Health Test

Health Final - Study Guide

Content Standard 4

Students will be able to recognize characteristics of good mental health and mental illness.

1. How is having good self-control a benefit?

2. Define amygdala

3. Define prefrontal cortex

4. What is the difference between internal and external locus of control?

5. How can self-control be improved?

6. What is stress?

7. Describe the stress response.

8. Can positive situations be stressful? Explain your answer.

9. How can stress be both bad and good for you?

10. What are some examples of stressors?

11. What are healthy ways to relieve stress?

12. What is suicide? What are the signs of suicide?

13. What are stereotypes and why are they harmful?

14. All suicidal people want to die. Is this statement true or false? Explain your answer.

15. Define health.

16. What are values and what do they help you do?

17. What are goals and why are they important?

18. Define integrity.

Content Standard 1

Students understand the long and short term physical, mental and social effects and consequences in drug, alcohol and tobacco use.

19. Why might some people choose to drink?

20. What is dangerous about binge drinking?

21. What is BAL?

22. How does alcohol affect the mind and body?

23. Define tolerance, withdrawal, addiction, dependency.

24. What is the addictive and poisonous chemical found in tobacco?

25. What are some diseases caused by tobacco (smokeless and smoked)?

26. What are some important dangers of drug abuse?

27. What are the 8 different drug categories, and examples of each, and what each generally does to the body.

28. Define gateway drug.

29. Describe how self esteem and drug use go together?

30. What are the top 3 causes of death for 14 – 24 year olds?

31. What is the relationship between 1 beer, 1 glass of wine, and one shot of alcohol?

32. List the drugs used for date rape.

33. What is the active ingredient in marijuana?

34. List some dangers of abusing drugs.

35. Define leukoplakia.

Content Standard 2

Students understand the relationship between physical fitness, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

36. What are some mental and physical benefits of exercise?

37. Name the four categories of physical fitness?

38. What effect do endorphins have on your body?

39. How does hunger differ from appetite?

40. Should you eat to satisfy your hunger or your appetite?

41. List the 6 nutrients, why are they necessary for the body and give a food example of each 6.

42. What are the different types of fats and which are more helpful and more harmful?

43. What is the most essential non-nutrient?

44. Define calorie.

45. The old food pyramid is now in the form of a what?

46. Why is water important to our diets?

47. Why are fad diets unhealthy?

48. What are some characteristics of a healthy weight loss plan?

49. Define anorexia and bulimia. What are the health risks of each?

50. Define overweight and obesity.

51. Is self-esteem related to eating disorders? How?

52. What is fiber? Where do you get it? How is it healthful?

53. Why read food labels?

Content Standard 3

Students know the causes and consequences of communicable or chronic diseases.

54. What is an infectious disease?

55. Define lifestyle disease.

56. What are the 6 links on the chain of infection and examples of each link? How can each link be broken?

57. What kind of diseases can antibiotics cure? What kind can’t they cure?

58. What can you do to decrease your chances of getting an infectious disease?

59. Define vaccine. What are they for and how do they work?

60. What are diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease?

61. What are some things you can do to reduce your risk of getting cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer?

62. What is the best way to prevent contracting an infectious disease?

63. What are our body’s physical barriers to fight of disease?

64. What pathogen causes athletes foot?

Content Standard 5

Students will be able to distinguish the components of a healthy positive relationship.

65. What are some examples of STIs? Know which are bacterial, viral, and protozoan.

66. What is the most effective form of birth control?

67. What is the only 100% effective method of birth control?

68. Why would a couple choose to use a condom?

69. What is the most common sign/symptom of any STI?

70. What are four actions you can take that will eliminate or reduce your risk of getting an STI?

71. Define HIV.

72. Define AIDS.

73. Can a person have HIV and not have AIDS?

74. Is it possible for a person to be infected with HIV for many years and not know it?

75. What are some behaviors that can put you at risk for HIV?

76. Define rape, statutory rape, and acquaintance rape.

77. What is ovulation?

78. What is the purpose of the umbilical cord?

79. What changes may happen in your life if you get pregnant or get someone pregnant.

80. How would a baby change your life today?


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