DRAMA PERFORMANCE RUBRIC - Ms. Smith's World Literature Class


Name:________________________________________________period__________ score________ / 60

|Criteria |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| | |Student spoke clearly but it was |Voice and language was not|Could not understand what was |

|VOICE |Voice was loud and clear; words were |difficult to understand some of the |very clear; could’ve been |being said due to unclear and |

| |easily understood |script; could’ve been louder. |much louder. |low speech. |

| | |Almost used entire stage—turned away |Could have used more of |Needed more blocking—always |

|STAGING |Good use of stage and movement—did |from audience only once or twice. |the stage; must |face audience and use the |

| |not turn back to audience | |concentrate on facing |stage! |

| | | |forward. | |

|SCENE SELECTION |Clear and evident reasons for the |Evident reasons for the selected scene|Some reasons for the |No clear reasons for the |

| |selected scene of performance. |of performance.. |selected scene of |selected scene of performance.|

| | | |performance. | |

| |Script was fully memorized and |Script was almost fully memorized-some|Script was partially |Script was not at all |

|MEMORIZATION/ |performed; student improvised in |improv. used to make up for missed |memorized; student did not|memorized; no improvisation |

|IMPROVISATION |place of lines when needed. |lines. |attempt improvisation. |used. |

|FACIAL EXPRESSION/ |Great use of gestures, facial |Contained some facial expression, |Needed more facial |Contained little to no facial |

|BODY LANGUAGE/ |expression, body movement – the |gestures & body movement – good acting|expressions gestures & |expression, gesture or |

|ACTING! |characters where truly embodied by | |movement – poor acting |movement – no acting…just |

| |the actors! | | |reading |

| | | | | |

|TIME |5:00 |A little short or long |Short or long |Very short or too long |

| |Written context was 1 page in length |Written context was 1 page in length |Written context was less |Written context was less than |

| |(typed) and included detailed |or shorter (typed) and included basic |than 1 page in length and |1 page in length and included |

|CONTEXT DESCRIPTION |description of setting and |description of setting and characters.|included a very basic |little or no description of |

| |characters. Describes WHY students |Description of WHY students thought |description of setting and|setting and characters. |

| |thought this would be an appropriate |this would be an appropriate context |characters. Reasoning |Students did not address why |

| |context for the scene of their |was somewhat unclear. |behind choice of context |they thought their context of |

| |choice. | |is not clear. |choice would be appropriate. |

| |Script was no less than 2 pages in |Script was 2 pages in length or less |Script was less than 2 |Script was less than 2 pages |

| |length and includes “lines” for every|and includes “lines” for every group |pages in length and |in length and includes “lines”|

| |group member. Relationship to the |member. Relationship to the original |includes “lines” for some |for some group members. |

|SCRIPT |original play is VERY evident through|play is somewhat evident through |group members. |Relationship to the original |

| |parallels in theme, character traits,|parallels in theme, character traits, |Relationship to the |play is unclear. Audience |

| |and events. |and events. |original play is unclear. |cannot identify relationship |

| | | |Only some vague parallels |to original play. |

| | | |can be identified. | |

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



Adapted from the rubric of Kyla Carter, teacher at Fort Collins High School. Additions and modifications were made to the original text.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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