do these exercises to practice personality adjectives.

5. Read these personality words. Which of them are true about you?


6. Can you name some famous people? Why are they famous?

What are the positive and negative things about being famous?

7. What do you think a ''web celeb" is? Read the text and find out.


a) What is different about fame now? Today Internet can make any person famous

b) What did Raza and Gary Brolsma do to become famous? Raza filmed himself acting as a Star Wars hero. Gary filmed a video of himself singing a Romanian pop song

c) Have you heard of any other web celebrities?

8. Would you like to be famous? Why/Why not? What would you like to be famous for?

9.a) Listen to eight people answering the last question.(Track 1) Put the number of the speaker next to the thing they mention.


1. an artist

2. a politician

3. a footballer

4. a singer

5. a writer

6. an actress

7. an inventor

8. she doesn't want to be famous

b) Discuss. Do you agree with any of the speakers?

10. Watch this video and write down all adjectives of personality which were used.

boring, nice, intelligent, polite,

11. Write the names of people, things, or places in as many of the circles as you can. Talk about people, things, and places. Explain why you admire them.


Thank you for the lesson!

Home task.

1. Practice personality adjectives.

2. a) Read the text and complete the summary.


b) Read the text and mark the statements True and False.


3.a) Read the text about Mark Zuckerberg.


b) Re-write the text with the extra information(sentences A-F).


c) Write a short biography of an interesting or successful person you know about.


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