Om Gam Namaha

This is the most basic beeja mantra, seed mantra, for Lord Ganesha. Gam, also spelled "gum" is the seed sound associated with the Elephant God and in itself carries his most powerful qualities. Often "gum" or "gam" is attached to other deity mantras to add Ganesha's power to any purpose. A good example is "Om Gam Shreem Mahalakshmiye Swaha" - this invocation to Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Wealth is strengthened by including Ganesha's seed mantra.

This mantra makes for a fast and beautiful Japa Mala practice, repeating the mantra 108 times using Mala beads.

Beeja mantras also offer themselves to be used in transcendental meditation where the mantra is silently repeated internally to focus and direct the mind back to the practice if it wanders.

You can use this mantra anytime, in meditation or at any time when you feel stressed, ungrounded, or simply want to bring your mind back to focus.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namah

This best known mantra includes Ganesha's beeja mantra and his name Ganapati. It is most known and used all over the globe to invoke Ganesha's blessings in everyday life.

This is a mantra you will want to use if you are planning on starting a new venture, launching a business or product, entering into partnerships or other business related action. It is a direct line to the Elephant God, asking him for his blessings.

?Claudia Richey |


Om Ekadantaya Vidmahi Vrakratundaya Dhimahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat

We pray to the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth who is omnipresent. We meditate upon and pray for greater intellect to the Lord with the curved, elephant-

shaped trunk. We bow before the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth to illuminate our minds with wisdom.

The Ganesha Gayatri Mantra works similar to the well-known Gayatri Mantra which invokes the Sun God Savitar. The Ganesha Gayatri encourages modesty, self-study and righteousness. It gives us the ability to be single-minded and focused in our daily life, serial practice and in approaching our goals.

How to use mantra and meditate with Ganesha:

1. Set your altar or a meditation area in the East of your home. If that's not possible at least face East when you sit for your spiritual practice.

2. Wash your hands and face. Brush your teeth and wash your feet before your practice, if that's available to you. For the very least wash your hands.

3. Light incense or a candle. 4. You can make an offering of fresh flowers and a sweet. 5. Take a moment to centre, breathe deeply, check your shoulders and rest of body for

tension and see if you can let go. 6. Set your wish or intention, what would you like to get out of tis practice? 7. Start chanting your chosen mantra, either using a Mala to count repetitions, or time

yourself with a timer. Ganesha is connected to Muladhara, the root chakra. You may wish to focus on the base of your spine and image a bright light traveling up the spine from the base to the crown of your head while chanting the mantras.

Working with Ganesha in your practice isn't difficult, but incredibly rewarding. I hope you enjoyed these tips.

May Ganapati's Blessings always be upon you. Namaste!

?Claudia Richey |



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