Mantra Number & beginning word

Meditation on


1 Shiva Shaktya 2 Taneeyamsam 3 Avidyanam 4 TvadanyaH

5 Haristvaa

6 dhanuH pouShyaM

Shiva & Shalti Devi's feet

Devi's varada Mudra Devi's full form with

Varada Mudra Devi's full form radiating


Accomplishment of desired objects, Mastery over matter Wealth & Knowledge

Happiness in life, Immunity from sickness (Both mental & physical)

Turn all situations positive, protection and progress

Irresistible form of Devi Fertility, Development of procreative power

7 kvaNatkanchi

8Sudhasindhormadhye 9 Mahi muladhare

Chaturbhuja Roopa of Devi holding Bow, arrows, noose and Goad

Protection from Danger

Rajarajeshwari sitting on Success in enterprise, Release from bonds of

Sadasiva Mancha


Chakras forming the Mastery over elements, return of loved ones

Kundalini Path

from foreign countries


11Chaturbhih 12TvadeeyaM

Devi seated on the lap of Siva

Sri Chakra

Beautiful form of Devi

Virility, purification of physical body For progeny Poesy, Kavitva


Compassionate form of Devi

Power to attract others (This should not be done unnecessarily except for bringing harmony between couple)

14 Kshitai

Devi as Nature

Safeguard from famine, and pestilence

15 Sharajyotsna 16KaveedraaNaam 17Savitree

18 Tanucchaya

19Mukham Bindum 20Kiranteema 21tatillokhaatanvI

Devi as Speaking Beautiful form of Devi

Devi placing her hand on our head

Poetic skill, knowledge and enlightenment Mastery over temporal and Transcendental

Knowledge of all forms of Arts & Science

Devi in Bhairavi Mudra*

(Pic is given at the end of Mastery of Arts, in particular Painting

this table)

Bewitching glance of Devi

Sri Chakra, drawn as Mandala

Develop the power of attraction (Useful for teachers)

Antidote against poison

Devi's glistering form of Lightning

Winning over people ( Useful for politicians)


23Tvaya hRutvaa 24JagatsootE 25 TrayaNaam 26ViranchiH 27Japo JalpaH 28DadaanE dinEbhyO 29Sudhamapya

Devi Sitting on a beautiful throne like an empress, listening to the prayers of


Fulfilment of worldly desires, prosperity, acquisition of empire (suitable for politicians

and political parties)

Ardhanareeshvara Kali form

Devi being worshipped

Clearing of debts, release from danger Immunity from danger & removal of


Advancement in professional career

Any form of Devi of one's choice

Any form of Devi of one's Devi decorated with flowers

All round success ATMA JNANA- VISION OF DIVINE Protection against untimely death,

Devi decorated as bride

Taming of wild animals (these wild animals are with in us) Removal of all ailments

30kireeTam 31ChatuShashtya 32 Shivah ShaktiH

33 smatram Yonim

Devi seated amidst her Acquisition of power (suitable for politicians,

divine attendants

Civil Service officers)

Sound emanating from the form of Devi

All round prosperity

Devi as Mantra in the form

of Sri Chakra in the Heart

Success in business


Devi as Mantra in the form of Sri Chakra at the Ajna Acquisition of wealth, and multiplying riches Chakra

34 Shareeram Tvam

Shiva Shakti in Maithuna

Blooming of genius, Remedy for Rheumatism, Freedom from all doubts


Nirakara Shakti

Immunity from wasting diseases that are common in animals.

36Tavajnaacharastam 37 Vishudhau

Shiva shakti in Ajna Siva Shakti in Vishuddha

Relief from normally incurable diseases

Protection from harmful influences, Antidote for all diseases

38 samunmeelat

Siva shakti in Anahata

Remedy for infantile diseases, chant the mantra holding water in a cup and drink to

develop immunity against all diseases

39Tava swadhiShthaanE

Siva Shakti in


40 TatitvantaM

Shiva Shakti in Manipura

Prevents bad dreams Foreseeing the future in dreams

41 Tavaadhare 42gatairmaNikyatvaM 43 Dhunotu 44 Vahantee 45AraalaiH

46 LalaaTam 47 BhuvO BhujnE 48 Ahah SutE

Shiva Shakti in Muladhara

Remedy for digestive ailments

Crown of Devi

Protection against infectious diseases

Devi's Hair

Succes, [prosperity, removal of diseases

Parting line of Devi's Hair Devi's Smile

Alleviation of suffering from Hysteria

Ability to foretell event ( useful for Astrologers)

Devi's forehead

Return of husband, Progeny

Captivating eyes of Devi

Harmony between husband and wife

Three eyes of Devi

To Counteract adverse planetary positions

49 Vishaalaa 50 Kaveenaam 51ShivE shrUgaarardraa 52 GatE karNaabhyarNa

Glory of Devi's eyes Allure of Devi's eyes

Devi's glance Devi's Seductive look

Immense wealth Immunity from Infectious dseases

Gaining popularity Remedy for eye and ear diseases

53 Vibhakta traiva 54 Pavitree kartRu

55 TavaaparNe

Kali, Lakshmi & durga. Convergence of three eyes

of Devi

Fulfilment of all desires Remedy for Gynecological disorders

Devi Aparna's eyes Remedy for Hydrocele, Victory over enemies


nimiShOnmEShaaabhya Devi's unblinking eyes


57 drUshaa


Devi's Compassionate eyes

Release of bondage All round prosperity


59 sphutadgaNdaabhOga 60 sarasvatyaaH 61 asau

62 Prakrutyaa

Sideway glance of Devi

Marital harmony, Royal favour, Freedom from diseases and sufferings

Erotic face of Devi

To overcome an adversary

Devi's sweet speech Devi's Nose

Acquisition of knowledge

Success in the tasks undertaken, Development of inner experience of divine

Redness of Devi's lips

Good sleep, Remedy for insomnia

63 smitajyOtsnaa 64 avishraantam 65 raNE jitvaa

66 vipanchyaa

67 karaagrENa 68 bhujaSleshaa 69 galE rekhasti

70MRuNaalI 71nakhaanaamudyO 72 Samam dEvi 73 AmoootE 74 VahatyaMba

75 tavaa stanyaM 76 harakRodhajva 77 yadEtatkaali 78 sthirO 79 nisarga kshInasya

80 kuchao sadyaH 81 GurutvaM 82 karIndraaNaam 83 paraajEtum

Devi's sweet smile Redness of Devi's tongue

Command over subordinates/ employees

Gynecological disorders, remedy for infection

Devi's worship by Devatas Achievement of chaturvidha purushartha

Sweetness of Devi's Voice

Proficiency in music

Devi's chin Devi's graceful neck

Three strands of Devi's throat

Marital harmony Purification of Samskaras, Removal of


Success in all undertakings

Devi's protective arms Attraction of people (good for politicians)

Splendour of Devi's hands

Command over other dimensions of existence

Devi's over flowing breasts

Freedom from fear

Nectar of Devi's breasts Pearl necklace adorning

Devi's Breasts

Devi's breast milk

Fertility & Motherhood Good reputation, god fane Skill in poetry, creativity, genius

Navel of Devi

Acquire of power

Devi's slender waist Glory of Devi's yoni

Royal favour, progress in career Royal favour, Success in all endeavours

Devi before giving birth to creation

Winning over others ( good for politicians)

Devi giving birth to creation

Devi's expansive hips Devi's thighs & knees

Devi's thighs & toe nails

To Acquire skill

Protection from accidents, specially related to fire

Prevention of accidents from water Control over powerful forces, wild and strong animals even control on enemy's


84 ShrutInaaM 85 namOvakaM 86 MruShaa kRutvaa 87 himaanihantavyaM

88 padaM tE

89 nakhairnaaka

Feet of Devi

For Mental & Spiritual power

Devi in Varada Mudra Kick of the Devi's Lotus


Lotus feet of Devi

Power to remove evil spirits

Driving away evil spirits

Control over snakes, protection from snakes ( good for farmers working in the field)

Feet of Devi

Control over animals ( good for forest officers)

Wish fulfilling feet of Devi

Free from diseases

90 kadaa kaalE 91 padanyaasa

Devi as Sarasvathi Devi's graceful gait

Protection from black magic Acquisition of Landed property and wealth

92 GataastE 93 araalaa 94 samaanitaH

95 kalaNjakaH 96 puraaraatErantaH 97 kalatraM

98 svadEhO 99 GiraamahurdEvIm

Devi as Tripura Sundari Aruna Shakti of Devi

Reflection of Shakti in the Sun

Warding of evil spirits Fulfilment of desires, Fertility in women

Rejuvenation, restoration of health

Devi in her Mansion

Supreme Tripurasundari in her inner apartment

Unattainable shakti above sahasrara

Fulfillment of desires Healing of wounds Strong Physical health

Tripura Sundari

Physical Strength, Virility, marital bliss

Limitless Power of Devi Immense beauty and acquisition of Siddhis

100 samudra

101 sarasvatyaa lakshmyaa 102 nidhE nityasmErE

103 pradIpajvaalaa`

Full form of Devi

Tripura Sundari blessing her devotees

Devi's hidden treasures

Devi as the Source of Soundarya lahari

Virility, Fertility, Valour

Health & comforts Accomplishment of desired objects


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