ACTIVIDADES PARA EL PER?ODO DE CONTINGENCIA.SEMANA 8(Del 19 al 23 de octubre).NAME: ___________________________________________________SECTION: _________MODULE: INDEPENDENT COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH. TEACHER: GUILLERMO RES?NDIZ MENCHACA.UNIT: 1) EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION IN THE PRESENT AND FUTURE SUB – UNIT: 1.3 DESCRIBE SKILLS, POSSIBILITIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF PEOPLE IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT USING MODALS VERBS. TOPIC: IDENTIFICATION OF ABILITIES AND POSSIBILITIES, WHAT ABILITIES DO YOU HAVE? (MODALS VERBS)164973020256500 Martin ………………… skate very well. He should practice a lot.can’tcouldcancouldn’t 2-…………… he ride a bicycle at the age of 3?186880515557500No, he ……………. But he ……………. ride a tricycle.Can / can’t / canCould / can’t / couldn’tCould / couldn’t / couldCan’t / can’t / could138303019939000 3-Martha could draw pictures when she ……… 5.iswerearewas164973023368000257365523368000 4- Jessica .............…. wear that dress as she ………… too fat.can’t / iscan / wasn’tcould / werecouldn’t / isn’t152590523749000 5- He was very sad because he ……………. eat his ice cream.couldcancouldn’tcan’t164973020193000 6- My dog is looking for its bone but it ………………….. find it. couldn’t25279353746500148145511874500can256730518542000281495563500could14814556731000can’t1748155202565007-- He ………………… comb his hair by himself. His mother combs it for him.couldcancouldn’tcan’t1558925263525008- My little brother ……………………… walk when he was six months old.can can’t could couldn’t 9- Tom is really athletic. He …….... run very fast. 15925806477000couldcan can’tcouldn’t19354802292350010- Could Jennifer eat her soup ………………….?No, she couldn’t. It …………….. too chili.last night / wasnow / wereyesterday / wasn’ttomorrow / isn’t11- …………………. Adam ski? - No, he …………………. 16529053873500Can/canCould / couldCould / can’tCan / can’t15589253016250012- David couldn’t sleep well …………………….. because he was alone at home.nowlast nighttodaynext week13- Tom is blind. He …………………….. see.115570011747500couldn’tcancan’tcould 14- ………………………. an ostrich fly?19958051206500 - No, it ………………………Could / can’tCan / can’tCouldn’t / couldn’tCould / couldn’t115570043370500 15- Our English teacher fell asleep in class today. I think he………… sleep well last night.can’tcouldcouldn’tcan144526021399500 16- Little Carol ………… sleep without her bunny.can’tcouldn’tcouldcan 17-…………….. Maria cook?173863018605500 - Yes , she ……………cook very delicious meals.Can / couldCould / can’tCan / canCould / can173545515811500 18- Jack was very strong when he was young. He ………………. even lift a car.can’tcouldcancouldn’ 19- Her friends ……………..jump into the water but Clara ………….,because she is afraid.15582901460500can’t / cancould / cancan / can’tcan’t / can’t14439902032000020-Albert Einstein …………………. speak until the age of 4.can’tcouldn’tcould can15957553917950021- We didn’t have enough money last year so we …………. go on a holiday. But this year we ………….could / can’tcouldn’t / cancan’t / cancan / couldn’t15957553352800022- I ……….. buy this car as it …….….... too expensive.can / wascould / weren’tcan’t / iscan’t / isn’t17672053968750023- We …………… win the match yesterday, because Albert ……………… catch any of the balls.could / couldcan / can’tcouldn’t / couldn’tcan’t / can24- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ……………… compose his first music at the age of five.17672054572000couldcouldn’tcan’tcan25- No, no, no… I am afraid, you …………………. smoke, sir. It is dangerous for your health.13481053556000can’tcancouldcouldn’t INCLUDEPICTURE "(a_-_c)/coffee_accident.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Complete the sentences, use can /can’t/ could/ couldn’tMatch the sentences with the pictures. 389953588061800051987458854440001.- The man has got the right tools. He can. start working now.2.- Linda is a good skier. He .can. jump in the slopes.3.-My uncle prepared a barbecue so we ..could. eat a lot of food there.4.-It was a pity. We ……… win the football match.5.-It is impossible, the teddy bear ………… walk.6.-The man has spilled coffee on his shirt. He ……… meet the new customers.7.-He has been running so he ……….. breathe properly.8.-Perhaps the photographer ………. take a good photo.9.-I …………… go to school because I had a temperature.10.-Tom ……….. go to school because he has an allergic reaction.11.-The boy wants to pull the girl’s hair but she ………. see him.12.-Sonia ……. get in shape. Her personal trainer is helping her at the gym.13.-My best friend ……… play the flute in the band.14.-Her dad gave a motorbike so she ……..ride it to work.15.-The little boy ………. stop crying. He feels badly.16.-Henry went fishing and he ……….. catch a big fish.17.-The boy climbed the tree and now he ……… get down because he is scared.18.-Hannah ……….. play video games only on Saturdays.19.- I ……… read the document because of the big stain.Writing Task: What I couldn’t do but now I can1. When I was a baby I couldn’t talk, but I could sleep 12 hours a day.2. Before I went to school I couldn’t read or write, but I could speak English.3. When I visited Barcelona I couldn’t understand what people were saying, because I couldn’t speak Spanish then.4. When I was in kindergarten I couldn’t add 2 + 2, but now I can know multiplication and division.5. When I was 3 years old I couldn’t ride a bike, but now I can ride a bike and a horse!6. When I went to camp for the first time I couldn’t sail a boat, but now I can sail 10 meter boats.7. In the beginning of first grade I couldn’t write Greek or English, but now I can write in both languages.8. When I was 5 years old I couldn’t use a computer, now that I am 7 I can use a computer and an i-phone.9. When I was young I couldn’t play football, but now I can score lots of goals.10. When I was in second grade I couldn’t swim very well, but now I can swim long distances.Writing Task: What I couldn’t do but now I can1. I couldn?t run 2 kilometers 3 years ago, but now I can run 5 kilometers. 2.- I couldn?t speak English a year ago, but now I can speak English in the classroom. 3.-4.-5.-6.-7.- 8.-9.-10.- 11.-12.-El presente cuaderno de trabajo tiene como propósito consolidar los aprendizajes esperados durante el período de contingencia, empleando medios electrónicos para establecer un vínculo de comunicación a distancia entre maestro y alumno.Instrucciones de actividades:Número de actividadNombre de actividad.InstruccionesFecha de entrega.Medio de entrega.1“CAN / COULD”Selecciona la opción correcta considerando:1.- Si la expresión es presente o pasado.2.- Si es una afirmación, negación o pregunta.Semana 9.Facebook Messenger.2“Can/ Can?t / Could / Couldn?t”Escribe Can / Can?t / Could / Couldn?t considerando:1.- Si la expresión es presente o pasado.2.- Si es una afirmación, negación o pregunta.Semana 9.Facebook Messenger.3“What I couldn’t do but now I can.”Escribe una cosa que no podías hacer, en contraste con otra que ahora puedes hacer.Ejemplo:1.- Yo no podía correr 2 kilómetros hace 3 a?os, pero ahora yo puedo correr 5 kilómetros2.- Yo no podía hablar inglés hace un a?o, pero ahora yo puedo hablar inglés en el salón.Semana 9.FacebookMessenger.Descarga de evidencias en memoconalep. Envío de evidencias en messenger guillermo.conalep ................

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