
Marta’s lessonReception class 30th March- 3rd of April 2020SpanishRecap activities:Watch the video “Buenos dias”: Basics greetings in Spanish:Buenos dias- Good morningBuenas tardes- Good afternoonBuenas noches- Good evening/Good nightDepending when you are doing the activity to say if is Buenos dias, buenas tardes o buenas noches.Challenge! Before going to sleep say good night to your grownups in Spanish Watch the 2 videos made by Miss Heras and repeat after the Class Teacher.Watch the video and sing along “El baile de la fruta” frutas-fruitsVocabulary: El melocotón (a peach)La manzana (an apple)La pera ( a pear)La pi?a (a pineapple)El plátano (a banana)Play with your child ?!To do the action and your child to guess which fruit is and vice versa Year-1 class 30th March- 3rd of April 2020SpanishRecap activities:Watch the video “los dias de la semana”: Days of the week:Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, Viernes, sábado, domingo.Which day is today? (Answer in Spanish)Which day is tomorrow? Watch the video made by Miss Heras and repeat after the Class Teacher.Fruits: Las frutasVocabulary: Una manzana (an apple)una naranja (an orange)una pera ( a pear)una fresa ( a strawberry)una sandía ( a watermelon)una ciruela ( a plum)Introduction caracters “The very hungry caterpillar”Vocabulary: una oruga ( a caterpillar)una mariposa ( a butterfly)We will watch a video of the story next week.Draw the fruits and try to name them!Don’t forget to send the picture over to me. I would love to see your beautiful drawings Year-2 class 30th March- 3rd of April 2020SpanishRecap activities:Recap:Los colores: The colours.Vocabulary: Rojo (red)Azul (blue)Amarillo (yellow)Verde (green)Negro (black)Blanco (blanco)Morado (purple)Marron (brown)Rosa (pink)Gris (grey)Naranja (orange)Say a colour in Spanish and find something in the room made of the same colourWatch the video made by Miss Heras and repeat after the Class Teacher.Los animals ( animals )Vocabulary:Un gato ( a cat)Un perro ( a dog)Un pez ( a fish)Un oso ( a bear)Un pájaro ( a bird)Un pato ( a duck)Un caballo ( a horse)Una rana ( a frog)Una oveja ( a sheep)Look at the video, put the volume off and try and say the name of the animals off by heartYear-3 class 30th March- 3rd of April 2020SpanishRecap activities:Days of the week: Dias de la semanaVocabulary: Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, Viernes, sábado, domingo.Months of the year:Vocabulary: enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre,octubre, noviembre, diciembreTo say which month was last month in Spanish, which month are we in and which month will be next month.Watch the youtube video.?Cuántos a?os tienes ?How old are you?Tengo X a?os I am X years old sing the song and say how old are you in Spanish.Year-4class 30th March- 3rd of April 2020SpanishRecap activities:Days of the week: Dias de la semanaVocabulary: Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, Viernes, sábado, domingo. of the year:Vocabulary: Enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre,octubre, noviembre, diciembre. to the song a couple of times and sing along.Sing and dance along!Watch the video made by Miss Heras and repeat after the Class Teacher.To say when is your birthday.Example:?Cuándo es tu cumplea?os?Mi cumplea?os es el 6 de enero to the video and write down as many different birthday’s dates as you can find.Year-5class 30th March- 3rd of April 2020SpanishRecap activities:Days of the week: Dias de la semanaVocabulary: Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, Viernes, sábado, domingo. of the year:Vocabulary: Enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre,octubre, noviembre, diciembre. to the song a couple of times and sing along.Sing and dance along!Watch the video made by Miss Heras and repeat after the Class Teacher.To say what day is:Example:17th of July (Friday)Viernes 17 de julio.Day of the week + day (number)+ de + monthRemember days of the week and months of the year in Spanish don’t need to be capitalise unless they are at the beginning of the sentence.Worksheet ................

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