Christian Fenger Academy High School

Christian Fenger Academy High School

Algebra I

2 credit course (1 credit per semester)                                                

Mr. McFarland


Room 320


               Email:                                       Phone : 773-535-5790       

                 Web Page: Find Mr. McFarland’s name in the staff link of

 Welcome to Algebra! I hope this year is one you will enjoy as we dig into the world of algebra.  This class will challenge you and require you to think of mathematics from a new perspective. I look forward to working together to make this a successful year!


Class Materials:

• By Friday August 12, 2011 each student is required to have the following supplies:

o A two pocket folder

o A pack of pencils

o Two or more packs of notebook paper

o 1” Binder


Course Description and Objectives:

Algebra is a full year course providing a solid foundation of high school mathematics.  This course will provide students with a thorough review of algebraic prerequisites, a presentation on relations, functions, and graphs.  This will include polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.  By the end of this course, students will be able to:

• Strengthen prior knowledge

• Identify functions and their multiple representations

• Solve systems of linear equations


Text and Supplementary Materials:

• Web Resource: ST Math 

• TI-84 graphing calculators, posters, markers, graph paper, rulers

Mathematics Department Grading Policy

|Category |Percentage of overall grade |

|Interims |5% |

|Participation |10% |

|Quizzes |15% |

|Homework |10% |

|Projects |10% |

|Tests |20% |

|In Class Work |30% |

Class Expectations, Procedures, and Rules:


• Every student is expected to follow the rules of Christian Fenger Academy High School.  There is no warning system.  Any rules laid out in the handbook will be enforced.

o Students are not permitted to have Cell phones, radios, mp3 players, walkmans, or anything else that can generate music.

o Students are required to wear school uniforms everyday, as mandated by Fenger Academy.  Students are not permitted to wear hats, backpacks, jackets (including “hoodies”) or sunglasses.

• Respect Each other:

o Everyone is expected to be respectful towards the teacher and your fellow classmates.  Profanity and vulgarity are not acceptable in an academic setting and will not be permitted in my presence. 

o Physical contact is not permitted at any time unless, instructed to do so by the teacher for a specific class activity.  Violators of this simple rule will be punished with the most severe consequences. 

• Respect the Room:

o Students are required to stay in their seats unless instructed to get up by the teacher.  Do not get up and walk around class for any reason. 

o Students are not permitted to eat or drink in class.  This includes gum and candy.  Closeable containers of water are permitted.

o This is not a sports arena; therefore, nothing goes airborne.  Students are not permitted to throw anything.  If you must throw away trash, wait until transition time or the end of class, and walk your item to the trash basket.

• Each class will begin with an opener.  The opener will be on the board or screen.  The majority of the openers will consist of review of the previous day’s lesson.  Occasionally the openers will be collected and count as a quiz grade.

• You are considered late if you are not in your seat working on the opener when the tardy bell rings.  If you are going to be late to class, you are required to get a pass.  If you are late without a pass, the detention rules will apply.

o Do not disrupt the class when you enter late.  If you have a pass, place it in the basket.  If you need to speak with me prior to the end of class, raise your hand when appropriate.  If your question can be answered later, leave a note in my note box prior to the end of the day.

• If absent you are responsible for scheduling to make up any missed work.  Prepare ahead of time for planned absences, including field trips, your work is due before you leave.  You will receive an F for assignments (including quizzes and tests) missed due to unexcused absences.  Upon return to class, check your folder/mailbox for any missed handouts.  The class website will be updated regularly and can answer, “What did we do yesterday?”  If you have additional questions, please schedule to see me before school or during another pre-arranged time during the school day.

• You are expected to complete all assignments.  You must make a reasonable effort to complete every assigned homework problem.  A reasonable effort includes contacting classmates at night for help if you cannot begin a solution to a problem. Each assignment is due at the start of class each day.  Homework that is not turned in receives an F.  Late work due to an excused absence is due within two times the number of days you were absent.  Please write “ABSENT” and the days you were absent at the top of your work.

• The bell does not dismiss class, I do.  Do not pack up until instructed to do so.  Remain seated until I dismiss you.  If leaving prior to the end of class you must have a pass.  Restroom passes are only given in emergencies.  If you have a medical reason for needing to use the restroom daily during my class period, have a doctor’s note on file with the nurse’s office and alert me of this issue.

• The grading process is fair.  However, if you have a concern you can voice it respectfully during a scheduled meeting during a free period or before school.  If you have a problem with your grades, speak to me in private, your grades are not a class topic.

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”

– Booker Washington


Academic Conduct: Cheating and copying on homework, quizzes and tests will not be tolerated.  Any individual caught cheating, which includes providing answers to your classmates, on an assignment will receive an automatic zero, plus parental contact and a referral to the dean.  Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to using others’ ideas or words without properly citing them, copying another students’ work, allowing another student to copy your work and/or cutting and pasting from the internet. 


[pic]Grading Scale

A  100-90%                   B   89-80%                  C   79-70%

D   69-60%                            F below 60%




 Extra Help:

• Mr. McFarland: I am available for extra help.  Please let me know, ahead of time, if you are coming to see me.




• Your Classmates: It is a good idea to get the phone number of at least one other person in class so that you have someone with whom you can discuss homework


• Other Algebra Teachers:



 There is extra help available.  Contact me to find out other options for assistance…



Additional Contact Information

Department Chair:

              Mr. Ronald Towns


Math Department Room 322



              Ms. E. Dozier


 Now that all that technical stuff is out of the way, I want to let you know that I am excited to teach this course and to get to know all of you.  It will be challenging, but you will be very successful if you work hard, keep up with the assignments, and take advantage of the resources available to help you.  Let’s keep the lines of communication open and work together to make our room a successful learning community. 

                                         Mr. McFarland


 P.S. Please read and sign the forms that follows they are due Friday August 12, 2011 

Academic Contract





This form must be read and signed by the student and parent.  Return this form by the second day of enrollment.  Students will not receive credit for any work (grades) until this form is signed and returned. 



I, ________________________________________, have read and understand the policies and procedures set forth for College Algebra.  I agree to follow and abide by such policies and procedures.  I understand that if I choose not to follow a procedure or policy, I will receive the necessary consequence. 



____________________________                             ______________________

Student’s Signature                                                                       Date



I, ________________________________________, have read and discussed the policies and procedures with my child.  I am aware that my child must follow all rules of the College Algebra class.  I understand that I play an active role in the overall functions of this class, and if my child breaks a rule, he or she will be subject to the necessary consequences. 



____________________________                             ______________________

Parent’s Signature                                                                       Date




Contact Number






Field Trips/Off-Campus Activities:


My child(ren),__________________________________________________ has permission to participate in field trips and off-campus activities.  I will receive prior notification of each specific trip, including date, time, chaperons, drivers, and trip destinations.  I understand that parents/guardians and/or teachers will accompany the group and arrange for transportation.  I am aware that an effort will be made to contact me, through home and emergency telephone numbers, in case of an illness or accident involving my child(ren). However, if it is necessary for a physician or nurse to attend to my child(ren) before I can be reached, (he/she/they) may have emergency medical attention at my expense.



• I Give my Consent: ________________________________________

                                                                         (Parent/Guardian Signature)


• I DO NOT Give my Consent: ________________________________

                                                                         (Parent/Guardian Signature) 

Procedures may be changed at any time by the instructor.              4 of 4


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