Mr. Bisulca 2017-2018

Classroom Policy

The goal of this policy is to help students make good classroom decisions about their behavior.

The rules of the classroom are:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Be in your seat ready to work, when the period begins.

3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.

4. Do not tease, curse or ridicule other students.

5. Come to class on time and prepared everyday with a pencil, notebook, and student planner.

Grading Policy

A student’s grade will be determined by homework, tests, quizzes, notebook quizzes and projects.


Tests will be given at the completion of each chapter. There will be a weeks notice prior to the chapter test. Students will be responsible to make up any missed test one day after they return.


Quizzes will be given weekly on the material covered during that week. “Do Now” assignments may be collected for additional credit as a quiz grade.

Make ups:

Students who present a parent note explaining why they cannot turn in take homework on time or take the test as scheduled may make up the work.

Attendance Policy

Good Attendance is essential for success. Students are expected to be in class every day on time. Lateness will not be tolerated. Students are expected to remain attentive and on-task until dismissed by the teacher at the end of the period.

Homework Policy

Homework will be given almost every day. Students are required to complete his or her homework by the day it is due. Homework will not be accepted for credit more than one day late. Homework could be collected, or checked. Homework could be in the form of a written assignment or completion of an assignment online.

I have read all of the above information and I understand the requirements for success in math.

_____________________ _____________________

Student Signature Parent Signature

Remind Phone Number: 81010 Message________________



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